Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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96 OF HELL.A Deo aba. thc anti Gilt '^ Facha's, that thc tormcnts and oaife.lieaan ac fepi- rics of luayhels, coiHJ farrc ni3rt,arenoch!ng,to""'^°^^'^"^* th-nlKit:ing out everbftingly from the kingdoincvmicii ; firut of heaven,and unhappy banifliaient from the beaoaiiojuce.eiitificall vifion of chc moft foveraigne,only,& chicik!&tnimatf^ft Good, the thrice-glorious lehvah, blefTcd forviti privjtii ever. For, by how rauch the degrees of infinite%^^^ ^^^ happincs in Go d, exceed the finite wic-^fi^Afct ^^'z!mhiplgzu kednefie and mifcry ofmen : by fo much greaterincoLribiiis is the forrow and griefe,(being rightly conceived)aul'c^r'ta^ for the iolTe ofthat, than for the fenfe of this. Afmcalicet quis furc thcnthy fclfe before-hand, though thou littleinnumeraspo. thinkcfoin the mcane time, the IolTe but of the"le ml Xet, 1^^^ ^ayc of that Sun-like refplendcnt Body, wcquale lUa foeii- fhould havc in Heaven ; but of a tafte of thofe o-na^^a'chnft^vcr-flowing rivcrs of pleafure, and un-uttcrableodio hab"n° bliflfe of that happy foule which Ihould dwell iaAudire, mrcio fuch a Body ; but of one foot-breadth of thep^vcmcnt ofthe Empyrean Heaven, to which the'^Antitlh^Hin^7'miki9oiii9 Starry Firmament is but aPorch> or out-houfc;^omnia vcr5 b^^j q^q hourcs Company with all the crownedpiicu"fupe"al Saints, and glorious inhabitants of that happybit,Dcum non placcj but ofonc glauncc upon the glorified BodyofjE sv sChri sTibutofoHcglimpfeofthat^^^in potcftatc unapproachablc Light,and lehfivahs face in inter, 'Domo.Cap.iB.Videtur una tantummodo poena cfle, combuii. Si vcro aliqais diligcntcr expendat,duplex hoc inveniteflefupplicium. Qih cnim ingehcnnauritur & cGclorum regnumprorfus amittic : quae cercc poena majoc eft, quatnciusiatuSiUcflammaram. (Inyfdfi,iuMat. Horn 14^Intolcrabilis quidem res eft etiam gehenna : Quis nefciat.flc fupplicium illud horlibilc} famen fi mille aliquis gehennas, nihil tale diftmus eft, quiUc eft a bea..tat illius gloria bonoic repelli, exoTumq; effe Chrifto, & audice ab illtt : sen norivoi.lW//.^I

OF HELLI fay, the lofle but of any one ofthefe would be afar dearer and more unvaluable lofle, than that often thoufand worlds, were they all composed ofpureftgold, and brim-full with richeft jewels.What will it be then (thinke you) to lofe all thefe,nay, the full and abfolute fruition of all heavenlyexcellencies,beauties,glories,'pleafure$ and perfedions,andthat eternallyrl know full well that carnailconceipts and worldly-wife men will wonderatthis 3 for, having no fight but by fcnfuall eyes,they cannot poifibly apprehend, or will by anymeanes acknowledge any fuch thing. Eagle-ey'dthey arc, and fharpe-fighted enough into things ofearth; yet blinder than a mole (as they lay) in beholdingany fpirituall or celeftiall beauty. But hadVfchut thccycs of Aufiwj Bajllj C/jry/oflome, andfome other holyFathers,Cand why fliould not oursbe clearer and brighter, confidering the greaterfplendour and illuftrioufnes of divine knowledgeinthefetimesOwefhouldeafily confeflfe that thefarre greateft, and (indeed) moft unconceiveablcgriefe would be, to be fevered for ever from thehigheft and fupreme Good : and that a thoufandthoufand'rentings ofthe foule from the body ,wereinfinitely lefTe than one of the foule from God.Nicofif^atus in JEli/m,hin-\M£c being a cunning artifan,finding a curious pcece ofworke, and beingwondred at by one, andask'd, whatpleafurc heccould take, to ftand as he did, ftill gazing on thepidure, anfwered •: Hadft thou mine eyes, myfriend, thou wouldeft not wonder, but] rather beeravilhcd, as lara, at the inimitable art of this rareHandp7

96 OF HELL.A Deo aba. thc anti Gilt '^ Facha's, that thc tormcnts <strong>and</strong> oaife.lieaan ac fepi- rics <strong>of</strong> luayhels, coiHJ farrc ni3rt,arenoch!ng,to""'^°^^'^"^* th-nlKit:ing out everbftingly from <strong>the</strong> kingdoincvmicii ; firut <strong>of</strong> heaven,<strong>and</strong> unhappy banifliaient from <strong>the</strong> beaoaiiojuce.eiitificall vifion <strong>of</strong> chc m<strong>of</strong>t foveraigne,only,& chicik!&tnimatf^ft Good, <strong>the</strong> thrice-glorious lehvah, blefTcd forviti privjtii ever. For, by how rauch <strong>the</strong> degrees <strong>of</strong> infinite%^^^ ^^^ happincs in Go d, exceed <strong>the</strong> finite wic-^fi^Afct ^^'z!mhiplgzu kednefie <strong>and</strong> mifcry <strong>of</strong>men : by fo much greaterincoLribiiis is <strong>the</strong> forrow <strong>and</strong> griefe,(being rightly conceived)aul'c^r'ta^ for <strong>the</strong> iolTe <strong>of</strong>that, than for <strong>the</strong> fenfe <strong>of</strong> this. Afmcalicet quis furc thcnthy fclfe before-h<strong>and</strong>, though thou littleinnumeraspo. thinkcfoin <strong>the</strong> mcane time, <strong>the</strong> IolTe but <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>"le ml Xet, 1^^^ ^ayc <strong>of</strong> that Sun-like refplendcnt Body, wcquale lUa foeii- fhould havc in Heaven ; but <strong>of</strong> a tafte <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e o-na^^a'chnft^vcr-flowing rivcrs <strong>of</strong> pleafure, <strong>and</strong> un-uttcrableodio hab"n° bliflfe <strong>of</strong> that happy foule which Ihould dwell iaAudire, mrcio fuch a Body ; but <strong>of</strong> one foot-breadth <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>p^vcmcnt <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Empyrean Heaven, to which <strong>the</strong>'^Antitlh^Hin^7'miki9oiii9 Starry Firmament is but aPorch> or out-houfc;^omnia vcr5 b^^j q^q hourcs Company with all <strong>the</strong> crownedpiicu"fupe"al Saints, <strong>and</strong> glorious inhabitants <strong>of</strong> that happybit,Dcum non placcj but <strong>of</strong>onc glauncc upon <strong>the</strong> glorified Body<strong>of</strong>jE sv sChri sTibut<strong>of</strong>oHcglimpfe<strong>of</strong>that^^^in potcftatc unapproachablc Light,<strong>and</strong> lehfivahs face in inter, 'Domo.Cap.iB.Videtur una tantummodo poena cfle, combuii. Si vcro aliqais diligcntcr expendat,duplex hoc inveniteflefupplicium. Qih cnim ingehcnnauritur & cGclorum regnumprorfus amittic : quae cercc poena majoc eft, quatnciusiatuSiUcflammaram. (Inyfdfi,iuMat. Horn 14^Intolcrabilis quidem res eft etiam gehenna : Quis nefciat.flc fupplicium illud horlibilc} famen fi mille aliquis gehennas, nihil tale diftmus eft, quiUc eft a bea..tat illius gloria bonoic repelli, exoTumq; effe Chrifto, & audice ab illtt : sen norivoi.lW//.^I

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