Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living


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The Bible is the Word of Godby the Holy Spirit = revelation; or God-breathedmeans to be moved by the Holy Spirit which is revelation.Be<strong>for</strong>e we go deeper into this particular verse in IIPeter, let's look into the Old Testament and see howthose holy men of God spoke who received this revelation.We have seen from John 4:24 that God isSpirit. God being Spirit can only speak to what He is.God cannot speak to the natural human mind. This iswhy The Word could not come by the will of manbecause the will of man is in the natural realm. Godbeing Spirit can only speak to what He is - spirit.Things in the natural realm may be known by the fivesenses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching.But God is Spirit and, there<strong>for</strong>e, cannot speak tobrain cells; God cannot speak to a person's mind. It isa law and God never oversteps His own laws. Thespirit from God had to be upon these men, otherwisethey could never have received revelation as Paul declaredin Galatians. Numbers 11:17 helps explainrevelation.78And I [God] will come down and talk withthee [Moses] there: and I will take of the spiritwhich is upon thee, and will put it uponthemGod is Spirit and He could reveal Himself through

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