Corinna Woodall - Rural Development Programme for England

Corinna Woodall - Rural Development Programme for England

Corinna Woodall - Rural Development Programme for England


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A LAG’s Eye View!<strong>Corinna</strong> <strong>Woodall</strong><strong>Programme</strong> Manager, North Wessex Downs LEADER

• Over £1million spent orcommitted• 42 projects supported todate• £400k to commit be<strong>for</strong>e endof financial year

Challenges• Comprehensive spending review• Changing goalposts• Heavily bureaucratic• <strong>Programme</strong> perception from farmingcommunity• How to ‘get’ at the right people

Opportunities• We have built momentum & reputation• We have great projects• We have a good pipeline• We have an experienced delivery team andLAG – we don’t want to lose momentum!• The AONB provides an integrating, coordinating& recognised framework as aspringboard

Big Society• LAGs should be epitome of Big Society – butrequires culture change– Top down bureaucracy v grass roots delivery• Growing demand <strong>for</strong> LEADER, as rural publicservices decline• There is more than one ‘Big Society’

Localism• LAGs fulfil vision of localism agenda –enabling local people to shape and influencethe places where they live• LEADER can be the vanguard of localism if thenext generation is developed & designed inthe right way

LAG Manager’s wish-list!• Make the paperwork short and simple• Trust <strong>Programme</strong> Managers and LAGs• Good communication• Consistency

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