Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living


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The God-breathed Wordthe spirit from God which was upon Moses. ThenMoses, having a mind, used his vocabulary and wrotethe revealed Word of God. That is the exact means bywhich the Word of God came into being.A man of God, in Biblical usage, was a man uponwhom was the spirit from God, also called the "spiritof wisdom" because God as Spirit is wise. Joshua wasone of these men as told in Deuteronomy 34:9.And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spiritof wisdom; <strong>for</strong> Moses had laid his hands uponhim: and the children of Israel hearkened untohim, and did as the Lord commanded Moses.Every man in the Bible who wrote the Word ofGod had the spirit from God on him. There is onlyone author of the Bible and that is God. There aremany writers but only one author. God is the authorwhile Moses wrote, Joshua wrote, Paul wrote, Davidwrote and many others wrote. God being Spirit spoketo the spirit upon the holy men and told them whatHe wanted said. Then the men of God used theirvocabularies in speaking what God had revealed. "Forthe prophecy [all that is <strong>for</strong>etold or <strong>for</strong>thtold] camenot... by the will of man: but holy men of God spakeas they were moved by the Holy Ghost [Spirit] ." Theoriginal, God-given Word literally contained no errorsor contradictions. Why? Because God was its author.79

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