Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living


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Mightily Grew the Word of God and PrevailedThink how much 50,000 pieces of silver would bein present-day currency. Verse 20 gives the fulfillingjoy and greatness of the ministry in Ephesus.Acts 19:20:So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.What grew? Not man's opinion. The Word of Godgrew and the Word of God prevailed. When that Wordof God prevails, things begin to happen in our lives, inour community, and in our society. But as long as thegrowth of the Word of God is stunted, as long aspeople do not understand the fullness of God's Word,it can never prevail. God meant <strong>for</strong> His Word to prevail.God gave us His Word that we might lead peopleout of darkness into the glorious light of the gospelof redemption and salvation to make known His will.All Asia Minor was revived by the ministry of oneman. When The Word again becomes real, revival willbreak out again. People will be saved without newspapers,without radio, without television, without thecooperation of all the churches of a community.When we start living The Word, The Word begins topermeate our everyday lives. It is the Word of Godthat sparks faith <strong>for</strong> rebirth.Romans 10:17:So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing bythe word of God.113

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