DuoBuLL - Lely

DuoBuLL - Lely

DuoBuLL - Lely


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MENGELE co m b i w a g o n DuoBull 7000 • 8000100 % silage wagon 100 % chopped-material transport wagonThe requirements of a contractor are clear: 100 %silage wagon and 100 % chopped-material transportwagon. Within minutes, the DUOBULL can be convertedfrom silage wagon to chopped-material transportAutomatic loadingDictated by the type of forage, the pre-compactionpressure can be perfectly set in twosteps.wagon. Through this double function, the DUOBULLoffers maximum flexibility of use. Increased power andmaximum load signify cost reduction.The heavy-duty all-steel superstructureis without tubular bows and tensionropes. Even the automaticloading wall (pre-compactionwall) required for loaderwagonoperation does notSuperstructurehave to be removed. By hydraulicallycollapsing the front wall andcovering the forage channel, theDUOBULL can be converted, withinminutes, from a silage wagon to thechopped-material transport wagon.Patented tailgateMaize-proof andsecured against overloading,the tailgate features a solid andabsolutely safe positive locking mechanism(wedge lock). Opening and closing iseffected electro-hydraulically.Perfect fillingthrough the quick conversion of the hydraulic front wall from the driver‘s seatThe channel cover is easily accessible viathe lateral access hatch. It can be simplyand fast mounted and demounted withoutthe use of tools.4High-performance loading unitThe combination of uncontrolled pick-upwith seven tine rows, no. 7 rotor, andthe new 40-knife cutting unit swinging outlaterally, ensure an enormous loading performanceand an optimum forage quality.Maximum payloadThe well-conceived construction of theDUOBULL chassis and superstructureoffers a high degree of stability and, inthe combi wagon class, the highestpayload volume on the market.Quickly removable metering rollersThree aggressive metering rollers millthe forage off in a perfect manner anddistribute it uniformly in the clamp silo.The metering rollers can be quicklydemounted to the rear.Loader wagon operationFitted with an automatic loading wall (precompactionwall), the wagon is filled in aperfect manner.Filling from the frontFor newly entering a field, and for a goodvisibility into the loading space, the upperfront wall is folded down hydraulically.Chopper operationThe front wall is hydraulically folded to thetop. The automatic loading wall automaticallylocks on the front wall.5

P e r f e c t i o n t o t h e l a s t d e t a i lChassis – tough and strong as a bullChassis up to an admissible overall weight of 30 tonsThe rising loading volumes and high speeds require high-qualitychassis. For this reason, DUOBULL loader wagons are equipped,as standard, with a boogie tandem chassis with after-runningsteering axle. The enormous swinging path offers a uniformload distribution and optimum ground adaptation even in difficultand uneven ground. The wide spring support width ensures highrolling stability, even with high transport speeds.Highest operating comfortStandard micro processor controlThe micro processor controlled operating panel hasa well-conceived design. Automatic loading and offloadingfunctions relieve the driver and help him toconcentrate on the most important actions. All functionsare directly engaged upon pressing a button,and optically indicated by a pilot lamp. All vehiclesare equipped with a load-sensing hydraulic system.The automatic loader wagons are fitted with anon-board hydraulic system.NEWTandem unit with hydro-pneumatic spring supportThe tandem axle unit with hydraulic compensation convinces byits high rolling stability. Important compensation paths ensure anoptimum soil adaptation. When fitted with an automatic levelcontrol, the full spring path is always available independent fromthe loading state. The automatic level compensation guaranteesthat the vehicle always stands parallel to the slope. The crossswitching of the spring cylinders ensures the rolling stability of thevehicle, thus permitting higher speeds in curves.Tridem unit with hydro-pneumatic spring supportWith the Tridem chassis, high loads are uniformly distributed,thus ensuring an utmost gentle treatment of the soil. The hydropneumaticspring support with automatic level control offersgreatest driving comfort. The front and rear axle are directed bya two-side forced steering. Because of the low trailing attachmentwith ball head coupling, the vehicle can be moved at anadmissible total weight of 30 tons.Optional ISOBUS controlThe loader wagon with an ISOBUS job counter canoptionally be controlled with the BullTronic control unit orthe tractor terminal. The free arrangement with the loaderwagon functions on the tractor joy stick offer the highestoperating comfort. The ISOBUS control provides the driverwith additional functions likeNEWBullTronicISOBUSAccessories DUOBULL- speed-dependent locking of the steering axleNachlaufende Following steering Lenkachse axleForced steering Zwangslenkung system (optional)Tiefgezogene Low drawbar Zuggabel (optional)- level control with hydro-pneumatic chassis- integrated diagnosis systemSaves the sward, reduces wear. Withhydraulic resetting. Braked on fourwheels.With standard connection to tractor.Allows perfect monoeuvring of the rearaxle also at reversing.For bottom attachment, alternatively withball-head coupling, rigid or pivoting drawbareye (country specific).67

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