APPENDIX-I MID-TERM REPORT.pdf - Global Crop Diversity Trust

APPENDIX-I MID-TERM REPORT.pdf - Global Crop Diversity Trust

APPENDIX-I MID-TERM REPORT.pdf - Global Crop Diversity Trust


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1.0 OPENINGThe meeting was declared open by Mr. W. T. Odofin the Director/Chief Executive Officer of theNational Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (NACGRAB). In attendance at themeeting were fourteen participants, including the four Principal Investigators of Sorghum andCowpea sub projects while the Principal Investigators of Pearl Millet and Yam were representedat the meeting. Others participants are staff of NACGRAB who are directly or indirectlyinvolved in collaborating with the Principal Investigators of various crops.In his welcome address, the Director/CEO of NACGRAB noted that the Centre has beenhandling <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Crop</strong> <strong>Diversity</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> projects for the past four years. Sorghum regeneration andcharacterization which was done in collaboration with IAR, Zaria for the 3 years and Cowpearegeneration which was also done in collaboration with Biodiversity International BeninRepublic and IAR Zaria for two years. He therefore called for fruitful deliberations that shouldbe centered on deliverables and the way forward to achieve the remaining commitments made onthe various crops of interest.2.0. PRESENTATION2.1 <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Crop</strong> <strong>Diversity</strong> <strong>Trust</strong>The address by the <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Crop</strong> <strong>Diversity</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> was read by Dr. S. E. Aladele of NACGRABwho is coordinating the project implementation for the four crops. The <strong>Trust</strong> asserted that mostproject activities are progressing as expected and that a lot has been done to achieve the targetedoutputs. However, the <strong>Trust</strong> observed that gaps needs to be bridged between the genebank/breeders and the farmers for most crops in view of the farmers’ needs. The project should takethe opportunity to distribute the available materials to farmers for evaluation and use as much aspossible while safeguarding the existing farmers’ varieties so that none of them is allowed to getlost. Also, the <strong>Trust</strong> encouraged collaborators to make documents on the collected germplasmwidely available through online databases, newsletters, hard copy publications and scientificjournals to enhance availability of information on the diversity.

2.2. Presentation by the Project Implementation CoordinatorThe Project Coordinator, Dr. S. E. Aladele noted that the project was approved and signed inApril 2011 with 50% fund released in May 2011. The progress made on the project includes thefollowing:• Funds were successfully transferred by the middle of May• Visit was made to IAR twice to check what was going on for cowpea and sorghum duringJune and July 2011.• Telephone conversation with all the Principal Investigators on the progress made• Draft 1 st Consolidated Technical and Financial report submitted in July.Lack of concrete involvement of NACGRAB Scientists / Researchers in the entire projectwas identified as contrary to what was indicated in the proposals except LCRI, which hasshown concrete implementation plans involving NACGRAB in germplasm collection ofStay-green Pearl millet. The process of reporting on progress made on the project andresponses to request for basic information needed to be improved upon despite the variouschallenges faced sometimes due to internet failure in some parts of the country. However, inorder to get over the observed challenges being faced with the project by the collaborators,they were advised to among other things adhere strictly to the original proposal submitted tothe <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Crop</strong> <strong>Diversity</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> for funding. If any modification is however necessary as aresult of security and climatic challenges, this should be requested from the <strong>Trust</strong> through theProject focal point in Italy.2.3. Presentation by the Principal Investigators23.1 Yam – Dr Ezeobi representing Dr. John Ikeorgu95 accessions were collected and planted in June 2011 at two locations Umudike andUtobi for evaluation.Quality assessment observed at point of collection, which will also be evaluated onstation

2.3.2 Cowpea : Prof . O. O.Olufajo32 accessions collected from IAR which were tested for viability are being evaluatedin Zaria.50 accessions of cowpea were being evaluated in the University of Agriculture,Markurdi, at the North Central part of Nigeria. These include: 30 accessions fromIITA genebank (resistant to Striga spp), 15 accessions from NACGRAB genebank,two newly developed lines under AGRA project and three others newly collectedaccessions.According to Prof. Olufajo, the Institute has in her workplan, the Germplasm collection of veryearly cowpea focusing Kebbi and Sokoto States while the main collection is expected to coverthe Norrh -Western, North -East and North Central zones between October and November, 2011.2.3.3 – Sorghum Prof. AbbaViability of 78 late maturing germplasm was evaluated, 1 accession had zerogermination, 15 accessions < 50%, while the remaining accessions had viability rangeof between 50- 100%.34 medium maturing accessions were tested for viability before planting on the fieldfor evaluation.Characterization of additional 21 accessions of sorghum from NACGRAB genebankthat could not be forwarded to IAR is ongoing at Ibadan.According the Principal Investigator of the Sorghum project, the proposed dates for Sorghumcollections which will be carried out in collaboration with NACGRAB were stated as;- November 14-20 Plateau and Gombe States- November 21- 26 Adamawa and Taraba States- November 26 – 31 Kwara and Oyo States2.3.4. Pearl millet – Dr. Yakubu Yahaya

• 30 Maiwa millet with stay green traits was collected with the aid of GIS tools areundergoing evaluation and assessment at Lake Chad Research Institute, Maiduguri.The representative of the Principal Investigator stated the future plans of the project to include;• On farm germplasm collection mission of 100 landraces• Data entry on Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in November /December 20113.0 Discussions/Wrap UpDistribution of germplasm;Prof. Olufajo suggested that only viable, screened and evaluated germplasm are made availableto farmers. This was corroborated by Prof Abba. However, the Project Coordinator affirmed thatone of the main objectives of the project is to enhance the use and distribution of the availablegenetic resources of the selected crop to farmers in Nigeria and that the materials does not needto be registered and released before we can distribute them to farmers.Collection of germplasm from the market: The Project Coordinator, Dr. S. E. Aladelediscouraged Principal Investigators of various crops from collecting germplasm from the marketas this will not represent the available germplasm being cultivated by farmers in the locality.Germplasm collected from the market are normally of poor quality consisting majorly of mixedand infested seeds. Mr. Okere advised the representative of yam Principal Investigator to ensurethe spread of yam germplasm collection across the yam production zone in the country.Documentation on the collected germplasm: Mr. Okere raised the possibility of the <strong>Trust</strong>supporting technical and journal publications of the findings of the project in view of non –functioning of the website of some National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs) in Nigeria.The PIs were encouraged to make all the information gathered available as much as possible.The National Information sharing mechanisms documentation programme by FAO which isalready installed at NACGRAB and other NARIs should be utilized.

Involvement of NACGRAB Scientists in Germplasm collection: The Project Coordinatorasserted that NACGRAB staff should be co-opted into the remaining Germplasm collectionmissions on the identified crops as stipulated in the proposal. This was corroborated by Mr. T.O.Ajiboye of NACGRAB for sustainability and knowledge and information sharing among thestakeholders. Consequently, the Principal Investigators consented to this observation and notedthat NACGRAB Scientists will be involve in the remaining exploration and survey activitiesplanned before the end of the project. However, Mr. Alamu observed that the time framepresented by the PIs for additional germplasm collection might not be feasible considering thetime frame for the project.Institutional Collaboration: Prof. Olufajo of IAR,Zaria emphasized on extended collaborationon agricultural research activities among NARIs in the country to fast-track researchprogramme, efficiency and timely delivery of results and sustainability. This was alsocorroborated by the Project Coordinator.4.0. Consolidated ReportThe consolidated report was presented by the Project Coordinator with amendment made wherenecessary by the Principal Investigators of the respective crops. Dr. Aladele promised to forwardthe revised consolidated report to the <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Crop</strong> <strong>Diversity</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> immediately in order to accessthe remaining part of the project fund.5.0. Closing RemarksThe Closing remark was said by Prof. Olufajo on behalf of other Principal Investigators. Heappreciated the efforts of the <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Crop</strong> <strong>Diversity</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> in enhancing the use and distributionof plant genetic resources in Nigeria.6.0 Vote of Thanks:

The Vote of Thanks was said by the Project coordinator. In his speech, he commended the PIsfor taking their time to attend the meeting despite holding at the peak of the planting season. Heaffirmed that the report emanating from this meeting will help in reducing stress and bottleneckswhen writing the final project report.7.0 Closing Prayer: The Closing prayer was said by Mr . T.O. Ajiboye of NACGRAB.ATTENDANCE LISTS/N Name Organization Email GSM1. Mr.W.T.Odofin NACGRAB wodofin@mail.com 080362819632. Dr.S.E. Aladele NACGRAB sundayaladele@yahoo.com 080380749373. Prof. D.A. Aba IAR/ABU, Zaria danafangdan@yahoo.com 080350442604. Dr. Yahaya Yakubu LCRI, Maiduguri ykbyahaya@yahoo.com 080652801655. Dr. N. C. Ezebiuro NRCRIezebuirochikason08063885049,Umudike @yahoo.com6. Prof. O.O. Olufajo IAR, Zaria sojiolufajo@yahoo.com 080361935257. Mr. A.U. Okere NACGRAB oaugoton@yahoo.com 080360422048. Mr. O.Alamu NACGRAB bisialamu@gmail.com 080340161029 Mr. T.O. Ajiboye NACGRAB ajiboyefemi2002@yahoo.com 0703595417310. Mrs. I.S. Adetioloye NACGRAB Ibidun2002za@yahoo.com 0803422110111. Mr.A.A. Olosunde NACGRAB olosundam @yahoo.com 0803350493712 Mr. M.O. Sifau NACGRAB miosifau@yahoo.com 0802343605013. Mrs. G.O. Afolayan NACGRAB ogo246@yahoo.com 0807152514014. Mr. D.O. Coker NACGRAB ceedos@yahoo.com 08052274104

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