January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector

January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector

January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector


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<strong>January</strong> 2007 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 25Premier’s Council on Aging makes recommendations to provinceView from VictoriaClaude Richmond, MLA KamloopsMinister of Employment and IncomeAssistanceThe Premier’s Council onAging and <strong>Senior</strong>s’ Issuesresented its report to theremier on Dec. 1, afterore than a year of researchhroughout the province.The report is wide rangingand has recommendations,which could impact aseries of provincial ministries.It is a most significantdocument and will be ofgreat concern to anyoneapproaching retirement age.Here are some of the recommendations.• Protect human rights andend mandatory retirement;• Make workplaces moreflexible;• Live healthier;• Help people stay independent;• Improve health care quality;• Support the right healthtreatments, services anddevices;• Provide leadership onaging issues;• Respond to diversity;• Create neighbourhoodswhere people can thrive;Death of an InnocentI went to a party Mom,I remembered what you said.You told me not to drink, Mom,So I drank soda instead.I really felt proud inside, Mom,The way you said I would.I didn’t drink and drive, Mom,Even though the others said I should.I know I did the right thing, Mom,I know you are always right.Now the party is finally ending, Mom,As everyone is driving out of sight.As I got into my car, Mom,knew I’d get home in one piece.ecause of the way you raised me,o responsible and sweet.started to drive away, Mom,ut as I pulled out into the road,he other car didn’t see me, Mom,And hit me like a load.As I lay there on the pavement, Mom,hear the policeman say,The other guy is drunk,” Mom,And now I’m the one who will pay.’m lying here dying, Mom....wish you’d get here soon.ow could this happen to me, Mom?y life just burst like a balloon.here is blood all around me, Mom,And most of it is mine.hear the medic say, Mom,’ll die in a short time.Don’t Drink and DriveWe’ll drive you in your own car for FREE!Dec. 22, 23, 29, 30 & 31 from 9 p.m. – 3 a.m.372-5110• Make affordable housing apriority;• Make it easier for peopleto get around;• Support volunteerism;• Get information out;• Ensure sufficient incomesfor older people;• Recognize informal caregivers• Save for retirement.<strong>Senior</strong>s are the fastestgrowing demographic inB.C. and we’re committedto helping them live healthy,active and independent lives.In fact one of government’sgreat goals is buildingthe best system of supportfor seniors in Canada.That’s why the Premier’sCouncil on Aging and <strong>Senior</strong>s’Issues was established - toprovide us with recommendationsthat help uslook ahead and plan for ourI just wanted to tell you, Mom,I swear I didn’t drink.It was the others, Mom.The others didn’t think.He was probably at the same party as I.The only difference is, he drankAnd I will die.Why do people drink, Mom?It can ruin your whole life.I’m feeling sharp pains now.Pains just like a knife.The guy who hit me is walking, Mom,And I don’t think it’s fair.I’m lying here dyingAnd all he can do is stare.Tell my brother not to cry, Mom.Tell Daddy to be brave.And when I go to heaven, Mom,Put “Daddy’s Girl” on my grave.Someone should have told him, Mom,Not to drink and drive.If only they had told him, Mom,I would still be alive.My breath is getting shorter, Mom.I’m becoming very scared.Please don’t cry for me, Mom.When I needed you, you were alwaysthere.I have one last question, Mom.Before I say goodbye.I didn’t drink and drive,So why am I the one to die?~ Author UnknownOPERATIONREDNOSEorn01_novfuture to ensure we’re readyto meet the needs of ouraging population.The council was askedto provide us with somebold new visioning for thedecades ahead, when one infour British Columbians willbe over age 65.We welcome this reportand appreciate the work themembers have done duringthe past year.My colleagues and I lookforward to reviewing thisreport with careful consideration.Government is consideringthe Human Rights Codeamendments on mandatoryretirement and age discriminationthe cuncil has proposed.As we move forward, wewill be consulting on aspectsof the recommendations.This may include a fullstudy of how to address anyimpacts that changes to theHuman Rights Code mighthave on employment andlabour legislation and relationships.In the next decade weanticipate that there will bea million job openings inBC and during that periodwe will graduate from ourschool system just 650,000people.B.C. is already a leaderin making the workplaceEd BarkerYour “RESULTS“ Realtor in KamloopsOffice/Pager: (250) 374-3331Toll Free: 1-800-553-3322Fax: (250) 828-9544E-mail: edbarker@remax.netmore flexible and we willbe examining more flexiblework options including parttime work, job sharing, flexiblework schedules, telecommutingarrangements and arange of leave provisions thatallow people to take unpaidtime off work.These are just a few of themany recommendations thatwe will be examining overthe next months.If you would like to readthe whole report, pleasego to my website at: www.clauderichmondmla.bc.caand follow the links or dropinto my office and we will bepleased to provide you withone.Looking to buy or sell in 2007?Ed Barker258 Seymour St.Independently Owned and OperatedFor caring, friendly real estate servicecall ED at RE/MAX 374-3331www.KamloopsResultsRealtor.comThe Hamlets at Westsyde is an exciting new community of care thatis currently under construction at the corner of Overlander Drive andBank Road in Westsyde.The Hamlets at Westsyde will have assisted living suites and privaterooms for individuals needing complex care within a unique communitysetting. No matter what you are looking for, you can be assured that aquality way of living is waiting for you or your loved one.An assisted living show suite is set up in Westsyde at Coopers Mall. Weare located next to Home Hardware, #14 – 3435 Westsyde Road,Kamloops.The show suite is open Monday to Friday 9am-2pm.For more information on The Hamlets at Westsyde you can stop by or call579-9061 and ask for Linda or email linda@thehamletsatwestsyde.comham04_octbed04_jun

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