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Teachers Guide - Tom Snyder Productions


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Science Court: Soil

Science Court: SoilSourcesCarey, S. (1986). Cognitive science and science education. American Psychologist,41 (10), 1123–1130.Duit, R. (2003). Bibliography: Students’ and <strong>Teachers</strong>’ Conceptions and ScienceEducation. Kiel, Germany: IPN.Fisher, K. M. (1985). A misconception in biology: amino acids and translation.Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 22, 53–62.Grigg, W. S., Lauko, M. A., & Brockway, D. M. (2006). The Nation’s Report Card:Science 2005. National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education.Lutkus, A. D., Lauko, M. A., & Brockway, D. M. (2006). The Nation’s Report Card:Science 2005 Trial Urban District Assessment. National Center for Education Statistics,U.S. Department of Education.National Assessment Governing Board (2000). Science Framework for the 1996and 2000 National Assessment of Educational Progress Science Consensus Project.Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.National Research Council (2006). Taking Science to School: Learning and TeachingScience in Grades K–8. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.Wandersee, J. H., Mintzes, J. J., & Novak, J. D. (1994). Research on AlternativeConceptions in Science. In Gabel, D. (Ed.), Handbook on Research on ScienceTeaching and Learning. New York: Macmillan.This Research Basis was excerpted from Teaching Science for Understanding:The Research Behind Science Court, available from the research reports sectionof www.tomsnyder.com.10

Science Court: SoilPart 3 — How Do Worms Do It?Questions & Answers:Students discuss and answer questions about howworms work.Q1 Where would you look to find earthworms?Answer: Since earthworms eat soil, I’d look underthe surface of soil to find them.Q2 How do earthworms move through the soil?Answer: Each worm has tiny bristles on its bodywhich grip the soil and help it to move.approx. runtime:2 minutesSummary:Mr. Norton reveals his machine, and it quickly fallsapart. Apparently, there are still a few adjustmentsto be made. When Eddy unveils his machine, thecourtroom is stunned. It’s a worm.Doug and Mr. Norton can’t quite believe that a wormcan do all the things that Gadgetco’s big machine cando. Alison Krempel calls Professor Parsons to the standto explain it all. What will he say? How can wormspossibly fix the soil?In the Hands-On Activity, students observe firsthandhow worms can mix layers of sand and soil.Q3 What does the earthworm use the soil for?Answer: Earthworms take in soil and digest thenutrients from the organic material, or humus,that’s in it.Q4 How would these layers of sand and soil look afterearthworms have moved through it?Answer: The layers would be mixed together.Q5 What are castings?Answer: Castings are the deposits, or waste,that worms leave behind after eating the soil.Q6 How do plants benefit from the activity of worms?Answer: Worms mix the soil, which helps it hold water.Worm castings contain plant nutrients. And worm tunnelsallow water and air to reach the plants’ roots.Prediction & Answer:Students predict how Professor Parsons will answer.How do worms do these things?• Mix the soil up?Answer*: Worms burrow through soil.• Make nutrients easier to use?Answer*: Worms break down nutrients in waste.• Allow water and air to reach roots?Answer*: Worms make tunnels.* For complete answers, see Answer Key Part 3.14

Science Court: Soil18

ImplementationClassroom and Group ManagementYou have many options for creating learning groups in your classroom. We’ve foundthat it works best to assign students to groups deliberately and in advance of theclass period. Ideally, teams should have diversity and a good balance of skills andpersonalities. Keep the same groups through the Science Court activity. Use yourclass list and your intuition to:• Divide the number of students by four.• Create groups with four students in each group.• Assign remaining students to create some groups of five.• Examine the makeup of each group and move student names among groupsto balance the abilities and personalities.Here’s a chart format to help you, with extra spaces for any groups of five.Use a pencil so you can rearrange as needed:Student AStudent BStudent CStudent DGroup 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 619

Science Court: SoilAssess the physical layout of the room and adjust student desks if necessary.You’ll use the computer and a projector or interactive whiteboardto display the software program, but a good portion of work takes placeaway from the computer when students are doing hands-on activitiesand answering questions. Students will need space to work togetheras a group.Supports appear throughout the program to assist with classroom andgroup management, including:• An overview to prepare students (and yourself!) called How ScienceCourt Works• Step-by-step screen directions to sequence the activity• Audio for students to hear directions for the activity• Audio for students to hear the questions and the answers• Extra audiovisual support for using hands-on worksheets• Extra audiovisual support for the answering process• Random Student Picker for the teacher to call on students20

Science Court: SoilActivity WalkthroughThe software program will lead you through the classroom activity. Three parts ofthe trial include an animation, a hands-on activity, a set of questions, and a prediction.The final trial part is an animation with closing arguments and a predictionon the verdict. Throughout the program, the software offers specific supports forclassroom management.No installation is required. You can use the program directly from the CD-ROMwithout installing it to the computer.You can also copy the program to a hard drive using the instructions in the ReadMe file on the CD-ROM, in compliance with your license agreement (1-computerlicense or multiple-computer license).å Launch the ProgramDouble-click the Science Court program icon. The title screen will appear.ElectronicTeacher’s <strong>Guide</strong>Volume control(slide with mousedown)Quick overview foryou and your classClick How Science Court Works if this is the first use with your class.Click Whole Class Activity to continue.21

Science Court: Soilç Table of ContentsThe Table of Contents is where you start and resume the whole class activity.After you select a trial part from the Table of Contents, you will see a set-up screenbefore the animation. Make sure all of your students can see. If you’re startingfrom the beginning, you’ll see an introduction to the case.At the end of Part 1, Jen Betters, our Science Court correspondent, will summarizewhat’s happened. She will then guide students through a set of questions aboutthe content and a prediction about how the issue between the lawyers will beresolved.Quick reminderof purpose forthe teacherThe mainscientific ideaof each partForward arrowClick the forward arrow to start the activity.22

6. List in order of size, from larges to sma lest, the inorganicmaterials in soil.SheetPartPartScience Court: Soilé Set UpThe software program helps you manage each part of the activity in the classroomand gives you a step-by-step sequence.Audio controlsPrint Now buttonWord Wall buttonClick Audio to hear the directions read aloud and play them for yourstudents. You can use this on each screen.Click Print Now to open the reproducibles in a PDF reader, such as AdobeAcrobat, and print them. Skip this step if you’ve already reproduced theworksheets.Photocopy the reproducibles before class. You can print from the softwareprogram, or you can photocopy them from the printed Teacher’s <strong>Guide</strong>.Science Court: SoilHow Will The Soil Settle?Science Court: SoilUse Doug Savage’s quoteand the hands-on activityto help you answer thequestions below.The Questions Your PredictionUse Micaela’s quoteand the hands-onactivity to helpyou answer thequestions below.Make sure everyone in your group can answer at leastfour of six questions correctly.1. What materials do plants need to grow?2. What does good soil contain?3. Is humus the organic or inorganic part of the soil?How Will The Soil Settle?InformationSheetAPartSo, humus is made upof dead plants and animalswhich are decomposing, or breakingapart, into sma ler pieces?!Ewww! That’s so gross!4. What types of things might make up the organic material in soil?5. Wha types of things might make up the inorganic materialin soil?16. List in order of size, from larges to sma lest, the inorganicmaterials in soil.The Questions Your PredictionMake sure everyone in your group can answer at leastfour of six questions correctly.1. What materials do plants need to grow?2. What does good soil contain?3. Is humus the organic or inorganic part of the soil?Part4. What types of things might make up the organic material in soil?5. Wha types of things might make up the inorganic materialin soil?6. List in order of size, from larges to sma lest, the inorganicmaterials in soil.Science Court: SoilHow Will The Soil Settle?Use Alison Krempel’s quoteand the hands-on activityto help you answer thequestions below.Professor Keisha Moss hastaken soil samples from TheOld Dust Field, mixed themwith water, and shaken themup. Draw and label the wayyou predict the soil wi l lookwhen it settles in the tubebelow. (HINTS: Think aboutwhat makes up soil and thedifferent sizes of thoseparticles. Also, try theexperiment yourself first.)1InformationSheetCGood soil containsa mix of inorganic material —sand, silt, and clay — and organicmaterial, ca led humus. The inorganicmaterial holds water near the plant,while the humus supplies the plantwith nutrients it needs tohelp it make food.Science Court: SoilUse ProfessorKeisha Moss’s quoteand the hands-onactivity to helpyou answer thequestions below.The Questions Your PredictionMake sure everyone in your group can answer at leastfour of six questions correctly.1. What materials do plants need to grow?2. What does good soil contain?3. Is humus the organic or inorganic part of the soil?4. What types of things might make up the organic material in soil?5. Wha types of things might make up the inorganic materialin soil?6. List in order of size, from larges to sma lest, the inorganicmaterials in soil.How Will The Soil Settle?Professor Keisha Moss hastaken soil samples from TheOld Dust Field, mixed themwith water, and shaken themup. Draw and label the wayyou predict the soil wi l lookwhen it settles in the tubebelow. (HINTS: Think aboutwhat makes up soil and thedifferent sizes of thoseparticles. Also, try theexperiment yourself first.)The Questions Your PredictionMake sure everyone in your group can answer at leastfour of six questions correctly.1. What materials do plants need to grow?2. What does good soil contain?3. Is humus the organic or inorganic part of the soil?4. What types of things might make up the organic material in soil?5. Wha types of things might make up the inorganic materialin soil?Professor Keisha Moss hastaken soil samples from TheOld Dust Field, mixed themwith water, and shaken themup. Draw and label the wayyou predict the soil wi l lookwhen it settles in the tubebelow. (HINTS: Think aboutwhat makes up soil and thedifferent sizes of thoseparticles. Also, try theexperiment yourself first.)InformationSheetBPlants actua ly maketheir own food, but they needsome materials to help them grow.Plants need air, water, and somenutrients from the soil.Professor Keisha Moss hastaken soil samples from TheOld Dust Field, mixed themwith water, and shaken themup. Draw and label the wayyou predict the soil wi l lookwhen it settles in the tubebelow. (HINTS: Think aboutwhat makes up soil and thedifferent sizes of thoseparticles. Also, try theexperiment yourself first.)InformationDIn addition to humus,soil is made up of many differentsizes of inorganic particles. Sandparticles are the largest, fo lowed bysilt. Clay particles are the sma lest.You can’t even see thosetiny particles.11Close the PDF reader and click the Set Up screen to return to Science Court.Student WorksheetsStudents, working in cooperative groups, answer six questions on theworksheets. A group will work together to answer the questions. Everyonehas the same six questions, but each of the four Information Sheets hasa different quote from a key participant in the trial. This quote will helpstudents answer the questions by allowing each student to contribute avaluable piece of information to his or her group.23

Science Court: SoilClick Word Wall to open this feature.The Word Wall is a resource for reinforcing vocabulary used in Science Court:Soil. Before your class watches Part 1 of the trial, you may want to confirmthat they know these background vocabulary terms:• invention• materials• particlesRefer to the vocabulary section later in this Teacher’s <strong>Guide</strong> for specific usesof the Word Wall.Click Exit the Word Wall when you are finished.Click the forward arrow to watch the trial.è Trial AnimationThe animation begins automatically. Enlarge the application window to takeadvantage of your whole screen.Show/HideCaptions buttonAnimationcontrolsWatch the trial with your class.Click the forward arrow when the animation has finished playing.24

Science Court: Soilê Time for Hands-OnThis is the point at which your class does the hands-on activity. The purpose isto shed light on the unfolding trial and related scientific concepts.You have some choices:• You can have each group do the activity, or you can demonstrate the activityfor the class.• You can reproduce one hands-on sheet for each group, or you can reproduceone for each student.The information about the activity (materials, instructions, and recording results)is located on the hands-on worksheet for each part. Before class, you should havegathered the materials listed on the hands-on worksheet.Hands-OnsupportClick the Hands-On button to give your class a brief audiovisual overviewfor using the hands-on worksheets.Conduct the hands-on activity with your class.For extra classroom management support during the hands-on activity, considerusing some additional display tools, especially if you have an interactive whiteboard:• Open the PDF file to go over the sheet with the class. Use interactive whiteboardmarkers, the spotlight, and window-shade (reveal) tool for support.• Use a large digital clock display to help keep track of time. (The hands-onactivities should take about 15-20 minutes, except Hands-On Activity 3, whichtakes place over 2 weeks for a few minutes every other day.)Click the forward arrow when you are finished with the hands-on activity.25

Science Court: Soilë Do the Questions on PaperThis is the point at which students work in small groups to exchange informationand answer the 6 questions on their sheets. You should circulate among thegroups in the classroom while they work.Support for theanswering processClick the Answering button to give your class a brief audiovisual explanationof the answering process.Key expectations for students are:• Working cooperatively with other members of their group• Exchanging information found in the different quotes on student sheets• Answering all 6 questions• Making sure each student in the group can answer each question• Being able to answer the questions verbally without reading the worksheets• Being prepared to be called on randomlyGive the class time to work.For time management, consider using a large digital clock display to help keeptrack of time. (Answering the questions should take about 10-15 minutes.)Click the forward arrow when the class is ready to share their answers.26

Science Court: Soilí Questions and AnswersYou, the teacher, will manage the sharing and assessment of student answers.The basic guidelines are to:• Call on students randomly using the Student Picker button.• Ask students to answer without reading from their worksheets.• Be tough but fair in evaluating student answers and explanations.As a class, students must answer 4 of the 6 questions correctly to continue.If fewer than 4 are marked correct, the program starts over with Question 1.Audio controlsQuestion textRandomStudent PickerSee the AnswerbuttonAssessment buttonsClick the Audio button to hear Jen Betters read the question aloud.Click the Student Picker to call on groups and students in a group.Enter the number of groups into the Student Picker. Make sure you haveassigned each group a number. Students will be identified by the A, B, C,or D on their worksheets.27

Science Court: SoilUsing the Random Student PickerUse the Random Picker as much as you want to solicit answers from as many studentsas you want. Be creative, and use this feature to create fun and suspense.There are a few different ways of using the Random Student Picker to call onstudents. Use the Random Picker to select a group and to select a student.• Use the Random Picker to select a group, then you select which one of thestudents will answer.• Use the Random Picker to select a group, then ask the group to select whichone of them will answer. (Don’t let them select a group member more than once.)• Use the Random Picker to select a student who has worksheet A, B, C, or D,and ask for a volunteer.• If a student is having difficulty answering, use the Random Picker to selectanother student to help the first one, making it a team effort.Click See the Answer to display an answer with the question.This feature helps you evaluate student answers the moment they are offered.The answers in the program are a guideline for accurate student answers.Keep your ear tuned to the quality of student answers.Audio controlsRandomStudent PickerQuestion textAnswer textHide AnswerbuttonAssessment buttons28

Science Court: SoilYou are in charge, and you are the one to assess whether an answer is correct.You can ask several students in succession to articulate answers to the samequestion. You can ask one student to answer each question.Student answers will vary, particularly with questions that ask students forexamples. Some answers should be used to provoke short class discussions.Some answers, such as drawings, may be best presented and explained bywriting on the board.The class cannot continue past this point until they get at least 4 of 6answers correct.ì PredictionThe class will predict what happens next in the trial. The bottom right cornerof each worksheet asks students for their predictions.At this point in the activity, you can poll the class (using the Random Picker)to offer their predictions and support them with explanations.During some parts of the trial, students must make a choice between two characters(usually Alison Krempel and Doug Savage, the attorneys arguing the case).Review buttonClick Review if students need a reminder about the events leading upto this point in the trial.29

Science Court: Soilî Stopping and Resuming the Whole Class ActivityAfter a prediction, it’s a good stopping point for the activity. This walkthroughwent through Part 1 of the trial. Parts 2 and 3 are similar. Part 4 is the trial’sconclusion, without the questions and the hands-on activity.Click Table of Contents any time you want to navigate to a specific partof the trial.You’ll use the Table of Contents whenever you resume the program.Trial Clips buttonWord Wall buttonThe Table of Contents has some other features to try.Click Trial Clips if you are resuming the activity and students need areminder about the events in the trial.Click Word Wall for access to this vocabulary resource. See page 32for more information.Press CTRL-Q on the keyboard to quit the program.30

Science Court: Soilï Follow Up: Appealing the VerdictIf the students disagree with the verdict reached by the jury or any of thejudge’s rulings along the way, they can appeal the decision to a higher court.Eddy Watt may not have stolen Mr. Norton’s plans, but that doesn’t mean thatMayor Daisby should turn the job over to Eddy. After all, worms seem to bepretty slow moving. How fast could they possibly turn The Old Dust Field intoThe New Growing Field? Mr. Norton’s machine looks big and fast. How fast doworms work anyway? Build a case, complete with well-researched evidence,proving that investing in Norton’s machines will be good for the town.Students can send their appeals by regular mail to:<strong>Tom</strong> <strong>Snyder</strong> <strong>Productions</strong>100 Talcott AvenueWatertown, MA 02472ATTN: Appeals Science CourtOr email to:sciencecourt@tomsnyder.com31

Science Court: SoilExtending Vocabulary with the Word WallScience Court provides a good opportunity for vocabulary instruction. Studentsneed explicit attention on vocabulary to support their learning in science.Effective teaching practices for vocabulary include:• Embedding vocabulary instruction within a context, in this case, the ScienceCourt activity• Providing multiple exposures to vocabulary terms, and using multiplerepresentations• Asking students to generate a response to vocabulary terms, enabled by thequick prompts that appear on the definition screens• Giving students an expectation of being called on to participate, using theRandom Student PickerWithin Science CourtThe program has a Word Wall to complement the vocabulary exposure studentsreceive in the main trial activity. The Word Wall provides students with a frameworkof the language they need to comprehend the Science Court topic and demonstratetheir understanding during the activity (verbal, written, and visual representations).At any point in Science Court, you can call up the Word Wall. Backgroundvocabulary are the terms students should know before they watch the trial.Activity vocabulary are the terms that appear in Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the trial.(Some definitions are used in the question-and-answer activity.) Additionalvocabulary are terms that further support the Science Court topic.Click a term to see a definition screen with a visual example.RandomStudent PickerQuickprompt32

Science Court: SoilUse the Random Student Picker to call on students to read the term and itsdefinition, and to respond to the quick prompt that may appear in the lower rightcorner. The quick prompt helps you generate a few moments of class discussionaround the term. The example shown on the previous page prompts students to“Create different forms of the word,” which gives your students a chance toconnect “invention” with invent, inventor, invented, and so on.These are some quick prompts you may see:• Give an example.• Find the root of the word.• Create different forms of the word.• Connect this to the trial.• Use the term in a sentence.• Think of a word that means the same thing.• Think of a word that means the opposite.Beyond Science CourtYou can use the Word Wall in many ways. The CD-ROM has a Teacher’s <strong>Guide</strong>directory, or folder, that has Word Wall files in multiple formats:• Microsoft PowerPoint• Promethean Flipchart (version 2.5+)• SMART Notebook (version 9.5+)Some ideas for further vocabulary projects include:• Record audio for each definition screen• Add your own contextual images to the definition screens• Print the vocabulary definition screens in small (card) or large (wall) formats• Cover up the term, or the definition, to create a vocabulary challenge• Build your own definition screens for other science topics for a class library33

Science Court: SoilAssessmentScience Court offers teachers many assessment opportunities as students engagein discussion with one another, complete worksheets and quizzes, and tacklehands-on experiments. Frequent class discussions help teachers monitor students’growing mastery of the content and understanding of concepts. In addition, theresources in this Science Court Teacher’s <strong>Guide</strong> provide teachers with criticalassessment feedback.Assessment ComponentsWorksheets and In-Class AssessmentThe Science Court worksheets are an easy way to assess a group’s understandingof key science concepts. Working collaboratively, students respond to 18 openendedquestions based on information presented in the story. Answer keys areincluded at the end of this Teacher’s <strong>Guide</strong>. During the class activity you can alsomake note of students’ understanding and articulation when they are called onto share answers.Assessment RubricThe assessment rubric can be used to assess Quiz 2 and the hands-on experiments.You can also use it for your own custom assessments with Science Court, or forstudents’ lab reports, presentations, or any other performance-based tasks.(The assessment rubric is located on page 36.)QuizzesThis Science Court title includes a two-part quiz. Quiz 1 contains multiple-choiceand short-answer questions about science vocabulary and concepts presented inthe program. Quiz 2 goes a step further, asking students to apply what they’velearned to a new situation. An answer key with sample student responses isprovided for teachers. (Quizzes and answer keys are included in this Teacher’s<strong>Guide</strong> as well as in a separate compilation booklet of Science Court assessments.)34

Science Court: SoilScience Court: SoilQuiz 1 ...continuedname date5. Why is it necessary for the humus to be mixed into deeper layers?Quiz1Science Court: SoilQuiz 1Page 2 of 2namedate1. Which of the following is NOT needed for plants to grow?a) waterb) sunlightc) a warm shelterd) soile) source of nutrientsQuizScience Court: SoilQuiz 2name dateRead the following passage and complete the quiz below.1Karina had to squint under the bright sun, which made the scowl on her face even moreimposing. “I don’t get it,” she complained. “My plants just won’t grow.” Karina, staringdown at her little plot of land, couldn’t figure out what she had done wrong. “I followed thedirections in this book,” she said as she held up a book titled How to Make Your Own FertileSoil. “I dug a hole,” she explained, “and refilled it with sand, silt, and clay. Then I added somehumus. It’s been raining pretty regularly, so I assume there’s plenty of water. And you can seethat the sun is good. But all I’ve gotten are these dinky little plants.” It was true. According tothe seed package, the plants should have been tall and strong. Karina had used the highestqualityseeds, planted them at the right time and in the right climate. “Could you help mePage 1 of 2Quiz2figure out what’s gone wrong?” Karina pleaded. Well, can you?1. In your own words, describe the problem above.6. Castings are ________.a) layers of soilb) waste that worms make after eating soilc) cocoons made by wormsd) a colony of worms7. What do worms and tanks have in common?2. Give two examples of things that might be found in humus.3. Name three types of particles that make up the inorganic material in soil.2. Karina says, “It sure looks like I have all the right materials to grow my plants big and tall.Am I missing anything?” List all the ingredients you think Karina should have for growing herplants. For each ingredient, be sure to mention why it’s important.3. Finally, Karina asks, “If you were trying to grow plants like I am, what steps would you take?And don’t leave out anything. I want to make sure I did it right.” Tell Karina your steps for growing8. List three ways that worms benefit the soil.4. Why is it important for soil to be made of particles of different sizes?big and tall plants.Quiz 1 checks for understanding about the composition of soil and the role ofworms in soil. Quiz 2 asks students to apply their understanding to a new situationabout soil and plant growth.Learning from the AssessmentAssessment can do more than just measure what students have learned. It can alsobe used to generate new learning. For instance, build on students’ understandingof the characteristics of soil to explore how plants grow. Introduce the conceptof photosynthesis, the process by which plants make their own food. As studentsunderstand in greater detail how plants work, they’ll better understand the importanceof the soil.35

Science Court: SoilScience Court Assessment RubricUse this rubric, in combination with the sample answers, to help you assess student performance on Quiz 2.Use the sample answers to assess correct and incorrect answers. Then, use this rubric to assess your students’abilities to think and communicate scientifically. You can also use this rubric to assess student work on hands-onexperiments or other projects you assign. (Permission is granted to copy for educational use.)3 – responses demonstrate understanding and are consistently thoughtful, accurate, and complete2 – responses demonstrate understanding, but contain errors or lack detail1 – responses demonstrate limited understanding0 – no understanding is demonstratedStudent Name:___________________________Assessment: _____________________________Date: ___________________________________ 3 2 1 0 N/AProblem StatementStudent understands the problem and is able toarticulate it in his or her own words.Scientific IdeasStudent demonstrates a thorough understandingof scientific concepts and ideas.Terminology and LanguageStudent uses scientific terminology and languageappropriately and correctly.Supporting MaterialsStudent uses supporting materials such asdiagrams, graphs, and pictures to supportscientific explanations.Application of KnowledgeStudent effectively and accurately applies scientificknowledge, skills, and methods to new situations.Scientific Inquiry and MethodStudent uses his or her understanding of scienceprocesses and methods to effectively plan andconduct a systematic investigation.Technology and InstrumentsStudent uses technology and simple instrumentsappropriately and correctly to gather and process data.Rubric based on the National Science Education Content Standards36

Science Court: SoilBeyond Science CourtThe concepts that underlie Soil provide the foundation for further research.More ActivitiesHere are some suggestions for extending what students have learned inScience Court.The Best SoilMaterials needed: Grass seeds, foil pan, several cups for planting, sand, gravel,various soil samples, water, earthworms.Procedure:1. Spread some soil over one half of the pan, and spread sand over the other half.2. Evenly sprinkle grass seeds over each side.3. Bury the seeds beneath the soil and sand, and add some water to moisteneach side.4. Place the pan in an area which will receive sunlight. Observe the seeds overseveral days, and record what you observe.5. Now, mix varying amounts of sand, gravel, soil and even earthworms in theplanting cups. Be sure to note what each cup contains.6. Plant the same number of seeds in each cup. Water them equally. And providethem with equal amounts of sun.7. Observe them over several days. Record your observations. Which soil mixtureproduces the best growth?Explanation: The grass won’t grow in the sand alone because the sand lacksorganic material. The seeds will, however, grow in the soil. Differences in soilcomposition will have an effect on plant growth. Students explore these differenceshere. They could even take soil samples from different locations aroundthe school and neighborhood and predict which one will produce the best growth.Note that the quality of the seeds will also have an effect on plant growth.Research IdeasHave students explore these questions:• What are the most fertile areas of the world? Why?• Do all plants have the same needs? How can some plants grow in the desert?• What is compost and how do you make it?• What’s in potting soil that isn’t in other soil?37

Science Court: SoilSchool-Home ConnectionAs you know, students who talk about their classroom learning experiencesoutside the classroom are more likely to have a deeper understanding of conceptsand greater retention of information. One of the ways to get them to “talk aboutit” is to enlist the cooperation of parents in the home. When parents express interestin what students are learning in school and students respond by explainingand showing what they have done in the classroom, comprehension and retentionincrease dramatically.The letter in the Reproducibles section enlists the cooperation of parents in helpingtheir youngsters continue to learn . . . right in their own homes. The lettertells about Science Court, and suggests that parents ask their children to tell themabout the courtroom trial and to explain what science concepts were introduced.It encourages parents to have their children share hands-on activities, particularlythose that can be duplicated in the home.Here are two steps you can take to foster a powerful school-home connectionaround Science Court.• Photocopy the letter and send it home with each student, or print it in aclass newsletter that is sent to all parents.• Duplicate and send home one or more of the hands-on activities from theScience Court Teacher’s <strong>Guide</strong>. (Most of the materials are easy for parentsto gather.)38

Science Court: SoilTechnical SupportIf you experience problems with Science Court, you have several resources, includingthe Read Me file on the CD-ROM, our Customer Service Team, and our Web site.Visit our Web site technical support area for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).Contact us through the ways listed below:Toll-free:800-342-0236 (U.S. & Canada only)Hours:Monday through Thursday, 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. (EST); Friday, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. (EST)Email:tech@tomsnyder.comWeb:www.tomsnyder.comwww.tomsnyder.com/contactus/faq.aspWhen you call, please have the following information available:• Software title and version number• Your computer’s operating system• Your computer’s memory (RAM)• Your computer’s speed and processor typeIf possible, please have the telephone near the computer when you call.39

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