January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector

January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector

January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector


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Page 30 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>January</strong> 2007Victim Services providesvariety of servicesPhoto by Mike KeetchResident Don Cameron(L) and Manager Kimberley Hunka (R) present Major Martin Ketteringham of the Salvation Army with acheque for $2,500.00. The money is being donated to the Salvation Army by the residents and management of The Shores to assistwith their programs.Crafting the 2007 City of Kamloops budgetCity TalkCouncillor Arjun SinghIn the next month or so,your City Council will beouring over the 2007 cityudget, looking at how tofund all the different servicesprovided by City Hall while,at the same time, keepingtax increases low.I might be a wild eyedoptimist, but it would begreat if we could find a realisticways not to raise taxes,at least one of the years I amon council.The thing is, if not raisingtaxes is to be evenremotely realistic, we willneed your help.We need your ideas andthoughts. How can the cityderive more non tax revenue?Do you feel there areservices that could be cut?How can we be more efficient,as we work on yourAttention all Scouters, BPGuild & Former Scouters!1st Kamloops Scouting Group isCelebrating their 95th YearMemoribilia, T-shirts & hats for sale to commemoratethis achievement.These will be collectors itemsT-Shirts Youth & adult sizes: $ 15.00Hats in Youth & Adult sizes: $ 15.00If you purchase one of each the cost is: $25.00Lets all show our appreciation & support for 1stKamloops Scouting Groups AchievementContact Mary Martens at554-4450 for more informationbehalf?We hold a public consultationevery year on thebudget. The city’s directorof finance, Sally Edwards,is always interested in hearingfrom citizens about thebudget.Unfortunately, not a lotof people attend the publicconsulation or give thoughtsto Ms. Edwards.There is this notion thecity budget is “boring,” orat least, very hard to understand.There is no doubt I alsofeel intimidated as the thickbudget book lands on mydesk.But, probably the budgetis probably the most crucialreflection of community priorities,and if we don’t reflectpriorities accurately, this ismissed opportunity.So, I have ploughedthrough one budget booklast year and am now plougingthrough another.I know you elect peoplelike me to plough throughsome of the stuff you wouldrather not plough through.And I am prepared to dothat. But, some guidancewould also be appreciated– from any quarter.I plan to write about thecity budget discussions onmy website – yourkamloops.com.I will try to summarizethe main points of the discussionand direction.And I warmly ask foryour attendance at the citybudget public consultation –now scheduled for March 5.HELP US END ANIMAL CRUELTYEvery single hour in BC an animal is abused or neglected.The BC SPCA urgently needs your help to speak out for the abused and neglectedanimals who continue to suffer in BC. Please take action today by joining the BC SPCA’sEnd Animal Cruelty Campaign.BCSPCASpeaking for Animalswww.EndAnimalCruelty.comWe have few possessionstruly ours. A promise isone, our credibility another.To increase the latter,we must keep the former.The following is part of a series of informational articles aimedat increasing public awareness about the services provided by theKamloops RCMP Victim Services Unit.The Kamloops RCMP Victim Services Unit offers a varietyof information and services, at no cost, to any victim orwitness of crime or trauma.All unit members have received specialized, comprehensivetraining in victim’s issues, the criminal justice system andcrisis intervention techniques.The unit is located at the main Kamloops RCMP detachmentat 560 Battle St. Victim Services operates 24 hours aday, seven days a week, and may be accessed by calling 250-828-3223.Victim Services offers crisis intervention services andemotional support. Victim Services can provide informationabout the police investigation, the court process, traumareactions and community resources.Practical assistance in completing victim impact statements,applying for compensation and obtaining home securitychecks are also offered.Victims and witnesses who are required to testify in courtmay receive assistance with court orientation and accompaniment.Kamloops RCMP Victim Services is always looking formature, reliable, flexible individuals who are interested insharing their time and talents to assist victims and witnessesof crime and trauma.If you are over 19 years of age, possess a valid driver’slicense and have a desire to make a difference, Victim Serviceswants you.For further information about volunteering and/or ourservices, please contact the office at 250-828-3223.The Christmas cardThere is a list of folks I knowAll written in a book,And every year at ChristmasTime I go and take a look.And that is when I realize thatThese names are a partNot of the book they’ve written inBut of my very heart.For each name stands for someoneWho has touched my life sometime,And in that meeting they’ve becomeThe “Rhythm of the Rhyme.”I really feel I am composedOf each remembered name,And while you may not be awareOf feeling quite the same,My life is so much betterThan it was before you came.For once you have known someonethe year cannot eraseThe memory of a pleasant wordOr of a friendly face.So never think my Christmas cardsAre just a mere routineOf names upon a list, forgotten in-between.For when I send a Christmas cardThat is addressed to you,It is because you’re on that listOf folks I’m indebted to.And whether I’ve known youFor many years or only just a few,In some way you have had a few,In shaping things I do.So every year when Christmas comesI just realize anew,The biggest gift that God can give,Is knowing folks like you.~ Author Unknown

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