Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living


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The Bible is the Word of Godbelieving and reprove us when we are not believingrightly, but it corrects us. The Word of God is profitableto correct us, to bring us back to believingrightly once more. Parents should utilize this techniquein training their children. Most of us as parentssay, "Don't do that." Seldom do we add the correctionand tell them what they ought to do. But thatis exactly what The Word does. It tells us where weare believing wrongly; but then it gives the correctionand tells us how we can get back to right believing.There are many examples of correction in theBible. Take David, <strong>for</strong> instance. David was off theball. He found beautiful Bathsheba and then had herhusband shot while in the front lines of battle so thathe, David, could have Bathsheba as his wife. A fewpeople knew about the sequence of events leading toDavid's marriage, but nobody had a right to say anythingbecause David was king and every woman in thekingdom was technically the property of the king orbelonged to the king. However, there happened to bea little prophet whose name was Nathan with whomGod had a conversation. One time God said toNathan, "Nathan, you go over and tell David that hehas sinned." And Nathan said, "Oh, Lord, not me. Idon't want to go to David because old David is handyat chopping off heads." But the Lord insisted, "Yougo over and tell him about a man who had manysheep and his neighbor had just one little lamb and86

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