Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living


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The Bible is the Word of GodJohn 12:32:And I [Jesus], if I be lifted up from the earth,will draw all men unto me.Is that all without exception or is it all withoutdistinction? The answer is obvious. We know that noteverybody in our community is a Christian; there<strong>for</strong>e,not all without exception have been drawn to Him.All who have believed, all without distinction, are theones who have been drawn.Hebrews 2:9:But we see Jesus, who was made a little lowerthan the angels <strong>for</strong> the suffering of death,crowned with glory and honour; that he bythe grace of God should taste death <strong>for</strong> everyman [<strong>for</strong> all men].Is the word "every" (or the word "all") withoutexception or without distinction? Did Christ tastedeath <strong>for</strong> all men without exception or <strong>for</strong> all menwithout distinction? He died <strong>for</strong> all without exceptionthat whosoever wants to be saved can be saved.Christ died <strong>for</strong> every man without any exception andbecause of this anyone can be born again by God'sSpirit.In II Timothy 3, where it reads, "All scripture isgiven by inspiration of God," "all scripture" means66

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