Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living


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The Bible is the Word of Godthou gavest me; and they have received them,and have known surely that I came out fromthee, and they have believed that thou didstsend me.Jesus gave them the words which God gave to Him,the Scriptures, the Word of God. John 17:14 says, "Ihave given them thy word ..." Without the Word ofGod, which is right believing, you and I could neverwalk in the greatness of the power of God.John 17:17:Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word istruth.The Word is truth. This is the testimony that TheWord gives of itself. Eventually we have to come tothe testimony of The Word itself and let it speak. Wenever bring God's Word down to our level; we alwaysbring ourselves up to the level of God's Word. Nevercome to the Word of God with your skepticism, yourdoubt, your opinion. You come to the Word of Godand let it speak <strong>for</strong> itself and then you reevaluate andreadapt your living to the integrity and the accuracyof God's Word.What else does the Scripture do besides give doctrine?It is also profitable <strong>for</strong> reproof. The Scripturereproves us when we are not believing rightly. The84

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