January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector

January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector

January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector


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Award Winning Gardens2003 Communities in Bloom Best Commercial PropertyS.A.F.E.R. Suites!Call Dwight Hoglund to put your name on ourS.A.F.E.R. program list or to establish your eligibility.Suites become available occasionally.Drop in and talk to Dwight Hoglund to get on our waiting list.Thinking of purchasing?Drop by and talk to Dwight for more information.730 Cottonwood Avenue, Kamloops, B.C.ADULT LIVING AT AFFORDABLE PRICES!“At the Heart of the North Shore”(250) 376-4777Fax: (250) 376-4792BUDGETWISE BOOKKEEPINGRAPID REFUND TAX SERVICE$5 $2 00 00OFFOFFThe cost of any TaxThe cost of any TaxReturn $60.00 and upWith coupon only • Not valid with anyother offer • Expires June 2007COT01_safer<strong>Senior</strong>sdiscount15%Return under $60.00With coupon only • Not valid with anyother offer • Expires June 2007Page 8 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>January</strong> 2007Submitted by Carol BeattyWhen you have an “I HateMy Job” day, try this...On your way home fromwork, stop at your pharmacyand go to the thermometersection and purchase a rectalthermometer made by Johnson& Johnson.Be very sure you get thisbrand. When you get home,lock your doors, draw thecurtains and disconnect thephone so you will not bedisturbed. Change into verycomfortable clothing and sitin your favourite chair, openthe package and remove thethermometer.Now, carefully place it onRUSSIAN TEA1/2 c. instant tea1 c. Tang1 pkg. pre-sweetenedlemonadeJobsOur team of experts...Budget prices!CATHY BURDENIUKPersonal Income Tax Specialistover 16 years experienceMIRIAM KEMPBusiness & Income Tax Specialist —over 28 years experienceLAURA FENTONBookkeepera table or a surface so thatit will not become chippedor broken. Now the fun partbegins. Take out the literatureand read it carefully.You will notice that in smallprint there is a statement,“Every Rectal Thermometermade by Johnson &Johnson is personally tested.”Now, close your eyes andrepeat out loud five times, “Iam so glad I do not work inthermometer quality controlat Johnson & Johnson.”Have a nice day andremember, there is alwayssomeone else with a job thatis more of a pain in the buttthan yours.1/2 c. sugar1/2 tsp. cloves1 tsp. cinnamonMix well and place enoughin cup of hot water to taste.VELMA DEANAdministrative Assistant#2 - 860 8th St.North Shore, Kamloops554-8188554-8188bud05_decLift Chairs from $995.00 & upWe Also Offer:Custom • Braces • Arch Supports • Orthopedic Footwear • Artificial LimbsSales • Wheelchairs • Scooters • Orthopedic SuppliesRentals • Wheelchairs • WalkersSubmitted By Lyle AndersonOur Friday Dances continuewith the Golden Serenadersplaying their great styleof music.Everyone enjoys thesedances and they encouragemore people to come, justlook at the calendar to confirmthe days and time eachmonth.Pie night was held Dec.12 and a lot of people hada good time enjoying pie,ice cream, and coffee or teawhile they listened to thegreat music and singing ofCarl McLaughlin. All ofthat for only $3 too!Tai Chi exercise (breathing)continues to be a success.We thank Jan for herdedication.Our Crafts Galore saleshave been steady and wealways have a good stockto choose from, so be sureto stop by and look for thatspecial gift you need for thatspecial someone! We willhave regular craft/gift itemson sale on a continuing basis,so be sure to visit often.Do you need fresh ideasand techniques for your picturealbums? If so, then onJan. 10 and 22 , at 6 p.m., wehave a new program startingcalled Creative MemoriesWorkshop. The programconsultants will help youcreate photo albums that willTelephone: (250) 374-5462 • Fax: (250) 374-2379 • Toll Free: 1-800-413-2552 • www.rowmac.ca455 Seymour Street Kamloops, BC V2C 2G7Submitted PhotoOn Sunday, Oct. 15, Pat Embleton, president of Unit 290Army, Navy & Airforce Veterans in Canada, presented secondyear TRU student Nicole Stewart with a $1000 bursary tohelp further her education.North ShoreCommunity Centre Newsshow Your Life, Your Story,Your Way.A new program calledThe Tappers begins Monday,Jan. 3 from 9:30 to 10:30a.m. and every Monday afterthat. A new bridge playerscard group for Tuesdays isstarting in <strong>January</strong>; the dateis to be confirmed.Jan. 13, we begin ournew year of flea markets, soplease phone the front deskat 376-4777 to book yourtables. Our next pie night ison Jan. 16 at 6 p.m. servingtime, and there will be liveentertainment.Our centre is very busywith all our activities and somany private functions, andwe are so pleased to meet somany new people. We lookforward to a very busy andeventful year in 2007.Upcoming events towatch for are: our springtimeAntique & Collectibles Saleon March 3 and 4.If you wish to participate,please get your applicationform from our front desk.All our regular programswill begin the second weekin <strong>January</strong> 2007, so watchthe calendar for details, oryou can always call our frontdesk at 376-4777 for information.We sincerely wish a veryhappy Christmas holiday toeveryone.row05_oct

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