Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living


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Chapter SevenMan Shall Not live By Bread AloneMan's basic spiritual problem is not believing theintegrity of the Word of God. Very few people believethat the Word of God is accurate, that it meanswhat it says and that it says what it means. Thus manis in a constant dilemma in his quest <strong>for</strong> truth; he hasno touchstone <strong>for</strong> truth because he will not go to TheWord and study its integrity and accuracy.In Matthew 4:4 the Word of God declares,... It is written, Man shall not live by breadalone, but by every word that proeeedeth out ofthe mouth of God.Notice the words "out of the mouth of God." Godhas been attributed a human characteristic, but Goddoes not have a mouth. Again the figure of speech iscondescensio, the Holy Spirit's marking <strong>for</strong> emphasis.Man cannot sustain himself solely on a diet of93

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