Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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84 OF DEATH._^reflexion, lookcbaeke upon all its time fpent inthe fiefli; and beholding there, nothing but abouninations,gwkinelk- and finne ; Prefently awakesthe nevev-oyirig worme which having formerlyhad its uicvith flopt with carnall delights, andmufl'd rp with outward mirth, willnowfeedupjvhatt}.c{md- on it with bonoi'f, angui{b, and dcfperate rage,iie{peciai/io Wcr!d v^ithout end. O then, kt thefc precious,ion^ ajer.^^^arc, evetkfting things breath'd into our bodiesfor a (hort abode in this Vale of teares, by theAH powcrfull God, fcornc with infinite difldainc, to feed r.pon Earth, or any earthly things jwhich ?.rc no proportionable obje

OF DEATH.85divine dainties,delicates, fwectnefTes 5 thofe graciousquicknings, rejoycings and raviflimentsof fpirit5which God iniiKrcy is wont ro communicateand convey thorow all the ordinances andmeanes of grace to truly humbled foules, for amighty incieafe of fpirituall (Irength and invinciblecomfort,O how delicioufly may a heavenly hungryheart feed and fill it felfe ; i . In the powerful] Miniftryunfolding all the facred fcnfc and rich minesofG o D s own meaning in his blelTed Book. 2. Inthe precious promlfes of life, by the applicationsand exercife of Faith. ^. In the Lords Supper,by making the L r d J e s v s furer to our foulesevery time 5 and every time by feafting afrefli uponhis body and blood fpiritually,with exultationsof deareft joy, and fweeteft glimpfes (as it were)ofeternall glory. 4. InfruitfuU conferences andmutuall communications of gifts, graces^ prayers,duties with Gods people,which the Lord dothufually and gracioufly water with the deawes ofmany fweet and glorious refrefliings and quickning,muchincreafe of Chriftian courage, and anholycontentationin the^Wjv^y. 5. In meditationsupon the my ftery of C h r is t , the miracles ofmercy upon us for our good all our lifelong, andthe eternity of joyes and blilTe above.the Lor D s6, UponDay, when fliowers of fpirituall bleffingsare accuftomed to fall from the Throne ofgcac^ all the day long, upon thofe who fincerelyendeavour to confecrate it as glorious unto him.7. Upon thofe foule-fatting dales ofhumiliation 5G 5 which

OF DEATH.85divine dainties,delicates, fwectnefTes 5 th<strong>of</strong>e graciousquicknings, rejoycings <strong>and</strong> ravifliments<strong>of</strong> fpirit5which God iniiKrcy is wont ro communicate<strong>and</strong> convey thorow all <strong>the</strong> ordinances <strong>and</strong>meanes <strong>of</strong> grace to truly humbled foules, for amighty incieafe <strong>of</strong> fpirituall (Irength <strong>and</strong> invinciblecomfort,O how delicioufly may a heavenly hungryheart feed <strong>and</strong> fill it felfe ; i . In <strong>the</strong> powerful] Miniftryunfolding all <strong>the</strong> facred fcnfc <strong>and</strong> rich mines<strong>of</strong>G o D s own meaning in his blelTed Book. 2. In<strong>the</strong> precious promlfes <strong>of</strong> life, by <strong>the</strong> applications<strong>and</strong> exercife <strong>of</strong> Faith. ^. In <strong>the</strong> Lords Supper,by making <strong>the</strong> L r d J e s v s furer to our foulesevery time 5 <strong>and</strong> every time by feafting afrefli uponhis body <strong>and</strong> blood fpiritually,with exultations<strong>of</strong> deareft joy, <strong>and</strong> fweeteft glimpfes (as it were)<strong>of</strong>eternall glory. 4. InfruitfuU conferences <strong>and</strong>mutuall communications <strong>of</strong> gifts, graces^ prayers,duties with Gods people,which <strong>the</strong> Lord dothufually <strong>and</strong> gracioufly water with <strong>the</strong> deawes <strong>of</strong>many fweet <strong>and</strong> glorious refrefliings <strong>and</strong> quickning,muchincreafe <strong>of</strong> Chriftian courage, <strong>and</strong> anholycontentationin <strong>the</strong>^Wjv^y. 5. In meditationsupon <strong>the</strong> my ftery <strong>of</strong> C h r is t , <strong>the</strong> miracles <strong>of</strong>mercy upon us for our good all our lifelong, <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong> eternity <strong>of</strong> joyes <strong>and</strong> blilTe above.<strong>the</strong> Lor D s6, UponDay, when fliowers <strong>of</strong> fpirituall bleffingsare accuftomed to fall from <strong>the</strong> Throne <strong>of</strong>gcac^ all <strong>the</strong> day long, upon th<strong>of</strong>e who fincerelyendeavour to confecrate it as glorious unto him.7. Upon th<strong>of</strong>e foule-fatting dales <strong>of</strong>humiliation 5G 5 which

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