Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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OF JUDGEMENT^ 9}chafed <strong>the</strong> 'pardon with His ownc hcarts-bloud,ihall<strong>the</strong>nbcour Judge; .^J^J"^^3. That all <strong>the</strong> bcaftly ana jjr.pure abominati- day ojjudge.6ViS <strong>of</strong> thine heart 5 all thy fecret finnts <strong>and</strong> do- '"/"^•,fet-villanics, that no eye ever looked rpon, 'but tim«TajSdithat which is ten thouf<strong>and</strong> times brighter than <strong>the</strong> ommbus. ipfeSun 5 fliall all <strong>the</strong>n be ^ difcl<strong>of</strong>ed <strong>and</strong> laid open be- \^^^^^^^^ '^,fore Angels,Mcn,<strong>and</strong> Divels ;. <strong>and</strong> thou ilialt<strong>the</strong>n i"Ccto!p!o!<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>re be horribly,uni verfally , <strong>and</strong> cverlafling- ced's, videdsly alhamed.Thou now ads perhaps fecurcly fbme ^"^^^.1'^^":*hatefuU <strong>and</strong> abhorred <strong>worke</strong> <strong>of</strong> darkneffe, <strong>and</strong> videtteV Luwickedneffenottobenam'd,in thine owne heart, cxtiinfta•'^^'"^oroncwayoro<strong>the</strong>rinfccret, which thou wouldft (ublifYmtis"not for <strong>the</strong> whole world, were knownc to <strong>the</strong> vidette.incorlworld, or to any but thy felfe, or one or two <strong>of</strong> ^^'^'^'"*y^*"thy curfed companions curbed by <strong>the</strong>ir obnoxi- nmeriiiumcdpufncfle: butbewellalTuredin thatDay, at that cma eft, ut vigrcataffize,thouihaltin <strong>the</strong> hct .<strong>of</strong> heaven <strong>and</strong> ti"endo <strong>of</strong>tuipcccare vis,quaei:e ubi tc non videat, & fac quod vis. Hein de Verb VDomSerm. 16.**Ini'jmtates tua: omnibus populis nudabuntur, & ciin^tis agminibus patebunt uni»verfa fcclera tua, nen foliim afluumiVeium cogitatioiium, & iocutionum, Multa veiotunc vcnieht ex improvifo, quafi ex rafidijs, quse, mod© non vidts, & forfitan pluia &ter?ibiliora bis (ju:e vides. Undiq; erunt tibi angufliae, hinc ci;unt accufantia peccatajtrcmenda juftitia, fubtus patens hoiridum chaos, defupcr iratus Judex, intus vermisconfcientia', foris ardensmundus. Bern.de confc- ad fin. Scioqucd anima tam amaram,non aequc fcrt mcmoviam, fed cogamus eam,& conflringamus. Melius eft nunccam ipfa morderi memotiajquam per illud tempus, fupplicio. Si nunc peccatoium fismcmor^ & ea continue pr<strong>of</strong>eras. &pro ipfis depreceiis, cacit^ delcbis: fi nunc verafucris oblitus, tune & inyitus coram cmm mundo commonefies : ipfis in mcd:iim fe fercntibusySccoram <strong>of</strong>tcntantibu$,& amicis,&inimicis,& An^dis.Clr)i/:ad Pop Jntioch.Horn, 41. Cumhosrclinquatj&captosAngeli quidam invitos trahantj flclachrymisperfufos,& dcorfum taccntcs in gchcnna: flammas, pniis coram toto termrum orbead dcdccus produ&os 3 quantum dolorem ^S^ puc?s ? JderaHom.j^^. de trcmendoJudic^ die.Penfant fanfti viri quanta fit ilU vcrecundia ineonfpcftu tunc humani generis. An*gclorwn omnivm Archangelorum^j confundi.earth

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