Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living


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The Rightly-divided Wordbe<strong>for</strong>e God is to study and rightly divide The Word.Romans 16:10:Salute Apollos [who is] approved in Christ....It does not say that he was approved in the communityor by the society or in the denomination, buthe was approved in or of Christ.Acts 2:22:Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus ofNazareth, a man approved of God ....We study to show ourselves approved of God becausewe are workmen who do not need to beashamed of our workmanship. If I were a carpenterand built a house with joints and mortises that weregaping, I would stand in disapproval <strong>for</strong> my workmanshipwhen the owner came to look. A workman isapproved or not approved by the people who employhim. So we study The Word that we may be approvedbe<strong>for</strong>e God because we are held accountable to Him<strong>for</strong> our workmanship.Matthew 12: 36,37:But I say unto you, That every idle word thatmen shall speak, they shall give [an] accountthereof in the day of judgment.For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by121

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