Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living


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The Bible is the Word of GodGod. He never sat down and said, "Now I will tocompose Genesis" or "I will to compose Matthew.""For the prophecy came not in old time by the willof man ...." This is basic to our understanding of afundamental background of how The Word cameabout.The Word of God never came by the will of man,"... but holy men of God spake ..." Holy men of Godspoke. Who are holy men? Men who believe God areholy. The Bible was not written by God-rejectors,unbelievers or skeptics. The Bible was written by holymen of God who spoke as they were moved by theHoly Spirit.I have asked many people about this verse, "Whodid the speaking?" And do you know what they say?The Holy Spirit. That is not what the verse says. Itsays, "... holy men of God spake as they were movedby the Holy Ghost." It does not say God spoke; itsays holy men of God did the speaking. That is whatThe Word says and that is what it means.Do you know why there is such a difference betweenthe books of Amos and Isaiah, between theGospel of Mark and the Gospel of John? Can youspeak with any vocabulary other than the one youhave? For instance, if you have never heard of theword "idiosyncrasy," you can not use it. One canonly use the vocabulary that he possesses. That is74

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