Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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paires72 .PREPARATIONventure their foiilcs with thoufahds that are worfethan thcaifclvcs. They pitch upon a fafe, wife,moderate and difcrcet temper of religion, asthey conceive and call it, and neither dcfire, orendeavour to goe any further, or grow any better.Abire day mends them nor (as they fay)and a foule day . them not. As they areperemptorily confident, the Pearle will be hadat their price ; fo they are conftantly peremptorynever to become more precifc. Andif it fall out fometimes, that they meet withfprne faithfuU man of God, who hits rightupon their humour ; difcovering the infufficicncyof their prefent fpirituall ftate, for futurehappinefle; and perfwading them upon ancceflityof falvation, to an univerfall refignationofthemfelveswithunrefervedneffe and zealcCo all the world, and will and waies of Go djthey arc wont to put it off thus, or in the likemanner : Tf^e man is dgotdmAn, and of good farts,§ntwhom I love welly butdlittle too hot, too hoijhrotuundroughy and fmckes too much mem (pirituall ftates 3that is all hisfault .\ Imufi confeffe. Jam offuch a nature anddiffofition,that I jhall he more moved with milder Sermofts,and calmer cariage in the Pulpit: I doe not feehm this iMinifteriall feverity and roi$ghnef[Lj,*JharfneJ]i

BEFORE DEATH. 75^ Jhnrpnepdfrefresfej and (uchfearchingms^andfe-* '^riiya iitrempory cenfitringmens fiate to Go i^-ward^ddthfo i^^^^t {^J^^lvtuchgoodf^C*cL'TOT^i&i.My whole JDifcourfe ofirueHapfineJfe is a touch- jf^!"".' ' ^ftoneand looking glafTcfor a trial 1 and difcoviery fh'ip?y,Vwe^^oftheunfoundncfreandfpiricuall felf-dcccic:therefore thither I reniit them.and {y^cutiirgij/iof^"?Socfawicdiciis, quibill vuU mcdcrijamaris ucuiir pharmacis, ita obdurari, praefra^ij-stq-, contumaces homintsduris & fcvens verbis arguendi funt : malo enmi nodo malusquarcndus eftcw'-'itvis, Megander in locUt caro qux callo obdwruit non facile accipit vibices plagarum,nifi impiobis & crcbrisiftibus :ita animus .iflattus pcccatis, non commovctur correftionc njfi fevcra &acii,/

paires72 .PREPARATIONventure <strong>the</strong>ir foiilcs with thoufahds that are worfethan thcaifclvcs. They pitch upon a fafe, wife,moderate <strong>and</strong> difcrcet temper <strong>of</strong> religion, as<strong>the</strong>y conceive <strong>and</strong> call it, <strong>and</strong> nei<strong>the</strong>r dcfire, orendeavour to goe any fur<strong>the</strong>r, or grow any better.Abire day mends <strong>the</strong>m nor (as <strong>the</strong>y fay)<strong>and</strong> a foule day . <strong>the</strong>m not. As <strong>the</strong>y areperemptorily confident, <strong>the</strong> Pearle will be hadat <strong>the</strong>ir price ; fo <strong>the</strong>y are conftantly peremptorynever to become more precifc. Andif it fall out fometimes, that <strong>the</strong>y meet withfprne faithfuU man <strong>of</strong> God, who hits rightupon <strong>the</strong>ir humour ; difcovering <strong>the</strong> infufficicncy<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir prefent fpirituall ftate, for futurehappinefle; <strong>and</strong> perfwading <strong>the</strong>m upon ancceflity<strong>of</strong> falvation, to an univerfall refignation<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>mfelveswithunrefervedneffe <strong>and</strong> zealcCo all <strong>the</strong> world, <strong>and</strong> will <strong>and</strong> waies <strong>of</strong> Go dj<strong>the</strong>y arc wont to put it <strong>of</strong>f thus, or in <strong>the</strong> likemanner : Tf^e man is dgotdmAn, <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> good farts,§ntwhom I love welly butdlittle too hot, too hoijhrotuundroughy <strong>and</strong> fmckes too much uf4nfredfenejfe<strong>and</strong> mem (pirituall ftates 3that is all hisfault .\ Imufi confeffe. Jam <strong>of</strong>fuch a nature <strong>and</strong>diff<strong>of</strong>ition,that I jhall he more moved with milder Serm<strong>of</strong>ts,<strong>and</strong> calmer cariage in <strong>the</strong> Pulpit: I doe not feehm this iMinifteriall feverity <strong>and</strong> roi$ghnef[Lj,*JharfneJ]i

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