Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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BEFORE DEATH. 451. By calking forc-thotght <strong>of</strong> future evils, *^ttvghts<strong>of</strong>which forty to one may never fall our. Many men ^T^en'^tkelamperfwaded, (fuch is <strong>the</strong> naturall vanity <strong>of</strong>our ^?'^'f.minds) do morevexc <strong>the</strong>mfelvcs withfearc<strong>and</strong>fore-conceipt <strong>of</strong>imaginary evils, which never befall5 <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y have juft caufe, to take on <strong>and</strong>trouble <strong>the</strong>ir hearts for all O<strong>the</strong>r true,reall,a(5lualltroubles, which fall upon <strong>the</strong>m. Thus manytimes do men torture <strong>the</strong>mfclves vainly with immoderatefeare <strong>of</strong> forreine invafion, home-bredconfufion, change <strong>of</strong> religion, <strong>the</strong> fiery triall,burning at a ftake, diftradion <strong>of</strong>mind, furprize by<strong>the</strong> Plague, Small Poxe, Purples, Spotted Fever,diftrcffe <strong>and</strong> going backward in <strong>the</strong>ir outwardftate, l<strong>of</strong>Te <strong>of</strong>fome child <strong>the</strong>y love beft, deftrudion<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir goods by fire, robbery, fliip-wracke,<strong>the</strong> frownes<strong>of</strong> greatntfle, hurt <strong>and</strong> revenge fromth<strong>of</strong>c that hate <strong>the</strong>m, hardneffe <strong>of</strong> heart, failing <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir faith, fpirituall defertion, overthrow bytemptation, defpaire <strong>of</strong> G o D s mercies, fudden<strong>death</strong>,difcomfortablc carriage in <strong>the</strong>ir laft fickneflc,<strong>the</strong> ^.t/^ <strong>of</strong> ftare himfclfci what (hall become<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir children, when <strong>the</strong>y are gonc,&c.By thcfc <strong>and</strong> millions moc<strong>of</strong> fuch caufelcfTe <strong>and</strong>carking fore-imaginations, <strong>the</strong> very flower <strong>and</strong> vigour<strong>of</strong> mens fpirics may be much emafculatcd,<strong>and</strong> wafled w<strong>of</strong>ully. A godly care to prevent<strong>the</strong>m by repentance <strong>and</strong> prayer ^ <strong>and</strong> a careful!preparation by mortifying meditations, <strong>and</strong>Chnflian magnanimity to beare <strong>the</strong>m padently , ifwe be pl.t unto it, is commendable ard comfortable: but in <strong>the</strong> mcanetimc to unfpirit <strong>and</strong> macerate

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