Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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BEFOUE <strong>death</strong>; . 6\"m<strong>of</strong>t retired exercifes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fouler but carnalljoy <strong>and</strong>"want <strong>of</strong> company are forthc m<strong>of</strong>t pare incompatible.And it is kept in that poore little Ayinglifeit hath, by good-fellowfliipj <strong>and</strong> Icnfuailitnployments.^S.Cainall joy ever ends in bitiemefTe, fpirituall ffllfj^^i^^'^^in blelTednclTe. As <strong>the</strong> rivers <strong>of</strong> frefli water run<strong>the</strong>ir courfe with an hafty cuiTcnt to fall in <strong>the</strong> fakSea^fo<strong>the</strong>p<strong>of</strong>ting Son <strong>of</strong> all worldly pleafuresaftera fliott g4earae,<strong>and</strong> vainc gliftering/cts in <strong>the</strong>Ocean <strong>of</strong>endreiTc forrovv.7. Make thy peace with Go d upon sood y'^^epamhe.•ground in <strong>the</strong> meane time, <strong>and</strong> ^racioully walkc -^ub gq^.with him by a rule <strong>and</strong> daily diredion. Watch o-ver thine heaiT with extraordinary induftry. Mor^tifie thy members which ale upon earth; pride,choler, covetoufnefTe, felfe-love, hankering after<strong>the</strong>falhions,&c. Strangle thy lufts, ft<strong>and</strong> at <strong>the</strong>Swords Point with thy m<strong>of</strong>t beloved finne. Bearethy yoke fiom thyymth^dxid 'exercife thy fpirituall ^"^^ "^^^'armes every day; Get a habit <strong>of</strong> heavenly-mind- fu,n"^er«lt*cdnefle <strong>and</strong> holy familiarity with God afore- £]uomod6 aiufe<strong>and</strong>; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n lliall we holdup our hi^nds <strong>and</strong> ^^"'^ ^"."'^"our hearts with boldneffe <strong>and</strong> undauntedneffe <strong>of</strong> tnt^sc '"c!u-p'!fpirit in <strong>the</strong> evill day. The firongefi <strong>and</strong>fiduteft crea- (-"^is? Quis unturcsi«i(faith a godly Divme, preflfing thisPoint) .^orabTniT.te addtfcentijiPalxfira corrc^oratuspotuit inOlympicii, excclfo, .icmagnoanimo adycjfaiiumaggreJil' An nonopottct cpotidie luJtari atqj currcic? Nonne videtls eoi quos quina,>>cmincic3nt, muha qu^e concupifcciuiae flammam inccnduBt. Infuigcigitur contra paflione*, vinCiS ammi labores, at corporis quoq*, I.iborcsp<strong>of</strong>lisperfeirc,4rc

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