Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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4SPREpAHAtlONother with much defperatc hoitour, and many bitterdefpairefull gnatogs of teeth,entred into that eftate.that ever theycarnaHUvein 2. Predominancy ofcarnall love. Which mayvttrtage.immt^eftahufi«jmartage,HegkHofholy'- humane^^ juftly pumflied with many fits offrowardnefTcand falling out, from fuch fmall occafions andlight grounds^ that the Parties may well perceive,that the correding hand of G o d is in it leadingthera thereby to the fight and notice, to remoricand reformation of the brutiih fenfuality and finfiilnefleof their matrimoniall affci^ion ; whichfliould ever be re;5tified by reafon, and fpiritualiz'dwith grace.Manage is rather a fellowfliip ofdeareft amity, then disordered love. And loveand amity are as different as the burning fickc heatof a fever from the naturall kindly heat of ahealthfull body.3. Immodeft or immoderate abufe ofthcma-Which, though it lie without the walkc ofjiage.lawes, yet divine jufticcdoth many timesdefervedly chaftife it with variety of vifitationsupon themfelves,families, outward ftate, goodname : with mifcarriages, barrennefle, bad children,giving them over to unnecefTary diftempersand ftrangeneffc in their carriage one unto another,and other fuch like difcomforts and crolTes.WhichCthough they may alfo befall Gods childrenfor other ends, yet) let all guilty couplesin fuch cafes conceive, that they fall uponthem for fuch fecret fenfuall cxorbitancies andCXCCflc.t'i'iS*' 4- Want of a comfortable communion inprayer.

BI&FOEE, DEATH. 49prayer, godly ccnfeience, mutuall coBpmunicationof their fpirituallcftate, and how they (landto G c D wardjdaiesofhiimillstion, helping oneanother towards Heaven, and that joyiull forcrhoight of moft ccitaine meeting together m theeverlafting manfions of glory, joy, and blifleabove. Such divine fellowfliip would incrediblyfweeten thatdcarcft indilTolublc knot, and makethat ftate a very earthly Paradifc to thofc fcvr -black Swannes,that love forw€etly?.ndgiacioiinytogether.% Ignoi'lnce, orncg*Jgencein the right un- Nciie^^fm*-'**'derftandirg and pradifing both of the com- J?^**'"'**mon and fevorall duties pertinent and properto that eftafc. In all other Aits, Profcffions,and Trades of life, the Pra(^irioners defireand endeavour to be ready in, and ruled bythe precepts and direiflions thereof; but as concerningthis great myftery of man:iging the marisgc-liatewith wifdome, confciencc and comfort,the moft are ns ignorant in thofc Treatifeswhich teach their Duties (of which there aremany excellent ones extant) as they ai« bafely infolcntin clownifh frowardneflc, or imperious tyranny,to create agrcatdeale of needlcflfe difcontcntand mifery, both to themfelvcs ^nd theiryoke-fcllcv/cs.4. Hclpe alfo wee may have for the Point 4 hand, even from the wifer Heathen. Who ^^'^!ic^''GiX of the very light of nature and grounds,of reafon, did learne and labour to moliifie andaffwage the flinging fore-thoughts of ill to come •,Hand

BI&FOEE, DEATH. 49prayer, godly ccnfeience, mutuall coBpmunication<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir fpirituallcftate, <strong>and</strong> how <strong>the</strong>y (l<strong>and</strong>to G c D wardjdaies<strong>of</strong>hiimillstion, helping oneano<strong>the</strong>r towards Heaven, <strong>and</strong> that joyiull forcrhoight <strong>of</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t ccitaine meeting toge<strong>the</strong>r m <strong>the</strong>everlafting manfions <strong>of</strong> glory, joy, <strong>and</strong> blifleabove. Such divine fellowfliip would incrediblyfweeten thatdcarcft indilTolublc knot, <strong>and</strong> makethat ftate a very earthly Paradifc to th<strong>of</strong>c fcvr -black Swannes,that love forw€etly?.ndgiacioiinytoge<strong>the</strong>r.% Ignoi'lnce, orncg*Jgencein <strong>the</strong> right un- Nciie^^fm*-'**'derft<strong>and</strong>irg <strong>and</strong> pradifing both <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> com- J?^**'"'**mon <strong>and</strong> fevorall duties pertinent <strong>and</strong> properto that eftafc. In all o<strong>the</strong>r Aits, Pr<strong>of</strong>cffions,<strong>and</strong> Trades <strong>of</strong> life, <strong>the</strong> Pra(^irioners defire<strong>and</strong> endeavour to be ready in, <strong>and</strong> ruled by<strong>the</strong> precepts <strong>and</strong> direiflions <strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong>; but as concerningthis great myftery <strong>of</strong> man:iging <strong>the</strong> marisgc-liatewith wifdome, confciencc <strong>and</strong> comfort,<strong>the</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t are ns ignorant in th<strong>of</strong>c Treatifeswhich teach <strong>the</strong>ir Duties (<strong>of</strong> which <strong>the</strong>re aremany excellent ones extant) as <strong>the</strong>y ai« bafely infolcntin clownifh frowardneflc, or imperious tyranny,to create agrcatdeale <strong>of</strong> needlcflfe difcontcnt<strong>and</strong> mifery, both to <strong>the</strong>mfelvcs ^nd <strong>the</strong>iryoke-fcllcv/cs.4. Hclpe alfo wee may have for <strong>the</strong> Point 4 h<strong>and</strong>, even from <strong>the</strong> wifer Hea<strong>the</strong>n. Who ^^'^!ic^''GiX <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> very light <strong>of</strong> nature <strong>and</strong> grounds,<strong>of</strong> reafon, did learne <strong>and</strong> labour to moliifie <strong>and</strong>affwage <strong>the</strong> flinging fore-thoughts <strong>of</strong> ill to come •,H<strong>and</strong>

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