January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector

January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector

January (10.0 MB) - Senior Connector


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<strong>January</strong> 2007 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 17A Season’s Greetings ARecipe from Germany ~ Eierlikoer TorteLeona Niedzwiedz – Iserlohn, Germany1 bar of plain chocolate(cheap is good) grated orchopped into very smallpieces5 eggs (separated)80 grams butter or margarine100 grams sugar1 tablespoon rum (the realstrong stuff is best)8 tablespoons Eierlikoer(Advocaat Liqueur orSchnapps)200 grams ground almondsor hazelnuts400 grams (almost half alitre) whipping cream1 teaspoon vanilla extractGrated chocolate to sprinkleon top of the cakeChop or grate the chocolate.Separate the eggs, puttingthe whites into a bowlfor whipping, and whipthem until stiff peaks form.Combine egg yolks, butterand sugar until creamy. Addthe rum, 2 tablespoons Eierlikoer,the almonds and thechopped chocolate, mixingwell. Carefully fold in thewhipped egg whites.Take a springform panand either grease very, verywell, then dust with flour, orline with baking paper (waxpaper maybe, or somethinglike that – we have specialbaking paper over here)the main thing here is thatwhen you pop the side off ofthe freshly baked cake, andwhen the cake is cooled, youwant to be able to get it ontoa serving plate without havingit stick to the bottom ofthe springform pan!Pour batter into thespringform pan and bakein a preheated 200 C ovenfor 20 – 30 minutes. Checkafter 20 minutes – if notfully baked leave for another5 minutes – keep checkingevery 4 or 5 minutes. Ionly need 20 minutes withmy oven, but every doggoneoven is different. Letthe cake cool completely,then put a plate that is largerthan the cake over the top ofthe cake and turn it upsidedown. You’ll now be able totake off the bottom part ofthe springform pan. Usinganother plate that you wantto serve the cake on, turnthe cake right side up. Youcan now cover it with a cakecover and leave overnight ina cool place, it doesn’t haveto be in the fridge. The nextmorning, and I am assumingthat you want to servethe cake that day, right?Whip the cream with thevanilla until stiff and ice thecake on top and sides. Thensprinkle with the gratedchocolate and drizzle withthe remaining 6 tablespoonsof Eierlikoer.Now, I wish I coulddescribe to you properlyhow I make sure that nochocolate crumbs and icingget onto the serving platter.Remember that bakingpaper? Well, I cut someof this into 5cm by 12cmpieces (Roughly – I don’tmeasure) and, after I havethe cake on the serving plateI tuck pieces of this paperunder the cake, with most ofthe little paper pieces stickingout – all around the cake.Then I ice the cake with thewhipped cream and sprinklethe chocolate on it and drizzlethe Eierlikoer. When Iam finished with that I justpull the pieces of paper out(which are, of course, thencovered with whipped creamand chocolate shavings) –and either lick them off – ha!ha! – or throw them in thegarbage! You will thank mefor this tip, since your platecan look an awful mess withthe whipped cream and stuff.I know you will love thiscake; absolutely everyonethat has tried it here hasloved it.Seiko OuchiNOTARY PUBLICJric04_dec“A merry Christmas to everybody!A happy New Year to all the world!”~ Charles DickensTel:(250) 374-7373Email: souchi@notaries.bc.ca410 - 546 St. Paul Street, KamloopsJJouc10_xmasWishing everyone aMerry Christmas anda Happy New YearJHonourable Claude Richmond,MLA Kamloops andMinister of Employmentand Income Assistance#490, 175 - 2nd. Ave.Kamloops, BC V2C 5W1Email: clauderichmond.mla@leg.bc.caPhone: 314-6027 Fax: 314-6030JJJMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year!ChristmastriviaKris Kringle –German for “Christ’sChild” or “Christkindlein.”A name for an earlyGerman gift-bringinginfant Jesus or angelicbeing, who was thoughtof as Christ’s helper andgave gifts to poor andneedy children. As culturesmerged, visits fromsimilar St. Nicholas, PereNoel, Pelznickel andChristkindlein all becameovershadowed or mutatedinto Santa Claus.ePhoto Submittedwarmwishesfor aHappyHolidaySeasonThis is a picture of someParkside residents whoadopted dolls for a shorttime, to prepare them forthe Free Christmas Store inChase. Bob Gagnon donatedthe dolls his wife had collected.We washed, dressedand combed their hair. Itwas difficult to say good-byeto our “babies.”In the back row, from theleft, is Shirley Barna, WinniShannon, Joan Adderson andDot Hoybak. In the frontrow is Carol Barlow, RoseWhite and Mary Tyrrell.Suites Available• Spacious Studio, 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites• Utilities • Air Conditioning • Balconies• Nutritious Home Cooked Meals• Continental Breakfast & Afternoon TeaPeace, Joy, LoveMerry ChristmasFrom Staff and Management at theShores Retirement ResidenceAsk us aboutour movingallowance.Open House Every Day2:00 pm to 4:00 pmAssisted Living Services Now AvailableSuitesAvailable• Full Kitchens with Fridge and Stove • Level Walking ~ Close to Shopping• Organized Activities • 24 Hour Medic Alert<strong>Senior</strong>s are Our #1 Priority!870 Westminster Avenue, Kamloops, B.C.www.caretendersinc.com (250) 376-0315sho11_xmas

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