Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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''50 PREPARATION»ridcnt«r')m. aid to 'pr^pircfor a more cafic <strong>and</strong> patient pafgr'^v.orT""'''^^g^ thorow thciti, by cntcrfaining a rcfolution— Pr^cmedita. beforc h<strong>and</strong>to lookc for 35 no uncouth thing, anylio futuiorum calaM/jCr<strong>of</strong>Tcor cafjalcy, incident to mortality,Toi^n'^zdltn- ^"^ ^^^ condition <strong>of</strong> man 5 an^ if <strong>the</strong>y efcap'd'tu.Tu/f ^xfi.Hi.f. Qiioniim multiiti poteft prorifio animi,& pratpintio ad minuenduTTj d<strong>of</strong> orctnfiiat femper omnta homini hum.\na meditaca.Hx: eft ilia praiftjns & difim f»pien-*'*• — Nihil ad in jraci Ctim accident : Nmil,antscjmna cveiurat, noa e/cnirc p<strong>of</strong>leiihiixzti. /Jeu Ihid.Nam qui hxc audita a d<strong>of</strong>to meminiflfc/n viro,Futurasmecum comtncntabar mifcriis:Am mortem 8cerbara,autcxilij moeftam fagam,Aut fcmpcr aliquat/ molcm meditabac mail :lU fi qua invc fit cafuSjqurrT\nonrriCditatiotua pcrvcniat.: rullus fit c fas qnitc impsrA*umnremat:Pioponc nihil effe quod tibiacciderc non p<strong>of</strong>ljr. Bern tk interiori'DcnCapA'i.Mens folicitax'itcqu^m agere qund libct inc'piat, omnes fibi, qms pati poteftcontLnr.clias propanat; qu^tenus Redcmptoris fui probra cogitmi, ad advcrfa fepiafparer. Qjx nimirum vcnicnti-itanto fortius excipitj quantole cjutiuscx piarfcitntuaimavit. Quicnim improvidus ab advcrfitate deprelicnditur, quafi .ib hoilctiormlcfls invcnitur, cumq; cinitt inimicus necu, quia non repugnant m pcrforat.Nam qui mala imminentiaper folicitudinem pcrnot^tj h<strong>of</strong>tiics incurfuJ quafi in iiv.

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