Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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66 PREPARATIONlife of his life, his wedge of gold and hoards ofwealth, makcsancndof hi'-nfclfe: that the wantonmining of his luflfu!! aim r and mxh defircdchoife, fiadsno plealurc iithis iik; but cuts offhimfelfby a violent and uncimjly death:that Achitofhelbeing difgraced and ovotop'din a Point ofPolicy, the crovvne and pride of his worldly happineflc,put his houQiold in order, and hang'dhimfclfe. Well then, if it bee thus, that partingfrom carnallpleafures be aspaincfull and vexing,as if a man fliould pull the meat from our mouth,the chaine from our necke, clothes from ourbaclcc,thelimbes from our body, the right armefrom our (houlder, the eyes out of our head, andastheloffc ofour life; that happy foule whichbids adjeu cverlaftingly to all earthly delights,muft needs take extraordinary notice, and be ablefor ever to give a ready and mofl: fenfible accountof fuch a mighty change and marvellous worke.a. 7>cc*it. 1 , Askc them, how they keepe their faith : andhlut%fpiJ'^^^y ^^^^ ^^^^ y^"' ^^^y ^^^^^ G o d, they are notfaith- troubled about it. They finde no fuch fcruples,doubts, diftrufts, fcarcs, jcaloufies, tcrrours,temptations, dcfcrtions, wantSjWeakeneflTcs.c^ fomc precifcr fcllowcs, whoftand fo much upontheir profeflion, ftridneffe, conference, and o-ther fingularities above ordinary, fo much talkcof, and take to heart. They fee no fuch neccfldtyof running after Sermons, fo much reading, prayer,poring upon precife bookes, rccourfc to Puritan-Minifters,Humiliation-daies,c^r. They canWicvc quietly , follow their bufincffe, and goc toHcavca

BEFORE DEATH.6^Heaven without fomuchacW. Nay, they arc fofarre from being troubled in any of ihefe kinds,ibatifany?.morgft tbtni betroiblcd in mindjSndextraordinarily vifited with fpiritaall diftrcfTej theportion many times of G o p s dearcft children 5they prefently plcale and applaud themfelves,thatthey are free 3 and conceive and pcrenipcorijyconclude that thesffliificd is an hypociitc, hathbeenca rrcrehaincus (inner then others, ormedledtoo much with Scripioire-bufinefTcs and d'with miuchadoe, difhculty and * doubtirgs.^ ^«' -^^He isas care full and covetous (if it kc pcfiibkjtoprc- fTau'^lvcrferveardfave thisPearle, as the worldling his f^row,it is^old. For this purpofc, he paflTcth tborow many *ti"uii'thLcJbieard bitter ccntTds with the fieiceft alTauJts ieiievingcbnandfieritftdartsoftheDivcll^ (for hee knowes /''^"'^^'iff''full well, thst that is the arme and power of Gob fliH^dlw'unto us, for all lound comfort and fpirituall well- trarinife tubeine, ard therefore he is mofl furious to weaken ^^"^f/jf^'^'gUS there) wuhinnnite game- layings and temptati- hehaibafittngonsofcur inbred infidelity, native ignorance, dif- /-*''* J ^^ff^ifidence,wifdomeoftheflefh, ourownc fenfeand 7/nothiig^' wfeeling, and aw^orldofoppofitions continually. Hm,iut/e(- fecftteHe is driven many and many atimc to the Throne C^''""'^'.*".- _ -1 in « Down Chnft.of Grace with prayers, teares, and Arorgeft warfcap4z.wraftlings for auxiliaiy forces, and renewedflrength. O how often doth he refort with extrcmeftthiift, and dcarcfl longings to all the blef^fed Fountaines, that feed his faith 5 the pcrfon ofC H & Is T,His meritorious bloud,thc Promifcs,F 2 Gods

66 PREPARATIONlife <strong>of</strong> his life, his wedge <strong>of</strong> gold <strong>and</strong> hoards <strong>of</strong>wealth, makcsancnd<strong>of</strong> hi'-nfclfe: that <strong>the</strong> wantonmining <strong>of</strong> his luflfu!! aim r <strong>and</strong> mxh defircdchoife, fiadsno plealurc iithis iik; but cuts <strong>of</strong>fhimfelfby a violent <strong>and</strong> uncimjly <strong>death</strong>:that Achit<strong>of</strong>helbeing difgraced <strong>and</strong> ovotop'din a Point <strong>of</strong>Policy, <strong>the</strong> crovvne <strong>and</strong> pride <strong>of</strong> his worldly happineflc,put his houQiold in order, <strong>and</strong> hang'dhimfclfe. Well <strong>the</strong>n, if it bee thus, that partingfrom carnallpleafures be aspaincfull <strong>and</strong> vexing,as if a man fliould pull <strong>the</strong> meat from our mouth,<strong>the</strong> chaine from our necke, clo<strong>the</strong>s from ourbaclcc,<strong>the</strong>limbes from our body, <strong>the</strong> right armefrom our (houlder, <strong>the</strong> eyes out <strong>of</strong> our head, <strong>and</strong>as<strong>the</strong>l<strong>of</strong>fc <strong>of</strong>our life; that happy foule whichbids adjeu cverlaftingly to all earthly delights,muft needs take extraordinary notice, <strong>and</strong> be ablefor ever to give a ready <strong>and</strong> m<strong>of</strong>l: fenfible account<strong>of</strong> fuch a mighty change <strong>and</strong> marvellous <strong>worke</strong>.a. 7>cc*it. 1 , Askc <strong>the</strong>m, how <strong>the</strong>y keepe <strong>the</strong>ir faith : <strong>and</strong>hlut%fpiJ'^^^y ^^^^ ^^^^ y^"' ^^^y ^^^^^ G o d, <strong>the</strong>y are notfaith- troubled about it. They finde no fuch fcruples,doubts, diftrufts, fcarcs, jcaloufies, tcrrours,temptations, dcfcrtions, wantSjWeakeneflTcs.c^ fomc precifcr fcllowcs, wh<strong>of</strong>t<strong>and</strong> fo much upon<strong>the</strong>ir pr<strong>of</strong>eflion, ftridneffe, conference, <strong>and</strong> o-<strong>the</strong>r fingularities above ordinary, fo much talkc<strong>of</strong>, <strong>and</strong> take to heart. They fee no fuch neccfldty<strong>of</strong> running after Sermons, fo much reading, prayer,poring upon precife bookes, rccourfc to Puritan-Minifters,Humiliation-daies,c^r. They canWicvc quietly , follow <strong>the</strong>ir bufincffe, <strong>and</strong> goc toHcavca

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