Japanese-English and English-Japanese dictionary

Japanese-English and English-Japanese dictionary

Japanese-English and English-Japanese dictionary


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•>*»?» ss WKS'fe a^s«£e^ss£ft;»«v;e^'ii we^iwF. li.iWETMORE & Co., fBOOKSELLERS ^<strong>and</strong>^JiDOiA^AMx^f h^I,Yokoliaina, Japan. |

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Entered according to Act of Congress, in tlie year 1873, byJ. C. HEPBURN,In the OflSce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.EDWARD 0. JENKINS. ROBERT RUTTER,PRINTER AND STEREOTYPER.BINDER,90 N. WILLIAM ST., N. Y. ,4 beekman street, n. ».

PREFACE.In order to render the Dictionary more portable <strong>and</strong> convenientin size, the Author has thought it best to abridge the larger work<strong>and</strong> bring it out in its present form. In so doing, he has omittedthe Chinese <strong>and</strong> <strong>Japanese</strong> characters, the synonyms, <strong>and</strong> the examplesshowing the use of the words, excepting such as containeda peculiar idiom, <strong>and</strong> which could not be included in a definition.All the native <strong>Japanese</strong> words, with the exception of those whichwere rarely used or obsolete, have been retained ; as, also, all thewords derived from the Chinese which are in current use.In most cases, the arrangement of the compound words, especiallyof the verbs <strong>and</strong> Chinese words, has been altered ; <strong>and</strong>,instead of making each an independent word, they have beenarranged under the first member of the compound, as may be seenin the case of Abura, Fumi, or Rai.The Second, or <strong>English</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Japanese</strong>, Part, has not beenabridged or altered from the original, except in the correctionof such typographical errors as were met with.In order that the Dictionary may be more easily understood, itmay be well to explain that, in the <strong>Japanese</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>English</strong> Part, theroot of the verb only is printed in small capitals, that which follows(iii)

in italics, separated by a dash, are the adjective form, <strong>and</strong> the preteritetense, as, Abaki,-/^?^,-//^, should be read Abaki, abakii, abaita ;KQY.,-ru,-ta^ should be read. Age, ageru, ageta, <strong>and</strong> M.\,-ru,-ta,should be read, Mi, iniru, mita. Also, in the case of the adjectives,when printed OMOi,-ki,-ku,-shz, it should be read, 0}not\omoki, omoku, omoshi, the first <strong>and</strong> second being the attributive,the third the adverbial, <strong>and</strong> the fourth the predicative forms of theadjective.The hyphen is used alvi^ays to connect the different members ofa compound word.J. C. H.

aeORTHOGRAPHY.has the sound of a in father, arm.has the sound of ey in they, prey.i has the sound of / in 7nachme, pique, or hke the sound of e inviete.has the sound of o in no, so. The horizontal mark over b <strong>and</strong>u, indicates merely that the sound of o <strong>and</strong> u is prolonged.u has the long sound of u in rule, tune, or oo in 7noon, exceptingin the syllables tsu, dzu, <strong>and</strong> su, when it has a close sound,resembling, as near as possible, the sound of u pronouncedwith the vocal organs fixed in the position they are in justatafter pronouncing the letter s.has the sound of ai in aisle, or like eye.an has the sound of ow in cow, how. *pronounced like ch in cheek, cheap,ch issh is pronounced like sh in shall, ship, shop.fhas a close resemblance to the sound of the <strong>English</strong>/, but differsfrom it, in that the lower Hp does not touch the upper teeth ;the sound is made by blowing fu softly through the lipsnearly closed, resembling the sound of wh in who : fu is anaspirate, <strong>and</strong> might, for the sake of uniformity, be written hu.g in the Yedo dialect, has the soft sound of 7ig ; but in Kiyoto,Nagasaki, <strong>and</strong> the Southern provinces it has the hard soundof g in go, gaifi.r in ra, re, ro, ru, has the sound of the <strong>English</strong> r ; but in ri it ispronounced more like d ; but this is not invariable, as manysenatives give it the common r sound.in Kiyoto, Nagasaki, <strong>and</strong> the Southern Provinces, is pronouncedshe, <strong>and</strong> ze like Je.The final n, when at the end of a word, has always the soundof ng ; as, nio)i = inong, san = sang, nin = ni7ig ; but in thebody of a word, when followed by a syllable beginning with b, 771or p, it is pronounced like 7n, as, ba7i-7ni7i = ba7)i77iin^ ; 7/i07i-ba?i,(v)

ABBREVIATIONS.= inombang ; shin-pai = shiTn-pai. Before the other consonantsit has the sound of n ; as, an-iiai, ban-dai, han-jb.The sounds of the other consonants, viz., b, d, h, j, k, m, n, p,s, t, w, y <strong>and</strong> z, do not differ from their common <strong>English</strong> sounds.

JAPANESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.Aa. Ah! alas! oh!Aa, adv. In that way, so, that. — suru.,to do in that way. — z«, that way, thatmanner.ABAi^-mt,-aita., t.v. To shield or screenfrom danger, to protect, defend.ABAiCE,-r«,-/«, i.v. To be broken open ;to be divulged, made public.ABAKi,-,4-Z(!,-z^rt, t.v. To break or digopen that wliich confines or covers somethingelse ; to expose or divulge ; as, aAbura, n. Oil, grease, fat, sweat. — «c»shimi., a grease spot. Ahura-ashi^sweaty feet. Abura-darti., an oil-tub.Abura-de., sweaty h<strong>and</strong>s. Abn7-a-ga-;«/, oil-paper. Abura-hi, an oil light.Abura-kasii, oil-cake. Abu^-a-kaiua^the membrane that encloses the fat.Abura-mushi., a cockroach. Abtiranuki,anything that extracts grease.Abura-sashi\ an oil-can. Aburaskime,an oil-press. Abura-tsubo, anoil-jar. Abura-tsugi., an oil-can. A-bura-ya, an oil-store, an oil-seller. A-bura-ye, an oil-painting. Abura-zara,a lamp-cup.Aburage. Anything fried in oil.ABURA-GiRi,-r«,-^a, i.v. To becomeoily on the surface, to be covered withsweat.Aburake. Oily, fatty, greasy (in taste).Abara, n. The side of the chest.Abara-bone, «. A rib.Abara-ya, n. A dilapidated house, ashed.ABARE,-r«,-^«, i.v. To act in a wild,violent, turbulent, or destructive manner; to be disorderly, riotous.Abare-mono, «. A riotous, disorderlyfellow.Aburami, «. The fat, or fatty part ofAbarIj n. A bamboo needle used for flesh.making nets.Abura-na, n. The rapeseed plant.Abata, n. Pock-marks.ABURE,-rM,-z'«, i.v. To overflow, to inundate,Abekobe-ni, adv. In a contrary, opposite,to be covered with a multitude;or reversed manner inside out, to be left over.;upside down.ABi,-r«,-i'«, t.v. To bathe by pouringAbure-mono, n.fellow.A ruffian, disorderlywater over one's self.ABURi^-ru,-tta, t.v. To hold or placeAbiko, «. A kind of lizard.near a fire in order to warm, dry, roastABiSE,-r«,-^«, t.v. To pour water over or toast. Aburi-kaivakasu, to dry ator bathe another.the fire. Abtiri-kogasu., to char orAbu, n. A horse-fly.scorch. Aburi-korosu, to roast toAbuku, n. Bubbles, froth, foam.death, burn at the stake.Abumi, «. A stirrup. A^umi-s/ti,a.st'nrup-maker.Aburiko, «. A gridiron.AcHi, adv. There, that place.ABUNAGARi,-rM,-/.-z, Lv. To feel timid, to AcHi-KOCHi, adv. Here <strong>and</strong> there, allbe fearful.about, more or less.ABU^Al,-k^\-k?^ -s/ii, a. Dangerous, perilous,hazardous. ASunaz, take care. Ada, n. An enemy, adversary, foe. AdaAcHiRA, adv. There, that place, yonder.Abunasa, «. The danger, peril, hazard. szirUy to oppose.CO

ADAiAIAda, a. Useless, vain, empty, fictitious.Ada-dama^ a ball or shot that missedthe mark. Ada-bana^ blossoms whichbear no fruit. Ada-guchi^ empty, triflingor foolish talk.Adafuda, adv. Capricious, whimsical,changeable, unsteady.Ada-gataki, n. An enemy.Adakamo, adv. Just, precisely, exactly.ADAMEKi,-^«,-^rt, i. V. To be idle, indolent,fond of pleasure.Ada-na, a. Lovely, charming, voluptuous.Ada-na, n. A fictitious name, nickname.Ada-ni, adv. Uselessly, vainly, unprofitably.legs as a tortoise when lying on itsback ; to struggle, scramble ; to exert,strive, hasten.AGAME,-rM,-^rt, t. V. To exalt, to adore,to glorify, to honor.Aganau,-«?

AI_JAKAAi-b6, n. A fellow chairbearer or coolie. AisoMUKi,-^z

AXAit is not red.Akamatsu, n. Red pine.Akambo, n. An infant.AKAME,-r«,-/«, t. V. To make red, toredden.AyiAym-Ai,-au,-atta, i. v. To confronteach other with flushed face.Akami, n. A redness, a red color ortinge of red, the red psirt, the lean partof flesh.AKAMi-DACHi,-^.y«,-2'«, /. V. To tum orbecome red ;as the leaves or fruit.AKAMi-WATARi,-r?/,-^i?a, i. V. To becomered all over, as the sky at sunset.Akane, n. The name of a root used fordyeing red ; Madder, or Rubia-cordata.Aka-otoshi, n. Any thing that willcleanse or remove dirt from the bodyor clothing.Akaragao, n. A red face.AKARAMi,-w?«,-«

_AKIAMArelieve the mind of doubt or suspense, Amadari, n. The rain dropping from theto satisfy, or set the mind at rest, to be eaves.resigned.Amadari-uke, n. The spout for conductingrain-water from the trough.Akirame. n. Ease or relief of mindfromdoubt, perplexity or anxiety ;resignation,satisfaction.Amado, 7t. A rain-door, the outsideAmadera, 71. A convent or nunnerjr.AKiRE,-r«,-ifa, /. V. To be astonished, sliding-doors.amazed, to wonder, to be surprised. Amagappa, «. A rain-coat.AKiTARi,-r?,f,-j?rt, i. V. To be satisfied, to Amakasa, n. A rain-hat, or an umbrella.have enough, contented.Amagayeru, «. A tree-frog.Aki-ya, n. A vacant house.Amagoi, 71. Prayers <strong>and</strong> sacrifices offeredAkkenai,-,^/,-,^?^, a. Not enough, not up to procure rain.satisfied, longing for more.Amagu, 71. Articles used to protect fromAKKE-Ni-TORARE,-r2

oh !AMAiANJAma-shoji, n. An outside or rain door, Ana, n. A hole, cave, pit, mine.To made of sash pasted with oiled paper. ANAT>OKi,-ru,-tia, t. v. despise, contemn,Amas6-na, a. Having the appearance ofscorn, look down upon, disdain.being sweet, or pleasant to the taste. Anadori, n. Contempt, disdain, scorn.AmaSsaye, adv. Moreover, besides, still Anagachi-ni, adv. By compulsion, rightmore.or wrong, unreasonably, reluctantly.Amata, a. Many, much.Anago, n. A species of eel.Ama-yadori, n. Shelter from the rain. Ana-gura, n. A cellar or store-houseAmayakashi,-^?^,-^^:, /. V. To humor, underground.Ana-ichi, n. The game of pitch-penny.pet, indulge, as a child ; to d<strong>and</strong>le oramuse a child.Anaji, n. Fistula in ano.Amaye, n. Indulgence, humoring or pettingAnata, a. That side, there ;you.a child.Anchi. Installing or placing an idolAMAYE,-r«,-/a, i. V. To be humored, in a temple, to enshrineindulged,petted.Andara, n. Nonsense, foolishness.Ama-yo, n. A rainy night.Ando, 71. Ease, happiness, tranquility,Ama-yoke, n. A rain screen.freedom, from care or trouble.Ama-zake, n. Sweet sake^ a kind of Andox, «. A lamp.drink made of fermented rice.AxDZU, n. Apricot.Ambai, n. The seasoning or taste of Ane, n. Older sister.food ; the state, condition, way, mode, Ane-bun, 71. One who acts the part ofmanner.Am-bu. — suru. To quiet, tranquilize,pacify ; to make contented <strong>and</strong>happy.Ame, «. A kind of jelly made of wheatflour.Ame, n. The sky, heavens. A me tsuchi^heaven <strong>and</strong> earth.Ame, «. Rain. — ga furu^'\\.r^vas,.Ame-fu'ri, n. Rainy weather.Ameushi, n. A yellow-haired ox.AmIj n. A net, net-work of any kind, aseme.A^n,-mu,-nda^ t. v. To net, or makenet-work ; to weave or bind togetherwith strings ; to compose.Amida, n. The name of Buddha.Ami-do, n. A door made of wire gauze.Amigasa, n. A hat made of bamboo orrattan.Ami-hiki, n. A fisherman.Ami-jiban', n. A shirt made of net-work,worn in hot weather to protect the garmentsfrom sweat.Amma, n. Shampooing, also a shampooer.— wo toru^ to shampoo.Ammatori, n. A shampooer.Ammon, n. A first or rough copy.Ampi, Kydsuku inayu), n. Whether wellor not, welfare, health. — w^ to, toinquire after the health.Ampuku, n. Shampooing or rubbing theabdomen.An, «. Minced meat, or a mixture ofbeans <strong>and</strong> sugar used for baking in cakes.An, {ovioi), n. Opinion, thought, expectation;also the table, bar or benchbefore a judge ; a case or action in law.Ana. Exclamation of joy,prise, disgust ; how !an older sister ;an adopted sister.Anego, 7t. Sister.Ane-muko, 71. Older sister's husb<strong>and</strong>,brother-in-law.Ane-mlsume, 71. The eldest daughter.Angiya, 71. A Buddhist priest who w<strong>and</strong>ersor travels about from one sacredplace to another for religious purposes ;a palmer, pilgrim.Angori, adv. Having the mouth open,in a gaping manner.An-guvvai, (piuoi 7to hoka.) Contrary toexpectation, unexpectedly.Aki, 7t. Older brother.Ani-bun, 71. One who acts the part of anolder brother, a friend ; sworn brother.Aniki, 71. An older brother.An-itsu,_ «. Living in ease, without work,living in idleness.Ani-yoaie, 71. Older brother's wife, orsister-in-law.Anajaku, (kuraku yowashi).idiotic.Imbecile,A's^i,-dz2trUy-ta, t. v. To tranquilize,make happy ; to be happy, to be inpeace, free from trouble, or sickness.ANji,-y?>K or a'z«r«,-zV«, /. v. To thinkanxiously about, to be anxious, concerned,to consider.Anji, 71. An invention, contrivance;anxiety, care, concern.ANji-DASHi,-i-«,-/a, t. V. To call to mind,to suddenly recollect ; to plan, invent,to contrive, to excogitate.ANji-KURASHi,-i'iz,-/

ANj ;ANjl-WABi,-r«,-^zvRAi,-au,-atta, t. v. To bepainfully anxious or concerned about.An-ki, {yasuki ayaiiki)^ n. Safety ordanger, existence or ruin, welfare.Ankuvva, n. A small box lined withplaster, in which coals are kept forwarming the h<strong>and</strong>s.Ann.\, a. That kind, manner or way ;such.Annai, n. Knocking at a door or callmgout for admittance ;sending word or amessenger to call a person to come, orshow him the way ; the ways, the roadsor natural features of a country; thestreets <strong>and</strong> peculiar arrangement of acity or town ; the inside arrangementof a castle or house ; knowledge, acquaintance.Annaija, n. A guide, one acquaintedwith the roads or natural features of acountry or place.Ano, pro. That.An-on, {yasukic odayaka. Peace, ease,comfort ; freedom from want, danger ordisturbance ;safety.An-raku, n. Happiness, ease.An-satsu, {hisokani korosu). Secretmurder or assassination, killing by surpriseor at night.An-satsu, (skiraberti). — suru, tojudge, examine or try a criminal.An-shin, {yasiiki-kokoro)^ n. A mindfree from care, anxiety or trouble ; composure,ease, tranquility.An-soku. Rest, ceasing from labor.— suru, to rest. — nicht, a day ofrest, sabbath-day.An-ya, {yafni no yo)^ n. A dark night.An-zan, {yasukz( umu), n. An easy ornatural labor.Ao, n. Light green, or sky blue, usedonly in compounds.AoBA, n. Green leaves.Aobai, n. The blue bottle fly.AoBANA, n. The green mucus runningfrom the nose.AoBUKURE, n. Pale <strong>and</strong> swollen ; as aperson with dropsy.AocHA, n. A yellowish-green color, teagreen.AoDZUKE, n. Green plums pickled insalt.AoGi, -£-u,-zWa, t. V. To fan, to win-AoGi,-gii,-ida, t. V. To look upwardsat, to turn the face upwards, to regardwith veneration <strong>and</strong> supplication. Ten•wo — , to look upwards at the sky.ARAAogi-fusu., to lie with the face turnedupward. Aogi-negau., to supplicatewith deep veneration. Aogi-mirn., tolook up at.AoGi-TATE,-r?

ARA 8ARIA-RADAcm^-tstt.-tta, i. v. To become enraged,exasperated, irritated, to bestormy, boisterous, rough.ARADATE,-r«,-/a, i. v. To irritate, toirritate, toprovoke, to tease.Arai,-/^z-/^«, a. Coarse in texture, size,or quality ;rough, not smooth ; harsh,rude, wild ; boisterous, tempestuous,violent.A^Ai^-au ^-atta^ t. v. To wash, to cleanse.A rai, washing. A rai-gusiiri^ a medicalwash. ^ ra/-/^^z,-/^?^, a. Rough in temper,savage, cruel, churlish.Arakibari, n. Breaking up new soil <strong>and</strong>preparing for cultivation.ARAKrRE,-ri/,-^^, i. v. To be rough,coarse <strong>and</strong> strong, brawny, burly.Arakuroshii,-/&z,-/&«, a. Black <strong>and</strong>coarse, brawny <strong>and</strong> burly.Aram.'VShi, adv. For the most part, inthe main, mostly, generally.Ara-momi, 71. Unhulled rice.Ara-mono, n Coarse wares ; a generalterm for such things as wood, charcoal,brooms, clogs, etc. Aramonoya,draw attention.Are, J>ro. That.Are, imp. of ^rz.a shop where the above articles are ku — , so be it.sold.Are,-Arare, n. Snow falling in round pel-;Arasa, n. The coarseness, roughness,harshness, violence.Are, n. A storm, tempest.A RASARE.-r ?/,-««, pass. o{ Arashz. To Are-CHI, n. Waste, uncultivated l<strong>and</strong>.be laid waste, destroyed, desolated, Aketa, n. Waste or uncultilvated ricewild meadow l<strong>and</strong>.spoiled.Arase,-ru.-ta, caust. of Art. To causefields ;Ari, w. A dove-tailed joint.to have, to be or exist, to create ;Ari, «. An ant. Art-dzuka.,&n2.nX.-'h\\\.to indue.Ari, aru^ atta, i. v. To be, to have,to exist.ARA5m,-st(,-fa, t. V. To spoil, ruin orA'RiAi,-au^-atta^ injure by violence to lay waste, destroyi. v. To happen to beto let go to ruin.present, happen to have at h<strong>and</strong>.;Arashi, n. A tempest, storm.Ari-ake, «. Lasting all night.Ari-ari-to, adv. Just as it was or is,Arashiko, n. A jack-plane.Arashime, ru, caust. of Ari. To cause plainly, distinctly.or order to be or exist.ARi-AMARi,-r«,-^/a, i. v. That whichARASOi,-o,-/rt, t. V. To contend, to strive one has over, more than one needs, allto about, to or compete, dispute wrangle,quarrel.Arasoi, «. A dispute, contention debate,wrangling.Arasoitagari ,-r«,-2'/(z, /. V. To be fondof disputing or argument, contentious,disputatious.Arata, «. New-made fields.ARATAMARi,-r;

ARI)ASEAri-bito, n. The whole number of persons.Ari-dake, n. All there is.Arido, or Ari-dokoro, n. The placewhere anything is.ARi-FUREi-r^,-/"*,-/. V. To be common,usual, ordinary, customary.Arigatai,-/^/, a. Difficult or hard todo ; rare <strong>and</strong> excellent ; exciting feelingsof admiration, praise <strong>and</strong> thankfulnessgrateful, thankful./.;ARiGATAGARi,-r«,-^^rt, V. To be grateful,or thankful lond of expressing;thanks; to regard with admiration.Arigataku, adv. Thankful. — 07nO^ tofeel grateful.Arigatasa, n. The state or degree ofgratitude, also things to be thankfulfor, favors, blessings, benefactions.Arigato, adv. I thank you.Ari-ka, n. The place where anythingis.Ari-kagiri, n. All there are.Ari-kiri, n. All there is, the whole.Ari-kitari, a. Customary, usual, as ithas been from of old.Ari-masu, (comp. of Art <strong>and</strong> honorifici>iasii^ same as, artt. To be, to have.Arimashita., pret. have got or havefound. Ariinase?t^ neg. have not or isnot. Arimasumau I think there isnot, or has not, or will not.Ari-xashi, n. Is or is not, have or havenot.Arii-no-mama, n. Just as it is ; trulywithout concealment.Arinotowatari, n. The perinseum.Ari-sama, n. The state, condition, circumstances,case.Ari-sho, n. The place in "which anything is.Ariso, v. Appears to be or to have, looksas if there is. — na nion da^ I think itmust be so.Ari-sugata, n. Proper station or place.ARiTAi,-.^z,-.rAz, a. Wish to be, or wishit were.Aritei, n. The truth or real facts of thecase, the circumstances just as theyare.ARiTSUKE,-r«,-2'«, i. V. To settle a personin a place of service or business;to settle a daughter in marriage.,Aritsuki,-,^?^,-//^, z. v. To be settled ina place of service, to find a situation, tobe married, (of a daughter.)Ari-y6, n. The true state of the case,all the circumstances, the facts..Arizashi, n. Dove-tailed, in joinery, ortongue <strong>and</strong> groove.Aro, fut. or dub. ol Arz, same, sa Anan.I*Will be, I think it will, I think it is orthere is.Aru, adj. form of ^rz'. To be, to have ;a certain, some.Aru-hei-t6, n. A kind of confectionary.Arvwn.\,pron. Or, either, some, others:<strong>and</strong>.Aruji, n. Lord, master, l<strong>and</strong>lord, owner.ARUKi,-/C-zz,-zVrt, i. V. To walk.Asa, n. Hemp.Asa, n. Morning, before lo o'clockA. M.Asa, Shallow, (used only in compounds.)AsA-ASASHii,-y('z,-,^«, a. Shallow, notdeep, superficial ; mean, paltry, low,dishonorable.AsA-BORAKE, n. Moming twilight, daybreak,dawn.AsADACHi, 71. A shower of rain early inthe morning.AsA-DE, n, A slight or superficialwound.Asagao, n. The morning glory.AsA-GARA, a. The refuse bark of hemp.AsA-GASUMi, n. The morning haze orfog.AsA-Gi, n. A light green color.AsA-GivoME, n. The morning washingof the face, h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> mouth.AsA-HAN, n. Breakfast.ASAi,-/?'z,-/^z(r,-j/zz, n. Shallow, not deep;Asakii naru., to becomelight in color.shallow.AsA-MADAKi, n. Before daybreak.Shallow-brained,AsAMASHii,-/^7,-/^z

ASE ] OAsKRi,-ru,-ia, i. v. To fade, becomelighter in color, lose freshness.AsE-TORi, n. An undershirt worn toprotect the other garments from sweata h<strong>and</strong>kerchief.AsHi, n. The leg, foot. — no yubi^ thetoes. — vo tsiime, a toe-nail. — nokb, the instep or back of the foot. —no ura^ sole of the foot. Hi no — , therays of the sun shining through acloud. A 7ne no — , the appearance ofrain falling in the distance. Fiine no— , that part of a ship that is beneaththe surface of the water,AsHi, n. A rush, or flag.AsHi, Evil. Yoshi-ashi^ good <strong>and</strong> evil.AsHi-ABURi, n. A foot-stove.ASHi-ATO, «. Foot prints.AsHi-BA, n. A scaffold, the footing,place for the feet to rest on.AsHi-BAYA, n. Swift-footed.AsHi-BivoSHi, n. Beating time or drummingwith the feet. — tvo iorii, to beattime with the feet.AsHiDA, n. Wooden clogs. — no io,the horizontal piece. — fio ka, the twoupright pieces — no kanao^ the thong.AsHi-DAMARi, n. A foothold, point d'ap-P"i-AsHi-DOME, «. A stop in going or coming,a halt. — wo suru^ to stop.AsHiDORi, «. The gait or manner ofwalking.AsHi-DZURi, n. Dancing or rubbing thefeet together in anger.AsHi-GAKARi, n. A foothold, a place tostep or st<strong>and</strong> on.AsHi-G.\NE, n. Fetters, shackles.AsHiGARU, n. Foot soldiers.AsHiGASE, n. Stocks for confining thefeet of criminals.As'nn.-ki^-ku^-shi, a. Bad, wicked, evil.Akiku-iu^ to speak evil.AsHijiRO, «. A scaffold.AsHiKA, n. A seal.AsHi-KUBi, n. The ankle.AsHi-MATOi, n. A clog, impediment,hindrance in going.AsHiMOTO, n. Near the feet. — ni kiwo tsukeru^ look where you are going.AsHi-MOTSURE, «. A clog. Impedimentor hindrance in going.ASHi-NAKA, «. S<strong>and</strong>als which cover onlyhalf the sole of the foot.AsHi-NAMi, n. The line, or order of thefeet, as in troops marching.AsHi-NAYE, n. Crippled in the legs, orfeet.AsHi-OTO, «. The sound made by thefeet in walking ; sound of footsteps.ASHiRAi,-a«,-a//a, t. v. To treat, to be-ATAhave, or act towards ; to amuse, to entertain; to set off, decorate. Ta-ninwo kiybdai no yo ni — , to treat astranger like a brother. Kiyaku wo— , to entertain a guest.AsHiRAi, n. Treatment, entertainmentdecoration.AsHiSAMA-Ni, adv. In a bad manner.— z'?

ATAhead to government, poll-tax, or moneypaid for entering a theatre.Atara, a. Anything which one regretsto lose, to be regretted ;highly-prized,precious, valued.Atarashii,-/^/,-/^^, a. New, fresh, notstale. Atarashiku naru, to becomeIAtari, n. Vicinity, neighborhood ;nearin place, or in time ;about ; treatment,conduct.reliance was placed, has failed. — gaATARi^-ru^-tta, i. v. To hit, strike chigai, to fail of one object. — ate niagainst ; to touch ; to reach, attain to ;naranu, not to be depended on. — gato turn out, or come to pass ; to succeed,as by chance ;nai, have no one to look to, or dependto happen, hit on.upon, fall upon by chance ; to agree Atedo, n. Object, aim, clew. — nashiwith, conform to. Yoropa wa Ajia no ni yuku, to go without any particularnishi ni aiaru, Europe lies on the west object.of Asia. Hito tio ki ni — , to offend a Atedzu, n. Opportunity, favorable orperson. Atsusa ni — , to be sunstruck, fortunate time. — ga hadzureta, haveor, overcome by the heat, Tabonono missed the opportunity.za atatta, made sick by something he ArKG.\i,-au,-atta, t. v. To apply, place ;nas eaten. Shibai ga atatta, the theatrehas turned out a success. Hi no give, grant. Hitori inaye ni-ju dzutsuassign a portion or share ; to h<strong>and</strong>, toataru tokoro ni oku^ lay it in a sunny IVO — , to give twenty to each man.place. A no hito ni kuji ga atatta^ the Ategai, n. The portion, or share allotted;lot has fallen upon him.allowance, allotment. Ategaibtcchi,Atari-hadzure, n. Hit <strong>and</strong> miss, success<strong>and</strong> ATEHAME,-r?

ATO ] 2 AWAbaiboshi ga — wo hiku^ a meteor leavesa train behind it. — ivo tateru^ toraise up the ruins of a family. — luotsukeru^ to make a mark. — ye yoru,to move back. Hiio no — nitatsUy tost<strong>and</strong> behind another. — no tsuki^ lastmonth. — ni ha?iashiia koto, thatwhich was said before. Gozen no — decha ivo nom7i, to drink tea after dinner.— kara yuku, to go after, or afterwards.Sa7i nen ato, three years ago.Ato-dachi, n. The person st<strong>and</strong>ing orwalking behind another.Ato-getsu, n. Last month.Ato-givome, n. The ceremony of purifyinga house after a death in the fam-ily-Ato-hara, «, After-pains, (met.) afterclap.Ato-kata, n, Mark, trace. Tori ivatonde — via nashi\ when a bird hasflown it leaves no trace.Ato-mawari, 71. Going round or turningbackwards, (as a wheel) ; to get behind-;h<strong>and</strong>. — wo suru, to turn backwards,to go round about.Ato-.me, a.tate. —A successor, or heir to an es-wo tsugu, to succeed to theplace, or estate.Ato-saki, n. That which is before <strong>and</strong>behind ; the past, <strong>and</strong> the future ; antecedent,<strong>and</strong> consequence.Atoshiki, n. A successor, an heir.Ato-shizari, n. Going or moving backwards;shrinking back.Ato-tori, n. An heir, successor.Ato-tsugi, n. One who connects with,<strong>and</strong> continues the familj'-name <strong>and</strong> estate,an heir, or successor.Atsu. Hot ;thick, (used only in compounds.)Atsu-gami, n. A kind of thick, coarsepaper.Atsu-gi, n. Thick, <strong>and</strong> warm clothing.ATSUi,-^/,-^«,->r^/, a. Hot. Yu ga — , thewater is hot. Atsuku naru, to becomehot.ATsm,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Thick from sideto side, not thin great, liberal. Kawaga — , the skin, bark, or rind is thick.A tsui hobi, a liberal reward. Pan woatsuku kiru.Aisv^Ai,-au,-atta, t. v. To manage, negotiate,to transact a matter betweentwo parties, to mediate.Atsukai, n. Mediation, intervention, negotiation,management.Atsckai-nin, n. A mediator, negotia-LKAMASHII, - ki, -ku, i Impudent,impertinent, shameless, bold, audacious.Atsukawa-dzura, «. Thick-skinned face,brazen-faced, impudent.Atsuke, «. Cholera morbus.ATSU.MARi,-r«,-^^a, z. v. To be assembled,congregated, collected together.Atsumari, «. An assembly, congregation,collection.ATSVMK,-ru,-(a, t. v. To assemble, congregate,to collect, convene, to gather.Hana ^uo — , to gather flowers.Atsurave,-^^,-/^, /. V. To order anythingto be made, or purchased. Tsukuyewo daiku ni —, to order a deskof the carpenter.Atsurave, 71. An order for the makingor buying of anything. — wo ukeru,to receive an order.Atsusa, 71. The degree of heat, temperature.— 7ti 7nake7-u., to be overcomeby the heat.Atsusa, n. Thickness. Kono ita no —wa go bu, this board is half an inchthick.Atta, pret. ofAz, <strong>and</strong> of A ri.Attara, cont. of Atte araba, if thereif you have. Vu ga — 7>iottekoi, ifthere is any hot water, bring it.Atte, pp. of A I, <strong>and</strong> A ri. A tte *7to nakute7H0 kamai-maseHy whether I haveor not it makes no diflference.AwA, n. Millet.AwA, «. Froth, foam, bubbles. woyukii, to froth at the mouth. — gatatsti, it bubbles, it foams.AwABi, n. The Haliotis tuberculata, or" sea-ear."Awa-gara, «. The shells, or bran ofmillet.AwAKi,-y^7^,-j-^z, a. Having a delicateflavor, or nice taste, tasteless as water.Awa-mochi, n. Bread made of rice <strong>and</strong>millet.Aware, «. Pity, compassion, tenderness.— ni OTnO, to feel compassion.AwARE,-rM,-i'a, pass, or pot. of ai. Canmeet. Dbshitara awareru da-rb ka.A\VAREMiy-7nu^-nda, t. v. To pity, compassionate,to show mercy. Ware woawaremi tamaye., have mercy uponme.Awaremi, n. Pity, compassion, mercy.AwARE-NA, a. Exciting pity or compassion,pitiful, miserable.Av.'ASE,-ru,-ta, t. -v. To join together,to unite ; to mix together, to compounaas medicine ; to make do, make suit, oranswer the purpose. Ka7nisori wo —to hone a razor. Kokoro wo , toagree together. Chikara wo — , tois,

AWA 13AZAunite strength, or to do altogether.Choshi wo — , to tune, to make to agreeor harmonize.AwASE, n. A garment of double thickness,or lined.AwASEDO, n. A hone, whetstone.AwASE-GUSURi, n. A medicine compoundedof several ingredients.AwASAME, n. A joint, or seam wheretwo things are united.A\VATADASHii,-/&z,--^M, a. Agitated, excited,flurried.A\vATB,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be excited, agitated,flurried, alarmed.AwAYAKA, a. Delicate or mild in tasteor flavor.Aya, n. Silk damask.Aya, n. Cat's-cradle, a puzzle madewith a string looped over the fingers.— "WO torn, to play cat's cradle.Aya, n. A figure, or design of any kindwrought in cloth for ornament. — wonastc^ to ornament with figures.AYABUMi,-;«/i!,-«^

BAAzAYAKA-NA, a. Clear, bright, glossy,new or fresh in color ;pure,AzAVAKA-Ni, adv. Clearly, distinctly,plainly.AzE, «; The mound, or dyke that separatesrice-fields.14 BAKAzE, n. The reed of a loom throughwhich the warp is passed.AzE-iTO, «. The strings of a reed usedin weaving.AzE-NUNO, n. Frilled grass-cloth.Ba, n. A place, arena, room. Ba wotoru^ to occupy a place, take up room.Yoki-ba^ a good place. Kassetn-ba^ aof fieldBa, n.battle.A numeral used in countingbundles, fowls, or birds. Maki samba^ three bundles of wood.Ba-ai, n. Place ; circumstance, case,condition.Badzu, n. A horse's hoof; or the hornypart of the hoof used for making imitationtortoise-shell ware.Ba-fun, n. Horse dung.Ba-GInu, n. A horse-blanket.Ba-gu, n. Articles necessary in using ahorse, harness.Bagu-va, «. A harness-maker ; a saddler.Bahan, «. Smuggling. Bahan siiru, tosmuggle. Bahan w/«, a smuggler. Bahan-7no7to^smuggled goods.BAHARE,-r«,-/rt, i. V. To be public, beforethe world, open. Baharete suru^to do publicly.BahifO, n. Croup.Bai, n. A gag, put in the mouth to preventspeaking. — -wo fukumaseru^ toBa-i «. A horse doctor.Bai. Double, twice as much. Bai nisum, to double. Bai ni naru^ to bedoubled. Niso-bai^ twice as much.San-so-bai^ three times as much.B.\i-Ai,-o,-a//«, i. V. To snatch fi-omone-another.Bai-bai, n. Buying <strong>and</strong> selling, trade,traffic, commerce. Bai-bai suru, toBa-ba, n. A place for practicing horsemanshiptrade.Bai-boku, «. Fortune-telling, soothsaying.or training horses ;arena,Bai boku suru, to tell fortunes.ground, field.Baiboku sensei, a fortune-teller.Baba, n. Gr<strong>and</strong>mother. Obaba san, Bai-doku, n. Syphilis.{o baa san^ a polite name in speaking Bai-ken-j6, n. A written contract, articleto an old woman.of agreement, a deed of sale.Bachi, n. A drumstick, the stick used Bai-mashi. Doubled in quantity.in playing the guitar, or striking a gong, B.MSHAKU, n. A go-between, middleman,a match-maker.a plectrum. — ivo toru^ to use thedrumstick.Baita, n. A common prostitute who offersBachi, n. Punishment inflicted by heaven.herself in the streets, a street-Bachi ga ataru^ to be smitten of walker ; also a hired woman, a servantGod.of the lowest grade.Bachi-men, «. The place on a guitar Bai-toku, n. Profit from trading. Baitokusuru, to make money by selling.where it is played.Ba-darai, n. A horse-bason, or bason Bai-tori-Gachi, n. Scrambling for any-used in washing horses.thing, to get all one can.Bai-vaku, (uri-gusuri^ A nostrum,quack, or patent medicine ;medicineskept for sale by a merchant. Baiyakti7Hise, a shop where quack medicinesare sold.Baka, n. A fool, dunce, blockhead ;akind of clam ;foolishness, nonsense.— ni suru, to hoax, make fun of, befool.Baka-bakashii,-/^/,-^?^, a. Like a fool,stupidly, foolish.Baka-bakashi, n. The music of a drum,fife, <strong>and</strong> cymbals performed on a dashiat a festival ; an orchestra.BAKAGE,-r«,-z'rt, i. V. To be foolish,silly, nonsensical.BAKARASHii,-/^z,-/t«, a. Foolish, like adunce.Bakari, adv. Only ; about, in number,quantity, degree or time. Hitori bakari.,only one person.

BAKBAKASARE,-r«,-/«, pass, of Bakasu. Tobe bewitched, deluded, fascinated,hoaxed, made a fool of.To Bakashi,-^?/,-/'^, t. V. cheat, delude,to bewitch, befool, hoax.BAKE,-r«,-^rt, /. V. To be transformed,metamorphosed, changed into another rounds, or to give the alarm in fires.form, used generally of the fox, or cat. Ban-gov.\, n. A watch-box.Neko baba ni bakeru.E.YN-jAKU, n. A large rock, a bowlder.Bake, ti. Transformation, deception, Ban-nin, {mamoru hito). A guard,fraud, imposition.watchman, a policeman, keeper.Bake-.mono, n. An apparition, spectre, Ban-sagari, n. Going off duty, leavingor something into which a fox or tadgerhas transformed itself in order to Ban-seki, n. A slate.one's watch.bewitch people.Bakenjo, (tuna wo tniru tokoro^ n.The st<strong>and</strong> from which to look athorses running.Bakkin, n. Fine, mulct, penalty inmoney.Bakkun, Pre-eminent, transcendent, surpassingothers.Baku, n. A tapir.Bakuchi, n. Gambling. Bakucht wouisit., to gamble.Bakuchi-uchi, «. A gambler.Bakuchi-yado, n. A gambling house.Baklro, «. .a horse-jockey, dealer inhorses.Bakutai, a. The greatest quantity,very great, excessive. Bakutai ni^i5BASBane, «. The spring of a wagon.Ban-gashira, n. A captain, or chief ofa guard, or watch.Ban-gawari, n. Change of watch.Ban-gi, n. Two blocks of wood strucktogether by watchmen in going theirBan-sho. n. A guard house, watchhouse, police station.Bantaro, n. An inferior street watch-Banto, n. The chief clerk in a mercantilehouse, a commercial agent, factor.Ban-ya, n, A watch house.Bappai, «. The punishment inflicted onthe losing party in a game, by makinghim drink a large quantity of sake.Bara, n.small iron cash.Bara, n. A rose bush. Bara no hana^a rose.Bara-bara, adz>. In a scattered manner ;in a dispersed, separated way. Also,the sound of the falling of things scattered,as the pattering of rain, of hail,adv. extremely.etc. Atne ga — to /urn, there is aBaku-yeki, n. Gambling. — wo suru, slight sprinkle of rain.to gamble,Bara-maki, n. Sowing broadcast,Bambi, n. The day on which one is on Bara-sen, n. Loose money not strungduty, watch, or guard.together.Ban, n. A block, checker-table.Barari-to, adv. Same as Barabara.Ban, n. Evening, night. Kon-bdn^ this Barari-to kirzi, to cut in two. Barari-tooku, to place separately.evening. Asa ban, morning <strong>and</strong> evening.Saku — , last night. Miyo — BARASHi,-j?

BASl6BETBashaku, n. An office where horses <strong>and</strong> stipation of bowels. Shb-betnpei., retentionlivery stable.of urine.coolies areBa-sho, n.hired, aA place.Ben, n. The petals of a flower, divisionsBasho, n. The banana, or plantain.of an orange or melon.Bashofu, «. A kind of cloth made of Ben. Fluent in talking, eloquent.the bark of the plantain.Benchara, n. Witty, or clever at talking,so as to dupe others. — no it hito.BASSARE,-r«,-z'a, pass, of Batsu^ to bepunished by heaven.Bendoku, n. A bubo.Bassari-to, adv. The noise made by Beni, 71. Rouge. The saffron plant.anything soft in falling, as a mat, book, Beni no hana.^ the saffron flower.TheBenisashi-yiibi.etc.ring-finger. Beni-Bassatsu, n. The accusation, or paperDyed in red.zojne.on which the crime of a person to be BENji,-rM, or dzuru.-ta., t. v. To discriminate,executed is written.distinguish, to explain, toBasseki, n. The lowest seat.expound ; to do, transact.Basshi, n. (siiye no ko.) The youngest Bex-ketsu, n. Bloody discharge fromchild.the bowels.BASSHi,-f«ra,-/a, t. V. To punish. Ben-kivo, (tsutome.) Industrious, diligent,active. — stiru, to be industrious.Basson, 71. The latest descendant.Bata-bata, adv. The sound of the flappingBex-ri. Convenient, commodious,of the wings of a bird, of the feet adapted to use. Fu-benri., inconve-Tunning, or the sound of flat things nient.striking, or falling in rapid succession. Bento, n. A smallBatei, «. A horse s hoof.boiled rice.box for carryingBatsu, n. The addenda or writing at the Ben-zetsu, n. Fluent <strong>and</strong> clever at talking,end of a book.eloquent.Batsu, n. Punishment inflicted by heaven.Beppin, n. Anything especially fine inBatsu-GIN, n. A fine or penaltj- inqualitj'.Beppuku, n. A different mother, but themoney, damages, forfeit paid in money.Berabo, n. A fool, an idler.same father, step-children.Batta, n. A grasshopper.Besoic^ku, n. The appearance of theBattari-to, adv. The same as Batabata.Batto. Sudden opening out, or burstinginto view. Hi iva batto tnoye-the suddenly burst out.tatsji,Bebe, n.fireA child's clothes, (children'slanguage.) Bebe wo kiskeru., to dressa child.Beki,-/^«,-j/jz'. An auxiliary verb, havingthe sense of, would, should, shall,will. Itasubeki koto, s-thmgih^t shouldbe done. Bekaradzu, neg. Must not,should not,Bekkaku, n. A different rule ; an exception,not included in the rule, excluded,face when about to cry.Besshi, (betsu no kaini^ n. Anotherpaper, a different or separate sheet ofpaper, an enclosure, an accompanyingdocument.Besshin, (betsu no kokoro.) Another,different or divided mind ; alienationof heart. Besshin nakic, with an undividedmind, without reserve.Besshite, adv. Especially, particularly.Beta-beta, adv. Sticky, gluey, adhesive,glutinous, viscid.Beta-ichi-men, n. All over without intervals,completely, entireh'.excepted.BETATSUKi,--*z/,-/rt, To be sticky,t. V.Bekke, {wakdre no iye,) n. A separate adhesive, glutinous, to stick.house or family, branch house, separatingfrom <strong>and</strong> goingBeto-beto, adv. Sticky, adhesive, glu-the family, to tinous.house-keeping for one's self, as a youngerson.tion, diff'erence. — no, another, differ-Betsu, (koka.) n. Separation, distinc-Bekko, n. Tortoise-shell.ent, separate. — «?', separately.Bem-ben, adv. Dilatory, procrastinating, Betsu-betsu-ni, adv. Separately, apart,tardy, slow.Bem-betsu. To discriminate, to distinguish.asunder.Betsu-dan. a different case, differentaffair, another matter diff'erent fromBem-patsu, n. The Chinese cue.Bempei, n. Obstruction of either fecal;distinct ; special, exceptional,— ni, particularly,others, separate,particular. or urinary discharge. Dai-bempeiy con- specially.

BET17 BOGBetsu-ji, (fioka no koto). Something chapped, cracked, split. — to "wareru,else, another or different thing.Betsu-j6. Different, special, unusual, BiRiTSL'KU,-/4-«,-zVrt, /. V. To smart,exceptional.prick, gripe ; to be tangled as a thread.Bettaku, {hoka no iye.) A separate or Biro, (oka). Indecent, indelicate, somethingof which one is ashamed to speak.different house. — suru, to live in ahouse separate from the principal family.Birodo, n. Velvet.— nagara^ excuse the indelicacy.Bettari-to, adv. Sticking fast to, appliedclose against. — tusku, to stick BiTA, n. An iron cash.Bi-sai, adv. Minutely, particularly.fast to.Biwa, n. A lute with four strings. —Betto, n. A hostler, groom.^vo hiku.Bi, {utsuksuhii. Beautiful, elegant, BiWA, n. The loquat.fine, nice, good, delicious, pleasant, excellent.BiWA-HoSHi, n. A strolling player on theBiwABON, n. P<strong>and</strong>ean pipes, a sj^rinx.Bi, {chiisaki.) Small, little in size.BiBiRi,-r?

BOH l8 BUBo-HAN, n. A forged seal, forgery. — BoN-zoKU. The common herd, the laity.surtiy to forge a seal.Bora, n. The name of a fish.BoKi-BOKi-TO, adv. The sound of crackingthe fingers, or breaking a radish. for his master, blackmail.charged by a servant on purchases madeYubi wo — oru., to crack the fingers. Bo-SATo, 71. Loaf-sugar.Boko, «. (med.) The bladder.BosATSU, n. A class of Buddhas who areBoKoN, n. A ghost, the spirit of one not yet perfected by entrance into Nirdead.BoKU, n. A servant ; also in speaking BosHi, n. A cap or bonnet worn by oldhumbly of one's self, your servant, I. men or priests, also a white cap made ofraw cotton, worn bj' the bride at herwedding, <strong>and</strong> by the women at funerals,BoKL', \ki). Wood, wooden. — seki^wood <strong>and</strong> stone. — ^6, a woodenBoKU-Ri, igeta)^ n. A kind of woodenclogs used in wet weather.BoKt -SHA, {uranai-ja)^ n. A fortuneteller.BoKLSHi,-j7

BU 19Bu, n. Military. — wo _ arasd^ to disputeBu-d6, (« lichi^ 71. Militaryabout military affairs.Bu, w. A part, fraction, the tenth of an Bu-GAKU, n. Pantomime, or dancing <strong>and</strong>inch, a minute, the fourth part of a music.r/jv^, one per cent, in interest. Ichi — Bu-GEi, n. The military arts, or accomplishmentsof a soldier.one part. Satu — zchi, one-third. Hiyakii— ichi. one hundredth part. Issungo — , one inch <strong>and</strong> a half. Sdnji a rich man.Bu-GEN. Rich, wealthy. Bu-gen-sha^go bUy five minutes past three.Bu-GIN, «. Percentage, or profit fromBu. A classifier for a class, set, or exchange or trade.kind ;head or subdivision, section. Bu-GiYo, n. A superintendent, a governor,chief. — sko, superintendent'sBu. A syllable of negation. No, not,is not only used in composition.office.;Bu-Ai, (risoku,), n. Interest on money, Bu-GU, n. Military arms <strong>and</strong> accoutrements.profit.Bu-AISATSU. Answering rudely, or illhumoredly.BuGU-GURA. n. An arsenal.Bu-i, {kaivarti koto fiashi.) WithoutBu-Ais6, n. Ill-treatment, .uncivil, uncourteous.anything strange, or unusual ;withoutaccident safely.Bu-ASHiRAi-NA, «. Rude, uncourteous, or;Bu-iKi-NA, a. Clownish, vulgar, coarse,uncivil in treatment of others.ungenteel, unrefined.Bu-iKU, {sodateru.) To bring up, toBu-BARi.-T-^^.-^/a, 2. V. To display, orshow •ff one's military accomplishments.Bu-Bi, n. Military preparations.Bu-BIKI, n. Small reduction in price.Bu-BUN, n. A part, a portion.BucHi, n. Piebald. — ?

BU 2DBUSBu-MA. Awkward, acting out of time Bun-seki, ?

BUSBusso, n. Commotion, tumult or disturbance;dangerous.Bu-sO, n. The area or solid contents ofanything.BuTA, 71. A hog, pig. — no nikUypork.BuT.\-BUTA-TO, adv. Fat, corpulent.Bu-TAi, w. The stage of a theatre.BuTARE,-r«^,-^a, pass, or pot. of Buchi.To be struck, hit, or beaten.BuTCHODZURA, n. A face like a Buddhistidol, a morose, surly countenance.BuTSU, (JiotokeSy n. The supreme beingof the Buddhists, Buddha, or Shaka.Butsu-bachi^ punishment inflicted byBuddha. Biitsii-dan., the altar onwhich the family idol is placed. Bu~tsudo. Buddhism. Butsu-gti^ «.,the furniture used in the worshipof Buddha. Butsu-ji^ worship,or religious ceremonies performedfor the dead. Butsu-ji^ a Buddhist21 CHAtemple. Butsu-ma, the room in whichthe idol is kept, <strong>and</strong> where religiousservices are performed ;a chapel-room.Butsii-ye^ clothes worn by Buddhistpriests. Butsu-ye, pictures of Buddha.Butsu-zo^ image or idol of Buddha.BuTSU, (i}tofto). 71. A thing. Bainbutsu^all things. Ichi — , one thing.BuTSU-BL'TSU-TO, rto??'. The noise of waterboiling, bursting of bubbles, grum-Bu-w.\KE, n. Divided into classes, arrangedin classes. — njo suru.^ to classify.Bu-YAKU, «. Public service rendered bythe lower classes to government.Bu-VENRiYO. Without diffidence, withoutbackwardness, or restraint ; forward,bold, pert, impudent.Bu-v6-jiN'. Careless, heedless, negligent,unmindful, improvident.Bb'vu, or BuTO, n. A gnat.oCha, n. Tea- — ivo senjiru^ to boil koshi., a tea-strainer. Cha-meshi., riceboiled in tea. Cha-ynise^ a tea-house.tea. Cha-bakoy a tea-chest. Chtibun,a waiter in a restaurant, or teahouse.Cha-no-/u^ a tea price currrent. Cha-Cha-hatake^ a tea plantation. 7ioko., cake, sweetmeats, or an>[thingCha-bento^ a portable chest with drawerseaten with tea. Cha-Tw-ma^ a dining-<strong>and</strong> furnace for preparing tea when room, tea room. Cha-7io-yu, a tea-on a journey. Cka-bin., a tea-pot. party. Cha-shaku., a tea-spoon, orCha-bishaku, a tea-ladle. Cha-bdkt\ a ladle. Cha-seki^ a tea-party. Chasen.,feather brush, used in sweeping up teaa tea-stirrer. C/ia-s/it\ a tea grow-when grinding it in a mill. Cha-bon., a C/taskzbu, the deposit from tea oner.Cha-bukuro., a small hempenan old tea cup. Cha-shitsiCy a teatea-tray.bag, used for holding the tea in boil-room, or room for making tea. Cha-ing it. Cha-dai^ a wooden st<strong>and</strong> for a tei, a small building separate from thehouse for tea parties. Cha-to, offeringstea-cup. Cha-dans2i, a cupboard forkeeping tea <strong>and</strong> tea-utensils. Cha-dashi^of tea made to idols. Cha-tsubo^ a teaa teapot for pouring out tea. Cha-Cha-tsiimi., a person who gathersjar.dogtt, vessels <strong>and</strong> utensils used in makingtea leaves from the tree. Cha-usu^ atea. Cha-dzuke^ a food made by tea-mill, for pulverizing tea. Cka-zuaUymixing boiled rice in tea. Cha-gara^ a tea-cup. Cha-yeti^ a tea garden, ortea grounds. Cha-gama^ a pot for plantation. Cka-zotne,, dyed of a teafruit, orboiling tea. Cha-gniuashiysweetmeats eaten with tea.color.Chabo, 71. A bantam fowl.ToC/ia-hoj;\a vessel for heating tea leaves before CHAKASHi,-j7/,-i'«, t. V. hoax, to befool,drawing. Cha-ire, a. tea caddy. C/tazVz,to trick, to impose on.Chaku. Arrival, coming ; wearing, ora pan for firing tea. C/ta-iro, tea color. Cha-jin^ a master in the art of putting on clothes. Chaku-gati., comingpreparing powdered tea; an eccentricto shore, l<strong>and</strong>ing. Chaku-sen,person. Cka-kasu., tea grounds. Chaki^arrival of a ship. Ckaku-tsu., arrival inutensils for preparing powdered tea. port. Chaku-yb^ putting on clothes.Cha-kin^ a tea-towel, or napkin. Cha-Chaku-za^ taking a seat.

tCHA 2noble.a page. Z'^/? —, heaven <strong>and</strong> earth. Chi-han-ji, n. The chief magistrate orChi, n. Blood. — ivo toru, to take superintendent of a ha7i or clan.blood, to bleed. Chi-baskiri, to Chi-hatsu, {ka7ni wo soru^ w. Tonsure,shaving the head, entering thebleed, to run with blood. Chi-darake.,smeared with blood. Chi-burui., the priesthood.shivering of lying-in women, the cold Chiisai,-,^/,-^/^/, a. Small, little, minute;stage of milk-fever. — ga deru, it trifling, of small importance. Chiisakubleeds.narti^ to become small. — sum., toChi, n. Wise, shrewd, clever ; knowledge,intellect. — no naki hito^ a stu-Chi-ji, 71, The chief magistrate or gov-make small.pid person. Mu — , ignorant.ernor of a .^^w or ^rt«.Chi-banare, «. Weaning. — wo suru^ CHijiK.\MARi,-r«,-/^rt, z. V. To shrink,to wean.to contract, to shrug up.Chibi-chibi, adv. Little by little, a littleat a time, in small quantities, in tract, diminish in size, shrug up, to beCHijiMARi,-r?

CHI23 CHIChika-gatsuye, Hungry, craving food. Chiku-shi, n. A very thin kind of paperChika-goko, adv. Lately, recently ;made of bamboo.very, very much, exceedingly.Chiku-sho, n. A beast, brute, amimal.Chikai,-.^z,-/^?. A glimpse, a shortChikudari, igeketszi,) n. A bloody flux. transient view or sound.Chikufujin, n. A flea trap, made of Chirashi,-j«,-^«, /. V. To scatter, to disperse.split bamboo.Chiku-ichi, adv. Minutely, particularly, Chiratsuki,-/!-^,-//^, /. V. To flicker, toeach <strong>and</strong> every one.twinkle, to be dazzled, flutter.

CHI 24 CHOChi-ri, n. Geography.CmRi-rit,-tia, z. z'. To be scattered, tobe dispersed, dissipated.Chiri, n. Dirt, rubbish, litter, dust.Chiri-chiri, ad7'. Scattered, dispersed.i. CHiBiBAMi,-;«?

CHO 25 CHOc<strong>and</strong>les,poles, hoes, oars.Cho, n. The numeral for guns, ink,Teppo it — ,Cho-hei,Ch6-h6.n. Paper-money.Convenient, useiul, serviceable.onegun, one piece of cannon. Sutiii san Choito, adv. For a moment, instant,— , three sticks of ink,little while.Cho, n. Morning. — seki, morning <strong>and</strong> Ch6-ja, «. A rich man, one in good circumstances.— tomi ni akadzu.evening. Miyo^ — to-morrow morning.Saku — yesterday morning.Choji, n. Cloves.,Cho, n. A butterfly.CHO]i,-ru,-ta, t. V. To grow long orlarge, grow up, to increase, to excel,become great, surpass, to be more <strong>and</strong>more addicted to.Choji. — sum, to forbid, prohibit, in-Cho, «. Numeral for sedan chairs. Kagosan, — three sedan chains.Cho, The even number. — han, even<strong>and</strong> odd numbers.Cho, {nngai.) Long, chief, principal,eminent, superior. — suru, to grow,increase. Chd-biyo, a long sickness.Cho-ju, long life, Chd-dan, a long talk.Cho-kiu, eternal. Cho-liatsu, long hair,unshaved. Cho-tan, long or short.Cho-jitsu^ a long day. Ckd-nan, oldestson. Cho-ya^ a long night.Cv.b,(kikti). Hearing. — jz/r?/, to hear.— do., the auditory canal. — shitikei,auditory nerve.Ch6-ai, n. Balancing or comparing account-books,ease.to audit accounts.Choko-choko, rt

^CHO 26DAIChoppori, adv. A little, small in quantityCho-Sen, n. Corea. Chosem-bi., a kindof grain something like millet.or size.Cho-ken,exercises.71. Drill,— suru.,parade,to parade,militarytoCho-shi, n. A metalwarming sake.kettle used formarch.Cho-shi, n. Tone of voice, or of an instrument; tune ; spirits. Cho-shiChori, n. An executioner.Chori, n. A horse doctor.hadzureru., to be out of tune.Ch6-r6. — auru, to make sport of, to Cho-teki, n. An enemy of Japan, awoquiz, to make a fool of, to treat with traitor to one's country.irony ; to mock, ridicule, jeer.Cho-tsugai, «. A hinge, joint.Ch6-sai-b6, n. A fool, dunce.Chotto, adv. A little while, a moment.r>Da, coll. contracted from De aru^ it is.A^«w-^d!, what is it ? Are wa dare-da^who is that ? Sayo da., it is so. Soreda kara -watakushi iya da^ so then Idon't want it.Da. Inferior in quality, mean, low, common.— mono^ an article of inferiorquality.Da, n. Numeral for horse-load, about225 catties, or 300 pounds. Nimotsustool.Dai, {yo), n. Age, dynasty, reign, generation.Ban-dai, all generations, always,eternal. Dai-dat, every generation.Dai, (shiro')., n. Money given in exchangefor anything ; cost, price ; vicarious,substitute.Dai, n. A theme, text, subject, topic.Dai. The ordinal prefix. — t'cAz, thefirst. Daz'-fiz'-ban, the second.Dai, (pkii). Large, great, big ; used incompound words. — «a«, great calamity.— riki^ great strength. — sho^big <strong>and</strong> little.Dai-ba, n. A fort. — wo oidzuku^ toconstruct a fort. Odaiba, id.Dai-ben, n. Faeces, excrement. — surtt,to go to stool.ichi da.Dai-ben-koshi, n. Charge d' Affaires.Dabi. Burning the bodies of the dead, Dai-bun, adv. Very much, to a largecremation. Dabi-sho^ the place where degree, for the most part.dead bodies are burned.Dai-cho, n.Dachi. A suffix derived from Tatsu, Dai-dai, n.The large intestines.A bitter orange.tomanst<strong>and</strong> up. lchi-7iin-dachi., one Dai-d6, {dj'i), n. Highway, main-road.alone, or single file. Hitoridachi^— 7/iise, selling goods in the streetalone.spread out upon the ground.Da-chin, n. Fare for transportation on Daidokoro, n. A kitchen.horses or coolies.Dai-dzu, n. A large white bean. SojaDa-ch6, n. The ostrich.hispida.Da-da, n. Fretful, petulant, cross. DadaDai-fuku-cho, n. A merchant's account1V0 ill, to fret <strong>and</strong> whine.book in which the sales are entered,DADAKE,-r«,-/a, i. v. To fret, to be day-book.cross, ill-tempered.Dai-gaklt, n. The great learning—oneDadakko, n. A cross, fretful child, crosspatch.of the four books of Confucius.Dai-gi, m. The stump, or stem on whichDai, n. A st<strong>and</strong>, base or frame work for a graft is fixed,supporting something else, a pedestal. Dai-go, n. The name, or title of a book.Chadai^ a cup-st<strong>and</strong>. Shoku-dai., a Dai-go. The ranks of an army.Dai-guwax, (0 ?iegai). n. Earnest pray-c<strong>and</strong>le-stick. Teppo-dai^ a gun-carriage,gun-stock. Futpii-dai., a foot-er, petition, great desire.Dai-hachi-guruma, n. A car, or drayfor hauling goods.Dai-han-ji, 71. The chief judge.Dai-hitsu, n. A secretary, amanuensis.Dai-ji. Important, of consequence ;careful.Dai-jiri, n. The breech or butt of agun.Dai-j6-bu, a. Strong, firm, solid ;well

DAI27 DANfortified, able to resist, hale, robust,sound in body ; fixed, settled ; safe, secure.Dai-ju-n6, n. A kind of shovel fixed ona st<strong>and</strong>, used for carrying fire.Dai-ka, n. Price, cost, value.Dai-kagura, n. A kind of dancing inthe street, by a person wearing a masklike a lion's head ; ball playing.Dai-kai, n. The ocean.Dai-kin, «. Price, value, money paid inexchange for goods.Dai-kokl-bashira, n. The large pillarin the centre of a house.Dai-kon, n. A kind of large radishRaphanus sativus.Daiku, n. A carpenter. Funa-daiku^a ship-builder.Dai-kuwan, n.A lieutenant, or deputyofficer ; an agent.Dai-mei-shi, n. A pronoun.Dai-mivo, n. The name of a feudal ormilitary chief during the time of theshoguns, whose incomes was over 10,000koku of rice.Dai-moku, n. The name, or title of abook ; also, the title of the prayer ofthe Nichi-ren sect of Buddhists.Dai-motsu, n. The article or moneygiven in exchange for goods, cost, price.sareru, to be cheated. Dainashi-ko~i>in, to take in, cheat, over-reach, victimize.Dain'ashi, adv. Spoiled, dirty.Damashi-toru., to take byDai-6, n. Rhubarb.cheating.Dai-on-j6, n. A loud voice.Da.mbukuro, 71. Trowsers, pantaloons.Dairi, n. The palace of the Mikado. Dame, adv. Vain, useless.Dai-riv6, n. Money given in exchange D.-vme, n. Omission, anything overlooked.for goods ;price, cost.Damma, n. A pack-horse.Dai-san-ji, n. The highest official ofa Ha7i next below the chihanji. Dam-metsu. To cut off <strong>and</strong> destroy,Dai-su, n. A st<strong>and</strong> with furnace on it exterminate.used in making tea.Dam-pan, n. A conference, consultation,Dai-tan, {kitiio no /utoi^ a. Great deliberation.courage, courageous ; audacious, bold, Dam-p6, n. The parishioners of a temple.impudent.Dai-za, n. The base or pedestal of a Dan, n. A step, a raised platform ;grade,tombstone, or image.rank, step ; a section ol a book ; an actDai-zai, {oinarii tsu7ni^ n. Great crime.— «/;;, a great offender.Da-jaku, a. Infirm, or weak in body,invalid.Da-j6-kuwan, n. The highest departmentor supreme council of state.Dake, n. Much, quantity. Kore — , somuch. Dore — , how much? Ari —all there are.DAKi^-ku^-ita, t. V. To hold in the arms,to embrace, to hug. Daki-au, to embraceor hug each other. Daki-kakayerti^to embrace, to hold in the arms.Daki-komu, to carry into^ to gain overto one's party or interest, to makefriends of, to subsidize. Daki-okosic,to lift up in the arms, as one who is lyingdown. Daki-shimeru., to hug tightly.Dakt-totncru, to throw the arms aroundanother <strong>and</strong> hinder him. Daki-tsuku,to cling to with the arms, to hug upto.Dakiu, n. A game of ball played onhorse-back. — sajt\ a pole armed witha net, with which the ball is caught.Dakko, n. Prolapsus ani.Dako, «. A spittoon, spit-box.Daku. — suru^ to assent, consent, toanswer, or respond to a call.Daku-boku, adv.Full of ups <strong>and</strong> downs,or hills <strong>and</strong> hollows, uneven.D.\KU-ON, (tiigori koye^) ?i. The impuresounds of some of the <strong>Japanese</strong> syllables; as, ba., bi\ die, da.,ji^ dzu., etc.Damakashi,-^?^,-/^, t. V. To hoax, humbug,to take in, cheat. Datnakasareru,to be taken in, or hoaxed.DA.\iARi,-r«,-a//a, /. v. To be silent,still, not to speak.DAM.A.RI, n. Silence, without speaking.— f!0 viaku^ a theatrical scene wherethe actors are silent, pantomime.DAMASHi,-j«,-/'a, t. V. To cheat, hoax,take in, deceive, circumvent. Dama-or play in a theatre ;thing or affair ;subject. Btitsu-dan^ an altar.Dan-bira, n. A broad sword.Dan-dan, ^i/z/.. In ranks; step by step ;gradually, by degrees ; great, many,various.DaxV-dara, n. Striped crosswise, markedor cut across in sections.Dan-gi, n. Preaching, a sermon by aBuddhist priest of the Monto sect.Dango, n. A dumpling, or bread cookedby boiling.Dan-goku. — stiru., to condemn to imprisonment.Dani, n.Dani, n.A dog-tick.Goods carried by a pack-horse.

DAN 28Dani, ad7>. Even, only.DANTi,-rM,-^rt, z. z'. 1 o speak, talk, say.Dak-Jiki, n. Religious fasting.Danjiri, n. An ornamented car at festivals.Dan-ke, n. The parishioners, or familiesthat support a Buddhist temple.Dan-ki, «. Warm weather, the heat,warmth.Dan-k6, (Jianashi-ai^ n. Consultation,conference. — suru^ to confer together.Dan-kotsu, n. Fracture of a bone.Danna, n. The parishioners of a temple ;master.Da-no, conj. Used in enumerating severalitems, = <strong>and</strong>, also.Dan-rin, «. A Buddhist monastery.Dan-wa, n. Conversation, talking, speaking.Dan-yaku, «. Ammunition, powder <strong>and</strong>balls.D.AN-zAi, ikiru-tsumi^) n. Capital punishment.Dan-zetsu. — suru^ to cut off, destroy,exterminate ; interrupt.Dara-dara, adv. In a slow, sluggishmanner.DARAKE,-r«,-^a, z. V. To be languid,dull, sluggish, drooping, indisposed toDashi, n. A sauce or flavoring forsoup.Dashi, «.ted car drawn atjfestivals.Dashi, n. Pretext, pretence, excuse. —ni suru, to do on pretence.Dashi,-^?^,-^^, t. V. To put out, takeout, drive out, bring out, lead out, tocause to go out.Dashi-ai, n. Paying out together, investingin shares.Dashi-ire, 71. Expenditures <strong>and</strong> receipts ;the taking out <strong>and</strong> putting in.Dashi-nuke-ni, adv. Suddenly, by surprise,abruptly, at unawares.t. DASHi-NUKi,-/^?

29 DENDe-ueso, n. Projecting navel, umbilical Deki-bugen, ti. Riches acquired suddenly.hernia.De-bitai, n. Projecting eye-brows. Deki-gokoro, 71. Sudden notion or fancy,JiK-CHiGAi^-au^-atta t. v. To miss bysudden desire.going out ;^to be out when another Deki-goto, 71. Any thing that happenscalls.De-dana, 71. A shop in another place, aunexpectedly ; an accident.Deki-.mono, «. A sore, an ulcer. ga —n. snail.Deki-shi, 7t.Degire, n. Scraps of cloth left after cutting,Deki-sokonai,-«z

. TeachDEN 30 DOCverbal message, transmitted fromperson to another.Den-ji, «. Rice-field, farm, plantation.Den-ju, {tsutaye sadzuku^ n.-ing, instruction, or precept. — surUyto instruct, teach.Den-ka, n. A farm-house.Den-ki, {tsutaye shirusu,) n. Records,history, chronicle.Den-ki, n. Electricity.Den-kuwa, n. Lightning.Den-rai, (tsiitaye-kitaru). Transmitted,h<strong>and</strong>ed down, inherited.Den-sen, Infectious, contagious, catching,as disease. — biyo^ an infectiousdisease. — surii^ to be infectious.Den-Setsu, (tsutaye-banashi)^ ?t. Astory, saying, or report transmittedfrom one to another.Den-shin-ki, «. The telegraph.Den-so, «. Rice tax paid by farmers.Den-tatsu, — surti^ to deliver a messageit or transmit from one to another.Dero, (a vulgar coll. imp. of Deru^ Getout, go out.De-sakari, n. The time of being out ingreatest numbers, the height of aneruption.DESHABARi,-r« ,-/'/'«, i. V. To rudely interruptothers while talking, to obtrude,or interfere in speaking.Deshi, n. A pupil, scholar, disciple,learner, apprentice. — domo^ pupils.Deshi-iri, {niu-mon,) n. Enteringschool as a pupil, becoming a disciple.Deso, n. The appearance of going out,look like going out. Kaze ga desb-natenki.De-soroi,-^,-(?^«, i. V. To come out fully,every one to appear.DESUGi,-r?/,-/'.-z, i. V. To interrupt, tomeddle, interfere ; to intrude. — mono^a meddler, intruder.'D-E-T\CHi,-tsu,-tta, z\ V. To start out,to start off, to set out.Det.'VRame, n. Speaking at r<strong>and</strong>om, sayinganything that comes first, withoutreflection, off-h<strong>and</strong>.DETCHi,-r«,-/«, i. V. To knead, (asdough.)Det-chi, n. A shop boy.De-vojo, n. Leaving home on accountof health. — suru^ to go abroad forhealth.Deyo, The coll. fut. oi Deru. — to omoteitara kiyaku ga kita^ a guest camejust as he was thinking of going out.Devu, n. Hot springs.Do, n. A degree in geometry, or divisionof a thermometer; right or justmeasure, time. — ivo sttgiru, to exceedthe proper degree. Ichi-do^ once.Ni-do^ twice. San-do, thrice. Maidooften. Iku-do, how often? Do do,frequently. — luo uskinaUy to losepresence of mind.Do, sum. To save. Shujd ivo — suru,to save all creatures.Do, n. The trunk, the body, that partof a coat of mail which covers thetrunk. — no ma, middle part of a shipbetween the fore <strong>and</strong> mizzen masts.Do, {michi), n. A road, way ; virtue,reason, doctrine, principle, truth.Do, {akagaite,) n. Copper.Do, {onaj'i). Alike, the same, together.jitsii, same day. — 7ten, same year.— getsu, same month. — c/io, samestreet. — butsii, same thing, alike. —kiyo, living together.— hai, same socialposition, equals. — miyo , of thesame surname. — ff^yo, travelling together.— han, of the same clan. —on, the same sound, one voice. — i,of the same mind. — shtcku, lodgingtogether. — kaku, of the same rank,— to, same class. — yaku, of the sameoffice. — yd, m the same way, alike.— zei, a retinue, company.Do, adv. How, in what manner, forwhat reason, by what cause, in whatstate, why, what. — shita, how was itdone ? how was it ? — shitara yokaro.,how had I better do ? — demo yoi,any how will do. — iu wake, for whatreason. — iu hito^ whdT' kind of aman.Do, n. A small conical basket used forcatching eels.Do-BA, n. A worn-out useless horse. —ni otoru.Do-BACHI, n. A copper bowl.D0-BA.SHI, «. A bridge, the floor of whichis made of earth.DoBi, n. The white rose.Do-BiN, M. An earthen tea-pot.DoBU, n. A ditch, trench, drain.DoBU-DOBU, adz>. The sound made by aliquid flowing from a bottle, or of asmall thing falling into water.DoBUROKU, n. An inferior kind of sake,in which the grounds have not beenstrained off.Do-BURUi, «. Shivering, trembling.DoBUTSU, «. A fat <strong>and</strong> silly person.Do-BUTSU, {ugokti mono), n. Thingsthat have <strong>and</strong> motion.DoCHi, n.lifeA child, a young person underten years of age.DocHiRA,/r^. What place, where, which.

DoDOiTSU, n. A kind of popular song.Do-GAKU, n. Moral philosophy.Do-GAME, n. A snapping-turtle.Do-GANE, n. The metal b<strong>and</strong> around asword-scabbard.DoGi, n. A corset, or short jacket worninside of the other clothes.Do-GU, n. Tools, implements, utensils,furniture, arms, weapons.Do-GUSURI, n. Gunpowder.Do-GUSURi-iRE, n. A powder-flask.Do-GU-VA, «. A shop where second-h<strong>and</strong>furniture is sold.Do-HAN, n. Copper-plate for printing,engraved on copper-plate.Do-HiYo, n. Bags filled with earth.Do-HiYo-BA, n. The arena or ring madewith earth-bags where wrestlers perform.Do-iN.Doji, n.Shampooing.A stupid affair.Do-ji, n. A little boy. (med.) the pupilof the eye.Do-jiN, «. Aborigines.Do-jo, n. A lamprey (?)Do-KA, adv. of beseeching, wishing, ordoubt. — o tanomi-moshi-masu, pleasehelp me.DoKK, ^ -ru^-ta t. v. To jest, to act thebuffoon, to talk for the diversion ofothers. — tnono^ a jester, buffoon,clown.'DoK.K^-ru^-ta, t. v. To put out of theway, move to one side. Doke^ get outof the way.DoKE, n. A buffoon, jester, clown.DoKi,-/^«-/a, /. V. To get out of theway, to move aside.DoKi, n. Palpitation of heart.DoKi, «. Earthenware.DoKi, 71. Anger.DoKi-DOKi, adv. Beating of the heart,palpitation.DoKKESHi, n. An antidote to poison.DoKKi, «. Poisonous air or gas.DoKKiYO, {hitori orii). Living alone.DoKKo, {hitori yuku). — sttru., to travelalone, go alone.DOC 31 DOM— ye ittaka shire nai, I don't know DoKKOVE-DOKKOYE, «. A lottery-wheelwheie he has gone. — ga yoi\ vi\i\ch used by persons who sell c<strong>and</strong>y in theis> the best ? — demn yoroshiiy either streets.will do. — mo yoroshiiy they are both DoKO, n. A copper boiler.good.DoKO, adv. Where. — no hito da,Do-CHiu-Ki, n. A road-book, guidebook.are you going ? Uchi iva — da, wherewhere is he from ? — ye yuku, whereDoDAi, n. The foundation sill of a do you live ?devto yoi, any placehouse, the foundation.will do. Hi wa — dotio ataru, the sunDo-DAN, A word used to save repetition, shines everywhere. — to mo nashi niditto. Migi — , same as before.yuku, to go, not knowing where.Do-Do, — suru^ to travel together, to go DoKU, n. Poison. — ni ataru, to betogether.poisoned. — 71a, poisonous, hurtful.Doku-ja, a venomous snake. Dokugiyo,poisonous fish. Doku - 77iushi,poisonous insect. Doku-shu, poisonousliquor. Doku-yaku, poisonous mediicine.Doku-ya, poisoned arrow. —i77ii, avoiding hurtful food. — ;«z, tastingor proving whether a thing is poisonous.— satsu^ to kill by poisoning.— gai, id.DoKf.tary.Alone, by one's self, single, soli-— ^rt/^?/, studying by one's self,self-taught. — gin, singing alone. —raku, enjoj'ing anything alone. — shin,single, unmarried. — za, sitting alone.DoKUDAMi, «. The Houttuynia cordata.DOKU-DATE, n. Abstaining from hurtfulfood, regulating the diet. — luo sum,to diet.DoKU-DOKUSHii, a.Poisonous, hurtful.g from a bottle, gurgling.DoKU-Riu, {hitori dachi.) St<strong>and</strong>ing alone,independent, free from the control ofanother.DoKURO, {ata7na bone). A skull.Do-MA, 71. The small unfloored court atthe entrance of <strong>Japanese</strong> houses ; thepit in a theatre.Do-MAKi, 71. A long wallet for carryingmoney tied around the body.DoMBURi, 71. A porcelain bowl.Do.M-BUTSU, n. A blockhead, a dunce.Do-Mix, 71. A farmer belonging to anyparticularDo.MO.district.A plural ending, used in speakingof inferiors, or of many, where thespeaker is one. Watakushi-domo, we.Onna-do7/io, the women. Musu7Jiedo77io,girls. the O/naye-domo,you.DoMO. Subjunctive suffix to verbs,though, although, but. Miredoiito iniyedziikike-domo kikoyedzu, looking,but not seeing ;listening, but not hearing.DoMO, adv. or interj. expressing admiration,difficulty, doubt, qu<strong>and</strong>ary. — shi-

'DOM 32 DOWyd ga nai^ there is no help for it, (do asI may).DoMORi,-r«,-/«, /, V. To stutter, tostammer.DoMORi, n. Stutterer, stammerer.Don, {nibui). Dull, blunt, stupid. Donto, d dull knife. Don-na hito, a stupidperson. — sai, stupid, doltish,f Don, (contracted from Bono). A commontitle of address to servants, or inferiors,as Kill don^ Mr. Kiu.Do-NABE, n. An earthen pot.Do-NAN, n. A little boy.DoNARi,-r?

Do-WASURE, n. Suddenly forgetting, notable to recall what one knows well.DovA-DOYA, adv. The sound of the feetof many persons walking.Do-Yo, l^ugoku^) n. Motion, agitation,excitement. — sur-u^ to move, shake,to be agitated, disturbed.Do-YOKU-NA, a. Greedy, covetous, avaricious.To make DoYOMEKi,-/?-«t,-zVa. a loudnoise, to reverberate, the confusedsound of a multitude of men, birds, oranimals ;the sound of a torrent of water.Do-ZEN, {maye ni onaji).fore, ditto, alike.Do-z6, n.store-house.Same as be-A mud fire-proof building, adaring, audacious.DzLi, n. A sign, omen. — gen^ a goodomen. — tmi^ a lucky dream. — so^a lucky sign.Dzui, n. Marrow, pith of wood.Dzui, ;«. The pistils of a flower.Dzui-BUN, adv. Tolerably, as good asthe circumstances will admit of, prettywell, as much as possible.33 DZUDzui-HiTSU, {/ude-dzusame).^ n. Miscellaneouswritings, common-placebook.Dzui-i, (^kokoro makase). At one's pleasure,according to one's mind, or convenience.— ni nasare, do as you like.Dzui-iCHi. The best, the first.Dzui-Ki, n. The stem of the Taro, usedas food.Dzui-SHiN, n. A follower, a disciple.Dzui-TO, adv. Directly, in a directstraight manner, without minding ceremony.DzuKi-DZUKi, — iiamu, to throb withpain.Dzu-KiN, n. A bonnet, a cap worn incold weather.DzuKKARi, or DzuppARi, adv. Apart,Do-zo, ad7>. of entreating, beseeching, separate. — to kiru., to cut in two.or supplicating, = please, I pray you, DzuKU, n. Cast iron.I pray that, hope that. — kaskite DzuKU, (from tsuku., to spend, consume),kudasare^ please lend me.used only as an auxiliary word, = byDo-ZOKU, «. Pries't <strong>and</strong> people, clergy force or by means of. Kane-dzuku de<strong>and</strong> laity.chiug-i wo sum, to be loyal only becauseof gain by it.Dzu, n. The head.Dzu, «. A drawing, picture, sketch, a Dzu-KUNI, n. Same country. —plan ; a favorable opportunity. —no hitoivo da.kiku., to draw a plan. — ni norjt., to DzuMi, «. A kind of yellow dyestuflF.take advantage of a favorable opportunity,very. — yoi., verj' good.DzuN-DO, adv. Particularly, especially,DzuBAKE,-r^

__ji!j:I!ty, house.Fu-BAKO, n. A lacquered box used for edicts are posted.carrying letters.FuDA-s.^SHi, n. A licensed merchant whoFu-BATSU, {ugokattai). Unalterable, un-of govern-:hanges the rice ration;changeable.ment officials for money.Fu-BEN. Inconvenient, incommodious, FuDE, «. A pencil, pen. Fude-arai.,unsuitable.cup for washing pens in. Fude-bakOyFl-ben. Not eloquent, slow of speech, a box for keeping pens Fude-dzunotgood at talking. kai, penmanship or or writing.wayFu-BiN, {satoTiaradzu). Not clever, not Fude-kakc, a pen rest. Fude-tname,possessing much ability.expert or skilful in using the pen.Fude-nose, a pen rack. Fude-shiyFc-BiN, «. Compassion, pity.FuBiNGARi,-:;'z

_Fu-GA. Elegant, in good taste, genteel,refined.FuGAiNAi. A useless, unprofitable per-FC-GAN, n. Catarrhal ophthalmia.; Fl-gi. Impropriety, immorality adultery,disloyalty.Fu-Gi, n. Customs, manners.Fu-Givo-Gi, n. Improper, immoral ordisorderly conduct.Fu-Giv6-j6, n. -Wickedness, ab<strong>and</strong>oned,profligate or dissolute conduct.Fu-Givo-SEKi, n. Wickedness or immoralconduct.Ff-Go. Matching, corresponding like thetwo parts of a seal.FuGO, «. A basket.Fu-GU, (pvioi-gakenu). Unexpected, unthoughtof.Fu-GC, {sonawaradzn). Maimed, deformed,crippled.35 FUKFt: -JO, (sadainaradzu ) . Uncertain, notfi.xed.Fu-j6. Unclean, filthy, dirty, foul, defiled.Fu-jo. Help, aid, assistance. — suruyto help.Fr-juN, (shitagauiadzu ) . Unfavorable,bad, contrary, adverse.Fu-KA, n. A shark.Fu-KA, (shikaradzu) . Not right, shouldnot be.FuKAi,-/^/,-/^;^,-^,^/, a. Deep, profound.Fiikai ka asai ka, is it deep or shallow? Fukaku. — suru, to deepen,— naru^ to be deep. Vo ga fukakuitatte, the night is far spent.Fu-KAKi', n. Loss, injury, defeat.Fu-KAKO-GO. Without forethought orpreparation, careless, heedless, improvident.Fu-KAN-NiN, «. Impatience, withoutself-restraint.FuKASE,-r«,-i'rt. To let or make blow,sweep, or roof. IVataktislii ni fuyeme blowFuGU, n. A kind of poisonous fish.Yv-H¥.i,{iairaka-naradzu). Displeasure,uneasiness, irritation, vexation, discon-I!.1V0 fukashite kudasare^ lettent.Fr-HEN-ji. To make no answer, to an- your flute.FuKASA, n. The depth.swerFr-Ho.roughly or uncourteously.Wicked, vicious, immoral, un- Fi KASHi,-j«,-^2, t. V. To cook by steaming.principled, not conforming to rule orFuK.\SHiGi, (otnoi-hakaru bekaradzu).j!!Fu-i, {oviorvadzn)^ adv. By chance, by Incomprehensible, inconceivable.FuKE, n. D<strong>and</strong>ruff, scurf on thesurprise, unexpected, accidental, offhead.one's guard.Fui-CHo. To proclaim, publish, promulgate,FL'KE,-r«,-^rt, i. V. To grow old, toadvertise, announce.grow late, to become stale.FuiGO, n. A bellows.Fi.KE,-;-i^,-^rt, /. V. To be placed on aFu-iN, n.seal, or stamp.roof, roofed, can roof.FO-JA, n. A cold.FuKE,-r«,-/a, i. V. To be mildewed,I'u-ji, {toki-naradzu'). Out of season, musty.out of the regular order of time, irregular,fortuitous, contingent, casual, incidental.Fu-KEI, (uyamaivanu).irreverent, impolite.Disrespectful,Fu-KEI, (kes/ttkz,j n. L<strong>and</strong>scape, scenery.Fuji, n. Wisteria chinensis.Fu-KEi-Ki, n. Dull, no business or trade,Fuji,-r«,-/a. To enclose or seal up aletter, to prohibit, forbid. Fuji-komeru,no bustle, still, quiet plain, coarse.FuKERi,-r«,-M, /. V.;To be addicted to,to enclose <strong>and</strong> seal up somethinginside of another.given up to, absorbed or immersedFrjiBAKAMA, n. The Valeriana villosa, in.valerian.FuKESo, n, A kind of strolling musician.Fr-jiN, {uasake no nai). Unkind, inhuman,without love or pit}'.FiKE-TA, n. Marshy, swampy l<strong>and</strong>.Fu-jiN, n. A woman.Fu-KETSU. Dirty, unclean, foul, impure.F(.-jiTSU, {titakoto no nni). False, untrue,insincere, hypocritical, unkind, inhumanagerii,FuKi,-;^«,-zVa, t. V. To blow. Fttki-to blow up, to cause to ascendFi-jiTSU, (hodo nakuj. In a short time, by blowing. Fuki-chtrasu ^ to scatterin a few days.by blowing. Fnkt-dasu, to blow out.Fu-ji-vu, or Fuju. Not as a person would Fuki-hanats7i. to blow apart, or separatelike, disagreeable, annoying, unpleasant,by blowing. Fiiki-haran, to blowuncomfortable, inconvenient, away, blow off. Fuki-kaker^c, to blowupon. Fuki-kayesu., to blow over, up-scarce.

.FUK 36 FUKFuKUBE, n. A calabash, gourd.Fi KU-BiKi, n. A kind of game in whichset by blowing ; to come to life, to beginto breathe again. Fiiki-kesu^ toblow out, extinguish by blowing. Fuki-kotnii^prizes are drawn ; a lottery.to blow into ;blown in by the FuKU-HEi, 71. An ambush.wind. Fuki-koioasu ^ to break by blowing,Fi KU-ju, (tsuki shitagau ) — suru^ tobroken by the wind- Fuki-ta-follow, adhere to, obey, as a teacher.FuKU-jr-so. The Adonis sibirica.FuKUME,-r?/,-^rt, t. 7'.' To put into themouth ; to feed with the mouth, as abird its j^oung.osie, to blow over anything st<strong>and</strong>ing.Fitki-toru^ to tear off b}' blowing, blownoff by the wind. Fuki-ibsiiy to blowthrough, as a tube. Fiiki-zvareru, torefine metals, to separate the dross.Fuki-yauiii^ to cease blowing./. FuKi,-/&«.-?Va, V. To roof, to coverwith a roof. Fuki-kayerit^ to re-roof,put on a new roof.7'. FuKi,-/&z/,-/Vrt, t. To wipe.FuKi, «. The Nardosmia japonica.FuKi-DE-MONO, n. An eruption on theskin.FuKi-DZUTSU, «. A blow-gun.Fu-KIGEN, «. Not in good spirits, out oftemper, bad humor, displeased.Fu-KiN, n. An organ.FiKiN, n. A towel, a napkin.FuKi-NAGASHi, K. A Streamer, a kind offlag.Fli-kitsu. Unlucky.FuKi-VA, «. An arrow blown out of ablow-gun. — no tsutsu, a blow-gun.Fi-Kivo, n. Displeasure, ill -humor,spleen.FuKKi, or Fu-Ki, ftomi tattoki). Rich<strong>and</strong> noble, rich, wealthy.P\-KKO, fmukaski ni tachi-modoru )Returning to ancient usages <strong>and</strong> cus-fice.FuKL'. Prosperity, luck, good fortune,wealth. — tio kami^ the god of wealth,or luck.Fuku, n. Clothing ; the numeral fordoses of medicine, smokes of tobacco.I7)tibuku or mo/tiku^ mourning clothes.I-/uku, clothes.Fuku. The numeral for pictures, maps.Kakemono ippuku^ one picture.FuKU.ME,-;'«,-^a, t. V. To dip into so asto take up or absorb a fluid, to wet.FuKU-MEN. Covering the face with aveil, a veil. — sJirUy to veil the face.FuKUMi-;««,-«dfrt t. V. To hold in themouth, to keep or hold in the mind, toentertain, to comprehend, to contain,to include, to absorb, as a sponge.FuKURAHAGi, «. The calf of the leg.FL'KURASHi,-.$-«,-^a, caust. of Fukurerii.To inflate, distend, to cause to swell.FL:KLRE,-r«,-2frt, i. V. To be inflated,distended, swollen, puffed up, to exp<strong>and</strong>,to be angry.FuKURiN, n. An ornamented border.— YvK.\j-^\\j^ (kara-tate). Anger. sunt^to be angr>'.Flkuro, n. A bag, sack, pouch. Kobukuro^2l small bag, the womb. O-fukuro,mother. Te-btikuro^ a glove.FuKURO, n. An owl.FuKURO-DO, n. A closet closed by apaper screen.FuKURU-.MACHi, n. A street closed atone end.FuKUSA, n. A silk cloth used for wrap-;Fu-k6. Unfilial, disobedient to parents. ping, or covering.Fu-k6, (shiraseru). A public notice, FuKUSHi,-.r«,-/«, i. V. To be hidden, concealed; to submit, yield, acquiesce in ;notification. — suru^ to publish, noti-fy-to cause to submit, subjugate, to bringFu-k6, n. Misfortune, calamity, illluck.into obedience, to convict to takemedicine.FtKosso, or FuKOTSU, n. Caries of the FuKU-SHi, n. Vice-ambassador.bones.FuKU-SHiN. Faithful, constant, obedient.Fu-KU, (soyeru). Assistant, adjutant, — fto kerai^ a faithful servant.Fuku-sho-gun^ adjutant-general. FuKU-SHo, «. Adjutant -general, thevice.FuKU, (hara). The belly, abdomen. second in rank to a general-in-chief.Do fuku no kiyodai^ children of the FuKU-SHU, (kataki wo utsii ) —. suru^same mother.to take vengeance on an enemy, to revenge.FiKU, (kayeru) . — suru^ to restore,return. Fukkuivan^ to resign an of-FuKUSUKE, n. A person of short stature<strong>and</strong> large head, a dwarf.FuKU-TSU. f/iara no itamij n. Colic,pain in the abdomen.Fu-KUWA. To be changed, altered incharacter, reformed.Fu-KUWAi, (kokoro yokaradzrt). Unwell,indisposed, sick, out of humor,displeased, to be on bad terms.FuKU-VAKU, ( kusuri wo nomu). Totake medicine.

FUKon, tread, or step on.FuMAYE,-r«,-/a, t. V. To treadstep on.FuMBARi,-rz^,-^^a, i. v. To spread outthe legs, to strut.FuMBATAKARi,-r?iu,-fida, t. V. To tread on, tostep on, walk on, trample on to estimateor guess at the price of a thing.;Fiinii-arasUy to destroy, spoil or laywaste by treading or walking over.Fiimi-kadakarn^ to straddle or st<strong>and</strong>with the legs stretched apart. Funiihadzusit^to make a misstep, to trip,stumble. Fic»ti-kaia7nern^ to hardenby treading or walking on. Fumi-komUyto step into. Fiimi-korosu, to killby treading or stamping on. Fu7nikoye7-ieyto walk across, tread over, stepacross. Fumi-kudaku^ to break bytreading on, to stamp to pieces. Fu77iifttayouyto w<strong>and</strong>er from the way. Ft

FUN 38FURFuNA-zoKO, n. A ship's bottom.FuN-DEi, «. A kind of gilt paint.« ni fiireru ^ to contract disease.— , to offend, to hurt the feelings.Ki ni0~FuNDo, or FuNDON, «. The weights of a fure.^ a government proclamation.weighing beam, or scales.Ft"RE,-r«,-z'

i. AFUR 39 FUSFuRi-URi, ft. A peddler, one who hawks FusAGi,-^«,-zflrrt, t. V. To shut, close ;goods about.to stop up, block up, obstruct ; to plugFuRi-WAKE-GAMi, «. Long hair hanging up, to dam up ; to be in low spirits,down the back.gloomj\ Ki ga fusaide orii.^ toFu-Riv6-KEN, n. False judgment, mistakenopinion.Fu-SAi, Without talent, no ability, stu-be gloomy.FuRi-zoRA, «. A cloudy sky that looks pidity.like rain.FusASAKURA, u. The verbena.FuRO, n. A bath-tub ; a box for drying FLSASE,-r?

FUS 40 FUWgreeable ; unwell, indisposed. Fushobushoni^ nolens volens.thoroughly.not able to do perfectly, completely orFu-sh6, {ntdzu.) Stupid, silly, ignorant, FuTO, adv. Suddenly', unexpectedly, byawkward, inexperienced, unworthy. chance, accidentally, casually.Fu-sh6-Chi, Not consenting, unwilling, FuTO, «. A Buddhist pagoda. Futo ski,not conscious of.a priest.Fu-SHOKU, «. Loss of appetite.Fu-TODOKI, a. Audacious, atrociou.s,FusoKA, n. Chinese hybiscus.daring, despising the restraints of law orFusoKU, {taranu.) Deficient, not decorum.enough, inadequate, wanting, discontent.— wo iu, to complain, find diameter, big, coarse ;FuTOi,--i/,-/4'?

FUY 41•wo /uyashite yaru., to increase thewages.FuYE,-rM,-^a, /. V. To increase, multiply,spread, augment in number or bulk ; toenlarge, swell.FuYE, n. A flute, whisfle.FUYE, n. The wind-pipe. — wo tatsu,to cut the throat.Fu-VEKI, a. Without change, unchanging,immutable. Ban-dai /uyeki^ neverchanging.Fu-YEKi, {^yeki mo nai^ a. Unprofitable,useless.Fu-VEN, a. No affinity, no connection,divorce.FuYETSU, n. A kind of axe.Fu-v6, a. Not wanted, not needed, of nouse, useless.Fu-y6-I. (kokoro tnochiidzu). Improvident,neglect of preparation, unprepared.GAKner, buoyantly, spongy. — tonde ku- Fu-y6-j6. a. Careless of one's health,injurious to health, hurtful.Fuvu, n. Winter. — mono^ winterFv\ASHi,-su,-id, t. V. To cause to increase,to augment, to add to. Kiukin clothes.FuYu-GOMORi, n. Kept in by the cold,confined by the winter.Fu-YUKI-TODOKI. Not reaching to, or doingall that is required ; doing imperfectly,remissly, or not thorough-ly-FuYU-MEKi,-/t«,-zVa, i. V. Wintry, havingthe appearance of winter.Fu2AKE,-rM,-/a, /. V. To sport, romp,frolic, play.FuzAKE,-r«,-^«, /. V. To swell <strong>and</strong> soften,as rice when boiled.Fu-ZEI, w. Manner, appearance, likeused also in speaking humbly of one'sself.Fu-ZETSU, n, A report, rumor.Fu-zoKU, n. Customs, manners, usages.Fu-zoKU. Belonging to, property of, pertainingto, part of.aGa, (i.) Sign of the genitive case, = of., Gake. Coll. affix. = while, when. Aayert-gake,while returning. Ki-gake,Watakuslu ga tame ni^ for my sake.(2.) designates the subject of an intransitiveverb ; as, Aine ga furu^ it rains. ing. =while coming.=Tdri-gake, while pass-quantity as, Sammai~(2.) ;gake, three times as much (in(3.) as a conjunctive particle, but.sheets),Itte mo yoi ga ika^tai ho ga yoroshii^ three-fold.you may go, but it would be better if Gaki, m, {uyetaru oni). A hungry spirityou did not. (4.) sometimes designates or devil.the subject of a transitive verb, same as Gakkari, adv. Tired, fatigued, exhausted;•wo. Hanashi ga kikitai^ I want tostartled, shocked.hear what is said.Gakki, n. A musical instrument.Gachi, (from kachi to prevail). An affix, Gakko, n. A school, academy.towhich Gakkuri, adv. Suddenly sinking downgiving the word it is joinedthe predominance in quantity or influenceor losing strength, like a person faintpart; as, kuromi-gachiy for the mostblack.Gaku, n. Music. Gaku-nin., a musician.Gacho, n. A tame goose.Saru - gaku, a musical exhibition orGa-gen, (tadashii kotoba). Correct, genteel,or classical language.Ga-i, {waga kokoro). One's own way,opera.G.\KU, n. Learning, literature,— ja/, literary talents.science.own will, own opinion, selfish ends. Gaku, n. Tablets with painted figuresGai, n. Injury, hurt, evil, damage. — or inscriptions on them, suspended insuruy to kill, murder. Gaishin^ a cruel houses for ornament, or in temples asdisposition.votive off"erings a picture, an ichibu.Gai-kotsu, n. The bones of dead persons;Gakudo, a small temple, in which vo-; skeleton.tive off'erings of pictures are hungGake, n. Precipice, a steep place. —; apicture gallery.michiy a road cut along a precipice. Gaku-mon, n. Learning, literature, sci-

GAKence. — suru^ to study, to read, to applyone's self to learning. — jo, aschool-house.Gaku-Sha, n. A scholar, learned man.Gama, n. A bull-frog.Gama, n. The bullrush or cat's-tail. —mushiro, a mat made of rushes.Ga-man, n. Fortitude, patience, endurance,self-denial. — suru, to bear patiently,endure.Gamashii. An affix similar to rashii, =like to, in the manner of. Kuro-gamashiki,troublesome. Jd-dan-ganiaskiku,waggish, mischievous.Gam-biyo, {vie no yamai^ n. Ophthalmia.42Gara. a suffix to nouns, = kind, qualityappearance, figure. Hito-gara ga yoi>a person of good appearance. Shimagara ga ivarui, stripes of that kind areugly.Gara-gara, adv. The sound of rattling,like the falling of tiles, or of a wagonrattling over stones.Gara-kuta. -r*ddgu, the various articlesof household furniture, spoken of thosethat are old <strong>and</strong> worn.Gar.\nch6, n. The cormorant.Ga-riu. Own peculiar style or manner,self-taught method or style.Gasatsu. Rough <strong>and</strong> coarse in manner,careless.Gam-butsu, {nise-mono,) n. Counterfeit, GAS-SHi,-i-«r«,-^a, t. V. (dwaseru). Tospurious.join together, to unite.Gami-gami, adv. — iu, to scold, grumble, Gassai-bukuro, «. A traveling-bag madefind fault.of cloth.Gam-moku, (fnanako^ n. The eye ;important.Gassho, (te 1V0 awaseru). Joined h<strong>and</strong>s,as in praying.Gam, «.wild goose.Gassh6-dachi-ni. In the manner of theGan, n. A covering of wood, in which two h<strong>and</strong>s placed together ; said also ofthe coffins of person of rank are placedto convey them to the grave.two things st<strong>and</strong>ing on end <strong>and</strong> leaningAgainst each other at the top,GANARi,-r;/,-i'^a, z. v. To cry out, vociferate,Gasso. Unshaven headed.talk in a loud voice.Gata-gata, adv. The sound of rattling,G<strong>and</strong>ochochin, n. A dark-lantern.slamming. —/urn, to rattle.Gan-gasa, n. An eruption on the legs, Gatapishi, adv. The sound of feet orwhich appears in the fall <strong>and</strong> disappears wooden clogs, a pattering, or rattlingin the spring.noise. — to aruku.Gan-gi, n. Zig-zag.Gaten, suru, to consent, to assent,Gangozei, 71. A spook, ghost, hobgoblin. allow ; to underst<strong>and</strong>, perceive. GatenGan-gu. Stupid, narrow-minded, <strong>and</strong> obstinate.ga ^iikadzu, cannot underst<strong>and</strong>, unintelligible,strange, suspicious. — senai,cannot endure, or bear.Gan-ka, (;«« no shitd). Beneath or belowthe eye.Gatera. a suffix to verbs, same as nagara,= while, at the same time that.Gan-ko, {kataku nd). Bigoted, stupid,headstrong, narrow-minded, stubborn. Hanami gatera, while looking at theGan-kubi, n. The bowl of a tobaccopipe.Yuki-gatera, while going.flowers.Gatsu-gatsu, adv. Hungry <strong>and</strong> vora-Gan-kutsu, (iwa ya^ n. A cave in the cious, ravenous.rocks.Gavendzuru, i. V. To consent, assent,Gan-riki, n. Strength of eye, sharpness be willing. — ya inaya, are you willingor not ?of sight.Gan-shoku, (kao no iro^ n. The complexion,Gazami, n. A kind of sea crab.or color of the face, the coun-Gazen, adv. Suddenly.tenance.Ge. a syllable suffixed to adjectives <strong>and</strong>Gan-s6-zai, n. A gargle, or mouth wash. other words, = looks like, manner, appearanceGan-zeki, n. Rocks.; as, Ureshi-ge na kao, a joy-Gan-zen, {7ne no maye). Before the eyes, ful countenance. Satfiu-ge, looked asnow, the present time.if cold, or a cold appearance. Oshi-geWithout judgment, mo naku, not appearing to regret, orGanzenai,-,^z,-j/zz', a.without underst<strong>and</strong>ing, ignorant.grudge.Ge, {shimo, shitd). Below, beneath,i. v. To be convincedGaori,-ru,-(^a,<strong>and</strong> acknowledge one's self in the down, inferior, under ;low, mean, base ;wrong, to yield assent to argument, to to descend. — hai, the lower classes,be crestfallen, humbled.inferiors. — gen, the last quarter ofGappi, ifsuki hi,) n. Month <strong>and</strong> day ;the moon. — ba, to dismount from adate.horse. — Jo, to alight from a norimon.

GEN 43 GIM—j'un, the last decade of a month, —j'o^a servant girl. — «««, a man servant.— «?«, a person of low caste. — raku,to fall in price. — rd, a low, vulgarfellow. — san^ to descend a mountain,— shoku^ mean employment. — za^ alower seat. — hin^ inferior in quality.Gebi, -;-?/,-/a, i. v. To be low, vulgar,mean, base.Ge-bu, w. a class of officers whose dutyit is to torture criminals in order todoes not drink spirits.Ge-kuvva, n. Surgery. — isha., a surgeon.— dogu, surgical instruments.Gem-buku. The ceremony of shavingTo be seen, to appear, to be visible,manifested.GENji,-r2

GIM 44 GOGi-MON, (uttagatte to). Being in doubtabout anything to inquire about it,GiM-PAKU, n. Silver plated.Gin, (shirokane)., n. Silver. Gin-sekai,ground covered with snow. Gin-dei^ akind of silver paint. — shu^ a capitalist,one who advances the money. —JM, silver coin. — zrt, a mint. — 2a/-ku, silver ware.GiN-DZURU, (ittau), t. V. To sing.GiN-GA, n. The milky way.GiN-NAN, n. A small white nut, the fruitof the Ichd tree.Gi-NEN, {utagau omoi)^ n. Doubt, suspicion.GiRi, n. Right, just, that which is pro-oil.Givo, n. Business, occupation, livelihood.Givo. An epithet applied to the Mikado,Imperial. — i. Emperor's clothes.— ken^ Emperor's swords. — sura.,to govern, rule, manage to drivehorses, to act as a charioteer. Kuruvia111 notte uma -mo giyo suru, —ska, a driver, coachman.GiYo, n. Religious austerities or discipline.The numeral for rov/s. Go —the five elements. Giyo-i, the whiteclothes worn by pilgrims.GiYo-Do, n. The motion or progressionof a heavenly body in its orbit, the orbit.per, just or reasonable; meaning, signification.Givo-Gi, n. Actions, conduct, behavior,Givo-DZUi, n. Bathing with warm water.GiRi-DATE, n. Doing justly, or -acting deportment, manners, order.kindly to others.Giv6-Giv6SHii,-.4'/', kii^ a. Shrieking as inGiRi-GiRi, n. The crown of the head ;sudden fright or anger ; noisy, clamorous.the very lowest price.Giro-giro, adv. Bright, shining, glittering.austerities, goes on a pilgrimage orGivo-jAj n. One who practices religiousGi-RON, n. Debate, discussion, reasoning,argument.mit.performs any religious work, a her-GiRqTSLKi,-/^M-zVa, i, V. To be bright, Givo-ji, n. An umpire, or judge, as ofshining, glittering.wrestlers.Gi-SHiKi, n. Etiquette, forms of ceremony.Givo-jo-SHO, n. A biography, memoir.Givo-jo, n. Actions, conduct.Gi-SHiN, {utagau kokoro)., n. Doubt, Givo-KETSU, — suru, to congeal, coagulate.suspicion.GiTCHo, «.left-h<strong>and</strong>ed person. GivoKKo, «. /A lapidary, one who cutsGiTCHo, n. A toy-shaped like a wooden <strong>and</strong> polishes stones.mallet.Givo-KO, — sum, to coagulate.Giu, {us/iz), n. An ox, cow. niku, Givo-retsu, n. Procession, ranks, parade.beef. — ^a, cow <strong>and</strong> horse. — raku., — sztru, to parade, march.butter.GivoRiU, «. The Tamarix Chinensis.Giu-Hi. A kind of confectionary.Givo-SA, «. Conduct, actions.Giu-To, (uye-bdso)^ n. Vaccine disease. Givo-SAN. Very many, amazingly great.— wo uyeru^ to vaccinate.GiYo-SEi, w. Condition, state, aspect ofGi-WAKU, (utagai), n. Doubt, suspicion, affairs.unbelief.Givo-SEKI, n. Conduct, actions, doings.GiVAKU, (okori), n. Intermittent fever.a tumor, or hard swelling. — suru, toGiYo-TAi, n. Congelation, solidification ;GivAKU. Contrary, adverse, opposite, harden, congeal.rebellious, traitorous. — ni nagareru, Givo-TEi, n. Business, occupation.to flow backwards. — suru^ to oppose, GiYo-TEN. Amazement. — suru, to beto be adverse. — Giyaku-fu., a contrarywind. Giyakit-i. treason, treach-GiYOTTO, adz'. In an astonished, sur-amazed, astonished, surprised.erj'. Giyaku-jo^ congestion or rush prised manner.of blood to the head, dizziness, Gi-ZETSU, «. Breaking off friendly relationsor intimacy.vertigo. Giyaku-skin^ a treacherousor disloyal servant. Giyaku-zan, Go. A term of respect or politeness usedan unnatural labor. Giyaku-zoku, in addressing a superior ;= honorable,a traitor, rebel.excellent ; but frequently only equivalent,in <strong>English</strong>, to you, your. Go-yo,GiVAMAN, n. Glass.Givo, (?

yGO 45 GOKiva go mottomo de go-zarimasu^ whatyou say, Sir, is quite true.Go, «. Beans mashed into paste formaking tofu^ also by dyers to limitcolors. Mame no —Go {itsiitsu), 7t. Five, yu-go^ fifteen.Go-ju, fifty. Go bic^ five pa:rts, half aninch. Gobii-ichi, one-fifth. Go-nin^five persons. Go-tabi^ five times. GoguwatsH, the fifth month. Go ka getsu,five months. — ^rt«, the live senses.Go, «. The game of checkers. Goishi^the round pieces used in playing.Go, n. The set time, appointed time,fixed time. Hi wo — suru^ to set aday. Toki wo — suru^ to appoint anhour.Go («a shirttskt). — suru^ to call, name,designate.Go (tsuyoi). Strong, powerful, stout,brave, intrepid. — teki^ a powerfulenemy. — skokti, a great eater, glutton.—j/zM, a great drinker.Go. n. A measure of time of long durationused by the Buddhists a kalpa.Go {kori), ft.;A county or subdivision ofa province.Go {ko(oba)., n. A saying, sentence, adagelanguage.;Go {nochi). After in time, behind. Sannen go^ after three years.fore <strong>and</strong> behind. — dan.,Zen go^ be-last act, lastcourse. — nichi^ a future day. — sai\a second wife. — j^, the world to come,futureGo, H.state.A box for measuring grain, orliquids, 4.62-100 inches square, <strong>and</strong>2.50-100 inches deep, containing 53.475-1000 cub. inches.Go, «. Anger, resentment, wrath. — ganiiru^ or, — ga wakti^ to boil withanger.Go, n. Business, employment, the deeds,actions, or conduct of man in this lifeor in a previous state. Aku — , evildeeds. Zen — good deeds. Shiku —,deeds done in a previous state of existence.Hi-go, guiltless, having doneneither good nor evil. — biyo, sickness,supposed to be a punishment of deedsdone in a previous state.GoBAi-SHi i/uski), n. Gall-nuts.Go-BAN, «. A checker-board. — no ma.^the squares on a checker-board.Go-BATSU, n. A hair's breadth. — mor.higai ga nai.Go-Bo, n. The dock (vegetable').Go-BUKU. — sum, to bring into subjection,to make submit. Akuma wo —to exorcise evil spirits.Go-CHiso, n. A feast, entertainment.GoDZUME, n. A body of troops kept inreserve in case of need ; a reserve.Go-Dzu-ME-Dzu, n. Demons, havingheads like the ox <strong>and</strong> horse, said toexecute the office of gaolers in Hades.Go-FU, «. A charm, or small piece ofpaper on which a sentence from theBuddhist sacred books is written by apriest.Go-FUKU, «, Dry goods.Go-FL'KU-YA, n. A drj'-goods store, amercer.GoFUKu-ZASHi, n. A measure of two <strong>and</strong>a half feet long used by mercers' ; ayard-stick.Go-fun, «. Half a niomfne, -= 29.165grs. Troy.GoFUN, n. Chalk.Go-geR, n. A future meeting, meetingagain.GoGi, a. A coll. superlative, applied toanything great or extraordinary. — na/tiio, a great man. — ni kane ivo mdketa,have made lots of money.Go-go, adv.— to nam.The sound of snoring.Go-HAN (o-tneshi), n. Boiled rice, ameal. Asa-gokan., breakfast. Hirugohaft,dinner. Y'li-gjhan, supper.G6HAR.\. Angry, incensed, enraged.Go-HATTO, n. An imperial law or prohibition.Go-HEi, n. The cut paper hung inMiya's to represent the Kami.GoHEi-KATSUGi. Superstitious, observantof lucky or unlucky signs.Go-in, n. Rape. — suru., to ravish.Go-jiN, n. The rear ranks of an army.Go-jo, n. Obstinate, headstrong, selfwill.— wo haru.Go-jo-MOKU, n. An imperial edict orproclamation.Go-ju, a. Fifty. — ichi, fifty-one.Go-KAi, n. The five Buddhist comm<strong>and</strong>ments.Go-KAKU, n. Even, undecided (as a battle),a drawn game.GoKE, n. A widow.Go-KETSU, 71. A person pre-eminent forability ; a hero, genius.Go-Ki, n. Stout-hearted, bravery, courage,boldness.Go-Ki, n. A wooden bowl.Go-Ko, n. The five watches, extendingfrom 6 P.M. to 4 a.m.Go-KOKU {nochi-hodo). By <strong>and</strong> by, in afew minutes.Go-KOKU, 71. The five cereals, wheat,rice, millet, beans, <strong>and</strong> sorghum.GoKir, adv. Superlative degree, extremely,eminently. — hin, superior

:Go-SEI,1Go-SH.'V,jGo-SHi! Go-SHiN-zo,j! as!GoROTA,I:tering1 GoROTSUKi,n.GOK 46 GOZin quality, superfine. — /«?, the very«. Cobble stones.best.n. An idle vagabond, orGoKU-Do, n. A dissolute, profligate person.GoROTSUKi,-;^M,-zVrt, /. V. To lead anbully.GoKU-i, n. The important or essential idle, vagabond life, loafing ; to make aprinciple, chief point, gist, pith.rumbling noise.GoKL-MoN, u. The scaffold on which Go-s.^N-N.\RE, inter. Come on, in banthehead of a criminal is exposed.an opponent.GoKL-RAKU, ». The place of highest Go-SEi, «. A fixed star.happiness ; Paradise of the Buddhists.adv. Mighty, great, important,— sekai^ Paradise.very. — atsui, mighty or very hot.GoKu-soTSL', n. A gaoler.n. Imperial pardon, amnesty.GoKU-TSUBUSHi, ft. A drone, idler.(ato-kotobd) A.,post-position.GOKU-YA, n. A gaol, prison.n. Your honor's wife.GoMA, n. The Sesamum Orientalis. Go-so {tnuri-ni utto), n. A forcible com-Goina zvo suru^ to speak well or evil of plaint or petition made to government,others from some selfish motive.by a mob, or not in the regular order.GoMA, n. A Buddhist rite of saying Gosui (Jiiru-ne)., n. Sleeping in the daytime.prayers while fire is burning in » brazier.GoTA-GOTA, adv. Confused, mixed, jumbledtogether, mingled. — skite iru.GoMAKASHi,-i-«,-^a, /. V. To hoodwink,blind, to cover up a fault, turn oflF by adevice.GoM.\-NO-HAi, n. A thief who deludes<strong>and</strong> steals from travelers.GoMA-suRi, n. One who, from personalmotives, speaks well or evil of others tohis superiors ; a sycophant, tale-bearer.Go-men {o yum ski'). Your honor's permission;excused, exempted, pardonedby a superior. — kudasare, excuseme, pardon me.GoMi, n. Dirt, dust, litter. Gomi-tori,a dust pan.GoMi, n. The Eleagnus.Go.MOKU, n. Litter, dirt, rubbish. — ba,a dirt heap.Go.MOKU-MESHi, V. A kind of food madeby mixing several kinds of vegetableswith rice.Go-MON, n.Examination by torture.GoN. A title, = assistant. Gon dai-nagon.Gon {kotobd)., n. A word, /c/iz gon monai^ had not a word to say.GoNA, n. A small kind of mollusca.GoN-GO, n. Words, speech, language.— do dan, inexpressible, unutterable.GoN-jo (ynoshi ageru). To tell or reportto a superior.GoN-KL , n. A word or sentence, — tnodemasen.Go-R-'VN. Look. — nasare, look here.Go-REi, n. The word of comm<strong>and</strong>, or-Go-TAi, n. The five members of thebody ; as the head, arms, <strong>and</strong> legs ; thewhole body.GoTA-MAZE, n. Jumbled together, mixedtogether in confusion.GoT.\-Ni, n. A hodpe-podge, medley ofdifferent kinds of food boiled together.GoTATsrKi,-/^M,-zVa, i. V. To be jumbled,confused, mixed together.GoTO-GOTO TO, a^z'. The sound of waterflowing from a bottle, gurgling.GoTOKi.-/^«,-.$-//!z, a. Like to, as, samemanner. Kono gotoku, thus, in thismanner. Hito no gotoshi. like a man.Go TOKU, n. A three-legged iron st<strong>and</strong> ;tripod.GoTO-N'i, a. Every, each. Hito-goto-ni,everj'body. Kuni-gnto-»i, every country.Hi-goto-tiiy every day.GoTTORi, adv. Sudden.Go-VA, The night from twelve to threeo'clock.Go-YAKU, n. Gun-powder. — gura., apowder magazine.GozA, n. A mat, Chinese matting.GozAN-NARi, inter;'. Used in banteringan adversary, come on.Go-ZA-NO-MA, n. The room in which alord or master generally sits.GozARi,-rtt,-^M, i. 7>. To be. to have.Gozarimasu, I have, there is. Gozarimasen,have not, there is not. Gozariviasuka, have you ? is there? Goza-der.ritnashoy I think there is, or, I think IGo-RiKi, n. A strong man.have.GoRO, n. Camlet.GozE, n. A blind woman, who goesGoKO-GORO, adv. The sound of rumbling,about singing <strong>and</strong> playing on the gui-or rolling.GOZEN, Boiled rice, or food general-Go-R6ji,-rM,-/a, i. v. To see, look. Gorojinasare,, look here.ly.

Goz 47 GUWGo-ZEN, n. The presence of the Emperor,"your excellency," in speakingalso, to a noble.Gozo, 71. The five viscera, viz. : theheart, lungs, stomach, liver <strong>and</strong> kidneys.Gu, a. Foolish, stupid, (used often as anhumble word for one's self). Gu-nakito, a dunce. Gu-sm', my (stupid)wife. Gtc-soku, my (stupid) son. Guan,my (stupid) opinion. Gu-ai., my_(stupid) mind. — ^^w, stupid. — inaiyignorant. — mo, id.Go. Even numbers. Ki-gil, odd <strong>and</strong>even numbers — stl, even numbers.Gu. A complete set, or suit of utensils,instruments, furniture, armor, etc. Kami-shimoichi gu, one suit of dressclothes. — sum, to furnish, makeGuN-ZEi, n. An army.GuRA-GURA, adv. Unsteady, rocking,shaking, or unsettled. Fune ga —suru, the boat rocks.GURASHI, or GuRAKASHI,-.«

GUW 48 HADGuwAN-SHO, (negaisho^)in writing.GUWANYAKU, «. A pill.GuwANZE-NASHi, rt. Stupid, ignorant,weak of intellect.A petition Guwatsu, (isukij n. Moon, monin,Sho-guwatsu, the first month. Ni —the second month,Guzo, n. An image, idol, statue.ECHa, «. A rake with iron teeth.ni sareru, to get turned off, to have anHa, n. Sect, denomination, party.engagement broken. Hachi wo kuttatHa, n. A tooth ;the cutting edge of a id.knife, sword ; the teeth of a saw, cogs Hachi, «. A bowl, pot, basin. Atamaof a wheel. — ga uku^ to set the teeth no — , the skull. Hi-bachiy a brazier.on edge. Maye-ba^ incisors. Ki-ba^ Ki-bachi^ a wooden bowl.tusks, or canine teeth. Oku-ba^ molar Hachi, n. A bee. Miisu-bachi, theteeth. Mushi-ba^ a carious tooth. Ireba^a false tooth.bee. — no su, a bee-hive.honey-bee. Kufna-bachi^ a bumble-Ha, n. A leaf.Hachi-maki, n. A h<strong>and</strong>kerchief tiedHa-ari, n. A winged ant.around the head, a turban.Haba, «. The breadth. Haba wo suru^ Hachi-mitsu, n. Honey.to take up all the room, to crowd others Hachi-moji, n. The character for eight.out. Maye-haba^ the breadth in front. — wo fumu^ to walk with the toes turnedin, parrot-toed.Yoko-haba^ breadth.Hachi-nin-gei, n. A ventriloquist.HABAKARi,-rz^,-/^«, i. V. To fear, dread,to be backward, ashamed. Habakari Hachisu, n. The Lotus.ni ytikti^ to go to the privy.Hachi-tataki, n. A begging priest whoHabaki, n. ring The metal fastening goes about beating an iron bowl.the sword-blade to the h<strong>and</strong>le.n. Hada, ; The naked body the bareHabaki, n. Cloth leggings.surface, the skin. Moro-hada^ bothHABAMi,-;««,-«

HAD 49 HAGHadzu, n. The notch in an arrow in HAGE,-r«,-^a, i. v. To be bald, bare, denuded,stripped, divested of covering, towhich the bow string fits: Should,ought, proper, must ; obligation, duty, peel off.right. Siiru-hadsic no mono^ a thing Hage-atama, n. A bald-head.that should be done.HAGEM.ASHi,-j?

HAG 50Hagusa, «. Tares, weeds.Ha-guso, n. The dirt or tartar whichcollects on the teeth.Haha, n. Mother. Haha-btin^ like amother, the part of a mother.Ha-hon, 71. An imperfect book, a brokenset of books.Hai, n. A fly. — doku., fly-poison.Hai. Yes.Hai, n. Ashes. Iski-bai, lime.Hai, n. The lungs. Hai no zd., thelungs. Hai no kin-sho, inflammationof lungs.Hai. The numeral for full, a wine cup.Ippai, once full. Ni hai, twice full.Sain-hai, three times full.Hai, {ogamu^ To bow reverently, toworship. — ivo suru, to bow, worship.Hai, {suteru.) — suru. To ab<strong>and</strong>on,give up, throw aside, leave off, putaway, abolish, abrogate, disannul, repudiate.— gaku, to leave off" study.Hai, {yabureru^ — suru, to be defeated,to be broken, discomfited, routed.— bo, routed <strong>and</strong> destroyed. — gun,a routed army.Hai, {kuraberu.') — suru, to match,equal, eompare to, to mate ;join together,to distribute. — bun, distribution.Hai-to, allotment, to apportion.Hai-zdi, dispensing medicines. Haisatsu,distributing paper charms. Hairiyo,care, concern. Hai-go, to match,mate, join together.l^K\,-au,-atta, v. To creep, crawl.i.Hai-noboru, or Hai-agaru, to creepup. Hai-komu, creep into. Haiviatou,to creep around.Hai-buki, u. Silver ingots.Hai-cho, n. A safe to protect food frominsects.Hai-date, n. Armor for the thighs.Hai-dzumi, n. Black paint made of powderedcharcoal.Hai-fuki, n. A section of bamboo usedfor blowing the tobacco ashes into.Hai-gu. — suru, to unite, as in marriage.HAKpains. — mi-nuku, to .see througha person.Hai-ken. — suru, to look, see, (respectful,to be used only in speakmg of one'sself.) — itashito gozaimasu, I wouldlike to see it, if you please.Hai-kuwai, (tachi-motoru.) — suru, togo about, w<strong>and</strong>er about, prowlingabout.Hai-mivo, n. The fictitious name subscribedto a Hai-kai.H.\i-oshi, 71. A small shovel.Hai-rei, a. The worship of a divine being.Kaitti IVO — suru, to worshipGod.llAiRi,-ru,-ffa, i. V. To enter, go into,to hold, contain, include.Hai-ru. — f«r«, to banish, exile.H.\-isha, n. A dentist.Hai-shaku, {o kari 7ndsu.) Borrowing.— suru, to borrow. Haishaku kin.,borrowed money.Hai-shi. — suru, to abolish, annul,cause to cease, abrogate.Hai-sho, n. A place of banishment.Hai-s6. — suru, to scatter <strong>and</strong> flee awaydefeated.Hai-v6, n. Pulmonary consumption.Haji, n. Shame, disgrace, reproach. —WO kaku, to be put to shame.Yi\i\,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be ashamed, tofeel ashamed, to be abashed.Hajikami, n. Ginger.HAjiKARi,-r«,-^/rt, i. z>. To be burst orsplit open, spread open.HAjiKE,-r«,-^a, /. ?'. To burst or splitopen from inside pressure.H.»lJiki, w. A spring, a jerk, snap.HAjiKi,-/^«,-//rt, t. V. To jerk, to snap,to cause to move with a sudden spring,or bound. Yubi ivo — , to fillip, tosnap the finger.Hajiki-gane, n. The hammer of a gunlock; a spring.Hajimari, n. The beginning, commencement,origin.HAjiM.A.Ri,-r«.-/'/a, i. V. To be begun,commenced, originated.Hajime, n. The beginning, the first ofHai-jin, «. A teacher, or professor of anything, the origin, the commencement.'RK\-i\i,{itadaku^ — suru, to respectfullyreceive.mence.H.\jiME,-rM-^a, /. V. To begin, to com-Hai-ka, «. The body of troops, or of Haji.mete, adv. For the first time, atpersons, under the comm<strong>and</strong> or jurisdictionof another ; a comm<strong>and</strong>, sub-H.AjiRAi,-^,-(^/rt:. i. V. To feel ashamed,first.jects.to be bashful.Hai-kai, n. A kind of verse or poetry of HAjiSHiME,-r«,-^a, t. V. To make anotherfeel ashamed, to disgrace.seventeen syllables.Hai-kan. (lit. lungs <strong>and</strong> liver.) — wo Haka, n. A grave, tomb.kudaku. to do with great labor, or Haka. This word is only used in com-

HAKpounds ; as, Haka-ga-yuku^ to do discharge; sell off; to make put on,quickly, to be expeditious. Haka-gayukanuyto make to sweep.to be slow, not to do rapid-H.\KASE, n. The title of a learned man,a professor.ly.Hakaba, «. A cemetery.Hakabakashii,-/^;",-/^^, a. Quick, active,speedy.Hakachi, n. A cemetery, grave-yard.HAKADORASE,-r«,-/rt. caust. of Hakadoru.To hasten, quicken, to forward,or cause to do with dispatch.HAKADORi,-r«,-. To be quick,make speed, prompt, active. Hakadoradziiyto be slow.Ha-kai (imashitne wo yaburtt). Breakingthe comm<strong>and</strong>ments of Buddha.Haka-jirushi, n. A tombstone.Hakama, n. The loose trowsers worn bySamurai. IVara no — , the loose barkaround a stem of wheat.Hakamagi, n. The ceremony of puttingon the hakama for the first time, atthe age of five years.Haka-mairi, n. Visiting the tombs forworship.Hakam.\-ji, n. The cloth of which Hakatnaare made.Haka-mori, n. The keeper of a cemetery,a sexton.HAKANAi,-/^z',-/^«,-.y/i/, a. Frail, fleeting,evanescent, transient, insignificant,mean, trivial. Hakanaku naru, todie, or pass away before its time. Hakanakukiyuru^ to vanish quicklyaway.Hakaradzu, adv. Unexpectedly, suddenly.HAKAKAi,-rt?/,-a^^«, t. V. To transact,manage, negotiate, to do.Hakarai, n. Management, administration,transacting.Hakari, n. A weighing-beam, scales,steelyard. — 710 ftmdd, the weight ofa steelyard. — no sao, the beam of asteelyard. — no o^ the cord by whichscales are suspended. — no w^, themarks on a steelyard.'H.\-K.\m,-ru.-tta, t. v. To weigh, tomeasure, to estimate, calculate, to reckon;to plot, contrive ;to consult ; todeceive, take in, cheat, impose on. Tsu~mori-hakaru, to estimate, reckon.Hakari-GOTO, n. A plan, scheme, artifice,device, stratagem.HAKARi-KiRi,-r« .-//«, t. V. To level offthe top of anything measured, to makeeven v/ith the measure, to strike.Hakari-mushi, «. A caterpillar.Hakari-va, n. A maker of scales.HAK.ASE,-rw,-i'a, t. V. To cause to vomit,or spit out ; to make flow out, to51 HAKHaka-wara, n. A cemetery.HAKE,-rw,-/a. Can spit, or vomit.Hake, ru.^-ta. Can wear, or put on.Kono tnoMiohtki iva hakerzc ka, canyou wear these trowsers ?HAKE,-rz

HAK 52 HANHako. suru—^ to go to stool, to obeythe calls of nature.HAK;oBASE,-rM,-/«. To make or orderanother to convey, or transport.HakoBI,-(5«,-«^«. /. V. To transport, toconvey, to move from one place to another.Nitnoisu ivo futie de —Hakobi, n. Transportation, conveyance;moving. Ichi ?iin de icki nicki hokobi"dja dono kurai^ how much can oneman carry in a day ?Hakobi-te, 71. A porter, carrier, coolie.Hakoromo, n. The Achillea or milfoil.Hakoseko, n. A paper veil.Haku {shiroi). White ;clean, shining.Haku-hatsu^ gray hair. Haku-ye,white clothes. Haku-cko^ whiteclothes. Haku-jitszi^ shining sun.Haku-chiu., noon. Haku-j'in^ anaked sword. Haku-mai^ clean orwhite rice. Haku-tai, a white furon the tongue.Haku, «. Foil, leaf. Kiinpaku, goldleaf.GimpakUy silver foil. Sudzukaku^tin foil. Kin wo haku' ni utsu^to beat gold into leaf. — -wo osu, toplate.Haku-cho, n.Haku-cho, n.The swan.A white porcelain bottle.Haku-Gaku (Jiiroku ina7iabu\ n. Extensivelylearned, versed in literature.Haku-hivo {usuki kori), u. Thin ice.— wo fumii 110 gotoku.Haku-j6. Without natural affections,unfeeling, callous, cruel ;insincere,false-hearted.Hakujo, w. Confession. — j?

\Hana-kago,Ijivo! collectsHANHANAB.\NASHii,-/^/,-/&;i.\HADASHn,.kz,-ku, a. Extreme, utmost,excessive.HANA-HiRi.-r«,-//rt, z. V. To sneeze.Hanahivu, «. The portulacca.H.\N.\-IKE, «, A flower vase.Han.-v-iki, n. Nose-breathing.Hana-iro, n. A blue color.Hana-ji, n. Bleeding at the nose.53 HANHan. Odd. — no kadzu^ an odd number.Chd-han, even <strong>and</strong> odd.HANAKAMi,-;«z. To be separated,no kiiki, the germ of a flower. — apart, sundered, removedno j'ikuy the stem of a flower. —;to be loose ;-wo to leave, to separate from, to part.ikeru^ to keep flowers alive in water. L/77ta ga hanayeia, the horse is loose.Hana no sugata^ a beautiful shape. Oya wo hanarete hoko wo sum, toH.\N'A, 71. A present of money, clothes, leave one's parents <strong>and</strong> go out to service.Hanare-gatashi. hard to part.etc., made to a wrestler, plaj'-actor,musician, dancing girl, etc., in admirationof their performances.tion.Ha7iare7iu.-7iaka., indissoluble rela-Hana-arashi, 71. Forcing the air violentlythrough the nose, snorting.scattered.Hanare-ban.\re, adv. Separated, apart,Hanare-jima, n. A solitary isl<strong>and</strong>, anisl<strong>and</strong> far away from the main l<strong>and</strong>.HanarejMA, 71. A stray horse, a loosehorse.Hanare-va, n. A house apart or distantfrom others.HANASASE,-rz^,-^a. To let or make anotherspeak.HANASHi,-j«,-^a, /. V. To let go, to setfree, to loosen, liberate, let off, to discharge,let fly. Teppo wo — , to fire agun. Me hanasadzu 7niru., to lookwithout taking off the eyes.HANASHi,-j«,-^a, t. V. To say, to utter,speak, talk, tell. Haha ye itte hanase,go <strong>and</strong> tell your mother.Hanashi, n. A saying, talk, story, atale. Okashii ha7iaski, a funny storj'.Uso-ba7iashi.^ a lie, a fiction. Otoshiba7iashi.,a comical story, an anecdote.HANASHi-Ai,-azj;,-rti'/rt, i. V. To talk together,to converse.Hanashika, n. A story-teller, one whomakes a living by narrating stories.Hana-shiru, 71. Thin mucus from theH.ANA-T.\KE, «.A nasal polypus.

HAN 54 HAOHana-tare, w. a snotty nose.HAN-ji,-r?/,-^rt, t. V. To judge, criticise,Hana-tsukuri, n. A maker of artificial to solve, interpret.flowers ; a flower gardener.Hanji, 71. A judge, a governor, superintendent,Hana-uta, n. Singing in a low voice,a magistrate. The chief-humming a tune.Ha>,a-ya, n. A florist, a seller of flowersmagistrateis called, Dai-hanji. Theinferior officers are, Chiu-han-ji, <strong>and</strong>Sho-han-ji,Hanavaka, a. Beautiful, h<strong>and</strong>some, Hanjimono, n. Anything representedelegant, gay, showy.by emblems or symbols, or concealedHan.\-vome, n. A bride.under the names of natural objects, anHana-zakari. Full bloom. — nt natta^ emblem, a riddle.to in full flourishing.surti^ to be prosperous.H<strong>and</strong>a, n. Tin (in block).H.an-dai, n. A dining-table.Han-ju. Received from the head of a •be bloom.Han-j6.—Prosperous, thriving,emperor, (asHan-dan,Han-dan.«. Half a piece of cloth.— suru, to judge <strong>and</strong> decidedepartment, not from thean appointment to office).upon, to try a case at law, to explain, Han-juku, (namaniye.) Half cooked,solve, interpret. Vume -mo — , to interpreta dream. Nazo -wo — , to solve a Han-kan. Treachery, perfidy, treason.half done.n.for carrj'ing rice. or versed in.Hane, n. A wing, a feather, the paddles Han-kiu, n.kind of letter-paper.of a paddle-wheel.Han-kiu, n. A small bow.Hane, «. The oblique down stroke of a Han-k6, n. A block used in printing. —riddle.Han-ka-tsu. Only half acquainted with,H<strong>and</strong>o, A bucketChinese character.ya, a block-cutter, printer, printingHane, «. Particles of mud spattered office.about.Han-kuwa. Prosperous thriving, bustling.HANE,-r?

HAOliAOm,-ru,-iia, t. v. To put over loosely Hararago, «. Fish-roe.(as a coat).Har.ase, -??fE, n. Wire.

HAR 56 HASHari-i, m. a needle doctor, one who performsaround. Hase-niukau, to ride fast toacupuncture.meet, to gallop opposite to, to run toHari-ire, n. A needle-case.meet. Hase-tsuku^ to ride, gallop, orHari-ita, n. The board on which the run <strong>and</strong> overtake.Hase-moxo, n. Anything in one's way,clothes are stretched <strong>and</strong> dried afterwashing.obstruction, impediment.Hari-ko, n. A box made of paper. Ha-sen, n. A shipwreck.Hari-me, «. The edge or seam formed Hashi, n. A bridge. — no ran-kan, theby joining paper together.rail of a bridge. Ippo7i-bashi^ a bridgeHari-nedzumi, n. A porcupine.made of one stick.Hari-nuki, n. Articles made of a kind Hashi, n. Chop-sticks. — de hasamu,of papier-mache.to take up with chop-sticks.Hari-tsuke, n. Punishment by crucifixion<strong>and</strong> spearing.Hashi, n.Hashi, n.The bill of a bird.The edge, margin, brink, side,Jiashijika,HARi-TSUKE,-r«,-^a, t. V. To paper, to end, extremity ; a small piece, fragment.paste over with paper.Ito 710, — the end of a thread.near the edge.Hari-ya, n. A needle-maker.Haru, n. The spring.Hashi-bami, n.Haru-baru, rt^z/. Far, distant. — tokuru^ mi, a filbert.The filbert tree, — noHarubi, n. saddle-girth,distant parts.Hashi-bune, n. A small boat.to come from afar.Hashi-bashi, n.AFour sides, extreme orHashi-dzume, n. The foot of a bridge,the place where a bridge joins on to theHaruka, a. Far, distant, remote. — niinasaru, much better.Haru-ko, n. A silk-worm that breedsbut once a year.Harumeki,->^«,-zV^, z. v. Spring-like,l<strong>and</strong>.Hashigo, n. A ladder, stairs. — no ko^having the appearance of spring.the rungs of ladder.Haru-same, «. Spring rains.Hashi-gui, n. The wooden piles whichHASAMARi,-r?

HAS 57 HATfish of the season, first goods ; the running,flow, movement.Hata-hata, n. A grasshopper.Hatagoya, n. An inn, hotel.Hashiri-Gaki, n. Fast writing, a running Hata-hiro, 7t. Seven fathoms, = 28h<strong>and</strong>.feet.Hashiri-JI, n. Bleeding piles.Hata-jirushi, 71. A flag, ensign.Hashiri-Kurabe, n. A trial of fleetness, Hatake, 71. A field, vegetable-garden.a race.I)no-batake, a potato-field. Ha7ia batake.,a flower-garden.Hashita, n. A fraction, fragment, an imperfectpart. — ni 7iaru^ to be imperfect,HATAKi,-/&z^,-zYi?, t. V, To beat with abroken, insufficient.Hashita-me, or Hashita, n. A femalestick, to strike.Hata-mata, conj. Again, moreover.servant.HATAMEKi,-/^«,-?Va, z. V. To thunder, toHashitanai,-/?-/,-/^?^,-^///, a. Low, mean, make a loud noise.of humble condition.Hata-ori-me, 71. A female weaver.Hashiyagashi,-j?^,-/«, To cause to dry. HATARAKASHi,-j?^,-^i!:. To make or setHashiyagi,-^?/,-/^^^;, i. v. To be dry, to work, to employ to conjugate.arid, parched.;Hatariki,-/^«,-zV«. t. V. To work, toHashiyagi, n. Dryness, aridity.labor, to do, commit, to move, to act,Ha-sh6-fu, n. Lockjaw, tetanus.perform. Yoku hataraite ikura., whatis the lowest you can sell it at ?HASHORi,-r«,-/iZ, t. V. To shorten, to reducein length, abbreviate ; to portion. Hataraki, 71. Action, movement, working,operation' deed, function, conjuga-Shiri wo — , to tuck up the skirt of thelong coat, by sticking it under the girdle.Kai-monoivo — , to cheat or defraudtion.Hataraki-kotoba, n. A verb.a person for whom one is buying HATARi,-rziono, a thing grown in upl<strong>and</strong> fields.Hata, n. A flag, ensign. — no sao, aflag-staflf.Hata, n. A loom. Kinu-bata, a silkloom.Hata-inono, a weaving-machine.Hata, n. The side, near by. Ido no hataend.ye, to the side of the well. Hata 710 HATE,-rz/,-/«, i. V. To end, terminate,hito, byst<strong>and</strong>ers.conclude ; to die. Biyd-ni7i ga hateta,Hatachi. Twenty years old.the sick man is dead. Tsuki-haieta,Hatago, 71. Stopping to rest <strong>and</strong> lunch entirely used up.while traveling ; the fare charged for Hateshi, n. The end, termination, conclusion,limit.lodging. Hiru-hatago, stopping tolunch at noon. — -wa ikura, how much Hato, «. A dove, pigeon. Ya7t:a bato,is the fare ?Hate, ti. The end, termination, result,conclusion, extremity. — zva do namka shire-7tai., I don't know what theresult may be. Hate iiashi, withouta wild pigeon.

I'Hayago,jearly,IIjHaya-xawa,IHAT 58 HAYHatoba, n. A piel-, wharf, a l<strong>and</strong>ing. Hava-gaki, n. Fast writing.Hato-mune, n. Chicken-breasted. Haya-GANE, «. An alarm bell, fire-bell.Hatsu, n. A numeral used in counting«. A cartridge.the discharge of guns. Ippatsu^ one Hayai,--^/,-j/i/, a. Fast, quick, swift,discharge, or one gun. Ni hatsu surti^soon. Kt ga hayai., of quickto fire two guns.perception. Mimiga — quick to hear.Hatsu. The lirst, the beginning. Hatsukaru^,Hayaku sunt, to do quickly.the beginning ot spring. Hatsu-dor7\ the first crowing of a cock on theHaya-ito, «.wheel.The b<strong>and</strong> or cord of anew year. Haisn-gdri, Hatsu-shimi, HAYAMAm,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be quick, orHatsu-yuki, the first ice, frost or snow fast ;to be hasty, rash, precipitate.of the season. Hatsu-mono, the first Hayame, 71. Hastening parturition. —things of the season, first fruits. Hatsu-yama,first visit to a sacred mounbor.— no go-fii, a charm swallowed tono kusuri, medicines which hasten latain.hasten labor.Hatsu-b6, n. A blistering plaster. HayAM E,-r?

HAY 59HEIHaya-wasa, n. Sleight of h<strong>and</strong> tricks,legerdemain.Have, n. Splendor, brilliancy, glory.Asa-bay e^ splendor of the sky at sunrise.Yubaye^ the splendor of the settingsun. Haye nai luuza da, not anhonorable empldyment.t. H.\VE,-r«,-i'a, V. To grow, sprout up.Kabi ga hayeta, it has moulded.HAYE,-r«,-^«, t. V. To pile up, to arrangein a pile. Tawara wo —Haye-giwa, n. The edge or border ofthe hair.HAYE-SAGARi,-r«,-^^a, z. V. Growingdownward.Hayo. Same as hayaku. O hayo gozarimasu,you are early, this is contractedto, O hayo, good morning.Hazama, n. Port-holes, embrasures.Haze, n. The name of a fish.llAZK,-ru-ta, i. v. To burst open, as afruit, or as parched com.Haze, n. Rice bursted by roasting.He, 71. A fart. — wo hiru^ to breakwind.HE,-r?^,-/a, t. V. To pass, to spend time,to live through ; to pass from one placeto another, move along, pass by.HE-AGARi,-rz.\-x\Ya,-ru ,-tta, i. v. To be separated,apart, asunder, distant, reserved.HEDATE,-r«,-/rt, /. V. To leave, separatefrom, part from ; to interpose, placebetween ; separated by, severed. lyewo hedatete tabi ni oru, he has lefthome on a journey. Hedate gokoro,estranged, alienated.Hedate, n. A partition, distinction, separation,difference, reserve, restraint.Hedo, n. Eructation of food. — wohakii, to eject food from the stomach.Hedomodo, — sum, to be confused, bewildered,to st<strong>and</strong> not knowing what todo, to be in a qu<strong>and</strong>ary.llKT>zvKi,-rii,-tta, t. V. To cut or clipoff a part, to clip off, to dock ; to pilfer,Iabstract, to take by stealth a little froma quantity. Dal wo hedzutte sho nitassu. Hedzuri-toru, to abstract.HEGASHi,-jM,-/rt, caust. of Hegu , to tearoff, strip off.YL^G^,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be stripped off,peeled off.'H.EGi,-gu,-zda, t. z). To strip off, peeloff, split off.Hegi, n. A strip of wood split off. Hegi-bon,a kind of tray made of strips ofbamboo.Hei, exclam. = yes.Hei, n. A fence, wall. Do-bet, a mudwall. Ita-bei, a board fence. Ishi-beia stone fence.Hei, 71. Even, level, plain, common, ordinary, usual, peaceful, tranquil. Taihei, long peace. — min, the commonpeople. tniyaku, usual state of thepulse. — san, a natural parturition.Hei, n. The cut paper suspended in aMiya to represent the Kami. Go-hei,id.Hei, n. A soldier, an army. — ska, awar chariot. — shi, a soldier. — sotsu,id.Hei-an, n. Peace, tranquility, freedomfrom sickness, calamity or trouble.Hei-chi, n. Level ground or country, aplain.Hei-cho. — sum. to conceal or veil anidol from the sight of the public.Heida, n. A bamboo withe, or strip.Heidon. — suru, to devour, swallow up,to subjugate, conquer.Hei-fuku, {tsune no kimono.) n. Common,usual or everj'^-day clothes.Hei-fuku. — suru, to bow low, toprostrate one's self.Hei-ji, n. A pitcher, bottle.Hei-ji, (tairage osa7Heru.\ — siiru, toquell, subdue, to tranquilize, to quiet.Hei-jitsu. Qommon, usual, ordinary,customary, habitual ;always, constant-ly-Hei-ki, 71. Weapons of war, arms.Hei-ki, 71. Calm, tranquil, undisturbedin mind, equanimity, composure, coolness.Hei-kin. — jwrw, to make equal oreven, equalize ; to balance, to average.Hei-ko, (kuchi wo tojiru.) — suru, toshut the mouth, to be silenced or defeatedin argument.Hei-kuwa, {tairakani yawaragu.) —suru, to equalize <strong>and</strong> harmonize, toregulate.Hei-mon, (^«^« wo tojiru^ — suru, toimprison in one's own house.Hei-motsu, 71. Presents of congratulation;marriage presents.

HEK 60 HENHEKIRAGASHI,-f«,-Z'rt, t. V. To shoW Ormake a display of any thing in orderto tease or excite desire, to tantalize.Hei-rei. }'.. Presents made on espousal,or on visits of ceremony.Hei-soku. n. Paper fixed to the end ofa stick <strong>and</strong> placed before the Kami.Hei-soku, (foji/usagaru.) — sjiru^ toshut up, stop up, close, obstruct.t. HEi-TSL;KUBARi,-rz

IHEN 6HIBKono karashi na7i no— mo nai, thismustard has not the least taste.Hen-t6, n. Answer, reply. — surti, toanswer, reply.Hen-t6-sen, n. The tonsils.Heo, n. The cord attached to a falcon'sfoot.Heppirimushi, n. A kind of stinkingbug.Hera, n. A paddle, spatula ; a trowel.Heragayeri, k. a sprain of the ankleor foot. — wo suru./. Herashi,-j?

HIB 62HIFHiBA, n. The Thujopsis Delabrata. Hi-DACHi, n. The daily improvement,HiBABA, n. Great-gr<strong>and</strong>mother.the daily growth.HiBACHi, n. A brazier, or pan for holdingHi-DAMA, n. Will of the wisp, ignishot coals.fatuus, a ball of fire.Hi-BAN. Not on duty, ofT-duty. KonnichiHiDARi, n. The left. — 7to te^ the lefthi-ban de gozariinasii.h<strong>and</strong>.HiBANA, n.spark.HiDARi-GAMAYE, «. A left position, orHi-BARi, n. A sky-lark.left guard, as in fencing.HiBASAMi, n. The cock of a gun. or the HiDARi-GiKi, or HiDARi-GiTCHo, «. Lefth<strong>and</strong>ed.place where the match is held in amatch-lock.HiDARi-.MAKi, n.Hi-BASHi, H. Two iron rods used for takingleft in winding.Turning towards theup fire, tongs.HiDARi-MAVE, n. Buttoning on the leftHiBi, n. Chaps, or cracks in the h<strong>and</strong>s side, the right breast of the coat foldedproduced by cold. Te ni — ga kireta. over the left.Hibi-akagire^ chapped <strong>and</strong> cracked. HiDARi-XAWA, «. A rope made by twistingto the left.HiBi, n. A crack, the cracked appearanceof porcelain. Hibi-yakt\ a kind HiDARUi,-,^/,-,^?^,-^-/?/, a. Hungry. Hidarukiifiai., not hungry.of porcelain made to look as if cracked.HiDARUGARi,-r«,-^M, t. V. To feel hungry.Hi-Bi-Ni, adv. Daily, every day.HiDAKUSA, n. The degree or state ofHiBiiCASE,-r«,-2'«, caust. of Hibiki, tocause to reverberate.HiBiKi,-/^«-/a, 2. V.hunger.Hi-DASHi,-vr«,-^a, t. v. To winnow, orTo echo, resound,reverberate ; to extend, as an impulse, clean by throwing up the grain with ashock, or concussion. Hibiki -watarii^ shallow basket called a iiti.to reverberate on every side.Hi-DEN, «. A secret, or private formula,HiBiKi, n. Sound, noise, report, echo, art, or instruction which one has beenshock, concussion,HiBiso, n.a crack.taught by others, or which has comeAn inferior kind of raw silk down in one's family.wo oshiyeru.HiDERi, 71. A drought. — doshi, a yearof drought.made from the outside fibres of a cocoon.HiBO. or HiMO, n. Cord, braid.HiBOSHi. Dried in the sun ;(met.), emaciatedby starvation, Hiboshi-gaki.,dried persimmons.Hi-BU, n. Interest by the day. — dekane wo kariru.Hi-BUKURE, n. The blister from a burn.Hi-BUN. Unbecoming one's station, improper,unjust, unreasonable, disproportionate.— no furimiai.HiBUNE, 71. A steamboat.Hi-BURUI, n. Daily shake of the ague.H-BUSE, «. A charm to protect againstfire.Hi-BUTA, «. The cap that covers thepan of a matchlock.Annoying HiCHiKUDOi,-/{-z.-^M, a. ortroublesome by saying over <strong>and</strong> overthe same thing.HiCHiRiKi, n. A small pipe, or flageolette.— no shita^ the reed of a flageolette.HiDA, n. Plaits, folds. — ivo torn, toplait.Hi-DAI. Corpulent, fat.Yi\p.\cn\,-tsu,-ita^ :. v. To graduallyimprove, to grow better in health orlarger in size. Akatnbo ga dan-danhidatsu.Hi-Do (michi ni aradzu). Cruel, outrageous,-unjust, dishonest. — wo suru,to act unjustly.Hi-DOGU, n. Tools for striking fire, asflint, steel, tinder, etc.iiiV)Oi,-ki.,-kii^-shz, a. Hard, violent, intense,severe, grievous, cruel, outrageous,excessive, atrocious. Hidoku7iur2t, to become severe.Hi-DOKEi, n. A sun dial. •HiDOKO, n. A fire-place.HiDORi, ru,-tta, i. v. To dry by heatingin a pan, to roast.Hi-DORI, n. Selecting or fixing on a day.— wo suru.HiDOSA, n. Severity, atrocity, intensity,violence.HiDZLME, n. The hoof of an animal.HiDZUME,-r«,-?a, t.v. To tighten, straighten,contract.HiDZUMi,-;«K,-«£/rt, i.v. Bent, deviatingfrom the right line, inclined, oblique,aslant, awry, askew, crooked ;warped,depraved, vicious.HiFU, 71. A kind of coat, worn by doctors,priests, or gentlemen who have retiredfrom business.Hi-FU {kawa., hadaye). The skin, texture<strong>and</strong> color of the skin.^

63 HIKHi-FUKI, n. A vessel into which tobacco Hi-GURE, n. Sunset, evening.ashes are blown from the pipe. — daA-e, HiGuwASHi, n. Dried fruit, a kind ofa piece of bamboo used for blowing the confectionary.Hi-HAN. — stint,, to criticise, to pointout the defects, to animadvert upon ;fire.Hi-GAKE, n. Daily payments or contributions.Tana-chi)i ivo — ni shite to speak evil of, vilify, find fault with.tornHiHARA n. The side of the abdoman.HiGA-KOTO, n. A mistake, error, somethingfalse, untrue, absurd ; insincere Hi-Hi, n. The orang-outang.HiHATSU, n. Cubebs.in talking.HiHo. — steru,, to speak evil of, sl<strong>and</strong>er,HiGAMBANA, n. The Ornithoglum.calumniate.HiGA-ME, «. Seeing incorrectly, an error HiiBABA, n. Great-great-gr<strong>and</strong>mother.of sight.HiiDE,-r«,-/a, i. v. To be luxuriant, toHiGAMi,-7«z

HIK 64 HIKflash, gleam. Hikari-iuataru^ to glistenon all sides. Inadzuvia ga — , the hold on, or prolong the doing of any-to utter a long sound. Ato wo — , tolightning flashes.thing. Kaze wo — , to catch a cold.HiKASARE,-r«,-/a, pass, of Hikasu, to be Kiu-kiTt wo — , to cut one's wages.tempted, enticed, led astray.Nedan wo — , to cheapen the price.HiKATA, n. A dry s<strong>and</strong>y beach. Mi wo — , to retire.Hi-K:ATAMARi,-r«,-2'/rt, /. 71. To be dry HiKi-AGEj-rw,-/^, /. V. To draw up, to<strong>and</strong> baked by the sun.go up in price, to be promoted ; toHiKAVE,-r?/,-/^, /. V. To pull back, to quote, cite.draw back ;to restrain one's self, refrain,to hold-back ; to hold up, suppositedirections or against each other ;'HiK.i-Ai^-ari.-atia, t. v. To pull in opport; to check, to stop ; to forbear ; to to be answerable for, responsible for ;jot down, to make a note of. Kuchi to be implicated, involved in, or compromisedin an affair ; to be profitable :wo — , to refrain from speaking. Hikayetehito wo idsu, to step back <strong>and</strong> let to consult together. Te wo hikiatteanother pass.ariiku^ to walk h<strong>and</strong>-in-h<strong>and</strong>. HikiaicHiKAYE, n. Entry, note, minute, or 7/10710, a profitable article of sale. Hiki-awa7tu^unprofitable article or busi-memor<strong>and</strong>um made as a voucher, anythingkept in reserve, an heir, successor. ness.HlKAVE-BASHIRA, «. A prop.HiKi-Ai, n. Answerable, responsible ;HiKAVE-GAKi, n. A memor<strong>and</strong>um, a implicated or involved along withnote, minute, voucher.others ; a mercantile arrangement.HiKAYEME, n. Forbearance, self-restraint, HiKi-AKE,-r«,-^M, t. V. To draw or pullmoderation, temperance. — ni suru, open.to exercise moderation. Banji — ni Hiki-ake, n. Day-break, dawn.nasare^ be temperate in all things. HiKi-AMi, n. A seine.Hike, n. Retiring, withdrawing. — %vo HiKi-ATE, ft. Security, pledge. — niioru, to be defeated, or withdraw from suru, to give as security.a contest.HiKi-ATE,-r«,-/«, t. V. To place togetherHiKE,-r?/,-/'a!, z. V. To withdraw, retire, in order to compare, match, or value ;leave off, to cheapen. Nedan wa kike- to pit against.7nasen, I cannot cheapen it. Hikekucki,a way by which to retire.make acquainted ; to draw together ; toHiKi-AWASE,-rM,-ifa, t. v. To introduce,Hike-mono, n. Articles sold by a pawnbroker.no hiki-awase, the joints of armorcompare together, to collect. YoroiHi-KEN, {hiraki ntiru). To open <strong>and</strong> where it is fastened together. Mi 7iiread (a letter).hiki-awasete ka/igdte 77iiru, to apply .HiKERAKASHi,-j«,-/a. To cause to shine it; to himself <strong>and</strong> ponder over it.to display in order to cause another to HiKi-CHA, n. Powdered tea.feel envious.HiKi-CHiGAYE,-r?

HIK 65HIKHiKi-HADA, n. A leather sword-case. HiKi-MAWASHi,-ja,-^rt, t. V. To leadHlKI-HADZUSHI,-J«,-/rt, t. v. To puU OUt about, to pull around ; to employ orof its place, or from its fastenings.order about.HiKi-HAGi,-^M-,?f/a, (coll. hippaji^ t. v. HiKi-ME, n. A kind of conjuration byTo pull or strip off a covering.means of a bow <strong>and</strong> arrow, for theHiKi-HANASHi,-j«,-/'.-;, (coll. kippanashi,)t. V. To pull apart ; to pull off. HiKi-Mi,-r2

HIK 66HIMHiKi-SHiRizoKi,-/^?

HIM 67HINHiMA-iRi,-r«,-/f^a, /. V. To take time,to require time in doing anything.Hi-MAN, n. Corpulent, fat. — na hito.HiMASHi, «. Castor bean. — no abura^castor oil.Hi-MASHi-Ni, adv. Daily more <strong>and</strong> more,increasing day by day. — anibai gayoku naru.HiMAWARi, n. The sunflower.HiME, n. A princess, lady.HiME,-r«,-/a, t. V. To hide, conceal,keep private. Htme-oku^ to hide a-HiMEGAKi, n. A parapet.HiME-GOTO, n. A secret.HiME-HAGi, n. The Polygala Japonica.HiME-HAjiiME, «. The first needle-workof a new year.Hi-MEi, {ievimei ni aradzii). Not thewill of heaven, accidental, unnatural.— no ski wo nasu, to die an unnaturaldeath.Hi-MEi, n. An inscription on a monument.HiME-MiVA, n. A princess, only appliedto the daughter of the Mikado.HiMEMOSU, adv. The whole day.HiME-NORi, n. A paste or starch madeof rice flour.HiME-YURi, n. The Lilium Callosum.Hi-MiTSU, n. A secret, mystery. — woiu^ to tellHiMo, n.a secret.A cord, braid, ribbon.Hi-MOCHi, n. Lasting in the fire, st<strong>and</strong>ingthe fire, not quickly consumed.-ga IKo>.Hi-MoDE, n. Daily visiting the temples.HiMOjn,-/^z,-/^2

HIN 68 HIRHi-NO-MARU, n. The <strong>Japanese</strong> flag of ared ball on a white ground, representingthe sun.Hi-xo-MiVAGURA, «. A fire tower, watch,or look-out.Hi-NO-MOTO, n. Japan. A fire-place. —g^o ydjin nasare.Hi-NO-MONO-DACHi, ft. Abstinence fromcooked food.HiNOSHi, n. A smoothing iron.Hi-xo-TO, n. One of the ten calendarsigns.Hi-NO-YE, 71. One of the ten signs.Hi-NO-zo, n. The spleen.HiN-SEKi. — jKr«, to dismiss, expel, orturn out of office.Hi-OBA, «. Gr<strong>and</strong>father's sister, gr<strong>and</strong>aunt.Hi-ODOSHi, n. Armor, the plates of whichare bound together by red thread.Hi-6gi, 71. A fen made of the Hinoki.Hi-6gi, 71. The Ixia Chinensis.Hi-oi, 71. A sun screen.Hi-OKORi, 7i. A quotidian ague.HipPADzusHi,-«/,-/a, /. V. To dodge, toavoid by a sudden movement, to escapeby starting aside.71.HiPP.\KL', Destitution, want, scarcity.Hippo, «. The rules of penmanship,mode of writing or forming characters.Hip-pu, «. A low, vulgar person.HiRA, «. Flat, level, plain ;common ;surface, the leaf of a book. Te 7io hira.,the palm of the h<strong>and</strong>. Bira-satnurai,common soldier. Hira ichi 77ien, thewhole, universal. Hira-bito., a commonperson. Hira-chi., level ground,a flat country.Hira, «, A laquered bowl with a cover.HiRA-BARi, 71. A lancet.Hirada, 71. A flat-boat.HiRA-HiRA-TO, adv. With a broad, wavy,or undulating motion. Cho ga — tobu.HiRA-GAMA, 71. A flat pot for cooking, apan.HiRAGi, «. The Ilex or holly.HiRA-KANA, «. The grass charactersused to represent the 47 <strong>Japanese</strong> syllables.HiRAKE,-r«,-i'a, i. y. To be open, unfolded,to be civilized, enlightened.Mune ga — , to be re ieved of gloom.HiRAKi,-.>t-«,-zVrt, t. •

HIRnaiua, a large park, or garden. — yen,a wide ver<strong>and</strong>ah.HiKO-Biso-TO, adv. Wide, spacious,large, roomy.HiROGARi,-r«,-if/«, adv. To be open, tospread out ; to be wide, to extend over ;enlarged, propagated, published, diflFusedHiyoban ga —HiROGE,-r«,-z;«, /, V. To open, spreadlarge tray. — ma^ a large room. —out, extend, widen, unfold.iROi,-^,-^/a, I. V. To walk.Wide, broad, spacious,extensive. — kokoro.,HiROi,-/^/.-,^«,-i-/iz, a.roomy, magnanimous. Hiroku suru, to enlarge,widen. Hiroku naru., to becomewide,HiROi,-^,-(5/rt, t. V. To pick up. Hiroitnonowo suru, to pick up somethingwhich has been dropped.HiROi-ATSUME,-r«,-2'rt, t. V. To pick up<strong>and</strong> put together, to gather into a pile./. HiROMARi,-r?

;placeIHiTO-BANARE,iHIS 70 HITHisoSEKi, n Arsenic.His^AGE,-r?in^) n. Kind or qualityof man. — no yoi hito., a fine man,(in personal appearance). — no ivaruihito., a vulgar looking fellow.H1T0-G.A.TA, n. A statue or image of aman.HiTO-GO.MI, : A crowd of people.HiTO-GOROSHI, Manslaughter, murder.HiTO-GOTO, n. Talking about others.HiTO-jiCHi. n. A hostage.HiTO-jiNi, «. A person dead, somebodykilled. — ga atta. there was a personkilled.HiTO-KiwA, adv. Especially, particularly,preeminently.HiTO-MADZU, adv. In the first place.HiTO-MANE, n. Mimicking or imitatingothers. — wo sum.HiTO-MASU, n. The vacant space betweenthe outer <strong>and</strong> inner gates of acastle.HiTO-ME, n. The eyes of others, thepublic, the world. — wo habakaru.,to fear or shun the notice of others.HiTOMi, «. The pupil of the eye.HiTOMOji, n. An onion.HiTOMUKi-Ni, adv. With the wholeheart, strength or care earnestly, attentively;;with one turn.HiTO-NAMi. Like men generally, likeother people, or the common run ofmankind.HiTOKASHii,-^/,-^«, a. Looking or actinglike a man or human being.HiTORi. One person, alone, single, byone's self. Hitori de yuku.^ to go alone.Hitori 7)ttisuk0y an only son. Hitori~mono., a single person, without relatives.Hitori-ne wo suru., to sleep alone.HiTORi-DACHi, n. Independent, free ofothers, st<strong>and</strong>ing alone, as a child learn-

HIT71 HIYing to walk. — no kiini^ a country independentof any other.HiTORi-DZUMi, «. Living alone.HiTOKi-GO, n. An only child.HiTORi-GOTO, n. Talking to one's self.HiTORi-Mi. Alone, solitary, single, withoutkindred or relations.Hi-TORi-MUSHi, «. Insects which, insummer, fly into a light <strong>and</strong> sometimesextinguish it.HiTO-SASHi-YUBi, w. The index-finger.HiTOSHii,-/^/,-,^«,-i-^/, a. Same, equal,one, alike, same time, together. — kokoro,like minded.HiTO-SHiKiRi. One sharp or violent effort,one paroxysm. — ivo ayaukatta^at one awful moment he was in greatdanger.HiTOSHi-NAMi-Ni, adv . In the samemanner, like.HiTOSHiwo, a^r^. Still more. — yoroshii^better still.HiTO-suji-Ni, adv. Directly, exclusively.HiTO-TO-NARi, n. Character, disposition,nature. Sono — jihifzikashi.HiTOTSu, {ichi^ a. One, single, same.— to shite yoi koto tno nai, not a singlegood thing.HiTOYA, n. A gaol, prison.HiTO-VA, n. A human habitation.HiTOVE-Ni, adv. Earnestly, wholly, entirely,only, to the exclusion of everythingelse. — tanotnu.HiTOvoGiRi, n. A kind of pipe, or flute,open at the top.HiTsu, w. A trunk, box, a chest forclothes.HITTACH I,-^.f 2^,-/^.2, t. V. To st<strong>and</strong> up, tobe greatly improved in appearance.Mon -wo 7iuttareba dki7ti hittattekita.HiTTAKURi,-rM,-/^rt, t. V. To snatcli, takeby violence.HiTTARi-TO, adv. Closely, tightly. —tsiiku., to stick tight.HiTTEKi. — suru^ to match, to opposeas equal.HiTTSUKAMAE,-r«,-^a, t. V. To Seize, layhold of, to grasp.HiTSU-ZEN. {ka7iaradzti. shikarti^ adv.Certainly, necessarily, positively.Hi-UCHI, 71. A steel for striking fire.Hi-ucHi-BUKURO, «. A bag for holdingthe instruments for striking fire.Hi-uCHi-GAM.\, «.steel for striking fire.Hi-ucHi-iSHi, 71. A flint.Hi-ucHi-KADO, n. A flint.Hiu-MON. — suru^ to examine or interrogatea criminal.Hi-u\vo, 71. Dried fish.Hnv.A.DA, 71. The bark of the Hi treeused for roofing. Hiiuadabuki^ a roofmade of the above bark.HivvADZUBiTO, 71. An imbecile, idiot.Hi-WARE,-r«,-/a, i. V. Dry <strong>and</strong> crackedby exposure to the sun.Hi-vvARi, 71. Interest by the day ; dailypayment.Hi-VA, 7t.fire-arrow, a rocket.Hi-YA, 71. A building in which the bodiesof the dead are burned.HiYA, rt. Cool, cold. Hiya-77iidzu^zoo\water. Hiya-ase., cold sweat. Hiya-77teshi, cold rice. O hiya t7totte-oide,bring some cold water.HiTSU, {/ude^ n. A pencil, pen. IpJ>itsu.,one pen. — dan^ communicating vert, or amuse one's self by looking at.HiYAKASHi,-j;/,-2'rt, t. V. To cool ; to di-by letter.Uri-77io7io "WO hiyakashite artiku.HiTUGi, n. A coffin. Hitsugi-guriiina^ HiVAKE,-r?/,-^a, i. V, To be cooled.a hearse.HivAKOi,-,^/,-,*«,-i-Az, a. Cool, cold. Hiyakoku7taru,to become cool. — su-HiTSUji, 71. A goat ; one of the 12 horalysigns. — 710 ayu77n\ the leading of 7u, to make cool.a criminal to punishment. — 710 kata^ Hi-YAKU, «. A secret medicine, a nostrum.the s.s.w. point of the compass. — «

HIYHiYAKU-YE, n. The crown of the head.HiYASHi,-^M,-^a, /. V. To cool. Hiyashiteoku, to put away to cool.HiYAVAKA, a. Cool, cold.7'. HiYE,-r«,-/rt, z. To be cool, cold.HiYE-ATARi, «. Sick from exposure tocold.HiYo, n.A leopard.HiYo, «. Hail. — ^ia:yHr«, it hails.Hi-y6, n. Day-labor. — c/izn, wages,full, = about 2 1-2 bushels.HiYo. — suru^ to discuss the merits of,nify.HiYo-BAN, n.rumor.Repute, reputation, fame,— suru, be publiclyreport, totalked about.Hiy6-bu-sh6, n. The war department,war office.HiYODORi, n. The name of a smallbird.HiY6GE,-/-««,-^a, 1. V. To sport, play,frolic,HiYOGi.jest.— suru, to discuss <strong>and</strong> deliberateon, to consult about.HiYoGU, «. The mountings of a picture.Hiyogu-ya. a paper-hanger.HiYo-GU, n. Weapons of war.HiYOGURi,-rM,-zfrt, t. V. To squirt.HiYO-Hi, n. The cuticle.HiYo-HiYAKU, a. Frolicsome, facetious,struck together by watchmen as a signal.jesting.Hivoi-TO, adv. In a sudden manner,unexpectedly, accidentally.HiYo-so, n. A whitlow.Hiy6-j6. — sum, to deliberate <strong>and</strong> decideon, to judge, determine, to criti- HiYo-TO, adv. The sound of an arrow fly-HiYo-TAN, 71. A gourd, calabash.ing.Hiy6-j6-sho, n. Supreme court house,council chamber.HiYOTTO, adv.venture. —Supposing that, perad-shiretara do 7iasaru, ifHiy6-j6-shu.court.Members of the supreme he should know, what should you do ?HiYOTTOKO, 71. A kind of mask.Hi-YOKE, n. An awning, or anj^ thing to ']A.i\o\s\\,-ki,-ku,shi, a. Weak, feeble,keep off the sun ; a vacant space abouta house as protection against fire.HiYoKiN. Facetious, merry. — na hiio,a wag, humorist.HiYOKKURi-TO, adv. Sudden <strong>and</strong> unexpectedly.HiYOKO, n. A young bird.HiYOKO-HiYOKO, adv. Hopping, as afrog ;leaping.HivoKU-NO-TORi, n. A fabulous bird,the male <strong>and</strong> female said to be joinedtogether in one body.HiYOMEKi, n. The fontanel in a child'shead.72 HIZHlYON-NA, {Aen-naru.) Strange, unusual,old, wonderful.HiYON-NO-Ki, «. The Distylium Racemosum.HiYo-RAN, n. The disturbance <strong>and</strong> commotioncaused by war.Hiv6-Ri, {ura omote.) Outside <strong>and</strong> inside; false hearted, hypocritical ; double-dealingimpulse, —force, effort. ;no aru mono, a false, deceitful person.Kon-ntchi — ni kite okure^ come <strong>and</strong>work for me to-day. — tori^ a day laborer.the waves.Hivo-Riu. Floating, or carried about byHiYo, n. A straw bag. Ippiyo^ one bag. Hiv6-r6, 71. Food for soldiers, provisionsNi-hiyo^ two bags. Hito-hiyOy one bag for an army. — zetne, starving out agarrison. Hiydro-kata., the officer whosupplies an army with provisions, commissary.to be emblematic of, to represent, sig-HiYORO-HiYORO-TO, adv. In a limping,staggering manner.Hiv6-r6n. — sum, to deliberate on, todiscuss.HiYOROTSUKi,-/i-«,-z'«/a, i. v. To limp,stagger.HiYo-SATSU, n. A tablet with the nameof the person residing hung at the doorof a house, a door plate.HiYo-SHi, 71. The paper cover or bindingof a book. Ita-biyoshi, board-covers.HivoSHi, 7t. Beating time to music. —luo torn, to beat time. Ashi-biyoshi.,drumming with the foot. Te-biyoshi^beating time with the h<strong>and</strong>. Korobu —«/, by the force of the fall, or in the actof falling. — 7iuke, out of time.Hiy6shi-gi, 71. Blocks of wood or bamboonot strong, delicate.HiZA, 71. The knee. — tio sara, theknee-pan. — luo aru, to bend the knee.— -wo ku77iu, to sit tailor-fashion. —moto, by the knees.Hiza-gashira, n. The knee.Hi-ZAKARi, 71. Noon,—the hottest periodof the day.Hi-ZAKUR-A., «, A scarlet-blossom cherrytree.HiZAMADZUKi,-,^?/,-//^, /. V. To kneel.Hiza77iadzuite ka7ni too ogaiiiu.Hi-ZARA, 71. The pan of a gun-lock, thebowl of a pipe.

HIZHi-ZASHi, n. Sunlight, the sun's rays.HiZEN, n. A cutaneous disease, the itch.Hi-zo. Private store-house. — surti, toto keep in one's fire-proof store-house.— jKUsume, a daughter kept with greatcare.Hi-zoRi,-r«,-^^a, /. V. Warped, bent bythe heat.Ho, n. A sail. — as/iz, the lower part ofa sail.Ho, n. The ear, or head of rice, wheat,or any kind of grain. — nami^ the rowsHo, n. The cheek. Ho-bone, the cheekbone,malar-bone.Ho, n. Rule, law, usage, doctrine, precept,maxim, religious rites or practices;incantation ;multiplier, or divisorin arithmetic. — ivo tateru, to make73 HODligious subjects, sermon. — suru, topreach.Ho-DANA, n. The place on which a sailrests when furled.'HoL>.\SARE,-r7i,-ta. Pass, of Hodashi,To be shackled, fettered, hampered, encumbered,embarrassed, bound. Ko nihodasarete deraretnasen.HoDASHi,-j?/,-/a,fetter.t. V. ToUvia no aski wo —shackle, toHodashi, n. A clog, hindrance, encum-Ho-DATE, «. Mode, way, manner ; rules,laws. Kuni no osame-kata no —HoDO, n. Quantity, of space or time;quality, kind, station in life ; as, since,because ;proportion. — %vo hedatcru,to separate, put an interval between ;after some time. Kore-hodo^ so much,

'HOF 74 HOKH6-FUKURASHi,-JK,-^rt, t. V. To distend HojiRi,-r«,-^^«, t. V. To dig up, to pickor puff out the cheeks ; to pout, to look out. Imo wo — , to dig up potatoes.sullen.HojiSHi, n. Dried flesh.HoFURi,-r?

HOKter, the labor, business, or duty of aHoKO-HOKO, adv. Warm, comfortable.HoKORA, n. A small Sintoo shrine.HoKORi, n. Fine dust ;a very smallfraction. — vjo harau., to dust. — ha-KoKORi,-r!(-ifa , z. v. To be vain, proud,conceited, puffed up, to vaunt, to boast.HoKOROBi,-i5«,-«iinno —da.Ho.MARE, n. Praise, eulogy, fame, renown,celebrity. — ivo toru., to getpraise.HoMBA, n. The original place fromwhich any production has issued.HoM-BUKU (inoto ye kayeru)., n. Restorationto health, recovery from sickness.Home,— r.^,-i'rt, t. v. To praise, eulogize,commend, applaud, e.xtol. Hotnej-areru.,to be praised.HoMEKi,-/{r«,-?Va, i. V. To be like fire,hot, to have a fever.HoME-sovASHi,-j«,-z'a, t. V. To praise<strong>and</strong> encourage, to inspirit, animate bypraising, to praise exceedingly.HoMivo, n. The name given to a deceasedperson by the Buddhists.HoMMA. True, truth.HoMMARU, n. The inner part or citadelof a castle.HoM-MATSU {moto to suye). Root <strong>and</strong>branches, beginning <strong>and</strong> end, first<strong>and</strong> last.HoM-Mivo, n. True or real name.HoM-Mo, ti. One's great desire, or prinpalobject.HoM-MON, n. The text of a book asdistinguished from the notes, or commentary.Ho-MOTSU {takara)^ n. Things valued,prized <strong>and</strong> rare.75 HONHon, n. A book. — ivo araivasu, topublish a book.Hon. Original, principal ; true, real,genuine ;fixed, settled ; numeral forpencils, posts, sticks, masts, etc. Honnedan.,fixed price. Hashira ippon.^one mast. Fude ni /ton, two pencils.— getsii., this month.HoN-CHo, n. One's native country, Japan.HoN-CHO-SHi, n. The key-note.HoN-DANA, w. A bookcase.HoN-DANA, n. The original or principalstore.HoN-Do, n. The principal part of atemple.HoN-Do, n. A physician (not a surgeon).Hone, n. A bone. — luo tateru, to geta bone in the throat. — ivo oru, tobreak a bone ; (fig.) to be industrious,laborious. Chd-ckin no hone., the bambooribs of a lantern. Sho-j'i no hone.,the frame of a screen. Ogi no hone.,the sticks of a fan.Hone-chigai, n. Dislocation of a bone.Hone-gara.mi, n. Rheumatic pains inthe bones.Hone-gumi, n. The knitting togetherof the bones, the bony frame. — no taku}nashiihito.Ho-NEN {yutakana toshi). A fruitfulyear.HoNE-ORi, n. Labor, toil, industry, activity,exertion. — shigoto., hard work.HoNE-oRi,-r«,-//«, /. V. To be laborious,to toil, work hard, to be industrious.Honeotte shigoto ivo suru.HoNEPPOi, a. Full of bones (as a fish),bony, thin, emaciated.HoNE-TSUGi, 71. Bone setting. — isha.,a bone-setter.HoN-GiYAKU. Rebellion, revolt, sedi-Hon-goku {tftoto 710 ku7ii). Native coun-„try.Hon-i, n. Desire, mind, intention, object,inclination, purpose.Ho-nin. — sum, to be appointed orassigned to an office or duty.Hon-ji, w._ The original or first temple,from which others have branched off.Hon-jin, 71. The headquarters of an encampment;the hotel where a Daimiyostopped in traveling.HoN-KE {moto no iye), n. The homestead,the principal family.HoMURA, n. The flame of fire. — ivoMoyasu, to be inflamed with anger orjealousy.HoN-Ni, adv. Truly, indeed, really.lioMVRi.-ru.-tta, t. V. To burj' a dead HoN-NiN, 71. The principal, chief man,person, to inter.ringleader.HoMURi, 71. Interment, burial, sepulture, HoNNORi-TO, adv. With a slight blushinhof redness, lightlj' shaded.

HON 76HORHo-No, n. The flame of fire.Ho-No {osame iateniatsuru). An offeringmade to the Kami. — suru.HoNO-BONO, adv. Dimly, duskily, obscurely,faintly. — 7niyeru^ dimly seen.HoNO-GURAi. Dim or gray twilight, ob-;HoNOGURE, «. The evening twilight. Ho-RATSU, a. Profligate, dissolute, ab<strong>and</strong>oned.HONOKA-Ni, adv. Dimly, indistinctly,obscurely, slightly, faintly.HoRE,-r«,-^a, /. V. To be carved, engraved,HoNOMEKASHi,-jz/,-^«, t. V. To alludesculptured, dug out, excavated,mention incidentally, to hint at, to worn into hollows.to,touch slightly upon.HoNOMEKi,-/&«,-zVa, /. V. To shine withHoRE,-r«,-2'a, i. V. To dote, to befrom age, to be old <strong>and</strong> childish.sillySamea dim light.as Boreru.HoN-RAi {motoyort). Originally, from HORE,-ru,-ia, i. v. To be in love with,enamored of.the beginning, from the first truly,walk about.HoN-TAKU, {moto no iye^ n. The homestead,the mansion, or original place ofresidence.Ho.N'-TE, or HoTE, n. An honest or truegrip in wrestling.HoN-To. True, real, genuine. — kauso ka, is it true or false ?HoN-YA, n. A book store.HoN-YAKU, «. Translation. — suru, totranslate, to interpret, render into anotherlanguage.HoN-ZEN, n. The principal table at anentertainment.HoN-zo-GAKU, n. The science of Botany.HoN-zo-KA, n.botanist.HoNZo-SHO, n. A botanical book.Ho-Pi, n. Breaking wind.Hoppo, (kz^a no ho,) n. The north.HoRA, n.cave, cavern.HoRA, n. A conch-shell. — ivo fiiku,to blow a conch, to exaggerate.HoRA-FUKi, n. One who exaggerates ; ablower.Ho-RAi, n. The name of a fabulousmountain in the sea, where the Sen-ninreside in immortal youth <strong>and</strong> happi-ness ; Elysium. Horai-san, the Elysianmountain.Ho-RAKU, n. Religious entertainments,or theatrical exhibitions, in the presenceof idols.HoRASE,-rz

The salary or pay of ;HoROKUofficb"HoROKU, 11. An earthen dish, used inbaking.Ho-RON, n. A debate or discussion on77 HOTHoso-BiKi, «. A kind of rope, or cordmade of hemp.Hoso-DONO, 71. A corridor, or galleryleading from one building; to another.Hosoi,-/tz,-Xr«,-.y/i/, a. Fine,narrow, delicate, thin, small.a shrill voice. — futoi,slender,— koye,fine <strong>and</strong>religious subjects.HoRORi-TO, adv. The manner of tearsfalling. — nainida -wo nagasu., to coarse. _ Kokoro ga — , to be dejected,shed tears.or low in spirits. Hosoku naru, to becomeslender. Hosoku surti. to makeHoROSHi, n. The iron pivot on whichthe upper mill-stone rotates.fine.HoROYOi. Half drunk, partially intoxicated.HosoME,-ra,-/«, t. V. To make fine,Ho-soKU, n. Rule, law.HoRUTOGARU. Portugal.thin, slender, or delicate. A'oye woHosA, (tasukeru), — sicru, to aid, to hosoinete iu, to speak in a shrillassist, to act as guardian. — no shin, voice.the minister of a prince.Hoso-ME, n. Eyes slightly open, a narrowcrack.Ho-SAKU, n. A fine crop, an abundantHoso-NUNO, n. Fine muslin, or grasscloth.HosARE,-r?/,-^(Z, i, V. To be appointedto an office.HosORi,-r«,-^^», i. V. To become small,Ho-SEN-KUWA, n. The Balsam, or Lady's thin, slender, delicate. Skokuji waslipper.hi-bi ni — , the appetite daily becameHo-SHA, n. Borax.less.Ho-SHA, n. Alms, charity.Ho-SOTSU, «. Foot soldier, infantry.Ho-SHi, n. A bonze, Buddhist priest. Hoso-WATA, n. The placenta.HosHi, n. A star ; a white speck on the HossA, n. (med.) The paroxysm of discornea; the centre of a target, a spot.HosHi,-j«,-i'a, t. V. To dry, desiccate., /. V. To wish, desire,Hi ni — , to dry in the sun.want.HoSHi,-fM,-^^i, /. V. To appoint to an HosSHiN, n. The springing up of a newoffice.heart, conversion.*HosHi-BUDo, n. Raisins, dried grapes. HossoKU, n. Starting or setting out on aHosHiGARi,-r«,-/^a, i. V. To desire, journey on foot.want, long after, to be covetous.Hossu, n. A brush of long white hairHosHii,-/fr/,->&zc,-j/z/, a. Wanting, desiring,wishing for. Kore ga hoshii ka, HosuGE, 71. The cords by which the capoften carried by Buddhist priests.do you want this? Nani mo hoshiku is secured to the head.nai, I don't want anything.HoTA, n. The stocks.HosHi-i, «. Rice boiled <strong>and</strong> dried. HoTABi, 71. A fire covered with ashes toHosHii-MAMA. In one's own way, as keep it from going out.one pleases or likes. — ni sum, to do Ho-TAi, n. A b<strong>and</strong>age for a wound.as one pleases.HoTARU, 71. A fire-fly.HosHi-KA, n. A kind of dried fish. HoTARUBi, n. The light of the fire-fly.HoSHiKi, n. Established rule, usage, Ho-TATE-GAI, n. The Nautilus.law, or custom.VLoTAyK,-ru,-ta, i. v. To play, sport, toHoSHi-MiSE, n. Selling in the open air, romp.where the wares are spread on a mat. HoTE-HOTE, ad7>. Large, corpulent, bigbellied.remorse.Profligate, dissolute,Hoso, a. Fine, slender, narrow, thin. to vice.Hoso-mayu, delicate eye-brows. Hosomichi,a narrow path. Hoso-nagai, lanterns in temples.Ho-To, 71. Lights placed before idols, thelong <strong>and</strong> slender, slim. Hoso-ne, a fine HOTOBAKASHI, or HoTOBASHI ,-J« ,-/

HOT 78HoTOBi,-r«,-^rt, i. V. To be softened bysteepingin water.HoTOBORi, n. The heat remaining inanything after the fire is out. Hetsuitoe.HoYA, «. A screen of wire net-workplaced over a brazier ; a glass lampchimney.HoTO-HOTO-TO, adv. The sound made HoYAKU, {oginai^ giisuri^ . n. Tonicby beating a door, rapping.medicines, medicines which strengthenHoTOKE, n. The general name for the the body, or keep off disease.divinities worshiped by the Buddhists ;HoYE,-r;/,-i'rt, i. v. To bark, to bellow,a dead body, the soul of the dead. — roar, the cry of any animal.no zo., an idol. — no tnei-nichi^ the Ho -YE, «. The clerical dress, or clothesanniversary of a death. Iki-botoke^ worn by Buddhist priests.one who by his virtue resembles the H6-YE, n. The after-birthgods. —;tsukuri^ a maker of idols. <strong>and</strong> membranes.placentaHoTOKENO-ZA, «. Clover.HoTONDO, adv. In great danger, almost,well-nigh, nearly;greatly, very much.HoTORi, n. Neighborhood, vicinity.Kawa no — , near the river.HoTORi,-r?^,-/«, /. V. To be hot, burning,feverish.HoTORi, n. Fever, heat.HoTOTOGisu, n. The name of a smallbird.HoTSUGO, or HoTSU-GON. An exclamationor interjection. — suru, to utteran exclamation, to speak out.HoTSiKi,-/^?/,-zV«, i. V. To fray, ravel,to tear into lint,HoTsu-NETSu, n.The springing up offever.HoTSURE,-r«,-^a, i. v. Frayed, ragged,rubbed, worn, as cloth.HoTTAN, ti. The beginning, commencement,introduction of a book.HoTTO, adv. The sound of sighing ordrawing a long breath. — iki., id.HoTTo-NiN, n. Originator, first moveror doer, ringleader, aggressor.Howo, n. The phoenix.HovA, n. A parasitic plant, the mistle-HOYE-DZURA, {nakig-ao^ n. The face ofone crying or bellowing.Ho-YEKI, (oginai masii). — sum., torepair a defect, to complete, to strengthen,recruit.Ho-YEN, (shikaku tnaru). Square <strong>and</strong>round. Midzu wa — no utsuiva.ni shitagai, water takes the shapeof the vessel in which it is.Ho-vo, (taniocki yashi7iau ) . Preservinghealth, strengthening the body. — wosuru.1 to attend to one's health.HoYU, n. A friend, companion.HozAKi,-/^?

I79 IDAMei-i, celebrated doctor. I-giyd^ themedical profession.t. ^-ruy-^a, V. To shoot with a bow.t. ^-ruy-ta, V. To cast, to found, to runmetal in moulds.i. ^-ru^-ta, V. To be, to dwell, sit. Dokoni i-nasarii^ where do you live?Natii wo shite iric, what are you doing ?-.\i, n. The drawing of a long swordwhile sitting. — ivo nuku.AKU, n. A curtain.-AN, n. Medical directions,opinion. — wo kaku.medicalt. -ATE,-r«,-^a, V. To shoot <strong>and</strong> hit.-AWASKy-ru^-ta^ t. V. To happen to bepresent.-BA, «. A place for shooting the bow.i. -BAiy-o-atta, V. To neigh. Uina go,ibo.-BAKU, n. A curtain.-BARA, n. The name of a thorny tree.jAR.-^-GAKi, n. A hedge of thorns.5ARI, n. Urine. — hukuro^ the bladder.lBARi,-r«,-«rt, /. z'. To be haughty, arrogant,insolent, imperious, to boast, tovaunt, make a swell, act pompously.Ibatte ariiku^ to swagger, strut. Ibattehito wo nii-sageru^ to be arrogant <strong>and</strong>despise others.Ibiki, n. Snoring. — wo kaku, to snore.\mv.i,-rii.-tia, t. V. To parboil, to scald,as vegetables ; to roast slightlj'in ashes ;to tease, vex. Ibiri-korosu^ to tormentto death.Ibitsu, n. Oval. — nari, an oval form.Ibo, n. A wart, small tumor. — ga dekita,have a wart.lBOi,-^,-«7^/a, i. V. To suppurate, to matter.Iboi, «. The pus of a moxa.lBUKARi,-r«,-i'ifa, i. V. To wonder at,consider strange or dubious, to suspect.Ibukashii,-/^?,-/4'z

why'IDE 80IIBIde, or Ide-ya. Exclam. used to an antagonistin bantering, come on, now-atatfta, a head covered with short stiflFIga, n. A burr, prickly shell. Iga-gurithen. Ide o aite ni narimasho.hair like a chesnut burr.lDK,-ru,-^a, i. V. To go out, issue forth, GAKi, n. A ladle made of bamboo.proceed from. Ide-aii^ to meet in the •GAKi, M. A picket-fence.street or while out..G\MASE,-ru,-ta. To bend, to crook, toIde-iri, 71. Going out <strong>and</strong> coming in, expenses<strong>and</strong> receipts.pin.niake crooked. Hart wo — , to bend aIde-tachi. n. The style or manner in -,\sn,-7/iu,-nda, i. v. Crooked, bentwhich a person is dressed, the dress, depraved, perverse.costume, equipment, accoutrement. — GAMi,-771 u,-7ida, i. V. To snarl, growl,wo stcrii^ to dress or equip one's self. as a dog ; to caterwaul. Igatni-au,l-DK-TACm,-isi^,-tta, i. v. To be dressed to snarl or growl at each other, to quarrel.up, accoutred, equipped.Ide-yu, n. A hot-spring.GATA, n. A mould for casting, matrice.Ido, n. A well. Ido-bata., near the -GE. Below what is mentioned, after"^well, vicinity of the well. Ido-gawa., this, hereafter, inferior. 7tiurai igea well-crib. Ido-gaye., cleaning a well. no mo7io.Ido-hori.^ a well digger.GETA, n. A well-crib.I-Do, (isha no michi)^ n. The science -Gi. Strange, unusual, extraordinary,of medicine.Igi-nashi, nothing unusual.I-DOKORO, «. A dwelling-place, residence..GiT.\^K\,-ki,~ku,shi,a. Sleepy, drowsy.GiRisu, n. Engl<strong>and</strong>, — no, <strong>English</strong>.I-DOMi.,-mu,-nda, i. v. To contend in Igitanakute 7iebokeru.war. Idomi-ati, to contend, or strive -Givo, {kawatta kat.ichi). Strange, unnaturalor monstrous in form or shape.together, contest. Idotni-arasou, tocontend or strive together, as in war. -GO. After this, hereafter, henceforth.Idomi-tatakUy to battle, make war, •GUCHi, n. Hare-lip.contend.HAi, n. A wooden tablet, on which theIdzuchi, {doko), adv. Where, what place, posthumous name <strong>and</strong> time of death of— to mo nakuy any where, wheresoever.HAI, {so7)itikti). To disobey.a person is recorded, ancestral tablet.Idzukata, adv. Where, what place, or -HADZtrsHi,-ja,-^a, t. v. To shoot withregion.the bow <strong>and</strong> miss the target.Idzuko, or Idzuku, adv. Where, what -HEN, «. Failure, breach of promise. —place. — ni mo, everywhere. — nite naku, without fail.tno., in any place, anywhere.-HEN. Uncommon, unusual, extraordinary.lDzuKUMARi,-r;^,-i'/'a, i. v. To sit cramped,drawn up, or with the body contracted,Satniii kara idzukumatte-HO, n. A medical prescription, or recipe.Idzlkun-zo. Exclam. how ! ?Idzumai, n. Manner of sitting, posturein sitting.Idzumi, 71. A spring of water.Idzu.mo, n. Wrestling in a sitting posture.— wo torn.Idzun-a, n. A kind of sorcery or magic.Idzuna-tsukai, «. A sorcerer, a magician.Idzure, adv. Where, what, which, who ;however, at all events, by all means.Jdziire 7ito, everywhere, every one, anyone. Idzure deitio yoi, any way willdo. Idzure ni mo, in every place.Idzure nite mo, in any place whatever,or any one whatever, both, either.I-DZfTSU, n. A square well-crib builtwith timbers laid across each other.I-FUKU, n. Clothing, garments, wearingapparel.I, {/neshi), n. Boiled rice.I, lu, lUTA or ITTA, t. v. To Say, speak,tell, call. 2M0710 wo, — to talk.\-.\\,-au,-atta, i. v. To dispute, wrangle,quarrel. Futo ii-ai tii ftatta, suddenlybegan to quarrel.i-XTK,-ru,-ta, t. V. To hit, guess.\-\\\\s,^,-ru,-ta, t. V. To talk over <strong>and</strong>agree upon anything; to talk <strong>and</strong> ar-\-\y.\M\Ta,-ru,-ta, i, v. To mistake orblunder in saying or telling. li-nyavtaseru,to cause another to make a mistake.[-BITSU, n. A box for carrying boiledrice in.i-BUN, n. Something to say against or

lie>i IIPabout ; some fault to find. — ga nai,no fault lo find.li-CHiOM^-au^-atia, i. v. To mistake intelling, to say or tell incorrectly.Ii-CHiRASHi,-j« ,-/«, /. V. To spreadabout, or disseminate anything by talkingabout it.li-UAsni^-su-ta, t. v. To begin to speak,to utter, to speak out or say, to pronounce.Ii-FLKUME,-rM,-/a, /. V. To Order, instruct,direct or explain anything in orderto have it carried out.Ii-FUKASHi,-j?

IIS 82IJI;without waiting for a reply. — ni shite Ii-TSUKURAi,-^,-/'2'rt, t. V. To mend, repairyuku.l-SABAKi,~ku,~zia, or adjust by words.Ii-TSUKUSHi,-j«,-^z, t. 7'. t. V. To say <strong>and</strong> unravel,To exhaust asubject, to say all that can be said.unfold or explain to clear up;what is obscure or difficult.Ii-TSUME,-r?^,-/rt, t. V. To corner, toi-SAMASHi,-j?^,-/«, t. V. To speak <strong>and</strong> put one in a tight place in an argument,dissuade from to cool or abate the desireto silence, confute.for anything by talking.;Ii-TSUNORi,-r«,-^^rt, i. V. To grow warmi-SAMATAGEi-rWi-Za, t. V. By speaking in an argument, to become more <strong>and</strong>to hinder, interfere, or prevent.Tomore excited or severe in talking.Ii-TSUTAYE,-^?^,-/^, t. V. To tell i-SASHi,-ji^,-/frt, t. V. leave off talkingfrombefore one is done, owing to some one to another, to h<strong>and</strong> down by say-interruption.ing to preach to others, to disseminate.-SHiDZUME,rr«,-^rt, t. V. By speakingto hush, quiet, or still.Ii-WAKE, n. Explanation, account, apology,excuse, extenuation. — ga nai^ noi-SHiROi,-^ ,-

j,n.IJI 83Iljim-VASHi,~s7t,-ia, t. v. To drive awayby persecuting;, vexing, 'or oppressing,oppressing.\lb\{nokoshi gaki)^ n. A will, ormade by a dying person <strong>and</strong>left for the instruction of others.I-j6, adv. Above, before. Rokuju neni-jOy above 60 years. Chiu yori — nomono., persons above the middle class.I-jUTSU, n. The medical art, practice ofmedicine.I-KA, adv. Below, below this, from thison, henceforth, after this. Chiu i-kano inono.^ persons below the middleclass.Ika, «. The cuttle-fish.Ikabakari, adv. How much? howgreat ? very great.IiCADA, «. A raft of timber.Ikada-shi, n. A raftsman.Ikadeka, adv. How, why.Ikadzuchi, n. Thunder.Ikaga, adv.hesitation. —How, why, what ; doubt,itaso, what shall I do ?Kore wa ikaga de gozdru., how is this?Biyo-nin no yddai lua ikaga, how isthe sick man ? — to nareba^ to explain,or state the reason.Ikagahii,-/^/,-/&?^j-j/2z, a. Doubtful, dubious,uncertam. Amari ikagaskiikara itashimasen.Ika-hodo. How much. — mo nai, havenot much,Irai, a. Great, big, enormous, much.— koto aru, have a great many. —uso, a great lie.Ikai, «. Rank, grade. — wo sustcfnu,to rise in rank.I-KAKE.-rz

.—IKE 84IKUIkeniye, n. Sacrifices of things thathave life, animal sacrifices. Hito wo— ni ageru to offer a human sacrifice.Hito no tame ni — ni nam.Ikesu, 71. A pond or basket in whichfish are kept alive.Iki, «. The breath. — wo sum., tobreathe.breath.— wo hiku, to draw in the— wo tsuku., to sigh. — gakireru., to be out of breath, shortwinded.Iki, «. Elegant, stylish, genteel, refined.— na onna., a stylish woman.lKi.,-m,-ta, i. V. To be alive, to live.Ikiteoru^ living. Naga iki^ long life.lKi,-,^«,-z'^rt, /. z/., com. col. for yu/tu, togo. /tte mo ii, you had better go. /ttetotte koi, go <strong>and</strong> bring. Jtte inim, togo <strong>and</strong> se°.Ikidawashi,-/^/,->^«, a. Having a difficultyin breathing.[KiD6Ri,-rw,-^^a, i. V. To be angry, tobe in a passion, exasperated, enraged,incensed.Ikidori, n. Anger, resentment.Iki-dzukai, n. Respiration, breathing.wo shite kikase-nasare, let me listento your breathing.Iki-dzuve, n. The staff carried by chairbearersto rest the chair on when stopping.Iki-gake-ni, adv. While going, whileon the way.Iki-GIRE, n. Hard breathing, shortwinded,out of breath.Iki-ji, n. Passion, irritation, excitement,temper. — ruo ham., to show badtemper, or obstinacy.lKi-KAYE,-r«,-^rt, t. V. To return to life,revive, come to life again.Iki-kusai,-,^/,-^«, a. Having a foul or. stinking breath.Iki-m.\ki,-/^?. Very, exceedingly. — waruiyvery bad. — yoroshil, very good.Iko, n. A rack or st<strong>and</strong> for hangingclothes on.I KOI, -

IKU 85 IN AIkura, adv. How much, how many.Nedan iva —\what is the price ? Konohon wa niada ikura mo aru, havestill many of these books.Ikusa, n. War, an army. — sziru^ towar, to fight. — ««? if

INA86 ipplNAjnu,-7HU,-n(fa, i. v. To becomeused to living in, to be at home in, oraccustomed to a place.Inaka, n. Any place away from thecapital, country. — monOy a countryman,rustic. — yiZ, country style. —kusaiy boorish, rustic.InAMI,-m a ^-nda, t. v. To decline, refuse.Ina-mura, n. Stacks of rice-straw.i. lNANAKi,-^'M,-zVa, V. To neigh.t. I-NAORi,-r«,-i'/rt, V, To change one'sseat, c-r adjust one's self in a seat.I-NARABi,-3«,-«^a, i. V. To sit in a row,or in ranks.I-NARE,-r«,-/'a:, t. V. To be used to aplace, become familiar or accustomedto living in a place.lNARE,-r?/,-i'«, i. V. To be gone, leave.Inari, w. The god of rice.Inasa, n. A south-east wind.Ind.\RI. Swappmg, exchanging, barter.— ni suru^ to swap, trade.lNE,-r?^-/rt, i. y. To sleep, to be in bed.Ine, n. Rice in the stalk or while growing;paddy.I-NEMURI, «. Dozing, drowsy, to sleepwhile sitting.Ingen, n. A kind of white bean.In-gin. Polite, courteous, civi!, kind.— bureiy over polite <strong>and</strong> annoying.In-giy6, n. A seal, stamp.In-GO {kakushi kotoba), n. Disguised,secret or concealed language ;an enig-In-gu\va, n. One's deeds <strong>and</strong> their reward;cause, reason. — no vtukuiyretribution, or punishment for one'sdeeds.Inishive, «. Past times or ages, ancienttime, antiquity.In-ja, n. A hermit, recluse.In-ji {kakttreta koto), n. A concealedor hidden affair, a secret, mystery.In-ji, n. Marbles.I.N-ju {kadzu). The number of anything.Tawara no —In-jun. — suru^ to procrastinate, delay,temporize.In-kan, ft. A stamped ticket shown as apas.sport, ticket, a pass.In-ki. Cloudy, dark, gloomy, dull, sombre.In-kivo, n. Living in retirement or seclusion,retired from business.In-kiy6, n. Membrum virile.Inko, n. A parrot.In-ku\va, n. A phosphorescent light,ig:nis fat u us.In-nen, n. Affinity or relation in a previousstate of existence, according towhich the condition or lot in this life issupposed to be determined. Cause,reason, secret affinity, relation, or connection.Do-iu — (ie ko natta^ whatis the reason of my being in this condition?N-NiKU, n. The ink or coloring matterused for sealing or stamping.N-No, «. The scrotum.NOCHi, n. Life. — wo kakeru, to riskthe life. hiochi-gake, hazardous,dangerous, perilous to life. Inochi-goi,asking or praying for life.NOKO, «. A small pig.NORi,-r«-^rt, L V. To pray, to supplicate.Inori-korosu, to kill by prayer,to pray the gods to kill.lORi, 71. Prayer, supplication. — -wosum., to pray.rosHiSHi, n. A wild hog. — tnusha., asoldier who never retreats.N-RAKU, n. Carnal pleasures, sensualenjoyment.N-RAN, n.ness. —Venery, lasciviousness, lewd-na htto., a lascivious person.A nest of small boxes carriedj-r6, n.suspended from the belt.N-SHiN, «. Tidings, word, communication;account, message.N-SHo, n. Internal congestion.N-SHo, n. A seal, stamp.N-SHOKU (nomi kui). Drink <strong>and</strong> food.— suru, to eat <strong>and</strong> drink.N-Stj, n. Even numbers.N-su, n. The number. — nani hodo.N-sui, n. The semen.N-TAKU, n. The dwelling of a personliving in retirement.N-TOKU, n. Charity, or meritoriousdeeds done in secret.NU. Neg. of /r«, not in. Inu ka, is hein ?Inakaita., was not in.Ni', n. A dog ;one of the twelve- calendarsigns. — no ko, "a pup. — notoki, eight o'clock at night. — no ka~^«,theW. N. W.NUGO, n. A swelling of the Ij-mphaticgl<strong>and</strong>s in the armpit or groin.NU-i, n. The northwest.-v.\-&.\-ku,-ita, t. V. To shoot an arrowthrough, pierce by shooting.nukoro. n. A pup.,--v6. The male <strong>and</strong> female, or active<strong>and</strong> passive principles of nature, accordingto Chinese philosophy.i-voKU, n. Lascivious desires, lust,lewdness, vener>'._oBivo, n. Chlorosis.PPAI. Once full. Midzu ga ippai ninatta, it has become full of water.

IPP 87IRIPPAN, adv. Whole, universal, general.Seken — , the whole world.tal in trade ; to put into. Jre-oku,put into, place in <strong>and</strong> leave.toPPENGOSHI-NI, adzi. Alternately.~lRE,-r?^,-2fa, i. V. To be parched,PPON'DACHI, n. St<strong>and</strong>ing alone alone, toasted to be impatient, fretful, cross,;by one's self; independent of others.— de siirji, to do anything without the;Kono inatne yoku ire-iiiashi'ta.Ki no ireta hito., an impatientpeevish.help of others.person.R.\, n. Artificialno — , the spines of a fish.Ireba-shi, n.tooth.A dentist.The nettle, a prickle. Sakatid Ire-ba, n.-RxcHi^-tstc^-ta, t. V. To irritate, fret, orvex one's self, to be angry. Ki ivoiratsu^ to be impatient.RADACHi,-jz^,-z'rt, t. V. To be angry,impatient, fretful.-RAI {yori-tanotnu). — suru, to request,or beg one to do a favor.RAI, adv. After in time since, henceforth,;Kore yori i7-ai, fromin future.this time, henceforth.RA-IRA, adv. Pricking, irritating, peevish,irritable, testy. — sum., to prick,irritate, smart.RA-iRASHii,-/C'/,-/^?^„ a. Irritable, peevish,passionate, impatient.RAKA, «. A tiled roof.RA-MUSHi, n. A kind of caterpillar coveredwith sharp hairs.RAN {chigai midarurii) n. A disputeor contention about an alleged mistake,litigation. — ivo iu, to dispute, dis-R.A-NAi. Neg. of Iru. — mono, uselessthings.RARAGi,-^?^,-/rt, /. V To have the skincorrugated <strong>and</strong> rough from cold ;gooseflesh.RARE,-r?

|j[88 ISAdaughter who lives in her father's family.lROKEDZUKi,-,^«,-?Va,the age of puberty./. V. To arriveMusuine ga —atIri-nabe, n. A pan for parching or roasting.Iro-kichigai, n. Insanity accompaniedwith lasciviousness.Iri-shigoto, n. Day s work.Iroko, n. D<strong>and</strong>ruflF, the scales of a fish.Iro-machi, n. The prostitute quarter oflRi-TSUKE,-ra,-2?a, i. v. To fry, or roastanything until it sticks to the pan.a town.Iromekashii,->^z,->^«, a. Having a lasciviouslRi-TSUKi,-/i-z

ISAition, warning, or advice to a superior.ISAMi,-mH,-ntia, t. v. To be bold, courageous,intrepid, valiant, gallant, chivalrous.IsAMi, n. A bold, intrepid person.;a6 or Isaoshi, n. Merit;great, eminent,or distinguished deeds. — no aruhito^ a distinguished man.;arai, n. The buttocks.^SARI, «. Fishing. — wo suru^X.o fi%\i.Isari-bi^ a torch used in fishing at night.Isari-biine, a. fishing-boat.SASAKA, a. Small, little, trifling. — mynat\ not the least, by no means.[sASAiME, adv. Slightly, little, temporary.;E,-r«,-/a. To sew <strong>and</strong> gather, as whensewing a long edge to a shorter. Iserutokoro wa fiat, sewed even <strong>and</strong> smoothwithout a wrinkle.SEI, a. Power, authority, might. —wo hatte ibaru^ to act arrogantly.-SHA, n. A physician, doctor. — nikakaru.^ to employ a doctor. Yabu— , a quack doctor. Hayari — , apopular doctor.;hi, n. physician.;hi, n. A stone, /ski-bat, lime madeof limestone. Ishz-bas/ii, a stonebridge. Ishi-biya., a cannon. Ishibotoke,a stone idol. Ishi-bumi., astone tablet, or monument bearing anIshi-dan, a stone platform,inscription.stone step. Ishi-datatni^ slabsof stone used for flooring ; also a kindof knot tied so as to have the appearanceof four squares. Ishi-ddro, astone lamp-post. Ishi-dzziki, the buttendof a spear. Ishi-dzuknr2\ made orbuilt of stone. Is/ii-dzufm\ stone-coal.Jshi-dzuri^ a lithograph, a print fromstone. Ishi-dzuye^ a stone pedestal, astone foundation. Ishi-g-aki^ stonewall. Iskt-guru7na, treading on around stone. Ishi-ji, stony ground ;also, a kind of lacquer of a stone-color,<strong>and</strong> without lustre. Ishi-kiri., a stonecutter.Ishi-ko^ stone chips. Ishikodzuvie,killing <strong>and</strong> burying under apile of stones. Ishi-ku, a stone-mason.Is/ti-7Hochi\ a kind of fish, said to havea stone in head. Iski-usti^ a stoneitsmill, a stone mortar. Ishi-ya, a stonecutter,stone-mason, a seller of stones.Iski-y2i}ni, a bow for throwing stones,catapult.ISHi-iSHi, n. A dumpling.IsHiKi, w. The buttocks.ISHiKi,-/^«, a. Good, well. Nanji ishikumairitari^ you have done well incoming.l-SHiRAMASARE,-r«,-/a, (jpass.) To beoverwhelmed with a discharge of ar--SHiRAMASHi,-jzo-BE, n. On- the sea-shore, near thesea-coast.[soGASHii,-/^/,-/?r«, a. Busy, activelyengaged,bustling,doingurgent.withKihaste,no —hurry,hito^ aperson always in a hurry, a drivingperson.[SOGASHISA, n. The hurry, press ofbusiness, bustle.IsoGi,-g-u,-/dii^ z. V. To hasten, to hurry,to be urgent, pressing. Isoide kuru^come in haste. Isolde suru, to do inhaste.[so-iso, adv. In a quick, hurried manler:blithesome, gay.IsoRo, w. A hanger-on, a dependant onanother for support.[ssAi, adv. All, whole. — shu-j'o^ allliving things.;SAKU-JITSU, adv. Day before yesterday.EsSAKU-NEN, adv. Year before last.[SSAN, adv. With the utmost speed,with a bound.IsSETSU, adv. Positively, certainly,solutely, peremptorily. — zonjima-_- i, positively don't know.IsSHiN, adv. Whole heart, one mind.— /uran ni kagiyd ivo hagemu^ to beentirely taken up with one's business.IsSHiN, adv. Alone, one person.IssHiN, adv. Entirely new, applied tothe reorganization of the governmentunder the Mikado.IssHO-KEMMEi, adv. Risking one's life,in desperation, disregarding one's life.ni tatakau.[ssHO-Ni, adv. Together, along with,in concert, in company with. — yuku,,to go together.[ssHo. The whole life. — no aida^during one's life.

ISS90 ITO.Isso, adv. Better, rather.IssuMBoSHi, n. A pigmy, dwarf.Isu, n. A kind of hard black wood, ofwhich combs are made, also calledi 'usu.Isu, n. A chair.IsuKA, n. The cross-bill.IsuKi,-r«,-^^«, t. V. To take by menaceor deception, to extort.I-SuwARi,-r2


I[WANU, neg. of //, iu. Not say. — lua[WANYA, adv. Much more, how muchWAO, n. Rocks, a cliff, reef.WA-OKOSHI, n. A kind of hard cakemade of rice.-WARE, n. Reason, cause, history, ex-\VARE,-r«

.93 JIDJa, «. A large snake ; the figure of acircle within a circle.Ja (yokoshima). Evil, bad, wicked, depraved,vile, corrupt, erroneous. Jado,evil way, corrupt doctrines. Jaho^wicked religious rites. Ja-chi^ subtlety,cunning. Ja-in, adultery. Jaken^cruel, hard-hearted. Ja-kiyoku^wicked <strong>and</strong> depraved. Ja-shin^ a depravedmind. Ja-sho^ vicious <strong>and</strong> virtuous,ya-shily a wicked sect. Ja-sui^wicked feelings.Ja. a coll. particle (a cent, of de aru)= de wa, Soja nai — , it is not so.Jagatara, n. Batavia. — imo^ thecommon potato.Ja-j.\-uma, 71. A vicious horse.J.\-KAGO, «. A long basket filled withstones, <strong>and</strong> used for damming up water.Jakan-seki, «. Bismuth.Jaki, 7/. An influenza, pestilential vapor.Ja-ko, k. Musk.Jaku, — suru, to be carried away with,charmed, fascinated, captivated.Jaku, «. A small fraction less than theprecise quantity or measure. Roku rin— , a fraction less than six riti.Jaku-h.\i, {wakaki tomogara). Theyoung, those who are immature inknowledge or experience. — na mono.Jaku.m-etsu, «. The still end, death. —1V0 tanoshimi to suru.Jaku-nen (wakaki toshi). Young,youthful, time of youth. — no toki ni.Jaklro, n. Pomegranate.Jama, «. Obstruction, hindrance, impediment.— luo suru, to obstruct,hinder, impede.Ja-nen, n. {yokoshima gokoro). Evilthoughts.Janko, 71. Pock marks.Jara-jara, adv. Sporting, wanton, lewd,jesting or badinage. — ii-nasaru na.jARASHi,-j,v.-z'rt. Caust. oijareru. Tomake to play, romp or sport. Neko wo—i. Jara-tsuki,-/^«,-zV

. JiDORi,JID 94 JIKJi-DAi, n. Ground rent. — tvo harau.JiDANDA, «. Stamping with the feet,as in anger. — wo Junde ikarii^ tostamp the feet in rage.JiDARAKU, a. Slovenly, careless in manner.— na hito, a sloven.Ji-Do, «. A child under 15 years, ayouth.n. Wrestling in sport, or intraining. — ivosuru.Ji-FU, n. Vain-glory, self-praise, boast-— sum, to boast.ful.Ji-FUKU, n. Clothes suitable to theJiGABACHi, n. A kind of bee.Ji-GAi, {jnidzukara sokonau). Suicide bycutting the throat. — suru^ to commitsuicide.Ji-GANE, n. The baser or ground metalupon which the gilt or plating is spread ;one's true character, real sentiments.Ji-G.AJiii, «. Fan-paper.JiGi, n. A bow ; declining, excusingone's self. O jigi wo sum, to bow,salute by bowing.JiGi, n. Times, season ;case, circumstances.— ?zi s/iitagau.Ji-Givo, n. The ground plot on which ahouse is built.Ji-GO, adv. After this, henceforth, hereafter.Ji-ji, (koto goto), adv. Every affair,every matter or business.Ji-ji, n. An old man.JijiMUSAi,-/&/,->^«, a. Dirty, filthy.Ji-jiTSU, n. The truth of the matter, thefacts. — wo tadasu.Ji-jiTSU, {toki hi), n. An hour, or day.— wo utstisadzu, without waiting amoment.Ji-jo. Declining or excusing one's selfthrough politeness or modesty. — sedzushite kotayuru ret ni aarzarunari.JiKA-Ni, adv. Immediately, directly,personally, without the intervention ofa second person or thing. Hito tii —JiKi, adv. Immediately, instantly, quickly,directly ; immediate, close, next,without anything or person intervening.— hashi no soda, next to thebridge, /ma — ni yuku, go at once.in want of food. Chiic — , dinner.JiKi, 71. A meal, food. — 7ii komaru,Hi ni ni — sunt, to eat twice a day.JiKi, same as shiki ; a numeral used incounting mats ; as Tatami ni mai —no heya, a room of the size of two mats.JiKi-CHo, n. The rectum.JiKi-DAN, n. Direct or personal conversation.— suru.JiKi-DEN. Received directly from another.JiKi-HiTSU, n. Tht very h<strong>and</strong>-writing.Mukashi no hito no —JiKi-Ro, n. A box for carrying food in, alunch box.JiKiSHO-BAKO, n. A writing desk.JiKi-so, n. A complaint made to an officialin person, without the interventionof another. — sum.JiKKAN, «. The ten calendar signs orcharacters used in designating hours,days, months, years, <strong>and</strong> points of compass.JiKKEi, n.JiKKEi,A real picture or sketch.Device, expedient, plan. —n.ni tsukiru, to exhaust every device.JiKKEN, n. Verifying or certifying byinspection, inquest personal knowledgeor experience of anything.;KubiJiKURi, or JiKKURi, adv. Maturely,fully, perfectly. thoroughly, wholly, —kagayeru.

:vant,IIJi-NARI,iI'IJIK 95 JINJi-KUWAN, n. A vice or assistant officer. philanthropy. — tua baninin wo aisti-Jl-MAN, n. Vain-glory, vanity, pridevaunting, boasting ; self-praise, selfconceit.— surie, to boast or vaunt the business <strong>and</strong> cares of the world.JiN, (chiri, hokori,) n. Dust, dirt ; 7net.one's self.Shutsii jin, to leave the world <strong>and</strong> enteron a religious life.Ji.MAN-KUS.A.!, a. Given to vaunting orboasting, so as to be odious to others. Jin, «. An army, troops arranged inJi-MATSURi, ft. A celebration on buildinga house, in order to propitiate the Gojin, the rear. Niji7i, the secondranks. Senjin, the van of an army.gods of the soil.division of an army.J1-.MAW.A.RI, n. Neighbourhood, region, JiN, 71. The kidneys. — no zo, id.surrounding country.71. The noise, or rumbling ofJi-MAYE, ?i. One's own, belonging to the ground in an earthquake.one's self. — no 7nise, one's own shop. Ji-NARi, 71. The shape or configuration— de kasegii., to work for one's self. — of ground.JiN'-CHOKE, 71. The Daphne Odora.Jl-NEN, adv. Spontaneously, of itself.— to dekirii, produced spontaneous-no onna, a woman whose earnings areher own.JiM-B.\, n. Camping ground.J1M-B.A.0RI, n. A kind of coat withoutsleeves, worn oyer armor.JiMBASo, «. A kind of sea-weed.JiMBEN, n. A sign or wonder wroughtby divine power, a prodigj', a strangeevent, wonderful phenomenon.JiM-Bo, n. (hito no fiozovii) The desiresor esteem of men, popularity. —no naki hito, an unpopular man.Ji.MBURE, «. An order or notice issuedto an army.JiMBUTSU, «. Kind of quality of man. —ni 7ii-aivanu koto zvosurii, to do somethingimproper for a man to do.Ji-MEN, n. Surface of the ground, lot ofground, l<strong>and</strong>, farm, plantation.Ji-METSU, n. Self-ruin, self-destruction.— sum, to destroy one's self.JiMi. Plain, not ornamented, not gay,simple, unaffected, frank.Ji-MiCHi, n. An easy gait, easy, gentle,or moderate manner. — ni aruku.JiMi-jiMi, adv. Moist, damp, wet. —ase ga deru, wet with sweat.JiM-Mi-RAi-SAi. Illimitable duration.Ji-MOKU, {mimi, tne,) n. Ears <strong>and</strong>eyes.Ji-MON.for solution.Stating a question to one's self— jito suru, to state aquestion <strong>and</strong> answer it.Jim-pin, (Jtitogara^ 71. The kind, qualityor style of man. — no yoi hito, a fineman in looks.Ji-MU, n. Official superintendence, jurisdiction.— kiyoku, a place for transactinggovernment business, an office,bureau. — ktcwati, go\ernment office.— saisho, the prime minister. — soto-/&«,id.JiN, {hito^ n. A man, person, human.— shin, the human heart. — tai, humanform.JiN, «. Love, benevolence, humanity,ly-Ji-NEN-BAYE. Growing of itself, wild,or without cultivation ; spontaneousgrowth.Ji-NEN-GO, n. The fruit of the bamboo.Ji-NEN-jo, 71. A kind of long rootgrowing wild, much prized for eating.JiN-GASA, «. A kind of bamboo hat wornby soldiers.JiN-GO, 71. End, time when done,finished, or exhausted.JiNGOVA, 71. The tents, barracks, orhuts of a camp.JiN-ji, {ka77ii 710 koto,) n. A Sintoo festival,or worship of the kat7ti.71. JiN-ji, Love <strong>and</strong> pity, benevolence,philanthropy.JiN-jo, «. Humanity <strong>and</strong> sympathy,benevolence <strong>and</strong> consideration forothers, not doing to others what j'ouwould not 'nave them do to you.JiN-jo, {yo 710 tsu7ie.) Common, usualor middling kind or waj' ; fair, equitable,proper ; neat, becoming ;amiable.The JiN-Ki, {hito no ki,) n. mind,the public mind. — ga tatsu.heart, or temper of people generally,JiN-KiYO. Impotent, or worn out byexcessive vencry. — shite shi7ida.JiNKo, 71. Aloes-wood.JiN-Ko, {Jiito no kuchi^ «. The population,census.JiN-ON, n. Benevolence <strong>and</strong> favor, grace,clemency.JiN-RiKi-SHA, n. A small, two-wheeledcart drawn by a man.JiN'-RiM, 7t. The five human relations,parent <strong>and</strong> child, master <strong>and</strong> ser-viz. :husb<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> wife, elder <strong>and</strong>younger brothers, <strong>and</strong> friends.

JINJiRE,-r«,-/«, i. V. To be fretful, irritable,impatient, vexed, annoyed.96 JITJiNKOKU, n. A stupid fellow, a dunce. Ji-SAN-KIN, n. A bridalJiN-SEi, n. A humane government. money, dower, dowiy,Apresent ofJi-SATSU, {jibun ni shinurii'.,) n. Suicide,Jin-sen, n. fan with iron stays, formerlykilling one's self.used by an officer in war.JiN-SHA, n. A humane or benevolent Ji-SEi, (toki no ikioi,) n. The exigenciesman ; a philanthropist.of the times, the spirit of theJi-SHOKU, «. Declining, or resignation times, spirit of the age.of an office or duty. — wo ko, to send Ji-SETSU, n. The time, season, times.in one's resignation.— ^« w^r?^/, the times are bad. HanaJiN-soKU. Quick, fast, in haste.no hiraku — ni natta. — tdrai., theJix-sui, «. The semen.time has come.jiN-TAi, (/li'U no karadci). Human body, Ji-SHA, (tera^ yashiro). Buddhist <strong>and</strong>a man's body, character, or condition. Sintoo temples. — bugiyo, the superintendentJiN-TSUKE, n. Jealousy.of Buddhist <strong>and</strong> Sintoo tem-Ji-NusHi, n. A l<strong>and</strong>lord, the owner or ples.proprietor of l<strong>and</strong>.Ji-SHA, n. An attendant, servant, minister.JiN-YA, n. An encampment, militarycamp.Ji-SHAKU, n. A load-stone, magnet, aJiN-VAKU, n. Medicines used to strengththevirile power,—Aphrodisiac.JissHi-issHo. Ten chances for dying <strong>and</strong>mariner's compass.Jippu, n. True or untrue, true or not. one for living, at great risk of life, dangerous,hazardous. — no tatakai woJippu, n. Real father.Jl-RAI, adv. Henceforth, after this.Ji-RAi-KUWA, n. A mine of powder. — Jl-SHI> irthquake.•wo shi-kakeru^ to lay a mine.JiRASHi,-jM,-/a, t. V. To chafe, to provoke,Ji-SHiN, pro. One's self, self.— ga yo-— de ko-vex, irritate, tease, annoy. Hito shirayeru., make it myself.1V0 jirashi nasaruna.Ji-SHIN-BAN, n. A watch supported bythe citizens of the ward.

JIT 97 JOGfalse, insincere. — 7Hiyd, real name.yHsu ni\ really, truly, indeed. Jitsubo^ real or true mother. — //, a fact,real event. — jo^ real feelings, sincere.Ji-TSUBO, n. The number of tsubo in aplot of ground.— wa ikura.Ji-TSL;Ki,-/^//,-?Va, i. V. To be a permanentresident, or fixed to a j^lace byowning house or l<strong>and</strong>.Ji-TSi'Ki, «. Pounding the ground torender it compact before building. —Tt'tf suru.JiTSU-MEi, «. Sincerity, uprightness,honesty. — no hito.JiTSURASHii,-,^/,-^«. a. Having the semblanceor appearance of truth. — kanas/ti.JiTTEi, n. A metal mace carried bypolicemen.JiTTEi. Honest, upright, sincere. — nahito.JiTTO, adv. Fixedly, firmly, steadily,without motion. — shite ire, holdstill.Ji-Y.\KU, n. Medicine which one is inthe constant habit of taking. — 7tisuru^ to prescribe for one's self.Ji-vo. Beside one's self, other, not one'sown. — no koto, another thing. — noIv emotion, affection.hito-bito, other people.da.Jo-ban, n. A permanent watch or guard.Jivu. freely, at one's own pleasure,withoutvenient.constraint, voluntarily,— ni suru, to do ascon-oneJ6Bi,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be superior, excellentor fine in quality.Jo-BOKU. To print, or have cut onpleases.Ji-ZAi. Freely, easily, at one's ownpleasure, without obstruction.JizAi-KAGi, n. A hook, used for hang-cend. — chiu ge, three qualities of superior,middling, <strong>and</strong> inferior. Goktt-JO, the very best. yd hin, superiorin quality. Jo-jd, very best, superfine.— jun, the first ten days ofa month. — kai, the upper world,paradise.Jo, n. A quire of paper,— of some kinds20 sheets make a quire ; of other 40sheets ; a book that folds up like a fan.Kami icki jo.Jo, n. Article, item, particular. San jdno okite, three separate laws. Migi ?wJO-JO, the above items.to send a.letter. — bako, a letter box.Used in respectfully addressingJo.young ladies. O jo san.Jo. in Used counting mats. Tatamiichijo, one mat. JUjojiki no heya, aroom of 10 mats.Jo, {take), n. A measure of ten feet inlength, a pole. Isshaku to ichijd, tenfeet make one pole.Jo, n. Riding, that which is ridden,Jo, (fumi), n, A letter. — -wo yaru,met. a horse.a horse for riding.— suru, to ride.— sen, to— ba,embarkon a ship.Jo-Ai, 71. The feelings, disposition, kind-— no 7iai hitoblocks.Jo-B JKU, {sumi nawd), n. The blackenedline used by carpenters for makinga straight line.ing pots over a fire, which can beraised or lowered to suit the occasion.j6-nu, a. Strong, firm, solid hale, ingood health ;courageous ; safe, secure.Ji-ZAi-SHA, 7t. A velocipede, also calledHitori gurutna.Jo-BUKURO, 71. A letter envelope.Ji-zoRi, n. Shaving one's self. — mo Jo-CHiu, 71. A tapeworm.Jo-dan, «. Sport, play, jest, joke, fun.Jo, n. preface of a book.— 7«;^ ?«, to jest, joke. — suru.}o,{onna),n. A woman. Akuj'o, an Jo-dan, w. A raised floor in temples orsuru.Theugly woman. Bi-jo, a beautiful woman. houses—; upper row, or grade.chiti, women.Jo-DO, {kiyoki kimi). The clean country,Jo, {kokoro).^_ n. Emotion, passion, feelingholy l<strong>and</strong>, or paradise of the Bud-obstinacy. Shichijo, the seven dhists.;passions ; viz.. joy, anger, sorrow, pleasure,love, hatred, desire. — ^vo haru, dexterous, adept. — na hito. — 7iiJo-Dzu, n. A good h<strong>and</strong>, skilful, expert,stinate or hardhearted. — ga nai, no Jo-FUKU, n. {tsune no ki7no7td). Commonto be stubborn, obstinate. Gdjd,o\i~ dekita, well done.clothes^ such as are usually worn.feeling of kindness or pity,Jo, {s/iiro,) n. A castle. — shu, the Jo-Gi, n. A ruler for drawing lineslord of a castle. —; achiu, inside of a rule, example, st<strong>and</strong>ard.casile. — guwai, outside of a castle. Jo-GO, 71. A funnel, 7nei. a sot, a drunk-Jo, n. A lock. — ivo orosu , to lock.Jo, {uye). Superior, best to go up, Jo-Go. Fixed fate, doom or retributionas-

JOG 98 JUJdecreed for deeds done in a previousstate.Jo-GON, {tasukeru kotoba). To promptor assist another by speaking, to dic-fixed period, or duration of life.Jo-MOKU, n. The items or articles, of anedict, proclamation, or notice.Jo-No, n. Any thing paid in to government,as money, taxes.JoppARi. Obstinate, stubborn, self-willed.JoREN, n. A basket with a h<strong>and</strong>le usedfor shoveling earth.Jo-RiKi, (chikara wo tasukeru^ n. Aid,help, assistance.Jo-RiKU. Disembarking, l<strong>and</strong>ing from aship. — suru.JoRiu. — suru, to distil. — sui, distilledwater. — kuwan, a still, alembec.Jo-Ro, n.prostitute, harlot, whore.Jo-RO, «. A kind of watering-pot.JoRO-jORO-TO, adv. Rippling of flowingwater. — nagareru.JoRo-VA, n. A house of ill-fame, whorehouse.JoRURl, «. A kind of musical drama orsong. — wo kataru.JosAiNAi,-/^/,-/^«. Active, smart, industrious,diligent. — hito.Jo-SEi, {tasuke nasu.) — suru, to aid,help, assist, to contribute.Jo-SHiKi, n. Established rule, or custom;customarily, always.JosHiKO, n. A smoothing plane, such asis used for the finest kind of work.Jo-SHOKU, n. Beauty of women. — nztate.Jo-HAi, (uye no tomogara.) Superiors,the great, the upper class of people.Jo-Ho. Fixed rules, stipulated articles ofa' treaty, laws, regulations, enactments.J6-I, {kurai luo yudzuru.) — suru^ toabdicate the throne.Jo-Ji, {tasukeru kotoba), n. An expletiveword, or word used for the sake ofeuphony.j6-]i,-(iz2ir/

'JUJ 99 JUSrelics.JuM-PiTSU, n. Money paid for writing.— riyo.Jum-pO, n. A favorable or propitiouswind.JuN. — suru., to follow or be obedientto even unto death ; to die for the sakeof another. Mlchi ni — suric, to suffermartyrdom for the truth.JuN. Regular or proper order, propersuccession. — ni yuku, to go one afterthe other in regular order.JUN-DATsu. — surii^ to pass or communicatefrom one to another in order.stages.Jun-t6. Regular order or turn, regularsuccession.JuN-voSHi, n. A younger brother adoptedas a son <strong>and</strong> heir.Ju-RAi. To come, visit.Ju-RAi, adv. Heretofore previously,hitherto, from the first.Ju-RiN {/uini nijiru). To grind, orcrush with the foot.JuRivo. — surit^ to receive from government,as an office, salary, or rank.Ju-r6 {roya ni ireru).Jtj-SAN, a. Thirteen.To send to gaol

'JURK )0 KABJu-ROKU, a. Sixteen.Ju-SHOKU. — stcru^ to reside in a monastery.Ju-SEN, a. Previous, former, adv. Asheretofore, as before.JC'-TAKU {sumika)^ n.Ju-SHA, n. A Confucianist.dence.A dwelling, resi-Ju-SHA, n. Attendant, follower.JuTSU, 71. Art, science, rules, principles,Ju-SHi, a. Fourteen.artifice, trick.JO-SHiCHi, a. Seventeen.Ju-SHO, n. A dwelling-place, residence.Ju-YEN, Doubly related by marriage.KKa, n. A musquito.Kabane, n. A dead bod}', the carcaseKa, n. Smell, odor, scent, perfume.of amKa, n. A load for a man. Midzu ikka, KaBE, 71. A plastered wall, plaster, mortar.— wo Tiuru, to plaster.a load of water. Sumi go-jikka^ fiftyloads of charcoal.K.^benari, «. Always assenting, agreeing,or chiming in with what anotherKa a classifier for periods of time, countries.Ikka tsukt., one month. Ni ka says. — luo iu.tsuki, two months. San ga koiu, Kabe-nuri, «. A plasterer, plastering.three provinces. San ga sho., three Kabk-shitaji, «. The lathing on whichplaces.plaster is daubed.Ka (iye)., n. Family, house. — w^/, Ka-bi, 71. Fire made to smoke awayfamily nam«, name of the house. Kafii^musquitoes.Kabi, 71. Mould, mildew.the rules or customs of ahouse.Ka-fiiy the chronicles of a family.Ka-gu^ house furniture. Ka-ko, the_customs of a house. Ka-Jt, familyaflFairs. Ka-jichi, giving a house assecurity. Ka-kei^ family line, pedi-.gree.Ka. An interrogative particle, = to theinterrogation mark (?). Atta ka, haveyou found it? Omaye Yedo ye aidenasarii ka, are you going to Yedo ?With a negative it expresses a strongaffirmative. Yoi hito j'a nai ka, whata fine man he is ! A particle expressingdoubt ;,if, weather, or. Danni sankita ka miyo, see if the master hascome. A me fiiru ka shfre-nai, Idon't know whether will rain or not.Kabavaki, n.Usagi no — ,itA hare roasted brown.id.KA.AiGARi,-r?

KABIKachi-mode, n. Visiting the temples onfoot.Kachi-musha, «. A foot soldier, infantry.Kachin, «. Bread or cakes made ofpounded rice, same as Mochi.Kachi-nige, n. Having wonaway, — as a gambler.to runKachi-vvatari, n. Wading across, crossingon foot.Ka-Ch6, «. Musquito-net.K.\D.\Mi,-7nn ,-f/da, t. v. To screen, orprotect from injury, fend off.Ka-den, n. Anything transmitted in afamily from one generation to another.Kado, n. A corner, angle ; a flint. —wo tatete mono wo tic, to speak angrily.Kado-ishi.^ a flint. — yas/iiki,a corner house.Kauo, n. The outside entrance, or doorof a house ; a home.Kado, n. A kind of fish roe.Kado, n. An item, article, point, particular.Kado, n. The paper mulberry.Ka-d6 {uta no iiiichi). Rules of poetry.Kado-bi «. A fire kindled at the door,after the death of a person, to light the•way of the soul to the next world.)I KAGbad.KAGAMARi,-r;< ,-//«, /. V. To be bent,crooked, curved.K.AGAME,-r«,-/'a, /. V. To bend, to crook,stoop, bow.¥.AG\M\.,-mu,-)tda, i. v. To bend, tocrook, to stoop, to bow.Kagami, n. A mirror, looking-glass ; 7net.the head of a barrel ; an example, orpattern. Kaga77ii-do, a shining door,clean <strong>and</strong> bright door. Kagai7ii-ita, aclean, bright board.Kagami-mochi, 71. A cake of rice-bread,large <strong>and</strong> round like a mirror.Kagami-shi, 71. A maker of mirrors.Kagari, r7i,-tta, t. V. To embroiderwith long stitches, to lace together bysewing, to darn, cross-stitch.Kagari, n. A kind of iron brazier forholding torches. Kagari-bi, a torchlight.Kagashi, «. A scarecrow made in theshape of a man.Kagashi,—jz/,-/a, t. v. To growl, snarl.KAGAYAKi,-/Cv^,-//rt, i. V. Tu be bright,glisten, glitter, sparkle, shine, gleam, tobe brilliant, effulgent. Kagayaki-wataru,to shine all around, to shineacross, to gleam across.

KAGI)2 KAIKagayaki, n. Lustre, brillianc}', glory,effulgence, brightness.Ka-ge, {.shika no ke). Deer-color, chestnut-color.KAGE,-ru,-^a. Same us Kaieru. Nicked,notched, flawed.Kage, n. Shade, shadow, reflection,light w^/. secret, unseen influence,;power, beneficence, help.;Kage de kiku,to hear in secret.Kage-boshi, 71. Dried in the shade.Kage-boshi, n. The shadow of a person.Kage-goto, n. Talking in secret, or ofone behind his back.Kage-hinata, n. Shade <strong>and</strong> sunlightvtet. double-faced, hypocritical, duplicity.Kagema, n. A boy used by sodomists.Ka-Gen, {jnashitari hcrashitari)., n.Increasing or diminishing, adding to ortaking away the proportion of the ingredientsin any compound ; the seasoning,flavoring, taste ;the feelings orcondition of body.KAGERi,-r2^,-^^a, /. V. To be overshadowed,obscured, shaded.Kagero, n. The waving or flickering appearanceof the air rising from a hotsurface in the summer.Kagero, n. A kind of insect, said to begmto live in the morning <strong>and</strong> to die atnight, an ephemera.Kage-w.\x, h. A broken cup.Kage-zen, n. Food set away for an absentone.Kage-zoshiri, n. Secret sl<strong>and</strong>er, backbiting,speaking evil of one who is absent,Kagi, n.key.Kagi, ft. A hook.JLA.Gi,-gu,-zda, t. V. To smell, to scent.Kagi-dasi^, to scent, to find out bysmelling. Kagi-nareru^ accustomed tothe smell or scent of anything. Kagitsukeru,to snuff" up, smell, to scent, toperceive by the smell.Kagi-bana, h. Smelling, scenting. Inuga — -lVo shite oric^ t.ie dog is scentingsomething.IC\Gi-GusuRi, n. Fumigating medicines ;Errhine.KAGiRi,-r?/,-/'/'«, i. V. To be limited,ended, bounded, confined, restricted ;until the end of, with the exception of;only ; to shade, shadow ; to set,—as thesun. Inochi kagiri tatakau^ to fighttill death.K.'VGiRi, n. The limit, end, utmost extent,boundary. Koye vo — ni nakisakebu^cried out at the top of hisvoice.Kagi-tabako, n. SnufF.Ka-giv6, n. Business, the occupation orcalling of a family.Kagi-zaki, n. Tom on a nail, torn orripped by catching on anything,— as ofclothes.Kago, 71. A sedan chair, or basket madeof bamboo for riding in. — wo kaku.to carrry a sedan chair.Kago, «. A basket, a cage.Ka-go, n. Care, providence, protectionof the gods. Kami no — de tasukaru.Kagoji, n. A character or word writtenin outline.Kago-kaki, n. Chair-bearers.K.\-GOTO, n. A pretext, excuse.Kagoya, 71. A place where kago arekept for hire.Kagura, n. A theatrical exhibition infront of a temple ;also persons wearingthe head of a lion as a mask, who goabout the streets dancing <strong>and</strong> begpaperas security, or as a witness ; toendorse.KIahan-nin, 71. An endorser, security.Ka-hi. Good or bad, good or not, shouldor not. — luo tsu77tabiraka ni sedzu,whether it is good or not is not fullyknown.KoHODO. This much, so much, so muchas this.Kai, 71. Profit, advantage, use, benefit.Kai, n. An oar, paddle. — ivo tsukau,to work an oar.Kai, (com. coll. for Kaytt)., n. Gruel.Kai, «. A clam, any small bivalve.K.M. The numeral used in counting hats.Kasa ikkai, nikai^ sangai.Kai. The numeral used in countingthe stories of a house. Ni-kai^ twostories, or second story.Kai, i,if)taski»ie), n. The prohibitipns,or comm<strong>and</strong>ments of the Buddhists.Go kai IVO taTiiotsu ^ to keep the fiveBuddhist comm<strong>and</strong>ments. Ha-kai 7ioso, a priest who breaks the comm<strong>and</strong>ments.Kai-giyo suru, to -practice thecomm<strong>and</strong>ments.Kai, (u77ii), n. The ocean, sea. Tdkai,the eastern ocean. Kai-chitc, inthe sea. Kai-dai, all within the fourseas, — Japan. Kai-bo, guarding thesea-coast. Kai-zoku^ a pirate. Kaidoya road near the sea-coast. Kai-gaii,the sea-shore. Kai-gun, the navy.Kai-gun-biyd-i7i, a naval hospital.Kai-he7i, near the sea, adjacent to thesea. Kai-jd, on the sea. Kai-moHy

I03KAIthe surface of the ocean. Kai-riku^s&a. at a losing or extravagant price, to makea bad purchase, to be taken in in purchasingKai, -a u^-aiia^ t. v. To buy.goods.ILAi^-au^-atta, t. v. To keep or feed animals.Kai-hax. To cut on blocks, to publishby cutting on blocks.Yiw^-au^-atta^ t. v. To put anything under,Kai-h6, (tasuke idakii). Nursing theagainst, or between something else sick, waiting or attending on, as ain order to support, brace, prop, level, nurse. — suru^ to nurse, to attend.or stay it.Kai-h6-nin, n. A nurse, one who attendsKai, n. A ravine, gorge.on a sick person, an attendant, assistant.Kai-awase, n. A kind of game playedwith shells.Kai-hotsu. Opening <strong>and</strong> developing orn. Kai-ba, The sea-horse ;Hippocampus.clearing for cultivation.new groundKAii,-y^z,->fe«, (coll. for Kayui). Itch-Kai-ba, n. Horse-feed.ing.Kai-biyaku, n. The opening or developmentof the visible universe,—supposed arms, embrace.K.\i-iDAKi,-;^«,-zVa, t. V. To take in theto be spontaneous : the creation. Ten KA-iRE,-rz

KAI 104 KAK,Buddhists to a deceased person, posthumousname.Kai-moku, adv.(with a negative).All, entirely, wholly,— yaku-ni-tatanu^wholly useless.KAi-MOTO.ME,-r«,-^«, t. V. To get orhold by purchase.Kai-mu, {>ni>ia nashi). Not the least,wholly.Kai-na, n. The arm from the shoulderto the elbow.Of no use, unprofit-Kai-nai,-/^/->^«, a.Kai-s6. — sunt., to remove a corpse fromone cemetery to another.Kai-shu. — suru., changing one's religion,or going from one sect to another.Wish KaitaktiKAi-TAi,->t/,-/&«,-(7. to buy.nai., do not wish to buy.Kai-taku. — j«r«, opening, improving,or developing waste l<strong>and</strong>, or the resourcesKaite, n.of a country.A buyer, customer.Kaitsuburi, n. The widgeon.t. KAi-TSi'KAMi,-;««,-«a'a, V. To seize orsnatch hold of, to catch up in the h<strong>and</strong>,to scramble <strong>and</strong> catch.t. Kai-tsui-:lkai,-o-^^«, v. To arrangethe clothes, to pick <strong>and</strong> adjust thefeathers as a bird.To makeKAi-TSUMAMi,-»««,-«t^rt!, t. V.extracts, to select passages from a book,to epitomize, abridge.Kai-u.v, {im wo hiraku). A change offortune for the better, a change frombad luck to good.Kaiwai, n. Vicinity, neighbourhood.Kai-wari, n. The plumules which firstopen when a pea or bean comes up.Kai-veki, aratanie kayeru). Dismissionfrom service, degradation <strong>and</strong> removalfrom office, <strong>and</strong> confiscation ofestate <strong>and</strong> property.able, useless.Kai-zai, (jjiina sumu). Finished, concluded,settled. — no tegata, a receiptKai-nen, {arataffiatta tos/ii), n. Thenew year.in full.KAi-NOKOSHi,-j«,-/a,/'. V. To leave a Ki-AZOYE, n. An assistant, attendant.part unbought ; to forget to buy.Kaji, n. A rudder, the helm. — -woKai-nushi, n. The buyer, purchaser. toru, to steer. Omo-kaji., helm to theKAi-OKi,-^«,-2Va, t. V. To buy <strong>and</strong> keep starboard. Tori-kajia, helm to theor lay by, or to bargain for.port side.KAi-OKi,-/4-«,-zjfa, /. V. To keep, as domesticanimals.Kajika, n. A kind of small river fish,Kaji, n. A smith, blacksmith.Kairai, «. A puppet-show.said to sing.Kairu, 71. A frog.KAjiKE,-r«,-^a, t. V. To be cold, benumbed.Kai-sax, {yania ivo hiraku). Foundinga Budd. temple, the founder of a templeor sect.Ka-jIiV, {tita yomi), n. A poet.Kajime, n. Kind of seaweed.Kai-shaku, n. An assistant ; the person KA]iRi,-r u,-iia. To gnaw, or bite anythinghard.who cuts off the head of one in the actof committing hara-kiri.Kaji-tori, n. A helmsman, steersman.Kaishidei, n. A mustard plaster, sinap- Ka-jitsu, (itoina no hi). A holiday, orKai-shiki, adv.entirely.All, every one, wholly,day of leisure.Kajiva, n, A blacksmith.Kajo, «. An item, article, particular.KAi-SHiME,-r«,-^«, /. z/. To buy up Kaica, n. Mother, used by children.goods <strong>and</strong> keep them, in order to raise KAKADZURAi,-a«,-«i'^«, i. V. To relateto, to concern, affect, belong to.the to forestall or monopolizeprice ;the market.KAKAGE,-r«,-/'a, /. V. To raise up, hoist,Kai-shin, {kokoro -wo aratainerii)^ n. up, to hang up.liftChange of heart, reformation, conversion.— sum, to be converted.out, to set forth, produce, bring up, re-KAKAGE-iDASHi,-i-«,-/rt, t. V. To hangKaiso, n.cord.Squills.KAKARE,-r«,-^«, pass, of Kaki.i. }^AKAKi.,-ru,-tta, V. To be suspended,hung up, hook to, fixed on, or laid over;something ; to pertain, concern, relate,or belong to, to appertain to to be thesubject of, to depend on ;to cost. Aleni — , to beseen, meet with. Isha ni —to consult a physician. Kokoro.,ni — , to be concerned about.or kiFushin•ni kakatte iru, engaged in building.Nani hodo kakari-mashita., howmuch did it cost ? Midzu ga aaaaru.,it is getting wet. Shigoto ni — , to beat his work. Hito no kuchi ni — , tobe a subject of talk. Tori-kakatie,happening to pass. Shi ni kakatte oru,to be dying, about to die. Kiri-kakaru.,about to cut, or ready to cut. likakaru.,about to speak. Koye ga ha-

na ni —, he speaks through his nose.Kagaini ni kiimori ga — , the mirrorcaught in ais cloudy. Wana ni — ,I05trap.Kak.\ri, n. The cost, expense ; duty,department of business, or labor ; station-house,or place of business.KAKARi-Ai,-«?

KAK io6 KAKKake-mono, n. Anything laid as a betor wager.Kake-mukai, n. Sitting opposite toeach other.Kake-ne, n. Asking more than the trueprice, two prices. Gen-kin — nashi^no credit <strong>and</strong> but one price.KAKE-NUKE,-r«,-/a, t. -v. To ridethrough, to run past, or slip away.Kake-ochi, n. Running away by stealth,absconding, decamping, escaping.Kake-roku, n. Speculating in trade,buying on a venture, adventure.Kake-sen, n. Money staked on a bet,in a lottery, or in gambling ; also, instalmentsof money paid.Kake-tori, n. A collector of debts, ofmerchants' bills, or of things sold oncredit.Kake-uri, n. Selling on credit.Kake-ya, n. A large wooden mallet.KAKE-vORi,->'«,-//iZ, t. V. To ride up to,to run near or close to.Kake-zan, n. Multiplication.K.AKi, «. The persimmon. — no ki, apersimmon tree.Kaki, n. An oyster. — no kara^ oystershells.— bai^ lime made of shells.Kaki, n. A fence, hedge.Kaki-,^«,-^^, t. V. To write, to sketch,to draw, to scribble.KAKi,->^//,-z'a;, t. V. To scratch, to rake,to bind strips of anything together inrows, to splice ; to contract, or catch,as disease. Haji ivo — , to feel ashamed.Skitsu wo — , to get the itch. Ibiki luo— , to snore.Kaki,-/^«,-/a, /. v. To carry on theshoulders—only used of a Kago.Kaki,-ku,-ia, t. v. To nick, to make aflaw in ; to break off a small piece, <strong>and</strong>thus to damage, or injure ; to omit.Koto wo — , to be short-h<strong>and</strong>ed. Hijiia•wo — , to waste time. Shoku wo — , toneglect one's duty.Kaki-ar.\wawashi,-jm, -i'a, t. v. Topublish.K.AKi-ATSUME,-rM,-/a, t. V. To collect<strong>and</strong> write down ; to rake or scrape together.KAKi-AVAMARi,-rM,-^^«, /. V. To makea mistake or commit an error in writing.Kaki-dashi, n. A bill. — wo kubaru,to distribute bills, or an account ofthings bought on credit.KAKi-DASHi,-j?/,-/fl, t. V. To copy outof a book, or ledger ; to begin to write;to rake orKaki-han,scratchn.out.A seal made with apen.KAKi-iRE,-r?

KAK 107 KAKKAKi-suvE,-r?/,-^«, t. V. To set down aa sedan-chair when carrying it.YiAKi-TM^-ki^-kzt^-ski, a. Wish to write.Kakitaku nai, do not wish to write.Kaki-tai to omdte kaki-nakatta^ Iwanted to write but did not.KAKi-TASHi,-Jz

KAKIo8KAMabout from place to place, wearing amask like a lion's head, <strong>and</strong> practisingKaku-y.-vku, adv.tering.Bright, shining, glit-somersaults <strong>and</strong> other tricks for a living. Kama, «. An artifice or trick used toKaku-betsu, a. Different from the ruleor what is usual ; unusual, uncommon,make a suspected person confess thetruth. — wo kakete 7iiakoto ivo iivaserti,to get one to tell the truth byexceptional, special, particular, extraordinary.— koto, an evception.pretending to know all abjut it.Kaku-dan. Different from ordinary, extraordinary,particular, special, import-Kama, m. A furnace, kiln.Kama, «.sickle.ant.Kama, ti. An iron pot.Kaku-gex, n. A maxim, adage, wisesaying,Kama-ashi, «. Club-foot.aphorism.KAMABisusHi,->^/,-/i-«, a. Tumultuous,Kaku-getslt, n. Alternate months, noisy, boisterous.month about, every other month. Kamaboko, n. A kind of food made ofKakugo, n. Preparation, readiness, anticipation,expectation. — iva yoi ia, baked ; hashed fish.fish cut up fine, rolled into a ball, <strong>and</strong>are you ready ?Kama-buta, «. A pot lid.Kakl'-guwai. Contrary to the rule, an Kamachi, 7t. The frame of a door, orexception ;particular, special, extraordinary.Onna wa ni sum, women Kamado, 71.window.are an exception. — ni yasui, extraordinarilya kiln.A furnace, kitchen, range,cheap.KAMAi,-rt?/,-«««. t. V. To meddle with,Kakui (Jiedate gokoro), n. Separation interfere to be concerned about, toof heart, unfriendliness, estrangement.;mind, care for ; to matter, be of importance.Kaku-jitsu, n. Alternate days, dayO kainal 7iasaru Tta, don'labout, every other day.trouble yourselfKaku-kaku, adv. So, thus, this way. Kama-itachi, 71.about it, let it alone.A sickle-weasel,—anKaku-kaku, adv. Bright, shining, refulgent,invisible animal supposed to inflictwounds on people ; thus if a personglittering.Y^KKXiUM..-aii,-atta, t. v. To conceal, should fall, <strong>and</strong> without any apparenthide, shelter, harbor.Kaku-maku, n. The cornea.Kaku-nen, n. Alternate years, yearabout, every other year.Kaku-no-GOToki,-/^«,-j-/2;, a. Thus, inthis way, so, such—referring to somethingsaid before.KAKrRE,-r?

KAM109 KANKam-base, w. The face, countenance.KAMBATsr, «. A drought, want of rain.Kam-ben. Consideration, thought, reflection,judgment ;patience. — suru^to consider, think over, reflect, deliberateon, to weigh in the mind;to pardon. — naranu, unpardonable.Kam-biyo. Nursing, or attending on thesick. — «z«, a sick-nurse.Kam-b6 {kaze -mo hiku). To catch cold.Kam-butsu {butsii wo sosogu), n. Theceremony of washing the idol of Buddhawith amacha.Kam-butsu, n. Vegetables dried forfood. — j«, a grocer.Kame, «. A tortoise. — no ko, theshell of a tortoise,Kame, «. A jar.Kame-bara, k. Kind of disease.Kame-Gata, n. A box turned out ofwood.Kame-no-o, n. The Coccyx.Kami (sAin), n. The gods, God.Kami, k. A title of rank, a ruler.K.A.MI (uye). Superior, above, high ; upperrank or place ; ruler ;wife. Kaivakawi,up the river. O kami san^ yourwife, also a title used in addressing anymarried woman, = Mrs.Kami, n. Paper. — wo suku^ to makepaper.Kami, n. The hair of the head.Y^K^w^-fmi^-nda^ t. v. To bite, chew,gnaw. K<strong>and</strong>e fukiimerii^ to chew thefood <strong>and</strong> feed it to the young. Kaiiiiau^to bite each other, to fight, as dogs.Kami-kirii^ to bite off, to cut oflT withthe teeth. Kami-konasu^ to masticate,to chew fine. Kami-kiidaku^ to break,or crush with the teeth, to craunch, tobite <strong>and</strong> break. Kami-shime^-n^ tognash the teeth, to close the teethKami-tsuku, to bite, lay holdtightly.of with the teeth.Kami-gata, n. The capital, the regionabout Kiyoto.Kami-ire, n. A wallet for holding paper,a pocket-book.Kami-kiri, n. A widow who cuts <strong>and</strong>wears her hair short after her husb<strong>and</strong>'sdeath.Kami-kiri, n.Kami-kiri, n.paper-cutter.A beetle.Kami-kura, «. The highest or chiefKami-muki, n. One's superiors; usedalso in speaking of a prince, or of thegovernment.Ka.mi-nadzuki (Jil-guwatsu)^ n. Thetenth month.Kami-nari. n. Thunder. — yoke^ acharm against lightning, a lightningrod.Kami-OKI, n. The ceremony on the occasionof first letting a child's hairgrow, when he arrives at about fiveyears of age.Kami-oroshi, n. Bringing down thegods, as is supposed to be done by aMiko or Ichiko^ when holding communicationwith them.Kami-s.-ucay.'VKI, n. Dressing the hair in<strong>Japanese</strong> style.Kami-shimo. Above <strong>and</strong> below, superiors<strong>and</strong> inferiors ; also, a peculiardress worn on occasions of ceremony,or on dress occasions.Kami-sori, n.razor.Kami-suki, «. A paper-maker.Kami-suki-ba, n. A paper mill, papermanufactory.Ka.mi-va, n. A paper store.Kami-yo, n. The age or time in whichthe Kami alone existed.Kami-yui, n. A barber, hair-dresser.Ka.m-mon, n. A written memorial sentto the Emperor.K.\mmuri, n. A kind of black cap wornby nobles on the crown of the head.Kamo, n. A kind of operatic performance,of dancing <strong>and</strong> music.Ka.mo, n. A wild duck.Kamoi, n. The upper beam in thegroove of which a door or screen slides,a lintel the lower is called Shikii.;Kamoji, 71. False hair worn by women.Kamoji, 71. Mother, only used by womenin writing to their mothers.Kamome, n. A seA-guU.KA.MOSHi,-j«,-^a, t. V. To brew. Uramiwo — , to s:ir up hatred.Kamoshika, 71. A kind of wild stag.Kam-pa, (jni-yaburu.) — sum, to discover,underst<strong>and</strong> ; to see into, or perceivesomething that does not lie on thesurface.Kam-pan, «.Kampiyo, n.The deck of a ship.A kind of dried melon.K.A.M-P6, \kara 710 /lo)., ti. Chinese systemof medicine.Kam-pu, {sa7uui kaze,) n. A cold wind.Kam-puku, 71. Admiration, commendadation,approval. — sjiru.K.\N, 71. Deficiency in weight or numberloss, waste, tare.;Kan, {sa77tuT.) Cold. Sho-kaTt, the periodof moderate cold. Dat-ka/i, theperiod of severe cold.Kan, 7z. China. Ka/t-go, the Chineselanguage. Ka7i-ji, Chinese characters.Ka7i-07t, the names of the ChincoCcharacters used by the Confucianists.

KANIOKANKan, {kinto^ n. The liver. Kan no zo^id.Kan, «. Marasmus.Kan, n. Cramp, twitching of the muscles,convul.-^ions.KaNj n. Quick of perception, clever, orquick-witted. — nvo tsukeru, to bequick to perceive, guess, or suspect.fKAN, «. Admiration, approbation. —nt tayetari^ affected to admiration.Kanagu, n. The hardware or metalwork of bureaus, boxes, etc.KAN.AGURi,-r«,-/^«, /. V. To coil, as arope ; to wrench off, to scratch.Kana-gus.\ri, n. An iron chain.Kana-gutsu, «. Iron shoes, a horseshoe.Kana-hibashi, n. Iron tongs, or twoiron rods for taking up coals.Kanai, n. Family, house ; wife. Go —sama., your wife.—>«, the whole family.KANAi,-rt« or dr-tta^ i. v. To agree with,to suit, accord, to be in harmony with,to correspond, to be consistent with,comport with, to be compatible, to tallywith.Kana-kin, n. Muslin, cambric, longclothof foreign make.Kana-kugi, «. An iron nail.Kana-kuso, n. Metal cinders.Kaname, n. The rivet or pin of a fan ;the important, or essential principle,Kan, {atatafuertt^) making hot, — applied— woonly to sake. tsukeru., to the cardinal point.warm sake by setting the bottle in hotwater.Kana-mono, n.of metal.Hardware, things madeKana. Exclam. used at the end of a Kanaradzu, adv. Positively, certainly,sentence, = to the interjection sign, !. necessarilj', must.Kana, n. (cont. of kari <strong>and</strong> na name). Ka-nari. Tolerably, middlingly well,The 46 characters of the <strong>Japanese</strong> syllabaryso called from their having been Kanariva, n. A canary bird.passibly, can or may do.borroToed from the Chinese.Kanashii,->^/,-/4-;/:, a. Sad, lamentable,Kana, n. Violet colored thread.sorrowful, afflictive, mournful.Kana-ami, «. A wire netting, wire Kana-shiki, n. An anvil.gauze.Kanashimi, n. Sorrow, sadness, grief.Kana-basami, n. Shears for cutting metal.Kanashimi,-^?^,-^^/^, i. V. To grieve,to lament, mourn, to sorrow.Kana-bashi, n. A blacksmith's tongs. Kanashisa. n. Sorrow, sadness.Kana-ber.\, n. An iron spatula, a trowel.Kanata. There, that place. — konata^here <strong>and</strong> there.Kana-b6, n. An iron rod, or staff, a KAN.A.-TEKO, n. An iron crowbar.crowbar.Kana-toki, n. An anvil.Kana-bcmi, n. Books written in the Kanatsumpo, 71. A deaf person.<strong>Japanese</strong> hii-agana characters. Kanawanu. The neg. of Kanai. NotKana-butsu, n. A metal image of Buddha,suiting, not agreeing with, unable ; can-a bronze idol.not, impossible, disabled. Tc ga kana-Kana-dar.\i. «. A copper or metal basin. ivanu., the arm is disabled.KANADE,-r«, /. V. To dance to music. Kanaye, m. a three legged kettle.Kana-doyu, n. A copper pipe.KANAVE,-rz^,-/«, pass, ol Kanai. To beKana-dzuchi, n. An iron hammer, in accordance with, or suitable to.sledge-hammer.Kan-Chi, {yokoshiina no chiye,) n. Wicked,cunning, subtilty, wiliness._ — na-Kana-dzukai, n. Spelling with the <strong>Japanese</strong>syllables, referring especially to ru viono^ an accomplished villian.spelling the sounds of Chinese characters.Kancho, n. A spy.Kax-dan, n. Leisure, interval of rest orKanagai, n. Lead or tin foil.cessation from motion or labor.Kana-gai, n. A metal spoon made in Kan-dan, {satnui atsui.) Cold <strong>and</strong> hot,the shape of a shell.the temperature.Kana-gaki. Written in the <strong>Japanese</strong> Kan-dan-kei, n. A thermometer.hiragana characters.Kan-d6, n. Disinheriting, discarding,Kanagi, n. A twig, small branch.or turning a disobedient son or servantout of the family. — suru, to disinherita child.Kan-d6, {nuki micki,) n. A by-way,a secret way.K<strong>and</strong>oko, n. The finger-board of a guitar.Kane, n. Metal, ore, money.Kane, n. A bell.Kane, n. The stuff used by <strong>Japanese</strong>women for staining the teeth black.KANE,-r?i,-/a, t. V. To discharge theduties of two or more offices at the same

KANIIKAN;time ; to use a thing for two purposes ; KA'S-ji,-dz!ir7i,-ta, i. v. To admire, toapprove of; to regard with approbation,to do two things at once to comprehend,or include two or more things in;esteem, or admiration to beone ;to be anxious about. Diii&cult, moved, affected.hard cannot.KAN-ji,-f/:;«r//,-i'(i, or ;Kane-bako, n. A money-box.i. V. ToKane-dzuku, «. By the influence of Kanji, n.a.The cold.be cold.{sainiiku narri),— ga tsuyoi.koto 1V0 de naszi beki koto n.money ;sake of money.—Hito no ma-de waKanjiki, n.Kan-jin,Snow-shoes.A villain, traitor, a depraved,nai^ men should not do what is rightunprincipled man.for the sake of money.Kan-jin, n. The important, essential, orKane-fude, n. A brush used in staining principal part.the teeth.Kan-jo, n. A privy.Kane-fuki, n. A metallurgist.Kan-j6, n. An account, reckoning, calculation; a bill, the amount. — suru.,Kane-gane, adv. Previously, before,usually, constantly, always.to count up, to reckon, number, toKane-goto, n. A secret or previous make up an account. Fii-kanjo carelessof accounts. — iva iku7-a, what is.,promise, as of marriage.Kane-gura, n. A money-vault, a money-safe,my bill, or what is the amount ? — chd.,a treasury.an account book.Kane-hori, n. A miner.Kan-ke, n.Kane-ire, n. A purse or wallet for carryingtemples.Contributions to Buddhistmoney.Kan-kei, f». Nefarious plan, or scheme,Kaxe-kashi, n. A money-lender, a a conspiracy.bank.Kan-ki, n. The cold. — wo shinogu,Kane-.mawari, 71. Circulation of money, to suffer from the cold.exchange, trade.Kan-ki, n. The discharge of a servantKane-mochi, n. One that has money, a for some offence, disgrace.rich man.Kan-ku. Hard <strong>and</strong> bitter circumstances,Kane-mochi-rashii,--^/,-/^?/, a. Having difficult <strong>and</strong> painful condition, afflic-the appearance of a rich man, like arich man.Kanna, n. A carpenter's plane. — noKane-no-te, n. A right-angle.dai^ the wooden part of a plane. —Kanete, adv. Previously, before, beforeh<strong>and</strong>;kudzii., shavings.constantly, alwaj'S.Kan-nabe, n. A pot for warmingKane-tsubo, n. A jar for holding toothdye.Kannagi, n. A dancer in a Kagura.sake.Kane-tsuke-ishi, n. A touchstone. Kan-nan, n. Trouble, adversity, calamity,affliction.Kane-zashi, n. A carpenter's square.Kan-nei. Subtle, cunning, treacherous,KANGAMi,-r2

..KANIKan-satsu, n. Watching the words or Kappo. Facilitating or saving labor. —conduct of others, spying, espionage.fio kikai., labor-saving machine.Kan-sha, n. Sugar-cane.Kappo, n. Cooking, preparation, <strong>and</strong>Kan-shaku, n. Quick temper, passion, dressing food. — sum., to cook. — ka^petulance, anger.a restaurant.Kanshaku-dama, «. Fire-crackers. Kappuku, n. The shape or proportions.Kan-shin, n. Admiration, wonder, approval.— stiru, to be affected to ad-Kara, a. Emptj', void, vacant. — niKara, n. Chinamiration.naru, to become empty. — m' suru,K.\n-sh6, ft. Admiration <strong>and</strong> praise.to empty. Kara-i>ako, an empty box.Kan-sho, n.kind of fragrant wood. Kara ido, a dry well. Kara naki.,Kan-Sho, «. A letter of remonstrance, crying without tears. Karadeppdy anexpostulation, or advice to a superior. unloaded gun.Kan-s6, 71. A syphilitic chancre. Kara, adv. A strong asseveration. =Kan-shoku, n. Sensitiveness, sensation, Indeed, trulj'.feeling.Kara, «. An empty shell. Kurt no —Kan-tan. — suru, to admire, applaud ;a chestnut-shell. Kaigara^ clam-shells.to cry or sigh in admiration, or applauselessbody. Tamago no — , an egg-shell.Naki-gara, empty shell ; (.fig.) a life-Kan-tan, n. Liver <strong>and</strong> gall-bladder. Setni no — , the cast-off shell of a locust.Kantan wo kudaku., (fig.) to do withgreat pains, with great care <strong>and</strong> anxi-Kara, posf-/os. <strong>and</strong> adv. From, since,ety-Kan-tei.qualities"Inspecting <strong>and</strong> judging of theof works of art. — ska., aby ;because, since, as ; than.Kara-aya, n. A kind of silk-stuff.KARABi,-r«,-z'rt, z. V. To be dry, arid,connoiseur,Kan-ten, n.critic, judge.A kind of food made ofparched.Kara-bitsu, n. A leather trunk.dried sea-weed.Karad.^, «. The body.Kan-toku, n. The oflfice of censor. Kara-gara, adv. In great danger, hardly,Kan-yetsu, n. Admiration <strong>and</strong> joy. with difficulty, barely.Kanvo, n. Importance. — naru^ important.with a cord,—as a bundle.KARAGE,-r«,-/'a. i. v. To tie up, to bindKan-zake, n. Warm sake., hot toddy.Karai,-^/,-^z

KAR 113 KARtsuku., to twineind cleave toanything.Karami, n. Acridity, pungencj', also akind of pungent food.Kakappo. Empty, dry.K.\RARi-TO, adv. Clear, free from shade,bright, not gloomy, light. — yo gaake^a, the morning has fully dawned.Kar.\sa, n. Acridity, pungency, sharpness.Kara-sao, n. A flail.Karashi, n. Mustard.Karashi,-^?^,-^'^, /. z". To make or letwither, to dry, as grass.Karashi-ire, «. A mustard pot.Karashi-na, n. The mustard plant.Karasu, n. A crow.Karasu-gane, n. Money borrowed on interest<strong>and</strong> repaid by daily instalments.Karasu-hebi, n. A black snake.Karasuki, «. A plough.Karasumi, n. Dried salmon's roe.Karasu-uri, n. The Trichosanthus Cucumerina.Kara-tachi, n. A kind of thorny bush,^gle Sepiaria.Kar.\-te. Empt3--h<strong>and</strong>ed.Kara-usu, n. A mortar for cleaning rice,in which the pestle is worked by thefoot.Kare, pro. That thing, that person, he.KARK,-rit,-ia, i. V. Withered, dried,dead,—as a tree, grass ; dried up, aswater ;hoarse, husky, of the voice.Kare-ba, n. Withered or dried leaves.Kare-gare, adv. Withered, dried, emp-Kare-ki, n. A withered or dead tree.Kare-kore. This <strong>and</strong> that, one thing oranother ; about.Karera. Plural of Kare. Those persons,these things.Y^\R\.,-rit .,-tta ^ t. V. To cut, as grain, orhay ; to harvest, reap.Y^\-Ri,-ru,-tta^ t. V. To hunt animals, tochase game. Hana -mo — , to huntflowers.KARi,-r«, or riru^-ita., t. v. To borrow,to rent.K.ARi,-rie,-f(a, t. v. To drive, urge onward,to hurry.Kari, n. The chase, a hunt.Kari, 71. A wild goose.Kari, n. The corona gl<strong>and</strong>is.Kari. Temporary, transient, for a shorttime. — no yadori^ a temporary lodging.— no yo., this world, which is onlytemporary. (Bud). — no hashi., atemporary bridge.Kari, n. Borrowing, a debt incurred fromborrowing money, a debt.Kari-atsume,-^^,-/^, t. V. To drive together,to urge to assemble, to hunt uppeople <strong>and</strong> bring them together.Kari-ba, n. Hunting-ground.Kari-dzumai, 71. A temporary or transientresidence.Kari-gane, 71. A wild goose, the cry ofthe wild goose.Kari-gi, 71. Borrowed clothes.Kariginu, n. A kind of coat worn bynobles.Kari-ive, n. A rented house, a housefor rent.Kari-kabu, 71. Stubble, after the graincut.isKari-kata, 71. The borrower, a lessee.Kari-kura, n. Hunting-ground.KARi-KUR.\SHi,-j«,-i'rt:, t. V. To live byhunting, to spend the time hunting.Kari-mata, «. An arrow with twoheads.Kari-mono, 71. Borrowed things.KARi-MOv6SHi,-i-«,-^rt, t. V. To hunt up<strong>and</strong> collect or assemble.Karin, n. A quince.Kari-ne, 71. A transient or short sleep.Kari-.ni, adv. Temporarily, for a shorttime only, lightly.K.ARi-NUi, 71. Temporary sewing, bast-Kari-nuski, n. One who rents a house,renter, or lessee.Kari-shun, n. Harvest-time.Karisome. Transient, small in degree,trivial, trifling, little, slight.Kari-udo, 71. A hunter.Kari-ya. a rented house, or a house forrent.Kari-vasu, «. The carex, or sedge.Karivobinga, «. An immortal bird, havinga fine voice, <strong>and</strong> human face, in theBuddhist paradise.KARi-YOSE,-r«,-^a:, /. V. To hunt <strong>and</strong>drive near, to drive together, as game.Karo, 71. The chief minister of a Dai-Karo-garoshii,-Z'2',-^?/, a. Lightly, inconsiderately,heedlessly, undignified,light or trifling in manner.Kakoi,-,^/,->^?Karojite, adv. With much difliculty,hardly, barely.KARONji,-^2?^r?

KAR 114 KASKaru-hadzumi. Careless, heedless, reckless,agerUy to pile up by placing one oninconsiderate.K.ARV\^-kt\-Au,-s/tT\ a. Light, not heavy ;another.Kasane, n. A pile, consisting of two ormean, low in social position, not severe.three things of the same kind laid oneon the other.Karu-ishi, n. Pumice stone.Kasane-gasane, adz'. Over <strong>and</strong> over,Karuka, «. A ramrod.repeatedly, many times, often, againKaruko, n. A basket carried by coolies ;<strong>and</strong> again.a coolie, porter.Kasanete, adv. Again, repeatedly.Karu-kuchi, n. Fluent in talking, voluble,Kasasagi, «. The jay.flippant.KASE,-r«,-.y/z/, i. v. To be lent, rented.KARU.ME,-r«,-/a, i. v. To make light, to Kase, «. Shackles, fetters. Te-kase,lighten.h<strong>and</strong>cuffs. Kuii-kase, the cangue,Karu-ni, n. Ballast.yoke. Ashi-kase^ fetters, stocks.Karusa, n. Lightness.Kase, «. A reel ; a reelful, a skein, hank.Karuta, n. Playing-cards.Ito kite kase, a hank, or skein ofKaru-wasa, n. Acrobatic feats. — shi^an acrobat.KASE,-r7

KAS "5 AThumbly to receive, or promise obedienceto what one is told to do ; to assentto.KASHiMASHii,-y^/,-/^z

IKatame,;Kata-sie,'Katami,KAT 1 [6 KATon the shoulder ; to incline, turn on theside, careen.Katamari, n.clot.A hard lump, a tumor,Katagi, «. Hard wood, especially oak. Kata.mashii,->^z',-^«. Depraved, ab<strong>and</strong>oned,Kataginu, n. That part of the dressunprincipled.of ceremony worn on the shoulders. KATAME,-rv

Katarai, n. Conversation, consultsYLatA^i,-ru,-ttd. To talk, tell, to singin a recitative mahner, to chant.KATARi,-r2^?

KAW ii8 KAYKawago, n. A box, or trunk made ofbamboo, or of leather.Kawa-goromo, n. A fur or leather robe ;fur clothes.Kawa-guchi, n. The mouth of a river.Kawa-gutsu, «. Leather shoes.Kawa-hagi, n. A person who makes aliving by picking up things that hefinds in the water, stripping deadbodies of their clothing <strong>and</strong> thingsfound on their persons.K.AWAi,-iz,-ku,-s/tz\ a. Lovable, darling,dear ;pretty, beautiful, sweet ; sad,pitiful.'KA\VAiGARi,-ru,~aiia, t. v. To love, tofeel kindly towards.KAWAiR.\SHH,-/i-/,-/&«, a. Darling, lovely,pretty, beautiful, sweet.Kawaiso, a. That which excites pity orkind feelings ; lamentable, cruel.Kawa-k.aburi, n. Phimosis.Kawa-kami, n. Up the river, upperpart of the river.KAWAKASHi,-j?/,-^fl;, V. To dry, tot.exsiccate, desiccate.Kawaki, «. Thirst.KAWAKi,-4r«,-zVa, i. V. To be dry, arid,thirsty.Kawa-oso, «. An otter.Kawara, n. A tile.Kawara, n. That part of the stony bedof a river which is dry, except in highwater.Kawara-buki, n. Roofed with tiles.Kawara-gama, n. A tile kiln.Kawarake, h. Unglazed earthenware.Kawara-mono, «. A play-actor.KAWARASE,-r«,-2'a, caust. of Kaxuaru.To change, to put one in the place ofanother, exchange, substitute.toKawara-shi, n,loA maker, or manufacturerof tiles.Kawara-va, n. A shop where tiles aresold.K.\wara-yane, «. A tile roof.K.AWARi^-ru,-^a, i. v. To be changed,exchanged, substituted;put in theplace of another altered, transformed;into something else ; new, strange.Kaw ARi, /;. A substitute, in the placeof, instead of.Kawari-ban-te, n. An alternate. —By turns, alter-«/, alternately.Kawaru-gawaru, adv.nately.KAWASE,->'?/,-^a, caust. of kau. Tocause, order or let another buy.Kawase, n. Exchange ; exchange-officeor bank ; drawing a bill of exchange.— tegata^ a bill of exchange. — kata^a banker, exchanger.Kawase, n. The rapids of a river, aswift current.Kawase.mi, n. A king-fisher.KAWASHi,-jM,-^rt, t. V. To exchange, togive <strong>and</strong> receive reciprocally, to shift orchange one's place.KAWA-SHiiMO, «, Down the river, thelower part of the river.K^vwA-SHiRi, n. The lower part or mouthof a river.Kawa-suji, n. The course of a river.Kawata, n. A tanner, leather-dresser.Kawa-take, n. A prostitute, harlot.K/VWataro, n. Same as Kappa.KavvA-va, n. A leather-dresser, orleather store.Kawava, n. A privy, back-house.Kawa-yanagi, n. River-willow.Kawa-voke, n. A break-water, to protectthe banks of a river from the current.KAVvAvui,-/t/,-/^«,-vyA/, a. . Beloved, dear,lovely, darling.Kaya, n. A kind of rush, much used inthatching roofs.Kaya, n. Musquito net.Kaya, comp. of Ka^ <strong>and</strong> Fa, a particleof interrogation <strong>and</strong> doubt. Nan tokaya mdshimashita ga vjasureta^ Ihave forgotten what he said.Kaya-buki, n. Thatched with rush.Kaya-ji, 71. The stuff of which musquitonets are made.Ka-yari-bi, n. A smoke made to keepoff musquitoes.KAYE,-r?

KAY19 KEB;;Kayeri-goto (Jienji)^ n. An answer, reply,Kaza-kami, n. Windward, the quarterresponse.from which the wind blows.KAYERi-Mi,-r«,-^«, t. V. To look back, Kaza-kiri-ba, n. The long feathers into take a retrospect, to reflect on, considerthe wing of a bird.; to regard, mind, care for. Ka-Kaza-mi, 71. A wind vane.yerz-midz2i, neg. to disregard, not caringfor.— %va ikaga., how is the wind ?Kaz.\-nami, n. The state of the wind.Kayeri-mode, n. Visiting a temple to KAZARASE,-r«,-^«, cans, of kazaru. Toreturn thanks for favors received.cause another to be adorned or ornamented.Kayeri-uchi, n. The killing of theavenger of one previously slain by the ILhZh^x^-ru.rti^i t- ^- To ornament,same person ; to have anj'thing intendedembellish, adorn, deck, decorate tofor another revert upon one'sor varnish over.gloss, palliate,KAZARi,-r2. To go <strong>and</strong> come, toto keep off the wind.pass to <strong>and</strong> fro, to pass along or through ;Kaze, 71. The wind.to circulate, to frequent.Kaze-jirushi, n. A flag for showing theKayoi, 71. A pass-book ;passing to <strong>and</strong> direction of the wind, a vane.Kaze-shita, n. Leeward.fro, passage, intercommunication, circulation.Kavoi-bitsu, n. A box used for sendingKa-z6 (iye kitra), it. Property, anythingwhich a person owns or keeps in athings <strong>and</strong> to fro.storehouse.Kayoi-cho, n. A merchant's pass-book. Ka-z6. IncreasingKayoi-guchi, n. A door for passing in amount.or adding to the<strong>and</strong> out.Ka-zoku, n. Family, all the membersWeak, feeble, of a family.Kayo\vai,-/^/,-/^w,-.9/«z', a.delicate.KAZOVE,-r?^z, a. Itching, an itchysensation.Kaza, n. Smell, odor.Kaza-ana. n. Air-hole, vent.Kaza-goye, «. A voice altered by a coldin the head.Kaza-gusuri, n. Medicine for a cold.K.A.ZA-GURUMA, n. A toy made of a paperwheel turned by the wind ; a windmill.K.^-ZAi, n. Household furniture, familyeffects or property.ber, to reckon, enumerate, calculate,compute.KAZOYE-KiRi,-r«,-^/«, t. V. To finishcounting. Kazoye-kira7iu., innumeble,cannot be computed.KAZOYE-TATE,-r?/,-Z'«, t. V. To countup, to enumerate, reckon up.Ke. 71. A line, ruled line. — wo hiku.,to rule or draw a line.Ke, 71. Hair, fur, the small feathers of abird.KE-AGE,-^«,-^a, t. V. To send up witha kick, to kick up.Ke-ai, n. A cock-fight.Ke-ana, «. The pores of the skin.Kk-awase,-r7e,-ta, t. v. To fight cocks.KEBADACHi,-!f.y?

KEBI20 KEIKe-biki, n. The fine lines ruled on paperKE-HANASHi,-j?

KEI 12 [ KENTabi ivo — suru^ to pass the time intravelling.Kei-ren, n. Convulsions, spasms.Kei-riku, n. Capital punishment.Kei-riyaku, n. A plan, device, scheme.Kei-saku, n. A plan, device, stratagem.Kei-shi, n. Cinnamon, Cassia.Kei-shi, n. Miyako. The capital.Kei-shin, n. Cassia buds.Kei-shitsu, n. A second wife.Kei-sho. Little, small, trifling in quantityor value.Kei-shoku, n. View, scenery, prospect.Kei-shu, {/una-gisoi ,) n, A boat-race.Kei-sui, n. Menses.Kei-tei, {kiyodai), «. Brethren, older<strong>and</strong> younger brothers.Kei-t6, n. Cock's comb, Celosia Cristata.Kei-vaku, n. A covenant, an agreement,promise. — siiru.Kei-vei, «. An escort, guard. — suru^to guard, to escort.Kei-yei. — j«r«, to build, construct.Kei-y6, n. Form, figure, appearance,representation, metaphor. — surii^ torepresent, imitate or personify, —shite iu^ to speak figuratively or metaphorically.Kei-v6-shi, 71. An adjective.Kei-zai, «. Fiscal, or financial matters.— gaku., political economy.Kejime, n. Difference, distinction.Kejirami, «. A louse that infests thehead.KE-KAKE,-r«,-^a, /. V. To kick, orsplash about with the feet.KE-KAYESHi,-j?

KENI2 KESor contemptously of, to contradict,den)- to depreciate.;Ken-CHI, «. Measuring, or survej'ingl<strong>and</strong>. — yaku. a government surveyor.— cho^ a book in which surveys areregistered.Ken-dai, n. A book rest, or st<strong>and</strong>.Ken-don. Close, stingy, miserly, covetous; cruel, inhuman, hard-hearted.Ke-nen, {kokoro ni kakerti). — suru^to be concerned or anxious about, haveon the mind.Ken-gen, n. A petition or memorial addressedto government.Ken-gi, n. Opinion or views upon somesubject in dispute or under debate. —.wo suru^ to make an address on a disputedpoint.Ken-giu, «. _The herdboy,— the nameof a star in Aquila near the milkyway.Ken-giu-kuwa, n. The morning glory.Ken-go, {katai-kataku.) Strong, firm,secure, safe, well-fortified, strict, rigid,severe, correct ; firm in principle.Ken-i, n. Power, authority, dignity.ILK's^i^-dzuru ^-tci. To present, offer orgive to a superior.Ken-jo. — j?/r?/, to present to a superior.— mono, a present to a superior.Ken-jutsu, n. The art of fencing, swordexercise.Ken-kuwa, n. A quarrel, fight. — sum,to quarrel, or fight.Ken-nan, n. A sword wound, or calamitycaused by the sword.Ken-nomi, n. A scolding, abuse, a settingdown, reprim<strong>and</strong>. — wo kutta,to catch a scolding.Kennon, n. Danger, hazard ; timid,fearful.Ken-nun, n. Dizziness, vertigo. — suru,to become dizzy.Kenshi, «. An inspector, or officef sentto see <strong>and</strong> report to government uponKany matter.Ken-satsu, {to7-i shiraberii). — suru,to investigate, examine or inquire into.Ken-shi, (kabane ivo viiru), n. Coroner,one who makes an official inquest,certifies to aor who inspects <strong>and</strong>death.Ken-shiki, n. Erudition, knowledge,learning.Ken -so, n. Steep, precipitous.Ken-son. Humble ; to humbly excuseor depreciate one's self. — stiru, to behumble.Ken-su, n. Number of houses, or numberoi ken in length.Ken-tai, {kane tsutoviuru). Discharg-ing the duties of two different offices atthe same time.Ken-tai. To be humble.Kentaka. Arrogant, overbearing.Ken-t6, n. Aim. — sum, to take aimat, to take sight.Ken-tsuku. Scolding, reprim<strong>and</strong>, rating.— wo kutta, to catch a scolding.Ke-nuki, n. Hair tweezers.Ken-yaku, n. Economy, saving in expenses.— nam, economical, saving,frugal.Ken-yaku, n. A previous agreement,covenant, or promise.Ken-y6, 71. Using anything for two purposesor between two persons, usinganything in addition to something else.Ken-y6. a boil on the perineum.Ken-zao, n. A measuring pole, or rod.Ken-zen, adv. Manifestly, clearly, eri-Ken-zoku, n. Members of one's family,household,—including servants or retainers.Ke-ori, «. Hair-cloth.KEOSARE,-r?/,-2'«, /. V. To be throwninto the back-ground by the surpassingexcellence of something else, to bethrown into the shade.Keppaku-na, a. Clean, free from defilementor impurity, honest, upright,open-hearted, frank.Keppan. Sealed with blood. — sum,to seal with blood.Kera, n. A cricket.Kerai, n. The vassal of a noble, servant,retainer.Keraku. Happy, joyful, light-hearted.Keredomo, conj. Although, but, still,notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing.Keri, keru. An auxiliary verb whoseforms are used as suffixes to form themoods <strong>and</strong> tenses of other verbs.Y>.^^\,-ru,-tta, t. V. To kick, to strikewith the foot.Kesa, adv. This morning.Kesa, n. A scarf worn by Buddhistpriests across the shoulder.Kes.^n, «. A paper-weight.Keshaku-bara, n. The elder son of afamily, but born of a concubine, whocannot inherit the estate if there is ason born of the trUe wife.Y^K?,Hi,-su,-ta, t. V. To extinguish, efface,put out, erase.Keshi, n. The poppy.Keshi-dzumi, «. The unburnt cindersofwood.KESHi-KAKE,-r«,-^«, t. V. To Set on, incite,instigate.Keshikar.\nu, a. Improper, extraordin-

ary, unbecoming ; strange, outrage-Keshiki, 71. L<strong>and</strong>scape, scenery, view,appearance, show, sign, expression offace.Ke-Shin, {baketani vii), ?i. Transformation,transfiguration, incarnation.Keshi-ningivo, ft. Very small figures123 KIof men, used as toys.Flesh <strong>and</strong> blood.Keshirai, n. Appearance, sign, indication,symptom.ine.Ketsu-rin, «. Hocmaturia, bloody ur-Ke-sh6, n. Adorning the face with Ketto, n. Family line, lineage, naturalwhite powder <strong>and</strong> rouge. — wo suru. descent, consanguinity.Keshobeya^ a dressing-room.Ke-u. Rare, strange, wonderful, remarkable.— 7ia koto., a strange affair.Kesh6-no-mono, 11. A being — generallya woman or child—into which a fox Kevvai. — suru, to dress, adorn one'sor badger transforms itself in order tobewitch people.Ke-s6, (^wi

KIreturning tp Miyako. Ki-ro^ the roadback. Kisan^ come back, return.Ki-taku^ returning to one's house.Ki, (tattoki)^ a. Noble, honorable. Ki-7iin^ an honorable person, a man ofrank. Ki-sen^ noble <strong>and</strong> ignoble, highor low in rank. Ki-kun, you, (.respectful).Ki-den, Ki-hen^ <strong>and</strong> Kiko^you, (to inferiors). Ki-sama, id. Kisatsu^your letter. Kisho^ your house,you,Ki. A measure used in measuring theheight of horses, a h<strong>and</strong>, of about five<strong>Japanese</strong> inches or 6 in. <strong>English</strong>. Ko-710 uma wa ya ki yori mo sukoshi oki^this horse is a little more than eighth<strong>and</strong>s high.Kl, n. A season, quarter of a year.Shi-ki^ the four seasons. Ni-ki, thethe two seasons of spring <strong>and</strong> fall.Ki, kuru^ kita, i. v. To come. Konu^not come. Imp. Koi^ come. Neg.imp. A"«r«-«^, don't come. Kaze gafutte-kita^ the wind has begun toblow. Kite mi nasai^ come <strong>and</strong> see.Hadzukashu natte kuru^ begins tofeel ashamed.'K.i.-kiru-kita^ t. v. To wear, put onclothes, to dress. On ivo kiru^ to re-Ki, n. History, record, chronicle. Ni~hon-ki^ the history of Japan. — suru,to record, chronicle, take a note of.Ki-Ai, n. The spirits, feelings. — gaivarui^ to feel bad.KiBA, n.tusk, the canine teeth.KiBA, n. A horseman, trooper.Ki-BACHi, H. A large wooden bowl.KiBAMi,-;««,-«^a, i. z>. To become yellow,to turn yellow.KiBiRASHi, n. Dispelling the vapors orgloom ;pastime, amusement.KiBARi,-r«,-i'/a, /. zf. To force or exert124 KIDKlBUi,-^/,-,^»,-j/«?, a. Sharp, strong, orharsh to the taste.Ki-BUKU, «. The period of mourning onthe death of a relative.Ki-BUN, ft. The spirits, feelings, stateof the body.Ki-BLRI, n. The shape, trim, or figureof a tree._Ki-BURUSHi, n. Old <strong>and</strong> worn out clothing.Ki-BUSAi,-/^/,-,^»,-j^z, a. Solicitous, anxious,nervous ;apprehensive, diffident,timorous.Ki-BUSHo. Idle, indolent, lazy.Ki-BUTSu, n. A vessel, utensil, furniture,implement.KiCHi, a. Lucky, fortunate.Ki-CHiGAi. Mental derangement, crazy,insane, mad. — tta hito^ a crazy man,lunatic.Ki-CHiu, {iini no uchi). During theperiod of mourning.KiCHo, n. A curtain.KiCHOMEN, n. A moulding or an ornamentalborder ; exact, accurate, precise,punctual. — 7ta hito.Ki-DACHi, n. A wooden long sword.Ki-DATE, n. Disposition, temper, spirit.Ki-DEN, {shirus/ii tsutaye)^ n. Records,history, chronicles.KiDo, 71. The orbit of a heavenly body.KiDO, 71. A gate in any common thoroughfare.KiDOBAN, «. A clown or buffoon.KiDOKU, 71. Kind, benevolent, philanthropic.Ki-DORi, «. Pleasing to the taste, stylish,neat in fashion.KiDORi,-r;

. anythingKID 125 KIKKiDZU-TSUKi,-^«,-zV«, t. V. To wound,hurt, to inflict injury.-/i'?

KiKi-NOKOSHi,-^-^,-/^, t. V. To omit thehearing of anything, to put oflF hearing.KiKi-OBOYE,-r«,-j'«, t. V. To learn orremember anything by hearing it.KiKi-OTosHi,-j«,-^a. To miss hearing,to fail to hear what is said, to fail or forgetto inquire about.KiKi-OYOBi,-i^2

JKIMfnofio^a. marvelous thing. — «/, wonfiiUy.KiM-ME, n. The weight in catties. —de urti^ to sell by the catty.KiMMOTSU, w. Prohibited things, contrab<strong>and</strong>goods things forbidden to beeaten,—as in sickness.KiM-MUKU, n. Pure gold.KiMO, n. Gall-bladder ; courage, bravery.KiMO-iRi, «. Superintendence, direction,\ or management of any work assistance,aid, service also a superintendent,manager, director, overseer.Ki-MON, n. The north-east,—from whichan evil influence is supposed to come.Kimono, n. The long robe worn by the<strong>Japanese</strong> ; clothing.KiM-PAKU, n. Gold-leaf.KiM-PEi {kin no go hei), n. Gold-leaf, orgilt paper hung in Sintoo temples torepresent the Kami.Kim-pen, n. Neighborhood, vicinity.Kim-pun, «. Gold powder.KiMUDZUKASHii,->(;/,-,i'z

1 KiRABiVAKA,jKiRADZU.KIN 128 KIRKin-sen {kin to zeni). Gold <strong>and</strong> coppercoin ; money.KiN-SHA, n. Gold dust ; also fine goldthread.KiN-SHi, n. Gold thread.KiN-SHi, n. Duty, official employment,service. — suru^ to serve in one's officialduty.KiN-SHi, 11. Prohibition, stopping, forbidding,interdicting. — suru^ to prohibit.KiN-SHo, «. Inflammation. — suru, tobe inflamed.KiN-SHOKU, «. Golden color.KiN-SHU, «. The owner of the money,the person who supplies the capital inany business.KiN-SHU, «. Leaving off the use of ardentspirits ;prohibiting the use ofardent spirits.KiN-so, n. An incised wound.KiN-soKU {asAi luo imashiinerii). Forbiddento leave the house, confined tothe house as a punishment.KiN-soN {chikaki mu). A neighboringtown or village.KiNSU, n. Money, specie, coin.KiN-suNA-GO, n. A kind of wall paperspotted with gold.KiN-TAMA, «. Testicles.KiN-TEi, «. The Mikado's palace.KiN-ToN, «. A kind of confectionarymade of beans <strong>and</strong> sugar.KiNU, n. Silk goods.KiNU-BARi, 71. Glazed or spread withsilk, as screens, lanterns, etc.KiNU-CHijiMi, n. A kind of silk stuff.Ki-NUKE, n. Idiotic, foolish, absentminded.KiNUSA, n. A mallet for fulling cloth.— no dai^ the block used in fullingcloth.KiNUTA-ucHi, n. A fuller, one whowhitens cloth by beating.KiN-ZAi, n. Neighborhood, vicinity, orthe country near any place, environs.KiN-ZEi, n. Forbidden, prohibited, indicted.— sunt.Ki-ocHi, n. Despondency, loss of hopeor courage, dejection.Kioi,-

KIR 129 KISKiRi-MAKURi,-rz

KIS 130 KIUKiSHiMi,-/««,-«^«, i. V. To stick or rubin moving, not to move or work easilyor freely, to move with much friction,to creak.Ki-SHiN, «. Contributions, or offeringsto temples.KiSKiRi,-r«,-//a, t. V. To rub, or grateagainst, to creak ; to move with acreaking noise.Ki-SHITSU, «. Natural temperament,disposition, temper, mind.Ki-SHOKU, n. The state of one's feelings,spirits, health.Ki-SKo-MON, 71. An indenture, a writtencontract, bond, a written oath.Ki-SHUKU, — suru^ to lodge, sojourn,board or dwell for a short time.Ki-SHUKU-NiN, n. A lodger, boarder,sojourner.Kisoi,-^,-oi'ii, /. a. To emulate, compete,strive, to excel, contend for mastery.Ki-soKU, n. A rule, law.KissAKi, «. The point of a sword.KisSHiN, n. A fete day, lucky day.KissHiRi TO, adv. Tightly, closely.Kisso, n. The expression of the variouspassions or emotions in the countenance.Kisso, n. Valerian.Kisso, n. A lucky physiognomy.Kisu, n. A kind of fish.KiTA, «. Nortl).KiTA-GOCHi, «. North-east wind.KlTAi,-/t/,-/!•?/, a. Wish or desire towear, like to wear or put on. Kitakunai, do not wish to wear.Ki-TAI, {yo ni marena koto). Strange,rare, uncommon, wonderful.KiTAi,-(7, ta. V. To forge iron, to hardeniron by pounding it ; to improve thequality of anything by use.KiTAi-GANE, n. Tempered or wroughtKiTANABiRE,-r?

Kiu-HAKU, (komari-hate). Distressed,troubled, suffering discomforts, annoyance.Kiu-iKi;-jo, n. Alms-house.Kiu-ji, n. Waiting, or serving at table ;also, a waiter, table servant.Kiu-ji. Applying the moxa. — sum,Kiu-jiTU, {yasuwt-di^) n. Day of rest,holiday.Kiu-JUTSU, «. Archery.Kiu-KAN, n. A parrot.Kiu-KETSU, «. The places for applyingthe moxa.Kiu-KETSU. The nine holes of the body—the eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, urinary<strong>and</strong> fecal passages.KiU-KiN, {atayuru kane^ n. Wages, hire,salary.Kiu-KOTSU, n. Spinal vertebrae.Kiu-KUTSU, n. Contracted, narrow, restraint,distress, trouble, confined.Kiu-MON. — suru, to examine or interrogatea prisoner, to cross-examine.Ki-UN, n. Changes, fluctuations ; fortunatetime.Kiu-NA, a. Pressing, urgent, requiringhaste ; hasty, rapid ; steep, sudden,dangerous. — saka, a steep slope. —se, a rapid current.Kiu-Ni, adv. Urgently, pressingly, quickly,hastily, rapidly, steeply, sudden-ly-Kiu-Ri, {furusato). Native village, nativeplace.Ki-URi, n. Cucumber.Kiu-Ri, {hisaskiku hanareru^ n. Cuttingoff a child from the family, disinheriting,to disfranchise.Kiu-Ri, n. Natural philosophy.Kiu-SEX, (yufni ya). Bow <strong>and</strong> arrow.Kiu-SE-SHU, «. The Saviour of theworld.Kiu-SEN, n. An armistice, truce ; atemporary cessation of hostilities.Kiu-SHO, n. A vital or dangerousplace.Kiu-SOKU, (z'kte wo yasuinu). Resting,ceasing from labor or travelling.Kiu-soKU. Quick, hasty, urgent, pressing.Kiusu, n. A small tea-pot.Kiu-TEN, n. The mark made with inkto show where the moxa should be applied.Ki-UTSU, n. Melancholy, gloom, lowspirits.KiWA, n. Margin, brink, edge, verge,border; the line of demarkation, thepoint of time when anything is done.Sono — ni natte nanj'u suru^ whenthat time comes you will have trouble.131 KIYTachi-gi'wa^ point of starting. — gataisu, to be separate, or distinct.KivvAD.\, {ddaku), n. A kind of barkused in dyeing yellow.KiWADACHi,-^j«,-z'^rt, i. V. To be welldefined or distinct as to the limits orborder ;to be distinct, separate, or different.KiWADOi,-/t/,-/t«, a. Critical, hazardous,dangerous, risky.To show Ki\\AV>zvK\,-ku^-ita, i. V. theline of junction or demarkation ; to appeardistinct, or separate.KiwAMARi,-^?^,-i'^a, /. V. To be defined,determined, settled, fixed, limited, finished,ended ; come to the last extrem-KivvAME,-rK,-^a, t. V, To define, determine,decide, fix, establish, settle ; toend, finish ; exhaust, to carry to the ut-KiWAME, n. The time when any thingwas made, <strong>and</strong> the maker.KiwAMETE, adv. Definitely, positively,assuredly, must, exceedingly.KiwATA, n. The Gossypium Herbaceum.KiwATA-GURi, n. A machine for cleaningcottonKiVAFU, n.of its seeds, a cotton gin.A waist cloth worn by women.KiYAHAN, n. Leggings.KiAKU, n. A guest, visitor, a passenger,customer. Kiyakii-hiin^ the same as aguest or visitor. Ktyaku-deu, a parlor,drawing room. Kiyakti-rai, thecoming of visitors or guests. Kiyakusert^a passenger ship, packet ship.KiRAKU-RO, n. A foot-stove.Ki-YAMi, «. Distress, trouble of mind,depression of spirits.KiVARA. Aloes-wood, or Agallochum.KiYARi, n. The sung of person* unitingtheir strength to do any thing, as inlifting or pulling.KivASHA. Genteel, delicate.Ki-VASUME, n. Tranquility of mind, consolation,comfort. — 1V0 iu., to condolewith, to soothe or appease.KiVATATSU, n. A step-ladder.KiYATSU. That fellow, that rascal.KiYE,-r«,-«'rt;, z. V. To melt away, to beextinquished, quenched, put out, effaced;to vanish, disappear; to die.KiYE, {shitagau^ — surti^ to humblytrust in, depend on, to believe in.Ki-YETSU, iyorokobi)^ n. Joy, gladness,pleasure.KiYO, {oi nam). Great, large, vast,many ; very. Kiyo-sai., very minutely,particularly. Kiyo-dai^ exceedingly

KIY 132great, very large. Kiyo-man^ myriad judicial decision passed on a criminal.of myriads, innumerable.KiYO, {jnunashi^ n. Deficiency, wants, KiYO-jO. — suru, to dwell, reside.weakness, unguarded places. Kiyo- Kiy6-j-j, {osA/ye sadzukeru), n. Teaching,instruction, education. — sjtru,(5?j(7, a disease of debility. Kiyo-dan^a falsehood, fiction, story. Kiyo-gon, to teach. — riyo, the price paid for instruction,a lie, falsehood. Kiyo-jaku^ weak, feeble.tuition. Kiyo-Jii-Laia., aKiyo-jitsu^ false or true. Kiyosetsu^teacher, instructor, preceptor.a false report, a story. Kiyo-KiYO-KA, (fawainu7-eric uta^) n. Comicshoku, a false show, dissimulation.poetry, comic song.Kiyo, adv. To-day.KiYo-KAKU, (mune), n. The breast, theKiyo. Unlucky, bad, evil. Kiyo-ji., unluckychest.affair. Kiyo-nen, an unlucky KiYO-KA-SEiji, n. Republican or demo-year. Kiyo-saku., bad crop.cratic form of government.Kiyo, n. Canonical, or sacred books, especiallyKnoKATABiKA, n. Grave clothes, aof the Buddhists ; the Chinese shroud, winding-sheet.KiYo-Ki, «. Mental derangement, insanity,classics.madness.Kiyo, n. Sport, diversion, amusement,pleasure, fun, entertainment. — suru., KiYO-KiYO-XEN, adv. Year before last.to make merry, to frolic.Kivo-Ko, {kono nochi), adv. Henceforth,Kiyo, {kano). Agreement, union, concurrence,after this, hereafter.harmony. Kiyd-do, agreeing KiYo-KOTSU. Rough, rude, harsh, violent,together, of one mind. Kiyo-riyoku,boisterous.doing together in unison, or concord. Kiyoku, «. That which is crooked,Kiyo-shin^ of one mind, agreement, bent, distorted, wrong; entertaining,unison.performances or diversions. Kovia noKiyo, n. A fraction over the precise -^, top-spinning. Uma nori no — , circusriding. — choku^ wrong or right.measure or quantity. Kiyd-jaku,Kiyoku-ba., a circus. Kiyoku-jt, astrength or weakness, excess or deficiency.misdemeanor. Kiyoku-inochi., feats ofKiyo. Ingenious, expert, clever, adroit. strerigth or dexterity. Kiyoku-nori.,KiYo-BOKU, n. The gibbet on which theheads of executed criminals are exposed.KiyOdai, «. Brother, brethren. — buHythe part of, or the same as, a brother.KiYo-DAi, n. A mirror st<strong>and</strong>.KiYo-D.AN, {inaka kotoba^ n. Provincialism,country dialect.KiYO-FU, n. Convulsions, fits.KiYo-GAi, «. Condition, circumstances,state.KiYo-GAKi, n. A clean copy.KiYO-GANNA, «. A smoothing or finishingplane.KiYo-GEX, n. A play, drama, theatricalperformance.Kivo-GFTSU, H. Last month.Kivoi,-ii\-ku,-s/tz\ a. Clean, clear, pure,free from defilement. — narti, to becomeclean. Kiyoku S7iru^ to cleanse.KiYo-iKU, {cshiye sodaterii). Instruction,education. — suru., to educate,to instruct <strong>and</strong> bring up.KiYoji, -rM,-/a, i. 7>. To be delighted,pleased, diverted by any thing.KiYo-jiN, «. A madman, lunatic.Kty6-ji-ya, n. A maker of wall-paper,paper hangings, screens, etc., a paperhanger.KiYo-jo, «.The sentence, judgment, orcircus riding.Kiyoku, n. The utmost point, the extreme,highest degree, acme, summit.— do^ id.KiYo-KUN, n. Instruction, teaching ofthe principles of morality <strong>and</strong> religion ;education ; advice, counsel. — suru.,to instruct,KiYOKURi,-r«.-^M, t. V. To deceive,cheat, delude, impose on.KiYOKL-ROKU, 71. A large chair used bypriests in temples, an arm rest.KiYo-.MAN, «. Pride, arrogance. — suru.,to be arrogant.KiYOMARi,-r«,-i'M, /. V. To be clean,pure, free from defilement.KiYO.ME,-r«,-^a, t. 7'. To make cleancleanse, purify, free from defilement.KiYOME, n. Cleansing, purificationablution.KiYO-NEN, n. Last year.KiYo-NiN, n. The kernel of an apricot orpeach stone.KiYo-o. — suru., to treat, entertainguests, to feast.KiYORAKA-NA, a. Clean, pure, free fromdefilement.KiYORAKA-Ni, adv. Cleanly.KiYo-RAN. Mental derangement, insanity,craziness.

KIY 133 KOBlanguage.KiYO-Ri.'-CHi, n. The ground appropriatedto foreign residents. — viatuariy them a diminutive sense ; as, Koyumi.,Ko. A particle prefixed to words to givethe policemen of the foreign settlement.a little bow. Kotntne, a small boat.Ko-mtszibito., a pilferer. Ko-usht\ aKiYORo, n. Atrophy.small cow.KiYORO-KiYORO-To, adz'. Loolcing about Ko, n. Flour, fine powder. Mugi-noko,about.stealthily, peeringwheat flour. Soba-no-ko., buckwheatKiYORORi-KUWAN, adv. Sitting silent meal. Ko7ne-no-ko^ rice flour. Ko fit<strong>and</strong> alone.suru, to pulverize.KiYORORi-TO, adv. Staringly, gazing Ko, (coll. cont. of kaiko,) n. A silkabout.KiYORO-TSUKi,->^M,-jVa, Ko, n. A tree. Jio no moto, at the footi. v. To stare,gape about, to peer, or gaze around indecently.of a tree. Ko no tna, between thetrees.KiYOSA, n. The degree or state of cleanlinessKo. Ancient. /T^-y'/^, a man of ancienttimes. Kosei\ ancient sage. Ko-bun,or purity.KiYo-SAKU, n. Stricture of the urethra.Aancient form of writing. Ko-butsu, anancient thing. Ko-butsu-ka^ an antiquarian.KiYo-SHi, 71. teacher of religion, apriest, clergj'man, missionary.Ko-/Uy ancient customs. Ko-KiYO-SHO, {idokoro)^ n. Dwelling place, go, an ancient word, ancient.place of residence.Ko-taku^ an old house, former residence.Ko-ji^ ancient aflfairs. Ko-jin,KiYo-soKU, n. A kind of padded stoolfor leaning against in sitting, an arm an ancient man, the late. Ko-mai^ oldrest.rice. Ko-seki, ancient ruins. Ko-jtts2t,KiYo-So-ZAi, n. Tonic medicines.Ko-kon, ancient <strong>and</strong> mo-antiquities.KiYO-TAKU, {iru tokoro)^ ti. Dwellinghouse, home, residence.KiYo-TO, n. The capital, residence ofthe Mikado, metropolis.KiYO-YO. — suru^ to grant, permit, allow,consent to.KiYo-YU, n. Instruction, teaching, education.KiZA, n. An elephant.KiZA, {ki ni sawaru). Disagreeable, unpleasant,odious.KiZAGARi,-r?/f,-2'^a, i. V. To be disagreeable,unpleasant, odious, disliked.KiZAHASHi, «. Stairs, a flight of steps.Ki-ZAi, n. Household furniture <strong>and</strong> utensils;the timber used in building.KiZAMi,-w«,-«^fl;, t. V. To cut intosmall pieces, to chop ; to carve, as animage ; to sculpture, engrave.KiZAMi, n. Carving ; time, period oftime.KiZARASHi, n. A persimmon that ripenson the tree.K.iZASHi,-su,-fa, i. V. To bud, to sprout,to shoot forth, germinate, begin to appear.KlZASHi, n. The first beginning, shootingup tendency, disposition ; sign,;omen.Ki-ZETSU, {iki ga tomaru^ n. Stoppageof the breath, faintness, choking ; asphyxia.Ko, n. A child, the young of anythingKo, «. A numeral for threads, or str<strong>and</strong>;as, Hito koy one str<strong>and</strong>. Futa ko^ tsvostr<strong>and</strong>s.dern. Ko-rai\ from ancient times.Ko, «. A watch of the night, of whichthere are five, commencing at sun-downor six o'clock <strong>and</strong> extending to fouro'clock A. M.Ko, n. The back of anything; used alsoto designate the first in quality or order.Kavie no — , the back of a tortoise.Te 720 — , back of the h<strong>and</strong>.Ko, n. Metallic ores, minerals. Kd-za/t,mine of ore, mineral region. Ko-fn.,miner. Kozan-gaku^ mineralogy orart of mining. Ko-bittsu., minerals.Ko-butsu-gaku, mineralogy.Ko, «. Filial piety, obedience to parents.Fu-ko, disobedient.Ko, 71. Actions of merit, worth, or excellence;actions worthy of praiseRd shite ko nashi.,talent, ability, virtue.much labor for nothing.Ko, n. Incense, fragrant or aromaticsubstances, perfume. Ko-gti., utensilsused in burning incense.Ko, adv. So, thus, this manner. Koseyo, do it so.Ko-AGE, 71. A coolie, a porter.Ko-BAi, {akai itme^ n. A species ofplum bearing red blossoms.Ko-BAi, 71. The slope or inclination of aroof or mountain.Ko-BAKAMA, 71. A kind of trowsers, thelower part of which is gathered <strong>and</strong>tied to the leg.KoBAMi,-w?^,-wi/a, i. V. To stop, oppose,withst<strong>and</strong> ; resist, hinder, prevent ; toobject, to contradict, to deny.

KOB 134 KODKo-BAN, «. The name of an ancient Ko-CHA, n. Old tea, last year's tea.gold coin, = four ichibus, or one riyo. Ko-CHA, n. Broken tea-leaves, tea-dust.KoBAN-NARi, «. Elliptical in shape, like KocHi, adv. Here, this place ; I, me.a koban.Achi kochi, here <strong>and</strong> there, about.Ko-BARA, n. Slightly offended, slight KocHi, {Jiigashi kaze,) n. East wind.degree of resentment.KocHiRA, adv. Here, this place.Ko-BASHi, n. Two small silver rods, KocHiTAKi.-/^^, a. Tedious, tiresome,used as tongs when burning incense. prolix, prosy.Fragrant, odorous, Ko-CHo, n. Dropsy of the abdomen,K6BASHii,-y(-/,-,t«, a.aromatic.Kobe, «. The head.ascites.Ko-CHo, n. A civil magistrate of a townor city.KoBERi-TSUKi,->^?^,-//a, i. V. To stick,to adhere, to harden <strong>and</strong> stick to anything,as gum.manner of planting, or st<strong>and</strong>ing. — gaKo-DACHi, n. Trees, in relation to theKoBi,-r«,-/a, i. v. To smirk <strong>and</strong> smile yoz^ the trees are planted in beautifulorder in to please, or ingratiate one'sself with another ; to fawn, to flatter.order.Ko-DACHi, n. A small sword.KoBi,-rK ,-/

KOD 135 KOIKoDZURA, n. The face,—used in scolding.— no nikui karasu-tne^ a dirty the price.gle, or higgle in buying, to beat downfaced crow.Ko-GiRi-DOKi-Ni, adv. Diminishing littleKoDZURi, n. The change, or balance of by little.money paid beyond the price. — wo KoGi-TORi,-r«,-^/«, t. V. To pluck uptoru, to take change.by the roots.Ko-DZUYE, n. The small branches of a Ko-GiYo. Making or getting up an entertainingtree, a twig.performance or amuse-KoGAi, n. An ornament made of shell, ment.worn by married women in the hair Ko-Go, (inajiwari-au ^ n. Sexual intercourseor commerce, coition.also, two iron rods carried in the scabbardof the short sword, used as chopsticks.Ko-GOME, n.KoGORi,-r«,-^/'a,Broken rice.V. To congeal,i.KoGAi, n. An indentured servant boy or coagulate, curdle.girl, about seven or eight years Ko-GOSHi, n. A slight bow to a superior.old.— IUO kagajiiUy to st<strong>and</strong> in a bowingn. recitation, exercise.Vei she , exercises in reading Ko-GOTO, n.posture.<strong>English</strong> books.scolding, censuring.Ko-GAKU, Lesson,— Grumbling, fault-finding,— wo iu, to findKoGANE, n. Gold.fault, to scold.KoGARE,-r«,-^«, i. V. To be charred, KoGaYE,-r?

KOI 136 KOKKoi-BiTO, n. A person loved, a loved one,a lover.Koi-CHA, n. Powdered tea.KoiGUCHi, n. The joint, or place wherethe sword-h<strong>and</strong>le meets the scabbard.Koi-KA, n. A love-song.Koi-KOGARE, /. V. To be inflamed orburn with love.Ko-iN, {nochi no tayori)^ n. Future opportunity,writing at another time.in ; Ko-INU, n. A young dog, pup.Koi-OTOKO, n. A lover./. KoiSHiGARi,-r?

KOK 137 KOKKo-Ko, n. Obedience to parents, filialpiety.KoKOCHi, n. The feelings, sensations,spirits. — ga warui, to feel unwell.KoKODAKU. Many.KoKOMOTO. This place, here ; I, me.KoKONOKA, adv. Ninth day of themonth, or nine days.KOKONOTSU, a. Nine.KoKORA, a. Many.KoKORO, n. The heart ; the mind, will,thought,signification.affection,— sum.,reason,to bemeaning,mindful,careful.KoKORO-ATE, «. That on which one depends,trusts, calculates on, or looks to,—as a support, encouragement, or hope.KoKORO-BASE, «. Volition, emotions,passions, spirits.KoKORO-BAVE, «. The natural disposition,temper.KOKORO-Bosoi, a. Sad <strong>and</strong> anxious, pensive,gloomy, lonely, dispirited.KoKORO-DATE, n. Temper, disposition,heart.KoKORO-DZUK.\i, n. Trouble of mind,solicitude, anxiety, perplexity, care.i. KoKORO-DZUKi,-/fe?/,-//rt, V. To suddenlyrecollect or think of, to strikeone's mind or attention.KoKORO-DZUMORi, n. Thinking over,planning, reckoning, or estimating inthe mind.KoKORO-GAKARi, w. Anything on one'smind, care, concern. 'KoKORO-GAKE,-rM,-i'«, i. V. To keep inmind, fix in the mind, to have a careabout, to think about.KoKORo-GAKE, «. Thought, care, caution.KoKORO-GAMAYE, it. Prcvious preparationor readiness of mind, mind madeup before-h<strong>and</strong> for a future contingency.KoKORO-GAWARi, «. Changing one'smind, renouncing former views.KoKORO-GOKORO. Various minds, diverseopinions.KoKORo-iKl, n. Intention, purpose,mind.KoKORO-KUBARi, «. Vigilance, watchfulness,circumspection.KoKORO-MADOij «. Perplexity, bewilderment,indecision.KoKORO-MAKASE-Ni, adv . As One pleases,just as one likes, to his own mind,KoKORO-Mi,-rz. To know, perceive; to intend, to keep in mind, remember.KoKOROYE-CHiGAi, «. Misunderst<strong>and</strong>ing,misconception, mistake, misapprehension.KoKORO-YOi,--^/,-^«,-.r/^z, a. Well, easy,comfortable, happy, agreeable.KoKORO-ZAMA, «. A kind, state or habitof mind.KoKORO-ZAMUSHi, a. Feeling the loss orwant of something with which one hasbeen familiar ;lonesome, forlorn, friendless;also mean, despicable.KoKORO-ZASHi,-j«,-/a, /. V. To purpose,intend, design, to aim at, to desire.KoKORO-ZASHi, n. The purpose, intention,design, aim, desire, hope.KoKU, M. A grain measure of ten fo,equal to 5.13 bushels, or 7.551 cub. feet.KoKU (^naku). — sum, to cry, mourn.KoKU {ktmi), n. Kingdom,state, province,country. Koku-chiUy in the state, thewhole country. Kokic-do, country,state. Koku-fuy the customs of acountry. Koku-ho, the laws of a state.Koku-d., a king, or ruler of a state.Kokii-san., the productions of a country.Koku-sei., the government of acountry, also the manufactures. Koku-yaku.,public service, or work donefor government.KoKU, adv. Thick or dense in consistence,deep in color, strong in taste. —sum — , to thicken. — nam., to becomethick. See Kot.KoKU {kuroi)., a. Black. — biyaku.

KOK 138 KOMblack <strong>and</strong> white ; met. right <strong>and</strong> wrong.— shokii^ a black color. — y/w, a blackman. — ye., black clothes.KoKU, n. The fourth of a <strong>Japanese</strong>hour, = half an hour <strong>English</strong>.KoKU, n. Cereals, grain. Go-koku, thefive cereals, viz., rice, wheat, millet,hemp, <strong>and</strong> beans.KokO, n. Empty space, the air.Ko-KUBi, n. A slight inclination of thehead.KoKU-BO (kuni no haJia), n. The Emperor'smother, the Queen-mother.KoKU-DZUKE, «. Marking the time on aor circular when it was receivedletter<strong>and</strong> transmitted, to insure despatch.KOKU-GEN {toki -wo kagiru)., n. Thefixed time, appointed time, the time,hour.KoKU-iN, «. A stamp or private chop.— wo utsu.KoKU-MOTSU, n. Grain, cereals.KoKU-SHo-GAN, «. Amaurosis.KoKu-so, «. A kind of stuff used forstaining wood black.KoKU-TAN, n. Ebony.Ko-KUWAi i^nochi ni kuyamti)., n. Sorrowor regret for something done, repentance,remorse, compunction. —suru, to repent.Ko-KUWATSU. Cimning. knavish.Ko.MA, n. A top; chessmen, a pawn;a colt ; a small room ; the bridge of aguitar.KoMADORi, n. A small bird.Ko.MAUZUKAi, n. A young servant girl.KoMA-GOMA-TO, «. Minutelv, particularly.KoMA-iNU, n. The stone image of a dogbefore Sintoo temples.KoMAKA-NA, a. Fine, small, minute,stingy.to trouble, afflict, vex, annoy, molest,distress.KoMARi,-;'z. To put into, tocrowd into ; mostly affixed to the rootsof verbs, with the meaning of,—into, in.Nage-komu.^ to throw into. Komi-au.,crowded together. Komi-zru., to enterpell-mell. Koini-yarziy to cheat inmaking up an account, to squeeze, or;KoMAKA-Ni, adv. Minutely, particularly,fine, small.defraud, to take in.Ko-MAKU, n. The tympanum.Komi, n. The odds given to a poor h<strong>and</strong>Ko-MAKURA, n. The small pad or cushion at draughts ; in the lump severalfixed on a wooden pillow.things of different kinds or values atKoMA-MONO, n. Small or fine wares, once. Kozni ni kau., to buy in thesuch as toilet articles, mirror, comb, lump or gross.rouge, tooth-brush, powder, etc. Koinanionflya^KoMi-AGE,-rz

KOM139Ko-MOCHI-DZUKI, n. The moon nearlyfourteenth of the full, or theKoMO-DARE, n.day month.A straw mat hung beforethe door.KoMOGE,-r«,-/a, t. v. To be musty,mildewed.Ko.Mo-GOMO, adv. Mutually, from oneanother.KoMO-KABURi, n. Covered with strawmatting, as a sake tub or a beggar.Ko-MON, fi. Small figures on cloth.Ko-MON, n. The anus.Ko-MONO, n. A young servant boy, err<strong>and</strong>boy.KoMORASE,-r?

•Ko-NO-Mi,KON 140 KORof medicine. Kond-gaki, an advertisementof a medicine.Ko-NO-HA, n. A leaf of a tree.KojNO-kami, n. Elder brother.KoNOMASHii,-^/,-/tz/, a. Anything whichone likes or is fond of; agreeable, pleasant,desirable.Ko-NO-ME, //. Bud of a tree.n. Fruit of a tree.KoNOMi,-;«z^,-«^rt, /. V. To like, be fondof, to relish, to be pleased with, to desire.Ko-NO-MON'o, «. Radishes pickled insalt <strong>and</strong> bran.KoNOWATA, «. Biche-de-mer.KoN-RAN. Confused, mixed, blended togetherin disorder ; a disturbance.KoN-REi, n. A wedding, marriage cere-KoN-Riu. — suru^ to build or erect bycontribution or subscription.KoN-RO, «. An earthenware furnace.KoN-SHi, (tiengoro naru kokorozashi).Kindness, goodwill, benevolence.KoNTENGi, M. A celestial globe.KoN-To. Falling from dizziness or faint-KoN-TON, n. Chaos.KoNU, (neg. of A7, kurii). Not come.Mada konu, not j-^et come.KoNUKA, n. Rice-bran.KoNUKA-AME, «. A fine, drizzling rain.KoN-VA, «. A dye-house, dyer.KoN-ZATSU, «. Confusion, disordermixed, or jumbled together.Ko-OTSU. These <strong>and</strong> those persons, goodor bad, superior or inferior. — nas/ii,all alike, no difference. — wo tsukeru^to say which is best.KoppA, n. A chip or block of wood orKopPAi, n. Back of the head, occiput.KoPPi, n. A playing card, a domino.Koppo, {hone gumi), n. The bony frameof the body.KoRAi, adv. Corea.Ko-RAI, adv. Henceforth, in future,hereafter.Ko-RAN', n. A balustrade around the topof a building.KoRARE,-rz

KOR 141 KOSKoRO-KORO-TO, adv. The sound, or appearanceof anything rolling.Ko-ROKU, n. High salary.KoROMO, n. The outside robe worn byBuddhist priests ;clothing.KoRO.MO-GAVE, 11. Changing the clothesfrom the wadded clothes of winter, tothe lighter clothes of summer.KoROMOTONAi,-/^/,-/^«, a. DoubtfuI, un-Ko-RON, n. A quarrel, angry contention,brawl, dispute.KoRO-oi, n. Time, period of time.KoRORi, n. Asiatic cholera.KoRORi-TO, adv. In a rolling manner,or souni suddenly.;KoROSHi,-j«,-^a, /. V. To kill, slay,KoROTSUKi,-,^?^,-/^, i. V. To roll about.KoSA, n. The thickness, consistence.Ko-SAi, {nochi no tsuina)^ n. A secondwife.Ko-SAi, n. The iris.KosAi-Ni, adz\ Minutely, particularly.Ko-SAKU, {tagayeshi tsukiiru). Cultivationof the l<strong>and</strong>, farming. — sum., tosurrender, capitulate.KosAME, n. A drizzling rain.Ko-SAN, (kudari inairu). Submission,surrender, capitulation. — sum., tofarm.Ko-SATSU, n. The board containing theImperial edicts.KosEBiTSU, 71. An eruption of the skin.Ko-SEi, {nocht on yo)., n. Future generation,futureKo-SEKi, n.times.A hall where stories aretold, or discourses delivered ;an auditory.Ko-SEKi, {iye kadzu no chomen)., n. Aregister of the names <strong>and</strong> number ofhouses.KosE-KOSE, adv. Fond of little or triflingmatters.Ko-SEN, n. Commission for selling goods,brokerage, percentage.Ko-SEN, n. An infusion of Sktso <strong>and</strong>parched rice, used instead of tea.t. KosETSUKi,-/i'^^,-z7rt, V. To be fond ofpetty or trifling matters.little,Ko-SHA, n. A blind person.Ko-SHA, «. An ingenious, clever, expert,or skilful person.Ko-SHAKU-NA, a. Having a smatteringof knowledge, pedantic.Ko-SHAKU, n. Exposition, discourse,•lecture, disquisition, sermon. — sum.,to lecture, discourse, explain.KosHAKU-SHi, n. A public story-teller,or lecturer on ancient history.Ko-SHi, n. An ambassador, envoy, foreignminister. Koshi-kuwan., the officeof a foreign minister, legation.Ko-SHi, {oJHotemuki nais/io). Public <strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> private. — no oime., public <strong>and</strong>private debts.Ko-SHi, ?t. Confucius.Ko-SHi, n. Lattice-work. — vtado., a«latticed window. — do., a door madeof latticed bars.KoSHi, «. A bier in which a coffin iscarried at a funeral.KosHi, n. A sedan chair, only used bythe Mikado, or Kuge ; the shrine inwhich the Kami are carried at festivals.KosHi, n. The loins. Koshi-no-niono.,the things carried in the belt, side arms,the sword. Koshi-sage^ articles wornsuspended from the belt, such as thetobacco pipe <strong>and</strong> pouch, inkst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>seal.KosHi,-j«,-^«, t. V. To cross over.KoSHi ,-^7

KOS 142 KOT;KosHiRAYE-GOTO, «. A fiction, a madeupKoTAYE,-r?

KOT 143 KOYKoTO-KAWARi,-r«,-^^a, i.v. To be different,KowADAKA, n. A loud voice.to be dissimilar, distinct, un-KowADZUKUKi, n. Clearing the throat,to hem in preparing to speak.like.KoTO-KiRE,-r?

KOY 144 KUCKoYONAKi. Nothing above this, = highest,greatest. — saiwai, greatest good inals are beheaded, execution ground.KuBi-KiRi-BA, «. The place where crim-KuBi-KUKURi,-»-?

KUC 145 KUDspeaking so as to please or gratifyothers.KuCHI-GITANAI,-^z",-/^?^,-i'A/, a. Foulmouthed,blackguard, disagreeable orcoarse language.i. KucHi-GOMORi,-r«,-/'/«, V. To stutter,stammer, to mumble or to speak indistinctly.KucHi-GO-SHA, ti. A person clever attalking, eloquent.KucHi-GOTAVE, ti. Answering back in asurly manner to a superior.KucHi-GUCHi-Ni, adv. Many dififerentpersons or kinds.Ki'CHi-GUSURi, n. Powder used only forpriming a gun.KucHi-HATE,-r?

treat, persuade, to coax ; to be trouble-some from repetition, to think overjjjjjjKUD 146 KUJpass under or through, to worm through.:|\1;!ijwith regret. Kudokt-otosu, to overcomeKuGURi, n. A small low door in a gate.by importunity or frequent solici-KuGUSE, n. Humpbacked.KuGUTSUME, n. Waiting girls at an inn,tation.KuDOKU, «, Merit, good works, virtu-a harlot.ous <strong>and</strong> meritorious actions.l^viy-juru^-^a, i. v. To regret, feelKudo-kudo, adv. Over <strong>and</strong> over ;again sorry for, deplore, repent of. Ayatnachiwo kuyttru.<strong>and</strong> again.KuDZU, ?i. Rubbish, waste <strong>and</strong> useless Kui. n. A pile, stake, post.scraps, worthless articles. Oga-kudzu., Kui, KU, KUTA, t. V. To eat, to bite •sawdust. Kan7ia-kudzUy shavings. Ta- used in com. coll. often in the sense ofcki-ktidsu., waste scraps left after cut- receive, get, catch as, Kogoto ivo kutta.,ting out a garment, also paper shavings. Kui-awaserti,KuDZU, n. The Dolichos Bulbosus.to get a scolding.to mix together <strong>and</strong> eat. Kiti-iru, toKuDZU-ORE,-rz/,-i'd;, i. V. To be worn eat into, to eat its way into, to corrode.out, decrepit, broken down, or infirm Kui-kiru, to bite off. Kui-shibarii,with age. Naki-kudziioreru, worn to clinch the teeth. Kui-shimeru^ toout with crying. Oi-kudzuoreru, infirmcrush, or hold fast in the teeth. Kui-with age.shiviesu.^ to wet or moisten with theKuDZURE,-r«,-/a, i. V. To break <strong>and</strong> mouth. Kui-tomeru., to oppose, holdgive way, of anything built up or arrangedin check, to stop. Km-tsuku^ to bite,; to slip or slide, as earth from to seize with the teeth. Kui-tsujiiei'u,a hill to cave in, to crumble, to fall to straitened for food, to clinch the teeth.;pieces ; to break in confusion <strong>and</strong> run, Kui-7uakeru, to discern by chewing,as troops to open or break, as an to taste.Kui-CHiGAi,-rt?/,-^/a,;abscess to be depraved, vitiated, corruptedi. V. To cross, to; to go to decay, or neglect, as ;pass each other, not to agree, or fit, tolaws, usages.be contrary, to be thwarted in one'sKuDZUSHi,-j«,-^a!, t. V. To break down, hopes, to be disappointed.Kui-MONO, «. Food, eatables, provisions.tear down, throw down, as a hill, orhouse; to infringe, violate, as laws,rank ; to deprave, vitiate, demoralize. KuiNA, n. A kind of snipe.Ki wo kudzusedzu., not to lose courage.Kui-SOME, n. The first feeding of an infant.KuDZUSHi-GAKi, «. A running h<strong>and</strong>.KuDzu-VA, «. A thatched house.KuFU, «. Contrivance, plan, scheme,invention. — suru., to devise, contrive,plan.Ku-FUKU, n. Hungry, stomach empty.— ni naru^i to become hungry.KuGA, n. L<strong>and</strong>, as distinct from water.Kuga-ji, l<strong>and</strong> route, l<strong>and</strong> journey.KuGE, n. The name of the ancient nobilityof Japan.KuGi, n. A nail, spike.KuGi-KAKUSHi, n. An ornamental coveringfor concealing the head of a nail.KuGi-NUKi, n. Nail extractors, pincers.Ku-GiRi, n. Marks of punctuation. —wo tsukerti, to punctuate.KuGUDZU. n. A puppet show.KuGUMARi,-r;

KUJ147 KUNKrjiRA, n. A whale.KujiRA-jAKU, n. A doth measure, equalto one foot two inches of the Kanazashi^or fifteen inches <strong>English</strong>.'K.vjim.-ru^-tta^ n. To pick, bore, orgouge.KujiKi, n. A small curved knife, a gouge.Kl'JI-ishi, n. One who buys out the interestof a party in a lawsuit, <strong>and</strong> appearsbefore the court to advocate it, alawyer.Kuji-YADO, n. An inn where only personswho have lawsuits lodge.KuKE,-r?

KUN 148KUR;Ku-NAN, «. Pain, trouble, hardship, affliction,KuRAMi,-w/?/t-«'^«) i- ^'- To grow or becometribulation.KiN-DOKU, {yomu). To read by translatingdark, to be dizzj'.KuRA-6i, n. A saddlecloth.the Chinese characters into Ja-KuRASA, n. The state or degree of dark-panese. — surit. to read.ness.KuNDZURU, t. V. To give the <strong>Japanese</strong> KuRASHi,-j?-«,-/jfa, t. V. To scoop out, hollow,to excavate, to bore, as a canoe,pump, or cannon.KuRi-AGE,-r«-/rt, t. V. To finish reeling ;to face about, to withdraw or retreat,to fall back, as an army.KuRJ-AWASE,-r?^,-^a, t. v. To slacken,or lengthen the str<strong>and</strong>s of a loop so asto make it fit. (fig.) to take time frombusiness, or adjust one's business, so asto get time for something else.KuRi-BiKi,-/?'z

KUR 149 KUSKuRi-GOTO, n. Repeating the same story ;talking often on one subject.KuRi-iRE,-ra,-/«, t. V. To turn or marchinto, file into,—as an army into a castle.KuRi-iRO, n. Chesnut color.KuRi-iSH?, n. Pebble-stones, gravel.KuRi-KANNA, n. A plane for grooving.KuRi-KAVE,-?-«,-/«, i. V. To put onething in the place of another, to exchange; to wheel <strong>and</strong> march back, tomake a reversed turn, unreeled.KuRi-KAVESHi,-.s-z

1 KusiIjijKisoDzu,KUS 150 KUTKusAMi, n. A stinking smell, oflfensivesmell.KusA-MOCHi, «. A kind of rice-breadmade by mixing boiled _j'

. KuTTAKU,KUT151 KUWloosen, free from tightness, to relax, toease.KuTsuROGi,-^«,-zVrt, /. V. To be loose,slack ; to relax, remit effort or attention;to be at ease, free from anxiety.KuTSUWA, n. A bridle-bit or the rings oneach side of a bit.KuTSUWA, n. A prostitute house.KuTSUWA-DZURA, «. The rein of a bridle.KuTSUWA-MUSHi, ft. A kind of cricket.n. Care, trouble, distress. —suru^ to be anxious <strong>and</strong> troubled, to becareworn.KuwA, n. A hoe, mattock.KuwA, n. The mulberry, on which silkwormsfeed.KuwA, n. Friendship, harmony, peace ;union, blending. — suru. to mix, unite,blend.KuwA, n. Transformation, change, transmutation.— sur7i^ to change, alter,transform, metamorphose.KuwA-BiN, n. A flower vase.KuwA-BOKU, {liana ?io /&/), n. A flower-KuwA-BUN, (inen ni sugiru). Beyondone's deserts, more than one is worthyof, undeserving, unworthy.KuwADATE,-r7

II! Changed'Kuw.\-SH.\,1titute1 KuwA-SHi,]KuwAN-zo,KUW 152 KUWKuwAKO-CHo, n. A register kept in Bad.temples, containing the names of thosedeceased persons for whom prayers areto be said, arranged according to thedaj' of the month on which they died ;also a family record of the names,ment business is transacted. Kti-wanin,officials, government officers. K71-wan-i, office <strong>and</strong> rank. Kuiuan-roku^official salary. Kwwan-choku^ officialduty, office.KuwAN, n.coffin.KuwAN, n. A ring, a drawer-h<strong>and</strong>le.KuwAN, {yakata), n. A large house.Skd-kuwan, a merchant's house./ KuwAN, n. A string of iron cash containingten hundred ; applied also toweight. IkkuTUan-mon, one thous<strong>and</strong>cash.KuwA-NAN, {hi no ivaza-Mai)^ «. Calamity,or misfortune caused by a fire.KuwAN-CHo, n. An enema. — suru, togive an enema. — ki^ a syringe. — 2a/,enema.KuwAN-KATSU, ft. Jurisdiction, government,rule, administration.Kuw.AN-KE, ft. Contributions for a templeor religious purpose. — suru, tomake a contribution.KuwAN-KEi, n. Concern, meddling with,participating in ;relating, appertainingto.KuwAN-NiN, n. Clemency, liniency ; benignant,generous.Kuw/VN-No-Ki, «. A bar or bolt, for fasteninga gate.KuwAN-ox, n. The goddess of mercy.KuwAN-R.\KU, n. Joy <strong>and</strong> happiness,pleasure.KuwAX-su, n. An iron tea-kettle.KuwANTARU. The principal, chief, mostimportant. Kuzvan to suru, to regardas the principal.KuwANZEYORi, «. A String made of twostr<strong>and</strong>s of twisted paper.{wasure gusa.) The daylily, Hemerocallis.KuwAN-zoKU, n. The title given, sincethe abolition of the Hans, to the Daimiyos<strong>and</strong> their retainers, <strong>and</strong> also tothe Kuge, who receive an annual pen-births, <strong>and</strong> deaths of one's ancestors. sion from the government.KuwAKU, n. The strokes of a character. Klwar.'^ri-to, adv. Fully, thoroughly,KuwAKU, «, The box or hearse in which clearly. Yo ^a — aketa, it has becomea coffin is placed.broad day-light.KuwAKU-RAN, /!. Cholera morbus. KuwA-Rivo, n. A fine, mulct, penalty,KuwAKu-SHippu. n. Name of a scrofulousdisease of the joints.KuwA-SAN, n. A volcano.forfeit.KuwAM-BAKU, n. An officer who formerly KuwA-SAi, {Jii no wazawai), n. Calamityacted as the Prime Minister of the Mikado.or loss from a fire.KuwASE,-r«,-/a. To cause or to let anothereat, to feed.KuwAM-MON, (seii MO to)^ n. A gate ona public road, near a police station KuwA-SEi, n. The planet Mars.house, where persons <strong>and</strong> goods are inspected,KuwA-SEi, {katvari umareru.) Trans-passports dem<strong>and</strong>ed, etc.formation or change of animal form.KuwAN, {yaku). Government office, KuwA-SEKi, {iski ni kawarii), n.official ; also the office where govern-to stone, petrifaction.«. A maid servant in a proshouse.n. Confectionary, sweetmeats,fruit. Midzu — , fruit.KuvvASHi,-.y«,-^a. To give, or let anothereat.KuwASKi-BON, n. A small tray used forholding fruit or sweetmeats.KuwASHii,-X*z',--tM, a. Minute, particular,intimately.KuvvASHi-VA, n. A confectionary shop.KuwA-SHU, M. Alcohol.Kuw.\-s6, n. Cremation. — suru, toburn the bodies of the dead.KuwA-TAi, «. Punishment inflicted fora breach of law or neglect of duty, apenalty.Kuw.\-t6. Beyond one's desert, abovewhat one's position entitles him to.KuwATSU, {inochi\) n. Life. Kuwatsubutsit,living things, things havinglife.KuvvATSU-D.^TSU, «. Quick discernment,clear judgment, great penetration.Kuvv.A.TSU-ji, n. A movable type. —ban, printed by movable type. — wouyeru, to set type.KuwATSL'-v6. — suru, to use as a verb,to conjugate.KUW.A.TTO, adv. In a sudden flash orblaze. — nioye-tatsu, to blaze up suddenly.KL-WAWARi,-r?^,-if^«, /. V. To be joinedto, added to, united with.KuwA-VAKU, n. Gunpowder. Kuwayaku-gura,a powder magazine.KuwAyE,-rM,-^a, t. v. To bite, to holdin tlae mouth, or between the teeth.KuwAVE,-r?/,-^«, i. V. To add some-I

__KUW ^53 MABthing to another, to join, combine,unite, to augment. Chikara wo —to help, assist.KuwA-YEN, n. A flame, blaze.KuwA-ZAi, u. Crime, transgression.KuwA-zoKU, n. Nobility, gr<strong>and</strong>ees, aristocracy.Ku\v6-DAI, {Jiiroku oinartc). Great, extensive,vast.Kuwo-Do, 71. The ecliptic.Ku\v6-GEN, 71. Talking, largely, boasting,vaunting, pompous. — zuo haku,to boast, to talk pompously.Ku\v6-iN, 71. Light <strong>and</strong> shade, /. e. time.— wo tsuiyasu, the waste time.Kuvvo-MiYo, 7t. Glory, splendor, halo.Hi 710 — , the glory of the sun.Kuwo-sEN, «. Hades, the place of thedead.KuwoTEi, «. Emperor.Ku-YAKU, n. The Old Testament. —zeTts/io., the old testament scriptures.Ku-YAKU, n. Public service, labor exactedby the government from farmers.KuYAMi,-;««,-«^«, \t. V. To repent, tobe sorry for, regret, deplore, to feelcompunction.KuYA.Mi, 71. Regret, repentance, sorrow,remorse, compunction.KuYASHii,-/^^,-/t?^, a. Producing sorrow,repentance, or regret ; lamentable.Kuyashiku ottzd, to regret.KuYASHiGARi,-r«,-^/a, i. V. To feel regret,sorrow, or penitence, to be disappointed.Kuv.^SHiSA, n. The state or degree ofrepentance, regret, remorse, sorrow, orcompunction.Ku-v6. — suru., to make oflferings tothe gods, to the spirits of the dead, orto the priests.KOyoku, n. Camomile flowers.Kuvo-Kuvo, adv. Anxiously broodingover anything.KuvuRASHi,-j«,-i'rt:, t. V. To bum slowly<strong>and</strong> emit smoke, to smoke. Tabakonvo — , to smoke tobacco.KuvuRi,-rM,-^/frt, i. 7/. To burn slowlywithout blaze, to smoulded, to smoke.Ku-ZET3u, «. A dispute, or quarrel, asbetween husb<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> wife.MMa, n. A room ; interval of time orspace ; leisure, opportunity. Ma-7tai^without interval, incessantly. — 7nonaku., but a short time. Ma-ma koreari\ sometimes it is so.Ma, 72. A demon, evil spirit, devil. Mado,infernal doctrines. Ala-jutsu^ devilisharts, sorcery. Ma-kat., the regionwhere evil spirits dwell.Ma. Just, true ;perfectly, exactly. Ma7ii iikerii, to take to be true, — to believe.Massakasatiia, exactly upsidedown, exactly reversed. Ma-ao7tiuke.,face turned exactly upward. Ma-higashi,exactly east.Ma, adv. Yet, still, more. Ma hitotsu.,one more. Ma sukoshi., a little more.Maa. Exclam. of entreaty or satisfaction.Maa yoroshii, well, that willdo.Macara, adv. Dotted, scattered, notclose together. Ajue ga — 7ii furu.,the rain fell in scattered drops.MABAVUi,-/i-z',-/^«,-j/iz', a. Dazzled, overpoweredby too strong a light.7*Ma-bi, {aida tto hi), n. Intervening, orintercurrent day.Mabiki,-/&?

MAB 154 MAGMabushii,-/^z',-'^«, a. Dazzling, overpoweringby too strong a light.Mabuta, n. The upper eyelid.Machi, n.street, a town, a ward.Machi, n. A gore let into a garment.lA-PJcni^-tsti^-tta, t. v. To wait, to stay,to expect, look for. Machi-au^ to waitfor each other, to wait by appointment.Machi-akasu^ to wait the whole night,to wait until morning. Machi-awaserii,to wait for another by appointment.Machi-kakeru^ to lie in wait for, towatch for. Machi-kanerti^ to waitimpatiently for, hard to wait for. Machi-kurasu^to wait the whole day, orany indefinite time ;to live waiting for.Machi-mokeru, to get ready in expectationof, to be prepared for <strong>and</strong>wait. Macki-tsukeru, to lie in waitfor, watch for. Machi-ukeru, towait <strong>and</strong> receive, wait for the com-toing of any one, as guests ; to await, toexpect. Machi-wabiru^ to wait anxiouslyfor, or in loneliness ; to long forthe coming.Machi-ai, n. A waiting house, publichousesin which persons wait for, ormeet with, each other by appointment.Machi-bugiyo, «. Mayor of a city.Machi-buse, n. Lying in wait, or inambush.M.\chi-d6i,-^/,-/^?

MAG 155 MAIMagari-kado, n. The bend or corner MAGURE,-r«,-^a, t. V. Perplexed, bewildered;of a road.to be deranged, confused.Magaki-michi, n. A crooked road. Mag2ire-komUy to be greatly perplexed,Magashira, n. Inner canthusofthe eye. or bewildered.MAGAWASE,-rM,-^a, t. V. To imitate, M.agure-atari, w. Hit at r<strong>and</strong>om, hitcounterfeit, or cause to resemble, to by a chance-shot ; a chance-guess.make like.Maguro, n. The Bonito.MKG.w-E^-ru.-ta, t. v._ To make in imitation,to counterfeit, simulate.feed.Ma-gusa, n. Grass, provender, horse-Mage, n. The <strong>Japanese</strong> cue.Ma-guso, n. Horse-dung.MAGE,-rz

jMaki-tabako,IMaki-fude,MAI 156 MAKMai-su, n. A hypocritical or avaricious Make-kachi, n. Lose <strong>and</strong> win, defeatpriest.Maji, n. A south-west wind.Aor victory.Make-oshimi, ft. Extenuation, or palliationmade for being defeated ;yi..K]\^-ki,-ki4.. n-^g. affix to verbs,dislikehaving a future or dubitative meaning.to be out-done by others.Iu->najiki koto^ a thing that Maki, n. Firewood.should not be said.Maki, «. A kind of fir tree.Close by, near Maki, n. The numeral for volumes of aMajikai,-/^/,-'4'«,-j/2z, a.in space, time, or relation.book.Maji-maji, adv. Dull, listless.Maki, n. Pasture ground for horses,Majime. Grave, sober, serious in manner.a park, game preserve, pasture l<strong>and</strong>.Maki,-/^^,-//'^, t. -J. To sow, to sprinkle,MAjiNAi,-a«,-2'2'«, t. V. To charm, to scatter. Maki-chirasu^ to scatterbind by a spell ; to exorcise, bewitch. about, to sprinkle about, to squ<strong>and</strong>er.Majinai, n. A charm, spell, enchantment.MAKi,-,^M,-zVa, t. V. To wind around,to turn round ; to bind, to roll up, toMajirai, n. Friendship, fellowship, intimacykajyesu,curl. Maki-ageruy to roll up. Maki-to roll or wind in an oppositeMAjiRi.-r«,-j'i'«, i. V. To be mixed, direction, or by reversed turns, to unroll.mingled, alloyed, blended together ;Maki-ko»iu, to roll or wind onetobe confused.thing within another. Maki-tsukeru.,Majiri, n. External canthus of the eye. to bind one thing to another by windingmany turns of thread around them.MAjiROK;i,-;^«,-z/a, i. v. To wink, toblink.Maki-ami, n. A seine.MAjiwARi,-r«,-^M, i. V. To associate,n. A pencil having the hairto intimate, tobe keep company with, thread.secured'to the h<strong>and</strong>le withbe.friendly with ;mixed, mingled together.Maki-gami, n. Paper used for letters,kept in long rolls.Majiwari, n. Intimacy, friendship. Maki-gari, n. Hunting by surroundingt. MAjiYE,-rM,-/'«, V. To mix, mingle, a large district, <strong>and</strong> gradually drivingblend together, to confuse.the animals to the centre.Makage, n. Eye-shade.Maki-jiku, n. The round stick on whichMAKANAi,-a«,-i'/«, t. V. To furnish provisions,pictures are rolled.provide food, to board, to pur-Maki-mono, n. Pictures that are keptvey, furnish with lodgings, or accommodations.rolled up, not hung up roll of silk.to Maki-rokuro, «.;A capstan, windlass,Makanai, n. Board, entertainment, pully.food, provisions. — kata, the personn. A cigar.who boards or furnishes food to others, Maki-wara, «. A bundle of straw used—An axe used for splittinga purveyor,expensea butler,of board.steward. riyd^Hotii-makanai,as a target.Maki-wari, n.full board. Ha.n-7itakanai^ half board. fire-wood.MAKARi,-rM. To go, return, take leave, Ma-kive, «. Gold lacquered. s/tt\ a —person who paints gold lacquer.MAKASE,-r«,-/'«, i. V.to die.commit toTo Maki-zove, n. Implicated, or involvedin trouble through the offence of another.— nt au, to be involved.the will or disposal of another, toleave, to trust, to give in charge, toMakkax, a. Deep red.entrust.Makkaku, True, or pefectly square.MAKASHi,-i-M,-/rt, t. V. To cause to loseMakko. Directly over the head.in a game or contest ; to defeat, conquer,beat, vanquish.Makkltra. Very dark, pitch dark.MAKASHi,-i-«,-^a, caust. of Maki. To Makkuro. Deep black.cause another to sow, or sprinkle ; tocause another to wind, or bind.MAKE,-r 7^ ,-/«, i. V. To lose in a gameor contest, to be defeated, conquered,vanquished, to give up, to yield ; tocheapen, to lessen the price ; to beeasily affected by, susceptible of.Make-iro. The appearance of defeat,signs of giving way.Makomo, n. A kind of rush, used inmaking coarse bags <strong>and</strong> mats.Makoto, n. Truth.Makoto-ni, adz'. Truly, really, indeed,sincerely ;correctly.Makotor.^shii,-/^/,-,^'«, a. Truth-like,having the appearance of truth, specious,plausible.Makotoshivakani, adv.Making a show

MAK 157 MANbean-pod. — 710 ko, bean flour. —gara^ empty bean-pods.Ma.me, n. The small blister formed onthe h<strong>and</strong>s or feet by hard work or badlyfitting shoes.Ma.me. Honest, virtuous, strong, robust,hale, healthy ; active, busy.Mame-maki, «. The ceremony of scatteringparched beans about the backroomsof a house to drive out evilspirits, on the last evening of the oldyear.Ma-metsu. Defaced, marred, obliterated.Mameyaka, a. Robust, hale, active,prompt, quick in doing, faithful, constant.Mamezo, «. A juggler.Mamige, n. The eyebrow.MAMiRE,-r«,-^a, i. V. Smeared, daubed,bedaubed. Cki-vtamire, besmearedwith blood. Doro-tnainire, bedaubedwith mud."^IxMiYK^-yuru. To go to see, have anaudience with, to meet or visit ;onlyused of persons of high rank.Mamive, «. An interview, meeting oraudience with a person of high rank.Mamiveshimi,-w«, To cause to visit, tointroduce.Mammaku, n. A silk curtain, hung beforethe door of persons of high rank.M.am-man, adv. Spreading far <strong>and</strong> wide,as the ocean.Mammarui,-/^/,-'^«,^,^/, a. Perfectlyround.of truth, having the appearance of beingtrue, plausibly, speciously.without impediment or difficulty.Mamma-to, adv. Well, readily, easily ;Maku, n. A curtain.Mamorase,-^«,-M, caust. of J\Ia7noru,Makura, n. A pillow.To order or cause another to protect,Makitra-biyobu, n. A small screen placed watch, or guard.near the bed.MAMORi,-rz< ,-//«, t. V. To guard, toMakur.\-ye, n. Obscene pictures.watch, keep, defend, protect, preserve,M.\KVRi,-ru,-i^a, t. v. To roll up.take care of; to rule over.INIakuri, n. A purgative medicine much Mamori, n. Guarding, watching, protection,defence, keeping, care ;used in children's complaints.charm,Makuvva-uri, n. Muskmelon.amulet. Mamori-biikiiro, a bag inMakuya, n. A tent.which charms are kept <strong>and</strong> worn aroundMama, «. State, condition, manner, way. the neck. Maviori-katana, a smallMama, «. Boiled rice.sword or dirk, carried secretly to defendMama, m. A wet-nurse.one's self.Mama-chichi, n. Stepfather, fosterfather.Mampitsu, n. Miscellaneous writings.Mampachi, n. A lie.Mamagoto, n. Children's tea party, Mampuku, n. A full stomach.played with wooden cups <strong>and</strong> saucers. M.-^M-PUKU i^yorodzu no saiivai). TenMama-haha, «. Stepmother, foster-mother.Mamuki. Directly opposite.thous<strong>and</strong> blessings.Mama-ko, n. Step-child.Mamushi, n. The name of a poisonousMam-ben {mi'ckt atnaneshi). Everywhere,all over.Man. Ten thous<strong>and</strong>, a myriad ; all,snake, a viper.Mambiki, n. A shoplifter, thief, pilferer. every. — ni hitotsu^ ten thous<strong>and</strong> toMa.me, n. A bean, pea. — no saya, one ; if, peradventure.Manabashi, n. The chop-sticks used indressing fish.MANABi,-^«,-«^a, t. V. To learn, to practice,to imitate.Manaita, n. A board for cutting orcleaning fish on, a chopping-block.Manajiri, n. The external canthus ofthe eye.. .Manako, «. The eye.M.\NE,-r«,-/«, t. z>. To do like, to imitate,mimic, mock, copy after, to ape,personate.Mane, n. Imitation, mimicry, copyingafter, personation.M.aneki,-/^«,-?M, t. V. To beckon, tocall, invite. Marieki-atsumeru,, to calltogether, to invite to assemble.Maneki, n. Beckoning, invitation.Maneki, n. The lever by which thereeds of a loom are raised <strong>and</strong> lowered.M.A.NGACHi. Wanting all that one sees,greedy <strong>and</strong> selfish.Man-getsu, n. The full-moon ; thetenth month, or full time of utero-gestation.Man-guwan, n. The completion of thetime set apart for making a vow orprayer.M.\-Ni-.\i-,rt«,-^^a, /. V. To suit, to do,to answer the purpose, to be in time, tohit the opportunity.Ma-ni-ai, n. A kind of plain wall-paper.MA-Ni-AVVASE,-r«,-i'a, t. v. To cause tosuit, to make do, or answer the purpose.M.\n-ichi, adv. Ten thous<strong>and</strong> to one;

jMAN 158 MASif, providing that, supposing, should Mare, a. Rare, strange, uncommon;there be.scarce, extraordinary. Mare - mare,ManihoJU, «. A round ball representing seldom, rarely. Mare - ni, seldom,a pearl, held in the h<strong>and</strong> of Buddhist rarely.idols.Mari, fi. A ball, foot-ball. Te-mari,Man-ju, n. A round cake made of wheat h<strong>and</strong>-ball.flour <strong>and</strong> cooked by boiling, a dumpling.over.'bil\ROB,i,-bu,->ida, i. V. To fall <strong>and</strong> rollMan-ki, n. Arrogance, pride, haughtiness.— siiru, to be arrogant, proud. Maroto, n, A guest, visitor.Marokase, n. A round ball.Man-kin-tan, n. The name of an anodynepill.the different divisions of a castle ; a ti-Maru, 71. A circle ; the name given toMan-kiv6-fu, n. A convulsive disease tle, or name for ships, for swords, or theof children.<strong>Japanese</strong> flag.Man-naka, n. The centre, middle. Maru-bachi, «. A kind of bee.Man-nen-gami, n. A thick kind of papervarnished <strong>and</strong> used as a slate. Maru-de, adv. Wholly, entirely, alto-Maru-bon, n. A round tray.Ma-no-atari, adv. Before one's eyes, gether.in one's presence.Maru-hadaka, «. Stark naked.Man-Riki, n A windlass, capstan. Maru-goshi, n. Going without theManroku. Level, even, horizontal.sword, unarmed.Man-saku, n. A full or abundant crop. Marui,--^/,-/^7. To excel, surpass,is made.outdo ; to be superior, more excellent,Ma-otoko, n. A paramour, a lover.better ; to increase, become greater.Mappadaka. Stark naked.Masashii,->^/,-/6«, a. True, real, certain,Mappira, adv. Earnestly, importunately. sure, positive.— go»ten kudasare, earnestly beg you Ma-satsu. n. Friction, attrition.to excuse me.Masa-tsuchi, n. Soil that has not yetMatia, n. The membrum virile.been worked, virgin-soil.

MATMasa-yu.me, n. A true dream, a dreamwhich comes to pass.Masegaki, n. A fence made of bambooplaced upright.Ma-shaku, n. Proportion, measure.MASHi,-j«,-/rt:. A respectful colloquialsuffix to the roots of verbs.t. MASHi,-i'«,-i'rt, V. To increase, to augment,to add to, make greater.Mashi, adv. Better, preferable.Mashi-mashi,-j;/, /. V. To dwell, to sit,used only of the Mikado <strong>and</strong> Kami.Mashin, n. Measles.Mashite, adv. How much more ? stillmore.Massakasama, adv. Upside-down,headlong.Massaki, adv. The very first, the foremost.Massao, ft. Deep blue, livid.M.\SSE, {suye 710 yo). n. Last times, orages.Masshikura-ni, adv. Riding furiously.Massho.men, n. Directly in front.Massugu, a. Straight, not crooked, direct.Masu, n. A wooden box used as a measurefor liquids, or grain, etc., a boxused at the angles of water-pipes.Masu, n. A salmon (?)Masugata, «. The space between theouter <strong>and</strong> inner gates of a castle.Masui, n. Anodyne, narcotic, anaesthetic.— suru, to be narcotized, or in astate of anaesthesia. Masui-zai.^ narcoticmedicine.Masukagami, n. A large mirror.Masu-kaki, n. A stick used in levelingthe top of a measure.Masu-masu, adv. More <strong>and</strong> more, stillmore, increasingly.Masume, n. Measure.Masurao, «. A strong <strong>and</strong> fearless man,a hero,Mata, adv. Again, likewise, moreover,also. — oide nasare^ come again. Mata-»iaia,again <strong>and</strong> again, repeatedly.Mata, n. The crotch of the legs, acrotch, fork.Mataburi, n. A hook used at fires, or tocatch thieves with.Mata-donari, n. Next neighbor but one.Mata-gai, n. Buying second-h<strong>and</strong>ed.Mata-gari, n. Borrowing at secondh<strong>and</strong>.MATAGARi,-r«,-^/'a, I. V. To sit, or st<strong>and</strong>astride of anything, straddling, bestriding; to span, as an arch ; to extendacross.MATAGE,-r«,-^a, t. V. To step over oracross, to straddle, to sit across.159 MASMAT.\Gi,-^«,-/^a, t. V. To straddle, tostep over.Matagura, n. The crotch, groin.Mata-itoko, n. Second cousin.MAT.-vSE,-r«,-^a. To cause another toM.\TATABI, n. The Trochostigma polygama.MATATAKi,-/^«,-/rt, /. V. To wink, toflicker as a c<strong>and</strong>le, to twinkle. Mata~taku-ma^ in a twinkling, in an inbondsman,—onewho is surety for asurety.Mata-wa, conj. Again, besides, moreover,furthermore, likewise.Mate, «. The solenensis.Mato, n. A target.Matoba, «. A place for target-shooting.Matoi, n. A kind of ensign made of paper<strong>and</strong> carried at fires.Matoi ,-(5,-^/a, i. v. To twine around,to wind around, coil around, to wrapround with clothes, to clothe, array, enrobe.Matoi-tsicku., to twine around,wind around, coil round.MATOMARi,-r?

_MATl6oMatsuri, n. A religious festival, or celebration,Maye-dare, n. An apron.a fete.Maye-gami, n. The forelock of hair.Matsurigoto, n. Administration of publicaffairs, government. — wo suru, to is fully due.Maye-gari, n. Drawing money before itgovern, to administer public affairs. Maye-kado, n. Former or previous thing,RlATsUKAi,-a«, /. V. To submit, become Maye-kake, n. An apron.subject, yield to authority.Maye-kaki, n. A kind of hoe.Matsu-take, «, A kind of edible mush- Maye-kata. adv. Before, previously.Maye-kin, n. Advance-money, earnestmoney,Mattadanaka, n. The centre.or the money paid in ad-MATTAi,-^z,-^«,-.y/?z, a. Whole, complete,vance.Maye-motte, adv. Beforeh<strong>and</strong>, previously.entire, perfect sound gentle.; ;Matiaku suru^ to complete, make perfect.— uma^ a sound horse.Maye-oki, n. Anything said as an introduction,prelude, or preface to the mainMa-utsumuke, n. Face directly downward.— ni taoreruy to fall with the subj ect.face to the earth.M.AYE-USHIRO. Before <strong>and</strong> after, beforeMAWARi,-r//,-^/«,?'. <strong>and</strong> behind, front <strong>and</strong> rear.7'. To go round, toturn round, to revolve, circulate, rotate, Maye-watashi, n. Money paid beforeh<strong>and</strong>,spin round, whirl.earnest-money, bargain-money.Mawari, «. A turn, revolution ;circumferenceMAYOi,-i5,-^2'a, i. V. To be bewildered,a period of seven days, tak-;ining medicine. Mi no — , the clothing.confused, perplexedgiven up to.; infatuated, lost,Mawari-awase, n. Luck, fortune. Mayoi, n. Perplexity, bewilderment,Mawari-ban, n. A watch, in which each maze.one takes his turn.Ma-yoke, n. Anything that will keepM.\\\'ari-d6i,- ii\-sAz\-^u, off evil spirits.a. RoundMa-yori, n. The hard mucus which collectsabout, circuitous, not direct, prolix,about sore eyes.lengthy, tedious, dilatory, slow.Mawari-doro, «. A lantern with a revolvingshade.Mayowashi.-j?/,-/^, t. V.Mayoru, n. Midnight.Mawari-guwai, «. A meeting, or party mislead, beguile, to leadTo delude,astray, towhich meets at different places in charm, fascinate.turn.Mayu, n. The eyebrows. Mayu-ai,Mawari-mawari-ni, adzi. By turns.the space between the eye-brows. Mayu-dzumi,ink used for blacking theMawari-michi, n. A circuitous road.M AWASHi,-f«,-)"«. f. V. To turn, to turn eye-brows. Mayu-gashira^ the endround, to wheel, whirl, spin, to circulatege^the hairs of the eyebrows. Mayu-of the eye-brows near the nose. Mayu-Mawashi,-^?^,-^^,make dance.(caust. of Mai).Saru wo — ,To hake., a brush used in powdering theto make a face. Mayu-shiriy the outer end ofmonkey dance.the eyebrow.Mawashi-mono, n. A spy.Mayu, n. Silk-worm's cocoon.Ma-wata, n. Floss silk.Mayumi, n. The Evonymus thunbergianus.Mawatashi, n. The cross strips onwhich laths are tied for plastering. MAZE,-r«,-M, i. V. To mix, mingle,Ma-yaku, {shibire-gusuri^ n. Narcotic blend, to adulterate.medicines, anaesthetics.MAZE-KAYESHi,-j7^,-/rt, t. V. To spealcMAYAKASHi,-.r«,-^rt, /. V. To cheat, deceive,to hoax, to gull.Me, n. The eye ; vision. — no tama,ironically, to confuse or bewilder.Mavakashi, n. One who obtains money the ball of the eye.The by cheating, or trickery ; a knave, juggler,(2.) teeth of a saw, grater, orcheat, swindler.the furrows cut on a mill-stone.file ;Mave, n. Before, front, former, previous(3.) The joint or seam where two;proper quantity, portion, or things, as paper or boards, are united.share. Chaivan jUnin maye^ tea-cupsThe meshes of a net the spacefor ten men.Mave-ba, v. The front or incisor teeth.(4.) ;between the threads of anything woven,or between the sticks of a basket.Mave-bi, n. Day before, previous day.(5.) The grain or veins of wood.The Maye-biro-ni, adv. Beforeh<strong>and</strong>, previously.(6.) graduated marks on a weighing-beam,on a measure, or on a ther-

jj'I enceMEi6imometcr ; the marks on dice, thesquares of a checker-board.(7.) Used to specify or particularize;as, Ichi-ban-me^ the first one ; Nido-7j:t\ the second time ;AIikka-?ne, thethird day.(8.) After contemptuous epithets ;as, Y'ats2e-t!ie ; Koitsu me.(9.) Affair, accident. Hidoi-me niaita^ met with cruel treatment. Me nimet with an accident.atta.,Me, n. A female, woman, wife. Me wometoru.^ to marry a woman. (2.) Thefemale of animals or birds. Me-7tshi^a cow ; 7ne inii^ a bitch. Mendori^ afemale bird.Me, n. A bud—of a leaf or flower, asprout, or young shoot. Ki 710 7Jte gaderu^ the trees are budding.Me, «. A kind of edible sea-weed.Me-akashi, «. A spy, secret policeman.Me-ate, n. The object, aim, purpose,design, intention also that to which;one looks for help or direction.ME-.\WASE,-r?

MEI 162 MEMMei-fuda, «. A label or ticket bearingthe name of the article.Mei-haku, a. Clear, plain, evident;just, honest, open, frank, fair, c<strong>and</strong>id;above-board, without concealment.Banji — ni suru ga yoi^ it is best tobe honest in everything.Me-isha, n. An oculist.yiv-iiXy-dzuru^-ta^ t. v. To comm<strong>and</strong>,order, give instructions to a servant, todecree.MEiji,-(3?2«r«,-^rt, t. V. To engrave, orinscribe.Mei-jitsu, {iniyo-nichi^ adv. To-morrow.Mei-kan, {akirakanaru kagami^ n.The clear mirror, = just balance, justjudgment.Mei-mei, pron. Each one separately,each by himself, each <strong>and</strong> all, everyMei-nichi, n. The day of the month,or year in which a person's death iscommemorated.MEiRi,-r«,-^/'ti, /. V. To be given up todrink, or drunkenness.Mei-sai. — «/, minutely, particularly.Mei-shi, {na-kotoba^ n. A noun, orsubstantive.Mei-shu, (chikai no ntcsht), n. The personset up as chief, leader, or head of acompany, whom they swear to obey.Mei-tei. Intoxicated, drunk.Mei-waku, n. Trouble, embarrassment,perplexity, qu<strong>and</strong>ary, annoyance.Mei-yaku, n. An oath, covenant, agreement.Mei-vo, n. Good reputation, high esteem,honor, renown.Mejika, n. -A doe.Mfjirushi, n. A sign, mark, signal, beacon.Me-kado, n. Sharpness of sight or perception.— ni tarareru, to be marked,singled out, or detected. — ivo tsu-.keru, to detect or mark.Me-kago, n. An open-worked basket.Mekake, tt. A concubine, mistress.Me-kakushi, n. Blind-men's buff, aboard-screen, the blinds of a bridle.Me-kao, n. Expression of the face oreye ;grimace, or signs made by the eyeor face.MEK:ARi,-r2/,-5/i/, i. v. To be weary oflookmg at.Me-kari, n. A gatherer of sea-weed.Meka,shi,-j/. To be lightheaded,dizzj', vertiginous, giddy.Me-kuso, n. Gummy discharge fromthe ;yes.]ME-MAGiRE,-r?/,-^rt, /. V. To have thesight confused, blurred, or indistinct,as by too strong a light.Memagurushii,-/4-/,-.^m, a. Troublesome,annoying, as children by noise <strong>and</strong> running.Me-mai, Dizziness, vertigo, giddi-Mex-birodo, n. Cotton velvet.Mem-b6, n.veil.Mem-b6, n. A wooden rolling-pin.Mem-boku, n. (fig.) Face, countenance.— ga naiy to be out of countenance,ashamed, crestfallen. — ivo us/iinau,to lose face, to be humiliated, mortified.— wo hodokosu, to put in countenance,to encourage.]\lEMESHii,->i-.'",-/t«,-j/i/, a. Woman-like,womanish, feminine, weak, timid.Memma, n. A mare.Mem-mitsu. Fine in texture ; minutely,particularly ; carefully.Memosui, 71. Chloroform.Me-moto, 71. Near the eye ;the expressionof the eye.Mempi, {tsura no kawa), «. The skinof the face ; fig. the face, countenance,— 7U0 kaku^ to be ashamed, to be putout of countenance.Mem-puku, n. Clothing made of cot-

MEN 163Men, n. A mask.Men, (.kao), n.— , the wholeThe face, surface.surface. Nin-men^Ickiahuman face. Kai-men^ the surface ofthe ocean. Ji->iien, the face of theground. Men-tnett, each one, everyone.Men-so, physiognomy. MendaHytalking face to face. Men-tei^the features or form of the face.Men, ijiengu)^ n. Tax on the productsof the farm.ME-NARE,-r2

MES 164 MIBMESSHi^-surit ,-ia, {horobiru^ i. v Todie, to finish, to perish, to destroy, exterminate.Mesl', m. Female of birds, or animals.Mesu-osu, n. Male <strong>and</strong> female ;gender.Me-tate, n. A saw-sharpener, a repairerof the teeth of a grater, or of millstones.Metcha, n. The marks left on the faceby small-pox ; confused, disordered,jumbled together.Mete, {jnigi no te^) n. The right-h<strong>and</strong>.Mete-zashi, n. A dagger worn in thebelt on the right side.^. 7'. METORi,-r?

MIB 165 MIDMi-DOKORO, n. Something;sume the part of, as in a play ; to g^ticulate,show, display, l(*oks. ror.to deport one's self.noticeable, orremarkable.worthy of observation,Mi-BURUi, n. Shaking, trembling or Midori, n. Green color.shivering of the body.Midori-go, n. An infant.MiCHi, n. A road, way (fig.), the right MiDORO. Smeared over with ; as, ChtmIdoro' smeared with blood. Ase-m/-way, truth, principles, doctrine, teaching,duty, office, function, art. no doro, covered with sweat.be^ side or vicinity of a road. — no MiDZU, n. Water.MiD2U-ABi, n. Bathing with cold water.ki, a road-book or journal of one'stravels. Michi-nori^ length of a road, MiDZU-ABURA, n. The oil made fromjourney. Michi-shirtibe^ a way-mark, rape-seed.MiDZU-AGE, n. Unloading goods from aa guide. Michi-sugara^ while in theroad.ship or boat.MiDZU-Ai, n. The junction of twoJAiCKi^-tsziru or ru^-ta^ i. v. To be full,fill up or occupybe complete.A kind of syrup or jellystreams of water.MiDZU-AME. n.the whole extent, toMiCHi-BATA, n. The side of a road. made of malt.MiCHi-DzuRE, n. Fellow traveler, companionMiDZU-ASAGi, n. A light blue color.on a journey.MiDZU-BANA, «. Mucous discharge fromMi-CHiGAYE,-rz

MID i66 MIHMiDZU-KAGE, n. The shadow of anythingin water, or reflection of water.MiDZUKAi,-a7

167 MIMMi-HAKASHI, n. A wide or extensive view, Mi-KiRENu. Cannot be wholly seen, tooa parapet. much «for the eye to see at once. UiniMi-HAKi,-r?^?, --^«,-i-Az', a. Short, not cret meeting.long.MiKO, «. A woman who pretends to holdMijiK:AME,-r«,-/a, t. v. To shorten, communication with the gods <strong>and</strong> theabridge.spirits of the dead, <strong>and</strong> to tell fortunes ;MijiKASA, «, The shortness, the length. a fortune-teller, witch,MijiMAi, 11. Dressing, attiring, adorning MiKO, H. A prince or son of the Mikado.the face <strong>and</strong> head,—in the manner of Hivie tniko^i a princess.Mi-KO. Three str<strong>and</strong>s. — z'/o, threadMijiME, n. Cruelty, abusive treatment. of three str<strong>and</strong>s.MijiMAKU, n. Looking after or minding Mi-KO, «. Triplets.only one's own interests.Mi-Ko.Mi, n. Opinion, judgment, estimate,view, supposition ; shape or formMi-jiN, n. Fine dust, smallest particle, amite, a piece.as taken in by the eye.MijiROKi,-/^«, i. v. To shrink back in Mi-KOMi,-w7

MIM I 68MiMAi,-au,-affa, i. v. To condole with, Mi-NAGE, n. Drowning one's self. —to make a visit of sympathy to one in 1VO suru, to commit suicide by drowning.trouble.MiMAi, n. A visit of friendship, condolence,MiNAGi, M. A kind of water plant.or sympathy.MiNAGiRi,-r«, i. V. To rise <strong>and</strong> swell, asMi-MASHi, n. Best-looking, the pretti- waves ;to surge.MiNAGiWA, n. Water's edge.Mi-MAWARi,-rz^,-^^«, /, V. To go about MiNA-GOROSHi, n. Putting all to death,looking, to go around on watch, to look extermination by the sword.MiNAKAMi, n. The head-waters, fountain-head,Mi-MAWARi, n. Looking around, goingsource, origin.around as a watchman.MiNAKiCHi, n. The openings made forMi-MAWASHi,^«, -/a, t. V. To look water to flow out of, as in the banks ofaround.rice-fields or ponds.Mime, «. The countenance, face. MiNAMi, n. The south.Mi-MEGURi,-ri

MIO 169 MITMio-jiRUSHi, n. A buoy or post forshowing the channel.z/. Mi-OKUKi,-rz

• aMIT 170 MTYMiTE,-r«,-^a:, /. v. To fill, to occupy the Mi-wake,-rM,-^«, t. v. To discriminate,whole capacity.to discern, distinguish between.MiTOCHo, n. A curtain hung before the Mi-WASURE,-r «,-/«, t. V. To forget havingaltar in a Bud. temple.seen, or how anything looked.Mi-TODOKE,-r?. Mi-VARi,-r«,-z'/f«, To let see, permitto see.MiYE,-r«,-^

jga no hito, one whose life is saved fromgreat danger. — shira?tu^ ungrateful.Miv6-g6, n. Name ; title, appellation.MiYo-GO-NiCHi, adv. The day after to-MiYo-ji, w. The surname.Miy6-j6, n. The planet Venus.MiYo-jo, n. Providential aid.MiYo-KUWAN, n. Officers who have themanagement of Hades.Miy6-miy6-go-nichi, adv. Two days afterto-morrow.MiYo-MOKU, n. Name, title, designa-MiYo-MON, n. Fame, reputation ; name,show, appearance.^MiYo-NEN, n. Next year.MiYo-NiCHi, adv. To-morrow.MiYORi, n. Relations.MiYo-Ri, {na to ri.) n. Reputation <strong>and</strong>gain, fame <strong>and</strong> avarice.MiYo-Ri, n. The hidden or secret principle,providence, retribution ;favors,or gratitude. — luo shiranai, ungrateful.MiYo-SEKi, n. To-morrow evening.Mivo-SEKi, n. The name <strong>and</strong> estate of afamily.MiYo-TAN, n. To-morrow morning,Mi-YUKi, n. A deep snow.MiYUKi, n. Travelling, going,—only ofthe Mikado.Mi-ZA.ME, n. Losing one's ardor, or interestin anything by seeing it, to becomestale, to lose its novelty or powerto please.Mi-ZEN', {imada shikaradzu,) n. Thefuture, that which has not yet come toMizo, n. A ditch, drain, furrow, groove.MizoRE, M. Sleet.Mi-z6-u, {imada katsute arndzu). Neverwas so before.Mo, n. A kind of skirt, or loose trousers.Mo, n. A weight, = the tenth part of ar/«, aMo, n.hair in weight.The period of mourning. Mochiii^ during the time of mourning.Mo-fukii^ mourning clothes.Mo, adv. or conj. Also, too, more, yet,even, any, soever.Mo. An exclamation of doubt, perplexity,anxiety.Mo. An exclamation of relief of mind,or satisfaction at something done orpast.MocHi, n. A kind of bread made ofglutinous rice by beating it in a mortar.171 MODMocHi, n. Bird-lime.MocHi, n. The fifteenth day of themonth. — dzuki, the full-moon.MoCH\,-tsu,-tia., t. V. To hold in theh<strong>and</strong>, to carry ; to have, own, possess ;to last, endure.MoCHi, n. The property of lasting, durability.MocHi-AGE,-r?

MOD 172 MOMMoDAYE,-r«,-/

MoME, 71. Contention, quarreling, dissension.MoMEN, n. Cotton cloth.MoMI,-;;/?^-«rtra, t. V. To rub <strong>and</strong> rollbetween the h<strong>and</strong>s, to shampoo, knead;to struggle, or make violent efforts, asin a contest. Ki wo — , to fret or troubleone's self about anything. Momareru.,pass, to be rubbed, or shampooed.Motni-au, to contend or struggle together,as wrestlers. ISIomi-dasu^ torub <strong>and</strong> press out, to wring out, to getby hard labor or diligence. Momihogusti^to loosen the texture, to brayor soften anything by rubbing in theh<strong>and</strong>s. Momi-kesu, to rub out. extinguishby rubbing, or kneading. Mojuikomu.,to rub or work in, as a color ; toscatter by rubbing as a tumor. Moitiikzidaku.^to break by lubbing in theh<strong>and</strong>s, to crumble. iMorni-otosu., torub off between the h<strong>and</strong>s, as dry mudfrom a garment. J\foIni-ya^uaragc,-ru,to soften by rubbing or working in theh<strong>and</strong>s.Mdmi, «. A kind of red silk.MoMi, n. The outside hull or bran ofrice. — mai, unhuUed rice.MoMi-DANE, n. Seed rice.MoMi-GARA, n. Rice-hulls, rice-bran.Ml iMi-GURA, n. A rice granary, or storehousefor UTihulled rice.MoMiji, n. The red leaves of autumn,the maple tree. — sum, to turn red,as leaves in autumn.173 MONhouse or inclosure ; sect, school. Mongtiwai.,outside the gate.MoN, 71. Badge, coat of arms, crest.MoNAKA, 71. The middle, midst of; akind of cake.MoN-CHAKU, «. Quarrel, dispute, contention.MoN-CHo, 71. A book in which the differentcoat of arms <strong>and</strong> crests are registered.MoN-Do, (toi kotaye^ «. Question <strong>and</strong>answer, catechism. — su7-u, to question<strong>and</strong> answer, discuss, catechise.MoN-DOKORO, n. Badge, coat of arms,insignia, crest.MoNDORi, 71. A basket for catching fish,a trap also for catching small animals.MoNDORi-ucHi,-^.r«,-^^«, i. V. To turnheels over head, to turp a somersault.MoN-GAMACHi, «. The lintel <strong>and</strong> sill ofa door.MoN-ji, 71.Character, letter, word.MoN-jiN, «. A disciple, pupil, follower.MoN-jiN. — i-«r«, to question, to interrogate.MoN-KU, «.The sentences of a compo-MoNo, 7t. Thing, article, matter ;person,individual. — wo iu, to speak.— 7to kadzu to 7/to sedzu., to make lightof; consider of no account.Mono-d6i,-/&z,-/&«, a. Distant, seldomseen, seldom visiting, stranger.MoNO-DOMO. Plural of Mono., things,

MON174 MORMoNO-GURUWASHi,-/&z,->^M, a. Like a MoNO-susAMAjii,-/^z,-,^«, M. Feeling timid,crazy or mad person, frenzied, frantic.easily frightened, feeling dread oralarm.a. Lazy, indolent,MoN'0-GUSAi,-;^i,-;^«,slovenly.MoNO-TACHi, n. Binding one's self byMoNO-ii, n. Language, style or way of an oath to abstain from certain kindsspeaking ; talking, address : a dispute. of food, or certain things to which oneMoNO-iMi, n. Abstinence from certain is addicted,articles of food for a certain time. MoNo-TACHi, «. A knife used in cuttingMoNO-iRi, n. Expense, outlay.cloth.MoNO-ivvAi, n. Felicitation, a celebrationof some happy event. — wo suru^MoNO-TOGAME, «.fault-finding,Givcn to scolding orto make a celebration.M.o^o-vi-ki,-ku,-s/tz, a. hzzy, indolent,MoNO-KAKi, n. Secretary, clerk, writer.slothful.MoNO-WARAi, «, Something to laugh at,MoNO-KUi, n. Eating, feeding.a laughing-stock.MoNO-MANABi, «. Learning, gaining instruction.MoNO-WASURE, n. Forgetful.MoN-§Ai, «. Literary ability, literaryMono-mane, n. Gesture, gesticulation. talent.MoNO-MAVE, «, The few days before MoN-SHA, «. A kind of silk gauze.the end of the month or quarter, when MoN-TEi, n. A disciple, pupil, follower.debts <strong>and</strong> accounts are to be settled. Mo>iUKE,-ru,-ia, t. V. To be superior toMono-mi, n. Sight seeing ; a look-out all others, to be preeminent ; to slip outescape from.place.Monomi, n. A spy, one who reconnoitres.of,MoNUKE, n. The cast-oflfskin of a snakeor insect.MoNO-MoDEj n. Visiting a temple for MoN-ZETSU, n. Extreme anguish or sorworship,pilgrimage.MopPARA, adv. The chief or most importantMoNo-MONoSHii,-,^/,-/&«, a. Affectingundue importance ; making much ofthing, paramount ; mainly, forone's the most part, mostly, chiefly, principally.self.MoNO-MORAi, n. A beggar ; a sty on theeyelid.MoRAi,-«?/,-^^a, t. V. To receive, to accept,to get, to take.MoNO-NARi, «. The income or revenuederived from the products of the soil. MoRAi, n. A request.MoNO-NETAMi, «. Jealousy.MoRAi-GUi, «. Begging for something toMoNONOFU, n. A soldier.eat.MoNON'OGU, n. Military arms, <strong>and</strong> armor.MoRAi-NAKi, n. Affected to tears byMoNO-NOKE, n. The evil influence orseeing others cry.SIoRASHi,-5^z/ ,-/rt, caust. of Mori. Tocurse of one dead.cause or let leak, to let escape, omit, orMoNO-Nui, n. A seamstress.over-look, to make known, divulge.MoNO-OBOVE, n. The memory.MoRAWARE,-7-«,-^rt, pass, of Morai. ToMoNO-OKi, n. A pantry, store-room. be received, accepted ; to be receivedMoNO-OMOi, n. Thinking, reflecting, in marriage.cogitating, brooding.MoRE,-rM,-zfa, /. V. To leak, to leak out,Moxo-osHiMi, n. Stingy, grudging, penurious,escape ; to be left out, omitted or overlooked.abstemious.MoNO-SABiSHn,-/^/,-/^?

MOR 175 MOTMoRi-KOROSHr,--f?/,-^a, t. To kill bypoison, to poison.Mosso, n. The day's rations of a commonsoldier in cooked rice, = about aMori-mono, «. Food offered to idols. quart of unbooked rice.MoRi-S0DATE,-r«,-^«, t. V. To nurse MoSLSo, n. The skirt of a robe.<strong>and</strong> bring up, as a child ; to act as Mosi'TO, adv. A little more. — o agari.,give me a little more.MoRi-TATE,-r?

'orI, pare,'MOT 176MUG;MoTORAKASHi,-j?

MUG177 MUKley. Ko-7nugi^ wheat. Mugi-aki^ the MuiCADZUKi,-y^w,-zVa, /. 7/. To loathe, tofourth month, or wheat harvest. Mugibatake^a wheatfield. Mugi-meski^ AIuKAGO, n. The fruit of the Yama-feel nausea, to be sick at the stomach.food made of boiled barley. Mugiwara^wheat straw. Mugi-ivari- MuKAi,-a«, or o^ritc-, i- ""• To st<strong>and</strong>7neshi^ food made of cracked barley with the face towards, to face, to front,mixed with rice <strong>and</strong> boiled.Mu-Giv6, {katachi jiacki). Without formor shape, incorporeal.1Avooi,-ki^-ku^s/zi^ a. Unmerciful, withoutcompassion or pity, barbarous,Mu-GON, {kotoba nashi). Silent, havingnothing to saj'.Mucosa, n. Cruelty, barbarity.MuGOTARASHii,-/^/,-2Z, a. Barbarous,cruel.MuGLRA, n. The hop, the Humulus lupulus.MuGURAMOCHi, «. A molc.MuGURi,-»'M,-^/a, /. V. To dive under,to stoop <strong>and</strong> pass under, to evade <strong>and</strong>do by stealth.MuGURi, n. Diving under the water;the name of a small wild duck, a diver.Mu-HEN, (kagiri nashi). Illimitable, infinite,boundless.Mu-hi-d6, a. Cruel, savage, brutal, destituteof humanity, barbarian.Mu-HITSU, n. Unable to write.Mu-h6, {nari nas'ii). Not conformingto rule, lawless, improper, rude.Mu-HON, (^hakatte soiJtukti). Rebellion,sedition, treason, conspiracy.Mu-i, {kurai nashi). Without rank, untitled.Mui-KA, n. The sixth day of the month ;six days.Mu-IN, «. Unstamped, unsealed.Mu-ji, n. Plain, unfigured, as cloth.Mu-jiHi, {awareini-nashi). Withoutpity, compassion, or love.Mu-jiN, {tsukiru koto nashi). Inexhaustible; a kind of lottery'.MujiNA, «. An animal something like abadger.Mu-jin-t6, n. An arg<strong>and</strong> lamp.Mu-jiTsu, {jnakoto nashi). Untrue, false,not real. — no tsumi)., innocent, notguilty.Mu-jo, itsune nashi). Inconstant, mutable,changing, not lasting ; evanescent,fleeting, passing awaj' ; death.Mu-j6, \uye nashi). Nothing higher,highest, most excellent, supreme.MuKA-BA, n. The front, or incisor teeth.MuKABAKi, n. A leather shield worn onthe front of the thigh in hunting.MuKA-BARA-TATSU, i. V. To flash up insudden anger.MuKADE, «. A centipede.8*to be opposite anything ; to go tomeet ; to confront, to oppose, to benear to in time.MuKAi, 7i.~ Meeting, calling, inviting ; amessenger sent to bring or meet a person.MuKAi-BARA, n. The pains precedingparturition.MuKAi-BUNE, n. A boat or ship sent tomeet or bring a person.MuiCAi-iRE,-r?/,-/a, /. v. To go to meet<strong>and</strong> bring in, as an honored guest.MuKAi-KE, n. Nausea, sickness of stomach.MuKA-MUKA, adv. Sick at the stomach,to feel nausea, to loathe.Muic\SHi, 71. Ancient times, formerages, antiquity, a period of ten years ;ancient, old. Mukashi-gatari., storya.of ancient times, talking about oldtimes. Mukashi-katagi., old-fashioned,simple, honest.MuKAWARi, n. The first anniversary ofa death.MuK'AV'E,-rZ

178MuKi-DASHi-Ni, adv. Without concealment,in a straight-forward, open manner; above-board.MuKi-KUCHi, n. Dem<strong>and</strong>, request.Mu-Kiu, {kiivamari nashi). Endless,inexhaustible, eternal.MuKO, n. Son-in-law.MuKoBA, n. The front teeth.MuKo-DoSHi, n. Opposite house, oppositeneighbours.MuKoDZUNE, n. The shin.Muk6-dzur.\, n. An adversary, enemy.MuKo-GASHi, n. Opposite bank of a river.MuKo-KAZE, n. Head wind, adversewind.MuKo-MiDZU. Regardless of what is before,rash, reckless, incautious, foolhardy.Mu-KU, n. Pure, unalloyed. Muku~ye,pure white clothes.MuKU, n. A kind of tree, the leaves ofwhich are used by carpenters for polishingwood. Celtis muku.Mu-KUCHI, n. Silent, taciturn.MuKU-GE, w. The soft down beneaththe long hair of animals.MuKUGE, n. The Hibiscus Syriacus.'M.VK.vi-yuru.^-ia. To requite, recompense,compensate, to repay, to retaliate,take vengeance on.the workmen on completing the settingMuKUi, n. Recompense, requital, retribution,up of the frame of a house.compensation.Mu.VE-KUSO,MuKU-iNU, n. A shaggy dog.temper.n. The feelings, spirits,MuKUMEKi,-/^«, t. V. To crawl as a worm,to move up <strong>and</strong> down like the crawlingMu-NEN, n.ment.Regret, soprow, disappoint-of a caterpillar.Mu-Ni, {futatsu nashi). Not the second,the first. — tnu-zatt «/, MuKUMi,-/«z

MURa chamber dug in the ground for preservingvegetables. Hi-muro^ icehouse.Mu-ROKU. Without wages, salary, orsupport from government.Mu-ROX, {ivakimaye tmshi). Devoid ofreason, consideration or judgment.Mu-RUi, {tagui nashi). Without an;equal, or the like without comparison.MusAB0Ri,-r7

MUS 1 80 NABMu-SHUKU, (yado nashi). Without M; TSUBi, «. Affection, intimacy, love,home, homeless.friendship.Ml-s6, {tiarabi nashi). Without an MuTSUKi, «. The first month.equal, second to none.Mltsuki, n. A diaper worn by infants.Mu-s6, {yitme ni omo). Revealed in adream.Mltslmajii,-^/,-/?-/^, a. Friendly, amicable,harmonious, on good terms.Mu-s6, n. Dove-tailed or interlaced. makura^ a kind of camp-piUow. — MuTSUMAVAKA, a. Harmonious, friendly,ntado^ a window made with moveableslats which overlap each other.amicable.MuTSURi, adv. Quiet, sedate, grave inMi'soji.Mu-SOKU.Sixty years old,manner, taciturn.Without interest,—of money. MuTTO, adv. To flash up, flare up, asMusLBi,-(5?/ ,-«

NABI;;motion ; to follow, obey or comply Naga-dachi, It. The long sword.with.Naga-i, ti. Remaining or sitting long.NAGAi,-/{-z,->Cv(!,-j/i/, a.NABURi,-r?/,-/i'a, t. V. To tease, chafe,makeLong in space ortime.jeer, vex to torture ; a fool of,Naga-iki, n. Long life.to play tricks on, make sport with toNaga-imo, n. The long edible root of ah<strong>and</strong>le, touch. Naburi-kiru^ to killby inches, to torture to death by cutingthe body to pieces. Naburi-koro-Naga-jiri, «. A long sitter, a tediouswild plant.su, to kill by a slow death, or by tor- visitor.NAGAME,-r«,-/a, i. v. To lengthen, pro-N.ADA. The ocean or sea. (^-wrto'rt, Sotonada.Uchi-nada, inl<strong>and</strong> sea.NA-DAKAi,-/^/,-/4'«,-*/i/, a. Celebrated,famous, distinguished, having a greatname or reputation.NADAME,-r«,-^ia;, t. v. To soothe, appease,pacify, quiet, tranquilize, console;to mitigate or lessen, as a punishment.Nadaraka-na, a. Level, even, smooth.Nadare, 71. An avalanche, snow-slip.Yaitia — , a mountain-slide.Nadare, n. Gentle declivity or slope.NADARE,-rz

NAG 182NAINagashi-Otoko, n. The servant or attendantof a bath-house.Nagasu, n. A large whale.Nagatarashii,-/&/,-/^«, a. Long <strong>and</strong> todioiis;prolix, lengthy.Nagate, a. Oblong. — no kata^ oblongshape.Naga-tsuki, n. The ninth month.Naga-ye, n. A block of houses, a longrow of houses under one roof ; barracks.Na-gaye, n. Change of name. — wo suru^to change the name.Naga-ye, n. The shaft of a carriage ;the shaft of a spear, h<strong>and</strong>le of an umbrella,a long spear.Naga-zashiki, n. A long visit from aguest ; staying long at an entertainment.NAGE,-r«,-^rt, t. V. To throw, cast, fling,pitch, toss, hurl. Mi -wo — , to cast one'sself into the water, to commit suicide.Nage-agerUy to throw up. Nage-dasu^to throw out. Nage-ireru^ to throwinto. Nage- komii^ to throw into.Nage-kosu^ to throw across, or over.Nage -orosuy to 'throw down from aheight. Nage-suieru, to cast away;to let alone. Nage-tsukeru^ to throwagainst, to fling down. Nage-utsUy tothrow <strong>and</strong> hit, to hit, beat, to throwaway. Nage-yaru, to let alone, neglect,cast aside, give up.Nagekawashii,-/4'/,-^«, a. Lamentable,sad, mournful, pitiable.Nageki,-/&;^,-/M, /. V. To draw a longbreath, or sigh from grief, or sadness ;to grieve, lament, mourn ;to complain.Nageshi, n. A horizontal piece of timberin the frame of a house."^AOi^-gu.-ida^ t. V. To mow, to cutwith a sweep. Nagi-fiiseru^ to mowdown, to cut down with a sweep. Nagi-harau^to clear away by mowing.JVagi-taosu, to mow down. Nagi-tateru^to mow, to cut with a sword witha sweeping motion.NAGi,-^«,-/^a, i. V. To be calm, still,quiet, as the waves, or wind.Nagi, «. A calm. .

injury, or disease; a concealed blemish.Nai-tsu, n. Secret communication,treacherj'.Nai-yaku, n. Medicines given internally.Nai-yen, (Jiisokana chigiri). Secret alliance,secret marriage.NAjiMASE,-r?

NAKNAKUNARi,-r«,-^^rt, i. V. To be lost,missing, no longer in existence, cometo naught, done, used up, all gone,dead.Nama, a. Raw, crude, uncooked, unripe,green, unseasoned, fresh; inexperienced,immature, imperfect, unskilled ; superficial.Natna-mono, raw or uncookedthings. Nantasamurai^ an inexperiencedsoldier. Nama-wwo^ raw fish.Nama-gai^ raw clams.Namabi, a. Imperfectly dried, half dried.Namachi, n. Fresh blood.N.^madzu, n. A cat-fish.Namadzu, n. A species of macula ordisease of the skin. Shiro — , albino.N.'MIA-g'aten, fi. Having a smatteringonly, comprehending imperfectly, onlyhalf underst<strong>and</strong>ing a matter.Nama-giki, n. A charlatan, smatterer;a vain, conceited person.Nama-goroshi, n. Not completely killed,half dead.Nama-gusai,-^z,-,^«,-5'/«/, a. Fresh <strong>and</strong>disagreeable in smell, smell of raw flesh,or of raw fish.Nama-iki, a. Affected, conceited ; halfdead.Namajii, a. Imperfect, half done.Nama-jiroi, a. Dirty white, not purewhite.N.\MAKE,-rz

NAM 185 NAONam-pu, n. Adverse or baffling wind. Na-ni-6, a. The celebrated, famous;Na-mushi, n. A caterpillar which feeds corresponding to its reputation.on the leaves of the rape-seed plant. Nani-sama, adv. Somehow, some wayNan (katai). Hard, difficult ;hardship, or other.adversity, misfortune ; objection, difficultyseeching; I pray you, please.Nani-to-zo. Exclam. in requesting, be-Nan iminavti^, n. South.NANji,/r^. You,—used to equals or inferiors.Nanji-ra^ plur. you."iiiAN {oioko). A male, man, son. — sht,a male child, a boy, a son. — niyo, NANji,-^z«,-i'a, /. V, To object to, tomale <strong>and</strong> female, man <strong>and</strong> woman. state a difficulty.yi — , the second son. Vo — , the fourth Nan-ju, n. Affliction, hardship, misery,trouble.Nan. a contracted form oi Nani. What. Nan-kiyoku, n. The south pole.Nan doki^ what o'clock? Na?i-do^ Nan-k'o, n. The game of odd <strong>and</strong> even.how often. Nan-detnOy whatsoever, Nan-kon, n. Membrum virile.whatever.Nan-kotsu, n. Cartilage.Nana, cont. of Nanatsu^ seven.Nan-nan, adv. Almost, nearly, aboutNanako, n. A kind of silk goods, enchasedwork.almost dead.to, approaching to. Shi ni — to su,Deep <strong>and</strong> dark, as aV. To tell one'sone's self. Nanori-au,to tell each other their name,Nanatsu. Seven.Nanatsu-ge, 71. The hairs on the fin-to introduce themselves to each other.Naname, a.diagonal.Inclined, slanting, oblique,Nana7ne-naradziiy exceedinggreat.NANORi,-r« ,-//«, /.Nan-xantaru, a.deep river or sea.Nanasoji. Seventy years of age.name, to introducegers <strong>and</strong> toes.N<strong>and</strong>a, adv. What is it ? what is thematter?Nan-dai, «. A hard theme ; a difficultsubject; a hard, unjust or cruel matter.Nan-do, n. A butler's room, closet,pantry, larder.Nan-gi, n. Hardship, affliction, trouble,misery, calamity, disaster difficult,;hard.Nan-givo. n. .Hard <strong>and</strong> painful religiousworks ; as fasting, self-inflicted torture;penance.in particular.Nam. pro. What. Nani kitoisu toshite^ every — ga haitektiru, something is coming in.Nani-bun. Exclam. = I pray you,please, I beseech.Nani-demo, proTi. Anything whatever.— yoroshii, anything will do.Nani-gashi, pron. A certain person,somebody, some one, so <strong>and</strong> so.Nani-ge-nai,-/^z,-/&«,-j/z/,-^, a. Withoutany appearance whatever of minding,caring about, or knowing ;with a careless,unconcerned, or indiflferent manner; without letting on.Nani-gokoro-naku, adv. Not thinking,not intending, without minding.Nam-goto. Why, what reason ; whatnews, matter or business.Nani-kure. Anv <strong>and</strong> everj'thing. — toisog-askily busy in various ways.Nani-mo, adv. Everj'thing whatever;with a neg., nothing whatever.INanori, n. Name.Nanori-so, «. A kind of seaweed.Nan-sen, n. Shipwreck. — suru, to bewrecked.Nan-shoku, n. Sodomy. — suru, topractice sodomy.Nan-ten-shoku, n. The N<strong>and</strong>ina domestica.Nanuka, n. The seventh day of themonth, seven days.Nanushi, «. The head-man, chief magistrateof a village, or of a ward of aNan-zan, n.city.A diffivjult parturition.Nanzo, ^^z'. Why, wherefore.Nao, adv. Still, yet, more. Nao-mata,moreover, again, furthermore, stillmore. Nao-tnottey still more, more-Nao-naOy more <strong>and</strong> more, stillover.more. Nao-sara, still more, moreover,again.'^Aoiy-kiy-kuy-shi, a. Straight, notcrooked, right, correct, upright, just,honest.NAOKARi,-r«,-/^«, /. V. To be straight,not crooked ; correct, uprigat.Nao-nao-gaki, n. A postscript, addenda,codicil.Na-ore, n. Disgrace, infamy, reproach.NAORi,-rz

_NAO 1 86 NARNaoshi, n. A cobbler, or repairer ofshoes.Naozari, w. Indifferent, remiss, slighting,disregarding ;unimportant, trivial,not worthy of notice or consideration.Naozari, -r«,-if/i2, /. v. To pass by, neglect,omit to do ; to disregard, slight.Nara, «. The name of a species of oak.Nara, ai/z/. If. Yedo ye yuku-nara^Myou go to Yedo.Naraba, adv. If there be, if, if possible.NARABE,-r«,-^a, t. V. To place in order,arrange in a row, to match or rankwith.Narabi,-3«,-«

ki,NAR 187 NEBNaru-take, adv. As much as possible ;as much, or as good as you can.Nasake, n. Kindness, pity, humanity,benevolence.NASARE,-r;

NEBI58 NEJNeba-xeba, adv. Sticky, adhesive, tenacious,glutinous.NEBARi,-rz/,-^^rt, i. V. To be sticky, adhesive,gummy, viscous, tenacious orcohesive. Nebari-tsuku^ to stick, toadhere, to cohere.Nebari-ke, n. Gummy, of an adhesive,glutinous, or sticky nature.Nebasa, n. Adhesiveness, viscidity, tenacity,cohesiveness.Neba-tsuchi, n. Sticky earth, clay.Ne-biki, n. A reduction or lowering ofprice.Ne-bive, n. Being cold while asleep orlying down.Ne-b6, n. A sleepy-head, a drows' person.NKBOKE,-r«,-^d!, z. V. To be stupid orbewildered, when suddenly roused fromsleep to walk in sleep.;Nebuka, «. A kind of garlic.NEBURi,-r;

INendaiki,NEJI59 NER1Neji-kiri, n. An augur.year. Nen-kiri^ a term of years. Nendun,Neji-kubi, n. Twisting off the head.yearly portion, or share. Nen-Ne-jime, n. Tight, firm, or secure about naiy during the year. Nen-nen, yearly.the roots or foundation ; exactness, accuracyNen-pai^ age, time of life. Ne?i-rai^;tone of a musical instrument. for years past. Nen-rei., age, years old.Nen-pu^ yearly payments. Nen-rei,NEjiRE,-r;^,-^a, i. z', To be twisted,warped, distorted, to be askew, contorted.Nevy Year's compliments. Nen-ski,beginning of the year. A"en-bi, end ofNekashi,-j2

_NER 190 NIB1|proper consistence, tempered, trained, into proper consistence, to work intopaste to knead.NERi,-r?

•Nichi-yd^191 NIKNi-EUNE, n. A merchant-ship, a ship NiGi\VASHi,-j?

__Itj!NIK 192 NIOjiII;Ni-MOTSU, u. Baggage, luggage, goodsNiKKi, n. A diary, journal.NiKKO-TO-WARAi, -a«, -^^a, i. V. To in packages, mercn<strong>and</strong>ize.smile, to laugh in a suppressed way, to NiM-Pi-NiN, (/ti^o ni shite hito ni aradzti).chuckle.A man in appearance, but notin heart, a low fellow, a. yeia.NiKKUWA, n. Daily work,Ni-KOMi,-;««,-«f/«, t. z>.daily task.To boil into, to Ni.N, (hito,) n. Man, person, /kit nin,boil <strong>and</strong> incorporate one thing with another.how many persons ?Nix. n. Trust, office, duty, business.NiKO-NiKO-TO, ad7i. Smilingly, pleasantly,cheerfully. — wara?/, to smile. plumb-stone, etc.NiN, n. The kernel of a peach-stone,Ni-KOROSHi,-*K,-2fa, i. V. To boil to "NiNAi^-au^-tta. t. V. To carry with apole across the shoulder.death, to kill by putting into boilingwater.NiNAi, n. A bucket for canning water.NiKOYAKA, a. Smiling, gentle, cheerful, NiNAi-Bo, n. A pole used for carryingmild. burdens across the shoulder.NiKU, n. Flesh, meat..The coloring NiNAW,\SE,-rz

WithNIP 193 NONippon {hi no moto)^ n. Japan. — jin, Nii'-Bo, n. A pestle.Niu-HACHi, «. A mortar for pulverizinga <strong>Japanese</strong>.NiRA, n. A leek.medicines.iiiK.\i,n,-fmt ,-Hda.^ t. v. To look fiercely Niu-JAKU. Weak, feeble, frail, or delicatein constitution. — no Itito.or savagely at, to glare at. Niramiau,to look fiercely at each other. Ni~ NiUKo, n. Olibanum.raini-tsu kerii y to look fiercely at, to NiURi-MiSE, n. small refectory, orAglare at. Nirami-tsiDiicru^ to look at eating-house.fiercely for some time.Niu-WA. Amiable, gentle, mild, meek.Nire, n. The Microptelea parviflora. — na hitoNirekani or Nerikami,-;;/?^,-/'^:, /. z/. To Niu-vo, n. Cancer of the breast.chew the cud, to ruminate as an ox. NiwA, «. A flower garden, a yard, aNi-SAMASHi,-.iv/,-2'a, /. V. To set aside to court-yard, compound.NiWAKA, a. Sudden ;unexpected. Ni~c::ol after boiinj:.To make NiSE,-r?^,-/iz, t. 7'. like, to imi-waka-ni., suddenly, unexpectedly.tate, to counterfeit, to forge, falsify.Nise-g-ane, counterfeit money. Xisekichigaiyfeigned madness, counterfeitedinsanity. A7jt'-;«.;'«^, a counterfeit,imitation, not genuine.Nishi, n. The west.Nishi, n. The name of a shell of theBuccinida genus.Nishiki, n. Brocade.Nishiki-gai, «. A species of cowry.Nishime, «, A kind of food, made byboiling together various kinds of vegetables.Ni-shu, n. Half an ichibu, pronouncedin Yed. coll. Ni-shi.^Ni-so-BAi, adv. Twice as much, twofold.NissHOKU, «. Eclipse of the sun.NiTARi,-r«, i. V. To be lik€, resemble,NiT-CHiu, «. Middle of the day, meridian.NiTE, f>ost-posit. With, by, as cause, instrument,or means ;in ; being, as it is,since it is.NiTEMO. Same as Demo. Ever, so ever.Doko — , wherever. Dare — , whosoever.Nani — , anything whatever.NiTORi-MAME, 71. A kind of confectionary.Ni-TSU.ME,-r«,-^rt, t. V. To boil to athicker consistence.Niu' (iru). To enter. Niu-gakit^ enteringschool, matriculating. Niu-kt^outlay, expenses. Niu-ko^ enteringNiWAKA, 71. A buffoon, clown.NiwATADZUMi, «. A puddle of water.NiwATATAKi, «. The wagtail.NiwATOKO, «. The Sambucus ebuloides.NiwATORi, >i. The domestic fowl, chicken.Nivv,\-TSUKURi, 71. A gardener.NiVAKE,-r2^ ,-/*«, i. V. To be delicate,effeminate, womanish in manners orappearance.NiVAWA,SHii,-/^/,-/^«, a. Alike, resembling,similar.NivE,-r«,-^rt, 1. V. Boiled, cooked bybailing. Niye-kayeru^ to boil upfiercely. Niye-koboreru., to boil over.Niye-iatsu, to bubble <strong>and</strong> boil up.Vn ga Tiiyetattara 77ioitekoi\ when thewater is boiled bring it here. Niyetagiru^to boil.NiYO (o7tna). «. A woman, female. Ni~yo-ni/i., a female. Ni'yo-s/ity a girl.Niyo-tei., a queen, empress.NivoBo, 71. Wife.NiYo-Do, 71. The urethra.Nivo-HACHI, n. Cymbals used in Buddhisttempies.NivoKi-NivoKi-TO, adv. Undulating,rising <strong>and</strong> falling, as the outlines ofmountains, or as the motion of waves ;the appearance of many projectionsfrom an even surface.NivoRO-NivoRO-TO, adv . a slow,zigzag, or undulating motion.^o^post-pos. Of.No, n. A wild, uncultivated region ; amoor, prairie, desert, wilderness. Nomic/ii.,a road through a moor.port. Niu-vion^ becoming a disciple.Niii-satsii, h<strong>and</strong>ing in a bid or vote ;No, 71. Breadth, or width of cloth,a vote, ballot, bid. Niu-shti, to come muslin, silk, etc. Hito Tto, one breadth.tn h<strong>and</strong>. Niu-td^ taking a hot bath. Itsii no buton, a quilt made of fiveNiti-yo^ expenses, outlay.breadths of cloth.Niu, n. A crack, or rather the appearanceof a crack in porcelain, or ivory. No. n., The bamboo of which arrowsNo («w/), n. Pus, matter.Niu-BAi, n. The rainy season in the fifth are made, the shaft of an arrow.month.No {ta 7U0 tstikicru), «. Husb<strong>and</strong>ry,NiuQi, n. Chyle.farming, agriculture. No-fu. a farmer.NiUBi-KUWAN, n. The thoracic duct. No-giyd., husb<strong>and</strong>ry. No-ji., agricul-

'No-BAKAMA,|j194 NOGINoBiRU, n. A kind of wild garlic.ture. No-ka^ a farmhouse, the pea- Isantry. No-tnin^ farmers. No-saku^ NoBiYAKA, a.farming. — gu^ farming tools.or gloom.Exp<strong>and</strong>ed, free from careNo, «. Skill, ability, cleverness, genius, NoEORASHi,-«dc\by <strong>and</strong> by, after a little while. Nochikata.,by <strong>and</strong> by, after a little. Nochizoye.,second wife.NocHi, n. Descendant, lineage. Do-7iohito 710 — da^ whose descendant is he ?NoDACHi,-2'j«,-/i'a, i. V. To grow up.NoDACHi, n. A short sword worn inhunting.NoDO, 71. The throat. — no hiko^ theuvula. — ivokubirii^ to strangle. Ncdobone^the hyoid bone. Nodo-btiye, thewindpipe.Nodok:.\, a. Clear, pleasant, cheerfulweather.NoDOhCE, 71. Sore throat, tonsilitis.Nodo-nodo, adv. Clear <strong>and</strong> pleasantbright <strong>and</strong> cheerful.NoDOVAKA, n. Same as Nodoka.NoDZuCHi, n. The name of a poisonoussnake.No-Dzui, n. The brain.No-DZURA, n. A boorish or brazen face.NoGARE,-r«,-M, t. V. To avoid, escape,to shun.


NOR 196NUIto enter <strong>and</strong> seize, to board <strong>and</strong> take NoTAKURi,-r«,-^^d;, /. ?/. To writhe,wriggle, to twist about, as a woundedpossession of. No7-i-tsukeru^ to rideup to, to ride against. Nori-utsurii^NoTAMAi,-rtM, i. V. To speak, to say,—to change from one boat, horse, oronly used of high personages.chair, to another to possess or influence,to take possession of as a spirit ;;NoTAMAWAKL', Same as Notamau. Kdshino — , Confucius says.bewitch. Katsu-ni — , to be carried orurged on by victory.NoRi,-rz-7/,-//a, t. V. To make, or letNu-BOKU, n. Man-servant, a slave.ride ; to place upon ; to record, towrite in a book to hold, contain. NuGASE,-r?

or lengthen by sewing. Nui-tsukeru,to sew one thing on or to another, as aNui, n. Embroidery, needle-work.Nui-HAKU, n. Embroidery. — suru, toembroider. — ya, an embroiderer.Nui-ME, r. A seam.Nui-MON, «. An embroidered crest orcoat of arms.Nui-MONo, n. Embroidery, needlework.Nui-TORI, n. Embroidery.Nui-ZARASA, «. Embroidery, ornamentalneedle-work.NcKA, n. Rice-bran.NuKA, n. The forehead.NuKADZUKi,-/^z

NUNI)8 OBANuNOME-GAMi, ft. A kind of stiff paper smear with anything adhesive or unctiousused for book covers, stamped so as toto blame, or unpute a fault.To ;appear woven.NLRi-TSUKURAi,-a;

OBA 199 ODA;O-BA, n. Gr<strong>and</strong>mother.O-BAA-SAN, n. An old woman.O-B.AKO, u. THe Plantago major.0-BAKU, «. The name of a medicine,<strong>and</strong> dye-stuff.0-EAN, n. The name of an ancient goldcoin.Obana, «. A kind of tall grass.Ob.ashima, n. Balustrade, or railing.Obekka. — wo illy to flatter.i. OBi,-ru,-ia, V. To carr}' in the belt,to gird on, to wear to have, to include,to carry, to contain, to exhibit, to hold.Obi, n. A belt, girdle, or sash wornaround the waist,/. OBiKi,-/t«,-//a, V. To decoy, to lure,entice, or lead by artifice or decep-Obi-shlme, n. A narrow belt.<strong>and</strong> scatter, as an army. Ochi-ir-u^ toObi-shit.a, n. The part of the body underfall into, to be entrapped. Ochi-kakaru,the belt, the waist.OBiT.ADASHii,--l-/,-/&«,-zZ,-.s-a, to be on the point of falling, ready<strong>and</strong> Ocki-kasanarUya. Great, to fall to fall strike.many, great in quantity or violence,to fall <strong>and</strong> pile up one on the;other, as leaves. Ochz-komu^ to fallOBiYAKASHi,-jM,-^a, t. V. To frighten, into. Ochi-kuhomUy to sink, cave, orto scare, to alarm, terrify.Tofall in, as the earth.calm, quiet, settle,Ochi-tsukerUy totranquilize ; set at0BiYE,-r«,-2'a, i. V. start in alarm or;surprise to start, jerk, as in disease.rest, to level, make smooth or even.Oboko, n. A young boy or girl, a child. Ochi-tsuku, to become quiet, calm, settled,OBORE,-r?^,-/«, i.y. To be submerged,tranquil, composed to stop, set-immersed, to sink ; absorbed in, addictedto.;tle down in a place, to become still orat rest. Ochi-use7-u^ to lose by desertion,or by the fight of soldiers.Obore-jini, n. Drowned.Oboro, a. Not clear or bright, clouded, OcHi, n. A fall, omission.obscured, dusky, dim. Oboro-dzukiy aThe confluence, or junctionOcHi-.A.!, n.clouded moon.of two rivers.Oboroge-na, a. Dim, clouded.OcHi-BA, n. A fallen leaf.Oboshii,-/'z,-/^?/, a. Thinking or supposingOcHiDO, «. Error, fault, mistake, omission.to be, take to be, appeared tobe.OcHi-FUDA, n. A vote, ballot, bid.Oboshimeshi,-^-?/^,-^^, t. V. To think, OcHi-KATA, 71. There, yonder, the othersuppose.side, far side.Oboshimeshi, m. Thought, opinion, sentiment.OCHI-KOCHI, ad<strong>and</strong> there, farOaoTSVKxn \\,-ki,-kUy-s/ii\ a. Doubtful,<strong>and</strong> near.OcHi-M.\, 71.:An open space or court inuncertain, not sure, dubious.a <strong>Japanese</strong> house, for the purpose ofOBOYE,-r«,-/a, t. V. To know, to remember,to perceive, to feel, to learn, OcHi-MusHA, 71. A runaway, or an es-light <strong>and</strong> ventilation.to practice. Oboye-chigati^ to mistake caped soldier, deserter.in remembering.OcHi-TSUKi, 71. Calmness, composure,Obove, n. Memor5\OuovE-CHo, 71. A memor<strong>and</strong>um book,note book.OBUi,-zZ,-?7^rt, t. V. To carry on theback, — as a child.Obune, n. A little boat.OBt.'WARE,-r«,-^a, z. V. To be carried onthe back.OBUWASE,-r?

ODA 2tiousness, antics.Odomi, n. The settlings, or depositwhich settles at the bottom of a liquid,dregs, sediment, lees.ODOMi,-;««,-wt/rt, /. v. To settle, to fallto the bottom of liquids.Odo-odo, adzi. Trembling with fear.— shite kuchi mo kiki~ye-nai.ODORASHi,-i-«,-^a, caust. of Odori. Tocause to dance.ODORi,-rw,-/'i'a, z. V. To dance, to jumpup <strong>and</strong> down, to leap <strong>and</strong> frisk about,to skip, prance, to caper about. Odoriagaru^Scull-cap, a species of Scutel-to jump, or spring, or skip up. laria.Odori-koyeru^ to jump or skip across. Ocoiii,-ru ,-tta, i. v. ToOdori, n. A dance ; the fontanelle in obstinate, as a horse ;be stubborn orto ba.lk.an infant's head.OGORi,-rM,-^^a, t. V. Given to extravagance,luxury, sumptuousness, or gran-Odori-komi, 71. A person who forcesinto houses to rob ; a house-breaker. deur in living ; to live in splendor.Odoro, n. A place over-grown with Ogori, n. Extravagance, luxury, orbrambles, a thicket.splendor in living.Odo-rokashi,-su ,-ta, caust. of Odoroku. Ogosoka, a. Strict, rigid, firm, grave,To astonish, to surprise, to amaze ; to majestic, solemn.scare, to frighten, to startle.0-guchi, n. Obscene or filthy talk. —Odoroki,-^«,-zV^, i. V. To be astonished,zW, an obscene person.surprised, amazed ;startled withfright, or alarm.Oguru.ma, n.ponica.The sunflower. Inula Ja-Odoro-odoroshii,-/^/,-/^z

]Oi-ME,OI 20I OKAOi, n. Old age.n, A debt.Oi, oil or dru, dita, t. v. To grow or Oi-NARU, a. Large, great, big.shoot up,— as grass.Oi-oTOSHi, «. A highwayman, robber,Oi, ou^ ota, t. V. To cover, to screen, footpad.shade, to hide, conceal.OiRA, pro. I. — "wa iya da^ I wont.Oi,

OKA 2D2OKUreserved, or restrained.Oki-btrushi, n. Old <strong>and</strong> spoiled frombeing kept too long.Oki-doicoro, n. A resting or stoppingplace,a place for putting anything.Oki-fushi. n. Awake or asleep, lyingdown or rising up.Oki-cotatsu, «. A kind of movablefire-place.^KW-kiy-ktc^-shi^ a. Large, big, great.Okiku suru, to make large.Oki-mi.'VGE, n. A present made on leaving.Okixa, n. An old man.Oki-na, a. Large, big, great.Okinagusa. n. The Chrysanthemum.Oki-ni, adz>. Greatly, much.OKiNORi,-rz

.0-MiDZU,j0-mike,I0-MJSOKA,OKU 203 OMOprofound, abstruse, or difficult parts of ascienc'i or art ; the mysteries.Oku-i, n. The most abstruse, recondite,or profound meaning of a subject.OKLKE,-r«,-^a, i. V. To be behind, tofall behind ; to be late, slow, or tardy ;to be behind, or inferior to in ability.Okure, imp. of KurerUy to gire, withO polite. Mite okure, let me see.Tempo okure, gire me a tempo.Okure, «. Behind, inferior; backwardness,cowardice faint-hearted. —fear, ;wo toru, to be inferior, to be behind inability.Okuke-base, n. Being late or behindh<strong>and</strong>to run or hurry.OKLrRi,-rz/,-^/rt, t. V. To send to accompany,or attend a guest a short dis-;tance on his departure to leave, as at;death ;leave behind ; to present, gireas a present, to confer, bestow to pass;the time, to live to recompense.Okuri, «.;Sending, accompanying ; afuneral.Oki Ri-DASHi,-j-?/,-^«, t. V. To send outor away, dismiss, to go along with aid.Omba, n. A wet-nurse.OiM-BEN, {koye no taori), n.Contractingthe pronunciation of words, in order toeasy utterance or euphony.O.M-BiN, n. In a private or quiet way, tohush up a matter. — ni suru, to hushup a matter so as not to become public,or to settle a matter peaceably or privately.Om-b6, n. The person whose business itis to burn the bodies of the dead.OME,-ru,-ta, i. V. To be cowardly, timid,ashamed. Omedzti-oktisedzu, withoutshame or fear.0-MEi, (^kegaretaru na), n. A bad name,foul reputation.OMEKi,-/&M,-iVa, i. V. To make a greatoutcry or confused noise ;to cHmor, toshout, halloo. Ofiieki-sakebu., to makea great clamor <strong>and</strong> noise.Ome-mushi, «. The wood-louse.O.ME-OME-TO, adv. In a bashful or crestfallenmanner.tt. An inundation.n. The boiled rice offered to theKami.Ominameshi, n. The name of a flower.n. The last day of the year.Ommitsl', n. A secret ; a spy. — naru.;guest for a short distance.koto, a secret affrOkuri-j6, n. A memor<strong>and</strong>um, or list ofarticles, sent along with the articles ; anOmo, a.principal,ir.Heavy, weighty, important,chief. — yaku7iin, the chiefofficer. Oino-ni, a heavy burden orinvoice.Okuri-mono, n. A present.Omo-ya, the main building.load.OivURI-mukai, n. Accompanying a guest Omo, n. The face, the surface.on his departure, or going out to meet Omo-buse, n. Ashamed, mortified, crestfallen.him when he comes.Okuki-na, «. A posthumous title, or Omocha, n. A toy, play-thing.name given after death.Orio-dachi, n. The form of the face, theOkuri-tegata, n. A passport or documentfeatures, countenance.certifying to one's birth <strong>and</strong> citi-0'u\ov>\Qn\,-tsu ,-tta, i. v. To be chief inzenship.authority, to be high or principalOku-sama, n. Wife.amongst officials.OiCV-soKO-NAi,-k/,-ku, a. Open, frank, Omodaka, n. A kind of water-plant.without concealment or disguise ; ingenuous,Omo-de, n. A seivere wound. — wo o,c<strong>and</strong>id.to receive a severe wound.Okute, n. Late rice.Omo-dochi, n. Persons of the same mind,Okuvukashii,-/&/,-/&«, or holding the same opinions.a. Profound orerudite, exciting admiration.Omogai, «. A bridle.Oku-vuki, n. The depth or dimension Omo-gawari, n. Alteration or change infrom front to rear.the face,—as by age.O.MAHAN,/r;7. You.OMO-HAYUi,-ki,-ku, a. Bashful, diffident,Omaka-na, a. Magnanimous, generous, timid.liberal., Oi.\o\,-ki,-ku ,-shi a. Heavy, weighty,Omaice-ni, adT. Moreover, besides.severe, important, eminent.To Omamma, «. Boiled rice.Oi,\^\,-ou,-dta, t. V. think, suppose,Omanko, n.Omaru, n.The vulva. consider, regard ;to think or be anxiousA wooden utensil used as a about, Icngafter; to desire, wish; to carewater-closet by children.O.MAVE, ^rtf. You. — gata,\6.. — sati,about, to mind to love, to feel. 0>ndiiiajuani, as one desires or pleases.Omo-sajna ni, as one pleases, or to theheart's content.Omoi, n. Thought, expectation, care,

jIOMO 204anxiety. — no hoka, unexpected, or Omoi-nashi, n. Fancy, conceit, imagination,opinion, theory.different from what was expec ed. — nomama^ as one expects, or wishes. Omoi-nokoshi,-j7^,-^«, ^. z'. To feel sorrow,Oy^oi-w^-au^-atta^ i. v. To regard eachregret, care, or anxiety after another with affection, to think of eachother.event has passed.O.MOi-OKi,-/t«,-zVa, /. V. To have anythingOMOi-A.MARi,-a«,-^j'a,on the mind, to dwell upon ini. V. Unable torestrain one's feelings of love, anger, orhatred ; overcome by feeling.Tothought.Omo-ire, adv. As much as one wishes,OMOi-ATARi,-rw,-//'a, /. V. be struck or to one's heart's content opinion,with the thought, to come suddenly;supposition, according to one's mind.To into the mind, to bethink one's self.OMOi-AYAMARi,-^M,-^^rt, t. V. To mistakein what one thinks of anything, to misconceive.O.MOi-SADAME,-r?/,-^rt, t. z'. make upone's mind, to resolve, or determineon.O.MOi-SAGE,-r7

Oftio-KAji, n. The helm to the starboard.— %uo toru^ to starboard thehelm.O-MO-KUSA, n. An eruption on the face.Om6-me, n. That which one wished orthought of. — ga derUy to get whateverone wishes.Omomi, n. Weight, heaviness, importance,dignity or rank.0.\io-MOCHi, n. Countenance, expressionof face.OMOMPAK;ARi,-r«,-/'^, i. V. To consider,reflect, deliberate, ponder ; to be anxiousor solicitous about.i. 0^\OM.VKl,-ku^-ita^ v. To go.Omomuki. n. Subject, meaning, purport,tenor; fashion, form.Omomuro-ni, adv. Softly, gently, as ofthe wind.Omo-naga, n. A long face.Orio-naki,->&«,-j^?', a. Out of countenance,ashamed, crest-fallen, mortified,abashed.OMONERi,-rM.-^a, i. V. To ' flatter, to beobsequious, compliant, to court fa-Omo-ni, adz'. Generally, principally, forthe most part, chiefly, mainly.Omoi

I On-toku,I: On-y6-shi,! 0-0SHiKi,->^«,Ii;0-6,III 0-RAi,II! ORASE,-r«,-/«,jIOre,I! ORE,-r«,-/rt,OND 206 ORIOndori, n. A male bird, a cock.One, (daikon)^ n. A radish.O-NETSU, n. A bad fever.On-gaku, w. An entertainment of vocal<strong>and</strong> instrumental music accompaniedwith dancing ; music.On-gayeshi, n. Repayment of a kindness.Oni, n. Tasting wine or food before it iseaten by a lord to see that it is notpoisonous. — luosiiru.Oni, n. A devil, demon, fiend, the spiritof one dead, a ghost ; also an epithetfor a powerful or a bad man. Kokorowo — 7ii suru^ to harden one's heart,to force one's self to act like a fiend.Oni-azami, n. A kind of thistle, Carduus.Oni-bi, «. Ignis-fatuus, jack with a lantern.Oni-gokko, n. A kind of play amongstchildren similar to " prisoner's base,"the base is called oka^ the player iscalled onz.Oni-.mushi, «. A species of horned beetle.Oni-yarai, «. The ceremony of drivingout evil spirits at the Setsii-bun^ or lastevening of the old year, by throwingabout parched peas, <strong>and</strong> crying, " oniiva soto fuku wa uc/ti."Ox-jaku, u. a hot stone dipped in water<strong>and</strong> applied to a painful part.On-j6, «. I'he voice. — Dai— ni yobitateru,to call out with a loud voice.On-jin, n. Meek, amiable, gentle, mild<strong>and</strong> obliging.On-kuwa, n. Mild, gentle, <strong>and</strong> friendlyin disposition.Onna, n. or a. A female, woman. — 7toko^ a girl, female child. — isha^ a femalephysician. •— kiyodai^ sisters.Onna-gavti^ a female divinity, goddess.Onna-gata^ a play-actor whorepresents the part of a female.ONNARASHn,-/&z',-/t«, a. Having themanner or appearance of a woman,Onna-za.m.mai, n. Fondness for women.Ono, n. A broad axe.O.n'Odzl-kara, adv. Of itself, of its ownaccord, spontaneously.Onodzu-to, adv. Spontaneously, of itsown accord.Ono-ga, pass. pro. Own, my own, hisOno-ko, «. A male, man. — ^

jOsA\E,I! OsE,ORI 207 OSH;Ori, «. The fine sediment, lees, or settlingsOROSHi,-^«,-^a, t. V. To take off or downfrom a height, to put down on thefrom tea, wine, or any liquidground, to let down, let drop, to selldeposit.atORi-M,-au-(ia, I. V. To be composed, wholesale, to reduce by grating, triturating,settled ; to subside, abate.or filing ; to produce abortion.Ko wo — , to produce abortion. Oiorosu,ORi-ASHU,-ki^-ku,-shi, a. At an un-to drive down. Mi-orosu, toseasonable or inopportune time, in anunfortunate time.look down.Ori-do, >i. A folding door.Oroshi, n. A grater.Ori-dokoro, n. A dwelling place ;room Oroshi, n. Selling by the quantity ;or space to live, sit, st<strong>and</strong>, or lie in. wholesale.Ori-fL'SHI, adv. Sometimes, now <strong>and</strong> Oroshi, «. An abortionist. — baha.then, occasionally; just then, just at Orosoka,^. Careless, remiss, or negligent.that time, instant, or conjuncture. — ni sttru, to treat disrespectfully.Oriha, «. A kind of game played with OsA, «. The reed of a loom.OsA, ft. The chief, head, or principalOri-hime, v. The weaver, the name of man, comm<strong>and</strong>er.the star Veda, near the milky way.Numerousness, the number.Os.\, n.Ori-hon, «. A folding book.Os.\.MARi,-r«,-i'/'a, /. V. To be regulated,Ori-itte, adv. Earnestly, urgently, importunately.governed ;tranquilized, quieted ;paidAup or collected, as taxes.To Ori-ka.mi, n. folded paper or docu-OsA.ME,-r«,-^a, /. V. regulate, toment accompanying any curiosity, statingits history, etc. ;a certificate.Ori-kara, adv. Just then, at the time,instant, or conjuncture.Ori-kat.a., n. A crease or mark made byfolding ;the mode or way of folding.Ori-ku, n. An acrostic.Ori-kugi, «. A bent nail, or hook forhanging anything on.ORi-MAGE,-rz/,-^

. force''OsHi,-su,-ia, t. V. To push, to shove, tothrust ; to press, to squeeze ; to force,compel, constrain, to drive ; to infer,deduce to consider, regard.;OsHi-AGE,-r«,-^a, t. V. To push or holdup.OsHi-Ai,-«w,-«^M, i. V. To push orshove one another.OsHi-AKE,-ri

KOSH 209 OTOpacify, restrain,—as an uproar, anger.OsONAW.A^Ri-rw ,-^^a, i. v. To be late,slow, or tardy to procrastinate.;OsHis6-Ni, adv. Grudgingly, reluctant-OsoRAKUBA, adv. I am afraid that, I fearly-that, I doubt whether lest, perhaps,;t. OsHi-TAOSHi,-j«,-^«, V. To push, probably.OsoRE,-rz/,-^^«, t. V. To be afraid of, tothrust or force over, so as to fall.OsHi-TATE,-rM,-/'(Z, t. V. To push or fear, to dread.force to st<strong>and</strong> up.OsoRE, «. Fear, dread.OsHi-TAWAME,-rz

OTOOtogi, n. A nurse to a sick person, acompanion or attendant.Otogi-banashi, n. A story, tale, romance.Oto-go, n. The youngest child.Otoko, n. A male, man.Otoko-buri, «. A manly appearance orbearing.Otoko-date, n. A gallant, chivalnmsperson, one who is liberal <strong>and</strong> ready toassist the oppressed.Otoko-gi, «. Manly, spirited, bold,courageous. — «« /li^o.Otoko-masari, n. Masculine in appearanceor strength, spoken only of a woman.Otokorashh,-/^/,->^«, a. Like a man,manlike, manly, noble, braveOtoku-tsuki, n. Manly bearing or appearance.Otome, «. A young woman, girl, younglady.Oto-musume, n. Yungest daughter.Otona, n. A grown-up person, adult,full-grown.OTONABi,-rz

OYAIPUR;Oyake, a. Public, common, not private ; 0\OGi,-£-u,-z^a, t. V. To swim. Oyogiagaru^to swim up. Oyogi-deru^ tojust, fair, equitable, disinterested. —w/, publicly, openly.Oyama, «. A harlot, the female characterother in swimming, to swim across.swim out of. Oyogi-kosn^ to pa?s an-in a theatre.Oyogt-wataru, to swim across.OvA-YUDZURi, n. Anything received by O-Yo-Ni, adv. Generally, mostly, for theinheritance from one's parents.part most.OvE,-r«,-/a:, i. V. To be ended, terminated,Oyoso, adv. For the most part, gene-finibhed, completed.rally, mostly, in general, about.OvE, a. Unclean, polluted, dirty, foul. 0-YUBi, n. The thumb.0-y6. Generous, liberal, magnanimous. 0-ZAKE-NOMi, n. A drunkard, an intemperateOyobanu, neg. of Oyobi. Cannot reach,person.extend, or attain to ; inferior, impracticableunnecessary.OzAPPAi, a.liberal inProdigal, lavish, profuse orusing.0-ZEi, «. A multitude, a great company.OYOBi,-3z

:rRachi, «. A picket fence. — nto naki^ \RACHi-AKi,-/^«,-zVa, i. V. To finish, conclude,settle ; dispatch, or expedite aRa, -= <strong>and</strong> such like things ; et cetera, I Raku-ba, {uma yori otsuru^ n. Fallingalso a plural suffix. IVare-ra, we. from a horse.On-mi ra^ you : but sometimes of no Rakuda, n. A camel.meaning; 3& Achira^ Kochira, Nan-\ Raku-Gaki, n. Writing or scribblingupon walls, stones, trees.Raku-gan, n. A kind of confectionary,without order, confused, absurd, non- made of rice-flour <strong>and</strong> sugar.]sensical, foolish. — ga akanu, slow, Raku-haku, (pchi-btireru^ n. Fallingtedious, wasting time, undetermined, from prosperity or wealth, bankruptcy,unsettled. — wo akeru^ to decide, insolvency.conclude on, settle.Raku-hatsu, (teami luo otosul) n. Shavingthe head.Raku-ji, (ptsuru tnoji), n, A wordtedious matter.omitted.Ra-den, n. Mosaic work of mother of Raku-mei, {inochi tvo otosu^ n. Losingpearl.life. Gun chiu ni — shita, lost his lifeRa-hei, n. A patrol, sentry, policeman. in battle.Rai. To come, to reach ; coming, arrivingRaku-raku-to, adv. Easily, pleasantly,next. Rai-bin^ the next oppor-comfortably, free from care <strong>and</strong> labor.;tunity. Rai-cho^ the next morning Raku-rui, {namida wo otosu), n. Shedding;coming to court, or to the Mikado'spalace. Rai-gu-watsu, the next month. tears.Raku-satsu, {/uda wo otosu). Droppinga ticket into the ballot-box, vot-Rai~/taru, the next spring. Rat-jitsu.the next day. Rai-kiyaku, the guest ing. — surUy to ballot, vote.who has arrived. Rai-nen^ the next Raku-shitsu, (ptoshi uskinau.) — suru,year. Raise, the next world. Rais/iuH,to drop <strong>and</strong> lose, to lose.Raku-sho, {otoshi bumi), n. An anonymousthe next spring. Rai-yu, thewriting.history of the origin or rise of anything.Raku-shu, «. A lampoon, any satiricalRai, {katnirtari), n. Thunder. Raiden,thunder <strong>and</strong> lightning. Rai-Jin, Raku-tetsu, n. The actual cautery. —or catting writing.the god of thunder. Rai-ju, an animal suru, to apply the actual cautery, cauwhichis supposed to fall when thelightning strikes. Rai-mei^ the sound Raku-vaki, n. A kind of porcelainof thunder, a rumbling, a report. Raiyoke,a protection against thunder, a Rambiki, «. A still for distilling spirits.baked so as to be covered with cracks.lightning rod. Rai-geki^ a stroke of Ram-bo, n. Disorder, riot, tumult, violent<strong>and</strong> rude conduct. — ni>i, a rioter,lightning.Rai-biy6, n. Leprosy.a violent <strong>and</strong> turbulent person. —Rai-d6. — j«r«, to be obsequious, compliant,suru, to act in a violent <strong>and</strong> disorderlyto servilely imitate another. manner.Rakan, n. Bacon, pork, ham.Ramma, «. The open ornamental workRakansho, n. The Thyopsis.over the screens which form the partitionsRakkan, «. The name <strong>and</strong> seal of thebetween the rooms of a house.writer inscribed in a book or drawing.Ram-patsu, (tnidare ga7ni), n. DisheveledRakkiyo, n. A vegetable of the garlic hair.Rampitsu, n. A bad h<strong>and</strong>, or slovenlyclass, scallion, chives.penmanship.Rakkuvvasho, «. A ground-nut.Ran, {mint). To look, to see. Go ranRaku, {tanoshimi^) n. Comfort, ease nasare, look here.;pleasure, freedom from pain, toil or Ran, n. Disorder, confusion, tumult,hard labor. — na koto, easy or pleasantriot, disturbance. — wo okosu^ to raisething.atumult.

RAN 213 RENRan, n, A fabulous bird, the phoenix ?Kan-da, a. Lazy, idle.Ran-giyaku, {mtikoK^ n. Rebellion, orwar against the government.Ran-gui, 71. Posts <strong>and</strong> stakes driven intothe ground to molest or hinder the enemy.Ran-k.\n, n. A balustrade, railing.Ran-KI, {midare kokoro)., n. Insanity,derangement, or disorder of mind.Ran-shin, {midareiaru kokord). Insanity,mental derangement.Ran-sho, «. Oviparous, produced froman egg.R.an-so, n. The ovaries.Ran-t6, n. A kind of oval monumentover a grave. — ba^ a cemetery.Rao, n. A bamboo pipe-stem.Rappa, n. A trumpet, bugle.Rappakuwan. n. The fallopian tubes.Ra-se-ita, n. Flannel.Rasetsu. — suru^ to castrate, emasculate.Rasha, n. Woolen cloth.Rashii,-^/,-/5-«. a suffix adding the ideaof, like, appearance, or manner, to theroot word ; as, Otuia-rashii, like awoman.Rasotsu, n. A policeman, patrol.Rasshi, n. Order, arrangement,—alwaysused with a negative ; as, — ttio nat,disordered, contused, without order orarrangement.Rassoku, n. A kind of c<strong>and</strong>le, having astick projecting from the butt of it forcarrying ii. the h<strong>and</strong>.Rei, «. Politeness, decorum, etiquette;thanks, salutation ;a thank oifering, orpresent in acknowledgment of a favor.— wo siiru, to bow, to make a presentout of thankfulness, to thank, to pay adoctor's fee, to pay a teacher. — woiu^ to express one's thanks. Rei-jo^ aletter of thanks. Rei-j'i., propriety, etiquette.Rei-/uku^ dress of ceremony.Rei-kin., a fee, or money paid for a favorreceived. Rei-sha., thanks. Reishiki,the rules of etiquette, or ceremony.Rei, n. A comm<strong>and</strong>, order.Rei, (tnmeshi.,) n. Custom, usage, practice,example, precedent, instance ; usual,common.Rei, {tatnashii,) n. The soul, spiritmanes, ghost.;Rei-kon., the soul, spirit; manes of the dead. Rei-boku^ a sacredtree. Rei-chi\ sacred place.aRei-hei, an ancestral tablet.Rei. This word is used as a cipher, or toshow that one denomination is omitted,as, San sen rei hachi-ju^ = 3080.Rei-jin, 71. The performers <strong>and</strong> musiciansof a Kagura.Rei-ki, 71. Cold, cool.Rei-kiyaku, {Jiiyakasu). Strolling aboutto look.Rei-min, {tada-hito^ «. The commonpeople, farmers, laborers.Rei-nen, {itsuino), n. Yearly custom.— no ion, in the usual yearly manner.Rei-raku, {pchi-btcreru^ 71. Bankruptcy,insolvency, reduced to poverty.Rei-shi, n. A species of hard mushroom.Rei-shi, 71. The balsam-apple.Rei-shi, «. The Lichi.Rei-yo-kaku, n. A kind of hartshorn,used as a medicine.Reki, n. A calendar year, an almanac.Reki-dai, successive generations or dynasties.Reki-gakii, study or learningpertaining to the almanac or calendar.Reki-shi, a history, chronicle, annals.Reki-sii, number of years.Reki-reki. Passing or continuing throughsuccessive periods of time ; st<strong>and</strong>ing;out conspicuously from amongst others ;prominent, illustrious, eminent; clear,plain, evident, distinct.Rem-bo, {koishitau), n. Love betweenthe sexes. — surzi, to love.Remma, (neri i/iigciku), n. To exercise,train,Ren, «.or drill one's self in anything.A pair of boards on which stanzasof poetry, or sentences from theclassics are written <strong>and</strong> hung up for ornament.Ren. Connected or joined together in aseries, a succession of, consecutive arow, series ; used in counting thingsstrung together. Tamaichi — , a stringof beads, Ren-ckiu, a company, b<strong>and</strong>.Ren-chd, several mornings in succession.Re7i-i7iy a row of seals affixed toa document. Re7i-jitsu, several days insuccession. Ren-jd, a succession of letters,or a writing subscribed by a row ofnames. Ren-nen, several years in succession.Reti-kiu, involved along withothers in the same trouble or crime, implication.Ren-ri, the union of twothings by growing together, as twobranches of a tree. Ren-zoku, constantor continuous, without interruption.Ren-mei, leagued or b<strong>and</strong>ed togetherby an oath. Re7t-77iiyd, a list of names.Ren-iJiiyo-gaki, a catalogue.Ren-chaku, 71. Inordinate attachmentto anything ; entirely engrossed in anything.Ren-choku, a. Honest, upright, exact,precise, accurate ; cheap.Ren-dai, {Jiasu 710 uiena), n. The Lo-

REN 214 RINtus-flower-seat on which A mida is representedas sitting.Ren-dai, n. A h<strong>and</strong>-barrow, a bier.Ren-ga, n. A pastime in which one extemporizesthe first half of a stanza ofpoetry <strong>and</strong> another finishes it.Ren-ga-seki, n. A brick.Ren-ge, {hac/iisu bana)^ n. The Lotusflower.Renge, n. The intestines of a fowl orRen-geso, m. The name of a small flower,Sedum.Rengi, n. A wooden pestle.Ren-giy6, n. A flowering-shrub, theForsythia.Ren-jaku, n. The name of a beautifulbird.Ren-jaku, n. A wooden frame slungover the back <strong>and</strong> used for carryingbulky articles, as straw, etc.Ren-ji, n. The frame-work of uprightwooden bars before windows.Ren-jo, (shitau kokoro)^ n. Love betweensexes.Ren-ju, {nert osameru).To exercise, ordrill one's self in.thority.Ren-juku. To become proficient, or RiKo, n. Acuteness of mind, shrewdness,adept in by practice.cleverness, ingenuity, expertness.Ren-niku, {hasu no mi), n. The fruit or RiKo-DATE, n. Making a show of one'sseeds of the Lotus.cleverness.Ri-KON, n. Sagacity, clevernesss, ingenuity,RESSHi,-j«r?

RIN 215 RIYRiN-DEN, 71. The transmigration of souls,metempsychosis.RiN-Do, n. Gentian.RiXDZU, n. A kind of figured satin.RiN-GETSU, {umidzuki)^ n. The monthof parturition,—the tenth month accordingto <strong>Japanese</strong> reckoning.RiNGO, n. An apple.RiN-GOKU, {tonari kuui), ft. A neighboringcountjy.RiN-ji, K. Unexpected, accidental, contingent,extras. — no yd, unexpectedRiN-KA, (tonari no iye), n. The next orneighboring house or family.RiN-Ki, n. Jealousy. — wo suru, to feeljealous.R1N-KI-6-HEN, n. Acting according tothe occasion or exigency, changing toRippA, a. Splendid, fine, magnificent.Rippo, n. A cube.RiPPUKU, n. Anger. — stirti., to beangry.'K\\5^{tatsu\ n. A dragon ;the emblemof imperial power.Riu, (nag-are), n. A current ; style, ormanner ;school, either of religion orphilosophy ; line or succession of family.RiL'-Do-Bi'Tsu, n. A fluid, liquid.Riu-Dzu, (tatsu-gashira), n. Dragon'shead, the place on the top of a largebell by which it is suspended.Riu-GAN-NiKU, n. The lungyen,—a Chinesefruit.Riu-GEN, {nagashi kotoba'), n. A currentreport, a story fabricated <strong>and</strong> madeRiu-Gi, n. Style, manner, or method otwriting, drawing, singing, fencing, ofmedical practice, or of any work of art ;a sect, creed, school, system,Riu-GO, n.order.A small wheel on the spindleof a spinning-wheel, over which theb<strong>and</strong> passes.Riu-GO-SHA, n. A water-wheel, workedby treading <strong>and</strong> used for irrigating,Riu-iN, n. Pyrosis, water-brash.Riu-jo, {yanage no ivaia), n. The catkinsof the willow.Rii-Kiu, n. The Lew Chew isl<strong>and</strong>s.Riu-Ko, {nagare yuku), n. Prevailing,popular, or fashionablefashion. — sum, to prevail,way ; style,to befashionable.Riu-KOTSU, {tatsu no hone), n. Dragon's-bone,a species of cactus.suit circumstances as they arise. Riu-MON, n. A kind of white silk.RiN-SHiTsu, H. Gonorrhoea.Riu-No, n. Refined camphor.RiN-SHOKU, n. Stingy, miserly, niggardly,Riu-RAKU, n. Reduced from honor orparsimonious.wealth to poverty <strong>and</strong> misery, bank-RiN-To, n. A row of lamps suspended ruptcy.by large brass rings in front of an idol. Riu-Riu, adv. The whizzing of a ball,RiN-VE, n. Transmigration of the soul, arrow, or spear in its flight.metempsjxhosis.Rli'-SEI, n. A shooting star, meteor.RiN-YEN, n. A park, garden, grove. Riu-sui, (jiagareru ntidzu), n. A currentThe approach of parturition,of water, a stream.Ri.N'-ZAN, n. the time when Rlu-TAi, {todoniari todokori). Detention,parturition is expected.RiN-zo, n. A circular book-case, madehindrance, stoppage, obstruction.to revolve round a vertical axis.Riu-TAN, n. Gentian.Riu-TO-sui, n. A fire engine.Riu-wo, n. The king of the dragons,supposed to govern the rain.RiL'-v6, (yd "ojo tate7-ii). To lend, or accommodateRiRiSHii,-X'/,-/?-«, a. Gr<strong>and</strong>, imposing,one with anything ; tosevere, striking with awe or fear, majestic.give temporarily as a convenience, tomake do, to make answer the purpose.Ri-SDKL', ?i. Interest on money.Riu-ZAN, a. Abortion, miscarriage.RissHiN, {mi -wo tatsuru), n. Rising in Ri-VAKU, ti. Help, aid, or favor of a divinebeing.rank, wealth, honor promotion, advancement.RivAKU, n. Abridgment, abbreviation,;Risu, n. A squirrel.summary, epitome. — suru, to abridge,to abbreviate, to curtail, to shorten,Ri-sui-ZAi, n. DiureticRiTSU, {pkite), n.medcicines.A statute, ordinance,to slight, to omit. _Riyakii-biin,an abbreviated letter, epitome, synop-law.sis. Riyaku-gi, an abridging or omittingof customary forms. Riyak7c-ji\an abbreviated word, contracted character.Riyakti-shiki, an abridgmentof the usual form, or ceremony.Ri--iEKi, n. Profit, gain, advantage,Ri-YEN, n. Separation, sundering of arelationship, divorce. — sum. to separateas husb<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> wife, to divorce.Riyen-jd, a writing of divorcement.Rivo, ti. A tael, the value of four ichibus,or sixty niomme two,;both. san ni?t, two or three men. Ic/ii —nichi, one or two days. — asJii, both

RIY2l6feet. — mimi^ both ears. Rtyo-do,both times, twice. Riyo-gan^ two orboth eyes. Riyd-ho, both sides, bothpersons. Riyo-men, two faces, bothsurfaces. Rtyo setsu, two versions orreports of the same thing. Riyo-shin^both parents. Riyo-sokti, both feet.Riyo-te, both h<strong>and</strong>s. Ri'yo-td, two orboth swords. Rtyo-zetsu, double-tongued.RiYo, n. The numeral used in countingwagons. Kuruma san rz'yd, threewagons.Rivo, «. Huntmg, fishing. — wosuru,to fish, hunt. Ri'yd-sefi, a fishing-boat.RiYo, n. StufiF, or material for makinganything, or for use. Rz'mono 710 —material for clothes. Riyo-ju — , theprice of instruction, tuition fee.RiYo, n. The dominion, territory or estatebelonging to a lord, or ruler;jurisdiction; used also as a numeral incounting helmets, etc. — suru^ torule, govern, have dominion.Rivo, n. Ability, talent, capacity.Ri-Yo, n. Utility, usefulness.RiYo, a. Good, excellent, skilful. Riyobuya good horse. Riyo-i, a good physician.Riyo-sho^ a good general. Rlyo-yakii,good medicine.R1V6-BUN, n. Dominion, territory, orestate belonging to a king, a lord, ormonastery; jurisdiction.RiYo-CHi, 11. The l<strong>and</strong>, territory, or estatebelonging to a lord or temple.RiYo-GAKE, n. Two black boxes madeof bamboo used in tra\ elling.Riy6-g.\ye, n. Changing money. — wostirti, to change money.Riyo-gaye-ya, n. A money changer,exchange office.RiYO-GUVVAij {omoi no hoka)^ n. Impolite,rude, ill-mannered, rough. — nagara,excuse my impoliteness.RiYO-HAKU, {tail no tomari)^ n. A stopping-placefor travellers, lodging at aninn while on a journey.RiYo-ji, n. A consul. Fukuconsul. So — , consul-general., vice-— kuwan,—consulate.RiYo-ji, n. Treatment of disease, medicalattendance. — suru, treatto di-sease, to prescribe for theRiYO-KAKU, (tabi-bito). n.sick.A traveller,a guest at an inn.RiYo-KEN, n. Judgment, opinion, notion,mind, pardon, excuse, intention.— chigai^ mistaken in judgment.Ri-YOKU, n. Desire of gain, avarice,covetousness, love of money.RivoKu-BAN, n. Sulphate of iron.inn, a lodging-house, hotel.RiYo-ME, n. The weight of anything ascertainedby weighing.t. RiY6-Ri,-r«,-^^rt, V. To cook.RiYo-Ri, n. Preparing, dressing, or cookingfood. — suru, to prepare, or cookfood.RiYoRi-VA, n. An eating-house, restaurant; a person who keeps an eatinghouse.RiYo-SHi, n. Writing materials, viz., ink,pen, <strong>and</strong> paper, also a lackered box forkeeping them in.RiYo-SHi, n.hunter.RiYo-SHi, n. A fisherman.RiYo-SHU, «. The lord of an estate, orruler of a district.RiYO-SHUKL', {tabi no yadorz), n. Stoppingat an inn, or hotel.RiYo-TAN. Double-sided, two-ended. —no hakarigoto^ a plan which may worktwo ways.RiYO-TEN, n. A choice between twothings, so that if one fails the otherwill answer ; an alternative ; also anumbrella suitable to either rain or sun.— tii kakaru, to have one of twochoice.RiYO-TEN, n. An inn, hotel, lodginghouse.RtYO-Yo, n.Travelling expenses.Ro, «. A scull or oar of a boat. — woosu^ to work a scull.Ro, n. A hearth, or fire-place in thefloor.Ro, n. A kind of gauze silk, used fordresses.Ro, (usagi U7nd)^ n. A mule, donkey.Ro, (tsuyu), n. Dew. Cho ro, morningdew.'Ro,{mich{). A road, journey. Cho ro^a long road. Yen ro^ a distant journey.Ro-yo, travelling expenses. Rdjj\a way, road.Ro, n. Wax, enamel.Ro, (takadono), n. The second or upperfloor of a house,Ro, (Jiito ya), n.a brothel.A gaol. Ro-ban, agaoler. Ro-s/ia, imprisonment. Rdski\dying in gaol. Ro-ya, a prison,goal. Ro-go^u, a gaol.Ro, (ori), n. A pen, cage.Ro, (oi), n. Old age, old, aged. Fu-ro,not growing old. Ro-s/io, old <strong>and</strong> young.Rd-sui\ old <strong>and</strong> decrepit. Rd-jakii, old<strong>and</strong> young. — jin^ an old man, elders.Ro-ba^ an old horse, an oldwoman. Ro-fii, an aged father. Rd~skin, aged parents.Ro, (tsukarurti), n. Toil, labor, trou-

RO 217 RUIble, fatigue, weariness, care. — shite RoKU-ROKU, adv. Well.ko nasht, much labor <strong>and</strong> no profit. ROKU-ROKU, adv. Triflingly, idly. — toRo, n. Consumption, phthisis.RoBA, n. A mule, donkey.Ro-BAN, n. A steeple, spire.RoBA-sHiN, n. An old woman's heart,shite yo -wo okuru. to live a uselesslife.RoKUKO-KUBi, n. The name of a disease,in which the neck is supposed tokind <strong>and</strong> thoughtful, tender solicitude. lengthen to an enormous extent.RoBESO, n. The wooden pin or nipple RoKU-SHiN, (in7itsu no shitashiini,) n.on which a scull works.The six relations, viz. : father, mother,Rouzu, n. Deficiency in full weight or older brother, younger brother, wife,quantity ; waste, loss, leakage ; damageor loss from being kept long. — RoKU-SHo, n. Verdigris.<strong>and</strong> child,mono, damaged or unsaleable goods. RoKU-YOKU, n. The six desires or lusts,Ro-GAi, n. Consumption, phthisis.which come by the six senses.RoGEKi. — suru, to attack, charge on, RoKUWAi, n. Aloes.assault.Ro-Mo. To be childish from age, decrepit,infirm.Ro-GOSHi, n. A coarse basket for conveyingprisoners.Ro-MUSHA, n. A veteran soldier.Ro-HA, «. Sulphate of iron,Ron, {katartt.,) n. Dispute, debate,Ro-KA, n. A corridor, gallery, covered argument, discourse, discussion,way.RoN-DAN, n. Disputation.RoKiTSU, n. The loquat.Ro-NEN, [oitaru toshi,) n. Old age.RoKKAKU, n. Six-angled ; a hexagon. RoN-Gij «. Discourse, discussion, disputation.RoKKAKU, (shika no tsuno,) n. Hartstongue,offence,Ron-go, n.RoKKON, «. The six senses, viz. : thebody <strong>and</strong>Ro-NiN, n.hasThe Confucian analects.A sar7iurai who, for somebeen dismissed from serviceeyes, ears, nose,heart.Ro-KOKU, n. A clepsydra.;an outcast, vagrant.RoNji,-r?< ox -dzuru.,-ta, t. v. To discuss,RoKU, (jnustsu.) Six. Ju-rokzt, sixteen.to discourse on, debate, argue,Roku-roku, six times six, Roku-jil, dispute. Ronzedzu, regardless, notsixty. Roku-bu icki\ one-sixth. Roku-ban,considering.the sixth. Roku-bam-yne, the RoppAi. Six timesfull.sixth one. Roku-nin, six persons.Roku-dOy six times.RoKU, n. A record, account, — suru,to record, to write an account of, makehorizontal.RoKU-Biso, (Jiijiki^ n. A kind of seaweed.RoKU-CHiKU, «. The six domestic animals,viz. the fowl, dog, cow, goat,:horse, <strong>and</strong> hog.RoKU-Do, {mutsu no inichi^ n. The sixroads of the Buddhist hades, into whichthe souls of the dead are sent, viz.yigoku, Gaku, Chiku-sho^ Shiira,Ningen, Tenjo.RoKU-DZUMi, n. An inked line, used inmaking a straight line, as in sawingtimber.RoKujo, 71. Hartshorn.RoKURO, 71. A pulley, windlass, capstan,a lathe, a potter's wheel.RoKURO-GiRi, n. A drill worked by alathe.10Roppivo. Six bags of anything.RoppoN. Six sticks ; used in countingsticks, timber, posts, pencils, etc.Roppu, n. The six viscera, viz. : lungs,heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, <strong>and</strong>a note of. Fu-roku, an appendix to abook.RoKU, n. The salary, pay, rations.RoKU, a. Even, level, straight, good,well. — 7ii suru^ to make level or RoRETSU, n. Pronunciation.Ro-SEKi, n. Marble.Ro-SEN, 7t. A boat with a saloon builton it, for pleasure excursions.Ro-SHiTSU, n. Nocturnal emissions.Ro-SHo, 71. Consumption, phthisis.ovaries.RoppuKU. Six doses of medicine. Ku-Ro-soKU, n. A c<strong>and</strong>le. — tate, a c<strong>and</strong>lestick.Ro-TAi, «. A platform built on the roofof a house.Ro-To, n. Belladonna.RovA, «. A scull or oar maker.Ro-VEN, (noros/ii,) n. A signal rocket.RoZEKi. Brutal <strong>and</strong> violent, savage,cruel ; mingled in confusion. — 7no7io^a ruffian.Ru-FU. — suru., to spread, extendover.Rii, {tagjti^ 7t. Kind, sort, class, race,genus. — surti, to be alike, of the

RUl 2l8 SADsame kind. Rui-yaku^ same sort ofmedicine.Rli, n. A parapet, wall, or rampart,embankment.Rri, {kasanaru). Lying or heaped oneon the other ; many. Rui~dai^ severalgenerations in succession. Rui-getsuseveral months. Rtit-jitsu^ many daysin succession. Rui-ne>t, several years.Riti-rui, piled up one on the other.Riii-za^ involved, implicated withothers.Rui-KUWAN, n. The lachrymal duct.Rui-REKi, n. Scrofula.Rli-setsu, n. Bonds, fetters.Rui-s6, n. Wasting away of the flesh,emaciation, atrophy.Ru-KEI, n. Transportation, or exile forcrime.Ru-MN, {^nagashibito^ n. An exile, orone transported for crime.RuRi, n. The emerald.RuRi, n. The variegated kingfisher.Ru-r6.settledW<strong>and</strong>ering about without anyhome, as an outcast. — suru^to w<strong>and</strong>er.Ruse, {todojuari viamoru^ u. Keepingwatch, or taking care of a house duringthe absence of the master ;absent, notat home. Ricsu-ban, keeping watchduring the absence of the master. Riisu-chiii^during.one's absence. Rusu-i,the name of an officer who has the careof the family in his master's absence.Ru-TEN, n. The transmigrations of thesoul.Ru-TSU, n. Passing or circulating fromone to another ;current.RuTSUBO, n. A crucible.Ru-zAi, «. Transported or exiled forSa, (Jiidari^ n. The left. Sa no tori,as follows, in the manner following.Sa, adv. So, thus. — ni aradzu, it isnot so.Saba, n. Mackerel. Sasehi saba, saltmackerel.Saba, n. A fraudulent entrj' in an account.— wo yoviu, to cheat by tellingoff a wrong number.Saba, n. An offering of a small portionof food to the Kami before eating. —•wo toru, to make the above offering.Sa-bakari, adv. Such, so, so much,thus.SABAKE,-r«,-/a, i. V. To be disentangled,unraveled, loose ; to be sold off; to beadjudicated ; to have quick discernmentor judgment.Sabake, n. The sale of goods, marketsagacity.Sabake-kata, n. The sale, market.Sabake-kuchi, n. The sale, dem<strong>and</strong>.SABAKi,-/t«,-zVa, t. i>. To disentangle,unra\el, loose ; to sell off; to judge, toexamine <strong>and</strong> decide a matter.Sabaki, n. The unravelling of anythingperplexing or intricate, as a lawsiiitthe selling of goods.Sa-baku, n. A s<strong>and</strong>y desert.SABi,-r7t/,-yt;/,-j/i/, a. Lonely, solitary,desolate ; still, quiet ;dull, destitute ofstir or bustle ;forlorn, forsaken, friendless.Sabishis.^, n. Loneliness, solitude, stillness,dullness.Sabi-tsuki-ge, n. A rust-colored horse,a sorrel.Sabitslve, n. A kind of hoe./. SABOSHi,-jw,-/a, V. To dry or air anythingdamp.Saboten, «. The prickl pear.Sachi, (saiwar,) n. Fortunate.Sadaka. Certain, sure, settled, distinct,plain. Sadaka-ni, certainly, surely,distinctly, plainly.SadAMARi,-r ?

jISAD219 feAI|SAGURi-DASHi,-j2^,-^a, t. V. To feel after i<strong>and</strong> take out, to extract with forceps, Ias when the thing is not visible.ISAGURi-KiKi,-,4'«,-i'ii, t. V. To inquire,Saide, n. Scraps of silk left after cuttingout a garment ; also imperfect cocoons.Sai-do. — stirii, to save from destructionafter death.

SAI 2 JOSAKSai-dzuchi, n. A small wooden mallet.Sai-fu, n. A money bag, a purse.Sai-Gen {kagiri)^ n. Bound, limit, —iva nat\ boundless.Sai-go (iuottomo toki)^ n The last periodof life, death.Sai-hai, n. A baton carried by the general-in-chiefof an army, <strong>and</strong> used ingiving orders.Sai-hitsu {komayakana /tide). Writtenin small letters, small h<strong>and</strong>, finewriting.Sai-ji, n. Small characters, fine letters.Sai-ji {toshi_ toki)^ n. The year <strong>and</strong> theseasons, time.Sai-jitsu (jiiafsuribi)^ n. The day onwhich a festival is celebrated, the dayfor worshiping.Sai-j6 {mottomo uye), n. Most excellent,best, verj' highest.Sai-k.\ku {sat no tsuno\ n. Rhinoceroshorn, used as a medicine.Sai-kaku, n. Expedient, resource.SjM-kivo. — sunt, to examine <strong>and</strong> decideon, to judge.Sai-ku, n. Fine work, workmanship,manufacture, fabric, ware. — suru, tomanufacture, to fabricate. Kin-zaiku^gold -ware. Gin-zaiku^ silver -ware.B iidoro-zaiku ^ gldiSS-v/arc:. Ta-zaiku,anything made by one's self,— homemade.Sai-ku-nin, n. A mechanic, artisan,workman.Sai-matsu {komayaka)^ n. Fine powder.Sai-mi, n. A kind of coarse hemp cloth.Saimitsu-ni {komaka ni), adv. Particularlj',minutely, carefully.SAiNAMi,-7«?/,-;zc/a, t. V. To torture.S.m-nan {wazawai), «, Calamity, misfortune,evil.Sai-n6, n. Talent, ability <strong>and</strong> skill.Sai-riv6. — sjiru, to superintend, tomanage, supervise, control. — «/«, asupervisor, superintendent.Sai-r6, n. A box for carrying food.Sai-sei (futatabi ikirii). Living again,returning to life, to revive.Sai-sen, 71. Offerings of copper cash intemples. — bako., the box in whichmoney is cast.Sai-shiki (irodoru), n. Color, coloring,painting in various colors.Sai-sho \ichiban hajime)., adv. Thevery first, at the beginning, commencement,at first.Sai-soku. — suru^ to hasten, hurry, topress or urge on the performance or doingof anything ; to dun.Saito, n. Burning the bamboo <strong>and</strong> strawornaments hung before the door onNew Year's day.Sai-tan, n. The first day of the year.Sai-tori, n. A middleman between seller<strong>and</strong> buj'er, a broker.S.A.I-TORI-SASHI, w. One who catches birdswith a pole armed with bird-lime.Sai-tori-zao, n. A pole armed withbird-lime for catching birds.Saiwai, «. or adv. Fortunate, opportune,lucky, favorable ;good fortune,blessings, prosperity, happiness, good.Sai-ven, n. A second marriage.Saji, n. A spoon.Sajiki, «. The upper box, or gallery ina theatre, the seats in a circus or exhibition.Saka, n. A road up a mountain, a steeproad. Noborisaka^ an ascent. Kiidarisaka., the road down a mountain,descent.Saka. Upside down. — /rt^^r«, to st<strong>and</strong>anything upside down. — ni inotsu^to hold upside down.Saka-bari-tsuke, n. Crucifixion withthe head downward.Saka-bavashi, n. A green bamboo orflag erected in front of a sake breweryfor a sign.Sak.'V-bitari, n. A person soaked withsake, a sot, drunkard.SAKA-BrKURO, H. A bag used for strainingsake in breweries.Saka-bune, «. A large vat used in makingsake.Saka-dachi,-isu,-iia, i. v. To st<strong>and</strong> onthe head or upside down.Sak.\-dai, «. The price of sake.Saka-daru, «. A wine-cask, a sake-X.vkt.Saka-de, 71. Holding the point of asword downwards.Sakadzuki, 71. A wine-cup. Sakadzukidai,the st<strong>and</strong> of a wine-cup.Saka-game, «. Large wine-jar.Saka-go, «. A foot or breech-presentationof the child in parturition.Saka-go.mo, «. The mat which iswrapped round a wine-cask.Saka-goto, 71. Reading or spelling aword backwards.Saka-gur.\, 71. A house in which sake isstored.SAK.A-HA, «. The barb of a hook.Sak.\-hadzl'RE, 71. One who in a winepartyavoids drinking.Sakai, 7t. A boundary, border ; confines,frontier, limit. — ron, a dispute abouta boundary.?>AK.A\,-d,-dia, t. V. To go against orcontrary to, oppose, disobey, to contradict.

_|![SAK 2ISAK:Sak.'M-me, n. A boundary line, border. Sakashira, n. Calumny, detraction ;Saka-kabu, n. A license from governmentto manufacture sake.Sakashira-goto, n. A fable ; a smart orcunning.Sakaki, «. The name of a tree.cunningly-invented story, sl<strong>and</strong>er, detraction.Saka-kigex, >i. The spirits, or excitementproduced by drinking wine. Saka-te, n. Money for buying sake.,Saka-klre, n. A hang-nail.drink-money.Saka-maku-midzu, «. Water whirling in Saka-toji, n. One acquainted with thean eddy in a current.art of brewing sake.^ a brewer.a circle,Saka-matsuge, n. Entropium or inver- Saka-tsubo, n. A sakc-'^sx., a. winejar.sion of the eyelashes.Saka-me, «. Against tbe grain of wood. Saka-un'jo, n. The tax or duty levied bySakamogi, n. Trees <strong>and</strong> brushwood, government on the manufacturers ofplaced around a fortification to keep sake.ofiFor hamper the approach of an enemy ;Saka-va, «. A brewery, a shop whereA wine-party, entertainment,sake is sold, a grog-shop.Sakavaki, n. The shaven part of theabatis.SAK-.\-MORr, n,feast, banquet.<strong>Japanese</strong> head.Saica-mlkai, n. Ihe going out of a companySaka-vamai, n. The indisposition feltof friends to meet one returning after a debauch, or a disease brought onfrom a journey, <strong>and</strong> giving him an entertainment.by drink.t.Sakaml'KE, n. A hang-nail.prosper, bloom. Tomi-sakayeru., to beSakan, n. A state of prosperity, full rich <strong>and</strong> flourishing.SAKAVE,-r;/,-/a, v. To flourish, tobloom, or vigor ; flourishing, exuberant.Sakave, 71. Full bloom, illustrious orglorious condition, prosperity, welfare ;Sakana, n. Any kind of food taken with exaltation, glory.sake, fish. Sakana-ichi, a fish-market. Saka-vomi, n. Reading backwards orSakana-ya.^ a shop where fish are sold, upside down.a fishmonger.SAKA-voSE,-rM,-/'ii, t. V. To drive backSaka-nami, n. Adverse or opposing waves an attacking party, <strong>and</strong>, in return, investor current, a head-sea.his stronghold.Saka-neji, n. The reverting of an attackSake, n. An intoxicating liquor brewedon another upon one's self.SAKA-NOBORI,-r«, -^/rt, l. V. To gO Sake, n. A salmon.against a current, to go up stream. S.\KE,-rM,-ta, t.v. To avoid, shun, toSakannarv, a. Prosperous, flourishing,blooming, in full vigor or prime.SAKARAi,-.t«, or d,-dtta, t. v. To goagainst, or contrary to ; to oppose, todisobey.S.AKARE,-r«,-^a, pass, or pot. of Saki.To be torn, rent, ripped.SAK;ARi,-r«,-/i'rt, /. V. To be flourishing,prosperous ;to be at its height, bloom,or acme.SAKARi,-r«,-^/

SAK 2: 2 SAKor ahead, forestall, or anticipate others,]to get ahead of others.Saki-b6, n. The front or forward coolie,where two are carrying with the samepole.Saki-bore, n. A notice sent in advanceadvising of the coming of any one, harbinger,forerunner.Saki-dachi,-tsu,-fta, i. v. To st<strong>and</strong> first,to ccme first, to go before, to be first inimportance, to be thought of beforeanything else ; to die before others.Saki-dachi, n. A forerunner.SAKi-DATE,-r7

Saku-sha, n. Author, writer of a book,maker.Sakl-seki, h. Last evening.Saku-s6, n. A net-work of nerves or vessels,inosculation, anastomosis. — sunt,to inosculate.Saku-toku, n. The farmer's share of thecrops after the lax isSakuwax, «,paid.A plasterer.Saku-va, n. Last night.Saku-yu, n. Last evening.Sam \, n. Form, shape, appearance :manner, fashion, condition.Sama, n. A respectful title appended tothe names of persons, <strong>and</strong> sometimesof things.Sa.ma, n. A loop-hole in the wall of acastle, port-hole.Sa-made. To that extent, so much, such,(referring to something said before). —shinipai ni iva oyobanii, it is needlessto feel so much anxiety.SAMASHi,-j«,-2'rt. t. V. To wake up from223 SANSamurai, «.:, t. V. To cool anyth: sons privileged to wear two swords.SAMUKARi,-r«,-//'a, I. V. To be cold.hot.Samusa, n. The state or degree of coldness.SA.MATAGE,-r;

San-ro^ a mountain road.SAN 224 SARSan-zoku, amountain robber, a b<strong>and</strong>it, brig<strong>and</strong>.San, n. Acid. — ki^ acidity. — w/,acid taste.San, /i. Medicinal powder. Daiydsan^powdered rhubarb.Sax, (a contraction oi Samci). A familiar ing.title to names. Datina san.San-t6, n. Calculation, computation, ac-Sanada, n. Flat braid, tape, a tapeworm.Sanada-tnusht, a tape-worm. Santome, n. Taffachillas, a kind ofSanagara, adv. Just, exactly, precise- striped cotton goods.San-yaku, n. A powdered medicine.Sanagi, «. The silk-worm during its cocoonlife, a chrysalis.koning. — suru, to calculate.San-y6, n. Account, calculation, rec-Sanave, n. Early rice sprouts.San-zai. Spending or squ<strong>and</strong>ering moneyor one's property.San-dan, n. Means, way, method, plan,a shift, expedient.Sanzashi, ft. The Cratagus cuneata.S<strong>and</strong>awara, n. The round straw lid of Sao, n. A pole ;also used in countinga straw bag.things carried bj' a pole ; as Tansu hitoSan-d6, {kake hashi^ n. A plank-road sao, one load of bureau.constructed on the face of a precipice.Sa-oto.me, n. A girl who plants youngSa-oshika, n. A male deer, a buck.San-dzugawa, n. The river which thesouls of the dead cross in going toHades ; the river Styx.Sane, n. The seeds of fruit, melons, etc.,the plates or scales of armor.Sanekadzura, n. The Kadzura Japon-San-ge, n. Confession, acknowledgment.— surtt, to confess.San-gi,«. Sticks used in divining, or incalculating. — ivo tiaraj?eru.San-go-ju, n. Coral.^\ti]\^-dzurti^-ta^ (,ckiru^) t. v. To scatter; to be dispersed, dissipated.SA>i]i,-dzuru,-ia, (inairu^ i. v. To cometo go.San-jin, {yamabito^ n. A fabulous beingwho lives amongst the mountains.— same as sen hi n.San-j6, n. The three great duties of awoman ; viz., when unmarried, obedienceto parents ;when a wife, obedienceto her husb<strong>and</strong> ; when a widow,obedience to her son, (who inherits theestate.) — no michi.San-jO. Thirty. — ia«, thirty-three.San-kei, {iiiddzuru). Going to a templefor worship.San-ki, n. Fond of speculating in commercialventures.Sankirai, n. Sarsaparilla, — Smilaxpseudo-china.Sannijru, a. Past, gone by, last.Sa-nomi, adv. So much, such.San-ki, n. The space just helow thehead of the fibula, a good place for applyingthe moxaSanshishi, n. The seed-capsule of thewhite Jasmine, used for dying yellow.San-sho, «. The Xanthoxylon piperitum,an aromatic shrub.Sansh6-uwo, «. A kind of lizard.S.A.N-SO, «. Oxygen gas.San-tei. — sum, to examine <strong>and</strong> collatethe text of books to correct a writ-rice shoots.Sao-tori, n. A boatman who pusheswith a pole.Sappari, adv. Clear, clean, free fromany defilement or defect, quite, fully,entirely.S.\ppCkei. Anything that spoils what isotherwise pleasing, attractive, or agreeable;something offensive to the sightor feelings. — na mono, an eye-sore.Sara, n. A plate, saucer, dish. Hizano — , the knee-pan.Sara, a. New, fresh. — iye, a newhouse.Saraba, adv. If so, well then, after that.Sarachi, n. The ruins or empty placeonce occupied by a building.Sarai, n. A rake.SARAi,-«M,-/^a, t. V. To seize or take byviolence or without right ; to abduct, tosteal, kidnap.SARAi,-a«,-2'^a, t: V. To dredge, todeepen or clean out by dredging orscraping.'^.\K.\.\,-au,-atta, t. v. To study over,con, peruse, or practice a lesson ; tolearn.Sa-rai-nen, n. Year after next.SAR.\KEDASHi,-j«,-^a, t. V. To haul outconfusedly <strong>and</strong> carelessly.Sara-nari, adv. Of course, needless,unnecessary.Sara-ni, adz'. Again, anew, quite,wholly ;with a neg. not in the least,entirely, totally. — nashi, there is nota particle.SARARE,-r«,-^«, pass, or pot. of Sari.To be divorced, separated, or ab<strong>and</strong>oned.

jS.^ruko,Sarari-to, adv. Like the noise, or inthe manner, of sliding, rolling, or rustling.Sarasa, n. Calico, chintz,Sara-sara, adzK Entirely, wholly, positively,absolutely, quite.Saka-sara-to, adz>. Like the sound, orin the manner, of rolling beads or pebblesbetween the h<strong>and</strong>s ;with a slipping,rattling, or rustling noise.SAKASHi,-s7e,-ta, t. V. To expose to thesun or weather, to air, to e.xpose topublic view, to bleach, to sun.Sarashi, n. White or bleached muslin.SARAW.ARE,-r?

ISashi-gusuri,!intoSAS 226 SASsum. To make or let another do, to Sashi-gami, n. A summons or writtencause, to give, to induce, bring.order to appear before a magistrate.Sasemogusa, ;/. The Artemisia or mugwort,of which moxa is made.square.S.A.SHI-GANE, n. A carpenter's metalSa-sen. Degraded <strong>and</strong> banished from Sashi-gasa, n. An umbrella.the court or capital. — surti.S.A.SHi-GUMi,-w?

SAS 227 SATSASHi-siyAi,-ate,-iia, t. v. To carry onthe shoulder between two.Sashi-nuki, ti. A kind of long trowsersworn by nobles.SASHi-OKi,-/^«,-z'^rt, /. V. To let be, letrest, to leave, quit, forbear, to set aside.SASHi-OKiRi,-r«,-^M, t. V. To send.i. 7'. SASHi-SEMARi,-r?/,-//rt, To be inextremity, or utmost degree of suflfering,difficulty or violence.Sashi-shio, «. The rising tide,Sashitaru, a. Special, particular, important.Sashite, atfz'. Particularly, especially.SASHi-TOME,-ru ,-ia , t. V. To stop, forbid,to intercept, obstruct.SASHi-T6SHi,-j?

]|!good'Se,\the1 stowing,SAT' 228 SESATORi,-r?

IIJjjtherust.Sei-fu, «. The place where the Councilof State meets,—the Council chamber,council of state itself, the govern-ment.Seigiri, adv. To the utmost of one'sability, the most that one can do.SEiGiKi,-rz.\SHi,-s>i,-ta, i. 7\ To put forthstrength, to exert one's self.Sei-d6 {inatsurigoto >io miclii), n. System,or form of government, the government.Sei-d6 {aoki akaga?ie), n. Green copper,—copperthat has turned green fromSei-gox, n. An oath. — ivo tateru, totake an oath.Sei-h6 {kos/iiraye kata), n. The way ofmaking anything, the composition, recipe,formula.Sei-h6, n. The west.Sei-hox-ya, n. Book-bindery, a bookbinder.Sei-iku, «. Rearing or bringing up a child.Sei-ji, n. Green porcelain.Sei-jix, n. A sage, spoken generally ofConfucius.Sei-ji.v (/zzY^ to narit), n. A full grownperson, an adult. — suru, to be grownup.Sei-ki, 71. Essence, active principle, thestrength ; vital principle.Sei-kon, «. The soul, spirit, ghost.Sei-kon, 71. Strength, vigor, energy,either of body or mind, stamina.

SEI 230 SEKSei-kuwatsu, «. Life; a living, way ofmaking a living ; employment. — suru,to live.Sei-mei, n. Name, including the given<strong>and</strong> surname.Seimei (tnoc/ti), n. Life.Sei-mu, n. Official employment, governmentbusiness.Sei-ri, n. The laws of beingmetaphysics. — gaku^'xA.or mind,Sei-riki, n. Strength, power, force.Sei-riyaku. To abridge, to lessen, diminish',curtail.Sei-rivoku, n. Strength, or vigor ofmind.Sei-riyo-zai, n. A medicine used in thetreatment of fever, a febrifuge.Sei-r6, 71. A vessel for cooking withsteam.Sei-r6, n. A fortress constructed withtimbers laid one over the other ; ablock-house.Sei-r6, 71. A prostitute house.Sei-roku, 71. An annual income or pensionreceived from government.Sei-sai, adv. At the most, at the highest,farthest.Sei-saku, 71. Manufacture, construction,make, structure. — siiru., to construct,build, make.Sei-satsl'. n. The boards on which thegovernment edicts are written <strong>and</strong> hungup.Sei-shi. — sum., to stop, prevent, forbid,prohibit.Sei-shi, «. An oath, a declaration madeon oath.Sei-shigoye, n. The call or voice ofthose who go before high officials, toSeiyatto, adv. With all one's might.Sei-v6, 71. Western countries, Europeancountries.Sei-z6. Manufacture. — i-«r«, to make,manufacture.Se-ji \ye no koto), n. The world,—itsbusiness <strong>and</strong> affairs ; civility, courtesy,politeness.Se-jin {yo no hiio), n. People, men,mankind.Se-kai, n. The earth, the materialworld, the globe.To be inSEKARE,-r«,-^a, pass, of Seki.a hurry, to be urgent.SEKASE,-rK-^.-z, caust. of Seki. To hurryanother.Seka-seka, a^v. Impetuous, driving,pushing, hasty.Seka-tsuki,--t7/,-?V«, /. V. To be impetuous,driving, or always in a hurry.Seke.n {yo 710 naka), n. The worldits people, pleasures, manners.Seki, n. Room, occasion, reason. Waruktiiu — -wa nai., no room for findingfault.Seki, «. A cough. — ga deru^ tocough.SEKi,-/&«,-zVa, t. V. To cough. Seite7ierare)nase7i, could not sleep forcoughing.To SKKi,-ku.,-ita, t. V. hurry, to make'to drive.haste,Seki, «.urge,A mat, a seat or place whereone sits ;a room ; a place of meeting;an assembly or meeting, rank.Seki, «. A guard house <strong>and</strong> gate, orbarrier where travelers are stopped <strong>and</strong>passports examined, a pass.warn all byst<strong>and</strong>ers to stoop down. Seki, «. Evening, night ; the tenth partSei-shin, 71. A star.of a. go. Kon seki, this night. Clio —Sei-shin, 71. The mind, intellect, mental morning <strong>and</strong> evening.power.Seki,--^«,-zVrt, t. v. To stop a stream ofSei-Shitsu 'yflo urushi)., «. Green lacquer.water by a bank of earth, to dam, keepback, restrain. Seki-kayesu, to damSei-shitsu {u7)tare-tsuki\, «. Nature, up water <strong>and</strong> cause it to set back.constitution, temperament, natural disposition,Seki-ko7itii, to dam up <strong>and</strong> confinewater. Seki-toi7terii., to dam, obstructtemper.Sei-sho {kiyogaki), 71. A clean writing, <strong>and</strong> cause to stop.or finished copy.Seki-ban, n. The stone used for lithographing,Sei-sui (kiyoki 77tidzu), 7t. Pure or cleara lithograph ;a slate.water.Sei-sui (sakan-Ttarti otoroyerii)., n. FlourishSeki-barai, n.Seki-chiku, n.Clearing the throat,The pink.<strong>and</strong> decay, rise <strong>and</strong> fall, prosperity Sekida, 71. S<strong>and</strong>als that have iron heels<strong>and</strong> adversitJ^fastened to the sole.Sei-tem, 71. Clear weather, unclouded Seki-dai, 71. A stone for st<strong>and</strong>ing anythingon, a flower-pot.Sei-t6, 71. A name given to copper cash. Seki-dan, n. A stone step.Sei-u-GI, 71. A barometer.Seki-d6, «. The equator.Sei-yaku {kiisu7-i wo koshirayerii)^ «. Seki-dzui, «. The spinal marrow-Manufacturing, or compounding medicines.— j«r«, to make medicines. written by pupils forSeki-gaki, n. Specimens of penmanship 'lexamination.

SEK 231 SEMSeki-han, n. A kind of food made of Sekko, n. Gypsum or Sulphate of Lime.red beans <strong>and</strong> rice, eaten on fete days. Sekkoku, n. The orchis.Seki-hi, n. A stone monument.Sekkl', n. Certain holidaj-s ; as the 7thSeki-hits'J, n. A slate pencil.day of the ist month ; the 3rd day ofSeki-in, n, A stone seal.the 3rd month 5th day of the 5thTo;month 7th day of the 7th month ; <strong>and</strong>SEKi-iRE,-ru,-^a, i. v. dam-up astream <strong>and</strong> conduct it into another;9th day of the 9th month.channel.Sekuwai-sui, «. Lime-water.SEK:i-KO.\ii,-;««,-«^a, /. V. To be out of Seko, 71. Persons who beat the bush inbreath with haste.hunting.Seki-men, n. Reddening of the face SEMAi,-/^/,-;^?nuro), n. A rockycave or cavern,Ssia-SHO, «. A barrier, pass. — yaburi^ Semburi, «.passing a barrier without a passport. SE.ME,-r2i;,-/

SEM 232 SENSemete, adv. Urgently, pressingly, byall means, at least. — moto-dake demotori-tai mono^ I would like to get backat least the original outlay.SEMETE-TOi,-(?,-^/

to engage in battle.Sen-soku, {ashi ^vo arati^ n. A footbath,washing the feet.Sensu, n. A fan that opens <strong>and</strong> shuts.Sen-sui, n. An artificial pond.Sen-taku, m. Washing,—used only ofclothing. — sunt, to wash clothes.Sen-te, n. The person who comes first,or has the first turn, or comes beforeanother.Sen-ten. — suru, to revolve, go round,Sen-ten-bivo, n. A congenital or hereditarydisease.Sen-ten-doku, «. Congenital or hereditarycontamination.Sen-t6, n.battle.Sen-t6, n. A public bath-house.Sen-tsuki, n. A machine for cuttingtobacco fine for smoking. — tabako,fine cut tobacco.Sen-y6, n. Many-leaved. — no hatia,a flower with many petals.Sen-zan-k6, 7t. The skin or scales ofthe manis, or pangolin, used as a medicine.Sen-zo, n. Ancestor, forefather, progenitor.SEOi,-^,-(?^a, t. V. (in com. coll. pronouncedShot, o, ota). To carry onthe back.Seppa, {toki yaburii^ — suru, to confute,to disprove.Seppa, n. A metal plate or ring roundthe sword-blade near the hilt.Seppaku, {setsti no shiviari,) n. Theclose of the season.Seppaku, a. Straitened, pressed, urgent.Seppo, {ko wo iokti,) 71. Explaining, expounding,or discoursing on the doctrinesof Buddhism. — suru, to preach.233 SESSen-nin, n. Genii, fairy.Seppu, n. A chaste or virtuous woman.Sen-nuki, n. A cork-screw.Sepplku, {/lara-ktri,} n. Suicide bySen-rei, n. Baptism. — wo okonati, to cutting open the abdomen.'s>KV.\i,-ati ,-atta, v. To be envious of,baptize.t.Sen-ro, ft. A telegraphic line, road, or jealous of.telegraphic communication.SB.K.\TiE,-ru,-ta, pass, or pot. of Shi,Senroppu, n. Radishes cut up very fine suru. To suffer or be the object of<strong>and</strong> eaten with fish.something done by another. U'atakuskilua hito ni jama wo serareia,Sen-saku, n. Examination, inquiry,search, inquisition. — suru, to examineI have been hindered by him.into, to inquire.Sen-sei, «. A polite titleSeri, k. Parsley.t. SEVii,-ru,-ia, V. To hasten, hurry, toused in addressingan elderly man, a phj'sician ora scholar._contend, to strive, to bid, to sell atauction. Seri-ageru, to raise up, as bySen-shaku, «. Colic or pain in the pelvica windlass ; to bid up. Seri-au, tostruggle, rush, or together whoregion.Sen-shi, «. Teacher.striveshall be first to bid against each other.Sen-shin, (asaz fukai^ Shallow or;Kuwaji ga atte shibai yori hito gadeep.Sen-s6, n. A battle. — suru, to fight,seriatte deru, as there is a fire, peoplestruggle to get out of the theatre. Seridasu,to force or squeeze out, as anythingthrough a hole. Seri-tateru,to hurry or hasten the departure ofanother.Seri, n. Auction. — ga aru, there isan auction. — hiki-fuda, auction advertisement.Seri-ai, n. Contending together forsuperiority, strife, struggle, conten-Seri-akindo, n. A peddler.Seri-uri, n. Peddling.Se-sai. Shrewd in business, cleverness,knowledge of the world.SESEt:uMARi,-r«,-/i'a, i. v. To stoop, tobend the body forward, to bow.Seseraki, n. Shallow or shoal water.SESERAWAR,\i,-ai

One:SES 234 SHAlife, killing anything. — kai^ the comm<strong>and</strong>mentSewa-nin, who aids, rendersagainst taking life.as a go-between forletsSessho, 71. Regent or acting emperor. others, a friend, helper, patron.Se-suji, n. The line dowa the back over Se-w.\ri, n. Cuttmg open a fish alongthe backbone.SETAGE,-r«,-/a, (cont. of Skiyetageru^the back.Sevva-riy6, n. Money presented to anyonet. V. To oppress, maltreat.as an acknowledgment for kindSe-tai, n. Housekeeping, household services or assistance.property. — dogu^ housekeeping utensils,mainly kitchen furniture. — noiriyo, family expenses.Se-take, n. Full growth or stature.Setchin, n. A privy, water-closet.Seto, n. A strait, a narrow channel ofwater.Seto-givva, n. The border of a strait ; adifficult or important part of one'sling.Sewashisa, n. The state of being busylife.or actively engaged.Seto-mono, «. Porcelain, earthenware, SE\vAVAKi,-^«,-^a, t. V. To be oflSciouscrockery.or attentive in rendering assistance, aid,Setsu, n. Virtue, fidelity, or constancy or services.of a widow to her deceased husb<strong>and</strong> ;Sezenagi, n. A drain, ditch, or sink tofidelity, patriotism, or constancy of one carry off filthy water.in the midst of trial or sufferings to his Sha. — suru, to thank, acknowledge alord or country.kindness ;to confess.Setsu, {toki^) n. Time, period, season ;Sua. — suru, to purge, to be loose inopportunity ; a solar term of fifteen the bowels.days, of which th^e are twenty-four in Sha, n. Silk gauze.a year. Seisu-bufi, the last evening Sha, (_>nono, hito), (only used in compoundwords). Person, man. Gakii-of the old year. Setsu-ga-wari., thechange of the season, or solar terms. sha, a learned man or scholar. Isha^Setsu, (hanashi^ n. Saying, teaching, a healing man, or physician.discourse, doctrine ;common talk, report.Sha, (?>«,) n. Archery. Sha-jutsUySha, n. Amnesty, pardon.Setsu- DAN, {kiri-tatsu^ n. An amputation.— sum, to amputate.Sha, {nakama^ n. A company, associa-archery.Setsu-gai, n. Murder, assassination. — tion, clique, society. — wo fnusudu,surUy kill, slaj', to murder.to form a company.Setsu-gi, «. Virtue, fidelity, constancy. Shaa-shaa, adv. Shamelessly, brazenfaced,in a cool <strong>and</strong> impudent man-Setsu-in, n. A privy.Setsu-na, n. Moment, instant, the ner.shortest interval of time. — no aida Shaatsuku, n. An impudent fellow,mo wasureru kot* nashi, have not forgottenit for a moment.Shaba, or shaba-sekai, n. This world.shameless person.Setsunai, -/•/,-/(-«, -j/i/, a. Painful, distressing,oppressive, causing greatShaba-fusagi., a. useless fellow.suffering.Setsunaru, a.Sewa-se\vashii,->^z,-/6»^«, a. Busy, hurried,or distracted with business, fussy, bust-SHABERi,-rw,-^/a, i. V. To talk much<strong>and</strong> annoyingly, to prate, tattle, chatter,babble.Distressing, painful, af-Sha-betsu, n. Difference, distinction.Setsu-wa, «. A saying, talk, report. Shabon, n. Soap.Setsu-zoku-shi, n. A conjunction. SHABURi,-r«,-^^rt, t. V. To suck.Setta, n. S<strong>and</strong>als armed with iron Shachi, n. A capstan or windlass.Shachihoko, n. The name of a fish, theheels, same as Seki'da.Settai, n. Gratuitously dealing out foodto poor people.ornament like a fish on the end of theroofs of temples.SETTSUKi,-/t«,-zVrt, t. V. To dun, to Sha-chiu, {iiakaina uchil) n. Company,hasten, urge or hurry one in doing anything.club, clique, party. M^aga — no jnono,a member of my company.Sewa, n. Help, aid, assistance, patronage,Shaga, n. The iris, or fleur de lis.kind offices, agency, intervention. SHAGAMi,-w«,-«a'a, i. 71. To squat or— wo surUy to befriend, aid or assist. sit down on the heels, to crouch.

SHA 235 SHAShagiri, n. A small kind of cymbal.Sha-hon, (utsushi hoti^ n. A copiedbook, a book written with a pen, amanuscript.Ska-jiku, n. Tke hub of a wheel.Shaka,-«. The son of Jobon king ofMakada <strong>and</strong> founder of Buddhism ; livedin the time of Xerxes, <strong>and</strong> died about475 B. c.Shakan-ya, n. A plasterer.Shake, same as Sake. A salmon.Shake, fi. A Sintoo priest.Sha-kin, n. Gold dust.Sha-kin-seki, n. Glass with small piecesof gold foil sprinkled through it.Shakkin, {kiiriia kane). Borrowingmoney, a loan. — suru^ to borrowmoney.Shakkiri, rtrf?'. Stiff, hard. — to surti^to become hard or stiff.Shako, n. The Squilla mantis, a speciesof Crustacea.Shako, n. The quail.Shaku, n. A foot of ten inches ;(samelength as the <strong>English</strong> foot).Shaku, n. A wooden tablet formerly carriedby nobles when in the presence ofthe Emperor.Shaku, n. The title of a Buddhist priest.— suru., to explain, comment on.Shaku, h. A measure of capacity, thetenth part of a. go.Shaku, n. A dipper, ladle.Shaku, n. Pouring wine into the cup,serving out wine. — wo siiru., to serveout wine.Shaku, n. The name of a disease, perhapsHysteria. — wo dekasii., to becomehysterical.Shaku-ba, {kari uvia), A hired or borrowedhorse.Shaku-d6, n. A kind of black metalmade by mixing copper <strong>and</strong> gold.Shaku-gin, h. Borrowing money, debtaccruing from borrowing money, a loaa ;same as Shakkin. — wo suru., to borrowmoney.Shaku-h.achi, n. A kind of flute, or pipe,blown at the end.SH.\K\]i,-ku-kuia.^ t. V. To dip up, tolade.Shaku-jo, n. A staff, the top of which isarmed with metal rings, carried by beggingpriests.SHAKUMi,-w?^,-«^a, i. V. To be bent,curved, or warped so as to be concave.Shaku-nage, n. The Rhododendron.Shaku-nin, n. A waiter who serves outthe wme.Shakuri, «. Hiccough. — ga tsuku^ tohiccough.SHAKt;Ri,-r« ,-//«, t. V. To scoop out, asa hole ; to irritate, to set on, excite toanger.Shakuri-naki, n. Sobbing, convulsivecrying. — wo suru, to sob.Shakushi, n, A wooden ladle.Shaku-tori, n. A waiter who serves outthe wine.Shaku-tori-mushi, «. A caterpillar.Shakuwan, n. A plasterer, same as Sakit wan.Shaku-ya, {kari iye), n. A hired house,or a house for rent.Shaku-yaku, n. The herbaceous peony.Shaku-yo. — J?/ r«, to borrow.Shaku-zai, n. Borrowed money, a debt.Sha-men, n. Pardon, forgiveness, acquittal.— .y«rzn, n. One who is preparing to be aBnddhist priest, a novice.Shami-sen. Same as Saviisen. A guitar,or banjo.Shamo, «, A large kind of fowl, introducedoriginally from Siam.Shamueo, n. Siam.SHANSHi,-f«,-^a. Much used in dramaticalworks, as an auxiliary verb, same assuru, nasaru, to be, to do. Shi-nashanshita^has died.Shara-doke, n. Untied, loose, undone.Obi ga — suru^ the belt is loose.Sharakusai, a. Affecting or pretendingto do what one knows nothing about.Sh.-vre, n. A witticism, pun, a humorousor comical saying.SHARE,-rM,-/a, /, V. To be witty, humorous; to crumble, moulder, or wearaway—as a stone— by the washing ofwater ; to be elegant, refined, stylish.Sha-rei, n. Acknowledgment of a favor,expressing thanks.Shari, n. A small hard substance like agem, supposed to be left in the ashesafter burning the dead body of a Buddhistsaint.Shari, n. Diarrhoea.Sha-riki, n. A laborer who pushes orpulls a cart.Shari-kobe, n. A skull.Sha-rin, 71. The rim of a wheel, a fel-ly-Shari-shari-to, adv. The sound madeby crushing anything hard <strong>and</strong> brittle,as an egg-shell.Sh.\ri-yen, n. Epsom salts.Sha-sei, n. A correct or life-like pictureof anything, a fac-simile.Sha-shi, iogori)., n. Extravagance, prodigality,luxury, pomp.Sha-shin, tt. A likeness, a photograph.Sha-shin-kiy6, n. A camera-obscura, a

ISHA 236 SHI';photographic instrument. — de utsusu, Shibe, n. The nerves of a leaf, the pistiltaken by photography.of a flower, the stalk to which the grainsSha-tei, (ptdto)^ 71. Younger brother. of rice are attached, the joints in theShattsura, n. Your impudent face, used stalk of wheat or rice.only in contempt or anger. — ye tatakitsukeru, to strike one in the face. Shi bin, n. A urinal, chamber-pot.Shibi. The bonito.Shi, {yotsu), a. Four. Ju-shi, fourteen. SHiBiRE.-r?^,-/a, i. V. To be numb, palsied,dead.Shi-bu ic/ii^ one-fourth. — daii^ No.four, the fourth. — ban me, the fourth Shibire-gusuri, n. Narcotic, or anaestheticmedicines.one. /z?j/a/&«, — four hundred. — man,forty thous<strong>and</strong>.SHiBOMi,-;«M,-«^rt, i. V. To close, orShi, {uta), a. Chinese poetry, an ode, shut,—as a flower,poem. — wo tsukuru, to write poetry. SHiBORi,-r«,-/^a, t. V. To press 6rShi, (samurai) n. A person belonging squeeze out, to express, to wring. Uskito the military class, or gentry.no chichi "WO — , to millc a cow. Shibori-ioru.,to squeeze out, wring out, toShIj w. Death, the dead. — sum, todie. Shi-betsu., separated by death.Shi-bito, a dead person. Ski-go^ time Shibl', n. The sap of a tree the thinof death after death.skin round the kernel of a chesnut ; the;Shi, (skis/to), n. Teacher.Shi, n. The name of a plant— the Oxalisjuice expressed from unripe persimmons,used as a stain or varnish.Acetosella.Shieu-gaki, n. ofAn astringent kindpersimmon.Shi, j«, or suru, shita^ t. v. do, to Tobe, to make ; used as a verbalizing affix, ?>Hi&\Ji-ki,-ku, a. Astringent in taste,or substantive verb to words derivedfrom the Chinese. Ai-suru, to love.Hai-suru, to worship.'s>\\\-i>LC\Ki,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be done,finished, completed.SHi-AGE,-r/n\-BA-TATAKi,-ku-ita, V. To wink frequently.austere, morose, or sullen.Shi-bu-ichi. One-fourth ; the thin stripof moulding used by paper-hangersthe name of a composite metal madeof copper three parts <strong>and</strong> silver oneShichi, (jianafsu), ii. Seven. Shichi-jil,seventy. Jil — , seventeen. — bu ichi,one-seventh. — bun. No. 7, the seventh.— banme, the seventh one.Shichi, n. A pawn, pledge, or depositgiven as security for money borrowed.Shichi - kusa, articles that can bepawned. Shichi-motsu^2iTt\c\&?' placedin pawn.Shichi-j6, n. The seven passions, viz:anger, joy, sadness, happiness, love,hatred, <strong>and</strong> desire.Shi-chiku, n. A -purple kind of bamboo.

SHI 237 SHIShi-CHIKL', {ito take), n. String <strong>and</strong> wind (met.) to drown, overwhelm, immerse,SHiDZLME,-rw,-^^j, t. V. To immerse, tosink, put under water, submerge ;SHi-GUMi,->««,-«^a, t. V. To cut <strong>and</strong>instruments of music.or sink in, as lust or wine.Shichi-va, n. A pawnbroker's shop, a Shidzumi,-;««,-«^iz, /. V. To sink, topawnbroker.be submerged or immersed in.Shi-chiu, (icki no naka), n. In the marketShidzu-shidzl-to, adv. Quietly, still ;;the market town.Shi-cho, {{-atni no kaya),n. A mosquitonetsoftly, slowly.Shidzu YAKA-Ni, adv. Quietly, gently,made of paper.slowly, calmly, tranquilly.Shida, «. A fern.Shi-fu, n. Paper cloth,—cloth made byShidai, «. Order, arrangement ; reason, weaving threads made of twisted paper.account, consideration in proportion Shi-fu, {saaturai no naraivashi)., n.;to, according to, as soon as. Deki-shidaiyThe manners or customs of the gen-as soon as it is done. Tsuki-shidai, try.as soon as received.Shi-fu, {knsari ivo todojneru). — suru,S'rf-n Ai, n. The four elements according to counteract or resist putrefaction. —to the Buddhists: viz., earth, water, zaz, antiseptic medicines. — yaku. id.fire, <strong>and</strong> wind.Shi-gai, n. A corpse, dead body.Shidai-ni, adv. Gradually, by degrees, Shi-gaku, n. Contriving, devising, planning.— wo suru., to plan, contrive,by little <strong>and</strong> little.Sijidara, n. Order, system, method,reason, (used with a negative). — naki,devise.SHiGAMi-TSUKi,-/t?

SHI 238 SHIfit together, to prepare the frame ormaterials by fitting <strong>and</strong> joining.SHiGURE,-r«,-/(f, i. V. To rain in showers,to drizzle, only spoken of rain inthe tenth month.Shigure, n. A drizzling shower of rainin the tenth month.Sht-hai, n. Rule, superintendence, management,government, administrationof affairs, control, jurisdiction. — suru^to rule, govern, direct.Shi-hai-.nin, n. A manager, a superintendent,a factor, or agent in a mercantilehouse.Siii-HAMBUN, «. One fourth, a quarter.Shi-han, n. A teacher, instructor.Shi-han-gin, n. A quarter of a catty.Shi-h6, n. The four quarters, or cardinalpoints ;the four sides, all sides.Shiho-happOy on every side, in everydirection.Shi-h6, n. The way, manner of doing,or making anything ; a way, method,course of procedure.SHii,-r«,-/

SHI 239 SHIShikashi, conj. But, still, however, yetnevertheless, notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing. Shikashi-nagaraybut, however, yet, nevertheless.Shika-shika, adv. So <strong>and</strong> so, <strong>and</strong> so on,used in the place of something omitted.Shikashite, adv. Then, afterward, inthat case.Shi-kata, n. Way or method of doing ;treatment, conduct toward othersway of making, resource ;gesture orsign.Shikata-banashi, n. Talking or narratinga story with much gesticulation.Shika-to, adv. Well, fully, certainly,Shikatsuberashii,-/^«, a. Consequential,important, conceited in manner,affected, pedantic, bombastic.%H\-v^.\\K^-ru ,-ta^ t. V. To do or makeover again, to mend.Shike, n. A long rain, or continuedstormy <strong>and</strong> wet weather ; a scarcity offish in the market. Shike biyori., acontinuation of stormy weather.Shikeito, 71. The silk reeled from theoutside of a cocoon, <strong>and</strong> of an inferiorquality.Shi-ketsu-vaku, 71. Styptics, or medicinesthat stop the flow of blood.Shi-ki {yotsu no toAi)., n. The four seasons.Shiki (/>

SHI :40 SHIplace ; to be dismissed.Shikujiri, n. A blunder, mistake, mismanagement; turned out of office orplace, dismission.SHi-KUMi,-;;z«,-«i^a, i. v. To do together,to be partners in, to league,confederate or combine together.Shikuri, adv. Neatly, evenly, smoothly ;harmoniously.Shikon, ft. The root of the Lythospermumcrythrorhizon, used as a dye-stuff.actness, rigorous, or scrupulous nicety ;precision, or regularity ; discipline, order.Shikoxashi, n. Conduct or treatmentof others pains or activity in doing. SHi-MASHi,-i'M,-^a, t. V. To do, to make.;Shikon ASHi,-j«,-^rt, /. v. To thoroughly Nani -wo shimasu., what are you doingscrutinize <strong>and</strong> examine to h<strong>and</strong>le,?;treat or discuss a matter.Shi-matsu {itioto suye)., n. The originShikori, n. An induration, or tumor. <strong>and</strong> end, all the circumstances, economy.— na htto, a careful, economical,Shikoro, «. The back part or cape of ahelmet, which protects the neck.or judicious person. — wo sum, to beShi-koshi,-j«,-M, t. V. To beat another economical, careful.at work, to do more than is required. Shimbari, ;/. A brace, fastening, or prop,Shikoshite, conj. And, it being so.as a stick placed against a door to keepShiku. To be as, to be like, as good as, it shut.or equal to, better than. Kannin. ni Shim-batsu, n. Punishment inflicted byshiku wa nashi^ there is nothing like the Kami, divine punishment. — wopatience.kdtnu7-u.Shim-bex. Divine, miraculous or supernaturalSHiKUjiRi,-r?/,-/;f«, t. V. In doing ormaking anything to spoil it, to mismanage,phenomenon.to commit a mistake, to blunder ;to lose, or be turned out of office orShim-b6, n.continuancePerseverance, diligent oianything pa-patient in ;tience, patient endurance, or bearingwith ;self-denial. — auru, to persesevere,to bear patiently, to hold out,to abstain from.Shimbo, n. Axis, piston. Kotna no—the stem of a top.SiMBOCHi, n. One who experiences achange of heart <strong>and</strong> enters a convent;a novice.Shi-kuse, «. Propensity to do, habit of Shim-boku, n. A sacred tree.doing, way of acting or speaking, habits,Shimbo-nin, n. One who is perseveringmanners.in business, <strong>and</strong> denies himself uselessShiku-shiku, adv. In a low voice, in a pleasures.slight degree. — to naku, to crj' in a Shim-bun {atarashiku kikti), n. News.low voice.— wo noberu^ to tell the news.Shi-kuwan. Filling a public office. — Shim-bun-shi, ti. A newspaper.suru, to engage in official employment. Shime, n. A clasp, b<strong>and</strong> or fastening, asShima, n. An isl<strong>and</strong>.for a fan or umbrella.Shima^ n. The striped figure in cloth. Shime, n. The name of a small bird.Shim.\-dai, n. A st<strong>and</strong> on which branches Shims, ;/. The amount, sum, total.of bamboo, pine, <strong>and</strong> plum, together SHi.ME,-r«,-/(j, t. V. To tighten, to press,with figures of the crane, tortoise, of an squeeze ; to fasten, to make firm, compact,old man <strong>and</strong> woman, are arranged <strong>and</strong>or hard to scold, reprove to; ;set out on marriage occasions, being;shut, close to sum up, add togetheremblematic of virtue, happiness, <strong>and</strong> to take or get possession of Hikiskimeru,long life.to draw tight.Nigiri-shimeru,Daki-shiineru,SHi.MAi,-rt«,-rt/^«, t. V. To be done, toto hug tightly.end, finish, conclude, terminate to squeeze tightly in the h<strong>and</strong>. Kuishimeru,to set;or put away, as anything not in use.to hold tightly in the teeth.Shime-daka, ft. The amount, sum, total.Shi.mai, n. End, conclusion, termination.Skimat-tnono., anything remainingover.Shimeji, u. a kind of mushroom.Shime-gi, «. An oil press.Shi-mai {ane imoto), n. Sisters.Shime-k.\zari, n. The decorationsShi-.m.\ki, n. A shower of rain.straw-rope, pine, bamboo, charcoal,ToofSHni.\Ri,-rie,-tta, crab, fern, etc., hung over the door ati. v. be tight,tense, pressed together, close, compact, the beginning of the new year.shut, closed to be strict or careful in Shime-kiri-do, n. A blank or false door.;conduct ; to be exact, precise, rigorous ;Shime-koroshi,-j?

^fants, also called o-shivie.Shimete, adv. In all, the sum, amount.SHiME-TSUKE,-r?

SHI242 SHISHiMUKE,-r«,-/a, t. V. To do or act SHiNAi,-a«,-//«, i. V. To be bent, crooked,towards others, to treat, behave or conducttowards, to manage, to give, bestow.curved, said of ariPthing long <strong>and</strong>slender.Shixa-jixa, adv. Many or various things,Shimuke, n. Treatment, mode of con^ different articles or kinds.ducting, dealing, or managing.Shina-katachi, n. Form, figure, shape.Shin, {kavti.) n. The deities of the SintooShina-moxo, a thing, article ; kind orreligion, God ; divine, most excel-quality of anything.lent, superior. Shin-jin, the spirit or Shi-nan, «. Teaching, instruction. —soul of man. Shin-kt\ vigor of body, suru, to teach, to show how.SHi-NAOSHi,-.s-?/,-^a, V. To energy. Shin-rei^ the soul, spirit./. mend, repair,Shin-riki^ divine power. Skin-taku^to alter, to make over.SHi-NARE,-r«,-^j, z. V. To be used ordivine communication, inspiration.accustomed to do or make, to learn todo, to be skilful in doing or making.Shin-tokri, divine virtues, or attributes.Shin-tsu^ divine power.Shin, (atarashii^ a. New. — sku^ newwine. — nen^ the new year. — takii,a new house. — cka^ new tea.Shin, {kerai), n. The retainer, vassal,serf or servant of a noble ; minister of aprince ; officer, a subject.Shin, {kokoro), n. The heart ; the wickof a c<strong>and</strong>le ; the pith of a tree ; thesmall paper cone which supports thehairs of a pencil the heart or core offruit.;Aku shitty a bad heart ; immorality.Shin-chin^ in the heart. Shinjutsu^the thoughts, devices, mentaloperations. Shin-kara^ from the heart,sincerely, heartily. Shin-ki^ melancholy,depression of spirits, Shinriyokuythe mind <strong>and</strong> strength. Skinrb^mental trouble. Shin-sOy fancy,imagination. Shin-tei^ the bottom ofthe heart. Shtn-tsUy care, trouble,anxiety.Shin, {makotd)^ a. Real, genuine, true.— «z, indeed, really, truly.Shin, (rnakoto otodzure)^ n. Truth, faith,sincerity, fidelity ;word, tidings, communication.1V0 toruy to believe, tobe devout. — ivo tsudzuru, to sendword. Skin-jin, devotion, piety, faith.Shin.\, n. A thing, article ; kind or qualityof a thing ; events or circumstances.Shina, n. China.Shina. a suffix to verbs, = upon, when,at the moment of. Yuki-skina ni^upon going. Varna wo koye-skina ni,when crossing the mountain.SHiNADi,-rw,-^a, i. V. To wilt, to beginor lean towards ; to act in a soft, sweet,or loving manner to one of another sex.Shina-gire, n. To be out or deficient ofany article of merch<strong>and</strong>ise, having soldall.Shi-xashi, «. Treatment, behavior, wayof acting or doing.SHi-NAWASE,-r;^-/rt, caust. of shinai.To cause to bend, to make crooked.Shixavaka, a. Soft <strong>and</strong> flexible, pliant,delicate, limber, graceful.Shixaye, n. A bamboo sword used forfencing.SHiXAVE,-r?

SHI 243 SHIkoric^ to be left alive, to escape death,—all the others having died. Shinisokonaii^to outliae one's time or usefulness,to fail to die. Skini-tavern,cut off by death, to die out. Shiniivakareru^to be separated by death.Skini-yamai^ a mortal or deadly dis-Shini, «. Death.Shini-gao, 71. The face of one dead.Shini-mono-gurui, n. Desperation. —wo suru.^ to fight with desperation.Shi-nin, «. A dead person. — ni kuchinashi., = dead men tell no tales.Shi-nise, n. Carrying on, conducting,management.Shin-ja, n. A devout, religious persona believer, a saint.SHiNji,-f/3;

SHI 244 ShiShin-zoku, n. Kindred, relations, connectionson both sides.Shio, 71. Salt ; the water of the ocean,the tide. — "wo yaku^ to make salt.— 7ii tsukeru^ to salt, or pickle.Shio, n. Gamboge.Shio-biki, n. Salted, or pickled salmon.Shio-buro, n. A salt-water bath.Shi-ochi, n. Mistake, omission, oversight.Shiode, n. Straps or cords attached toboth sides of a saddle for securing theflap, or tying on a lantern.Shio-dzuke, n. Pickled, or salted food.Skio-hama, n. The salt beach wheresalt is made.Shio-hayui,-/^/,->^m,-jA/, a. Salt in taste,salty.Shio-hi, «. The beach over which thetide ebbs <strong>and</strong> flows.Shio-kara, n. A kind of food made bysalting fish.SHio-KARAi,--^/,-/t?

SHI 245 SHIwo hashoru, to tuck up the skirts ofthe long coat.S)Hmi,-rii^-tta, t. V. To know, to underst<strong>and</strong>.Skiri-kiivaine7-ti^ to know perfectlyor to the utmost.Shiri-ai, n. An acquaintance, mutuallyacquainted.Shiri-ashi. Hesitation, pausing in doubt,or st<strong>and</strong>ing ready to go back. — wofumu,to recede or go back.Shiri-bito, n. An acquaintance.Shiri-gai, 7t. A crupper.Shiri-gomi, n. Moving or walking backwards,receding, holding back as infear.Shiri-me, as, Skiritne ni iniru^ to looka.skant, or out of the comer of the eye,to look down on.Shi-rin-sha, n. A four-wheeled carriage.Shi-riyo, (shmda hito no tainashii) ^ n.The spirit of a dead person.Shi-rivo, n. Thought, consideration,reflection.Shi-rivo, (wataktishi no riydbun)^ n. Shiru-ke, m. Juicy, succulent.One's own estate or territory.Shiru-ko, n. A sauce made of red beansShiri-uma, as, Shiri-mna ni noru^ to <strong>and</strong> sugar, eaten with rice-cake.ride behind another on horseback ; to SHiRrsARE,-ri'(;,-/«, pass, of ShirusJti.slavishly imitate another.Written, recorded, marked.Shiri-ve, n. Behind. — ni tatsu, to Shirushi,-^-?^,-/^, /. z'. To write down,or sign whichknown, a token, symptom,Shirizoke,-^?/ ,-/(?, t. V. cause toa badge, crest ; signal ;proof,retire, retreat or leave ; to drive back, evidence.to cause to withdraw, to expel.Shi-sai, n. Reason, cause, motive ; matter,particulars, circumstances.Shirizoki,-/^//,-/V

SHI 246 SHIShishi-gashira, n. A mask like a lion'shead, used by Daikagura.Shishi-mai, n. The dance performed bythe Daikagura.Shishi.mura, n. The flesh on the ham<strong>and</strong> thigh.Shi-shin, {waiakushi gokoro).,n. Selfishness,private interest.Shi-sho, n. A teacher, master.SHi-soKONAi,-ij:«,-a/^a, t. V. To mar,hurt, injure, or spoil in doing, or makinganything ; to do amiss.Shi-soku, n. Son, used in speaking respectfullyof the son of another. Gos/iisoku., your son.Shi-soku, (yotsu ashi)^ n. Four-footed,a quadruped.SHi-soME,-r?/,-i'«, t. V. To begin to do,to do for the first time.Shi-scn, n. Posterity, descendant.SH;-soNji,-^2wr?c ,-/«. t. v. To hurt, mar,injure, or spoil in doing or making anything.Common soldiers.Sh.'-sotsu, n.Shisso, n. Economj-, frugality, plainness,or simplicity in dress or food.Sh;su, or shisuru. To die.SHi-suMASHi,-.y«,-/a, t. r/. To finish doingor making anything, to accomplish.SH'TA, n. The tongue. — ivo maku^or — vjofuril., to be struck with fear orawe.Shita, {skimo)., post-posit. Below, beneath,under, down ; inferior, low inrank or excellence ; subordinate. —kara deru^ to humble one's self.Shita, n. Anything given in lieu ofsomething else, or to make up the differencein value of things bartered. —ni toru^ to take in lieu.Shita- BA, n. The lowermost leaves of atree.SHiTACAi,-rt?

SHI 247 SHO;Shita-uchi, n. A clicking, or smacking Shi-tsu-zai, n. Anodyne medicines.sound made with the tongue,Shiito, {netami), n. Envy, jealousy.Shitawashii,-/^^, a. Anything longed — j?/:rw, to be jealous.for, desired, yearned after.Shittsui, 71. Loss, waste, or sinking ofShita-ye, n. The first draught of a picture,money from useless expenditure.first copy of a drawing.Shi-i'chi, n. Treatment, behavior orShitchi, n. Wet or moist ground.conduct towards others.Shite, //. or Shi^ sum. Being, doing;SiiiWA, 71. Wrinkles, folds, rumples<strong>and</strong>, then, moreover. Nani -wo —; a/>«, crease.what are you doing? Hito wo shite Shivvabuki, n. Clearing the throat, hemming.yorokobashiinu^ to cause joy to others.Shite, «. The principal character in a SHiwAGARE,-r«,-^a, i. zi. To be hoarse.drama or play.Shite, n. The doer, maker. Kono shigoteno — %va dare, who did this work ?Skiivagare-goye.^ avoice.Shivvai,-;^/,-;^?

SHO 248 SHOSho, n. A measure, either dry or liquid,equal to ten^^, or 109,752 cub. inches ; alittle more than one qt. one pt. <strong>and</strong> ahalf gill imperial measure.Sho, {c/iiisai). Small, little in size ;alittle in quantity. Sho ?io tsuki, 3ishonmonth of 29 days. Dai sho^ large <strong>and</strong>small.Sho. — suru, to call, name, designate,denominate.Sh6-ai, 71. Nature, quality.Sho-bai, n.also anyMercantile business, trade ;business or occupation. —suru, to trade, traffic.Sho-batsu, a. Reward <strong>and</strong> punishment.Sho-ben, n. Urine. — ivo suru^ tovurinate.Sh6-bi, n. Praise, applause, commendation.— suru^ to praise.Sh6-bu, (kachi 7nake)^ n.victory or defeat, a contest.Win or lose,— luokessuru^ to decide a contest. Sho-bugotoyany kind of game of skill, contest.Sh6-bu, n. The sweet flag, Acorus Calamus.its.Sho-dai. Invitation. — suru., to invite,call.Sho-doku, n. Counteracting poison. —suru^ to counteract a poison. — yakzi^or — za/, an antidote to a poison.Sh6-fu, n. A starch made of wheatflour.Sho-GA, «. Ginger.Sho-gai, {iki no kagiri), n. Life, periodor duration of life, life-long. Issko-gai^the whole life.Shogaklbo, w. a large kind of turtle.Sho-gatsu, «. The first month.Sho-gengi, n. A quadrant.Sh6-gi, n. A camp stool.Sh6-gi, n. The game of chess.Sh6-gi, n. A wooden mallet used forstriking a fire-bell.Sho-givo, {pkonau tokoro)^ n,. Actions,conduct, deeds, doing.Sho-gun, n. A general, comm<strong>and</strong>er-inchiefof an army.Sho-i, {7tasu tokoro^., n. The deed, doing,work ;cause, reason ; effect, consequence,result.Sho-jaku, (sAomoisu), n. A book.Sho-ji, {motsu tokoro), n. Property,possession, that which one owns. —suru^ to have, to own, possess.Sh6-ji, tt. A window or door-sash coveredwith thin paper. GiyaDian —a glass window.?>Hb]i^-dzurzi,-jtia^ {iimareru)^ t. or i. v.To produce, beget, bring forth, bear ;to create, make, to cause to exist orarise, develop, to be manifested.Sho-jiki. Honest, simple-hearted ; frank,sincere, unsophisticated.Sh6-jin, n. Abstaining from fish orflesh, when attending religious dutiestoor on days of mourning.Sho-j6, n. A letter, epistle, dispatch,document.Sh6-j6, {isagiyoi). Clean, free from defilement.Sh6-j6, n. The orang-outang.Sh6-j6-hi, n. Red woolen cloth.Sho-kachi, n. Female gonorrhcea orleucorrhcea.Sho-kan, n. A letter, epistle, dispatch,document.Sh6-Chi, «. Consent, permission, assent, Sh6-katsu-biy6, n. Diabetes.— suru, to know, feel, be aware of, to Sho-ke, ti. A common Budd. priest ofunderst<strong>and</strong>, concur in, to consent, assentto, accede, grant.Sh6-ki, «. Right mind or senses. — wothe lowest order.Sho-chi, «. The management, conduct tishinaiiy to lose one's right mind, toof business, treatment, or direction of become delirious. — ni naru^ to comea matter ;business, matter. — suru^ to one's self.to manage, direct, deal with.Sho-kix, n. Aloney or cash—not barter.Sho-chiu, «. Alcohol, or distilled spir-— de kauy to buy with money, to paythe cash.Sho-kin-zai, n. Antiphlogistic medicines.Shokkaku, n. A dependant, one whodepends on another for support.Sh6-ko, «. Proof, testimony, evidence.Sh6-ko-nin, «. A witness.Shoku, n. Trade, mechanical employment,business, duty, office.Shoku, {kurau). Eating, taking food,appetite. — surUy to eat. — bun,something or enough to eat. Fu —no appetite.Shoku, {iomos/iibi), n. A light, lamp.Shoku-b.a, h. The place where a workm<strong>and</strong>oes his work.Shoku-bun, n. One's duty, branch ordepartment of work, the part of one'sbusiness or employment.Shoku-dai, «. A c<strong>and</strong>le-stick, lampst<strong>and</strong>.Shoku-do, n. The gullet, aesophagus.Shokl-givo, n. Business, proper work,duty, occupation.Shoku-ji, {ku-koto,) n. Eating, takingfood, appetite. — wa ikaga, how isyour appetite ?n

SHOShoku-jo, n. The Weaver or the starVega, near the Milky-way.Shoku-motsu, (kui fnono)y n. Food, articlesfood, victuals, provisions.of Shoku-nin, n. A mechanic, artisan.Shoku-riyo, n. Provisions, materials foreating, food.Shoku-sen, n. A woollen table cover.Shoku-sho, «. Pain, or sickness producedby something eaten, indigestion.Shoku-tai, n. Indigestion.Sho-kuwa, n. Digestion. — no ivaruimono^ an indigestible thing.Sh6-ku\vai, n. A mercantile company,or firm.Sho-kuwan, n. A mercantile house.Shoku-ye, {kegare ni ftireru). Ceremonialuncleanness.Shoku-yoku, {tabetai^ n. The desirefor food, appetite.Shombori-to, adv. Little, small in quantity,solitary, alone.Sho-metsu, f^kiye horobti7-ii). — suru.,to put an end to, to blot out, expunge.Zai-slio — , to blot out sins.Sh6-mi, «. The true or exact weight, thereal substance or essence separated fromSho-m6, (^nozo7ni)^ n. That which onedesires or hopes for ;also = " encore,"when used to bring back a geisha.Sho-mon, n. A bond, voucher, certificate,debenture, <strong>and</strong> writing made asevidence or in proof of a transaction.Sho-motsu, n. A book.Sh6-ne, n. Sensation, sense, feeling,disposition, temper. — wo us/tinau,to lose one's senses. — ivo ireru, togive close attention ; to endow withsense, as an idol.Sho-nen, n. One young in years, a youngSho-ni, n. A little child.Sho-nin, n. A merchant.Sho-nin, h. a witness.Sho-niu-seki, n. A stalactite.Sh6-n6, n. Crude camphor.Sho-rai, n. Nature, essential quality ofany thing.Sh6-ri, n. Victory or advantage in acontest, mastery.Sho-rin, «. A bookstore,Srio-RiYo, n. Estate, territory, dominion,jurisdiction.Sh6-r6, n. A bell-tower.Sh6-r6, n. Indisposition, sickness.Sho-rui, {ikeru tagu'i), n. Things thathave animal life, animal kingdom.Sho-sa, n. Conduct, actions, deeds, behavior,doings.H*249Shosa-goto. Moving the h<strong>and</strong>s to music,as dancers.Sho-sai, n. A library, study, or readingSho-san. — siiru^ to bring forth a stillbornchild, or bring forth prematurely.Sho-san-gin, n. Nitrate of silver, or lu-;Sho-sei, n. A pupil, scholar, student.Sho-seki, n. Nitrate of potash, saltpetre.Sho-seki-san, n. Nitric Acid.Sho-sen, adv. In the end, at last, afterall the conclusion or sum of the wholematter ; the result.Sho-sen, {akinai bune^ n. A merchantship.Sho-sha, «. A mercantile company orfirm.Sho-sai. Pitiful, sad, to be commiserated.— fza koto., a sad business.Sho-shi, n. A book-store.Sho-shiki, 71. All kinds of things, commodities,goods.Sh6-shin, {nobori sMsu>nu), n. Promotion,advancement in rank or office. —suru.Sho-shitsu, {ya/fe tiseru). Consumed,or burnt up.Sho-sho, n. A writing to certify to anything,or as evidence ; a deed, certificate.Yaku-jd., a deed of contract.Sh6-sh6, adv. A little in quantity ordegree.Sh6-soku,'«. Word, tidings, message,account. — ivo suru., to send word.Sho-sui, {yase otoroyeru). — suru., tobecome emaciated, or cadaverous.Sho-sui, «. Urine.Sho-tai, n. Holding property, keepinghouse. — 1U0 motsu., to be a householder,or to keep house. — dogu.,house-keeping articles.Sho-tai, {makoto no karada^ fi. Trueor real person or ciia.acter, naturalcondition of mind or bcdy. Sake niyote — wo ushinaii.^ he was so drunkhe was not himself.Sho-tatsu. — suru., to attain to eminencein, be proficient or adept in.Shotchiu, adv. Always, constantly, incessantly.Sho-te, (haj'ime,) n. The first, beginning,commencement. — kara., fromthe first or beginning.Sno-TOKt'. That which one earns orgets ; income, revenue, earnings, perquisiles.Sho-toku, {uDiaretsuki^ adv. Naturally,by force of one's nature, inborn,constitutionally.

Sho-ya, n. The head man of a village.Sho-yaku, n. A secretary, clerk, writer.Sho-yen, n. Relationship, connection ;acquaintance, friend, or helper.Sho-yen-zai, n. Antifebrile medicines,febrifuge.Sho-y6, {mochiiru tokorti)^ n. Anythingwhich' one uses. Kore wa watakushi— da^ this is a thing which I use.Sh6-v6, «. Urine. — j«r/^, to urinate.Shoyu, n. Soy, a kind of sauce made offermented wheat <strong>and</strong> beans.Sh6-za, {kami za,) n. The upper orhighest seat in a room, or assembly.Sh6-z6, {nitaru katachi), n. A likeness,portrait.Sh6-20KU, tiy Dress, garb, clothes, uniform,livery, trapping, adorning.Sho-zoku. Belonging to, subject to, underthe dominion or power of.Sho-zox, {ptno tokoro,) n.The thoughts,what one is thinking about, mind,opinion. — no hoko, different fromwhat was expected.Shu, n. Vermillion, cinnabai, red ink.— de kaku, to write with red ink.Shu, (nus/ti), n. Lord, master. — tosuru, to make it the prime object.Shu. The many, the multitude, the people; a plural particle. — j'i'i-, the people,all men. Yaku7iinsku^ the officers.Hiyakusho-shu^ the farmers.Shu, (kuni)^ n. _A state, province. Choshil^the province of Nagato.Shu-bi, {hajijue oiua7-{), adv. or n. Frombeginning to end, case, opportunity,time. — yokii^TAX has passed off well,favourably, or fortunately.Shu-biki, n. Drawing a red line along^yords, or on maps to mark boundarylines.Shu-bun, n. The autumnal equinox.Shu-dan, (tetate), n. Plan, scheme, way,device. — ga tsukanu, can't deviseany plan.Shu-doku, n. Indigestion or pain in thestomach from excessive drinking of ardentspirits.Shu-dzumi, n. Red ink.Siiu-FUKU. — siiru., to repair, as a building,fence, wall.Shu-gi, 11. An assembly of persons forconsultation or deliberation ; the wholecouncil. — ?'«, parliament, congress,convention.ShC-gi, {iwai,) n. Congratulation, felicitation,compliment.S\j-G\\6^{pkonat wo osaweru)., n. Regulatingthe conduct, self discipline ; thepractice, study, or cultivation of virtue,250 SHUscience or accomplishments. — suruto practice, study, cultivate, to do.Shu-giy6-ja, w. a religionist, devoteepilgrim.Shu-go, {mamoru). — suru., to guard,protect, keep, preserve, watch over.Shu-goku-shi, n. A gaoler, sherifi.Shu-i, 71. The principal purpose, mainobject, chief end, intention point,;purport or subject of a matter ; the motive.Shu-in, n. A red seal, or stamp.Shu-jaku, n. Excessive fondness or attachmentfor anything ; fascination, infatuation.Shu-jin, {,nusht, aruj'i), n. Lord, master.Shu-jitsu, n. The whole day, frommorning to night.Shu-j6, {moro-hito^ n. All the living,men, all mankind.Shu-ju, {kusa gusd). Many kinds, variouskinds.Shu-ki, {sake no ki^ n. The taste, orsmell of wine.Shu-kiku, {mart ivo keru^ n. Playingat foot-ball.Shu-kin, {tenugui.,) n. A h<strong>and</strong>kerchief.Shu-kivo, «. Exhilarated with wine.Shuk-kaku, {kaku wo idzurii). Extraordinarj',different from the usual method,rule, or order ; exception.Shukke, {iye wo idziiru,) n. Forsakinghome, surname, <strong>and</strong> the world, to entera Buddhist monastery a Bonze, or;Buddhist priest.Shukkix, {idc-tsutomeru") . Attendingto one's official duties away fromhome.Shukicuw.\, n. The breaking out of aconflagration or fire.Shu-k6, {omontuki^ n. Plan, contrivance; design, style ; an act, play, orperformance in a theatre. — suru, toplan, design.Shuku, «. A constellation,— of such the<strong>Japanese</strong> reckon 28.Shuku, n. A lodging place, a post-stationor place where relays of horses <strong>and</strong>coolies are kept. — suru, to stop, tolodge at a hotel or inn.Shuku, {iwau). Congratulation, felicitation,celebration. Shinncn wo — suru,to celebrate the new year.Shuku-b.\, n. A post-station, or haltingplace, a lodging place.Shuku-b6, n. A temple, in which travelersmay rest or lodge.Shuku-g6, n. Deeds done in a previousstate of existence, for which retributionsare received in this.

,<strong>and</strong>SHU 251Shuku-guwan, «. An old or longcherisheddesire.Shu-shi, n. A religious sect, or denomi-Shu-seki-san, n. Tartaric acid.Shuku-h6, n. Guns fired in honor of nation.anyone, or to celebrate any occasion. Shu-sh!N, (Jcokoro wo torn). Earnest desire,ambition, hope, aspiration ;— luo suru^ to fire a salute.passionShuku-i, n. Malice, enmity or grudge for, fondness for, attachment.of long st<strong>and</strong>ing.Shu-soku, (fe ashi,) n. H<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong>Shuku-sei, {jnaye no yo^ n. A previousstate of existence.Shus-san, n. Parturition. — suru.^ toShuku-sui, n. Drunkenness continued bear, to beget, bring forth a child.for several days.Shus-sei, {yo ni deru). Rising in theShu-kuwai, {tsudoi-au^ n. An assembly, world, rising in rank, dignity, or fortune;an assemblage, meeting. — suru, toprospering in business, leavingassemble.the world to enter a monastery.Shum-bun, n. The spring equinox. Shus-sei, {set luo dasu). Putting forthShO-mon, n. Religious sect.strength, striving or exerting one's selfShu-motsu, {dekit/to/to,) n. A sore, to do anything. — sum.ulcer, or boil on the skin.?)nvs-SEK\., {seki ye ideru). Going to anShun, {haru^ n. Spring time when any assembly, or meeting.;article of food is in season.Shus-sen, {de/une). The sailing or departureShu-nen, n. Ambition, unceasing desire,hope, longing or aspiration after anything.of a ship.Shus-shi, n. Attendance on officialShu-nen, n. The whole year.duties, official service.Shus-sho, {uvtare deru). — sum., to beShu-n6, (osatueru^) n. (fathering, collectingborn, to beget.Shus-sho, {deru tokoro^ n. The placerevenue, receipts, collections.;Shii-no-cho^ a. book in which the sumspaid in or collected are registered.from which a thing has originated orcome forth ;origin, beginning.Shuppan, n. Sailing out of port, setting Shusu, n. Satin.sail. — suru, to set out on a voyage.Shut-cho, {debari). — sum, to leaveShu-sudzuri, «. A red ink stone.Shuppan, «. Publishing, editing. — sttru,home <strong>and</strong> open shop, to do business into publish, or edit.another place, to go forth <strong>and</strong> commenceShuppon, (idete hashiru). Running military operations.away, absconding. — suru, to run or Shu-t6, {uye-ddso,) n. Vaccine disease,flee away, to abscond.vaccination, — sjiru, to vaccinate.Shu-ren, n. Penurious, stingy, parsimonious,ShO-to, n. Father-in-law.miserly.Shu-to-me, n. Mother-in-law.Shu-ren, {narai-neru,) n. Skill or dexterityShut-tsu, {minato wo deru). Leavingacquired by long practice.port, exportation.Shu-ren. Astringent. — j«r«, to be Shutsu-gen, {arawarem). The appearingor manifestation of an invisible be-astringent ; to constringe, constrict, tobe penurious.ing. Kami ga — shi-tamau.Shu-ren-zai, n. Astringent medicines. Shutsu-n6_, {dashi ire,) n. ExpendituresShu-Riken, n. A dirk, used by throwing.money. — sum, to pay out, <strong>and</strong> re-receipts, paying out <strong>and</strong> taking inShu-ro, n. A small brazier for warming ceive money.the h<strong>and</strong>s.'Si\i\i-v%\3-7.A,{zaye dem). — suru, to goShu-ro, n. A species of palm-tree, palmetto.<strong>and</strong> take one's seat in an assembly ormeeting.Shu-r6, n.restaurant.Shut-tai, {dekiru). — sum, to be done,Shu-ro, «. A bell-tower, belfry.made;to finish.Shu-ron, n. A dispute between religious Shu-va. The whole night.sects. — surii^ to dispute about Shu-yen, {sakatnori,) n. A banquet,feast, or entertainment, where wine is aShu-rui, n. Kind, class, species, varieties.Shu-vu, {sukoshi no aida). A short time,principal article.Shusabi, n. A nose red <strong>and</strong> swollen from an instant, moment.drinking spirits.So, a. Coarse, rude, rough, unpolished,Shu-seki, n. H<strong>and</strong>writing, penmanship.inelegant thin, not close together.;So-butsu, anything coarse in texture

SOB 252 SODor make, or form. So-cha^ coarse orinferior tea. So-juku^ coarse clothes.So-gon, vile language. So-jiki^ meanfood. So-tnitsii, coarse or fine. Soshoku^coarse food. So-shu, bad wine.So na mouo^ a coarse thing.So, (senzo^ n. Ancestor, progenitor.VVaga w, my ancestor. So-biyo^ ancestraltemple. So-do, gr<strong>and</strong>mother.precipitous, to be erect.So-ifu, gr<strong>and</strong>father.SoBAD.\TE,-r«,-^a, t. V. To erect, or putSo, n. The strings used as a warp for in a perpendicular position ; to slope,floor matting. Tatanii so -mo umiu.slant, or stretch out. Mimi wo — , toSo, {bodzu^ n. A Buddhist priest, a prick up the ears. Ashi ivo — , to st<strong>and</strong>bonze. So-zokti^ the clergy <strong>and</strong> laity. on tiptoe.So, adv. So, thus, this way, this manner.— de wa ni^ it is not so. — shite peated ; as, Ni-sobai, twofold, or twiceS6-B.\i. The same quantity added, or re-oku^ let it be as it is.as much.So, {siibete^ a. The whole. — taka^ the SoBA-i, n. Sitting apart, or away fromwhole amount. — shime^ whole sum, others in an offended or sulky manner.total. Sd-betsu, all or singlj'-, together SoBAic^SU, n. Freckles.or separately. So-iei, the whole SoBAME,-rz

253 SOK;;So-HATSU, n. The hair unshaven, longSoDATE,-r?^,-/rt, t. V. To raise, to bringup, rear up, to cause to grow, cultivate.hair.So-Ho, {ri'yd-ho), «. Both sides, bothSoDE, «. The sleeve of a garment. Sode-gaki,parties, both persons.a short fence adjoining a So-l, {nioki kokoro)., ii. Distant, strange,house. Sode-gdro^ a small censer used cold, or unfriendly in feeling treatingby carrying in the sleeve. Sode-jiriis/ii\;with neglect ; mostly connected with athe badge or coat of arms worn on negative ; as, Soi-tiaku.^ without reservetheor neglect, intimate, friendly.sleeve. Sode-kiichi^ the end or7i. Difference, discrepancy,—mistake, hole of a sleeve, the cuff.So-i, {ai-tago)^SoDE-MAKURA, «. A pillow made of thearm <strong>and</strong> sleeve. — luo skite neru^ without fail.error, failure. naku^sleeping with his arm for a pillow.S6i,-^,-^^rt, I. V. To be at the side of,So-DKN, (ai tstitaye), n. H<strong>and</strong>ed down near to, along with ; added, joined,or transmitted from one generation to united, annexed, or associated with, appended.Ka7ua ni sote yuku., to goanother, inherited. — no yakii-hoSoDENAi,-/&/,-/&«, a. Different from what along, or follow the course of the river.it should be ; not true, insincere, false. Koko7-o 7710 7iii 7ti sowadzu^ to lose one's— mono^ counterfeit article.presence of mind.SoDE-NASHi, n, A vest or jacket withoutSoi-BiSHi, 71. Sleeping together.sleeves.Soi-MONo, n. Anything that appertains,SoDE-TOME, n. The sewing up of part belongs to, or is alwaj's associated withof the sleeve when a child becomes something else, an appendage ;as, y'aabout five years old so as to make a wii yu77ii 711 — , the arrow belongs topocket.the bow.SoDE-UTSUSHi, 71, H<strong>and</strong>ing anything secretlySoi-NE, 71. Sleeping together.Ato another through the sleeve. SoiTSU, n. word of contempt, thatSo-Do, n. Disturbance, riot, tumult, uproar,row, war. — wo suru^ to make arascal, that fellow also that thing, oraffair.disturbance.So-iu. That kind, such, that way, thatSo-DOKU, 71. Syphilis.manner. — koto de wa ««/, there is noSo-DOKU, n. Reciting the names of the such thing.Chinese characters without learningCleaning, putting to rights, puttingSoji, 71.their meaning, as children in first.learningin order by sweeping or dusting.to read.for the mostSo-DoSHivoRi, 11. A magistrate of a city,SojiTE, adv. Generally,part, commonly, all, universally.town, or village, selected from the commonSo-j6, {uttaye gaki), 7t. A written pe-people.tition, memorial, or complaint to offi-SoDzu, n. The effigy of a man, used to cials.So-jUTSU, 7t. The art of using the spear,scare animals or birds from a grainfielda scarecrow.the spear exercise.;So-GAMi, 71. Unshaven head, long hair. So-KEN, 71. The white garment worn bySo-GAN-Kivo, 71. An opera-glass.a priest, a surplice.SoGARE,-r7^,-i?(T,/aj.s-. <strong>and</strong>/^/. oi Sogi.^X.0 So-KEN, (sukoyaka). f trong, robustbe sliced or cut off.hale, healthy.SoGE,-r?c,-2'rt, i. V. To be cut, pared, or SoK-KA, pro. You, (used in addressinganother respectfully).sliced obliquely, to be splintered tocut or get rid of an unwelcome companion.SoKKENAi,-/^/,-/^«, a.courteous.Uncivil, rude, un-So-GEKi, n. Sudden difficulty, pressing SoK-Kix, n. Ready money, cash paidemergency.down. — de kau, to buy for cash.SoGE-soGE, adv. Cut up into various Sok-k6, n. Immediate action, or quickoperation of medicines instant re-; shapes, discordant, disagreeing, disunited.SoGi,-^/^,-z^a, t. V. To cut or pare offobliquely, as in pointing a pencil orstake ; to slice off, to chip off. Sekihitsic1V0 —So-GO, (Jczii-chigaii) — surii^ to cross,oppose, be contrary to, not to suit oragree.lief.SoK-KOKU, adv. In a moment, instantly,immediately, at once.SoK-KON, adz'. Now, at once, this moment,immediately.SoK-Ko-SHi, «. The name of a medicinalplaster.SoKKURi, adv. All just as they are with-

SOK 254 SOMout disturbing or moving ; entirely,wholly. — ni shite oke.SoKO, adv. That place, there, that.SoKO, n. The bottom, the lowest partof anything. — ^vo tataku^ to emptyto the last particle, as by striking the SoKLRO, «. A bribe, or present made tobottom of a measure when turned up. gain the favor of another. — wo iau,SoKO, n. The wall or rampart of a castle,to employ bribes.the earth thrown out of a ditch or SoKU-SAi. Free from sickness, misfor-intrenchment <strong>and</strong> used as a defence. tune or evil. — ni kuraskite oru.SoKOBAKU, adv. A good deal, much, SoKU-SEN, ti. Snuffers.many.SoKU-SHi, n. Sudden death, dying onSoKODE, cdnj. Then, after that, whereupon.the spot.SOKU-SOKU, adv. Quietly, softly, gent-SoKO-DZU.Mi, n. Packed or stowed away ly-in the bottom of a ship, box, etc. SoKU-TAi, n. The court costume.SoKOHAKA-TO-NAKU, adv. Without object,SoKU-To, n. Immediate or instant an-or special reason.swer replying at once.SoKOHi, n. Amaurosis.;So-KUTSU, 71. The den of a wild beast.SoKO-i, n. Secret, concealed or latent SoKa-ZA, adv. On the spot, immediately,while sitting.thoughts or intentions, reservation.SoKO-KiMi, n. The deep or latent feelingSoMA-BiTO, n. A woodman, wood-chop-or emotion which is felt but not per.manifesledj like the shudder which is SoMARi,-r7

SOM 255 SORfashion.SoN-Kivo, {77iura ni oru), n. Residingin thecoiintry.SoN-KiYo, (jtattobi uya77iau). — surUyto honor <strong>and</strong> respect, to reverence, venerate,to hallow. Kaj/ii wo — suru.,to reverence the Ka77ii.SoNNA, a. That kind, such, so much. —koto de wa «az, it is not that kind ofbean.So-RAN, «. Disturbance, commotion, war.SoRANji,-rz/,-i'«, t. y. To recite frommemory, to commit to memory,SoRASE,-rz

SOR 256 SOTSore, pro. That. — demo yoi\ thatwill do. — kara^ after that, then. —yuye^ on that account, therefore. —kore^ this <strong>and</strong> that, here <strong>and</strong> there,about. — dake^ that muca. Sore-sore^that <strong>and</strong> that, each <strong>and</strong> every one./. SoRE,-r«,-^d;, V. To glance, or fiy offobliquely, to be offended or turnedaway ;to be bent, curved, to deviatefrom the right way, deflected.i. SoRE,-r^/,-i'a, v. To be shaved.SoREGASHi. A certain person, used whenthe name is unknown;also, I.So-REi, n. Obsequies, funeral ceremonies,funeral.So-REN, 71.noeuvres.Drill, exercise, training, ma-— sum., to drill, train, orpractice the exercises, as military ornaval.SoRE-VA, n. An arrow that has glanced,or flown wide of the mark.So-Ri, n. The pores of the skin.SoRi,-r«,-^a, t. V. To shave. Hige ivo.i. SoRi,-ru,-iia, v. To bend backwardsor outwards, to warp, to curve, to leantowards. Sotte aruku., to walk bendingback.SoRi, n. A bend, curve, crook, arch ; thecurved back of a sword. — ga aivajtu.,to offend or grate upon the feelings, tobe incongruous.SoRi, n. Skates ; also, a sled, or sleigh.SoRi-HASHi, n. An arched bridge.SoRi-KAYE,-r;/,-^a, ^. z*. To bend backwards,to warp.SoRi-KE, n. The refuse hair that hasbeen shaved off.S0-RIY.A.KU, a. Careless, neglectful, treatingwith slight, indifference, inattention,or disrespect. — ni sum., to treat withneglect, to slight, to do carelessly, orcoarsely.So-Rivo, n. Eldest son.So-Riu, n. The line of descent by ayounger son, not by primogeniture.SoROBAN, n. A calculating machine, abacus.— sum., to calculate or reckon onthe abacus.SoROi,-^,-

SOT 257 SUDSoTO-GAMAYE, 71. The outside inclosure SO, (Jiadzu^ 7t. The number, several,of a castle.an indefinite number less than ten. —SoTO-GAWA, n. The outside.ja 71171.^ several tens of men. — hnyaku.,several hundred. — «£•«, severalSoTO-GURUMA, 71. A paddle-whecl. —7iojdkisen, a paddle-wheel steamer.years. — /i(?«, several times. — gaku.,SoTOMO, 71. The outside.the science of numbers, arithmetic. —SoTO-NORi, w. The outside dimensions _;'/«, several men. — kado^ severaltimes. — kajo^ several items, severalSoTSU, 71. A foot-soldier.articles, as of a treaty or contract.SoTsu, n. The waste, refuse, imperfect, SuAi, 71. A pedlar, broker.or damaged goods usually found in a SuASHi, 71. Bare feet.large lot ; also waste, or useless work. SuBAKURI-NUKE,-r«,-Z'^, /. V. To sHpSoTSuji, ad7'. Hastily, abruptly <strong>and</strong> away, as an eel or anything slippery.rudely ; lightly, without proper respect SuBANASHi, 71. Conversation merely —or diffidence.without wine or refreshments. — deSoTTO, ach). Quietly, gently, softly, secretly,stealthily.SuBARASHii,--^/,-.^?^, a. Very, extremely;07>ioshiroku Ttai.SoWA-sowA SHITE, adv. Restless, unquiet,uneasy, not calm or deliberate.71 a iye. .splendid, gr<strong>and</strong>, magnificent. — rippaSowA-TSUKi,-/^;^-?V^, I. V. To be restless,inattentive, easily diverted from active or smart in doing.SuBASHiKOi,-/^/,--^^^, a. Nimble, agile,fast, acute,Mono wogreater or principal, to append.SovE-BUMi, (tensko)., «. A subjoined letter,a letter of recommendation or in-the whole. Ten-ga ivo SHbe-osa77teru.,SuBE,-r«, i. V, To unite in one, takingtroduction.to govern the whole empire.SovE-G.\Ki, n. A postscript.Su-BEKi,-/^z

SUD 258 SUGswarm on shrubs or trees, as insects ; Sugari-au^ to lean against each other.tosing as an insect.Sugari-tsukti^ to cling fast to.SuDARE. n. A blind or shade made of SuGATA, n. Form, figure, looks, shape,split bamboos or reeds.appearance, manner, likeness, image,Su-DATE, n. The frame of a building. condition.Su-DE. n. Empty-h<strong>and</strong>ed.SiGATA-Mi, n. A large mirror, in whichSuDE-Ni, ad7K Sign of past time ; done, the whole figure may be seen.finished, already ;with the fut. tense, Su-GATARi, 71. A song, or dramatic performance,unaccompanied with music.= almost, about to,SuDo, n. A door made of split bamboos. SuGE,-r«,-^a, t. V. To fasten by passingSuDOKKAi, «. Barter, exchange, swapping.into, or through a hole, as a h<strong>and</strong>le intoa socket.Su-d6ri, «. Passing by without calling. Slge, n. A kind of rush, used for makingmats, raincoats, <strong>and</strong> hats.Sldzu, m. a kind of bell, such as arehung upon pack-horses ; or a gong, Slge-gasa. a basket-hat made of rush.such as is suspended before Miyas^ or SfGENAi,--i'z,-/^«, a. Destitute of affectiontemples.or feeling ;unkind, uncivil.SuDzu. n. Tin.SuDZU, «. A small kind of bamboo.SLGi,-r«,-/f(i, i. V. <strong>and</strong> t. v. To exceed,to pass or go beyond to pass over toSu-DZUKE, n. Anything pickled in vinegar.; ;go too far, pass the proper bounds, totranscend to be in excess, too much; ;SuDZUKi, n. The Labrax Japonicus.to surpass, excel ; to be superior ; to beSl:dzume,*w. a sparrow.hasty.SuDZUMi,-;««,-w^rt, /. 7'. To cool, to refreshSuGi, n. The cedar, or Chriptomiria Japonica.one's selfSuDZUMi-DAi, n.in hot weather.A bench set before the SuGi-HARA, n. The name of a. kind ofdoor in summer evenings, for sitting onto cool one's self.paper.SuGiNA, n. Equisetum, horse-tail.SuDZUMLSHi, n. The name of an insect SuGi-NARi, n. The shape of a cedar,that sings like the tinkling of a small conical or pyramidal in shape.bell.SuDZU-NARi, n. Growing thick or ingreat luxuriance, used only of fruit.SuDZURl. n. An ink-stone.SuDZURi-BAKO. H. The box in which theink-stone <strong>and</strong> pencils are kept.SuDZURi-BUTA, n. An ink-tray.SuDZUSHii,-^?',-/^;/, a. Cool, refreshing,or airy, in hot weather.SuDZUVAKA, a. Bright, clear, not hazyor dim.SuGAiTO, n. Raw silk.SuGAKi, n. A mat work of bamboo.SLGAME,-r2i,-ia, t. V. To look at withone eye, to draw up the eyes or slightlyclose them,—as when the light is toostrong.SuGAME, n. Near-sighted or half closedeyes, squint eyed.SuGAO, n. The naked face,—unpowderedor unrouged.SuGARA. Used only as an affix, = during,whilst. Michi-siigaray v/hilst in theway. Yomo-sugara^ during the night.SuGARE,-r7


SujT-MUKAi, a. Obliquely opposite.SujiKi,-r«,-^/rt, t. V. To twist or bendfrom a straight line, distort.SLKi-KAYESHi,-i-«,-/a, t. V. To work oldSujiRi-MOjiRi, adv. Zigzag. — artiku., paper over again into new. This kindto walk in a zigzag manner.of paper is called Siikikayeski.Su-j6, n. Family, blood, lineage, pedigree;SuKi-KiRAi, n. Like <strong>and</strong> dislike. Mononature, natural qualities.ni — ga aru., people have their likesSuKAMBo, n. Rumex acelosella, sor-<strong>and</strong> dislikes.SuKi-MA, u. Opening, interval, crack,time, chance, opportunity, leisure.rel.SuKANU, neg. oi Suki.SuKANU, neg. oi Suku.SUJ 260 SUKImpervious.Do not like, amnot fond of.SuKARE,-r?/,-M, pass, of Suku. To beliked, to be loved.SuKASHi,-i-//,-/'rt, t. 71. To make openingsin or to separate things that aredense, close, or crowded to place;apart, to thin out, to open to look;through, to look along the surface ofanything.SuKASHi.-j«,-j'rt, t. V. To coax, towheedle, to persuade by soft words, tosoothe ; to trick, to dodge away, togive one the slip, to cheat.SuKASHi, n. The water lines, or figuresin the texture of paper, a transparency.SuKASHi-BORi, n. Ornamental carvedopen-work.To SuKE,-r«,-z'tf , /. v. help, assist, aid,lend a h<strong>and</strong>. Sukete /cudasure, helpme. Sukete. a keeper, assistant.SuKE, n. Assistance, aid, help; an assistant,helper, aid.SuKEBEi. Lewd, lascivious, wanton. —na oioko^ a lewd man. — dzura^ awanton face.SuKE-DACHi, ?i. A second in a duel.Su-KEN, {tada vtiru). Merely looking atanything,—without buying.SuKi,-^«,-/Vrt, /. V. To be open or separated,as of things joined, dense orcrowded ;to be thinned out, scattered,dissipated ; to be transparent, previous,to permeate or pass through the poresor instertices of anything ; to have aninterval of rest, to be empty.— ye kusuri wo noviu^ to take medicineon an empty stomach.SuKi-Mi, n. Peeping, or looking througha crack.Su-KIN, n. Money only. — de kau., tobuy with money.SuKi-NA, a. That which one likes orpleases.SuKi-SH.A, n. A person fond of antiquities,rare, or curious things ; a virtuoso.SuKiSHA, n. A person skilled in the artof making an infusion of tea.SuK;i-ToRi,-r«,-/a, t. V. To pass through,permeate, s.iine or appear through, tobe transparent.SuKi-UTSLSHi,^«,-/rt, t. V. To trace orcopy by placing the paper over thefigure to be copied.SuKiVA, n. A tea-room.SuKKARi, adv.all, entirely, clean.Clear, distinct, plain ;Kane ga — iiakunatta,his money is clean gone,SuKKOMi,-w;

jSuMi-VA,IjSuMiVAK.\,26lSUNsuru^ to lessen, or diminish theSuKUNASA, n. Fewness.SuMA, n. An inside corner or angle.Sum A I,-a «,-«//«, i. v. To reside, dwell,live.SuMAi, n. A residence, a dwelling-place.SuMAKi, n. A mode of punishment,— bytying the criminal in a bamboo mat <strong>and</strong>casting him into the water.Su.MASHi,-j;/,-i'^i, t. V. To finish, to end,to settle ; to cleanse, purify. Suinashiteirii^ to be easy, indifferent, unconcerned,take no notice of. Mi-siifiiasu,to see <strong>and</strong> be certain of. Kikisumasti^to hear <strong>and</strong> be sure of. Mimi1VO sujnashite kikii^ to listen at-SuMPAKU, 71.Su.MA\VASE,-r7/,-^«, caust. oiSumai. Tocause to dwell or reside.SuME.-rz^,-/«, pass, of Suimc. To bedwelt in. Waga sutneru kuni.SuMERU, a. Pure, clear. — midzu^ waterthat has been settled.Su-MEX, 71. The naked face,—unprotectedby the mask used in sword exercise; a face free from the influence ofwine ; sober or straight face.Su.Mi,-;;/«,-«^rt. To dwell, reside, live.Sl'mi,-w?^,-«^^, i. V. To do, end, finish,conclude, close, settle ;to be easy inmind, unconcerned ; to be clear, pure,without sediment. Suman?i koto., anythingfor which one reproaches himself,or feels uneasy about, improper,SUiMi, n. Ink. — wo suru., to rub inkon the stone.Slmi, 71. Charcoal, — yaki., a charcoalburner.Su.Mi, n. An inside corner, or angle.SuMiBi, n. A charcoal fire.Su.Mi-CHiGAi, n. The figure of lines drawndiagonally from the opposite angles of asquare <strong>and</strong> cutting each other in thecentre.SUMI-IRE, n An inkst<strong>and</strong>.SUMI-GAMA, A kiln in which charcoalis made.SuMi-iRO, n The quality of the color ofink.SuMi-KA, n. A dwelling-house, residence.SuMi-KAKi, n. A scraper used for cleaningout a furnace.SuMi-KESHi, n. Blotting out, erasingwith ink.SuMi-NAGASHi, n.marble,Marbling, or variegatingpaper. — no kami^like as marbled paper.SuMi-NARE,-r?^,-^a, i. V. To be used oraccustomed to living in.SuMi-NAWA, n. The inked line used bycarpentersfor striking a straight line.Slmire, 71. The violet.SuMi-SASHi, 71. The inked stick used bycarpenters for drawing lines.SuMi-TORi, «. A coal-scuttle.SuMi-TSUBO, n. The ink pot used bycarpenters.a. A shop where ink or charcoalis sold.a. Quick, fast, swift, soon.SuMi-YE, «. A picture drawn with ink.Sumo, «. Wrestling. — wo toru., towrestle.SuMOMO, «. A kind of plum,SuMoTORi, 71. A wrestler.Su.Mo-TORi-GUSA, 71. The violet,The name of a class of disorderspeculiar to women, characterizedby pain in the back <strong>and</strong> loins.SuMPo, 71. The dimensions.— wa ikura.Hako-7ioSuN, 71. An inch,— the tenth part of afoot. — wo torn., to measure the length,Issu7t go bu^ one inch <strong>and</strong> a half.SuNA, 11. S<strong>and</strong>.SuN.-^-BACHi, 71. A shallow flower pot.SuN.\DORi,-r«, i. V. To fish.SoN.\DORi, 71. A fishing, fisherman.SuNA-DOKEi, 7t. An hour-glass, s<strong>and</strong>glass.SuNA-GO, n. Gold or siver dust, used toornament lacquer or paper,SuNA-GOSHi, 71. Anything strained orfiltered through s<strong>and</strong>.SuNAO. Straight, not crooked ; right,correct, virtuous, pliant.SuNAPPA, 71. A s<strong>and</strong>y place, a desert.SuNAWACHi, conj. Then, that is, namely.O tadz2i7ie Ttasaru kito wa — korenite soro., this is he about' whom youinquired.SuNA-WARA, 71. A s<strong>and</strong>y plain, a desert.SuNE, «. The shin or leg between theknee <strong>and</strong> ankle.SuNE,-r«,-^^a, /. 57. To be cross, illhumored,sulky. Kodo77io ga suiicte1)10)10 wo iuwami.SuNE-ATE, 71. Armor for the front of theleg, or shin.SuNE-MONO, 71. A sullen, morose or sulkyperson.SuN-KA, 71. A moment of leisure. —Sun-k6, n. A small degree of merit, afew praiseworthy actions. — nakic~shite tai roku wo jtkeru.SuNOKO, n. A floor made of bamboo.SuN-SHAKU. Dimensions, size.Sun-sun, adv. Into inches, or smallpieces. — tii kiru.

suo 262 SUTSuo, n. Sapan-wood.SUPPA, adv. The sound of a cut with asword. — to kh-u.SuppA, n. A thief, who snatches a thing<strong>and</strong> runs, a cheat. — wo suru. — tuoiu, to tell an exaggerated lie, or brag inan outrageous way.SuPPADAK V, a. Stark naked,in taste, Suppakutiai^ it is not sou Suppasa^ thesourness, acerbity.SUPPA-NUKI, n. Drawing the sword recklessly,as when one isSuppoN, n. A kind of turtle.SuppON-TO, adv. The sound of drawinga cork from a bottle. — naru.SuKA, adv. Even. Tori kemono surako wo aisuru.^ even birds <strong>and</strong> beastslove their youngSuRARi-TO, adv. In an even, smooth,manner ; without obstructions, sleek<strong>and</strong> easy, glibly. — dekita., to do anythingeasily without obstructions.SuRA-suRA-TO, adv. Smoothly, sleekly,glibly, without obstructions.SuRE.-r//^,-/i?, pot. mood of Suri. Canprint. Ichi fiichi ni iku mai stcreru.SuRK,-ru,-ia, i. v. To be rubbed, chafed,galled, worn by friction ;to have one'srough points rubbed oflf, or to becomekeen or sharp by contact with theworld. Ishi ga stcrete jnaruku natta,the stone by friction has becomeround.SuRE-Ai,-rt7 :-tsubnsit^ to break orcrush by rubbing, to efface by rubbing.Suri-tsukeru^ to apply anything byrubbing, to rub anything on another.Suri-yaburu., to tear or wear by rubbingor friction, to chafe.SuRi, n. A pickpocket, pilferer, thief.SuRi-KOGi, n. The stick used in washingrice in a Suribach i.SuRi-KUDZU, n. Metal filings.SuRi-TSCKEGi, n. A friction match.SuRUDOi,-i'z,-/J-«,^,^/, a. Sharp, acute,keen, penetrating, piercing, cutting,quick of discernment.SuRL-.ME, n. The Onychoteuthis Banksii.SuRU-suRU-TO, adv. In a slippery manner,smoothly.SusA, n. Anj^hing like hair or strawmixed with plaster to make it stick.Sus.-\MASHii,-/^?,-/4-«, a. Fearful, frightful,producing dread, or shuddering. —yamaji wo itowadzu, did not mind thefrightful mountain road.SuSAMi,-;««,-«^a, i. V. To spoil, laywaste, ruin, to destroy. TanoskitniSushi, n. A kind of food made of rice<strong>and</strong> fish seasoned with vinegar.Suso, «. The skirt of a coat. Yama no,— ,the skirt of a mountain. Uma nothe feet of a horse.Suso, 71. Warm water used for washinga horse. — suru^ to wash a horse withwarm water.Suso-vvAKE, n. Dividing anything whichone has received with others.Susu, n. Soot. SusH-dake, bamboo thathas been stained with smoke. Susuhakt\n. Cleaning away the soot,house cleaning.SusuDOi,-/^/,-/-//, a. Active, quick, energetic,smart.SusuGi,-^«,-/^a, t. V. To cleanse, torinse, wash.SusuKE,-r«,-/'rt, /. V. To be fouled withsmoke or soot.SusuKi, «. A kind of long grass.SusuME,-r«,-/rt, t. V. To advance, tomake go forward or higher, to promote ;to recommend, to press, urge, solicit,persuade, exhort.Susu.ME, u. Persuasion, solicitation, advancement,promotion.SusuMi,-w;/,-;/

SUT 263 TABSvTARi, -^u,-fa^ i. V. To be left, left tor, to do something to provoke another,or to excite a quarrel.over, cast away, ab<strong>and</strong>oned, forsaken.— mono^ a useless thing.SuYE,-r^c,-M, t. V. To place, lay, set,SuTAUi, n. A remnant, waste, that which fix, to settle, to apply ; to compose,— , to settle ortermination, thesake, to let be, let alone, to desert. ultimate branch ;a descendant ; theAku wo sutete zen -duo toni^ to forsake future. — no yo, the last ages of theevil <strong>and</strong> cling to that which is world. Vo ga — ni natta, the worldgood.has deteriorated. Kono — , in future orSlte-blchi, «. A pension, or daily rationof rice given by government to SuvE,-rz^-/.-j, i. V. To be spoiled, unfitafter this.disabled or helpless servants.to eat. Kono niku ga siiyeta.SuTE-FUDA, n. A public notice of the SuvE-DZUYE, (shimo-jijno^ n. The lowercrime <strong>and</strong> execution of a criminal.or inferior classes of people.SuTE-GO, n. A foundling.SuvE-FURO, u. A moveable bath-tub.SuTEKi-Ni, adv. Exceedingly, very. — Sl VEMONO, n. Porcelain, crockery-ware.samui., very cold.SuvE-NARi, n. Fruits that are the last toSuTE-OKi,-/^M,-;V«, t. V. To let alone, ripen.let be as it is.SuYE-ZEN, n. A table with food set outSu\VARi,-r?^,-//'rt:, i. V. To sit, to be set, before a guest ; anything which comesplaced, fixed, to be aground.unexpectedly to h<strong>and</strong> just as one wasSuivoKAi,-a«,-^/tf, i. V. To bully, hec-wishing for it.is rejected or useless.SuTE,-r«,-M. t. V. To throw away, toquiet, calm. Ki wocompose one's mind.The end, reject, discard, to leave, ab<strong>and</strong>on, for-SuvE, 71.Ta. n. A rice-field.T.-^, a. Others, other persons, things, orplaces other, another. — s/iuisii,;gone out. Ta-jitsu, another day. Tajin, stranger, not related. Ta-ke^ anotherfamily, no connection. Ta^koku.,foreign countries. Ta - tnon, thehearing of others, publicity. Ta-riki^the power of another. Ta-riyu.^ thestyle or system of another. Ta-sho.,another place.Ta, ipi.,) a. Many, much. Ta-iten.,many years. Ta-bcn., much talking.TaStyo, often sick, sickly. Ta-s/io.,many or few. Ta-yo, much business,busy. Ta-yoktc^ lustful, sensual.Ta, pro. Who. Ta ga tame m\ forwhose sake ? Ta ga tsu7na. whosewife ?Tab.\, n. A bundle, as of straw, wood,bamboo, etc. lVa7-a hito taba., a bundleof straw. — ni suru., to make intoa bundle.Tabai,-

TAB 264 TADdackiy setting out on a journey. Tabidzukare,fatigue from travelling. Tabiji^a journey, the road in which onetravels. Tabi-jitaku^ preparations fora journey. Tabi-fie^ sleeping while ona journey.Tabi, n. Time, or repetitions. Hitotabi, once. Futa tabi, twice. Ikiitabi^ how often ? Tabz-tabi, manytimes, frequentlj', often.Tabo, n. I'he puff made in dressing thehair on the back of the head.Tabu, n. The lobe of the ear.Ta-bun, n. Many parts, the most part,majority, chief part ;perhaps, probably,likely, much, a great deal.Ta-bun, {yoso ni kikii). The hearing ofothers. — jhu yd, don't let others hearit.Taburakashi,-j?/,-/

_TAD 265TAITadaima, «^t'. Now, just now, at pressent.Tagai-ni, adv. Alternately, mutually,reciprocally, each other, one another.Tadakko, adv. By barter or exchange, Tagane, 11. A chisel or graver used forswapping one thing for another.engraving on metal.Tada-naka, n. The centre, middle. TAG.\YE,-ri

Itrouble, or I am much oblig(Tai-go, n. A company or corps of anarmy.Tai-haku-SEI, n. The planet Venus.Tai-han, n. More than half, the greater266 TAIpart, most part.calm, tranquil.Tai-hei, n. Peace, or freedom from place.war.Tai-rivaku, adv. For the most part,Tai-hei-kai, n. The Pacific Ocean.Tai-hei-raku, n. Speaking in an arrogant,overbearing, or insolent manner;— naru tokoro^ a level place. — nisuru^ to make level.TAiRAGE,-r«,-^rt, t. V. To level, makeplain Or even ; to quell, subdue ; toquiet, tranquilize.Tairaka, a. Level, plain, even, quiet,— nam tokoro, a levelgenerally, about, more or less, probably.Tai-rivo, a. Magnanimous, generous,liberal, honorable.boasting.Tais.vn, adv. Very much, a great many,Tai-hen, n. A great, important, or seriousaffair ; a fearful or terrible event Tai-san, {shirizoki chirii). very.— sum., toor retreat <strong>and</strong> scatter, withdrawvery.Tai-h6, (p-dzutsti)^ n. A cannon, artillery.leave,in confusion,—as an army.Tai-sei, 71. Smalt.Tai-h6, (pkata). The most part, generallyperhaps, probably.quence, highly valued or esteemed, —Tai-setsu. Important, of great conse-;Tai-h6-tai, «. An artillery company or na mono, a thing which one sets greatcorps.store by. — 7ii suru, to regard as ofTai-i. The principal meaning, the substance,great importance, to value, care for.in the main, chiefly.Taisha-seki, n. Red ochre.Tai-ji, (skirizcke osameric). — suru^ to Tai-shin, {nii wo shirizokeru). — sum.,drive off <strong>and</strong> regulate, to suppress, subdue,destroy. Akumawo — , to expel office.to resign a service, to withdraw fromTaishita, a. Great, important, serious,severe.evil spirits.Tai-ketsu. — suru^ to judge of a matterat law, by having the plaintiff <strong>and</strong> defendant confront each other.Tai-sho, n.itary officers,The title of the highest mil-general-in-chief, chief.Tai-ki, n. The atmosphere, air.Tai-sho-gun., generalissimo, comm<strong>and</strong>er-in-chief.Tai-kiyo, {shirizoki saru). — suru, toleave, depart, go away, withdraw, ab<strong>and</strong>on.Tai-shoku, (p-gui). — sum., to eatTai-sho, n. Viviparous.Tai-kivoku, n. The first principle or much. — na motio, a gorm<strong>and</strong>izer.germ of all things in Chinese philoso- Tai-Shu, «. A continent.Tai-shu, (pzake), n. Drinking muchwine, a great drinker.Tai-ko, n. A drum.Taiko-hari, «. A drum-maker.Tai-shutsu, {shirizoki-idzuru). — suru,Taikomochi, n. A jester, or one who, to leave, withdraw, depart from an office,on account of his wit or comic talents,to return from an assembly.is called to assist at entertainments. Tai-so, n. First progenitor, earliest ancestor.Taiko-va, n. A drum store, or a personwho sells drums.Tai-s6, a. Great many, great deal,Taiko-uchi, «. A drummer.much, very, exceeding. — iane gaTai-kutsu, n. Ennui ; tired, disgusted iru, cost a great deal of money. —or wearied with anything tedious, or for fukai., very deep. — okina koye., awant of occupation ; tedium.verj' loud voice.Tai-mai, n. Tortoise-shell.Tai-soku, n. A long breath.Tai-mai, a. Much, a great deal. — no to draw a long breath.— suru.^kane.Tai-sQ, n. The average number.Tai-man, {okotaru)^ — suru^ to be negligentTai-tei, adv. For the most part, gener-or careless.ally, in the main ; about, nearly, on anTai-matsu, «. A pme torch, flambeaunaryor average quality. — ni shiteaverage. — no shiiia., a thing of ordi-Tai-men, n. Meeting face to face.oku., need not be very particular aboutTai-nai, {hara no uc/ii)^ n. In the belly.Haha no — ni oru toki^ when in about one hundred persons.how it is done. — hiyaku nin gurai.,the womb.Tai-to, {katana wo obirti). Wearing aTair.\, a. Level, plain, even, horizontal. sword.

jI267Tai-wa, n. Talking face to face, con-alued, riches, wealth. — to i ,toto office.|IT.\i-\AKv\{yakH 1V0 shirr.oku). — siirii,withdraw from or resign anTak.'^ra-bune, h. a picture of a boat inwhich the seven gods of wealth are representedriding on the sea.n. Tai-vo,Tai-vu.The sun.Generous, magnanimous, liberal.Takara-gai, n. A cowry.TAjiRE,-r7

ITAK 268 TAMTake-uma, n. A wooden horse, the human organs of speech, an oraclestilts used by boys.Kami tio — ni yotte ntiya wo iateru.Taki, n. A waterfall, cateract.Taklw<strong>and</strong>scke, n. Radishes pickled inTaki,-^?

TAM269 TANonly of most honorable^ persons ; also, Tamuro, n. A flocking or assembling together;to receive from a superior.an encampment, or station forTama-ya, n. A tomb, sepulchre.troops ; barracks. — siiru, to collectTambi, adv. Every time, whenever. together.Kiiiu — «/, everj'^ time he comes. Tamushi, n. A ring-worm.Tambi, «. Admiration. — suni^ to ad- Tan, 71. Mucous, phlegm, expectoration,sputa. — ga deru, to expectorate.Tan-kiri-kusuri.^ expectorant medicines.Tan, «. Red oxide of lead.Tan, 71. A piece of cloth, the half of ahiki^ = 28 feet in length. Mome7iittan.1 one piece of long cloth.Tan, n. A plot of ground, = ten se., orTambo, n. Rice-fields.Tame, «. Sake, account, purpose, reason,motive, for; by, denoting the agent, ormeans ; to, or relation. Oya ga kodo-7)10 no tame ni kurd siiru., the parenttoils for his children. Tame tit naranuygood for nothing, useless.TA!\iE,-r?

TAN 270 TARTanegashima, n. A pistol.ed, or to be an adept in any art, experienced.Tane-gawari, 71. Having a differentfather, but the same mother. — no kiyddaiystep-brothers.Tan-suku, (sagashi inototncrti). — suru^Tan-riyoku, n. Elastic.Tan-Glwan. — sttru^ to complain in to search for, look into, inquire after,tears, to plead, to supplicate earnestly, investigate.entreat.Tan-San, n. Carbonic acid.Tani, n. A valley. Tanz-guckiy the Tan-sei, ti. Labor, exertion, pains, diligence.— shite koshirayerUy to makeentrance to a valley. Tani-gawa^ z.stream running through a valley, rivulet.Tani-michiy a path amongst thewith much pains.Tan-seki, {asa ban), n. Morning <strong>and</strong>mountains.evening.Tani-ai, n. In the valley.Tan-seki, n. A moist cough, or a coughTanishi, n. A snail.accompanied with expectoration.Tan-jaku, n. Paper cut into long <strong>and</strong> Tan-shin, (^akaki kokoro), n, A pure ornarrow strips used for writing poetry.sincere heart. — arawasu, to showsincerity.TAyi^LrdzurUy-ta, {nageku), i. v. To Tan-so, n. Carbon.sigh, to lament, mourn. Yo -wo — , to Tan-soku. — suru, to sigh, to lament,lament on account of the times.grieve.Tan-soku, n. A fuse, or match of a firecrackeror rocket.Tan-soku-shi, i^nage-ki-kotobd), n. Aninterjection.TAi^]i,-dzuru,-^a, (Jiiku)^ t. v. To playon a stringed instrument, as the harp.Koto -MO —Tan-jo, {tnnare)^ n. Birth, nativity. —suru, to bear, beget.Tanjo-bi, n. Birthday.Tanju, n. Bile.Tan-ki, {mijikai ki), n. Quick tempered,passionate, irascible, impatience,fretfulness.Tanno. — surUy to be satiated, filled,satisfied, to have enough, as with seeing,hearing or eating. Ichi nichi shibaiivo mite — shita.Tan-no, n. The gall bladder.TANOMi,-w«?

TAR271 TASTarai, n. A wash-basin, a small tub forwashing the face <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s in.TARAi,-^,-(5/a, /. V. To be enough, sufficient,adequate, complete, qualified.Tarakashi,-j«,-/i7, /. V. To divert achild so as to stop its crying, to stop itscrying by coaxing or scaring it.Taraki-to, adv. The manner of anythinghanging down, or sound of dropsfalling. Inu gashita wo — sagerti.TARASHi,-«. Certainly, assuredly,surely, truly, positively, absolutely. —iiketorii, certainly received.Tashi-maye, n. Boot, anything given tomake the exchange equal, or make upa deficiency. — ^vo torn, to take boot.TASHiMi,-w?/,-«rt'«, t. V. To be veryfond of, delight in, have pleasure in ;to keep or provide one's self in.Tashinai,-/^/,-/^«, a. Not more thanone needs, only enough for one's self;not enough.Tashinami,-;;/?/,-;7^(i, /. v. To be circumspect,cautious, careful, watchful,prudent, provident.Tashinami, n. Circumspection, caution,prudence, care.Tashinamu, or tashinameraru, i. v.To be persecuted, afflicted, distressed,harrassed.Tasogare, n. Evening, twilight.Ta-soku, n. That which serves to fillor make up a deficiency, or to make asufficiency.Tassha, a. Vigorous, well, healthy, robust,strong, sound in body or mind.Tassha-ni, adv. Vigorously, in a strong,robust or active manner. — knrashiteiru, to live in vigorous health.Tasshi,-j?/,-/«, i. V. To be thoroughlyversed, expert or proficient in ;to reach,attain to to inform, communicate.;Bnmbn ni tasshita hito, a person perfectin literature <strong>and</strong> military art.Tasshi-gaki, n. A government circularor proclamation.T \?,\iyiAR\,-ru,-ita, i. v. To be saved,preserved, delivered, helped, aided.Inochi ga tasukatta, his life was saved.Tasukaranu, cannot be saved.TASUKE,-rM,-/«, t. V. To save, deliver,succor, preserve, rescue to aid, assist.;Ware wo tatsuke-tamaye, save me.Tasuke-au, to aid, help or assist eachother. Tasukerareru, to be saved orhelped by another ; can be saved.Tasukerarenn, cannot be saved.Tasuke, n. Salvation, preservation, deliverance;succor, help, aid, assistance.— no hei, succoring troops. — dune.

ijTate-Jima,TAS 272a boat which saves from drowning orshipwreck.Taslki, n. A cord used for girding upthe sleeves while working. *TATADZvm,-mu ,-nc£'t, i. v. To stop,st<strong>and</strong> still. Tatadzumi-dokoro, a stoppingplace.TATAKAI,-«M,-a^^a, t. V. To fight, toon a mat, <strong>and</strong> counting the square onwhich it falls.Tatara, n. A large bellows used infoundries <strong>and</strong> worked by treading. —Tatari, n. Curse, evil, or calamity inflictedby a Kami, evil spirit, or ghostof a dead person.Tatari,-r ?

kam offer up V 2 to theKamTate-mon'O, ti. A building, also the timberscut <strong>and</strong> made ready for a building,the horns or plume on a helmet, acrest, the principal characters in atheatre.Tatera. a word only found in combinationwith a few words ; as, Onna^ otokokodovio^ = naga7-a ; as, Onna-tatcriiikusa. ni detagaru^ woman as sheis, or unwomanlike she wishes to go tothe war.Tate-tsugi, n. An extension erected soas to enlarge a house.Tate-tsuke. n. The crack of a door orwindow, where the sashes meet.Tate-tsukete, adv. In quick succession,one after the other.Tate-yoko, n. Length <strong>and</strong> breadth, orlengthwise <strong>and</strong> crosswise.Tatogami, n. A portfolio.Tatoi, adv. In case that, supposingthat, although, even if.— shin-demohaku-jo li'a senu., will not confessthough he die for it.T!ATO\ K^-rie^-ta, t. z'. To compare, liken,for the purpose of illustration, to elucidate,illustrate.Tatoye, n. Comparison, illustration.Tatoye-banashi., an illustration, a parable.Tatoye ba, adv. For instance, by way ofillustration, for example.Tatsu, n. A dragon ;one of the twelvehorary signs. — no koku.^ eight o'clockA. M. — no ho., E. S. E.Tatsl;-jin, n. An expert, adept.Tatsuki, n. Something for the h<strong>and</strong> tolay hold of, a hold, support, expedient,TATTOBARESHii,-,^/,-i'«, a. Worthy ofhonor, estimable.TATroBi,-du,-nda, i. v. To honor, respect,reverence, esteem, to value, prize.Kin yori tattobu mono nas/u\ there isnothing more prized than gold. Tattobarerti^-ru^-ta^to be honored, or esteemed.Tattoi,-/^/ -j/«z, a. Exalted, honorable,12*273 TAYnoble ;precious, valuable, esteemed,excellent.Tattosa, n. Honorableness, eminence,preciousness.Tawai, as Tawai 7no nai. Stupid, dull,senseless, powerless. Sake ni yotte —ga nai, to be drunk <strong>and</strong> stupid.Tawake, n. A dunce, fool.TAWAKE,-r«,-/a, i. V. To sport, to trifleor talk nonsense, especially to a woman ;to dally, to be silly, foolish.Tawa-koto, n. Foolishness, nonsense,absurdity.To TAWAME,-rM,-/'d!, /. V. bend, tocurve. Yeda wo tawaTnete mi luotoru.To TAWAMI,-»^M,-«^/fl:, /. v. bend, toNi ga omokute bo ga ta wa nda.sag.TAWAMURE,-r«,-/a, /. V. To play, sport,frolic, make merry, romp, make fun,tojoke, dally.Tawara, n. A bag made of straw, forholding grain, etc.Taware-me, «. A prostitute.Tawayaka. Bending, flexible.TAYASHi,-j-?

TAY 274 TEDto depend on, rely on, to trust in, to vision, supplies, equipment.befriend.— , funds needed on a journey.Ro-yo noTayori, n. Support, reliance, dependence,TE-.\TSUi,-/^z,-/^«,-j/!i', a. Liberal, gen-trust, help, use, assistance word, erous, munificent.;Te-awase, n. First encounter or meetingof hostile armies. Kami-sori —to sharpen a razor on thetidings, news ; opportunity.— ni kiirashimasu, whatpend on for a living?Nani luodoes he de-— ni naramc surtt,tntisuko, a son to whom one cannot h<strong>and</strong>.look for help.Te-ayamachi, n. A mistake or blunderin anything.,-/«, t. V. slacken, relax, Te-bako, n. A small box.unbend.Te-bana. — wo kamu, to blow the nosedoing lAYOWAi^-ki^-ku^-ski^ a.TAYUME,-r2* ToWeak, feeble.Tayumi,-;«?/,-m^

TED 275 TEIwith the h<strong>and</strong> or in the fingers. — ni dexterity in doing, or the knowledgeshite kzl, to eat with "the fingers.acquired by putting the h<strong>and</strong> to anything.one'smade itTe-dzukara,h<strong>and</strong>.adi'. With— koshirayeta^ownmyself.Te-gome, 7t. Taking out of the h<strong>and</strong> byforce, or against the will of another.Te-dzukaye, n. H<strong>and</strong>s full of business, Ka/ie wo — 7ii toru., taking moneybusy. — ni fiarit^ to be busy.from another by force.Te-dzukuri, n. Anything made by one's Te-goro, n. Suited to the size orself, not a regular manufacturer, strength of thehome-made. — 7to nuno^ home-made ient in size. — «« tsuye, a cane suitingby h<strong>and</strong>, h<strong>and</strong>y, conven-cloth.the h<strong>and</strong>.TE-Dzr.M.\, n. Sleight of h<strong>and</strong> tricks, Te-gotave, «. The sensation felt in thelegerdemain. — tszikai^ a juggler. h<strong>and</strong>, when striking against somethingTe-dzu.ma-shi, «. A juggler.held in it.Te-dzu,me, n. Extremity, extremely Te-gowai, a. Rough, rude, violent, orpressing or urgent. — no saisoku^ the coarse in manner, exact, strict.last dem<strong>and</strong> for paj'ment.Te-gumi, «. Folding the arms ;a plan,Te-dzumori, 71. Measuring with the scheme, trick. — wo suru, to fold theh<strong>and</strong>s or fingers. — wo suru.arms.Te-dzuru, n. A go-between, or a mutual Te-guri, 71. Adjusting one's business soacquaintance who introduces two personswho are strangers.else. — wo shite yiikii.as to get leisure or time for somethingTe-dzusami, 'ii. Domg anything merely Tegusu, 71. A kind of fishing line.to relieve tedium, as a pastime, or diversion.— ni ye wo kaku.project.Te-hadzu, 71. Plan, arrangement, scheme,Te-haji.me, 71. The commencement, orTE-DZUYOi,-/{v',-,ivii naru.Te-girei. Doing in a clean, neat way.Te-giri, n. Cut by one's self. — no seppuku,the execution of harikiri orderedby a Daimiyo himself to one ofhis servants, <strong>and</strong> not by the orders ofthe government.Te-giwa, 71. Workmanship, skill in doingor making. — ga warui^ badlyTe-gokoro, 11.Knowledge of how to do,ple.Tei. Fidelity or obedience of a wife toher husb<strong>and</strong>. Tei-jitsu, virtuous, true,failhful. Tci-jo, a virtuous woman.Tei, 71. A roof supported by pillars, apavilion, shed, summer house.Tei, 71. Form, appearance, looks, fashion,manner, state, condition. Miyaku— , state of the pulse.Teika-kadzura, 7t. The MalonetiaAsiatica.Tei-nei, a. Neat, nice, exact, scrupulous,careful, particular, delicate, genteel,courteous, polite.Te-ippai, «. A h<strong>and</strong>ful. AkiTiai wo —Tii suru, to trade with one's own capital,—withouta partner ; also, to investone's whole property in business.Te-iradzu. New. not yet used. — 7107710710, a thing that has not yet beenused.Te-ire, 71. Repairing, mending. — wosuru, to mend, repair.Tei-Shl', 71. The master of a house, headof a family, a husb<strong>and</strong>.TE-iTAi,-A.-/,-/t«,-j/zz",-(?, a. Severe, violent,until the h<strong>and</strong> is tired. Teitakuseiner u, to torture severely.Tei-tai, //. Indigestion, dyspepsia. —suru, to have indigestion.

TEI 276 TEMTei-taraku, «. The condition, manner,circumstances.Te-jika, a. Near at h<strong>and</strong>, within reach.— na tokoro^ a place near at h<strong>and</strong>.Te-jina, n. Motions or gestures of theh<strong>and</strong>, movement of the h<strong>and</strong>s in dancing.Te-j6, n. H<strong>and</strong>cuffs, manacles.Te-j6bu, a. Strongly made, durable,firm.Te-jun, n. The order, or method of doing.Shigoto no — ga ivartii^ the workis not done in the proper order.Te-kadzu, n. Number of h<strong>and</strong>s or workmen,much labor, frequent services. —ga kakaru^ to require much labor.Tekake, n.concubine.Te-kaki, «. A good penman.Teki, n. An enemy, foe ;used only ofan enemy in war. — ni katstc^ to overcomethe enemy. — suru, to oppose,resist, contend with. Teki-chi, theenemy's country, a hostile country.Te-kibishii,-^/,-^«, a. Severe, rigorous,strict.Teki-chiu, {itiato ni ataru). — suru^ tohit the mark, to suit, to agree, accord.Teki-haki, adv. Soon, quickly. — totenki ni naranu.Teki-i, {kokoro viakase). According toone's or judgment. ni se yo^one's will or pleasure,mindagreeable to—do just as you please.Te-kiki, 71. Smart, adroit, active, or expertin doing anything.Teki-.men, adv. Quick <strong>and</strong> manifest,immediate <strong>and</strong> obvious, in a strikingmanner. — ni kusuri ga kiita, theeffects of the medicine were quicklymanifest.Te-kin, n. Earnest money, advancemoney, bargain money.Tekipaki, adv. Quick, industriously,actively, diligently.Teici-rei, n. An example, or case inpoint a precedent to establish a usage.;T cyiiTA.i,-au ,-aita , t. v. To be hostile,resist, contend, to fight with, oppose.Teki-t6, {mato «z ataru). Suitable,proper, fitting, appropriate, adequate,becoming. — 710 home kata^ praisejust suitable to one's merit. — shitaruTekomai, n. A pageant at festivals,where men <strong>and</strong> women dressed in peculiarclothing walk in procession, singing" to 7110 agekiyari.'^Te-kubari, 71. Distribution of troops, orh<strong>and</strong>s for any kind of work, division oflabor.Te-kubi, «. The wrist.Te-kuda, 71. Artifice, deception, trick.Te-kuse, n. Habit, or style of penmanship; also, a habit of pilfering.Tem.a, {te no iJiia.) 71. The time spentin work or doing anything. — ii'O irerUyto spend a long time in doing. —710 kakaru shigoto., work requiring timeto do.Tema-chin, n. The price of labor, wagesof workmen, — reckoned according tothe time spent on the work.Tema-d.'M. The price of labor.TEMA-DORi,-r« ,-//«, i. V. To spend ortake time, to be tardy, slow, to delay,procrastinate.Te-makura, 71. The arm used as a pillow.— vjo shite 7ieru., to sleep withthe head on the arm.Te-ma.me. Dextrous, expert, skilful indoing. — 7ii shigoto -mo suru, to beexpert in doing one's work.Te-maxe, n. Gesture, or motions of theh<strong>and</strong>s. — 7uo shite ha7iashi -wo suru,to talk <strong>and</strong> gesticulate.Te-maneki, n. Beckoning with theh<strong>and</strong>.Te-m.-\ri, n. A small ball, h<strong>and</strong>-ball. —zvo tsuku., to strike a ball.Temari-ban.\, 71. Hoya Carnosa.TE.M.A.-TORI, 7t. An assistant to a workman,an under-workman.Te-mawari, n. Anything near or ath<strong>and</strong> ; a servant of a noble who carrieshis master's s<strong>and</strong>als.Te-mawashi, 71. The work to be done onany occasion. Sho giiii'atsu 710 — , thework to be done in preparation of newyears day.Te-mave. pro. I, (in speaking humblyof one's self); or you, (in speaking contemptouslyto ai other) ; this side ;before,or in the sight of; manner of holding.Teviaye doino., we or you. Kaxva710 — , this side of the river. Hito noreigi^ appropriate ceremonies. — ga hadzukashii, ashamed in theTeki-vaku, n. An incompatible medicine.presence of others. Temaye-gatte, one'sown convenience, one's own pleasure.Tekkiu, «. A gridiron.Tem-bin, 71. Scales for weighing, a balance.Tekko, n. A mitten covering only theback of the h<strong>and</strong>.Tembin'-bo, «. The pole used by -cooliesTeko, n. A lever.for carrying burdens across the shoulder.TEKODZURi,-r«,-^^a, i. v. To be perplexed,troubled, embarrassed.Te.m-butsu, «. Anything pawned at a

jTEM 277pawnbroker's shop, a pledge,to pawn.Te-mijika. Short, brief,oshiye^ short lessons. — 7ii mono woiu^ to tell anyihing in a few words.Temma, )i.devil, demon.Te?.ima, n. A small boat, used for plyingbetween a ship <strong>and</strong> the l<strong>and</strong>.Tem.m.\, n. The relay of pack-horses keptat a post-station.Temmaku, «. Curtains hanging arounda room from the ceiling, in theatres, ortemples ;a tent.Temmoku, «. A large tea cup.Temmon, n. Astronomy, astrology,Temmon-dai, n. An observatory.Temmon-d6, n. Asparagus.Temmon-sha, n. An astrologer, astronomer.Te-mochi, n. The way of holding anythingin the h<strong>and</strong>.Temochi-blsata. Tired, wearied or disgusted,ennui, tedium.Te-modori, «. A relapse, as in disease ;turning back in order to do over again.Te-MONAku, adz'. Just like, very like,not different from.Te-moto. Near, at h<strong>and</strong>, convenient,within reach, /ma — ni kane ga nai.Te-motsure, n. Entanglement, perple.xity; difficult <strong>and</strong> tedious.Tempo, n. The name of an oval brasscoin, = 100 cash.Tem-p6. — suru^ to change a prescription,or mode of treatment.Tempura, 71. f'ish dipped in batter <strong>and</strong>fried, fish-cutlets.TE-MUKAi,-^,-rt/^a, t. V. To resist, oppose.Te-mukai, n. Opposition, resistance.Ten, (ame)., n. The sky, the heavens ;heaven, the supreme power, providence,or nature ;the blank space at the topof a page. Teu-daisa, the punishmentof heaven. Ten-me/, the decree ofheaven, fate, providence, de'stmy. 7V«-c/ii\ heaven <strong>and</strong> earth.Ten, n. A dot, point. — wo uisu, tomake a dot.Ten, «. A marten. — no kaiua., theskin of a marten.Te-naga-z.aru, n. A long-armed ape.Te-xami, n. H<strong>and</strong> or skill in doing orfencing.Te-narai, n. Learning to write, penmanship.TE-NARASHi,-j;

'fraud.TEN 278 TESTen-koku. — suru, 10 engrave letterson a seal.Ten-nan-sho, «. The Arum Trj'phillum,dragon-root, or Indian turnip.Ten-nen, a. Natural, produced or effectedby nature, of itself, spontaneous.Ten-nen, n. The natural term of life asfixed by heaven.Ten-nin, n. Imaginary beings representedby the Buddhists as beautifulfemales, enjoying perpetual youth,clothed in feather robes, with wings,skilled in music <strong>and</strong> singing, <strong>and</strong> dwellingin heaven ;an angel.Ten-nin, n. Rotation in office, changeof office or service.Ten-.no, «. The Emperor.Tex-non, «. Blessings, benefactions, orfavor conferred by heaven.Ten-ran-kuvvai, n. An exhibition orcollection of rare things for show.Ten-sai, n. A calamity caused by thegreat powers of nature ; as by an earthquake,tempest, or inundation.Ten-shi, «. The son of heaven, viz.,the Mikado, or the Emperor of Japan.Ten-shi, n. The metastasis of disease.Ten-shu, n. A tower of several storieswithin the walls of a castle.Ten-shu-kivo, n. The religion of theLord of Heaven, Roman Catholic religion.Ten-sui-oke, m. A rain-tub.Ten-taku. — sicru, to change a residence,move to another house.Ten-tek;i, n. The rain drops from theeaves of a house.Ten-t6, n. The ruling power of nature,the Deity, heaven ;the sun.Ten-t6-boshi, n. In the open air ; withouta covering. — akinai wo sum.Ten-tokuji, «. A mattress made ofthick paper stuffed with straw. — btiton.Te-nugui, n. A h<strong>and</strong>kerchief, a towel,napkin.Te-nuke, n. An unintentional omission,or failure to do something which shouldhave been done.Te-ni:ki, n. An intentional omission,neglect, or slighting of any work.TE-NVRUi,-/i'z,-/t/^, a. Slow, dull, inactivein doing easy, or gentle.;Tenva, coll., n. A shop where boiledfish <strong>and</strong> vegetables are sold.Ten-vaku. — sum. to be changed fromone official position to another.Te-opove, n. A mark, or anything used; one to remember— nt kaite okti.to aid dexterity,skill.Te-OCHI, n. An omission, neglect.Te-odori, n. Moving the h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong>arms to music in the manner of dancers.Te-oi, «. A wound. — ni naru., to bewounded. — ?n suj-u. to v/ound.Te-6i, n. A kind of mitten covering thearm <strong>and</strong> back of the h<strong>and</strong>.Te-oki, n. The manner of putting awayfor keeping. Katana no —go, waruikara sabita.Te-okure, n. Late in doing, delaying,procrastinating. Riydji ga — ni nattevto fiaoram,TE-OMOi,-/ci,-kM,-ski, a. Difficult to do,tedious, slow ;important.Te-ono, «. A hatchet or small axe.Te-ori, n. Woven by one's self or athome, not by a regular manufacturer.TE-o\VAS.E,-ru,-ta, t. v. To wound, toinflict a wound. Hito ni —Teppatsu, n. An iron bowl carried bybegging priests.Teppeki, «. An iron wall. Ikanaru— nari to iyedomo yaburczaru kotoTeppen, n. The top, summit, highestpoint.Teppo, n. A gun, cannon, or fire-armsof any kind ;the furnace of a bathtub.Teppo-dai, n, A gun-carriage, gun-stock.Teppo-kaji, n. A gun-smith.Teppun, 71. Iron filings, powdered iron.Tera, n. A Buddhist temple, or monastery.O tera sama, a Buddhist priest.Ter.^-iri, n. Entering school. — wosuru.Terakova, n. A school-house.TERASHi,-i-7^,-z'rt, t. V. To cause to shine,to give light, to illuminate, lighten, enlighten; to observe, examine, compare.TERASHi-A\VASE,-r«,-^a, t. V. To Comparetogether, to examine anything bycomparing it to the rule or st<strong>and</strong>ard,collate.Teka-tera, a^/z/. Shiny, glossy, oily inappearance.TER.\TSU-TSUiCi, n. A wood-pecker.Ter.a-uivE-jo, «. A certificate or letterof dismission from one Buddhist templeto another.Teren, coll.,— nin.nom,Artifice,to be imposeddeception,upon.Teri,-ru.-tta. i. v. To shine,Hi ga — , the sun shines.give light.Te-saki, n. The end of the fingers ;a secret policeman, a spy, an underlingor agent.Te-saku, n. Produced or grown by one'sself, home product, domestic manufacture.Te-sei, n.Made by one's self, manufac-

wine.Te-senji, n. Boiling one's rice himself,cooking for one's self.Te-shaku. Pouring wine into a cup forone's self, helping one's self to wine.Te-shima-ishi, n. A kind of soft stoneused in building.Te-shio-zara, 71. A small plate.Te-shoku, n. A h<strong>and</strong> lamp.Te-so, n. The lines on the palm of theh<strong>and</strong> examined in palmistry.Tes6-mi, 71. Palmistry, or one who tellsfortunes by the lines on the h<strong>and</strong>.Tes-seki, 71. Iron <strong>and</strong> stone, adamantine.Tes-sen, 7t. A fan, the frame of whichis made of iron.Tes-sen, «. A small iron coin, 96 ofwhich make one tempo.Tes-sha, 71. Iron filings.TESSHi,-j«r«,-i'a {toru). To penetrate,pierce through, to affect deeply.Tes-sho, «. The fluid made of iron <strong>and</strong>gall-nuts, used by women for blackingthe teeth.Te-suki, n. Intervals of leisure fromwork.Te-si'ri, 71. A rail extending from postto post, or over balusters for the h<strong>and</strong>to rest on.Tete, or teteova, «. Father.Tete-nashi-go, 71. A child without afather, viz., a bastard.Tetera, 71. A shirt without sleeves wornnext the skin.Tetsu, w. Iron. 7V^.yz/-3^«, an iron cane.Teisu-di7i, an iron pot used for boilingwater. Tetsu-tro, iron color. Tetsnjo^an iron cane. Tets»-7nempz\ abrazen-faced person, impudent.TE-TSUDAi,-a«,-rt/M, i. V. To lend ah<strong>and</strong>, help, or assist in doing.Te-tsudai, 71. A helper, assistant at anywork.Te-tsudzuki, n. A go-between, one whointroduces two parties who are strangers,or acts as an agent in business ; a set ofby-laws, or rules, or mode of procedure.Te-tsuide, 71. A convenient time, whenengaged in doing ; as, Se7itaku no —ni kore wo araye, when you wash theclothes wash this too.Te-tslke, ;/. Money paid in advance toconfirm a bargain, earnest-money. —kin, bargain money.Tetsu-ya, n. Passing the night withoutgoing to bed. — wo shite hon ivoyo77iu.Tet-t6, n. An iron sword.Te-wake, «. Division of labor, h<strong>and</strong>sTES279 TOtured at home. — no sake^ home-made or company in doing anything ; divisionof a body of troops.TE-WATASHi,-j«,-z'rt, t. zi. To h<strong>and</strong> over,to pass over to another.Te-waza, 71. Work, anything done bythe h<strong>and</strong>s, manual labor.Te-yari, n.Te-voki, n.short spear, a javelin.A h<strong>and</strong> axe, hatchet.TE-YOWAi,-/^z,-4r?^,-j/z/, a. Weak, notstrong, without nerve, cowardly.Te-zai-ku, n. Any small or ingeniouswork made by one's self, or at home.Te-zawari, n.— gaarai.The feel of anything.Te-zei, 71. One's company, or divisionof troops.Te-zoroi, n. Full complement or numberof h<strong>and</strong>s. — de shigoto ga hayai.To

TO 280 TODTo {Jiigashi)^ n. East.to feign, to pretend, dissemble ; to beTo, n. The stem of vegetables which silly with age.have gone to seed. Chisha ni — ga ToBORi,-r«,-/2;

_TOD 281 TOJinert. Todokori nakti, without stoppageor delay. Omoku nigoru monotodokdrite tsuchi to nari/^ the heavy,dirty part being inert became earth.Todokori, n. A stoppage, obstruction,clog, stagnation./. z>. ToDOMARi,-r?^«,-zV«, i. V. To sound with To-GUVVA, {fiiyu no ttri)^ n. The " winter-melon,"a pumpkin,a rolling or rumbling noise, like thunder,01 a wagon going over stones. ToGUWA, n. A kind of grubbing hoe.To-FU, n. A kind of food made of beans, To-Hi-Yu, «. Oil of lemon.bean curd.ToHo, «. Toho wo iishinau^ to lose one'sTo-FU, (Jiigashi kaze), n. An east wind. presence of mind. — tii kureta, to beToga, n. The Abies Tsuga.in doubt or perplexity what to doToga, n. A crime, offence, fault. —; towo be in a qu<strong>and</strong>ary or dilemma ; to be atokasii^ to commit a crime. Toga-niti^ a st<strong>and</strong>, bewildered, puzzled. To/id moa criminal, offender.naz, a. Outrageous, exceeding reasonToGAME,-r?< ,-/"«, t. V. To find fault or decency, extravagant.with, to censure, reprove, to blame, Toi, «. A pipe for conducting w.ater.reprehend, rebuke, to scold ; to irritate, i:oi.-ki\-s/ii,-ku, a. Quick, fast, early,as a sore.soon, long ago.ToGAME, n. Censure, reproof, blame, Toi,-^,-£J/a, t. z'. To inquire, to ask, toreprehension. — ivo ukeru, to be cen- question. Toi-awaseru, to make inquiryabout. Toi-isujiierti, to questionToGARAKASHi,-j«,-^«, caust. of Togaru.closely, inquire strictly, to cross-To make into a sharp point, to point,sharpen, pucker to a point. Koye wo Toi, n. A question, inquiry.togarakashite shikaru^ to scold with a Tbi,-ki,-ku^-shi^-d, a. Far, distant ; notsharp voice.ToGARASHi, n. Cayenne or red pepper.ToGARi,-r«,-/'/'

TOJ 282 TOKToKi,-ku,-ita, t. V. To melt, dissolve ;fasten. Tbji-koinoru^ to shut or lockone's self in.to untie, unbind, loosen, disentangle, tounravel, rip open ; to explain ; undo ;Toji,-r?

TOK 283 TOMToKORO-GARA, 71. The kind or character ToiMBi, n. A fish-hawk. Hiru-to77ibi^of a place.ToKORO-GAVE, «. A change of place,a pickpocket.ToMBi-KAPPA, n. A kind of overcoatremoval from one place to another. with a long cape, a cloak.ToKORO-SEKi,-/&?

TOM 284 TORToMO-GARA, n. A collective noun designatingthe whole class of persons towhich it is joined ; a plural word. Kodomoo7iago no — , children <strong>and</strong> women.ToMO-MAWARi, n. The attendantsaround a person of rank.ToMOXAi,-a?/,-a^^rt, i. V. To accompany,to go along with, to attend, to lead,conduct.ToMO-Ni, adv. Together, in companywith, along with ;both.ToMORi,-r7. To remove farfrom, to keep at a distance from. Kuwajiwo tonoite miru.ToNOKO, «. The fine powder of a whetstoue,used for polishing.ToN'-SHi, {nizvakani skinuru)., n. Asudden death.ToN-TO, adv. Entirelj', quite, wholly, atall. — shirimasen, know nothing atall about it.ToN-voKU, n. Covetousness, avarice.ToR.\, n. A tiger; one of the 12 signs.— no tsuki, the first month. — ^lotoii, 4 o'clock A. M. — no Ad, the e.N. E.To-RAI, {itari kitaru.) — stent, to arrive,come. Mada j'ikoku ga toraiToRAKASHii-i^ai-Za, t. V. To melt; tofascinate, enciant. Sku-skoku ga kokorowo —ToRA-OTOSHi, n. A pit or trap for catchingtigers ; also an in closure in whichthe punishment by Harakiri is performed.be taken, seized, plucked off. Tenkiga yoknte sakana ga tanto torcni, asthe weather is fine fish can be caught inabundance.Tori, n. A bird ;one of the 12 signs. —no toki, 6 o'clock p. m., or sunset. —no ho, west.Tori, n. Manner, way, mode ; kind,sort, like ; numeral for a suit of clothes.Kono — ni shi nasare, do it in thisway, or make it like this.Tori, n. A street, avenue, thoroughfare ;the line, direction or course in whichanything points, faces, or moves ;thepassing of anything through, along, orfrom one to another ; admission, entrance,currency. Kaigan-dori, thestreet next the sea. Ytibi 710 — tii miyerufune, the ship seen in a line withmy finger.'YbR\,-ru,-tta, t. v. or /. v. To passthrough, to pass along; to be current,pervious.Tov\-ru,-tta, t. v. To take, to catch,seize ; to take off, to pluck off; to receive,to get, obtain ; to steal ;to admit,or receive as true ; to select. Yadowo — , to take lodgings at an inn.Sumpo wo — , to take the dimensions.Hiyoshi wo — , to beat time. StimOwo — , to wrestle. Toshi wo — , to getJ

jjTOR 285 TORold. Kiiji 1V0 — , to draw lots. Suishode hi ivo — , to converge the sun's transact, to do, negotiate.age, to conduct, direct, control, torays with a lens. Kasa ivo — , to take ToRi-HAKARAi, K. Management, direction,negotiation, conduct.off the hat. Kadzu wo — to mark the,number. Tom ni taradzu, worthless, ToRi-H.AXASHi,-.r«. -/

TOR 286 TORToRi-KOME,-r?< ,-^

TOR 287 TOTToRi-YA, «. A shop where fowls or birdsare sold.ToRi-YARi,-r«,-^/«, t. V. To take <strong>and</strong>give, to receive <strong>and</strong> send.ToRi-YARi, 71. Give <strong>and</strong> take, receiving<strong>and</strong> sending.Tori YE, n. Worth or useful quality. —1)10 nai hito, a worthless person.To-RiYo, n. Chief or presiding officer,comm<strong>and</strong>ant, president. Gass/iu kokuno dai — , the President of the UnitedStates.To-Rivo, n. The topmost beam of a roofa head carpenter, foreman.ToRi-YosE,-rM,-/a, /. V. To bring, fetch,import, draw.To-Ro, 11. A lantern or stationary lamp.ToRo, n. A mantis.ToROi,->^/,-i7i:/, a. Dull, sluggish, slowof motion, stupid.ToROKE,-r ?/-/'«, z. V. To dissolve, tomelt, to soften, liquify ; to be debased.ToRORO, n. A kind of gruel made ofis noted ;domestic manufacture, apresent made on returning from ajourney.To-SEi, {yo vjatari^) n. A living, business,occupation, employment.To-SEN, (watashi-biine^ n. A ferryboat,a packet -ship. Tosemba^ ajetty.To-sEN-GUSA, n. The grass of whichmatting is made.To-SHA, {Jiaki kudashi)., (med.) n.Vomiting <strong>and</strong> purging. — biyd.^ cholera.T6sHi,-jM,-i?

TOT 2To-ZEX, n. Leisure <strong>and</strong> ennui.To-ZEX, (shikaru beki). Proper, right,that which ought to be ;natural, oraccording to the stated course of things,of course.To-ZOKU, n. A robber, thief.Tsu, n. A numeral used in counting letters,documents, etc. Teganii itfsil,one letter. Ni isu, two letters.TsuBA, n. The guard on the hilt of asword.TsuBA, or TSUBAKi, «. Saliva. — wo hakuyto spit.TsuBAKi, «.The Camelia Japonica.fill up, as a hole ; to rub off, or wear offby friction. Mijui 7vo -— , to deafenTsuBUTE, 7t. A small stone, a pebble. —wo uisu, to throw stones.TsuBU-TSUBU, «. Grains, any small lumps,granulations. Kovo 7iori wa — ga dekita,this paste is lumpy.TsuBU-TSUBU-TO, adv. In a grumbling,muttering way.TsuBUVAKi,-,i'z^,-zVrt, i. V. To grumble,murmur, or complain or mutter to one'sself.TsucHi, n. Earth, clay, soil, ground, mortar; the earth.

TSU189 TSUTsucHi, n, A hammer, mallet.TsuGA, n. The larch.TsucHiBETA, n. The ground. — ni neru^ Ts,VGAi,-au^-atia., t. zi. To join one thingto lie on the ground.to another by a joint or hinge, to coupletogether, to copulate, (of dogs).TsucHi-BOTOKE, n. A clay idol.TsucHi-DO, n. A door made of plaster, Yuini ni ya zuo — , to fix the arrow toas in fire-proof store-houses,the bow-string..TsuCHi-GUMO, n. A species of spider. TsuGAi, n. A pair or couple consistingTsucHi-HOTARU, H. A glovv-worm.of male <strong>and</strong> female ;a joint, hinge.TsucHiKAi,-^,-^//2, t. V. To hoe <strong>and</strong> TsuGAi-.ME, n. A joint, hinge. Honedraw the earth around the stems of no — , the joint of a bone.grain, etc. Miigi ni —TsuGANE,-r«,-/a, L v. To bind into aTsucHi-KAVVADZU, «, A toad.bundle, as straw, sticks, etc.TsuCHi-KAZE, K. A s<strong>and</strong>-storm, or wind TsuGE,-r?^,-i'a, t. v. To tell, inform, toaccompanied with dust.announce, relate.TsL'CHi-KURE, 11. A clod of earth. TsuGE, M. Boxwood.TsuCHi-NiNGiYo, n. Clay figures of men. TsUGE-GUCHi, n. Telling tales or informin.gon others.TsucHiNOYE <strong>and</strong> tsuchinoto, n. Two ofthe ten signs used in numbering years, TsvGi,-g:u,-ida, t. v. To join orconnectmonths, days, hours, etc,one thing to another, so as to lengthen,Tsu-D.'^SHi, «. Exportation, loading a repair, or supply a deficiency ; to splice,ship with goods for exportation.to graft, to mend, to patch ; to inherit,Tsu-DATSU, 71. A communication to an to succeed or follow another; to pourinferior, a public notice. — surn.^ to into, to cement together. Tsugi-anvaseru^to join together, connect, splicecommunicate, inform, publish.TsuDOi,-^,-^Ai;, /. V. To assemble, to collecttogether, gather.enlarge, to splice. Hone ivo — , to settogether. Tsiigi-tasii., to lengthen, toTsuDO-TSi'DO, adv. Each time, every a broken bone. Vo wo hi ni tsttidetime.yuku., to go constantly day <strong>and</strong> night.TsuDOYE,-r?/,-^«, /. V. To assemble, collect,gather.pairing, by joining one thing to an-TsuGi, n. Enlarging, lengthening, or re-TsuDZUKE,-rM,-ifrt, t. V. To do without other ; splicing ;a patch.interruption, to do continuously, in succession,consecutively, or regularly ;TsuGi, n. The next, succeeding, adjacent,contiguous, adjoining ; inferior.tolengthen or splice, to connect.So-)io — iva dare., who comes next toTsuDZUKi,-;^i/,-?Va, i. v. To continue uninterrupted,or unbroken ; to be con-TsuGi-BA, n. The office in a post-stationhim ?tinued in regular succession, to be connected,related.TsL'Gi-HO, «. The branch that is ingraftedwhere coolies <strong>and</strong> horses are changed.TsuDZUK?!, n. Continuation, connection, into a tree, a graft.succession, joining.TsLGi-Ki, n. A grafted tree.TsuDZUMARi,-r«-,-^/rt, z. V. To contract, Tsi'Gi-ME, n. The place where two thingsto become smaller, to be abridged, to are joined, a joint, seam, connection,conclude, end, as a story.succession.TsuDZUMAVAKA. Economical, frugal, saving.garments. — -wo suru.TsuGi-MONO, n. Mending, or patchingTsuDZUME, n. Contraction, reduction, TsuGi-Ni, adv. Next in time, order, ordiminution ; a deficiency, or coming place; adjoining to, contiguous to, adjacentto ; after.short in an account.TsuDZUME-r?^,-/«, t, V. To diminish, reducein length, or size ;TsuGi-TSUGi-Ni, adv. One after the other,to contract, in succession, consecutively.abridge, to end, conclude.TsuGo, {subete aivaseru)^ n. The sumT.suDZUMi, n. A drum.total, amount, aggregate ;convenience.TsuDzuRA, n. The name of a vine used — //fz^rrt, what is the amount? — gain making baskets etc., a basket made •warui., inconvenient. — ga yoi., convenient.— shidai ni suru., to act ac-of the same.T?UDZURA-ORi, n. Zig-zag. — no michi^ cording to circumstances.TsuGOMORi, n. The last day of a month.TsuGUMi,-;«z^,-?zspell words. to indemnify, to make satisfaction ora zig-zag road.TsuDZURE, n. Ragged clothes, rags.TsuDZURi.-r«,-/'^(Z, t. 7'. To sew patches13

TSU 290 TSUcompensation, to commute, to make for the dead. — ivo suru., to performamends ; to atone for, answer for, to expiate.mass.Tsuji,- tt. The place where two streetsTsuGUNAi, n. Compensation, reparation,indemnification, restitution, atonement,cross, or where a street forks.ban., guard-house at a cross-street.Tsuji-2lcommutation.Tsuji-do., a small shed (with an idol inTsuGUNAi-KiN, n. Money paid as indemnity,it) erected at a crossing, or at the forksatisfaction-money, ransom.TsuGURO, n. A basket used by farmer'sof a road. Tsziji-giri.,dered in the streets.killed or mur-Tsuji-uri, sellingwives to keep their babes in while they in the streets.are working in the fields, a cradle. Tsuji,-r«,-i'rt, i.v. To have communicationor intercourse, to pass throughTsui, adv. Quickly, soon, promptly, suddenly.— dekiiuas., I will do it soon. freely or without obstruction, to be cur-Tsui, n. A couple, or two of like things,a pair; alike, same. Ittsui fio kaketnotto.,—Tsuji, n. Free, open, unobstructed inpassage. Daiben no — iva ikaga.TsOji, 71. An interpreter, translator.TsuKA, «. A prop, brace. — wo kau,a pair of hanging-pictures. ?ii S2trit^ to pair, to match.TsuiBAMi,-;;/«,-;^,2'«, /. v. To pick up<strong>and</strong> eat, as a bird.to brace.TsuiDE, 71. Regular order, turn ; occasion,convenience, opportunity. — «z Ichi ri isuka, mounds along a road forTsuKA, 71. A tomb, a mound of earth.yotte kuru, to come in regular order. marking the miles.On — no setsu., when you have a convenienttime. Torzt —TsuKA, 7t. The hilt of a sword ; h<strong>and</strong>leni yoru.^ to call of a knife. Tsuka-bukuro, the cover-as one is passing.Tsui-GASAXE, n. A set of boxes, fittingone on the other.Tsui-h6, (yoi-hanatsu)., n. Banishmentor expulsion from a place, as a punishmentfor crime ; exile. — suru. TsuKAi, n. A message, messenger. Katsurugi.,a sword ten h<strong>and</strong>s long.Tsuiji, n. A fence, or wall made of earth 7>ti no — , a messenger of God, an angel.or clay.Tsuiji-GAWARA, n. A brick.TsuKAi,-a«,-a^/«, t. v. To use, h<strong>and</strong>le,TsuiKA, n. An appendix, or addendum manage, employ ;to send as a messenger.Ki -jjo — , to be anxious or wor-to a book.Tsui-KEi, n. A post-script to a letter. ried. U77ta %vo — , to drive a horse.Tsui-M.^-Tsu, ft. A torch made of pine, Tsukai-hatasu, to use up, to spend all,flambeau.consume. Tsukai-koitastc, to makeTsui-Ni, adv. Then, therefore, upon pliant, easy, tractable or comfortablethat.by use ; to use with ease or comfort.Tsui-Ni, adv. At last, at length, finally, TsuKAi-KAT.A, 71. The way of using, orafter all ; with a negative verb,— never. how to use anything. — 7uo shira-Tsui-SHo, n. Flattery, — suru., to flatter.TsuKAi-MiCHi, n. The way or manner ofTsui-SHU, n. Red lacquer, carved or embossed.TsuKAi-MONO. 71. A present.TsuiTAcHi, «. The first day of a month. TsuKAi-NiKUi,-/^/,->^?

_!I!TsuKE-GAMi,I TsuKE-Bi,TSU 291 TSUlay hold of, to seize, to catch, to clutch.Tsukami-au, to grasp, or seize holdof each other. Tstikaini-dasti^ toseize hold of <strong>and</strong> put out, or take out.Tsukavii-kakaru^ about to lay hold,or seize. Tsukami-korosii ^\.o squeeze,or choke to death, with the h<strong>and</strong>.Tsiikami-kozvasu^ to break by squeezingin the h<strong>and</strong>, to crush with the h<strong>and</strong>.Tsuka}iii-kitdakuy to crush with theh<strong>and</strong>.TsuKAMi, «. A h<strong>and</strong>ful. Koine hito—a h<strong>and</strong>ful of rice.TsuKAMi-DORi, n. Seizing or clutchingone can get, snatching.allTsuKARE,-rz

TSU 292to pound as with a pestle. Iki %uo —to make a forcible expiration.Tsuki,-/^«,-/Aj, t. V. To build withstones, or earth. Skiro wo — , to builda castle.TsuKi,-r«,-if«, /. V. To be used up, tobe exhausted, consumed, spent, finished,ended, to give out. Chikara ga —strength is exhausted.i. TsuKi-Ai,-rt«.-rt/'/«, V. To_ associate,keep company, to have intercourseor communion.TsuKi-Ai, n. Associating, keeping company,intercourse, communion, acquaintance.TsuKi-AKARi, n. Moonlight.t. TsuKi-ATAKi,-r«,-//«, V. To strikeagainst, to collide, run against.month by month.TsuKi-NO-MONO, n. The menses.t. TsuKi-xuKi,--^.Y,-zVa, V. To thrustTsuKi-BAN, «, Monthly duty as guard or through, stick through.watchman.TsuKi-SASHi,-i-«,-/a, t. V. To stick, orTsuKi-BARAi, n. Monthly payments, thrust into.paying by the month.TsuKi-soi,-^,-^M, i. V. To cleave to, bejoined to, as a wife to her husb<strong>and</strong>.TsuKi-DASHi,-ji

TSU 293tlier or knead in the h<strong>and</strong>s as a lumpof clay, a dumpling, etc.TsuKUNEN, adv. Sitting idly <strong>and</strong> lazily.— to shite hi ivo kurasii.TsuKURE,-r«,-^rt, i. V. To be made, produced,grown, wrought. Dare no tstikitrerumono naru ka.TsvKVRi,-ru-tta, t. V. To make; toform, fashion ;to produce, cultivate ;compose ; to build. Katachi ivo , toadorn one's person. TstDni wo — , tocommit a crime. Toki luo — , to crowas a cock.TsuKURi, fi. Production, crop.TsuKURi-AWASE,-r«,-/rt, t. V. To makeso as to fit. Toki wo — , to shout inanswer to the shout of the opposite party.TsuKURi-BANA, H. Artificial flowers.TsuKURi-DORi, «. Keeping all that oneproduces,— said of a farmer who pays notaxes.TsL'KURi-GOTO, «. A fiction, a made-upA fictitious, counter-story, a myth.TsuKURi-GOYE, «.feit, or artificial voice.A forced, or feignedA feigned sickness,TsuKUROi,-(7,-JA!;, t. V. To repair, tomend; to remedy, to adjust, or put inorder, to put right, set right.Tsu-KiTSU, n. A bribe, fee or giftsecretly made in order to gain thegood will of another ; secret collusionto defraud.TsiKUYE, 71. A writing-table, desk.Tsu.MA, n. A wife.TsuMABiRAK.A., a. Plain, evident, notdoubtful or ambiguous, clear. Imadatsumabiraka iiaradzii., not fullyknown.TsuMADACHi,-2fj?

TSU 294 TSUfrom moving, or shaking ; a day's marchy otheror journey.mixed with plaster, to make it stick together.TsuME-BAN, n. A mark made by the nailto a document, as a seal.Tsunami, n. A large wave which rollsTsuME-SHO, n. The place of service, or over <strong>and</strong> inundates the l<strong>and</strong>.duty.Tslna-watari, n. Walking the rope.TsuMETAi,-,^/,-^?ida , t. v. To pile, heap up ;uncommon, not habitual, not constantor enduring.TsuNE-Ni, adv. Always, constantly,commonly, ordinarily.Ts0-niy6-ku\van-ke, «. A bougie forthe urethra.to pack ; to accumulate, increase, amass ;to deposit. Tsiimi-af^eru^ to pile up,heap up. Tsuvii-kasaneru^ to pile upone on another. Tsujiii-kayesu^ to reship,to load <strong>and</strong> send back. Tsuinikoinu^to pile up anything inside ofsomething else, as cargo in a ship.Tsumi-oku^ to pile away, hoard up, todeposit, lay up.Tsu.Mi,-;M«,-««'a, t. v. To pinch offwith the nail, or scissors ; nip oflF, pluckTsuxo, n. A horn.Tsuno-gami, n. The two locks of hairleft after shaving a child's head.Tsvsom-ru,-tta, t. v. To raise, collect,gather ; to increase, or grow more severe,or violent. Kin ivo — , to collectoff.money. Kaze ga — , the wind, increaseTsuMi, n. A kind of mulberry-tree.in severity. li-tsuviorii^ to becomeTsuMi-BiTO, «. A criminal, a trangressor,more violent or obstinate in talking.sinner.TsuNZAKi,-/^?. Not noticing, recognizingTsuMiNAi,-a«,-a/^(•/,-*/; i, a. Cruel, hard, unfeelingTsuMUGi,-^7

TSU 295 TSUTsuKARA, «. An icicle.TsuRi-BARi, n. A fish-hook, also anyTsi'RA-TSURA, adv. Thoroughly, maturely,attentivelj;, carefully. — to tniru^ TsuRi-BASHi, «.suspension bridgehook attached to a line.to look attentively at.TsuRi-BUNE, «. A fishing-boat, used InTsL-RA-YOGOSHi, 11. (lit. dirtying the face). angling.Shame, disgrace. Oya no — -wo suric, TsuRi-D.\i, «. A box, or frame used bycausing shame to a parent.coolies suspended from a pole.TsLRE, «. A cornpanion, or company in TsuRi-DASHi. -.??;,-;'«, t. V. To draw outgoing or travelling.with a hook <strong>and</strong> line, to lure out, drawTsuRE,-r«,-^a, t. V. To lead, or take in or entice out of the house, to decoy.company, to conduct, go along with, TsURi-DoRO, n.hanging lantern.together with. Ashita isiirefe kuru, TsuRi-GANE, «, A large hanging bell.bring him with you to-morrow. Tsurea!(,to go together, or in company. TsLKi-iTO, n. A fishing-line.TsuRi-HASHiGO, n. A rope ladder.Ts\:KK,-rie.-ta. i. v. To be caught with Tsu-RiKi, n. Supernatural power, as ofa hook <strong>and</strong> line, as a fish.becoming invisible, of seeing, hearing,TsuRE-Ai, n. A companion in wedlock, <strong>and</strong> knowing all things.husb<strong>and</strong>, partner or consort.TsuRi-KOMi,-/««,-«i/a, t. V. To allure,TsuRE-DACHi,-/ja,-//a, i. V. To go togetherentice, or draw into.or in company. Tsuredatte TsuRi-SAGE,-r«,-/'a, /. V. To hang, oryuku.suspend so as to swing to dangle.TsuRE-DZURE, adv . In an irksome manner,TsuRi-SEN, n.;The change received af-as when one has nothing to do <strong>and</strong> ter paying more than the price of thetime hangs heavy, ennui.Tsu-REi, 71. Common, general, customary,article.TsuRi-TE, n. A cord, or rope by whichusual, current.anything is suspended.TsLRE-KO, n. A step-child, or a child by TsuRi-YOSE,-ri^-/'^i, t. V. To allure, entice,a former marriage, which the motherattract, to draw near or close to.takes with her when she marries anotherhusb<strong>and</strong>.Tsu-RO, n. An open road, a thorough-TsuRi-zAO, n. A fishing-rod.TsL'RE>J.Ai,-/^/,-i'rt,-jAz, a. Hard, painfulfare, communication. — wo tatsu, to;cold, distant, unfriendly ; unfeeling,heartless. Tsufe/iakii naru., to TsuRu, «, A crane, stork.cut oflf communication,become distant or unfriendly.TsuRu, n. A vine. Budo no — , a grapevine.TstRE-soi,-^,-(7/a, /. V. To go together,or in company, to be companions. TsuRU, n. A bow-string. — ivo kakeru^TsuRi, «. Fishing with a hook <strong>and</strong> line, to fix the string to the bow. Nabe noangling. — wo suru., to fish with a —, the bowlike h<strong>and</strong>le of a pot. Masuhook <strong>and</strong> line.no — , the diagonal iron bar across themone}"^ paid the price of goodsn. iron pick.purcliased. — wo ioru, to receive the TsuRLBE, n.well-bucket.change,TsuKUGi, n. A long double-edged swordTsLRi, w. A line with the upper part used in ancient times.TsLRi, n. Change, or the balance ofbeyondtop of a grain measure.TsuRU-BASHi, Anfixed, <strong>and</strong> used to brace or support anythingfrom falling. — ivo kakeru.to cover, or tread, as animals or towls.TsfRUMi,-;//?/,-/;^,!, i. V. To copulate,To TsuRUSHi,-j«,-/^rt, /. V. To let hang by aTsuRi,-r2

TSU 296 TSUdown. Kutno ga ito wo — , the spiderclimbs its thread.'I'suTAXAi,-/i'/,-.'t«, a. Ignorant, unacquainted;unskilful, unh<strong>and</strong>y, inexpert; awkward, clumsy ; rude, rough,or badly done. Saiku iva — , the workis clumsily done.TsuTA\VARi,-r«,-/i'^, i. z>. To be transmitted,delivered, or passed along fromone to another, or from age to age ; toreceive, derive or inherit from one's ancest.ors.TsuTAYE,-r«,-^«, t. V. To transmit Orpass along from one to another, h<strong>and</strong>down by tradition. Shison ni mo?io wo— , to transmit anything to posterity.Tsutaye-kikii^ to hear by tradition, tohear through others.TsuTAYE, n. Tradition, transmission,h<strong>and</strong>ing from one to another.TsuTE, n. An introducer, go-between,or mediator between two parties whoare strangers to each other.TsuTO, «. Early in the morning. — niokiru^ to rise early.TsuTO, n. A wrapper of straw such as;that in which eggs are carried.TsuTO, ti. A present brought from anotherplace.Tsu-TO, adv. In a sudden, or quickmanner, hastily, abruptly. — tattederu., got up hastily <strong>and</strong> went out./. TsuTOMARi,-rM,-/z'a, v. To be served,attended to ; done, discharged, as service,or official duty.Tsi;TOME,-r«,-^rt, t. V. To serve, attend,wait on to perform official duty ; todo, as a servant, or to do diligently.Yakii wo — , to attend to one'sofficial ;official business.TsuTOME, n. Service, office, ministrythe labor or duty which one owes to amaster, or lord.TsuTSU, n. A pipe, tube ; a gun. TeJ>pono — , a gun-barrel. — sode, tightsleeves. O — , a cannon. Ko , amusket. Tan — , a pistol. Kiba — , acarbine. Alotogome — , a breach-loader.— sasage^ present arms. — kataye, shoulder arms. - - sage., order arms.TsuTSU. A suffix to verbs, = while.Ame ga fiiri-tsHtsu hi ga teru, whileor thrust at repeatedly, to pick, peck.Bo de 7iedzti7!ii no ana wo — , to punchinto a rat hole with a stick.TsuTSUMASHii,-X-/,-^.v, a. That whichone wishes to conceal or cover up, causingshame. Tsutsumashiku oino, tofeel a&hamed.TsuTSU.Mi,-7««,-«i/.T, /. z'. To wrap up,to cover, to conceal, to hide, envelope.Haj'i wo — , to conceal a shame. Honwo — , to cover a book.TsuTSUMi, n. A covering, wrapper, apacket, package, or bundle.TsuTSUMi. «. A bank or dike to preventan overflow of water.TsuTSUSHiMi,-7«;/,-«^a, t. V. To keepa watch over one's self, to be circumspect,cautious, careful reverential,;respectful to confine one's self to the;house, as a punishment. Tsutstishindejnoshi-ageru., respectfully to say (to asuperior).TsuTSCSHiMi, n. Care, watchfulness, orcircumspection over self, self restraint;confinement to one's house for some of-TsuTTACHi,-^i-«,-^^a, /. V. To rise upsuddenly.TsuTTO, adv. In the manner of anj--thing passing along quickly. — deru.,to slip out.TsuwABUKi, n.The Lingularia Kampferi.TsuwAMONO, n. A common soldier.TsuwARi, n. The bodily disorders causedby pregnancy. — _>'«;«/, the indispositionattending quickening.TsO-YA, n. Passing the whole night. —kiyo woyonde, to spend the whole nightin reciting prayers.TsuYA, n. Gloss, shine, lustre, polish.TsuYE, n. A cane. — wo tsuku., to carrya cane.Tsu-v6, n. Current, in common or generaluse. — kin, current coin.Tsvyoi,-ki.,-ku,-shi, a. Strong, powerful,violent, mighty, severe, firm, intense,vehement. Tstiyoku narn, tobecome strong or powerful.TsLYOME,-r?

TSUTsuYU, n. Dew : fig. for the smallestparticle, brief. — ga oku, the dew falls.— hodo mo shiradzu^ don't know theleast.TsuYu, n. Broth, soup.TsuYu-HARAi, n. The person who goesbefore a noble to clear the way, <strong>and</strong> to297 UCHmake people squat down ; also, an inferioractor, who amuses people assemblingin a theatre until the principal actormakes his appearance.Tsu YUKEi,-,^z,-/&w ,-j/j/, a. Wet with dew,dewy.U, n. A cormorant. — - wo isukau, tofish with a cormorant.U, n. (The first syllable of zisagi^ ahare). One of the twelve signs. — notoki, 6 o'clock A.M. — tto ho, the east.U,-r«, t. V. To get, obtain.Uba, n. A wet-nurse : an old woman.UbA I,-«?

UCH 2UcHi-KOMi,-;««,-«^a, t. V. To throw orshoot into.UcHi-KOROSHi,-*^,-/^, t. V. To kill bystriking, beating, or shooting.UcHi-KOWASHi,-i-2/,-^a, /. V. To breakby striking ; to break down, as a building; to demolish.UcHi-KUDAKi,-/^a,-zVa, t. V. To smashor crush by beating.UcHi-KURUBUSHi, H, The internal anklebone.UcHi-MAKU, n. Private, secret. — nishite kudasarey please let this be private,or between ourselves. Kono kotolua — 710 hanashi ni shitnasho, I willkeep this matter private.UcHi-Mi, n. A bruise, contusion.UcHi-MONO, n. Anything made on ananvil, or by forging.UCHI-NAR.A.SH I, -jz/ ,-/*«, t. V. To soundby striking or beating. Shita ivo — , toto smack the lips, to click with thetongue.UcHi-NiWA, n. A small court-yard orarea enclosed by a house.UcHi-NORi, n. Inside-measurement ordimensions.UcHi-SHiKi, n. A spread for a table orst<strong>and</strong>.UcHi-TAOSHiy-su,-ta, t. V. To beat orknock down anything st<strong>and</strong>ing.UcHi-TOKE,-r?

dreary, cheerless. Uki-me ni au^ tomeet with trouble or hardship.UiKivo, n. The clove. Sko-uikiyo,anise.Vi-viSHii^-ki^-ktt, a. Youthful, inexperienced,a novice, or tyro in appearanceor manner.UjA, 71. A black snake.Uji, «, A maggot. — ga ivaku.^ to breedmaggots.Uji-GAMi, n. The penates, or tutelarygod of a house, or place.UjiKi), >i. The persons living in a placeunder the protection of an Ubusiina ;the parishoners of a Miya.Uji-uji. — sum, to loiter, idle, or wastetime by procrastinating.UKABE,-r«,-/'«, t. V. To float or rideupon the water, to swim. Nainida luo— , eyes swimming with tears.\jKABi,-/'ii,-!ii^u, i. V. To float, swim, orbe supported on the water, to rise tothe surface ; to be buoyant, to be lively,cheerful. Kokoro ni — , to fancy, toimagine, or conceive in the mind.\jK.\G.\\,-au^-atta, t. v. To inquire, askafter ; to find out, or ascertain, descry,to spy out, to explore, to watch secretly,to peep at, look at secretly, to reconnoitre.Aliyakti wo — , to feel thepulse. Hima wo — , to seek for an opportunity.U-KAi, 71. A person who fishes with cormorants.UKARE,-r«,-^a, z". z/. To be lively, buoyant,gay, to be in high spirits; to befanciful, whimsical, giddy. 07igiyokuni uka7-ete odoru.Ukare-bito, 71. A w<strong>and</strong>erer, one whohas no settled dwelling-place.Ukare-me, n. A prostitute, harlot, cour-Ukasare,-^^,-/^, pass, of Ukashi. Tocause to be floated, to be carried away,transported, fascinated ; to be afi"ectedby. Cha 7ii — , to be affected by tea soas not to sleep.UKASHi,-«^,-/'rt, t. V. To cause to swim,to float, to buoy up.UK;ATSL'Ki,-/l'«,-/rt, i. V. To be heedless,giddy, volatile, whimsical, fitful, capricious,fanciful, eratic.UiCATSU-Ni, adv. Carelessly, heedless-ly-Uka-uka, adv. Heedlessly, inattentively,forgetfully, vacantly, \A\y. — to yowo kurasu, to live in an idle way.UKE,-r?/,-^a, t. V. To float, bear up,make to swim on the surface.Uke, ;/. A weir, or bamboo-basket fixedin a stream for catching fish.299 UKEUke, n. The float of a net, or fishingline,a buoy.Uke,-^?^,-/^, t. V. To receive, to get, tohold, take ; to be the subject of ; toparry ; to fend off, to contain, to hold.A me wo — , to get wet with rain. Kidzuwo — , to be wounded. Shiino wo— , to be frosted.Uke, n. A reply, answer ; the position,exposure, or situation of a place in regardto points of the compass. Nishiukc\a western exposure. Kaze-uke 7iikakiwo suru, to erect a fence to keepoff theUke, n.wind.A bracket, for supporting ashelf, etc.UKE-Ai,-rt?

UKE 300 UMIto be told, or receive by report ; used in UMARE,-r«,-^a, 2. V. To be born, broughtrespectfully speaking to another.forth. Untare-kaivaru, to pass by\Jkk-tori, -ru,-iia, t. v. To receive, birth from one thing into another, totake, catch. Kane wo — , to receive transmigrate, as the soul of the dead.money.Uinare-jnasaru, to rise above the conditionor station in whic'.i one was born.Uke-tori, n. A receipt.UKE-TSUKE,-rz/ ,-/«, t. V. To consent, to Umare-oto?-u, to fall below the condition,listen, or accede to, to undertake to do,to engage to do or perform.or station in which one was born.Umare-tate, just born.Uketsuke-nai,-/^/,-/^«, a. Not to assent Umare, n. The condition, or place inor listen to, not to undertake, to refuse, which one is born ; birth, extraction.decline, not to accept.Umare-awase, n. The nature, naturalUke-uri, 71. Selling as one receives from properties.another ;doing a small retail business. Umare-bi, «. Birthday.Uki,-^«, -//«:, i. V. To float, swim on the Umare-go, «. An infant.surface, to be buoyant, to be vivacious, Umare-kawari, n. Transmigration ofKi no uita hito, the soul, metempsychosis.cheerful, li^ht, fickle.a fickle person. Vo no uki shidzu. the Umare-tsuki, n. Nature ; inborn orvicissitudes of life. Uki-agari^ to rise natural constitution, disposition, tem<strong>and</strong> float.perament, property or quality ; naturalUki, n. A buoy.faculty.Uki-bori, n. Embossed carving.UMARE-TSL"Ki,-Xr7/,-zVrt, /. V. To be natural,inborn, innate, congenital, to be en-Uki-gusa, n. A plant that floats uponthe water, duck-weed.dowed with, to have naturally. HiioUkiki, n. The sun fish ; Orthragoriscus ga j'hi gi ret chi shin wo uniare-tsuitemola.oru, men are naturally endowed withUki-mono, n. A lively, vivacious, gay, the five cardinal virtues.or cheerful person.\ii,\hR\,-rii,-tta, V, A contraction ofi.Uki-na, «. A bad name, or reputation. Udzii rnari.Uki-uki-to, adz/. In a buoyant manner, Umasa, n. Sweetness.in a gay, lively, cheerful, light-hearted Uma-tsugi, n. A post-station, or relaymanner ; adrift, drifting.station on a public road where packhorsesUki-vo, «. This fleeting world.are changed.Ukkari, adv. Vacantly, listlessly, carelessly,without attention, idly. — mi-skillfully, artfully.Uma-uma-to, adv. Cleverly, adroitly,ru.Uma-va, n. A horse stable.Ukke-mono, «. A foolish or silly person, Umayaji, n. A public road.dunce, fool.Ume, n. The plum tree. Ume-ioshtyUkki, «. Vapors, gloom, melancholy dried plums.— wo /tarau, to dispel gloom.\JfAE.,-ru,-ta, t. V. (Contract, of Udz7imerii).Ukuwatsu, a. Dull, stupid, slow, heed-To bury, cover, fill up, to pourless.Uma, «. A horse ; one of the twelvesigns. — MO ioki, twelve o'clock m.— MO Ad, the south.Uma-govashi, «. Trefoil, or clover.Uma-guwa, n. A rake drawn by a horse,a harrow.TjMAi^-kiy-i-u^s/ii, a. Sweet, pleasant tothe taste, agreeable* good, mild, savory.Umaku Mai, unpleasant, not good toeat. Uinaku sum, to sweeten.Uma-jirlshi, n. A flag, or banner, usedfor distinguishing the comm<strong>and</strong>er of anarmy.Uma-kata, n. The person who attends<strong>and</strong> leads a pack-^horse.Uma-ke.muki, n. The dust raised byhorses traveling.Uma-nori, n, A horse rider, a teacherof horsemanship, a horse race.in in order to reduce the temperature,or strength ; to dilute. Uine-agcru, tobury, cover, or fill up. Ume-aivaseru^to fill up <strong>and</strong> make even, as a hollow ;tosquare or make even one's losses by hisgains.Ume-chi, n. Ground or l<strong>and</strong> made byfilling in a swamp or shoal water, reclaimedl<strong>and</strong>.A water-pipe laid underUme-uoyl;the ground.Ume-uzu, n. Vinegar made of plumjuice.Ume-dzuke, «. Pickled plums.Umeki,-X,m,-//«, t. V. To groan, to moan.Ume-kusa, u. Any material used forfilling up.Ume-zono, n. A plum garden.Umi, n. The sea, ocean.Umi, n. Pus, matter.

I||UMI 301 UNUUmi,-w?/,-«^«, t. V. To bear, give birth Unaji, n. The nape of the neck.to, bring forth to lay, as a fowl.UNARi~r?/,-^^rt;, /. V. To resound in a;\]Mi,-f/iH,-niia, t. V. To ripen, to soften, prolonged manner, to hum, as a bell forsome time after it is struck, or as aor come to maturity, as fruit ; to suppurate.humming kite or top ; to groan, tomoan, to purr.\jMi,->/iM,-nda, i. v. To be tired, orweary of, fatigued.UNASARE,-r«,-M, i. V. To have theUmi, -;«//,-««'«, /. V. To twist <strong>and</strong> join nightmare, to have a horrible dream.the threads of hemp together in order U-NAWA, «. A line used in fishing withto lengthen, preparatory to twisting a cormorant.into a cord.Un-chix, 71. The money or hire paid forUmibata,]carrying or transporting goods eitherUmibe, >- «. The sea-shore, sea-coast. by horse, coolie, ship, or wagon ;freight,Umibeta, fare.)U-Mi-DASHi,-j«,-/a, t. V. To bring forth, Un-d6, n. Motion, movement, exercise.to lay, as an egg ; fig. to save a little,as out of one's expenses, or in cuttingout a garment.Umi DZLKi, «. The last month of gestation.Umi-dzi'ra, n. The surface of the ocean.Umi-hechi.ma, u. Sponge.Umi-ji, w. a journey by sea, a voyage.Umi-.matsu, 71. Coral.UMi-TsrKARE,-r;c,-^«, /. V. To be tiredor disgusted with.Umi-uma, n. The sea-horse, Hippocampus.UMi-TSUKE,-r«,-M, t. V. To deposit eggson anything, as silk worms on paper.U.Mi-WATA, n. Sponge.Umi-vanagi, n. A species of coral.U.M-MEi, n. Change of fortune, or luck ;fate decreed by heaven. —ga tsukita.U.MMO, n. Talc or mica used in makingthe figures on wall-paper.UMORE,-rz/,-/rt, i. V. To be buried, orcovered up, to be filled up.Umore-gi, n. Fossil wood.U-.MU i,ari( nashi). Are or are not, haveor have not. Tsumi no u-vtu ni kakaluaradzuiiiina roya ni ireru.^ withoutrespect to guilt or innocence he putthem all in gaol.U.MUGi, n. A clam.Un, ;/. Fortune, luck, chance, turn, time,vicissitude.Un (kmiio). A cloud, l/n s/io, abovethe clouds. Un slid bito., the kuge.Un chiu, in the clouds.UNADARE,-ra,-^«, /. V. To hang the— suru., to move, to take exercise.Une, n. A ridge or embankment arounda field.Unekune, adv. Convoluted, zigzag,winding <strong>and</strong> turning in form or manner.Unekuri,-)»-?< ,-//«, /. V. To twist <strong>and</strong>turn, to coil in <strong>and</strong> out, to be convoluted.UNERi,-r/^,-^^ii;, /. V. To be wavy, or up<strong>and</strong> down like the ridges of a ploughedfield ;serpentine, anfractuous, winding<strong>and</strong> turning ; to move up <strong>and</strong> down,like the waves.Uni, ft. A kind of food made of clams.Unjo, n. Duty, custom or toll paid ongoods.Unjo-sho, «. Custom-house.UnjOkitsu, n. A kind of orange withoutseeds.Un-ki, n. Fortune, chance, luck ; vicissitude,turn.Un-ki, n. Caloric, heat, warmth. — notcku tvo kd7titt7-azaru i7t07io nashi.Unko, n. The feces.Un-nun. At the end of a sentence, = itis said, or so it is said ; also used inreference to something said before tosave repetition, = mentioned above,afore -mentioned, aforesaid, et cetera,<strong>and</strong> so on.Un-sai, 71. A kind of thick cotton cloth,used for making the soles of stockings.Un-sei, 71. Fortune, luck, the changesor turns in human life.Un-s6 {hakobi oku7-u)^ «. Transportation,or carrying of goods. — sum., totransport.Unu (vul. coll. for onore) pro. You ;I1,head, as in shame or trouble. Unadaretemono mo iwadzn ni oru.UNADZuKi,-^«,-zVrt, i. V. To_ nod theown.child.— ga kOy your child ; one's own— ra, you fellows (used to contemptiblehead in a.ssent, or to beckon with a nod.persons).Unagashi,-j«,-/(7, t. V. To press, urge, UNUBORE,-r?c,-/rt, /. V. To be vain, conceited,;to make ready.to hurry to order to have a high opinion of one'sUnagi, n. An eel.self, to be egotistical.UNAi,-a;/,-«/^t2, t. V. To cultivate, Uni'Bore, 71. Self-love, self-esteem, conceit,vanity, egotism. — to yamai touloiigh, farm. Ta ivo —Unaigo, n. A little child. 1 wa nai mono wa. itashi.

UNY 302 URIUnyeki, n. A plague, pestilence, severeepidemicdisease.augur.nosticate by divination, to divine, toUnzari. — sum, to be annoyed, vexed Urax.\i. Divination, prognostication, augury,fortune-telling.or troubled, as by some unexpected interruption.Uran.\i-ja, n. A diviner, fortune-teller.Uppei, a. Dull, without spirit, listless, Uraraka, a. Clear, bright, serene, pleasant.phlegmatic. Kisaki — suru^ to dampthe ardor.URARE,-r?

3°3;Uri-^vatasu^ sell <strong>and</strong> to deliver the noying, disagreeable, irksome, tiregoods.Uri-kai, n. Buying <strong>and</strong> selling, trade, Urushi, «. Lacquer, varnish,traffic. — wo siiru.the lacquer tree.Uri-ki'chi, 71. An outlet for the sale of Urushi-kabure, 71. Lacquer poison.anything, dem<strong>and</strong>.Urushi-ya, 71. A lacquerer, varnisher.Uri-.momi, «. A dish made of cucambers Uruwashii,-/{-z,-/^«, n. Beautiful, elegant,sliced <strong>and</strong> seasoned with vinegar.graceful, lovely, good, rich.Uri-mono, n.ch<strong>and</strong>ise.Articles for sale, mer-Us.A, 71. Sadness, sorrow gloom, melancholy.— rvo karasu., dispeltoUri-nushi, n. The seller.gloom.Uri-saki, n. The buyer, or person to UsAGi, n. A hare.whom anything is sold.UsAGi-AMi, 71. A net for catching hares.Uri-shiro, n. The price or money receivedin exchange for goods.UsAN, «. Doubt, suspicion, distrust. —UsAGi-UMA, n. An ass.ITri-suve, n. A house that is for sale.711 o»id^ to regard with suspicion.Urite, n. The seller.USANRA.SHII,-y^/,-/&«, a. Doubtful, SUSpicious.Uri-zane, n. A melon seed. — ga-o., along face.Uro, 71. A leak or dropping of rainthrough the roof. — -wo ski7iogu., tostant.URO-TsuKi,-,^«,-/Va, z. V. To be bewildered,perplexed, confused.Uro-uro, adv. In a w<strong>and</strong>ering, confused,bewildered, or perplexed manner,heedlessly, carelessly, listlesslj\Urcchi, )i. Rice.Urudzuki, n. An intercallary month.Uri-ka, n. The name of a fish.URUMASE,-rz^,-M, caust. of Urumu. Tomoisten, wet, dampen.URUMi,-w?

uso 304 UTSUso, n. A lie, falsehood, untruth. — 1 Uta, n. A song, a ballad, a poem. —wo ^su^u, to tell a. lie.-u'o utaUy to sing a song.'UsoBVKi^-ku,-iia, t. V. To whistle with Uta-bito, «. A poet, a ballad-maker.UTAGAi,-rt«,-a^^a, t. V. To doubt, to bethe mouth to roar, said only of theuncertain about, to suspect, distrust.tiger.UsORASHii,->^/,->^«, a. Having the appearanceUtag.m, n. Doubt, suspicion, distrust.of not being true ;looking as UxA-dARUTA, n. Cards on which part ofa verse is written, used in playing.if false.Uso-TSUKi, n. A liar.UTAGAWASHii,-/t/,-/^«, a. Doubtful, uncertain,suspicious.Uso-uso, adv. Furtively, stealthily. —mi-mawasu, to look around slily or VTAi^-au^-a^ia, t. v. To sing. Niwatoriga — , the cock crows.stealthily.UssAN, n. Dispersing gloom, or melancholy,enlivening the spirits. — sur?^. Utatane, n. Lying down in any placeUtai, n. A song./. z'. to sleep.UssHi,-j«,-^rt, To oppress, makegloomj', make dull. JCi zuo ussu.sorrowful.UssHiKi,-r«,-//rt, i. V. To be gloomy,UTATEi,-.^z',-j/i/,Uta-yomi, n.a. Sad,A poet.dull, depressed in spirits, melancholy. UTCHARi,-rM,-2'/rt, t. V. To throw away,UssuKi-To, adv. Thinlj', not close together,as a useless thing to reject. Utchattescattered, not deep in color.oku., to let alone, let be.UssuRU, i. V. To be dull, gloomy, melancholy,UTE,-ri^,-Ai. 1. V. To be struck, smitten,depressed inaffected by, overcome by ; spoiled,Usu, 71.spirits.A large wooden or stone mortartainted.U-ten, «. Rainy weather.for poundmg rice also the gizzard;of a fowl.Utena, n. The calyx of a flower ;a highUsu, a. Thin, rare, not dense ;not terrace, balcony, or gallery without aclose, or crowded together slight, not roof.;deep in color (used only in compoundUnacquainted, notUTOi,-/^/,-,^«,-j/fz, a.words.)familiar, not intimate, distant, cold,Usu-AKAi,-y^/,-/^«, a. Light red.strange.U.SL'-AK.ARI, n. A dim light.U-TOKU, n. Respectable, honorable, genteel.— ni kurashite iru.UsuBA, n. A thin-bladed knife used inthe kitchen.UTOMARE,-r«,-/rt, pass, of Utomi. ToUsuBERi, n. A mat made by lining good be distant, not intimate, or familiarmatting with a coarser kind, <strong>and</strong> bindingwith.the edges with cloth.UTO.MASHii,--tz",->^«, a. Cold, distant,Usu-CHA, n. Weak fea.strange, no longer intimate or familiar,Usu-DE, n. A slight wound ;thin in estranged.make. — no chazuan., a thin tea cup. Utomi,-;««,-«^a, t. v. To keep at aUsu-DZUMi, n. Thin ink.distance from, shun, to dislike; to beUsUGESHO, n. Powdering the face thinlycool, distant or unfriendly not to bewith white powder.intimate, or familiar with.Utoro, a. Hollow within, not solid, excavatedUs'l'-gurai,-/'?,-/^«, a. Slightly dark,in the interior. Ha>ie no shinevening twilight.Usii-GUROi,-/Cv',->^2t/,-/t«,-j/z?, a. Piled upin intensity, diminish in severity.U.suSA, n Thinness, rareness, density.Usu-TSUKi,-^«,-//ij, t. V. To pound in amortar.Usu-usu, adv. Slightly, a little.high.Utsugi, 71. The name of a floweringshrub, Deutzia scabra.

UTS 305U-TSUKAI, n. A person who fishes with Utsuvvo-bashira, «. A hollow column,a cormorant,a vertical pipe for conducting oflf rain-Utsike, n. A fool, ignoramus.UTSUKL'SHii,-/t'z,-/^«, a. Beautiful, h<strong>and</strong>some,pretty, elegant, good.UTTAYE,-r«,-i'«, t. V. To refer or appealUtsuwo-blt^e, n. A canoe.UTSUKUSHiiMi,-7//?/,-«rt'^, i. z'. To love. to a civil officer or court ; to informUi"SUKUSHiSA, n. Beauty, elegance.against, to enter a complaint, or bringUTSUMUKE,-rz

. orUWA 306 WABUwA-MiDZU, n. The clear water st<strong>and</strong>ingabove settlings.UwA-MUKi, «. Outside, external, outward.UwA-NORi, n. A person who goes with acargo as a guard, a super-cargo.UwA-No-soR.'\, n. Absence of mind,abstraction, or inattention. — ni kiku.UwA-NURi, «. The outside coat of plaster,varnish, or paint.UwA-osoi, n. Covering anything so asto screen or protect. Naye ni — woVvfAm,-ru,-iia, i. v. To be planted.Ta ni naye ga uwatta, the rice-plantsare planted in the paddy-field.UwASA, n. Talking about another whois not present ;gossip, report, rumor.— wo sureba kage ga sasu^ (prov.)talk about another <strong>and</strong> he is sure tocome.UwA-TE, n. The best h<strong>and</strong> in doing,making, or in writing ; up the river.UwATSUKi,-^K,-zVa, /. V. To be fickle,light <strong>and</strong> flighty.UwA-uwA, adv. In a fickle, flighty manner,capriciously, whimsically.UwA-YE, n. Touching over with a pencilfigures that have been marred in dyeing.— wo kaku.Uwo, 71, Fish.Uwo-NO-ME, n. The callus formed onthe h<strong>and</strong>s by hard work.Uwo-GASHi, n. A fish-market.UvAMAi,-a?^,-rt//a, /. V. To reverence,respect, honor, venerate, fear ; to worship,adore.Uyamai, n. Reverence, respect, veneration,honor, fear ; adoration.Uya-uvashii,-/§'/,->^«, a. Reverential,respectful in manner or deportment ;humble.Uye, n. The top, higher or upper partabove,;superior; outside, exterior ;more than, beyond, besides; on, upon.Uye satna^ his highness. Mi-no —one's fortune, or luck ; social position,rank.UYE,-r«,-/«, /. V. To be hungry. Uyetarutoki ni inadziii mono nashi.Uye, 71. Hunger, starvation. Uye-jini^death by starvation.'UYE,-ru,-ia, t. v. To plant; set in theground ; to colonize, settle ; to inoculate,vaccinate; to set tj'pe. Uye-ka~yeru^ to transplant. Naye ivo — , totransplant young sprouts.Uye-boso, 7:, Vaccination, also inocula-Uye-gomi, A flower-garden, nuiUyeki, n. A plant ; flowers or youngkept in pots, or for transplanting,treesa nursery plant.Uye-ki-ya, n. A nurseryman, a florist,gardener.Uye-mono-gaku, n. Botany.U-YEN, {mazvari doi). Roundabout,; circuitous, indirect intricate, complicated.U-ZAi, {tsuTui aru). Guilty. — mu-zaz^guilty or not.U-ZAi-GAKi, n. A miser.UzA-uz.\, adv. Swarming like insects.Ki no yeda ni ket7iushi ga — shiteU-zo-MU-zo, «. All things material orimmaterial, visible or invisible.^WWa, n. A ring, wheel, circle ; a hoop.Wa 7ii wa wo kakete iu, to exaggerate.Wa, (ya7nato,) n. Japan. Wa-iun,<strong>Japanese</strong> writing, or books. IVa-sei^<strong>Japanese</strong> manufacture. JVa-gaku^<strong>Japanese</strong> literature, or learning. Wage^translated into the <strong>Japanese</strong>. IVakoku^Japan. Wa-go, <strong>Japanese</strong> language.\Va-ka., <strong>Japanese</strong> poetry. Wakan^Japan <strong>and</strong> China.Wa, {tairagu^ n. Peace. — wo mu~subu, to make a treaty of peace.Wa. a particle which is placed after,<strong>and</strong> serves to designate, the subject ofa sentence ; as, Kore wa naTii, what isthis? Koko ye kite wa warui, youmust not come here.Wa, n. The numeral in counting bundles<strong>and</strong> fowls. Niwatori ichi wa., one fowl.Wara sam ba, three bundles of straw,WABi,-r«,-/a, /. V. To apologize, ask

WAB 307 WAKforgiveness, to pray for mercy, tohumbly acknowledge, to confess ; tobe lonely <strong>and</strong> miserable, forlorn, desolate.Wabi, n. Supplication or making a confessionin order to obtain pardon ormercy.Wabi-bito, «. A forlorn, desolate, solitaryperson.Wabi-dzumai, n. Dwelling in cheerlesssolitude.Wabi-koto, n. Supplication for mercyor forgiveness.'Wabishii,-,^?',-/^?^, a. Forlorn, dismal,lonesome, solitary, dreary, cheerless,desolate.Wa-boku,friendship,m. Making peace, restoringharmony. — suru, toormake peace.Wa-chigaye, n. The figure of ringslinked together.Wachiki, pron. I, me.WADAKAMARi,-r?

•holdWAK 308 WARWake-maye, n. Share, portion, part.Wake-me, n. The dividing line, a division,separation, partition.Waki, n. The side of the chest ; theplace bordering on, or at the side ofanything ;aside, to one side. — noshita^ the arm-pit. Waki-basamu^ tofor, to defray expenses.Waki-mave, 71. Discrimination, judgment,discernment.Waki-me, n. Looking to one side, lookingaway, a side glance. — mo furadzuni 7niru^ to look straight forward.— yort iiiirtt^ looking at anything as abyst<strong>and</strong>er or from another's st<strong>and</strong>-point.WAKi-TACHi,-/j«,-^/

WAR 309 WAT,of a seal, corresponding to the part on Wasure-gachi, «. Inclined to forget, aanother block a tally.poor memory, forgetful.Wari-GAKI, n.;The small letters in doubleWasure-gao, n. The countenance ofcolumn, in which notes on the text one who pretends not to know.are written.Wasure-gatami, n. A memento, sou-W.A.RIGO, n. A kind of box for holdingWasure-gusa, n. The Hemerocallis, orrice.Wariguri, n. The pieces of broken day-lily.stone used by masons to support <strong>and</strong> fillForgetful,WASUREPPOi,--^/,-,^?

WAY 310 YADYa, n. An arrow, — no ne., an arrowhead.Ya, n. A house or shop ;also for theperson who does business in the placeto which it is affixed ;used generally as Ya-bumi, n. A letter fixed to an arrow,a suffix. Kusuri-ya, a drug-store, also <strong>and</strong> sent by shooting it from a bow.a druggist. JVaga ya, my house. Ya-bun, n. Night, night-time.Ya, n. The spoke of a wheel. Kuruinano —YABURE.,-ru,-ia, i. v. To be torn, broken,Yabunirami, n. Squint-eyed, strabismus.Ya, 71. Eight, same as Yatsu.rent ; to be defeated, routed ; to be infringedor violated ; to be divulged.Ya, {,yorii), n. Night.Ya. A particle of interrogation or doubt. YABURi,-r?/,-/M, /. V. To tear, break,Ikaga sen ya^whai shall I do? (2). rend ; to defeat, rout ; to infringe, transgress,violate ; to divulge, disclose; toUsed also as a simple exclamation orpause, in enumerating several things ;ruin, injure, damage, impair.Yabusaka. Stingy, niggardly, avaricious,miserly.Ya-busame, n. Shooting with a bow at atarget from horseback while the horseis running. — wo surtc.sume ya, advance. Itte kikase ya, Ya-busuma, n. A volley of arrows.me.Ya-chin, n. House-rent.tellYa-awase, n. The shooting of arrows Ya-chiu, n. In the night, during theby both armies at the commencement night.of a battleYa-uane, «. The supply of arrows in aY.'v-BA, 71. A place for practising archery. quiver.Ya-ban, n. A night-watch.Yado, n. A house with the groundsYa-bane, n. The feather of an arrow. around it, home, dwelling-place, a shelter; a sojourn, temporary residence, aY.A.BO, 71. A boor, clown, rustic, a bumpkin.lodging.Yabu, «. A bamboo grove, or canebrake.— wo tsutsuite hebi wo dasu. wo sunt.Yado-gaye, n. Change of residence. —Ya-bud6, n. Wild grapes.Yabu-isha, n. A charlatan, empiric, orYado-hiki, n. Persons at inns who watchfor travelers <strong>and</strong> invite them to stopquack doctor.hotel-runner.or as an accent, similar to yo : as Haiiaya cho ya, the flowers <strong>and</strong> butterflies.Kotvai ya, or osoroshi ya, how dreadful! Oira Ja naiya, it was not me.(3). As an imperative particle ; as Su-Yabu-ka, «. A large kind of mosquitowhich infests cane-brakes.Yabu-karashi, «. A wild grape, BitisPenbaphilla.

YAD 311 YAKYado-nashi, {mu-shuku). Homeless, hole through a wall in order to enter, ashouseless.a thief.Y.\T>ORi-ru,-fia^ i. v. To sojourn, to Yajirikiri, n. A housebreaker, thief.stop, or lodge, as at an inn ; to roost. YAKAMASHii,-/{-/,-^'?/,-/

Yaki-mochi, n. Baked rice bread ; jealousy.— wo yaku^ to be jealous.Yaki-mono, n. Any kind of earthenware,as crockery, or tiles ;also baked312 YAMofficial.YAKu-Ni-TACHi,-^s-2

•Yamai-ke,3^3YARYamagatsu, n. A mountaineer, a wood-Yamikumo, adv. Recklessly, indiscriminately,thoughtlessly.man-Yamagobo, «. Phytalacca Dec<strong>and</strong>ra, Yami-uchi, n. Killing in the dark. —Pokewecd.ni sum, to kill at night.Yama-goto, u. a falsehood, subterfuge, Yami-yami, adv. Uselessly, for naught.fabrication.— to korosu.Yamahiko, n. An echo.Yamo.me, «. A widow or widower.Yamai, «, Sickness, disease.Yamori, n. One placed in a house to«. A sickly condition, or keep it, a watchman ; also a species offeeling.lizard that frequents houses.Yama-inu, n. A wild dog, or wolf. Yana, n. A weir or basket to take fish.Yama-ji, n. A mountain road.Yanagi, n. A willow.Yamame, «. Trout.Yanagui, n. A quiver.Yana-michi, n. A mountain road. Yane, n. A roof. Yane-ita, shingles.Yama-mori, n. Heaping up anything in Yane-ya, a person whose occupation ismeasuring, heaping full.to roof houses.Yama-moto, n. The base, or foot of a Yani, n. The pitch or gum that exudesmountain.from certam kinds of trees. Mc-yani,Yama-no-ha, n. The mountains or l<strong>and</strong> a gummy discharge from the eyes.that bounds the horizon. — ni tsuki Yaniwa-ni, adv. Immediately, instantly,quickly.ga kakureru.Yama-no-te, n. A region of country Ya-no-mune, n. The ridge of a house ornear or on the mountains.top of the roof.Yama-oroshi, n. A storm of wind blowingdown from the mountains.also eight days.Yaoka, n. The eighth day of the month,Yama-shi, n. A mercantile speculator, Ya-omote, n. The range of an arrow oror adventurer.ball, bowshot.Yamashii.-;^/,--^?^, a. Sickly, unhealthy, Yaora, adv. Softly, quietly, gently.painful.Yaova, n. A seller of vegetables, a greengrocer.YAM.^SHiME.-r/^,-/^, t. V. To cause painor sickness.Yappari, adv. Same as Yahari,Yamato, n. Japan. — kotoba, <strong>Japanese</strong>language.Yara. a conjunctive particle, or a par-Yamato-damashii, n. <strong>Japanese</strong> spirit orticle expressing doubt or uncertainty, =<strong>and</strong>, or, whether, I wonder. Sake wotemper ; viz., patriotism, loyalty ; a notmi yara odoru yara, drinking wineconservative spirit.Yama-wake, n.profits.Yam.\-z.\to, «.An equal division ofA village among the<strong>and</strong> dancing. Doko ye itta yara, Iwonder where he has gone.Yakai, «. A picket fence, a stockade.YARAKASHi,-i-«,-^rt, t. V. To do, to workmountains.;Yarakashite mimasho,(vulgar coll.)YAiME,-r?/,-^a, t. V. To cease from, stop, I will give it a trial.leave off, give up, ab<strong>and</strong>on.Yare. Exclam. of surprise, fear or pain.YAME,-ru,-^a, i. v. To be sick, to pain, Yari, n. A spear, lance. — no 7ni, theache.head of a spear. — no ye, h<strong>and</strong>le of aYame, n. A stop, cessation.spear.Yami, w. Darkness. — «^ ^

YAR 314 YATsilence, refute, convict. Giron wo shite a house st<strong>and</strong>s ; the house of a noble,hito wo yari-konda.or honorable person.YAKi-KURi,-ru,-tta, t. v. To plan or devisehow to raise money, to turn over YAsm'SAi,-au,-atta, t. v. To nourish,Ya-shin, n. Treason, treachery.one's money. Shinsho wo —foster, to support, maintain, sustain ; toYari-midzu, n. A stream of water rear, bring up.brought from a distance.Yashinai-go, h. a foster-child.Yari-mochi, 71. Spearmen, lancers. Yashiro, n.Sin too temple, or shrine.Yarippanashi. Leaving one's work in Yashobi, n. A white rose.disorder, without putting things in their Ya-shoku, n. Supper.proper places ;slovenly, careless, negligent.Yasu, n. A fish-gig.Yasoji, n. Eighty years of age.YARi-soKONAi,-«7

YATemaciated, or debilitated ; to be ragged,filthy <strong>and</strong> poor in appearance.YATSUSHi,-j«,-/rt, t. V. To dress so as to So ka ye, is it so ? or indeed.alter one's appearance, to disguise one's YE.,-ru,-ta, t. V. To get, obtain, to receive; can, able.self. JMi wo yatstishite shinobi ni yu-Ye, 71. A branch or limb of a tree.Yatsu-yatsushii,-/^/,-;^?^, a. Poor, miserable,wretched, dirty <strong>and</strong> ragged.•fishes, bait.Yeba, 7t. The food of animals, birds orYatto, adv. At length, at last, barely, Y^^\'Mi,-7nu ,-nda, t. v. To eat, orscarcely, hardly.feed ; used only of animals, birds orYattoko, 71. A smith's tongs, used in fishes.h<strong>and</strong>ling hot metal.Y^v,\,-7'ii,-ta, i. V. To burst open, asYa-utsuri, «. Moving from one house ripe fruit.to another.Yebi, 71. A shrimp, prawn.Yawaka, adv. It is doubtful whether, I Yebi, n. The grape. — dzuru, grapevine.Yebi-iro, grape-color, purple.doubt if, I rather think. Ktanotte ivairu ga — Xuri 77io siiutaiy although it Yebi-ashi, 71. Club-foot.is cloudy I rather think it will not Yebi-i6, 71. A kind of padlock shapedrain.like a fish.Yawara, «. Wrestling. — ivotoru. Yebira, n. A mat made of bamboo onYawarage,-^«ro. I.Yatsu-kuchi, n. A child's coat.YATSUiME-UNAGi, «. A lamprey, Petromyzonor into ; to,the dative.ini ye i7totoward, in, into ; sign ofSometimes = by, as ; ka-sotio oiiioinuki ga kikoye-fluviatilis.mashita, this matter was heard evenYATSURE,-r?^,-^a, /. V. To become thin, by the prince.Ye, coll. Exclam. of interrogation, ordoubt. Doko 710 ye,-vi\\ftxe.'i or which ?in binding, by being folded, has escapedbeing trimmed by the book-binder.YEBi-\v.\RE,-rM,-Aj, i. V. To be burst orsplit open, as ripe fruit.Yeboshi, 71. A kind of black cap wornon the crown of the head by nobles,also by Manzai <strong>and</strong> Kafinushi.Yebukuro, n. The crop, or craw offowls ;the first stomach of some animals.Yeburi, 71. An instrument like a scraperused by farmers for breaking hard clods<strong>and</strong> leveling the ground.Yeda, 71. A branch, bough, or limb of atree ; a limb or extremity of the body ;a branch of a river, of a family, or of asect.Yeda-ha, n. Branches <strong>and</strong> leaves ; subdivision,or branches of a sect.

YED 316 YENYeda-michi, n. A branch road.YEDORi,-rM,-//a, i. V. To paint, tocolor.Yedzu, n. A chart ; a map ; a plan ordrawing.Yedzu-hiki, n. A maker of maps,YKG\jm,-ru,-tia., t. v. To cut with atwisting motion, to scoop, to bore, togouge.Yegusa, n. A tingling sensation in thethroat.Ye-hon, n. A drawing-book, or picturebook.Yei, «. Intoxication, drunkenness. Fune7W — , sea-sickness.YEi-FUSHi,-j7

YEN 317 YETYen, h. a ver<strong>and</strong>ah, porch, balcony* Yen-to, {tot shima). Transportation orOchi-yen^ a low porch close to the banishment to a penal isl<strong>and</strong>.ground. Age-yen^ a porch which can Yen-to, n. Sugar of lead.be raised or let down.Yen-za, n. A round cushion for sittingYena, ^?. The placenta.on.Yen-dan, n. A consultation or proposal Yen-zai, {imtshitsu no tsurni). Punishmentinflicted on an innocent person. —of marriage.Yen-do, «. A kind of bean.wo komuru^ to be punished for a crimeYEN-D6i,-/^z',-,^«,-jy^/, a. Late in formingof which one is innocent. — wo ko^ toa marriage relation, used only of a beg for pardon.woman. Ven-doz onna^ an old maid. Yeppuku, {yorokohi shitd). — suru^ toYENDzuKE,-i'-?^,-A2, i. V. To form a marriagerender cheerful obedience.alliance, to give in marriage.Ton.Yerabi,-

YET 318 YODYe-toku. — suru, to comprehend, underst<strong>and</strong>.Yetsubo, n. — ni iru^ to laugh.Ye-y6, 71. Luxury, gr<strong>and</strong>eur, magnificence,splendor.Ye-z6, w. a portrait, likeness, drawnwith a pencil.Yezo, «. The isl<strong>and</strong> of Yesso.Yo, n. The world, age, generationthe times.life ;Yo, a. Four.Yo, {aiiiari). More than, above ; other,different, besides. Niju yo nift^ morethan twenty men. Sono yo., besidesthat, moreover.Yo, n. The part of a bamboo betweenthe joints.Yo. An imperative or emphatic particleas, Mi yo, look.;Yo-jin se yo., be careful.Mo nai yo, there is no more.A bunai yo, take care,Yo, n. Night. Hon ivo yonde yo ivoakasu, to spend the whole night inreading.Yobi-kayesii, to call back, invite to return.Yobi-komu, to call in. invite tocome in. Yobi-niiikayeru, to call, orsend for, to summon. Yobi-tsugu, tocontinue or pass on a call, as to a persontoo far off to hear the first one thatcalls. Yobi-yoseru, to call near, to inviteto approach.YoBi, n. Call, invitation.YoBi-KOYE, «. The cry of street hucksters.YoBi-N.\, n. The name by which a personis generally known.Yo-Bo {kao katachi), n. The countenance,form, features or expression ofthe face.Yo-BO, 71. Foster-mother.YoBORO, 71. A servant man.YoBLKO-NO-FUYE, 71. A whistle used forcalling, or giving signals.Yo-BUN, 71. An amount more than theproper quantity, the quantity in excessor over, an excess, a superfluity, redundancy,abundance.Yo-CHi, «. The earth, world. — tiodzu,a map of the world.Yo, «. A carbuncle.Yo, n. Business, something to do, use.Yo, n. Way, manner, mode;kind, sort Yo-CHi, «. A youth, child.form, fashion, appearance ; in order to, YocHi-vocHi-TO, adv. The unsteadyto the end that, for the purpose of, so <strong>and</strong> tottering walk of a child. — aruku.as.Xb-Y>.Kzn\,-tsu ,-tta, i. v. To be of use,Yo, n. The male principle of nature in useful.Chinese philosophy.XoV)P,c\i\,-tsu,-tta, i. V. To st<strong>and</strong> onYo {kaname), n. The principal thing, end, as the hair when one is cold, orimportant subject, that which is essential.OkoCari naki ivo — to su. Yo-DAi, «. Condition, state, circum-frightened.Yo-AKE, n.' The dawn of day.stances. — gC'ki, the history or descriptionof a case of sickness.Yo-AKINAI, n. A traffic carried on atY6DAi-BURi,-r«,-2'2'ij:, /. V. To be pomp-Yo-ARUKi, «. Walking in the night.ous, consequential, to assume a lofty orYo-ASOBi, n. Night amusement.an important air ; to be vain-glorious,Y6-B.\j n. The place of one's business, to make arrogant pretensions.a privy.Yo^Ai,-au,-atta, i. v. To cry out, callYo-DAN, 71.YoDARE, 7t.Talking on business.The saliva, especially thataloud ; to have secret sexual intercourse.flowing from the mouth of a child oranimal ; slaver, drivel.YoBAi, n. Illicit intercourse.YoDARE-KAKE, 71. A small apron wornYoBAi-BOSHi, «. A meteor, shooting star. under the chin over armor, or under theYo-BAi-so, n. A venereal eruption.chin of infants to catch the saliva.Yo-BAN, n. A night watch.Y6-DATE,->-«,-/a, t. V. To furnish with,aid or assist another with somethingYoBAXiE,-rti,-ia pass, of Voii. To be,called, invited, summoned.needed, to accommodateYo-BATARAKi, «. Work done by night. Yo-DO, 71. Expenditure, disbursement.outlay.YoBA\VARi,-r«,-/^a, /. v. To cry out, callaloud.YODO, 71. An eddy or sluggish place in aYoBi,-6u ,-nda, t. v. To call, to invite, stream.to summon, to name. Yobi-atsumeru Yo-DO, 71. A child.to call together, to convoke, summon YoDOME,-rM,-/'a, t. V. To arrest the flow,together. Yobi-dasii, to call out, inviteto make stagnant, or dam a current ofto come out, to challenge, banter. water.Yobi-ikeru, to call to life ; to revive by YoDOM I,-w «,-«

slow, or to hesitate inspeaking, to falter.YoDOMi, n. Stagnation, or sluggishness; in a current torpor, hesitation inspeaking.Yo-DosHi, n. The whole night.Yo-DZUME, «. Night watch, sitting upat night to keep watch.Yo-FU, n. Foster-father.Yo-FUKAi,-^'/,-/&«,-j/«', a. Late at night.Yofukaku kayetta.Yo-FUNE, n. A night boat.Yo-GAi, n. A place strong by nature orwell fortified ;_a fortress, stronghold.Yo-GAKU, n. Literature for children.Yo-GAN, 71. The countenance, features.Yo-GATARi, n. Conversing about thecurrent subjects of the time.Yo-GEN {agete in). — j«r«, to publishabroad, to talk about,Hito no ayainacki tvo —Yo-GEN {arakajime iu)^ n.blaze abroad.A prophecy,prediction, foretelling. Yogensha., aYo-Gi, n. Night clothes.Yo-Gi, n. The countenance, or form ofthe body.Yo-GiN, n. European coin, especially thedollar.YoG\^.K\.,-ki,-kti .^-shiyU . That which mustbe done, than which there is no otherway, necessary, indispensable, obligatory,unavoidable, Yoglnciku suru^ tobe constrained to do.YociKiy-ru .,-tta., t. 71. To cross or passfrom one side of a road to the other ; topass by ; to stop in passing.Yo-GO, n. The prognosis of disease.Yo-GOMORi, n. Passing the night in atemple for worshiping.YoGORE,-r2

jYoKO-SL'jiKAi.IIIYOK 320 YOMout of the number, to put aside, to except,to exclude, to omit, pass by.Yo-KEI (,ainaru bakarp). More than theproper quantity, or than is necessary ;superfluity, excess ; a great deal, abund-YoKEi {amari no yorokobC)^ n. Theprosperity or benefits which descendsgl<strong>and</strong>.YoKO-SAMA, adv. Crosswise, athwart,across, sideways, transversely.YoKOSHi,-su,-ta, t. V. To give, h<strong>and</strong>over, to send ; to receive, spoken onlyby the person to whom the article isgiven, or sent.YoKOSHiMA, a. Wicked, vicious, malignant,depraved, corrupt.YoKOTAWASHi,-r«,-^fl, t. V, To placeacross or athwart.YoKOTAWARi,-ra,-^^a, i. V. To be or lieacross or athwart.YoKOTAYE,-r«,-^«, t. V. To place across,athwart, orYoKO-Toji, «.horizontally.A book broader than it islong.Oblique, slanting, diagonal.YoKOZOPPo, adv. Obliquely, slantingly.YoKU, n. Lust, inordinate desire, concupiscence,covetousness.to the posterity of a person of greatmerit.YoKU, a. Next, ensuing, following. Sono— , the next day. Yokii-cho^ theYoKi, n. A broad-axe.Yo-Ki, n. Climate ; cheerful, lively.next morning, the morning after. Yoku-j'ttsu,Yo-Kix, «. An extraordinary levy or exactionthe next day, or day after.of money from the people by Yoku-nert, the next year, succeedinggovernment.year. Yoku-tsuki^ the nexf month, theYo-Kiu, n. A small bow, used as a toy. month after.YoKKA, n. The fourth day of the month, YoKU, (tsubasd). Wings. Sa-yo — , leftor four days.<strong>and</strong> right wings of an army.Yo-Ko, n. Cochineal.YoKU. — j«r?/, to bathe.YoKO. Across, crosswise, from side toTo be covetous,YoK;uBARi,-r«,-2'^rt, i. v.avaricious, greedy.side, athwart, transverse, horizontal,sideways.YoKUBUKAi,->^/,-;t«,-j/%z, «. Covetous,YoKO-Ai, n. The side, or flank.avaricious, greedy.YoKO-AME, n. A driving rain.YoKUDOi,-^?, -/^«,- j/«z, a. Covetous,YoKO-BuvE, n, A flute.greedy, avaricious.YoKO-CHo, n. A cross-street.YoKLiNi.v, n. The fruit of the CoixYoKO-DE, n. — wo hatta to utsu^ to lacryma.clap the h<strong>and</strong>s.YoKU-SHiN, n. Covetousness, avariciousness,cupidity. — no fukai fnono.YoKo-DORi, n. Seizing anything while itis passing from one to another, or while YoKU-SHiTsr, «. A bath-room.in transit. — wo suru.YoKU-TOKU. Greedy of gain, avaricious.YoKO-Gi, n. A cross-bar, a cross piece YoKU-voKU, adv. Well, carefully, attentively.of timber.YoMAiGOTO, ft.one's regret orGrumbling, or utteringchagrin to himself. —YoKO-GiRi,-r7i,-tta, t. V. To go across,transversely, or horizontally to cut;across, intersect.wo iu.YoKO-MACHi, «. A cross street.Yo-MAWARi, n. A night-watch or patrol.YoKO-ME, «. A secret police, a spy Yo.MBE, adv. Last night.askant. — de tniru^ to look askant. YoME, n. A daughter-in-law, a son'sYoKO-MiCHi, n. A cross road.wife. — wo toru, to take a wife for aYoKo-Moji, n. A word written crosswise, son.or across the page.YoME,-r«,-/a, /. V. Can be read, or canwa YoKO-NAGA, a. Broad, wide, or greater read, legible. Kono hon yomeru.in breadth than length.hito ga nai.YoKO-NAMARI,-r;< ,-//«, i. V. To corrupt Yo-MEi, {ainaru inochi). The remnantor change the spelling or pronunciation or residue of life. — wa ikahodo tnoof a word.YoKO-NE, n. A bubo or enlarged inguinalYo.ME-iRi, n. Going as a bride to thehouse of a husb<strong>and</strong>, the marriage of adaughter.YoME-NA, n. A kind of greens.YoMER.A.SE,-r7

YOM 321 YORcompare, to collate. Vomf-ayamaruto make a mistake in reading. Yomikakeru^to commence reading, or to beabout to read. Yomi-kiknseru^ to readanything to another. Yomi-nareru^to be accustomed to read, to be familiar,or used to reading anything. Y'oviinasu,to pretend to read, to read offsomething different from that which iswritten. Voiiii-sokonau^ to mistake inreading, to read wrong.YoMi, «. The <strong>Japanese</strong> equivalent of aChinese character.YoMi, n. The place of departed spirits,hades of the Sintoos.YoMi. — sitrii^ to prize, value, regardas good, to esteem, think well of; tolove.Yo-MiCHi, n. Going by night.i. YoMi-GAVE,-7'?^,-/rt, V. To return tolife again, to revive, to rise from thedead.YoMi-GATAi,--^z,--^M, a. Hard or difficultto read.YoMi-ji, n. The road to Hades.YoiMi-KAKi, n. Reading <strong>and</strong> writing.YoMi-KiRi, n. The points or marks usedin reading, punctuation. — wo tsukeru^to punctuate.YoMi-KUCHi, n. The place to commencereading.YoMi-MONO, n. Reading.YoMi-NiKUi,-/t/,-/&?

YOR 322 YOSYoRi-ME, n. The mark, or crease in a YoSE,-r«,-/a, t. V. To bring near, causestring made by twisting it.to approach to cause or order to call,;or stop in passing to gather, to collect,YoRi-NUKi,-/&«,-iV«, t. V. To select,choose out.YoRi-NUKi, «. Anything choice, select,assemble ; to bring close together,;to depend on, trust in, or take refuge in,or highly approved.Yose-atsumeru^ to gather, collect, orYoRi-soi.-^,-

YOS 323 YUBYoso, {hoka no tokoro). Another or differentplace, abroad, away, elsewhere,foreign. — ye ita^ has gone out. —no koto %ua kamaimasen. I will notmeddle with other people s business.— ni mite torti^ to pass by without noticing.— no hito, a stranger or a personof another place or family.Yo-so, n. Cancer.YosoGAMASHii,-^?,-/^?^,-?^, ci. Like, or inthe manner of a stranger ;distant, reserved,cold or unconcerned in behavior.Yoso-GOTO, a. Something belonging toanother, that which does not concernone's self, something foreign. — de wana/, i t is not a matter, that I can be indifferentto.Yosoi,-d,-dta, t. v. To put rice into acup, to help one to rice.Yosoji, n. forty years of age.Yoso-.ME, n. The eyes of another, or ofone disinterested or unconcerned ;theeyes or notice of others. — ni miru, tolook at with the eyes of one whom thematter don't concern.Yoso-Mi, «. Looking off from what oneis doing, looking at something else. —sedzu ni /ton ivo yo7ne.Yosooi,-d,-dta, t. V. To adorn, ornament,to dress up.Yo,sovE,-r«,-;rt, t. V. To liken to, torepresent, compare to, resemble, to personify,to refer, allude to.Yoso-Y^iSGSHii,-/^/,-/!.'«, a. Like a strangerin manner, cold, distant, indifferent,unconcerned, or disinterested inmanner.Yosu, n. State, condition, circumstances.YosuGA, 71. Connection, afifinity ; opportunity,or convenient way ; somethingto depend on. Chikaki — , nearrelation.Yo-SuG..\RA, adv. The whole night.Yo-suGi, 71. A living, support, livelihood.— ga deki-kaneru.Yo-suciRU. Exceedi.ig what is right <strong>and</strong>proper, too much. Naka go — , toointimate.Yo-sui, n. Water used or kept ready forirrigation, fires, etc.Yo-suji, n. Line of business, occupa-Yo-.SUKI, n. Interval of rest, or leisurebetween work or business.Yo-suMi, n. Completion or finishing ofany business.Yo-su, 71. Odd numbers.Yo-SUTE-BITO, n. One who forsakes theworld, — a w<strong>and</strong>ering bonze.YoTAKA, 71. A low prostitute, who offersherself in the streets ; a streetwalker.YoTA-voTA, adv. Walking in a totteringor staggering manner. — aruku.Yo-To, 71. A night robber.Yo-To, {a77iari 7to to7ttogarci). The remnantof a company or gang who are stillleagued together.Yo-TOGi, 71. Night nursing, or sitting upat night with a sick person.Yo-TOKU, {a7nari no isao), n. The benefitswhich descend to the posterity ofa person of great virtue or merit.YoTSU, n. Four.YoTsu-ASHi, 71. A four-footed animal,quadruped.YoT.su-DAKE, n. Castanets. — wo tetsu.YoT.SLDE-AMi, ;/. A net for catchingfish, let down bj' the four corners.YoTSUDE-KAGO, «. An inferior kind ofsedan chair, suspended by the four cornersto the pole.Yo-TSUGi, n. An heir.YoTsu-jiRO, «. A horse with four whitefeet.YoTSu-ME-GiRi, n. A drill with fourfaces.YoTSU-Tsuji, 71. A cross-road.Yo-i'CHi, w. A night attack.YowAGE, n. Appearing to be feeble orweak.YowA-GOSHi, 71. Weak in the loins, bentin the back.YowAGi, «. Dispirited, discouraged.YowAi, n. Age.Weak, not strong,Yo\VAi,-/[-/,-/t-«,-.r/;7, a.feeble, infirm.YowAME,-7'u-ta^ t. V. To weaken, toenfeeble, debilitate, snervate.YowAMi, 71. Weakness, feebleness, weakplace, or time of weakness.i. Yo\\.\m,-rti,-tta, V. To be weak, feeble,debilitated, enfeebled.Yo-wATARI, 71. Passing through theworld, a living, subsistence.YowASA, 7t. Weakness, feebleness.YowA-vow.'VSHii,-/:/,-X:«, a. Weak, feeble.YoYAKU, adv. At last, at length, afterlong waiting, or great difficulty, scarcely,hardly, barely.Yo-Yo, 71. Important business, important.Yoyo, «. A calf.YozASHi,-j«, /. V. To entrust with anoffice, to appoint to office.Yu, n. Hot water.Yu-AGARi, 71. Coming out of a hot bath.Yu-AMI, 71. Bathing in hot water.Yu-BA, n. A bath-house, a place wherethere are hot springs.

YUB 324 YUKYi'BA, n. A kind of food made of beans.Yu-BE, n. The evening ; also, last night.YuBESHi, 71. A kind of confectionarymade of the rind of the lemon.YO-Bi. Genteel, refined, giaceful, gentle.YuBi, n. A finger, a toe. Ashi tio —the toes.Yu-BiKi. «. Sponging certain kinds ofnew cloth, in order to take out thestarch.YuBi-MAKi, n. A finger-ring.YuBi-NUKi, n. A thimble.YuBi-ORi, «. Shutting the fingers, countin^^upon the fingers.YnBi-WA, «. A finger-ring.YuBi-ZASHi, «. Pointing the finger.Yu-DACHi, n. A shower, a thunder storm,squall.Yu-DAMA, n. The bubbles in boilingclined from the right direction, crooked,bent, distorted, askew.Yu-GAO, «. The flower of a species ofgourd that opens in the night.Yi'GE, n.YO-GE, n.Steam, vapor of boiling water.Supper.Yu-GEI, n. Amusing arts or performances,such as music <strong>and</strong> the drama.Yu-GIN, n. Unemployed capital ; moneythat is lying idle or not earning anything.Yu-GU, n. The inside garment worn bywomen, from the waist to below theknee, originally worn on entering abath.Yu-GLN, n. The reserve corps of anYu-GURE, «. The period just after sunset,twilight.Yui,-?7,-M^rt, t. V. To tie, to dress thehair. Kami ivo —, to dress <strong>and</strong> tie upthe hair.Yui-GAi, n. A dead body, corpse.Yui-GEN, or vii-GON, It. The verbal Will,or last directions of a dying person.Yui-KAi, (nokosu imashi7iie)^ n. The dyinginstructions, exhortations, as of aparent or teacher.Yui-KOTSU, {nokoru hone), n. Thepieces of bone left after burning a deadwater.Yu-DAN, n. Negligence, inattention,slothfulness, heedlessness, carelessness,remissness.Yi;DANE,-rK,-/rt, t. V. To commit to thewill or control of another, to leave toanother, to entrust, to delegate, to con-Yui-MOTSU, (tiokosu mono), n. Thethings left by a deceased person, or afide.YuuARi,-^«,-^/«, /. V, To be cooked by present made by a person about to die ;boiling.a legacy, bequest.YuDE,-r«,-^«, t. V. To cook by boiling. Yui-No, n. The presents exchanged atYuDONO, n. A bath-room.the time of espousal,YiDzu, «. A lemonYui-SEKi, {nokoru ato). The writing leftYu-DzO, n. The circulation of money, by a deceased person, the ruins, or remainsmoney matters, finance, fiscal matters.of an ancient place, house, cas-Yu-DZUKE, n. Rice eaten with hot Afatertle, etc.poured on it.Yui-SHO, n. Pedigree, lineage, descent.YO-DZUKi-YO, n. A moonlight evening. Yui-TSUKE,-r«,-z'^j, t. V. To bind fast to,YuDZURi,-rK,-/^«, t. 7>. To cede, yield, to tie something on another.resign, give up, to give place to, relinquish.Yu-JIN, n.friend, companion.Yu-jiN, n. A man of leisure ; one whoResignation, cession, yielding,lives without business, or occupation.or giving up.Yu-jo, {asobitne), n. A harlot.Yi'DZURi, n.YuDzuRi-j6, n. A deed of conveyance, a YuKA, «. The floor ; used only of thegrant in writing.ground floor.Yi DZURU, n. A bow string.Yu-K.AGE, «. The evening shadows, twilight.YO-FUKU. Wealthy, rich.YuGAKH, n. A glove worn by archers toprotect the h<strong>and</strong>.Yu-KAN, «.burial. —Washing a corpse beforeda, a place belonging to aYiGAKi,-/tM,-/Vrt, /. V. To-cook slightly Buddhist temple where the poor washby pouring boiling water over, to scald, their dead.YuKARE,-r«,-M, pass, <strong>and</strong> pot. of Vuki.pari ail.YuGAME,-r?^,-/«. t, V. To turn from a Can go. Michi ga nai kara yukaremi,as there is no road, you cannot go.straight line or right direction, to incline,to bend, crook.Kono fiticki wa yukareru ka, can I goYi;GAMi,-w7

YUK 325 YURYO-KEI, n. The evening sky.YuKURi-NAKU, adv. Unexpectedly, suddenly.YuKi, 71. The width of a coat measuredbetween the ends of the sleeves. KimonoYuKU-SAKi, 71. The place to which oneno yuki-take.is going, destination the future.YvKi,—ku,-iYa, t. V. Togo. Vuki-au, to YUKU-SUYE, «.;The future, the time tomeet in the way. Yuki-ataru, to walk come.against, to strike against while going.Yuki-c/u'gau, to pass each other in theYu-KUWAi, n.delight.Joy, rejoicing, pleasure,way. Vuki-kait^i to go <strong>and</strong> come, to go YuKU-VE, «. The place to which one isto <strong>and</strong> fro. Yuki-kayern^ to go <strong>and</strong> going, or has gone, the whereabouts.return. Yuki-kayou, to go <strong>and</strong> come YuKu-vuKU-, adv. In future, as timeoften, to be in the habit of going <strong>and</strong> elapses, at length, in the end.coming. Yuki-kureru^ to be belated Yu-MAGURE, 7t. The evening twilight.in going. Yukisugiru., to go too far, Yu-MAKi, n. The cloth worn by womengo beyond.around the loins.Yu-Ki, «. Courage, bravery, bold- YuME. 71. A dream. - wo mint., todream.YuME-Mi,-r?/,-/(Z, t. V. To dream. Na-7ii -wo yu77ie77tita^ what did you dreamYuKi, «. Snow. — ga yuruy \t snows.— midzu, snow-water. Yuki-akari.,;snow-light, or light caused by the snow. about ?Yiiki-bira, a snow-flake. Yuki-dama., YuME-Mi, 71. Dreaming.a snowball. Yuki-doke., the thawing Yu-MEN, ti. Pardon, forgiveness. —of the snow.suru, to pardon.YuKi-BOTOKE, n. An image made of Yu-MESHi, «, Supper.snow.YuiiE-URANAi, 71. Divining one's fortuneYuKi-DOKORO, «. The place to which one by means of a dream.is going or has gone.YuME-vuME, adv. Positively, certainly,YuKi-DOMARi, n. The end of a road, or peremptorily. — ko7io kotoba wo Intoof one's journey.7»i TMorasu koto nakare.YuKi-GAKE, «. While going. — nichayaye yoru,YuMi-DZURU, n. A bow-string.YuMi, 71. A bow.YuKi-GATA, n. The place or direction in YuMi-GATA, n. Bow-shaped, an arch.which any one has gone.YuMi-HARi-DZUKi, 71. The moon whenYuKiGE-No-MiDzu, 71. Snow-water.three or four days old.YuKi-Ki, n. Going <strong>and</strong> coming, passing Yl'iMI-tsukuri, 71. A bow-maker.to <strong>and</strong> fro ; intercourse, or visiting YuMi-YA, 71. Bow <strong>and</strong> arrow, arms.backward <strong>and</strong> forward.tio //tichi., the rules of war. — tori,YuKi-KORoBASHi, 71. Rolling snow into soldier. — gai7ii^ the god of war—aviz,large balls.Hachi-77ian.YuKi-NO-SHiTA, n. The name of a flower, YuMOji, 71. The inside garment worn bythe Saxifraga Sarmentosa.women from the waist to the knee.YuKi-OKOSHi, n. A snow-slip, avalanche. YuN-DE, 71. The h<strong>and</strong> in which the bowYu-ki-sh6, n. Trial by hot water,— is held ; viz., the left. — 77iete., the leftmode of ascertaining the guilt or innocence<strong>and</strong> right h<strong>and</strong>.of a person by making them YUNDZUVE, n. Using the bow as a cane.plunge the h<strong>and</strong> in boiling water. — Tti sugatte tatsu., stood leaning onYuKi-TODOKi,-/^«,-/Va, /. V. To extend his bow.or reach to the utmost, to be thorough,complete, perfect, to be able. KamiYuN-ZEi, n.force of anThe power of a bow, or thearrow. — 710 tsuyoi hito., a710 mini koto wa 7ia>iigoto 7ii )7io yukitodokafiiiperson who draws a strong bow.tokoro wa iiai.YuKi-WATARi,-r«,-z'/«, t. V.Yu-Ni, 71. Cooking with boiling water.To be ableYu-Niu, «. Imports of merch<strong>and</strong>ise.or efficient, competent, adequate to,equal to ; extend to. Auo hito wa na- Yu-RAi, «. The origin <strong>and</strong> subsequenthistory, the rise <strong>and</strong> progress, history.7iigoto 7ti 7)10 yoku yuki-zuatatte te-7na'washi ga ii.YuRAMEKi.-,^«,-/ifrt, /. V. To move orYu-KiYo, 71. Pleasure <strong>and</strong> amusement, swing to <strong>and</strong> fro, to roll or rock fromdiversion.side to side, as a boat ; to vibrate, oscillate.YuKKURi-TO, adv. Leisurely, not inhaste, not in a hurry.Yu-KUN, 71. A harlot.Ytj-RAN, {asobi 7nir2i). Looking at foramusement, or sport.

YUR 326 YUYYuRARi-TO, adv. With a waving orswinging motion,—like a person springingnimbly into the saddle. Uina ni— uchinoru.YuRA-YURA, adv. Swinging, rocking,rolling, vibrating, or oscillating to <strong>and</strong>haste, leisurely, slowly, taking time <strong>and</strong>ease.YuRUSA, «. Slackness, looseness, the tension.YuRUSHi,-j«,-^a, t. V. To grant, allow,permit ; to let go, set free ; to accedeto to yield, to pardon, to forgive, tofro.To rock from side to;excuse.YuRE,-ri

YUY 327YuYE, n. Reason, cause, account, sake,because, effect, consequence, result.Kono yuye }u\ on this account, therefore.Sono yuys ni^ on that account.YuYEN, n Reason, cause.YuvEN, n. Lamp-black.Yu-YO, n. Hesitation, doubt, qu<strong>and</strong>ary,perplexity lenient, mild, not severe.;Yu-YO, (amari ari). n. Room, space, ortime remaining ; redundancy, excess ;more than, something over. Roku-ju— no rojin.Yu-YU, adv. In an easj', quiet way ;free from labor, want, or trouble.Yu-YU-SHii,-^i,—^«, a. Having a gallant,gr<strong>and</strong>, martial, or warlike appearance: strong, imposing ; fearful, terrible.Za, n. A seat, place to sit in, assembly ;also the numeral for dancers in a kagura.— ni tsuku^ to take one's seat. —suru^ to sit down. Ichi zn, the wholeassembly. Za-chiu^ in the assembly orsession, during the session.Zabon, n. A pumelo.Za-buton, n. A rug or cushion for sittingon.Zabu-zabu, adv. The sound of thesplashing of water.Za-gu, n. A cloth on which a Bonzesits when praying.to protect from the ice.Z.'M-GO, n. The country or place awayfrom a town.Zai-han, {han ari)., n. Having a seal,sealed.Zai-h6, n. Money, riches.Zai-i, {kurai ni aru)., n. Upon thethrone, reign. — no Tdushi., the reigningemperor.Zai-ju, n. Now residing, a resident.Vedo — na hito.Zai-kin, (isutome 7ii aru). Dischargingofficial duty, in office.Zai-moku, n. Timber, for building ;lum-Zai-.moku-ya, n. A lumber yard, or aperson who sells timber.Zai-motsu, (takara mono). Preciousthings, any article of value.Zai-riu. Dwelling, living, residing.Zagu-zagu, adv. Mealy ; soft <strong>and</strong> friable,as fruit. Kuri ga — shite ttmaku world.Zai-ze, {yo ni aru). Living, inChichi ga — no toki.theZai-sho, n. Dwelling place, place ofZAGUTSUKi,-y{'?/,-zYrt, ?. V. To be mealy. one's birth, native place ; the country.Zai, {isuDii), n. Crime, transgression of — iva doko da., where were you born ?law, sin, punishment. Kwwa — punishmentbj' burning. A'd-zai\ punish-— ^/, the days when one is at home.Zai-shuku, {yado ni iru). At home.,ment by strangulation. Ben-zai., by{iye Z.\i-TAKU, ni aru). At home, in thewhipping. Gei-zai, punishment by Jiouse.br<strong>and</strong>ing. Zai-nin., a criminal, transgressors.Zai-yaku, {yakii ni aru). In office.Zai-go, evil deeds, sin. Zakklbara, adv. Frank, c<strong>and</strong>id, sincerein manner, without affectation.Zai, «. A numeral used in countingdoses of medicine, or the periods in Zakki, 71. A miscellany.which medicines are taken. Ichi zai Zako, n. A general name for any smallno kiisuri.Zai, {iakard).,fish.Zakoba, n. A fish-market.n. Wealth, riches, pro-Za-koku, n. All kinds of grain.Zai, n. The country, a place away from Zakone, n. Sleeping crowded or confusedlytogether, without distinction ofa town.Zai, «. Ice. — ga hatta.^ the water isfrozen. Zai-iva7-i., posts driven in beforethe timbers on which a bridge rests,sex.Zakuro, n. The pomegranate, Punicagrahatum.Zakuro-bana, n. A grog-blossom, thered nose of a grog-drinker.Zakuro-gi'chi, n. The small entranceto the tank of a bath-house.Zama, n. Same as sa7}ia ; state, condition,manner, appearance, habit.Zambu-to, adv. The sound made by

_!noise,;Za-z6,IjIIZAM Z2^ ZEM1anything falling or plunging into to do, various engagements, miscellan-water.eous affairs.Zam-butsu, {nokorz vioiio), n. Anythingover or remaining the residue,Zatsu-y6, n.business, aMany or various kinds ofmultiplicity of engagements.left ;remnants.Zatto, adv. Coarsely, roughly, not nicely,not minutelyZammai. Fond of, or addicted to, devotedto. HajHono —; without care, attention,neatness, or skill.suru net, don't befond of edged tools.ZA2AMEKi,-y4'«,-zAi, i. V. To make aZa-mochi, «. One who is hired to attendclamor, tumult, or clatter.at tea-houses or entertainments toamuse the company.71.posture.An image, or idol in a sittingZ.A-MOTO, u. The manager of a theatre, Ze, 71. That which is right, that whichor show.is. Sono setsu ivo ze to su, to regardZan, n. Sl<strong>and</strong>er, calumny, false charges. that doctrine as the right one.— suru, to sl<strong>and</strong>er, calumniate. ZansAa,a sl<strong>and</strong>erer, calumniator. Zan-so, — wo suru, to offer the alternative.Zechi, «. Alternative, one of two things.calumnious charges, or complaints Zegen, «. A person who supplies prostitutesto houses of ill-fame, a pimp,against another made to a ruler, officialsl<strong>and</strong>er.procurer, p<strong>and</strong>er.Zange. Same as Sange.Ze-hi, «. Right or wrong, so or notZan-gen, n. Sl<strong>and</strong>er, calumny, detraction,true or false, (adv.) must. J/i wo su-false charges.tete ze wo toru, to reject the false <strong>and</strong>Zan-gin, {nokoru kafte), n. Remaining hold to that which is true. — ga nai,money, remainder, or balance of the no help for it, no room for dispute, nomoney not yet paid, arrear.gainsaying.Zan-JI, «. A short space of time, a little Zehi-zehi, adv. Must, by all means.while, a moment. — ni, soon, quickly, Zei, «. The fine feathers or down on ain a little while.Zan-nen, n. Regret, sorrow ; chagrin, Zei, 7t. Duty, excise, customs, tax.bird.—vexation, disappointment.wo toru, to collect duty.Zan-niu, n. Interfering, intermeddUng, Zei-butsu, n. excrescence, a uselessAnor interposing improperly, interrupting. appendage, unnecessary or superfluous— suru, to intermeddle.thing.Zappi, «. General, or miscellaneous expenses,Zei-chiku, w. The 50 rods, or sticksdisbursements of money.used by fortune-tellers.Zarari-to, adv. Rough to the feel or Zei-Gin, 71. Monej' paid for duty or tax.hearing, roughly, without order or Zei-kuwan, 71. A custom-house officer,nicety. — te ni sawaru.ZAR\-TSVKi,-iu ,-zia, i. v. To be rough,not smooth to the feel, as s<strong>and</strong>,etc.^Zara-zara, adv. In a manner rough orharsh to the feel or hearing.ZASX.,-ru,-ta, same as Jare. To sport,play, frolic.Zare-koto, n. Jesting, joking, facetious,humorous or playful talk.Zaru, n. A basket.Za-SEKI, n. An apartment or room, aplace of meeting or assembly.Zas-setsu, n. Miscellaneous sayings orwritings.Za-SHIKI, n. A room or apartment.Za-SHIKI-r6, n. A room of a privatehouse converted into a prison or placeof confinement, as for a lunatic.Zas-sho, n. Miscellaneous books,- a medleyof different kinds of books.Zatsu. Coarsely, badly or roughly made,unworkmaulike, carelessly done.Zatsu-ji, «. Many <strong>and</strong> various thingsa controller of customs, taxes, or excise.Zei-soku, «. A tariff or rate in whichcustoms, taxes, or excise are levied.Zei-zei, adv. Wheezing, or crepitationin breathing.Zek-kei, n. An extremely fine l<strong>and</strong>scape.Zekko {tTtajiwari wa tatsii). — suru,to break off intimacy, fellowship, orfriendship.Zekko (shita de tagayesti). — suru, tomake a living by talking, lecturing, etc.Zem-bi {jnattaku S07iazvaru). Full <strong>and</strong>complete in all its parts, having no deficiency,perfect.Ze.m-bu. Complete number of volumes.Zem-bu, «. A table set out <strong>and</strong> furnishedwith food.Zem-bu, h. A person who superintendsthe arrangements <strong>and</strong> preparing of food ;a butler.Zem-bun, «.The introductory part of aZemmai, 71. The shoots of young ferns.

ZEM 329 ZOKZemmai, n. A circular spring for movingmachinery, a mainspring.appetite, as in sickness.Zes-Shoku. Ceasing to eat from want ofZem-pai (jnaye no toiiiogara)^ >i. Predecessors,those previously engaged in the Zetcho, n. The apex, highest peak, theZesso, «. An ulcer on the tongue.same work,summit of a mountain.Zem-pivo, n. An omen, prognostic, presage.a fur, or coat on the tongue, as in fever.Zetsu (shitd), n. The tongue. Zettai\Zen {^yoshi)^ n. Virtue, goodness. — Zettan, the tip or end of the tongue,"WO okonau^ to practice virtue. Zen-Zetto, the tip of the tongue.Zetto, — suru, to fall down dead ; tobe enraptured or overcome with emotion.akii^ virtue <strong>and</strong> vice, good <strong>and</strong> evil.Zen-go^ good or virtuous deeds, goodworks. Zen-gon^ virtuous deeds, actsof charity <strong>and</strong> benevolence, goodworks.Zen, n. A dining-table.Zen (waye). Before, previous, former,in the presence of. Zen-c/io, a prognostic,an omen. Zen-c/io, yesterdaymorning, the previous dynasty, Zenda/,former ages, previous times. Zengen,a prophecy, prediction, foretelling.Zen-dana, n. A closet in which diningtablesare kept.Zen-go, before <strong>and</strong> behind, before orafter, front <strong>and</strong> rear.Zeni, n. Small copper or iron coin, cash.Zeni-bako, a money-box. Zeiii-ire, apurse. Zenisashi, the string on whichcash are strung. Zeni-za^ the mintwhere copper coins are made,Zeni-aui, n. The name of a flower.Zeni-game, n. A small kind of tortoise.Zen-ken, n. Prognosis. — sunt, toprognosticate.Zen-kin, n. Money.Zen-kuwai, m. Recovery from sickness,perfect restoration to health.Zen-no-tsuna, n. Two long strips ofcotton cloth, attached to a coffin, <strong>and</strong>held in the h<strong>and</strong>s of those walking infront of it.Zen-se {maye no yd), n. The previousstate of existence (Bud).Zen-soku, n. Asthma.Zen-tai, w. The whole body, the entiresystem of anything composed of parts ;usually, commonly, customarily, habitually,naturally, constitutionally, or frombirth, before.Zeppan, n. Out of print, the edition isexhausted, — ni naru.Zeppeki, n. A precipice.Zeppi, adv. (Coll. for Zehi). Must,positively, without dispute.Zeppin, «. An article of the very bestquality.Zessen, n. A war of words, dispute,quarrel.Zesshi,-j7

ZOK 330 ZOYperson bore while living, in contradistinctionto the Kaimiyo. Zoku-setsu^a saying, story, or belief current amongthe vulgar, or common people ; a vulgarsaying.ZoKU [fsu/cti). — suru, to belong,pertain, attached to, to be subject to,tributary, to connect o»e's «elf with,join.ZoKU, n. A family, clan, or tribe havingthe same surname. Jcki-zoku, thewhole family, or tribe.ZoKU, n. A robber, b<strong>and</strong>it, brig<strong>and</strong>, arebel. Zoku-to^ a b<strong>and</strong> of robbers, acompanj' of thieves. Zoku-shu^ thechief of a b<strong>and</strong> of robbers. Zoku-kan^a pirate ship. Zokn-gun^ an army ofrobbers, rebel army. Zoku-cko, thechief of a b<strong>and</strong> of robbers.ZoKU-HEN, n. A supplementary treatise,or additional volume.ZoKURASHii,-/^/,--^«, a. Common, vulgar,unrefined, inelegant, or unlearnedin manner, style, language, etc.ZoKU-zoKU, adv. — suru^ to start, shudder,or shiver, as when cold water ispoured over a person.ZoM-BUN, n. All that is in one's mind,sentiments, pleasure. — tvo fiokosadsuiu^ to speak one's mind without reservation.ZoMEKi,-^2^,-zVa, /. V. To be noisy, up-^ Zomeki-arukit roarious, turbulent. to easy. Zosa mo naku dekita., ea.silygo along shouting, or making a noise.Zo.M.MEi, n. In life, still living. Chichino — no uchi ni wa yempd ye'yukima-done.Zo-SAKU {tsukuru).ofif a building, to— sttru, to finishmake it complete insen.Zo-MOTSU, «. Personal property, thethings which one possesses.ZoN-GUWAi {otHoi no koka). Contrary toone's expectations, different from whatone supposed.Zo-M, n. A kind of food made by boilingjiiochi, fish, <strong>and</strong> various vegetablestogether.ZoN-i, n. Mind, opinion, sentiments,thougjits.Zo-NiN, «. The rabble, the commonherd.Zofi]i,-dzuru,-ia, i. w.To think, to know,a polite word. Arigato-zonjimasy thankyou. Go-zonji ka, do you know ?Zo.Nji-GAKENAi,-/^z,-^«, a. Unexpected,unlooked for.Zo.x-Ji-VORADZU. Unexpected, unlookedfor, unthought of, incidental.ZoNji-voRi, n. Opinion, mind, sentiments,views.ZoN-jo, «. In life, living.go — de gozarimasu ka.Ojii san waZoNKi, n. Gruff, churlish, or crabbed,perverse <strong>and</strong> uncompliant.ZoN-NEN, n.THE END.Thoughts, mind, opinion,views, sentiments.ZoNZAi, a. Careless, inattentive, negligent,not neat, slovenly. A no daikuwa — da.ZoRi, n. S<strong>and</strong>als made of straw. — noo, the thong of a s<strong>and</strong>al.ZoRi-TORi, ?i. The servant who carrieshis master's s<strong>and</strong>als.Zo-Riu {tsukuri tate ru). — suru^ toerect, build.ZoRO-zoRO, adv. Dragging or trailinglike the long skirt of a robe. — toaruku.ZoSA. As, Zosa mo nai, not difficult,all its parts ; to repair.ZoTTO, adv. Startled, shocked, as bysudden alarm ; a sudden feeling ofchilliness. — sum.Zo-YEI (fsukuri itonami). — suru, toerect, to build, construct, make.Zo-vo, n. Expenses, outlay for miscellaneouspurposes. — ga tattto kakaru,the expenses are heavy.


ANENGLISH-JAPANESEDICTIONARY.A, or An, a. Hitotsu, ichi, aru.Abdication, h. Kurai wo yudzuru koto.Aback, adv. Ushiro ni, ato ni. Taken— Abdomen, n. Hara, fuku.an ni soi shite bikkuri suru.Abdominat,, a. Hara no, fuku.Abacus, n. Soroban.Abduct, t. v. Sarau, nusumu, ubau, kasumeru,Abaddon, n. Aku-ma no na.kadowakasu.Abaft, adv. Ato ni, ushiro ni.Aberrant, a. Tsiirei naki, mayou.Ab<strong>and</strong>on, t. v. Suteru, mi-suleru, saru, Aberration, n. Michi ni chigayeru koto,mayoi, tsune no tori nihai suru, yameru shirizoku, taikiyosuru. — study., hai-gaku suru.koto.Ab<strong>and</strong>oned,/, a. Sutaru, sarareru. — /"elloiv^Abet, t, v. Tetsudau, hagemasu.naranudoraku na mono, hoto na mono, Abettor, n. Tetsudai, hagemasu hito.horatsu na mono.Ab<strong>and</strong>onment, n. Shirizoku koto, taikiyo,Abeyance, n.Abhor, t. v.Matsu koto.Kirau, nikumu, imi-kirau.suteru koto.Abhorrence, n. Kirai, nikumi.Abase, t. v. Oshi-hesu, sageru, kudasu. Abhorrent, a.— ones self., heri-kudaru, mi wo sageru. oru, somuku.Ki ni sakarau, nikundeAbasement, n. Sageru koto.Abide, i. v. Sumu, oru, ju-kiyo suru,Abash, t. v. Hadzukashimeru, kao wo yadoru. — by a contract ^yaku-j6 \fotsubusu, chijoku saseru.tagayedzu.Ab.'vshed, p. p. Memboku wo ushinau, Ability, n. Kiriyo, sai, chikara, no, takumi,ko, doriyo, riyo. Without —hajiru, chijoku suru, hadzukashii.AliATE, t. V. Herasu, gendzuru, mendzuni,yameru. — a mciso,nce^^?ix^o giri, chikara no kagiri.mu-sai, mu-no. Utmost of one"s—, sei-nozoku. — the price ^wfidi'a.Vi wo makeru. Abject, a. lyashii, gesen naru.Abate, /. v. Heru, yuruku suru, usurogu,Abject, n. lyashii mono, hinin.yurumaru, shidzumaru.Abjectly, adv. Ivashiku.Abatement, «. Gendzuru koto, yuruku Abjure, t. v. Chikatte suteru, yameru,naru koto, yameru koto, ne-sage.haisuru.Abatis, n. Sakamogi.Ablactation, n. Chi-banare.Abbess, n. Ten-shu-kiyo nite amadera Able, a. Dekiru, yoku, yeru, riko na,no kashira.yuki-todoku, yuki-wataru. This meaningis included in the pot. form of theAbbey, n. In, tera.nite ho-shi nakamano kashira.verb : as, able to see., miyeru ; able toreads yomeru able to hear, kikoyeru.Abbot, n. TenshukiyoA bbreviate, /. V. Mijikaku suru, riyakusuru, habuku, tsudzumeru, hashoru,;Not abUy dekinu, yedzu. Not able tosay anything, nan to mo ye iwadzu.tsumeru.Able-bodied, a. Sukoyaka na, jobu na.Abbreviation, n. Mijikaku suru koto, Ablution, «. Arai, kiyome.riyaku-ji.Ably, adv. Yoku, jodzu ni shite, yukitodoite.Abdicate, t. v. Kurai wo yudzuru, kuraiwo suberu.Abnegation, n. Suteru koto, aradzu toL(3)ABN

suru. — ofsel/^ mu-shi, watakushi nashi.Abnormal, a. Tsurei naki, tsune naranu.Aboard, /r^/. Fune ni. Togo — ship^fune ni noru.Abode, «. Sumai, ju-kiyo, zai-riu, iye,uchi, taku.Abode, prei. of Abide ^Sunda, otta, jukij'oshita.Abolish, /. v. Hai-suru, yameru, haishisuru.Abolition, «. Haishi, hai suru koto,yameru koto.Abolitionist, n. Hai-ten wo moshi tateruhito.Abominable, a. Kirawashii, nikui, nikunikushii,nikurashii.Abominably, adv. Nikurashiku, kirawashiku.Abominate, i, v. Kirau, nikumu.Abomination, n. Kirau koto, nikuimono.Aboriginal, a. Moto no.Aborigines, n. Moto no hito, dojin.Abort, i. v. Riu-san suru.Abortion, «. Riu-zan, datai, han-san.To cause — , ko wo orosu, ko wo nagasu,datai wo suru.Abortionist, n. Oroshi, oroshi-baba.Abortive, a. Muyeki na, deki-sokonaino, munashiku naru.Abound, i. v. Taku-san ni aru, mitsuru,jubun ni aru.Abovt, prej). adv. Mawari, gururi. All— ,ho-bo, sho-ho, sho-sho, achi-kochi.— a hundred 7nen, hiyaku nin gurai ;see also, oyoso, bakari, achi-kochi, taitei.— to read the book, hon wo yomikakaru.About to die, shinan to suru,shi ni kakaru ; see kakari. {relatingto) . . . ni oite, . . . ni tsuite wa, . . .ni wa. How about that book you borrowedlast year ? saku nen no karitahon ni tsuite wa do da. — three o'' clock,san ji goro. To go — , mawaru, yu-rekisuru, shi-kakeru. Turn —, mawasu.Look — , mi-mawaru. Walk — , arukimawaru.Run — , kake-mawaru. Howdid this come about ? doshite dekitaka; doshite konna ni natta ka.Above, prep, <strong>and</strong> adv. Uye-ni. — a hundredvten, hiyaku yo nin. — fiftyyears, go-ju yo nen. — the brightnessof the sun, hi no hikari ni sugureru.From — , uye kara, kami kara. As7uas said — , migi no tori ni. — all,sono uye ni, besshite, koto ni.Above-board, adr'. Omote-muki ni, muki-dashini, meihaku ni, oyake ni.Above-mentioned, a. Migi no, kudan no.ABUAbrade, t. v. Suri-muku, suri-yaburu.Abreast, adv. Nar<strong>and</strong>e, mukatte. Towalk two — , futari nar<strong>and</strong>e aruku.Abridge, t.v. Tsumeru, chijimeru, riyakusuru, mijikaku suru, habuku.Abridgment, n. Riyaku-setsu, habukukoto.Abroad, adv. Hiroku. To walk — , sotoye deru. To go — ,yoso ye yuku,guwai-koku ye yuku.Abrogate, /. v. Hai-shi suru, hai suru,yameru, yame-saseru.Abrupt, a. Kewashii, niwaka no.Abruptly, adv. Niwaka ni, tadachl ni,totsu-zen to, sotsu-zen.Abscess, n. Hare-mono.Abscond, i. v. Kakusu, chikuten suru,shuppon suru, kake-ochi suru.Absence, n. I-nai koto, oranu koto, rusiuAbsent, a. Oranu, inai, rusu no. —?ninded, ho-shin, utsutsu, rnu-chiu.Absent, t, v. — one's self, ko-nai, de-nai.Absolute, a. Jubun naru, kiwamattaru,shigoku no.Absolution, n. Yurushi, yu-men.Absolve, /. v. Yurusu, yu-men suru.Absorb, /. v. Sui-komu, hikkomu.Absorbed, a. Sui-komareru, oboreru.— in study, gaku-mon ni hamaru.Absorption, n. Sui-komu koto, muchiu,mono ni oboreru koto.Abstain, /. v. Yameru, imu, tatsu. —from food, shoku sedzu. — fro?nwine, sake wo nomadzu, kin-shu suru.Things to be abstained froin, imimono.Abstemious, a. Uchiba naru, shu-shokuwo hikayeme ni suru.Abstinence, «. Yameru koto, tachi. —from, cookedfood, hi-no-mono-dachi.Abstract, t. v. Nuku, toru, nusumitoru,hanareru.Abstract, n. Bassui, nuki-utsushi, nuki-gaki.Make an — , bassui shitekaku.Abstracted, /. a. Ki ga tsukanu, nusumi-tori-taru,nukitaru.Abstruse, a. Uku-i, akiraka nai, wakare-gatai,fukai.Absurd, a. Dori ni somuku, higagotonaru.Absurdity, «. Higagoto.Abundance, n. Takusan, yoppodo, amata,taiso, jubun. __Abundant, a. Oi, taiso na, jubun na,dossari. — harvest, ho-saku.Abuse, t. v, Nonoshiru, waruku iu, samisuru, mugoi me ni awaseru, shi-sonjiru,mijime ni awaseru.Abuse, n. Nonoshiri, mugoi-me, mijime,hidoi-me.

_IABUACCAbusive, a. Mugoi. — language^ akko, Accomplish, t. v. Togeru, sumu, dekiru,nonoshiri. To meet with — treatment^ shi-togeru, >6-ju suru, shi-oseru, hatasu,sei-ko suru.hidoi-me ni au, mugoi-me ni au. — fellow^rambo, abare-mono.Abut, i. v. Tsuku, hittsuku, sessuru.Abutment, n. Hashi-geta wo tsukerudai-ishi.Accomplished, /. a.s'unda, joju shita,son^ no-sha. — scholar^sha. — villain, kan-chiDekita,ta-no naru.haku-gaku-narutogeta,per~hito,Abyss, n. Soko naki ana, jigoku.hidoi yatsu.Academical, a. Gakko no.Accomplishment, n. Joju, shitoge, no,Academy, n. Gakko, gakumonjo.Accelerate, t. v. Hayameru, hayakusum, hakadoraseru.Accede, i. v. Sho-chi suru, nattokusuru.gei-no.Accord, n. Wago, kanau koto. Withone accord, itchi ni, ichido ni. Oivn— jibun de, onodzukara, shizen ni,,tennen ni, onodzu-to.Accord, t. v. Kanau, tekito suru, od*zuru.Accent, «. Iro.Accent, v. Iro wo tsukeru.Accept, t, v. Morau, ukeru, uketoru, Accordance, n. Wago, kanau koto.sho-chi suru, nattoku_ suru, gaten suru. According to. Shitagatte, shidai ni,Acceptable, a. Ki ni iru, kokoro ni odzuru, ni yotte, tori ni.kanau, ureshii.Accordingly, adv. Yuye ni, soshite.Acceptance,- n. Sho-chi, uketori, uke, Accost, t. v, li-kakeru.morai, hiki-uke.Accoucheur, n. San-ka, san-isha.Acceptation, «. Imi, giri, kokoro. Account, «. Kanjo, sany6,sant6. Written— , kanjo-gaki, kaki-dashi. To giveAccess, n. Chika-yoru koto, michi.Accessible, a. Chikayoru yasui.an account of, noberu, tsugeru. OfAccession, n. Kuwayeru koto, masu nokoto, fuyeru koto. —— , kadzu ni naranu, kamawanu. Ono/ /ever^ netsu — ofy yuj-e ni, wake de, ni yotte. Onno — , icanaradzu, kitto, zehi. Take —no hassu.Accessory, n. Toto suru hito, satansuru hito, kata wo motsu hito.of stock, tana-oroshi wo suru. To callto — gimmi suru, ii-wake wo nobesaseru.,n. Accident, deki-goto,Fui no koto,On account o/ this, kono-yuyeayamachi, futo shita koto, tsui shita ni, karu-ga-yuye ni.koto. Without — , buji ni. Met with Account, i.v. To — with, kanjo suru.an — , me ni atta.To — 7^r, yuye wo noberu, wake woAccidental, a. Fui no, hakaradzu, futo tsugeru, ukeau.shita, fuji na.Accountable, a. Ukeau ; kakaru. A IIAccidentally, adv. Futo, fui to, omoigake-naku.men are^— to God for their condtict,okonai ni yotte bammin wa kami samaAcclamation, n. Kanshin shite koye no gimmi ni kakaraneba naranu. Thewo ageru koto. To elect by — , ichi-do government is — for the debts of theni koye wo agete yerabu.Hans, seifu nite Han no oime wa tsugunawanebanaranu.Acclimate, t. v. Ji-ko ni narasu. Tobe — ed^ j iko ni nareta.Accountant, v. Kanjo kata, kuwai-keiAcclimation, n. Jiko ni nareru koto. kata.Acclivity, n. Kobai, saka.Account-book, n. Kanj6-ch6, kuwaikei-cho.Accommodate, t. v. Teki-to suru, kanau,awaseru, rinkiohen ni suru, tsugo shiteyaru, ma ni awasete yaru. — differences^Accoutred, /./.tattaru.Shozoku shitaru, ide-naka wo naosu, waboku wo suru, nakanaoriwo suru. — with a pen^ fude wo shisotsu no gusoku.Accoutrement, n. Idetachi, shozoku^yodateru.Accredit, :*. v. Nindzuru.Accommodating, a. Shinsetsu na, nengorona.Accrue, i. v. Masu, fuyeru.Accumulate, t. v. Tsumu, kasaneru,Accommodation, n. Naka-naori, waboku,atsunieru (z*. z*.), kasanaru, tsumoru,makanau koto.kasamu.Accompaniment, n. Tsuki-mono, soyemono.Accumulation, n. Kasanaru koto, tsumukoto.Accompany, t. v. Issho-ni yuku, tsuredatteAccuracy, n, Machigawanu koto.yuku, do-do suru, tsukiai wo suru, Accurate, a. Soi naki, machigawanu,okuru.tadashii.[wadzu shite.Accomplice, n. Do-rui, guru.Accurately, adv. Soi naku, machiga-


ADE 7Adequate, a. Tariru, kanau, teki-to, Admittance, n. Tori, ireru koto, iri.oyobii.No — , hairu bekaradzu.Adhere, i. v. Tsuku, nebari-tsuku, hebari-tsuku,Admix, t. v. JMazeru, kake-mazeru.nenchaku, sum, nadzumu. Admixture, «. Maze-mono.Adhekext, a. Hebari-tsuku, nenchaku dmonish, t. V. Imashimeru, isameru,naru.korasu, iken suru.Adhesion, n. Hebari-tsuki, nadzumi. Admonition, n. Imashime, iken, isame;Adherent, n. Zoku suru mono, fuzoku korashi.no mono, tsuki-bito.Ado, n. Sawagi, yakamashii, sozoshii.Adhesiveness, n. Nebari, tsuki,Adolescence, «. Jaku-nen, itoke naiAdhesive-pl.\ster, «. Mansoko.toki, shonen.Adieu, adv. Saj'onara, sayonaraba, gokigen-yokuru,sho-chi suru. — a son, yoshi ni su-Adopt, /. v. Hiki-ukeru, tori-mochiyu-Adjacent, a. Tsugi no, tonari no.ru. — a daughter, yojo ni suru.Adjective, n. Keiyo-shLA dopted son, j'oshi. — da ughter, yoj'o.Adjoin, z'. 7'. Tsugu, tonaru. Adjoining Adoption, n. Yoshi ni naru koto, yoshihouse, tonari no ij'e, rin ka, tonari-ya. ni suru koto.Adjourn, t. v. Nobasu, yennin suru. Adore, t. v. Ogamu, raihai sum, agameru,(i. v.). Yameru, sumu.uyamau.Adjournment, n. Sodan no seki no kotoAdoration, n. Ogami, raihai, uyamai.wo sumashite yasumu koto.Adjudge, t. v. Kimeru, saiban suru, h<strong>and</strong>anAdorn, t. v.suru.Kazaru, yosoou, shozokusuru.Adornment, h. Kazari, yosooi, shozoku.Adjudicate, t, v. Saiban suru, sabaku, Adrift, adv. Tadayou, nagareru.h<strong>and</strong>an suru.Adjudication, n. Saiban, sabaki, gimmi,Adroit, a.takumi na.Jodzu na, kashikoi, riko na,h<strong>and</strong>an.Adulation, n. Hetsurai, kobi, bennei,Adjur.\tion, n. Chikai, chikawaseru omoneri, neiben.koto.Adult, n. So-nen, otona.Adjure, t. v. Chikawaseru, chikai wo Adulterate, t. v. IMazeru, niseru.toru, meiyaku wo toru, seishi wo toru. Adulteration, n. Maze. nise.Adjust, f. v. Osameru, tadasu, naosu, Adulterer, n. ICan-tsu nin, mippu, maotoko.tsukurau ;shaku-do wo hakaru.Adjustment, n. Osame, tsukurai. — of Adulteress, h. Ma-otoko onna.a quarrel, naka-naori.Adulterous, a. Kantsu suru.Adjutant, «, Fuku, gon kuwan. Adultery, n. Kantsu, mittsu, kan-in.Adjuvant, n. Oginai-gusuri.Advance, t. v. Susumeru, nobosu, ageru.Admeasurement, n. Bunriyo, sumpo, — the price ^ ne-age wo suru. — vioneyfor another, hito no tame ni kane woAdminister, /. v. Okonau, segiyo suru, tate-kayeru. (i. v.) Susumu, maye nishihai suru, tori-atsukau, osameru, shochisuru. — 7nedicine, kusuri wo hodo-shussei suru. — by obsequiousness, he-deru, agaru. in rank, risshin suru,kosu, fuku-saseru.agaru. — in price, ne-agari ga suru.Administration, n. Okonai, segiyo, toriatsukai,shochi, hodokoshi, osame ; seiji — , maye ni yuku,saki ni yuku, shimpoAdvance, n. Susumi, agari. To go inmatsurigoto, shihai.suru. Lend in —, maye-gashi wo suru.Administrator, n. Shi-nin no yui-motsuwosonoichi zoku no tame ni lori-Draw in, — , nai-shaku suru,Borrowing in — , saki-gari wo suru.uchi-gariatsuKau hito, tori-atsukai nin, shihainin.Admirable, a. Miyo naru, taye naru,appare na, kanshin na, kekko na,Admiral,^. Kaigun sotoku.Admir.\tion, n. Kanshin, kampuku.Admire, /. v. Kanshin suru, medzuru.Admissible,Not —, torase-nai.a. Yurusareru,Admission, n. Yurushi, tori.Admit, t. v. Hairaseru, toraseru, tosu,ire-saseru.ADVwo suru.Advancement, n. Susumi, shussei, risshin,agari.Advantage, «. Ri, yeki, ri-yeki, kai,shori, kachi, toku. To take—t?/", jodzuru.Advant.\geous, a. Yeki ga aru, riyekinaru, kai ga aru, sugureru.Advent, n. Kitari, chaku, chaku-to.Adventitious, a. Fui naru, omoi-gakenai, rinji no, fuji naru.Adventure, n. Hijo no me, fuji no mc,tsune narazaru koto, ihen, hen na me,kakeroku. /. v. Kakeru.

ADVAdventurous, a. Dai-tan na, kimo-futoi,muyami na.Adverb, «. Fuku-shi.Adversary, n. Aite, teki, kataki. ada.Adverse, a. Giyaku na, fu-jun naru,somuku. — wind, giyaku-fu.Adversity, n. Wazawai, sai-nan, kannan.Advert, t. v. Mochi-dasu.Advertise, t. v. Hiro suru, fu-kokusuru, hiromeru, shiraseru, fui-cho suru,fureru.Advertisement, n. Hiro, fu-koku, hikifuda,fure, shirase, hirome-gaki.Advice, «. Iken, riyoken, mune, isarae,imashime, kiyokun, tayori, inshin, chiushin.Advise, t. v. Iken suru, isameru, oshiyeru,imashimeru, kiyokun suru, kei-j6sum. {i. V.) sodan suru, hiyo-gi suru.Advisable, a. Itasu beki, su beki, yoshito suru. Not — , itasu bekarazaru, yoroshikaradzu.Advocate, /. v. Tori-nasu, tori-motsu.Advocacy, n. Tori-nasu koto.Advocate, n. Tori-nashi, tori-mochi.Adz, «. Chona.Aerial, a. Kuki no.Aerolite, Hoshi-k'iso, hoshi-ishi.Aeronaut, n. Fusen ni noru hito.Afar, adv. Haruka ni, toku, yempo,harubaru to. To cotnefrom — yempo,kara kitaru.Affability, n. Seji, aiso, nengoro.Affable, a. Aiso ni iu, seji ni iu, nengoroni iu. An — persofi^ yoku sejiwo iu hito.Affair, a. Koto, ji, waza. Governmentaffairs^ jimu, sei-ji.Affect, t. v. Ugokasu, k<strong>and</strong>o saseru,furi wo suru, niseru, maneru. To beaffected by^ k<strong>and</strong>zuru, k<strong>and</strong>o suru,ataru, fureru.Affected, /. a. K<strong>and</strong>zuru, furi wo suru.Affection, n. Ai, itsukushimi, nasake,joai, yamai, biyoki, mochimaye.Affectionate, a. Ai suru, nasake naru,nengoro naru, shinsetsu na, kawairashii.Affectionately, adv. Ai shite, nasakenite.Affiance, n. li-nadzuke, chigiri, yengumi.(t. V.) li-nadzukeru. Affianced^chigiru, yengumu.Affidavit, n. Chikai-gaki, sei-sho.Affinity, n. Yen, chigiri, chinami,tsudzuki.Affirm, i*. z/. Sadameru. kiwameru, ketsujoshite iu, chikatte iu.Affirmation, «. Sadame-goto, kiwamegoto; chikai-goto.AGAAffirmative. Shochi, kashikomari,he, hai.Affix, t. v. Tsukeru, soyeru, tsugu. —a seal, in wo osu.Affix, n. Tsuke-kotoba.Afflict, /. v. Kurushimeru, nayamaseru,koraaraseru.Afflicted, /, a, Kurushimu, komaru,nayamu, setsunai.Affliction, n. Nangi, nanjii, kannan,biyoki, anyami, kanashimi, wazawai.Afflictive, a. Nayamashiki, kurushii,itamashii, kanashii.Affluence, n. Fiiki, kane-mochi.Affluent, a. Kane-mochi naru, fuki na,dai-jin naru, tomeru.Affluent, n. Yeda-gawa.Afflux, w, Nagare-komu koto. — ofblood to head, nobose, giyaku-j6.Afford, /. v. Shodzuru ;dekiru, atayeru.Cant — , dekinu, atawa-nai.Affray, «. Kenkuwa, tatakai. mushiri-ai.Affright, t. v. Osoresaseru, odorokasu,odosu. (m.) Osore, odoroki. Affrighted,osnreru, kowagaru, odoroku,kowakatta.Affront, t. v. Ki ni fureru, ki ni sakarau,chijoku wo saseru, hajisaseru. (;*.)Chijoku, haji.Aefuse, t. V. Sosogu, furi-kakeru.Afloat, adv. Uku, ukamu.Afoot, adv. Kachi nite, aruite.Afore, /r£?/. Maye, omote.Aforeh<strong>and</strong>, adv. Mayemotte, arakajime.Aforementioned, a. Migi no, kudaano, maye no.Aforesaid, a. Migi no, kudan no.Aforethought, a. Takumu.Afoul, adv. To run — , tsuki-ataru,ataru.Afraid, a. Osoru, kowagaru, kowai.Afresh, adv. Arata-ni, sara ni.Africa, n. Afurika.Aft, adv. Ushiro ni, tomo ni.After, /r

IAGAALAAgrarianism, n. Koku-min no shinshddo, sai-do, mata-wa. — <strong>and</strong> again^kasaiie-gasane, kudo-kudo, mata-mata. wo hin puku nashi ni heikin suru koto.Against, prep. Mukau, sakarau, giyaku, Agree, i.v. Yakusoku suru, ukeau, itchisomuku. Strike — , tsuki-tsukeru, buchi-tsukeru.ni naru, wago suru, fugo suru, odzuru,tekito suru, kanau, au, shochi suru,Agate, n. Meno-seki.nattoku suru, shitagau.Age, n. Toshi, yowai, nen-rei, sai, yo, Agreeable, a. Kanau, fugo suru, tekitodai, ji-dai, toki. Spirit of the — jisei.Of— , otona. To come of— , to-iru, tanoshiki, shitagau.suru, omoshiroi, kokoro-yoki, ki ni,Agreeably, adv. Omoshiroku, kokoroyoku,tanoshiku, shitagatte, kanote. —disappointed., zonji no hoka no tanoshimini au.Agreement, n. Yakusoku, joyaku, yakujo,wago, fugo, tekito, shochi, natto-shigoro ni naru, hito to naru.Age, i. v. Toshi-yoru, toshi-toru, furubiru.Aged, a. Oi, or oitaru, toshi yotta, toshi-totta,ro, furubitaru.Agency, n. Hataraki, tori-atsukal, toriatsukai-jo.Agent, «. Tori-atsukai-nin, dai-ben nin,miyo-dai, tedai, banto.Agglomerate, t.v. Katameru. {i.v^ Ague, n. Okori, giyaku.Katamaru, giyoketsu, atsumaru. Ah, iftterj. Aa, sate-sate.Agglutinate, t.v. Nebari-tsukeru. (z'.z'.) Ahead, adv. Saki-ni, omote-ni. To goNebari-tsuku, _ hebari-tsuku. — , susumu, saki ye yuku.Aggr<strong>and</strong>ize, t.v. Okikusuru, masu, agaraseru,Ahoy, i?iterj. Fune no yuki-chigaye ninobosu.tadzune-kakeru hotsugo no kotoba.Aggr<strong>and</strong>izement, «. Sakaye, okiku narukoto.Aid, n.suke, tetsudai,Tasuke, sewa,yakkai, tasuke-te,fujo, shQsen,sukuite,suke-te.Aggravate, t.v. Omoku suru, omora-.seru, tunoraseru, hageshiku suru, hanahadashikuAiD-DE-rA.MP, n. Heitai no sashidzusuru. Aggravated., omoku yaku.i. Ail, v. naru, tsunoru, hageshiku naru, hanahadashikuYamu, wadzurau, ambai warutenaru.Aggravation, n. Omosa, fukasa, hidosa, iru.Ailment, n. Yamai, biyoki, yami, wa-hana-hadashisa.Aggregate, t.v. Atsumeru, kasaneru,tsumu, awaseru.Aggregate, n. Tsugo, shime, shimedaka,atsumari, awase.Aggregation, «. Atsumari, awase,gasshu.Aggression, n. Okashi-kasumeru koto,seme, osoi, ubai.nari-furi ; utai, fuchi, uta. Tothe — , undo wo suru, yu-ho suru.takeAggressive, a. Semetagaru, okashi-tagaru,Air, /. V. Sarasu, kaze wo tosu.ubai-tagaru.Air-bladder, «. Nibe.Aggressor, v. Seme-te, ubai-te, okashi-le,Air-gun, n. Fu-ho, kaze-teppo.hotto-nin.Air-hole, n. Iki-dashi no ana, kazeAggrieve, t.v. Komaraseru, nayamaseru,nuki no ana.nanjusaseru, samatageru.Air-tight, a. Kuki no hairanu yo niAghast, adv. Bikkuri shite, giyotenshite, akke wo torareru.Agile, a. Subayai, .subashikoi, te ashino hataraki no sumiyaka.Agitate, t.v. Ugokasu, doyomekasu,yutaburasu ; sawagasu, araso, gironsuru. Agitated., ugoku, doyomekusawagu.Agitation, n. Ugoki, doyomeki, sawagi.Ago, adv. Ato, izen.Agoing, Set — , ugokasu, hatarakasu,unten suru, okosu.Agonize, i.v. Modayeru, kurushimu.Agony, «. Modaye, kurushimi, kutsu.ku.Agriculture, n.Nogiyo, tagayeshi, no-dzurai.Aim, t. V. Nerau ;kokorozasu.Aim, n. Nerai, mokuteki, atedo, meatekokoro-zashi.Aimless, a. Atedo nashi, mokutekinashi, ku na.Air, a. Kuki, taiki, kaze, nari, furi,tojite oku.Airy, a. Kaze tori no yoi, sawayaka,kaze no yo naru.Aisle, n. Kiyo kuwai-do no uchi ni arukayoi michi,Akin, a. Kechi, yen naru, chisuji naru,yen.Alabaster, n. Sekko.Alacrity, n Isogi, sumiyaka.Alarm, n. Aidzu, shirase, odoroki, osore,bikkuri.- — i$tV/, haya-gane. — clock.,mezamashi tokei. — gun., aidzu noteppo.Alas, interj,Satemo, sate-sate, ana.

ALBI5 ALRAlbicore, n. Maguro.Alligator, n. Wani.Albino, n. Shiro-namadzu, shiroko. Allot, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, ategau, atehameru.Albugo, «. Me-boshi.Alcohol, n. Kuwa-shu, araki. .Allotment, n. Wari-tsuke. — o/ Providence,tem-mei.Alder, n. Han no ki.Alderman', «. Sodoshi-yori.Allow, t. v. Yurusu, menkiyo suru,Alembic, n. Rambiki.mendzuru;yaru, atayeru, shochi suru,Alert, a. Sumiyaka na, j6-riukuwan. yasuku suru. — tne to see, mite okure,To be on the — , ima ya ima to matsu. mite kudasare.Allas, adv. Hem-mei, betsu na. Gombeialias Santsuke.^ Gombei koto wa su beki.Allowable, a. Yurusu beki, menkiyoSantsuke.Allowance, n. Wari-ai, bun, wakimaye;Alien, n. Gaikoku-jin.yurushi, menkiyo ;yasuku suruAlien, a. Gaikoku no, takoku no.koto, herasu, gendzuru.Alienate, t. v. Hoka-j'e utsusu, tozakeru.(i. v.) Aiso-dzukashi ni naru, Alloy, i. v. Mazeru, sasu.Alloy, n. Maze-gane, sashi-kin.tozakaru.Allude, i. v. Ate-tsukeru, yosoyete iu,Alienation, n. Utsuru koto, tozakaru tsukete iu.koto, aiso-dzukashi. Mental — , kichigai,ranshin, kimagure, kiyoki.dzuri-komu, tsuri-komu, sasou.Allure, /. v. Sosonokasu, hiku, hiki-Alight, z. v. Orosu, kudaru, oriru. — Allurements, n. Sasoi, tsuri-komi.subete no, no, ari-kiri, aritake,issai, nokoradzu. — things, bam-yuki-todokazaru tokoro naki.a. tokoro naki,motsu, arayuru mono, yorodzu no Almond, n. Hadankiyo.mono. — nicti, bam-min. — countries,ban-koku, tenka. — the -world,Almoner, n. Segiyo suru hito no te-from a horse,Alike, a. Onaji, hitoshii, do-yo.Alluvium, n.AlimExNT, n. Shoku-motsu, tabe-mono. Ally, t. v.rakuba suru.Su, dai ga noChinami woAllusion, n. Ate-tsuke.yori su.musubu, iinadzukeru,yen wo musubu.Alive, a. Ikite oru, ikiru ;nigiyaka, ikina. To keep — , ikasu.Ally, n. Do-mei, mikata.All, a. Tsugo, shimete ;mattaku, mina,moro-moroAlm.\nac, a.Almighty,Koyomi, reki.Atawazarusekai-ju. — M

ALSready completed^ anata ga yuku madeni ano koto wa mo dekite shimatta.Also, adv. Mo, mata, mo-mata, yahari,onajiku, narabi ni, oyobi.Altar, n. Shin-zen no dai.Alter, t. v. Aratameru, naosu, henkakusuru, kayeru, hendzuru, toii-kayeru.\i. V.) Kawaru, hendzuru.Alteration, n. Aratame, naoshi ; kawari,henkaku.Altercate, i. v. Koron suru, arasou,ii-au, giron suru.Altercation, ti. Koron, arasoi, kenkuwa,giron, isakai, ron, gekiron..Alternate, a. Tagai-chigai, tagai ni,ka\yari-au, hasami. — days^ kaku-jitsu,ichi nichi oki. — years, kaku-nen,ichi nen oki. — persons^ ichi nin oki.Alternate, n. Miyodai.Alternately, adv. Tagai-chigai ni,kawari-gawari ni, ichido-gawari ni,IIANAAmbition, n. Tai-mo, nozomi, kokorozashi,shushin, shiinen.Ambitious, a. Taimo aru, hito namiyori sugure, hiide-taki.Ambusc.\de, «. Fuku-hei, fuse-zei, maifuku.Ameliorate, /. v. Yoku saseru, tasukeru.Ame.n, n. Kami ni inori no owari nokotoba ; sono imi wa kaku no gotokushikaru beki nari.Amenable, a. Kakaru, kakawaru.Amend, t. v. Aratameru, naosu, kaikakusuru, kai-sei suru, kai-shin suru,tadasu.Amendment, n. Aratame, kaikaku, tadashi.Amends, n. Tsugunai. Make — , tsugunau,aganau, mado, wabiru.Amerce, /. v. Bakkin wo ii-tsukeru,kuwa-riyo wo meidzuru.hitotsu-gavvari ni, ni, uttechigayeni, uchi-chigai ni.utte-gawashiAlternative, n. Zechi, riyoten, riyotan.Amethyst, n.A.miable, a.naru, onjunShisekiyei.Yasashii, otonashii, niuwanaru, sunao naru, hitoyakaNo — , shikata ga nai, sen kata na, onto naru.nashi.Amicable, a. Shitashii, mutsumajii, wajunAlthe.a, n. Mokuge.naru, wago na.Although, conj. Tatoi, keredomo, lyedomo,Amidst, /rf/. Naka, uchi, chiu.tomo, shikashi-nagara. Also Amiss, adv. Machigau, ayamaru, son-formed by the sub. verb in demo.jiru, sokonau, warui. To do — , shisokonau.Speak — , ii-ayamaru, ii-Altitude, n. Takasa.Altogether, adv. Issho-ni, ichi do ni, sokonau. To go — yuki-sokonau.,mattaku.Amity, n. Wago, wajun, shitashimi,Alum, n. Miyoban. Burnt — yakimiyoban,kohan.Ammonia, a. Doshasei.kon-setsu.,Always, adv. Itsu-demo, itsu-mademo,Ammunition, n. Tama-kusuri, danyaku,tsune ni, shijii, toshi-ni, shot-chiu. giyoku-yaku.A.M, formed by the verbs, aru, iru, oru, Among or Amongst. Naka uchi, chiu.as : I am sick, watakushi y<strong>and</strong>e iru. Amorous, a. Hore yasui, uwaki na./ am eating, watakushi tabete oru. / Amount, «. Tsugo, semete, shimedaka,am poor, watakushi wa bimbo de aru. sokei./ am going to Kioto to-morrow, watakushiAmoi;nt, /. V. Noboru, agaru, kakaru.wa miyonichi Kioto ye yuku. Amphibious, a. Sui riku ni sumu.Amalgam, n. Kin rui midzu-kane wo Ample, rt. Hiroi, kuwodai ; takusan,jubun.mazete aru kane no na.Amalgamate, t. v. Mazeru, kondzuru, Amplify, t. v. Hiroku suru, okiku suru,chogo suru, awaseru.kuwashiku iu.Amass, t. v, Tsumu, takuwayeru, tameru,Amplitude, n. Hirosa, okisa.kasaneru.Amply, rt^z/. Hiroku, jubun ni, takusanAmateur, n. Shiroto nite sono waza wo ni.tanoshimi ni kononde suru hito. Amulet, n. Mamori.Amaurosis, «. Sokohi, koku-naisho. Amuse, t. v. Nagusameru, asobaseru,Amaze, t. v. Odorokasu, tamagesaseru. tanoshimasu. Amused^ nagusamu, tanoshimu,Atnazed, odoroku, tamageru, bikkuri.kiyo ni iru.suru, giyoten suru.Amuse.ment, «. Nagiisami, asobi, kiyo,Amazement, n. Odoroki, giyoten, bikkuritawamure.tanoshinii,Ambassador, n. Shisha, shisetsu. An, «. Hitotsu, ichi. A^i ichibu anAmber, n. Kohaku.hour, ittoki ni ichibu dzutsu.Ambiguous, a. Utagawashii, fushin naru,fufummiyo, ibukashii, obotsukanai, ayashiki.Anaconda, «.An.\logous, a.Analogy, n.Daija.Onaji, do-yo, niru.Nitaru omomuki.

ANAIANTAnalysis, n. Bunseki, bunri.Anniversary, «. Iwai-bi. — o/ a death,Analyze, /. v. Bunseki suru.mei-nichi, ki-nichi.Anarchy, «. Koku-ran, soran, seiji Annotation, n. Chiu, kaki-ire, chiukai,nashi, midare.chiu-shaku.Anasarca, «. Sui-ki, mukumi.Announce, t. v. Hiro suru, shimesu, hiromeru,Anastomose, i. v. Sakuso suru.tsugeru, kikaseru.Anatomy, n. Kaibo, fuwake.Annoy, t. v. VVadzurawasu, komaraseru,Ancestor, n. Senzo.ijimeru. Annoying, urusai, wadzurawashii.Ancestral, a. Senzo no, senzo yori sutayetekuru. — temple, sobiyo. Annoyance, n. Urusai koto, meiwaku.Anchor, n. Ikari. (/. v.) Ikari wo orosu,kakeru. T/te skip is anchored,Annual, a. Toshi-doshi, mai-nen, nennenno, toshi-nami. Annually, toshidoshifune ga kakatte iru, or, ikari wo oroshiteni.Annuity, n. Seifu nado yori sono hitoiru.Anchorage, n, Kakari-ba.no nengen chiu mai-toshi harai-watasuAnchorite, «. Giyoja, mokujiki.risoku kin.Ancient, a. Mukashi ho, furuki, inishlyeno, ko ;Annul, i. v. Hai suru, haishi suru, yameru,hai-kiyaku suru.mukashi, ro. — <strong>and</strong> modern,ko-kon. — customs, ko-fii. Annular, a. Marui, wa no nari.Ancient, n.Annumerate, t. v.. Kuwayeru, tasu.Tosh,iyori, rojin.And, conj. To, narabi-ni, oyobi, shikoshitemeruAnodyne, «. Shitsu-zai, itami wo todo-kusuri.Anecdote, n. Medzurashii hanashi. Anoint, t. v. Abura wo nuri tsukeru.Aneroid, n.Anomalous, a. Kaku wo hadzureru,Sei-u-ki.Aneurism, «. Miyak-kuwan no choketsumidareru.no, domiyaku-riu.Anon, adv. Sugu ni.Anew, adv. Arata ni.Anonymous, n. Mu-mei no, na naki. —Angel, n. Tennin, ten no tsukai.writing, rakusho.Anger, n. Rippuku, ikari, hara-tachi, Another, a. Hoka no, betsu no, mo hi-ikidori.Angle, n. Kado, sumi, kaku ;uwo tsuridogu. t. V. Tsuru.Angler, «. Uwo tsuri.Anglican, a. Igirisu no.Angry, a. Ikaru, haratatsu, rippukusuru ; tadareru.Anguish, n. Ku-tsu, nayami.Angular, a. Kado-datsu, kado.Animadversion, n. Imashime, hinan,togame, hihan.Animal, n. Kemono, kedamono, chikusho,chiku-rui. — kingdoiii,Aoh\xX.s\xrui. — food, niku. — spirits, ki.Animalcule, n. Me de miyenu hodo nodobutsu.Animate, t. v. Iki-saseru, ikaseru, seikuwatsusaseru, hagemasu, seishin wotsukeru, odateru.Animate, a. Ikeru, ikite oru. — <strong>and</strong>inanimate, ujo mujo.Animosity, n. Urami, nikumi, ikon.Anise, n. Sho-uikiyo.Ankle, n. Ashi-kubi. — bone, kurutushi.Annals, «. Rekishi, nendaiki, ki, kiroku.Anneal, /. v. Yaki wo modosu.Annex, t. v, Tsugu, soyeru, awaseru,tsukeru, kuwayeru.Annihilate, t. v. Naku sum, messuru,tayasu, danzetsu suru, horobosu.totsu, ta-nin. One — , ai-tagai ni.Answer, t. v. Kotayeru, hento suru,henji wo suru. (z. v.) Kalcawaru, ma— Ocean, nan kai. — pole,ni au. To — the purpose, ma ni au.Answer, n. Kotaye, hento, henji.Answerable, «. Tsugunau beki, kakawarubeki ;tekito, odzuru, kanau.Ant, n. Ari. — hill, ari-dzuka.Antagonist, n. Aite, kataki, teki, ada.Antagonistical, a. Giyaku na, sakarau.Antarctic, a.nan kiyoku.Antecedent, a. Maye no, izen no.Antecedently, adv. ^laye ni, izen ni,sendatte, saki-datte.Antedate, t. v. Hi-dzuke wo maye nisuru.Antelope, «. Shika no rui.Antenna, n, Mushi no tsuno.Anterior, a. Maye no, omote no, zenno.Anthelmintic, n. Kuchiu-zai.Anthem, n. Kami v/o hai suru toki noAnther, n. Dzui.Antic, a. Kokkei na, odoke na. («).Odoke mono, kokkei.Anticipate, t. v. Maye-motte nasu,omoi-kosu, tori-kosu.Anticipation, m. To say in — , mayemotteiu. To do in — , maye-motte

ANTsuru. To think of in — , maye-motteomou.Antidote, n. Doku-keshi, gedoku-zai,sho-doku-yaku.Anti-febrile, n. Sho-yen-zai, shonetsu-zai.Antipathy, n. Kirai, nikumi.Anti-phlogistic, «. Sho-kin-zai.Antiquarian, n. Kojitsu-ka, kobutsuka.Antiquated, u. Ko-fu na, furukusai.Antique, a. Mukashi, furui, ko, kiu.Antiquity, «. Mukashi, inishiye, koseki.Antiseptic, «. Shifu-yaku.Antithesis, n. Hantai, urahara.Antler, n. Shika no tsuno.Anus, «. Komon. Diseases 0/— ji. ,Anvil, n. Kanatoko.Anxiety, n. Kokoro-dzukai, kidzukai,shimpai, anji, kuro.Anxious, a. Kidzukai ni omou, anjiru.Anxiously, adv. Kidzukatte, anjite.Wait — /or^ raachi-wabiru, machikaneru.Any, a. Demo, idzure. — /^rj£>«, daredemo.— time^ itsu-demo. — how^do-demo. — thing, nan-demo. —where, doko-demo, idzuku nite mo.Not — 7nore, mo nai, kore kiri.Apart, adv. Hanarete, betsu-betsu ni,wakete, hedatete.Apartment, «. Heya, zashiki, ma.Ape, ft. Saru. {t. v.) Mane wo suru.Aperient, n. Ge-zai.Aperture, n. Ana, kuchi, sukima.Apex, n. Chojo, zetcho, itadaki, saki.Aphorism, n. Kaku-gen.Aphrodisiac, n. Hore-gusuri, biyaku.Apiece, adv. Dzutsu, maye, ate ni.Apish, a. Saru mane suru, saru-riko na.Apologise, t. v. Ayamaru, wabiru, iiwakewo iu.Apology, n. Wabi, ii-wake, ayamari.Apostate, «. Daraku mono.Apostatize, i. v, Daraku suru, shumonwo suteru.Apostle, n. Shisha, lesu no jii-ni ninno deshi.Appal, t. v. Osore-saseru, odorokasu,kimo wo tsubusu. Appalling, osoroshii.Apparatus, n. Kikai, dogu, shikake.Apparel, 71. Ifuku, kimono, isho. (t. v.)Kiru, yosoo, chaku sum. chakuyo suru.Apparent, a. Miyeru, akiraka, arawaretaru,ichijirushi.Apparently, adv. Akiraka ni, me nitemiru ni, mise-kakete.Apparition, n. Bake-mono.Appeal, t. v. Uttayeru, sosho suru. («.)Uttaye, sosho.13 APPAppear, z'. v. Miyeru, arawareru, gendzuru,deru. Cause to — , arawasu,miseru. Appears to be or /iave,ari-s6.APPEAR.A.NCE, M. Deru koto, katachi, sugata,nari, nari-furi, tei, keshiki, iro,midate, so, rashii. — ojf being true.,makotorashii.Appe.'\se, t. V. Nadameru, shidzumeru.APPELL.A.T10X, n. Na, tonaye, go.Append, t. v. Tsugu, soyeru, tsukeru.Appendage, n. Soi^mono, tsuki-mono,soye-mono. Useless — , zeibutsu.Appendix, n. Furoku, tsuika, hoi.Appertain, /. v. Tsuku, zoku suru, kakaru,fuzoku suru, ki suru.Appetite, n. Shoku, shoku-yoku, shokuji.No — , fu-shoku.Applaud, t. v. Koye wo agete homeru,te wo tataite shobi suru.Applause, n. Homare, shobi.Apple, «. Ringo. —: tree, ringo no ki.Appliance, n. Tsuki-mono, dogu.Applicable, a. Tsuku. — to this, koreni tsuite wa.Applicant, n. Negai-te, tanomi-te.Application, n. Tsukeru koto, aterukoto, negai, tanomi, benkiyo, hagenii.Apply, t. v. Tsukeru, oku, soyeru, ategau,hagemu. — the mind to, kokorowo ireru. (/. z/.) Tsuku, kanau, tanomu,negau.Appoint, t. v. Sadameru, kiwameru ;moshi-tsukeru, ii-tsukeru, meidzuru,nindzuru. (/. v.) Sadamaru, kiwamaru.Appoist.ment, v. li-tsuke, moshi-tsuke,yaku-soku, sadame, mei-rei ; te-ate,sonaye.Apportion, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, ategau,kubaru, haito suru, bun-bun suru.Apposite, a. Kanau, odzuru.Appraise, t. v. Ne wo tsukeru, ne-uchiwo fumu, hakaru, ataye wo tsumoru.Appreciate, /. v. Ataye wo tsukeru,hakaru, omondzuru.Apprehend, /. v. Tsukamayeru, torayeru,meshitoru ; satosu, wakeru, kokoroyeru.Apprehension, n. Tsukamayeru koto,toraye, meshi-tori ; satori, gaten, kokoroye,riyoken ; kokoro-dzukai, ki-dzukai.Apprehensive, a. Kidzukawashii, ki^gane wo suru, kibusai.Apprentice, n. Nenki-mono, deshi.{t. V.) Nenki hoko suru.Apprise, t. v. Tsugeru, shimesu, kikaseru.Approach, i. v. Chika-yoru, chikadzuku,yoru, nozomu. («.) Chikayori,nozomi michi.

APP 14 ARRApprobation, n. Yoshi to omou koto,kanshin.Appropriate, t. v. Ategau, ate-hameni,ate-sonayeru ; kasumeru, muri ni toru.Appropriate, a. S6t5 naru, tekito naru,mochi-xnaye no, atari-maye no.Appropriation, n. Ate-hanie, ate-sonaye-kin.Approve, t. v. Yoshi to suru.Approximate, i. v. Chikayoru.Appurtenance, n. Tsuki-mono, fuzokumono, soi-mono.Apricot, n. Andzu.April, «. Seiyo no shi-guwatsu no na.Apron, «. Maye-kaki, maye-dare.Apropos, adv. Tsuite, chodo.Apt, a. Tekito naru ;ya-ya mo sureba,hayaku, sumiyaka, yasui.Aptness, n. Yasuki koto.Aqueduct, «. Sui-do.Aqueous, a. Midzu no, sui.Arable, a. Tagayasareru.Arbitrary, a. Kimama naru, wagamamanaru.Arbitrate, t. -v. Saiban suru, sabaku,tadasu.Aristocracy, n.Kuwa-zoku, kuge, iye-Arithmetic, n. San-jutsu.Arithmetician, n. San-jutsu ni tasshitaruhito.Ark, n. Mukashi kodzui no toki nohako bune ; Yudaya no Shin-den niosamatte aru kin no hako.Arm, n. Ude, te, yeda. — of the sea,iri-umi. Wnder the — , waki no shita.Arm, t. V. Buki wo atayeru. To bearmed, buki wo motsu.Armament, n. Gunzei, buki.Arm-chair, n. Hiji-kake.Arm-ful, n. Hito kakaye.Armistice, n. Tatakai no shibaraku noyasumi, kiu-sen.Armor, n. Yoroi kabuto, katchiu, gusoku.Armorer, n. Buki-shi.Armorial sign, n. Mon, shirushi.Armory, n. Buki-gura.Armpit, n. Waki no shita.Arms, «. Hei-ki, bu-ki, gun-ki ;tsutsu.Fire — , teppo, hi-dogu.Army, n. Gun-zei, gun.Aroma, n. Nioi, ka, kaori, koki.Aromatic, a, Kobashii.Around, prep. Mawari, meguri, gururi.To go — , mawaru, meguru, junko suru,hemeguru. To look — , mi -mawaru.Ride — , nori-mawaru.Arouse, t. v. Okosu, samasu, ugokasu,hiki-okosu.Arraign, /. Yobi-dasu, meshi-dasu,uttayeru.Arrange, t.tsuraneru,Naraberu, sonayeru,totonoyeru, soro-Arbitration, n. Moshi koto atte seifuni idedzu shite dohai ni san nin nitesaiban suru koto ^ sabaki.Arbitrator, n. Saiban nin, giyoji, chiusai-nin.Arbor, n. Chin.Arch, «. Han-getsu nari.Archer, n. Ite.Archery, n. Kiujutsu, shajutsu.Architect, n. Chiku-z6-ka.Architecture, n. Chiku-z6-jutsu.Archive, «. Kuni no taisetsu naru kakimono takuwaye oku tokoro ;bunko,kiroku, chomen.Arctic, a. Hokkiyoku. — ocean, hok-yeru.Arrangement, n. Narabe, sonaye, totonoye,soroye ;osame, shitaku.Arrant, a. Futoi, akuto na.kai.Ardent, a. Fumpatsu na, hagende iru, Array, «. Sonaye, narabe.atsuku naru. — spirits^ netsu butsu, Array, /. v. Sonayeru ;yosoo, sho-zokusake.suru, kazaru, mato.Ardor, n. Kisaki.Arrear, n. Nokori kane, zankin, shakuzaiArduous, a. Kewashii, hone-oru, kurono harai-nokori.na, konnan naru.Arrest, t. v. Tsuramayeru, torayeru,Are, i. v. Aru, oru, iru, gozaru.tomeru. — the attention, mi-tomesaseru.Area, n. Hirosa, tsubo-kadzu, okisa;(«.) Toraye, tome.basho.Arrival, n. Kitaru koto, chaku, tochaku,cha"ku-t6. — of a ship, chaku-Arena, n. Basho, ba.Arg<strong>and</strong>-lamp, n. Mujinto.sen.Argue, t. v. Giron suru, rondzuru, aras6.Arrive, /. v. Itaru, chaku suru, kuru,tsuku, tochaku suru, torai suru.Argument, n. Giron, ron, arasoi. Arrogance, n. Manshin, koman.Arid, a. Kampatsu naru, kawaki, karabiiu.Arrogant, a. Jiman naru, koman naru,ibaru, manshin naru, takaburu, unuburcAright, adv. Tadashiku, yoku.na.Arise, i. v. Agaru, noboru, okiru, okoru, Arrogate, t. v. Yodaiburu.hassuni, tatsu.Arrow, n. Ya. — head, ya no ne.

ARS 15 ASSArsenal, n. Buki takuwaj'e gura. Asia, n. Ajia.Arsenic, n. Yoseki, hisoseki.Aside, adv. Waki. Set — , katadzukeru,shimau. St<strong>and</strong> — yokeru, wakiArson, n. Tsukebi.,Art, n. Jutsu, gei-jutsu ; takumi, no, ye yore.ko, toku.Ask, t. V. Tadzuneru, tou, motomeru,Artery, n. Do-miyaku.tanomu, negau, ko. How much do you.Artful, a. Ko-kuwatsu na, warugashikoi,kozakashii.ikura.ask for this ? kono shina no nedan waArticle, n. Kajo, kado ; jo, mono, shina,kuchi. — 0/ deaths shini-me. ko me de miru, shirime de miru.Askant, rt(^/z/. Naname ni. Look — yo-,Articulate, t. v. Hanasu.Askew, ad%>. NejTrete, magattc, yug<strong>and</strong>e,hidzunde.Artifice, n. Hakarigoto, tedate, takumi,hoben, kama.Aslant, adv. Naname ni.Artificer, n. Saiku-nin, shoku-nin. Asleep, a. Nete iru, nemuru, fuseru.Artificial, a. Tsukuri no. — /lowers, Asp, n. Mamushi, doku-ja.tsukuri-bana. — teeth, ivQ-ha.. — nose, Aspect, n. Keshiki, muki, iro, kao.tsuke-bana. — eye, ire-me. hair, Asperity, n. Araki koto, karaki koto,ire-gami, soye-gami, kamoji. — mountain,tsukuri-yama.Asperse, t. v. Waruku iu, soshiru, zan-arasa, karasa, shibusa.Artillery, n. Taiho, odzutu. — company,taiho-tai.Asphyxia, n. Ki-zetsu.gen suru. Aspersion, zan-gen, soshiri.Artisan, n. Shoku-nin.Aspiration, n. Nozomi, shushin, shunen,negai.Artist, n. Gei-jutsu ni tasshitaru shoku-Aspire, /. v. Nosomu, negau, shushinsuru.Artless, a. Meihaku na, shojiki na,adokenai, takumi naki.As, conj. Gotoku, tori, yo, hodo, ni,kara. Do as yotc please, kokoro makaseni se yo. Take as many as you want,omo hodo wo tore. As hot as you canbear, shimbo dekiru hodo no atsusa.As for that matter, sono koto ni wa,sono koto ni tsuite wa. As I was goingto Yedo, Yedo ye jaiku toki ni. / willgo as soon as I am done eating, watakushigozen tabe shidai ni yukimasu. Hehas not come as yet, kare wa imadamairimasen. As he is a bad servant Iwill dismiss him, warui ko-dzukai niyotte {or da kara) itoma wo dasu. Stopas you are passing, anata ga tori-gakarini yori-nasai. Do as you would bedo7te by, jibun no hossuru tokoro wohito ni mo oyobosu beshi. Not asbad as it seems, manzara waruku monai.Ascend, f. v. Noboru, agaru.Ascendency, n. Suguretaru koto, masarukoto.Ascension, n. Noboru koto, agaru koto.Ascent, n. Nobori, agari.Ascertain, t. v. Kiku, kiite-miru, tadasu,mi-todokeru, ukagau.Ascetic, n. Giyoja.Ass, n. Usagi-uma, roba.Assafetida, n. Agi.Assail, t. v. Semeru, osou, utsu, kogekisuru.Assailant, n. Seme-te, seme-kakerumono.Assassin, n. Hito-goroshi, ansatsu nin.Assassinate, t. v. Hito wo korosu,ansatsu suru.Assault, t. v. Semeru, osou, utsu, kogekisuiu. («.) Seme, osoi, uchi, kogeki.Assay, «. Bunseki, fuki-wake. (/. z/.)Bunseki suru, fuki-wakeru ; tamesu,yatte miru.Assemblage, n. Atsumari.Assemble, t. v. Atsumeru, yoseru, tsudoj'eru,matomeru. (/. v.) Atsumaru,yoru, tsudou, shugo suru, matomaru.Assembly, «. Atsumari, shu-kuwai, za,seki. Whole — , man-za.Assent, z. v. Shochi suru, yurusu,menkiyo suru, nattoku suru. («.) Shochi,yurushi, nattoku, menkiyo.Assert, t. v. li-haru, ketsujo shite iu,kimete iu.Assertion, n. Ketsu-dan.t. Assess, v. Wari-tsukeru, wari-ateru.Assessment, n. Wari-tsuke-kin.Ascribe, t. v. Ki suru, owaseru.Assessor, n. Wari-tsuke-kata.Ashamed, a. Hajite oru, hadzukashigaru,Assets, tt. Bunsan mono.memboku ushinau.Asseverate, /. v. li-haru, ketsujo shiteAshes, n. Hai.iu, kimete iu.Ashore, adv. Oka, kuga. Go —, jorikusuru, kuga ni agaru. The ship is —Assiduous, a. Hagende oru, benkiyofune ga hama no asa se ni suwaru. Assign, t. ; Ate-hameru, ategau, ii-

ASS i6 AUGtsukeru, meidzuru ; kimeru, bunsansuru.Assignation, n. Naisho no de-ai.Assignment, n. Bunsan, shinsho-kagiri.Assimilate, t. v. Kuwa suru.Assist, t. v. Tetsudau, tasukeru, sukeru,sewa wo suru, shusen suru, yakkaisuru.Assistance, n. Tasuke, sewa, tetsudai,fujo, yakkai.Assistant, n. Tetsudai nin, suke te.Assize, n. Saibanjo.Associate, t. v. Kumi-awaseru, (i. z/.)Tsuki-au, chikadzuku, majiwaru, kumu.Associate, «. Tomodachi, tomo, hobai.aite, onaji nakama no mono.Association, n. Tsuki-ai ; sha-chiu,kuwai-sha, nakama.Assort, t. v. Tori-wakeru, yori-wakeru,kuchi-wake wo suru.Assortment, «. Tori -wake, kuchiwake;sliina-mono.ASSU.A.GE, t. V. Yurumeru, yawarageru,nadameru, nagusameru.Assume, t. v. Torn, nari wo suru, manewo suru, yodaiburu. To assume athing that is false to be true^ hi-ri wodori-rashiku suru.Assurance, «. Shoko, ukeai ; shinyo,buyen-riyo, haji-shiranu koto.Assure, t. v. Shinyo saseru, tashika-niiu.Astern, adv. Fune no tomo ni.Asthma, «. Zensoku.Astonish, t. v. Odorokasu, obiyakasu,akire-saseru. (f. v.) Odoroku, akireru,bikkuri suru, tamageru, kimo wo tsubusu.Astonishment, n. Odoroki, bikkuri,akire, giyoten.Astound, /. v, Akire-saseru, odorokasu.Astray, adv. Mayo, madowasu, mayowasu.Astringe, t. V. Chijimeru, shushukuAstringent, a. Shibui. — medicines.,shuren-zai.Astringency, n. Shibusa.Astrology, m. Hoshi no yosu wo miteun wo uranau jutsu.Astronomer, n. Temmon sha, sei-gakusha.Astronomy, «. Temmon, sei-gaku.Astute, a. Kashikoi, riko na.Asylum. «. Kiu-iku-jo. Blind — , moin. Insane — , kiyo in. Deaf <strong>and</strong>dumb — , 6 in.At, prep. Ni, de, wo. — yi'rjr/, hajimete,shote, saisho. — last., yo-yaku, toto.tsui-ni. — least, semcte. — the best.,To strike at a post., hashi-doshitemo.ra wo ate ni shite buchi-kakeru.Atheist, n. Kami ma naki mono to iuhito.Athirst, a. Kawakitaru.Athletic, a. Chikara shobu suru.Athwart, prep. Yoko ni, naname ni.Atlas, n. Chi-dzu-sho.Atmosphere, «. Tai-ki, kuki.Atom, «. Mijin, bunshi.Atone, t. v. Aganau, tsugunau, mado.Atonement, n. Aganai, tsugunai.Atrocious, a. Futoi, furachi na, futodokina.Atrophy, «. Rui-s6, yaseru-koto, kiyoro.Attach, t. v. Tsukeru, tsugu, musubitsukeru,tsunagu, soyeru. {i. &.) Tsuku,konomu, shushin suru.Attache, n. Fuzoku no mono.Attach.ment, n. Shushin, shu-jaku,tsunage, tsuki mono.Attack, t. v. Semeru, osou, utsu. (».)Seme, osoi, uchi.Attain, i. v. Oyobu, todoku, itaru. (t.v^Togeru.Attai.mable, a. Todokareru, oyobareru.Attaint, t. v. Chijoku wo tsukeru, kakinwo tsukeru.Attemper, t. v. Yawarageru, yurumeru.Atte.mpt. t. V. Tamesu, yatte miru. —to do, shite miru. — to -walk., aruitemiru. («.) Tameshi.Attend, t. v. Tsutomeru, tsuki-sou. —on the sick, kaiho suru. (/. z/.) Nen woireru, ki wo tsukeru, kiku, tomonau,tsutsushimu.Attendant, n. Jusha, kaiho nin, kaizoye.Attention, n. Nen wo ireru koto, ki wotsukeru koto, kokoro-gake.Attentively, adv. Nen wo irete, tokuto, tsuku-dzuku to, tsutsushinde.Attenuate, t. v. Usuku suru, hosokusuru. {i. V.) Yaseru, hosoku naru.Attest, /. v. Shoko ni suru, chikatte iu.Attestation, n. Shoko, chikai.Attire, t. v. Kiru, mato, yosoo. («.)Ifuku, kimono, isho, shozoku.Attitude, n. Kamaye.Attorney, n. Kuji no rniyodai nin.Attract, /. v. Hiku, hiki-yoseru ; iza-Attraction, n. Tn-riyoku.Attribute, /. v. Ki suru, cwaseru.Attribute, n. Mochimaye, toku, no.Attrition, n. Suri-ai, masatsu, sure,kosure.Attune, t. v. Choshi wo awaseru.Auction, «. Seri-uri.

AUG 17Auctioneer, n.Avarice, n. Hanahadashiku kane woSeri-te.Audacious, a. Dai-tan naru, dzubutoi, hoshi-garu koto, yoku-toku.fu-teki na, furachi na.Avaricious, a. Kane wo musaboru.Audible, a. Kikoyeru.Avenge, /. v. Muku, ada wo hodzuru,Audience, n. Yekken, mamiye, mimi, ada wo kayesu, kataki wo utsu.chomon suru hito, choju.Avenger, n. _Ada-uchi.Audit, t. v. Kanjo wo shiraberu, gimmi Avenue, n. O-dori.suru.Aver. t. v. Kimete iu.n. Auditor, Chomon nin, kanjo no Average, n. Heikin, narashi, taira.shirabe-yaku.Averse, a. lyagaru, kirau, itou.Augur, n.Aversion, n. Kirai, naka warui.Neji-kiri.Augment, t. v'. Masu, fuyasu, kasamu, Avert, t. v. Fusegu, yokeru. — thetsumu, okiku suru.eyes, waki-me wo furu.Augur, i. v. Uranau, boku suru, hakaru.(;/.) Uranai-sha,Avidity, n. With — , tashinde.Aviary, «. Tori-goya.August, n. Hachi-guwatsu.Avoid, t. v. Manukareru, sakeru, nogareru,August, a. Son-i naru.yokeru.Aunt, n. Oba.Avocation, n, Kagiyo, nariwai, giyo.Aurora, «. Asa-yake, yo-ake, asa-borake.Auspicious, a. Kitcho naru, saiwai na,shi-awase na.Austere, a. Kibishii, arai, genju na,shibui.Austerity, n. Shibusa, kibishisa, genjunaru koto.Authentic, a. Jitsu no, makoto no,honto no.Author, n. Saku sha.Authority, n. Keni, isei, kempel, seiji,seifu, kuwan-nin, kempei ka.Authorize, t. v. Keni wo atayeru,menkiyo suru.Autocrat, n. Ichi nin de matsurigotowo okonau mono.Autograph, n. Ji-hitsu.Autopsy, n. Shi-nin ga nani no yamaide shishi taru ka kaibo sh 2 miru koto.Autumn, «. Aki.Autumnal, n. Aki no, shu,Auxiliary, a. Tasukeru. troops,yempei, kasei.Avail, n. Yeki, kai. i-ycki, moke.Of no —, yo ni tatanu, yaku ni tatanu,mu-yeki.Avail, /. v.see kayeru.Yo ni tatsu, yaku ni tatsu ;{t. 7/.) Jodzuru. To —one''s self of jodzuru.,AvAiL.\BLE, a. Yo ni tatsu, yeki ga aru.Avalanche, «. Yuki nadare.Babble, i. v. Shaberu.Babe, n. Akambo, midorigo, akago.Baboon, n. Saru, j'enko.Baby, «. Akambo, midorigo, ningiyo,boya, yaj'a.Babyish, a. Kodomo-rashii.BAGAvouch, t. v. Kimete iu.Avow, t. V. Kimete iu, ketsujo shite iu.AvowEDLYj adv. Kakusadzu ni, omotemukini.Await, t. z>. Matsu, nozomu.Aw.AKE, /. V. Sameru (^. v.). Samasu,okosu.Awaken, t. v. Samasu, okosu.Award, t. v. Sadameru, kiwameru.AW.A.RE, /. V. Shoshi shite iru, shiru,wakaru.Away, adv. Rush, inai. Do — with,haishi suru. Throw — , suteru. Run, nigeru. To go — , saru, yuku. Put— , shimau, katadzukeru. Keep — yuku,na. Look — yoso ni miru.,Awe, n. Osore-iri, kashikomari.Awful, a. Osoroshii.Awhile, adv. Shibaraku, sukoshi noaida.Awkward, a. Heta na, bu-kiyo na, busaikuna, tsutanai, buchoho.Awl, n. Kiri.Awning, n. Hi-yoke.Awry, adv. Magatte, yug<strong>and</strong>e.Axe, «. Ono, masakari.Axilla, n. Waki no shita.Axiom, n. Dori.Axis, n. Shimbo, shingi.Axle, n. Shingi.AzALAA, n. Tsutsuji.Azure, a. Aoi.BBachelor, n. Yamome otoko, dokushinmono.B.\CK, n. Se, senaka, sobira ; ura, oku,ushiro, ko, mune.Back, adv., see conip. of Kayeru, kayesu.To go — , kayeru, modoru, shirizo-

IBAG l8 BARku. To send — , kayesu, modosu. To Ballad, n. Uta.st<strong>and</strong> — yokeru, atoshizaru. To keep Ballast, n. Karu-ni, funa-ashi, soko ni.,— , nokosu, hikayeru. To look , kayeri-miru,mi-kayeru. To give — , ka-Balloon, n. Ki-kiu, fu-sen, ku-sen.Ballet, n. Jorurl.yesu, modosu.Ballot, n. Niu-satsu, ire-fuda. {t. v.)Back, t. v. Shisaraseru ; shirizokeru ;Niusatsu wo ireru. — boXy niusatsutetsudau, kata wo motsu. To — out^ hako.shirizoku, ato ye yoru, ato-shizaru. Balmy, a. Kobashiki.Backbite, t. v. Soshiru, zangen suru. Balustrade, n. Rankan, obashima, tesuri,koran.Back-bone, n. Se-bnne.Back-door, n. Ura-do, ura-mon. Bamboo, n. Take, chiku.Back-gammon, n. Sugoroku.Ban, n. Hatto, kinzei.Back-ground, n. Ji.Banana, n. Basho.Back-house, n. Setsuin, koka, chodzuba.to to, haya-o, haya-ito.B<strong>and</strong>, n. Himo, seme, do-rui, kumi,Back-room, «. Oku no heya.B<strong>and</strong>, /. v. Kumi suru. toto suru.Back-side, «. Ushiro no ho, ura no ho, B<strong>and</strong>age, n, Maki-momen, hakutai.shiri, oku no ho.B<strong>and</strong>box, n. Kami-bako.Backslide, i. v. Daraku suru, ochiru. B<strong>and</strong>it, n. Sanzoku, yamadachi, tdzoku,B.\CKSLiDER, n. Daraku nin.dorobo.Back-st.\irs, n. Ura hashigo.B<strong>and</strong>y-legged, a. Wani-ashi.Back-tooth, n. Okuba.Bane, n. Doku, gai, aku.B.\ck\vards, adv. Ato ye, ushiro ye. Baneful, a. Doku na, gai naru.To niozie — , atoshizaru, shirizoku. To Bang, t. v. Butsu, utsu.fall, — , aomuke ni taoreru. To look Banish, t. v. Shima-nagasu, ruzai suru,— , kayeri-miru. To read — , sakayomiwo suru. To turn — , ato ni ma-tsuiho suru.hairu suru, yento suru, ruizan suru,waru, ato ni mawasu, ato ni kayeru. Banish.ment, n. Shima-nagashi, yento,B.\CKWARD, a. Habakaru, yen-riyo naru, ruzai, tsuiho, ruizan.iyagaru, okureru, ma ga warui, osoi. Banister, n. Rankan, tesuri.Bad, a. Warui, ashiki, aku naru.Banjo, «, Samisen.Badger, n. Tanuki.Bank, n. Tsuka, tsutsumi, dote, adzuchi, kishi, se ; kane-kashi, kawase,Badly, adv. Waruku, ashiku.B.\ffle, t. V. Munashiku saseru, muda riyo-gaye.ni saseru.Bank, t. v. Kidzuku.Bag, n. Fukuro, tawara, hiyo, kamasu. Bank-bill, n. Tegata, kawase-tegata.To — , fukuro ni ireru.Bank-book, «. Kawase no kayoi-cho.Baggage, «. Ni, nimotsu.Banker, n. Kawase kata.Bail, t. v. Saiban ukeru made zai-nin B.ank-note, n. Kawase tegata.wo roya yori dashite adzukari ukeau. Bankrupt, n. Bunsan nin. To be —(«.) Adzukari, ukeai nin.bunsan suru.Bait, «. Ye, yeba, yesa. To bait a Bankruptcy, n. Bunsan.hook, hari ni ye wo tsukeru.Banner, n. Hata, hatajirushi.Bake, t. v. Yaku. ( i. v.) Yakeru. Banquet, n. Chiso, furumai, shuyen,Baker, n. Pan-j^aki.kiyo-6. (z. v.) Chiso suru.Balance, n. Tempin, hakari, tsuri-ai, Bantam, n. Chabo.harai-nokori.Banter, t. v. Jodan suru.Balance, t. v. Tsuri-awaseru, hei-kin Bantling, n. Hiyo-ko.suru, hikaku suru, kuraberu, tsumoru. Bany.an, n. Bodaiju.{i. V.) Tsuri-au, heikin ni naru. Baptism, n. Senrei.'B.'VLCOny, n. Yengawa.Baptize, t. v. Senrei wo okonau.Bald, a. Hageru, hagetaru.Bar, y. Kuwan-nuki, yokogi, shirasu,Bald-head, «. Hage-atama.kuji-ba.Bale, «. Kori, tsutsumi.Bar, t. V. Kuwan-nuki wo tozasu, kobamu,sasayeru.Bale, /. v. Koru, tsutsumu. To bale aboat, fune no aka wo kaye-dasu, kaidasu;Barb, n. Modori, saka-ha.kai-komu.Barbarian, «. Yebisu, iteki, muhido na.Baleful, a. Kanashiki.Barbarism, n. Yebisu, iteki, ban-i.Balk, t. v. Munashiku saseru, sashitsukayeru.(/. 7t.) Todomaru.Barbarous, a. Mugoi, muhido na,Barbarity, n. Muhido.itekijIBali,, n. J\lari, tama.

BAR— i/ie head^ kaburi mono wo nugu.To — the breast^ futokoro wo akeru.Bare-faced, a. Haji-shiranu, mukidashino.teppo no tsutsu. To — , taru ni ireru.Barren, a. — woman^ umadzu me.— /<strong>and</strong>, are-chi, fu-mo no chi, yase-chi.Barricade, t. v. Fusagu, sayegiru.Barrister, «. Ho-ritsu ka.Borrow, n. Rendai, doku rin sha.Barter, «. Koyeki, akinai, sudokkaye,tori-kaye-ko. (t. v.) Tori-kayeru, boyekisuru, koyeki suru.Base, w. Motoi, moto, ne ; ishidzuye,dodai.Base, a. lyashii, gesen naru, shidzu no,kechi na. {t. v.) Motodzuku.Basely, adv. lyashiku.Bashful, a. Hadzukashigaru, yenriyobukai.Basin, n. Tarai, tedarai, midzu-bachiike.Basis, n. Motoi, ne, dodai, ishidzuye.Bask, t. v. Sarasu, aburu.Basket, n. Kago, zaru.Bastard, n. Naisho-go, tetenashi-go.Baste, t. v. Butsu.Bastinado, n. Tsumi-bito no ashi noura wo tataku koto.Bat, 7t. Komori ; bo.Bate, t. v. Herasu, gendzuru.Bath, n. Midzu-abi, yu-abi, yu. Totake a hot — yu ni hairu.,Bathe, t. v. Midzu-abi wo suru, yu-abiwo suru, mokuyoku suru.19 BEABarbacue, n. Maru-yaki.Bath-house, n. Yuya.Barber, n. Kami-y'ui. (/. v.) Kamiyu. Bathing-tub, n. Oke, yu-darai.Bard, n. Shijin, kajin.Bath-room, n. Furoba, yudono.Bare, a. Hadaka na.Batter, t. v. Tataku, utsu.Bare, t. v. Hadaka ni suru, hadakeru. Battery, «. Hotai, daiba,Battle, «. Kassen, senso, ikusa. — array^ikusa no sonaye.Battledoor, n. Hagoita.Battlement, n. Himegaki.Bare-foot, a, Hadashi, su-ashi. Bawdy, a. Oguchi naru.Barely, adv. Karojite, kara-gara, bakari,Bawl, t. v. Naku, sakebu.tada.Bay, a. Kuri ge.Bargain, n. Yakusoku, ukeai, akinai. Bay, n. Iri-umi, uchi-umi.To strike a — , te wo utsu. Jtito the Bay, /. V. Hoyeru.— , soye-mono ni shite.Bayonet, n. Ken.Bargain, i. v. Yakusoku suru.Bazar, n. Mise.Barge, n, Fune, hashike-bune.Be, i. V. Aru, iru, oru, gozaru, imasu,Bark, «. Ki no kawa, inu no huyeru naru. To cause to — , araseru, arashimeru.To let — , sutete oku, uchattekoye.Bark, t. v. Kawa wo muku, hagu. (/. z'.) oku, kamawanu, mama yo. Be it as itHoyeru.may, do nari to mo, nani ni shiro. AsBarley, n. O-mugi, tai-baku. — -water^an itnp. Be gone, yuke yo. Be stiii,omugi-kayu, taibaku sen.shidzuka ni shiro. To be happy, tana-Barm, n.shimu. To be far, toi. To be large.,Koji.Barn, n. Hiyakusho no mono-oki.okii.Barn-yard, n. Hiyakusho no niwa. Beach, n. Kama, iso, nagisa.Barometer, n. Sei-u-gi.Beacon, n. Kagaribi, miojirushi, miogui.Baron, «. Kurai no na.Barque, n. Fune.Bead, n. Tama.Barrel, n. Taru, oke. — of a gun^ Beak, n. Kuchi-bashi, totosaki, saki,hesaki.Beam, n. Hari.Bean, n. Mame. Spec. Adzuki, soramame,daidzu, yendo, ingen, sasage.— pod, mame no saya.Bear, «. Kuma. The great — , hagunsei.— '^ gi^lly kuma no i.Bear, t. v. Motsu, — children, ko woumu. — fruit, mi wo musubu, dekiru,naru, shodzuru. — a part, tetsudau.— a h<strong>and</strong>, tetsudau, te wo kasu. —onthe shoulders, katsugu, ninau.the back, ou, seo, obu. — hard,onordoTvit, osu, osaye. — up, osayeru,tsupparu.Bear, /, v. Korayeru, tayeru, shinogu,shinobu. — patiently, shimbo suru,gaman suru, kannin suru. — up, tayeru,shinobu. The isl<strong>and</strong> bears iV. £.,shima ga ushi tora ni ataru. To — company,do-do suru.Bearable, a. Korayeru.Beard, n. Hige. — of wheat, nogi.Bearer, n. Mutsu hito, mochi-te. Chair— , kago-kaki.Bearing, n. Furi ; nari-furi, hogaku.Beast, n. Kedamono, chikusho.Beat, t. v. Tataku, utsu, chochakusuru ; katsu, shori wo toru. — back,uchi-kayesu, shirizokeru. — out, uchidasu; tsukarete shimatta. — down.

BEA 20— down the Before-h<strong>and</strong>, adv. Maye-motte, kanete,ara kajime, katsutt, mayebiro ni.Before-mentioned, a. Migi no, kudanuchi-taosu, uchi-kowasu.price, ne wo kogiru, negiru. — o^,\uchi-fusegu. — into, uchi-komu, uchiireru,oshiye-komu. — time, hiyoshiwo toru. — to death, uchi-korosu.— to pieces, uchi-kudaku, buchi-kowasu.The heart beats, shinzo ga kodosuru.Beat, n. Uchi, hiyoshi, mochi-ba, chochaku.Beatify, t. v. Goku-raku ni suru.Beatitude, n. Goku-raku, an-raku.Beau, n. Date-sha, date-koki.Beautiful, a. Kirei na, utsukushii. migotona, rippa na, hanayaka na, tibishiki.Beautify, t. v. Utsukushiku suru, kazaru,kirei ni suru.Beauty, n, Utsukushisa, kireisa, rippasa.Becalm, t. v. Shidzumeru. Becalmed,tadayo.Became, imp. Natta, shita.Because, conj. Ni yotte, yuye ni, dakara, ikan to naraba.Beche de mer, n. Kinko, iriko, namako.Beck, n. Maneki.Beckon, t. v. Maneku.Becloud, t. v. Kumoraseru. Beclouded,kumoru.Become, i. v. Ni naru, suru, nattekuru.Become, t. v. Soto suru, kanau, odzuru.Becoming, a. Soto naru, s6-6 naru, niawashiki.Bed, n. Ne-dokoro ; shin-jo, futon, nedoko,nema, toko. — tiine, neru toki.In bed, nete iru. Go to — , ne ni yuke.Bedaub, t. v, Nuru, tsukeru ; mabure.ed with blood, chi-darake ni naru.— ed with mud, doro-darake.Beu-thamber, n. Heya, nema.Bed-clothes, n. Yagu.Bedeck, t, v. Kazaru, yosoo.Bedim, t. v. Kumoraseru.Bee, n. Mitsu-bachi. — hive, mitsubachino su.Beef, n. Giu-niku, ushi no niku. —Before-time, adv. Mukashi.Befoul, t. v. Kegasu, yogosu.Befriend, /. v, bewa suru.Beg, t. V. Tanomu, kou, ncgau, koi-negau./ beg pardon, gomen kudasare,kannin shite kudasare.Beget, t. v. Umu, shodzuru, mokeru,shussan suru.Beggar, n. Kojiki, kotsujiki, hi-nin,mono-morai, katai.Begin, i. v. Hajimaru. {t. v^ Hajimeru,hottan suru.Beginning, n. Hajime, hajimari, hottan,moto.Begone, interj. Yuke yo.Begrudge, t. v. Oshimu, urayamu.Beguile, t. v. Madowasu, sosonokasu,taburakasu, itsuwaru, nagusamu.Behalf, n. Tame.Behave, i. v. Okonau, nasu, itasu, suru,shimukeru.BehavioRj n. Tachi-furumai, okonai,mimochi, giyojo, giyoseki.Behead, /. v. Kubi wo kiru.Behind, prep. Ato ni, ushiro ni, ura-ni.To be — , okureru, otoru. To leave —nokosu, okuru.Behind-h<strong>and</strong>, n. Okureru.Behold, t. v. Nagameru, miru.Behoove, /, v. Beki, seneba naranu.Being, n. Ikite oru mono, do-butsu.Being, adv. Shite, nite, atte.Belch, t. v. Okubi wo suru, geppusuru.Beleaguer, /. v. Semeru, kakomu.Belfry, n. Shurodo.Belief, n. Shin, shinyo, shindzuru ;shushi.Believe, t. v. Shindzuru, shinko suru,shinyo suru.Believer, n. Shinja.Bell, n. Tsurigane, hansho, furin, rin.Belladonna, «. Roto.Belligerent, a. Ikusa shite iru, ikusarashii.— powers, sen-goku.eater, niku-jiki.Beer, n. Mugi-zake, baku-shu.Bellow,/". v. Hoyeru, naku, sakebu.Bees-wax, n. Mitsu-ro.Bellows, n. Fuigo, tatara.Beet, n. Aka-daikon.Belly, n. Hara, fuku. To lie on the —Beetle, n. Kogane raushi ; kake-ya. harabai ni neru, hofuku.Befall, i. v. Au, kakaru.Belly-ache, n. Fuku-tsu, hara itami.Befit, t. v. Soto naru, kanau.Belly-b<strong>and</strong>, n. Hara-obi.Befool, /. v. Baka ni suru, guro suru, Belong, i. v. Zoku suru, tsuku, soyeru,jodan suru, azakeru, chakasu.kisuru, fuzoku, no.Before, prep. Maye ni, saki ni, omote Beloved, a. Kawaigaru, cho-ai no.ni, sendatte, itsuzoya, izen, sakidatte, child, ai-shi.—ganzen. The ship sails be/ore the Below, prep. Shita ni, otoru, shimo.wind, fune ga oite ni hashiru.Belt, n. C)bi ; haya-o.

BEM :Bemired, a. Doro-darake, doro-mabure.Bestow, t. v. Sadzukereu, atayeru, yaru,Bemoan, t. v. Nageku, kanashimu.okuru.Bestrew, t. v. Maki-chirasu.Bench, «. Koshi-kake dai, shirasu. Bet, n. Kake-kin.;Bend, t. v. Mageru, kagameru, tawamcru,sorasu ;Bet, n. Kane wo kakeru, kakeroku suru.katamukeru, hiku. — a Betel-nut, «. Binroji.wo Betimes, adv. Hayaku.ropey nawa musubi-tsukeru. (/. ?/.)Magaru, kagamaru, soru, tawamaru, katamuku.Betoken, t. v.Betray, t. v.Shiraseru, shimesu.Naisho de mikata wo tekiBend, n. Magari.ni vfatasu, uragiruBeneath, prep. Shita ni, otoru. —; arawasu.one^s Betrayer, n. Uragiri, sonin.7ioticey toru ni taranu.Betroth, /. v. li-nadzukeru, yendzuku.Benediction, ii. Saiwai wo inoru koto. Betrothal, «. Yendzuki, ii-nadzuke.Benefaction, n. Megumi.Better, a. Nao yoi, motto yoi. — thanBenefactor, n. Megumi nin.one foot long^ isshaku yo no nagasa.Beneficence, n. Megumi, on..— not do so, so shite wa warui. — /lotBeneficent, a. Megumi okonawareru, go, yukanai ho ga ii. None better thanzen naru, megumareru.this, kore yori uye wa nashi. — let itBeneficial, n. Ri-yeki naru, yeki naru, alone, kamawanai ho ga ii. Had I —tame ni naru, yo ni tatsu.go ? yuku ga yoi ka. To get the — of,Benefit, n, Megumi, on, yeki, tame. katsu, ri wo toru.Better, adv. Mashi, mushiro.yo.Benefit, /. v. Riyeki suru, tame ni Better, t. v. Yoku suru, shi-dasu.suru.Between, /r^/. Aida ni, chiukan, mannakani, ma-ai ni, aitagai ni, tagal-ni.Benevolence, n. Jin, nasake, jihi, jinai.To place — , hasamu. Let this be —Benevolent, a. Jin naru, nasake naru, ourselves, uchi-maku ni shite kudasare.jihi naru, shinsetsu na.Beverage, n. Nomi-mono.Benighted, a. Yo ni iru, kurai-yami niBenign, a. Nasake naru, jihi no, tamenaru.Benignant, a. Jin-ai naru, nasake na,jihi naru.Bent, n. Kuse, heki.Benumb, t. v. Kogoyesaseru, shibiresa-Benumbed, /. p. Shibireru, kogoyeru,kaji-keru.Bequeath, t. v. Yudzuru, yudzuri-tsutayeru.Bequest, n. Yudzuri-mono, yui-motsu.Bereave, i. v. Toru.Berry, n. Ichigo.Beseech, t. v. Koi-negau, hitasura ninegau.Beset, /. v. Ozei de semaru, semeru.Beside, prep. Waki ni, katawara ni,soba ni, hoka ni, uye ni ; mata wa. —otte's selfy kichigai ni naru.Besiege, t. v. Semeru, osou, tori-kakomu.Besmear, t. v. Nuru, mamireru, nuritsukeru.Besmeared with blood., chidarake.— with mud., doro-darake.Bespatter, t. -v. Hane-kakeru.Bespeak, t. v. Mayemotte ii-oku.Best, a. Goku yoi, saijo, mottomo yoshi,gokujo, ichi-ban j'oi. At — . dr> sliitemo. To make the — ^Z, ma ni awaseteoku, yoi to shite oku. {adz>.) Motomo,goku, ichiban.IBIGBewail, t. v. Nageku, kanashimu.Beware, /. v. Abunai, tsutsushimu, kiwo tsukeru.Bewilder, /. v. Mayowasu, uro-uro nisaseru. (/. v.) Mayou, urotayeru, tohoni kureru, uro-tsuku.Bewitch, /. v. Tori-tsuku, mi-ireru.{i. V.) Tori-tsukareru.Beyond, prep. Achira ni, amaru, masaru.— expectation, omoi no hoka ni,zonguwai, zonji no hoka. — one'sreach, todokanai. — one's ability,chikara ni amaru. — all others, hokayori masaru or sugureru. To go — , sugiru,koyeru ; damasu, taburakasu.Bias, n. Kata-hiiki, yeko-hiiki.Bible, n. Sei-sho.Bicker, t, v. Isakau, koron suru.Bid, t. V. li-tsukeru, meidzuru, yobu,maneku, seru. — good morni?ig, ohayoto aisatsu suru. — good bye, sayonarato aisatsu suru. — up the price,nedan wo seri-ageru.Bid, n. Tsuke-nedan.Bide, t. v. Matsu. — one's time, jisetsuwo matsu.Biennial, a. Ni-nen-dzutsu no.Bier, n. _Kuwan-bako no dai.Big, a. Okii, dai. — <strong>and</strong> little, dai-sho.Bigamist, n. Futari no tsuma aru otoko.Bigot, n. Ganko naru mono, henkutsuBigoted, a. Ganko naru, henkutsu na.

BIL 2 2 BLIBile, «. Kimo shiru, tanju.Blacking, n. Kutsu-dzumi.Bilge-water, n. Fune no aka.Black-leg, «. Bakuchi-uchi.Bill, n. Kuchi-bashi, kama. Merchanfs— , kanjo-gaki. — of exchange^ Blackness, n. Kurosa.Black-mail, n. Mainai, tsukutsu kin.kawase tegata. — of sale, ni-tegata. Blacksmith, «. Kajiya.— of fare, tabe-mono no mokuroku, Black-snake, w. Kuro-hebi, karasu-hebi.kondate. — of divorce, x\.y&v\.\b.— of Bladder, n. Boko, shoben-bukuro.lading, okurijo.Blade, «. Katana no mi, yaiba. A —Billet, n. Kaki-tsuke, tegata. .— of ofgrass, kusa ippon.wood, ki no kire.Blamable, a. Togamerareru.Billiard, «. — ball, tama. To J>lay BlaxMe, t. V. Togameru, ayamachi— , tama-tsuki wo suru.hito ni kiseru, kogoto wo iu.wo(«.) Togame,Billion, n. Hiyaku-man no hiyaku-man.ayamachi, toga.Billow, n. Nami, 6-nami.Blameless, a. Mu-shitsu, ayamachi nashi,Bi-monthly, a. Ni ka getsu dzutsu.tsumi-nashi.Bin, n. Hako.Blame-worthy, a. Togamu beki.Bind, t. v. Shibaru, kukuru, tsunagu, Blanch, t. v. Shiroku suru.yuwayeru, karameru, musubu. — in Bl<strong>and</strong>ish, t. v. Hetsurau, kobiru.bundles, karageru, tabaneru. — a book, Bl<strong>and</strong>ishment, n. Neiben, hetsurai.hon wo tojiru. — up a wound, kidzu Blank, a. — paper, shira-kami. — cartridge,ku-ho. — door, shime-kiri-do.wo maku. — the bowels, daiben wokessiiru. a mat, tatami no heri wo — book, shirakami-hon.tsukeru. — out to service, nenki no Blanket, «. Buranket.hoko ni kukuru. To — by a contract, Blaspheme, t. v. Kami wo nonoshiru,hito yakujo wo de tsunagu, or kukuru.nonoshiru, akko wo iu.n.Blasphemy, nonoshiru ko-Kami woBinding, n. Heri, toji.to.Binnacle, n. Fune nite jishaku wo ireokuBlast, n. Fuki.no hako.Blast, t. v. Yensho de fuki-kowasu, fu-Biography, «, Ichi dai ki, hito no denki.Blaze, n.ki-arasu.Bird, n. Tori. — cage, tori-kago. — moyuru.Hono, kuwa-yen. To —To — abroad, yogen suru.nest, tori no su.Bleach, t. v. Sarasu.Bird-lime, «. Tori-mochi.Blear-eve, n. Tadare-me.Birth, «. Umare, tanjo, san, chi-suji. Bleat, «. Hitsuji no hoyeru koye.Premature — , sho-san.Bi.eb, n. Midzu-bukure.Birth-day, n. Tanj6-bi.Bleed, i. v. Chi ga deru, shuk-ketsu,Birth-place, n. Umareru tokoro, kokiyo,{t. v.) Chi wo toru, shiraku wo suru.furusato.Bleeding, n. Chi no deru koto, shuk-Biscuit, n. Katai pan.ketsu. — front the nose, kanaji.Bisect, t. v. Futatsu ni kiru.Blemish, n. Kidzu, shimi.Bishop, «.Blend, t. v. Mazeru, awaseru. (/. w.)Sojo.Bishopric, n. Soja-shoku.Majiru.Bismuth, «. Jakanseki.Bless, t. v. Megumu, ta nin no tame niBit, n. Kire, neji-giri. Horse's — , kutsuwa,saiwai wo inoru, kokoro no arigatakihami.wo iu, o rei wo mosu.Bite, t. v. Kamu, hamu. («.) Hami, Blessed, a. Arigataki.kami-kidzu.Blessedness, n. Tanoshimi, arigatasa.Bitter, a. Nigai, niga-nigashi.Blessing, n. Megumi, inori.Bitterness, n. Nigasa.Blight, n. Fuke. Blighted, fukeru,Blab, t. v. Shaberu.mureru.Blabber, n. Shaberi.Blind, «. Mekura no, momoku. — man,Black, a. Kuroi, koku. — <strong>and</strong> blue, mekura, meshii, mo-jin, kosha. — ofaza, urumu. («.) Kuro-iro, kurombo. one eye, kata-me, mekkachi. WindowTo make — , kuroku suru.— , sudare.Black-board, n. Kuro-ita.Blind-fold, t. v. Mekakushi wo suru.Blacken, t. v. Kuroku suru.Blindman's-buff, n. Kakurembo.Blackguard, «. Waru-kuchi wo iu memo,Blink, /. v. Mebataku, mabushii.akutai mono. [t. v.) Akko wo iu, Bliss, «. Tanoshimi, raku.nonosiru. — language, akko, akutai, Blister, n. INIidzu-bukure, mame, sulbo,hibukure. — plaster, nonoshiri, kuchi-gitanai.hatsubo.

BLO 23 BOLBloat, i. v. Mukumu, fukureru.Block, n. Koppa, kire, sebi ; hangi. —0/ houses, naga-ya. Cutting — , uchiban,manaita.Block, t. v. Sasayeru, tsumeru, fusegu.Blocked up, tsumaru, fusagu.Blockade, t. v. Minato wo fusagu.Blockhead, n. Baka, funuke me, monmona mono, noroma.Blood, n. Chi, ketsu ; chisuji. — vessels,miyak-kuwan.chirasu. — over, shidzumaru. — into,fuki-komu. — through, fuki-tosu. Tosuru, busaho wo suru.Blunt, a. Nibui, don ; bukotsu na. {t.v.)Nibuku suru, don ni suru.Bluntly, adz>. Bukotsu ni.Blur, t. v. Kumoru.Blush, n. Sekimen, akami.Blush, i. v. Sekimen suru, akaramu.Bluster, z. v. Sozoshiku fuku, sawagashikujiman suru.Bo.a.-constrictor, n.Boar, n. O-buta.Uwabami.Board, «. Ita, makanai, dai. — of PublicIVorks, Kobusho. — 0/ Fu7iish-7nent, Giyobusho, Kei-ho-ji-mu-kiyoku.— of Educatio7i,V)XV!\-h\x-s\\.o.Bloodless, a. Chi naki.Board, /. v. Ita wo haru, makanau. —Blood-sucker, «. Hiru.a ship, fune ni noru, nori-toru.Blood-thirstv, a. Hito wo koroshitagaru,Boarder, n. Toriu-kiyaku, tomari-udo.mugoi.Boarding, «. Makanai, shoku-riyo, funeBloody, n. Chi-mabure no, chi-darake ni noru koto, itabari.no, chi-mamire no.JiOARDiNG-HOuSE, n. Ki-shiku-yado.Bloodv-flux, n. Ge-ketsu, chi-kudari. Boarding-school, m. Ki-shiku-gakk6.Bloom, n. Hana, hana-zakari. — of Boast, i. v. Jiman suru, koman suru,youth, waka-zakari.kogen wo haku, taiheiraku wo iu, horaBloom, i. v. Saku, sakaru.wo fuku.Blooming, a. Sakaru, sakan naru. Boasting, n, Jiman, WBman.Blossom, n. Ki no hana. (z. v.) Hana Boat, 71. Ko-bune. — race, kei-shu.ga saku.— builder, funa-daiku. — house, funagura.Blot, i. v. Sumi de kegasu, yogosu. —out, kesu, nuri-kesu, shonaetsu suru. Boat, t. v. Fune ni hakobu.Blot, n. Sumi no yogore, haji.Boatman, n. Scndo, kako, sui-fu, funako.Blotch, n. Deki-mono, aza.Blotting-paper, 71. Sumi no sui-torigami.Bob, t. V. — the head, atama wo furu.Bob, n. Furi-sage no omori.Blow, n. Uchi, tataki. A blow out, suikiyo,Bobbery, n. Sodo, sawagi.shukiyo. To come to blows, tata- Bobbin, n. Tsuki-bari.Bode, t. v. Shirasu, shimesu.Blow, i. V. Fuku, saku. — up, haretsu Bodily, a. Karada no, tai.suru, fuki-tobasu, {t. z'.) Fuku. — out, Bodkin, «. Kanzashi-bari.fuki-dasu, fuki-kesu. — o^, fuki-dasu, Body, ^i. Karada, shin-tai, tai, mono,fuki-toru. — vp, fuki-tobasu, fukurasu,shikaru. — the nose, hana wo ka-Body-guard, n. Keigo.nakama, kuwai-sha.mu. — the nose with the Jingers, tebanawo kamu. — doion, fuki-taosu, Boil, i. v. Niye-tatsu, waki-tatsn, waku.Bog, 71. Numa.fuki-otosu. — aiuay, fuki-harau, fuki-— over, ni-koboreru, waki-koboreru.Boil, t. v. Niru, wakasu, senjiru.Boil, «. Hare-mono, nebuto.<strong>and</strong> break, fuki-oru, fuki-kowasu. Boiler, «. Doko.— open, fuki-akeru. — shut, or — to, Boiling,/. «. Niyetatte oru. —water.fuki-shimeru. — back, fuki-kayesu. nij^etatta yu, niye-yu.Blow-gin, «. Fuki-dzutsu.Boisterous, a. Sawagashii, hageshii,Blow-pipe, n. Hi-fuki-tsutsu.arai.Blubber, «. Kujiru no abura.Boisterously, adv. Sawagashiku, hageshiku,Bludgeon, n. Bo.araku.Blue, n. Aoi, ai.Bold, a. Daitan no, yuki no, isamashiki,Blue-bottle-fly, n, Aobai.mukomidzu no, kewashii.Bluff, a. Arai, arappoi, kenso na, bukotsuBoldly, adv. Isamashiku, mukomidzuna.habakaradzu ni.ni ;Bluff, n. Kewashii yama.Boldness, n. Daitan, yuki.Blunder, «. Machigai, ayamachi, ochido,Boll, n. — of cotton, wata-mi.busaho. (/. z/.) Ayamachi wo Bolster, n. _ Makura, 6 kukuri-makura.Bolt, n. 0-kugi,Thu7tder — , raiju.sen, kuwan-nuki.Bolt, t. v. Tozasu, shimeru: furu.Bolt, /. v. Kake-dasu.

_BOM 24 BOYBomb, n. Haretsu-dama.Bombard, t. v. Haretsu-dama wo utsu.Bombastic, a. Shikatsuberashiku monowo iu.Bond, n. Nawame, himo, nawa, kidzuna; shomon, yakujo-sho.Bondman, n. Yakko.Bone, «. Hone, kotsu. A — of contention^kenkuwa no tane.Bone-setter, n. Hone-tsugi isha.Bonfire, n. Iwai no kagaribi.Bonito, n. Katsuo.Bonnet, n. Onna no kaburi-mono, dzukin.Bonnv, a. Kirei na, utsukushii.Bony, «. Honeppoi.Bonze, n. Bodzu.Booby, n. Baka-mono.Book, «. Hon, shomotsu, shojaku.— , kaki-noseru.ToBookbinder, u. Hon wo tojiru hito.Book-case, n. non-dana, sho-dana.Bookish, a. Hon-dzuki.Book-keeper, n. Chomen kata.Book-keeping, n. Cho-men ni kakinoserukeiko.Book-maker, n. Chojutsu sha.Book-mark, n. Shiori.Bookseller, n. Shomotsu ya, honya,shorin.Book-st<strong>and</strong>, n. Kendai.Book-store, n. Shomotsu ya, honya.Book-worm, n. Shimi, hon-dzuki.Boom, n. Hogeta, miojirushi.Booming, n. Don-don no oto. •Boor, n. Inaka-mono, zaigo no mono ;yabona mono, koke-mono.Botanist, n. Honz6-ka, shoku-butsu-ka,uye-mono-ka.Botany, n. Honzo-gaku, shoku-butsugaku,uye-mono-gaku.Botch, t. v. Deki-sokonau.Both, a. Riyo-ho, dochira mo, idzuremo,futatbU nagara, ai-tomo ni, narabini. — h<strong>and</strong>s^ moro-te, riyo te. —feet^ moro ashi, riyo ashi. — eyes^ riyo-gan.— knees, moro hiza.Bother, t. v. Urusaku suru, meiwakusuru.Botheration, n. Urusai koto.Bottle, n. Tokuri, bin. {t. v.) Tokurini ireru.Bottom, n. Soko, ne, moto. (t. v.)Soko wo ireru, motodzuku.Bottomless, a. Soko naki.Bougie, w. TsQ-niyo-kuwanki.Bounce, /. v. Haneni, tobu.Bound, i. v. Tobu, haneru. Where areyoH — for ? doko ye yuku ka.Bound, «. Kagiri, sakai.Bound, t. v. Kagiri wo suru, kuni nosakai wo iu.Boundary, n. Sakai, kagiri.Boundless, a. Kagiri naki,_mu-hen.Bountiful, a, Mono-oshiniisezaru, taisona, kuw<strong>and</strong>ai naru.Bountifully, ndv. Mono-oshimi sedzuni, taiso mo naku, obitadashiku.Bounty, n. Megumi, hobi.Bouquet, n. Hito tsugane no hana.Bow, /. V. Soru, mageru, nabikaserujkagameru, utsumuku. (?". z/,) Jigisuru.Bow, 71. Jigi, — 0/ a ship, he-saki.Bow, «. Yumi.Boorish, a. Biisaho na, bukotsu na. Bowel, n. Hara-wata, cho. hiyaku-hiro.Boosy, a. Naniayoi ni naru.Bower, n. Koyeda nite koshirayetaruBoot, t. v. Yo ni tatsu.chin-zashiki.Boot, n. Naga-kutsu, oi, tashimaye. Bow-knot, «. Hiki-musubi.Booth, «. Koya.Bowl, n. Domburi, wan, hachi ;tama.Boot-jack, n. Kutsu-nugi.— 0/ a pipe, gan-kubi. IVooden —Booty, n. Bundori.ki-bachi.Borax, n. Hosha.Bowl, t. v. Tama-korogashi wo suru.Border, «. Sakai, heri, fuchi, kiwa, Bowlder, n. Banjaku, iwa.hashi ; fukurin.Bow-legged, a. Wani-ashi.Border, /. v. Sakai suru.Bowling, n. Tama-korogashi.Border, t. v. Heri wo toru.Bow-man, n. I-te.Bore, i. v. Ana wo momu. kuru, komaraseru.(«.) Ana, uttoshii hito.Bowsprit, n. Yaridashi.Bow-shot, n. Ya-omote, ya-goro.Born,/./. Umareta, tanjo shita. Bow-string, n. Yumi no tsuru.Borrow, t. v. Karu, hai-shaku suru,shaku-yo suru. — in advance^ sakigariwo suru.Box, n. Hako. — tree, tsuge. — 0/ (itheatre, sajiki, takadoma.Box, t. V. Tataki-au, tataku, hako niBorrower, n. Kari-te, shakuyo nin.ireru. — a tree, ki ni kiza wo tsukeru.Bosom, n. Mune, futokoro, kuwai-chiu. Boxing, e. Tataki-ai.Boss, n. Mori-age ;todori.Box-wood, n. Tsuge.Botanical, n. — book^ honzo-sho, shoku-butsusho,uye-mono-sho.san ;Boy, n. Nan-shi, doji, sho-ni, kozo, bo-kodzukai.i

, Asa-han,BOY25Boy-hood, n. Osanai toki, kodomo no Break, Kire — of day, yotoki.ake.Boyish, a. Kodomo-rashii.Breaker, «, Nami, taru.Brace, ». Shimbari, tsuka ;sujikai-nuki.— of pheasants^ kiji hito tsugai. Breakwater, n. Nanii-yoke, kawa-yoke.Breakfast,asa-meshi.Braces^ momohiki tsuri.Breast, «. Mune, chichi. Make a cleanBrace, t. v. Sujikai nukiwo ireru, shimbariwo kau. — the yards^ liogeta wo Breast-bone, n. Muna-ita.— , hakujo suru, mune wo uchi-akeru.kawasu, or magiru.Breast-plate, n. Muna-ita.Bracelet, n. Ude-wa.Breath, n. Iki.Bracket, n. Uke.Breathe, z. v. Iki wo suru, kokiu suru.Brackish, a. Shioke ga aru, shioppai. Breathing, n. Kokiu.Brag, i. v. Jiman suru, taiheiraku wo Breech, n. Shiri, daijiri. loader^ —iu, koman wo iu.motogome.n. Hora-fuki.«. Momohiki.Braid, n. Himo. To — , himo wo utsu, Breed, t. v. Yashinau, sodateru, shodzuru,Braggart, Breeches,kumu.kiyo-iku suru.Brain, n. No-dzui, no-miso, no.Breed, i. v. Waku, umareru, shodzurii.Brake, n. Cane — yabu.BREK:niNG, n. Sodachi, kiyo-iku, shitsuke,sodate-kata.,Bramble, a. Ibara.Bran, n. Nuka, fusuma, hakama. Breeze, n. Kaze.Branch, n. Ko-yeda, yeda-gawa. To Brethren, n. Kiyodai.yeda ga deru. — road^ wakaremichi.— line., wakare-suji.Brew, t. v. Kamosu.Brevity, n. Mijikasa.—^Br<strong>and</strong>, n. Yaki-ban, yaki-in, moye-gui. Brewer, «. Toji.Br<strong>and</strong>ing-iron, n.Brew-house, n. Sakaya.Yaki-ban,Bribe, «. Mainai, wairo. To — , mainaiBr<strong>and</strong>ish, t. v. Furi-mawasu.wo yaru.Brass, n. Shinchiu.Brick, n. Rengaseki, tsuijigawa, kawara.Brave, n. Isamashii, go-yii naru, yuyu- Brick-kiln, n. Kawara-gama.Brick-maker, «. Kawara-yaki.Brave, t. V. Okasu, shinogu.Bride, n. Hana-yome.Bravery, n. Yuki, isamashisa.Bridegroom, w. Hana-muko.Bravo, n. San-zoku.Bridge, n. Hashi. — 0/ a guitar, ji,Brawl, «. Koron, ken-kuwa, isakai. koma. — ofboats, iM\-i2Ai^.'ai\\. — keeper,Brawny, a. Arakuroshii, arakuretaruhashi-mori.Bray, n. Usagi-uma no hoyeru koye. Bridge, t. v. Hashi wo watasu.7^19 — , hoyeru.Bridle, n. Tadzuna, omogai.Brazen, a. Shinchiu no. — fa-ce^ tetsumempi.Brief, a. Mijikai, sukoshi no aida.Briefly, adv. Shibiraku, tai-riyaku.Breach, «. Yabure, kudzure. — of co7itract^Brier, n. Ibara, toge.ha-yaku, ha-dan.Brig, n. Ni-hon bashira no fune.Bread, n. Pan, shokumotsu.Brig<strong>and</strong>, n. San-zoku, tozoku, dorobo.Breadth, n. Haba, yoko-haba, watari. Bright, a. Kagayaku, sayeru, akirakaBreak, i. 7/, Kowasu, j'aburu, tsubusu, naru.kudaku, kiru, oru, kudzusii, kobotsu, Brighten, t. v. Migaku. {i. z'.) Hareru.tatsu, somuku, hishigu, hadan suru. Brightness, n. Kagayaku koto, tsuya.— down^ buchi-kowasu. — into., uchiiru,oshi-komu, kowashite hairu. — seki.Brilliant, a. Kagayaku. («.) Kongo-off^ tatsu, aratameru, oru, chigiru, Brim, n. Fuchi.yameru. — open, buchi-akeru, kowashiteakerp. — out^ yaburi-deru, has- Brimstone, n. Iwo.Brimful, a. Ippai.Brindle, a. Buchi no.Break, /. V. Yabureru, akeru, otoroyeru, Brine, n. Shiwo.naka-tagayeru. aivay , tsuna wo kitte Bring, t. v. Motte-kuru, tsurete kuru,nigeru, hareru. — /orth, hassuru, deru. — about, shi-togeru, joju suru. — back,with, nakatagayeru, yen wo kiru. motte kayeru. — down, motte oriru,— in, narasu, shikomu. wind, he wo tori-hishigu. — forth, shussho suru,hiru, hohi wo hanatsu. — out {o/Jire), umu, s<strong>and</strong>zuru, shodzuru.shukkuwa. — forward,through, ya-l'iri-kiTU. The susumaseru, moshi-tateru. — on, okobu,hajimeru. — out, motte dasu, day breaks, yo ga akeru.tsu-

BRI 26 BUNrete dasu, hakobi-dasu. — over, watasu.— fo, iki-kayesu. — under, shita-Buccaneer, n. Kai-zoku.Bubo, n. Yokone, bendoku.gawaseru. — up, motte ageru, sodateru,shi-tateru, bu-iku suru. — to light, Bucket, «. Oka, te-oke. Well—^tsyi-Buck, «. Ohika.arawasu. — to mind, omoi-dasu. — in, rube.motte hairu.Buckle, «. Bijogane.Bringing-up, n. Sodachi, nari-tachi. Buckler, n. Tate.Brink, 71. Kiwa, fuchi.Buck-skin, n. Shika no kawa.Briny, a. Shioppai.Buck-wheat, n. Soba.Brisk, a. Isogu, sumiyaka-na.Bud, n. Ki no me, tsubomi.Briskly, adv. Isolde, sumiyaka-ni.Bristle, n. Buta no ke.Bud, i. v. Medatsu, me ga deru.Me wo tsugu.{t. v.)Brittle, a. sakui.Moroi, koware-yasui, Buddha, n. Butsu, hotoke.Buddhism, n. Buppo, butsu-do.Bro,\d, a. Hiroi.Buddhist, «. Buppo ni kiye suru hito.Broad-axe, n. Yoki, masakari.Buddhist, a. Butsu no. — priest, oshc,Broadcast, adv. Bara-maki.bodzu, so. — temple, tera, ji, in, an. —Brocade, n. Nishiki.idol, Butsuzo. — scriptures, Bukkiyo.Brogue, n. Namari.Budge, /. v. Ugoku.Broil, n. Ken-kuwa, isakai.Buff, «. Ki-iro,Broil, ^. &. Ageru, yaku. (z. z/.) Yakeru. Buffalo, n. Sui-giu.Broken, p. a. Kawareta, yabureta, megeru.— hearted, kokoro ga itamu, Buffoon, n. Doke-mono, chari.Buffet, t. v. Tataku, butsu.Buffoonery, «. Doke-goto.shin-tsu.Broken-winded, «. Naira.Bug, «. Mushi.Broker, n. Saitori, naka-tsugi, nakagai.Exchange — , riyogaye.Buggery, n. Nin-shoku.Bugaboo, «. 0-bake.Brokerage, «. Kosen, buai, bu.Buggy, n. Basha no rui.n.Bronchia, yeda.Ki-kuwan no n. Bugle, Rappa.Bronze, n. Kara-kane.Build, t. v. Fushin suru, tateru, zo-riuBrood, i. v. Daku, mono-omoi wo suru, suru, kidzuku.kuyo-kuyo omo.Builder, m. Daiku.Brood, w. Umareta mono.Building, n. Tachi-mono, iye.Brook, n. Tani-gawa.Bulb, n. Ne, imo. Lily — yuri no ne.,Brook, t. v. Tayeru, shinobu.Bulge, i. v. Deru, haramu.Broom, n. Hoki.Bulk, n. Kasa, okisa ; omo no ho, kuwa-Broom-corn, n. Morokoshi.Broom-stick, n. Hoki no ye.Bulk-head, n. Fune no heya no shikiri.Broth, n. Shiru, tsuyu, dashi.Bulky, a. Kasadaka, kasabaru.Brothel, n. Joroya, kutsuwaya, yujo-ya. Bu l. n. 0-ushi, kotoi.Brother, n. Otoko-kiyodai. Elder — Bullet, n. Tama.ani. Y'ounger — , ototo. — in-lam, Bulletin, n. Fu-koku, fure.ane-muko, imoto-muko.Bull-frog, n. Garaa.Brotherly, a. Kiyodai-rashii.Bullion, n. Ji-gane.Brow, n. Mayu, mamige, kitai. To knit Bullock, n. 0-ushi.the brows, mayu wo hisomeru.Bully, n. Chikara wo tanonde takaburuBrown, n. Kuri-iro. To — , kuri-iro ni hito. {t. t/.) Ijimeru.nuru, or someru.Bull-rush, n. Gama.Browse, t. v. Kusa wo hamu._Bulwark, n. Daiba, toride, hotai.Bruise, n. Uchi-kidzu, uchimi.Bumble-bee, n. Kuma-bachi.Brush, n. Hake.Bump, t. v. Utsu, buchi-tsukeru. —Brush, t. v. Haku. tip, soji wo suru. heads, hachi-awase wo suru.— against, fureru. — Oj^ harau. Bumper, n. To drink a — , sakadzuki niBrush-wood, n. Yabu, shiba.ippai wo nomu.Brutal, a. Chikusho no yo na, mugoi, Bu.MPKiN, n. Yabo, bukotsu-na mono.zannin naru.Bunch, n. Fusa.Brute, n. Chikusho, kedamono. Bundle, n. Taba, tabane, wa, tsutsumi.Brutish, a. Chikusho no yo na, mugoi, Bundle, t. v. Tabaneru, tsutsumu, kurumeru.zannin naru.Bubble, n. Awa, abuku. (/. v.) Awa ga Bung-hole, «. Taru no kuchi.Bungler, n. Bukiyo na mono.tatsu.

BUN 27Bungling, n. Heta, busaiku, futegiwa, Bustling, a. Nigiyaka, sawagashiki, isogashiki,t?utanai, bu-kiyo.zatto nuru.Bunting, n. Hata-jirushi ni mochiyuru Busy, a. Isogashii, sewashii, ta-yo, yojirasha.ga aru.Buoy, «. Ukegi, uki-jirushi, uki.Busy-body, n. Sewa-yaki.Buoy, /. v. Ukaseru. (z. z/.) Uku, But, conj. Hoka ni, ga, bakari, tada,Buoyant, a. Ukamu.keredomo,shikashi-nagara, to iyedomo.n.Bur, n. Iga.Buoyancy, koto.Ukamu Butcher, n.hito. — jneat,To-giu nin, ushi wo hofurumomonji. (/. v.) Hofuru.Burden, n. Ni, nimotsu, da, katsugi.Butler, n. Makanai, misoyaku.(^. z'.) Owaseru.Burdensome, a. Omoi, nangi na, omosugiru.Butt, «. Mato, taru.Butter, n. Giu-raku, niu-raku.Bureau, n, Tansu. yaku-sho.Butterfly, «. Cho.Burglar, n. Oshi-komi, yajiri wo kitte Buttock, n. Shiri, oido, ishiki, isarai.hairu dorobo.Button, n. Botan. To — , botan woBurglary, n. Yajiri wo kitte nusumi ni kakeru.hairu koto.Button-hole, n. Botan-ana.Burial, n. Tomorai, s6-shiki.Buy, t. V. Kau. — on credit, nobe-gaiBurlesque, a. Okashii.wo suru. Vi^ish to buy, kai-tai. To buyBurly, a. Takumashii.tip so as to control the market, kai-shimeru.— <strong>and</strong> sell, urikai, bai-bai.Burn, t. v. Moyasu, taku, yaku, kogasu.— «/, taki-tsukusu.Buyer, n. Kai-te, kai-kata.Burn, n. Yakedo, kuwa-sho.Buzz, z. v. Unaru.Burning, a. Atsui.Buzzard, «. Misago.Burnish, t. v. Migaku, togu.By, prep. De, ni, nite, motte ; soba ni,Burrow, /. v. Tsuchi ni ana wo ugatte hotori ni; also the p. p. form of theiru, horu.verb in, te. One by one, hitotsu dzutsu.Burst, i. v. Haretsu suru, yabureru, — one's self, hitori de. Day — day,tsuiyeru. — forth^ hassuru, deru.nichi-nichi ni, hi nami ni. House byBurst, /. v. Haretsu saseru, j'aburu. —z«, oshi-kowasu. («.) Hasshi.Bury, t. v. Homuru, udzumeru, ikeru. you come by that book, sono hon doshitemotte-iru ka. Three feet by six,— in the water ^ suiso suru,Burying-ground, n. Haka-chi, hakasho,san shaku ni roku-shaku. To go by,bosho, rantoba.tori-sugiru. To pttt by, shimau, kata-Bush, n. Chiisai ki.dzukeru. To lay by, nokoshite oku.Bushel, n. Masu-me no ha, ni go ni to By <strong>and</strong> by, ima ni, nochi-hodo ni. Byfar the best, haruka ni yoi, yoppodoni ataru.Business, n. Shobai, yoji, kagiyo, tosei, yoi.shigoto, koto, shoku, giyo. It is none of Bygone, a. Sugi-satta.you7 , omaye no kamau koto de nai. By-law, n. Kisoku.Althoicgh it is none of my business^ By-road, «. Nuke michi.yoso nagara.Byst<strong>and</strong>er, n. Waki ni tatsu hito.Bust, «. Han shin no zo.Byword, n. Kuchi-kuse.Cab, n. Ba-sha.Cabal, n. Toto, nakama.Cabbage, w. Botan na, ha botan.Cabin, n. Fune no heya, waraya.Cabinet, n. Heya, zashiki, tansu. —council, sangi.Cable, «. Tsuna.Cackle, i. v. INIendori no tamago woumu toki no naku koye.Cadaverous, a. Shi-bito no ganshoku,shihito dzura, omoyaseru.Cage, n. Kago, oruoCajole, i. v. Hetsurau, omoneru.Cake, n. Kuwashi, mochi, katamari.(i. v!) Katamaru.Calabash, n. Hiyotan, fukube.Calamitous, a. Wazawai na, sainannaru.Calamity, n. Wazawai, sainan, nanju,nangi.Calamus, n. Shobu.Calcine, /. v. Yaku.Calculate, /. v. Kanjo suru, kazoyeru,hakaru, tsumoru, sankei suru.

28 CAPCalculation, n. Sankei, kanjo, hakari, C<strong>and</strong>id, a. Meihaku na, shojiki na.tsumori, sany5.Calculus, n. Sekirin.C<strong>and</strong>idate, n.gau hito.Yaku-gi ni naru wo n&-Caldron, n. Kama.C<strong>and</strong>le, n. Rosoku.Calendar, «. Koyomi.C<strong>and</strong>le-stick, m. Shokudai.Calf, n. Ko ushi. — of the leg^ hokurahagi,C<strong>and</strong>or, n. Shojiki, meihaku.komura.C<strong>and</strong>y, n. Arihei-to, kinkuwa-to, kom-Calibre, n. (5dzutsu no ana no pei-to. Peppermint — , hakka-to. Gin~sashi-watari.ger — , shoga-to. To — , salodzuke niCalico, w. Kanakin, sarasa.suru.Calk, /. v. Mai-hada wo fune no ita no Cane, n. Tsuye, take. To — , tsuycsukima ni uchi-komu.nite butsu.Call, t. v. Yobu, maneku, iu, tonayeru, Cane-brake, n. Yabu.nadzukeru. — back^ yobi-kayesu. — Cangue, n. Kubi-gase./or^ ukubeki, ukeru hadzu. — forth^ Canine-teeth, «. Kiba.yobi-dasu. — z«, yobi-komu, tori-atsu-Canister, n. Tsubo. Tea — , cha-ire.Canker, «. Deki-mono.Cannibal, n. Hito no niku wo kuraumeru. — off^ yobi-kayesu. — over^ichi-ichi ni yobu. — to viind^ omoidasu.— together^ yobi-atsumeru. —near^ yobi-yoseru. — upon, mi-maini yuku, yoru.Calling, n. Nariwai, kagiyo, giyo, shoku-giyo.Callous, a. Katai, shinsetsu nashi.Callus, n. Tako.Calm, a. Odayaka na, shidzuka-naru,ochi-tsuku, nagu.Calm, ?t. Nagi.Calm, t. v. Shidzumeru, odayaka nisuru, ochi-tsukeru.Calmly, adv. Shidzuka ni, ochi-tsuite,odayaka-ni, heiki de.Calomel, n. Karomer.Caloric, n. Unki, kuwaki.Calumniate, t. v. Soshiru, zangen suru,waruku iu, hi-ho suru, kusasu.Calumniator, n. Zansha, soshiru hito.Calumny, n. Zangen, soshiri.Calyx, «. Utena, beta.Cambric, n. Kanakin.Camel, n. Rakuda.Camellia, «. Tsubaki.Camera-obscura, n. Shashin wo toruhako.Camlet, n. Goro.Camomile, n. Kuyoku, yakikkuwa.Camp, ;«. Jingoya, jin.Campaign, n. Hei-chi, shutsu jin.Camphor, n. Riu-no, henno, shono.Camphor-tree, n. Kusu no ki.Camp-stool, w. Shogi.Can, n. Oil — , abura-tsugi.Can, i. v. Dekiru. Contained also inthe pot. viood of the verb ending inyeru ; as., Can be seen, miyeru. Can beheard., kikoyeru. Cannot but speak.,iuwaneba naranu.Canal, n. Hori-wari, hori.Canary, «. Kanaria.Cancel, t. v. Kesu.Cancer, n. Yoso.hito.Cannon, n. O-dzutsu, tai-ho. — ball,taiho no tama.Cannonade, «. Taiho nite utsu koto.(t. v.) Taiho nite utsu.Cannot, Dekinu, atawadzu. Also containedin the 7ieg. potentialform of theverb : as, kikoyenu, cannot be heard:kazoyenu, cannot be counted.Canoe, n. Maruta-bune.Canon, n. Nori, kisoku, kiyo-ho, jiho.Canonical-book, «. — of the Buddhists,Bukkijro, kiyo-mon.Canonize, t. v. Hotoke to nashite agameru.iCanopy, n. Ten-gai.Cant, t. v. Katam ukeru, nijiraseru.Cant, n. Kuchi-kuse.Canter, t. v. Kake-saseru, daku wonoru.Canter, n. Daku.Cantharides, n. Hammiyo, gensei.Cantonment, n. Jinkoya.Canvas, n. Ho-momen.Canvass, t. v. Sensaku suru, giron suruwaga tame ni hito ni niu-satsu wo saseru ]wo tanomi aruku.Cap, n. Kaburi-mono. To — , kaburu.Capable, a. Dekiru, kanau, kiriyo aru.Not — , dekinu, atawadzu.Capacious, a. Hiroi, okii.Capacitate, t. v. Koto no dekiru yo iCapacity, n. Kiriyo, sai, riyo, hodo.Caparison, n. Atsubusa.Cape, n. Misaki.Capillaries, n. Seni no miyak-kuwanCapital, a. Omo no. — pu7tishmenashi-zai, dan-zai, keiriku. — letter, ka

keru, yojin-bukai, uen wo ireru.Carefully, adv. Tsutsushinde, ki wotsukete, nen wo irete.Carefulness, n. Yojin, tsutsushimi.Careless, a. Tsutsushimazaru, ki wotsukenu, yudan naru, okotaru.Caress, t. v. Cho-ai shite sasuru.Cargo, n. Funa-nimotsu, ni. — boat,hashike-bune, uwani-bune.Caricature, n. Toba-ye, doke-ye, shareye.Caries, n. Fukosso.Carious, a. — tooth, mushiba.Carman, n. Kuruma no giyosha.Carnage, n. Satsubatsu.Carnal, a. In-yoku.Carnivorous, a. Niku-jiki.Carol, n. Uta.Carousal, n. Shuyen, shu-kiyo.29Capitalist, n. Kane-mochi.Carouse, i. v. Shu-kiyo suru, sakeCapitulate, /. v. Kosan siini, kudaru. nonde tanoshimu.Capon, n. Kintama wo nukitaru nivva- Carp, i. v. Rikutsu wo iu, hi wo utsu. ,Carp, n. Koi.Caprice, n. Deki-gokoro, ukamu. Carpenter, 71. Daiku.Capricious, a, Adafuda na, uwatsuku, Carpet, «. Zashiki no shikimono. (t.v.)muragi.Shiki mono wo shiku.Capsicum, n. Togarashi.Carriage, n. Basha, kuruma ; hakobiCapstan, «. Rokuro, shachi, maiiriki. nari-furi, Gz/n — , taiho no dai.Captain, n. Kashira.Carrier, n. Ninsoku, katsugu hito.Captioits, a.rikutsuKo-goto wo konomu, Carrion, «.shigai.Kusattawo ii-tagaru, girori-gamashii. Carrot, n. Ninjin.Captivate, t. v. Kokoro wo toru. Captivated^norokeru, mi-toreru.ru. — on the shoulder, katsugu, ni-Carry, t. v. Motsu, hakobu, tadzusaye-Captive, «. Toriko. To take —, ikedoru.ombu suru, se-ou. — in the belt, obinau,katageru. — on the back, ou,Capture, t. v. Bundori suru, torayeru, ru. — /« the bosom, daku. — a sedanmeshitoru, tsukamayeru.chair, kaku. To — on, suru, nasu,Car, «. Kuruma, dashi.okonau, tawamureru. — aiuay, motteyuku.— back, motte kayeru. — up,Carbine, n. Tan-dzutsu.Carbon, n. Tanso.motte ageru. — do-Mn, motte oriru.Carbonic-acid, n. Tansan.otit, motte deru, okonau, shitogeru.Carbonize, t. v. Sumi ni yaku. — in, motte hairu. — across, motteCarbuncle, n. Yo.wataru, motte koyeru. — through^Carcass, n. Shikabane, shigai.motte toru. — one's self, tachi-furu-Card, n. Nafuda, tefuda. Flaying: —karuta, mekuri-fuda.Cart, n. Ni rin no ni-guruma. To —Cardamom, n. Yakuchi.kuruma nite hakobu.n. I j6k5.n. Nan-kotsu.Cardinal, a. Kanyd, dai-ichi no, omo Cartridge, «. Haya-go. — box, tanyakudoran.no. — points, shi-ho. — principle^goku-i. — ziirtiies, go-j6.Carve, /. v. Horu, kiru, chokoku suru.Cardiac-orifice, no Cartilage,Care, n. Shimpai, kokoro-dzukai, kidzukai,Carver, n. Hori-mono shi ; niku wo ki-kokoro-gake, anji, yojin. Take ru hito.— , tsutsushimu, abunai, ki wo tsukeru, Carving, n. Hori-mono.j-ojin suru, chiu-i. Don^t —, kamawanu.Cascade, n. Taki.Case, n. Saya, hako, fukuro, tsutsumiCareen, t. v. Katamukeru. (z. 71.) Katamuku,kashigu.kuji. Book — , hon-dana. — of/ever^yodai, yosu, ba-ai, tameshi, arisamaCareer, n. Isshogai. (/. v.) Washiru, netsu-biyo ni wadzuratta hito. In —kakeru.moshi, moshikuba. — in point, tekirei.Careful, a. Tsutsushimu, ki wo tsu-Case, t. v. Saya ni suru.Cash, n. Zeni, kane, genkin, sokkin, bita,kinsu. To — , riyo-gaye wo suru.Cash-book, n. Genkin cho, uri-age cho.Cashier, n. Kuwai-kei kata.Cashier, t. v. Shikujiru, hai suru.Cask, w. Taru, oke.Casket, n. Ko-bako.Casque, «. Kabuto.Cassia, n. Nikkei, keishi.Cast, /. v. Nageru, horu, hakaru, iru.— azuay, suteru, utcharu, hokasu. —out, dasu. nage-dasu. — in, uage-ireru,nage-komu. — down, nage-otosu,orosu. To be — doiun, ki ga fusaideoru. -^ up, nage-ageru, kanjo suru.— aside, suteru, utcharu.Cast, /. -v. Omoi-megurasu, kangaycru.Castanet, «. Yotsu dake.

CAS 30Cast-away, n. Sutari-mono.Caution, n. Yojin, tsutsushimi, imashime.Caste, n. Koku min nokurai, hinto..Caster, n. Kuruma.Caution, t. v. Imashimeru, isameru.Castigate, /. v. Sekkan suru, muchiutsu,Cautious, a. Yo-jin suru, tsutsushimu.shioki suru.Cavalier, n. Kibamusha, ki-hei.Casting, n. I-mono.Cavalry, n. Kihei-tai.Cast-iron, «. Dzuku.Cave, n. Ana, hora.Castle, «. Shiro,j6.Cave, i. v. Kudzureru.Castor-oil, «. Hiraashi no abura. Cavern, «. Ana.CITRATE, t. V. Kintama wo nuku, rasetsuCavil, i. v. Nammon suru, hinan wosuru.utsu, rikutsu wo iu.Casual, a. Hakarazaru, fu-i na, omoigakenaki,Cavity, n. Ana.fuji no.Caw, n. Kaa-kaa, karasu no koye.Casually, adv. Hakaradzu ni, futlo, fui Cayenne-pepper, n. Togarashi.Cease, i. v. Yamu, todomaru, owaru,Casualty, «. Fuji-goto.tayeru, togireru.Cat, w. Neko.Cease, t. v. Yameru, todomeru, yosu.Catalogue, n. Mokuroku, rem-miyogaki.Ceaseless, a. Tayezaru, ma mo naki,tsudzuki, togirezaru.Catapult, n. Ishi-yumi.Ceaselessly, adv. Tayedzu-ni, ma nashiCataract, n. Taki. — o/" the eye., sokohi,ni, tzudzuki ni, togiredzu ni.haku-naisho.Ced.ar, n. Sugi no ki.Catarrh, n. Kaze-hiki.v. Cede, t. Yudzuru, yudzuri-watasu,Catastrophe, n. Tai-hen.watasu.Catch, /. v. Toru, uke-toru, tsukamayeru,torayeru. — fire., hi ga tsuku. Ceiling, n. Tenjo.Ceil, t. v. Tenjo wo haru.—^ tip to., oi-tsuku. — cold^ kaze wo Celebrate, t, v. Iwau, shuku suru, matsuru.hiku. — rain, water ^ ama-midzu wotameru. — disease., biyoki ga utsuru, Celebrated, a. Nadakaki, mei, komei.den-sen suru, kanjiru. — on a nail., Celeer.\tion, n. Iwai, raatsuri, shuku.kugi ni hikkakaru.Celebrity, «. Homare, hiyoban.n. Catch, Hiki-te.n. Celerity, naruHayasa, sumiyakaCatechise, t. v. Mon-do suru.koto.Catechism, n. Mondo-sho.Celestial, a. Ten no. — globe., kontengi.Catechu, n. Asenyaku.Category, n, Yosu, arisama.Celibacy. «. Mu-sai, tsuma motanu,Cater, /. v. Makanau.metorazaru koto.Caterpillar, n. Shakutori-mushi, kemushi.Cell, w. Ana, chiisai hej^a, hachi no su.Cellar, n. Anagura, muro.Caterwauling, n. Neko no naki. Cement, n. Shikkui.Cat-fish, «. Namadzu.Cement, t. v. Shikkui suru, musubu.Cat-gut, «. Kedamono no hiyaku-hiro Cemetery, n, Hakasho, hakachi, hakaba,nite seishi-taru ito.rantoba.Cathartic, n. Gezai, kudashi-gusuri. Censer, n. Koro.Catheter, n. In-niyo-ki, kateter. Censor, n. Ometsuke, kan-satsu.Catholic, n. Tenshukiyo no hito. Censorious, a. Hinan wo uchitagaru,Cat's-cr.\dle, n. Aya.nan ron shitagaru, kogoto-dzuki.Cattle, n. Ushi.Censorship, w. Kansatsu yaku.Cause, «. Yuye, wake, shisai, sei, dori, Censurable, a, Togamerareru, togamerumoto, kongen, kompon, gen-inbeki.kuji.Cause, t. v.;Saseru, contained in the Censure, n. Togame, imashime.causative fortn of the verb ; as, yukaseru,Censure, t. v. Togameru, imashimeru,to cause to go, Kakaseru, to cause shikaru.to ivrite.Census, n. Nimbetsu, koseki. To takeCauseless, a. Wake nashi, yuye naki.le — , nimbetsu wo aratameru.Causeway, n. Dote-michi.Cent, «. Sen. zeni, wari. Tett per —Caustic, n. Kusarashi, fuyaku, fushokuzai.Lunar — , sho-san-gin.bu go rin.ichi wari. Two <strong>and</strong> a half per — , niCautery, n. Raku-tetsu.Centipede, n. Mukade.Cauterize, t. v. Kusarakasu, raku-tetsu Centralize, t. v. Chiu-shin ni atsumeru.suru.

CEN31 CHECentre, n. Mannaka, chiu-shin. Chapel, «. Kami wo ogamu tokoro.Centkifugal, a. Chiu-shin kara tobidasu.Chaperon, /. v. Annai suru.Chaplain, n. Kai riku gun ni aru shu-Centripetal, a. Chiu-shin ni hiki-atsumaru.mon no kiyo-shi.Chapter, n. Sho, hen, kuwai.Century, n. Hiyaku nen.Char, t. v. Kogasu. (/. v^_ Ko|areru.Cerate, n. Koyaku.Character, n. Moji, ji, shirushi ; hiyoban,umare-tsuki, tachi. — of a place^Cereals, n. Go-koku.Cerebellum, n. Sho-no.tokoro-gara. A J7tan 0/ bad —Cerebral, «. Nodzui no.hito-gara no warui hito.Cerebrum, n. Dai-no.Characteristic, n. Shirushi, mochimaye.Ceremonial, «. Reishiki no.Ceremony, n. Reishiki, reigi, rei. Without— jigi nashi, yenriyo nashi, haba-Charade, k. Nazo.Characterize, /. v. Shirusu.,kari nashi.Certain, a. Tashika naru, masashii,Charcoal, n.Charge, n.Sumi.Adzukari mono, ose, iitsukeutagawazaru, honto, makoto ;; kanjo, nedan, ne uttaye ; tama-aru, saru,nanigashi.gome, semeru koto ;;toga wo owaseruCertainly, adv. Tashika-ni, jitsu ni, koto.utagawadzu ni, masashiku, masa-masa. Charge, t. v. Adzukeru, ii-tsukeru,Certificate, n. Shoko-gaki, shomon. meidzuru \ oshiyeru ; nedan wo tsukeru.Certify, t. v. Ukeau, shoko suru. — to one''s account , kanjo ni kaki-noseru.— with crime, tsumi wo owaseru.Cerumen, n. Mimi no aka.Cessation, n. Yamu koto, todomari.a gun, teppo ni tama-gome wo suru.Chafe, t. v. Suru, kosuru, sasuru ; ika- — the enemy, teki wo semeru, or osou,or utsu. How much do you chargeChaff, n, Momi-gara, mugi-gara. for this? Kono mono no nedan waChaff, t. v. Guro suru, baka ni suru. ikura.Chagrin, n. Haji, memboku ushinai. Charge d'affaires, n. Dai-ben-ko-shi.Chain, n. Kusari.Chariot, n. Basha no tagui.Chain, t. v. Kusari de tsunagu.Charioteer, n. Giyo-sha.Chair, n. Koshi-kake, za, isu, kiyokuroku.Sedan — , kago, norimono, koshi. Charity, n. Itsukushimi, jihi, zengon,Charitable, a. Jihi-bukai, zen-gon na.Chairman, n. Kuwai-cho.hodokoshi, semotsu, hodokoshi-mono,Chaise, n. Ni rin basha.segiyo-mono.Chalk, n. Seki-fun.Charlatan, n. Nama-iki, yabu-isha.Challenge, /. v. Yobi-dasu.Charm, n.Chamber,^. Heya, nema. —/^/, shi-bin. yoke.Mamori, majinai, gofu, ma-Chamberlain, «. Kunaisho.Charm, /. v. Mi-ireru, tori-tsuku, mayowasu,Chambermaid, n. Heya-kata, koshi-mototanoshimasu. (/. v.) Mi-toreru.; o s<strong>and</strong>on.Charming,/, a. Tanoshii, omoshiroi.Champ, t. v. Kamu, hamu.Chart, n. Umi-yedzu, kokai yedzu.Champion, n. Ozeki.Charter, n. Menkiyo-j6.Chance, n. Fuji-goto, guzen. To kit by Charter, t. v. — a ship, fune wo kariru.— guzen,de atatta. To happen by — Chase, t. v. Ou, karu. — away, oidasu,fuji atta, guzen ni atta.harau.Chancre, n. Kanso, gekan.Chase, «. Kari.Change, /. v. Aratameru, kayeru, torikayeru.— money, riyo-gaye suru. Chaste, a. Jittei naru.Chasm, «. Dai ji no wari-me.Change, /. v. Kawaru, hendzuru, henkuwaChasten, /. v. Sekkan suru, imashime-suru.ru.Change, n. Kawari, henkuwa. — o/" Chastise, t. v.7no?iey, tsuri, ko-dzuri. — oy place, tokoro-gaye.ru, korasu.Sekkan suru, imashime-Chastisement, n. Sekkan, imashime.Changeable, a. Kawari-yasuki, uwatsuku,Chat, /. v. Hanasu. («.) Hanashi.sadamaranu.Chattel, n. Nimotsu, kagu.Channel, n. Se, mio, funa-michi. Chatter, z\ v. Kuchi no mada kikanaiChant, t, v. Utau, gindzuru, tonayeru. kodomo no gotoku shaberu, ha no ne gaChaos, n. Kon-ton.furugeru.Chap, n. Akagire, hibi. To chap, hibi Chaw, t. v. Hamu.ga kireru.Cheap, a. Yasui, ge-jiki na.

CHE 32 CHUCheapen, t. v. Negiru, makeru.Chilliness, n. Samusa.Cheaply, adv. Yasuku.Chilly, a. Samui, hiyeru, tsumetai.Cheat, n. Katari, nayakashi.Chime, i. v. Ch6shi ni kanau.Cheat, t. v. Azamuku, damasu, Itsuwaru,Chimerical, a. Muchiu na, ku na.taburakasu. mayakasu.Chimney, «. Kemuri-dashi.Check, t. v. Todomeru, tomeru, imashimeru,Chin, n. Ago, otcgai, agito.sa&ayeru, hikayeru, shirusu, China, n. Shina, kara, morokoshi, t6-ote suru.goku, todo ; setomono no tagui.Check, n. Sashi-tsukaye, tome, fuda, China-root, n. Sankirai.Chinese, n. Shina-jin, to-jin.Chink, n. Sukima. — 0/ metal, chin.Checkers, n. Go-ishi,Chintz, n. Sarasa.Check-mate, n. Otedzume. To — Chip, /. v. Sogu, kizamu, koppa ni sum.otedzume ni suru, tsumeru.Chip, n. Koppa, kire.Cheek, n. Ho, hobeta.Chirp, i. v. Chiu-chiu to sayedzuru.Cheer, t. v. Yorokobasu, kibarashi wo Chisel, «. Nomi, tagane. Stonecutter's— genno.,suru, kisaki wo okosu, hagemasu, tokino koye wo ageru, chikara wo tsukeru. Chloroform, «._ Memosui.Cheer, «. Toki no koye, in-shoku. Chlorosis, n. Ohan, iobiyo.Cheerful, a. Kigen yoi, kokoro-mochi Chock, t. v. Sen wo kau.no yoi, iso-iso to shita, kokoro-yoi. Chock-full, a. Ippai.Cheerless, a. Uttoshii. ki gafusagu. Choice, n. Yerabi gokuhin, beppin.Chemistry, n, Kuwa gaku.Choir, «.;On-gaku no nakama. ,Cherish, t. v. Kokoro ni idaku, kawaigatteChoke, t. v. Tsumeru, shimeru, fusageru.V.) Museru, tsumaru, fusagaru.idaku.{t.Cherry, n. Sakura.Cholera, n. To-sha-biyo, kuwakuran,Chess, n. Shogi. — board, shogi-ban. korori.— ?«(?«, koma.Choose, /. v. Yeramu, yoru, suguru.Chest, «. Mune, hako, hitsu.Chop, t. v. Kiru, kizamu. — off, kirihanasu,kiri-otosu.Chestnut, «. Kuri. — tree, kuri noChop, n. Kiri, mi-hon, te-Hon._ki.Chevalier, n. Kiba, bushi.Chop-fallen, n. Memboku nai.Chew, t. v. Kamu. hamu. — the cud, Chopping-block, 71. Mana-ita.neri-kamu.Chopping- knife, «. Hocho.Chicken, n. Niwatori, hiyoko.Chop-sticks, n. Hashi.Chicken-breasted, n. Hato-raune. Chord, n. Choshi. To — , choshi gaChicken-pox, n. Midzu - imo, midzuboso.au.Chorister, n. Ondo-tori.Chide, t. v. Togameru, korasu, imashimeru.Christ, «. Kirishito.Christian, a. Kirishitan.Chief, a. Omo no, cho-taru, taisetsu Christianity, n. Kirishitan, shu-mon.na. — end, shu-i.Christianize, /. v. lesu-kirishito woChief, m. Todori. kashira.shinko saseru.Chiefly, adv. Omo-ni, moppara ni, Christmas, n. Kirishito no tanjobi.okata, tabun, tmtei.Chronicle, n. Rekishi, ki, kiroku, kiden.Chieftain, n. Todori, taisho, kashira.Chilblain, n. Shimo-yake.Chronicle, t. v. Kiroku ni shirusu, kiChild, n. Kodomo, shoni.— , haramu.To be .with suru.Chronology, n. Nendaiki.Child-birth, «. Shussan, san, ko wo umu Chronometer, n. Tokei, funa-dokel.koto.Chrysalis, n. Sanagi.Childhood, n. Itokenai toki, osanai toki.Chrysanthemum, n. Kiku no hana.Chuckle, i. v. Sesera-warau.Childish, a. Otonage-naki.Chum, n. Do-ma.Child-like, a. Kodomo-rashii, shonirashii.Church, n. Kuwai-do, kij'6 kuwaido,kiyo-kuwai, kirishitan shu-mon.Children, n. Kodomo-ra.Churl, «. Bu-aisatsu na hito, bu-ais6 naChill, n. Samuke, okan, fiirui, samusa,kiyo ga sameru koto.Churlish, a. Bu-aisatsu na, bu-aiso na.Chill, t. v. Hiyasu, samuku suru, koru, Churn, «. Giu-raku wo koshiraycrukiyo wo samasu.oke.\

CHU 33 CLEChurn, i. v. Chi-chi wo kaki-mawashite Claim, t. v. Don aru ni yotte motome wogiuraku ni suru.ii-tateru, motomeru.Chyle, «. Niubi.Claim, w. Sujimichi ni yotte motomeruCicada, «. Semi.koto, suji-michi.Cicatrix, «. Kidzu no ato.Clam, n. Hamaguri.Cicatrize, /. ?/. Kidzu ga naoru. Clamber, /. v. Yojiru, yoji-noboru.Cider, n. Ringo nite koshirayetaru nomi-mono.Clamor, n. Sawagi, sodo, omeki. (/. z*.)Sawagu, omeku, wameku.Cigar, ?t. Maki-tabako.Clamorous, a. Sawagashii, sozoshii.CiMETER, «. Tsurugi.Clamp, n. Kasugai, chikirijime.Cinchona, n. Kinakina._Clan, «. Han, zoku, kuwan-zoku.Cinder, «. Keshi-dzumi.Cl<strong>and</strong>estine, a. Hisoka-naru, naishoCinnabar, n. Shu.na, shinobitaru.Cinnamon, «. Nikkei, keishi.Cl<strong>and</strong>estinely, adv. Hisoka ni, naishoCipher, n. Shirushi, fucho, rei.de, shinonde.Cipher, ^. v. Sanyo suru.Clank, n. Kachin-kachin naru hibiki.Circle, k. Maru wa ;nakama. To — Clansman, n. Kuwan-zoku no hito.mawasu.Clap, t. v. Tataku. — the -wings^ hatataki.Circuit, n. Mawari, gururi.Circular, a. Marui. — letter^ kuwai- Clap, n. Hata to-utsu, pisshari-to utsu.Clapboard, n. Shitami-ita. To — , shitamiCircular, n. Kuwai-jo.wo haru.Circulate, /. v. Mawaru, meguru. {t. v.)Mawasu, raegurasu.Clapper, n.Clap-tkap, n.Hancho no shita.Mise-kake.Circulation, n. Meguri, mawari, junkuvvan.— cy viof/ey, yudzu.Clarift, t. V. Sumasu.Claret, «. Budoshu no tagui.Circumference, n. Mawari.Clarion, n. Rappa.Circumnavigate, t, v. Fune de junko Clarionet, n. Charumeru.Clash, i. v. Cho-cho to utsu, kachUsuru.Circumscribe, t. v. Sakai shite kagiru, kachi to utsu.herasu.Clasp, /. v. Kumu, kumi-tsuku, shigami-tsuku,Circumspect, a. Tsutsushimu, yojindaku, kakeru.Clasp, «. Ko-haze-gake, shitotome.suru.Circumspection, n. Tsutsushimi, yo-Class, n. Bu-rui, rui. The four classesof people., shi-min, yotsu no tami.Circumstance, n. Koto, arisama, shisai, Class, /. v. Bu-wake wo suru.shigi, yoshi. (J>lur.) Shinsho, bungen, Classical, a. — language, ga-gen.shindai. According- to — koto ni yoru.Classics, n. Kei-sho, kei-ten, go-kiyo.Classification, ti. Buwake wo suru koto.,Circumstantially, adv. Kuwashiku, Classify, t. v. Buwake wo suru.shisai ni, saimitsu ni.Classmate, w. Do-hai, ai-deshi.Circumstantiate, t. v. Kuwashiku iu. Clatter, t. v. Kachi-kachi to utsu, sawagu,Circumvent, t. v. Azamuku, damasu,zazameku.kataru, taburakasu.Clause, n. Ku, kajo.Circus, n. Kiyoku-ba.Cla\icle, n. Sakotsu.Cistern, n. Midzu-tame.Claw, n. Tsume. To — , tsume de kaku.Citadel, n. Shiro, hommaru.Clay, n. Neba-tsuchi, tsuchi.Citation, n. Hiki-mono.Clean, n. Kirei-na, keppaku na, kiyoki,Cite,_ t. V. Mesu, meshi-dasu ; hiku, isagiyoi, shojo, kiyoraka naru.hiki-ageru.Citizen, n. Ju-nin, kiriu-nin.Clean, adv.Clean, t. v.Sappari, mattaku.Kiyomeru, kirei ni suru, kiyokusuru, sojo ni suru.Citizenship, n. Jiinin ni naru koto,nim-betsu ni hairu koto.Cleanliness, n. Shojo na koto, kiyokiCity, n. Tokuwai, fu.Civil, a. Kuni no ; nengoro na. — luar^doshi-uchi, nai-ran. — goverii)>ient^ koku-sei.Civility, n. Aiso, nengoro na koto.Civilization, w. Kai-kuwa.Civilize, t. v. Kaikuwa suru.Civilly, adv. Nengoro ni, teinei ni.koto.Cleanse, t. v. Kiyomeru, kirei ni suru,kiyoku suru.Clear, a. Akiraka naru, kiyoki, kiyoraka,sawayaka, hakkiri to shita, suki-toru.Clear, t. v. Akiraka ni suru, sumasu. —away, harau, tori-harau, tori-nokeru.— the voice, seki-barai wo suru. — laiidy

jCLE 34— from thejisho wo kai-hotsu suru.Close-fisted, a. Shiwai, rinshoku na.charge of crime ^ tsumi nashi to sadame- Closely, adv. Kataku, chikaku, shigejru. — a fence^ hei wo tobi-koyeru. —jexpenses^ mokeru, riyeki wo yeru.a Closet, n. Todana, n<strong>and</strong>o, oshi-ireship^ shuppan no menjo wo yeru. — a mono-oki.place of people, hito-barai wo sum. Closure, n. Fusagi, owari, shimai.Clear, i. v. Hareru, sumu.Clot, «. Katamari.Clearan'CE, n. Shuppan menjo.Clot, i. v. Katamaru.Clearly, adv. Akiraka ni.Cloth, n. Tammono, kire. Cotton —Cleat, n. San.momen. IVoollen — , rasha.Cleave, /. v. Waru, saku. (i. v.) Tsuku,hiki-tsuku, nebari-tsuku ; wareru, chakuyo suru, matou.Clothe, t. v. Kiseru, kiru, chaku suru,Clothes, m. Kimono, ifuku, isho. ]Varmatsu-gi. Old — , furu-gi.sakeru ; daki-tsuku.Cleft, «. Wari-me, suki-ma.Clematis, «. Mube-kadzura.Clothing, n. Kimono, ifuku, isho.Clemency, «. Kuwan-jin, jin-on. Cloud, «. Kumo. (,/. v.) Kumoru.Clement^ rt.yasashii.Kuwan-jin naru,jin naru, Cloudless, n. Kumo-nashi.Cloudy,*. Kumoru. — 7ueather, don-ten.Clepsydra, n. Midzu-dokei, rokoku. Clove, n. Choji.Clergyman, «. Kiyo-shi.Clown, n. Doke-mono, chari, niwaka,Clerk, n. Sho-ki, sho-yaku, hissha, luhitsu.Merchant's — , chotsuke. Clownish, a. Yabo na, bukotsu na, bu-kidoban, yabo, bukotsu na mono.Clever, a. Jodzu na, riko na, kashikoi, saho na.hatsumei na, sakashii. — penman, nohitsu.—at talking, no-hen.Club, n. Bo, nakama, renju. — together,Cloy, t. v. Aku.Cleverly, adv. Jodzu ni, kashikoku. renju wo kumu.Clew, n. No — , ato-kata mo nai, itoguchiClub-foot, n. Yebi-ashi, kama-ashi.nashi.Clucking, «. Kuku-naki.Click, «. Hajiku oto.Clump, «. — of trees, mori.Client, n. Kujl no to-nin.Clumsy, n. Heta, bukiyo na, tsutanai.Clift, «. Gake.Cluster, n. Fusa, mura, mure. — ofClimate, «. Jiko, yoki.trees, mori.Climax, «. Saichiu, mas-saichiu, sakari. Cluster, i. v. Muragaru, mureru.Climb, i. v. Yojl-noboru, yojiru.Clutch, /. v. Tsukamu, nigiru.Clinch, t. v. Tsukamu, nigiru.Clutter, n. Konzatsu.Cling, i. v. Sugaru, sugari-tsuku, toritsuku,Clyster, n. Kuwan-cho-zai.hittsuku, nebari-tsuku.Coach, n. Shi rin basha.Coachman, n, Giyosha,Clip, t. v. Hasami-kiru, kiru.Clipper, «. Haya-bune.Coadjutor, n. Tetsudai-nin.Clique, n. Nakama.Coagulate, i. v. Katamaru, giyoko sum.Cloak, n. Tombi-kappa. if z/.) Kakusu,6u.Coal, n. Sekitan, ishi-dzumi. — offre^Coagulum, n. Katamari, giyo-ketsu.Clock, n. Tokei.oki. To — a steamer, jokusen n\Clod, n. Tsuchi-kure, tsuchi no katamari.sekitan wo ireru.Co.\lery, n. Sekitan-ana.Clog, t. v. Tsumeru, sashi-tsukayeru, Coalesce, i. v. Au, gassuru, it-chi nisasayeru, samatageru, jama suru. (z. v.) naru.Tsumaru.Coalition, n. It-chi, gassuru koto.Clog, n. Jama, sashi-tsukaye, tsumari Coal-scuttle, n. Sumi-tori.geta, bokuri, ashida ;ashi-motsure.Close,;?, v. Shimeru, tozasu, tojiru,Coarse, a. Arai, futoi ; bukotsu, somatsuna, so na, zatsu na. — language, sogon.ta-Coarsely, adv. Araku, futoku, bukotsuni, somatsu ni, zatto.Coast, n. Iso, kai-gan, umi-be. kaihen.Co.-VSTING, a. Kaigan wo nori-mawaruteru, awaseru, fusagu ; sumu, shimau ;kakomu. — a port, sa-ko suru. — acountry, sa-koku suru. — tip, tate-kiru.Close, i. v. Tojiru, sumu, owaru, hateru,shimau, tsuku.Close, w, Shimai, owari, hate.Close, a. Shimaru ;komoru, shiwai, rinshokuna ; chim-moku na, mu-guchina ; katai ; shigeru, mushi-atsui. — to,chikai. — translation, choku-yaku.— ,koto.Coat, n. Haori, uwa-gi. — of the eye,gan-kiu no maku. A — of varnish,urushi hito kise. — of arms, mon,shirushi. — of mail, yoroi.

35COMCoat, t. v. Kiseru.CoLL.\TE, t. V. Kuraberu, kiyogo suru.Coax, t. v. Susumeru, nadameru, omo- Colleague, n. Do-yaku.Collect, t. v. Atsumeru, yoseru, tsudoyeru,CoBBLE-STONE, «. Gorota.tameru, tori-tateru. {i. v.)Cobble, t. v. Kutsu wo naosu.Atsumaru.Cobbler, n. Kiitsu naoshi.Collected, a. Ochi-tsuite iru, heiki deCobweb, n. Kumo no su.iru, shidzuka naru.Coccyx, n. Bitei-kotsu, kame no o. College, n. Gakumon-jo, gakko.Cochin-china, n. Annan.Collide, z. v. Tsuki-ataru.Cock, «. Ondori. —

ICompasses,COM— home^ iye ni kayeru, kokoro ni tessuru.— into^ shochi suru, shitagau.— in /or, motomeru. — o/ deru, okoru.— out ivithy dasu. — short, fusokiisuru, oj'obanu, taranu. — up to,oyobu, agaru. — upon, au, ataru. —down ivith, harau. Hozv arc you coming-on ? d5 shite oide nasaru ka.Comedian, n. Doke-yakusha.Comedy, «. Doke kiyogen.Comely, a. Utsukushiki, kirei na.Comet, n. Hoki-boshi, kei-sei.Comfort, t. v. Nagusameru, anshinsaseru.Comfort, n. An-shin, nagusami, an-on.Comfortable, a. ?ibb na, jiyu na, kokoro-yoki.Comforter, n. Nagusameru hito.Comfortless, a. Fujiyu na, anshinnaradzu.Comical, a. Doke-taru, okashii, kokkeina.Comity, n. ShitJishimi.Comm<strong>and</strong>, n. li-tsuke, geji, sashidzu,mei, shihai.Comm<strong>and</strong>, t. v. li-tsukeru, meidzuru,hikiiru, shihai suru, ukeru.Comm<strong>and</strong>ant, n. Todori.Comm<strong>and</strong>er, n. Tai-sho.Comm<strong>and</strong>ment, «. Imashime. The fivegokai. Ten — jikkai. To break, ,— , ha-kai suru.Commemorate, /. v. Iwau, shuku suru.Commence, t. v. Hajimeru, okosu. (z'.^'.)Hajimaru.Commencement, n. Hajime, hajimari,h(5ttan, shote, saisho, okori.Commend, t. v. Makaseru, homeru, torimotsu,susumeru.Commendable, n. Homeru beki.Commendation, n. Homare.Commensurate, a. Tekito naru, kanau.Commentary, n. Chiu-kai, chiu-shaku.Commentator, n. Chiu-kai suru hito.Commerce, n. Koyeki, akinai, boyeki,majiwari.Commercial, a. Akinai no, koyeki no,z(>sho.CoAniiNUTE, t. V. Ko ni suru, saimatsuni kudaku.Commiserate, t. v. Awaremu, fubin niomou, kinodoku ni omou.Commiseration, n. Awaremi, fubin.Commissary, n. Hiyoro kata.Commission, «. Menkiyo-jo, meirei-gaki,kosen, mokudai. — o/crifne, tsumiwo okasu koto.Commissioner, «. Moku-dai, shi-setsu.— of customs, s6-zei no kami.Commission-merchant, «. Kosen mise.Commissure, n. A\vase-me.COMCommit, t. v. Makaseru, adzukeru, yudaneru,— jz«, tsumi wo okasti. — toprison, roya ni ireru. — treason, muhonwo okosu. — murder, hito wokorosu. — to memory y sor<strong>and</strong>zuru. —theft, nusumu.— adultery^ mitsu suru.Committee, n. So-dai.Commix t. v. Mazeru. (/. w .) Majiru.Commodious, a. Tsugo yoi, ben-ri yoi.Commodity, n. Sho-shiki, shiro-mono,shina-mono.Common, n. Tsurei no, tsune no, heizeino, fudan no, heijitsu no, nami, arifureru,itsumo no. people, hei-rnin.— person, hei-nin. — colloquial, tsureino kotoba. In — , moyai ni.Commonalty, n. Hei-min, shimo-jimo,shita-jita, tami.Commonly, adv. Tsune ni, fudan ni,heizei ni.Commonwealth, n. Seiji.CoM.MOTioN, «. Sodo, sawagi, ran.Commune, i. v. Hanashi-au.Communicate, t. v. Atayeru, sadzukeru,tamau, shimesu, kikaseru, hanasu. (ji.v^Tsiidzuru, majiwaru, tsushin suru.Communication, n. Tsuji, kayoi, tsudatsu,; tsuro, orai tayori, otodzure, inshin; majiwari, tsushin.Communion, n. Tsuki-ai, majiwari.Community, n. Nakama, hito tokoro nisunde iru hitobito. — of goods, raoy^Xni shinsho wo motsu.Commutation, n. Tori-kaye, kawari, tsugunai.Commute, t. v. Tori-kayeru, tsugunau,kawari ni suru.Compact, n. Yakusoku, yakujo.Compact, a. Katai.Compact, t. v. Katameru, katamaru.Companion, n. Tomodachi, hobai, hoiu,tsure.Company, n. Nakama, sha-chiu, kuwaisha,kumi, — of soldiers, heitai.renchiu.Mercantile — , sho-sha. Take in— , izanau, sasou, tsureru, tomonau.Keep — , tsuki-au, majiwaru.Comparable, a. Kurabu beki. Not —narabi nashi, mu-rui, hirui-nashi, kurabe-nashi.Comparatively, adv. Kurabete.Compare, t. v. Kuraberu, takuraberu,hikaku suru ;tatoyeru, nazorayeru,Comp.\rison, n. Kurabe.CoMPARXjMENT, H. Shikiri.Compass, «. Sakai, kagiri, mawari.Mariner's — jishaku.,Compass, t. v. ]\Iawaru, kakomu, shitogeru,ukeru, kuwadateru.«. Bummawashi.

Compassion, n.Awaremi, fubin, jihi, ita-COMPASSIONATE, Jihi-bukai, fubinCompassionate, i. v. Awaremu, fubin niomou, itawashigaru.Compatible, a. Kanau, au.Compeer, n. Do-hai.Compel, i. v. Shiiru, ii-tsukete saseru,osu, meidzuru, muri ni suru.Compendious, a. Riyakii shita.Compendium, «. Riyaku-setsu.Compensate, /. v. Muku, hodzuru, kayesu,tsugunau, oginau.Compensation, «. Mukui, tsugunai, oginai.Compete, /. v. Kisou, arasou, seru.Competency, n. Tariru koto, fusokunaki koto,jubim.Competent, a. Jubun naru ;kanau, kisuru.Competition, n. Kisoi, arasoi, seri-ai.Competitor, n. Kisou hito, seri-au hito.37 CONCompile, i. v. Hen-shu suru, saku suru, oshi-tsukeru, oshi-shimeru, oshi-chijimeru.chojutsu suru.Complacence, n. Kokoro-yoku, tanoshimi.Compress, n. Ate-momen.Compressible, a. Oshi-chijimerareru.Complain, t. v. Uttayeru, so-sho suru ;Comprise, t. v. Komoru, fukumu, obishu-sosuru nakigoto wo iu, nageku,;fusoku wo iu. To complain of pai7i^ CoMPROMiSE, t. V. Naka-naori wo suru,itami aru to iu.naisai suru. — 0716" s reputation^ hiyobanComplainant, n. Uttaye-kata.ni kakawaru.Complaint, n. Nageki, nakigoto, uttaye, Compulsion, n. Muri ni saseru koto,biyoki, yamai. l-Vrittetz — , sojo.anagachi ni saseru koto._Complaisance, n. Teinei.Compunction, «. Kuyami, kokuwai, zan-Complaisant, a. Teinei na.Complement, n. Tashi-maye, tashi.Complete, t. v. Joju suru, deki-agaru,shi-ageru, togeru, shi-togeru, owaru.Complete, a. Jubun naru, mattaki,manzoku na ; owaru, totonou, sonawaru.Completely, adv. Mattaku, jubun ni.Completion, n. Shi-togeru koto, jojusuru koto.Complex, a. Iri-kundaru.Complexion, «. Gan-shoku, kao-iro.Compliance, n. Shochi, shitagai, nattoku.Complicate, t. v. Iri-kumaseru, sashimotsureru,konzatsu suru.Complication, n. Sashi-motsure, irikundarukoto, konzatsu.ochi-tsukeni ; koshirayeru. What isthis ink co7nposed of? kono sumi wanani de koshirayetaru ka.Composed, p. a. Ochi-tsuku, heiki de iru.Composer, n. Saku-sha. — of innsic^fushidzuke.Composition, n. Bun-sho, tsudzuri ; tsukuri-kata,koshiraye-kata.Compost, n. Koyashi, haguchi-goye.Composure, w. Hei-ki naru koto, ochitsuki,an-shin.Compound, t. v. Maze-awaseru. — medicines^_chogo suru. — a dedt, shakkinwo nai-sai suru.Compound, a. Mazaru, zatsu-go naru.Comprehend, t. v. Wakaru, satoru, yetokusuru, gaten suru, kokoro-yerufukumu, komoru, obiru.Comprehensible, a. Wakerareru, satorareru.Comprehension, n. Wakimaye, gaten,satori, kokoroye.Comprehensive, n. Hiroi.Compress, /. v, Osu, shimeru, osayeru,nen.Computation, n. Kazoye, hakari, tsumori.Compute, t. v. Kazoyeru, hakaru, tsumoru,kanjo suru.Comrade, 71. Tomodachi, hobai, aite.Con, t. V. Sarayeru, yomu.Concave, n. Kubomu, kuboi, nakabiku.Conceal, t. v. Kakusu.Concealed, p. a. Kakureru, shinobu,hisomu.Concealment, n. Kakushi, kage. Without— , fukuzonaku, kakusadzu ni, aka-CoNCEDE, t. V. Shochi suru, yudzuru,makoto to suru.Conceit, «. Omoi-tsuki, kufii ;jiman,Complicity, n. Dorui no koto.unubore. Out of— of^ aki ga deru.Compliment, n. Iwai, shugi. To send Conceited, a. Namagiki na, unuboreru,— yoroshiku moshi, soro. {t. v.^ Hornshikatsuberashii.Conceivable, a. Hakarareru, omoi-tsukareru.eru.Comply, /. v. Shitagau, nabikeru, kanau,makaseru.Conceive, /. v. Haramu, kuwai-nin suru,CojMport, t. V. Kanau, au, s66 suru.nin-shin suru ; hakuru, omoi-tsuku.Compose, t. v. Tsudzuru, shidzumeru, Concentrate, t. v. Yose-s

CON 38 CONConception, n. Harami. kuwai-nin, ninshinomoi-tsuki, riyoken.;Concern, t. v. Kakawaru, tonjaku ^uru,anjiru, kamau, tsuku.Concern, n. Kidzukai, kokorodzukai,anji, kuwan-kei, dai-ji sha-chiu. A;matter that does not coticern one, yosokoto,kuwankei senu koto.Concerning, /r^/. Ni tsuite, ni cite.Concert, t. v. Kuwadateru, hakaru, s6-dan shite sadameru.Concert, n. To do in — , sorote sum,itchi ni suru.Concession, «. Yurusu koto, yurushi.Conch, w. Horagai.CoNCHOLOGY, «. Kai no gaku-mon.Conciliate, /. v. Nadameru, kigen wotoru.Conciliation, n. Waboku.Concise, a. Mijikai, kanriyaku naru.Concisely, adv. Riyaku shite, mijikaku.CoNCLiDE, t. V. Owaru, shimau ;oshihakaru,sadameru, ketsujo suru.Conclusion, n. Owari, shimai, hate, sadame,ketsujo.Conclusive, n. Ketsu-j6 no.Concoct, t. v. Takumu, kuwadateru,kufu suru, mokeru, takuramu, konarerukoshirayeru.;Concomitants, n. Tsuki-mono, soye-Concord, n. Shitashimi, mutsumajii koto,sorou koto.Concordant, n. Teki-to naru, kanau,soto naru.Concordat, n. Joyaku.Concourse, n. Kunju, atsumari, muragari.Concretion, n. Katamari.Concubine, n. Mekake, sho, tekake.Concupiscence, n. Musabori, in-yoku.Concur, /. v. Shochi suru, doi suru, fugosuru, do-shin suru.Concurrence, n. Doi, fugo, shochi.Concussion, «. Hibiki.Condemn, t. v. Togameru, tsumi wo sadameru,saiban wo ii-watasu. — todeath, shi-zai ni sadameru. — to hardlabor, tozai ni sadameru.^Condemnation, n. Tsumi ni sadamerukoto.Condense, t. v. Katameru, kataku suru,chiiimeru.Condescend, t. v. Herikudaru, kensonsuru.Condition, ;;. Yosu, yodai ; arisama,mibun ; kajo, kado. Ufion this —kono gi ni tsuite, kono koto ni yotte.— of sale, seri-uri no kisoku.Conditionally, adv. Ni motodzuite, niyotte, ni shitagatte.Condole, t. v. Kuyami wo iu.Conduce, t. v. Tame ni suru. — tohealth, yojo ni suru.no tameConducive, fl. T:meninaru.Conduct, n. Okonai, giyogi, furumai,shogiyo ;tori-atsukai, tori-okonai.Conduct, i. v. Michi-biku, annai suru,tsureru ;tori-atsukau, tori-okonau ; shihaisuru.Conductor, «. Annai-ja, kimo-iri, toriatsukai-nin.Confabulation, ». Hanashi-ai.CoNFErxioN, n. Neriyaku.Confectioner, n. Kuwashi-ya.Confectionery, n. Satodzuke, kuwashi.CoNFEDER.^CY, n, Toto, yaku-soku shiteiru koto, kei-yaku shite itchi ni narukoto.Confer, t. v. Okuru, sadzukeru, atayeru.Confer, i. v. Sodan suru, hiyogi suru.Conference, n. Dampan, osetsu, kakeai,sodan, taidan ; hanashi-ai.Confess, t. v. Hakujo suru, sange suru,akasu.Confession, «. Hakujo, sange.Confessional, «. Tenshukiyo no montoga kiyoshi ni tsumi wo sange suru tokoro.Confessor, n. lesu no oshiye ni shitagauto kotaye akasu mono. Tenshukiyono tsumi wo sange suru wo kikukiyoshi.Confide, i. v. Shinko suru, shindzuru,tanomu, makaseru.Confide, t. v. Adzukeru, yoru, makaseru,yudaneru.Confidence, «. Shinko, shindzuru koto,shinyo ; slnmpuku, tanomi.Confident, a, Kesshite iru, kiwamatteiru ; daitan naru.Confidential, a. Shimpuku no.Confidently, adv. Kesshite, kiwamete,ketsujo shite.Configuration, n. Katachi, sugata.Confine, ;/. Sakai, kagiri.Confine, t. v. Kiwameru, komoraseru,kagiru. To be confined, san suru, uchini komoru, hikikomotte pru.Confinement, «. Komoru koto, hikikomorukoto.Confirm, t. v. Sadameru, kimeru, katameru,ketsujo suru.Confirmation, «. Sadameru koto, shoko.Confiscate, t. v. Ton-ageru, mosshusuru, kessho suru.Confiscation, n. Tori-.-ige, mosshu,kessho.Conflagration, n. Kuwaji, shukkuwa.Conflict, n. Uchi-ai, tatakai, senso.

IICongratulate,IjCongratulation,_CON 39 CON;Conflict, t. v. Uchi-au, tatakau, sensosuru, giyaku suru.Confluence, n. Ochi-ai.Conform, /. v. Shitagau, kanau.Conformation,-Shitagau '^^' '--"koto, kanaukatachi.CONFORMITY, Kanau koto, shitagaukoto.Confound, t. v. Mayowaseru, magirawasu,midasu.Confront, t. v.CoNFUCIU ,Coxfucianisai, n. Judo, jugaku.CoNFUCiAKisT, «. Jusha.Confuse, i. v. Midasu, mayowaseru,konzatsu saseru ;midareru, hechi womakuru, mayou ;urotayeru.Confusion, n. Konzatsu, midare, ran,urotaye, robai, mayoi.Confute, t. v, Heiko saseru, ii-tsumeru,ii-komeru.Congeal, /. v. Katameru. (/. z'.) Ratamaru,koru, giyokelsu suru.Congenial, a, Kokoro ni kanau, au.Congenital, a. Umare nagara no. —sy/'hilis^ taidoku. — disease^ sentendoku.Congestion, n. Chi no ichi bu-bun nikodzumu koto. — o/ head^ nobose,giyakujo.Conglomeration,matte iru koto.Conglutination,Midari niHebari-tsuiteatsuirukoto, nenchaku.t. v. Iwai wo iu, shukusuru, shugi wo iu, omedeto.n. Iwai, shugi.Congregate, t. v. Atsumeru, yoseru.(i.

t'jIi|jjjICON 40 CONConsignor, n. Adzuke nin.Consignment, n. Adzukari ni-motsu,adzukeru koto.Consist, /. v. Kanau ; aru. To — of^koshirayeru.Consistence, «. Katasa, kosa.Consistent, a. Katai ;Jcanau, ni-awashii,s66 shite iru.Consolation, n. Nagusame, anshin.Console, t. v. Nagusameru.Consolidate, /. v. Katameru, katakusuru ;awaseru, gassuru. (z. &.) Kata-Conspirator, n. Toto-nin.Constable, n. Meshi-tori yakunin.Constancy, «. Kesshin, kengo naru kokoro.Constant, a. Kengo naru, kawarazaru.Constellation, n. Shuku. The 28 —niju-has-sh uku.Consternation, n. Giy6ten,akireru koto,bikkuri.Constipate, t. v. Kessuru, tsumaru.Constipation, n. Hiketsu. bempei.Constitute, /. v. Tateru, sadamerumeidzuru, nindzuru ; nasu, kumi-tateru.Constitution, n. Sei-shitsu, kumi-tate,jin-tai, sho-ai ; sei-tai, sei-ji ; horitsu,Consulate, n. Riyoji-kuwan.Consult, t. v. Sodan suru, dampan suru,sensaku suru, kake-au, kayeri-miru. !Consultation, n. Sodan, dampan, ka-\ke-ai.Consume, t. v. Tsuiyasu, tsukusu, takitsukusu,tsukai-hatasu, naku suru.(?. V.) Tsukiru, tsuiyeru,Consummate, t. v.naku naru.j6-ju suru, shi-togeru,kiwameru.Consummate, a. Shigoku na, itatte no.Consumption,tsuiye, taki-tsukusun. Tsuki-hatasukoto. — oj"koto,the,!'Contaminate, t. v. Kegasu, yogosu, fu-,Conson.ant, a. Kanau, au.luf^gs, rosho, rogai.Consonant, n. Shi-in, ko ji.Consumptive, a. Roshojnite y<strong>and</strong>e iru.Consort, n. Tsure-ai, tsuma.Contact, «. Tsuite oru koto. Place inConsort, t. v. Tsure-au, tsuki-au. — , tsukete oku, tsukeru. To be in — ,1Conspicuous, a. Hiidetaru, me ni tatsu,medattaru, nukindetaru.tsuite oru.Contagion, n. Den-sen, yamai no utsuruConspicuously, adv. Hiidete, medatte,nukindete.Conspiracy, n. Toto, ichi-mi, mei-yakukoto ;yaku-biyo, yeki.Contagious, a. Utsuru, den-sen suru. I— .disease, densem-biyo.Contain, shite kuwadateru koto.Conspire, t. v. Meiyaku shite kuwadateru,/. v. Hairu, iru, fukumu, nose- inareau, toto suru, ichi misuru.\]!jo ni suru,Contemn, t. v. lyashimeru, karondzuru,'anadoru, mi-sageru, sageshimu, naigashironi omou.Contemplate, t. v. Kangamiru, tsura-]tsura nagameru ; kangayeru, kayeri-Contemporaneous, a. Onaji toki no,mini.Contemporary, a. Onaji toki nodo-ji no,Contempt, n. Karondzuru koto, iyashimerarerukoto, iyashimi.Contemptible, a. lyashiki, hiretsu na.Contemptuous, a. Koman naru, -sageshimi-tarufuri naru.Contend, /. v. Kisou, arasou, hagemiau,tatakau, kenkuwa suru giron siu-u.Content, t. v.j;Manzoku saseru, nada-|meru, akirameru, yasundzuru.)Contented,/. «. Chisoku naru, yasun-okite.Constitutional, a. Umare-tsuki na, koku-honi shitagau.CoNSTR.\iN, /. V. Shiiru, osu, muri ni su-Jlt€ , kototaru to omou, anshin shitejru, shikata nashi ni suru, yoginaku suru.Constraint, n. Oshi-komeru koto, oshikomerarerukoto.By — . muri-ni,shiite,oshite, yoginaku, yamu koto yedzu ni. Contention, n. Kenkuwa, koron, soron,Constrict, t. v. Chijimeru, shimeru, arasoi, giron, isakai ; seri-ai, tori-ai,shuren suru. (j. v^ Chijimaru.monchaku.CoNSTRiNGE, t. z>. Shuren suru, chijimeru.Contentious, a. Arasoitagaru, kenkuwadzuki 110, giron-dzuki na.Construct, t. v. Tsukuru, koshirayeru, CoNTENiTiiENT, ft. Anshin, chisoku.tateru ; mokeru, zoyei suru.Contest, t. ?'. Giron suru, rondzuru.Construction, n. Koshirayeru koto, tateruarasou, kisou, seri-au, momi-au.Contest, «. Kenkuwa, soron, arasoi,koto tate-kata, tsnkuri-kata, sei-;saku bunsho.;Construe, t. v. Honyaku suru, naobu Cv )NTiGuous, a. Tsugi no, tsudzuite onutoki-akasiLContinent,/*. Tai-shu.Consul, n. Riyo-ji. — .general, s6-riyoji.Fice — , fuku-riyoji.no koto,Contingency, «, Hakarazaru koto, fujirinji.

CON 41CONContingent, a. Omoi-gake nai, rinji no,fuji nn.Continual, a. Tayema naki, fudan naru,toshite aru, j'amezaru.Continually, adv. Tayema-naku, toshite,fudan ni, tsudzuite.Continue, /. v. Sumu, matsu, oru, tamotsu,todomaru.Continuous, a. Tayema naki, fudannaru, tsudzuite iru.tsumeru, yakusoku suru. musubu ;hiki-ukeru,ukeau. — itch, shitsu wokaku.CoNTR.\CT, t. V. Chijimaru, semaku naru,mijikaku naru. — for, yakusokusuru, hiki-ukeru, ukeau.Contract, n. Yakusoku, yukujo, ukeoi,j6-yaku. Written — j6-yaku sho.,Contractibility, w. Chijimerareru koto.Contractility, «. Chijimaru koto.Contraction, n. Chijimi.Contractor, n. Ukeoi-nin, hike-ukenin.Contradict, t. v. li-kesu, sakarote iu.Contradiction, n. li-kesu koto, sakaroteiu koto ;sakarau koto.Contraries, n. Han-tai.Contrariety, n. Sakarote oru koto, hantainaru koto.Contrariwise, adv. Kayette.Contrary, a.karote iru,Giyaku na, hantai no, sa-wagamama no. — wind,giyaku-fu.Contrary, n. Hantai, urahara. On theContrast, t. v. Hiki-kuraberu.Contrast, n. Han-tai, urahara.Contravene, t. v. Sakarau, somuku,motoru; sashi-tsukayeru samatageru.Contravention, n.;Somuku koto, samatage.Contribute, /. v. Dashi-au ; ageru, joseisuru. — to a Bud. tetnple, kuwankinwo ageru. — to a viiya, kishinsuruContribution, «. Dashi-atta mono,joseishitaru mono, kuwankin, kishin.Contrite, a. Kuyamitaru, kokuwai suru.Contrition, n. Kuyami, kokuwai, zan-Contrivance, n. Kufu, tedate ; shikake,saiku.Contrive, t. v. Kufu suru, mokuromu,takunamu, hakaru, hatsu-mei suru.Control, t. v. Shihai suru, osameru,tori-shimeru ; hikayeru ; kindzuru.Control, n. Shihai, tori-shimari, osame,hikaye.Controversy, n. Giron, soron, arasoi,koron, ihai.Controvert, /. v. Giron suru, arasou,soron suru.Contumacious, a. Giyaku na, furachina,futodoki na.Contort, t. t>. Nejiru.Contumelious, a. Ohei na.Contorted,/, a. Nejireru.Contumely, «. lyashimeru koto.Contour, n. Katachi.Contuse, ;". v: Utsu, tsuki-kudaku.Contrab<strong>and</strong>, a. Kinzei no. — goods, Contusion, Uchi-kidzu, uchimi.kinzei no shina-mono, go hatto na mono.Conundrum, n. Nazo.Convalesce, i. v. Zen-kuwai suru,Contract, t. v. Chijinieru, chiisaku hombuku suru, heiyu suru, kuwafukusuru, semaku suru, niijikaku suru ;suru.Convalescence, n. Zen-kuwai.Convalescent, a. Zen-kuwai shiteoru.Convene, t. v. Atsumeru, matomeru,yoseru ;yobi-atsumeru. (/. v.) Atsu-Convenience, «. Benri no yoi mono,tsugo no j^oi koto, chodo yoi mono. Atyour — , tsuide ni, go tsugo no yoi tokini shi nasai.CoNVENiFNj, a. Benri na, tsugo no yoki,chodo yoi.Convent, n. An, amadera.Convention, «. Kuwai-gi, shugi-in.Converge, /. ?/. Yori-atsumaru.Conversant, a. Majiwatte oru, tsukiatte-oru;juku shite oru, tasshitaru.Conversation, n. Hanashi, danwa, majiwari,okonai, giycigi..Converse, /. v. Hanasu, danwa suru,d<strong>and</strong>zuru. — together, hanashi-au.Conversely, adv. Kayette, sakasamani, kawarite.CoNyERSiON, n. Kawaru koto, henkuwa,kaishin, kokoro no aratamaru koto.Convert, t. v. Kayeru, henkuwa saseru,kaishin saseru, aratameru. (z. i'.)Kawaru, henkuwa suru, kaishin suru,aratamaru.Convert, n. Kaishin shitaru hito.Convertible, a. Kayerareru, henkuwasareru.Convex, a. Naka-daka, marui.Convey, t. v. Hakobu, unso suru, okuru,motte-yuku, watasu.Conveyance, n. Un-s6, okuru koto,unso suru mono.Convict, /. v. Tsumi ari to sadameru,tsumi ari to moshi-tsukeru.CoNVKT, >i. Tsumi-bito, toga-nin, meshiudo,zai-nin.Conviction, n. Tsumi wo sadameru ko-

CON 42— by frying^ ageru. — by broiling ortoastingy aburu.Cook, n. Riyori-nin.Cool, «, Sudzushii, tsumltai, hiyakoi,hiyayaka na, heiki no, ochi-tsuitaru,utomu, utoi, habakari naki, yenriyo naki.— 0/ the evenings yu-sudzumi.Cool, t. v. Hiyasu, samasu. (z. v.) Hiyeru,sameru, utomu.Coolness, n. Hiyasa, tsumitasa.Coolie, n. Ninsoku, karuko, shigotoshi.Coop, n. Toya, ori, togura.Cooped, /. v. Komorite oru.Cooper, n. Oke-ya.Co-oper.\te, i. V. Chikara wo awaseru,tetsudau, suke wo suru.Co-ordinate, a. Do-kaku naru, onajikurai no.Copaiba, n. Barsam kopaibe.Co-partnership, n. Shachiu, sho-sha,nakama.Cope, i. v. Arasou, kisou, tatakau, ruiCopious, d. Baku-tai nam, taiso, taisona, obitadashii, 6i.Copiously, adv. Bakutai ni, taiso ni,obitadashiku, tappuri, oku.Copper, n. Akagane, do.Copperas, n. Roha, riyokuban.Copper-plate, n. Do-ban, doban-dzuri.Coppersmith, w. Akagane-shi.Coppice, n. Mori, yabu.Copulate, i. v. Kogo suru, majiwaru,tsurumu.Copy, «, Shita-gaki, sei-sho, utsushiammon, gesho, soko, honsho, tehon, bu.Copy, t. v. Utsusu, mane wo suru, manabu,narau.CORConvince, /. v. Hei-k6 saseru, ii-komeru,Coral, n. Sangoju, umi-matsu.ii-sukumeru.Cord, «. Himo, nawa, o.Convivial, a. — meetings^ shuyen, sakamori,Cordage, n. Nawa, tsuna.kiyo-6.Cordial, a. Shinsetsu na, nengoro na.Convocation, n. Yobi-atsumeru koto, — vtedicine, ki-tsuke no kusuri.Cordiality, ?i. Shinsetsu,shugi.Convoke, t. v. Yobi-atsumeru.Core, n. Shin, dzui.Convoluted, a. Makitaru, unekuru. Corea, n. Chosen, korai.Convolvulus, n. Asagao.Cork, «. Sen.Convoy, n. Keigo.Corkscrew, m. Sen-nuki.Convulse, t. -v. Hiki-tsukeru.Cormorant, «. U.Convulsion, n. Kiyofu, kei-ren, hikitsukekoshi.One — o_f wheat., mugi hi'oCorn, n. Go-koku. (jnaize), tomoro-Coo, n. Hate no naki-goye.tsubu, riu. — oft the /oat., tako.Cook, t. v. Taku, riyori suru. — by Corn, t. v. Shio-dzuke ni suru. To Iboilings niru, taku, uderu, senjiru, yuderu,— by baking or roasting^ yaku. Cornea, n.corned, sake ni yotta.Kaku-maku.Corner, n. Kado, kaku, sumi. {t. v.) Sumini oshi-tsukeru, oshi-tsumeru, oitsumeru.Coronation, «. Sokui.Coroner, m. Kenshi, kantoku.Corporation, n. Sha-chiu, kuwai-sha.Corporeal, a. Tai no, karada, u-tai. ;,Corpse, n. Shigai, shikabane.Corpulence, n. Himan.Corpulent, a. Koye-tattaru, buta-butato koyeru.Correct, a. Tadashii ; sei-choku imachigai naki.Correct, t. v. Naosu, tadasu, aratameru;sekkan suru.Correction, n. Aratame, sekkan, imashime,naoshi.Correctly, adv. Tadashiku, machigawadzuni.Correspond, /. v. Kanau, au, odzuru,soto suru, tekito suru ; tsushin suru,otodzure wo suru.Correspondence, n. Kanau koto, tekito;otodzure, tsushin.Correspondent, a. Tekito naru, sotonaru, kanotaru.Correspondent, w. Tegami wo tori-yarino hito.Corridor, n. Roka.Corroborate, t. v. Kimeru, tsumabirakani suru, hakkiri to suru.Corrode, t. v. Kusarasu, shimi-komu,\herasu.Corrosive, a. Kusarasu, shirai-komita^ru. — sublimate^ moko.Corrugate, t. v. Shiwa yoseru.Corrupt, t. v. Kusarasu ;kegasu, waru-.ku suru. (/. V.) Kusaru, kuchiru, kegareru.Corrupt, a. Kusaretaru ;yokoshima na,.aku, ja, ashiki.Copy-book, n. So-shi.Copylng-press, n. Kaki-mono wo utsusukikai.Coquet, i. v. Ai-kiyo wo tsukuru, kobi-Corruptible, a.Corruption, n.Kusareru, kuchiru.Kusarashi, kusari, ku-ichiru koto, waruku naru koto.

_Co£.T, n. Nedan, atai, ne, iriyo, niuyoson.Cost, /. v. Kakaru.;To — a great deal,jrokodo kakarimashita.Costume, a. Kessuru.Costly, a. Nedan-takaki, kojiki na.Costume, n. Ifuku, isho, kimono.Cottage, n. Koya, iye.Cotton, Wata, momen, kiwata. —Jlannel,mompa. — goods, momen, futomono.— clothes, mempuku. — vel-43 CRA*, z/^/, membirodo, menten. — yarn, m.omen-ito.— rug, mensen. — ^'«, ki-Courtesy, n. Shinsetsu, aiso, reigi.Joro, yu-jo, oiran.wata-guri.Court-house, n. Saiban-sho.Couch, /. v. Neru, fuseru, kakusu, sukumeru.Cousin, «. Itoko. Second — , futa-ito-Court-yard, n. Niwa.Coi'CH, n. Nedai, nedoko.Cough, tt. Seki. Moist — , tan-seki.ko.Covenant, n. Joyaku, yakujo, yakusoku.Cough, /. v. Seki wo suru, seki ga deru.Council, n. Kuwaigi, shugi-in.Covenant, /. v. Yakujo suru.Counsel, n. Iken, sodan, dampan ; riyo- Cover, n. Futa ;6u mono.Cover, t. v. Ou, kakusu, kabuseru, osou ;CouNSEL, t. V. Iken suru, imashimeru, futa suru,kabau ;oyobu, tsutsumu.isameru, riyoken wo noberu.Coverlet, n. Ne-dai no uye no shikimono.Count, t. v. Kazoyeru. kanjo suru, omou.Countenance, n. Kao, omote, tsura, Covert, a. Hisoka naru, naisho na.kambase, men. Gizie — to, susumeru. Covertly, adv. Hisoka-ni, shinonde.To kcej> the — , magao wo shite iru. To Covet, t. v. Hoshigaru, hossuru.lose — , memboku wo ushinau.Covetous, a. Tonyoku suru, musaboru,Counter, adv. Run — to^ somuku, sa- yoku-baru, hoshigaru, yoku-fukai.Counteract, t. V. Naku suru,.kesu.Counterbalance, t, v. Tsuri-au.Counterfeit, t. v, Niseru, magayeru.Counterfeit, n. Nise-mono, nisegane,gambutsu.Counterfeit, a. Nise, sora. — insanity,sora kichigai.Counterm<strong>and</strong>, /. v. Sashidzu wo shinaosu,ii-tsuke naosu.Counter-march, /. v. Hiki-kayeru.Counterpart, n. Ai-kata, waii-han.Counterpoise, /. v. Tsuri-au.Countersign, t. v. Uwagaki wo suru.Countersign, n. Uwagaki ; ai-kotoba,aidzu.Countrified, a. Hinabiru, bukotsu na.Country, n. Kuni ; tochi, inaka, zaigo,hempi. Native — , koltiyo, furusato.Countryman, n. Inaka-mono, do-kokuno hito ; hiyaku-sho.County, n. Kori, gun.Couple, n. Futatsu ; ni, ittsui ; fufu,Couple, t. v. Awaseru, haigo suru, tsu-Course, w. Michi, suji ; hogaku ; ho,shi-yo, shi-katahiki-kaye.In — jun-jun,; narabi.Of — , shizen,ni. In{fif a meal^,mochiron.the — of amonth, hito tsuki no uchi ni.Court, w. Niwa, naka-niwa ;goten, chotei,o-go-sho saiban-sho.Court, t. v.;Kobiru, omoneru, kigen wotorn.Courteous, a. Nengoro-na, aiso no aru,shinsetsu na, teinei na.Courtesan, n.CovETOuSNESS, 71. Tonyoku, musabori.Cow, t. V. Odosu.Cow, ti. Me-ushi.Coward, n. Okubiyo nin, okure-mono.Cowardice, «. Oku-blyo, okure, hikiyo.Cow-hide, n. Ushi no kawa ;ushi nokawa nite koshirayetaSru muchi. To —muchi-utsu.Cow-pox, n. Giu-to.Cowry, «. Takara-gai.Coxcomb, «. Date-otoko ; kei-to.Coy, a. Hadzukashigaru.Cozen, t. v. Damasu.Crab, n. Kani.Crabbed, «. Zonki na, shibutoi.Crack, /. v. Waru, hibiku. — the fingers,yubi wo boki-boki to oru.Cracked porcelain, n. Hibi-yaki, raku-yaki.Crack, n. Wari-me, hibiki.CR.A.CKERS, n. Fire — , kanshakudama.Crackle, i. v. Pachi-pachi to hibiku.Cradle, n. Kodomo wo nese oku dogu,tsuguro.Craft, n. Kagiyo, shoku-giyo, takumi,waru-dakumi.Crafty, n. Kokuwatsu na, waru-gashikoi.CouRAGE, n. Yuki, goyu, isamashisa.Courageous, a. Yuki naru, isamashii,takeki kimo-futoi.;Courier, w. Haya bikiyaku, hikiyaku, Crag, n. Iwa.hay a.Cra.m, t. V. Tsumeru, oshi-komu ;tabe-

CRA 44 CROsugi saseru. (/. 7'.) Aku made— the }>iouth, hobaru.Cramp, n. Tsuri, hilci-tsuri.kurau.— in thelegy komura-gayeri.Crane, n. Tsuru.Cranium, n. No-gai-kotsu.Cranny, n. Sukima.Crape, n. Chirimen.Crate, «. Waku.Crater, n. Kuwa-zan no yake ana.Craunch, n. Kamu.Cravat, n. Kubi-maki.Crave, t. v. Kou, koi-negau, tanguwansuru, tanomu.Craven, a. Okubiyo na.Crav-fish, n. Yebi.Craw, «, Yebukuro.Crawl, t. v. Hau.Crazy, a. Kichigai no, ranshin naru,kurijte oru.Creak, i. v. Kishiru, kishimu.Cream, n. Chichi no uwa-kawa.Crease, n. Ori-me.Create, t. v. Shodzuru, tsukuru.Creation, n. Tsukuru koto ; kai-biyaku.Creator, n. Zobussha, tsukuru mono.Creature, n, Tsukureru mono, dobotsu;hito, mono.Credence, n. Shinyo. shinko.Credential, n. Shoko-gaki.Credihilitv, «. Shinjiraruru koto.Credible, a. Shinjiraruru.Credit, n. Shinyo ;homare. Buy on— , kake de kau, kai-gakari. Sell on —kake de uru, kake-uri. Lharge to my— , hiki-maye ni kaki-ireru.Credit, t. v. Shinko suru, shinyo suru,shindzuru hiki-maye ni kaki ireru.Creditor,;n. Kane no kashi nushi,kashi-kata.Credulous, a. Yasuku shinyo suru.Creed, n. Shindzuru tokoro.Creek, n. Ko-gawa iri-umi, iri-i.Creep, t. v.;Hau, ugomeku. Make toCriminal, «. Tsumibito, toganin,meshiudo. — la-zvs, kei-ho.Tsumi woCRIMIN.ATE, /. waseru,7'.toga wo kiseru.Crimp, t. v. Hida wo tsukeru.Crimson, n. Kurenai, beni-iro.Cringe, t. v. Sukumu, osore-chijimu,Cripple, n. Katawa, izari, koshi-nuke,fugu na mono, chimba, ashi-naye.Crippled,/./. Fugu ni naru ;sonjiru.Crisis, n. Kiu-shi-issho no toki, kiwadoitoki, ayauki toki.Crisp, n. Moroi, chijimaru.Criterion, n. Tehon, jogi, kisoku.Critic, n. Kantei sha, hi-hiyo nin, mekiki.Critical, a. Kiwadoi, kiu-shi-issho no,ayauki, shomotsu no h<strong>and</strong>an wo suru,hi wo uchitagaru.Criticise, t. v. Hi wo utsu, hiyo suru.Croak, t. v. Karasu no yo ni naku, fusokuwo iu, wabite mono wo iu.Crock, n. Kame.Crockery, n. Yaki-mono, setomono.Crocodile, n. Wani.Crook, /. v. Mageru, kagameru, tawameru.(/. 7'.) Magaru, kagamu, tawamu,j^ugamu.Crook, n. Magari.Crooked,/, a. Magaritaru.Crop, n. . Yebukuro. {Of grain ^ saku,deki.Crop, t. v. Hasami-kiru, karu. —

CROCroup, n. Bahifu.Cultivation, n. Tagayeshi, tsukuri,Crow, n. Karasu.shugiyo, shi-tsuke, bummei, kai-kuwa.Crow, i. v. Toki wo tsukuru.Culture, «. Id.Crow-bar, «j. Kanabo, kanateko. Cumber, t. v. Hodasu, samatageru jamasuiu, sasawaru. (z. !v.) Hodasareru.Crowd, n. Qzei, kunju, mure.Crowd, i. v, Kunju suru, atsumaru, muragaru,— into^ oshi-iru, oshi-yoseru. washii, sasawari ni naru.Cumbersome, a. Jama ni naru, wadzura-Crown, n. Koku 6 no kammuri, teppen, Cumbrance, «. Jama, sasawari.dzuboshi, itadaki, zetcho.CuMSHAW, n. Shinjo-mono.Cpown, i. V. Kammuri suru, soku-i suru, Cumulate, t. v. Kasaneru, tsumu.kabuseru, jojfi suru.Cunning, a. Kokuwatsu na, warugashikoi; riko na, kashikoki. "Crlcible, «. Rutsubo.Crucifix, n. Jujika no z6.Cup, n. Wan, choku ; sakadzuki.Crucifixion, n. Hari-tsuke, jujika ni Cup, /. V. Suifukube wo kakeru.uchi-tsukeru koto.Cupboard, n. Todana, zendana.Crucify, /. v. Hari-tsuke ni kakeru, jujikani uchi tsukeru.Cupping-glass, n. Suifukube.Cupidity, n. Musabori, tonj^oku.Crude, a. Nama no, arai, somatsu na, Cur, 71. Inu.namajiki no.Curable, a. Naosareru, iyasareru.Cruel, a. Mugoi, nasake no nai, muzan Curb, t. v. Hikayeru, osayeru.n^ru, funinjo na, hakujo na, jaken na, Curb, «. Kutsuwa. /Kr?// — , ido-gawa.kakoku na, kawaiso na.Curd, n. Katamattaru chichi.Cruelty, «. Mugoi-me, jaken, funinjo. Curdle, i. v. Katamaru.Cruise, /. v. Fune nite tokai suru. Cure, n. Riyoji, naoru koto.Crumb, n. Pan no kudzu.Crumble, t. v. Momi-kudaku, kudzusu.(/. V.) Kudzureru.Crumple, t. v. Shiwa-j'oseru, momu.Crupper, n. Shirigai.Crush, /. 7'. Osu, oshi-tsukeru, oshi-tsubusu,oshi-kudaku, assuru.Crust, n. Uwa-kawa, kara.Crusty, a. Iji ga warui.Cry, i. 7'. Naku, koku suru. yobu. —oni, sakebu,ru. — ;c/, homeru. — doiun^ soshiru,kenasu. Preparing to — , mesokaku,besokaku. — to, tanguwan suru, inoru.wameku, omeku, yobawa-Cry, «. Naki, sakebi.Crystal, «. Suisho.Crystallize, i. v. Koru, katamaru.Cub, n. Ko, kedamono no ko.Cube, n. Rippo.CuBEB, n. Hihatsu.Cuckoo, n. Hototogisu.Cucumber, n. Kiuri.Cud, n. Chew the — , neri-kamu.Cudgel, n. Bo, tsuye.Cue, h. Mage, motodori, tabusa.Cuff, t. v. Te de tataku.Cuff, n. Sode-guchi.Cuirass, n. Yoroi no do.Cull, t. v. Yerabi-toru.Cul.min.\te, i. V. Toge ni itaru, sakannaru.Culmination, n. Sakari, toge, sakannaru toki.45 cusCure, t. v. Naosu, iyasu, riyoji suru.(i. V. Naoru, iyeru, ji-suru. — fishysakana wo kakou, shiwo-dzuke wo suru.Curiosity, «. Kikitagaru koto, medzu-mono, chimbutsu, kibutsu.rashiiCurious, a. Medzurashii, kimiyo na,kitai na ; kikitagaru.Curl, t. v. Nejiru, niageru (/. v.) Chi-Currency, n. Tsu-yo-kin, kuwa-hei.Paper — , cho-hei, shi-hei. To give —riuko suru, ii-hiromera, rufu suru.Current, a. Tsuyo no ; riuko no. —month, to-getsu, kon-getsu.Cl'rrent, n. Nagare, riuko.tsurei. — report, torisata.— usage^Currently, adv. Tsune ni, heizei ni.Curry, t. v. Kushi-kedzuru, kedzuru.— favor, kobiru, tori-iru.Curry-comb, n. Uma no kushi.Curse, t. v. Norou, tokobu ; komaraseru.(/. V.) Nonoshiru, akko suru.Cu^SE, ti. Noroi, akko, tatari.Cursorily, adv. Zatto, soriyaku ni.Cursory, a. Soriyaku na.Curt, a. Mijikaki.Curtail, /. v. Mijikaku suru, habuku,gendzuru, herasu.Curtain, n. Maku, tobari, noren, ibaku,cho.Curve, t. v. Mageru, soru, kagameru.(/. z;.) Magaru.Curve, n. Nabe dzuru nari.Culpable, a. Togamu beki, tsumi aru. CpSHiON, n. Zabuton.CuLi'RiT, n. Zai-nin, toga-nin.Custodian, n. Ban suru mono, mamori.Cultivate, /. v. Tagayesu, tsukuru, Custody, w. IMamoru koto, ban surii-shugiyo suru, shi-tsukeru.koto, toji-komeru koto.

cus 46 DARCustom, n. Narawashi, hoshiki, ho, fu,fuzoku, shi-kitari ; unjo. Good run of— , akinai ga hanjo suru.Customable, a. Unjo no deru.Customary, a. Tsurei no, fudan no,itsumo no, tsune no.Customer, «. Tokui, kiyaku.Custom-house, n. Unjosho.Cut, t. V. Kiru, sogu, kizamu, tatsu,horu, karu. — to the quick, tessuru.— asunder, kiri-hanasu. — across^yoko ni kiru, yokogiru. — down, kiritaosu,kiri-otosu ; herasu, gendzuru.— o^, tatsu, tayasu, danzetsu suru,sayegiru. — out, tatsu. — open, kiriakeru,kiri-hiraku, kiri-saku. — into,kiri-iru, kiri-komu. — each other,kiri-au. About to — , kiri-kakaru. —fine, kizamu, kiri-kudaku. — withscissors, hasami-kiru. — the wages,kiu-kin wo hiku. — <strong>and</strong> dried, mayekara mokete oru. — a dash , omote woharu. — C(2/>^rj, tawamureru. — short,yame-saseru. — u_p, kiri-saku ;hihanwo utsu. — the acquaintance of, majiwariwo tatsu. — the teeth, ha gahayeru.Cut, n. Kiri-kidzu. — of a garment,kimono no nari. Short — , chika-michi,nnke-michi. To draw cuts, kuji wohiku.Cuticle, n. Hiyohi.Cutlass, «. Katana.Cutler, n. Hamono-shi, hamono-kaji.Cutlery, n. Hamono.Cut-purse, «. Kinchakkiri, suri.Cutting-block, n. Kiriban.Cuttlefish, n. Ika.Cyclone, n. Tai-fu.Cylinder, n. Tsutsu.Cymbal, n. Niyohachi.Cynical, a. Rikutsu wo ii-tagaru.DDab, t. V. Tataku.Damsel, n. Musume, otome, shinzo.Dabster, «. Jodzu na hito.Dance, /. z/. Odoru, mau. {t.v.') Odoraseru,Daddy, n. O-totsan.mawasu. («.) Odori, mai.Dagger, n. Kuwai-ken.Dancer, n. Odori-ko, maiko.Daily, a. Nichi-nichi no, mai-nichi no, D<strong>and</strong>elion, n. Tampo.hi-nami no, hi-bi no.D<strong>and</strong>er, n. Fuke. To raise one's —Daily, adv. Nichi-nichi ni, hi-goto-ni. hara-tataseru.Dainty, a. Oishii, bimi naru.D<strong>and</strong>le, /. v. Ayasu.Dainty, n. Chim-mi, bi-mi, bi-shoku.n.D<strong>and</strong>ruff, Fuke.Dairy, n. Chichi wo oku koya, niubo.D.\ndy, n. Share-mono, hadesha.Danger, n, Kennon, ayauki, abunasa,Dale, n. Tani, sawa.abunai koto.Dally, i. v. Asobite toki tsuiyasu,wo a. Dangerous, Abunai, ayaui, kennonhimadoru ; tawakeru.naru.Dam, t. V. Seku, seki-tomeru.Dangle, /. v. Burari to sagaru, buratsuku,Damage, n. Kidzu, son, itami, gai, soketsuru.nai ; tsugunai kin. .v Daphne-odora, n. Jin-choke.Damage, t. v. Itameru, sondzuiu, sokonau,Dapple, a. Buchi, madara.gai suru, yaburu. To be damaged, Dare, i. v.itamu, sonjirareru, sokonawareru. — dasu.Ayete suru. {t. v.) Yobi-Daring, a. Daitan naru, mukomidzu no,Dame, n. Onago.dzubutoi, futekiDamn, /. v. Tsumi aru to sadameru, — , ayedzu.na, yuretsu na. Nottsumi su-beki mo to ii-watasu, nonoshininaranuDark, a. Kurai, kurai-yami na, akiraka-;kakureru ; ashiki. («.) Kurayami.— lantern, g<strong>and</strong>ojochin. —Damn.'v.ble, a. Tsumi su-beki, jigoku noseme ni au beki.night, an-ya. Pitch — , makkura.Damp, a. Shimeru, nureru.Darken, t. v. Kuraku suru, kurameru.Dampen, /. v. Shimesu, nurasu. — the Darkness, n. Kurayami, kurasa.ardor, kisaki wo kujiku.Darling, a. Kawairashii, airashii, it6- \D.^mpness, }i. Shikki, midzake.shii.

DAR 47 DECDarn, /. %'. Nui-tsukurou.Dart, «. Te-yari, nage-yari. To throw no sanaka.a — yari wo nageru.Deaden, *,t. v. Yawarageru.Dart, /. v. — out, hane-deru, tobi-deru. Deadly, a. Shinaseru, inochi ni kakaru.if. V.) Idasu, hassuru.Deaf, a. Tsumbo naru, kikoyenu, kikitaku-nai.— in one ear, kata-tsumbo,Dash, i. v. Nageru, utsu. — the hopes^nozomi wo kujiku, or oru. — against^ — <strong>and</strong> dumb, oshi.nage-tsukeru, uchi-tsukeru. — out^ De.afen, t. V. Mimi wo tsubusu, tsumbouchi-kesu, kake-dasu. — through, hashiri-toru.— together^ uchi-au, tsuki-Deaf-mute, n. Oshi.ni suru.Deafness, n. Tsumbo.au.Dash, n. Uchi, tsuki-ai, sashi.Deal, /. v. \yari-tsukeru, hai-bun suru,Dastard, n. Oku-biyo-nin.hodbkosu, segiyo suru. {i. v.) Akinau,Date, n. Gappi, toki, koro.shobai suru ; ashirau, okonau ; nasu,Date, t. v. Gappi wo kaku, hidzuke wo suru. — with, tori-atsukau, shochisuru, toki wo sadameru.suru.Date, n. Natsume.Deal, n. GreatDative, n. —— yohodo.,case is indicated by the matsu no ita.— wood,Dealer, 91. Akindo, shobai suru hito.post-pos. ni, ye.Daub, t, v. Nuru, nasuru. Daubed^ Dear, a. Takai, kojiki na, airashii, kawairashii.darake, mabure.Daughter, n. Musume. Eldest — , anemusume.Youngest — , imoto musume. Death, «. Shi. Life <strong>and</strong> —, s&i-sh.uDearly, adv. Takaku, itaku.Daughter-in-law, n. Yome.Debar, t. v. Kindzuru, kinzei suru, kobamu.Daunt, t. v. Osoruru.Dawn, n. Yo-ake, akebono, akatsuki. Debark, /. v. j6-riku suru.Be/ore — , mi-mei.Debase, /. v. Waruku suru, hiki-sageru,Dawn, i. v. Yo ga akeru.kurai wo otosu.Day, n. Nichi, hi. To — , kon-nichi, Debate, «. Giron, soron. (/. v.) Arasou,First day of the month, tsuitachi.giron suru.kiyo. Last day of the month, misoka. Debauch, t. v. Shu-shoku ni fukeru ;First day of the year, ganjitsu. Last taburakasu ; sosonokasu.day of the year, o-misoka, 6-tsumogori. Debauchee, n. Hoto nin, doraku mono,Another — , ta-jitsu. Day after tontorroiv,horatsu na mono.miyo-go-nichi, asatte. SecondShu-shoku.Shakuy6-j6-mon,day after to-morroiu, shi-asatte. DayDebauchery, n.Debenture, n.before yesterday^Day byoto-toi, issakujitsu. Debilitate, t. v.day, nichi-nichi, hi-bi ni. meru.Yowaku suru, yowa-What day? ikka. Day-time, hiru. Debility, n. Yowaki koto, yowasa.shujitsu, All day, hime-mosu. Everyt. v. Debit, ataye shirusu.Kake-uri no woother day, ichi-nichi-oki, kakujitsu.Every third day, mikka oki. Day <strong>and</strong> Debris, n. Kudzu.night, chiu-ya, hiru-yoru. Whole day, Debt, n. Oime, shakkin, shakuzai.shujitsu, himemosu. Day\ work, irishigoto,Debtor, n. Shakkin-jin, shakuzai kata.hiyo, iri. Set day, nichi-gen, Decade, n. Jun.One day, aru hi, iiochi Decalogue, n. Jikkai.jojitsu, hi-giri.no hi.Decamp, i. v. suru, kake-ochiChikutenDay-book, n. De-iri-cho, dai-fuku-cho. wo suru, shuppon suru.Daybreak, n. Decant, t. v. Uwadzumi Yo-ake, akat'juki, asaborake.Before — , asa-madaki, bimei. Decanter, n. Saka-dokuri.wo toru.Day-labor, n. Hiyo, iri-shigoto, iri.v. Decapitate, /. Kubi wo kiru.n.Day-laborer, Hiyo-tori./. v. Decay, Otoroyeru, suibi suru ; kuchiru.Daylight, «. Hiru.Daytime, «. Hiru.Decease, n. Shinuru koto, shi. {i. v.)Dazzle, /. v. Mabushiku suru. Dazzled, Shisuru, shinuru.mabushii, mabayui.Deceit, n. ItsuwariDead, a. Shinda, naku natta. —;azamuki, uso, kaman,shi-nin. — /r^t?, kareta ki. — driitik, Deceitful, a. Itsuwaru.yoru no monaka.— ofnight.asleep, ne-komu.Dead, «. Shishitarumono.— of winter, fuyuchin-sui. — ahead, mammukai. — Deceive, t. v. Itsuwaru, azamuku, damasu,taburakasu, sukasu, mayowasu.Deceiver, n. Itsuwaru hito, katari.

IDeduction,IDeducible,Ijokonai,! shomon,, Deem,IDECDecember,/*. Jii-ni guwatsu.De^ncv, n. Ri ni kanau koto ; dori,mibun s6-6 na koto.Decent, a. Dori ni kanau ; s6-6 na.Deception, n. Itsuwari, azamuki, u.so,katari ;mayoi.Decide, t. v. Sadameru, ketsuj5 suru,kessuru, ketchaku suru, ketsudan suru,sumasu.Decided, a. Ketsujo naru, meihaku na,ketchaku na.Decidedly, adv. Kesshite, kitto.Decimate, t. v. Jubu-ichi wo toru.Decipher, t. v. Toku, ge-suru, hon-yakusuru.Decision, n. Ketsudan, ketsujo, sadame,ketchaku.Deck, /. v. Kazaru, yosou.Deck, n. Kampan.Declaim, /. v. Shu-jin no maye nibendzuru.Declaration, n. Hiro suru koto, shiraserukoto.Declare, t. v. Arawasu, hiro suru, shimesu,akasu, shiraseru.Declension, n. Otoroyeru koto, suibi,jitai, kotowari, katamuki.Decline, i. v. Otoroyeru, suibi suru,mayou ; jitai suru, kotowaru, inamu,katamuku.Decline, n. Otoroye, suibi, katamukukoto.48 DEFa. Oshite shiru beshi.Deduct, t. v. Hiku, nozoku./. v. Hiku koto, sui-riyo,oshi-hakaru koto.Deed, n. Koto, shi-waza, shi-kata ; ko ;giyojo, giyogi, giyoseki go;kokenjo, shosho./. v. Omou, suiriyo suru.Deep, a. Fukai, oku no, omoi. — {incolor) koi.Deepen, t. v. Fukaku suru, fukameru,koku suru. {i. v.) Fukaku naru.Deeply, adv. Fukaku.Deepness, n. Fukasa, kosa.Deer, «. Shika.Deface, L v. Mametsu suru, sondzuru,sokonau.Defalcation, «. Adzukari-kin wo kasumerukoto.Defame, i. v. Waruku iu, soshiru,zangen suru, hiho suru.Default, m. Ochido, ayamachi ; aranu,oranu koto.Defaulter, n. Adzukari-kin wo kasumeruhito.Defeat, /. v. Katsu, fusegu, munashikusuru. Defeated., makeru.Defecate, t. v. Sumasu.Defecated, a. Sumu. \i. v.) Daibensuru.Defect, n. Kidzu, itami, kake : fusoku,taranu tokoro.Defection, n. Suteru koto, shirizokuDeclivity, n. Nadare.Decoction, n. Senjiru koto, senyaku.Decompose, t. v. Bunseki suru, tokiwakeru.Defective, a. Fusoku naru, fugu na,sonawaranu, mattakaranu.Decomposition, n. Bunseki, tokeru ko- Defend, t. v. Mamoru, shugo suru, keigosuru, fusegu yokeru.;Decorate, t. V. Kazaru, yosou. Defendant, n. Uttayerareru hito, ukekata,Decorous, a. Ri ni kanau, dori ni s6-t0uke-mi.naru, rei-gi ni kanau.Defense, n. Mamoru mono, shugo suruDecorum, n. Reigi, mibun ni kanau koto.koto, ii-wake, kotaye.Defensive, a. Fusegu, bogiyo suru. ToDecoy, t. v. Obiku, sosonokasu, tsuridasu.st<strong>and</strong> on the — , ukemi wo suru.Decoy-bird, n.Defer, t. v.kifuku suru.Hi-nobe wo suru, noberu ;Otori.Decrease, i. v. Sukunaku naru, heru, Deference, n. Ki-fuku, kei-fuku, tsutsushimi,gendzuru, chiisaku naru. t. v. Herasu,shitagau koto.habuku, sukunaku suru.Deficiency, n. Fusoku, taranu koto.Decree, n. Okite, sadame, nori, kisoku, Deficient, a. Fusoku na, taranu, sonawaranu.horitsu.Decree, t. v. Sadameru, tateru.Deficit, «. Heri, meri, kareberi, kan.Decrepit, a. Oiboretaru, rosui suru. Defile, n. Semai michi.Decrepitate, i. v. Irite pachi-pachi Defile, t. v. Kegasu, yogosu. (/. z/.)naru.Ichi-retsu ni yuku.Decry, t. v. Kenasu, kusasu, soshiru, Define, t. ?'. Kiwameru, sadameru, kimeru,hihan suru.toki-akasu.Dedicate, t. v. Kami ni tsukaye tatematsuruDefinite, a. Kimatte oru.ni sonaye mokeru, ageru. Definitely, adv. Kiwamete.Dedixe, t. 7'. Osu, suisatsu suru, oshite Definition, n. Kotoba no imi wo tokiakasushiru, oshi-hakaru.koto ; imi, omomuki, mune.

. Deliberation,_DEF 49Deflect, i. v. Soreru, hadzureru.bloiv., utsu. — a ser?iio7i^ dangi woDeform, t. v. Katachi wo sondzuru, minikukusuru.suru.Deliverance, n. Tasuke, sukui ; Tiana-Defraud, t. v. Azamuki toru, katari shi, nobe ; san suru koto.toru, kasumeru.Deliverer, h. Tasukeru hito.Defray, t. v. Harau.Delivery, n. Tasuke ; watasu koto,Defunct, a. Shinimashita.shussan, kojo.Degenerate, i. v. Otoroyeru, suibi Dell, «. Tani.Delude, L v. Azakeru, damasu, mayowasu,Deglutition, n, Nomi-komu koto.bakasu.Degrade, t. v. Kurai wo sageru, otosu, Deluge, «. Kodzui, _6-midzu. (/. v.)shirizokeru, iyashiku suru.Afureru, midzu nite ou.Degraded, a. Shimo ni sagaritaru, iyashikiwashi.Delusion, «. Mayoi, azamuki, mayo-Degree, n. Do, kurai, hodo, dan, kakushiki.Delusive, a. Mayowashii.By degrees^ dan-dan, oi-oi, shi-Delve, t. v. Horu.dai-shidai ni.Demagogue, n. Takumite hito no kiwoDeify, t. v. Kami to nasu, kami ni aga-toru mono.Dem<strong>and</strong>, t. v. Kibishiku motomeru, tou.— a debt ^ shakkin wo saisoku suru. De~vi<strong>and</strong>s great care, tsutsushinde itasanebanaranu.Dem<strong>and</strong>, n. Kihishiku motomeru koto,saisoku, hake-kuchi, muki, muki-kuchi.To pay a bill of exchange on dem<strong>and</strong>.^in eru.Deign, i. v. Kudasaru. — to hear me^kiki-tamaye, doka o kiki-kudasare.Deity, «. Kami, shin.Deject, t. v. Ki ga fusagu, utsu-utsusuru, ki gaochiru.Dejection, n. Ki-ochi.Delay, t. v. Toki wo nobasu, chitai saseru,kawase wo jiki-watashi ni suru.himadoraseru ; matsu, himado-Demarcation, n. Kiwa.ru, temadoru, chitai suru, todokoru, sasayeru,yen-nin suru, chichi &uru.Demean, t. v.hige suru.Okonau, mimochi suru,Delectable, a. Tanoshiki^ omoshiroi. Demeanor, n. Okonai, mimochi.Delegate, /. v. Miyodai ni yaru, kawariDemented, a. Kichigai.ni tsukawasu yudaneru, nindzuru.;Demise, /. v. Yudzuru, («.) Hogiyo,Delegate, n. Mokudai, miyodai.shinuru koto.t. v. Deliberate, Hiyogi suru, kangayuru,Democracy, «, Kiyo-kuwa-sei-j'i.shian suru, omompakaru.Demolish, t. v._ Uchi-kowasu.Deliberate, rt. Tsutsushimitaru, sorosoroDemon, «. Oni, akki, akuma, ma, yasha,to suru.godzu-medzu.Deliberately, adv. Tsutsushinde, sorosoroto.Demoniac, «. Akki ni tsukaretaru hito.De.monstrate, t. V. Ronjite akiraka nin. Kangaye, hiyogi, tsutsushimi.Delicacy, n. Chim-butsu.Delicate, a. Teinei na, assari-to shita,sappari to shita, kiyasha na ; hosoi, komakana, yowai.Delicious, a. Oishii, kekko na, umai.Delight, t. v. Yorokobasu, tanoshimasu.(/. V.) Yorokobu, tanoshimu, omoshirogaru.Delight, n. Yorokobi, tanoshimi.Delightful, a. Kekk5 na, omoshiroi,oishii.Delineate, t. v. Kaku, utsusu, yegaku.Delinquency, n. Ochido, toga, tsumi.Delinquent, a. Futamawaii no, shokubunni okotaru.Deliquesce, i. v. Shimeru, shitoru.Delirium, n. Uwakoto, sengo.Dfliver, t. V. Tasukeru, suku, watasu,hiki-watasu, yudzuru, hanasu, noberu,tsutayeru ; umu, shus-san suru. — asuru, arawasu, toki-akasu.Demon.stration, n. Ronjite akiraka nisuru koto, shoko, giron.Demoralize, t. v. Giyogi wo kegasu,midasu, kudzusu.Demurrage, n. Fune wo karite yakujono nichigen wo sugureba hi-wari niteharau tokoro no bakkin.Demure, a. Magao na.Den, n. Ana, sokutsu, su.Denial, n. Ina-ina, so ni aradzu to iukoto.Denominate, t. v. Nadzukeru, go su,shosurDenomination,^. Na, miyomoku, shushi.Denote, t. v. Shimesu.Dense, a. Katai, shigeru, shigeki.Density, n. Katasa, shigeru koto.Dent, n. Kubomi, hegomi.Dentrifice, 71. Hi-migaki.Dentist, n. Ha-isha, ireba-shi, ha-nuki.Dentition, n. Ha no hayeru koto.

DEN 50 DESDenude, t. v. Hadaka ni suru, hagu,muku.Deny, /. v. So de was r.ai to iu, shikaradzuto iu. — one'ssel/^ onore ni katsu,kannin suru.Depart, i. v. Saru, yuku, deru.froi7t^ suteru.Department, n. Shoku-bun, kakari,ken.Departure, n. Saru koto, de-tachi,shuttachi.Depend, i. v. Yoru, kakaru, tayoru,makaseru, ate ni suru, tanomu, sugaru.Dependent, n. Kakari-udo, yakkai,is6-ro, shokkaku.ite oru.Depict, t. v. Kaku, yegaku, noberu.Depletion, n. Shiraku.Deplorable, a. Kanashiki, itamashii,nagekawashii.Deplore, t. v. Kanashimu, nageku, itamu.Deponent, n. Chikatte shoko wo tateruhito.Depopulate, t. v. Hito wo tayasu.Deport, t. v. Shima-nagashi ni suru,tsuiho suru, mimochi suru.Deportment, n. Mimochi, okonai.Depose, /. v. Kurai wo otosu, suberasu,shikujirasu, shoko suru.Deposit, t. v. Oku, osameru, tsumu,adzukeru.Deposit, «. Adzukari-mono ; ori, kasu.— niofiey^ tetsuke-kin, uchi-kin.Deposition, n. Ko-sho, kuchi-gaki.Depot, n. Kura.Deprav'e, /. V. Kegasu, otoroye saseru.Depr-WITY, n. Aku, hido, ashisa.Deprecate, t. v. Naki yo ni inoru, zannensuru.Depreciate, t. v. Kenasu, hihan suru,iyashimeru. (?. z/.) Yasuku naru, gerakusuru.Depredate, t. v. Ubai-toru, kasumeru,nusumu.Depress. /. &. Sageru, oshi-kudasu. —trade, fu-keiki ni suru, samatageru. —the spirits, ki wo fusageru.Depression, «. Sagaru koto, kubomi. —of spirits, ki no fusagu koto. — oftrade, fu-keiki.Deprive, t. v. Torn, tori-ageru, ubaitoru.Depth, n.Fukasa.Depurate, t. v. Sumasu, kiyoku suru.Depute, t. v. Miyodai ni tateru, mokudaini okuru ; okuri-yaruDeputy, n. Miyodai, mokudai, tsukai,dai-kuwan, shisha.Derange, t. v. Midasu, konzatsu suru ;midareru. Deranged in mind, kicbigai,hakkiyo.Derangement, n. Midare, konzatsu,ranshin, kichigai.Dereliction, n. Suteru koto, hai surukoto.Deride, t. v. Guro suru, cho-ro suru,azakeru, warau, naburu, azawarau.Derive, /. v. Tsutawari kuru ; ide-kita-Dependence, n. Ate, moku-teki, tanomoshikiru, dekite oru.mono, tayori, shinko suru koru,to.Derogate, t. v.Descend, t. v.Sonjiru.Kudaru, oriru, sagaru,Dependency, n. Zoku suru mono, riyo-tsutayeru.Descendant, n. Shison.ji-Dependent, a. Taruru, sagaru ; irai Descent, «. Kudari, otoroyeru koto,shite oru, zoku shite oru, kakaru, tsu-chisuji ; saka.Describe, t. v. Shirusu, hiku, tsugeru,kaki-noberu.Description, n, Hanashi, noberu koto ;tagui, rui.Descry, t. v. Mi-tsukeru, mi-dasu, uka-, kegasu.Desert, /. v. Dasso suru, kake-ochi wosuru, suteru, chikuten suru, mi-suteru.Desert, «.Suna-bara, sabaku, sunappa,are-chi : mukui. Above one's — , kuwabun.Deserter, n. Ochi-musha, dasso-nin,ochi-udo.Deserve, t. v. Uku beki, morau beki,ukuru ni taru.Desiccate, t. v. Kawakasu, hossu.Design, t. v. Kufu suru, tsumoru, takumii,mokuromu, hiku, kaku.Design, n. Kufu, kuv/adate, hinagata ;riyoken, tsumori ;yedzu, tehon.Designate, t. 7>. Shirusu, shimesu, kimeru: sho suru, go suru.Desirable, a. Negawashii.Desire, /. v. Negau, nozomu, hossuru,motomeru. Also the suffix, ta.\.Desire, n. Negai, nozomi, guwan, guwan-mo,hon-guwan.Desirous, a. Hoshigaru, hoshii.Desist, t. v. Yameru, yosu.Desk, n. Tsukuye.Desolate, t. v. Horobiru, arasu.Desol.a.te, a. Samushii, wabishii, hitonaki, horobitaru.Despair, i. v. Nozomi ga tsukita. Despairedof life, tasukaranu to omoikiwameru.— of mercy, jihi ga tsukihatetato omou.

DESDessert, n. Go-dan, kuwashi.Destination, n. Yuku-saki, yuku-ye,me-ate.SIDespair, «. Nozomi ga tsuki-hateru koto,Detrimental, a. Gai ni naru, son ninozomi ga naku-natta koto.naru, itameru, sondzuru.Desperate, a. Muyami iia, yake ni Devastate, t. v. Arasu.naru. disease, naoranu yamai. To Develop, t. v. Arawasu, akasu, toku.make a — effort, chikara no aran kagiriwo suru.Deviate, i. v. Hadzureru, tori-chigaye-(/. V.) Hiraku.Shini mono gurui.ru, mayou.Desper-atioiX, n.Despicable, a. lyashii, nikurashii, hiretsuDevice, n. Tedate, hakari-goto, kufu ;mon, shirushi.na.Despise, t. v. lyashimeru, anadoru, karcndzuru,Devil, w. Akuma, oni, ma, gaki.sageshimu, naigashiro ni su- Devious, a.Devise, t. v.Magareru.Kuwadateru, hakaru, kufuDespoil, t. V. Ubai-toru, nusumi-toru. suru, takumu, mokuromu, takuromu.Despond, t. v. Ki-ochi ga suru, chikara Devoid, a. Naki, aradzu.ga ochiru.Devolve, t. v. Makaseru, watasu, yudaneru,Despot, n. Kimama ni matsurigoto suruki suru. (?'. v.) Tsutayeru, wa-mono.Despotism, n. Kimana no seiji.taru, ki suru.Devote, t. v. Kami ni tatematsuru. —to to destruction, metsubo sadameru.Devoted to learning, gaku-mon niDIEkori-katamaru.Destine, t. v. Tori-kimeru, sadameru. Devotee, n. Shu-giyo-ja.Destiny, «. Un, temmei, ten-un. Devotion, n. Shinjin, ogamu koto, shushDestitute, a. Naki, madzushiki.in, shujaku.Destroy, t. v. Horobosu, tsubusu, arasu,naku suru.mu ; naku suru.Devour, t. v. Aserite kurau, nomi-ko-Destruction, n. Horoboshi, tsubushi, Devout, a. Shinjin naru. — j>erson^metsubo.shinja.Destructive, a. Gai suru, sonjiru. Devoutly, adv. Uya-uyashiku, shinjitsuDetach, t. v. Hadzusu, hanasu.ni.Detail, t. v. Kuwashiku noberu, isai ni Dew, n. Tsuyu, ro.iu.Dexterity, n. Jodzu, takumi.Detail, n. Isai. In — , isai ni, chikuichiDexterous, a. Jodzu na, takumi na, te-ni, kuwashiku, komaka-ni, tsububayaki.Di.^betes, k. _ Shokatsu-biyo.sa-ni.Detain, t. v, Todomeru, mataseru, hiki-tomeru,Diadem, n. O taru mono no kamuri.osayeru, sashi-tomeru. To Diagnosis, n. Yamai wo mi-tateru koto.be detained, tomaru.Diagonal, a. Sujikai, naname.Detect, t. v. Mi-tsukeru, mi-todokeru, Diagram, «. Dzu, kata.mi-dasu, mi-arawasu.Dial, n. Sun — , hi-dokei.Detective, n. Okappiki, ommitsu. Dialect, n. Namari, kotoba.Deter, t. v. Osorete yameru. Deterred Dialogue, «. Mon-do.from going, osorete j-^ukanu.Diameter, n. Sashi-watashi.Deteriorate, /. v. Otoroyeru, suibi suru.Diamond, n. Kongo-seki. — sha^ed^hishi.Determin.ate, a. Sadametaru, ketsu-j6 Diaper, n. Shimeshi, o-shime.shite iru.Determination, n. Ketsu-j6, ketsu-dan,ketchaku. — of blood to the head, nobose,Diaphoretic, n.zai.Diaphragm, «.Happiyozai, hakkan-Okaku-maku.giyaku-j6.Diathesis, n. Sei-shitsu ;sho.Dpitermine, t. V. Sadameru, kiwameru, Dice, n. Sai.ketsu-j6 suru.Dictate, t. v. Jogon sum, meidzuru, iitsukeru.Detest, t. v. Nikumu, kirau.Detestable, a. Nikurashii, kirawashii, Diction, n. Mono wo iu kata, ii-yo.Dictionary, n.iyarashii.Jibiki.Dethrone, t. v. Kurai yori otosu. Die, i. v. Shinuru, yo wo saru, nakunaru,Detract, t. v. Nozoku ; soshiru, hihanbossuru.Diet, n. Tabe-mono, shoku-ji, shokumotsu,suru.Detraction, n. Soshiri, zangen, hihan,kui-mono.hiho.Diet, t. v. Doku-date wo suru, dokuyokeDetriment, n. Gai, son, itami, kidzu.wo suru.

DIF 52 DISori.Diligent, a. Hagemu, benkiyo naru,hone-oru, sei-dasu.Dilly-dally, adv. Bura-tsuku, gudotsuku.Dilute, t. v. Midzu wo mazete, usukusuru ; umeru.Dim, a. Kasumu, kumoru, bonyari shitaru.{t. zi.) Kasumaseru, kumorase-Dimenston, n. Sumpo, kensu, sun-shaku,lateyoko, oku-j'uki. Inside —uchi-nori. Outside — , soto-nori.Differ, /. v. Chigau, kotonaru, tagau. Diminish, t. v. Hesu, herasu. (/. z/.)— in opinion^ omoi-chigau.Gendzuru, habuku, heru. — in number,sukunaku suru. — in size, chiisa-Difference, «. Chigai, shabetsu, kubetsu,wakachi, waidame, kejime, kenkuwa,koron, soron.ku suru.Diminution, n. Herashi, gendzuru koto,Different, a. Betsu no, hoka no, ta, heri.kotonaru. — place^ yoso, bessho, tasho.— mind, besshin. — kinds^ iro-Dimly, adv. Bonyari, kasunde, kasuka-Diminutive, a. Chiisai.iro, machi-machi, sama-zama, shuju. — ni.affair, betsu-dan.Dimple, n. Yekubo.Difficult, a. Mudzukashii, katai, mendo.Din, «. Sawagi.Dine, t. v. Yuhan wo shoku suru, shobanDifficulty, n. Mudzukashisa, katasa,suru.nan, kenkuwa.Dinner, n. Yuhan.Diffidence, n. Yenriyo, habakari, ji- Dip, t. V. Tsukeru, hitasu. — up^or out^kumu, shaku, suku.Diffuse, i. V. Chiiasu, hiromeru. (/. v.) Diploma, n. Menkiyo-j6.Chiru, hiromaru.Diplomacy, n. Koku ji wo tori-atsukauDig, /. z/. Horn, hojiru, ugatsu. — down, koto, shisetsu no tsutome kata.hori-kudzusu. — _/«, liori-hakeru. — Dipper, «. Hishaku, shaku.into, hori-iru, hori-komu. — out, horidasu.— «/, hori-dasu. — open, hori-jiki no.Direct, a. Massugu na, sugu no, naoi,hiraku, abaku. — through, hori-nukukau,Direct, t. v. Nerau, osameru, tori-atsu-tsukasadoru, shochi suru ; oshiye-Digest, /. v. Sho-kuwa suru, konareru, ru ; ii-tsukeru. — a letter, tegami nosho suru, konasu ;juku shite kagayeru.uwagaki wo suru.Direction, n. Tori-atsukai, shochi, osa-Digestible, a. Sho-kuwa shi-yasuki. me, tsukasadori, kimo-iri, ii-tsuke ;oshiye,Digestion, n. Sho-kuwa.hogaku ;uwagaki, na-ate.DiGMFY, t. V. Agameru, sonkiyo suru, Directly, rtrfz/. Sugu ni, jiki ni ; massugu-ni,omondzuru.naoku.Dignitary, n. Kamitaru mono, keni wo Director, «. Kimo-iri, tori-atsukai-nin,motsu mono.sewa-nin, shihai nin.Dignity, n. Takaki kurai, kaku, tattoki Directory, «. Tokoro-gaki.koto, omoi-yaku.Dirk, «. Kuwai-ken, aikuchi.Digress, /. v. Hoka no hanashi ni Dirt, «. Aka, gomi, akuta, okori, doro,utsuru, hanashi no tochiu ni yeda ga kudzu, kuso, fun.saku.Dirt-heap, n. Gomoku-ba, haki-dame.Dike, n. Mizo ; dote, aze, tsutsumi. Dirty, a. Kitanai, akadzuku, kegareru,Dilapidate, i. v. Yabureru, kowareru. yogoreru, akajimu, biro-na, musai.Dilatable, n. Hiromerareru.Dirty, t. v. Kitanaku suru, yogosu.Dilate, t. v. Hiromeru, hirogeru, hirokuHiromaru,Disable, a.naki yoYaku ni tatanu yo ni suru,suru. (z. V.) haru.ni suru.Dilatory, a. Himadoru, temadoru, dzurukeru,osoki.Disabuse, t. 7\wo harasu.Mayoi wo toku, utagaiDilemma, n. Toho ni kureru koto, towaku,Disadvantage, n. Fu-ben, fu-tsugo, son,madoi.gai.Diligence, «. Benkiyo, hagemi, hone-Disaffected, a, Tozakani, naka ga warukunaru, utoku naru.Dis.^FFECTiON, n. Fu-hei, naka no warukikoto.Disagree, i. v. Kanawanu, tagau, chigau,naka ga waruku naru.Disagreeable, a. Kanawanu, awanu,kirawashii, iya-na, funiyoi no, fujiyuna.Disagreement, n. Fu-wa, naka-tagaye,isakai, kanawanu koto.Disallow, t. v. Yurusadzu, menkiyosedzu, shochi senu.Disappear, i. v. Kiyeru, miyenu, useru.

DIS 53 DISDisappoint, /. 7/. Nozomi wo ushinawaseru,nozomi wo hadzusu.tsugo na koto.Discomfort, n. Fu-jiyu, fu-anshin, fu-DiSAPPOiiNTED, /. rt. An ni soi suru, Discommode, t. v. Komaraseru, fujiyushitsubo suru, ate g^a hadzureru, zannensuru.Disapprove, /". zf. Waruku oraou, fushochisuru, yoshi to senu.DiSAR.M, i. V. Datto suru, buki wo toku,teppo wo tori-ageru.Disarrange, /. v. Narabi wo midasu,shidai wo kudzusu.Disaster, 71. Fu-shiawase, fuko, wazawai,sainan, nangi.Disastrous, a. Fu-shiawase no, fukoDisavow, t. v. li-fusegu, ii-kesu, so niaradzu to iu, so de wa gozarimasenu toiu.Disb<strong>and</strong>, t. ?'. To wo musubishi monowo toki-chirasu.Disbelieve, t. v. Shinko senu, shinzedzu.Disburden, t. v. Ni wo orosu, omoi woiute ki wo s<strong>and</strong>zuru.Disburse, t. v. Harau.Disbursement, n. Zappi, niuyo, iriyo.Discard, t. v. Oi-dasu, itoma wo yaru,majiwari wo tatsu.Discern, t. v. Satoru, wakimayeru, wakatsu,mi-tomeru.Discernible, a. Miyeru.Discernment, n. Satori, wakimaye,fumbetsu, chiye.Discharge, /. v. Dasu, hassuru. —cargOy midzu-age suru, ni-age wosuru. a gun, teppo wo hanasu, orutsu. — from service, hima wo dasu,wosuru, keiko saseru.Discipline, «. Imashime, shitsuke, keiko;sekkan ;tori-shimari, shimari.Disclaim, t. v. li-fusegu, ii-kesu, so niaradzu to iu.Disclose, t. v. Arawasu, hakkaku suru,abaku, yaburu.Discolored, a. Shimiru, iro ga kawaru.Discomfit, t. v. Uchi-yaburu, shirizokeru,oi-chirasu.saseru.Discompose, /. v. Midasu, ugokasu, fuanshinni suru.Disconcert, t. v. Midasu, yaburu, munashikusuru.Disconnect, t. v. Wakatsu, hanasu, hadzusu.Disconsolate, a. Nagusamanu.Discontent, n. Fusoku, fu-hei, fu-anshin.Discontinue, t. v. Yameru, yosu, tomeru,tatsu.Discord, n. Fu-wa, choshi ga awanukoto, naka ga warui koto, mutsumajikunai koto.Discount, n. Maye ri, risoku, zen ri.Discount, t. v. Zen ri wo hiite kasu,makeru.Discountenance, t. v. Kinjiru, kobamu.Discourage, t. v. Ki wo otosu, chikarawo otosu. {pass.') Ki ga fusagu, ki gaochiru, ki ga kujikeru.Discourse, n. Hanashi, danwa ;koshaku.(i. V.) Hanasu, bendzuru, koshakusuru.Discourteous, a. Burei na, hitsureina.Discover, t. v. Arawasu, mi-dasu, mitsukeru, hatsumei suru.Discoverer, n. Hatsumei-ja, hajimetemono wo mi-dasu hito.Discredit, t. v. Shinyo senu, hadzukashimu.Discreet, a. Tsutsushimite iru, tashinamino yoi, yojin naru, kashikoki, hatsumeinaru.itoma wo yaru. — /ro7n office, shikujiru.— an office, yaku wo tsutomeru.— /rom prison, romen suru. — pus, Discrepancy, n. Chigai, soi, kotonari.umi ga deru. — a debt, shakkin wo Discretion, n. Tsutsushimi, tashinami,harau. — otie's duty, tsutome wo ma- yojin.Discharge, n. Hatsu, deru koto. ru, bembetsu suru, kubelsu suru.—Discriminate, t. v. Wukimayeru, wake-from the nose, ao-bana, midzu-bana, Discuss, t. v. Giron suru, rondzuru,hana.fro7n the eyes, me-yani, mekusa.— /rom the ears, mimi-dare. DiscussiON, n. Giron, rongi, ron.chi-Disciple, «. Monto, montei, deshi, shitei,Disdain, /. v. lyashimeru, karondzuru,monjin.sageshimu, mi-kudaru.Discipline, t. v. Imashimeru, oshiyeru,Disdainful, a. lyashimetagaru.shitsukeru, cho-ren suru, kiyodo Disease, n. Biyoki, yamai.Diseased, a. Yamu, wadzurau, biyoshin.Disembark, t. v. j6-riku suru, oka niagaru.Disembogue, t. v. Nagare-ochiru.Disembowel, /. v. Seppuku suru, harawatawonuku.Disenchant, /. v. Mayoi wo harasu.Disencumber, t. v. Mi no jama narumono wo suteru.

DIS 54Disengage, t. v. Manukareru, nogareru,hanasu ; hima ni naru.Disentangle, t. v. Toku, hodoku, sabaku.Disfigure, t. v. Katachi wo waruku suru,migurushiku suru.Disfranchise, t. v. Nimbetsu wo habuku.Disgorge, t. v. Haki-dasu.Disgrace, n. Haji, chijoku, kakin, naore,shika, kidzu, hadzukashimi.Disgrace, t. v. Hadzukashimeru, chijokusaseru.Disgraceful, a. Hadzukashii.Disguise, t. v, Shinobu, yatsusu, magirakasu,sama wo kayeru.Disgust, t. v. Kirawaseru, nikumaseru.Disgusted luitk, kirau, nikumu, akihateru.mikonasu.Disgust, n.Disparity, w, Kubetsu, chigai, soi.Kirai.Dish, n.Dispatch, t. v. Yaru, okuru, todokeru,Sara.Dishearten, /. v. Ki wo otosu, kisaki tsukawasu ;korosu, sumasu, rachi-akaseru.wo kujiku.Disheveled, — /;«?>, rampatsu.Dispatch, n. Tegami, shokan.Dishonest, a. Fu-shojiki, fu-chiu. — , isoide, hayaku, hakadotte.WithDishonor, M. Haji, kakin, chijoku. {t.v.)Hadzukashimeru, sageshimu, iyashimeru.Dispel, ^.7'.rasu. Dispelled,Harau, harasu, toku, chi-p.p. hareru.Dispensary, n. Se-yaku-jo.Dishonorable, a. Hadzukashii, iyashii. Dispensatory, n. Yaku-ho-gaki.Disinclined,/./. lya ni naru, iyagaru. Dispense, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, kubaru,Disinfect, t. v. Yamai no tane wo nozoku,hai-bun suru. — with, mendzuru, yu-or harau.Disinherit, t. v. K<strong>and</strong>o suru, hochikusuru.Disintegrate, /. v, Kudzureru, kudakeru.Disinter, t. v. Tsuka wo abaite kabanewo hori-dasii.Disinterested, a. Hiiki nashi, katahiikinaki, watakushi nashi.Disjoin, t. v. Hanareru, hadzusu.Disjoint, t, v. Hone no fushi-bushi wohanasu.Disk, n. Marui ita.Dislike, t. v. Kirau, konomadzu, sukanu,iyagaru.Dislocate, t. v. Hone wo chigayeru.Dislocated, p. p. Hone ga chigau, tagau,hadzureruDislodge, t. v. Oi-dasu, hadzusu.Disloyal, a. Fu-chiu na, fugi na.Dismal, a. Uttoshii, sugoi, wabishii.Dismantle, t. v. Tori-kudzusu.Dismast, t. v. Hobashira wo toru. Dismasted,hobashira ga hadzureta.Dismount, i. "f. Geba wo s , uma ka-Disobedient, a. Fu-ko naru, shitagawanu.Disobey, t. v. Shitagawanu, fu-ko suru,somuku, sakarau.Disoblige, t. v. Burei nite hito ni motoru,fu-shinsetsu naru.Disorder, w. Midare, kon-zatsu, yamai,biyoki.Disorder, t. v. Midasu, kon-zatsu suru,wadzurawaseru. Disordered, p. p. Midar°ru.Disorderly, adv. Midari-ni.Disorganize, /. v. Kudzusu, midasu.Disown, t. v. K<strong>and</strong>o suru, waga monoga nai to iu.Dispar.\ge, t. V. Waraku iu, sochiru,rusu, hadzusu.Disperse, t. v. Chirasu. Dispersed.,kudzureru, chiru, chiri-jiri ni naru._t. Dispirit, v. Kisaki wo kujiku, ki wokujiku, ki wo otosu.Displace, t. v. Hadzusu, midasu.Display, t. v. Hiromeru, arawasu, miseru,shiraseru.Display, n. Date, hade ;arawasu koto.Displease, t, v. Ki ni sakarau, ikaraseru.Displeasure, n. Ikari, fu-kij'o.Disposal, n. Sonaye, narabi ; shochi,tori-atsukai.Dispose, t. v. Narabu, sonayeru, oku,osameru, katamukeru, sadameru, uru._Disposition, n. Sonaye, narabi, toriatsukai; konjo, shone, ki-shitsu, sei- •shitsu.Dispossess, t. v. Shoji no mono wo to-, ri-ageru, oi-harau.Disproportion, n. Futsuri-ai, fu-s6-6na koto, tsuri-awanu koto.Disputation, n. Gi-ron, ron, arasoi.Dismay, n. Osore.Disputatious, a. Arasoitagaru, gironrondzuru,Dismayed,/./. Osoreru, kowagaru, ojikeru,abunagaru.wo Dis.Miss, t. V. Okuru, yaru, hima dasu,itoma wo yaru, hochiku suru. —an Dispute, n. arasou.Giron, soron, koron, ken-assembly, seki wo hiraku.kuwa, arasoi.

55Disqualified, p. p. Kanawanu, tekito ri to shita, akiraka naru, meihaku nasenu.Disquiet, t. v. Ugokasu, anji-saseru. Distinction, n. Shabetsu, kubetsu, hedate,Disquisition, n. Koshaku.wakachi ; na-dakaki, nukindeta-rDisregard, t. v. Itowadzu, kayeri-midzu,oshimadzu.Distinctly, adv. Hakkiri to, akirakani,Disrelish, t. v. Konomadzu, kirau.meihaku ni, shika-to.Disreputable, a. Hiyoban ashiki, iyashii.Distinguish, t. v. Wakimayeru, mi-wakeru,wakatsu, bembetsu suru ; ko woDisrespectful, a. Uyamawanu, fu-kei tateru.Distinguishable, a. Mi-wakerareru.na, shitsu-rei.Disrobe, t. v. Nugu, datsui wo suru. Distinguished, a. Hiidetaru, nukindetaru,Disruption, n. Sakeru koto.na-dakaki. .Dissatisfaction, n. Fu-man-zoku, fusokuDistort, t. v. Shikameru, igamaseru.ni omou koto.Distorted., igamu, yugamu, nejireru.Dissatisfied, p. p. Fu-soku ni omou, Distracted,/./. Tori-magireru ; torikomu,taru koto wo shiranu.konzatsu shite iru.Dissect, /. v. Kaibo suru.Distress, n. Kanashimi, nangi, setsunai,Dissection, m. Kaibo.itami, kurushimi.Dissemble, t. v. Tobokeru, shirabakureru,Distress, t. v. Naj^amaseru, kurushimera-tsukau.kakusu, shiranu furi wo suru, soru.Distribute, t. v. Kubaru, wari-tsukeru,Disseminate, t. v, Hiromeru.haibun suru, wakeru, haito suru.Dissension, n. Soron, koron, arasoi, na-District, «. Tochi, tokoro, riyochi,ka-tagaye.Dissent, t. v. Nattoku senu, shochi senu.zenu, shinyo senu. («.) Utagai, ayashimi.Dissimilar, a, Onajiku nai, ni-awanu,hitoshikaradzu.Disturb, t. v. Ugokasu, sawagasu, midasuDissimulation, n. Itsuwaru koto.; samatageru.Disturbance, n. Sawagi, sodo, samatage.Dissipate, t. v. Harau, harasu, toku,chirasu, tsuiyasu.Dissipation, n. Chirasu koto, horatsu. Disunite, t. v. Wakeru.Ditch, n. Dobu, mizo, hori.Dissolute, a. Horatsu na, doraku na, Ditto, adv. Onajiku, dozen.hoto na.Ditty, n. Uta.Dissolution, n. Tokeru koto, kudzureruDiuretic, «. Ri-sui-zai.koto, yameru koto, shi.Diurnal, a. Hi-nami no, mai-nichi no,Dissolve, t. v. Tokasu, yameru, hai-shi hiru no.suru. (?. z/.) Toku, kiyeru.Dive, i. v. Muguru, kuguru.Dissonant, a. Kanawanu, teki-to senu, Diver, «. Muguri.choshi awanu.Diverge, t. v. Wakarete deru.Dissu.'VDE, t. V. Koto wo senu yo ni susumeru,Diverse, a. Iro-iro, sama-zama, machi-isameru.machi, kusa-gusa, shujuDistance, «. Tokisa, aida, soyen. —; onajikaranu.Diversify, t. v. Sama-zama ni suru.by ship^ funaji. What is the — to Diversion, «. Nagusami, tawamure, kiyo.Yedo ? Yedo ye dono kurai. To lookatfrom a — , tonoite miru.Divert, t. v. Nagusameru, kiyo suru,Dist.vnt, a. Toi, yempo naru ; soyen ni warawaseru, tarakasu hiki-toru.Divest, t. v.;Nugu, muku, hagu, toru.naru, utoi, hedateru, tozakaru, tonoku.Divide, t. v. Wakeru, hedateru, kubaru,Distasteful, a. Madzui, umaku nai, kirawashii,saku, waru.iyarawashii.Dividers, n. Bummawashi.Distemper, n. Wadzurai, yamai, inu no Divination, n. Uranai, bokuzei.yamai.Distend, t. v. Fukurasu.Divine, t. v. Uranau, boku suru ; mi-Distil, t. z>. j6-riu suru, furasu.Distillery, n. Shochiu wo j6-riu surutokoro.Distinct, a. Betsu no, hoka no, kotonaru,hanaretaru, betsudan no : hakki-|chi.Distrust, t. v. Utagau, ayashimu ; shin-tosu.Divine, a. Kami no, kami ni tsuite no,shin.Divine, n. Kiyo-shi.Diviner, n. Uranai-ja, boku-sha.Divining-rod, n. Bokuzei.

DIV 56 DOZDivinity, n. Shin, kami, shin-gaku. wa/f, roku-chiku,kai-mono. — manufacture,Divisible, a. Wakerareru.jl-saku, te-saku, koku-san.Division, n. Wakeru koto, wakahei, hedateDomestic, n. Hoko-nin. meshi-tsukai.; wari-zan ;gunzei no ittai. Domesticate, t. v. Najimaseru, natsukerii.Divorce, t. v. Ri-j-en suru, ribetsusum.Domicile, n. lye, taku, sumai.Divorcement, n. Riyen, ribetsu. Bill Dominate, t. v. Shihai suru, riyo sum.0/— , riyenjo, sarijo, mi-kudari-han. Domineer, t. v. Shihai sum, riyo suru.Divulge, t. v. Arawasu, akasu, morasu, Dominion, n. Matsurigoto, seiji, shihai,abaku, yaburu.riyobun, shoriyo.Dizziness, n. Memai, tachi-giirami, kennuntsu.Donation, n. Shinj6-mono, shimmo-Dizzy, «. Memai ga suru, kurumeku. Done, /. /. Dekita, svmda, joju shita,Do, t. V. Suru, nasu, itasu, dekiru, okonau.That will — yoroshii, sore de Donkev,shi-agatta., n. Roba.yoi. Make it — , ma-ni awaseru. Do Donor, n. Shinjo suru hito.not ^neg. i»tj>.), na, na yo, mu-yo, nakare.Doom, t. v. Kei-batsu ni moshi-tsukeru.Also in the neg. form 0/ theverb : as. Do not know, shiranu. Do Doom, «. Temmei, kei-batsu, mukui.not hear, kikanu. Do not go, yuku na yo. Door, «. To. mon.Do it quickly, hayaku se yo. / will do Door-plate, n. Hij'6-satsu.it, itashi-masho. — ones best, sei wo Door-keeper, w. Momban.dasu. — over, futatabi suru, shi-naosu, Doorway, n. Kado-guchi.shi-kayeru. — up, tsutsumu, shi-ageru. Dose, n. Fuku, cho. \,t. v.) Kusuri wo— with, mochi-iru, tsukau. What will fukumaseru.you do with it ? nani ni nasaru ka ? Do Dot, n. Ten, chobo.as you like, katte ni suru ga ii, kokoro Dotage, n. Oi-boreru, romo.makase ni se yo. Cannot do without Double, a. Futatsu, niscbai, futa-ye.this, kore nakute kanawanu. / can do — dealing, kage hinata ga aru. —without it, nakute mo kamawanai. hearted, futa-gokoro. — tongued, riyo-setsu.— edged, riycha, moroha.What shall I do f do shiyo ? Do whatyou will, do shite mo, idzure ui shite. J'aced,T\yb-mcn.mo. / cannot do it, deki-nai. Any Doubt, n. Utagai, gishin, ginen, giwaku.body can do it, dare demo dekiru. Docome, dozo oide kudasare. How do you DoiBT, /. V. Utagau, ayashimu, ibukaru,ginen suru, ayabumu, giwakudo? go kigen yoroshiu gozaru ka, gokigen wa ikaga de gozari-masu ka. Do suru.not mind it, tonjjiku nasaru na, o kamaiDoubtful, a. Utagawashii, ibukashii,nasaru na.obotsukainai, fushin nam.Docile, a. Otonashii, sunao na.DouBTLiiSS, a. Chigai-naku, mochiron.Dock, «. Yego, (//«

I Drizzle,;Drizzling-Rain,DOZ 57 DRUDozen, a. Ju-ni.shirayeru. — food, tabe-mono wo riyorisuru. (/. 7'.) Kiru, chakuyo suru.Dr.\ft, t. V. Hiku, kaku, shitatameru.Dkaft, n. Kawase-tegata.Dress, «. Ifuku, kimono, isho.Drag, t. v. Hiku.Dress-clothes, n. Hare-gi.Dragon, «. Tatsu, riu, riyo.Dresser, n. Todana.Dragon-fly, «. Tombo.Dribble, /. v. Tareru, shitataru.Dragon's-blood, w. Kirin-ketsu. Drift, /. v. Tadayou, ukamu, uku.Dragon, n. Kiba, ki-hei.The snow drifts, yuki ga fuki-tsumoru.Drain, n. Dobu, gesui, nagashi.Drain, t. v. Hakaseru, nuku, shitamu, Drill, n. Kiri, choren, keiko.kosu, tsukusu.Drill, t. v. Soren suru, choren suru, narasu,nereru, kiri wo momu.Drainage, n. Midzu-haki, midzu wonuku koto.Drink, t. v. Nomu.Dram, n. One dram Trpy^ = ichi mommeni rin. One dram avoirdupois, =shi fun ni rin go mo. A — of wine,sake ippai.Drama, w. Kiyogen, shibai.Draper, «. Shitateya.Drapery, n. Ifuku.Draught, «. Hiku koto ; shita-gaki,kaki-tsuke ;ka\vase-tegata ; kaze notorn koto ;go. — of a ship, funaashi.Draw, t. v. Hiku, kaku, nukuj yegaku.— ivater, kumu. — blood, chi wo toru,shiraku suru. — back, shirizoku, ato-— in, sukkomu, hiki-shizari wo suru.komu. — together, subomeru. — tight,shime-kukeru. — ^igh, chikayoru,chikadzuku. — 7ip, hiki-ageru, sonayeru,naraberu, tsuraneru, shitatemeru.— down, hiki-orosu. — out, hiki-dasu,nuku, nobasu. — off, shirizokeru, dasu.— interest, risoku wo toru. Howvttich does the ship draw ? fune noashi wo nani hodo. Drawn up withcold, samui kara idzukumatte oru.Draw-bridge, n. Hane-basHi.Drawer, n. Hiki-dashi, hiku-hito, yegakuhito, kawase-tegata no kane wouketoru hito. Pair of drawers, shitamomo-hiki. Chest of drawers, tansutDrawing-knife, «. Sen.Drawing-room, n. n. Kiyaku-ma, zashiki.Dray, n. Dai-hachi-guruma.Dread, t. v. Osoreru, kowagaru, habakaru,osore-iru.Dreadful, a. Osoroshii, kowai.Dream, n. Yume. (/. v.) Yume womiru.Dreary, a. Uttoshii, wabishii, monosugoki.Dredge, t. v. Sarau, sarayeru.Dreg, n. Kasu.^Drench, t. v. Nomaseru, nurasu, shimesu.(i. z'.) Nureru, shimeru.Dress, ^. z/. Totonou, soroyeru, kimonowo kiseru. yosoou, kazaru, tsukuru, ko-3*Drink, n. Nomi-mono.Drink.-\ble, a. Nomareru.Drip, i. v. Shitataru.Drive, t. y. Ou, osu. — a nail, kugiwo uchi-komu. — away, oi-harau,harau. — out. oi-dasu. — in, oi-komu,oshi-komu, uchi-komu.— off, oiharau.— back, oi-kayesu. — across,oi-kosu, oi-watasu. — together, oiatsumeru.— down, oi-kudasu. — into,oi-komu, uchi-komu. — through,uchi-nuku, oi-tosu. — a horse, umawo giyo suru.Drivel, n. Yodare. (/. v!) Yodare gatareru.Dri\ ER, «. Giyo-sha, uma wo tsukai./. 7'. Kiri-ame ga furu.71. Kosame, kiri-ame.Droll, a. Okashii, odoketaru.Drollery, n. Kokkei, share, jodan,odoke.Dromedary, n. Rakuda.Drone, «. Sozan naru mono, shii naruhito.Droop, i. v. Shioreru, otoroyeru.Drop, n. Tarashi, teki, shidzuku.Drop, t. v. Otosu, tarasu, orosu, yameru.— a; //«t', tegami wo okuru.Drop, i. v. Ochiru, tareru, shitataru,yamu.Dropsy, n. Sui-ki. — of abdomen, choman.Dross, n. Kasu, kudzu.Drought, n. Kampatsu, hideri.Drove, «. Mure.Drown, t. v. Oborasu, oborakasu. {i. v.)Oboreru ;obore-jini, deki-shi, botsudeki.— one^ self, mi wo nageru, mittage wo suru.Drowsy, a. Nemutai, nemui.Drub, t. v. Tataku, butsu.Drudge, /. v. Hone-oru.Drug, n. Kusuri, yaku, yaku-shu.Druggist, «. Yakushu-ya, ki-gusun'-ya.Drum, n. Taiko, tsudzumi. (i. v.) Taikowo utsu.Drummer, «. Taiko-uchi.Dru-MSTick, n. Taiko no bachi.

DRU 58EASDrunk, a. Sake ni yotta. mei-tei-no, yei. Duplicate, a. Futatsu no.Drunkard, «. Sake-dzuki, sake-nomi, Duplicate, «. Utsushi, hikaye-gaki.nondakure.Duplicity, n. Futa-gokoro.Drunkeness, «. Sake ni yotta koto, Durable, a. Mochi ga yoi, nagaku tameitei.Dry, a. Kawakitaru, hiru.Duration, n. Aida, nen-su.Dry, t. V. Kawakasu, hosu.During,//-^/. Aida, uchi, chiu.Dry, i. v. Kawaku, hiru, kareru. Dusk, n. Higure, kuregata, yukata.Dual-principles, n. In-yo, ni-ki. Dusky, a. Kuraki, kuroi.Dub, t. V. Tonaj'eni, sho-su.Dust, t. v. Gonii wo harau.Dubious, t. a. Utagawashii, fushin na. Dust, «. Chiri, hokori, gomi.Duck, n. Tame — , ahiru. Wild — Dust-brush, n. Gomi-harai.kamo.Dust-pan, n. Gomi-tori, chiri- tori.Duck, t. v. Midzu ni hitasu, muguraseru. Dusty, a. Hokori no oki, chiri-darake.Ductile, a. Hiki-yasui.Dutch, a. Or<strong>and</strong>a no.Due, a. Atari-maye no, hadzu. The Dutchman, n. Or<strong>and</strong>a-jin.money is due^ shakkin wo harau nichigenDutiful, a. Ko-ko na, chiugi na, jitsuga kita. The ship is due to-day^ na.kon-nichi wa chakusen bi. To dun /or Duty, n. Tsutome, yakume, hoko, shokubun,subeki koto ; unjo.money be/ore it is due^ nichigen nomaye ni kane wo saisoku suru. More to-ban. , C^— hi-ban.On duty,than is due, kuwa-bun.Dwarf, «. Sebiku.Duel, n. Hatashai-ai, shi-ai.Dwell, i. v. Sumu, oru, jukiyo suru, iru.Dull, n. Nibui, don ;uttoshii, toroi, Dwelling, ». Sumai, ju-sho. — house,yoku kirenu ; fu-keiki, omoshirokaranu.— 0/ hearing, mimi ya toi. — Dwindle, i. v. Heru, chiisaku naru,iye, uchi, taku.day, don-ten.yaseru, otoroyeru.Dumb, a. Mono wo iiyenu, damatte oru, Dye, t. V. Someru.oshi no.Dye-house, n. Koya, some-mono-ya.Dumb-foundered, a. Bozen to shite iru. Dyer, n. Some-mono-shi,Dumpish, a. Ussuru, utsu no, uttoshi. Dye-stuff, ru Some-kusa, some-gusuri.Dumpling, n. Dango, manju.Dying, a. Shinde oru, shi ni kakatte iru.Dun, t. V. Saisoku suru, settsuku. — words, yui-gen. Nevet , fu-shi.Dunce, n. Baka, gu-nin, koke, tawakemono.Dynasty, n. Dai, cho.Dung, «, Fun, kuso, unko, koyashi.Dysentery, «.Dyspepsia, n.Ribiyo, akahara.Shoku-motsu no shokuwaDungeon, n. Roya, gero.shigataki koto, teitai.Dupe, t. v. Damasu, azamuku, sukasu. Dyspncea, n. Ikigire.EEach, a. Ono-ono, mei-mei, men-men, Earnestly, adv. Ichi-dzu-ni, hitasurani,isshin-ni, hitoye-ni, shikkiri ni.goto ni, mai. — other, tagai-ni. Alsoby au, zvhen suffixed to the root of Earnings, n. Moketaru kane, kiukin,verbs ; as, tataki-au, to beat each sho-toku.other.Eager, a. Hagende oru, kibishii.Ear-pick, n.Ear-ring, m.Mimi-kaki.Mimi-gane.Eagle, n.Washi.Ear, n. Mimi. — of corn^ ho. Give —kiku.Early, adv. Hayaku; toku. — rising,haj'a-oki.Earn, t. v. Mokeru.Earnest, «. Hatsuo. — money, tetsukegin, tekin.Earth, n. Chi, tsuchi, sekai.Earthenware, n. Setomono, yakino, suye-mono.Earthly, a. Chi, sekai no.Earthquake, n. Jishin.Earth-worm, n. JNIimidzu.Ease, n. Anshin, <strong>and</strong>o, raku, annerraku, anki.{

EAS 59 ELBEase, t. v. Kutsurogeru, yurumeru, rakutanu, shirushi nashi. Effects, nimotsu,ni suru, yasundzuru.kagu, shochi no mono.Easily, adv. Yasuku, tayasiiku, nannaku,Effect, t. v. Joju suru, shi-togeru, to-zosa mo naku.geru, saseru, nasu, dekiru.East, n. Higashi, to.Effective, a.Eastern, n. Higashi no. — countries,Kiki ga yoi, tsuyoki, koto-koku.Effectual, a. Shi-togerareru hodo no,Eastward, adv. Higashi no ho ye.joju suru hodo, todoku.Easy, n. Yasui, tayasui, zosamonaki, Effectuate, t. v. Shi-togeru, dekiru.raku ni naru, anshin naru, yasunjiteiru.Effeminate, a.yowai.Onnarashii, niyakeru,Eat, /. V. Taberu, kurau, ku, shoku suru,Effervesce, /. v. Awa ga tatsu.hamu.Effete, a. Furukusai.Eatable, a. Taberareru.Efficacious, a. Kono aru, yoku kiku,Eating-house, n.tsuyoi ; todoku._Riy6ri-ya.Eaves, n. Moki, hisashi.Efficacy, n. Kono, kikime.Ebb, t. V. Hiku.Effigy, n. Katashiro, hito gata, nigiyo.Ebb-tide, n. Hiki-shio.Ebony, n. Kokutan.Effluvium, n. Kusaki nioi.Ebullition, n. Niye-tatsu koto.Efflux, n, Nagare-deru koto.Eccentric, a. Kotonaru, tsurei ni chigau,heki naru.make an — , sei wo dasu, shussei suru.Effort, n. Sei-dasu-koto ;totan. ToEcho, n. Kodama, yamahiko, hibiki. Effrontery, n. Haji wo shiranu koto,{f. V.) Hibiku.atsui-kao.Eclipse, n. — ofsun, nis-shoku. —, q/ Effulgence, «. Kagayaki.moon, gas-shoku.Effulgent, a. Kagayaku, hikaru, kirameku.Ecliptic, n. Sekido.Economical, a. Kenyaku-naru, tsudzumayakaEffusion, n. Deru koto.na, shimatsu na, sekken na. Egg, n. Tamago, keiran.Economize, t. v. Kenyaku suru, shimatsuEgg-plant, n. Nasu.suru.Egotism, «. Unubore, jifu.Economy, n. Kenyaku, kanriyaku, shimatsu,sekken. Political — , keizai-Egregious, a. Amari na, futoi, furachiEgotist, n. Jifu suru hito.gaku.na.Eddy, n. Udzu, udzu-maki.Egress, «. Deru koto.Edge, n. Fuchi, kiwa, hashi. — of a Eight, a. Yatsu, hachi,knife, ha. Two-edged, moro-ha. Teeth — fold, yaye.on — , hagayui.Eighteen, a. Ju-hachi.— days, yoka.Edge, t. v. Heri wo tsukeru.Eighteenth, a. Ju-hachi-ban, jii-hachibamme.Edge-tools, n. Ha-mono.Edging, «. Sasaheri.Eighth, a. Hachi-ban, hachi-bam-me,Edible, a. Taberareru.dai hachi-ban.Edict, n. 0-fure, okite, sadame.Eightieth, a, Hachi-ju-ban.Edifice, «, lye, tate-mono.Eighty, a. Hachi-ju, — tf«^, hachijuichi.Edification, n. Michi ni susumu koto.Edify, /. v. Michi ni susumeru.Either, a. Dochira demo, idzure demo;Edit, t. v. Shuppan suru, jo-boku suru. riyo-ho, dochira mo. {conj.) Aruiwa.Editor, «. Shuppan suru hito.Ejaculate, /. v. Hotsu-gon suru, moshi-dasu.Edition, n. Han. First — , sho-han.Second — , sai-han.Ejaculation, n. Hotsu-gon.Educate, t. v. .Kiyoju suru, shi-tateru,kiyokun suru, oshiyeru, shi-komu, shitsukeru.Education, n. Kiyoju, kiyokun, shfttate.Educe, t. v. Hiki-dasu.Eel, n. Unagi.Efface, t. v. Kesu, kedzuru.Effect, a,. Sei, yuye, waza, shoi ; kiki,shirushi. To do for effect, hito no meni tatsu yo ni suru. Of no —,yo ni ta-Elaborate, /. v. Nen wo irete nasu,honeotte koshirayeru.Elaborately, adv. Teinei ni shite,tansei shite.Elapse, i. v. Heru, tateru, utsuru, sugi-Elastic, a. Tanriyoku naru.Elasticity, n. Tanriyoku,Elated,/./. Yorokobu.Elation, n. Yorokobi, jiman.Elbow, n. Hiji, Wooden — , hiji-ki.

ELD 60 EMPElder, n. Toshi-yori, rojin. — brother,ami. — sister, ane.EldesTj a. Toshi ga uye. — son, chaku-shi,soriyo. — daughter, ane-mu-Elect, t. V. Yerabu, yoru, suguru.Elect, a. Yerabaretaru.Election, n. Yerabu koto, yerabi, niusatsusuru koio.Elective, a. Yerabaretaru.Elector, n. Yerabu hito.Electricity, n, Den-ki.Electuary, n. Neriyaku,Elegant, a. Rippa naru, utsukushii,kekko na.Elegy, n. Kuyami no uta, banka.Element, n. The five — go-giyo.,Elementary, a. Moto no.Elephant, n. Zb, kiza.Elevate, /. z>. Ageru, takaku suru, heagaru,agameru.Elevation, «. Takasa.Eleven, a. Ju-ichi.Eleventh, a. Dai ju-ichi, ju-ichi-ban,ju-ichi-ban-me.Elf, «. Tengu.Elicit, t. v. Akasu, arawasu.Eligible, a. Yerabaruru.Eliminate, /. z>. Nozoku, yerami-dasu.Elision, n. Kotoba no tsumaru koto.Ellipsis, n. Tamago nari, koban nari,dayen.Elocution, n. Benzetsu.Elongate, t. v. Nagaku suru, noberu.Elope, t. v. Kake-ochi suru, chikutensuru, nigeru.keru.Embrasure, n. Sama, j'a-zama.Embrocation, n. Nuri-gusuri.Embroider, /. v. Nuihaku suru, kagaru.Embroiderer, n. Nuihaku-ya.Embroidery, n. Nuihaku mono.Emend, /. v. Naosu, tadasu, aratameru.Emerald, n. Ruri.Emerge, t. v. Deru, hassuru.Emergency, w. Sashi-atatta koto, sashiatari,kiu-hen, fui na koto.Emery, n. Kongosha.Emetic, n. Tozai. haki-gusuri,Emigrant, n. Kuni-gaye wo suru hito.Emigrate, /. v, Ta-koku ye utsuru, kuni-gayewo suru.Eminent, a. Takaki, na-dakai, hiidetaru,nukindetaru, sugure-taru, takuyetsuno, komei na.Eloquence, n. Noben, benzetsu no yoi Emissary, n, Tsukai, shisha.koto.Eloquent, a. Benzetsu no yoi, no-benE.mission, n.suru koto.Hasshutsu, deru koto, has-t. £.%nT, V. Dasu, hassuru, idasu.Else, a. Sono hoka ni, betsu ni, nakereba.Emenagogue, n. Cho-kei-zai.EmolumenTj n. Yaku-toku, shotoku,Elsewhere, adv. Ta-sho ni, hoka no moke, yeki, riyeki.tokoro ni.Emotions, n. Shichi-j6.Elucidate, t. v. Akiraka ni suru, tsumabirakaEmperor, n. Tenshi, mikado, tenno.ni suru, toki-akasu, tatoyeru. Empire, n, Shihai, matsuri-goto ;tenka,Elude, t. v. Manukareru, yokeru, sakeru,koku.nogareru.Elutriate, /. v, Suihi suru.Empiric, «.Employ, t. v.Yabu-isha.Tsukau, mochiyuru, kakayeru.Emaciate, i. v. Yaseru, shosui suru.Emanate, i. v. Deru, hassuru, okoru. Employment, n. Shigoto, kagiyo, shoku-giyo; nariwai, sugiwai, yoji. Out ofEmancipate, t. v. Yurusu, hanatsu.Emasculate, t. v. Kintama wo nuku. _ — , hima de oru.Embalm, t. v. Kusuri wo tsukete shikabaneEmporium, w. Ichiba.wo tamotaseru, miira ni suru. Empower, t. v. Isei wo atayeru, keniwoEmbankment, n. Tsutsumi, dote.Embargo, n. Funa-de wo tomeru koto.Embark, t. v, Fune ni noru,j6-sen suru.Embarrass, t. v. Sashi-tsukayeru, torimagireru; samatageru ; hodosareru,magotsuku.Embarrassment, n. Sashi-tsukaye, kokorono konzatsu shite iru koto.Embassy, n. Shisha no yaku.Embellish, t. v. Kazarii.Embellishment, n. Kazari.Ember, n. Moye-kudzu.Embezzle, t. v. Kasumeru, sukasu, nusumitoru, takuri-komu.Emblazon, t, v. Kazaru.Emblem, «. Shirushi, hanjimono.Embody, t. v. Katachi ni suru.Embolden, t. v. Ikioi wo tsukeru.Embosom, t. v. Futokoro ni suru, daku.Emboss, /. v. Hori-age-zaiku suru.Embrace, t. v. Daku, idaku, fukumu,komeru, — an oJ>portunity , kotodzu-atayeru.Empress, n. Kisaki, nij'o-tei.Empty, a. Kara, munashii, aki, mudano ;utsura. — h<strong>and</strong>ed, su-de, karate,tebura. — stomach, suki-hara.Empty, /. v. Kara ni suru, akeru.

EMU6lENNEmulate, t. v. Kisou, hagemi-au, hari-Enact, i. v. Tateru, sadameru, oku.Enactment, n. Okite, sadame, kisoku,ho-ritsu.Enamel, n. Yaki-mono no kusuri.Enamored, a. Horeru.Encamp, /. v. Jinya wo haru.Encampment, n. Jin-ya, gun-jin, tamuro-jo.Enchant, /. v, Maho wo tsukau, mayowasu,mi-toreru, kokoro wo torareru, torakasu.En'CH.-vntment, m. Maho, majutsu.Encircle, t. v. Kakomu, tori-maku, kako,mawasu. — in the a-,-nis^ idaku.Encomium, n. Homare, sambi.Encompass, t. v. Tori-maku, kakomu,mawaru.Encore, interj. Shomo.Encounter, /. v. De-au, mukau, au.Encourage, t. v. Hagemasu, susumeru,ki wo hiki-tateru.^Encroach, t. v. Oriyo suru, muri-dori j i n . —la nguage, ye-gowo suru, odatsu suru, yoko-dori wo suru.Engrave, t. v. Horu, kizamu, koku su-Encumber, t. v. Samatageru, hodasareru,Engr-Wer, n. Hori-mono-shi.jama ni naru.Engraving, n. Hori-mono.Encumbrance, n. Jama, sashi-tsukaye. Engross, t. i'. Shitatameru, kaku. En~End, n. Owari, shimai, hate ; moku-teki,grossed with, kori-katamaru, isshin nime-ate, yuye, shui.to, naru, isshin furan ni suru.yameru, korosu. In the — , tsui ni, Enhance, t. v. Masu, omoku suru, takakusuru, hidoku suiu.shosen. To the — that^ tame ni, yoPut an endEnd, t. V. Owaraseru, yameru. (?'. z/.)Owaru, shimau, yamu, hateru, sumu,togeru, oj'obu.Endanger, t. v. Ayauku suru. — H/e,inochi ni kakaru. — property, shinshoni kakawaru.Endear, /. v. Aisaseru.Endeavor, i. v. Tamesu, yatte mirushussei suru, hone-oru. — to walk,aruite miru. — todo^ shite miru.Endless, a. Owari nashi, kagiri naki,hateshi naki, tayezaru.Endow, /. v. Kaiki suru ; araseru, motaseru,sadzukeru, umaretsuku, sonawaru.Endowment, n. Umaretsuki, sonawarumono.Endure, /. v. Shinogu, korayeru, gamansuru, shimbo suru, tayeru, shinobu,kannin suru.End-wise, adv. Tate ni shite.Enema, n. Kuwan-cho.Enemy, ;;. Teki, ada, kataki.Energetic, a. Kikon no yoi, hatarakino tsuyoki.Energy, n. Chikara, ikioi, konki, kikon.Enervate, t. v. Yowaku suru, 3'-owameru,otoroye-saseru.Enfeeble, t. v. Yowaku suru.Enforce, t. v. Kibishikii suru. — thelaws, hito wo horitsu ni shitagawaseru.— obedience, shitagawaseru.Enfranchise, /. v. Ta-koku jin wo kunino hito to suru.Engage, t. v. Hiki-ukeru, uke-au, yakusokusuru, kakaycru, yatou. zwcontroversy, arasou, giron suru. — theettemy, teki to tatakau.Engaged,/, a. Am engaged <strong>and</strong> cannotgo, yoji atte mairaremasen. Theyoung lady is , ano musume ii-nadzukega aru. — in %vriting a letter,tegami wo kaite oru.Engagmeent, n. Yakusoku, yoji, sashitsukaye,kassen.Engender, t. v. Nasu, okosu.Engine, «. Kikai. Jire — , riutosui.Engl<strong>and</strong>, ji, Yekoku, igirisu.<strong>English</strong>, a. Ye-koku no. — man^ ye-Enigma, n. Nazo, ingo.Enjoin, t. v. li-tsukeru, meidzuru,kindzuru.Enjoy, t. v. Omoshirogaru, tanoshimu,motsu, aru. Have greatly enjoyedyour entertainment, okini go-chis6 ninarimashita.Enjoyment, n. Tanoshimi, kiyo, ureshisa.Enkindle, /. v. _Taku, okosu.Enlarge, /. v. Okiku suru, hiroku suru.(z. V.) Futoru, okiku naru, hirokunaru, kuwashiku noberu.Enlighten, /. z/. Terasu, akaruku suru,kagayakasu, akiraka-'^i suru, satosu,bummei ni suru.Enlightenment, n. Bummei.Enlist, t. v. Hohei wo kakayeru.Enliven, t. v. Ki wo hilci-tateru, kibarashiwo suru, tanoshimaseru, kuwappatsuni suru.Enmity, «, Urami, ikon, uppon.Ennoble, /. v. Tattobaseru, agameru,tattobu.Ennui, n. Taikutsu, tozen, akiru ko-

ENO 62 EQUEnormous, a. Bakutai naru, ikai na,osoroshii ; furachi na, amniari na.Enough, a. or adv. Jubun, taru, akutakusan, tanno. Not — , tashinai. Well— yoku.,Enrage, t. v. Haratataseru, rippuku saseru,ikidoraseru, ikaraseru. To be cnragedyhara ga tatsu, rippuku suru, ikidoru,ikaru.Enraptured,/./. Hidoku tanoshindeoru, hidoku yorokonde oru.Enrich, t. v. Tomaseru, kanemochi nisuru, yutaka ni suru, uruosu, koyasu.Enrobe, t. v. Matou, kiseru.Enroll, /. v. Chomen ni kaki-ireru, kaki-tomeru.Ensanguined,/./. Chi-mamireru, chidarakeru.Ensconced, /. /. Komoru.Enshrine, t. v. Anchi suru.Ensigh, «. Hata, hata-jirushi.Enslave, t. v. Katte shimobe ni suru.Ensuing,/./. — ^ay, akuru hi. — year^akuru toshi.Entail, t. v. Sozoku saseru, nokosu.Evil entailed upon one's posterity,yoo.Entangled,/./. Motsureru, musuboreru,midareru.Enter, t. v. Iru, hairu, ageru, ireru.— school, niu-gaku suru, deshi-iri wosuru. — in a book, kaki-tsukeru, kakitomeru.— port, niu-tsu suru. —the priesthood, shukke suru. — on, or,upon, shi-kakeru, hajimeru.Enterprise, n. Koto.Entertain, t. v. Motenasu, kij'6-6 suru,ashirau ;go-chis6 suru, furumau ; nagusameru,shochi suru.Entertainment, n. Go-chis6, furumai,kiyo-o, kiyo, nagusami.Enthusiasm, n. Nobosete atsuku-narukoto, netchiu.Entice, t. v. Sosonokasu, obiku, izanau,sasou, hiki-ireru.Entire, a. Mattaki, marude, ippan no,nokoradzu.Entirely, adv. Mattaku, sappari, sukkari,tonto.Entitle, t. v. Nadzukeru, go-su, shosu.Entomb, t. v, Haka ni osameru, homuru.Entrails, n. Hara-wata, hiyakuhiro.Entrance, n. Hairu koto ; iri-kuchi,shi-kakeru koto. Ship's — , niu-kotegata.Entrance, t. v. Ho-shin suru.Entrap, t. v. Wana ni kakeru, ana niotoshi-ireru, obiki-komu.Entreat, t. v. Koi-negau, tan-guwansuru, kito suru.Entry, «. Iru koto, kaki-ireru koto, irikuchi,shi-kakeru koto.Entwine, t. v. Karamu, karami-tsuku.Enumerate, t. ?'. Zazoyeru, kanjo suru,Sanyo suru ; shisai ni noberu, maikiyosuru.Enumeration, n. Sanyo, kazoye.Enunciate, t. v. li-dasu, hotsugon sunoberu.Envelop, t. v. Tsutsumu, fiijiru, ou.Envelope, n. Jobukuro, fuji-gami ; tsutsumi.Enviable, a. Urayamashii, kenarii.Envious, a. Urayamashigaru, sonemu,netamu, shitto-bukai.Environ, t. v. Kakomu, tori-maku.Environs, n. Hotori, atari, kinjo, kakoi.Envoy, n, Shisha, tsukai, koshi.Envy, t. v. Netamu, sonemu, urayamu.Envy, n. Netami, sonemi, urayami.Ephemera, «. Kagero.Epicure, n. Bi-shoku wo konomu hito.Epidemic, «. Riu-ko biyo, hayari yamai.Epidermis, n. Guwai hiyohi.Epigastrium, n. Midzu-ochi, kiubi.Epilepsy, n. Ten-kan.Epistle, n. Tegami, shokan, fumi, shoj6.Epitaph, n. Bohi no mei, himei.Epito.me, n. Riyaku-setsu, riyaku-sho.Epoch, n. Toki, nengo,Epsom-salt, «. Shariyen.Equ.\rle, a. Taira-naru, ichi-yo na,mura naki, hitoshii, soroitaru, heikinEqual, a. Onaji, ichi-yo na, hitoshii,sorotte oru, do-yo na, biyodo na ; kanau,tekito na.Equal, n. Do-hai.Equal, i. v. Onajiku suru, sorou, heikinni suru, hitoshiku suru. (j>ass^Onajiku naru, hitoshiku naru, rui suru.Equality, n, Onajisa, hitoshisa, ichiyona koto.Equalize, t. v. Onajiku suru, soroyeru,hito-shiku suru, ichiyo ni suru, hei-kinsuru.Equanimity, n. Heiki, ochi-tsuki.Equator, n. Sekido.Equestrian, a. — feats, kiyokuba, bagei.Equilibrium, n. Tsun-ai.Equinox,??. Vernal — , shumbun. Aututnnal— , shubun.Equip, t. v. Teate wo suru, shitaku wosuru, yoi wo suru, sonayeru.Equipage, n. Teate, yoi ; shozoku, do-

EQU6^EVEEquipment, n. Teate, yoi, shitaku.Equipoise, n. Tsuri-ai.Equisetum, «. Sugina, tokusa. __Equitable, a. Gi naru, tadashii, oyakenaru, seichoku na.Equity, n. Gi, ri, giri, dori, michi, seichoku,kohei.Equivalent, a. Onaji, hitoshii. — words,doi no kotoba.Equivocal, a. Utagawashii, ibukashii,fushin naru.iru.Error, n. Ayamachi, machigai, soiochido.Eructation, n. Okubi, geppu, hedo.Erudite, a. Haku-gaku na, monoshiriiniru.Ess.w, n. Bunsho, tameshi, kokoro-mi.Essence, n. Genso, moto, gokui.Essential, a. Kanyo, kanjin na, taisetsuna, nakute kanawanu.Establish, t. v. Sadameru, kiwameru,kataraeru, tateru. hiraku.Estate, n. Katoku, shinsho, chigiyo,mibun, bungen.Esteem, t. v. Tattobu, tai-setsu ni suru,oshimu, omou, yomi suru.Estimable, a. Tattobareshii, oshii, oshimubeki.Estimate, t. v. Tsumoru, hakaru, kanjosuru, kazoyeru, mikomu.Estimate, n. Tsumori, tsumori-gaki,santo-gaki, oshi-hakari, suirij'o.Estrange, i. v. Tozakeru, utoku su-Equivocate, /. v. Itsuwaru.Yo, dai, jidai, toki, nengo. Estranged, Tozakaru, utoku naru, soyenEr.\, n.Eradicate, i. v. Nuku, ne kara hikinuku,ni naru.kogu.Estrangement, n. Soyen.Erase, t. v. Kesu, kaki-kesu, kedzurikesukoyo.— ii/

'Everywhere,_EVE 64ni, tambi, mai-do. — other day ^ ichinichi-okini, kaku-jitsu ni.adv. Doko nite mo, idzukuni mo, amaneku, mamben, hobo,sho-sho, sho-ho, bampo.iu, kotogotoshiku iu.Exalt, t. v. Agameru, homeru, ageru,takameru.Examination, n. Gimmi, shirabe, aratame,shi-mon.Examine, t. v. Gimmi suru, shiraberu,aratameru, kokoromiru, toi-tsumeru,shi-mon suru. — one's self kayerimiru.— a patient, shin-satsu suru.Example, n. Tehon, mihon, kibo, gihiyo,kangami, rei, tameshi, furiai. For— , tatoyeba.Exasperate, t. v. Ikaraseru, rippukusaseru.{pass^ Ikaru, okoru, rippukuExcellent, a. Yoi, ii.Except, i. v. Nokosu, nokeru, tori-nozoku.— to, kotowaru, inamu.Except, prep. Hoka-ni, narade, nokete.Exception, n. Bekkaku, kakugai, kakubetsu.Excess, n. Yokei, amari, kuwabun, j'obun,do wo sugiru koto. —or deficiency,ka-fugiu.Excessive, a. Ammari na, do ni sugiru,do ni hadzureru, bakutai, hidoLExcesssively, adv.Shigoku, hanahada,Exchange, t. v. Tori-kayeru, kayeru,riyogaye suru, tori-kawasu.Exchange, n. Tori-kaye, kawaru koto ;koyeki, riyogaye-ya, kawase. Bill of— , kawase-tegata. — Broker, riyogaye-ya.Evidence, n. Shoko, akashi.Evident, a. Akiraka na, meihaku na,ichijirushi.Evil, a. Aku, ashiki, warui, fukitsu na, Exchangeable, a. Tori-kayerareru.kiyo. speaki7ig^ akko. — spirits, Excise, n. Unjo, zei-gin, zei.akki. — thoughts^ aku-nen.Excitable, a. Jo no ugoki-yasui.Evil, n. Aku.Excite, t. v. Hagemasu, okosu, odateru,Evince, t. v. Arawasu,sendo suru, sawagasu, taki-tsukeru.Evulsion, n. Nuku koto.Excitement, n. Sodo, sawagi, doyo.Exacerbation, n. — of fever, chonetsu.Exclaim, t. v. Koye wo ageru, sakebu.Exclamation, n. Hotsu-gon.Exact, n. Kichomen na, shimattaru, Exclude, t. v. Kindzuru, kotowaru,genju na, kimari no.dasu ; nokeru.Exactly, adv. Chodo, shikkuri to, kitchiriExclusive, a. As, wearing two swordsis the exclusive privilege of a samurai,to, teinei ni. _Exaggerate, t. v. Okiku iu, giyo-sanni hon sasu wa samurai nomi nini iu, hari wo bo ni iu, o ni o tsukete kagiru.Exclusively', adv. Kagitte.Excgoitate, /. V. Omoi-megurasu, kangayedasu.Exocmmunicate, /. V. Shushi wo habuku,shushi kara hochiku suru, shushiwo kamayeru.Excoriate, /. v. Kawa wo suri-muku,hagu.Excrement, n. Fun, kuso, dai-ben.Excrescence, n. Kobu, zei-butsu.Excruciating, a. Kurushiki.Exculpate, t. v. Tsumi nashi to moshiwakesuru, kamai kore naki mune moshiwatasu.Yusan. Boat — , funayusan.Excursion, n.Excavate, t. v. Hori-kubomeru, kuru,horu.Excusable, a. Yurusareru, gomen arubeki.Excavation, n. Hori-kubomeru koto,ana, hori.t. v. Yurusu, menkiyo suru,Exceed, t. v. Sugiru, amaru, koyeru, mendzuru. — me, go-men nasare.Excuse,kosu, yosugiru.Excuse, n. li-wake ; kakotsuke.Exceedingly, adv. Hanahada, shigoku, Execrable, a. Nikurashii.itatte, ito, ammari.Execrate, t. v. Nonoshiru, norou, nikumu.Excel, /. v. Sugiru, kosu, masaru, hiideru,nukinderu, katsu, sugureru.Execration, n. Nonoshiri, noroi, akko.Excellence, n. Sugitaru koto, masaru Execute, /. v. Togeru, shi-togeru, sumasu;koto, hiidetaru koto, yosa.tori-okonau, tori-atsukau ;shiokiExcellency, n. Your — , kekka.wo suru, shizai ni suru.Execution, w.kai ; shioki.Tori-okonai, tori-atsu-— grouftd, shioki-ba.Executioner, n. Shioki wo okonau hito.Exemplary, a. Kangami ni naru, gihiyoto naru.Exemplify, t. v. Okonaite hito no tehonto suru, tai suru.Exempt, t. v. Yurusu, menkiyo suru.Exemption, n. Menkiyo, yurushi, nakikoto.Exercise, «.Ugoki, hataraki, mochiiru

_EXE 65 EXPkoto ;keiko ; cho-ren, soren, undo.Siiiord — , kenjutsu. Spear — , sojutsu.Exercise, /. v. Hatarakasu, ugokasu,shugiyo suru, keiko suru, soren suru,choren suru ;okonau, tsukasadoru.— authority^ shihai suru.Exert, /. -j. Shussei suru, sei-dasu.Exertion, n. Shussei, tansei, taigi.Exhalation, n. Ki, nioi.Exhale, t. v. Ki wo dasu, nioi wo dasu.Exhaust, t. v. Tsukiru, tsukusu, nakusuru, tsuki-hateru. (pass.) Tsukareru,tsukusareru.Exhibit, /. v. Miseru, arawasu.Exhibition, «. Mise-mono, hakurankuwai,tenrankuwai.Exhilerate, ^, V. Yorokobaseru, kibarashiwo suru.Exhort, L v. Hagemasu, isameru.Exhume, /. v. Shikabane wo hori-dasu;haka wo abaku.Exigency, n. Kiu na koto, kiu-hen,kiuba, sashi-atari.Exile, n. Tsuiho-nin.Exile, t. v. Tsuiho suru.Exist, /. v. Oru, aru. imasu, sumu.Cause to — , arashimeru. All thingsthat — , arayuru mono.Existence, ;/. Oru koto, aru koto.Exit, n. De-guchi, saru koto.Exonorate, t. V. Toga naki koto womeihaku ni suru, haji wo sosogu.Exorbitant, a. Messo na, toho mo naku,hoguwai.Exostosis, n, Kotsu-riu.Exp<strong>and</strong>, t. v, Hirogeru, hiroku sut\\.{/. V.) Hiraku, hirogaru, hiroku naru.Expanse, n. Sora.Expansible, a. Hirogerareru.Ex-PARTE, a. — statement, kata-kuchi.Expatiate, t. v. Isai ni iu, kuwashikuhanasu.Expatriate, t. v. Kuni yori oi-dasu,tsuiho suru. — one^ self, hon-kokuwo saru.Expect, t. v. Matsu, nozomu. Alsoformed by the fit. or dub. suffix 6 oraro ; as, I expect to sail to-morrow,miyonichi shuppan itashimasho. I expecthim here to-night, kon-ban kurude aro.Expectation, n. Matsu koto, nozomi.Expectorate, t, v. Kuchi kara hakidasu.ExrECTORATiON, n. Haki-dasu koto, kuchikara haki-dasu mono, tan, tsubaki.Expedient, a. Yeki ni naru, tame ninaru.Expedient, n. Tedate, kufu, s<strong>and</strong>an,shikata, senkata, saku.Expedite, t. v. Hakadoraseru, hayameru, rachiakaseru.Expedition, >i. Isogu koto, shimpatsu.E.xpeditious, rt._ Hayai, haka-bakashii,isoide iru, rachi ga aku.Expeditiously, adv. Hayaku, isoide,kaka-bakash iku.Expel, t. v. Oi-dasu, dasu, hochikusuru, oi-harau.Expend, /. v. Harau, tsuiyasu, ireru.Expenditure, n. Niu-yo, iri-yo, zappi,irika, iri-me, yodo, kakari, z6y6._Expense, «. Niu-yo, iriyo, hakari, zoyo.Useless — , muda-dzukaye.Expensive, a. Kojiki na, nedan no takaki,oku kakaritaiu.Experience, a. Nashite shiru koto, shitesatoru koto, tameshite shiru koto.Experience, t. v. Included in the subjectiveor ititransitive forin of the<strong>Japanese</strong> verb : as, to — pain, itamu.To — sorrow, kanashimu. l^o — thecontempt of others, hito ni mi-kudasareru.Experienced, p. a. Juku-ren shite oru,tasshitaru, tan-ren shitaru, narete iru,jukushitaru, yeteru.Experiment, «. Kokoro-mi, keiken,tameshi.Expert, a. Jodzu na, tasshi-taru.Expert, n. Patsu-jin, yeteta hito.Expiate, t. v. Tsumi wo tsugunau,aganau.Expiation, n. Tsugunai, aganai.Expiration, n. Tsuku-iki, de-iki, owari,shimai.Expire, /. v. Iki wo tsuku ; idasu. (/. v.)Shinuru, iki ga tsukiri, awaru, shimau.Explain, /. v. Toki-akasu, toku, ge su-ru.Explanation, n.wake, ii-wake.Toki-akasu koto, imi,Expletive, a. Jogo, kiyoji, joji.Explicit, a. Akiraka naru, hakkiri toshite oru, meihaku na.Explode, i. v. Haretsu suru, hanasu.Exploit, n. Tegara, ko, hataraki, waza.Explore, /. v. Ukagau, tansaku suru,tadzuneru ; sagasu, saguru, shiraberu.Explosion, n. Haretsu, hanasu koto.Export, i. v. Hakobi-dasu, yushutsusuru.Exports, n. Yushutsu mono.Exportation, n. Haboki-dafu koto.Expose, t. v. Arawasu, idasu, sarasu,miseru, ii-furasu, shiraseru. — life,inochi wo kakeru.Exposition, «. Toki-akasu koto, koshaku.Expostulate, i. v. Isameru, kangensuru, iken suru.

EXP(i(iEYEExpound, t. v. Toki-akasu, yaku suru,kai suru, toku, koshaku suru.Express, t. v. Shiboru, shimeru, shirusu,shimesu, ii-toru, noberu, shitate deyaru.Express, n. Haya-bikiyaku, haya, shitate.-Express, a. Shika-to shitaru, tashikanaru. — messeiiger^ shitatetaru hikiyaku,hiya-bikiyaku. — linage^ ikiutsushi.Expression, n. Shiboru koto, noberukoto, hanashi, kotoba, ku. — of coun~tenajice^ kao-tsuki.Expulsion, n. Hochiku suru koto, oidasukoto.Expunge, t. v. Kesu, kaki-kesu, kedzuri-kesu.Exquisite, a. Kekko na, sei-miyo naru,tsuyoi, hanahadashii.Exsiccate, t. v. Kawakasu, hosu.Extant, a. Tsutaye-kitattaru, nokoru.Extemporaneous, a. Maya kara kangayenaki, detarame na, dehodai no.Extemporaneously, adv. Maya karakangayedzu shite, detaraine ni.Extemporize, t. v. Maye kara kangayenashi ni iu.Extend, t. v. Haru, nobasu, noberu, todokeru,oyobosu, hiromeru, rufu suru,hiromaru. — the time, hi-nobe wo suru,nichi-gen wo nobasu.Extension, n. Haru koto, nobasu koto.— of time, hinobe.Extensive, a. Hiroi, okii.Extensively, adv. Hiroku.Extent, n, Hirosa.Extenuate, /. v. Heru yo ni ii-wake woiu, gendzuru.Exterior, a. Soto no, guwai. («.) Uwabe,omote.Exterminate, t. v. Tayasu, mina-goroshini suru, messuru, horobosu, kiritsukusu.(j>ass.) Taye-hateru, danzetsusuru.External, n. Soto no, guwai, uwamukino. — <strong>and</strong> internal, nai-guwai.Extinct, a. Kiyeru, tayeru, taye-hateru.Extinction, n, Kesu koto, kiyeru koto,tayeru koto.Extinguish, t. v. Kesu, fuki-kesu, tayasu,naku suru, messuru.Extirpate, t. v. Nuki-dasu, nuku,dammetsu suru.Extol, t. v. Homeru, sho suru, sambisuru, tatayeru.Extort, t. v. Ubai-toru, oshite toru, itaburu,nedaru, yusuru.Extortion, n. Muri ni toru koto, oshidori.Extra, a. Sono hoka, betsudan no. —expenses, ringi no niuyo.Extract, t. v. Hiki-dasu, nuki-dasu,hiku, nuku.Extract, ti. Nuki-gaki, bassui, genso.Extraction, n, Nuki, hiki-dasu koto,chisuji.Extr.\ordinarily, adv. Kakubetsu ni,tsune naradzu shite.Extraordinary, a. Tsune naranu, hijonaru, ihen na ; kakubetsu no.Extravagance, n. Ogori, zeitaku, shashi.Extravagant, a. Hoguwai naru, ogoru,zeitaku na.Extreme, a. Shigoku naru, kiwamattaru,kono uye naki, hanahadashiki.Extreme, n. Itari.Extremely, adv. Shigoku, itatte, hanahadashiku.Extremity, n. Kagiri, owari, hate, itari.Extricate, /. v. Sukui-toru, tasukeru.Exuberant, a. Shigeru, habikoru, yutakana.Exude, t. v. Dasu. {i. z'.) Deru.Exult, i. v. Yorokobu, ureshigaru, kiyetsusuru.Eye, n. IMe ; manako, gan, moku. 07ie— ,kata-me. — disease, gam-biyo.Sore , biyo-gan. Artificial — , ireme.— of a 7ieedle, hara no ana, harino mizo. To keep an — on, rne wo tsukeru,mamoru. Have an — to^ ki wotsukeru.Eye-brow, n, Mayu, mayu-ge.Eye-ball, n. Me no tama.Eve-glass, «. Megane.Eye-lid, n. Mabuta.Eye-tooth, n. Kiba.Eye-water, n. Me-gusuri.Eye-witness, n. Me ni mita shoko-nin.

__67Fable, «. Tatoye-banashi, tsukurl-monogatari.Failure, n. Ayamachi, ochido, hadzure.Failing, «. Ayamachi, ochido, bunsan.Fabric, n. Tsukuri-kata, ji-ai, ji, kime, — o/ a promise, i-yaku, ha-dan. — oftate-mono.crops, kai-mu. — of sight, sui-gan. —Fabricate, t. v. Tsukuru, koshirayeru, of business, bunsan, ochi-bureru.saku suru, sei suru. — a lie, uso wo Faint, a. Yowai, uchiki na, kiyowa na,tsuku.kasukanaru. — in color, M'&nx. — fromFabrication, n. Tsukuru koto, tsukurimono; uso, kiyo-gon.uchiki na, okubiyo na.loss of blood, chi-mayoi. — hea7-ted^Fabulous, a, Kiyo-setsu na, gi-saku na, Faint, /. v. Yowaku naru, kizetsu suru,dzuzan na.fusagaru, ki-utsu suru, ki ga toku naru.Face, n. Kao, tsura, kambase, omote ;Fainting,/. /r. Memai, ken-nun.membu, memboku, men, omo. To — Faintly, adv. Yowaku, kasuka ni, usuku.mukau, tai suru. — about ^ kuri-ageru.Face to /ace, taimen, ai-mukai ni, aitaini, muki-au. Lose — , memboku wo weather, otenki, seiten. — -wind, jum-Fair, a. Kirei na, yoi, utsukushii. —ushinau. Straight — , magao, majimena kao. To laugk in one's — , azawarau.Be/ore the , me no maye ni, Fairly, adv. Shojiki ni, massugu ni, jin-Fair, «. Ichi.gan-zen. In the — of, mukomidzu ni. j6 ni.To 7nake/aces, karakaidzura wo suru. Fairy, n. Tengu.To have the — , hadzukashiku mo naku. Faith, n. Shin, shinko, shinyoTo —;oshiye,each other, ai-mukau, muki-au.Face, t. v. Mukau, tai suru, kiseru, ka- Faithful, a. Gi naru, chiugi no, shojikina, shinjitsu na. — servant, chiu-shin.Facetious, a. Odokeru, shareru, kokkei — soldier, gi-hei.na. — person, odoke mono, sharemonojitsuna, fujitsu na.Faithless, a. Fu-shinko na, fu-shin-Facile, a. Te-yasui, tayasui, yasui, yasashii,otonashii.Falconer, n. Takajo.Falcon, n. Taka.F.ACiLiTATE, /. V. Yasuku suru, tayasuku Fall, /. v. Ochiru, taoreru, korobu, sagaru,kudaru, dareru. — over, taoreru,suru.Facility, «. Shi-yasui koto, zosamonakikoto, jodzu.ru. — azvay, yaseru, dasso suru, michikokeru. — behind, okureru, ato ni na-Fac simile, n. Iki-utsushi.wo suteru, otoroyeru, daraku suru. —Fact, n. Jitsu-ji, koto, arisama, yoshi. back, shirizoku, atoshizaru. — front,In/act,yitsM ni, hon ni, makoto ni, geni-mo.kanau, shitagau, shochi suru, de-au. —somuku. — into, hamaru. — in tvith,Faction, n. Toto, muhon.off, ochiru, shirizoku, tozakaru, suteru,Factious, a. Giyaku-shin naru.otoroyeru. — out, kenkuwa suru, nakatagayewo suru. — short, fusokuFactitious, a. Magayeru, niseru, koshirayetaru.naru, sukunaku naru, taranu. — to,Factor, n. Banto, tedai, tori-atsukai. shi-kakeru. — binder, kakawaru, kisuru.— upon, semeru, yosoou. — inFactory, n. Sho-kuwan, sei-z6-ba.Faculty, n. Umare-tsuki, shotoku, chiye,chikara, hataraki ; nakama.geraku suru, sagaru. The tide falls,love, horeru, rembo suru. — in price,Fade, i. v. Sameru, bokeru, aseru, otoroyeru,suibi suru, kareru, kiyeru.ga furu.hiki-shio ni naru. The rainfalls, ameFagged,/./. Tsukareru, kutabireru. Fall, n. Ochi, korobi, taore, sagari, horobi;Faggot, n. Takagi, yake-bokkui.kudari, otoroye. — of water,Fail, /. v. Naku naru, tayeru, ochiru, taki. Rise <strong>and</strong> — , age-sage.otoroyeru. suibi suru. hadzureru, bunsansuru, tsubureru. Without fail, to-hi naru, dori ni kanawanu.Fallacious, a. Ri ni ataranu, itsuwaru,dokori naku, sashi-tsukaye naku, soi Fallacy, n. Itsuwari, hi, machigai.naku.Fallible, a. Machigai yasui.

FALFallopian-tl'bes, «. Rappan-kuwan.Fallow-gkol'nd, n. Yasume-ji.False, a. Makoto naki, itsuwaru, fujitsuna, uso no, fu-chiu na, fu-shinjitsuna, niseru. — hair^ ire-gami, gihatsu.kagi.— toothy ire-ba. —— eye^ ire-me, gi-gan.key^ ai-— tears,sora-naki, kara-naki. — measure, nisemasu.— hearted, futa-gokoro, uragokoro.— pretences^ kataru.Falsehood, n. Uso, kiyo-gon, itsuwari,chiku.Falsify, t. v. Itsuwaru, niseru.Falter, i, v. Tamerau, tayutau, yodomu.Fame, n. Kikoye, hiyoban, fubun.Familiar, a. Najimu, natsuku, kokoroyasui,nengoro na, nare-nareshii, nareru.— spirit, oni. Too — , sobayeru.Familiarity, n. Najimi.Familiarize, t. v. Narasu, nareru. —to doing, shi-nareru. — to hearing,kiki-nareru. — to seeing, mi-nareru.— to living in, i-nareru.Familiarly, adv. Najinde, kokoro-yasuku,nen-goro ni, nare-nareshiku.Family, n. Kanai no mono, kanai-ju,68 FAUFarm, t. v. Tagayesu, kosaku suru, tsu"kuru.Farmer, n. Hiyakusho, nofu.Farrier, n. Ba-i, hakuraku ; uma nokana-kutsu wo utsu hito.Fascinate, t. v. Mayowasu, torakasu.{pass.) Mayou, norokoru, mi-toreru,shujaku suru.Fascination, n. Shujaku, kokoro noubawaretaru koto.Fashion, n. Katachi, sugata, nari, furihayari, riuko no sugata.Fashion, t. v. Katadcru, tsukuru.Fashionable, a. Hayaru, riuko no, furiuna, fuga na.Fast, a. Hayai, sumiyaka na ; katai, kowai,tsumaru. — asleep, juku-sui. —man, hoto-nin.Fast, adv. Kataku, shikkari ; shika-to,hayaku, sumiyaka ni.Fast, i. v. Danjiki suru, shoku wo tatsu,kuwadzu.Fast, «. Danjiki.Fasten, t. v. Tozasu, shimeru, tojiru,tsukeru.Fastening, n. Shimeru mono.Fastidious, a. Ki-mutsukashii.uchi-wa, kenzoku ; iye-suji, shurui. Fat, a. Koyeru.Famine, n. Kikin.Fat, n. Abura.Famish, z. v. Uye-jini wo suru, uyeru, Fatal, a. Inochi ni kakaru, shinu hodokatsuyeru.no.Fa.mols, a. Nadakai, komei naru, kiko- Fatality', n. Ten-un, temmei.Fatally, adv. Shinu hodo ni, inochiFan, n. Uchiwa, ogi, sensu ; mi.ni kakatte.Fan, t. V. aoru.Aogu, Fate, n. Ten-un, tem-mei, un, j'akusoku.Fanatical, a. Shushi ni nobosetaru.Fanatic, n. Shushi ni nobosetaru hito. Father, n, Otots-san, chi-chi, teteoya.Fanciful, a. Dzuzan na, ukaretaru, Your — go-shimbu-sama, taijin. —,ukaretsuku.<strong>and</strong> child, fu-shi. — l<strong>and</strong>, hon-goku.Fancy, n. Omoi-nashi, deki-gokoro, soz6; ki, kokoro ;— <strong>and</strong> mother, fu-bo, futa-oj'a, riyoshin.— in laiu, shuto.konomi.v.ru ;child,Fancy, /.konomu.Omoi-nasu, ukabu, sozo su-Fatherless, a.— minashigo.Chichi nashi, tete-naki.Fang, n. Kiba.Fathom, n. Hiro.Fantastical, a. Ukatsuite iru, okashii. Fathom, t. v. Sokuriyo suru, umi no fukasaFar, a. Toi, haruka, yempo, haru-baru.wo hakaru.Hoiv far to Yedo ? Yedo ye iku ri arimasu,or dono kurai de gozarimasu.Fathomless, a.shi.Hakararenu, soko na-Far, adv. Toku, haruka-ni, haru-baru Fatigue, n. Tsukare, kutabire.Fatigi'ed, /. /. Tsukareru, kutabireru,to.Farce, «. Odoke-shibai, chari-shibai. hokkori to shita, gakkari to shita.Fare, i. v. Au. To — well, shi-awase Fatness, n. Koyeru koto.ni naru. To — ill, fu-shiawase. — Fatten, t. v, Koyasu.sumptuously, ogoru.Fatty, a. Aburake no aru.Fake, n. Chin, dai ; shokuji, unchin Fati ITY, n.dachin. Boat — , funa-chin.ki-nuki.Gu naru koto, orokonaru,Farewell, ifiter/. Sayonara, go-kigen Faucet, ti. Nomi-guchi.yoroshu. To bid — , wakare wo tsugeru.To find — , kogoto wo iu, togameru.Fault, «. Ayamachi, ochido, ii-bun.Farm, n. Denji. jimen, dembata. — Faultless, a. Ayamachi-naki, mu-shitsuhouse, na, moshi-bun denka.nashi.

FAU 69 FERFaulty, a. Ayamachi aru, toga aru. Feel, i. v. Oboyeru, k<strong>and</strong>zuru, oinou.Favor, n. On, megumi, nasake, o-kage, Included in the intransitive or subjectiveyorm 0/ the z'erb ; as, to fecisewa, ontaku. To beg a — , o tanomimoshi-masu. To receive a — , sewa ni sick, yamu ; or y<strong>and</strong>e oru. To fecinaru. To do a — , sewa wo suru. To angry, ikaru ;or ikatte oru. To feelJind — , ki ni iru, hiiki ni sareru, aiserareru.To regard with — , kokoro mukaru. To feel for,o'ca.o\y2MVL,i\i!o'\x\afraid, kowagaru. To feel cold, sa-ni kanau. In — of^ yoshi to suru. To ni omou. To feel unwell, ambai gagain — , tori-iru.warui. To feel rough, tezawari gaarai.Feel. n. Te-zawari, te-atari.Favorable, a. Kokoro ni kanaitaru,shubi yoi, tsugo no yoi. — wind,oite.jumpu, Feeling, «. Chikaku, kokoro-mochi, kibun,ki-mochi, kimi, oboye, shone,Favorite, n. Ki ni iritaru hito, konomitaruhito ; hayari.zonjiyori. Destitute of — , nasake nai.Favoritism, n. Kata-hiiki, yeko, hempa, Feign, t. v. Tobokeru, shirabakureru,kata-yori, hiiki.niseru, mane wo suru, maneru, furi woFawn, n. Shika no ko.suru.Fawn, /. v. Hetsurau, kobiru, omoneru, Feigned, /. a. Nise, sora. — sickness,tsuisho suru.ke-biyo, sora-yamai. — madness, nisekichigai,Fealtv, n. Chiugi.sora-kichigai.Fear, n. Osore, ojike, kowagari.Felicitate, t. v. Iwau, shuku suru, gaFear, t. v, Osoreru, ojikeru, kowagaru, suru, shugi wo iu.Felicitation, n. Shugi, iwai.ojiru.Fearful, a. Osoroshii, kowai, okkanai, Felicity, n. Tanoshimi, urei, raku, anraku,abunagaru.saiwai.Fearfully, ad7>. Osoroshiku.Fell, /. v. Buchi-taosu ;nu.Fearless, a. Osore-nai ; futeki na, daitanFellow, n. Mono, yatsu, ko-itsu, do-naru.rui, do-hai, tomo aite. These shoes;Feasible, a. Dekiru, itasareru.are not fellows, kono kutsu wa tsui daFeast, ti. Go-cKiso, furumai, shu-yen ; na. — citizen, do-koku jin, — feeling,omoi-yari, nasake. — lodger, do-matsuri. — oy lanterns^ bon, bommatsurishukumono. — officer, do-yaku. —Feast, /. v. Furumau, shoku suru, kiyo-6 suru.Feast-day, n. Matsuri-bi.Feat, n. Waza, shi-waza, ko, — oystrength, kiyoku-mochi.Feather, n. Tori no ke. — brush, haboki.— /an, ha-uchiwa. To showthe white — , shirakeru, oku-biyo nistudent, do-gaku, ai-deshi. — creature^onajiku kami no tsuku mono. — traveler,michi-dzure.Fellowship, n. Nakama, tsuki-ai, majiwari,shitashimi.Felon, n. Zai-nin, tsumi-bito.Felony, 71. • Tsumi, toga.Female, a. Mesu, me, onna no, niyo.Feminine, a. Onna no, onnarashii, memeshii,niyakeru.Femur, n. Dai-tai-kotsu,Fen, n. Numa.Fence, n. Hei, kakoi. Board — , itabei.Stone — , ishi-bei.Fence, t. v. Hei de kakou ; shi-au,kenjutsu suru.Fencer, n. Kenjutsu-tsukai, kenkaku.Fencing, n. Kenjutsu.Fend, t. v. Fusegu, yokeru ; ukeru.Feather, t, v. — an arrow, ya wohagu.Feature, n. Kao-tsuki, omodachi, tsuragamaye,keshiki.Febrifuge, n. Seiriyozai, netsu-samashi.Febrile, a. Netsu no.February, n, Ni-guwatsu.Feces, n. Dai-ben, kuso, fun, unko.Federal, a. Keiyaku no.Fee, n. Rei-kin, yaku-rei, kiu-kin. Fender, «. Yoke, jotan.Feeble, n. Yowai, niujaku na.Ferment, n. Koji ; sodo, sawagi.Feebly, adv. Yowaku.Ferment, /. v. Waku, mureru, wakiagaru.Feed, t. v. Tabesaseru, kuwaseru, kau,fukumeru, kukumeru, yashinau. {i. v.) Fermentation, n. Waki-agaru koto.Taberu, shoku suru.Fern, n. Warabi, shida, zemmai.Feed, n. Tabe-mono, kaiba, yeba, magusa,ye.- animal, mo-ju.Ferocious, a. Takeki, boaku na, arai.Feel, t. v. — after, saguru. — %vith Ferrule, n. Tagane.the h<strong>and</strong>, naderu, sawaru.Ferry, n. Watashi-ba.

FER 70Ferrv, t. V. Watasu, wataru.Fiftieth, a. Goju-ban, {n.) Goju-banme.Ferry-boat, n. Watashi-bune.Ferryman, n. Watashi-mori, sendo. Fifty, a. Go-ju.Fertile, a. Koyetaru, yutaka na.Fig, n. Ichijiku.Fertility, n. Yutaka naru koto.Fight, /. v. Tatakau, kassen suru, senseFertilize, t. v. Koyasu.suru, buchi-au ;kenkuwa suru, tekitau,Ferule, n. Shippei.teki suru. {as dogs.) kui-au, kami-Fervent, a.shiki.Atsui ; fumpatsu na, hageau.To fight cocks^ ke-awaseru, tokei— saseru. with swords., shi-au, kiriau.Fervently, adv. Atsuku, hageshiku,ichidzu ni.Fight, n. Kenkuwa, tatakai, ikusa, kassen,buchi-ai. Dog — , kami-ai. CockFervid, a. Atsui.Fervor, n. Nesshin, kisaki. — , ke-awase. Sea — , funa - ikusa.Festal, a, — day., iwai-bi.Sword — , kiri-ai, shi-ai.Fester, t. v. Umu. {n.) Deki-mono. Figurative, a. Kei3'6 naru, tatoyetaru,Festival, n. Matsuri, iwai-bi, jinji, sairei.nazorayetaru.Figure, n. Katachi, sugata, kata, moyo,Festivity, n. Kiyo, yorokobi, kiyetsu. aya ; nari, shirushi, tatoye, keiyo.Fetch, t. v. Motekuru, uru. — a sigh, Figure, t. v. Katadoru, kaku, tatoyeru,tansoku suru. — a blow., buchi-yaru. ayadoru, nazorayeru. — uj>., Sanyo suru,Fetid, a. Kusai.kanjo suru.Fetter, n. Ashi-gane, hodashi, ashigase.Figured, a. Moyo aru, aya am.Fetter, /. v. Ashigase wo kakeru, hodasu.Filbert, n.Filch, t. v.Hashibami no mi.Nusumu.File, n. Yasuri ;narabi.Fetus, n. Hara-gomori no ko.File, t. v. Yasuri de suru.Feud, n. Kenkuwa, isakai ; han.File, i. v. Hitori-dachi ni aruku.Feudal, a. — systevi, ho-ken. — chie/.^ Filial, a. Ko taru mono no. — obedience.,shoko, daimiyo.koko, ko.Feudalism, n. Hoken.Fill, t. v. Mitaseru, mitsuru, moru, aku,Feudatory, w. Sho-ko, daimiyo.ippai ni suru. u/> with earth., udzumeru,moru. — up a deficiency., tasu.Fever, n. Netsu, netsu-biyo, shokan.Few, n. Sukunai, sho-sho, wadzuka, sukoshi,su. — days., su-jitsu. — hundred.,Fillet, n.Fillip, t. v.Himo.Hajiku, tsuma-hajiki wo su-su-hiyaku.Fib, n. Use. To — , uso wo iu.Film, n. Uwa-kawa.Fibre, n. Sen-i.Filter, n. Midzu-koshi. To — , kosu.Fibula, n. Hotai-kotsu.Filth, 71. Aka, kegareru mono,fujo.Fickle, a. Utsurigi na, muragi na, gureru,Filthy, a. Kitanaki, akatsuita, kegare-sadamaranu, uwatsuite oru.taru, fujo na, fuketsu na, yogoretaru, oyeFiction, n. Tsukuri-mono gatari^ tsukuri-mono,na, musai.saku-mono.Fin, n. Hire.Fictitious, a. Nisetaru, fujitsu na, bukeiFinable, a. Kuwariyo wo toru beki.no ; sora.Final, a. Owari no, shimai no.Fiddle, n. Kokiu. To — , kokui wo hiku.— stringy kokui no ito.ni, owari ni, shimai ni, to-to.Finally, adv. Tsui ni, ageku ni, hateFidelity, «. Chiugi, chiu-shin, shinjitsu,Finance, «. Keizai, shindai, yudzu.chiu-setsu, shin.Find, t. v. Au, ataru, hirou ;motomeru.Field, n. Ta-hata, hatake. Rice — , ta. — out., mi-dasu, mi-tsukeru. — faultWheat — , mugi-batake. — of battle., with., togameru, kogoto wo iu. To —kassemba, senjo.in food., makanau. — in vioney^ kaneFiend, n. Oni, akuma, akki.wo dasu. — one's self jibun makanaiFierce, a. Takeki, arai, hageshii, boaku wo suru.Fine, a. Hosoi, komaka na, usui, yoi,na.Fiercely, adv. Takeku, araku.kirei na, teinei na, rippa na.Fiery, a. Hi no yo na ; hageshii.Fine, n. Bakkin, kuwariyo, batsu-kin.Fife, n. Yoko-buye.Fifteen, a. Ju-go.Fifteenth, a. Jugo-ban. («.) Jugobanme,Fifth, a. Go-ban. (fi) Go-ban-me.Fine, ;•. v. Bakkin wo toru.Finely, adv. Yoku, kirei ni, teinei nihosoku, komaka ni, usuku.Fineness, n. Hososa, komakasa, yosa;hin, gara.

71FLAFinery, n. Kazari-mono, date-na kimono.Fish, n. Sakana, uwo, giyo.Fish, v. Sakana wo toru, riy5 suru^i.Finesse, n. Tedate, hakarigoto, kama. sunadoru, tsuru.Finger, n. Yubi. Eating with the — Fisherman, «. Riyoshi, sunadori.tedzukami wo shite ku. Blowing the Fish-gig, n. Yasu.nose with —, tebana wo kamu. — ring^ Fish-hook, n. Tsuri-bari.yubi-wa.Fishing,/, a. Tsuri. — (J^a/, tsuri-bune.Finger, t. v. Tsumaguru, sawaru.riyosen. — line., tsuri-ito. — rod., tsurizao.Finger-board, n. K<strong>and</strong>oko.Fish-market, n. Sakana-ichi, zakoba.Finish, /. v. Shitogeru, deki-ageru, j6-jusuru, shimau, owaru, sumasu, shuttai Fishmonger, n. Sakana-ya.suru, hatasu, sumu.Fish-oil, n. Giyo-to.Finish, n, Deki-agari.Fish-roe, n. Hararaga.Finite, a. Kagiri aru.Fishy, a. Sakana-kusai.Fir, w, Matsu no ki.Fissure, n. Wari, wari-me.Fire, n. Hi, kuwaji. To set on — , hi wo Fist, n. Kobushi, nigiri-kobushi.tsukeru.Fistula, n. Ru-kuwan. — zw ano., anaji,Fire, t. v. Hi wo tsukeru. — a gun, hasuji.teppo wo hanasu. — a salute^ shukuhoFit, n. Kanau, teki-to, s6-6 na, au, sotosuru.na. If you think Jit, 'ko\iOTO ni kana-Fire-arm, n. Teppo.yeba ; ki ni itta nara.Fire-arrow, n. Hi-ya.Fit, t. V. Awaseru, ate-hameru, hameru.Fire-bell, 71. Hansho.(z. 7'.) Kanau, au, tekito suru. — out,Fire- br<strong>and</strong>, n. Moye-kui, moye-sashi. shitaku suru, te-ate wo suru. — up, sonayeru,Fire-company, n. Hi-keshi-gumi.koshirayeru. The coat JitsFire-cracker, n. Kanshaku-dama.well, haori ga yoku ai-masu.Fire-engine, n. Riutosui, midzu-deppo.Five, «. Itsutsu, go. The — virttics, go-Fit, n. Kiyofii. — 0/ sickness, biyoki.Fike-fly, n. Hotaru.jo. — elements, %o-^'iyb. — relations^Fire-hook, n. Tobi-guchi.go-rin.Fire-look-out, n. Hi-no-mi.Fireman, «. Hi-keshi.Fix, /. V. Sadameru, kiwameru, kimeru,shikato suru, jitto saseru, i-tsukeru. —Fire-place, n. Kotatsu, hidoko, ro. the attention, nen wo ireru, ki wo tsukeru.— on a day, hi-dori wo suru, ni-Fire-proof, «. Moyezaru, hi-dzuyoi.Fire-shovel, n. Juno.chi-gen suru.Fire-steel, m. Hi-uchi-ishi.Fire-tower, «. Hi no miyagura.Fire-warden, n. Hi-gakari.Fix, i, zi. Ochi-tsuku.Fixed, p. a. Sadamaru, kiwamaru.day, nichigen. — time, koku-gen.—Firewood, n. Takagi, maki.Fixture, n. lye ni tsuki no mono, okitsuke.n.Fireworks, Hanabi.Firkin, n. Taru, oke.Flabby, a. Yurui, yunimu.Firm, a. Katai, genju na, jobu na, tashika-na.Flaccid, a. Yawaraka, yurui.Flag, n. Hata-jirushi, hata, nobori, yo-Firm, n. Sho-sha.shi, ashi.Firmament, n. Sora, ame, kuki.Flag, i. v. Yurumu, tayumu, okureru.Firmly, adv. Kataku, jobu ni, shika-to, The mirth began to — , kiyo ga sameshikkarito.Firmness, n. Katasa, genju na koto. Flagellation, 71. Muchi-uchi.First, a. Hajime no, dai ichi no, saisho. Flageolet, n. Hachiriki.— wi/e^ sensai.Flagitious, n. Ashiki, warui, aku.First, adv. Hajimete, madzu. At — Flagrant, a. Ashiki, hidoi.shote, saisho, hajime ni, ichi-ban ni. Flag-staff, n. Hata-zao.Frotn the — , tende, hajime kara. Flail, «. Karasao, kururi.First-born, a. Chaku-shi, soriyo, uizan.Flake, n. — of Jire, tobi-hi. — of stww^yuki hito hira.First day, n. — of the month., tsuitachi. Flambeau, n. Taimatsu, te-bi.First-fruits, «. Hatsuo.Flame, n. Ho-no, kuwa-yen.Firstly, adv. Madzu, dai ichi ni. Flame, i. v. Moyuru.First month, n. Sho-guwatsu.Flank, «. Yokohara, waki-hara. To attackon both flanks, hasami-uchi niFirst-rate, a. Dai-ichiban no, gokuyoi, goku-jo.suru. To — , katadoru.

FLAFLU72Flannel, «, Rase-ita.tsukeru, uchi-tsukeru. — into, nageireru,nage-komu. — open, oshi-akeru,Flap, n. Saddle — , aori.Flap, t. v. Aoru, chirameku. — the oshi-hiraku.wings, habataki wo suru.Flint, n. Hi-uchi-ishi. — <strong>and</strong> steel,Flash, n. Hikari, kagayaki.hi-dogu.Flash, i. v. Hikaru, hassuru. To — in Flippant, a. Ben-zetsu na.anger^ mukabara datsu.Flirt, /. v. Furi-kakeru, furu.Flask, n. Furasuko, tokuri.Flirt, i. v. Tawamureru.Flat, a. Hirattai, hira, tairaka na, hiramu,omoshiroku nai, madzui ; fu-Float, /. v. Uku, ukabu, {t. v.) Uka-Flit, /. v. Tobu.keiki.meru.Flat, a. Hirachi, hirada.Float, n. Uke.Flat-fish, n. Hirame.Flock, n. Mure.Flat-iron, n. Hinoshi kote.Flock, i. v. Muragaru, kunju suru.Flatness, n. Hirami, hiratasa.Flog, /. v. Muchi-utsu, butsu, chochakusuru. «Flatten, t. v. Hirattaku suru, taira nisuru. (?. V.) Hiram u, hirattaku naru. Flood, «. De-midzu, kodzui. — tide^Flatter, t. v. Hetsurau, kobiru, omoneru,ayu suru, tsuisho suru, bennei su-Flood, t. v. Afureru.michi-shio, sashi-shio.ru, nei suru.Flood-gate, «. Sui-mon, sui-do.Fi^tterer, n. Nei-jin, nei-sha.Floor, «. Yuka.Flattery, n. Nei-ben, hetsurai, kobi, Floor, t. v. Yuka wo haru ; heiko suru.tsuisho, nei-kan, nei-yu.Florid, a. Akai, akudoi.Flatulence, n. Fuki, hara ga naru Florist, n. Uyekiya, hana tsukuri.koto.Floss-silk, «. Ma-wata.Flavor, n. Ajiwai, aji, ambai, kagen, Flounce, i. -v. Haneru.fumi.Flounder, /. v. Haneru, agaku.Flavor, t. v. Aji wo tsukeru, kagen wo Flour, n. Ko, kona. Wheat — , komugi-no-ko,udonko. Rice — , kome-no-suru.Flaw, n. Kidzu, itami, nampi.ko. Buck-wheat — , soba-no-ko.Flay, /. v. Hagu, muku.Flourish, /. v. Shigeru, sakayeru, hanjoFlea, n. Nomi. — bite, nomi no ato. suru. (z'. V.) Furu, haneru.— trap, chikufujin, nomi-tori.Flow, /. v. Nagareru. — 0/ the tide,Flee, i. v. Nigeru, nogareru, chikuten shio ga sasu, michi-shio. Ebb <strong>and</strong>suru.flow, michi-hiki.Fleece, n. Hitsuji no ke.Flow, «. Nagare.Fleece, t. v. Muri ni hito no shoji wo Flower, n. Hana. — hud, tsubomi.kasumeru, hagi-toru.— basket, hana-kago. — pot, uyekibachi.— scissors, hana-basami. —Fleet, a. Hayai, ashibaya no.Fleet, n. Iku so ka aru gun-kan.vase, hana-ike.Fleetness, n. Hayasa.Flower, i. v. Hana ga saku.Flesh, «. Niku, niku-ai ; jin-tai, karada,nin-gen.shii.Flowery, a. Hanayaka na, hana-bana-Flesh-colored, n. Niku-iro.Fluctuate, i. v. Agari-sagari suru, fujoFleshy, a. Futotta, kcyetaru, himan naru, sadamaradzu.suru.Flue, n. Kaza-ana, kemuri-dashi.Fleur de lis, n. Shaga.Fluency, n. Benzetsu, kuchi-kiki.Flexible, a. Tawayaka naru, tamerareru,magerareru.sura-sura to iu.Fluent, a. Benzetsu na, ben no yoi,Flicker, /. v. Chiratsuku, chira-chira Fluid, «. Riu-do-butsu, midzu-mono.to suru.Fluke, n. Ikari no tsume.Flight, n. Nigeru koto, tobu koto, kake-ochi,chikuten. Put to — , uchichi.Fluor-albus, n. Koshike, taige, shirachirasu,uchi-nigasu.Flurried, p. p. Urotayeru, awateru,Flighty, a. Ukatsuitaru.bikkuri suru.Flimsy, a. Yowai.Flush, /. v. Akaku naru, noboseru, sekimensuru.Flinch, /. v. Hirumu, mijiroku, atoshizaru.Flute, n. \ oko-buye, oteki.Flinders, n. Mijin.Flutter, /. v. Hiraraeku, hirugayeru,Fling, t. v. Nageru, horu. — away, biratsuku, chirameku, chiratsuku, soyogu.nage-suteru, fun-suteru. — down, nage-

IIj: Foolish,jkanaru,I\—IIFoot-b.\ll,!Foot-b.vth,jFoot-hold,'Footing,I FooTP.AX),jFooT-soLDiER,1 FooT-RULE,! Foot.man,•Foot-stalk,jFootstep,'Footstool,jFor,FLU 73 FORFlux, n. Harakudari, geri. Bloody —geketsu, benketsu.Fly, i. V. Tobu ; hashiru, nigeru. —at^ tobi-tsuku, tobi-kakaru. — about^tobi-mawaru. off^ tobi-yuku, tobikakeru.To let — , nageru. To — open^tobi-aku.Fly, n. Hai. Horse — , abu. — poison^haidoku. Green — , ao-bai.Flying fish, «. Tobi-uwo.Foam, >i. Awa. {i. v.) Awa ga tatsu,awa wo fuki-dasu.Fodder, n. Kaiba.Foe, 71. Kataki, ada, teki.Fog, n. Kiri, moya.Foggy, a. Kiri fukaki.Fogy, n. Furu-kusaki mono, furumekashiihito.Foil, /. v. Munashiku suru, naku suru,fusegu.Foil, n. Keiko-dachi ; haku, kise.Fold, n. Bai, ye ; kakoye. Two — , futa-ye.Three — , mi-ye.Fold, /. 7'. Oru, tatamu. — the arms^ude wo kumu, tegumi. — in the arms,idaku, daku.Folding-doors, n. Ori-do.Foliage, n. Ko-no-ha.Folk, ?i. Hito, mono, tami. Old /oiks,rojinshii. Youngfolks, wakashu. Poorfolks, bimbo no mono domo.tain, yama no fumoto. To go on —kachi nite yuku. Set on — , hajimeru,shi-kakeru. Near the feet, ashi-moto.Foot, /. v. Aruku, fumu. (t. v.) Toa bill, kanjo wo harau. To — 2ip anaccount, kanjo wo Sanyo suru.71. Kemari.n. Sen-soku.n. Ashi-gakari, ashi-damari.«. Ashi-gakari.71. Ge-nan, ho-hei.F00T-M.A.RK, n. Ashi-ato.//. Oi-hagi.Footprint, n. Ashi-ato.«. Ho-hei, ashigaru.71. Mono-sashi, kanezashi.71. Jiku, kuki.«. Ashi-ato, ashi-oto.Follow, t. v. Shitagau, ou, ato ni tsudzuku,n. Fumi-dai, ashi-tsugi.tsuite yuku, tsugu, fukuju suru. FooT-STOYE, n. Kiyaku-ro, ashi-aburi.To — the mercantile business, akinai Fop, 71. Date-sha, date-otoko.wo giyo to suru. To — with the eye, Foppish, a. Date-dzuki na.mi-okuri.prep Kawari ni. tame ni ; niyotte,Follower, «. Tomo, jusha, dzui-ju,Rice for five 7ne7t, meshi goni rsuite.shitagau hito ;monto, deshi.nin maye. Medicine for ten days, tokaburi no kusuri. For as 77tuch as, niFollowing. «. Tsugi no. —

FOR 74 FORoshi-hanasu. — into^ oshi-komu. — Forgery, n.back, oshi-kayesu. — one^s way into,oshi-iru, shiite iru, muri ni iru. —down, oshi-kudasu. — through, oshitosu.Forceps, n. Nuki. Tooth — , ha-nuki.Forcible, a. Tsuyoi, muri naru.Forcibly, adv. Muri ni, shiite, oshite.Ford, n. Kachi-watari. {t. v.) Kachiwataru.Fore, a. Zen, maye, saki.Fore-arm, «. Ko-ude, kote.Forecast, t. v. Maye-motte hakaru.Forefather, n. Senzo.Forefinger, n. Hito-sashi-yubi.Foregoing, a. Migi no, kudan no, mayeno, sen no.Forehead, n. Hitai, nuka.Foreign, a. Guwai. — country, guwaikoku,ikoku, yoso no kuni, ta-koku.— goods, tobutsu. — minister, koshi.—

_FOR75 FRIFortune-telling, a. Uranai, bai-boku. Frame, n. Sudate, honegumi, waku,Fortune-teller, n. Uranaija, baibokushi,shoji, kamachi, san.boku-sha, onyoshi.Frame, t. v. Kiri-kumu, kufu suru, ku-Forty, rt. Shi-ju. —

FRIFriction, n. Sure-ai, kishimi.Frustrate, t. v. Naku sum, munashikuFriday, n. Kin-yobi.suru, sashi-yameru.Friend, n. Tomodachi, hoyu, hobai, Fry, t. V. Abura de ageru.mikata, yorube, tayori, kokoro-yasui Frying-pan, tt. Age-nabe.hito.Fuddled,/./. Namayoi ni naru.Friendly, adv. Nengoro-ni, kokoro-yasuku,shin-setsu ni, mutsumajiku, koni Fugitive, n. Kake-ochi-nin, shupponFuel, n. Takigi, maki, taki-mono.shite.nin, dasso nin.Friendship, n. Mutsumajii, shitashimi, Fulcrum, n. Teko no dai, teko no makura.konsei, yoshimi, mutsubi.Frigate, n. Gunkan no na.Fulfil, t. v. Hatasu, sumasu, togeru,Fright, n. Osore, odoroki.joju suru, kanayeru.Frighten, t. v, Odorokasu, odosu, obi- Full, a. Ippai, mitsuru, aku, mattaku,jubun. — moon, mangetsu, bogetsu.Frightful, a. Osoroshii, kowai, okkanai. — tide, michi-shio. — bloom, hanazakari.— 0/ the moon, bo. To theFrightfully, adv. Osoroshiku.Frigid, a. Samui, kan.— yoppara.,Fringe, n. Fusa, yoraku, baren.Full, t. v. — cloth, momen wo momu.Frisk, i. v. Haneru, jareru, tawamureru. Fuller, «. Kinuta uchi.Fritter, t. v. — away time., toki wotsuiyasu.Frivolous, a. Wadzuka na, karui, iyashii.Frizzled, a. Chijireru.Fro, adv. To <strong>and</strong> — , achi-kochi.Frock, n. Kimono, uwagi.Frog, n. Kawadzu, kayeru. Tree —amagayeru. Bull — , hiki, gama ;akagayeru,ao-hiki.Frolic, a. Tawamureru, asobu, jareru.From, pre^. Kara, yori.Front, n. Omote.Front, /. v. Mukau, tai suru.Front, a. Omote no ; maye no.Front-door, n. Omote-mon.Frontier, n. Kuni no sakai.Frontlet, «. Ma-bisashi.Frost, n. Shimo.Frost-bite, n. Shimo-yake.Frostbitten, a. Shimoyake naru,shimogeru.Frosty, a. — night, shimo-yo.Froth, n. Awa.Froth, /, v. Awa wo fuku.Frothy, n. Awa-gachi na.Frown, /. v. Shikameru, mayu wo hisomeru.Frozen, a. Kotta, kogoyeta.Fructify, /. v. Koyasu, uruosu.Frugal, a. Kenyaku na, kanriyaku na,shimatsu na, tsudzumayaka na, tsumashii.Frugality, «. Kenyaku, shimatsu.Fruit, n. Mi, kinomi, midzu-kuwashi,narimono, kudamono. First fruits,hashiri.Fruitful, a. Yutaka naru, koyetaru.— <strong>and</strong> uti/ruitful.^ ho-kiyo. — year.,ho-nen.Fruitless, n. Muda-na, munashiku, yoni tatanu, mi wo motanii.76 FURFully, adv. Mattaku, shika-to, tsumabirakani.Fume, i. v. Iburu, kuyoru.Fume, n. Kemuri.Fumigate, t. v. Fusuberu, ibusu, kuyorasu.Fumigation, «. Ibushi, fusubori, ibushigusuri.Fun, n. Tawamure, kiyo.Function, n. Yaku, yakume, hataraki,shokubun.Fund, n. Motode, moto-kin, midzukin,teate.Fundament, n, Shiri, ishiki, ko-mon.Fundamental, a. Kan-yo naru.Funeral, n. Tomurai, sorei, soso, okuri,soshiki, homuri.Fungus, n. Take, kikurage, kinoko.Funnel, n. Jogo.Funny, a. Okashii.Fur, n. Ke, kawa. — coat, ke-goromo.Furbish, t. v. Migaku. togu.Furious, a. Hageshii, tsuyoi, kibishii,arai, takeki.Furiously, adv. Hageshiku, araku, takeku.Furl, t. v. Maku, orosu, sageru.Furlough, n. Hima, yasumi.Furnace, «. Kamado, hettsui, kama,kudo, ankuwa.Furnish, t. v. Soroyeru, sonayeru, atayeru,teate wo suru, segiyo suru, yodateru.Furniture, n. Dogu, kagu, kazai. Old— sho^, furu-dogu-ya.Furred tongzie, n. Zettai, hakutai.Furrow, n. Mizo. saku.Further, a. Toi-ho, mata, mo mata,sono uyeni, nao.Further, /. v. Susumeru.Furthermore, adv. Sono-uye, sonohoka,mata, nao, nao-mata, mata-wa.

FURFurtively, adv. Shinonde, kakurete,uso-uso.Fury, n. Hageshisa, ar^a, tsuyosa,ikari, rippuku.Fuse, n, Hi-nawa, tansoku.Fuse, t. v, Tokasu.Fusible, a. Tokeru, toke-yasul.Fusion, n. Tokasu koto.77 GAWFuss, n. Yakamashii, sawagi.Fussy, a. Sewashii.Futile, a. Muda na, munashii, itadzunina, yd ni tatanu.Future, n. Mirai, yuku suye, nochi, go,kosei, suye, saki. —state^ nochi no yo,gosei, gosho, gose.GGabble, /. v. Shaberu.Gamester, «. Bakuchi-uchi.Gable, n. Hafu.Gang, n. Kumi, nakama, toto.Gad, /. V. Asobu, bura-bura suru. Gangrene, h. Funiku, dasso.Gag, /. V. Kamaseru, bai wo fukumaseru.Gaol, n. Roya, hito-ya, agari-ya, goku-(/'. z/.)Yedzuku.ya, gero, ro.Gag, n. Saru-gutsuwa, bai.Gaoler, n. Ro-ban, ro-mori, goku-sotsu.Gain, t. v. Mokeru, katsu, uru, ukeru, Gap, n. Ana.itaru. — oyer^ katarau, deki-komu. Gape, i. v. Akubi suru, kuchi wo hiraku,Gain, n. Ri, yeki, moke, riyeki, kai.kiyoro-tsuite miru, kuchi-angori toGainsay, t. v. li-fusegu, ii-kesu, kobamu. shite iru.GaiTj n. Ashi-tsuki, aruki-buri, ashidori, Garb, n. Nari, ifuku, kimono.fun.Garbage, n. Akuta, gomi.Gaiter, n. Kutsu no na.Garden,Galaxy, n._ Ama no kawa.gomi, saji-Hatake, sono, niwa, uyen.Gale, n. Okaze, arate, tai-fu, arashi. Gardener,Saku-nin, uyeki-ya.Gall, n. Tan, i, kimo.Gargle, n. Gansozai.Gall, t. v. Sureru, suru, suri-muku. Garlic, Ninniku, nira.Gallant, a. _Yuki-na, isamashii, gokina,Garment, n. Kimono,yuyushii, kenage-na.Garner, n. Kura, dozo.Gallantly, adv. Yuyushiku, isamashiku.Garnish, t. v. Kazaru, yosoo.Garrison, t. v. Katameru.Gallantry, n. Yuki.Garrison, n. Tamuro, katame, toride.Gall-bladder, n. Tan-n5.Garrulous, a. Shaberu, chochoshii.Gallery, «. Roka, sajiki.Garter, n. Himo.Gallipot, n. Tsubo, futamono.Gas, n. Gas.Gall-nut, n. Gobaishi, fushi.Gash, n. Kiri-kidzu.Gallon, «. Masu-mono, = to about, nishoGash, /. v. Fukaku kiru.roku-go.Gasp, n. Tame-iki, do-iki.Gallop, i. v. Kakeru, hashiru, agaku. Gasp, /. v. Do-iki wo suru, tame-iki woGally-worm, n. Yasude.suru.Gamble, /. v. Bakuchi wo utsu, bakuyekiGate, n. Mon. kido, kado-guchi.wo suru.Gateway, n. Kado-guchi.Gambler, n. Bakuchi-uchi.Gather, t. v. Atsumeru, yoseru, tsudou,Gambling-house, n. Bakuchi-yado.tsunoru, mogi- atsumeru, iseru,Gamboge, n. Shio, towo.oshite shiru, suiriyo suru. (i. v.) Atsumaru,Gambol, z, v. Haneru, tawamureru, jareru.yoru, muragaru.Gathering, n. Atsumari, kunju.Game, n. Shobu-goto, kachi-make, Gaudy, a. Hanayaka na, date na, rippakari,_ ye-mono. Two games of che na, hade na.shogi ni ban. Make — of, chord suru. Gauge, t. v. Hakaru.Game, t. v. Shobu-goto wo suru, bakuchi Gauge, n. Mono-sashi.wo utsu.Gaunt, a. Yasetaru.Game-cock, n. To-ken.Gauntlet, n. Kote, tenuki.Gatviekeeper, n. Maki wo mamoru hito. Gauze, n. Moji, ro, sha.Game-laws, n. Kariba no kisoku. Gawky, a. Bukotsu na.

GAY 78 GIVGay, a. Kirei-na, hanayaka na, hade na, giru. — up, okiru, tatsu, agaru, noborudatena, iki-na, shareru.— away, yuku, yokeru, tatsu, saru. Gaze, /. v. Nagameru, kiyorori to miru, behind, okureru. — back, kayeru. miru.clear, sakeru, yokeru. — out, deru. Gazette, n. Shimbunshi.z«, hairu, iru. — loose, hanareru. —Gear, n. Dogu, bagu.down, oriru, kudaru. — rid of, yokeru,Gelatinous, a. Nebai, nebaritaru.sakeru, — through, shi-togeru, shiagaru,sumu. — near, chika-yoru, yo-Geld, t. v. Kintama wo nuku.Gelding, n. Kintama wo nukaretaru ru. — at, todoku, oyobu. — drunk.,uma.sake ni yo. — between, hedateru. — to,Gem, n. Tama.itaru, ataru. — ahead, susumu, shusseiGender, n. Mesu-osu, shi-yu.suru. — a child, ko wo umu. — rich^Genealogy, n. Keidzu, chisuji, ketto. kanemochi ni naru. — home, i)'e niGenera, n. Rui, bu-rui.kayeru. — on a horse, uma ni noru. —General, n. Taisho. in chief, shogun,shotaisho. In — , okata, taigai, heart, sor<strong>and</strong>zuru. How are youthe better, katsu, shori wo uru. — bygettingon ? kono setsu ikaga de gozarimasutaitei.ka.General, a. Taitei no, 6-kata no, taigaino. — name, so-miyo.Ghastly, a. Aozametaru, osoroshii.Generalissimo, n. Sodaishi.6, sotoku. Ghost, «. Yurei, bo-kon, tamashii, ikiriyo,shi-riyo. Give up the — , shi-suru.Generally, adv. Tai-tei, okata, omune,taigai, tairiyaku, oyoso.Gibe, t. v. Choro suru, naburu, nonoshiru.Generate, t. v. Shodzuru, san suru, dekiru.Giant, n. Sei-takai hito.Generation, n. Dai, yo.Giddy, a. Memai, kennun, kura-kura,Generous, a. Ki ga hiroi, ki no okii, kurumeku, kuramu, tachigurami, ukatsuku.mono-oshimi senu, tai-ki na, mune noGift, n. Shinjo-mono, shim-motsu, okuri-mono,hiroi.Genial, a. Nengoro na, shinsetsu na.immotsu, tama-mono, mi-age,Genteel, a. Teinei na, furiu na, fuga sadzukari mono, ataye.na, iki na, miyabiyaka na, adeyaka na. Gig, n. Ni rin sha no na, yasu.Gentian, n. Rindo, riutamGigantic, a. Nami yori suguretaru takaki.Gentle, n. Otonashii, onjun naru, yasashii,shidzuka na, odayaka na.Giggle, t. v. Warau, kutsu-kutsu warau.Gentleman, n. Kunshi.Gently, adv. Soro-soro-to, sotto, soyosoyo-to,Gild, t. v. Kimpaku wo haru, mekki woyasuraka ni, shidzuka-ni, soku-soku, soto.Gilding, n. Kimpaku, mekki.Gentry, n. Samurai, mibun aru hito, Gill, n. Yera, akido.reki-reki no hito.Gilt paint, «. Fundei.Genuine, a. Hon, honto, jitsu-na, makotoGimlet, n. Kiri.no.Genus, n. Bu, bu-rui.Gin, t. V.Ginger, n.Wata wo kuru.Shoga, hajikami, shokiyo.Geographer, n. Chiri-sha.Ginseng, n. Ninjin.Geography, n. Chiri.Gird, t. v. — on, obiru, tai suru. — «/,Geology, n. Chi-shitsu gaku.karageru, hashoru.Germ, n. Kizashi, mebaye, moto, me. Girdle, n. Obi, kakoye.Germ.'VN, a. Doitsu no.Girl, n. Musume, shinzo, otome, niyoshi.Germany, n. Doitsu.IGerminate, i. v. Kizasu, me ga deru. Girlish, a. Musume-rashii.JGestation, 71. Mi-gomori, kuwai-nin, Girth, n. Hara-obi, mawari. ,hara-gomori.Gist, n. Goku-i, ogi, oku-i.Gesticulate, z. v. Temane wo suru, miburiGive, t. v. Yaru, watasu, atayeru, okuru,wo suru.kureru, hodokosu, harau, yokosu, sa-Gesture, n. Temane, mono-mane, miburi.place, yokeru. — one's self to, hamaru,dzukeru, adzukeru, chodai suru. —Get, t. V. Uru, ukeru, motomeru, mokeru,totonoyeru, sadzukaru, atayerare-over, yameru, yosu. — out, hiromeru,koru. — back, kayesu, fuku suru. —ru, morau. — out 0/ the ma_y, yokeru. kikaseru, dasu, yameru. up, yamaru,yosu, j^udzuru, suteru.way, ma-— t/te day, katsu, shori wo yeru. — together,atsumeru, tsumu. — oz>er, sukeru,shirizoku, ochiru. — ear, kiku.

GIV 79 GOD— chase, oi-kakeru. — one's self /

_GOD 80— of thunder^ rai-jin. Dragon — , riujin.— of roads, sai no kami. — ofivater^ sui-jin. — of marriage, tsukino okina. — of roads, dosojin. — ofpestilence, yakubiyo gami.Goddess, «. Onna-gami, me-gami. — ofmercy, kuwan-on.Godless, a. Kami wo uyamawanu.God-like, a. Kami no yo na.Godliness, n. Shinjin,GoDOWN, n. Kura, doze.Going, n. Yuki, mairi, iku. As you aregoing, yuki-gake ni.Gold, n. Kin, kogane. — beater, hakuya.— color, kin-shoku, kon-jiki.Golden, a. Kin no.Gold-beater, n. Haku-ya.Gold-dust, «. Kinsha.Gold-fish, n. Kin-giyo.Gold-leaf, n. Kimpaku.Goldsmith, n. Kin-zaiku-nin.Gold-thread, n. Kinshi.Gong, n. Dora.GoNORRHCEA, M. Rimbiyo,Fetnale — , shokachi.Good, a. Yoi, yoroshii, ii, riyo,rinshitsu.zen naru.Make — , aganau, tsugunau, oginau,madou. — for nothing fellow^naradzu-mono. Doing — , sazen suru,zen wo nasu. — for nothing, yo nitatanu, nani ni mo naranu. — while,5^aya, hisashiku. — deal, yohodo,dzui-bun, tappuri. — or bad, ashiyoshi,zen-aku, saga, ze-hi.Good, n. Zen, tame, saiwai, yeki. —<strong>and</strong> evil, zen aku. As good as, onajikoto,hitoshiku.Good-bye, interj. Sayonara, go-krgenyoroshii.Gospel, n. Fuku-in./. Gossip, v. Uwasa wo iu.Gossip, n. Oshaberi, kuchitataki, uwasa.Gouge, n. Marunomi, kuri-nomi.Gouge, /. v. Kujiru, hori-kujiru, yeguru.Gourd, n. Hiyotanj fukube.Gour.m<strong>and</strong>, n. Gebizo, taishoku na mono.Govern, t. v. Osameru, matsurigoto wosuru, shi-hai suru, riyo suru, kuwankatsusuru.Governess, n. Onna shisho.Government, n. Matsurigoto, seifu,seiji, seido, shihai.Governor, n. Chiji, shihai nin.Gown, n. Kimono, koromo.Grab, /. v. Hittakuru, tsukami-toru.Grace, n. On, megumi, awaremi, jihi,fubin, nasake, on-taku, on-toku.Graceful, a. Furiu na, iki na, miyabiyaka,ateyaka na, taoyaka, ada na, shinayaka.Gracious, a. Jihi-bukai, nasake-bukai.Gradation, n. Dan-dan, shidai, oi-oi.Grade, n. Kurai, kaku&hiki, kaku, jochiu-ge,dan, i, tairaka naru koto.Gr.-vde, t. V. Narasu, tairaka ni suru.Gradually, adv. Shidai-ni, dan-dan,oi-oi, itsu-to naku.Graduate, t. v. Bu wo tsukeru, me wotsukeru. {i. v.) Dai-gakko no yurushi wo ukeru.Gr.\ft, n. Tsugiho, tsugiki.Graft, t. v. Ki wo tsugu.Gr.'^in, n. Tsubu, go-koku, mokume.One grain t?-oy, = ichi rin shichi mo.Gram, n. Mame.Goodly, a. Yoi.Grammar, w. Bumpo, bunten.Good-man, n. Aruji, shujin, teishu. Grammarian, n. Bumpo wo shitte iruGood morning, i?tterj. Ohayo.hito.Good-natured, a. Otonashii, niuwana, Grammatical, a. Bumpo ni kanau.hitoyaka na.Granery, n. Kome-gura.Goodness, n, Yosa, yoroshisa, toku, Gr<strong>and</strong>, a. Kekko na, rippa-na, ririshii,nasake, on, kage.rin-rin, kodai, subarashii, okii.Good night, ifiterj. Sayonara, o-yasumi Gr<strong>and</strong>child, n. Mago.nasare.Gr<strong>and</strong>-daughter, n. Mago-musume.Goods, n. Ni, nimotsu, ka-gu, shiromono,Gr<strong>and</strong>ee, n. Reki-reki no hito, ki-nin,shoji.kuwa-zoku.Good-tempered, a. Iji no yoi, yasashii. Gr<strong>and</strong>eur, n. Kekko, rippa, rinrin.Goose, n. Wild — gan, kari. Tame Gr<strong>and</strong>father, n. , Jiji. o-ji-san. Great— gocho.— , hi-jiji. Great great — , hii-jiji.,Goose-flesh, n. Tori-hada.Maternal — guwai-sofu.,Goose-neck, n. Gan-kubi.Gr<strong>and</strong>mother, «. Baba, obaa-san. GreatGore, n. Chi, hagi, machi.— , hi-baba. Great great — , hii-haba.Gore, t. v. Tsuku.Gr<strong>and</strong>son, n. Mago.Gorge, t. v. Hara ippai kurau.Grant, t. v. Yurusu, shochi suru, kudasaru,tamau, sadzukeru .Gorgeous, a. Kekko na, rippa-na, hanayakana, kirabiyaka-na.Grape, n, Budo, yebi. — znne, budodzuru.Gorilla, n. Hihi.

.GRA 8l GROGrapnel, n.kubaru, mangachi na, doyoku na, torihodai.Ikari.Grapple, t. v. Kumi-au, tori-muku, tsukamiau,tsukamu, kakeru, nigiru. Green, a. Aoi, midori, nama, jukusenu,Grasp, t. v. Tsukamu, nigiru.aomu, aomi-datsu.Grass, n. Kusa.Green-bottle-flv, w. Kuso-baye.Grass-cloth, «. Asa-nuno, nuno. Greengrocer, n. Yao-ya.Grasshopper, n. Batta, hata-hata. Greenhouse, n. Muro.Grassplot, n. Shiba.Greenness, n. Aosa.Grate, i. v. Kishiru, kishiri-au. {t. v.) Greens, n. Na, yasai, ao-na.Suru, orosu. — the teeth ^ hagishiri. Greet, t. v. Aisatsu suru, yeshaku suru,Grate, n. Koshi.Grateful, a. Arigatai, katajikenai.jigi suru.Griddle, «. Age-nabe.Grater, n. Oroshi.Gridiron, n. Aburiko, tekkiu.Gratify, t. v. Yorokobasu, kigen wo Grief, n. Kanashimi, urei, nageki, Shiatsu.torn.Grating, n. Koshi.Grievance, n. Nangi.Grating, a. Gichi-gichi suru.Grieve, i. v. Kanashimu, komaru, iiriou,Gratis, adv. Tada, dai wo toranu.nageku.Gratitude, n. Arigataki.Grievous, a. Kurushii, dzutsunai, setsunai,Gratuitous, a. Tada suru, tada shitekibishii, omoki.yaru.Grill, t. v. Yakeru, ageru.Gratuitously, adv. Tada.Grim, a. Osoroshii.Gratuity, w. Tada yaru mono, shimmotsu.Grimace, n. Kao wo shikameru koto.Grin, i. v. Warau, yemi wo fukumu,Gratulation, n. Iwai, shuku.kuchi wo akeru.Grave, a. Majime na, magao no, ogosoka,Grin, n. Warai, kuchi wo akeru koto.taisetsu na, omoi.Grind, t. v. Hiku, togeru.Grave, n. Haka, tsuka.Grip, n. Tsukami, nigiri.Grave, z. v. Horu, kizamu.Gripe, t. v. Tsukamu, nigiru.Grave-clothes, n. Kiyo-katabira. Grist-mill, n. Kuruma-ya.Gravel, n. Jari, kuri-ishi, ko-ishi, sazare-ishi.Grit, n. Mugi no hiki-wari.Grizzly, a. Hampaku na.Gravely, adv. Majime de, magao Groan, i. v. Unaru, umeku.de.Graver, n. Tagane.Groan, n. Unari.Grocer, n. Kambutsu-ya. Green —Gravestone, n. Sekito, haka-jirushi. yao-ya.Graveyard, n. Hakachi, hakasho, rantoba.Grog, n. Sake.Grog-blossom, n. Zakuro-bana.Gravity, n. Omosa.Grog-drinker, w. Sake-nomi, jogo.Gravy, n. Shiru.Grog-shop, n. Sakaya.Gray, a. Shiroi. — hairy shiraga. Groin, n. Momone, tsukene.Gray, n. Nedzumi-iro.Groom, n. Betto.Graze, i. v. Suru, kasuru, fureru, kusa Groom, t. v. Uma no soji wo suru.wo hamu.Groove, n. Shikii, mizo.Grease, n. Abura.Grope, i. v. Saguru, tadoru.Grease-spot, n. Abura no shimi. Gross, a. Akudoi, shitsukoi, iyashii,Greasy, a. .Aburake naru.bukotsu na, gehin, aku. — language.,Great, a. Okii, kuwodai, bakutai, tai, akko, kuwa-gon.ko, dai. — in extent^ hiroi.— z« number.^takusan, tan to, taiso, oku. — disshijushi.— weight., kaigake, uwame.Gross, n. Kuwahan, tai-han, hiyakutauce,toi, haruka, yempo. — consequence.,taisetsu, daiji. — ivhile., naga-Grotesque, a. Okashii.In the — , kuchi de, matomete.ku, hisashiku. — in degree., fukai, Grotto, n. Ana, hora.atsui, tsuyoi, omoi, hageshii. — crime^ Ground, n. Tsuchi, tsuchibeta, jimen,dai-zai.jigiyoj denji, shitagi, motodzuki. LoseGreat-gr<strong>and</strong>son, n. Hiko., shirizoku. Run agroitnd, i-suwaru.Great-gr<strong>and</strong>father, n. Hi-jiji. — rent, ji-dai. Gain—., susumu, katsu.Great-gr<strong>and</strong>mother, n. Hi-baba.Greatly, ad7i. _6ki-ni.Ground, t. v. Motodzuku. The shipGreatness, n. Okisa, hirosa.has grounded., fune ga umi no soko niGreedy, a. Tonyoku na, musaboru, yo- tsuita.4*

82 HADGround-floor, n. Yuka.Guardl\n, n. Koken, hosa, ushiromi.Groundless, a. Wake ga nai, shisai ga Guess, /. v. Suiriyo suru, oshi-hakaru,nai.ii-ateru, ateru.Ground-nut, n. Rakkuwasho.Guest, n. Kij'aku, maroto, kiyaku-jin.Ground-plot, n. Jidori.Guide, «. Annaija, tebiki, shirube.Ground-sill, n. Dodai.Guide, t. v. Annai suru, michibiku.Groundwork, n. Jigane.Guide-book, n. Do-chiu-ki.Group, n. Mura.Guild, n. Nakama, kabu, kumi.Group, t. v. Murageru, atsumeru. Guile, n. Itsuwari, uso, azamuki.Grove, n. Mori, ySiu.Guileless, a. Meihaku na, keppaku na,Grovel, t. v. Hau, hire-fusu.shinjitsu na.Grow, i. v. Tsukuru.Gulp, t. v. Nomi-komu.Grow, i. v. Hayeru, nobiru, futoru, seichesuru, chodzuru, hayasu. — in Guiltless, a. Mu-shitsu, tsumi nai,Guilt, n. Tsumi, zai.skilly agaru, susumu. — (to becofne), higo, mu-zai.naru, as, to groui cold, samuku naru. Guilty, a, Tsumi aru, u-zai. Not —up, sodatsu. — old, or late, fukeru. mu-zai, mujitsu no tsumi. — countenance,nuke-nuke to shita kao.— over, shigeru, habikoru. — betteror stronger, hidatsu. — more violent, Guise, n. Nari, furi, sugata.tsuyoru, tsunoru. — late, fukeru. — Guitar, n. Samisen.together, an. — in size, fuloru. — oy Gulf, n. Iri-umi, uchi-umi.its self, jinenbaye. Let — long, hayasu.— worse, zocho suru.suru.Gull, t. v. Azamuku, damasu, baka niGrowl, /. v. Kagasu, hamuku, igamu, Gull, n. Kamome, chidori.unaru.Gullet, n. Shokudo, ikuwan.Grown, a. Full — , seicho, seijin. Gully, n. Ana, kubomi.Growth, n. Oitachi, sodachi.Gum, n. Yani, gom, haguki.Grub, t. v. Horu, hojiru.Gummy, a. Nebari, nebai.Grub-axe, n. Tsuru-bashi.Gun, n. Teppo.Grub-worm, n. Sukumomushi.Gun-carriage, «. Teppo-dai.Grudge, i. v. Oshimu, netamu, urayamu. Gunnery, n. Ho-jutsu.Grudge, n. Urami, urayami.Gunpowder, Yensho, dogusuri, go-Grudgingly,. «

jHJE 83 HARj1|H.CMATURiA, «. Ketsu-rin.Stilting the h<strong>and</strong>, tegoro. — behindHaft, «. Tsuka, ye.the back, ushiro-de. Come to — , uketoru.H<strong>and</strong>s off, kamau na.Haggard, a. Yasegao naru.Haggle, z. v. Kogiru, negiru, kiri-kizamu.H<strong>and</strong>, t. v, Watasu, yaru.— , te wo kashite okure.Bear a— down^Hail, «. Hiyo.tsutayeru.Hail, t. v. Yobu, maneku.H<strong>and</strong>-barrow, «. Rendai.Hair, n. Kami, ke. — stood on end, H<strong>and</strong>-basket, n. Te-kago.yodatsu. — breadth, gobatsu. False H<strong>and</strong>-bell, n. Rin., kamoji, iregami. — rope, ke-dzuna. H<strong>and</strong>-bill, n. Harifuda, hiki-fuda, chirashi,bira.— on the breast, muna-hige.Haik-dresser, «. Kami-yui.H<strong>and</strong>-breadth, n. Tsuka, soku, ki.Hair-pin, n, Kanzashi, binsashi. H<strong>and</strong>cuff, n. Tejo, tegase, tegane.Hairy, a. Kebukai, ke no 6i.H<strong>and</strong>ful, n. Hito tsukami.Halberd, n. Hoko.H<strong>and</strong>icraft, «. Shigoto, tezaiku.Hale, a. Sukoyaka na, tassha na, jobu H<strong>and</strong>ily, adv. Tebayaku, jodzu ni.na, mame na, mamej'aka na.H<strong>and</strong>kerchief, n. Tenugui.Half, n. Han, hambun, nakaba. — H<strong>and</strong>le, t. v. Sawaru, tori-atsukau,dried, namabi. — dead, nama-iki. ijiru.To — kill, nama-goroshi. — drunk, H<strong>and</strong>le, n. Ye, te, torite.nama-yei. To cut in — , futatsu ni H<strong>and</strong>maid, n. Koshimoto, ge-jo.kiru. — a day^s work, han-nin. H<strong>and</strong>-rail, n. Te-suri.Half-blood, n. Haira-chigai, tanechigai.H<strong>and</strong>-saw, n. Nokogiri.H<strong>and</strong>some, a. Kirei na, utsukushii, mi-Half-brother, n. Hara-chigai no kiyodai,goto, bibishii.hara-gawari.Half-caste-child, n. Ai no ko.H<strong>and</strong>-spike, n.H<strong>and</strong>writing, n.Bo.Tenarai, jiki-hitsu.Half-done, n. Nama-niye, nama-yake, H<strong>and</strong>y, a. Jodzu, tebayai, benri no yoi,chiudo.tsugo ga yoi.Half-jMOON, n. Han-getsu.Hang, t. v. Kakeru, tsuru, sagaru. —Half-pay, n. Han-taka.a door, to wo hameru. — out, nozoku.— down, sageru, tareru, tarasu,Half-price, n. Han -gen.Half-sister, n. Harachigai no ane, tsurusu. — to one side, kata-sagari.tane chigai no imoto.— by the neck, kukuri-korosu. — up^Half-way, n. Ham-michi, chiu-do, kakeru.chiu-to, hanto, hampuku.Hanger-on, n. Isoro, kakari-udo.Half-witted, m. Baka, aho.Hang-nail, «. Sakakure, sakamuke.Half-year, n. Han toshi.Hank, n. Kuri.Hall, n. Do, yashikij iri-kuchi. Hanker, i. v. Hossuru, hoshiku omo.Halloo, Exclam. Oi, moshi.Hap-hazard, n. Fui-to, omoi-gake nai.Hallow, t. v. Uyamau, son-kiyo suru. Hapless, a. Fu-saiwai, fu-shiawase no.Halo, n. Goko. — arou?id the tnoon, Happen, i. v. Au, ataru. to have,tsuki no kasa.ari-au. — on, de-au.Halt, i. v. Todomeru, bikko wo hiku. Happily, adz

I Head-wind,HARHardness, n. Katasa, kuro, nan, nangi.Hardship, «. Kuro, nangi, nanjo, shinku,karai-me, konku.Hardware, n. Kana-mono.Hardy, a. Kitsui.Hare, n. Usagi.Harelip, n, Mitsu-kuchi, iguchi.Harem, n. Hiroshiki.Hark, im^. Kike, kiki nasare.Harlequin, «. Dokemono.Harlot, n. Joro, oyama, yujo, asobi84 HEAHaughtily, adv. Ohei ni, ofu ni, hokotte.Haughtiness, n. Ohei, ofu, jiman, takaburi,manki, manshin.Haul, t. v. Hiku, taguru, kaiguru.Haul, n. Hiki.Haunt, t. v. Tsuku. Haunted house.,bake-mono-yashiki.Have, t. v. Aru, motsu, motomeru. Asan auxiliary., forming the perfecttense., it is for7ned by the verb suffix.,ta ; as., katta, have bought. Kiita,have heard. — on., kiru, chaku suru.— a care., ki wo tsuke yo. To — fever.,netsu ga okotta. — a cough., seki gaderu. — in honor .,X.3iX.X.o\i\x.— a fondnessfor., konorau. — a baby., ko wouniu. — pain., itamu. — a hundredriyb a month., gekkiu wa hiyaku riyoHarm, t. v. Gai suru, sokonau, sondzuru,ittanieru.Harm, n. Gai, itami, sokonai.Harmful, a. Doku na, sokonau, gai wonasu.Harmless, a. Doku-nai, gai-senu, otonashii.Harmonious, a. Naka ga yoi, mutsumajii,de gozaru.wajun na, wago na.Haven, n. Minato, kakari-ba, funaba.Harmoniously, adv. Mutsumajiku. Havoc, n. Arasu koto. Make — , arasu,Harmonize, t. v. Choshi wo awaseru, sondzuru.nakanaori wo suru, waboku suru. Hawk, n. Taka, tobi.Harmony, «. Choshi, shirabe, wago, Hawking, «. Takagari, botefuri.mutsumajii.Hawser, n. Tsuna, nawa.Harness, n. Bagu. — maker bagu-ya. Hay, n. Hoshi kusa..^Harp, n. Koto.Hay-stack, n. Inamura.Harpoon, n. Mori.Hazard, a. Ayaui koto, abunai koto,Harrow, n. Maguwa.kennon, inochi-gake.Harsh, a. Arai, ara-arashii, kibishii. Hazard, t, v. Kakeru, kakawaru. —Hartshorn, «. Rokkaku.life, inochi-gake wo suru.Harvest, t. v. Karu, kiru, kari-komu, Hazardous, a. Kiwadoi, abunai, ayauki.Haze, n. Kasumi.kari-ireru.Harvest-moon, n. Monaka no tsuki. Hazy, a. Kasumu, bonyari to shita.Harvest-time, «.kari-ire.Kari-shun, He, pro.hito, ano okata,Are, kare, anoHash, n. Kamaboko.kono hito, kono okata.Hasp, n. Shitotome.Head, n. Atama, kashira, kobe, tsumuri,kubi, dzu, nadzuki todori. — ofHaste, n. Hayai, isogi, kiu.Hasten, t. v. Hayameru, saisoku suru, a river, minamoto. — of a discourse.,isogaseru, hakadoraseru, sekitateru, — of wheat, ho. — of asettsuku.Hasten, i. -v. Isogu, hayaku yuku.cask, kagami. dzu-boshi.The boil has cof/te to a head, hare-monodai, shui.Crown of— ,Hastily, adv. Hayaku, sassoku ni, kiuni,ga unda. To make head against.,isoide, sugu-ni, jiki-ni, sumiyaka-ni. sakaratte susumu, saka-noboru, katsu.Hasty, a. Hayai, kiu-na, sassoku no, Six — of oxen, ushi roppiki. It ne^

__Heady, Wagamama na, muteppo85 HENHeal, t. v. Naosu, jisuru, iyasu. Hector, t. v. Ijimeru.Healed, pass. Hombuku, zenkuwai, Hedge, n. Kaki, ikegaki, kakine.heiyu, naoru, iyeru.Hedge, t. v. Kaki wo tsukuru. — up.,Health, n. Yojo. Iti — jobu, tassha, fusegu, sasayeru.,mame, kenko. Preserving — yojo suru,hoyo wo suru. For the sake of— ru, mochiiru, kiku, tsutsushimu.Heed, /. v. Ki wo tsuk-ru, nen wo ire-,yojo no tame ni. Restored to — , hombukushita, zen-kuwai, heiyu. Leaving ki wo tsukeru, tsutsutshimu.Heed, «. Yojin, tsutsushimi. Take —home for the sake of — , de-yojo suru. Heedless, a. Ki wo tsukenu, soso na,Careless of — , fu-yojo. To drink to mukomidzu, buyojin naru.one's — , sake nonde anzen wo iwau, Heel, n. Kagato.shuku-hai wo nomu. To ittquire after Heft, n. Omosa.one^s — , ampi wo tou.Height, a. Takasa, tate, desakari, toge,Healthy, a. Kenko naru, mame naru, saichiu.tassha naru. A — place^ hoyo ni naru Heighten, t. v. Ageru, takaku suru, takameru,tsuyomeru, masu, susumeru.tokoro.Heap, n. Kasa, tsumi, yama.Heinous, a. Nikui, omoi, hidoi, futoi.Heir, n. Sozoku-nin, iye-tsugi, ato-tori,katoku-nin, atoshiki, — apparent.,Heap, t. v. Tsumu, kasaneru. — up.,takuwayeru, tsumi-ageru. — iti measuring^yama-mori ni suru, mori-ageru.Hear, t. v. Kiku, chomon suru.Hearsay, n. Fubun, fusetsu, hiyoban,uwasa, dembun, densetsu.Heart, n. Kokoro, shin no z6, shin, ki,hara. Lear7i by — , sor<strong>and</strong>zuru, oboyeru.Set the — at rest., akirameru, omoikiru.With the whole — , isshin de,shin kara, kokoro komete. At — , honi,honto. Heart trouble^ shinro.Heartache, n. Shinro, shintsu.Heartburn, n. Riuin, mune ga yakeru.Heartburning, w. Urami.Hearth, «. Irori. — sto ne yj

HEN 86HOCra, ika, igo, kono nochi, kiyoko, irai, kojiki. — color, koki iro. — antiquityjikon.6-mukashi. — tide, michi-shio.Hen-coop, n. Toya, ori.High-h<strong>and</strong>ed, a. Mugoi, muri no.HER,/ro. Ano onna no, kano onna no, Highwayman, «. Sanzoku, oihagi, yamadachi.sono, are no, kare no.Herald, n. Shisha, shisetsu.Hilarity, n. Kiyo, omoshirosa.Herald, L v. li-hiromeru, shiraseru Hill, «. Ko-yama, yama, oka. HillsHerb, n. Kusa.<strong>and</strong> hollo-jus, daku-boku.Herbage, n. Kusa.Hillock, n. TTsuka.Herbalist, n. Hon-zo-ka.Hill-side, n. Saka, chiu-fuku.Herbarium, n. Oshiba.Hilt, n. Tsuka.Herd, n. Mura, mure.Him, pro. Kare, are, ano hito.Herd, i. v. Muragaru, atsumaru. Himself, pro. Midzukara, onore, jibun.Here, adv. Koko, kochi, kochira. — By — , hitori de, jibun de.<strong>and</strong> there., achi-kochi.Hind, a. Ushiro no, ato no. — i^S^^ato-ashi.Hereabouts, adv. Kono atari, konoHinder, t. v. Samatageru, sasawaru,hen, kono-ho.sayegiru, jama suru, kodawaru, kobamu,Hereafter, adv. Kono nochi, igo, irai, sasayeru.mirai, yuku-suye.Hindmost, a. Itchi-ato.Hereafter, «. Nochi no yo, mirai. Hindrance, «. Jama, kodawari, shoge,Hereat, adv. Kono yuye-ni, kore niyotte.kosho, sawari, sashi-tsukaye.Hinge, n. Chotsugai, kaname.Hereby, adv. Kore de.Hinge, /. v. Tsugau.Heretic, n. Oshiye ni somuku mono, Hint, t. v. Ate-tsukeru.muho.Heretofore, adv. Kono maye-ni, izen,Hint, n.Hip, n.Ate-tsuke.Koshi.Hippocampus, n. Umi-uma.jurai.Hereditary, a. Mochi-tsutaye no, mochi-kitarino, oya-yudzuri no. — dis~ chinsen. Monthly. — gekkiu.Hire, n. Kiukin, dai, chin, sonriyo,,ease., taidoku.Hire, /. v. Yatou, kakayeru, oku.Heresy, n. Betsu no ha, michi wo His, pro. Kare no, ano hito no, aresomuku oshiye, gedo.no.Heritage, n. Denrai, mochi-kitari no Hiss, n. Seishi-goye. To — , seishigoyemono, tsutayete kitaru mono.wo dasu.Hermaphrodite, n. Futa-nari.Historian, n. Kiroku-sha, shoki.Hermit, n. Inja, intonja.History, «. Reki-shi, kiroku.Hero, n. Goketsu, yei-yu, masurao. Hit, /. v. Ateru, butsu, utsu, fureru. —Heroic, a. Tegara na, kenage na.upon, au, de-au, ataru. — offi, maneru.Heroism, n. Yuki.— <strong>and</strong> 7niss, atari-hadzure.Heron, n.Hitch, t. v. Tsunagu, motsureru, hikkakaru.Sagi.Herself, /ro. Midzukara, jibun ni.Hesitate, i. v. Tamerau, j'uyo suru, Hither, adv. Koko ye, kochi ye.chiu-cho suru, shiriashi wo fumu, tayutau,Hitherto, ad7>. Ima made, kore made.chichiu, nihan suru.Hive, n. Hachi no su.Hesitation, n. Tamerai, kogi, yuyo. Hoard, /. v. Takuwayeru, tsumu.Heterodox, a. Gedo no.Hoar-frost, n. Shimo.Heterogeneous, a. Konzatsu naru. Hoarse, a. Koye ga kareru, shiwagareru.Heteromorphous, a. Igiyo naru.Hew, t. V. Iru, hatsuru.Hoary, a. Shiroi. — head, shiraga.Hexagon, n. Rok-kaku.Hoax, n. Hamede, azamuki, naburi.n.Hiccough, Shakuri.t. v. Hoax, Sukasu, azamuku, damasu,Hidden, a. Kakuretaru.taburakasu, chakusu, fudzuku, naburu.Hide, t. v. Kakusu, hisomeni. (z". Zf.) Hobble, i. v. Bikko wo hiku, tobotoboto aruku.Hisomu, kakureru, kakumau.Hide, n. Kawa. Raiv — , aragawa. Hobby, «. Kabu, kuse.Hideous, a. Osoroshil, nikui.Hobbv-horse, n. Take-.uma.Higgle, i. v. Kogiru, negiru.Hobgoblin, n. Tengu, bake-mono, ganinwoHigh, a. Takai, takeru. minded.,kedakai. — <strong>and</strong> loiv^V\-%^r\. — official.,omo-yaku. — wind., 6-kaze. —/>?-icc\musubu.

87 HORHodge-podge, n. Gotani.Homogeneous. a. Onaji-yo na.Hog, n. Buta. Wild — , shishi, inoshlshi.Hone, t. v. Togu.Hone, «. Toishi, awasedo.Hog-pen, «. Buta-goya.Honest, a. Shojiki na, tadashii, seichokuna, shinjitsu na.Hoe, n. Kuwa. To — , kuwa nitehoru.Honestly, adv. Jitsu ni, makoto ni,HoiDE.N, n. Otemba.tadashiku.Hoist, t. v. Ageru, hiki-ageru, kakageru.Honey-bee, n. Mitsu-bachi.Honey, n. Mitsu, hachi-mitsu.Hold, t. v. Motsu, tamotsu. — back^ Honeycomb, n, Mitsubachi no sii, mitsu-busa.hiki-tomeru, osayeru, hikayeru, todomeru.— a fortress^ toride wo tamotsu, Honeysuckle, n. Nindo.mamoru. — possession^ tamotsu. — Hong, n. Sho-kuwan.out the k<strong>and</strong>^ te wo sashi-dasu. — out Honor, «. Homare, uyamai, kurai, meiyo,tattoki.to the end^ owari made korayeru. —

HORHorse-jockey, n. Bakuro.Horse-load, n. Da, dani.Horseman, n. Kiba-musha, uma-nori,kihei.Horsemanship, n. Bajutsu.Horse-race, n. Keiba.Horse-radish, n. Wasabi.Horse-shoe, n. Kanagutsu.Horse-whip, n. Muchi.Hose, n. Tabi, kawa-doyu.Hospitable, a. Kiyaku wo teinei nimotenasu.Hospital, n. Biyo-in.Hospitality, n. Kiyaku wo teinei nimotenasu koto.Host, n. Shujin, motenashi-kata, yadoyano tei-shu ;ozei, gunzei.Hostage, n. Hitojichi.Hostile, a. Teki no, ada no.Hostility, «. Ikusa, urami, ikon.Hostler, n. Betto, mago.Hot, a. Atsui, karai, hoteru. — springs^deyu, tojiba, onsen.Hot-bed, n. Nawashiro.Hot-blooded, a. Hayari-o no, kekkino.Hotel, n. Yadoya, hatagoya, riyo-kuwan.Hothouse, n. Muro.Hotly, adv. Atsuku, kiu-ni.HoTNESS, n. Atsusa.Hot-water, n. Yu, sayu.Hound, n. Inu no shurui.Hour, n. Toki, ji, jisetsu, koro, jikoku.Hour-glass, n. Suna-dokei.Hourly, adv. Toki-doki ni, toki-gotoni.House, n. lye, uchi, yado, sumai, ke,taku. —for sale., uri-suye. House byhouse^ yado-nami. To keep — , shotaiwo motsu. — of correction.^ yoseba.House-breaker, n. Yajiri-kiri.House-cloth, «. Zokin.Household, n. Kanai, kazoku.Householder, n. Shotai wo motsu hito.Household stuff, n. Kagu, kazai, shotai-dogu.Housekeeper, n. Shotai wo motsu koto.Houseless, a. Yado-nashi.HousE-M.'^iD, n. Gejo.HousE-MOVLMG, «. Ya-utsuH, watamashi,tentaku, hiki-koshi.HousE-PiGEON, n. lye-bato.House-rent, n. Yachin, tana-chin.House-search, n. Ya-sagashi.Hovel, «. Koya.Hover, i. v. Tobu.How, adv. Do, ikaga, ikan, ika yo, donoyo, iku, idzukunzo, ikadeka, ikani. Howmuck more? mashite, iwan-ya. How.,i5 HUMor the way in which anything is madeor done., shi-ho, shi-kata. How much?or. Hozv many ? ikura, nani-hodo, iku,ika-hodo, dore-hodo, dore-dake, ikutsu,dono-kurai. How long? itsumade,itsu-kara.doshite, zo. often.,shall?How can ? or..idzukun —Howiku tabi.How BEIT, conj. Keredomo, saredomo,naredomo, iyedomo.However, cojij. Tomo-kakumo, keredomo,saredomo, shikashi, shikashi-nagara,shikaru-ni, shikaru-tokoro.Howl, /. v. Hoyeru, naku.Howsoever, conj. Ikayo domo, donoyodemo.Hub, n. Kuruma no koshiki, sha-jiku.Hubbub, n. Sawagi, sodo.Huckster, w. Botefuri.Huddle, /. v. Atsumari, muragaru.Hue, n. Iro.Hug, /. V. Daku, daki-shimeru, dakitsuku.Huge, a. Okii, bakutai, kuwodai.Hull, n. Kara, kawa. — of a ship,fune no do.Hull, t. v. Muku, hagu.Hum, i. v. Utau, unaru, naru, hana-utawo utau.Human, rt. Hito no. — ^^«r^, jin-shin.— form, jin-tai. — face., nim-men.— sacrifice., hito-migoku.Humane, a. Ninjo no aru, nasake noaru, jihi no aru, kidoku na.Humanely, adv.^ Shinsetsu ni.Humanity, n. Ivingen, yo no hito, ninjo,nasake.Humble, a. Kenson na, hige suru,kentai na, iyashiki.Hu.MBLE, t. V. Herikudaru, kenson suru,kentai suru, yenriyo suru, higo suru.— another^ kudasu, hadzukashimeru.HfJMBLE-BEE, «. Kuma-bachi.Humbly, adv. Herikudatte, hige shite.Humbug, /. v. Damakasu, taburakasu.Humdrum, a. Gu naru, don na, guchina.Humid, a. Nurete iru, shimeru, shikkearu.Humidity, n. Shikki, suiki.HuMMiNG-KiTE, «. Unari-dako.Humming-top, «. Unari-goma.Humor, n. Ki, kibun, kokochi, kokoromochi,kigen, kishoku. Out of— , fukigen.Humor, t. v. Ki wo toru, kigen wo torn,amayakasu.Humorist, n, Hiyokin na hito, sharewo iu hito, odokeru hito.Humorous, a. Okashii, dokeru, hiyogeru,kokkei na, shareru, odokeru.

HUM59 IGNHumpback, n. Semushi, kukuse.Hunch, /. v. Hiji de tsuku.Hundred, a. Hiyakii, momo.Hundred-thous<strong>and</strong>, a. Ju-man.Hundredth, a. Hiyaku ban.Hunger, i. v. Haraheru, uyeru, katsuyeru.Hunger, n. Uye.Hungry, a. Hidarui, himojii.Hunt, t. v. Sagasu, tadzuneru, karu, riyosuru, tansaku suru, yuriyo suru.Hunt, «. Kari, riyo.Hunter, n. Kariudo, riyo-shi.Hurl, /. v. Nageru, horu.Hurly-burly, n. Sawagi.Hurrah, i. v. Toki no koye wo ageru,toki wo tsukuru.Hurrah, interj. Toki no koye.Hurry, t. v. Isogasu, hayameru, saisokusuru, sekaseru, unagasu. (t. v.) Isogu,seku, seru.Hurt, t. v. Kidzu wo tsukeru, itameru,sondzuru, sokonau.Hurt, i. v. Itamu. It kuris^ aita.Hurt, «. Itami, kega, kidzu, sokonai, ata.Hurtful, a. Doku na, gai naru, sokonau,sondzuru.Husb<strong>and</strong>, «. Otto, teishu. — <strong>and</strong> wije,fufu, me-otto, fusai. Daughter's —muko.Husb<strong>and</strong>, t. v. Kenyaku shite tori-atsukau.Husb<strong>and</strong>man,dem-pu.Husb<strong>and</strong>ry, n.Hiyakusho,n5nin,No-giyo, ko-saku.Hush, t. v. Shidzumeru. — «/, {im^er.'idamare. To — up a matter, ombin nisuru.Hush-money, n. Kuchi-dome-kin.Husk, n. Saya.Husky, a. Kareta.Hut, n. Koya, lyori, wara-ya.Huzza, inter;. Toki no koye.Hyacinth, n. Suisen-kuwa.Hybiscus, n. Fusoka.Hydrogen, n. Sui-so.Hygiene, «. Yojo.Hymn, n. Wasan, sho-miyo, uta.Hypocrite, n. Gizensha, gikunshi, maisu,neijin.Hypocritical, a. Hiyori na, sharakusai,fu-jitsu na.Hypothetical, a,Dzuzan na.I, pro. WatakushI, ware, sessha, soregashi,chin.Ibis, «. Toki.Ice, n. Kori, hizai. Thin — , hakuhiyo.Ice-house, n. Hi-muro.Icicle, n. Tsurara, taruhi.Idea, «. Omoi, riyoken, tsumori, sozo.Ideal, a. Ukabitaru, sozo naru.Idenitical, a. Doyo na, onaji, hitoshii,ichi-yo na.Identify, t. v. Hitoshiku suru, itchisuru, mi-kiwameru, misadameru.Idiom, n. Namari, ii-kata, ii-yo.Idiosyncrasy, n. Kifu, kishitsu.Idiot, «. Kinuke, baka, boketa hito,ammai.Idle, a. Hima de iru, asonde iru, yonashi,busho na. — tinie., hima, itoma.— talk, zodanIdle, i. v. Asobu, namakeru, okotaru.Idleness, n. Asobi, busho, okotari, bu-Idler, n. Busnamake mon^dzuruke-mono,Idly, adv. Asonde, yoji-sedzu ni, itadzurani.Idol, n. Zb, moku-z6, butsu-z6, kanabutsu,guzo, do-butsu, seki-z6.of— , busshi.MakerIdolater, n. Moku-z6 wo ogamu hito.Idolatry, Moku-z6 wo ogamu koto.Idolize, t. v. Kami-sama no yo niomou, agameru, daijigaru.If, conj. Moshi, iiaraba, yoshiya, ka, ya,hiyotto, nara also formed by conj.;verb Suffix, ba, <strong>and</strong> tara ; as, yukaba,if you go, araba ; if there are; mitara,ifyou see.Ignis-fatuus, n. Kitsune-bi, hi-dama.Ignite, t. v. Taku, hi wo tsukeru, moyuru,moyasu.Ignoble, a. lyashii, gebiru, ge-hin na,gesen na.Ignominious, a. Hadzukashii, iyashiki.Ignominy, n. Haji, chijoku, kakin, kidzu,hadzukashime.Ignoramus, n. Mu-gaku, gu-jin, mommona hito.

90IMPiIgnorance, n. Shiranu koto, mu-gaku,mcmmo.GNORANT, a. Shiranu, wakaranu.^GNORANTLV, adv. Shiradzu ni, wakaradzuni.GNORE, t.v wa nai to iu.LL, a. Ambai-warui, wadzurau, fukuwai,aku, warui, ashii.LLS, n. Nangi, kuro, yamai.LL-BLOOD, n. Urami.LL-BRED, a. Burei na, shitsurei na, busahona, sodachi ga warui.LLEGAL, a. Hoguwai, okite n somuku,mu-ho.LLEGIBLE, rt. Yomarenu.LLEGiTiMATE, a. Muho na, h( n-suji nasemaki,ranu, naisho-go.LLiBERAL, a. Rinshoku na,shiwaki, shoriyo na.XLiciT, a. Yurusarenu, hatto naru,muho na.LLiMiTABLE, rt. Kobakutaru, kagiri naki,muhen naru.LLiTERATE, a. Mu-gaku na, mommonaru.LL-MANNERED, a. Riyo-guwai, bureina,shitsurei, bushitsuke.LL-NATURED, a. Tanki na, kataku na,no warui.LLNESS, n. Yamai, biyoki, wadzurai.LLOGiCAL, a. Ri ni kanau-nai.LL-OMENED, a. Kiyo naru.LL-TiMED, a. Toki ni kanawanu.XL-TREAT, t. V. Aiso WO tsukasu, buaiso,bu-ashirai.LLUDE, t. t: Azamuku, damasu.LLUMiNATE, t. V, Terasu, akaruku suru.LLUSION, n. Maboroshi.LLUSTRATE, t. 7J. Toku, tatoycru, ara-'asu, toki-akasu, satosu.LLUSTRATiON, «. Tatoye, yetoki.LLLSTRious, a. Mei, nadakai, nukindzuru,hiideru, ko-mei naru.LL-\viLL, 71. Urami, ikon.AIAGE, «. Katachi, z6, kata, utsushi,lin-giyo.AGERV, «. So-zo, keiyo.MAGiNARY, a. Omoi-nashi no, sozo toshitaru..MAGiNATiON, «. Omoi-nashi, deki-gokoro,shinso, sozo.MAGiNE, t. V. Omou, omoi-nasu, s6-z6suru, ukabu.BECILE, a. Niu-jaku na, hi-niyaku na,ujaku na, yowai.BECILE, n. Hiwadzu-bito.t. BiBE, V. Sui-komu, nomi-komu.BROGLio, n. Sashi-motsure.BROWN, t. z>. Kogasu, kogeru.BRL ED, —in bloody chimamirc ni naru.MBUE, t. V. Someru. {pass^ Sonawaru,somaru.MiTATE, t. V. Maneru, niseru, katadoru,nazorayeru, narau, magayeru, kangamiru.Magai, mane, nise-mono.MiT.-\TiON, n.M.MATERiAL, a. Katachi naki, mugij'ona, daijinai, kamawanu.M.MATLRE, a. Mij uku na, jukusenu,nama, umanu.IMMEASURABLE, a Hakararenu.MMEDiATE, a. Tachi-machi no. — relie/^sokko.M.MEDiATELY, adv . Jika ni, jiki ni, suguni, tadachi-ni, tachi-machi-ni, tachidokoro-ni,yaniwa-ni.MMENSE, a. Okii, bakutai, kwodai na.MMERSE, t. V. Hitasu, shidzumeru, hameru,tsukeru. {pass.) Oboreru, hamaru.^LMETHODICAL, a, Shimari ga nai, torishimarino nai.MMiNENT, a. Kakatte iru, nozonde iru,nannan to suru.M.MOBILE, a. Ugokasarenu.MMODERATE, «. Do ni sugiru, muri na,hanahadashii.MMODEST, a. Haji wo shiranu, bu-yenriyona, atsu-kawa-dzura na.MMOLATE, t. V. Kudzuru, korosu.MMORAL, a. Fugi na, fugiyogi na, fugiyosekino, fuho na.MMORALITY, n. Fugij'ogi, fugi..MMORTAL, a. Tayenu, tsukinu, nakunaranu,fu-shi.MMORTALIZE, t. V. Matsu dai ni nokosu,kosei ni tsutayeru.MMOVABLE, a. Ugokasarenu.MMUNiTV, n. Yurushi, menkiyo, kakariawanu.MMURE, t. V. Komeru, komoru.MMUTABILITY, 71. Kawaranu koto, henzenukoto.MMUTABLE, a. Kawaradzu, or kawaranu,fuyeki na.MMUTABLY, adv. Kawaradzu ni.-MP, ft. Oni no ko.MPACT, t, v. Buttsukeru.MPAiR, t. V. Yowaku suru, yowameru,otoroyeru.MPALPABLE, «. Te ni sawatte mo shirenai.—powder, saimatsu.MPART, t. V. Hodokosu, atayeru, yaru,kudasaru, tamau, sadzukeru.MPARTL'VL, a. Katayoranu, oyake na,katahiiki naki, yeko nashi..MPASSABLE, a. Torarenu, watararenu,kosarenu.MPASSIVE, a. Kanji-naki, chikakunaki.MPATiENCE, ft.Fu-kannin, tanki,J

IMP5Impatiently, adv. To wait — , machidoi,machi-kaneru.Impeach, t. v. Uttayeru, so-sho suru,tsumi wo ii-kakeru.Impeachable, a. Tsumi wo okasarenu.Impede, t. v. Sasayeru, jama suru, samatageru.Impediment, n. Jama, sawari, kosho,samatage, sashi-tsukaye.Impel, /. v. Osu, seshimuru, saseru.Impending, a. Kakatte iru, nozonde iru,nannan to suru.Impenetrable, a. Tsuki-tosenu, toranu.Impenitent, a. Tsumi wo kuyamanu,tsumi wo zan-nen ni omowanu, koku-Imperative, a. Somukarenu, yondokoronaki.— 7)tood, ge-ji no kotoba.Imperceptible, a. Miyenu, kikoyenu,me ni oyobanu.Imperfect, a. Fusoku na, mattakaranu,sorowanu, taranu, jubun naranu.Imperfection, n. Fusoku, kaketaru tokoro.Imperforate, a. Ana naki.Imperial, a. Chaku. — ambassador^chokushi. — answer^ chokuto. — letter^choku-sho. — grants choku-men,chokusai.Imperil, see Kakawaru.Imperious, a. Koman na, jiman-rashii,ibaru.Imperishable, a. Naku-naranu, tayenu,kuchinu.Impermeable, a. Toranu.Impertinent, a. Burei na, shitsurei na,buyenriyo na.Imperturbable, a. Kokoro no ugokanu,mudoshin.Impervious, a. Toranu, sukanu.Impetuous, a. Seikiu na, sekkachi na,hageshii, sekatsuku, sosokashii, hayaru.Impetus, n. Ikioi,_hiyoshi, hiyori.Impiety, n. Bu-shinjin, kami wo uyamawanu.Impinge, t. v, Ataru, tsuki-ataru.Impious, a, Aku, ashii, warui, mottainaki.Implacable, a. Urami ga harenu, yawaraganu,naka-naori gataki, fuwago na.Implant, t. v. Maku, shi-tsukeru.Implement, n. Dogu, kikai.Implicate, t. v. Makizoye ni suru, hikiireru.Implicated, a. Makizoye ni naru, renrui,hiki-ai, kakari-ai, rui-ai.Implicitly, adv. Utagawadzu ni.Implore, t. -v. Negau, ko, koi-negau,tan-guwan suru.Impolite, a. Burei, shitsurei, busaho,bushi-tsuke, riyo-guwai.mpolitic, rt. Tame ni niranu, fu-tamena.mponderable, a. Hakarenu, omominstki, mekata naki.mport, /. V. Hakobi-komu.mportance, n. Daiji, taisetsu na koto,kanyo naru koto.MPORTANT, a. Taisetsu na, daiji na,kanyo naru, tai-shita, kaku-betsu na.MPORTS, n. Yu-niu no nimotsu, shuniu.Importunately, adv. Hitasura-ni, hitamono,hira-ni, ichi-dzu-ni, shikiri ni.MPORTUNE, t. V. Hitasura-ni negau, kudoku,tanguwan suru.MPOSE, /. V. li-tsukeru, osameru, meidzuru.— c?«, azamuku, damasu, kataru.MPOSiNG, a. Medattarii, yuyushii.MPOSITION, n. Muri na koto, mu-ho nakoto, katari, azamuki, yo-gin.MPOssiBLE, a. Dekinu, atawanu, oyobanu,kanawadzu.MPf)SsiBiLiTY, 71. Atawazaru koto, dekinukoto.MPOST, n. Unjo, seigin, mitsugi.MPOSTOR, n. Katari-mono.MPOSTURE, n. Katari, azamuki, nisegoto.MPOTENCE, n. Yowaki koto, niujaku,jin-kiyo.MPOTENT, a. Chikara naki, tayowaki,muriki na, yowai, niu-jaku na, hiniyakuna, jinkiyo na.MPOVERiSH, t. V. Bimbo ni suru, toboshikusuru, madzushiku suru.MPRACTiCABLE. a. Dekinu, atawanu,nasarenu, serarenu, te-amaru, fu-todokiMPRECATE, t. V. Noro, tokobu, shusosuru.MPRECATION, ti. Noroi, shuso,MPREGNABLE, a. Yaburarenu, seme-torarenu,seme-otosarenu.MPREGNATE, t. V. Haramaseru, kuwaininsaseru. {pass.) Haramu, kuwaininni naru.MPRESS, t. V. Osu, oshi-komu. — onthe inind^ kimo ni meidzuru.MPRESS, n. Kata, oshi-gata.MPRESSiON, n. Ato, kata, shirushi, kokoroni k<strong>and</strong>zuru koto. — of a seal.,hangiyo.MPRESSivE, a. Kokoro ni tessuru, arigataki.MPRiNT, /. V. Osu, oshi-komu, oshitsukeru,shirusu. — on the mind, kokoroni meidzuru.IMPRISON, t. V. Roj'a ni ireru, juro suru.— in one^s house, heimon suru, chikkiyo,tsntsushimu..MPRISONMENT, ft. Rosha.

I;Inaccur.\cy,Improbable, a. Nasaso na, nakaro, arumai,ariso mo nai, naso, shinji-gataki.Impromptu, adv. Dehodai, d(Improper, a. Fu-s6-6 na, fu-niai, fusoto.ni-awanu, ri ni kanawanu, mutai,fu-tozen, hibun. — conduct., fugiyogi.Impropriety, n. Fugiyoseki, fugiyogi,busaho na koto.Improve, i. v. Susumu, agaru, jodzu ninaru. {t. v.) Susumeru, ageru, yokusuru, hidatsi;^ — t/te opportunity^ tokini jodzuru, ki ni odzuru. Improving'daily, himashi-ni yoku nam.Improvement, n. Yoku naru koto, susumi.Improvidence, n. Fu-yojin.Improvident, a. Fuyoi na, fu-yqjin na,tashinami naki, yoi senu, buyo-jinnaru.Impridence, n. Tsutsushimi naki koto.Imprudent, a. Mukomidzu na, muyamina, fukakugo na, tsutsushimi naki.Impudence, «. Burei, busaho.Impudent, a. Haji shiranu, fu-yenriyo,busaho na, burei na.Impugn, /. v. li-fusegu, kobamu, motoru,sakarau.Impulse, n. Ikioi, choshi, hibiki, kotaye.Impulsive, a. Sekkachi na.Impunity, n. Buji de, bu-nan ni, keganaku. IVith — , koto-naku.Impure, a. Kitanai, fuketsu na, yogoreta,fujo na, kegareta, mazetta, maze-monoga aru. — sound, daku-on.Impurity, n. Kagare, fujo, kitanaki koto.Impute, t. v. Kiseru, owaseru, nuri-tsukeru,ii-kakeru, ii-oseru, kabuseru, kadzukeru.In, or Into, prep. Uchi, ni, nite, alsothe compounds of komu, <strong>and</strong> iru, <strong>and</strong>endingIncantation, n.shimon.Maho, majutsu, chobuku,p. p. of verbs, te. To go in,hairu. Put — , ireru. Fall — , ochikomu,hamaru. To be — , iru, oru. naranu.Incapacitated, a, Kanawanu, tekito'jfu7}ip — , tobi-komu. Knock — , buchikomu.Throw — , nage-komu. Poiir Incarnate, a. Nin-tai wo ukeru, niku-Incapacity, n. Fu-kiriyo, fu-saichi.—, tsugu. Pull — , hiki-komu, hikiirerushinni yadoru.To strike in anger, ikatte butsu. Incarnation, «. Nintai wo ukeru koto,Go in haste, isoide yuku. in fear,Run keshin.kowagatte hashiru. In rny opinion, Incase, t. v. Tsutsumu, kiseru, saya niwatakushi no omo ni wa. — office, toyaku,ireru.zaiyaku, zaikin. Come in, o- Incautious, a. Yojin naki, tashinamiagari-nasare. The ship is not in yet, naki, muyami na.Incendiary, a. lye ni hi wo tsukeru,fune ga mada niuko shinai. Is Mr. . . .in ? ... san ori-masu ka, or, go zai-sodo wo okoshitaru.shuku ka. He is not in, orimasen, orrusu de gozarimasu. — <strong>and</strong> out., de-iri.Just in time^ chodo ma ni ai-masu.Not in titne, _ma ni awanu. He hasgone in, uchi ni haitta.Inability, «. Atawanu koto, dekinukoto,oyobanu koto.92 INCInaccessible, a. Yukarenu, oyobanu,itararenu.n. Machigai, soi, tagai.Inaccurate, a. Machigau, s6-i aru, shimariga nai.Inactive, a. Busho-na, hone-oranu,okotaru, hatarakanu.Inactivity, n. Ugokanu koto, okotari,hatarakanu koto.Inadequate, a. Fusoku na, taranu, sorowanu.Inadmissible, a. Ukerarenu, yurusare-Inadvertent, a. Okotaru, nen wo irenu,ki wo tsukenu.Inalienable, a. Torarenu.Inanimate, a. Mujo na, shi-butsu, hijona.Inapplicable, a. Awanu, fu-niai, kanawanu.Inappreciable, a. Hakararenu.Inapproachable, a. Chikadzukarenu.Inappropriate, a. Fu-niai, awanu, teki-Inarticulate, a Mono iuwarenu.Inasmuch, adv Kara, yuye ni, niyotte.Inattention, n. Ki wo tsukenu koto.Inattentive, a. Nen wo irenu, ki wotsukenu, okotaru.Inaudible, a. Kikoyenu.Inaugurate, t. v. Kurai ni ageru, haji-Inauguration, n. Sokui.Inauspicious, a. Kiyo naru, ashiki, warui,fukitsu na.Inborn, a. Umare-tsuita, shotoku no.Incalculable, a. Kazoyerarenu, hakararenu,kanjo dekinu.Incendiary, n. Hitsuke, sodo wo okosuhito.Incense, «. Ko.— , shoko suru.— /^^, koro. To burnIncense, t. v. Ikaraseru, hara wo tataseru.Incense-sticks, n.Senko.

_ni.NCEST, n. Kan-in.NCH, n. Sun, By inches, dan-dan.Incident, n. Koto.NCiDENTAL, a. Omoi-gake-nai, futo no,omoi-yoranu, zonjiyoranu, fui na, rinjina.NCisioN, 71. Kiru koto, kiri-kidzu.NCISOR-TEETH, n. Mayeba, mukaba,t. 71. NCiTE, Okosu, hagemasu, odateru,sendo suru.NciviLiTY, n.NCLEMENT, a,Shitsurei, burei.— weather, u-ten.NCLiNATiON, n, Kokorozashi, kuse, katamuki.NCLiNE, i. V. Katayoru, katamukeru,katadzumu, kashigu, katamuku.NCLOSE, t. V. Kako, kakomu, tori-maku,tsumu, fujiru.NCLOSUKE, n. Kakoi, kakomi, kakomioku mono, besshi.NCLUDE, t. V. Fukumu, komeru.NCOGNITO, adv. Shinonde, shinobi ni.NCOMBUSTiBLE, a. Hi ga tsukanu, moyenu.NCOME, n. Taka, moke, shuno, roku.NCOMMODE, /. V. Komaraseru..NCOMMODious, a. Fu-benri, katte gawarui, fu-tsugo naru.NCOMMUNICATIVE, a. Fu-tsu, majiwariwo shi-nai.Incomparable, a, Bu-s6-na, tagui naki,hirui naki, narabi naki.NCOiMPATiBLE, a. Awanu, fuwa na, fugona,kanawanu, futekito, majiranu. —medicine, teki-yaku.NCOMPETENT, a. Taranu, fusoku na,oyobanu.ncomplete, a. Mattaku nal, manzokusenu, sorowanu.93 INDIncentive, w. Kokoro wo ugokasu mono.lNCONSTANT,a. Kawariyasui, sadamaranu,uwatsuite-iru, utsurigi na.NCEPTioN, n. Hajime.Incontestable, a. Arasowarenu, hihanNCESSANT, a. Tayedzu, yamadzu.subekarazaru, rondzu-bekarazaru.NCESSANTLY, odv. Shikiri-ni, tayedzu Incontinent, a. Inran naru.Incontrovertible, «. Arasowarenu, rondzu-bekarazaru,hi wo utsu koto ga dekinu.Inconvenient, a. Fubenri na, futsugona, katte no warui, fuben na.Incorpor.'VTE, V. Maze-awaseru, nakamawot.koshirayeru, kumi-ai wosuru.Incorporeal, a. Katachi no naki, mugiyotai,keitai nashi.Incorrect, a. Chigau, machigau, tadashikaranu.Incorrigible, a. Korinu, aratamenu,tori-naosarenu, kaisei sarenu.Incorruptible, a. Kusaranu, kuchinu.Increase, t. v. Masu, fuyeru, fuyasu,futoru, okiku naru, tsuyoku naru, tsunoru,tsuyoru, zocho, kasamu.Incredible, a. Shinzerarenu, shinkoserarenu,shinji-gatai.Incredulous, a. Shinyo-senu.Incrust, a. Uwakawa ga hatta, maburetsuita.Incubation, n. Tori su ni tsuite tamagowo kayeru koto, fuku suru koto.Incubus, n. Unasareru koto.Inculcate, t. v. Oshiye-komu, shikomu,narawaseru.Incumbent, a. Subeki, nasu-beki.Incur, t. v. Ukeru, au, komuru.Incurable, a, Naoranu, jishi-gataki,nan-chi no.Incursion, «. Okasu koto, oshi-yoserukoto, seme-iri.Indebted, a. Oinje ga aru, kari ga aru,kake ni natte oru, shakkin suru.Indecent, a. Busaho na, burei na, biro•na, musai.Indecision, «. Torikimari naki koto, kogi.Indecisive, a. Shobu ga tsukanu, sadamaranu.Indecoroi'S, a. Busaho na, burei na,ncomprehensible, a. Wakaranu, satorarenu,gaten ga yukanu, nomi-komenu.shitsurei na.NCOMPRESSiBLE, a. Oshi-tsumerarenu. Indecorum, n. Busaho, burei, rei niNCONCEIVABLE, a. Hakari shirarenu, somuku koto, fugiyogi.satorarenu, fukashingi na.Indeed, adv. Makoto ni, jitsu ni, tashikaNCONGRUous, a. Fus6-6 na, funiai, s6-oni, hon-ni, hon-to ni, ge-ni.senu, fu-tekito.Indefatigable, a. Tsukarenu, kutabirenu,NCONSiDERABLE, a. Wadzuka na, isasaka.yowaranu.Indefensible, a. Tamotarenu, fusaga-NCON'siDERATE, a. Omoi-y^ranu, kagaye-naki,mu-fumbetsu na.Indefinite, a. Kimaranu,- sadamaranu,NCON'siSTENT, a. Awanu, fuwa na, fuso- kimerarenu.6. fupiai, futekito, kanawanu.Indelible, a. Kiyenu.NCON'SOLABLE, a. Nadamerarenu. Indelicate, a. Busaho na, biro ua,NCON SONANT, «. Choshi ga awanu.bushitsuke na.

Indemnify, /. z*. Mado, tsugunau.Indemnity, n. Madoi-kin, tsugunaikin.Indent, t. v. Kubomu, hekomu, heko-94 INFndividu.\l, n. Hitotsu, hitori, ichi-nin.ndividually, adv. Hitori-dzutsu, hitoride, hitori-datte.NDivisiBLE, a. Wakerarenu.ndolent, a. Okotaru, busho-na, fuseina.NDORSE, t. V. Uragaki wo suru, urahanwo osu.Indentation, n. Kubomi, hekomi, kireme.Indenture, n. Shomon, ukejo, nenkijomon.NDORSEMENT, «. Uragaki, urahan.Independent, a. Dokuriu, hitori-dachi, NDORSER, n. Uragaki wo suru hito,jiritsu na, doku-ritsu na.ukeai-nin, han-nin.Indestructible, a. Nakunaranu, messenushikaranu,NDLBiTABLE, a. Utagai-naki, utagawa-tashika na.Index, n. Mokuroku, shirushi. — _/f«- NDUCE, /. V. Susumeru, kudoku, okoru,ger^ hito-sashi-yubi,hassuru, sosonokasu.India, n.indo.Tenjiku, NDUCEMENT, 11. Shui, tanc, moto.Indian corn, n. Tomorokoshi.NDUE, t. V. Araseru, motaseru, sonawaru.Indian ink, n. Sumi.Indian ocean, n. Indo-kai.NDULGE, t. V. 6-me ni miru. Idaku, —Indian turnip, n. Tennansho.a child, amayakasu.t. v. Indicate, Shiraseru, miseru.shimesu, t. V. NDURATE, suru, katameru.KatakuNDURATiON, 71. Katamari, shikori.Indication, n. Shirushi, kizashi, shimeshi.NDUSTRious, a. Honeoru, shussei naru,mimichii.Indifferent, a. Kamawanu, tonjaku NDUSTRY, n. Honeori, hagemu koto.senu, yosoyososhii. Become — to^ aiso NEBRIATE, «. Sake-nomi.ga tsukiru.NEFFABLE, a. li-tsukusarenu, ye moIndigence, n. Bimbo, hinkiu, madzushiki.iwadzu.NEFFECTUAL, a. Muda-na, munashiki,Indigent, a. Bimbo na, madzushiki, kikanu, yaku ni tatanu.hinkiu na.NEFFiCACious, a. Kikanu, kono-nashi,Indigestible, a. Konare-gatai, shokuwakikime ga nai.senu.Inelegant, a. Bu-iki na, utsukushikuIndigestion, n. Teitai, shokutai, shokusho.nai.Indignation, «. Ikari, ikidori, rippuku,neligible, a.nequality, n.Toru ni taranu.Sorowanu koto.haradachi.NERT, a. Nibui, don na, todokoru, ugokadzu.Indignity, n. lyashimi, naigashiro, chijoku,keibetsu.NESTiMABLE, a. Hakari-kirenu.Indigo, n. Ai.nevitable, a. Manukarenu, nogarenu.Indirect, a. Mawarido, tomawashi, atetsukerutoNEViTABLY, adv. Tashika ni, yamu ko-yedzu ni.Indiscernible, a. Miyenu.NEXCUSABLE, a. Yurusarenu.Indiscreet, a. Tsutsushimanu, mufumbetsuNEXHAUSTiBLE, n. Tsukusarcnu, mujin.na.Indiscriminate, a. Shabetsu naki, wakachiNEXORABLE, a.N EXPEDIENT, a,Kiki-ircnu.Fus6-6 na, futsugo na,naki, wakimayenu.awanu.Indiscrlminately, adz>. Yatara-ni. NEXPERiENCED, a. Mircn na, mi-jukuIndispensable, a. Nakute kanawanu, na, heta, nama.hitsuyo na, yondokoro naki.NEXPERT, a. Heta, tsutanai, buchoho.Indisposed, a. Kirau, iyagaru, fukuwai NEXPLiCABLE, a. Toku koto wa dekinu,naru.toki-akasarenu, toku ni tokarenu.Indisposition, n. Kirai, fukuwai, ambaiga warui, wadzurai, yamai..EXPRESSIBLE, a.ye mo iwadzu.lyenu, iu ni awarenu,Indisputable, a. Alochiron, ron ni oyobanu..EXTINGUISHABLE, a. Kesarenu, kesuni kesarenvj.Indissoluble, a. Tokenu, hanarenu, NEXTRiCABLE, ft. Hodokarcnu.kirenu.NFALLiBLE, a. Machigai naki, machigawanu.Indistinct, a. Akiraka naranu, kasukana, hakkiri senu, fu-fummiyo na, bonyariNFAMOUS, a. Futoi, nikui, furachi na.shita, honoka.NFAMY, n. Naore, kajin,haji.

INF 95INNInfancy, n. Wakai toki, itokenai toki,osanai toki, jaku-nen.NFANT, n. Akambo, akago, midzugo,midorigo.NFANTiciDE, ft. Ko WO mabiku.Infantry, «. Hohei, kachi-musha.NFATUATED, a. Mayo, oboreru, hamaru.NFECT, t. V. Utsusu, densen suru, kabureru,utsuru, makeru.NFECTious, a. Densen suru.[nfer, V. Oshite shiru, suiriyo t. suru,sui-satsu suru, oshihakaru.Inferior, a. Otoru, makeru, shita. —quality ygehin.Inferiors, «. Ge-hai.iNWERNAL, a, — doctrines^ ma-do. rites, ma-ho. — arts, ma-jutsu. —spirits, aku-ma, akki. — regions, makai.NFEST, i. V. Komaraseru.NFiDEL, n. Fu-shinjin, shinko senuhito.nfluence, n. Isei, iko, ikioi, okage,suikiyo, hakiki, haburi.nfluenza, n. Fuja, jaki.Inform, t. v. Kikaseru, tsugeru, shiraseru,oshiyeru, todokeru, chiu-shin suru.Informal, a. Ho wo hadzusu.Information, n. Tayori, otodzure, shirase,oshiye, kokoroye.nformer, n. Sonin.Infrequent, a. Mare na, tama-tama,mettani nai, medzurashii.nfringe, t. V. Somuku, yaburu, okasu.IFUSE, t. V. Ireru, senjiru, shi-komu.-IFUSIDLE, a. Tokenu.s'FUSION, n. Senji-gusuri.Ingenious, a. Hatsumei na, riko na, kashikoi,takumi no.NGENUOUS, a. Mei-haku na, okusokonai,sho-jiki.iNGLORiots, a. Naorena, memboku nai,hadzukashii.NGOT, n. Chogin.ngraft, t. V. Tsugu.NGRAIN, t. V. Someru, some-komu.ngratiate, t. V. Kigen wo toru, kobiru.ngratitude, n. On wo shiranu koto,arigataki wo shiranu koto.ngredient, n. Chogo, go-yaku. One —ichi-mi.NGRESS, n. Hairu koto.NHABiT, t. V. Sumau, oru, ju-suru, jiikiyosuru.NHABiTABLE, a. Sumarenu.Inhabitant, n. Sumau-hito, ju-nin.NHALE, t. V. Sui-komu, hiki-komu.NHERE, /. -v. Umare-tsuku, sonawaru,ki-suru, zoku suru,NHERENT, a, Sonawatte oru, umaretsuiteoru, ki suru. — quality, mochimaye.NHEKiT, /. V. Tsugu, ato WO toru, sozokusuru, mochi-tsutayeru.NHKRiTANCE, «. Katoku, denrai, yuimotsu.NFiDELiTY, n, Fu-shinko, fu-chiugi.NFiNiTE, a. Kagiri naki, saigen naki,kiwamari naki, mu-hen na.NHiBiT, t. V. Kindzuru, sashi-tomeru.NFiRMj a. Yowai, jujaku na, hiniyaku NHOSPITABLE, a. Fu-ashirai, aiso nona, biyo-shin na, oiboreu, dajaku.NFIRMARY, ti. Biyo-in.nhuman, a. Hakujo na, muzanjia, hidoi,NFiRMiTv, w. Yamai, biyoki, ayamachi,mugoi, fujin.ochido.NFLAME, /. V. Moyasu, yaku, kinshoNHUMATiON, ti,nhumanitv, «.Homuri.Fu-jin, funin-j6, hakuni.mical,suru, ikaraseru.Inflamed, u. Tadareru, kinsho shita,a. Uramiru, nikumu, teki nibiran suru.naru.NFLAMMABLE, a. Moyeru, moye-yasui. nimitable, a. Niserarenu, manerarenu,NFLAMMATION, «. Kinsho.murui na, buso na.Inflate, t. v. Fukurasu, fukureru.niquity, n. Fuho, budo, fusho, aku,Inflexible, a. Magaranu, tawamanu. tsumi.Hajime no, moto no.Inflict, t. v. Tsumi ni okonau, bassu-Initial, a.mtiate, i. V. Oshiyeru, michibiku.nject, V. Sasu, sashi-komu, sashi-t.ireru, shachiu suru.Injection, n. Sashi-ireru mono, sashiirerukoto.njldicious, a. Mu-fumbetsu na, wakimayeno naki.Injure, /. v. Sokonau, sondzuru, gaisuru,itamu.NjuRious, a. Warui, doku na, gainaru,njury, 71. Sokonai, gai, kidzu, kega,NjusTiCE, n. Muri, fugi, muho.NK, n. Sumi, boku,NKSTAND, n. Sumi-ire, yatate, sumitsubo.NK-STONE, n. Susuri.NLAND, a. Oku, inaka, kuni no uchi.nlay, t. V. Kiri-hameru.NLET, n. Iri-umi, iri-guchi.nmate, n. Do-kiyo no mono.Inn, n. Yadoya, hatagoya nyo-kuwan.

INN 96 INSInnate, a. Umare-tsuki, seishitsu na. Insist, t. v. Osu, ii-haru, shiite iu.Inner, a. Oku no.Insnare, i. V. Sukasu, tsuri-komu, ta-Innermost, a' Ichi ban oku no.Inn-keeper, n. Yadoya no teishu. Insolent, a. Ofu na, ohei na, burei naru.Innocent, a. Mu-shitsu, mu-zai, higo. Insoluble, a. Tokenu.Innocuous, a. Doku no nai, gai no nai. Insolvent, a. Shin-sho ga tsubureru,Innumerable, a. Kadzuyerarenu, muriyo-na,kanjo ga tatanu, daraku suru, bunsanhakararenu.naru.Inoculate, t. v. Tsugu, uyeru.Inspect, t. v. Aratameru, gimmi suru,Inodorous, a. Nioi naki.kembun suru, shiraberu.Inoffensive, a. Gai ni naranu, ki ni sakarawanu.Inspection, n. Kembun, kemmi, gimmi,shirabe.Inofficial, n. Yaku-guwai no.Inspector, n. Mekiki, kenshi.Inoperative, a. Yaku-ni-tatanu.Inspiration, n. Hiki-iki, takusen.Inopportune, a, Fu-benri na, fu-tsug5 Inspire, /. v. Sui-komu, iki wo hiku,hiki-komu.na.Inordinate, a.;Do ni sugiru, ho-guwai Inspirit, /. v. Hagemasu, chikara wona, hanahadashiki, midari naru.tsukeru, ki wo hiki-tateru, kisaki woInordinately, adv. Hanahadashiku. hiki tatsuru.Inquest, n. Kenshi, kembun, gimmi. Inspissate, t. v. Koku suru.Inquire, i. v. Tadzuneru, to, kiku, sensakuInstability, n. Sadaramanu koto,utsumeru.suru, gimmi suru, anaguru, motorigi.Instal, ^. z'. Yaku ni tateru.Inquiry, n. Tadzune, toi, tansaku. Instalment, n. Nashi-kudzushi. DailyInquisition, n. Gimmi, sensaku. — , higake. Monthly — , tsukifu, geppu.Yearly — , nempu.Inquisitive, a. Monodzuki, kikitagaru.Inroad, n. Uchi-iru koto, sakai wo okasuInstance, t. v. Rei ni hiku.k^o.Instance, n. Rei, tameshi, tehon. ForInsalubrious, Yoki ga warui, jiko ga wa- — , tatoyeba.Instant, a. Kiu na, niwaka na, sashiataru.Insane, a. Kichigai, hakkij'o, kiyoran.Insanity, n. Kiyoki, ranshin.In.stant, n. Toki, koro, jibun, soku-ji,Insatiable, a. Akanu, akitaranu.shuyu, orikara.Inscribe, /. z/. Kaku, horu.Instantaneous, a. Tachimachi no, sokujiInscription, n. Uwagaki, himei, bohi.no, niwaka na.Inscrutable, a. Hakararenu, tadzunete Instantly, adv. Sokuji ni,tachidokoro ni.mo satorarenu.Instead, adv. Kawari-ni, To give —Insect, M. Mushi. Singing of — , sudaku.kayeru.Instep, n. Ashi no ko.Insecure, a. Abunai, ayaui, katakaranu, Instigate, t. v. Odateru, keshi-kakeru,Insensible, a. Oboye ga nai, shone ga kuwadateru, sendo suru.nai, shibireru,chikaku nashi, don naru. Instigator, n. Odateru hito, hotto nin,Insensibly, adv. Itsu-to-naku, d<strong>and</strong>an.hokki nin.t. Instil, v. Shimi-komaseru.Inseparable, a. Wakerarenu.Instinct, n. Umare-tsuki no kokoro, tennenInsert, /. v. Ireru, hameru, kuwayeru,naru kokoro.hasamu.Instinctively, adv. Umare-tsuite, onodzukara.Inside, /r^/.Naka ni, uchi ni. (a.)Ura, naka, uchi no.Institute, t. v. Tateru, hajimeru, shitateru,oku, sadameru.Inside, n. Ura, naka, uchi. — out., uragayesu.Insight, n. Mi-komi.Institute, n.Instruct, t. v.Okite, sadame, horitsu.Oshiyeru, tsugeru, kiyokunInsignia, «. Shirushi, mon, mondokoro.suru, ii-tsukeru, nomi-komaseru.Insignificant, a. Wadzuka na, iyashiki, Instruction, n. Oshiye, kiyokun, iitsuke,toru ni toranu.shinan, denju, kiyo-iku, kiyo-yu.Insincere, a. Fu-jitsu na, shinjitsu na-Instructor, n. Shisho, shihan.ki.Insinuate, /. v. Hairi-komu, shi-komu,atetsukete iu, kigen wo toru.Insipid, a. Aji no nai, tampaku na, awaki,mu-mi na.Instrument, n. Dogu, kikai, utsuwa.Insubordinate, a, Shitagawanu, somuku.Insufferable, a. Tayerarenu, korayerarenu,gaman-dekinu, shimbo dekinu.

97surii.NSLPERABLE, «. Nozokarenu, oyobarenu,koyerarenu.Insupportable, a. Tayerarenu, gam<strong>and</strong>ekinu, korayerarenu.NSURAXCE, n. Ukeai.:nsure, t. V. Ukeau.nsurer, n._Ukeai-nin.nsurgent, n. Muhon nin.nsurmountable, a. Oyobarenu, koyerarenu.nsijrrection, «. Muhon, ikki, gekiran.NTEGRITY, n. Mattaki koto, tadashikikoto, seichoku.NTEGU.MENT, n. Kawa, hifu.Intellect, n. Chiye, sai, sai-chi.Intelligence, «. Sai-chi, chiye, satori,tsushin.ntelligence-office, n, Keian, kuchiire.ntelligent, a. Riko-na, kashikoki,tsushin naru.ntelligible, a. Wakari-yasui.ntemperance, n. Do ni sugiru koto,sake ga sugiru koto, goshu.ntemperate, a. Do ni sugiru. — indrink^ sake ga sugiru, goshu. — ineating^go-shoku.NTEND, t. V. Kokoroyeru, kokorozasu.ntense, a. Hageshii, tsuyoi, kibishii,kitsui.ntensely, adv. Tsuyoku, hidoku, kibishiku.NTENSiTY, n. Tsuyosa, hidosa.NTENT, a. Nen irete suru, hagende oru,kokorozashi fukai.NTENT, n. Tsumori, kokorozashi, me-ro.NTERCESSiON, «. Tori-nashi, naka-dachi.Intercessor, «. Chiu-nin, nakodo.NTERCEPT, /. v. Sashi-tomeru, seki-tonieru,osayeru, yokodori wo suru.INTNSUFFiciENT, a. Taranu, fusoku nam. nterchange, t. V. Tori-kayeru, kayeru,NSULATE, L 7'. Hanashite-oku.koyeki suru, kayowasu.itercourse, 71. Tsuki-ai, majiwari,;rLT, shit,NSULT, i. t>.,Burei wo suru, shitsurei wo orai, yukiki, kayoi.NTERDiCT, t. V. Kindzuru, sei-kin suru,kotowaru, choji suru. («.) Kinshi,kinzei, kindan.nterest, n. Ri, risoku, kai, yeki, wariai,buai. Daily — , hibu, hiwari.nterested in, t. V. Omoshirogaru.nteresting, a. Omoshiroi.nterference, n. Yamau koto, sashitsukaye.nterfere. t. V. Katnau, kakawaru.nterior, n. Naka, uchi, ura.nterior, a. Naka no, uchi no.nterjection, n. Tansoku-shi./. NTEKr.ACE, V. Kumu, kagaru.nterleave, t. V. Shira-kami wo hasamu,hasami-ireru.nterline, t, V. Hasamu, hasami-ireru.ntermarry, t, V. Juyen suru.ntermeddle, t. V. Kamau, zanniu suru.nterminable, a.Kagari-naki, tayezantermingle,t. V. Mazeru, kondzuru.ntermission, n. Aida, hima, ma.NTERMir, /. V. Aida wo oku, yasumu.ntermittent-fever, 71. Okcri.nternal, n. Naka no, uchi no, ura no,nai. — injury., nai son. — medicine.^nai-yaku.nterpolate, t. V. Kaki-ireru.NTERPOSE, t. V. Hasamu, osayeru, nakani tatsu, tori-atsukau, hedateru.nterpret, t. V. Honyaku suru, naosu,h<strong>and</strong>an suru, ii-hodoku.nterpretek, n. Tsuji.nterrogate, t. V. To, tadzuneru, kiku.nterrogation, n. Toi, tadzune.nterrupt, t. V. Jama wo suru, samatageru,sashi-tomeru, sashi-deguchi woNTENTION, n. Tsumori, riyoken, kokorozashi,me-ate. Contrary to otte's — suru, togireru, todaye, chiu-zetsu, deshabaru.kokoro naradzu.ntentional, a. Takumitaru, kokorogaketaru.nterruption, n. Jama, sashi-tsukaye,samatage, sashi-deguchi.ntExN'Tionally, adv. Waza to, koto Sarantersect, t. V. Yokogiru.ni.NTERSPERSE, t. V. Mazeru.ntently, adv. Hitasura ni, hita-mono, nterstice, n. Sukima, hima, aida, mantertwixe, /, V. Motsure-au, ai-mato,nen-irete.nter, t. V. Homuru, udzumeru.karami-au.NTERCALARY-MONTH, n. Urudzukl, JUHgetsu.nterval, n. Aida, hima, ma.ntervene, i. V. Hedateru, naka niNTERCEDE, f. V. Tori-nasu, tori-tsuku-tatsu, tori-atsukau.ntervention, n. Tori-atsukai, nakadachi.NTERViEW, t. V. Taimen suru, osetsusuru.nterweave, t. V. Ori-mazeru, ori-awaseru.

IINTNTESTATE, «.Intestine, a.Yui-gon nashi.Uchi no, nai. — war,suru, tsuyomeru, sukoj'aka ni sujiCiBLE,i-ran, doshi-uchi.Katarenu, kachi-gataki.a.NTESTiNE, 71. Harawata, zofu, cho.Large — , daicho. Small — , shocho.3LABLE, a. Yaburarenu, hadan senvisible,NTHRONE, t. V. Kurai ni tsukeru.a. Miyenu.NTiMATE, a. Nengoro na, kokoro-yasui, nvitation, n. Yobare, shodai, maneki.najimu, natsuku.nvite, t. V. Yobu, maneku, shodai suru,NTiMiDATE, t. V. Osorasu.yobareru, izanau. sasou.NTO,/r^. Ni, uchi, naka.NvoiCE, n. Okuri-j6, tsumi-ni no mokuroku.NTOLERABLE, a. Shimbo dekinu, gam<strong>and</strong>ekinu, korayerarenu, taye-gataki, nvoke, t. V. Negau, tanomu.NTOLERANT, a. Kataku naru, ganko na, nvoluntary, a. Mu-i no, omowanu, i-NTOXiCATE, t. V. Yo, meitei suru.guwai no.NTOXICATED, a. Sake ni yotta.KVOLVE, t. V. Ou, tsutsumu, fukumu,NTRACTABLE, a. Otonashikaranu, onjunkomoru, hiki-ai ni suru.naranu.NVOLVED, a. Hiki-ai, makizoye, ruiza,NTRENCH, t. V, Hon WO horu, jingamayekakari-ai, renrui.wo suru, soko wo kidzuku.NWARD, adv. Naka ye, uchi ye, koko-NTREPiD, a. Isamashii, yatake na, takeshirono uchi ni, shin-chiu ni.NWARDLV, adv. Naka ni, uchi no ho ni,NTRiCATE, a, Motsureru, iri-kumu,konzatsu.shinchiu ni, hisoka ni.ODiNE, 71. Yojum.Intrigue, n. Imbo, irogoto.PECACUANHA, 71. Tokon.NTRODUCE, t. V. Tebiki wo suru, hikiawaseru,RASCiBLE, a. Tanki na, ikari-yasuki.chikaduki ni suru, hajimeru,Kosai,Ris, n.nanoru, nanori-au.RKSOME, a. Taikutsu naru, iya-na, urusai,ctroducer, n. Naka-dachi, bai-shaku,mono-ui.chiunin, tebiki.NTRODUCTioN, «.Iro.n", 71. Tetsu, kurogane, magane.— o/ a book, jobun. Siaoot/thig- — , kote, hinoshi. Put inntrude, t. V. Oshi-komu, desugiru.iro7is, tegase wo kakeru.NTRi'ST, t. V. Adzukeru, yudaneru, ma-RON, t. V. Nosu, hinoshi wo kakeru.RON-FOUNDRY, 71. Imojiya.RONY, n. Ura wo iu, saka ni iu.RRADIATE, t. V. Terasu, kagayakasu.RRATiONAL, a. Dori WO wakimayenu,mu-fumbetsu na, ri ni kanawanu.kaseru.NUNDATE, t. V. Afurcru, koboreru.lUNDATiON, n. Kodzui, 6-midzu, demidzu.NURE, /. V. Nareru, narasu.NVADE, t. V. Okasu. oshi-yoseru.NVALiD, n. Biyo-shin, da-jaku.NVALiDATE, t. V : Yaburu.NVALUABLE, a. Tattoki, yoki no hakari-gataki.NVARiABLE, a. Kawaranu, doyo na, henzenu.t. IVEIGH, V. Nonoshiru.t. JVEIGI.E, V. Hiki-ireru, sosonokasu,tsuri-komu, obiku, sukasu.NVENT, t. V. Hatsumei suru, takumu,takunamu, anji-dasu.JVENTORY, n. Mokuroku.NVERT, t. V. Fuseru.NVERSELY, adv. Sakasama ni, abekobeni, achikochi, urahara.!nvest, t. V. Kakeru, ire-komu, ireru, kiseru,tsumi-oku, nindzuru, tori-kakomu.Investigate, t. v. Shiraberu, gimmi suru,tadasu, sensaku suru, tansaku suru.nveterate, a. Kojiru, ganko naru, koshitsu.NviDious, a. Urayamashii, netamashii.Invigorate, t. v, Jobu ni suru, kengoRRECONCiLABLE, a. Naka-naori no narigataki.rregular, a. Sorowanu, midari na, kirino nai, kaku-guwai na, muho na.RRELEVANT, a. Adzukaranu, kakaranu,kuwankei sedzu.rreligious, a. Bu-shinjin, budo na-RREMEDIABLE, a. Naoranu, shi-naosarenu,shikata no nai.RREPARABLE, a. Tsugunowarenu, torimodosarenu.shi-naosarenu.RREPROACHABLE, a. Togamerarcnu.RRESISTIBLE, a. Fusegi-kirenu, sasayerarenu,tekishi-gataki.RRESOLUTE, rt. Ketsujo naki, kj gauwatsuite iru, sadamaranu, tori-kimarinaki.RRESPECTivE, «. — o/., kamawadzu,kfikawaradzu.RRETRiEVABLE, a. Torl-modosarenu,shi-naosarenu.Irreverent, a. Uyamai naki, fu-kei na.Irrevocable, a. li-kayes

IRR 99....IIrrigate, t. v. Uruosu, midzu wo kakcru-Irrit.\ble, a. Tanki na, ikari-yasuki.Ikrit.'VTE, t. V. Ikaraseru, tadareru, irairasuru, iratsuku.Irruption, n.Aru,Afure-komu koto.gozarimasu. — Is, /. 7'.ari-nashi. — not^ nai, aradzu.or not^1/ thereIS, araba, attara, aru naraba.Isinglass, n. Nibe, kanten.Isl<strong>and</strong>, «. Shima.Isolate, /. z>. Hedatete oku, wakete oku.(/ass.) Hanareru, hedateru./. Issue, v. Deru, hassu.JOYSSUE, n. Hate, owari, shimai, yuku-suye.STHMUS, n. Chi-kiyo.T^pro. Are, sono.taly, «. Itaria.;tch, n. Shitsu, hizen.CHiNG, a. Kayui, kayumi, kaii, modokashii.ITEM, 71. Kajo, kado.tinerate, z. v. Mawaru, henreki suru,hoko suru.Itself, n. Hitori de, shizen-to, jibun ni,midzukara.VORV, n. Zoge.VY, «. Tsuta.Jack, — ivith a lantern, kitsune-bi, inkuwa.Jackass, n. Roba.Jacket, «. Hanten.Jack-plane, n. Arashiko.Jackstones, 71. Otedama.Jaded, a. Tsukareru, katabireru.Jail, n. Roya.Jalap, 7t. Yarapa.Jam, t. V. Osu, tsumeru, komi-au.Jam, n. Komi-ai.Janitor, n. IMomban.January, n, Shogatsu.Japan, n. Nipjjon, yamato, wa, hinomoto,akitsushira.i.<strong>Japanese</strong>, a. Nippon no, wa. — la7igiiage,wa-go. .Jap.a.n-varnish, n. Yurushi.Jar, /. V. Ugokasu, yurugasu, hiblku.Jar, n. Tsubo, kame.JaSxMINE, 71. Kuchinashi.Jaundice, ti. Odan._Javelin, n. Te-yari.Jaw, «. Ago.Jay, 71, Kasasagi.Jealous, a. Netamu, sonemu, yakkamu,serau.Je.\lousy, «. Yaki-mochi, shitto, netami,rinki, jintsuke, yaku.Jeer, t. v. Naburu, choro suru, azake-Jelly, k. Ame.Jeopardy, «. Ayauki, kennon, kinan.Jeopardize, t. v. — life, inochi-gakewo suru.Jerk, i. z

JOYI DOKINJudge, n. Saiban-nin, tori-sabaki-kata,shirabe-yaku.Judge, t. v. Sai-ban suru, gimmi suru,sabaku, saP-kiyo suru, tori-sabaku, miwakeru,an-satsu.Judgment, «. Wakimaye, fumbetsu, \vakachi,kamben, riyoken, kiyojo, bachi,tatari, tembatsu. Clear — , kuwatsudatsu.JuDC-iMENT-SEAT, «. Shirasu.Judicious, «. Kamben aru, saichi aru,kashikoki.Jug, n. Tokkuri.Juggle, /. v. Tedzuma wo tsukau, shinadamawo tsukau.Juggler, n. Yashi, tedzuma-tsukai, shinadamatsukai, mamezo.Juice, n. Shiru.July, n. Shichi-guwatsu.JUjMBLe, t. V. Konzatsu suru, konran suru,mucha-mucha ni suru. {i. v.) Gotatsuku,gota-gota shite iru, iregomi,iri-kumu, iri-midaru.Jump, i. v. Tobu, haneru. — over^ tobi-koyeru.— down^ tobi-oriru. — upon^ tobi-agaru. — into^ tobi-komu,tobi-iru. — off^ tobi-oriru. — through^tobi-toru.Junction, n.ochi-ai.Awaseru koto, awashime,Juncture, n. Kiuba.June, «. Roku-gatsu.Jungle, «. Hayashi.Junior, a. Wakai.Juniper, n. Ibuki.Junk, n. Fune.Jupiter, n. Moku-sei.Jurisdiction, n. Riyo, riyobun, shihai,haika.Jurisprudence, «. Horitsu gaku.Jurist, adv. Horitsu ka.Just, adz'. Chodo, adakamo, tate, sanagara.— as it is, ari no mama. —right., chodo yoi. — noiv, tadaima.Water just draivii, kumi tate no midzu.Bread — baked, noyaki-tatepan. Give vte — one, tada hitotsuokure. Just as I thought of going.,yuko to omo tokoro ni.Just, a. Richigi na, shojiki na, ren-chokuna, seichoku na, oyake na, chokuna, tadashi.Justice, n. Gi, ri, giri. do, dorLJustify, t. v. Tadashii to sadameru,tsumi nashi to ii-watasu.Justly, adv. Tadashiku.Jut-out, /. v. Sashi-deru, hari-dasu.Juvenile, a.Wakai, itokenai.Kalpa, n. Go.Keen, a. Hageshii, lubishii, tsuyoi,Ksurudoi.Keep, t. v. Mamoru, motsu, tamotsu,shugo suru, kau. — back., nokosu,osayeru, seku, hikayeru. — down,osayeru. — alive, ikeru, ikaru. —under, hikayeru.— off, fusegu, j'okeru.— at a distance, tozakeru. — itimind, kokoro-gakeru. — i7i the house,hikikomu. company tvith, tsukiau,majiwaru. — silence, damaru, mokunento shite iru. To be i?t keeping with,kanau. — w

KINKindly, adv. Nengoro ni, shinsetsu ni.Kindness, n. Nasake, shinsetsu.Kindred, «. Kiyodai, shinrui, shin-seki,King, n. 6, koku-6.Kingdom, «.mal — , shorui.Koku, kuni riyobun. Ani-King-fisher, n. Kawasemi.Kink, n. Yore, takureru./. Kiss, v. Kuchisu, seppun suru.Kitchen, n. Daidokoro, katte, kuriya.Kitchen-gakden, n. Hatake, sayen,senzai.Kite, «. Tako, ikanobori, shiyen.Kitten, n. Neko no ko, ko-neko.Knack, n. Kotsu.Knapsack, n. Doran.Knave, n. Katari, odo, ochaku, mogari.Knavish, a. Dzurui, kataru, ko-kuwatsuna, kosui, ochaku na.Knead, t. v. Koneru, neru, neyasu, tsukuneru.Knee, «.Hiza.KILANKneel, /. v, Hizamadzuku.Knee-pan, w. Hiza no sasa.Knife, n. Pocket — , ko-katana. Table— , hocho, Kitchen — , deba.Knit, t. v. Amu. — the broivs, mayuwo shisomeru.Knob, n. Hikite.Knock, /. v. Butsu, utsu, tataku. —dotvn, buchi-taosu. — oJ>en^ buchiakeru.— out, buchi-dasu. — in,buchi-komu. — ojff^, buchi-otosu,ochiru. Knocked off, as goods, ochifudasuru.Knoll, n, Tsuka.Knot, n. Fushi, kobushi, musubime,fushime. Full of — fushikuredatsu.Know, t. v. Shiru, wakaru, kokoroyeru,zonjiru, satoru. / dont knowwhether it is so or not, so de aru ka moshirenu.Knowledge, n. Kokoroye, jutsu.Knuckle, n. Yubi -no fushi, genkotsu.Kum-kwat, n. n. Kinkan.Label, n. Fucho-fuda, shirushi, meifuda. Lame, a. Chimba, bikko, ashinaye.Labor, n. Shigoto, hone-ori, hataraki, Lament, i. v. Kanashimu, nageku, naku.san. Day — , hiyo. — saving, kappo. Lamentable, a. Nagekawashii, itoshii,v. honeoru, oshii.shussei suru, rosuru. be in — , san Lamentation, n.suru. — pains, ikimi, mukaibara.naki, hitan.Labor, t. Shigoto wo suru,To Kanashimi, nageki,Laborious, a. Honeoru.Lamp, n. Andon, todai, shoku.Lace, t. v. Kagaru.Lamp-black, n, Yuyen.Lacerate, /. v. Saku, kaki-kiru. Lampoon, n. Rakushu.Lachrvmal-duct, 7t. Rui-kuwan. Lamp-shade, n. Bombori, hoya.Lack, n. Fusoku, kotokaki.Lamp-wick, n. To-shin.Lack, /. v. Nashi, aradzu, taranu, fusokuLamprey, n. Dojo.suru.Lance, n. Yari.Lacquer, n. Urushi.Lance, t. v. Yari de tsuku.Lacquer, /. v, Urushi wo nuru.Lancet, n. Habari, hirabari.'Lacquer-ware, n. Nuri-mono, shikki. L<strong>and</strong>, n. Chi, tsuchi, jimen, denji,Lacteal-duct, n. Niubikuwan.kachiji, oka, riku.Lad, n. Warambe, doji.L<strong>and</strong>, i. v. Oka ni agaru.Ladder, n. Hashigo.L<strong>and</strong>ing-place, n. Hatoba, ageba.Lade, t. v. Kumu, shakii, suku. — a L<strong>and</strong>lady, n. Hatagoya no niyobo.ship, fune ni tsumu. — horse, uma ni L<strong>and</strong>lord, n. Hatagoya no teishu, aruji.noseru.L<strong>and</strong>mark, n. Bogui.Ladle, n. Shaku, liishaku, shakushi, L<strong>and</strong>scape, n. Keshiki, fukei, mi-harashi,chobo.Lady, n. Onna, fujin, shinzo.Lane, n. Hoso-michi.Lag, /. V. Okureru, ato ni naru.Language, n. Kotoba, monoii, go.Laitv, n. Zoku, hei-nin, banzoku. Langi'ID, a.Clergy atzd — , so-zoku.darakeru.Darui, yowai, namakeru,Lake, n. Midzu-umi. kosui.Languish, i. v. Otoroj^eru, suibi suru,Lamb, n. Hitsuji no ko, ko-hitsujl.fu-keiki ni naru, shioreru.

LAN I( 2 LEALanguor, «. Darui, namakeru koto.Lantern, n. Chochin.Lap, 71. Hiza.Lap, t. V. Nameru, oru, awaseru.Lap-dog, «. Chin.Lapidary, n. Giyokko.Lap3E, n. — o/ time, heru, tatsu, okuru.Lapse, i. v. Ayamachi, hadzureru.Lapsus lingu.e, n. Kuchi ga suberu.Larboard, n. Fune no hidari.Larceny, n. Nusumu koto.Larch, n. Tsuga.Lard, ;/. Buta no abura.Larder, n. N<strong>and</strong>o, mono-oki.Lares, n. Jibutsu.Large, a. Okii, futoi, hiroi, dai. — <strong>and</strong>small, dai-sho.Largeness, n. Okisa.Lark, n. Hibari.Larynx, v. Koto.LasciviouSj a. Sukebei na, irogonomlna, uwaki na, koshoku na.Lash, n. Himo.Lash, t. v. Moyau, shibari-tsukeru,maki-tsukeru, muchi-utsu.Lass, n. Musume, shinzo.Lassitude, «. Darusa.Last, n. Kutsu no kata.Last, i. v. Motsu, tamotsu, oyobu.Last, v. Owari no, shimai no, hate no.— month, ato-getsu, sen-getsu, mayeno tsuki, kiyo-getsu. — year, sakiinen,kiyo-nen, maye no toshi, kiu-nen.— night, saku-ban, saku-ya. At last,tsui-ni, toto, yoyaku, yoyo, yatto,shosen. — of life, matsu-go. — ages,matsu-dai.Latch, n. Kake-gane.L.ATCHET, n. Hana-o, o.Late, a. Osoi, okureru, chi-chi suru,Laudable, a. Homu-beki, kanshin na,sho su beki.Laugh, t. v. Warau, yemu. — at, aza-Laughable, a. Okashii, monowarai.Laughter, n. Warai, yemi.Laughing-stock, n. Warai-gusa, warawareru.Launch, /. v. Yaru, deru, orosu.Launch, n. Funa-oroshi.Lava, «. Kuwa-zan no yake-ishi.Lavish, a. Ozappai, oshige mo naki,oshimadzu.Law, «.nori,Okite, gohatto, ho, ritsu, seito,horitsu, gijo. — of nature, tendo,dori, ri.Lawful, a. Okite-dori no, ge-joho-dorino, gomen-no.Lawless, a. Furachi na, fuho na.Lawsuit, n. Kuji, de-iri.Lawyer, «. Kuji-shi, de-iri-shi, noritsuka.Lax, a. Yurui, darui.Laxity, n. Yurusa.Lav, t. V. Oku, noseru, kakeru. aside,katadzukeru, yameru, nokeru. — away,katadzukeru, shimau. — before, %ox\z.-yeru. — by, katadzukeru, — down,oku, neru, fuseru. — hold of, tsukamu,tsukamayeru. — in, takuwayeru, tsumu,shi-ireru, kai-ireru. — open, hiraku,akeru, arawasu, abaku. — over,6, kakeru, kiseru, noseru. — out, harau,tsukawasu. — one's self ont, sei wodasu. — together, atsumete oku. —to heart, ki ni kakeru. — up, takuwayeru,tsumu, osameru. — siege, semeru,kakomu. — wait, machi-buse wo suru.waste, arasu. — a wager, kakeru.— the blame on, kiseru, nuri-tsukeru,kabuseru. — bare, hadaka-ni suru. —the ship to, fune wo todomeru. — afault on another, kadzukeru, owaseru.o.sonawaru. — years,V\xi-n&x\.. — sleeping,asa-ne. — in coming, chi-san.— <strong>and</strong> early, chi-soku. Of — , konogoro,chikagoro. Too — , ma ni avranai. — an egg, tamago wo umu.Lately, adz'. Kono aida, chikagoro, L.WER, n. Ye, kasane.kirirai, kono goro, kono hoclo.Layman, n. Zoku, zokutai.L.atent, a. Hisoka na, kakusu, nai-nai, Lazy, a. Busho na, mono-gusai.nai-sho no, hi-suru.Lead, n. Namari.Lateral, a. Waki no, yoko no.Lead, t. v. Tsureru, hiku, michibiku,Latest, a. Ichiban ato no, ichiban osoi. hikuru, annai suru. — a life, kurasu,— generations, matsu-dai.okuru. — astray, madowasu, mayowasu.L.\TH, n. Komaye. To — , komaye wokaku.Leader, n Annaija, kashira, chobon-nin.Lathe, n. Rokuro.Lead-pencil, «. Seki-hitsu.Latitude, n. Yoko-do, haba, hirosa. Leaf, n. Ki no ha. of a book, hira.Latter, a. Nochi no, ato no.Gold — , kimpaku. — of a door, to.Latterly, adv. Kono aida, kono goro, Le.\f-stalk, n. Kuki.kiu-rai, chikagoro.Leafy, a. Shigeru.Latest descendant, n. Basson. League, i. v. Yakusoku suru, toto woLattice-work, «. Koshi.musubu.Laud, t. v. Ilomeru.League, «. Yakusoku, keiyaku, toto.

LEA 103 LET?'.Leak, Legalize, t. v. Menkiyo shite horitsuv. Moru. n. Uro, ama-mori.Leakage, n. Rodzu.wo tateru.Lean, a, Yasetaru.Legation, n. Koshi-kuwan.I^EAN, i. V. Katamuku, katayoru. — on Legend, n. Mukashi-banashi.or against^ motareru, yori-kakaru, motaseru,yoru.Legerdemain, n.ma.Tedzuma, shinada-Leap, n. Tobs.Legging, n. Kiyahan, habaki.Leap, t. v. Tobu, odoru, haneru. — Legible, a. Yomeru.over, tobi-koyeru. — »/, tobi-agaru. Legislate, /. v. Okite wo tateru, horitsu— z»^o, tobi-komu. — dozvn, tobioriru.— for joy, yorokonde odoru, Legislation,wo tateru.—«. Horitsu wo tateru koto.upon a horse, uma ni tobi-noru.Leap-frog, n. Tobi-koshi.Legitim.^te, a. Jitsu no, honto no. —Leap-year, n. Uru-toshi.child, jisshi.Learn, t. v. Narau, manabu, keiko suru.Legume, n. Saya.Leisure, n. Itoma, hima, ma, yori-yoku,Learnec, a. Jodzu, tasshita. — ttian^ ankan, aida.gakusha.Leisurely, adv. Soro-soro-to, yuruyuru-to.Learning, n. Gakumon.Lease, t. v, Kasu, karu.Lemon, n, Yudzu.Least, ayori mo chiisai, chiisai Lemon-oil, n. Tohiu.ho. ^2f— , semete.Lend, t. -v. Kasu. — a h<strong>and</strong>, tetsudaii.Leather, n. Kawa, tsukuri-kawa, naraeshi-kawa.Imitation — , magaigawa.Length, n. Nagasa, tate, naganobi.Lender, n. Kashi-kata.—Leather-dresser, n. Kawata, yeta.Leave, n. Yuriishi, menkiyo. Take —itoma wo ko, saru.Leave, /. v. Shirizoku, taishutsu suru,saru, nozoku, hedateru, hanareru, nokosu,suteru, utcharu, adzukeru, makaseru,yudzuru, nindzuru, noku, shirizokeru.— off, yameru, yosu, tatsu.out, otosu, habuku. — 07'er, amasu.— ojf wine, kinshu suru.Leaven, n. Tane, pan no tane, koji.Leavings, n. Nokori-mono, amari.Lecture, t. v. Koshaku sum, oshiyeru,seppo suru, hod an suru, kodan.Lecturer, n. Koshaku-shi.Ledger, n. Chdmen, daicho.Lee, n. Kaza-shimo, kaze-shita.Leech, n. Hiru, suitetsu. To — , hiruwo tsukeru, kishin suru.Leek, n. Nira.Leer, i. v. Yokome de miru.Lees, n. Ori, kasu.Lee-shore, n. Kazashimo no iso, kazeuke no oka.Lee-side, n. — of a ship, fune no kazashimono ho.Leeward, n. Kaza-shimo no ho, kazeshitano ho.Left, a. Hidari no, sa.Left h<strong>and</strong>, n. Hidari no te.Left-h<strong>and</strong>ed, a. Hidari-giki no.Leg, 71. Ashi. One — , kata ashi. BothLegacy, n. Yui-motsu, katami.Legal, a. Okite-dori no, gomen naru,ho ni kanau.^J^ ^^/fi jomiyo. At length., yoyaku,tsui-ni.Lengthen, t. v. Tsugu, nagaku suru,noberu, nobasu.Lengthwise, adv. Tate ni.Lengthy, a. Nagai.Leopard, n. Hiyo, nakatsukami.Lenient, a. Yasashii, yuruyaka na, onjunnaru.Lenity, «. Onjun, yuruyaka.Leper, n. Raibiyo-yami, kattai, narimbo.Leprosy, « Raibiyo, tenkei-biyo, nari,kattai, suji.Less, a. Chiisai, sukoshi. To become —otoru.Lessee, n. Kari-nushi.Lessen, t. v. Herasu, habuku, hesu, sukunakusuru, gensho suru, chiisakusuru, tsumeru.Lessen, i. v. Heru, otoru, habuku, sukunakunaru, chiisaku naru, tsumaru,chijimu.Lesson, «. Nikkuwa, keiko, oshi5^e.Lest, conj. Moshiya, osorakuba, hiyotto,sureba.Let, t. V. Yurusu, kasu, yarn ; afid thecaust. form of the verb. — drive.,uchiyaru. — alone, sutete oku. utchatteoku, mama yo, kamau na, nageyarishite oku. — down, orosu, tarasu.— loose, hanatsu. — iii, hairaseru. Hood, chi wo toru, shiraku suru. —out, hanasu, yurumeru, dasu. — viehave, kudasaru, chodai. — me see,mite kudasare. — tne tvrite, wataku-

I04LIKshi kakase nasare. — grow, hayasu.— go, hanasu. — Oj^, hanasu, yuidle— , asonde hi wo kurasu.— , kagiri naki jumiyo.EternalLifeless, a. Inochi no nai, darui, darakeru.Lethargy, 71. Nekomi.Letter, n. Tegami, fumi, jo, shokan, Life-like, n, Iki-utsushi.ji, moji, monji, shomen, tamadzusa. Life-time, n. Isshogai, issho, sho-gai,Letter-paper, n. Jo kaki garni.zaizei no toki, zonjo no uchi.Lettuce, n. Chisha.Lift, /. v. Ageru, mochi-ageru.Level, a. Taira, tairaka, hirattai. — Lift, n. Ageru koto. To give a — , tetsudau.grou7id, hei-chi, hira-chi.Level, t. v. Narasu, tairageru, taira ni Ligature, n. Shibari-ito.suru. — a gun, teppo wo nerau. Light, n. Akari, hikari, tomoshibi, shoku,akarusa. In one''s — , akari-saki.Level, «. Midzumori.Lever, n. Teko.Bring to — , arawasu, akasu.Levigate, t. v. Saimatsu ni suru, suru, Light, a. Karui, usui, akarui. Set — by,suri-kudaku.karondzru. — sleeper, nezatoi. MakeLevity, n. Karusa, kara-karashii. — of, naigashiro-ni suru, mono no kadzuLevy, t. v. li-tsukeru, moshi-tsukeru,to mo sedzu, nami sum.ateru, tsunoru.Light, /. v. Akari wo tsukeru, tobosu,Lew-chew isl<strong>and</strong>s, «. Riukiu.terasu. — a fire, hi wo tsukeru.Lewd, a. Irogonomi na, sukebei na, Light, /. v. Tomaru. — down, orosu.koskoku na, midara-na, inran naru. Lighten, t.y. Karumeru, karuku sum.Lexicon, «. Jibiki, jiten.(/. z/.) Hikaru, hareru.Liable, a. Kakawaru, kakari-ai.Lighter, n. Midzu-age bune, temma.Liar, n. Uso-tsuki.Light-fingered, a. Teguse no warui.Libel, n. Zangen.Light-footed, a. Ashi-baya, haya-ashiLiberal, a. Mono-oshimi senu, omakana,tairiyo.Light-headed, a. Memai, kurumeku.Liberally, adv. Oshimadzu ni, jubun Light-hearted, a. Ki no karui, kirakuna.Liberate, /. v. Hanasu, hanareru. Lighthouse, n. Taka-doro.Libertine, n. Doraku mono, hoto mono.Lightly, adv. Karuku.Lightness, n. Karusa.Liberty, n. Jiyu ni naru koto, kokoro Lightning, n. Inadzuma, hikari, inabikari,den-kuwa, den. Stroke of— , rai-no mama. At — , hodai.Library, n. Shosai.geki.License, «. Yurushi, men-kiyo, kabu, Lightning-bug, n. Hotaru.menjo.Lightning-rod, n. Rai-yoke.License, t. v. Yurusu, menkiyo suru. Like, a. Onaji, nitari, niru, hitoshii, gotoki,ayakaru. — minded, doshin, doi,Licentious, a. Hoto naru, horatsu na,burai na.isshin.Lick, t. v. Nameru, neburu, butsu, utsu. Like, adv. Gotoku, yo, tori, so, rashii.— the Ttzoutk, kuchi-namedzuri.It looks like rain, ame-furi so de gozaru.// looks well, yosaso. — a woman,Licorice-plant, n. Kanzo.Lid, n. Futa. Eye —, mabuchi.onnarashii. — a child, kodomo-rashii.Lie, «. Uso, itsuwari, kiyogon, mampachi,chiku.— this, kono tori, kono mama.To talk — a dunce, bakarashiku iu.Lie, /. V. Uso wo tsuku, itsuwaru. Likk, t. V. Konomu, suku, tashimuWhite —;, haya-uso.also the sufHx, tai, after the roots ofLie, /. V. Neru, fuseru,ataru. — by, yasumu.machi-fuseru, nerau.fusu. — iti, san woiru. Let lie, nekasu.heiguwa suru,— in wait,— down, neru,suru, ko wo unde-— over, nokosu,verbs, as, kaki-tai, would like to write :kai-tai, would like to buy ; yuki-tai,would like to go.I^IKKIAHOOT), formed by the suffix: so.Likely, adv. Tabun, okata, see so.noberu.Likely, a. Makotorashii.Liege, n. Shujin, tono sama.Liken, t. v. Nazorayeru, tatoyeru, ayakaru.Lieu, n. Kawari. In — of, kawari ni.Life, «. Inochi, seimei, mei, jumiyo, Likeness, n. Katachi, sugata, nigao,shogai. In — , zommei, zonjo. This yezo.— , kono yo. Future — , nochi no yo. Likewise, conj. Mata, mo, yappari.Previous — , maye no yo. To lead «« Liking, a. Ki ni ini, kokoro ni kanau.

LIL 105 LONlong, cho-sei siiru. — without workyLily, «. Yuri.Limb, 7t. Yeda.ankan suru.Limber, a. Yurui, nayeru, guniya-gunij^ashite oru, gutat-suku. To make— Livelihood, ti. Kurashi-kata, kurashi,Live, a. Ikiteoru.tosei, shobai, kuchisugi, kagiyo, nariwai,Lime, n.kuwakkei, yosugi, yowatari.Ishibai.Lime-kiln, «. Ishibai-gama.LivELVj a. Ki no karui, kigaru-na, keikiLixME-WATER, n. Sekkuwaisui.ga yoi, nigiyaka.Limit, n. Sakai, kagiri, kiri, kiwa, kukuri.Liver, n.Livery, n.Kan no z6.Shozoku.Limit, t. v. Kagiru, kiwamaru.Livid, a. Aozame taru.Limitation, n. Kagiri, kiwamari.Living, n. Ikiteoru, ikeru, ikitaru, ikinagarayeru,Limp, i. v. Bikko wo hiku.tosei, nariwai, shindai.Limped, a. Kiyoki, kiyoraka, sumu. Lizard, n. Imori, yamori.LiNCH-piN, «. Sen.Load, n. Da, katsugi, ni, tsumidaka.Line, ti. Ito, nawa, suji, chisuji, ke. A Load, t. v. Tsumu, komeru, noseru.Loafing, a. Namakeru, norakura suru,line from top to bottom^ kudari. Tostrike a li>u% sumi wo ut§u.bush ona.Line, t. v. Ura wo tsukeru, ke wo hiku. Loafer, «. Norakura-mono, namakemono,Lineage, n. Chi-suji, suji, ketto, shison,asobi-dzuki.sujime, sujo, kechi-miyaku, nagare. Loaf-sugar, «. Bosato.Lln'eal, a. — descent by the eldest son, Loam, n. Ma-tsuchi.chaku-riu.Loan, n. Shakkin, kari, haishaku, shakuyo.Lineament, a. Kao-katachi, kao-tsuki,yobo.Loan, t. v. Kasu.Linen, «. Nuno.Loathe, t. v. Kirau, iyagaru, mukadzuku,Linger, i. v. Matsu, himadoru, temadoru,imikirau, muka-muka shite oru.tamerau, gudzu-gudzu suru, yutoru.Loathsome, a. Kirai na, kirawashii.Lobe 0/ the ear, a. Mimi-tabu.Liniment, n. Koyaku.Lobster, «. Kuruma-yebi.Lining, n. Ura.Locality, «. Tokoro, sho, atari, hen,Link, n. Kuwan, wa.tochi.Link, t. v. Tsunagu, hameru, kumu, Locate, i. v. Tateru, oku.kakeru.Location, n. Tateru-tokoro, basho, jisho.Lint, n. Hotsuki, sanshi.Lintel, n. Kamachi, kabuki.Lock, n.Lion, n. Shishi.Jo, j6-maye. — smith, joma-Lip, 71. Kuchi-biru, kuchi-saki.Lock, /. v. J6 wo orosu, tojiru, shimeru.Liquefy, t. v. Tokeru, fiikuwa suru, — one's self in, toji-komoru.boyakeru.Locket, n. Kohaze.Liquid, n. INIidzu-mono, riudobutsu. Lock-jaw, n. Hashofu.Liquidate, /. v. Tokeru, harau.Locomotive, n. Jokisha.Liquorice, n. Kanz5, dzuboto.Locust, «. Inago.Lisping, n. Shita-motsure, shita-taradzu. Lode-stone, {Loadstone) n. Jishaku.List, n. Tammono no mimi, mokuroku. Lodge, i. v. Yadoru, shuku suru, tomaru,List, n. {Nautical)., katayoru.toriu suru.Listen, t. v. Kiku, chomon suru. Lodge, n. Momban-sho.Listless, a. Ukkari-to, ki ga tsukanu. Lodger, n. Kiyaku.Literati, n. Gakusha, mono-shiri, hakushiki.Lodging, n, Yadori, shuku, toriu.Loftily, adv. Takaku, takaburite.Literature, n. Gakumon, bun, bundo. Lofty, a. Takai, ko.Lithograph, w. Ishidzuri.Log, n. Ki, hashira, midzu jaku.Litter, n. Gomi, chiri, akuta, kudzu. Loin, n. Koshi.Little, a. Chiisai, sukoshi, chitto, wadzuka,Loiter, i. ?•. Himadoru, temadoru, bupori.jinjo, sho-sho, chikkuri, chopratsuku,gudzu-gudzu, gudotsuku.— by little, chibi-chibi, sukoshidzutsu,Lonely, a. Samushii, shin-shin to shita,jiri-jiri.Live, t. v. Oru, iru, sumau, ju-suru, ikiru,nagarayeru, kurasu. — together,dokiyo suru. — alone, hitori-dsumi.— in idleness, tada-ori, asonde ori. —mono-sabishii, wabishii.Long, a. Nagai, cho. — ago, toi. —-talk, chodan. — life, choju, cho-mei.— <strong>and</strong> short, cho-tan. —journey, choto.— night., cho-ya. — sickness, cho-

LON io6 LUBbiyo. — tirfie^ hisashii. — time since, Lose <strong>and</strong> win, n. Kachi-make, shobu.hisashiburi. — delayed, machidoi. In Loser, n. Make-kata.the — run, hikkiyo, tsui-ni wa, tsumari.Be/ore — , kinjitsu, tokaradzu.lueight, kan, heri, meri. — <strong>and</strong> gain,Loss, n. Son, sommo, son-shitsu. — inotosu, funjitsu, son suru, makeru, nukeru.— the way, mayou,Long, i. v. Shitau, koishiku omo, koishitau,son-toku, son-yeki.koishigaru.Lost, a. Nakunatta, ushinatta, useta.Longevity, a. Naga-iki, chomei, choju. — child, maigo.Longitude, n. Tatedo.Lot, n. Kuji, jimen, hatake. To drawLoxG-suFFERiNG, a. Ki no nagai, kannin-tsuyoi.— , kuji wo toru. How vtuch for thelot ? komi de ikura, komete ikura.Long-tongued, a. Sbita no nagai, oshaberi.Lotion, n. Arai-gusuri.Lottery, n. Mujin, fukubiki.Look, /. v. Miru, goran, nagameru. Lotus, n. Hasu no hana, ren-ge, hachiau.Formed also by the particle, so, <strong>and</strong>ranshii, ivkich see. — tip, mi-ageru, Loud, a. Takai, tsuyoi. — voice, ogoye.aogu, aomuite miru, furi-sakemiru. — noise, sawagi.Tired of looking, mi-aku. — out for, Lounge,/'. v. Bura-bura shite iru.mi-awaseru, mi-tateru. — down, mikudasu,mi-orosu, nozomu. — about, Lousy, a. Shirami-takari.Louse, n. Shirami.mi-mawasu. — after, mi-okuru, mamoru.— T^rj matsu, sagasu, ukagau. suru, itsukushimu, konomu, suku, ho-Love, t. v. Ai suru, kawaigaru, choai— into, gimmi suru, sensaku suru. — reru, rembo suru, okkochiru. Loz'e toacross, mi-\vatasu, mi-kosu, mi-kayeru. God, or to parents, uyamau. — talk,— back, kayeri-miru. — through a chiwa. — <strong>and</strong> sympathy, jinjo. — ofcrack, kaimami wo suru. — through, tnoney, riyoku.letter, chiwa-bumi.mi-tOGU, mi-sukasu. — away, yoso ni — so fig, \io\-'ka.. — a^«z>, iro-goto. —miru, yosomi. — toward, mukau, ukeru.sick, koi-wadzurau. — with each other,Looks, «. Miba, midate, tei, sugata,aiboreru.Love, n. Ai, on-ai, cho-ai, itsukushimi,kao-iro, ganshoku, kao-tsuki.ai-nen, j6-ai, koi, rembo, noroke, aija-Looker-on, n. Soba kara miru hito,kembutsu-nin.Looking-glass, n. Kagami.mi.Look-out, n. Monomi, mihari, tomi. Lovely, a. Kawai, kawairashii.Loom, n. Hata.Lover, n. Koi-bito, koi-otoko, okkochi.Loop, a. Wasa, wana, chi.Love-sick, a. Koi-wadzurau, koi-shitau.Loop-hole, n. Hazama, yazama.Loose, t. v. Toku, yurumu, kutsurogu, Love-song, n. Koi no uta, koi^ka.darumu, tarumu, yurugu, hanareru, hiraku,akeru, yurusu, hadzureru, hana-Low, a. Hikui, gebiru,iyashii. — water,Loving-kindness, n. Jihi, fubin.su.shio ga hiru, hiki-shio. _— or shallow,Loose, a. Yurui, hadzureta.asai. — in price, yasui. — in condition,iyashii, karui, shita no, hisen, ge-Loosen, t. v. Tokeru, yurumeru, kutsurogeru,yuruku suru, tarumeru, hanasu. sen na. — in strength, yowai. — fel~Looseness, n. Yurusa.lo%v, gero, gesu. — employment, geshoku.—in guality, ge-hin. — person,Loot, n. Bundori.Loot, t. v. Bundori wo tonl.ge-nin.Lop, t. V. Kiru. — off, kiri-otosii. Low, adz'. Hikuku, iyashiku, yasuku.Lop-sided, a. Kashigu, katamuku, katadzuri.Iyashii, gehin na.— the price,Low-bred, a.Lower, t. v. Sageru, orosu.Loquacious, a. Taben na, shaberu, chochoshii,kuchi-mama na.makeru.Lower, a. Shita no. — seat, ge-za.Loquat, n. Biwa, rokitsu.Lowermost, adv. Ichi-ban shita no.n. Lord, Shu, shu-jin, nushi, aruji, kimi,a. Lowly, kenson na, hi-Herikudaru,tono, danna.kayeme na, hige suru, kentai.Lordly, a. Jiman-naru, takaburu, danna-gao.Low-priced, a. Ge-jiki, yasui.Low-water, n. Hiki-shio.Lore, n. Gakumon, jutsu, oshiye. Loyal, a. Chiu na. chiugi na, gi.Lose, /. v. Ushinau, useru, nakunaru, Loyalty, n. Chiugi, chiu-setsu, chiu-ku.Love-letter, «. Chiwa-bumi, koi-bu-shin.Lubricate, t, v. Abura wo nuru.

I07MAILucid, a. Akiraka naru. teru, meihaku.Luck, n. Un, shiawase, ketai, unki, ten-LucKLESS, a. Fu-shiawase na, fukitsu no,kiyo naru, fuko no.Lucky, a. Un no yoi, saiwai, shiawaseno yoi, kichi na. — day, kichi-nichi,kittan. — or unlucky, kikkiyo. —dream, dzui-mu. — onien^ dzui-gen,dzui-sO, kitcho.Lucrative, a. Moke no 6i.Lucre, n. Moke, ri, yeki, takara.Ludicrous, a. Okashii, odoketaru, kokkeinaru.Lug, /. V. Hiku, ninau, katsugu.Luggage, n. Ni, nimotsu.Lukewarm, a. Nurui, noroi, nurumitaru.Lull, i. v. Nagiru, shidzuka ni naru,odayaka ni naru.Lumber, u. Zai-moku.Lumber-yard, «. Zaimoku-ya.Luminous, a. Hikaru, teru, akiraka naru.Lump, n. Katamari. Buy in the lumj>,kuchi de kau, komi ni kau.Lumpy, a. Tsubu-tsubu shite oru.Lunacy, n. Kichigai, ranshin, mono-gurui.Lunatic, n. Kichigai hito, kij^o-jin.Lunch, n. Chanoko. — box, bento.Lung, «. Hai no z6.Lungyen, n. Riu-gan-niku.Lure, t. v. Sosonokasu, obiku.Lurk, i. v. Machi-buse wo suru.Luscious, a. Oishii, amai.Lust, n. Yoku, bonno. — of gain, riyoku.Lust after, t. v. Musaboru, tonyoku,yokubaru.Lustre, n. Hikari, kagayaki, tsuya.Lustring, n. Kaiki.Lusty, a. Jobu na, sukoyaka na.Lute, n. Biwa.Luxation, n. Hone-chigai.Luxuriant, a. Shigeru, habikoru, ham-Luxurious, a. Ogoru.Luxury, n. Ogori, yeiguwa, shahi.Lye, n. Aku,Lying z'«, n. San. — «/

MAI io8 MAN,Maimed, a. Katawa, fugu.Malady, n. Yamai, biyoki, itatsuki, wadzurai.Main, a. Hon, shu. — object, hon-i,shu-i. — building of a teifipie,\iondo.In the —Male, n. Nan, o, osu, yu. — <strong>and</strong> fe~taitei, tairiyaku, taigai. male, nan-niyo, me-o, mesu-osu, shiyu,in-yo. — character in a play, ta-Mainly, adv. Moppara, omo-ni.Main-mast, n. Naka-bashira, hom-bashira,chi-yaku.6-bashira. _Malaria, n. Jaki, akki, shoreidoku.Main-sail, n. Obashlra no shitano ho. Malcontents, n. Sakarau mono.Main-spring, n. Zemmai.Malediction, n. Akko, soshiri, noroi.Maintain, t. v. Yashinau, ha^okumu, Malefactor, «. Zai-nin, toga-nin, tsumi-bito,meshi-udo.mamoru, motsu. — /CA, inochi wo tsunagu.Malevolence, n. Urami, ikon, ishu.Main-top, n. Obashira no saki.MALFORMA.TION, «. Deki-sokonai.Main-yakd, n. Obashira no shita no hogeta.Malice, ti. Urami nikumi, ikon, ishu.Malicious, a. Nikurashii, akushin naru.Maize, n. Tomorokoshi, namba.Maliciously, adv. Akushin nite, nikurashiku.Majestic, a. Kedakai, ririshiki, ogosokanaru, rinrin to shite iru.Malign, t. v. Zangen suru, soshiru, warukuMajority, «. Tahan, okata, taihan, tabun.iu.Malign, a. Aku, ashii, giyaku na.Major-part, n. Tabun, taihan.Malignant, a. Aku, ja, yoko-shima na.Make, n. Shi-kata, shi-yo, tsukuri-kata, — disedse aku-sei-biyo.koshirave-kata, katachi, sugata.Malignity, _«. Urami, ikon.Make, Tsukuru, koshirayeru, dekiru, Mall, n. Odzuchi, kakeya.mdkeru, tateru, suru.also byFormed Malleable, a. Kitairareru.the causi. form of the verb; aj, motaseru,Mallet, n. Tsuchi, kakeya.to make another carry ; yuka- Malt, n. Moyashi, koji.%t.xVi, to make another go. — amends, Maltreat, t. v. Mugoku suru, shimuketsugunau, mado. — account of, taisetsu wo waruku suru, migoi-me ni awaseru.ni omo. — free with, buyenriyo shite, Mamma, n. Okka-san, haha.habakari naku. — good, tsugunau, mado,oginau, togeru, sumu. — light of, a — , otoko-rashii, hitorashii. —Man. n. Hito, nin, ningen, otoko. Likenaigashiro ni suru, karondzuru. — of7nuch war, gunkan.suru, tattobu.oz'er, — out,t. V. tori-atsukau,wakaru, kokoroyeru. — up, koshirayeru,naka wo naosu. — up a defciency, chi suru, tori-hakarau. To much forsho-suru, shihai suru, osameru, sho-tasu. — up a loss, tsugunau. — up one to — , te-amasu.of daiji ni suru, taisetsu ni— watasu, yudzuru.Manacle, n.M.anage,Tegane, tejo, tegase.Atsukau,one's 7nitid, kokoro wo sadameru, ketsujosuru. — up a sum of money, sashii, otonashii.Manageable, a. Tori-atsukawareru, ya-chodatsu, s<strong>and</strong>an, saikaku. — water, Management, m. Tori-atsukai, shochi,shoben suru ; {of a ship), moru. — for, tori-hakarai, shinise.mukatte hashiru. — paper, kami wo Manager, n. Zamoto, toriyo, motojime,suku. — rope, nawa wo nau. — a net, kimo-iri.ami wo suku. — a mat, tatami wo sasu.— tnentioK, tsugcru, noberu. — M<strong>and</strong>arin-duck, «. Oshidori.M<strong>and</strong>arin, n. Yaku-nin.— believe, shirabakureru, soratsukau, M<strong>and</strong>ate, n. Mikoto-nori, mei, moshitsuke,ose, geji, ii-tsuke.furi wo suru. — love to, kigen wo toru.hetsurau. — as if he did not knoTv, Mane, «. Tategami.shiranu furi wo suru. / — bold to ask, Manes, n. Tamashii, kompaku, reikon..habakari nagara otadzune mosu. To Manfully, adv. Kitsuku, tsuyoku.— for l<strong>and</strong>, oka ni mukatte yuku. Mangle, t. v. Zara-zara ni kiru.up to, chikayoru. — up for, tasu. — Manhood, «. Hito to naru koto, otokodachiup luith, naica-naori wo suru.taru koto.Maker, n. Tsukuru hito, saiku-nin. Mania, n. Ran-shin, kiyoki.Generally forjned by affixing ya or Maniac, n. Kichigai hito, ranshin mono.shi to the end of the thing made ; as Manifest, a. Akiraka-na, ichijirushi,fude-shi, a pen-t7taker.meihaku, fummiyo.Making, «. Tsukuri, shi-ho, shi-kata. Manifest, n. Tsumi-ni mokuroku.One's own — , te-saku, tezaiku.Manifest, t. v. Arawasu, shimesu.Maladministration, «.Manifesto, n. Ofure.Fu-seiji.

MAN 109 MATManifold, a. Oku, obitadashiku, iroiro.machi-machi.iri, nakarai. To give in — yome niMarriage, n. Konrei, yome-dori, yome-Mankind, n. Ningen, hito, nin.yaru, meawaseru.,Man-like, a. Hito-rashii.Marriageable, a. Yome-iri-maye no.Manliness, «. Otokogi, otokoburi. Marrow, n. Kotsu-dzui, dzui.Manly, a. Kitsui, otokogi na, otokoburiga yoi.yome-iri wo suru. — off a daughter^Marry, /. v. ]\letoru, yome wo toru,Manna, n. Kanro.katadzukeru. — again, kaika.-Manner, n. JMama, sama, yo, tori, kurai,Mars, n. Kuwa-sci.rui, nari, nari-furi, tei.IMaesh, n. Numa.Manners, n. Furumai, gij'^ojo, okonai, Marshal, t. v. Sonayeru.nari-furi, narawashi, fuzoku, soburi, Mart. n. Ichi-ba.futei.Marten, n. Ten.M/VNCEL'VRE, n. Keiko, tedate.Martl\l, a. Ikusa no, bu, gun, hiyo.Man-of-war, n. Gunkan, ikusa-bune. M.'Vrtyr, n. Michi ni jun-suru hito.Mansion, n. Yakata, yashiki.Martyrdom, fi. Jun suru koto.Manslaughter, n. Hito-goroshi. Marvel, ;/. Fushingi, kilai.Mantis, n. Kamakiri, toro.Marvel, t. v. Ayashiku omo, ayashimu.Mantle, n. Uwagi.fushingi ni omo, ibukashiku omo,fushin ni omo.Marvelous, a. Ayashii, fushin naru,Manual, n. Techo, tebikai. — labor^tewaza, teshigoto.IManufacture, n. Sei, seizo. — ofvied-ibukashii, fushingi naru.icines^ seiyaku suru.Masculine, a. Otoko-masari no. —Manufacture, /. v. Tsukuru, koshirayeru,saku, sei suru, seisaku suru. Mash, t. v. Oshi-kudaku,gejider, osu, yu.oshi-tsubusu,Manumit, t. v. Yurusu, hanasu.Manure, n. Koyashi.Manlre, /. z/. Koj'ashi wo kakeru.Manuscript, «. Bunsho, shita-gaki, kaki-mono._Many, a. Oi, takusan, tanto, taiso, obitadashii,amata,, ikai. How — , ikura,ikiitsu, nani hodu, dore-dake, nambo.Good — yohodo.,Map, n, Kuni-yedzu. To yedzu wo —,hiku.Maple, n. Momiji no ki.Mar, /. 71. Itamu, sokonau, sondzuru.Marasmus, n. Hikan.Marble, n. Roseki.Marble, /. zi. Sumi-nagashi wo suru.Marble-paper, n. Sumi-nagashi.March, t. v. Choren suru.March, «. San-gatsu, michi-nori, tsume.Mare, n. Memma.Margin, n. Kiwa, fuchi, hashi.Marine, a. Umi no, kai.Mariner, n. Sendo, funako, funabito.Maritime, a. Kai-hen no.Mark, «. Shirushi, ato, mato, mejirushi.Hit the — , teki-chiu.Mark, /. v. Shirushi wo tsukeru, shirusu.{notice), mi-tomeru. — tirrie, hiyoshiwo toru.Market, n. Ichi, soba, muki. — price,soba. — people, ichi-bito. — place,ichi. None in the — shinagire.Marketable, «.,Ure-kuchi ga aru, muki-kuchiga ii.Market-town, n. Ichi-ba.hishigeru, hishigu.Mask, n. Men. (t. v.) Kakusu.M.\soN, «. Ishi-ya.Mass, n. Hoji, tsuizen, kasa, katamari,gunjfi, j'eiko.Massacre, n. Hito-goroshi. (v.) Hofuru,korosu.Massive, a. Omoi.Mast, «. Hobashira, hashira. Fore-7nast, maye-bashira. Main — , obashira.Mizen — , ato-bashira.Master, n. Danna, shujin, aruji, kashira,kimi.Master, /. v. Katsu, sugini.Masterly, adv. Jodzu.Masterpiece, n. Meisaku.Mastery, «. Ri, kachi, sho-ri, shihai.Masticate, /. v. Kami-konasu.Masturbation, n. Sendzuri.M.\T, n. Tatami, goza, mushiro, komo.Mat, t. V. Tatami wo shiku, komo wotsutsumu. Matted together, mutsureru.Match, 71. Tsukegi, hinawa, aite, shobugoto,haigii.Match, t. v. Au, awa,seru, soro, naraberu,hiki-ateru, hisuru, hilteki suru,rui suru, haigu suru.Ma.tchless, a. Buso, narabi-nashi.INIatchlock, n. Teppo.Match-maker, n. Nakodo, baishaku,chiu-nin.Mate, n. Aite. School — , dogaku, aideshi.Mate, /. v. Awaseru, soroyeru, haigii

I—•OMEEMaterial, a. Katachi aru, u-giyotai, Mean, t. v. Riyoken suru, tsumoru, omo,taisetsu na. — <strong>and</strong> immaterial^ u-z6 shimesu.Meaning, n. Kokoro, wake, imi, riyoken,tsumori. giri.Material, n. Shina, ji, jiai, riyo, kusa.Maternal, a. Haha no, haha-kata no. Meanly, adv. lyashiku, misuborashiku.Mathematics, n. San-gaku, san-jutsu. Meanness, n. lyashisa.Matrix, a. Kotsubo, shikiu, ikata. Means, «. Shinsho, shindai, kane, s<strong>and</strong>an,te-ate. By — of, de, wo motte,Matriculate, t. v. Niu-gaku suru.Matrimony, «. Yengumi, kongi.nite. By all means, zehi, keshite, kuto,Matron, n. Oba san.kanaradzu, tomo-kakumo. By no means.,Matter, n. Umi, koto, mono, ji, shina, the same words with a negative verb.tane, kusa. What is the matter? By any — , do shite mo.n<strong>and</strong>a, doshita. Great — , dai-ji. Small Measles, n. Hasbika, mashin.— , wadzuka. No — , kamai-masen, sashi-kamayewa nai. No — what^ nanijaku,kujirajaku, masu, hakari, hodo,ME.A.SURE, «. Monosashi, shaku, kanegotoni yoradzu. A — of/act^ jitsu-ji. kenzao. To sell by the — , masume deMatter, t. v. Umu, kamau.uru.Mattress, n. Futon, shitone, tentoku. Measure, t. v. Hakaru, kenchi wo utsu,Mature, t. v. Juku suru, umu.sokuriyo suru. — with the h<strong>and</strong>s., tedzumori.Mature, a. Juku-shita, unda, neru.Maturely, adv. Toku-to, jubun ni, Measurement, n. Nori, sumpo.M,\TURiTY, «. Juku shitaru koto. Meat, n. Niku, tabe-mono, shokuji.Maul, t. v. Butsu, utsu.Mechanic, n. Shoku-nin.Maw, «. Yebukuro.Mechanis.m, n. Saiku, sbikake.Maxim, n. Dori, kakugen.Meconium, n. Kanibaba.May, n. Go-guwatsu.Meddle, i. v. Kamau, sawaru, ijiru,May, v. Formed by the potent, suffix., tonjaku suru, tori-au, desugiru, kakawaru,kuwankei suru.yeru, or rareru, neg. yenu, ox rarenii,masumai, or mai ; also by the /ut. or Meddler, «. Yajimma, desugi-mono.dub. suffix., sho, masho, 6, de-aro ;Meddlesome, a. Sui-kiyo na, monodzukina.also in other •ways. 1/ the "weather ispleasant I vtay go., otenki nara yukimasho.1/your ivork is done yoii may Mediate, v. Tori-nasu, tori-atsukau,Medleval, a. Naka-mukashi no.go., shigoto ga sundara itte mo yoi. tori-motsu, atsukau.May I go to Vedo ? Yedo ye itte yoroshugozarimasu ka, or Yedo ye itte mo ^Iediator, n. Cbiu-nin, atsukai nin,Mediation, n. Tori-atsukai, atsukai.yoi ka. May Ipass through this road ? naka-dachi, naka-ire, aisatsu-nin, hitodzute.kono michi wo tote mo yoi ka. You7iiay fiot pass, tote wa warui, !_/ the Medical, a. — art. i-jutsu. — fee.,breach is not healed they may Jight., yaku-rei. — advertisement, no-gaki.naka wo naosaneba kenkuwa wo suru — virtue, yaku-riki, kono. — compound,yaku-zai.prescription, i-ho.daro. It may 7iot rain^ but I ivill takeviy umbrella with me., furu-mai keredomokasa wo motte-iko. It is a cruel profession i-ka, igiyo. — decoct ion.^— book, i-sho. — faculty, i-ka. —thing., be it as it may, nan m shiro sen-yaku. — school, i-gakko.kawaiso na koto da. May be., okata, Medicament, «. Kusuri.osorakuba.Medicinal, a. '—plant, yaku-s6.Mayor, n. Machi-bugiyo, hanji.Medicine, a. Kusuri, yaku-shu. PriceMaze, n. Mayoi.of— yaku-dai. Virtues of— , ko-no,,"Me, pro. Watakushi, ore,- ware.yaku-riki. Quality of a — yaku-bin.,Meadow, n. Ta.— chest, yaku-ro. To take — , kusuriMeal, n. Meshi, goban, gozen, jiki, ko, wo nomu, fukuyaku suru.kona. Wheat — , udon-ko, komugi-noko,mempu. Buck-ivheat— , soba-ko. hakaru.Meditate, i. v. Kangayeru, za-zen suru,Indian — , tomorokoshi-no-ko. — tiinCy Meditation, n. Za-zen, kagaye.mesbi-doki. Two — a day., ni-jiki. Mediterranean Sea, n. Chu-cbiu-kai.MEAL^•, a. Zagu-zagu, zakutsuku. Medium, n. Chiu. yust — , uchi-ba.Mean, a. lyasbii, gesen-na, kechi na, quality, cbiu-dori.shidzu na, chiu na. — while, aida, ma. Medley, «. Mucha-kiicba, konzatsu.Mean, a. Chiu, chiuto, nakaba, heikin, Meek, n. Onto na, onjun na, niuwa na,narashi.ya-sashii.

Meet, a. Soto naru, tekito naru, kanau.Meet, t. v. An, deau. — together, atsurnaru,yoru, kuwai suru. IFisk to —ai-tai.Meeting, n. Atsumari, ai-kuwai, ochi-ai.Meeting-house, a. Kuwai-sho, atsumari-dokoro,hai-den.Melancholy, n. Kiutsu, ki ga fusagu,shinki, usa, usshiru.Mellow, a. Yawaraka na, juku shitaru.Melody, «. Ne, oto, ne-iro, uta.Melon, «. Uri. — patchy kuwaden.Melt, t. v. Toku, or tokeru. — away,kiyeru.Member, n. Yeda, hito, mono. Thefive — go-tai.,Membrane, «. Maku.Memento, n. Katami, yui-motsu, yudzuri-mono,wasure-gatami.Memoir, n. Giy6-j6-sho, ichi-dai-ki.Memorable, a. Kioku subeki, mei, nadakaki.Memor<strong>and</strong>um, n. Kaki-tome, kaki-tsuke,hagaki, oboye-gaki. — book, tome-cho,te-cho, tebiicai.Memorial, n. Katami, tsutaye, kempaku,kengen.Memorialize, i. v. Kempaku wo tateru.Memorize, t. v. Kioku suru, oboyeru.Memory, n. Oboye, mono-oboye, kioku.To recite from — , sor<strong>and</strong>zuru. Bad— , wasureppoi.Men, n. Hito, nihgen, hitobito.Menace, t. v. Odosu, odoshi-tsukeru.Menace, n. Odoshi-tsukeru koto.Menagerie, n. Kemono no mise-mono.Mend, t. v. Naosu, tsukuro, aratameru,hidatsu, masaru. — metal ivares, ikakeru.Mendacious, a. Itsuwaru, usotsuki na.Mendicant, n. Kojiki, mono-morai, takuhatsu,hachi-tataki.Menial, _ n. Ge-nan, ge-jo, shimobe,iyashiki.Menorrhagea, n. Chiro.Menses, n. Tsuki no mono, sawari, keisui,gekkei, tsuki-yaku, keiko, meguri.Mental, a. Shin, kokoro no. — faculties,shin toku. — arithmetic, uvuna.-dzumori, munazanyo.Menstruate, i. v. Gekkei wo suru.Mensuration, ?i. Soku-riyo gaku.Mention, t. v. lu, hanasu, tsugeru, nofaeru.Mercantile, a. Koyeki no, sho. —company, sho-sha. — , house, shokuwan.Mercenary, a. Kane-dzuku naru, riyokuno.Mercer, n. Gofukuya.Merch<strong>and</strong>ise, n. Ni, nimotsu, shina.shiro-mono, shoshiki, shobai, akinai,baibai.Merchant, n. Akindo, akiudo, sho-nin.Merchantable, a. Akinai ni naru mukino.Merchant-man, n. Akinai-bune, nibune,hosen, bai-sen.Merciful, a. Jihi no fukai, jihi-bukai,awaremi-bukai, nasake no aru, nasakebukai.Merciless, a. Jihi-naki, nasake nai,mugoki.Mercury, n. Midzu-gane, sui-gin.Mercy, n. Jihi, awaremi.Merely, adv. Tada, nomi, bakari,shikanai.Merge, /. v. Kumoru, fukumu.Meridian, «. Nitchiu, mahiru.Merit, n. Ko, isao, kudoku.Merit, i. v. Beki, hadzu ; as, a faithfulservant merits praise, chiu-narukerai wa sho-subeki mono da. Meritssevere punishtnent, hidoku keibatsusu-beki mono nari.Meritorious, a. Sho-subeki, homerareru,ko aru. — deed, ko, tegara.Mermaid, n. Nin-giyo.Merriment, n. Kiyo, warai, tawamure,tanoshimi.Merrily, adv. Tanoshinde, tawamurete.Merry, a. Omoshirogaru, nikoyaka na.Merry-<strong>and</strong>rew, n. Doke-mono.Mesh, n. Me.Mess, t. v. Taberu, tomoni shoku suru.Message, n. Kojo, tayori, otodzure,shosoku, bingi, kotodzuke.Messenger, n. Tsukai, shisha.Messmate, n. Do-shuku, do-shoku.Metal, n. Kane.Metallurgist, a. Kanefuki.Metallurgy, n. Kane wo fuki-wakerujutsu.Metamorphose, t. v. Hendzuru, henkuwasuru, henge suru, bakeru.Metaphor, n. Keiyo, tato5'e.Metaphorically, adv. Keiyo shite.Metaphysics, h. Seiri-gaku.Metastasis, a. Tenshi.Metempsychosis, n. Umare-kawari, ruten,rinden, rinye.Meteor, «. Yobaiboshi, riusei, yusei.Meteorology, n. Kuki-gaku.Method, n. Dori, kata, shikata, ho.of writing, kaki-kata, fude-dzukai.— of teaching, oshiye-kata.Methodical, a. Torishimari no yoi,jun-jo naru.Metropolis, n. Miyako.Metropolitan, a. Miyako ni oru.Mettlesome, a. Kitsui, kidzuyoki, akumashii.

MEWI[2 MINMew, i. v. Niya-niya to naku.Militate, i. v. Sakarau, giyaku suru.Miasma, a. Akki.Militia, n. Mimpei, nohei, hohei.Mica, n. Kirara, ummo.Milk, n.' Chichi.Microscope, n. Mushi-megane, kembikiyo.Milk, /. v. Chichi wo shiboru.Milk-fever, «. Chi-burui.Mid-day, n. Nitchiu, mahiru.Milkmaid, n. Ushi no chichi wo shiborugejo.Middle, n. Mannaka, nakaba, chiu-6.— ages^ chiu-ko, naka-goro, naka-mukashi.— aged^ chiu-nen. — class, Mill, n. Usu.Milky-way, n. Ama-no-gawa, ginka.Millet, n. Awa.Milliner, «. Onna no kamuri-mono woseisaku suru onna.Million, n. Hiyaku-man, sen-sen.Millstone, n. Hiki-usu no ishi.Milt, n. Hararago.Mimic, «. Maneshi.Mimic, t. v. Maneru.mane wo suru.— others, hito-Mince, t. v. Tataku, komaka ni kiru.chiu-hai.Middle-man, n. Chiu-nin, nakodo, saitori,kuniu-nin.Middling, a. Kanari, dzuibun, chiu-hin,chiu-gurai, chiu-dori.Midnight, n. Yonaka, yahan.Midst, n. Naka, uchi, chiu, nakaba,saichiu, chiuto, chiu-do.Midsummer, n. Chiu-ka.Midway, n. Michi no nakaba.Midwife, n. Tori-age-baba, samba.Mid-winter, n. Chiuto.Mien, n. Nari, nari-furi.Miff, n. Kobara, ikari.Might, «, Chikara, ikioi, sei, tsuyoki,riki. — <strong>and</strong> main^ chikara wo tsukushite.Cried out with all his might,koye no kagiri ni yonda.Might, pret. of may, is thus formed:if he had called the doctor earlier hemight have recovered, hayaku isha nikakattara naoru de attaro. If he hadwished he 7night have gone, ki-ni-ittarayuku de attaro. / anight have soldthem last year, kiyo-nen uru de attaro.Don^t fire the gun, yoit anight shootsomebody, teppo wo hanasu na hito niattaro mo shirenu. Dofi't cross o?t theiog, you might fall, marukibashi wowataru na ochio mo shirenu.Mightily, adv. Tsuyoku, hageshiku,kibishiku, hiroku.Mighty, a. Tsuyoi, hageshii, kibishii,okii, ikuwo aru, gosei naru.Migr.\te, /. v. Utsuru, wataru, kunigayewo suru.Mild, a. Umai, hodoyoi, yawaraka, niujakuna. — of taste, awayaka.Mildew, n. Kabi, (z. v.) kabiru, fukeru,komo-geru.Mildly, adz

_MIN 113 MISMiNCTELY, adv. Kuwashiku, komayakani,isai ni, tsubusa ni, saimitsu ni,koma-gcma to, ru-ru.Miracle, n. Fushigi.Miraculous, a. Fushigi na.Mirage, n. Nago, shinkiro.Mire, n. Doro, tsuchi.Mirror, n. Kagami.Mirth, n. Tawamure, kiyo, warai.Misanthrope, n. Hito wo nikumu hi-to.Misapply, /. v. Tsukai-ayamaru.Misapprehend, /. v. Kiki-chigau, kiksokonau,omoi-chigau, kokoroye-chigau.Misbehavior, n. Busaho, fu-mimochi,giyogi ga warui.Miscalculate, t. v. Kazoye-chigau, hakari-chigau,tsumori-chigau.Miscall, t. v. Yobi-chigayeru, yobiayamaru.Miscarry, t. v. Hadzureru, ataranu,deki-sokonau, hansan suru, nagarezansuru, riuzan suru.Miscarriage, n. Han-san, riu-zan.Miscellaneous, a. — ivritings., dzuihitsu,mampitsu, zassho.Miscellany, n. Zakki.Mischance, n. Fu-un, fu-sbiawase.Mischief, n. Itadzura goto, aku, gai,ada.Mischievous, a. Itadzura na, gai wonasu.Mischievously, adv. Itadzuru ni, waruku.Mischief-maker, n. Goma-suri.Miscompute, t. V. Kazoye-chigau.Misconception, n. Omoi-chigai, riyoken-chigai,kokoroye-chigai, omoi-ayamari.IMiscoNDUCT, n. Fu-giyogi, fu-giyo-seki,fu-mimochi.Misconjecture, n. Sunyo-chigai, riyoken-chigai.Misconstrue, t, v. Honyaku-chigai, to-Miserly, a. Shiwai, rinshoku na, yabusaka,kechi-na, shiiren na.Misery, n. Nangi, nanju, kuro, sainan,itami, kurushii.Misfortune, «. Wazawai, sainan, fuko,fu-shiawase.Misgive, i. v. Utagau, ibukashiku omo.Misgovern, t. v. Sei-ji ga warui, osamekata ga warui.Mishap, n. Fuko, ayamachi, fu-shiawase.MisiMPROVE, t. v. Muda ni mocbiiru,muda ni tsukau.Misinform, t. v. Oshiye-chigai wo suru.Misinterpret, t. v. Toki-ayamaru, honyakuchigai, geshi chigai.Misjudge, /. v. Mitate-chigau, tsumorichigau,rij'^oken-cbigai.Mislay, t. v. Oki-chigau, oki-wasureru.Mislead, t. v. Mayowasu, madowasu,damasu.Misletoe, n. Hoya, yadorigi.Mismanage, t. v. Shi-sokonau, shikujiru,waruku tori-atsukau.Misplace, /. v. Oki-chigau, oki-wasureru.Misprint, t, v. Kaki-chigau, uye-cbigau.Misprint, n. Sakugo.Mispronounce, t. v. li-sokonau, ii-chigau,ii-ayamaru.Misquote, t. v. Hiki-chigau.Misrepresent, t. v. li-mageru, itsuwattenoberu.Misrule, n. Midare, ran, aku sei, giyakuMiss, t. v. Ataranu, hadzureru, machigau,mayo, miye-nakunaru, nuku.Miss, n. San.Missing, a. Naku-natta, ushinatta.Mission, n. Tsukai.Missionary, n. Yesu no michi wo hiromeruhito, kiyoshi.Misspell, t. v. Kanadzukai chigai.Misspend, t. v. Tsuiyasu, muda-dzu-Miscount, t. V. Kazoye-sokonai wosuru.kai.Miscreant, n. Furachi na yatsu.Misstep, /. v. Fumi-hadzusu.Misdate, t. v. Hi wo kaki-ayamaru, Mist, n. Kiri-ame, nuka-ame, midzukemuri.hidori-chigai wo suru.Misdeed, n. Aku-ji, fu-giyogi.Mistake, t. v. Ayamaru, machigau,Misdemeanor, n. Toga, tsumi, kei- sonjiru, sokonau.Mistake, n. Ayamachi, ochido, sakugo,Misdirect, t. V. Namaye-chigai wo shi-ochi, soi.suru, na-ate chigai wo suru.Misstate, /. v. li-chigau, tsuge-ayamaru.Misemploy, /. v. Muda ni tsuiyasu,muda ni mocbiiru.Mister, w. San, sama, kimi.Miser, n. Shiwambo, kechina-hito, rinshokuna hito, yabusaka.awanu, ma ni awanu.Mistimed, a. Ori ni awanu, basho niMiserable, a. Nanju na, nangi na, wabishiki,Mistress, n. San, kami-san, goshinzo,ashiki.iro-onna.

MIS 114Mistrust, t. v. Fushin ni omo, ibukashikuMomentous, a. Daiji-na, taisetsu na-omo, utagau.ru.Misunderst<strong>and</strong>, t. v. Kokoroye-chigau, Momentum, n. Hadzumi, sei, ikioi.omoi-chigau.Monarch, «. Tenshi, 6, kashira.Misuse, t. v. Tsukai-sokonau, mochiayamaru,Monarchy, «. Gunken.te-araku tsukau.Monastery, «. Tera, ji.Mitigate, /. v. Nadameru, gendzuru, Monday, n. Getsu-yobi.yawarageru, karuku naru, yurumeru. Money, n. Kane, kinsu, kinsen, kingin.Mix, t. V. Mazeru, majiru, kaki-mazeru, Ready — genkin.,kondzuru, awaseru.Money-bag, n. Saifu, kane-ire.Mixture, n. Maseru koto, majiru mono. Money-box, n. Zeni-bako.MiZEN-MAST, n. Ato-bashira.Money-changer, n. Riyogaye-ya.Moan, t. v. Unaru, umeku, naku, kanashimu.Money-lender, n. Kane-kashi.Moneyless, a. Kane-nai.Moat, «. Hori.Monk, n. So, osho.Mob, n. Ikki, sodo.Monkey, n. Saru.Mock, /. v. Maneru, azakeru, azawarau. Monopolize, t. v. Kai-shimeru.guro suru, waraii, naburu, choro sum. Monopoly-, n. Kabu.Mock, a. Fujitsu na, nise, sora, magai. Monotonous, a. Taira naru, taikutsaMockery, n. Guro, choro, naburi.na.Mode, n. Yo, tori.Monotony, n. Taira naru oto.Model, n. Kata, tehon, mihon, hinagatayoMonstrous, a. Kikuwai na, hen na, igi-na, kesho na, okii, taihen na.Model, t. v. Katadoru.Month, n. Tsuki, getsu, guwastu. —Moderate, t. v. Hikayeru, gendzuru, about, kaku-getsu. Last — , ato-getsu.habuku, yawarageru, yurumeru.Next — , rai-getsu.Moderate, a. Chiu-gurai no, nami no, Monthly, a. Tsuki-dzuki,hodo no yoi. .— salary, gekkiu.mai-getsu,Moderation, «. Hikayeme, uchiba. Monument, n. Hi, seki-hi.Modern, a, Ima no, toji no. — timeSy Mood, n. Kokoro-mochi.kon-sei, kon-ji. Ancient <strong>and</strong> — , kokon.Moody, a. Muragi naru, ki no fusaideModest, a. Hadzukashigaru, uchiki na, Moon, «. Tsuki, getsu. Full — , bogetsu,man-getsu. Ne7v — , mikka-yenriyo naru.Modesty, n. Yenrij'o, habakari, hige. dzuki. — rise, tsuki no de.Modify, t. v. Kayeru, naosu, shi-naosu.gekko. — night, tsuki-yo, getsu-ya.Moonlight, «. Tsuki-akari, tsuki-kage,Modulation, n. Irene.Moor, n. No, nobara.Moiety, n. Hambun, nakaba.Moot, i. v. Araso, rondzuru.Moil, i. v. Hone-oru.Mope, i. v. Ki ga fusagu, ussuru.Moist, a. Nureta, shimetta, uruoi, urumu,Moral, a. — philosophy, shin-gaku.jimi-jimi to shita.Morality, n. Michi, dori, reigi.Moisten, t. v. Nurasu, shimesu, uruosu, Morass, n. Numa.urumaseru.Morbid, a. Yameru, biyo.Moisture, «. Shikke, midzuki.More, ad-i. Nao, mada, yo, amari, masaru,ma. No — , kore-kiri, mo nai.Molar-tooth, n. Okuba.Molasses, «. Sato-mitsu.0?2ce — , ima ichi do, mo ichi do. GiveMole, «. Muguramochi, hokuro, doriyo.me a little — , mo chitto kudasare. Doyou want any more? mada iru ka.Molest, t. v. Komaraseru, wadzurawa-Have you any more ? mada aru ka.seru.Mollify, t. v. Yawarageru, nadameru,yurumeru.Moment, n. Henshi, kata-toki, zanji.In a — , chotto, tachi-machi, shuyu,sunka, su-nin. Of— , daiji na, taisetsuna, setsu-na. Last — , saigo. Wait a— , chotto o machi-nasare.Momentary, a. Shibaraku, wadzuka noaida, zanji no. To be in — exJ>cctation,ima ya ima ya to matsu.The more he eats the more leati he becomes,shoku sureba shoku suru hodoyaseru. — <strong>and</strong> more, masu-masu, iyoiyo,zocho, iyamasu, itodo. Hoiu muchmore, mashite, iwan ya. A little more,mo sukoshi, machitto.Moreover, adv. Sono uye ni, mata, nao,nao-sara, nao-mata, mata wa, katsu,katsu mata, amassaye.Morning, n. Asa, cho, kesa, hiru-maye.bell, ake no kane. — shower, asa-

MOR 115 MULdachi. — sleepy asa-ne. — sun^ asa-hi. Mountebank, n. Yashi.— tcuilight^ asa-hikage. Six o'clock ifi Mountings, «. Hiyogu, hiyoso.the — , ake-mutsu. — <strong>and</strong> evening^ Mourn, i. v. Kanashimu, naku, nageku.Mournful, a. Kanashii, urei, itamashii,nagekawashii.Mourning, a. Imi, kichiu, mochiu, kibuku.— clothes, mofuku, imi-buku.Days of— , mei-nichi, ki-jitsu. End of,imi-ake.Mouse, n. Hatzuka-nedzumi.chiii-ya, chobo, asa-ban. — stai\ rxk.&no miyo-jin, aka-boshi, taihaku sei.MoKMiNG-GLORY, «. Asagao. — of thesky^ asa-yake.Morose, a. Iji no warui.MoRKOW, n. Miyo-nichi, ashita. —inorfiing, miyo-asa. — evening^ miyoban.Day after to — , asatte, miyo-gonichi.Two days after to — , shi-assate,miyo-go-go-nichi.Mortal, a. bhinuru hadzu, shi-subeki,'ningeu. — wound, omode. — disease,shini yamai.Mortar, n. Niuhachi, usu, kabe, tsuchi,odzutsu.Mortgage, «. Kaki-ire-j6-mon.Mortgage, t. v. Hiki-ate ni sum, kakiireni suru.Mortification, n. Funiku, dasso, haji.Mortify, i. v. Kusaru, hadzukashimeru.Mortise, h. Hozo-ana.Moss, 71. Koke.Most, a. Ichiban, goku, itatte, mottomo,hanahada. The most part, taigai,okata, daibun, moppara, arakata, taitei,tairiyaku, aramashi. At the tnost,seisai, seigiri, tsumari.Mostly, ad?'. Taigai, tairiyaku, okata,taitei, moppara.Moth, n. Shimi, hiru, tomushi.Mother, n. Haha, okka-san, ofukuro,bodo.Mother in law, n. Shutome.Mother of pearl, «. — mosaic work.Motherly, a. Haha no. {adv.) Hahano yo ni.Motion, n. Undo, ugoki, hataraki, hakobi,ii-kakeru koto.Motion, i. v. Maneku.Motive, n. Kokoro, wake, yuye, tsumori,ishu, meate.Motley, a. Konzatsu shitaru.Mottled, a. Madara na, buchi na, muragaru.Mould, n. Kata, ikata, kabi.Mould, /. v. Katadoru, kabiru.Moulder, i. v. Kudzureru.Moulding, n. Oshi-buchi.Mouldy, a. Kabitsuku, kabikusai.Moult, i. v. Kegawari wo suru, toya.— ing bird, ha-nuke-dori.Mound, n. Tsuka, adzuchi.Mount, /. v. Ageru, nobiru, noru, noseru.— guard, ban wo suru.Mount, n. Yama.Mountain, n. Yama, san.Mountainous, a. Yama-darake na.Mouth, n. Kuchi. Expression of —kuchi-moto, kuchi-dzuki.— , heiko suru.To stop theMovable, a. Ugokasareru.Move, t. v. Ugoku or ugokasu, undosuru, utsurii, hikkosu, hakobu, k<strong>and</strong>zuru,ii-kakeru. — with friction, kishimu.— aside, dokeru. — round, mawaru,meguru. — upzvard, noboru,agaru. — backward, shirizoku, shisaru.— forzvard, susumu. — sideivays,yokobari suru. — doiumuard, kudaru,sagaru. What jnoved you to do so ?nan no yuye ni so nasatta ka. NothingI could say would 77iove him, watakushinani hodo iute mo kanji-masen.Movement, «. Hataraki, undo, guai,ambai, hashiri, hakobi.Mow, t. V. Nagu, karu, kiru. — down,nagi-fuseru.Moxa, n. Kiu, yaito.Much, adv. Takusan, tanto, taiso, okini,yoppodo, osa-osa, hodo, dake, kurai.How — , ikura, ikutsu, nambo, nanihodo,dore-dake. — more, mashite,iwan-ya. Twice as — , bai, ni-s6bai.So — , kore dake, kare hodo, kono kurai.Too — , amari. Very — , daibun.Mucilage, n, Nori. — for letters, funori.Mucilaginous, a. Nebaru, neba-neba,-nebari-tsuku.Muck, n. Koyashi.Mucus, n. Nenyeki. — of nose, hanashiru.Mud, n. Henatsuchi, doro. Bestnearedwith — , doro-darake.Muddle, z. v. Namayoi, yoi-kusaru.Muddy, a. Nigoru, nukaru, doro-darakeMuddy, t. v. Nigosu, yogosu.Muffle, t. v. Kaburu, tsutsumu.Muggy, a. Shikki no, mushi-atsui.Mulberry, n. Kuwa, kodzu.Mulct, n. Batsu-kin, kuwa-riyo. To —bakkin wo toru.Mule, «. Roba, usagi-uma.Mulish, a. Kata-iji.Multifarious, a. Iro-iro, machi-machi.Multiform, «. Machi-machi no katachi.Multiplic<strong>and</strong>, n. Jitsu.

,hoshiMUL ii6 NAM;Multiplication, n. Kake-zan. — table^ Must, adv. Kanaradzu, kitto, zehi, alsoku-ku.formed by t^vo negatives ; as, yukanebanaran^ 7n2ist go. Must see, minebaMultiplied, a. Kadzu-kadzu no.Multiplier, n. Meyasu, ho.naran, mi-nakute wa naranai. — not,Multiply, t. v. Masu, fuyeru, habikoru,shigeru. To — three by four^ IMusTACHE, «. Uwa-hige.bekaradzu.san ni shi wo kakeru.Mustard, n. Karashi. — plaster, kaishidei.Multitude, n. Ozei, takusan, oi.Mum, /. V. Damaru, moku suru.Mustard-pot, n, Karashi-ire.Mumble, /. v. Gudzu-gudzu to iu, fufummiyoMusty, a. Kabi-kusai, museru, fukeru,ni iu, ganko shite iu, kuchi-gomoru.komogeru.Muster, «. Tehon, mihon, choren.Mummy, n. Miira._Muster, t. v. Atsumeru, tsunoru.Mumps, n. Hasami-bako to iu yamai. Mutation, n. Kawaru-koto, henkuwa.Munch, t. v. Kamu.Mutilate, t. v. SokonauMunicipal, a. Tochi no, tokoro no. Mutable, Hen-kuwa suru, kawaru,Munificent, a, Kuwan-dai naru, mune fujo na.no hiroki.Munition, n. Gunki, buki.Mute, n.Mute, a.Oshi.Damaru, moku-nen.Murder, «. Hitogoroshi. (z'.) Hito wokorosu.Mutiny, ?Mutiny,Sodo, muhon, ikki.Ikki wo okosu, kuwanukoMurderer, n. Hito wo korosu hito.koto.Muriatic acid, n. Shio-su.Mutter, t, v. Tsubuyaku, gudzu-gudzuMurky, n. Kumoritaru, kasumitaru. wo iu.Murmur, i. v. Tsuljuyaku, gudzu-gudzu Mutton, n. Hitsuji no niku.wo iu, yomaigoto, unaru.Mutual, a. Tagai no, riyo-ho no, s6-hoMushroom, «. Take, kusabira, ki-noko,no.haisu.MutUjVLLY, adv. Tagai-ni, tomo-ni, ka-Music, n. Gaku, hayashi, ongaku. Instrutnentsof — , nari-mono, hayashi-Muzzle, n. Kutsugo, tsutsu-guchi. Totami-ni, komo-gomo.mono.— , kutsugo wo hameru, hana-ami woMusical, a. Gaku wo konomu. — notes^ kakeru.fu, fushi. — instrument^ gakki, hayashi-mono.Mv,/r^. Watakushi no, waga.Myriad, a. Man, yorodzu.Music-book, n. Gaku-fu.Myrrh, n. Motsuyaku.Musician, n. Gaku-nin, hayashi-kata. Myself, /re?. Jibun, jishin, onore, midzukara.Strolling- ^^ (spec.) komuso.Musk, «. Jako.Mysterious, a. Satori-gataki, wakaranu,Musket, «, Teppo.ibukashii, ki-miyo na, onmitsuMusk-melon, n. Makuwa-uri.naru.Muslin, n. Momen, sarashi.Mystery, n. Inji, ogi, himitsu, okui.MuSQUlTO, n. Ka. — net, kaya, kacho. Mystify, t. v. li-kuromeru, ii-magirasu.Muss, n. Sodo, konzatsu shitaru koto.Nail, ithe-Kugi, tsume, aikugi.ni ataru.To hitNail, v. Kugi wo uchi-tsukeru, buchitsukeru.Naked, a. Hadaka na, ratei, aka-hadakana, meihaku naru. — sword, hakujin.— body, hada-mi.Nakedness, n. Hadaka, inkiyo.Name, n. Na, namaye, mei,Nyo-moku, miyomon. Come in the —of,...w.o keni wo motte kitaru. Bad— , omei. A nother — , kaye-na.Name, t. v. Na wo tsukeru, nanoru, nadzukeru,sho suru, gosu. To callnaines, nonoshiru. Suiting the — , nani shi-6.Nameless, a. Na no nai, mu-mei.Namely, adv. Sunawachi.

_ _ ,NAP 117 NERNap, n. Nemuri, ke.Nearly, adv. Chikaku, masa-ni, nannan,hotondo, yoppodo, hadzu-hadzu.Nape, n. Chirike.Napkin, n. Tenugui, fukin, oshime. — all, taitei, taigai, ta-bun, okata, taihan.— ^(?«c, yoppodo dekita, mo jikiNarcotic, n. Ma-yaku, masui-zai.Narrate, t. v. Noberu, tsugeru, kikaseru,ni dekiru.hanasu, monogataru. chindzuru. Near-sighted, n. Chika-me.Narration, n. Monogatari, noberu koto. Neat, a. Kirei, teineina.Narrow, a. Semai, hosoi. — minded^ Neatly, adv. Kirei-ni, teinei ni, shikuriganko.to.v. Narrow, i. Semaku suru, chijimeru, Necessary, a. Kanaradzu, nakute kanawanu,sebameru, {i. v.) hosomeru. Semakuyamu koto wo yedzu, yondo-naru.koro nai, yoginai.Narrowly, adv. Semaku, karojite. Neck, n. Kubi, nodo. Short — , ikubi.Nasal-sound, n. Hana-goye.Nasal-polypus, n. Hana-take.Neck-cloth, n. Kubi-maki.Nasty, a. Madzui, musai.Necklace, n. Kubi-tama.Nation, n. Jim-min, koku-min.Necrom.ajjcer, n. Maho-tsukai, uranaija,onyoshi.National, a, — customs^ koku-fu. —/tfw, koku-ho. — government^ kokusei,— production^ koku-san.needs, yobun, yokei, amari. Not need-Need, n. Yo, iri-yo. More than oneNationality, n. Kuni, koku.ed, fu-yo.Native, n. — 0/ a place, tochi no hito. Need, t. v. Iru, nakute kanawanu.— place^ kokiyo, furusato, kiuri. — Needful, a. Nakute kanawanu, shitsuyoconntry^ hon-koku.naru.Nativity, n. Tanjo, umare.Needle, n. Hari. -; maker, hari-ya.Natural, a. Umare-tsuki no, atarimaye Needle-box, n. Hari-bako.no, tozen. — disposition^ hon-sho, Needlessly, adv. Muda-ni, munashiku,itadzura-ni.konjo. — properties^ umare-awase,Needle-work, «. Hari-shigoto, nuimono.umare-tsuki.Naturally, adv. Umare-tsuki ni, shizento, sho-toku.Natur.\l philosophy, n. Kiu-ri.Nature, «. Sho, shitsu, _umaretsuki,seishitsu, sho-ai, sei, mochi-maye.Naught, adv. Muda-ni, munashiku.Set at — , karondzuru, naigashiro-nisuru, nami suru.Naughty, a. Warui, ashiki, aku.Naughtily, adv. Ashiku, waruku.Nausea, n. Mukaike, mun-mun.Nauseate, v. t. Mukadzuku, mukamukasuru, haki-so ni naru, muyakuyasuru.Nautilus, n. Ho-tate-gai.Naval, a. Fune no. _— battle., funaikusa.— _/

__NESii8Nest, Su. — of boxes ^ ireko, kumiju.Nestle, t. v. Yadoru.Nestling, n. Sugomori.— waking, tetsu-ya, yo-akashi. —Net, n. Ami. — shirty ami-jiban. work, yo-shigoto, ya-giyo. — fishing,Net, t. V. Amu.ya-riyo. — dress, yo-gi. To workNet, d. — weight or proceeds^ shomi. night <strong>and</strong> day, yo wo hi ni tsuide kasegu.Nether, a. Shita no.Nettle, «. Ira-kusa.Night-blindness, n. Tori-me.Nettled, /iijj. Iratsuku,Night-boat, n. Yo-fune.Net-work, n. Ami, ami-saiku.Night-clothes, n. Nemaki, yogi.Neutral, a. Dochira no ho ni mo katayoranu,Nightly, adv. Mai-ban, yo goto ni.chiu-ritsu no, bo-kiiwan shiteoru.Nightmare, n.Night-soil, n.Unasareru, osowareru.Shimogoye.Neutralize, t. v. Sakarote muda ni Night-sweat, n. Ne-ase.suru, munashiku suru.Night-watch, n. Yo-ban.Never, adv. Itsu-to-temo, katsute nashi,Nimble, a. Ashibaya-no, hayai.tsuini nai. ~Nimbus, n. Komiyo.Nevertheless, conj. Shikashi-nagara, Nine, a. Kokonotsu, ku.keredomo, saredomo, iyedomo.Nineteen, a. Ju-ku.New, a. Atarashii, shin. — goods, Nineteenth, a. Ju-ku-ban.shinto no shina. — editioti, shimpan. Ninetieth, a. Ku-ju-ban.New-comer, n. Shin-zan.Ninety, a. Ku-ju.Newly, adv. Arata-ni, atarashiku, shinkiNinth, a. Ku-ban. (w.) Ku-ban-me.ni.Nip, t. v. Tsumeru, tsumu.Newness, n. Atarashisa.Nipple, n. Chi-mame, chikubi, chibusa.News, «. Shimbun, tayori, shin-setsu, Nitrate of Potash, n. Sho-seki.chindan, chinsetsu.NiTR.\TE OF Silver, n. Sho-san-gin.Newspaper, «. Shimbun-shi.No, adv. liye, iya, nai, <strong>and</strong> neg. sufF.New tea, n. Shin-cha.nu, dzu, de, mai. — matter, kamaimasen.No_ help for it, shikata ga nai,New-veak, n. Shin-nen, kai-nen.New-year's day, n. Ganjitsu. — eve, shiyo ga nai.joya, omisoka.Noble, a. Tattoki, omoki, takai, kenageNew-year's gift, n. Toshidama.na, rippa no. — atid ignoble, ki-sen.Next, rt. Tsugi no. — day, akuru hi, Nobleman, n. Kuwa-zoku, reki-reki noyoku-jitsu. — 7no7ith, rai-getsu, yokutsuki.— year, rai-nen, yoku-nen, Nobility, n. Kuwa-zoku, reki-reki.hito.akuru-toshi. — world, rai-se, nochi no Nobody, n. Dare mo nai.yo. — spring, rai-shun.Nocturnal, a. Yo, yoru no.Nib, n. Saki.Nod, i. v. Unadzuku.Nibble, /. v. Kamu.Noise, n. Oto, ne, sawagi, hibiki. ToNice, a. Kirei na, teinei na, bi, yoi, make — yakamashii, sawagu, sodo suru,zazamcku, zomeku.,umaki. — bit, chimmi.Nicely, adv. Yoku, teinei na.Noise, t. v. Fure-chirasu, hiromeru.Nick, w. Kidzu, kake. — of time, chodoNoiseless, a. — steps, nuki-ashi, shi-ma ni atta.nonde, noso-noso to.Nicked, a. Koboreru, kakeru.Noisome, a. Doku-na, aku, warui, kusai.Nickname, n. Ada-na.Niece, n. Mei.Noisy, a. Yakamashii, sawagashii, sozoshii.Niggard, a. Shiwai, rinshoku no, yabusaka.Nomenclature, n. Kotoba, miyomoku.(«.) Shiwambo.Niggardly, adv. Shiwaku, kechi ni,rinshoku ni, oshinde.Nominate, t. v. Tateru.Nigh, a. Chikai. — to, nosomu, masani,hotondo. Draiu — , chikayoru. Nonentity, n. Mu ichiNone, a. Mo nai.motsu.Night, «, Ya, ban, yo. — time, yoru,yabun. Whole — yodoshi, yomosugara.To-7iight, kom-ban. Last saku-ban, yombe. To-morrozv —,miyo-ban. In the — ya-chiu. Late,at —,yo-fuka. — about, ichi ya okini, kaku-ya. Pass the — yo wo akasu.,— robber, yato. — lamp, ari-ake. —attack, yo-uchi. — crying, yo-naki.Nonplused, /ajj. Toho ni kureru.Nonsense, n. Orokanaru koto, <strong>and</strong>ara,guchi.Nonsensical, a. Bakarashii, gu nam,oroka naru, guchi na.Noon, n. Mahiru, nitchiu, haku-chiu.Noose, n. Wana.

NORINor, conj. Mo, nao, mata, -with a negative.Notion, n. Kokoroye, omoye, riyokemtsumori, zonjij^ori, zombun.Normal, a. Atarimaye no, kisoku-dori no. Notional, a. Uwatsukite oru.North, «. Kita, kita no ho, hoku, ne no Notoriety, n. Guwai-bun, miyo-mon,ho.hiyo-ban.North-east, n. To-hoku, iishi-tora noho. — ivindy narai.Notorious,na.a. Nadakaki, meihakuNorth-pole, n. Hokkiyoku.Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing, co7tj. Saredomo, keredomo,North-star, n. Hokkiyoku-sei, hokushin.iyedomo, nagara.Noun, n. Tai no kotoba, mei-shi.Northward, adv. Kita no ho ye. Nourish, t. v. Yashinau, sodateru, buikuNorth-west, n. Kita-nishi, sei-hoku,.suru, yo-iku suru.Nourishment, n. Tabe-mono, j'ashinaimono,kui-mono, shoku-motsu.North-wind, n. Kita-kaze, hoku-fu.Nose, n. Hana. To blow the — , kamu. Novel, n. Kusazoshi, saku-mono-ga-Bloiv the — ivith the JingerSy tebanawo kamu. —bleed^ hanaji. Hair of— NovEL, a. Atarashii, tsune naranu.hana-ge. Breathing of — , hana-iki. Novelty, n. Chimbutsu, atarashii mo-Mucus of — , hana, hana-shiru, hanakuso.— paper hana-gami.NovEMBER, n. Ju-ichi-guwatsu..^Nose-b<strong>and</strong>, n. Hana-gawa.Novice, n. Heta, shimbochi, shami,Nosegay, n. Hito tsukane no hana. shoshin.Nose-ring, n. Hanagai.'Now, adv. Ima, toji, imasara. — <strong>and</strong>Nostril, n. Hana no ana.then, ori-ori, ori-fushi, 6-6. — highNostrum, «. Hi-yaku.no-zv low, agattari sagatarri. Now cryingnow laughing, naitari warattari.Not, adv. Is not^ or have not^ nai. Donot., na, nakare, muyo. J^ot yet, mada, Nowhere, adv. Doko ni mo nai.or imada, with a neg. verb. — the Noxious, a. Doku-na, gai ni naru, tameleasts sukoshi mo nai.ni naranu, sawaru.Notable, a. Nadakai, ki-mij^o, miyonaru,Nozzle, n. Kuchi.komei.Nude, a. Hadaka na.Notch, n. Kiri-kata, kirime. — of an Nudge, /. v. Hiji de tsuku.arrow^ hadzu.Nudity, n. Hadaka naru koto.Notched, a. Kakeru, koboreru, kirime Nugatory, a. Muda na, munashiki, yakuni tatanu.wo tsukeru.Note, n. Shirushi, chiu, fu, tegata, tegami,kaki-tsuke, kaki-tome, hiyoban. a — , fuj6 wo nozoku.Nuisance, «. Gai, jama, fujo. To abateNote, t. v. Tsukeru, kaki-tomeru, mitomeru,Null, a. Muda, yo ni tatanu.shirusu, chiu-kai suru, chiu-shaku suru.Nullify, t. v.suru.Muda ni suru, munashikuNote, a. Nadakaki, na aru. Place of Numb, a. Shibireru, mahi suru.— , mei-sho, nadokoro. A man of — Number. «. Insu, kadzu, ban. Great —mei-jin.6ku, amata. Small — , wadzuka, sukunai.Odd — , kisu. Even — gu-su.Note-book, n. Oboye-cho, te-cho, tebikai.What — , ikutsu, ikura, iku-ban. —,n. nai, mu-ichimotsu.— but this., kore bakari, koret, V. ban wo tsuke-Noted, a.Nothing,Na-dakai, ko-mei.Nani moof years, nen-sii.NiiMBER, Kazoyeru,kiri. Make — of koto to mo sedzu,kayeri-midzu, itowadzu. — more., monai. Have — to do with it., kuwan-keisenu ga yoi.Notice, t. ?'. Miru, mi-tsukeru, mi-tomeru,kayeri-miru, kamau. Ta/c-e no— of., sumashite iru.Notice, «. Fure, shirase. Public , fuko.Give — , shiraseru, tsugeru. — ofothers., hito-me.Notification, n. Fu-koku.Notify, t. v. Kikaseru, shiraseru, tsugeru,fukoku suru.Numberless, a. Kazoyerarenu.Numerical, a. — order, ban-dateNumerically, adv. B<strong>and</strong>ate shite, kadzuni shite. _Numerous, a. O, amata no, tais6 no.NUMSCULL, n. Baka, gudon nahito.Nun, n. Ama, bikuni, zenni.Nunnery, n. Amadera.Nuptial, a. — presents, yviwio. — ceremonies,kon-rei.Nuptials, «. Kon-rei, kon-in.Nurse, n. Mori, kai-ho-nin, kambiyonin,togi. Wet — , uba, omba.

Nurse, i. v. Mori wo suru, kaiho suru,kambiyo suru, chichi wo nomaseru.Nurture, t. v. Yashinau, sodateru, buikusuru.Nut, n. Mi.Nut-gall, n. Gobaishi, fushi.Nutmeg, «. Nikudzuku.Nutriment, n. Shokuji, yashinau mono.Nutrition, n. YashinaiNutritious, a. Yashinau.Nutshell, n. Kara.Nux vomica, n. Machin.Obeisance, n. Aisatsu, yesaku.Obey, i. v. Shitagau, fuku suru, nabiku,mochiiru, kifuku suru.Obfuscate, t. v. Mayowasu,Obituary, «. Shinuru koto.Object, n. Ate, me-ate, kokoro-zashi,moku-teki.Object, t. v. Kotowaru, ii-fusegu, nanwo tsukeru, kobamu.Objection, n. Nan, kotowari, betsugi.Have you any — to my taking this;pe7i ? kono fude wo totte mo ii-ka.Oblation, «. Ku-motsu, sonaye-mono.Obligation, n. Subeki koto, hadzu,atari-maye. tozen no koto.Oblige, t. v. Shiiru, seneba naranu. —me, dozo, nani to zo, doka.oOak, n. Kashi no ki.Obscure, /, v. Magirakasu, kuramasu.Oakum, n. Maihada, or makihaka, kihada.Obsequies, n. Tomorai, sorei, soshiki.Obsequious, n, Hetsurau, kobiru, omo-Oar, «. Ro, kai. — maker^Toya.,neru, hige no chiri wo harau.Oat, n. Karasu-mugi.Observance, n. Shitagai, mamori, okonai.Oath, n. Chikai, seigon.Obdurate, a. Ganko naru, funinjo, katai.Orservation, n. Miru koto, okonai,mamoru koto, me.Obedience, «. — io parents, li.6k6. — io Observatory, «. Temmondai.a master, chiugi.Observe, t. v. Miru, mi-tsukeru, iu, hanasu,Obedient, a. Shitagau, koko naru, ko-mamoru, shitagau, okonau.Obsolete, a. Furuku narite ima wamochiirarenu.Obstacle, n. Jama, sasawari, samatage,kosho.Obstinate, a. Ganko, wagamama, kimama,henshu, kataiji, joppari, gojo woharu, jo wo haru.Obstreperous, a. Sawagashii, yakama-Obstruct, t. V. Jama wo suru, sasawaru,samatageru, fusagu, fusagaru, kodawaru,heisoku suru.Obstructing, — the zne^v, me-zawari.Obstruction, n. Jama, sasawari, hasemono,kosho. — of bowels, bempei.Obtain, t. v. Yeru, uru, motomeru, totonoyeru,uketoru.Obtrude, t. v. Sashi-deru, deshubaru,oshi-komu.Obliged, a. Yamukoto wo yedzu, yondokoronaku, yoginai, kanaradzu, zehi Obtrusion, «. Sashi-deru koto.naku. Am obliged to you, arigato, katajikeno.Obtund, t. V. Yawarageru, nibuku suru.Obtuse, a. Donna, nibui, namakuraObliging, a. Nengoro na, shinsetsu na.Oblique, a. Naname no, sujikai.Obviate, t. v. Nozoku, saru.Obliterate, t. v. Kesu, mametsu, otosu.Obviously, adv. Akiraka, fummiyo.Occasion, «. Koto, ori, tsuide, yo, wake,Oblivion, n. Wasureru koto, bokiyaku. seki, yuye. No oacusion, oyobanu.Oblong, a. Nagate no kata.Occasion, t. v. Contained in the caust.Obloquy, n. Soshiri, hiho, zangen, akko.form of the verb, saseru. — griefkanashimaseru.Obnoxious, a. Kakawaru. nikumareru. Occasionally, adv. Ori-fushi, ori-ori,Obscene, a. — story, iro-banashi — pictures,tabi-tabi, tama-tama, tama-ni.makuraye.Occidental, rt. Nishino,sai.Obscure, a. Akiraka naranu, fu-fummiyo,Occult, a. Kakuretaru, himitsu na.aimai, magirawashii, moro.Occupant, n. Sumai hito,oru-hito.

OCC 12IONOccupation, n. Giyo, kagiyo, tosei, shobai,Offshoot, n. Yeda, bumpa, ha.nariwai, giyotei.Offspring, n. Shison, ko.Occupy, t. v. Sumau, oru, toru, kamakeru.Often, adv. Shiba-shiba, tabi-tabi,maido, mai-mai, seki-seki.Occur, i. v. Au, aru, kakaru.Oh, interj. Aa, oya-oya, 6.Occurrence, n. Koto, yoshi. Without Oil, n.evil — , buji.Oil, i. v.Abura.Abura wo tsukeru.Ocean, n. Umi, kai, nada, oki.Oil-cake, n. Abura-kasu.O'clock, n. Toki, ji. Six — in the Oil-can, n. Abura-tsugi.morniftg, ake-mutsu. Twelve — , kokonotsu-doki,Oil-jar, a. Abura-tsubo.ju-ni ji.Oil-p.mnting, n. Abura-ye.Octagon, n. Hakkaku.Oil-paper, n. Abura-gami.October, n. Hachi-guwatsu.Oil-press, n. Abura-shime.Oculist, n. Me-isha.Oil-shop, n. Abura-ya.Odd, a. Medzurashii, mare na, ban, ki. Oil-tub, n. Abura-daru.— <strong>and</strong> even-y ki-gu. — months^ han Oily, a. Aburake aru.no tsuki.Ointment, «. Koyaku.Odds, n. Komi.Old, a. Furui, ro, kin, furuberu, kobiru.Ode, n. Shi, uta.Odious, a. Nikui, kirawashii, niku-niku-Ho-w old ^ toshi wa ikutsu. — times.,mukashi. — ?«««, rojin, toshiyori.— house., furui-iye, kiu-taku. — horse,ro-ba. — clothes., iurute, furugi, kiburushi.— rags., furu-gire. — furniture,furu-dogu. — rice, hine-gome.shii.Odor, n. Nioi, ka, kaori.Odoriferous, a. Kobashii.CEsoFHAGUS, «. Ikuwan.Of, prep. No. Of course., mochiron, — friend, kiu-iu. — cztstom, kiu-rei.shizen. — late., chikagoro, kinrai. — Of — , mukashi kara.old^ mukashi. — hitori de, onodzuto, onodzukara.Older, a. — brother, ani. — sister,Old age, itself.^ n. Oi, ro-nen, ro.Off, adz'. Off haiid^ dehodai, detarame. ane.Off-zuatch., hi-ban. Ptet — , nobasu. Oldest, a. — son, chaku-shi, soriyo,Go — , saru. Get — , oriru. Take — cho-nan. — daughter, ane-musume.toru, mane wo suru. To look — , wakimiOld-fashioned, a. Ko-fu no, furukusai,wo suru.furumekashii.Offal, n. Gomi, akuta.Old Testament, n. Kiu-yaku.Offence, n. Tsumi, ochido, toga, okori. Olive, n. Kanran.Offend, t. v. Okasu, rippuku-saseru, Omen, «. Zempiyo, kizashi, sho, shirase,itameru, sorasu, hadzusu, kobara ga dzui, saga, yengi. Good — , dzui-gen,tatsu, fureru, ki ni sakarau, ki ni sawaru.sho-dzui.Omentum, «. Mo-maku.Offensive, a. lya-na, kirai-na, kimusai, Ominous, a. P'ukitsu na.kiza na.Omission, n. Ochido, shi-ochi, ayamachi,Offer, t. v. Ageru, dasu, kubutsu sum, ochi, dame. — of a word, rakuji.tamukeru, sasegeru, tatematsuru, iiireru.yarn, sonayeru. I offered hiin a ochiru, kaku. — to write, kaki-morasu,Omit, /. ?'. Riyaku suru, nuku, otosu,hundred dollars., but he would not kaki-otosu. — to say, ii-morasu, ii-otosu.— reading, yomi-otosu.take it., hiyaku doni yaro to iutemotoranai. What offer do you make ? Omnibus, n. Shi-rin basha no na.ikura daso ka.Omnipotent, a. Atawazaru koto nashi,Offering, n. Kumotsu, tamuke, sonayemono,bono. — to spirits^ hiyogu. Omnipresent, a. Arazaru tokoro nashi.dekinii koto nashi.Office, n. Tsutome, yakume, sewa, Omniscient, a. Shiranu koto nashi.yaku-sho, kuwan-shoku. Holding — On, prep. Uye ni. — foot, kachi. —zai-kin, zai-yaku. /« —, to-yaku. Out the contrary, kayette, kekku. — duty,of— , hi-yaku.to-ban. To play on a drum, taiko woOfficer, n. Yaku-nin, tori-shimari nin. utsu. To lie 071 a bed, ne-dai ni neru.Official, a. Kuwan, yaku-hen, kuwanin,The child depends on its mother, ko-yaku-nin.domo ga haha ni tayoru.SabbathTo rest onyasumu.Officl-vte, t. V. Tsutomeru, okonau, the day, ansoku-nichi nitori-atsukau.Have mercy on me, watakushi woOfficious, a. Sewa wo yaku, sui-kiyo. avvaremi-tamaye. On a sudden, niwakaOffset, n. Yeda,6ni, tachimachi ni. The house is onfire^

ON 122 ORDiye ga yakeru. On the way, tochiu ni. Opportune, a. Tsugo no yoi, shiawaseno.On purpose, waza to. On the left, hidarini. Oti the right, migi ni. On toki, tsugo yoki toki.Opportunely, adv. Oriyoku, chodo yoiseeing it he rejoiced, kore wo mite yorokobu.yosuga, bin, bingi, kikuwai, atedzu.Opportunity, n. Tsuide, ko-bin, tayori,On, adv. To put on clothes, kimono wo — by ship, funa-dayori, bin-sen.kiru. To go on, susumu.Oppose, t. v. Saliarau, fusegu, tekitaiOnce, a. Ichi-do, aru-hi, katsute. At suru, hamukau, temukau, mukayeru,— soku-ji, tachi-dokoro, sugu-ni, sokkoku,sokkon.Opposing, a. Mukai, giyaku-naru.motoru, somuku, giyaku.One, a. Ichi, hitotsu. —day {uncertain),aru hi. All — , onaijikoto, kama-no, urahara, sakasama.Opposite, a. Mukai no, tai suru, hantaiwanu. One by — , hitotsu dzutsu. — Oppress, t. v., Setageru, kurushimeru,o'clock, kokonotsu-han-doki. — (0/ a semeru.pair), kataippo, kata-kata. —after Oppressive, a. Mugoi, kakoku naru,the other, tsugi-tsugi-ni, jun-jun-ni. bogiyaku naru.— person, hitori, ichi nin. — effort, Opprobrious, a. Hadzukashimeru.ikkiyo. — another, tagai-ni.Opprobrium, n. Chijoku. kakin, kidzu.One corner, «. Kata-dzumi.Optician, n. Megan e-shi.One eye, n. Kata-me.Option, n. Yerabu koto, omo-mama,One face, n. Kata-omote.zom-bun, omoi-ire. Own — , kokoroOne foot, n. Kata-ashi.ni makaseru, kokoro shidai.One h<strong>and</strong>, n. Kata-te.Opulent, a. Tomeru, kanemochi no.One leg, n. Kata-ashi.— house, dai-ke.Onerous, a. Omoki.Optional, a. Omo-mama no.O.ne's-self, pro. Ji-bun, jishin, midzukara,doku, hitori. Talkingto — , hi-Or, co)ij. Aruiwa, ka, ya. Two or threeOptionally, adv. Omo-mama ni.tori-goto. Made by — ji-saku, tedzuka persons, riyo san nin.,koshirayeta, te-dzukuri, te-sei, te-saku. Oracle, tt. Takusen, kami no tsuge.One-side, «. Kata-ippo, kata-kawa, kata Oral, a. Kojo no. — instruction, kuden,kuchi-dzutaye.kuchi.One-way, n. Kata-michi.Orange, «. Mikan, tachibana. BitterOnion, n. Negi, hitomoji.— , daidai.O.NLY, adv. Bakari, nomi, shikanai, Orange-peel, n. Chimpi.tada. — son, hitori musuko. — child, Orang-outang, n. Hihi, shojo.hitori-go.Orator, n. Bensha.Onset, n. Seme.Orb, n. Marui mono, mari.Onward, fl^7^ Susumu. Togo — , saki Orbit, n. Meguru michi, giyodo, kido.ye yuku.— of the moon, haku-do. — of the eye,Ooze, t. v. Seguru, dara-dara to idzuru. me-tsubo.Opaque, a. Tsuki-toranu.Orchard, n, Sono, kudamono-batake.Opex, t. V. Hiraku, akeru, aku, hirogeru, Orchestra, n. Baka-bayashi.hassu, toki-akasu, hajimeru.Orchid, n. Mojidzuri.Open, a. Hiraita, aita.Orchis, n. Sekkoku.Opening, n. Kuchi, ana. — <strong>and</strong> shutting,ake-tate.Ordeal, n. — by water, midzu-zeme. —Ordain, t. v. Sadameru, tateru.Openly, adz>. Omote-muki ni, oyake ni, by fire, hi-zeme.mukidashi ni, kozen to, arawa-ni. Order, n. Shidai. narabi, shidara, retsu,Opera, n. Shibai, saru-gaku. — glass, ichi, rass'ii, geji, sashidzu, ii-tsuke,s6-gankiy6.mei, shiki. rei, jun,*tsuide, shimari,Operate, t. v. Hataraku, setsudan suru, tori-shimari, riugi, kurai, rui, atsuraye,kiru. The medicine has not operated^ chiumon. In order to, tame ni, yo ni.kusuri ga kikimasen<strong>and</strong>a, or, shirushi Regular — jum-ban.,ga nakatta.Order, t. v. Osameru, ii-tsukeru,Operation, n. Hataraki, kiki, setsudan. dzuru, atsurayeru, chiu-mon suru.Ophthalmia, n. Gam-biyo, me no yamai.Ordinance, «. Okite, go-hatto, sadame,Orderly, adv. Tadashiku.Opinion, n. Riyoken, omoi, kokoro, horitsu, taiho, odzutsu.zombun, zonjiyori, zonnen, zoni. Ordinary, a. Tsune no, heijitsu, heizci,Opium, n. Ahen.fudan, itsumo no, nabete, tsurci.Opponent, n, Aite.person, bonnin. — clothes, heifuku,1

j1Out-leap,ORD 123 OUTOrdure, n. Fun, kuso, daiben.kesu. To be out {of a hottse), rusu,Ore, >i. Aragane, ko.deta. Out of, kara, yori, nai. Out ofOkgan, «. Dogu, kikai, gakki no na.silk, ito ga urete shimatta. Ozit of oil.,Organize, t. v. Koshirayeru, sonaye- abura ga shimatta. To be fully out {asan eruption), de-soro. Grow out of,Oriental, a. Higashi no ho no.. . . kara hayeru, . . . kara deru. ToOrifice, «. Kuchi, ana.go in <strong>and</strong> — , de-iri wo suru. — ofOrigin, n. Hajimari, moto, okori, shohotsu,hottan, minamoto, kongen, kom-basho hadzureru, bun wo hadzureru.fashion, sutarete shimatta. — of place,pon, tane, motodate.— of time, toki naranu, toki ni hadzureru.— of the way, michi ni hadzureru,Original, a. Moto no, hon.Original copy, n. Tane-hon, gempon, michi ni mayo. — of order, jun wo hadzureru.— oftijne, choshi ga hadzureteshitagaki.Originally, adv. Guwan-rai, motoyori,zentai, hon-rai.of hearing, kikoye-nakunatta. —iru. — of sight, miye-nakunatta. Originate, t. v. Hajimeru, okosu, hokkisuru, okoru.zeppan ni natta. — of season, toki-of breath, iki ga kireru. — of print,Originator, n. Hotto nin, hokki nin. naranu. — of sorts, ambai ga warui,Ornament, h, Kazari.ki-bun ga warui. — of temper, fukuwai.— of business, sho-bai yameOrnament, t. v. Kazaru, yosoou.Orphan, n. Minashigo, kodoku.ni shita. — of employment, hima deOsPREY, n. Tobi.oru. — of trim, kashigu, katamuku.Ossify, i. v. Hone ni naru.Out <strong>and</strong> out, mattaku. — of my power,watakushi no chikara ni oyobima.sen.Ostensible, a. Omotemuki no, oyakeno.Th'e fire is — , hi ga kiyeta. To be —Ostensibly, adz'. Omote-mukini, mukidashini.— , shimai made okiki nasare.of money, kane ga tsukita. Hear meOstrich, n. Dacho.Outbid, t. v. Kai-katsu.Ostentation, n. Date, miye, omote wo 0[;tbreak, n. Hassuru-koto, okori.haru.Out-building, n. Koya.Other, a, Hoka no, betsu no, yoso no, Outcast, Ronin, ru-nin, mu-shuku.ta, aruiwa, adashi. — side., ano-ho, Outcry, n. Sawagi.achira. — day^ konaida, kono-goro, Outdo, t. v. Sugiru, katsu, masaru.chika-goro. Every — day^ kaku-jitsu, Outer, a. Uwa, soto no. — darkness.,ichi nichi oite. Every — one.^ hitotsu- chiu-u.Outermost, a. Ichi-ban soto no.Otherwise, conj. Shikazareba.Outfit, n. Te-ate, yoi, shitaku.Otter, n. Kawa-oso.OuT-GO, t. V. Koyeru, sugiru.Ought, Beki, hadzu, atarimaj^e. You Outl<strong>and</strong>ish, a. Bukotsu na, kitaiought to have written yesterday., kino na.kakeba yokatta, or kino kakeba yokatta Out-last, t. v. Nagaku motsu, nagakumono wo. Ought to have bought it., tamotsu, mochi ga yoi.kayeba j^okatta, or kayeba yokatta no Oi tlay, «. Iriyo, niuyo, zappi, yodo.ni. Ought to have gone., yokeba j'okattamono wo, or j'ukeba yukatta no ni. Outlet, n. De-guchi.t. v. Tobi-koyeru.You ought to go to-day, kiyo iku hadzu Outline, a. — sketch, suji-gaki, shitagaki.— of a character, kagoji.no koto, or kiyo iku beki koto. Metiought to fear God., hito wa kami wo Outlive, t. v. Iki-nokoru, okureru.uyamau hadzu no mono. Men ought to Outnumber, t. v. Kadzu ga koyeru,obey the laws, hito wa gohatto ni shitagobeki mono.Outpost, n. Bansho, sayaku.kadzu ga masaru.Ounce, a. Troy equals, hachi momme Outrage, n. Hidoi me, mugoi me.ni-fun san-rin.Outrageous, a. Futoi, muri na, furachiOur, pro. Warera-no.Oust, t. v. Oshi-nokeru.Out-rank, t. v. Uye-tatsu.Out, adv. Soto. Formed by affixing Out-ride, t. v. Kake-kosu.deru or dasu to the roots of verbs ; as, Out-run, " - ^~^^-- 1-Hashiri-kosu, kake-kake-dasu, to run out. Tobi-dasu, to kosn.jump out. Tori-da&u, to take ozet. To OuT-s.\iL, t. V. Fune ni notte hashirikosu.pour out., kobosu, tsugu. To go out (asa Jire)., kiyeru. To put out {a fire)., OuT-SELL, t. V. Uri-katsu.

OUT 124 OVEOutset, n. Hajimete, hajimari, okori,sai-sho.Outside, a. Soto, hoka, uye, guwaimen,uwa-muki, uwabe, omote-muki.— tneasureinetit, soto-nori. — gafwent^uwagi. — coat., uwa-nuri.Outsider, «. Shiroto, nakama de nai.Outstrip, t. v. Sugiru, koyeru.OuT-v/ALK, t. V. Aruki-kosu.Outward, a. Soto no, uye no.Outward-bound, i. v. Shukko suru.Outwardly, adv. Omote-muki-ni, oyake-ni.Out-wear, t. v. Nagaku motsu, mochiga yoi.Outweigh, t. v yori omoi.Oval, a. Tamago nari, day en, ibitsu-fti. — again., kayeru. — agai^ist.,mukai. To give over., yameru, yosu.All — , sunda, shimatta. — the head{deep)., take ga tatanu. Something —yuyo. To do it — again., shi-naosu,shi-kayesu, futa tabi suru. To read —again., yomi-kayesu. To leap — , tobikosu,tobi-watasu. To ivalk — , arukimawaru,toru, haikuwai suru. Over<strong>and</strong> under., uye shita. — a hundredmen., hiyaku yo nin. The rain is over.,ame ga hareta. The winter is over.,fuj-^u ga owatta.OvER-AMXious, a. Anji-sugiru.Overawe, /. v. Osoreru, ojikeru.Over-balance, t. v. Omo-sugiru,Overbearing, a. Ohei na, ofu na.Overbid, t. v. Takaku nedan wo tsuke-'Overdraw, t. v. Tori-sugiru, moraisugiru.Over-drive, t. v. Oi-sugiru.Over-due, t. v. Nichigen wo kosu, nichigenga koyeta.Over-eat, /. v. Kui-sugiru, tabe-sugosu.Over-estimate, t. v. Tsumori-sugiru,hakari-sugiru.Over-fatigue, t. v. Tsukare-sugiru.Over-feed, t. v. Kuwase-sugiru.Overflow, i. v. Afureru, koboreru.Overgrow, /. v. Habikoru, shigeru.OvERH.ANG, /. v. Uye kara deru, nozoku.Over-hasty, a. Amari isogu, isogisugiru.Overhaul, t. v. Aratameru.Overhead, a. Uye-ni, atama no uyeOvary, «, Ranso.Oven, n. Kama, furo, muro.Over, prep. Uye, yo, sugiru. amaru, Overhear, /. v. Kiki-dasu, kiki-tsukeru,nokoru. To cross — , wataru, koyeru. fui ni kiku.To h<strong>and</strong> — , watasu. To run — , kakewataru,afureru, koboreru. To have — kobi.Overjoy, /. v. Amari-yorokobu, 6-yoro-amaru, nokoru. To look — , mi-u'atasu. Overlade, /. V. Nose-sugiru, tsumisugiru.To roll — , korobu. Over <strong>and</strong> —kasane-gasane, juju, kudo-kudo, seizei. Overl<strong>and</strong>, a. Riku, kuga, oka.— <strong>and</strong> al>07'e, sono hoka ni, sono uyeOverboard, a. Midzu ni hamaru. Tothrow goods — , ni wo utsu.Overcast, a. Kumoru.Over-cautious, a. Tsutsushimi sugiru,yojin sugiru.Overcharge, t. v. Kake-ne wo iu, tsukekakewo suru, komi-sugiru.Overrun, t. v.Overcloud, i. v. Kumoru.Overcoat, n. Uwagi.Overcome, i. v. Katsu.Over-confident, a. Hokoru.Overdo, /. v. Shi-sugiru, yaki-sugiru,ni-sugiru, honeori-su^iru.Over-dose, /. v. Bunnyo ni sugiru.Overlap, i. v. Kasane-kakeru.Over-large, a. Amari okii, oki-sugi-OvERLAY, /. V. Kasanaru, kakeru.Overload, t. v. Nose-sugiru, tsumisugiru.Overlook, t. v. Mi-watasu, mi-harasu,mi-kosu, sairiyo suru, ome ni miru,yurusu, kayeri-midzu, mi-nogasu, mihadzusu,mi-nokosu, mi-otosu.Overmatch, i. v. Katsu, masaru, sugiru.Over-modest, a. Yenriyo sugiru, omeru,uchiki-sugiru.Overmuch, a. Amari na, sugiru, yokeina, yobun.Overpaid, t. v. Yokei ni naru, haraisugiru.Overpass, t. v. Sugiru, koj'eru.Overplus, n. Amari, nokori.Overpower, i. v. Katsu, tsubusu.Over-prompt, a. Hiya-sugiru.Overrate, t. v. Takaku tsumoru, tsumori-sugiru.Overreach, t. v. Damasu, azamuku.Override, t. v. Nori-sugiru.Shigeru, habikoru, michiru,afureru.Oversee, i. v. Tsukasadoru, sairiyosuru, bhihai suru.Overseer, n. Toriyo, kashira, kimo-Overset, t. V. Hikuri-kayeru, kutsugayeru,hikuri-kayesu.

OVE 125 PALOvershoe, «. Uwa-kutsu.Overshoot, t. v. Uchi-sugiru.OvKRSKiHT, n. Mi-otoshi, ayamachi,tsukasadoru koto, shiochi, me-kubari,Oversleep, /. v. Ne_-sugiru.Overspread, t. v. Oi-wataru, habikoru,michi-wateru, shige-wataru.Overstay, t. v. Tome-sugiru.Overstep, t. v. Yuki-kosu, yuki-sugiru,fumi-kosu.Overstock, /. v. Mise ni sugiru.Overstrain, t. v. Ikimi-sugiru.Overstrict, a. Kibishi-sugiru, amarikibishii.Overtake, t. v. Oi-tsuku.Overthrow, t. v. Taosu, oshi-taosu,horobosu.Overtop, /. v. Uye ni deru, hiideru.Overtrade, i. v. Te-baru akinai wosuru, te amaru akinai wo suru.Overture, n. To make an — , moshi-OvERTURN, t. 7\ Hikuri-kaj'esu.Overwhelm, i. v. Shidzumeru.O.erwork, t. V. Tsukarakasu, tsukai-^i. Nushi, mochi-nushi, aruga.O VI parous,

PAL 126 PARPalmer, n. Angiya.Palm-tree, n. Shuro.Palmistry, «. Te-so-mi.Palpable, a. Te sawari de shireru, meihakuna.Palpitation, «. Doki, doki-doki.Palsied, a, Shibireru.Palsy, n. Chiuki, yoi - yoi, chiusho,chiu-bu.Paltry, a. lyashii, kitanaki, wadzuka.Pamphlet, n. Kusazoshi.Pan, «, Sara, nabe.Panacea, n. Sho-biyo wo ji su-beki kusuri.P<strong>and</strong>ean-pipes, n. Biwabon.P<strong>and</strong>er, t. v. Zegen, hannin.Pane, «. Mai. One pane 0/ glass^^v^z.-man ichi mai.Pang, n. Itami.Panic, «. Odoroki, bikkuri, akireru, nadare.Pannier, «. Kago.Panoply, n. Gusoku, katchiu, yoroi-kabuto.Pant, t. i>. Ayegu, tame-iki wo tsuku.Pantaloon, n. Hakama, momohiki.Panting, a. Ikimaku, ikiseki to suru.Pantomime, n. Damari no maku.Pantry, n. Mono-oki, n<strong>and</strong>o.Paper, n. Kami. IVall — , karakami.NeTvs — , shimbunshi. covers^ hiyoshi.Waste — , hogu. — ctit <strong>and</strong> representingthe katni^ gohei.Paper, t. v. Haru, hari-tsukeru.Paper-cutter, n. Kami-kiri.Paper-hanger, n. Kiyojiya.Paper-hangings, n. Kara-kami.Paper-maker, w. Kami-suki.Paper-mill, «. Kami-sukiba.Paper-store, n. Kami-ya.Paper-wallet, n. Kami-ire.Paper-weight, «. Bunchin, kesan.Paper-money, n. Kinzatsu, chohei.Papier-mache, n. Harinuki.Tenshukiyo na hito.P.\riST, n.Par, n. Soto, soba, to-bun.Parable, n. Tatoye-banashi.Parade, n. Jindori, giyoretsu, date.Parade, t. v. Jindori suru, jin wo ha-Parade-ground, n. Keiko-ba.Paradise, n. Goku-raku, tendo, jodo.Paragon, «. Rlihon, tehon, kagami.Paragraph, n. Ku.Parallel, a. Soroi taru, or sorote oru.Paramount, a, Sugiretaru.Paramour, n. Mippu, ma-otoko, irootoko,mabu.Parapet, h. Himegaki, rui.Parasite, n. Yadorigi, hoya.Parasol, n. Hi-gasa.Parboiled, a. Nama-niye no, iburi.Parcel, a. Tsutsumi, wari-ai.Parcel, t. v. Wari-tsukeru.Parch, t, v. Kogasu, iru.Parched, a. Kogeta, karabiru, kawakushita.Parching, n. Hashiyagu, hikarabiru.Parchment, n. Hitsuji no kawa nite seisuru kami.Pardon, t. v. Yurusu, sha-men suru,yosha suru, yumen suru, yuriru. — me,gomen nasare, kannin kudasare, kambenshite kudasare. To implore —wabiru.Pardon, 71. Yurushi, shamen.P.^rdonable, a. Yurusareru.Pardoning, a. Yurushitagaru, yurusuken wo motsu.Pare, t. v. Muku, hagu, kedzuru, kiru.Parent, n. Oya, fubo, futa-oya, chichihaha,riyo-shin.Parental, a. Oya no.Pariah-class, n. Yeta, hinin, dei-dei.Parishioner, «. Danka, danna, nijiko,dampo.Park, n. Niwa.Parley, t. v. Hanashi-au, dampan su-Parliament, n. _Shugi-in.Parlor, n. Zashiki, heya.Parole, n. Kotoba-jichi, seigen.Paroxysm, n. Hossa.Parson, n. Kij'oshi.Parricide, n._ Oya-koroshi.Parrot, w. Omu, inko. — toed, waniashi,hachi moji wo fumu.Parry, t. v. Ukeru, uke-tomeru.Parsimonious, a. Rinshoku na, shiwai.Parsimony, n. Rinshoku, shiwaki.Parsley, n. Seri.Part, n. Bu, bun, ho, kata, wari-ai, kiriyo,chiye. For my — , watakushi niwa, watakushi ni tsuite. For the most— , okata, taitei, zen-tai, tai-riyaku,arakata. Take — in^ tadzusawaru, katansuru, kakawaru. Part of speech,kotoba no shurui, ji-rui.Part, t. v. Wakeru, waru, hanareru, hedateru,wakareru, saru, ribetsu suru.The cable has parted^ tsuna ga kireta.Partake, t. v. Adzukaru, kakari-au.Partaker, «. Kakari-ai nin, adzukaruhito.Partial, a. Kata-hiiki no, katayoru,yeko na, hempa, mibiiki no, mattakaradzu.Partiality, n. Kata-hiiki, mi-biiki, yeko,hiiki.Partially, a

PAR 127 PATPARTiCiPATE, t. V. Adzukaru, tadzusayeru,kakari-au, tadzusawaru.watari, tori. To take — in a ship, fu-Passage, n. Michi, doro, de-iri guchi,Participation, n. Kakari-au koto, adzukarukoto.wo sadameru koto. A — at arms, kina-gittewo kau. — of a law, horitsuParticle, n. Chitto mo, sukoshi-mo,(/« grammar)^ te ni wo ha.Passenger, v. Kiyaku, noru hito, toruParticllar, a. Kakubetsu, betsudan, hito. — boat, kiyaku-sen, nori-ai bune.kuvvashii, komayaka na, isai-naru, kirai-gachina, sashitaru.Passion, n. Jo, iji, ki, joai, kurushimi,P.^ssiNG, adv. Goku, hanahada, itatte.Particularly, adv. Kuwashiku, komakani.seven — , shichi-jo.kutsu, nangi, shushin, shujaku. TheParticulars, n. Arisama, isai, shisai, Passionate, a. Tanki, ki no mijikai.kado, ban tan.Passion-flower, n. Tokei-bana.Parting, n. Ribetsu, hanare, wakare, Passive, a. Ukekata wo suru, ukemi ninagori. — luordsy nagori no kotoba. naru, somukanu, sakarawanu.Partition, n. Hedate,"shikiri.Passport, n. Kitte, tegata, inkan, menjo,okuri-tegata.Partition, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, kubaru,hedateru, shikiru.Pass-word, n. Ai-kotoba, aidzu.Partly, adv. Aru tokoro ni, ichi bubunni.sannuru, saru, sarinishi.Past, pret. Sugitta, sunda, tota, koshita,Partner, n. Kumi-ai, nakama, aite, aikata,tsure-ai.izen, ato.Past, n. — time, koshi-kata, kuwako,Partnership, n. Kumi, nakama. Mercantile— , sho-sha.board, nori-ita.Paste, n. Nori. — pot, nori-ire. —Partridge, «. Shako.Paste, t. v. Haru, tsukeru.Parturition, n. San, shussan, umukoto.Easy or natural — , an-zan. Pastime, n. Nagusami, asobi, tedzusa-Pasteboard, ?^. Atsugami, itagami.Difficult or unnatural — , nan-zan. mi, kibirashi.Party, n. Nakama, sha-chiu, ho, kata, Pasture, n. Kusa, maki.kuwai, te, hito. One 0/ the same — Pat, /. V. Naderu.mikata. Opposite — , aite, sempo. P.atch, n. Tsugi, hagi, hatake.Partv-coloked, a. Madara naru. Patch, /. v. Tsugi wo suru, hagu, tsugu,tsudzuru.Pass, /. v. Toru, utsuru, heru, kurasu,kayo, tsuyo suru, koyeru, sugiru, okuru.— /t> «?2^_/rt7, yukiki, kayoi, tori, Pate, n. Kobe, atama.Patch-work, n. Hagi-ko, hagi-hagi.orai. — away, kiyeru, naku n.iru, saru.To let — , toraseru, tosu, kayowa-Patent, a. Akiraka na, meihaku na.Patella, n. Hiza no sara.seru, itowadzu, kayeri-midzu, ome ni P.A.TENT, n. Menkiyo-jo.miru. To come to — , hatasu. To — Paternal, n. Oya no.by, toru, sugiru, koyeru. To — 07i, susumu.To over, wataru, watasu, ko-Pathetic, a. Nagekawashii, kanashiki,Path, n. Ko-michi, michi.yeru. To — titne, utsuru, kurasu, okuru,heru. To — the cup, sasu. — sen-Pathless, a. Michi naki.kanjisaseru.tence, moshi-tsukeru. — a law, sadanieru,tateru. — out, deru. — in, hai-Patience, n. Kannin, shimbo, gaman,Pathway, n. Michi.ru, iru. — under, kuguru. — from, yosha.deru, toru, utsuru. To pass for a wise Patient, a. Kannin suru, shimbo suru,man, riko to sareru. — through, to- gaman suru, shinobu, shinogu, korayeru.Pass, t. V. Watasu, tosu, sugiru. — Patient, n. Biyo-nin.thi'ough hardships, nangi wo shinogu. Patiently, adv. Kan-nin shite, shimbo— counterfeit money, nise-gane wo shite, gaman shite, shinonde, shinoide,tsukau. Passed him off as his son, korayete.are wo waga musuko to mosu. To — Patois, «. Namari.by, riyaku suru.Patriarch, n. Senzo, tai so.Pass, n. Nan-jo, sessho, tegata, kitte. Patrician, n. Kuwa-zoku, reki-reki no.To bring to — , nasu, dekasu.Patrimony, n. Katoku, tsutaye kitaiuPassable, a. Torareru, watareru, kosareru,yurusareru.Patriot, w. Chiu-shin, gi-shi.mono.Passably, adv. Dzui-bun, kanari.P.A.TRIOTIC, a. Chiu-naru.Pass-book, n. Kayoi-cho.Patriotism, n. Chiu-shin, chiugi.

PAT 128 PENPeach, n. Momo. — tree, momo no ki,— blossom, momo no hana. — colorPatrol, n. Yo-niawari,yo-ban,ban-nin,rasotsu, rahai, mawari-ban.Patrol, t. v, Ban-suru, mi-mawaru, mono no iro.Peacock, n. Kujaku.jiin-ra suru.Patron, n. Sewa-nin.Peak, n. Mine, zetcho.Patronage, n. Okage, sewa, shusen. Peanut, n. Rakkuwasho.Pavronize, t. V. Sewa wo suru.Pear, n. Nashi, arinomi. — tree, nashiPatten, «. Geta.no ki.t. v. Patter, Bara-bara to furu.n. Pearl, Shinju.Pattern, n. Tehon, mihon, kagami, Pearl-diver, n. Ama.kibo.Pearl-oyster, n. Awabi.Pattern, t. v. — after^ kangamiru. Pearly, a. Shinju no yo na.Patulous, a, Hirakitaru.Peasant, «. Hiyakusho, no-min.Paucity, n. Sukunasa.Peat, n. Sukumo.Paunch, n. Yebukuro.Pebble, «. Ko-ishi, jari, sazare-ishi.Pauper, n. Bimbo-nin, konkiu-nin, mono-morai.Peck, {measure) about = go sho.Peck, t. v. Tsuku, tsutsuku.Pauperism, «. Hinkiu, madzushiki. Peculate, t, v. Nusumu, kasumeru, sukasu.Pause, t. v. Yasumu, tamerau, yameru,matsu.Peculation, n. Kane wo sukasu koto,Pause, n. Yasumi, ma, aida, taicerai. kasumeru koto.Pave, t. v. Ishi wo shiku.Peculiar, a. Mochimaye, kakubetsu,Pavement, n.kotonaru.Shiki-ishi.Pavilion, n. Tei, maku.Pedantic, a. Gakusha-buru, gakusharashikuPaw, n. Ashi.suru, chokozai, namagiki na,Paw, t. V. Agaku.koshaku na, kii-tafu.Pawn, n. Shichi, kata, hiki-ate, tembutsu.— of chessy koma, fu.Peddler, «. Sho-ho j^e uri-aruku hito.Peddle, /. v. Uri-aruku.Pawn, t. v. Shichi ni oku.Pedestal, n. Ishidzuye, dodai, daiza.Pawnbroker, n. Shichi-ya.Pedestrian, n. Kachi, aruku hito.Pawned articles, n. Shichi-motsu, shichi-gusa,Pedicle, n. Kuki.adzukari-mono.Pedigree, n. Keidzu, sujimc, sujo, ka-Pay, t. V. Harau. — a voiv^ hodoku. kei, chisuji.— out rope^ nawa wo taguri-dasu. — Peel, «. Kawa.back^ hemben suru, henno suru, honjo Peel, t. v. Muku, hagu, hegu.suru, kayesu, muku-yuru. — attention,nen wo ireru, ki wo tsukeru. — suki-mi wo suru.Peep, t. v. Nozoku, nozoki-mi wo suru,y^r, tsugunau.Peep-hole, n. Nozoki-ana.Pay, n. Dai, daigin, chin, shiro, rei, kiukin,yakuriyo. Monthly — gekkiu. Peer, n. Do-hai, tomodachi.Peeping, n. Nozoki-mi, suki-mi.,Increasing the — , hazo suru.Peer, t. v. Kiyorori to miru, jiro-jiro toPayable, a. Harau hadzu, harau-beki, miru.harawareru.Peerless, a. Mu-s6 naru.Pay-day, n. Harai-bi, kanj6-bi.Peevish, a. Tanki-na,j ireru, iji-iji suru.Paymaster, n. Kanjo-kata, harai-gata. Peg, n. Ki-kugi, take-kugi.Payment, n. Harai, mukui. Daily — Pellicle, n, Uwa-kawa.higake. Monthly — , tsuki-gake. Yearly— , toshi-gake.Pellucid, a. Reiro-naru, suki-toru.Pell-mell, adv. Muni-muzan ni.Pea, n. Saya-yendo.Pelt, t, v. Nage-utsu, utsu, nage-tsukeru.Peace, n. Taihei, jisei, odayaka, anshin,raku. <strong>and</strong>o, annon, anraku, waboku, Peltry, n. Ke-kawa, kawa.seihitsu, heian. To make — , waboku Pen, n. Fude, hitsu, ori, koya. Gold —wo suru, naka-naori wo suru. Hold kim-pitsu. Steel — , tep-pitsu.the — , damaru, mokunen suru.Pen, /. V. Kaku.Peaceable, a. Odayaka na, onto na. Penal, a. — laivs. kei-ho.Peaceably, adv. Odayaka ni, shidzukan. Penalty, Keibatsu, shioki, tsumi,kuwanyo, batsu-kin, bakkin.ni.Peaceful, a. Odayaka na, annon na. Penance, n. Tsumi wo midzukara bassurutame ni nan-giyo wo okono koto.— vtind, an-shin.Peacemaker, n. Aisatsu-nin, nakadachi,Penates, «. Ji-butsu.chiunin.Pencil, n. Seki-hitsu,fude.

PEN 129Pendent, a. Tsuru, sageru.Peregrinate, i. v. Yureki suru, henrekiPending, //-£?/. Uchi ni.suru.Pend["LL"M, n. Tokei no furi.Pere.mptory, a. Ketchaku na, genjuPenetkable, a. Tsuki-komareru.na.Penetrate, i. -v. Sasu, tsuki-komu, Peremptorily, adv. Kitto, genju ni,tessuru, sui-komu, sbimu, tsuranuku, kataku, shikato.Perennial, a. Tayezaru, fudan no, masatoru.Penetration, n. Tsuki-komu koto, satori,mo nuki.kashikoku.Perfect, a. Mattaki, ju-bun naru, man-Penitence, n. Kuyami, ko-kuwai.zoku na, zembi-shitaru.Penitent, a. Ko-kuwai suru, kuyuru, Perfect, /. v. Joju suru, shi-togeru, jubunkuyamu, zan-nen-garu.ni suru.Penitent, n. Tsumi wo kuyamu hito, Perfectly, adv. Mattaku, jubun-ni,kokuwai suru hito.sappari to.Perfidious, a. Fu-chiu na, fu-jitsu na,akugiyaku na, bogiyaku na.Penitentiary, n. Roya, hitoya.Pen-knife, «. Ko-gatana.Pen-maker, n. Fude-shi.Perfidy, n. Fu-jitsu, fu-chiu, bogiyaku.Penman, n. Kaku-hito, kaki-te, shoki.Good — , no-hitsu. Bad — , aku hitsu.Perforate, t. v. Tosu, sashi-tosu, nuketoru,tsuki-tosu.Penmanship, n. Hitsui, fiidedzukai. Perforation, n. Ana.Learning — , tenarai. Rules 0/ — Perforce, adv. Muri ni, shiite.hippo.Perform, t. v. Suru, nasu, itasu, dekiru,Pennant, n. Hatajirushi.okonau, togeru, sumu, hatasu, toriokonau,Penniless, a. Kane naki.shitogeru, joju suru.Penny, «. Zeni, mon, sen.Performance, «. Togeru koto, dekiagaruPenrack, n. Fude-nose, hikka, fudekake.koto, nasu koto.Pension, n. Sute-buchi, sei-roku.Perfu.me, n.Perfume, t. v.K6, kaori, ko-ki.Kaoru, nio, kunjiru.Pen-store, n. Fude-ya.Perfumery, n. _Kaori-mono.Penthouse, n. Hisashi.Perhaps, adv. Okata, tabun, osorakuba,Penurious, a. Rinshoku na, shiwai, kechiMostly by the dicbit. suffix^ ro, or so.na, shuren.kuru de aro, perhaps he will come.Penury, n. Konkiu, madzushiki, bimb5.as.,Yoku naru de aro, he will perhaps getwell. Ari-s6 na mono ^2^^ perhaps it isPeony, n. Butan.so, or perhaps there are.People, n. Hito, tami, cho-nin, bammin,Pericardium, n. Shim-maku.shimo-jimo, shimo-zama, shita-Peril, n.jita, jim-min. Like other — , hito-nainikinan.Ayauki, abunaki, kennon,na.Perilous, a. Ayaui, abunai, kennon na-Pepper, n. Black —, kosho. Cayenne ru, inochi ni kakaru, inochigake.— , togarashi.Perineum, n. Towatari.Pepper-box, n. Kosho-ire.Period, «, Toki, jisetsu, jibun.Peppermint, «. Hakka.Periosteum, n. Kotsu-maku.Perambulate, t. v. Yureki suru, henrekiPerish, i. v. Shinuru, messuru, kareru,suru, mawaru.nakunaru.Perceive, t. v. Miru, kiku, pboyeru, satoru.Perjure, t. v. Itsuwatte chikau.Perjury, n. Itsuwatte chikau koto.Percentage, n. Wari, kosen.Permanent, a. Kawaranu, tayedzu.Perceptible, a. Miyeru, shireru, oboyeru.Permeate, /. v. Toru, tsuki-tosu.Permissible, a. Yurusareru.Perception, n. Shone, satori, chikaku. Permission, n. Yurushi, shochi, menkiyo.Without — , kotowari-nashi, yuru-Perch, n. Tomarigi.Perch, t. z>. Tomaru.saredzu shite.Perchance, adv. Futo, fui-ni, omoiyoradzuPermit, v. Yurusu, shochi suru, menki-ni, moshi-ya.yo suru, kiyoyo suru. Application forPercol.\te, /. V. Kosu, toru.a permit, negai-sho.Percussion, n. Hibiki.Permit, n. Menjo. menkiyo-jo.Percussion-cup, n. Dondor, {a Dutch Permutation, n. Hen-kuwa, tori-kayeruword.)koto.Perdition, n. Metsubo, horobi, messuruPernicious, a. Doku-na, gai ni naru.koto, jigoku.Perpendicular, a. Massugu-ni tatsu.6*

PER 130 PHOPerpetrate, t. v. Nasu, okonau, okasu,itasu.Perpetual, a. Tayedzu, yamazaru, b<strong>and</strong>aifuyeki.Perpetually, adv. Tayedzu ni, yamadzuni, tayema-naku, tokoshinajre ni.Perpetuate, t. zi. Matsu-dai ni nokosu,b<strong>and</strong>ai ni tsutayeru.Perplex, t. v. Tori-komu, konzatsu naru,mayo, toho ni kureru, togi-magireru,urotayerii, magotsuku.Perplexity, n. Towaku, kokoro-kubari.Perquisite, n. Homachi, yakuriyo.Persecute, t. v. Hidoime ni awaseru,semeru, nayamasu, kurushimeru. —ed^ tashinamu.Persevere, /. v. Shimbo suru, tarumadzuni suru, okotoradzu ni nasu, tsudzuitenasu.Perseverance, n. Shimbo, tarumazarukoto.Persimmon, n. Kaki. Dried — , hiboshigaki.Persist, i. v. Okotoradzu ni nasu.Persistent, a. Kujikedzu shite oru. tarumadzuni suru.'Persistently, adji. Tarumadzu ni.Person, n. Hito, mono, ho, kata te.In person ^yib\xx\ de. Received in person.,jiki-den. Ordinary — , bon-nin, heinin,hitonami no hito. Two — , futari.Three — , san-nin.Personage, n. Hito, mono, nin.Personal, a. Jiki. — conversation,jiki-dan. — complaint, i'lVi-sb.Personally, «i^!7. Jibun de, jika ni, jikini.Personate, t. v. Maneru, niseru, nazo-Personify, t. V. Nazorayeru, yosoyeru,tatoyeru.Perspicuous, a. Sappari-to, fummiyona, akiraka na.Perspiration, n. Ase. abura.Perspire, t. v. Ase ga deru, hakkan suru.Persuade, t. v. Kudoku, susumeru.Persuasion, n. Susumeru koto.Pert, a. Buyenriyo na.Pertain, t. v. Sou, tsuku, kakawaru, kisuru, zoku suru.Pertinacious, a. Henkutsu na, gankona, kataiji na.Perverse, a. Yokoshim*. furachi na,higan de oru.Pervert, t. v. Mageru, tagawasu, kojitsukeru,fukuwai suru.Pervious, a. Toiareru, sukitoru.Pest, a. Yaku-biyo, urusaki mono, towakuno mono.Pester, t. v. Komaraseru, wadzura-.vasu,towaku, mei-waku saseru.Pestered, a. Komaru, wadzurau.Pestiferous, a. Aku, doku-na, gai suru,itameru.Pestilence, n. Yabu-biyo, yeki, ycki-Pestilent, a. Doku na, aku. — /el/ow,rambo, abare-mono.Pestle, w. Niubo, rengi, suri-kogi, katsu,kine.Pet, n. Kawairashii mono.Pet, t. V. Amayakasu.Petal, n. Hanabira. ben.Petition, n. Negai, kito, guwan-sho,ki-nen, meyasu, negai-sho.Petition, t. v. Negau, tanguwan suru,uttayeru.Petrifaction, «. Kuwa-seki.Petrify, /. v. Ishi ni kawaru, kuwasekisuru.Petroleum, n. Kusodzu.Petted, a. Amayeru.Petticoat, n. Onna no shitagi.Pettifogger, n. Kujishi.Petty, a. Wadzuka, iyashii, chiisai.Petulant, a. Tanki na, ki-mijikaki.Pew, n. Kuwai-do no koshikake.Pewter, n. Ro, h<strong>and</strong>a, biyakuro.Phantasm, n. Maboroshi, utsutsu.Phantom, n. Bakemono, yurei.Pharmacopceia, a. Yaku-zai-sho, hokan.Pheasant, n. Kiji. Silver — , hakkan.Golden — , kin-kei.Phenix, n. Howo.Phenomenon, n. Koto, hen-ji.Phial, n. Bin, tokkuri.Philanthropy, M. Jin,jinji.Philanthropist, n. Jin-sha.Philanthropic, a. Kidoku na.Philosopher, n. Monoshiri, gaku-sha,hakase, hakushiki.Philosophy, n. Gaku, jutsu, ri, dori,michi, do. Natural — , kiu-ri.Philter, n. Hore-gusuri.Pertinaciously, adv. Kataku, hitasura Phimosis, n. Kawa-kaburi, hokiyo.ni, ichidzu ni, kure-gure mo.Phiz, n. Kao.Pertinent, a. Tsuku, kanau, tekito Phlebotomy, n. Shiraku.naru.Phlegm, n. Tan.Perturbed, a. Urotayeru, sawadachi. Photograph, n. Shashin-ye.Peruse, /". z/. Yomu, dokuju suru. Photographic, a. — instruments., shashin-kiyo.Pervade, t. v. Toru, raichiru, michiwataru.Photography, n. Shashin jutsu.

PHRPhrase, n. Ku.Phraseology, n. li-kata, kaki-kata.Phrenitis, n. No-kinsho.Phthisis, n. Rosho, rogai.Phvsic, n. Ijutsu, kusuri, gezai.Physic, t. v. Riyoji wo suru, gezai wonomaseru.Physician, n. Isha, ishi, Hondo, kusushi.Physics, n. Kiu-ri gaku.Physiognomist, «. Nins6-mi, nins6-ja.Physiognomy, «. Ninso. Bad — , funinso.Good — , ninso no yoki.Piano, n. Gakki no na. *Piazza, «. Genkuwa, roka.Pick, t. 7>. — Oj^^ torn, mushiru, mogu.Old, yorii, yerabu, nuku, toru, horu.— «/, hiro, kaki-tateru. To pick Isiick)^sasu, tsiiku, tsutsuku, seseru. — thenosCy hana wo kiijini. To — the leeth^ha wo horu, koyoji wo tsukau. To —the ears^ mimi wo horu. — a yowl,tori no ke wo mushiru. — a pocket,tamoto no mono wo suru, — cotton,wata wo toru, wata wo hogusu. — a131 PITPile, t. v.Piles, n.Tsumu, kasaneru, haj'^eru.Iboji. Bleeding — , hashiriji.Pilfer, t. v. Nusumu, kasumeru.Pilferer, n. Suri, mambiki, ko-nusubito.Pilfering, a. Ko-nusumi, teguse gawarui.Pilgrim, n. Dosha, angiya.Pilgrimage, ti. To go on — , moderu,mairu, sankei suru.Pill, n. Guwanyaku. One — , hito tsubu.— box, mage-mono.Pillage, /. v. Ubau, ubai-toru.Pillar, n. Hashira.Pillory, n. Kubi-gase.PiL',ow, n. Makura.Pilot, n. Midzu-saki.Pilot, /•. 7'. Michibiku, fune wo tsukau,annai suru.Pimp, n. Zengen, hannin.Pimple, n. Nikibi.Pin, 71. Hari, tome-bari. Wooden —ki-kuji, sen.Pin, t. V. Tome-bari de tomeru.Pincers, n. Kugi-nuki.Pinch, t. v. Tsumer.u, tsumamu, hasamu.— ofF, tsumu, tsumi-kiru.Pinch, n. Tsumami.Pine, w. Matsu-no-ki. — bicr, matsu-quarrel, kenkuwa wo shi-kakeru, kenkuwawo fuki-kakeru. — a lock, jo woakeru. — out a splinter, toge wo horidasu.Pick, n. Tsuru-bashi.Picked, a Yeronda, yotta, gimmi shita.— soldiers, seihei.Picket-fence, n. Yarai, komayose.Pickle, t. v. Tsukeru.Pickpocket, n. Kinchaku-kiri, suri.Picnic, n. Yusan, hanami, asobi.Picture, n. Ye, dzu, yedzu, iki-utsushi.Picture-book, n. Yezoshi.Picture-frame, n. Gaku no fuchi, waku.PiCUL, «. Hiyakkin.Pie, n. Kuwashi no na.Piebald, a. Buchi, madara.Piece, n. Kire, hashi, kake ; {of cloth), Pique, n. Rippuku, nikumi.tan, hiki. A — of poetry, uta isshu. Pique, t. v. Ki wo sekaseru, okoraseru.of painting, kake-mono ippuku. PiR.\TE, n. Kai-zoku.— of artillery, t2Ai.Q itcho. — of cloth. Pirus-japonica, n. Boke.tammono ittanj or ippiki. Piece bypiece, hitotsu-bitotsu, hitotsu dzutsu.Pismire, n.Piss, n. Shoben,Ari.— ibari. the bed, yuPiece, /. 7>. Tsugu, hagu.bari wo suru.Piece-goods, n. Tammono.Pistil, n. Hana no dzui, shibe.Pieces, n. Sun-sun, dz.uda-dzuda, mi-jin. Pistol, n. Teppo, tanegashima.Piece-work, n. Uketori-shigoto.Piston, «. Shimbo.Pier, n. Hatoba.Pit, n. Ana, ba, kubomi. — ofPierce, /. v. Sasu, tsuku, tosu, shimu, stomach, midzuochi, mune, kiubi.sashi-komu, tsuki-komu, tessuru. — — in a theatre, doma.Kubomu,the—through, sashj-tosu, nuke-toru.Pit, t. V. hekomasu.Piety, n. Shinjtn, kami wo uyamau koto. Pitch, n. Matsu no yani, chan. of aPig, n. Inoka, ko-buta, buta.roof, kobai.Pigeon, n. Hato. House — , ij^e-bato. Pitch, /. v. Nageru. — away, suteru.Pig-headed, a. Gudon na.— a boaty fune ni chan wo nuru. — aPigment, n. Iro-mono, inogu.tent, maku wo haru. — a tune, fushiPile, n. Kui, kasa, tsumi, yama.wo soroyerukasa. Red — , aka-matsu.Pine, /. v. Yaseru, koishiku omo, koiwadzurau.Pinion, n. Hane.Pink, n. Sekichiku.PiN-MoNEY, n. Heso-kuri-gane.Pinnacle, «. Zetcho.Pint, == about, ni go san shaku.Pious, n. Shinjin naru.kami wo uj'amau.Pipe, «. Kiseru, kuda, fuye, rappa.Water — , hi.Pipe, i. v. Ynyo. wo fuku.

PIT 132PLEPitch, i. v. Ochiru. — uj>on^ yerabu. Plank, n. Atsui ita.Pitch-black, a. Makkuro.Plank, t, v. Ita wo haru.Pitch-dark, a. Makkura.Plant, n. Kusa, uyeki, s6-moku.Pitcher, n. Midzu-ire, midzu-sashi. Plant, t. v. Uyeru, udzumeru, maku,Pitch-farthing, n. Ana-ichi, zeni-nage,tenka.Plantain, n. Bashd. Common — , obako.Pitchfork, n. Mataki, sasumata.Piteous, a. Wabishiki, nangi na, awarenaru.Plaster, n. Kabe, nuta, tsuta ;Plantation, n. Denji, dembata.{med).,Pitfall, n. Otoshi-ana.koyaku.Pith, n. Ki no shin, dzui, gokui, ogi. Plaster, t. v. Kabe wo nuru.Pitiable, a. Kawaiso, aware na.Plasterer, n. Shakanya.Pitiful, a. Fubin na, jihi no fukai, Plater, 0/ Paris, n. Sekko,aware na, itawashii.Plate, n. Sara, sane, kana-ita. CoJ>perPitiless, v. Nasake nai, fubin-naki. — , do-han.PiTV, n. Fubin, awaremi, jihi, nasake, Plate, t. v. Kiseru.aware, sokuin.Plated, a. Kiseta. Gold — , kin-kise.Pity, t. v. Awaremu, fubin ni onio, itawaru.Platform, n. Dai, agari-ba.Silver — gin-kise.,Pivot, n. Kaname, horoshi.Pl,\tter, n. Sahachi, bon.Placard, n. Harifuda, bira, harigami. Plausible, a. Kuchi-sagashii, makotorashii.Place, n. Tokoro, basho, tochi, za,bungen, mibun, tori. In the — of^ Play, t. v. Tawamureru, fuzakeni, asobu,kawari ni. Native — , kokiyo, furusato. hiyogeru, jareru, odokeru ;(drama).,/«• the first — , ichi ban ni, saisho. shibai wo suru. — checkers, go wo— where it isf ari-dokoro, ari-sho. utsu. — chess, shogi wo sasu. — cards,Give — yudzuru.karuta wo utsu. — the,flute, fuye woPlace, t. v. Kakeru, okii, suyeru, osameru,adzukeru, hoseru.fuku. — the guitar, samisen wo hiku.— the fiool.fyasuraka-na, ochi-lsuitaru.Placidly, adv. Odayaka ni, ochi-tsuite. chi, guwai, ambai, amai.Plagiarism, n. Ta-jin no cho-jutsu wo jinjo. Foul — , fu-jinjo. To coine intonusunde waga cho-jutsu to suru. — yo ni tatsu, ma ni au.,Plague, n. Yeki, yeki-rei, yaku-biyo. Play-actor, n. Yakusha, kawara-mono.Plague, t. v. Komaraseru, wadzurawa- Play-bill, n. Ban-dzuke.Play-day, n. Kiujitsu, yasumi-bi.Plaid, n. Benke-jima, goban-jima, ichimatsu.Playfellow, n. Tomo, chikuba noPlayer, n. Yakusha.Plain, n. Hira-chi, hei-chi.tomo.Plain, a. Taira na, tairaka na, hirattai, Playful, a. Tawamureru.akiraka na, fummiyo, shitsuboku, jimi Pl.-vy-house, n. Shibai.na, sutiao, ubu, koto na. — wood., Plaything, n. Omocha, mote-asobi.shira-ki. To tnake — , akirameru. Plea, n. li-gusa, ii-wake, negai, kojitsu.Plain-dealing, a. Meihaku na, keppakuna.Plead, /. v. Rondzuru, giron suru, torinasu.Plainly, adv. Akiraka-ni, hakkiri.Plaintiff, n. Uttaye-kata, s6-nin. Pleasant, a. Yoi, omoshiroi, umai, ureshii,kokoroyoki.Plaintive, a. Aware-naru, kanashii.Plait, «. Hida, shiwa, ori-me.Pleasantry, n. Tawamure, odoke, kokkei.Plait, t. v. Kumu, hida wo toru, yoru.Plan, n. Yedzu, hinagata, hakarigoto, Please, t. v. Tanoshimaseru, yorokobaseru.(/. w.) Ki ni iru, kckoro nisaku, tedate, te, kufu, fumbetsu, bokei.Plan, t. v. KufQ suru, hakaru, kuwadateru,takuromu.dzui-i, go katte ni. To — another,kanau. As you — , kokoro ni makasu,Placenta, n. Yena.upon, damasu, azamuku.Placid, a. Odayaka na, shidzuka na, baka wo suru.Play, n. Tawamure, asobi, shibai, baku-Fair —Plane, a. Tairaka-na, hirattai.Plane, t. v. Kedzuru.Plane, «. Kanna, arashiko, chiushiko,joshiko, kij'o-ganna, kuri-kanna.Planet, «. Hoshi, yusei.kigen wo toru, nagusameru. As muchas one pleases, omo-sama, omo-ire,zombun. Please give it to 7ne, dozowatakushi ni kudasare. Please let luego, doka yurushite kudasare. Please

PLE ^33 POLs/toiv me, nani to zo oshiycte kudasare.Pleased, a. Omoshirogaru, tanoshimu,yorokobu.Pleasing, a. Yoi, kokoroyoki, omoshiroi.Pleasure, n. omoshirosa,Tanoshimi,ureshisa, kiyo, asobi. Ai pleasure,kokoro shidai, kokoro makase, dzui-i,katte ni, kimama ni.Plebl\n, a. lyashii, zoku-na. («.) Shita-jita,shimo-jimo.Plectrum, n. Bachi.Pledge, n. Shichi, hiki-ate, ate, kata,ukeai, katame. Pledging one's word— , kotoba-jichi.Pledge, t. v. Ukeau, shichi ni oku.— the health, shukuhai suru.ToPlenipotentiary, n. Zen-ken-ko-shi.Plenteous, a. Qii, takusan, obitadashii,yutaka na.Plentiful, a. — crop, ho-saku. —year, ho-nen.Plenty, a. Jubun na, takusan, yutakana.Plenty, n. Jubun, takusan, yutaka.Plethora, n. Ta-ketsu.Pliable, a. Tawayaka na, nabiki-yasui,shi-nayaka, nayeru.Plight, t. v. Ukeau, yakusoku suru.Plight, n. Yosu, yodai, sama.Plod, i. v. Honeoru, ro shite aruku.Plot, n, Hakarigoto, saku, tedate, kufu.Plot, /. v. Hakaru, kufii suru, kuwadateru.Plough, n. Kara-suki.Plough, /. zi. Tagayesu, suku.Pluck, t. v. Toru, mushiru, mogu, tsumu,chigiru. — out, nuku.Pluck, «. Kimo, dai-tan, shimbo. Good— , kimo-futoi, ki-tsuyoi.Plug, n. Tsume, sen.Plug, t. v. Tsumeru, fusagu.Plum. «. Ume, bai. — tree, ume no ki.— blossoMis, ume no hana.Plumage, n. Hane, ke.Plumb, n. Omori.Plumb, a. Massiigu.Plumb-line, n. Sage-sumi, sage-furi,midzumorinawa.Plume, «. Hane, ke.Plump, a. Koyeru.Plumule, n. Hana.Plunder, t. v. Ubau, ubai-toru, toru,nusumu, kasumeru.Plunder, «. Bundori, nusumi-mono.Plunge, t, v, Shidzumeru, hameru,tobi- iru.Plurality, a. Hitotsu yori oku naruliOlO.Pluto, n. Yemma,Ply, t. V. Honeoru, hagemu, kasegu.Ply, n. Ye. Tivo — , futa-ye.Pneumonia, a. Hai-kinsho.Poach, t. v. Niru, nusumi-toru.Pocket, n. Kakushi, fukuro, tamoto.Pocket, f. v. Tamoto ni kakusu. To —an insult, haji wo mukuyedzu.Pocket-book, n. Kami-ire.Pocket-knife, «. Kogatana, sasuga.Pocket-money, n. Kodzukai.Pock-mark, n. Abata, janko.Pod, n. Saya.Poem, n. Shi, uta.Poet, n. Uta-yomi, ka-jin, shi-jin.Poetical, a. tJta no, shi no.Poetry, n. Shi, uta.Poignant, a. Kibishii, tsuyoi.Point, n. Saki, ten, chobo, kiwa, toki,tokoro, shui, honi. — oy death, matsugo,rinju, shinigiwa, shi ni kakaru.Point, t. v. Togaraseru, kedzuru, sasu,nerau, tameru, ku-to wo kiru. — out,oshiyeru, yubizasu.Pointed, n, Togaru,.surudoki.Pointing, n. Kuto wo tsukeru koto.Poise, t. v. Tsuri-au, hakaru.Poison, n. Doku. Kill with — , dokusatsu,doku-gai.Poison, t. z

POL134 POSPolity, «.Porcupine. Hari-nedzumi.Seitai, seido.Poll, n. Niusatsu ba, irefuda ba. Pore, n. Ke-ana, sori.P ;LL, /. V. Kiru, hasami-kiru, nimbetsuchoPork, n. Buta no niku.ni noseru, nengu wo osameru. Porpoise, «. Iruka.Poll-book, n. Niusatsu cho.Porridge, n. Kayu.Pollen, «. Nioi.Port, 71. Minato, tsu, narifuri. — thePollute, t. v. Kegasu, yogosu.heiin, tori-kaji. Enter — , niu-tsu.Pollution, n, Kegasu koto, yogoshi, Leave — , shukko, shuttsu.oye.Poltroon, n, Okubiyo-mono, hikiyoPortable, a.Portal, n.Motareru, mochi-yasui.Mon. kido.Portend, t. v. Shiraseru, arawasu.Polygamy, n. Su sai wo motsu koto. Portent, n. Zem-piyo, shirase, dzul,Polypus of nose, n. Hanatake, biji. zencho.Pomatum, n. Bintsuke, suki-abura.Pomegranate, n. Zakuro.Portentous, a.shirashitaru.Fukitsu wo maye-karaPomp, n. Ogori, ririshiki, rin-rin. Porter, n. Momban, nin-soku, ko-age,Pompous, a. Taka-buru, ohei na, ofii na, karuko, hakobite, nimochi.ririshiki, ibaru. — iti talking^ kuwogen.Porterage, «. Ninsoku-chin, un-chin»Pond, n. Ike, sensui.hakobi-chin.Portfolio, «. Tatogami, jobako.Ponder, t. v. Kangayeru, <strong>and</strong>zuru, Port-hole, n. Sama. teppo-zama, hazama.omou, megurasu.Ponderous, a. Omoi.Portico, n. Yen, genkuwa, roka.Pongee, n. Tsumugi.Portion, n. Wari, wari-ai, bun, maye,PoNL\RD, n. Kuwai-ken.bu.Pontiff, n. Tenshukiyo no kashira no Portion, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, kubani,ategau, ate-hameru.so.Pontoon-bridge, «. Funa-bashi. Portly, a. Koyeta. okii.Pooh-poohed, a. Naozari ni shite omo. Portmanteau, n. Do-chiu nimotsu woPony, n. Uma.ireru kawa-bukuro.Pool, «.Portrait, n. Yezo, nigao.Ike.Poop, «. Fune no tomo.Portray, /. v. Kaku, hiku.Poor, a. Bimbo, konkiu na, madzushii, Portugal, n. Horitogar.demo, shidzu, wabishii,*yasetaru, warui. PoRTULACCA, «. Hanahiyu.— faviily^ hinka. — <strong>and</strong> »ieaft,hu Position, n. Kamaye, muki, uke, bungen,mibun, bunzai, yosu, tokoro, ba-sen. T/ie — , him-min. sotV, hiichi. — man, hin-jin. — ivoma. sho.hin-Positive, a. Ketchaku na, tashika naru,lyo.Poor-house, «. Kiu-iku-jo.shikato shita, kimaritaru.Poorly, adv. Madzushiku, bimbo shite, Positively, adv. Kanaradzu, zehi, kesshite,waruku.kitto, tashika-ni, shikato, isse-Poorly, a. Ambai warui, fu-kuwai.Poor-spirited, a. Ki no okureru. Possess, t. v. Motsu, aru, shoji suru.Pop, t. V. Pon-pon to hibiku, patchipatchi-toPossessed with devils., akki ni tori-naru.tsukareru.Pope, n. Tenshu-kiyo no kashira no Possession, n. Mochi-mono, mochiba,mochi-kitari, shinsho, shindai, shoji.Popery, n. Tenshu-kiyo.Possessor, n. Nushi, mochi-nushi.Pop-gun, n. Tsuki-deppo, nichako-tepp6.Possible, a. Dekiru, okata, de aro, orthe dubit. suff. 6, ro. To God allPopliteal-space, n. Hikkagami.things are possible., kami ni atawazaruPopped-rice, w. Haze.tokoro nashi.Poppy, n. Keshi. — headsy ozokkoku. Post, n. Hikiyaku, hashira, kui, mochiba,mochi-kuchi.Populace, n. Shimo-jimo, chonin.Popular, a. Hayaru.Post, t. v. Oku. To — a bill, hikifudaPopulation, «. Nindzu, nimbetsu,"hito-wo haru. To — a letter, tegami wokadzu, jinko.Populous, a. Hito no 61.Porcelain, n. Seto-mono, suj^e-mono,yakimono.Porch, n. Yen, genkuwa.hikiyaku-ya ye watasu. To — an ac~coicnt, kanj(5 wo dai-cho ni noseru.Postage, n. Hikiyaku-chin, j6-chin,tegami-dai.Posterior, a. Ato no, nochi no, go.

POS 135Posteriors, n. Shiri, ishiki, oido. Powerful, a. Chikara aru, tsuyoi, ikioiPosterity, n. Shison, ko-in.no aru, isei aru, kikime ga aru, go.Postern, n. Karamete, ura-mon. Powerfully, ad7>. Tsuyoku.Post-horse, «. Shuku-ba, yekiba. Powerless, a. Chikara naki, tayowaki.Posthumous name, n. Hogo, kai-miyo, Practicable, a. Dekiru, nasareru.ho-miyo, okuri-na.Practical, a. Yodatsu, yaku ni tatsu.Postman, m. Hikiyaku, j6-bikiyaku. Practice, n. Koto, okonai, keiko, manabi,Postmaster-general, n. Yeki-tei nojutsu, narai, tsu-rei, riyori, furi-ai,kami.rei.Post-office, «. Hikiyaku ya.Practice, t. v. Nareru, nasu, keiko suru,manabu, okonau. — medicine^ iju-Post-office department, n. Yeki-teiriyotsuwo giyo to suru. To be practiced^Postpone, t. v. Nobasu, shi-nokosu, tanren suru, yete taru, nare-taru.yenki suru.Prairie, n. No, hara, nohara.Postponement, n. Hinobe, yen-nin. Praise, «. Homare, san, sambi, sho,Post-position, n. Go-shi.shobi.Postscript, n. Soj'e-gaki, kaki-soye, Praise, t. v. Homeru, sambi suru, shobibatsu, tsuikei.Post-town, «. Shuku, shukuba, yeki.suru, sho suru.Praiseworthy, a. — action^ ko.agaku.Posture,Pot, n.n. Kamaye, yosu,Nabe, kama.arisama.— lid^ kamabuta.Prance, t.Prank, n.v. Haneru, odoru,Jodan, tawamure.Prate, z. v. Shaberu.Potato, n. Imo. White — jagataraimo.Sweet — , satsuma-imo.Pray, /. v. Inoru, kito suru, negau, koi-Prawn, n. Yebi.,n. taru a. Inori, kito, negai, koi, kinen,Pot-hook, n. Jizai-kagi, kagi.nejigoto. — /or rain, amagoi.Potent, a. Tsuypi, ikioi no aru, keni aru.Potentate, 6 mono.negau, tanomu.Prayer,Potion, n. Nomi-mono.Prayerless, a. Kami ni inoranu.Potter, «. Yaki-mono-shi, suye-monoshiradzu,Prec/VRIous, a. Obotsukanai, tashikana-kimara-nai.Pottery, n. Yaki-mono, suye-mono. Precaution, n. Yoi, j^ojin, tsutsushimi.Pouch, n. Fukuro, kane-ire, kinchaku. Precede, t. -u. Saki ni yuku, saki niPoultice, n. Pappu.tatsu, maye ni aru, sakidatsu.Poultry, «. Niwatori.Precedence, n. Sakidatsu koto.Pounce, i. v. Tori-tsukamu.Precedent, n. Senrei, sen-kaku, senki,Pound, n. Kin. One pound avoirdupois= shichi momme ni fun go-rin. Preceding, a. Sen, saki no, maye no.kiu-rei. (a.) Saki no, maye no.Pound, t. v. Butsu, utsu, tsuku.Precept, n. Imashime, kai, oshiye, iken,Pounder, n. Kine.ho.Pour, i. v. Nagareru, deru, koboreru. Preceptor, n. Shi, shisho.The rain pours^ 6-ame ga furu.Precinct, n. Sakai, riyo-chi, atari.Pour, t. v. — i7ito, tsugu, shaku suru, Precioi;s, a. Tattoki, takara, atara,kumu. — oui^ kobosu. — /rotn^na.- oshiki.gare-deru. — on^ sosogu, kakeru. Precipice, n. Kenso, zeppeki.v. Pout, i. Suneru, futeru.Precipitantly, adi). Kuwa-kiu ni, awatadashiku,w. Poverty, bin, madzushiki,Bimbo, konkiu, isoide.hinkiu.Precipitate, t. v. Otosu, sekasuru, iso-Powder, «. Ko, kona, saimatsu, san, gaseru, hayameru.matsu, fun. Gun yensho, kuwayaku,goyaku. Face — , oshiroi. — ma-ochiru.Precipitate,, i. v. Shidzumu, odomu,gazine^ kawayaku-gura.Precipitous, a. Kewashii, sagashii, sobadatsu,sobiyeru.Powder, t. v. Kona ni suru, ko ni suru,saimatsu ni suru, hiku, suri-kudaku, Precise, a. Katai, shikakubaru, katakurushii,kirikojo, shikatsuberashii.orosu. — ivith sugar^ sato wo furikakeru.To — the /ace^ kao ni oshiroi Precisely, adv. Chodo, adakamo, shika-to.wo num.Powder-flask, n. Goyaku-ire, yenshoire.Precision, n. Tagawanu koto.Preclude, t. ?'. Fusegu, kobamu, sasayeru,Powder-mill, n. Kuwayaku-ba.sayegiru.Power, n. Chikara, ikioi, iko, isei, kono, Precocious, a. Toshi ni niawanu chiyekikime, ken, kuriki, keni.no aru.

PRE 136 PREPreconcert, t. v. Kanete sadameru,maye-motte kuwadateru.Precursor, n. Sakidachi.Predecessor, n. Sen no hito, zempai.Predestinate, t. v. Maj^emotte torikimeru,maye-ni sadameru, arakajimekimeru.Predetermine, t. v. Maye kara kimeru.Predicament, n. Yosu, arisama, ba-ai.Predicate, t. v. lu, ii-haru.Predict, t. v. Mayemotte iu, aralcajiraeiu, yogen suru.Prediction, n. Mayemotte iuta koto,zengen, yogen.koto. It- is the — 0/ the father togovern his family., kanai-ju wo osameruPredominant, a. Sugitani, katsu, gachi,koto wa teishu hitori ni kakaru.oku, masaru.Presage, n. Zempiyo, shirase, zencho.Predominate, a. Sugiru, masaru, katsu.Presage, /. v. Maye-motte shiraseru,yogen suru.Pre-eminent, n. Hiideru, sugiru, bakkun,Prescience, n. I^Iayemotte shiru koto.nukinderu.Pre-eminently, adv. Nak<strong>and</strong>zuku, sugurete.Prescribe, li-tsukeru, meidzuru, kusuriwo j'aru, riyoji wo suru.Prescription. «. Ho-gaki, chogo. AlterPre-engagement, n. Sen-yaku.a — , tempo suru.Pre-exist, /, v. Zen-se ni oru, maye no Presence, n. Oru-koto, oru-toki. Inyo ni oru.the — , omote, maye, gan-zen, ma-noatari,mokuzen. Lose — of viind^ tohoPre-exi3TENCE, n. Zen-se, maye no yo,kono yo no maj'e ni oru koto.wo ushinau, akire-hateru, ki-okure niPreface, n. Jo, hashigaki.nam.Prefer, t. v. Yerabu, tattomu, ageru, Present, a. Oru, iru, genzai, ima. Atsusumeru, / — this one^ kono ho ga — , toji, to-bun. For the — , to-bun,yoi.Preferable, a. Yoi, madashimo, mashi.Preference, n. Yerabi.Preferment, n. Risshin, shussei.Prefix, t. v. Maye ni oku. {n^ Kakari-kotoba.Pregnant, n. Kuwai-nin, mi-mochi,nin-shin, haramu, migomori.Prejudge, t. v. Mayemotte ketsudanPrejudice, n. Hiiki, kata-hiiki, yeko,katayori, higamu koto, gai, itami.Prejudicial, a. Doku-na, gai-naru, fu-Preliminary, a. Maye no.Premature, a. Haya-sugiru, toki-naranu.tsuki-taradzu, mada j'ukusenu. —birth, shosan. Prematurely old., hinekkobiru.Premeditate, /. v. Mayemotte kangayeru,mayemotte hakaru.Premise, t. v. Mayemotte iu.Premium, «. Hobi, ri, rigin.Premonition, «. ilayemotte shiraseru,saki ni shiraseru.Preoccupy, t. v. Saki ni oru, maye nisumu.Preordain, t. v. Mayemotte sadameru,arakajime kiwameru.Preparation, n. Shitaku, yoi, sonaye,yojin, teate, kakugo, moyoshi.Prepare, /. v. Shitaku suru, sonayeru,mokeru, koshirayeru, totonoyeru, kamayeru.moyosu.Prepay, t. v. Saki ni harau, maye-baraiwo suru.Prepayment, n. Maye-barai, mayesen.Preposterous, a, Ri ni somuku.Prerequisite, n, Mayemotte nakerebanaranu.Prerogative, n. Ki-suru koto, kakaruto-ji.Present, n. Rei-motsu, miage, okurimono,shinjo-mono, immotsu, shimmo-Present, t. V. Shinjo suru, okuru, ageru,tsukawasu, tatematsuru, teijo suru.Presentiment, n. Mayemotte orao.Presently, adv. Ima-ni, ottsuke, otte,nochihodo, hodonaku, sugu-ni, jikini.Preservation, n. Tasuke, sukui.Preserve, /. v. Tasukeru, suku, tabau,tamotsu, mamoru, shugo suru, kako,sato ni tsukeru.Preserve, n. Tomeba.Preserver, n. Tasuke-te, inochi no oya,tasuke nin.Preside, Shihai suru, matsurigoto wosuru.President, n. Toriyo, dai-toriyo.Press, t. v. Osu, shiboru, shimeru, isogu,seku, hayameru, shiiru. To — tip^ oshiageru.— down., oshi-kudasu, osayeru,oshi-tsukeru. — against, osayeru. —i}ito, oshi-komu, oshi-tsumeru, oshi-iru.— foriuard., isoide yuku. — out, oshidasu.Press, n. Shime-gi, han wo suru dogu,gun-ju. To put a book to — , hon wohan ni okosu.

PRE 137 PROPressed, a. Sappaku.Primogeniture, a. Chaku-son.Pressman, n. Han-suri.Prince, n. Tai-shi, miya, seishi.Pressure, n. Osu koto.Princess, n. _Hime, naishin-no, himemiya,Prestige, n. Dzu.hime-gimi.Presime, /. V. Omo, tsumoru.Principal, a. Taisetsu na, kanj'6 naru,Presumptuous, a. Sashi-deru.omoi, kuwantaru.Pretenxe, n. Kakotsuke, iigusa, dashi. Principal, n. Cho, kashira, motode, motokin,sen, sen-ichi. — <strong>and</strong> interest.,Pretend, t. v. Kakotsukeru, itsuwaru,kotoyoseru, maneru, niseru. — 7iot to guwan-ri. — thing., dai-ichi, kanyo, yo,kno-Wy shirabakkureru, shiranu kao wo kan-jin.suru. — to read, yomi-nasu.Principality, n. Riyobun, riyo.Pretender, n. Ikisugi, namaiki, kiitafu.Principally, adv. Moppara, dai-fchi,omo ni.Pretext, n. Kakotsuke, iigusa, dashi. Principle, n. Ri, dori, kotowari, michi,Pretty, a. Kirei na, utsukushii, migoto moto, kizashi, ri-ai.no, rippa naru.Print, t. v.Pretty, adv. Kanari, dzuibun, yaya. suru. —Han ni okosu, suru, jobokued book., hampon. Out of —Prevail, t. v. Katsu, hayaru, riuko suru,hakko suru.zeppan.Print, n. Ato, kata, ji.Prevalence, n. Hayari, riuko.Printer, n. Hansuri.Prevalent, a. Hayari no, riuko no, tsureiPrinting-office, n. Kuwappan-j6.no.Printing-press, n. Hansuri-dai.Prevaricate, /. v. Itsuwaru.Prior, a. Saki no, maye-no.Prevent, t. v. Kobamu, fusegu.Priority, n. According to — ,Prevention, «. Kobamu koto, fusegusengurikoto, samatage.Prison, n. Roya, hito-ya.Previous, a. Saki no, maye no, izen, sen. Prisoner, «. Zainin, meshiudo, tsumibito,— state., maj'e no yo, zen-se, shuku-sei.toriko.— contract., sen-yaku.Previously, ad7>. Itsuzoya, sendatte,maye-ni, maye-kata, mayemotte, kane-Privacy, n. Inkiyo, himitsu.Private, a. Jibun no, jishin no, watakushino, naisho no, naibun no, hisokasaki-hodo, sen-koku, katsute.naru. — business, shi-yo. — opinion,te, sakidatte,nai-i.Prey, a. Bundori.Privately, adv. Hisoka-ni, nai-nai, naishoPrey, t. v. Torn, ubau, ubai-toru.ni, aitai-ni, om-bin.Price, n. Nedan, ne, atai, dai, chin, shiru,Privation, n. Naki-koto, arazaru koto.daikin.Privilege, «.Price-current, n. Sobadzuke. Tea — sujime.Ki suru koto, mochimaye,chanofu.Priceless, a. Atai-naki, kane de kawarenuwaya.Privy, a.Privy, n.Hi-mitsu no, hisoka naru.Chodzuba, setsuin, koka, ka-Prick, t. v. Sasu, tsuku. — up the ears., Prize, n. Bundori, hobi.mimi wo sobadatsu.Prize, t. v. Tattomu, omondzuru, oshimu.Pricking, n. Chiku-chiku suru._Prickly-heat, n, Asebo.Probably, adv. Okata, tabun, osorakuba.Also for^ned by the suffixes, ra-Prickly-pear, n. Saboten.Pride, n. Koman, jiman, takaburi, hokori,shii, so, <strong>and</strong> ro, dearo.ofu, ohei, man-ki, man-shin. Probation, 71. Kokoromi, tameshi.Priest, n. Bodzu, osho, juji, so, hoshi. Probe, n. Saguri.Shintoo — , kannuahi.Probe, t. v. Saguru, gimmi suru.Primarily, adv. Madzu, moto, hajimete, Probity, n. Tadashisa, meihaku, shinjitsu.saisho.Primary, a. Moto-no. — importance^ Problematical, a. Obotsukanai, utagawashii,tashikanaranu.dai ichi, sen-ichi, sakidatsu.Prime, a. Moto-no, ichi-ban no, daiichino.

PRO 138 PROPrognosis, «. Yogo.reru, fure-chlrasu, shiraseru, tsudatsuwo sum.Prognostic, n. Shirase, zempiyo, sho.Proclamation, n. Ofure, go-j6-moku, Prognosticate, t. v. Mi-tosu, mi-nuku,fukoku.mi-sadameru, mayemotte iu.Proclivity, n. Kuse.Programme, n. Ban-tsuke.Procrastinate, t. v. Injun suru, yennin Progress, i. v. Susumu, te ga agaru,siiru, noberu, shi-nokosu.shimpo suru, sei-suru shotatsu suru.Procrastination, n. Injun, yennin, ima Progress, n. Susumi, te-agari, shimpo,subeki koto wo go nichi ni nobasu koto.shotatsu.Prohibit, t. v. Kobamu, fusegu, kindzu-Procreation, n. Umu koto.ru, kotowaru, seikin suru, sasayeru, seiProdigal, a. Tsuiyasu, oshige-naki, suru, choji suru.oshimadzu ni tsukau, mudadzukai, ozappai.Prohibition, n. Hatto, go hatto, kinzei.Project, n. Kufu, saku, tedate, hakarigoto.Prodigal, n.Sajizaika.Prodigious, n. Okii, bakutai, kuwodai. Project, t. v. Kufu suru, hakaru. (/'. v.)Prodigy, n. Hen-na koto, ayashii koto, deru. Projecting teet/i^ deba, soppa.miyo-na koto, ki-naru-koto, kikuwai.naeyebrows^ de-bitai. — eyes, de-ma.koto, heni, jimben.— navel, be-beso.Produce, t. v. Dasu. hiki-dasu, miseru, Prolapsus-ani, n. Dakko.shodzuru, musubu, naru, tsukuru, koshirayeru,Prolific, a. Yutaka naru, yoku dekiru,saku, dekiru,yoku shodzuru.tateru.Produce, ti. Saku, tsukuri, deki, sakumotsu,Prolix, a. Nagai, nagatarashii, shitsu-sambutsu.koi, kudoi, kuda-kudashii, kojirettai.Product, n. Deki, saku, sambutsu. Prolong, t. v. Nagaku suru, nobasu, nobiru,Production, n. Saku-motsu, sambutsu,ato wo hiku.tsukuri-mono.Prolongation, n. Nobasu koto.pROF.ANATiON, n. Kami to kami no monogoto nado wo kegasu koto, mottai-nakiProminent, a.tsu. — eyeSyHiidetaru, takai, meda-de-me. — eyebrows, debitai.Promiscuous, a. Midaretaru, konzatsuProfane, a. Mottainai, kegaretaru, seinaranu.Profane, /. v. Kami to kami no monogoto nado wo kegasu. To — the Sabbath^ansoku-nichi wo kegasu.Profess, t. v. Omote-muki ni mosu, iu,ii-tsutayeru.Profession, «. Giyo-tei, shu-shi.Professor, n. Hakase.Proffer, t. v. Atayeru, yaru.Proficient, n. Jodzu, yete, tokui, shotatsu.Proficient, a. Tasshitaru, shotatsu na.Profile, n. Hammen no j'edzu.Profit, n. Ri, riyeki, bu-ai, yeki, hai,ri-bun, tokusei, moke, toku, bugin, tame.— <strong>and</strong> loss ^ ri-gai, son-toku, tokushitsu.Profit, t. v. Tame ni naru, yo ni tatsu,yaku ni tatsu.Profitable, a. Toku-yo na, rikata ninaru, ri no aru, kai no aru, tame ni naru,toku ni naru, yo ni tatsu.Profligate, a, Doraku, hoto, ho-ratsuna.Profound, a. Fukai, omoi, tasshitaru.Profuse, a. Tsuiyasu, sanzai suru, tappurl,ikai, yokei na.Progenitor, n. Senzo, koso, shiso, ganso.Progeny, n.Shison.shita.Promiscuously, adv. Konzatsu shite, midarete,mazete.Promise, n. Yakusoku, yaku-j6, ukeai,katame. A person of great — , tanomoshikihito.Promise, t. v. Yakusoku suru, ukeau.Promontory, n. Hana.Promote, t. v. Susumeru, sho-tatsu saseru,shussei suru, ageru, hiromeru.Promotion, n. Shussei, shoshin.Prompt, t. v. Jogon suru, odateru, saseru,hagemasu.Prompt, a. Hayai, sumiyaka na, toi,shin-sotsu, sakui.Promptly, adv. Hayaku, toku, sugu-ni.Promulgate, t. v. Hiromeru, fureru,fukoku suru.Prone, a. Utsubushi, katamuku, sukina.Lay the hatid — , te wo fuseru.Prong, n. Mata.Pronoun, n. Dai-mei-shi.Pronounce, t. v. Iu, hanasu.Pronunciation, n. li-kata, ii-yo, roretsu.Proof, «. Shoko, kokoromi, akashi.Fire — , higotaye no yoi. Bullet —tama-gotaye.Prop, «. Shimbari, tsuka, tsuppari, tsukkaibo.Prop, /. v. Kau, shimbari wo kau.

PRO 139 PRYPropagate, t. v. Tsutayeru, hiromeru,sh

PSA 140 PUS«/, koji-ageru. — open^ koji-akeru.— apart, koji-hanasu.Psalm, n. Wa-san, shomiyo.Puberty, n. Hito to naru toki, otona,iroke-dzukji.Public, a. Oyake no, bahareru. — business^go-yo. — <strong>and</strong> private, ko-shi.omotemuki— service^ ko-mu. In — ,Publication, «. Shuppan, fukoku.Public-house, n. Yadoya, hatagoya.Publicly, adv. Omote-muki ni, oyakeni, kozen-to, arawa-ni.Publicity, n. Guwai-bun, ta-mon.Publish, /. v. Hiromeru, fureru, arawasu,fukoku sum, tsiidatsu sum, shuppansum, amu, fure-shirasu.Pucker, /. v. Subomeru, hisomeru.Pudding, n. Shokumotsu no na.Puddle, n. Nukarunii, midzu-damari.Puerile, a. Kodomorashii, osanage na.Puff, t. v. Hito-iki wo fuku. — up,homeru. Puffed up, fukureru, jimansuru.Puff-ball, n. Me-tsubure-dake.Pugnacious, a, Ken-kuwa-dzuki.Puke, t. v. Haku, modosu, to suru.Pull, t. v. Hiku, toru, mushiru, mogu,tsumu, sobiku. — in two, saku. —apart, hiki-hanasu, hiki-wakeru. — up,hiki-ageru, hiki-okosu, hiki-tateru, nuku.— out, hiki-dasu, nuku, hiki-hadzusu.— off^ hiki-hagu. — opeti, hikihatakeru._— over, hiki-taosu. —across, hiki-watasu. — i7i, hiki-irem,hiki-komu. — back, hiki-kayesu, hikimodosu.— around, hiki-mawasu.— opposite, hiki-mukeru. — doivn,hiki-orosu, hiki-otosu.yoseru, hiki-tsureru.— near, hiki-— along, hikitsureru.Pull, n. Hiki.Pulley, n. Rokuro, sebi.Pulpit, n. Koza.Pulsate, /. v. Utsu, ugoku, odoru, kudosuru.Pulsation, n. Kudo, hibiki.Pulse, n. Miyaku.Pulverize, t. v. Ko ni suru, saimatsu nisuru, suri-tsubusu.PuMELO, n. Zabon.Pumice-stone, n. Karu-ishi.Pump, n. Pompu, riu-tosui.Pumpkin, n. Kabocha, bobura.Pun, «. Share, jiguchi.Punch, «. Uchigiri.Punch, t. v. Buchi-komu, tsuku, utsu.PuNTiLious, a, Kata-sugiru, reigi sugiru,katakurushii.Punctual, a. Katai, toki wo hadzusanu,kichomeu.Punctuality, n. Kokugen wo tagayezarukoto.Punctually, adv. Soi naku, tashika ni,machigawadzu.Punctuation, n. Kuto.Punctuate, /. v. Ku wo kim, ten wotsukeru, kin wo tsukeru, kutO wo tsukeru.Puncture, n. Ana.Puncture, t. v. Tsuki-tosu, sasu.Pungent, a. Karai.Punish, /. v. Tsumi suru, korasu, imashimeru.kei-batsu suru, bassuru, shiokiwo suru, sekkan suru, chiu-batsu suru.Punishment, «. Shioki, kei-batsu, imashime,korashi, bachi, batsu. Capital— ,dan-zai. — by hard labor., bakkin.Pup, 71.Pupil, n.Ko-inu, inukoro.Deshi, monjin, shosei. — ofthe eye, hitomi, doji.Puppet, n, Ningiyo. — show, kairai,kugudzu.Purchase, /. v. Kau, motomeru.Purchase, n. Kau koto.Purchaser, «. Kai-te.Pure, a. Sumi-kitta, sunda, kirei-na,kiyoki, sh6j6-na, muku, seichoku na,isagiyoi, kiyoraka na, sei-ketsu-na. —heart, tanshin, sekishin. — <strong>and</strong> impure,sei-daku. — stream, sei-riu.— water, sei-sui.Purgative, n. Gezai, kudashi-gusuri.Purge, t. v. Kudasu, sha suru.Purify, t. v. Sumasu, kiyomeru, kireini suru.Purification, n. Kiyomeru koto.Purity, n. Kiyoki koto.Purloin, t. v. Nusumu, kasumeru.Purple, a. Murasaki.Purport, w. Omomuki, wake, imi, shui.Purpose, n. Kokorozashi, kokoro, wake,yuye, shisai, tsumori, riyoken. On —waza-to, koto-sara-ni. To no — , mudani,munashiku, itadzura-ni. To answerthe — kototaru, ma-ni-awaseru.,Purpose, t. v. Omo, kokorozasu, sadamaru.Purposely, adv. Waza-to, koto-sara-ni.Purse, «. Kinchaku, kane-ire.Purser, n. Kanjo-kata.Pursuant, a. Shitagatte, tsuite, yotte.Pursue, t. v. Ou, okkakeru, tsuku, karu,yuku.Pursuer, n. Otte.Pursuit, n. Oi, tosei, kagiyo, shobai.Purulent, a. Unda, umi wo motsu.Purvey, t. v. Makanau.Purveyor, n. Makanai-kata.Pus, n. Umi, no.Push, t. v. Osu, tsuku. against, oshitsukeru,oshi-ateru. — across, oshi-

PUS 141 QUAwatasu. — ?//, oshi-agerii, oshi-tateru. odosu, obiyakasu. — aside, or out of— over^ oshi-taosu, oshi-watasu, oshikosu.— out^ oshi-dasu. —the "way, dokeru, nokeru. — on thez«, oshikomu,oshi-ireru. — down^ oshi-fuse-ou. — into water, midzu ni hitasu. —fre, taku, kuberu. — over, kabuseru,ru, oshi-taosu, oshi-otosu, oshi-sageru.— neai', oshi-yoseru. — apart, oshihedateru,oshi-wakeru. —

QUA 142 RAIQuarrel, /. v. Kenkuwa suru, s6-ronsuru, koron suru, arasou, naka ga warukunam.Quarrelsome, a. Kenkuwa-dzuki na.Quarry, t. v. Hori-dasu, kiri-dasu.Quarry, n. Ishi wo hori-dasu tokoro.Quart, a.= about, shi-go rok' shaku.Quarter, n. Shi-bu-ichi, konaka.Quarter, t. v. Yotsu ni wakeru. ,Quarterly, adv. San ka getsu me ni.Quartz, n. Suisho.Quash, t. v. Osayeru, shidzumeru.Quay, n. Hatoba, age-ba.Queen, n. Kisaki, niyo-tei.Queer, a. Ayashii, okashii, otsuna.Quell, i. v. Shidzumeru, osameru, tairageru,heiji suru.Quench, t. v. Kesu, shimeru.Querulous, a. Fusoku wo iu, fu-manwo iu, tsubuyaku.Query, i. v. To, tadzuneru.Quest, n. Tadzune, tansaku, negai.Question, n. Toi, tadzune, ron, rongi,rondan. Beyofid all — , mochiron,mottomo. — <strong>and</strong> answer., mon-do.To proj>ose difficult — , nam-mon suru,shimon suru. To call in — , utagai wokakeru.Question, t, v. Tadzuneru, to, gimmi*suru.Questionable, a. Obotsukanai, ibukashii.Quibble, /. v. Rikutsu wo iu.Quibble, «. Ri-kutsu.Quibblek, n. Rikutsu-sha.Quick, a. Hayai, sassoku na, sumiyakana, kiu na, jiki, toi, soso, isogu.Quick, n. To pierce to the — , mi nitessuru, mi ni shimiru.Quicken, t. v. Hayameru, seku, isogaseru.Quickly, adv. Hayaku, sassoku, kiu-ni,jiki-ni, isoide, toku, kiusoku.Quickness, n. Hayasa.Quick-sighted, a. Me bayai.Quicksilver, n. Midzukane, suigin.Quiet, a. Shidzuka na, odaj'aka na,tairaka naru, ochi-tsuku, hei-an na-Quiet, t. V. Shidzumeru, osameru, heijisuru, ochi-tsukeru.Quietly, adv. Shidzuka ni, odayakani, ochi-tsuite, sotto, soro-soro-to, yuyu.Quietness, n. Anki, an-non, an-raku,hei-an.Quill, n. Hane, fude.Quill, t. v. Hida wo toru.Quilt, n. Futon.Quilt, t. v. Tojiru, nu.Quince, n. Karin.Quinine, n. Kinayen, kiniin.Quintessence, «. Goku-i, shu-i, ogi.Quire, n. Kami niju-shi mai.Quit, /. z'. Yameru, yosu, suteru, suteteoku,utcharu, saru, hanareru.Quite, adv. Mattaku, sappari-to, sarani.Quiver, n. Yebira, yanagui, utsubo, yugi,yadzusu.Ql'Iver, i. V. Furu, wanaku, ononoku,senritsu suru.Quiz, t. v. Choro suru, guro suru, naburu.Quotation, n. Hiki-koto, soba.Qi;ote, t. V. Hiku, soba wo tsukeruQuotidian-ague, n. Hi okori.RRabbit, n. Usagi.Radiate, /. v. Deru, hassuru, hanatsu.Rabble, n. Shita-jita, shimo-jimo. Radical, a. Ne, hon, moto,guwan. —Rabid, a. KuruL — do^., yamai-inu. o/a Chinese character, bu.R.\ce, n. Chisuji, kazoku, shison, hashiri-kurabe.Horse — , kei-ba. Boat — Radish, n. Daikon.Radically, adv. Mattaku.kei-shu. — course., baba.Raft, n. Ikada.Race, i. v. Hashiru, kakeru. (t. v.) Rafter, n. Taruki.Hashiraseru.Rag, n. Boro, tsudzure. Old — , furugire.Rack, n. Clothes — , iko. Pen — , hikka.Sword — , katana-kake.Rage, /. v. Ikaru, areru.Rack, t. v. Semeru, kurushimeru. Rage, n. Ikari, kurui, ikidori, rippuku.Racket, n, Sawa^.Ragged, n. Yaburetaru, hotsureru.Racy, a. Kobashii.Raging, a. Kuru, hageshii, takeshii.Radiance, n. Koki, kagayaki.Rail, n. Tesuri, rankan.

. ru.RAI 143Rail, t. v. Nonoshiru, noru.Rank, t. v. Naraberu, sonayeru, tsuraneru.Raillery, n. Jodan.Railroad, n. Tetsudo.Ransack, t. v. Hobo sagasu, tansakuRaiment, n. Ifuku, kimono.suru.Rain, n. Ame. Long — , furi-tsudzuki. Ransom, n. Aganai-kin, mi-uke-kin,Prayer for — , ama-goi. — dro/s^ aganai, tsugunai.amadare. — hat, amagasa. Heavy — Ransom, t. v. Aganau, mi-uke suru.6-ame, 6-buri. To — , ame ga furu, fu- Rant, i. v. Koye wo takaku iu, kowadakani iu.Having: the appearance 0/ —amakedzuku, amefuriso. Detained in Rap, t. V. Tataku, butsu, utsu.the house by rain, furi-komerareru. Rapacious, a. Takeki, muri-mutai-na,To — several days, furi-tsudzuku.tori-akinu.Rainbow, n.Rape, n. Go-in.Niji, kogei.Rain-coat, n. Kappa, ama-gappa. Rape, n. Kabura-na.Rain-door, n. Amado, amashoji. Rapeseed, «. Natane.Rain-screen, n. Ama-yoke.Raphe, n, — of the nose, hana no mizo._Rain-tub, n. Midzutame, tensui-oke.Rain-water, n. Ama-midzu, tensui. Rapid, a. Hayai, kiu-na.Rainy, a. Uten, amefuri, buri-gachi na. Rapidity, n. Hayasa.— season^ niu-bai. — night, ama-yo. R.APIDLY, adv. Hayaku, isoide, kiu-ni.Raise, t. v. Ageru, tateru, agameru, Rapids, ?i. Se, kiu-riu, hayase.Rapine, «. Ubai-tori.odateru, kakageru. — frottt sleep, samesu,okiru. — a fajnily, sodateru,buiku suru.from death, ikasu, yomi-gayeru.— money, kane wo koshirayeru.— horses, uma wo kau, or, umawo koshirayeru. — -wheat, mugi wotsukuru. — a sedition, muhon wookosu. — the price, nedan wo ageru,or, nedan wo takaku suru. — bread,pan wo fukurakasu. — a siege, kakomiwo toku. — a wall, ishi-gaki wokidzuku.Raisin, n. Hoshi-budo.Rake, n. Kumade, doraku mono.Rake, t. v. Kaku. — together, kakiatsumeru.— <strong>and</strong> level, kaki-narasu.Rally, t. v. Hiki-kayesu, matomeru,atsumeru.Ram, ;/. 0-hitsuji.Ram, t. V. Tsuki-komu, buchi-komu.Ramble. /. 7'. Aruki-mawaru, bura-buraaruku, shoj'o suru, haikuwai suru.Ramify, t. v. Yeda wo dasu.Ramrod, n. Hisao, karuka.Rancid, a. Kusai.Rancor, n. Urami, nikumi, ikon, ishu.R<strong>and</strong>om, a. — shot, magure-atari, nagare-ya.Shoot at—^, mekura-uchi.Talk at — , dehodai, detarame.Range. /. v. Naraberu, sonayeru. (z'. v.)aruki-mawaru.Range, n. Narabi, kurai, dan. Kitchen— , kamado. — of an arrow, yagoro,ya-omote.Rank, n. Narabij retsu, sonaye, kurai,kaku, kakushiki, i, ikai, bungen, mibun,rui, daigo.Rank, a. Shigeru, habikoru, kurai, akudoi,shitsukoi.Rank, /. v. Narabu, rui suru.Rare, a. Medzurashii, mare-na, sukunai.— thing, chim-butsu. — beefnama-yake no niku.Rarefy, t. v. Usuku suru, karuku suru.Rarely, adz>. Mare ni, tama ni, tamatama,tamasaka, mare-mare, metta-ni.Rarity, n. Medzurasbisa, mare-narukoto, chim-butsu, ususa, karusa.Rascal, «. Kiyatsu, yatsu, aitsu.Rash, n. Mukomidzu, ki wo tsukenu,muteppo.Rasp, ?i. Yasuri.Rasp, t. v. Kedzuru, orosu.Raspberry, n. Ichigo.Rat, n. Nedzunii.Ratan, n. To.R.\te, n. Kurai, hodo, dake, ne, nedan.— of interest, wari-ai. Market —soba. At any — , do demo.Rate, t. z>. Shikaru, togameru, hakaru,tsumoru, kurai wo tsukeru, shina wotsukeru.Rather, adv. Kayete, mushiro, nakanaka,nama-naka. — think that, yawaka,yomoya. — better, yaya yoroshii.Ratify, t. v. Musubu, sadameru.Ratio, n. Hodo, kurai.Ration, w. Fuchi, mosso.Rational, «. Dori ni kanau, dori \vowakimayeru. To become — , sho-ki ninaru.R.A.TiONALE, n. li-ware, dori.R.Jitionalist, n. Ri-gakusha.Ratsbane, n. Nedzumi-koroshi.Rattle, /. 7/. Gara-gara naru, gata-gatasuru.Ravage, t. v. Arasu, abareru.

RAV 144 RECRavaged, a. Areru.Rave, /. v. KurQ, uwa-koto wo iu, sengowo iu.RA^•EL. t. V. Toku, tokeru.Raven, n, Karasu.Ravenous, n. Gatsu-gatsu suru.Ravine, n. Kai, tani.Ravish, t. v. Ubai-toru, go-in suru.Raw, a. Nama, arai. — hide^ aragawa.Ray, n, — ef sun^ kuwo-sen.Raze, t. v. Horobosu, uchi-kudzusu.Razor, n. Kami-sori,Razor-strop, n. Togi-kawa.Reach, t. v. Todokeru, todoku, oyobu,itaru, ataru.Reach, n. Atari, te-moto, te-jika, teatari.Re-act, t. v. Kotayeru, hibiku.Re-action, n. Hadzumi, hibiki.Read, t. v. Yomu, doku-sho suru. —mi-ageru. to yomi-kakeru.,Wish to — yomi-tai. Do not -wish to,— yomi-taku nai. Hard to — yomigatai,, ,through, yomi-tosu, yonde shimau, yo-About —yomi-nikui. To mistake inreading, yomi-ayamaru, yomi-sokonau.To pretend to — yomi-nasu. To,read over again, kuri-kayeshite yomu,sarayeru. Can — yomeru.Readily, adv.,Hayaku, yasuku, suguni,sumiyaka-ni, j'oku, kokoro-yoku.Readiness, n. Hayasa, yasusa, shitaku,kakugo.Re-adjust, t. v. Mata sonayeru, futatabitsukurau.Re-admit, /. v. Mata iraseru.Ready, a. Shitaku ga aru, yoi ga aru,kakugo aru, sonaye ga aru, kokoro-!yoku, sasoku. To make — , shitakusuru, yoi suru, kakugo suru, sonayeru.— 77ioney, genkin, sokkin. — to j>erish,shi ni kakaru. — way, chikai-michi.— at h<strong>and</strong>, temoto, tejika. — made,deki-ai, ari-ai.Real, a. Jitsu na, hon no, makoto no.Reality, n. Ji-jitsu, jitsu. In — , honni, jitsu ni, makoto ni, ge-ni.Realize, t. v. Jitsu to omo, honto toomo, makoto to suru, omoi-yaru. Donot — jitsu to senu, makoto to omowanu.,Really, ad7'. Jitsu ni, hon ni, makotoni, naka-naka.Realm, n. Kuni, koku.Ream, w. Kami shi hiyaku hachi-jumai.Reanimate, t. v. Yomi-gayeraseru, hagemasu,iki-kayeru, ike-kayesu.Reap, t. v. Karu, kiru.Reaper, n. Kari-te.Re-appear, t, v. Mata miyeru, mataarawareru, sai-rai suru.Re-appoint, /. v. Mata nindzuru, saininmoshi-tsukeru.Rear, a. Ushiro, ato. — column o/" anarmy, go-jin, shingari. — house, uradana.Rear, t. v. Tateru, sodateru, buiku suru,yoiku suru, yashinau, hagokumu,mori-tateru.Rear-guard, n. Shingari, gojin.Rear-rank, n. Go-jin.Re-ascend, /. v. Mata noboru.Reason, a- Dori. ri, kotowari, michi,rikutsu yuye, sei, wake, waza, chiye,fumbetsu. By — o/, ni yotte, uye n\.Reason, i. v. Kangayeru, fum-betsusuru, rondzuru, dan-ko suru, hiyo-ronsuru, giron suru.Reasonable, a. Dori ni kanau, ri ni au,mottomo.Reason.ably, adv. Mottomo, dzui-bunni, kanari.Reasoning, n. Ron, gi-ron, hiyo-ron.Re-assemble, t. v. Sai-kuwai suru, futa-tabiatsumeru.Re-assure, /. v. Ki ga tsuku.Rebel, n. Mu-hon-nin, giyaku-shin,giyaku-zoku.Rebel, t. v. Mu-hon suru, hon-giyakusuru, sakarau.Rebellion, n. Muhon, hon-giyaku, geki-ran,ran-giyaku.Rebellious, a. Giyaku-i, bogiyaku na.Re-blossom, i. v. Kayeri-bana ga saku.Rebound, i. v. Hane-kayeru.Rebuff, t. v. Uchi-kayesu, kotowaru.Rebuff, n. Kotowari, kobami.Rebuild, t. v. Sai-kon suru, mata-tateru.Rebuke, t. v. Togameru, shikaru, imashimeru,korasu.Rebus, n. Hanji-mono de kaitaru koto.Rebut, t. v. Uchi-fusegu, ronjite taiRecall, t. v. Yobi-kayesu. — to mind.,omoi-dasu.Recant, t. v. li-kayesu, ii-kayeru, iinaosu.Recapitulate, t. v. Kuri-kayeshite iu,temijika-ni iu.Recapture, t. v. Tori-kayesu.Recast, /. v. I-naosu, mata iru.Recede, /. v. Shirizoku, ato-shizaru,yameru, hiku, nai-ko suru.Receipt, n. Morai, itadaki, ch5-dai, komuri,uketori, shihogaki. On — of,uketori shidai ni. To be in the — ofyour letter, otegami wo raku-shu itashisoro. Receipts <strong>and</strong> expenditures da-.,shi-ire, de-iri.

REC145 REDReceive, /. zi. Uketoru, morau, itadaku, tokeru, naka-naori wo suru, toke-au,chodai suru, komuru, adzukaru, tamawaru,ukeru, juno suru, sadzukaru. — RhCONCiLiATioN, n. Naka-naori, toke-akirameru, kanawaseru.a guest, kiyaku wo mukayeru.ai, waboku.Receiver, n. Uketori-nin, morai-te. — Recondite, a. Ogi, kakureru, ommitsuo/ stolen goods, nuke-mono-kai.Recent, a. Atarashii, shin. — times, Reconnoitre, t. v. Ukagau.chikaki toshi, chikagoro, kin-nen. Reconquer, t. v. Tori-kayesu, futaRecentlv, adv. Konaida, kono-goro tabi toru.sen-jitsu, chikagoro, kinrai.Reconsider, t. v. Mata-kangayeru, kuri-kayeRecess, n. Kiri, j'^asumi, hiki, naka-iri,shite omo, omoi-kayesu, omoi-shirizoki.naosu.Receptacle, n. Ire-mono.Reconstruct, i. v. Sai-kon suru, mataReception, n. Uketori, ukeru koto, tateru, saiko suru.mukayeru koto.Reconvey, t. V. Mochi-kayesu, hakobikayesu,Recipe, n. Shiho-gaki, ho-gaki.kayesu.Reciprocal, a. Tagai, ai-tagai.Record, t. v. Shirusu, kaki-tomeru,Reciprocally, adv. Ai-tagai-ni, tagai tsukeru, ki suru, noseru.ni, katami ni.Record, n. Cho, chomen, kiroku, denki,Reciprocate, t. v. Kayowasu, tori-kayeru,roku. Family — , kafu,keidzu.kayesu, mukuyuru, hodzuru, shi-Recorder, n. Sho-ki, hissei.au, shikayesu.Recount, t. v. Kataru, monogataru,Recital, «. Noberu koto, tsugeru koto.Recourse, n. To have — to, tanomu.noberu, hanasu, tsugeru, iu.Recitation, n. Sodoku, an-sho, sor<strong>and</strong>zurukoto.tori-modosu. — /rom sickness, hom-Recover, t. v. Tori-kayesu, tori-kayeru,Recite, t. v. Noberu, sodoku wo suru, buku suru, zenkuwai suru, heiyu suru,ansho suru, chiu de yomu, tonayeru, naoru, kuwaifuku suru.bendzuru, sor<strong>and</strong>zuru.Recovery, n. Hombuku, zenkuwai,Reckless, a. Muko-midzu na, muyami heiyu, oginai, kuwaifuku.na, metta-na.Recreant, n. Oku-biyo nin, hon-giyakuRecklessly, adv. Mukomidzu ni, muyamini.Recreation, n. Nagusami, asobi, kisan-ji,Reckon, /. v. Kanjo suru, kazoyeru,ki-barashi.tsumoru, hakaru, kadzu wo ageru, Sanyosuru.Recriminate, t. v.tagai, ni toganieru.Tagai ni uttayeru,Reckoning, n. Kanjo, tsumori, kazoye, Recruit, n. Shin heisotsu.Recruit, /. v. Oginau, tasu, hoyekisanj'6.Reclaim, t. v, Tori-kayesu, tori-modosu, suru, shimpei wo tsukuru.shi-naosu, tame-naosu, — ivild l<strong>and</strong>, Rectify, t. v. Naosu, aratameru, kaikakuare-chi wo kaitaku suru.suru, kaisei suru.Recline, t. v. Neru, fuseru, fusu. Rectitude, n. Shojiki, tadashii, seichoku.Recluse, «, Inkiyo, in-ja.Recognition, n. Mi-oboye, shochi. Rectum, n. Jiki-cho.Recognize, t. v. Mi-oboyeru, shochi Recur, t. v. Kayeru, sai-kayeru, sai-kansuru.suru.Recoil, /. v. Shisaru, kayeru, mijiroku, Recurrent, a. Sai-kan naru.atomodoru.Red, a. Akai, kurenai. Turn — , akamidatsu.Recoil, n. Shisaru koto.Recoin, t. ZI. Kuwa-hei wo i-naosu. Redden, t. v. Akaku suru, akameru.Recollect, t. v. Oboyeru, onioi-dasu, (i. V.) Akaramu. Face to — , sekimenkokorodzuku.Recollection, n. Oboye.Reddish, a. Akami.Recommence, t. v. Mata hajimeru. Redeem, t. v. Aganau, mi-uke wo suru,Recommend, /. v. Tori-motsu.uke-kaj-esu, kai-modosii.Recommendation, n. Tori-mochi. Letterof— , soye-bumi, tensho.Rede*iption, n. Kai-modoshi, aganai,Redeemer, n. Aganai-nin.Recompense, t. v. Mukuyuru, hodzuru, mi-uke.hempo suru, tsugunau.Red-haired, a. Aka-ge.Recompense, n. Mukui, hempo.Red-hot, a. Hi ni naru, yakeru.Reconcile, t. v. Naka wo naosu, uchi- Red lead, m. Tan.

RED 146 REIRed ochre, n. Taishaseki.Redolent, a. Nioi-wataru, kobashii,kaoru.Redouble, t. v. Bai suru, kasaneru.Redoubt, n. Toride, daiba.Redoubtable, n. Osoroshii, daitanno.Redound, z. v. Kayeru, modoru, oyobu.Redress,^, v. Naosu, aratameru, tadasu,tsugunau.Redress, n. Tasuke, sukui. No —tasuke yo ga nai. Ask for — , sukuiwo negau.Reduce, /. v^ Habuku, gendzuru, herasu,otosu. — the price^ makeru, hiku. —to subjection^ tairageru, shitagawaseru.— in rani, shikujiru.Reduction, «. Habuki, gensho, herashi.— in price, ne-biki.Redundant, a. Yokei na, yobun na,amari no, nokoru, kuwa-bun naru.Reduplicate, t. v. Bai suru, kasaneru.Reed, n. Take, yoshi, aze.Reef, n. Iwa.Reef, t. v. Ho wo tsumeru.Reek, i. v. Mushi-tatsu, jo-hatsu suru.Reel, n. Waku, maiba, kase, oga.Reel, t. v. Kuru. (/. v.) Yoromeku,yorokeru.Re-embark, t. v. Mata fune ni noru.Re-enforce, /. v. Masu, kuwayeru.Re-enforce.ment, n. Yem-pei.Re-enter, t. v. Ma a iru, sai-niu suru.Reeve, t. v. Tosu.Re-export, t. v. Tsumi-kayeru.Refectory, n. Shokudo.Refer, t. v. RIakaseru, kayesu, adzukeru.•(/. z/.) Sasu, tsuku, ate-tsukeru,yosoyeru.Reference, n. in — to, ni tsuite, sonochinami-ni.Refine, t. v. Fuki-wakeru, yaki-naosu,aratameru, naosu, kirei ni suru, keppakuni suru.Refined, n. Kirei na, furiu na, ateyakana, miyabi-taru, miyabiyaka na, fuga.Refit, t. v. Tsukurau, shufuku suru.Reflect, i. v. Kangayeru, omoi-mawasu,shiriyo suru, utsuru, kayeri-miru.(/. z/.)Utsusu.Reflection, n.shi. — of sound,Kangaye, shiriyo, utsu-hibiki-kayeru ; oflight, teri-kayeru.Reflux, n. Nagare-kayeru koto.Reform, t. v. Aratameru, kai-kakusuru, naosu, kai-shin suru, hen-kakuAratameru koto, kai-suru.Reformation, n.shin.Refractory, a. Ri ni shitagawanu, fuko,wagamama.Refrain, i. v. Hikayeru, shimbo suru,tatsu.Refresh, t. v. Sudzumu, nagusameru,noriyo wo suru, yasumeru, oginau.Refreshing, a. Sudzushii.Refreshment, n. Oginai-mono, shokumotsu.Refrigerate, t. v. Hiyasu, samasu.Refuge, n. Kakure-ba, tanomi-dokoro,yogai, nogare-dokoro.Refugee, n. Ochi-udo.Refulgent, a. Kagayaku, hikaru, kirakirasuru.Refund, ^. v. Tsugunau, kayesu.Refusal, ^». Kotowari.Refuse, t. v. Kotowaru, yurusanu, shochisenu, ji-tai suru, inamu.Refute, t. v. li-yaburu, ii-tsumeru,,- ikatsu, ii-tsubusu, heiko saseru.Regain, t. ?'. Saiko suru, mata detekuru, tori-kayesu.Regal, a. O no.Regard, t. v. Itou, kamau, kayeri-miru,tattomu, mamoru, uyamau. In — to^ni tsuite.Regard, «. Uyamai, tattomi.Regardless, a. Itowadzu, kayeri-midzu,oshimadzu.Regenerate, t. v. Aratamesaseru, honshinni kayesu, arata ni suru.Regeneration, n. Aratameru koto, kaishinsuru.Regent, n. Sessho.Regicide, n. O wo shii suru hito.Regimen, n. Doku-date, yojo, shokuji.Region, n. Tochi, tokoro, atari, kai.Register, n. Cho, chomen, koseki.Register, t. v. Kaki-tomeru, tsukeru.Regret, ft. Zan-nen, kuchi-oshii, kuyami,oshimi, mu-nen, ki-no-doku, kokuwai.Regret, i. z>. Kuyamu, kokuwai suru,oshimu, kinodoku ni omo, zan-nen niomo. To be regretted^ kuyashii.Regretful, a. Kuyashii, zan-nen, kuchi-oshiki.Regular, w. Tori-shimari no yoi. —£?r^^r, jum-ban, jun-jun ni.Regularity, n. Tori-shlmari, shimari.Regulate, /. v. Osameru, totonoyeru,tori-shimaru, shihai suru, hei-kuwasuru.Regulation, n. Okite, sadame, gijo.Regurgitate, t. v. Haku, modosu.Rehearse, t. v. Hanasu, kataru, noberu,mono-gataru.Reign, t. v. Kurai wo fumu, shihai suru,osameru, matsurigoto suru.Reigning, a. — emperor, zai-i, kin-jo.

Otie in whom avarice is the reigningpassion, rij'oku-gachi na mono.Reimburse, t. v. Tsugunau.Rein, n. Tadzuna.Reins, n. Koshi.Reinstate, t. v. Matakurai ni kayesu,Reiterate, t. v. Kuri-kayesu, kasanegasaneiu.Reject, t. v. Suteru, utcharu, kotowaru,ukenu, shochi senu.Rejoice, /. v. Yorokobu, kiyetsu suru,tanoshimu.Rejoin, t. v. Mata au, oi-tsuku, matakuwayeru,kotayeru.Rejoinder, n. Kotaye.Relapse, i. v. Sai-kan suru, sai-hotsUjsai-kaj-^eru, tachi-modoru, ato-modoriwo suru, temodori.Relate, t. i>. Noberu, kataru, iu, hanasu,tsugeru, chindzuru, kakawaru, tsuku.Relation, n. Mono-gatari, hanashi,shin-rui, yenja, aidagara, yukari, miyori,yen, chinami, chigiri. tame. In— to, ni tsuite, taishite. What — is heto yoil, anata no do iu go shinrui.Relative, n. Shinrui, yenja, shinzoku,tsuku.Relax, t. v. Yurumeru, kutsurogeru,yasumeru, yawarageru. (/. v.) Yurumu,darumu.Relaxation, n. Nagusami, yasumi, kibarashi,yurumi.Relay, n. Kaye-uma.Release, n. Yurushi, hanatsu koto.Release, t. v. Hanasu, yurusu.Relegate, t. v. Yaru, watasu.Relent, /. v. Tokeru, yurumu, yawaragu,awaremu.Relentless, a. Jihi naki, awaremi naki.Relevant, a. Kanau, au, tekito.Reliable, a. Tanomoshii, tori-tome noaru, shindzu beki, yoridokoro ni naru.Reliance, n. Tanomi, tayori, chikara,shinko, yoridokoro, yosuga.Relic, «. Ato, nokori, nagori.— , ko-seki.AncientRelief, n. Raku, tasuke, sewa.Relieve, t. %>. Raku ni suru, yurumeru,tasukeru, sewa suru.Religion, n. Oshiye, michi, ho, do.Religious, a. Shin-jin-naru. — book,oshiye no hon, do-gaku-sho. — discourses,do-wa.Relinquish, t. v. Yameru, suteru, haisuru, yudzuru, shirizoku.Relish, i. v, Oishiku omou, amanau,am<strong>and</strong>zuru, konomu, suku. Do not —oishiku nai.Reluctance, n. Without — , oshige monaku.147 REMReluctant, a. Oshimti, iyagaru, kirau,ito, magete.Rely, i. v. Tanomu, tayoru, sugaru,yoru.Remain, i. v. Matsu, todomaru, tomaru,to-riu suru, zairiu suru, nokoru, nokosu,amaru, amasu.Remainder, n. Nokori, amari. — o/oney. i-gin.Remaining, a. Nokoru, amaru. None— , nokoradzu.Remains, ft. Ato, nokori, amari, nakigara.Rem<strong>and</strong>, t. v. Kayesu.Remark, t. v. Mi-tomeru, mi-tsukeru,hanasu.Remark,\ble, a. Miyo na, kimiyo na,medzurashii, kakubetsu no.Remark.\blv, adv. Kaku-betsu ni, torivvakete,besshite.Remarry, t. v. Sai-yen suru, futatabimetoru.Remediable, a. Naorareru.Remediless, a. Naoranu, shikata ga nai.Remedy, n. Kusuri, shi-kata, shi-3'0,sen-kata. No — , kusuri ga nai, shikataga nai.Remedy, t. v. Naoru, naosu, tsukuro,oginau.Remember, t. v. Oboyeru, omoi-dasu,kokoro ni kakeru, kokoroyeru.Remembrance, n. Oboye. Give mykind — to hi7n, yoroshiku o tanomimosu.To bri7tg to , omoi-dasu. Tobring to another''s — , kidzukaseru.Remind, t. v. Ki wo tsukeru, oshi5'^eru.Remiss, a: Okotaru, yudan wo suru,taiman naru, tarumu, darumu, nukaru.Remission, n. Yurushi, shamen, gomen,yurumi, yasumi.Remissness, n. Okotari, yudan, kedai.Remit, t. v. Yurumu, usurogu, yurusu,shamen suru, gomen suru. — money,yaru, okuru, tsukawasu.Remnant, n. Hashita, nokori, hampa,sutari, zambutsu. — of life, yo-mei.Remonstrance, n. Isame,kangen, iken.Remonstrate, t. v. Isameru, kangensuru, iken suru.Remorse, n. Kuyami, zannen, kokuwai.Remorseless, a. Jihi -naki, awareminaki.Remote, a. Toi, yempo, haruka.Remoteness, n. Tosa.Removal, n. Tori-harai, harai, tentaku.Remove, /. v. Utsuru, utsusu, toru,hadzusu, tori-harau, tori-hadzusu, tentakusuru.Remunerate, t. v. Mukuyuru, kayesu,hodzuru, hobi wo yaru, tsugunau.

REN 148 REQRend, t. 71. Saku, waru, hiki-saku, sakeru,tsunzaku.Render, t. v. Kayesu, mukuyuru, hodzuru,naosu, honyaku suru. — a service,sewa wo suru. Y021 have renderedme tnany kindnesses, dan-dano-sewa ni narimasbta. — assistance,sewa suru, josei suru, tasukeru. To —an <strong>English</strong> zuord into <strong>Japanese</strong>, yei-gowo wa-go ni naosu, or honyaku suru.To — up, moshi-ageru. — back, kayesu.Rendezvous, n. Atsumaru tokoro, matomarutokoro. {i, v.) Atsumeru.Renegade, n. Kake-ochi, dasso.Renew, t. v. Shi-naosu, shi-kayeru,aratameru, ire-kayeru, kasaneru.Renounce, t. v. Suteru, mi-suteru.Renovate, t. v. Shi-naosu, koshirayenaosu.Renown, n. Ko-mei, homare, ko-miyo,na-dakai.Rent, t. v. Karu; kasu.Rent, n.—, jidai.Tana-chin, yachln. GroundRenter, ti. Kari-te, kari-kata, tanako,tanagari, kari-nushi.Reorganize, t. v. Is-shin suru, arata nisonayeru.Repair, t. v. Naosu, tsukuro, oginau,shi-naosu, tsugunau. (/. v.) Yuku,mairu.Reparation, n. Tsugunai, oginai, naori.Repartee, n. Kotaye.Repass, t. v. Mata toru, futa-tabi sugiru,mata wataru.Repast, n. Shoku-motsu.Repay, t. v. Kayesu, mukuyuru, hojiru,tsugunau, hemben suru, henjo suru,hen-kiyaku suru, henno suru.Repeal, t. v. Yameru, hai-shi suru.Repeat, t. v. Kasanete iu, kasaneru,mata, kuri-kayeshite iu.Repeatedly, adv. Kasane-gasane, tabitabi,tatami-kakete, kayesu -gayesu,kure-gure.Repel, t. v. Fusegu, shirizokeru, bogiyosuru.Repent, i, v. Kuyamu, ko-kuwai suru,zannen ni omo.Repentance, n. Ko-kuwai, zan-nen,kuyami.Repine, i. v. Oshimu, kuchi-oshigaru,kuyamu.Replace, t. v. Kayesu, tsugunau, kayeru,mamayeru.Replenish, t. v. Mata tsugu, habikoraseru.Reply, t. v. Kotayeru, hen-to suru,henji suru.Reply, «. Kotaye, hento, henji.Report, t. v. Moshi-ageru, todokeru,moshi-noberu, chiu-shin suru, gonjosuru.Report, n. Todoke-sho, fu-bun, hiyoban,uwasa, tori-sata, fii-zetsu, hibiki,oto.Repose, /. v. Neru, yasumu, fuseru.Repose, n. Yasumi, an-shin.Reprehend, t. v. Togameru, imashimeru,korasu, korashimeru.Represent, t. v. Nazorayeru. yosoyeru,katadoru, mane wo suru, arawasu, miyodaisuru, sodai ni idzuru.Representation, n. Arawasu koto, yedzu.kaki-arawasu koto, shibai, sodai.Representative, n. Sodai, miyo-dai.Repress, t. v. Osameru, shidzumeru,hikayeru, tori-hishigu, osayeru.Reprieve, /. v. Shioki wo nobasu.Reprim<strong>and</strong>, t. z'. Togameru, imashimeru,shikaru, korashimeru, kimeru.Reprint, /. v. Sai-han suru. («.) Saihan.Reprisal, «. Hem-po. To inake —hempo suru.'Reproach, t. v. Togameru, shikaru,nonoshiru, kimeru, kime-tsukeru.Reproach, n. Togame, nonoshiri, akko,zogon, sogon, haji, kakin, chijoku.Reprobate, t. v. Waruku omou, shochisenu, kotowaru.Reprobate, n. Doraku mono, hoto nin,horatsu mono.Reproduce, n. Mata shodzurn.Reproof, n. Imashime, iken, isame, togame,korashime.Reprove, /. v. Togameru, imashimeru.Reptile, n. Hau mushi no somiyo.Republic, «. Kiyokaseiji.Republication, «. Sai-han.Republish, t. v. Sai-han suru.Repudiate, t. v. Suteru, utcharu, ribetsusuru, riyen suru.Repugnance, n. Kirau koto, iyagarukoto, imu, ito.Repugnant, a. Sakarau, motoru, sako,awanu, kanawanu.Repulse,/, v. Shirizokeru, fusegi-kayesu.Repulsive, a. Kirawashii, iyarashii.Reputable, a. Hiyoban no yoi, tattoki.Reputation, n. Hiyo-ban, na, guwaibun.Repute, t. v. Omou, suikij'o suru.Request, t. v. Negau, tanomu, ko.Request, n. Negai, tanomi, koi. /« —kake-kuchi ga oi, ure-kuchi ga aru.Requiem, «. Shi nin no tame ni yomukiyomon.Require, t. v. Tanomu, yo, iru, negau,nakute naranai, nakute kanawanu. liis required of the people that they obey

REQ 149 RESthe laws of the state, tami \va koku-ho Resort, n. Yuku tokoro, atsumaru tokoro.ni shitagawaneba naranu.Requirement, w. Nakute naranu mono. Resound, z. v. Naru, hibiku, narasu,Requisite, a. Nakute-kanawanu, hitsuyo.Resource, n. Shikata, shiyo, senkata.doyomu.Requisition, n. Motomeru koto. Resources, n. Taka, shin-sho.Requital, n. Mukui, hempo.Respect, t. v. Uyamau, tattomu, sonkiyosuru.Requite, t. v. Mukuyuru, hojiru, kay.yesu, hempo suru.Respect, n.^ Uyamai, tattomi. /« respectto, ni tsuite, taishite. No —> Rescind, t. v. Yameru, hai suru, haishipersons, hedatsuru—v. hito, jim-pint. v. Niru, nite-oru, nazorayeru,yosoyeru, ayakaru, katadoru.yoi hito.yoi-hito, johin hito, bungen noResemblance, 71. Niru koto.Respectful, a. Uya-uyashii.Resent, t. v. Ikidoru, hempo suru. Respecting, a. Ni tsuite, taishite.Resentment, n. Ikidori, urami, on-nen. Respective, a. Mochimaye, ono-ono,Reservation, n. Nokosu koto, kakushiokukoto.Respiration, n. Iki-dzukai, kokiu.goto-ni.Reserve, /. v. Nokosu, nokoru, kokoro Respire, t. v. Iki wo suru, kokiu suwooku, oki-au, takuwayeru, hedataru.Reserve, «. Yenrij'o, habakari, kokorooki,hedate, godzume. Without — nobe.Respite, «. Hima, itoma, yasumi, hi-besshin naku.Respite, «. z'. Shioki wo nobasu.Reserved, a. Tsutsushimu, yenriyo Resplendent, a. Hikaru, kagayaku.naru, tottoki no, takuwayeru.Respond, /. v. Kotayeru, hento suru,Reservoir, n. Midzu-tame, ike.henji suru, odzuru.Reship, t. V. Tsumi-kayesu, okuri-kayesu.Responsible, a. Kakawaru beki, tsugu-Response, n. Kotaye, hento, henji.Reside, t. v. Sumu, oru, ju-kiyo suru, nau beki, kakari-au.sumau, zaiju.Rest, /. v. _Yasumu, kiusoku suru, iko,Residence, n. Sumai, jukiyo, iye, taku. oku, ansei suru. — with, yoru, makasu.Resident, n. Ju-nin, sumu hito.Residue, n. Nokori, zam-butsu.Rest, n. Yasumi, ansei, ansoku, todome,Residuum, n. Kasu, tare-kasu.nokori.Resign, t. v. Yudzuru, makaseru, shi-Restaurant, n.ofkokoro nashi, katahiikinashi.suru, hai-chiRescue, t. v.suru.Tasukeru, suku.Research, -n. Shirabe, sensaku.Respectable, a. Hodo-yoi, tattoki.Re-sell, t.Resemble,Mata uru.person, hitogara no yoino natagau, taishin suru. — office, tai-yakusuru, fukkuwan suru. — a seat, tai-zasuru.Resignation, n. — of office, jishoku,tai-yaku.Resin, 71. Matsu no yani, chan.Resist, t. v. Sakarau, tekitau, sako, bogiyosuru, fusegu, temukau.Resistance, n. Sakarau koto.Resistless, a. Sakarawarenu, fusegarenu.Resolute, a. Kitsui, ki-dzuyoi, kijona.Resolutely, adv. Shikatto, kibishiku.Resolution, n. Kesshin.Resolve, t. v. Sadameru, ketsujo suru,ketchaku suru, toku, toki-akasu, wakeru,bunri suru.Resonance, w. Hibiki.Resonant, a. Hibiku, naru, ato ga de-Resort, t. V. Mochiiru, yuku, atsuma-Riyori-ya, kapp6-ka.Restitution, Tsugunai.Restless, a. Ochi-tsukanu, shidzumaranu,odayaka naradzu.Restoration, n. Naori, saiko. — tohealth, hombuku, zenkuwai, heiyu. —offriendship, naka-naori.Restorative, a. — tnedicine, oginaikusuri,hozai.Restore, /. v. Kayesu, tsugunau, oginau,tsukurau, naoru, fuku suru. —to health, hombuku suru. — to life,yomi-gayeru, sai-sei. — hanriony, naka-naori.— a building-, sai-kon suru,sai-ko suru.Restrain, t. v. Hikayeru, osayeru, sashi-tomeru,tomeru, kobamu.Restraint, 71. Hikayeme, osaye.Restrict, t. v. Kagiru, kagiri wo kiwameru.Restriction, n. Kagiri wo kiwamerukoto, sasayeru koto.Result, t. v. Okoru, hassuru. — z'«,hateru, shimau, owaru, oyobu, hatasu.

RES 150 RICResult, n. Owari, hate, sei, yuye, waza,Revelry, «. Sakamori, sawagi.hatashite, ni yotte.Revenge, t. v. Kayesu, mukuyuru ho-Resume, t. v. Sai-ko suru, mata-hajimeru.dzuru, fuku-shii suru.Revenge, n. Mukui, kataki-uchi, fukudzuru,Resumption, n. Tori-ageru koto.shu, ada-uchi.Resurrection, n. Haka kara yomigaj'eru,Revengeful, a. Mukuitagaru.sai-sei suru, iki-kayeru.Revenger, n. Uchite, kataki wo utsuResuscitate, t. v. Ike-kayesu, ikasu. hito.Retail, t. v. Ko-uri wo suru.Revenue, n. Taka, shu-no, agari, torika.Retail, n. Ko-uri.Retain, t. v. Motsu, tamotsu, yatou. Reverberate, i. v. Hibiku, doyomu.Ret.\iner, 71. Kerai, shin.Reverberation, «. Hibiki, hibiki-wa-Retake, t. v. Tori-kayesu.Retaliate, t. v. Kayesu, mukuyuru, Revere, t. V, Uyamau, son-kiyo suru,ate-kayesu.Retaliation, n. Kayesu koto, hempo.tattomu.Reverence, n. Uyamai, tattobi, sonkiyo,Retard, t. v. Osoku suru, sasayeru, todokoru.kukiyo.Reverential, a. Uya-uyashiki.Retch, i. v. Yedzuku, haku.Reverie, n. Utsutsu.Reticule, n. Tamoto-otoshi.Reverse, t. v. Fuseru, kuri-kayesu, tori-kayeru.Retina, n. Mo-maku.Retinue, n. Tomo. do-zei.Reverse, n. Wazawai, fu-un, un ga kawaru.Retire, i. v. Shirizoku, atoshizaru, hikitoru,ton-sei suru, noku, hiku.Reversely, adv. Saka-sama, abekobeni,kayete.Retired, n. Inkiyo.Retire.ment, n. Living in — , in-kiyo Revert, /. v. Kayesu.suru.Review, t. v. Kuri-kayeshite miru, kayeri-miru,Retort, /. v. li-kayesu.suiko suru, kemi suru.Retort, n. Rambiki.Revile, t. v. Akko suru, nonoshiru, noru.Retrace, t. v. Kayeru, modoru.Retract, t. v. Hikkomasu, ii-naosu, Revise, t. v. Kuri-kayeshite miru, kayeri-miru,hen-gai suru, ii-kayeru.sui-ko suru, kai-sei suru.Retre.at, t. V. Shirizoku, hiki-kayesu,hiki-toru. — oj" an army., tai-jin su-Revisit, t. v. Mata kayeru.Revive, i. v. Iki-kayeru, yomi-gayeru,ru.Retrench, t. v. Habuku, herasu, gendzuru,sei-riyaku.Retrenchment, n. Gen-sho.Retribution, n. Mukui, kuwa-ho, inguwa.Retrieve, t. v. Sai-ko suru, kuwai-fukusuru, tate-naosu.Retrograde, t. v. Atoshizari wo suru,shisaru, ato-modori wo suru, shirizoku,sagaru.Retrospect, n. Kayeri-miru koto.Return, t. v. Kayesu, modosu, hennosuru, hen-kiyaku suru, hen-j6 suru.{t. w.) Kayeru, modoru, tachi-modoru,ki-san suru. — an anszver, kotayeru,— home., ki-taku suru. — co7npli7nent.^hen-rei suru. On retur7ting., kayerigakeni. — to 07ie's country., ki-kokusuru.Return, n. Kayeri, modori, kayeshi,ribun, moke.Reveal, t. v. Arawasu, shiraseru, kikaseru,tsugeru. {pass.) arawareru.Revelation, «. Divi7ie — , kami notsuge, kami no shirase, taku-sen, jigen.futa-tabi okoru, sai-ko suru.Revoke, t. v. Aratameru, kiri-kayeru,haishi suru.Revolt, «. Muhon, ikki.Revolt, i. v. Muhon suru, ikki wo okosu.Revolution, n. Muhon, jun-kuwan,mawari.Revolve, t. v. Mawaru, meguru, mawasu,megurasu, jun-kuwan suru. —071 its axis., shiten. — in the t7iind,omoi-mawasu.Reward, 71. Hobi, mukui, kuwaho. ^-a7td punish77tent, sho-batsu.Reward, t. v. Hobi wo yaru, sho suru,mukuyuru, hojiru.Rheumatism, n. Fushitsu, tsufu, fu-doku.Rhinoceros, n. Sai.Rhubarb, n. Daiyo.Rhyme, 71. Uta.Rhyme, i. v. In wo fumu.Rib, n. Abara-bone.Ribbon, n. Himo.Rice. n. Unhulled — , momi, mai, gemmai.Ctea7i — , kome, or., haku-mai.

RIC 151— shoots, naj'^e. — 2)i the stalk, ine. —Righteousness, n. Gi, sei-choku, tadashikikoto, naoki koto.straw, wara. Cooked — , meshi. Early— , wase. Late — , okute. Middling Rightful, a. Suji-no, mottome no, tozenno.— , nukate. Upl<strong>and</strong> — , okabo. braji, nuka._ — flour, kome no ko. — Right h<strong>and</strong>, n. Migi-no te.cakes, mochi. Old — , komai. — box, Rightly, adv. Yoku, yoroshiku, jitsuni,makoto ni, tadashiku.koine-bitsu. — (Ja^, kome-dawara. —store, konieya. Nezv — , shimmai. Rigid, a. Katai, kibishii, genju na, kowai,Rich, a. Kane-mochi, shinsho no yoi,kiu-kutsu na, ogosoka naru.yufuku-na, tomeru, yutaka-na, koyeru. Rigidity, n. Katasa, kibishisa, kowasa.— <strong>and</strong>poor, him-pu.Rigidily, adv. Kataku.Riches, n. Takara, zai-ho, shinsho, to- Rigor, «. Katasa, kibishisa, hidosa, samuke.RiCHLY, ad7i. Fukaku, omoku, oku, jubunRigorous, a. Kibishii, genju na, hidoi.ni, makoto ni, jitsu ni.Rigorously, adv. Kataku, kibishiku,Rice, n. Ina-mura.genju ni, hidoku.Ricochet, i. v. Toberu. — firing, toberi-uchi.Rile, t. v. Ikaraseru. {pass.) Ikaru.Rill, n. Tani-gawa, ko-gawa.Rid, t. V. Nozoku, harau, oi-dasu. Rlm, 71. Fuchi.Ride, t. v. Noru, jodzuru, ga suru, haseru.— on the shoiclders, kataguruma Ring, n. Wa, nari. — a7id staple, ka-Rind, «. Kawa.ni noru.kegane. Fi/tger — yubi-wa.,Ear —Riddle, «. Nazo.mimi-wa. The — z« which wrestlersRider, n. Nori-te, nori-kata, uma-no- contend, do-h.\yo. To sit in a — yenza,suru, kurumaza ni naru.Ridge, n. Mune, mine. saku.Ring, t. v. Narasu. (/. z/.) Naru, hibiku.Ridge-pole, n. Munagi.Ridicule, t. v. Azakeru, guro suru, cho- Ring-finger, n. Beni-sashi-yubi.Ringleader, 7t. Kashira, cho-bon, hottonin,RidiculouS, a. Okashii, monowarai,hon-nin.oko, okogamashii.Ringworm, n. Tamushi.Riding-school, n. Ba-ba.Rinse, /. v. Sosogu, arau.Rifle, 71. Teppo.Riot, 71. Sodo, ikki, sawagi, ran.Rifle, t. v. Ubai-toru, kasumeru, nusu- rit7i — , abareru.ToRiot, i. v. Abareru, areru, sawagu.RiKT, /. V. Saku, waru.Rioter, «. Ikki-nin.Rig, n. Idetachi, yosooi, fune no tsunagu.Riotous, a. Abareru, sawagashii.To ru7i the rig upon, hito wo ba-Riotously, adv. Sagawashiku, abarete.ka ni suru.Rip, /. V. Hokorobasu, saku, hiki-saku,Rig, t. V. Kiseru. (^pass\ Kiru, yosoou.To — a ship, fune ni ho tsuna na- hiki-muku. — ojf a board, \\.2. wo hi-liiki-yaburu. — o^ the skin, kawa woki-hagu. Ripped, sakeru, yabureru.Rigging, n. Fune no tsunagu.Ripe, a. Juku shita, unda, yawaraka,Right, a. Tadashii, yoi, makoto no, renjuku na, ureru.jitsu no,_yoroshii, tozen no, migi. — Ripen, i. v. Juku suru, undaru.side, migi no ho. — <strong>and</strong> wrong, zenaku,Ripen, t. v. Juku saseru, umaseru.ri-hi, ze-hi. All right, yoroshi, Ripple, 7i. Se, hayase.yoshi. — side (of cloth), omote. Ripple, i. v. Sawa-sawa to nagareru,Right, t. v. Naosu, tadasu, totonoyeru, joro-joro to nagareru.tateru.Rise, i. v. Agaru, noboru, okiru, tatsu,Right, adv. Yoroshiku, yoku, tadachini,mottomo, tozen, makoto ni, jitsu ni. zip or lyi7tg down, oki-fushi. — fromderu, okoru, hassuru, he-agaru. RisingRight, n. Dori, michi, ri, gi, zen, suji, the dead, yomi-gayeru, iki-gayeru. —sujiai, hadzu, beki. To put to rights,s6ji suru. — a7id left, sa-yu. — or7i'rong, zehi, ka-fuka.Right angle, 7t. Kane-no-te.Righteous, n. Gi naru, tadashii, seichokunaru, misao aru.Righteously, adv. Tadashiku, tozende, mottomo.fro7/i sleep, ne-oki wo suru.Rise, n. Agari, nobori, okori. — a7tdfall, agari-sagariRisible, a. Okashii, warawaseru.Risk, n. Kennon. abunai koto, ayauki,kiwadoi koto. At the — of life, inochini kakawaru. To ru7i a — , abunai ko-

,IIRis 15Risiv, /. v. Abunai koto wo suru. —li/e^ inochi ni kakawaru, inochi wo kakeru.To — money ^ kane wo kakeru.Risky, a. Abunaki, ayauki, kiwadoi.Rite, n. Ho, rei, shila.Rival, n. Aite.Rival, t. v. Kisou, arasou, hari-au.Rivalry, n. Kisou koto, kioi, arasoi.Rive, t. v. Waru, saku.River, n. Kawa. — bank, kawa-bata,kawa-be, kawa-gishi. — mouthy kawagushi.Up the ^, kawa-kami, Downthe — , kawa-shimo.Rivet, n. Me-kugi.Rivet, t. v. Mekugi wo sasu, katameru.Rivulet, n. Tani-gawa, ogawa, ko-gawa.Road, n. Michi, doro, ro, roji.— , to-chiu.In theRoadbook, n. Do-chiu-ki.Roadstead, n. Kakari-ba.Roam, i. v. Yu-reki suru, aruki-mawaru,haikuwai suru, urotsuku.Roar, i. v. Naku, hoyeru, sakebu, warau,sawagu.Roast, t. v. Yaku, iru. («.) Yalta mono,aburi mono.|,1|Rob, t. Nusumu, ubau, kasumeru, Rotate, i. v. Mawaru, meguru.toru.Robber,Rot.\tion, n. Mawari, jun-kuwan.Dorobo, nusubitoi to-zoku, Rote, «. Say by — , sor<strong>and</strong>zuru, ankigoto.suru.Robbery, n. Nusumi.Rotten, a. Kusai, kuchitaru.Robe, n. Kimono, uwagi. Priest s — Rotund, a. Marui.,koromo.Robe, t. v. Yosoo, kiru, matou.Rouge, n.Rouge, t. v.Beni.Kessho suru, beni wo tsukeru.Robust, a. Sukoyaka na, tassha na, jobuna, s6ken-na, mame na, takumashii, Rough, a. Arai, somatsu-na, bukotsuna,gasatsu, zaratsuku. — estimate^mameyaka.Rock, n. Iwa, banjaku, iwao.ara-dzumori. In the — , ara.Rock, t. v. Ugokasu, yurugasu. (z*. v.) Roughen, t. v. Aruku suru.Yureru, yu a, yurugu, ugoku.Roughly, adv. Ara-ara, araku, somatsu-ni,Rock c<strong>and</strong>y, n. Korizato.zatto, burei-ni, kibishiku, tsuyo-Rock crystal, n. Suisho.ku, ara-ara-shiku.Rocket, n. Noroshi, roj'en.Roughness, n. Arasa.Rock work, n. Tsuki-yama.Round, n. jNIawari.Rocky, n. Gan-kutsu na.Round, t. v. Maruku suru, marumeru,Rod. n. Sao.Round, a. Marui. madoka naru. jRogue, n. Yatsu, katari.£^0 — , mawaru, meguru. To turn -Roisterer, n. Rambo nin.mawasu, megurasu. To ivi?id — , mRoll, t. v. Korobasu, maku, mawasu, ku. Make — , maruku suru, marumeru.To become — , maruku naru. — o§megurasu. To — ?./, rnakuru, makiaguru.To roll <strong>and</strong> level^v[\7C^\-x\^x2&\x. the corners., kado wo toru. All — , hobo.Roll, /. v. Korogaru, rhawaru, meguru,korobu.Round about, a. Mawaridoi, uyen.Roundness, n. Marusa.Roll, n. Maki, maki-mono.Roller, n. Koro, to-guruma. Rouse, i. v. INIesameru, okiru. {t. zr.)Rolling-pin, n. Membo.Me wo samasu, okosu. — «/, hagemasu,Romance,hagemu, fumpatsu suru.n. Tsukuri-mono-gatari. _Romp, i. v. Tawainureru, fusakeru, jareru,odokeru.Route,;?. Michi. — by ship.^^wm^yi.Rout, t. v. Oi-chirasu, seme-yaburu.Roof, Routed, a. Hai-gun suru.n. Yane.IIROURoof, t. v. Fuku.Room, n. Heya, zashiki, basbo, ma, seki.Plan 0/ — , madori. Make —akeru.Roomy, a. Hiroi.Roost, n. Tomarigi, negura.Roost, i. v. Tomaru.Rooster, n. Ondori.Root, n. Ne, kon. — <strong>and</strong> branches^hommatsu.Root, t. 7'. (as a pig)^ horu. — ?

ROVi53Rove, t. v. Yureki suru, hai-kuwai suru,urotsuku, hiyohaku suru.Ruminate, i. v. Omoi-mawasu, megu-Rover, n. Hiyo-haku mono.RuMOR, n. Fubun, fuzetsu, hiyoban,Royal, a. O no, alsoformed by prefixingthe luords, choku, riu, go, mi, ten. Rump, n. Shiri,uw-asa.Royalty, «. O no koto.Rumple, i. v. Momu, shiwa ni naru.Row, n. Narabi, tsura, retsu, kudari, Rumpled, a. Shiwa ga yoru.giyo, tate, kawa. To place in a — , narabu,tsuranaru, tsuraneru.RuNj /. V. Hashiru, kakeru. — aiuay,Rumpus, w. Sodo, sawagi.Row, t. V. Kogu. — back^ kogi-modosu.— across^ kogi-wataru. — {filoiv), nagareru. — {inetal), toku,chikuten suru, nigeru, shuppon suru.Rowdy, n. Rambo nin.iru. — round, mawaru, meguru. —Rub, /. V. Kosuru, suru, momu, naderu, {as ink), ochiru.(as a snake), hau.kishiru.<strong>and</strong> polish^ migaku, surimigaku.— off^ suri-hagasu, suri-muku, itito, kake-komu, hashiri-komu. —— after, 6u, (6i). — at, tsuki-kakaru.suri-otosu. — z«, suri-komu, momikomu.— fine^ suri-kudaku. — out^ shiri-oriru,soshiru,waruku iu, mikonasu.do2vn, tareru, tarasu, kake-kudaru, ha-kesu, momi-kesu. — up^ migaku. — — over, afureru, koboreru. — out, kake-dasu,nagari-deru, moru, sumu. suri-tsukeru.riot, abareru. — up, kake-agaru. —against, suri-chigau, kishiru. — on,Rubbish, n. Gomi, akuta, chiri, gomoku. through, kake-toru, tsuiyasu, tsukitosu.— a nail into the foot, kugi gaRudder, n. Kaji.Ruddy, a. Akai.ashi ni tatsu. — at the nose, hana gaRude, a. Arai, somatsu, zatsu, soriyaku, tareru. Time runs by, tsuki hi ga heru.To let — , hashiraseru.burei, shitsurei, bukotsu, busaho, beta,nama.Run, t. V. Hashiraseru. 7^o — a shipRudely, adz/. Araku, ara-arashiku, araara,somatsu ni, zatto, burei-ni.bullet, tama wo iru.aground, fune wo hase-ageru. To — aRudeness, n, Arasa, somatsu, bukotsu, Run, «. Hayari, riuko, ko-gawa. In theshitsurei.long — , shimai ni, hikkiyo, tsui ni, agekuno hate ni. The common run, bon-Rudiment, n. Moto, dodai.Rue, t. V. Zan-nen ni omo, kuyamu,oshimu.Ri;naway, n. Ochi-udo.Rueful, a. Kanashii.Rung, n. — of a ladder, hashigo noRuffian, n. Rambo-nin, abare-mono. dan, or san.Ruffle, t. v. Shiwameru, hida wo toru, Rupture, n, Naka-tagaye.araku suru, sawagasu.Rupture, t. v. Yaburu, haretsu suru.Rug, n. Mosen, mensen.Rural, a. Inaka no.Rugged, a. Arai.Ruse, n. Hakarigoto, tedate, kama.RiiN, n. Horobi, metsubo, sokonai, gai. Rush, /. v. Hashiru.Ruin, t. v. Horobiru, horobosu, tsubusu, Rush, «. Ashi, yoshi, kaya.tsubureru, ha-metsu, yaburu, metsubo, Russia, n. Orosha.botsuraku, chinrin.Rust, n. Sabi.Ruinous, a. Gai naru, sokonau.Rust, i. v. Sabiru.Ruins, n. Ato, ko-seki.Rustic, n. Inaka-mono, gasatsu-mono,Rule, h. Ki-soku, kaku, rei, ho, sa-h6, hina-bito.sadame, ho-shiki, shi-hai.Rustic, a. Inaka, bukotsu-na.Rule, t. v. Shi-hai suru, riyo suru, osameru,suji wo hiku. Ruled paper, V.&- oru.Rusticate, i. v. Inaka ni oru, zaigo nibiki-gami.Rustle, i. v. Sara-sara to naru, haraharato naru, sayagu.RuLEK, n. Osameru hito, kashira, shihaisuru hito, matsurigoto suru hito, jogi. Rusty, a. Sabita._Rum, n. Shochiu, kuwa-shu.Rut, n. Tesseki, kuruma no ato.Rumble, z, v. Naru, todoroku, doro-doro Ruthless, a. Mugai, hakujo na, ubinto naru, goro-goro to naru. Ru/nbling naki.of the earth ^\v~Vi2x\.

154S'Sabbath, n. Ansoku-nichi, yasumi-bi, Sale, n. Ure, hake-kuchi, hake, iabake,zontaku.uriguchi, sabaki-kuchi.Sable, a. Kuroi.Saleable, a. Ure ga j'oi, hake ga yoi.Sabre, n. Katana, tsurugi.Saline, a. Shio no, shioke no.Saccharine, a. Umai, sato no.Saliva, n. Tsubaki, yodare, katadzu,Sack, n. Tawara, fukuro.nama-tsuba.Sack, t. v. Bundori suru.Salivary gl<strong>and</strong>, n. Da-sen.Sacrament, n. lesu no tatetaru reishiki. Salivation, n. Ko-chiu furan.Sacred, a. Sei naru, shin sei na. — tree^ Sally, z. v. Deru, idzuru.rei-boku. — place, rei-chi, rei-j6. Salmon, n. Shake. Pickled — , shiobiki.Sacrifice, t. i>. Ageru, sonayeru, tamukeru,tatem^.tsuru, matsuru, kujiru. Saloon, n. Zashiki.Sacrifice, n. Animal — , ikeniye. Salt, n. Shio.Things offe7-eti in , ku-motsu, tamukemono. Human — , hitomigoku.shio-oshi.Salt, t. v. Shio ni tsukeru, shio wo suru,Sacrilegious, a. Mottainai.Salt-cellar, n. Shio-ire, te-shio, shio-Sad, a. Kanashii, urei no, itamashii.To feel — , kanashimu, uriou.Saltish, a. Shio-ke.Saddle, n. Kura. — girth, hara-obi. Salt-maker, n. Shio-yaki, shio-taki.Saddler, n. Bagu-ya.Salt-merchant, n. Shio-ya.Saddle-tree, n. Kura-bone.Saltpetre, n. Sh5-seki.Sadly, adv. Kanashiku, ureite.Salt-water, n. Shio, shio-midzu.Sadness, a. Kanashisa, urei, utsu. Salt-work, n. Shio-hama.Safe, a. Buji, sokusai, dai-jobu, tasshana,Salty, a. Shio-kayui, shio-karai, shoppai.tashika-na,Safe. n.tsudzukanai.Hai-cho.Salubrious, a. Yo-jo no tame ni naru,Safely, adv. Buji-ni, anzen-ni, tashikani,hoyo no tame naru.tsudzukanaku.Salubrity, n. Yojo no tame naru ko-Safety, ji. Buji, anzen.Safflovver, n. Beiii no hana.to.Salutary, a. Tame ni naru.Sag, i. v. Kata-yoru, katadzuru, tawamu,Salutation, «. Aisatsu, jigi, rei-gi.tarumu.Salute, «. Aisatsu, reigi, jigi. FiringSagacious, a. Kashikoi, riko na, chiye a — , shukuho suru.ga aru, katsudatsu na, satoki.Sagacity, n. Chiye, chi-riyaku, satori.Salute, t. v.jigi wo suru.Aisatsu suru, reigi wo suru,— ivithottt speaking.,Sage, n. Kashikoi, riko na, satoki.moku-rei.Sage, n.Salvage, n. Fune aruiwa nimotsu nadoSeijin.Sagely, adv. Kashikoku.wo tasukuru hito no daigin.Sago, n. Sagobei.Salvation, n. Tasuke, sukui, saido.Said, Itta /r^/. ^ iu, hanashita, kudanno,Salve, n. Koyaku.iwayuru.Same, a. Onaji, onajikoto, do, do-yo,Sail, n. Ho, so. To set — , shuppan suru.— boat., or ship., ho-bune, ho-kake-itsu mo onaji. — proportton, tobim.hitoshii. — as before, moto no tori,bune.Not all the — , onajiku nai. — as theSail, i. v. Shuppan suru, hashiru.pattern, mi-hon no tori. — state, doSail-maker, n. Ho wo tsukuru hito. hen.Sailor, n. Suifu, kako, suishu, sendo, Sampan, n. Fune, temma.mado-rosu.Sample, n. Tehon, mihon,Sailors' inn, n. Funa-yado.Sanctification, n. Sei ?uru koto, seiSaint, n. BuddJiist — , hijiri.naru koto, kokoro no kiyoki naru koto.Sake, n. Tame, yotte, (yori).Sanctify, t. v. Kiyomeru, sei suru.Salad, «. Chisha.Sanction, n. Yurushi, menkiyo.Salary, k. Yaku-riyo, rei, rei-kin, kiukin.S<strong>and</strong>, n. Suna, isago.Monthly — gekkiu.,S<strong>and</strong>al, n. Zori, sekida, waraji.

SAN 155 SCAS<strong>and</strong>al-wood, n. Biyakudan,Save, prep. Nokoshite.S<strong>and</strong>-bag, n, Do-hiyo.Saving, a. Kenj-aku-na, shimatsu-na,S<strong>and</strong>-bank, n. Su.kanriyaku na.S<strong>and</strong>-glass, n. Suna-dokei.Saviour, n. Shukui-te, tasuke-te, kiuse-shu,sekiu-tamo kimi.S<strong>and</strong>y, a. Suna-gachi-na, sunappoi. —desert^ sunappa, sabaku.S.woR, /. V. Niou, jaiwau.Sane, a. Tashika na.Savor, n. Nioi. ajiwai.Sangfroid, n. Hei-ki, magao.Savory, a. Oishii, umai, amai.Sanguinary, a. Hito-jini no 6i, mugoi, Saw, n. Nokogiri.muzan.Saw, /. V. Hiku.Sanguine, a. Chi no iro, akai, kekki na- Sawdust, n. Oga-kudzu.Sawyer, n. Kobiki.Say, t. V. lu, hanasu. iwaku, danjiru,tsugeru. — to one's self^ chingin suru.It is said, yoshi.Say, n. Hanashi.Saving, 71. Setsu, hanashi, kotowaza.Habit of — , kuchi-kuse.Scab, n. Kasa-buta.Scab, /, v. Kaseru.Scabbard, n. Saya.Scabies, n. Shitsu.Scaffold, «. Ashiba, ashijiro.Scald, t. v. Yu de yakeru, ibiru.Scald, n. Yakedo, tokuwasho.Scale, n. Hakari, tem-bin, koke, uroko,sane, do-su.Scale, t. v. Noboru, agaru.Scalp, /. v. Kashira no kawa wo muku.Sanity, n. Seishin no tassha naru koto.Sanitary, a, Yojo wo mamoru.Sanskrit, n. Bonji.Sap, «.yani, Shiru, shibu.Sarcasm, n. Kinku.Sarcastic, a. Nigai, niga-nigashii. —laugh^ niga-warai.Sardine, «. Iwashii.Sardonic, a. Nigawarai.Sash, ;/. Obi, shoji.Satan, n. Akuma no na.Satchel, «. Doran.Satellite, n. Tsuki, tsuki-mono.Satiate, t. v. Aku, taru, tenno suru.(t. V.) Akaseru, aki-taraseru.Satiety, n. Aki, aki-taru koto.Satin, n. Shusu. White — , nume.Satire, >i. Raku-shu, waru-kuchi, kinku.Satirize, t. z'. Togameru.Satisfaction, n. An-shin, taru koto,akirame, tsugunai, oginai.Satisfactory, a. An-shin saseru, utagaiwo haras u, ki ni kanau.Satisfy, (. v. Akaseru, aki-taraseru,tsugunau, ochi-tsukaseru, oginau, akirameru,utagai wo harasu, anshin sase-Saturate, t. V. Shimesu, nurasu, shimitoru.Saturation, n. Shimesu koto.Saturday, n. Doyobi.Saturn, n. Dosei.Sauce, n. Shoyu, miso.Saucer, n. Sara.Saucily, adv. Shitsurei ni, burei ni.Sauciness, n. Shitsurei, burei, buyenriyo.Saucy, a. Shitsurei na, burei na.Saunter, i. v. Bura-bura aruku, shoyoS.A.VAGE, a. Mugoi, muzan-na, takeki,araki.Savage, n. Yebisu, yeteki.Savant, «. Mono-shiri, hakushiki, gakusha.Save, t. v. Tasukeru, saido suru, dosuru. — money, kaiie wo nokosu, or,kane wo tameru.Scamp, n. Kiyatsu, yatsu.Scamper, i. v. Kakeru, hashiru.Scan, t. v. Shiraberu, nagameru, kemisuru.Sc<strong>and</strong>al, n. Soshiri, zangen, haji.Sc<strong>and</strong>alize, t. v. Hadzukashimeru.Sc<strong>and</strong>alous, a. Hadzukashii.Scant, a. Semaki, toboshiki, taranu.Scantily, adv. Taradzu ni, sukunaku,fusoku ni shite, toboshiku.Scanty, a. Semai, taranu, fusoku-na,toboshiki, jubun naranu.Scapula, n. Hambi-kotsu.Scar, n. Ato, kidzu no ato, hankon.Scarce, a. Sukunai, fusoku, toboshii,futtei, mare naru.Scarcely, adv. Yoj'aku, yatto, karojite.Scare, t. v. Odosu, odorokasu, obiyakasu.— away, odoshi-yaru.Scarecrow, n. Odoshi, kagashi, sodzu,hita, naruko, tori-odoshi.Scared, /. a. Kowagaru, osoru, okkanai.Scarf, n. — of a priest, kesa.Scarify, t. v. Asaku kiru.Scarlet, a. Akai, hi.Scarp, n. Kishi.Scatter, t. v. Chirasu, hai-suru, barasu.Scattered, a.. Mabara, ussuri to, chiru.ScATTERiNGLY, adz'. Bara-bara, bararito,san-zan, chiri-chiri.

SCA 156Scavenger, n. Machi no soji nin. Scrabble up, /. ri. Yoji-noboru, haiagaru,Sc!i:'E. n. Keshiki, yosu, tei.kaki-noboru.SCENERV, n. Keshiki, fukei, keishoku, Scraggy, n. Araki.chobxScent, n. Nioi, ka.Scramble up, i.v. Yoji-noboru. Scramblebai-torigachi.for^Scent, /. v. Kagu.. kaoru, kagi-dasu, Scrap, «.kire.Hashita,kagi-tsukeru.Scrape, t. v. Kedzuru, kosogeru, suru,Schedule, n. Mokuroku.kaku.Scheme, «. Tedate, te, hakarigoto, keiriyaku,kufu, jutsii, hoben.kaki-mushiru. — <strong>and</strong> search for,Scratch, t. v. Kaku. — off, kaki-otosu,Scheme, t. v. Kufii sum, kuwadateru, kaki-sagasu, asaru. — ozit, kaki-kesu.hakaru.Scrawl, n. Aku-hitsu, ram-pitsu.Wakari, yedaha.Scrawl, t. v. Tsutanaku kaku.«.ScHis.M,Scholar, n. Deshi, monjin, gakusha, Scream, i. v. Sakebu, wameku, naku.shosei.Screech, i. z: Sakebu, naku.School, n. Gakudo, gakko, keiko-ba, Screen, n. Biyobu, shoji, fusuma, mi,gaku-monjo, juku, ha, riu, riugi, shushi.jo-tan, hoya.Screen, t. v. Oi, kakusu, kabau, abau,School, t. v. Oshiyeru, kiyoju suru. kabusaru, kadamu, mi de hiru.Schoolfellow, n. Do-gaku.Screw, n. Neji.School-house, n. Gakudo, gakumonjo, Screw, t. v. Nejiru. — into, neji-komu.gakko.— open, neji-akeru. — out, shiboru.Schoolmaster, n. Shisho, kiyoshi. Screw-driver, n. Neji-mawashi.Schoolmate, re, Dogaku, ai-deshi. Screw-steamer, n. Uchi-guruma-noScience, n. Gaku, jutsu, gakumon.Scintillate, i. v. Higa haneru, hibanajoki-sen.Scribble, t. v. Kaku, fude makase niga chiru.kaku, tedzusami ni kaku.Scissors, n. Hasarpi.Scribe, n. Sho-yaku, yu-hitsu, sho-ki.Sclerotic, n. Haku-maku.Scrimp, /. v. Semaku suru.Scoff, t. v. Azakeru, guro suru, soshi- Scrip, «. Fukuro.Scriptures, «. Sei-kiyo, seisho, kij'^6-ScoLD, /. V. Shikaru, togameru, kogoto mon.wo iu, kimeru, gami-ganii iu.Scrofula, n. Rui-reki.Scolding, n. Kennomi.Scrub, /. v. Migaku, kosuru.Scoop, n. Shaku.Scruple, i. v. Tamero, tayutau, yuyoScoop, t. v. Kumu, kuru, yeguru, sogu, suru, kogi suru, utagau.sarayeru.Scruple, n. — of troy weight = samScoopnet, n. Sukui-ami, sade.pun shi rin.Scope, n. Tokoro, basho, atedo.Scrupulous, a. Yuyo-gachi na, tsutsushimiScorch, t. v. Kogasu.fukai.Scorched, a. Kogeru, yakeru, koga-Scrutinize, t. v. Sensaku suru, shiraberu,reru.-gimmi suru, tadzuneru, toi-tsu-Score, n. Shirushi, kanjo, ni-ju.meru.Score, t. v. Shirusu.Scrutiny, n. Shirabe, tadzune, sensaku.Scoria, n. Kanakuso.Scorn, n. Anadori, keibetsu, iyashimi. Scuffle, n. Kenkuwa.To laugh to — , azawarau.Scuffle, /. v. Sumo wo toru, ken-kuwaScorn, t. v. Anadoru, kei-betsu suru, suru.mi-sageru, karondzuru, iyashimeru, Scull, t. v. Kogu.sage-sumu.Scull, n. Ro.Scorpion, n.Scull-pin, n. Ro-beso.Sasori.Scoundrel, «. Yatsu, me.Sculptor, a. Ishi-ya, ishi-kiri. — ofScour, t. v. togu, surimigaku.Migaku, suru, wood images, busshi.t. v. Sculpture, Horu.Scourge, n. Muchi, shimoto, tatari, bachi-atari.Scum, n. Uwa-kawa, kudzu, awa.Scurf, n. Fuke.Scourge, t. v. . Muchi-utsu, sekkan suru, Scurrility, t. v. Akko, waru-kuchi.bassuru, keibatsu suru, iraashimeru. Scuttle, n. Sumi-tori.Scout, n. Monomi, tomi.Scuttle, t. v. — a shif, fune wo shidzumerutame ni soko ni ana wo akeru.Scowl, i. v. Shikameru, hisomeru.Scowl, n. Kao wo hisomeru koto. Scythe, n. Ogama.

Fune-noSEASea, n. Umi, kai, nada. The — is rotigh^nami gr. arai. Half seas over^ namayoi,horoyoi. — <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>, kai-riku.— water, shio.Seaboard, n. Kai-gan, umi no iso, kaihen,umi-te, umibe.Sea-breeze, n. Umi-kaze, kai-fu.'Sea-captain, n. kashira, sensho.Sea-chart, n. Umi no yedzu.Seacoast, a. Kai-gan, kai-hen.Sea fight, n. Funa-ikusa.Sea-horse, n. Umi-' ma.Seal, n. {Fisk) ottosei, ashika.Seal, w. Han, in, ingiyo, fu, kakihan.Seal, t. v. Han wo osu, fujiru.Seal character, n. Ten-sho.Seam, n. Nui-me, awashime.Sea-man, n. Sendd, funako, kako._Seamstress, n. O-hari, mono-nui.Sear, t. v. Yaku, kogasu.Search, t. v. Sagapu, tadzuneru, sensakusuru, shiraberu, tansaku, anaguru.— a house, ya-sagashi.Se.arch, a. Tadzune, sagashi, sensaku,shirabe, gimmi.Sea-*ick, n. Fune ni yo.Sea-side, 71. Kai-gan, umi-te, kai-hen.Season, w. Toki, jisetsu, kiko, setsu.The four — , shi-ki. Out of — , tokinaranu.Season, t. v. Aji wo tsukeru, kagensuru, narasu, tanren suru. To seasonby drying, karasu, kawakasu, hossu.Seasonable, a. Tsugo no yoi, hodoyoi.Seasoning, n. Kagen, ambai.Seat, n. Koshi-kake, za. seki, ba-sho,tokoro, ba, sho. High — , koza. Lowest— , basseki, geza.Seat, t. v. Za-suru, suwaru, oku, suyeru,chakuza.Sea-w.ater, n. Shio.Seaweed, n. Aosa, funori, hijiki, kajime,modzuku, mini.Seaworthy, a. Kai-ko ni yo ni tatsu.Secede, z. v. Shirizoku.Seclude, t. v. Hiki-komoru, tonsei suru,kakureru, inkiyo suru.Seclusion, n. Inkiyo, in-ton, tonsei, kakureru.Second, «. Suke-dachi, bu.Second, a. Ni-ban-me. — time, futatabi,mata. — da.y, futsuka. — hus-^a '.{;', nochi-dzure. — j(?«,ji-nan. —wife, gosai, nochi-zoye.Second, t. z'. Tetsudau, kata wo motsu,sukeru.Second-cousin, n. Mata-itoko.Second-h<strong>and</strong>, «. Furute. — clothing^S1SEEstore, furute-ya. Bity at — , furute dekau, matagai wo suru. Borrowing atSecond-rate, n. Dai ni ban no.Secret, a. Kakureru, hisoka-na, naishona, mitsu-na. — talk, mitsu-dan.Secret, n. Hiji, mitsuji, himitsu, ommitsu.— medicine, hi-yaku.Secretary, n. Yuhitsu, sho-yaku, hissei,monokaki.Secrete, t. v. Kakusu.Secretly, adv, Hisoka-ni, nai-nai, naishode, shinonde, nai-bun de, hiso-hiso,Sect, w. Shushi, shu, ha, riu, riugi,shumon.Section, «. Sho, hen, kire, bu-bun. —of country, ho, kata.Secular, rt. Seken-no, zoku. —affairs^zoku-ji.Secure, a. Genju-na, kengo-na, daijobuna, katai, anko, anshin, buji-naru.Secure, /. v. Ukeau, mamoru, katamaru.Security, n. Anshin, an-non, kengo,katame, ukeai, hiki-ate, kahan-nin,ukeai-iiin.Sed.'^n, n. Norimono, kago.Sedate, a. Shidzuka-na, heiki na, ochitsuiteiru, majime na.Sedentary, a.. Ugoka-nai. — etnployment,suwari-shigoto.Sediment, n. Kasu, tare-kasu, ori.Sedition, n. Muhon, ikki, sodo.Seditious, a. Bo-giyaku na, muho na.Seduce, i. v. Sosonokasu, hiki-komu,taburakasu.Sedi;ction, n. Taburakasu koto.Sedulous, a. Hone-oru, hataraku, benkiyona, mame-na, hagemu.See, t. V. Miru. / request to see, orwish to see, hai-ken itashitai, mi-tai.See here, {polite), goran nasare, minasare;{comtnon), mi-yo ;(vulgar),miro. Let me see, mise-nasare. —throjigh, mi-tosu. See to it, ki wotsuke yo. To see {for curiosity), kembutsusuru. To mistake in seeing,mi-ayamatsu, mi-chigai, mi-sokonau.— about it, toi-awaseru, kiki-awaseru.Seed, n. Tane.Seedling, n. Mibaye.Seed-time, n. Shi-tsuke-doki, uyetsukedoki.Seek, t. v. Sagasu, tadzuneru, motomeru,sensaku suru, tansaku suru.Seem, t. v. Miyeru. Formed by thesuffixes, rashii, so ; also by, keshiki,iro, nari-s6, nari, ke, furi.Seeming, p. a. — truth, makoto-rashii.Seemingly, adv. Misegake ni.Seemly, a. Atarimaye no, tozen no.^

_SEE158 SEPSeethe, t. v. Niru.Self-sacrifice, n. Mi wo kayeri midzii,Seige, 71. To lay— to^ kakomu.mi wo oshimadzu.Seine, «. Hiki-ami, ami.Self-seeking, a. Jibun gatte, temayeSeize, t. v. Toru, tsukamu, nigiru, ubau. gatte, mi-biiki.— with the teethy kui-tsuku.Self-willed, a. Waga-m.ama, kimma,Seizure, n. Tori, ubai.ga wo haru.Seldom, adv. Mare-ni, tama-tama, tama-ni,metta-ni.tity, orosu. To cause or let anotherSell, ^. s'. Uru, sabaku. — ly the quan-Select, /. v. Yerabu, yoru, gimmi suru, sell, uraseru. To — off, uri-harau, urikiru.Seller, n. Uri-te, uri-nushi, bai-nin.SELF,/r£'. Ji-bun, ji-shin, onore, midzukara,hitori de, mi, ikko. Made by — retail, ko-uri.Selling, — at wholesale., oroshi. — atji-saku, te-saku.Selvedge, n. Mimi.Self-abhorence, 71. Midzukara uramu Semblance, «. — 0/ truth, makotorashii.— oj"sincerity , shinjitsu-rashii,koto.Self-acting, a. Midzukara ugoku.date-shinjitsu.Self-admiration, «. Jiman, jifu. Semen, n. Tane, sei, insui.Self-comm<strong>and</strong>, n. Jijaku to shite oru Semi-annual, a. Han-t'oshi-no, han-nenno,han-ki.koto, heiki-naru.Self-communion, n. Midzukara kaj'erimirukoto.Seminary, «. Gakudo, gakumonjo, gak-Semicircle, n. Han-getsu.Self-conceit, n. Ji-man, jifu, unubore. ko.Self-confidence, n. Midzukara tanomu. Send, t,.v. Yaru, tsukau, okuru, tsukawasu,todokeru. Also formed by theSelf-control, n. Jijaku, onore ni katsu.Self-deception, n. Midzukara damasu. caust. for7n of the verb : as. To sendSelf-defence, n. Midzukara mamoru. rain, ame wo furasu. To send a inesseiiger,tsukai wo yukaseru, or j'aru.Self-denial, n. Onore ni katsu, shimbo,kannin. ,To— forth, hassuru. — back, kayesu,Self-destruction, n. Jibo-jimetsu. henjo, hemben suru. To send for aSelf-educated, a. Doku-gaku.doctor, isha wo yobu.Self-evident, a. Ichi-jirushi, meihaku Senior, n. Toshi-ori, cho-nen.na.Sensation, n. Chikaku.Self-examination, n, Midzukara kayeri-miru.Lose one^s senses, ki wo ushinau. ComeSense, «. Kokoro, ki, shone, imi, wake.Self-existent, a. Onodzu to imasu.to one's senses, honsho ga tsuita. TheSelf-government, n. Onore ni katsu, fi>e — go-gan. go-kuwan.,doku-ritsu.Senseless, a. Oboyenu, kanzenu, chikakunashi, shone nashi, oroka naru.Self-ignorance, n. Midzukara shiranu.Self-important, a. Takaburu, jiman. Sensibility, n. Chikaku, shone.Self-indulgent, a. Shi-yoku ni makaseru.oboyeru, satoki, kashikoi.Sensible, a, Chikaku aru, kanji no yoi,Self-interest, n. Midame, shi-yoku, Sensitive, a. Chikaku yoki, kanji notemaj'e-gatte.hayai.Sf LFiSH, a. Temaye-gatte, ki-mama, watakushino, waga-mama. kidzui, ga. Sensualist, n. Shu-shoku ni fukeru hito.Sensual, a. Yoku no, yoku fukaki.Self-knowledge, n. Midzukara shiru. Sensuality, «. Shu-shoku ni fukeruSelf-love, «. Ji-ai, midzukara ai suru. koto.Self-murder, «. Jigai.Sentence, n. Ku, ii-tsuke, moshi-tsuke,Self-partial, n. Mi-hiiki.moshi-watashi.Self-possession, n. Heiki, ochi-tsuki, Sentence, t. v. Moshi-tsukeru, ii-tsukeru.jijaku.Self-praise, «. Jiman, ji-san.Sentiment, n, Riyoken, iken, kokoro,Self-reliant, a. Midzukara tanomu, tsumori, zombun, zonjiyori, zoni, zonmidzukarayoru.Self-reproach, n. Midzukara semuru, Sentinel, n. Ban-nin, mi-hari, hari-ban.onore wo imashimuru.Sentry, «. Idem.Self-respect, /;. Midzukara oshimu. Separate, t. v. Wakeru, wakatsu, hanasu.(z. 7'.) Hanareru, hedateru.Self-restraint, n. Onore ni katsu.Selfish-righteous, a. Midzukara gi to Separately, adv. Betsu ni, betsu-bctstini,mei-mei ni.

SEP 159 SEWSeparation, n. Hanare, wakare, ribetsu,fuyen.up business, kaigiyo suru. — /// shop,September, n. Ku-gatsu.mise wo dasu, mise wo hiraku. — one'sSepulchre, n. Haka, tsuka.self against, tek.i suru, tekitau. To setSepulture, n. Homuri.aside, katadzukeru, sutete oku, uchatteSequel, n. Yuku-suye, ato, suye.oku, sashi-oku. — agoing, ugoki-dasu,Sequester, /. v. Tori-ageru. — one's hajimeru, shi-kakeru, — down,self^ inkiyo suru.orosu. — down i?i a day book,Serene, a. Akiraka-na, uraraka, nodoka,shidzuka na, odayaka na. — sky^ — forward, susumeru. — ofT, kazaru,chomen ni tsukeru, or kaku,(7r shirusu.sei-ten.ashirau.on, keshi-kakeru, odateru,Serenity, n. Odayaka, ochi-tsuki, heiki, oikakeru. out on ajourney, tabi-dachianshin.wo suru. — at naught, naigashiro niSeries, n. Tsudzuki, narabi. Comj)oundsof ren, rui. — of years, ruiberu,osameru. — eyes 07i, me ni kaka-suru, karondzuru. — in order, naranen,ren-nen. — of days, ren-jitsu. ru. — the teeth on edge, hagayui. — of dynasties, rui-dai.at ease, ochi-tsukeru, akirameru. —Serious, a. Daiji na, taisetsu na, jitsu, free, hanatsu. — at work, shigoto nihonto, omoi, taishita.tsukeru, hatarakaseru. — on fire, hiSeriously, adv. Omoku, magao de. wo tsukeru. — a trap, wana wo haru.Sermon, n. Hodan, dangi, seppo, koshakugen,higiri, jojitsu. To — out a tree,Sets well, yoku aimasu.day, nichi-Serpent, n. Hebi, ja. — charmer, hebi-tsukai.dasu. -r a tune, fushi wo tsukeru. Ser\'ant, n. Kodzukai, hoko-nin, kerai, a sazu, nokogiri no me wo tateru. —ki wo uj'eru. — out a table, h<strong>and</strong>ai woboku, genan, gejo, sobadzukai, kiu-ji, o_^a gu?i, teppo wo hanasu. — on foot,rneshi-tsukai, shimobe.hajimeru, shi-kakeru. — right, naosu,Serve, t. v. Tsutomeru, hoko suru, tsukayeru.— up, sonayeru, koshirayeru. Set,/, a, Ganko na, katakutadasu.na.— out, kubaru, wakeru. To — ontkakeru, tori-kakaru. — u/>, tateru. —Set, n. — of books, bu. — of boxes,wine, sake wo tsugu, or shaku wo suru. ireko.To out boiled rice, meshi wo moru. Setting sun, n. Iri-hi.To — out medicines to the poor, bimbo Settle, t. v, Sadameru, kiwameru, kiyo-riusaseru, ochi-tsukeru, shidzume-nin ni kusuri wo hodokosu, or segiyosuru. To — one''s cottntry, kokka ni ru, kimeru, osameru, sumasu, odomaseru,ari-tsukeru, hitsujo, kessuru. —tsukayeru. .To as a waiter, kiu-jiwo suru. 'To — one badly, waruku an accoutit, kanjo wo harau.tori-atsukau. To — God, kami ni tsukayeru.— the purpose^ ma-ni-au, ru, shidzumaru, ochi-tsuku, osamaru.Settle, i. v. Odomu, sadamaru, kima-yodatsu. To make — the purpose, mani-awaseru,— out one's titne, itogeru. eign — , kiyo-riu-chi. — of a quarrel,Settlement, n. Ochi-tsuku koto. For~Service, n. Tsutome, hoko, yaku, yakume,yo, nenki. Public — go-yo, count, kanjo-barai.kenkuwa no naka-naori. — of an ac~,yaku-yo. Of no— yo ni tatanu, yaku Seven, n. Nanatsu, shichi.,ni tatanu, kiki-masen. Time of — Seven fold, a. Shichi-sobai, nana-ye.nen-ki. Burial — , s6-shiki, s6-rei. Seventeen, n. Ju-shichi.Serviceable, n. Yo ni tatsu, yaku ni Seventh, a. Shichi-ban, shichi-ban-me.tatsu, toku-yo, yodatsu.Seventieth, a. Shichi-ju-ban-me.Servile, a. lyashii, yakko no yo na. Seventy, a. Shichi-ju.Servility, n. Yakko no yosu.Sever, t. v. Kiru, hanareru, wakeru,Servitude, n. Hoko, tsutome.kiri-hanatsu, wakimayeru.Session, «. Seki, za.Several, a. Su, rui, ren.Set, t. V. Oku, suyeru, osameru, tsukeru,sonayeru, sadameru. Sun has — Se\ere, a. Kibishii, kitsui, tsuyoi, ha-Several, adv. Betsu-betsu-ni, goto-ni,hi ga kureta. — a day, nichi-gen wo geshii, hidoki, omoi, ogosoka-naru,suru, higiri wo suru. — a razor, kamisoriwo awaseru. — sail, shuppan su-Severely, adv. Tsuyoku, hageshiku,genjii na, kiukutsu na.ru. — a sail, ho wo ageru. — a watch, kibishiku, kitsuku, hishi-to, hishi-bishi-to.ban wo tsukeru, tokei wo naosu. — abone, hone wo tsugu. — apart, ateharneru.To set about, hajimeru, shi-Sew, t. V. Nui, tojiru, kukeru. —Severity, n. Tsuyosa, kibishisa, hidosa.to-

SEW i6o SHIgether, nui-awaseru.one thing onanother^ nui-tsukeru. — <strong>and</strong> lengthen,Sharp, a.ru, karai,Yoku-kireru, tsurudoi, toge-kitsui, tsuyoi, kibishii. —nui-tsugu.voice, togarigoye.Sewek, n. Dobu, mizo.Sharpen, /. v. Togu, togarakasu, tate-Sewing, n. Nu koto, nui-mono.Sex, «. Nan-niyo, mesu-osu.Sharper, n. Katari-mono, mogari.Sexton, ?i. Haka-mori.Sharply, adv. Tsuyoku,"hitsuku, kibishiku,Sexual intercourse, n. Kogo, boji.karaku.Shabby, a. Misuborashii, kitanai. Sharp-sighted, a. Me-bayai.Shackle, t. v. Hodasu, samatageru. Shatter, t, v. Uchi-kudaku, buchi-ko-Shackle, n. Hoda, hodashi.Shaddock, n. Zabon.Shave, t. V. Soru, kedzuru, sogii. —Shade, n. Kage. A sjin shade, hi-oi. the head, chihatsu.Lamp — , hoya.Shavings, «. Kanna-kudzu.Shade, /. &. Ou, k3kusu,kazasu.SHE,_^rt?. Ano onna, are.Shadow, n. Kage, kageboshi.9'hEAF, n. Taba, tabane.Shady, a. Kage aru. Under a — tree, Shear, t. v. Hasami-kiru.mori no shita.She.\rs, «. Hasami, ki-basami, hanabasami.Shaft, n. Hashira, ye, nagaye.Shaggy dog, n. Muku-inu.Sheath, n. Saya.Shake, /. u. Ugoku, ugokasu, furu, yuru,yurugu, yiirugasu, yusuburu, yusu-Shed, /. v, Nagasu, otosu. — light,Sheathe, /. v. Katana wo osameru.ru. — off, furi-harau, furi-hanatsu. terasu. — tears, raku-rui suru, namidawo kobosu. — the skin, kawa wo— out, furi-dasu. — h<strong>and</strong>s, te wo toru.— loose, furi-hanatsu.nugu. — hair orfeathers, ke ga kawaru,Shaking, n. Furui.toya ni tsuku.Shaky, a. Gura-gura suru.Shall, /. v. Formed by future suffix,6, ro. What — I do ? nan to sho. —/ go or not? yuko ka yukumai ka.How — I do it ? doshite shiyo ka. —— go to-morrow ? ashita yukimasho.Shall you go ? yuku ka, or oide nasaruka. / — go, j'uki-masu. You — go,yukaneba naranu.Shallow, a. Asai. — ^rcT^^/, sen-shin.Sham, /. v. Tobokeru, mane wo suru.Sham, a. See Sora.Shamanism, n. Shamon.Shame, t. v. Haji, chijoku, kakin, hadzukashimi.Put to — , hadzukashime-~Shamefaced, ru.a. Hadzukashigaru.Shameful, a. Hadzukashii, chijoku na-Shameless, a. Haji wo shiranu.Shampoo, t. v. Momu, ampuku suru,amma suru, doin suru.Shampooer, a. Amma.Shank, n. Hagi, sune.Shape, n. Katachi, sugata, kata, narikko.Shape, t. v. Katadoru, tsukuru.Shapeless, a. Katachi naki.Share, v. Wari-tsukeru, wakeru, wariawaseru.SH.A.RE, n. Wari-ai, wari, wappu, warimaye,bun.Sharer, ?i. Kakari-ai.Shark, n. Same, fuka.Shark's fins, n. Same no hire.Shed, «. Koya, adzumaya.Sheep, n. Rashamen, hitsuji, menyo.Sheet, n. Mai, nedoko no shikimono.Sheet-copper, n. Akagane-ita.Sheet iron, n. Tetsu-ita.Sheet lead, n. Namari ita.Shelf, n. Tana.Shell, n. Kara, haretsu-dama.Shell, t. v. Kawa wo muku, haretsudama de utsu.Shelter, t. v. Ou, yokeru, kabau. —from rain, ama-yadori. To — one''sself, mi wo kakusu. To be sheltered,kakureru.Shepherd, n. Menyo wo kau hito.Sheriff, n. Shugokushi.Sherry, n. Budoshu no rui.Shield, n. Tate.Shield, t. v. Kabau, mamoru, yokeru.Shift, /. -v. Kayeru, utsusu. (/. v.) Ugoku,utsuru, mokuromu, hakaru, kawaru.To — for one's j^//", jibun no tameni hakaru. To tnake — , hakaru.Shiftless, «. Yaku ni tatanu.Shine, i. v. Terasu, hikaru, kagayaku.Shine, n. Seiten, tsuya.Shingle, n. Yane-ita. — *'oof, itabuki.Shingle, t. v. Ita de fuku.Shingle-roofed, a. Ita-buki.Shining, a. Terasu, hikaru, kagayaku.Ship, w. Fune. — ^war, gunkan, ikusabune.Merchant — , akinai-bune,shosen. Steain — , hi-bune, jokisen.A place where — stop, funa-ba, funa-

i6iSHRtsuki.To load aShip, /. v. Fune ni tsumu.Shipboard, n. To go on — , fune ni no-Short-witted, a. Tansai.Shot, n. Tama. Boiu — ya-goro, ya-,omote. A good — , tedari. — hole.,tama-kidzu. Long— , to-ya.Should, as. You s/iould have paid theSkip-builder, n. Funa-daiku.money at the time you promised, nichigenShip captaix, n. Funa-osa.ni kane wo harayeba yokatta,Ship-ch<strong>and</strong>ler, n, Funa-gu wo akinai or, if expressing regret, nichi-gen nisuru hito.Ship's carpenter^ n. Fune no daiku.kane wo harayeba yokatta mono wo.If I had had time I should have gone,Shipment, n. Funa-dzumi, fune no nimotsuro.watakushi hima ga attara yuku de atta-/ should go if I were ivell, ambaiShip-owner, n. Funa-mochi.ga yoi nara yuko. I should have goneShipping-merchant, n. Funa-doiya. yesterday , kino yukeba yokatta monoShip-wreck, n. Hasen, nan-sen. One wo. Children should obey their parents,ko wa oya ni koko suru hadzu nosaved/roin — , funa-kobori.Ship wkight, ;/. Funa-daiku.koto. It should be done, suru hadzu noShirk, n. Dzurui mono, ochaku-mono. koto, or suru beki koto, or atarimayeShirking, a. Dzurui, dzurukeru.no koto. — or not, ka-fu-ka.Shirt, n. Jiban, hadagi.Shoulder, n. Kata.Shiver, t. v. Sun-dzun ni kudaku. (/. v!) Shoulder, /. v. Katsugu, katageru.Furu, ononoku, wanahaku, zoku-zoku Shoulder-blade, n. Hambi-kotsu.suru.Shout, n. Sakebi, toki no koye, sawagi.Shoal, a. Asai tokoro, su. — of victory, kachidoki.Shoal, i. v. Asaku naru.Shout, i. v. Sakebu, toki no koye woShock, n. Hibiki, kotaj'e.ageru, wameku.Shocking, a. Kirawashii.Shove, t. v. Osu.Shoe, n. Kutsu, hakimono. One pair Shovel, n. Suki. Fire — juno. A,of — , kutsu issoku. Horse — , kanagutsu.Show, t. v. Miseru, oshiyeru, arawasu,basket — joren.,Shoe-brush, n. Kutsu-bake.shimesu, kikaseru. — mercy, awaremu.— the way, annai suru, michibi-Shoe-maker, n. Kutsu-shi.Shoot, /. v. Hanasu, utsu. — a bozv^ ku. —forth, arawasu, shimesu.Of a bud, kizasu, tatsu.Show, n. Mise-mono, miye, miba, midate,iru.Shoots, h. Naye, me, me-baye.mikake, date.Shooting-star, n. Yobaiboshi, riusei. Show-bill, n. Hiki-fuda.Shop, n. Mise, tana.Shower, n. Niwaka ame, shigure, yudachi.Shop, /. v. Kaimono ni yuku.Shop-bov, n. Tedai, kozo.Showy, a. Date-ra, medatawashii, medatsu,Shopkeeper, n. Akindo.hanayaka na.Shoplifter, n. Mambiki.Shrew, n. Kashimashii onna.Shopping, n. Kaimono ni yuku.Shrewd, a. Riko na, kashikoi, chiye noShore, n. Iso, kishi. Sea — , kai-gan. aru, hashikoi.Short, a. Mijikai, tan. — road, chikai Shrewdly, adz>. Kashikoku.michi, haya-michi. To be of, taranu, Shrewdness, n. Chiye, riko, rihatsu.fusoku, toboshii. Come — o/, itaranu, Shriek, «. Sakebi.todokanu. Cut — , habuku, herasu, riyakusuru. Fall — , hekomi ni naru. Shrill voice, n. Hosokoye, hosone, to-Shriek, i. v. Sakebu, 6-goye nite naku.— iuonths, sho no tsuki.gari-goye.Short-breathed, a. Kataiki, iki-gire. Shrimp, n. Yebi.Shorten, t. v. JNIijikaku suru, habuku, Shrine, n. Mikoshi.herasu, gendzuru, riyaku suru, tsumeru,tsumaru, hashoru.Shrink, i. v.ru, chijikamaru,Chijimaru, tsumaru, ijike-atoshizaru, mijiroku,Short-h<strong>and</strong>ed, «. Kotokagi.biku-biku suru.Short-lived, a. Tammei, inochi-mijikai.Shrink, t. v. Chijimeru.Shrinkage, n. Chijimaru koto, chiji-Shortly, adv. Shibaraku, jiki-ni, hayaku,chika-jika-ni, kinjitsu-ni.Shrivel, i. V. Shiwa ga yoru, shioreru,Shortness, a. Mijikasa.shinabiru, hinayeru, shibomu.Shokt-sighted, a. Chika-me.Shroff, «. >Kane-mi, kane no gimmiShort-winded, n. IkigLre.kata.

•l62Shroff, /. zi. Kane wo miru, kane wo Sidle, i. v. Yoko ni aruku.gimmi suru.Siege, n. To lay — to, kakomu, osou.Shroud, n. Kiyo-katabira.Sieve, n. Furui.Shrub, «. Ki, uyeki.Sift, t. v. Furu.Shrug, t. v. Sobiyakasu.Sigh, n. Tame-iki.Shudder, i. v. Furu, wananaku, ononoku,zoku-zoku suru, senritsu suru.iki wo tsuk-.i.Sigh, /. v. Tansoku suru, nageku, tame-Shuffle, t. v. Watasu. To — cards Sight, «. Aliru-koto, me, me ni miyerukaruta wo kiru.mono. The ship is not in — , I'ur.e gaShun, t. v. Noj^areru, yokeru, manukareru,sakeru, imu.miyenu. To take — , nerau. To Le inShut, t. v. Shimeru, tateru, tojiru, fusagu,tatamu, tozasu, tsugumu. (/. v.) keru, nerau.Shibomu. To — the h<strong>and</strong>^ te wo Sightless, a. Me-nashi, mekura.nigiru. — the fingers^ yubi wo oru. Sightly, a. Medatsu.To — a port^ sa-ko suru. To — up in Sight-seeing, n. Kembutsu, mono-mi.prison^ roya ni toji-komeru. To — in Sign, n. Shirushi, shoko, yengi, zempiyo,shirase, sho, kizashi, keshirai, kam-a vieiu^ mi-harashi wo fusagu. To —out, shimedasu, sayegiru, yokera. To ban, dzui. Strange — , ki-dzui. Favorable,ishodzui.— up a house, iye wo tozasu, to-jimariwo suru. To — up another by reasoning,giron shite heiko saseru.shirusu.Sign, /. v. Han wo osu, kaki-han suru,Shuttle, n. Hi.Signal, n. Aidzu.Shuttle-cock, n. Hane, hago, koginoko.Signal, t. v. Aidzu wo suru.Signal, a. Appare na, suguretaru.Shy, a. Kowagaru, okume na, tsushimu. Signalize, t. v. Aidzu de shiraseru, koSl'^m, n. Shamuro.wo tateru.Sick, a. \amu, wadzurau, fu-kuwai, Signature, «. Han, kaki-han.ambai warui, bij'oki no. Sea — , fune Sign-board, n. Kamban.ni yo. — at stomach, mukadzuku. — Signet, n. Han, in.person, biyo-nin, bij'o-ja, biyo-kaku. Significant, a. Imi ga am.— bed, biyo-sho. — <strong>and</strong> aj/iicted. biyo-no,biyo-ku, biyo-nan. To be — oj", giri.Signification, n, Kokoro, wake, imi,kirau, akiru. To make — yamaseru. Signify, t. z>. Arawasu, miseru, shiraseru,kikaseru, oshiyeru, hiyo suru. It,Sicken, t. v. Mukadzukaseru. (z. z/.)Mukadzuku, j^amu, kirau.does not — , kamaimasen.SiCKiSH, a. Ambai warui.Sign-post, n. Michi-shirube.Sickle, «. Kama.Silence, n. Oto naki koto, damatte oruSickly, a. Hito ni sawaru yamai ga hayaru.— pej son, biyo-shin.Silence, t. v. Shidzumeru, yari-komu,koto.Sickness, n. Biyoki, yamai. — 0/ stomach,mune no warui. During— , biyokuza.heiko simi, ii-komeru. Sii in — , mochiu.After — , biyo-go. Cause of— Silence, interj. Damare.biyo-kon. Died of-— , biyo-shi. Kind Silent, a. Damaru,mokunen,shidzuka,of—, biyo-tei. — of pregnancy, tsuwari,oso.Silently, ad7'. Damatte, moku-nen toodayaka, mugon.Side, n. Kata, kata-wara, waki, kataye, shite,Silt, n,i. v. wo motsu, tsuku.ru doro.Side-dish, n. or anything eaten with Silver, n. Gin, shiro-gane.rice, okadzu,,sai.Silver, t. v. Gin wo kiseru. {pass.)Side-long, adv. Yoko-ni.Shiroku naru.Sidereal, a. Hoshi no.SiLVER-LEAF, n. Gimpaku.Side-wise, adv. Yoko-ni, yokosama, Silver-money, n. Gin-su,katamukeru, sobameru.Silver-plated, n. Gimpaku.shidzuka-ni, sotto.soba, hotori, kawa, hata, ho. Every Silk, n. Kinu, ito.— , ho-bo. Both — , riyo-ho, riyo men. Silk-worm, n. Kaiko.One — , kataippo, kata-kata, kata hashi, Silky, a. Kinu no yo na.kata-kawa, kata-kuchi. This — , konata,kochi. That — , achira, achi, ana-Silly, a. Bakarashii, gu-na, don-na, gu-Sill, n. Dodai, neda.ta. — of a tnountai?i, sampuku.chi na, oroka naru.Side, a.Side,Yoko.KataNagare midzu kara shidzumita-SIL

'i63SLASilver-ware, «. Gin zaiku.Sin-offering, n. Tsumi wo aganau ikeniye,tsumi wo aganau kumotsu.SiiMiLAK, a. Onaji, niru, doyo, hitos^i-Sip, t. v. Su, (sui), nomu.SiMiLiTUDE, n. Nitaru koto.Sir, n. Sama, san.Simple, a. Ichi-mi na, hitoye-no, jimi SiKUP, n. Sato mitsu.na, shitsuboku, ubu, oroka na, gu na, Sister, n. Kiyodai, onna-kiyodai, shimai.Older — , ane. Younger — , imo-koto-na, kani, adokenai, kanyeki.Simple-minded, a. Guwanzenaki, adokenai.Sit, /. V. Suwaru, za-suru, koshi woto. — in laiv, ani-yome, kojutome.Simpleton, «. Gu-don na mono.kakeru. Sitting tip all nighty yodoshi,Simplify, /. v. Yasuku suru, temijika ni tetsuya, akashi. To — «/ luith thesuru.sick, yotcgi wo suru. — i>i a ring,Simply, a. Nomi, bakari, tada.kurumaza, madoi. — tailor fashion,Simulate, i. v. Niseru, maneru, magau, agura wo kaku.magayeru.Site, n. Basho, tokoro.Simulation, n. Niseru koto.Sitting, a. Suwatte oru, za-shite oru.Simultaneous, a. Onaji toki, doji, so- Manner ,of— idzumai, iyo.Situated, a. Aru, oru.SiN, n. Tsumi, zai, zai-go.Situation, n. Basho, tokoro, yakume.Sin, t. V. Tsumi wo okaau, kami no michini somuku, ^7-, michi ni motoru. Sixfold, a. Muye, roku mai, roku s6-Six, a. Mutsu, roku.Sinapism, n. Kaishidei.bai.SiN'CE, adv. Kara, konokata, i-rai, yori, Sixteen, a. Ju-roku.imamade, ato, yuye, aida, yotte, iku- Sixteenth, «. Ju-roku-bam-me.Sixth, n. Roku-ban, roku-bam-me.Sincere, a. Jitsu, makoto, hon-na, shinjitsuna, honto.Sixty, a. Roku-ju.Sixtieth, n. Roku-ju-ban.Sincerely, adv. Jitsu-ni, makoto-ni, Size, Okisa, kasa.hon-ni, honto, shinjitsu ni.Skein, n. Kase.Sincerity, n. Jitsui, magokoro, shinjitsu.Skeptical, a. Utagai-bukaki.Skeleton, n. Gaikotsu.Sinecure, n. Sozan.Sketch, n. Ye, dzu, yedzu.Sinew, n. Suji.Sketch, t. v. Kaku, yegaku.Sinful, a. Tsumi aru.Skilful, a. Jodzu, takumi no, tegiwa noSing, /. v. Utau, gindzuru, yeidzuru. yoi.To lead in singings ondo wo toru. Skill, n. Tegiwa, takumi, yete.Singe, t. v. Yaku.Skim, /. v. Sukui-toru, kasutte tobu,Singing-book, n. Uta no fu.tobi-tobi ni yomu.Singing-woman, n. Gei-sha, tori-oi, gei- Skin, 71. Kawa.Skin, t. v. Muku, hagu.Single, a. Hitotsu, ichi, hitoye, ichimi.— person, hitori, dokushin. To Skip, t. v. Tobu, haneru.out^ me-gakeru. — eye, kata-me. Skirmish, n. Ko-zeri-ai.Skinflint, n. Shiwambo, kechi-kusai.— /zrt«^, kata-te.Skirmishers, n. Sampei.Singly, ad-T^. Hitori de, jishin, jibun, Skirt, n. Suso. To hold up the — , tsumadoru.hitotsu-bitotsu.Singular, a. Medzurashii, miyo-na, kitaina, betsu-dan, kaku-betsu na. Skittish, a. Mono-odoroki.Skirt, t. v. Sakai suru.Singularity, n. Kuse.Skulk, z. v. Shinobu, kakureru, nuke-Singularly, adv, Kaku-betsu ni, betsudanni, koto-sara ni.Skull, n. Atama no hone, dokuro, sharikobe..Clear — , seiten.Sink, i. v. Shidzumu. hamaru, oboreru, Skylark, n. Hibari.otoroyeru, sagaru, kubomu.Slack, a. Yurui, tarui, tarumu, amai,Sink, t. v. Shidzumeru. — a well., idowo horu.Sinless, a.Sinner, n.mi-bito.Slackness, n. Yurusa, tarusa.okotaru, kutsurogu.Slacken, t. v. Yurumeru, kutsurogeru,Yuramu, kutsurogu,Tsumj nashi_.tayumeru. (/. v.)Tsumi aru hito, zai-nin, tsu-tayumu.na,Sinister, a. Fu-saiwai na, fukitsuashiki, giyaku na.Sink, n. Nagashi, dobu, gesui.Sky, ;2. Sora, ame, ten.

SLA164 s:maSlab, «.Slight, a. Karui, yowai, wadzuka.Ita.Slabber, /. v. Yodari wo tarasu.Slight, t. v. Naigashiro ni suru, karondzuru,Slake, t. v. Kesu, tomeru.tenuke wo suru, yurukase niSlam, t. v. Hato to shimeru, pisshari to suru, naozaru.shimeru.Slightly, adv. Karuku, yowaku, zatto,Sl<strong>and</strong>er, t. v. Zan-suru, shikodzuru, somatsu-ni, usuku, usu-usu.soshiru, shiiru.Slily, adv. Shinonde, hisoka-ni, sotto.Sl<strong>and</strong>er, n. Zangen, shi-goto, gomasuri.Slim, a. Hoso-nagai.Slime, n. Doro.Sl<strong>and</strong>erer, n. Zan-sha.Slimy, a. Nebari-tsuku, doro-darakeru.Slant, t. v. Sujikai ni suru, nanatne ni Sling, «. Bunyari, wana, ishi-nage.suru, katamukeru. (z. v.) Sujikai ni Sling, t. v. Nageru, horu.naru, naname ni nam, katamuku. Slink, /. v. Ome-ome to nigeru.Sl.\nting, /. V. Naname, sujikai, nazoye.Slantingly, adv. Sujikai ni,Slip, i. v. Dzuru, suberu, fumi-hadzusu.— out. tsutto deru, piyoi-to deru, nukeideru.— z'«, dzuri-komu. — down., suberi-korobu.ToSlap, t. v. Haru, utsu, tataku.hito wo hadzusu.Slash, /. v. Kiru, kiri-makuru.kuchi ga suberu.giv e ofte the sl!/>,— ofi the tongue.^— away., nukeru.Slate, n. Banseki, sekiban.Slippers, «. uwa-gutsu.So-ai,Slate-pencil, n. Seki-hitsu.Slippery, a. suberu, nameraka,Dzuru-dzuru,Slattern, n. Subeta, hikidzuri.nume-nume, nuraeru, nura-Slaughter, t. v. Hofuru, kiri-korosu. tsuku.Slaughter-house, n. Togiuba.Slit, t. v. Saku, kiru.Slave, n. Shiro mono no gotoku kawareteSlope, n. Saka, kobai, nadareru.boku to naru mono.Sloping, a. Naname, sujikai, nazoye.Slavish, a.Slothful, a. Bush6-na, r<strong>and</strong>a-na, fusei.lyashii.Slay, t. v. Korosu, kiru, setsu-gai suru,kiri-korosu, ayameru, chiu-riku suru. Slough, /. v. Kusaru.Sled, n. Sori.Sloven, «. Jidaraku na hito.Sledge, n. Tsuchi. — hamtner^ aidzuchisuborashii.Slovenly, a. Musai, musakurushii, mi-jidaraku na, darashinai.Sleek, a. Nameraka na.Slow, a. Osoi, yurui, himadoru, temaSleep, /. 7>. Nemuru, neru, ne-iru, netsuku.— together.^ soi-ne, soi-bushi. — <strong>and</strong> fiasty chi-soku.wo toru, rachi ga akanu, noroi, madarui.— in the daytime^ hiru-ne. — alone., Slow, t. v. Osoku suru.hitori-ne.Slowly, adv. Osoku, yuruku, soro-soroSleep, n. Nemuri. Position in — , nez6.Slue, t. v. — round., mawasu, mawaru.to, shidzuka ni, yuru-yuru to.Sleeping, n. — together for the first Slug, n. Name-kuji.titne^ nii-makura. Posture in — , nedzumai,ne-yo. — too long., ne-gusaru. Sluggish, a. Gudzu-gudzu naru, nibui,Sluggard, n. Busho-mono.— badly., ne-gurushii. — quietly., neyasui.yodomu, namakeru, darakeru, darui.Sluggishly. ad7\ Dara-dara-to.Sleepless, a. Nemuradzu, nedzu. Sluice, n. Sui-mon.Sleep-walking, n. Nebokete aruku. Slumber, i. v. Nemuru.Sleepy, n. Nemutai, nemui. — heady Slur, t. v. Somatsu ni suru, zonzai ninebo.suru.Sleet, n. Mizore.Slut, n. Me-inu.Sleeve, n. Sode.Sly, a. Ochaku na, dzurui, saru-rikoSleigh, n.Sleight, a.Sori.— of h<strong>and</strong>., tedzuma, shinadama,na.S.M.\cK, t. V. Shita wo narasu, uma-ku-hayawaza.chi wo suru.Slender, a. Hoso-nagai, hosoi.Chiisai, hosoi, sukunai, koma-S-M.-VLL, a.Slice, n. Mai, kire.3'aka-na, wadzuka na.Sm.^llness, n. Chiisasa, hososa.Slice, t. v. Usuku-kiru, kizamu, hayasu.Small-pox, n. Hoso.Slide, n. Ojime.Small wares, n. Koma-mono.Slide, t. v. Suberu, dzuru. — down., Smalt, «. Taisei.i. dzuri-ochiru.Sm.\rt, V. Piri-piri-itamu, biri-tsuku,Slide, /. v. Suberasu.hiri-tsuku.

i65SOESmart, «. Kibishii, riko na, kasliikoi. Snob, n. Yodai kazari.Smart, «. Itami.Snore, /. v, Ibiki wo kaku, go-go toSmash, t. v. Uchi-kudaku, buchi-kowa- naru.Snot, n. Hana-shirui, hana. Snottytiose^ aobana.Snort, i. v. Hana-arashi wo fuku.Smattering, n. Namagiki, namagaten,chokozai.Smear, t. v. Nuru, mabureru, mamireru.Smeared, a. Darake, mabure, midoro.— with bloody chi-darake.Smell, t. v. Kagu.Smell, n. Nioi.Smelt, /. v. Fuki-wakeru.Smile, i. v. Niko-niko suru, hoyoyemu,yemu. — in derision^ azawarau.Smiling-face, 71. Nikoyaka na kao,yegao.Smite, t. v. Butsu, utsu, tataku.Smith, «. Kaji, kajiya.Smoke, n. Kemuri.Smoke, t. v.(z. V.) Iburu,Ibusu, fusuberu, kuyorasu.fusuboru, kuyoru. —tobacco^ tabako wo nomu.Smoky, a. Kemutai, kemui, kemuri gaderu.Smooth, a. Nameraka na, subekkoi,sube-sube na.Smooth, t. v. Narasu, nosu, nobasu,naderu. ,Smoothing-iron, n. Hinoshi, kote.Smoothly, adv. Nameraka ni, tsurutsuru.Smother, t. v. Iki wo tsumeru. (/. v^Iki ga tsumaru.Smoulder, i. v. Iburu, kujsQru.Smuggle, t. v. Bahan suru, mitsubaisuru, nuke-uri wo suru.Smuggled, goods^ n. Nuke-ni, bahanmono.Smuggler, n, Bahan-nin.Smuti-y, a. Sumi-darake, biro na kotoba.Snail, n. Maimaitsubura, ta-nishi, dedemushi.Snake, n. Hebi, kuchi-nawa.Snap, t. v. Oru, hajiku, hoki-to oru. —t/ie fingers^with a — , futtsuritsumahajiki.to kireru.To breakSnapping-turtle, n. Dogame.Snare, n. Wana, kobuchi, otoshi.Snarl, /. v. Kagasu, igamu, hamuku.Snatch, t. v. Hitakkuru, ottoru.Sneakingly, adv. Nuke-nuke to, sugosugoto.Sneer, i. v. Aza-warau.Sneeze, i. v. Kusame wo suru, hanahiru.Sniffling, n. Susuri-naki.Snip, t. v. Hatsuri-toru, hasami-kiru.Smi'e, n. Shigi, chidori, ban.Snivel, i. v. Hana ga tareru.Snout, n. Hana, kuchi.Snow, n. Yuki. To — yuki ga furu.,Snow-ball, n. Yuki-dama. To —,yuki-Snow-flake, n. Yuki no hira.Snow-shoe, n. Kanjiki.Snow-slip, n. Yuki-nadare.Snow-storm, n. P'u-buki.Snuff, n. Kagi-tabako.Snuff, t. v. Kagu. — a c<strong>and</strong>le^ shin wokiru.Snuffers, n. Shinkiri.Snuffle, /. v. Nana-goye de iu.So, adv. So, sayo, shika, sa, yo, kaku, ko.See alsOy shikadzu, shikaji, shikaku,shikaradzu, shikarashimuru, shikarazaru,shikareba, shikaredomo, shikari toiyedomo, shikarubeki, shikaru-ni, shika-shika,sareba, saredomo, saritomo,sarito, sonnara. Why were you so latein coming? naze sono yo ni osoku oidenasaru ka. Don't do so, ko suru na, koshite wa warui.So much, Kono-kurai, kore-dake, sonna,kore-hodo, sa-hodo, kahodo. Don'tcry — , senna ni naku na.Soak, t. v. Hitasu, tsukeru, kasu. (?'. z'.)Hitaru.Soap, n. Shabon, sekken.Soar, t. v. Tobu.So as, Yo-ni.Sob, t. V. Shakuri-naku.Sob, n. Naijakuri, shakuri-naki.Sober, t. v. Yei-samasu. (j. v.) Yeisameru.Sober, a. Sake wo nomanu, shirafu, magao,majime. Become — , sameru, yeisameru.— minded, ochi-tsuite oru.Sociable, a. Aiso no yoi, nengoro-na,shinsetsu na.Social, a. Natsuku,na. — position,shitashii, nengoro-mibun, bungen, bun-Society, n. Nakama, kumi, ren-chiu,sha-chiu.Sock, n. Tabi, bessu.Socket, n. Tsubo.Sod, n. Shiba. To — , shiba wo shiku.Sodomy, n. Nanshoku.Sofa, n. Koshikake no na.So forth, adv. Un-un, nado.Soever, Nite-mo, demo. Who — , daredemo.When — , itsu-demo. What —nani-demo. Where — , doko-demo.How — do-demo.

'SOF i66 SORSoft, a. Yawaraka na.Soften, /. v. Yawaraka ni suru, yawarageru.Softly, adv. Yawaraka -ni, sorori-to,shidzuka-ui, sotto, yaora ni, soku-soku.Soil, n. Tsuchi, doro, koyashi, yogore. ivater.^ midzu wo ippai o negai-mosu.Nature of the — jisho.There must be some reason /or it., nan,Soil, t. v. Yogosu, kegasu, aka ga tsuku.Take — ivine, sake wo o agari-nasai.zo wake ga aro, or nani yuye daro.Soiled, a. Yogoreru,'kegareru, akajimita.A place — tiveiz'e miles distatzt, ju-niri hodo toki tokoro. Some Ji/teen perj^;/i-,Sojourn, /. v. Tomaru, yadoru, toriujugo nin gurai.suru, shuku suru, ki-shuku suru. Somebody, n. Aru hito, nani-gashi.Sojourner, n. Kiyaku-jin, tabi-bito, kishuku-nin.Somehow, adv. Tokaku, kare-kore.Somerset, n. Kumagayeri, mondori-Solace, n. Nagusami, tanoshimi.uchi. To turn a — , hikkuri-kayeru,Solace, t. v. Nagusamu.kumagayeri wo utsu.Solar, a. Hi no, jitsu.Something, n. Nan zo, nani ka, nanigoto./ -luill go to-morro-M itniessSolder, «. Biyakuro. To — , ro-dzukesomething prevents.^ ashita sashi-tsukayeni suru.Soldier, «. Tsuwamono, hosotsu, shisotsu,ga nakattara yuki-masho. Thereheisotsu, gunsotsu, samurai, bushi,must be so7nething the tnatter, nan zowake ga aru de aro.heishi, heitai.Sole, n. Ashi no ura.Sometime, adv. Itsu ka.Sole-fish, n. Hirame.Someti.mes, adv. Toki-doki, ori-ori, ori-Solely, adv. Bakari, nomi, tada, moppara-ni.Solemn, a. Omo-omoshii, uya-uyashii,ochi-tsuita.Solemnize, t. v. Okonau, suru, musubu,iwau.Solemnly, adv. Omo-omoshiku, uyauyashiku,ochi-tsuite.Solicit, t. v. Negau, tanomu, ko, motomerij.Solicitation, n. Negai, tanomi, koi.Solicitous, a. Anjiru, anjite oru, kidzukaisuru, kokorodzukai suru.Solicitude, n. Shimpai, anji, kuro, kigakari,kidzukai.Solid, a. Katai, katamaru.Solidification, ;/. Katamari, gij'otai.Solidify, t. v. Kataku suru, katameru,giyotai saseru. (/. v.) Kataku naiu, katameru,giyotai suru.Solidity, n. Katasa.Solidly, adv. Kataku, shikkari to.Soliloquize, /. v. Hitori-goto wo iu, hitorisasayaku.Soliloquy, n. Hitori-goto.Solitary, a. Samushi'i, hanareru, tadahitotsu no, wabishii.Solitude, w. Samushii tokoro, hitori-mide oru koto.Solstice, n. Sumi7ier —,— toji.geshi. WinterSoluble, a. Tokeru, tokasareru, yokaiSolution, «. Wakeru koto, tokeru koto,h<strong>and</strong>an, toki-akasukoto.Solve, t. v. Toku, toki-wakeru, hodoku,h<strong>and</strong>an suru, ii-hodoku, toki-akasu.Sol\ent, a. Shakkin wo harawareru,kanj'o ga tatsu.So.mbre, a. Inki naru.So.ME, a. Aru, aruiwa, saru. / 'H

SOR 167SPESore, a. Itai, itamu, tadareru, hidoi, biranSpan, t. v. Nigiru, matagaru, wataru.suru.Spanish-fly, n. Hammiyo.Sorely, adv. Hidoku, ita-itashiku, hanahada.Spank, t. v. Shiri wo haru.Spar, /. v. Shi-ai suru.Sorghum, n.Spar, n. Maruta, shi-ai.Sato-kibi.oshimu, tsukeru./ have none to — yokei wa gozarimasen.Sorrow^ n.nen, ai, hitan.Urei, kanashimi, itami, zan-Spare, t. v. Yaru, yurusu,Sorrow, i. v. Kanashimu, nageku, kuya-,Spare, a. Sukunai, yasetaru, shiwai. —SoRROWFUL, a. Urei, kuyashii, kanashimu.time., hima, itoma.Sparing, a. Kenyaku, oshimu, shimatsu,Sorry, a. Kinodoku, zannen, kuchioshii,shiwai, rinshoku na.Sparingly, adzi. Rinshoku ni, kenyakuitami-iru.Sort, m. Tagui, rui, shurui, yo, tori, kurai.shite, mono-oshimite.nami, gara. Out of sorts., ambai Spark, n. Hibana, hinoko.warui, fukuwai. Many — , iro-iro,samazamameku,Sparkle, i. v. Hikaru, chiradzuku, kira-kagayaku, kira-kira to hikaru.Sort, /. v, Bu wake wo suru, yori-wakeru.Sparklingly, adv. Kira-kira.Sparrow, n. Sudzume.Sot, n. Sake-nomi, nomi-nuke.Sparse, a. Mabara naru, sukunai.Sottish, a. Gu-don naru, oroka-naru. Spasm, w. Tsuru, hiki-tsukeru, keiren.Soul, n. Tamashii, rei-kon, mi-tama, Spatter, i. v. Haneru, hodobashiru, tobashiru,sei-shin, kompaku, shinjin.chiru.Sound, «, Oto, hibiki, nari, ne, on. Spatula, n. Hera.Sound, t. z>. Narasu, soku-riyo suru, saguru,Spawn, n. Uwo no ko.hakaru.Soi^ND, /. V. Naru,Spawn, t. v.Spay, /. v.Tamago wo suri-tsukeru.Ranso wo nuku.hibiku, todoroku.Sound, a. Tassha, mattaki, jobu na, makotono, yoi, sukoyaka na. — sleep., ju-— to one^s self^ chingin suru. MannerSpeak, /. v. lu, hanasu, tsugeru, kataru.of sneaking., ko-jo. To pass withoutku-sui.Soi'NDLV, adv. Yoku, hidoku, tsuyoku. speaking., tsunto shite yuki-suguru.Soundness, n. Tassha naru koto, katasa.Spear, n. Yari. — exercise., s6-jutsu.Speaker, ;,-. lu hito, kuwai-to.Soup, n. Shim, shitaji.— head., yari no mi.Sour, /. ti. Suppaku naru. {t. v.) SuppakuSpear, t. v. Tsuku.suru.Special, a. Kakubetsu na, betsu-danSour, a. Suppai, sui. — taste^ sammi. na, sashitaru.Source, n. Mina-moto, mote, kongen, Specially, adv. Koto-ni, koto-sara-ni,kompon.besshite, kakubetsu ni, betsudan-ni,Sourness, n. Suppasa, susa.tori-wakete.Souse, t. v. Hitasu,. nage-komu.Specialty, n, Yete, tokui na koto, semmon,sengiyo.South, «. Minami, uma no ho, nan. —ivest wind., maji. — wind., minami kaze,nampu, — east., tatsu-mi, to-nan. kuwa-hei.Specie, n. Kane, kin-gin, kin-sen, kinsu,— west., hitsuji-saru, sei-nan, — east Species, n. Rui, tagui, shu-rui, bu.wind^ inasa.Southerly, «, Minami no ho ye, minamiSpecific, a.Specific, n.Mochimaye-no.Tekigi no kusuri.no ho kara.Specification, n. Isai wo tsugeru koto.Southward, adv. Minami no ho ye. Specify, /. v. Kuwashiku iu, mai-kiyoSouvenir, n. Wasure-gatami.Sovereign, n. Tsukasa, kashira, 6, kami.Specimen, n. Tehon, mihon.Specious, a. Makotorashii.Sow, n. Me-buta.Speciously, adv. Makotorashiku.Sow, t. V. Maku, chirasu.Speck, a. Ten, chobo, fu.Sov, n. Shoyu.Speckled, a. Chobo-chobo to shite oru,Space, n. Aida, ma, hima, kii-chiu, koku,madara, fu-iri no.chiu, ai.Spacious, a. Hiroi.Spectacle, n.Spectacles, n.Mise-mono.Megane.Spaciously, adv. Hiroku.Spectator, n. Miru mono, kembutsunin,Spade,«. Suki.oka-me.Spain, n. Hispania.Spectre, n. Bake-mono, yu-rei.

SPE i68 SPRSpeculate, i. v. Kangayeru, omoi-mawasu,Spiritl^al, a. Rei naru, tamashii ni kiromu.shian suru, yama wo suru, mokusuru.Spit, t. v. Haku.Speci^lation, n. Kangaye, yama, moku- Spit, «. Tsubaki, yodare, katadzu, kushLSpit-box, n. Haifuki, dako.Speculator, n. Yama-shi. — in stocky Spite, ti. Urami, ikon, nikumi.sobashi.Spiteful, a. Uramashii, jaken naru,Speech, n. Kotoba, mono-ii, hanashi. akushin naru.Speechless, a. Moku-nen, mono wo Spittoon, n. Dako.iwarenu.Splash, /. v. Kakeru, hane-kakeru. ij.v.)Speed, Hodo-bashiru, tobashiru, chiru./'. v. Hayameru, seku, isogu,hakadoru. (t. v.) Isogaseru, sekaseru, Splashing, n. Hita-hita-to, haneru.hakadoraseru.Spleen, n. Hi no z6, ikari, urami.Speed, n. Hayasa. With — , hayaku, Splendid, a. Kekko na, rippa na, apparetoku, kiu-ni.na, hanabanashii.Speedily, adv. Hayaku, toku, jiki-ni, Splendor, n. Hikari, kagaj'-aki, tsuya,sumiyaka ni, isoide.haye.Speedy, a. Hayai, sumij^aka na.Splice, t. v. Tsugu, tsugi-awaseru.Spell, 71. gofu, majinai.In, Splinter, «. Toge,Spell, t. v. Tsudzuru.Spelling, n. Kanadzukai, tsudzuri.Split, t. v. Warn, hegu, saku, wakeru.— (z. V.) Sakeru, wareru. the difference,Spelling-book, n. Tsudzuri-bon.ayumi-au, aibiai.Spelter, a. Totan.Split, n. Wari, hibiki.Spend, t. v. Tsukau, harau, tsuiyasu,tsukai-hatasu, tsukai-kiru, tsukusu. —titne, utsusu, heru, kurasu, tatsa, sugiru.— the nighty yo wo akasu.Spendthrift, a. Muda ni shindai wotsuiyasu mono.Sperm, n. Tane, sei, insui.Spermaceti, w. Kujira no abura.Spew, t. v. Haku.Sphacelus, n. Uasso.Sphere, n. Chi-kiu, bungen, mibun,kurai.Spherical, a. Marui.Spice, n. Yakumi, To — yakumi,wokakeru.Spicy, a. Kobashii.Spider, n. Kumo. Lo7ig-legged —ashitaka-kumo. — thread, i.Spigot, n. Kuchi, taru-guchi, sen.Spike, n. Kugi. To — , kugi de uchitsukeru.Spile, n. Kui, sen.t. Spill, v. Kobosu, otosu, ayasu. {i.v.)Koboreru.Spin, t. v. Tsumugu, hiku. — a top,koma wo mawasu.Spinach, n. Horenso.Spindle, n. Tsumu.Splne, n. Sebone, toge.Spinning-wheel, n. Ito-guruma.Spiral, «. Rasen yo.Spire, «. Roban.Spirit, n. Ki, kokoro, sei-shin, kikon,seiriyoku, konjo, rei-kon, kompaku, kishoku,ki-gen, kokoro-mochi, kibun,yu-rei, bake mono. Evil saints, akki,akuma, ma, oni.Spirited, a. Ki-tsuyoi, goki na, kekki na.Spoil, t. v. Ubau, arasu, ubai-toru, itameru,kusarasu, sokonau, dainashi nisuru.Spoil, /, v. Kusaru, fuhai suru, uteru,azareru.Spoil, «. Bundori.Spoke, n. Ya.Sponge, n. Umi-wata, kai-men.Sponge, t. v. Umiwata de fuku, (/. v^Yakkai ni suru.Sponge-cake, n. Kasutera.Spongy, a. Umiwata-rashii.Spontaneously, adv. Onodzu to, onodzukara,shizen, hitori de ni, jibun de,jinen.Spook, n. Gangozei,Spool, n. Itomaki,'SjpooN, «. Saji.Sport, n. Tawamure, jodan, odoke,yuge, ki3'6.Sport, /. v. Tawamureru, fuzakeru, hiyogeru,odokeru, tochiguru, jareru.Sportiye, a. Tawamureru, jaretagaru.Sportsman, n. Kanudo.Spot, «. Ten, shimi.Spot, t. v. Kegasu. shimi wo tsukeru.Spotless, a. Kegarenu.Spotted, a. Madara, shimita, buchi-na,kirifu.Spouse, n, Tsuma.Spout, n. Kuchi, toyu, anko.Spout, t. v. Fuki-deru, fuki-dasu.Sprain, t. v. Kujiru, kujiku.Spray, n. Shira-nami, awa.Sprawl, t. v. Fuseru, neru.Spread, t, v. Shiku, haru, noberu, hiromeru.{i. v.) Rufu suru, hiromaru,hirogaru. — as disease., hayaru, utsuru.

thing,_SPR 169 STA— as grass, habikoru, shigeru. — asSquash, n. Tonasu.ink^ nijimu.Squash, t. v. Oshi-tsubusu, hishigeru.Sprig, n. Ki no ko-yeda.Squat, i. v. Tsukubau, udzukumaru.Sprightly, a. Uki-uki to shita.S(^UEAK, i. V. Ki.^hiru, kishimu.Spring, «. Haru, shun, idzumi, hajiki, Squeal, i. v. Sakebu, naku.hajiki-gane, zemmai, kizashi, hadzumi. Squeeze, /. 71. Shimeru, shiboru, isuru.— like, harumeku. Hot — , on-sen, — out, shibori-dasu, seri-dasu, shiboritoru.ide-yu, toji. — of a vjagon^ bane.Spring, z. v. Tobu, hajiku, okoru, deru,—Squeeze-money, n. Kasuri, uwamaye,hassuru, kizasu, shodzuru, haneru. bosaki.on^ tobi-tsuku, tobi-kakeru. — in, Squib, n. Kanshakudama.tobi-komu. — t^z^i", tobi-dasu. — aleak, Squint, t. v. Yokome de miru, sugamemoru. — up as a plant, hayeru. To de miru.— a mine, jiraikuwa wo hanasu, — Squills, n. Kaiso.a trap, wana wo tobasu.Squint-eyed, «. Yabu-nirami, higarame,Spring rains, n. Haru-same.sugame.Sprinkle, t. v. Sosoga, kakeru, maku, Squirm, i. v. Notakuru.utsu, chirasu.Squirrel, n- Risu.Sprinkling, n. Sosogi. A — of rain, Squirt, «. Midzu-teppo.ame ga mabara ni furu.Squirt, t. v. Hiyoguru, tsuki-dasu.Sprite, n. Yurej.Sprout, /. v. Kizasu, haj^eru, mebuku,medatsu, moyeru, moyasu.Sprout, n. Me, naye, mebaye.Spruce, a. Tei-nei na.Spruce, /. v. Yosoou.Spruce, «. Matsu no ki no rui.Spry, a. Tebayai, ashibayai.Spume, n. Awa.Spi;nk, n. Hokuchi, panya.Spur, «. Kedzume. — of a mountain,hana.Spur, t. v. Seku, hagemasu, hayameru.Spurious, a. Niseru.—•nisemono,gambutsu, gibutsu.Spurn, t. v. Ke-tobasu, shirizokeru.Spurt, if. 2/. Haki-dasu, fuki-dasu. {t.v^Hashiri-deru, hodobashiru.Sputter, i. v. Hane-deru. (/. z'.) Hane-dasu.Spy, t. V. Ukagau, rierau, mi-tsukeru,midasu.Spy, n. Shinobi, kanja, yokome, ommitsu,me-tsuke, me-akashi, mono-mi,kancho.Spy-glass, n. To-megane.Squab, n. lye-bato no hinako.Squabble, i. v. Araso, soron, kenkuwa.Squad, w. Tai, kumi, te.Squadron, n, Kumi, te, tai.Squalid, a. Misuborashii, kitanai.Squall, n. Yudachi.Squall, /. v. Naku, sakebu.Squ<strong>and</strong>er, t. v. Tsuiyasu, mudadzukaiwo suru, 9i\nzai suru.Stab, t. v. Tsuku, sasu.Stability, n. Genju naru koto, tashikanaru koto.Stable, a. Tashika-na, sadamatta, katai,shikkari to shita, genjii na.Stable, n. Uma-ya.Stable-boy, ;z. Betto.Stack, n. Inamura.Staff, n. Tsuye.Stag, n, Shika.Stage, n. Butai, dan, tomari, shukuba,shi-rin-sha.Stage-coach, n. Shi-rin-sha.Stage-driver, n. Giyo-sha.Stage-pl.ayer, n. Yakusha.Stagger, i. v. Hiyoro-hiyoro to aruk:i,yoro-yoro to aruku, yorobo, yoromeku,tajiroku, yorokeru.Stagger, /. v. Yorotsukaseru, mayowaseru.Staggeringly, adv. Hiyoro-hiyoro to,yota-yota.Staging, n. Ashijiro, ashiba.Stagnant, a. Tamaru, yodomu, todokoru.Stagnate, i. v. Yodomu, todomaru, todokoru,fu-yiidzu ni naru.Staid, a. Majime na, ochi-tsuitaru.Stain, /. 7/. Shimu, somaru, mabureru,nuru, yogareru.Stain, n. Shimi, kakin, chijoku.Stair, n. Hashigo.Stake, n. Kui, hashira, kake-mono,kakegoto. Burning at the — , hi-abu-Square, a. Shi-kaku na, kaku-gata no, Stake, t. V. Kui wo tateru, kakeru.seichoku na, ho-sei na.Stakeholder, n. Kake no mono woSquare, t. v. Kaku ni suru, kanawaseru. adzukaru hito.tsuri-awaseru. (z. 7'.) Kanau, tsuriau. Stalactite, n. Sh6niuseki._To — off, uchi-ai no kamaye wo suru. Stale, a. Furu-kusai, kusai.Square, carpenter" s, — , kanezashi. — , mizame suru, fukeru.To gf'ow

STA170 STEStalk, n. Kuki. jiku.Stalk, z. z/. Takaburite aruku.Stali, «. Uma-tate, koma-yose, tsujimise.ni tatsu. To — by a friend^ tomo nikatan wo suru. To — to 2V,'ii-haru,shirizokadzu. To — for, shirusu. —off^ tozakaru, chikayoranu. It st<strong>and</strong>sto reason^ ri-ni kanau. It st<strong>and</strong>s mein tiventy riyo, ni-ju riyo kaketa. To— together^ kanau, fugo suru, chigawadzu.To 07it againt^ sakaro, tekitau.To — up for ^ katan suru. To out /or ^shirizokadzu, makedzu. To —in necd^ iriyo to suru. To — on cerejnony^rei ni yoru. To — in atve^ osoreiru.To — on end^ massugu ni tatsu.To — aside^ waki ni yoru.St<strong>and</strong>, w. Tomari, bakenjo, dai. Tomake a — , tachi-tomaru, todomaru.St<strong>and</strong>ard, a. Hata, hata-jirushi, kiwametarukoto.St<strong>and</strong>ard-bearer, n. Hata-mochi, hatasashi.Start, n. Biku-tsuki, bikkuri. To getthe — 0/ saki-gake wo suru.Startle, i. v. Biku biku suru, odoroku,tamageru, gikkuri suru.Startle, t. v. Biku-tsukaseru, odoroka-Stallion, n. O-uma.Stamen, n. Shibe, hana no dzui.su, odosu.Stamina, n. Genki, konki.State, t. v. lu, hanasu, mosu, tsugeru,Stammer, i. v. Domoru, kuchi-gomoru. noberu, chindzuru.Stamp, «. Han, in.Stated, a. Kimaru, sadamaru, kimatteStamp, /. v. Han wo osu, tsuku, fumitsukeru.oru.Stanch, a. J6bu-na, katai, shika to shi-Stately, a.rippa na.Genkaku na, ogosoka na,Statement, n. Kojo, kaki-tori.Statesman, «. Seiji ni tasshitaru hito.St.\nch, t. V. — bloody chi wo tomeru.Stanchion, n. Tsuppari, shimbari, tsukarai,dan. — in life., mibun, bungen.Station, n. Ba, tokoro, mochi-ba,St<strong>and</strong>, t. v. Korayeru, shinogu, tayeru, Official — yaku, yakume. Post —,shinobu. To — one's ground^ tayeru. shukuba.ku-Station, t. v. Oku, moshi-tsukeru, sonayeru.St<strong>and</strong>, i. v. Tatsu, tomaru. — by^ sobaStationary, a, Ugokanu, undo senu,susumanu.Stationer, n. Kami-ya.Stationery, n. Kami fude sumi nadono somiyo.wo ko-Statistics, n. Jqjitsu shiraberuto.Statuary, n. Seki-z6 wo kizamu koto,seki-z6 wo kizamu hito.Statue, n. Ningiyo, z6, seki-z6.Stature, «. Take, sei, mi no take.Statute, «. Okite, sadame, ho-ritsu,hatto.Stave, n. Kure.Stave, /. v, Tsuki-kowasu. — off., fusegu.Stay, i. v. Matsu, tomaru, todomaru,toriu suru, yamu, tanomu, oru. (/. z/.)Osayeru, hikayeru, yameru.Stay, i. -v. Tomaru, toriu.Stead, n. Kawari. To st<strong>and</strong> in — yd,ni tatsu.Steadfast, a. Shika-to shitaru, tashikanaru,ugokanu.Steadfastly, ad7>. Kataku, shikkari,tashika-ni, kitto, jitto, shika to.St<strong>and</strong>ing, n. Tatsu, mibun, bungen.St<strong>and</strong>-point, see wakime, okame, yosome.Stanza, n. Zekku.Staple, «. Sambutsu, ji, shina.Star, n. Hoshi. Fixed — gosei.,Star-anise, n. Uikiyo.Steadily, adv. Jitto, kitto.Starboard, n. Fune no migi no ho. — Steady, a. Shika to shita, tashika-na,tJie hebn^ omo-kaji wo toru.katai, shikkari to shita.Starch, n. Nori, shofu.Steady, t. v. Osayeru.Stare, i. v. Nagameru, kiyorori to miru, Steal, t. v. Nusumu. ubau, toru, kasumeru.— away., hisokani nigeru, nu-kiyorotsuku, mi-tsumeru.Stark, adv. — naked^ mappadaka, akahadaka.Stealing, n. Nusumu koto.kete deru.Starlight, n. Hoshi no hikari.Stealth, n. Nusumi. By — , hisokani,shinonde.Starry, a. Hoshi no.Start, /. v. Biku-biku suru, biku-tsuku, Stealthily, adv. Hisoka ni, hiso-hiso,bikkuri suru, tatsu, obiyeru. — on a naisho, shinonde, kossori-to, nukete.journey., tabidachi wo suru, detachi. Steam, «. Joki, yuke.Start, t. v. Bikutsukaseru, odorokasu, Steam, i'. v. Jo-hatsu suru, museru.tateru. shi-kakeru.Steam, t. v. Musu, fukasu.

STE 171Steam-boat, «. Hi-bune, joki-sen. kowaku suru. (z. v.) Kataku naru,Steam-boiler, n. Kama.katamaru.Steam-car, n. Joki-sha.Stiff-necked, a. Go-jo naru, iji woSteam-engine, n. Joki no shikake.Steel, «. Hagane, hi-uchi.Stiffness, n. Katasa, kowasa, kataki,Steel-yard, n. Tembin, hakari.henkutsu, kataiji.Steep, n. Gake, zeppeki, nanjo.Stifle, t. v. Iki wo tomeru, kesu, musebu.Steep, a. Kewashii, sagashii, kittatsu,soba-datsu.Stigma, «. Haji, kakin, chijoku, kidzu.Steep, t. v. Hitasu, tsukeru.Stileti'o, 71. Kuwai-ken.Steeple, n. Roban.Still, t. v. Shidzumeru, osameru, tomeru,todomeru.Steer, t. v. Kaji wo toru.Steersman, «. Kaji-tori.Still, a. Shidzuka na, odayaka na, shidzumaru,ochi-tsuku, damaru, moku-Stem, m, Jiku, kuki.Stem, t. v. Sakarau, saka noboru.Stench, n. Shuki, kusai nioi.Still, n. Rambiki.Step, i. v. Fumu, aruku. — into^ fumikomu,yoru, hairu. — back^ atoshizari, shivvo, keredomo, nao-sara, shikashi-Still, adv. Mada, ima-made, nao, hito-ushiro-ashi. — across^ fumi-koyeru, nagara, yahari.fumi-watasu, matageru, matagu. —more, iyo-iyo, masu-masu.Hold — jitto shite ire.,aside, yokeru. — upon <strong>and</strong> break, Still-eorn, a. Shinde umareru, sho-sanfumi-kudaku, fumi-tsubusu. — on, fumi-tsukeru.— forth, deru. — out, Stillness, n. Shidzuka naru koto.shita.deru.Stilt, «. Take-uma.Step, n. Fumi, dan. One — , hito ashi. Stimluate, t. V. Hagemasu, fumpatsuStep by step, dan-dan, shidai-ni, oi-oi. saseru, susumeru.Walk ivith long — , fumbatte aruku. Sting, /. v. Sasu, hari de sasu.Step-brother, n. Tane-gawari no kiyodai,beppuku no kiyodai, chi-kiyodai. Stingy, a. Shiwai, rinshoku na, kechiSting, n. Hari.Step-child, n. Mama-ko, beppuku.na, yabusaka na, mono-oshimi no.Step-daughter, n. Mama-ko.Stink, /. v. Kusaru.Step-father, n. Mama-chihi, keifu. Stint, t. v. Herasu, oshimite yaru.Step-ladder, n. Fumi-dan, fumi-tsugi, Stipend, n. Gekkiu, kiu-kin.kiyatatsu.Stipulate, i. v. Yakusoku suru, joyakuStep-mother, n. Mama-haha, keibo. suru.Steps, n. Agaridan, hashigo, fumi-dan, Stipulation, n. Yakusoku, joyaku, kaj6.fumi-tsugi.Step-son, n. Muko.Stir, i. v. Ugoku, undo suru. (t. v.)Step-stone, n. Kutsu-nugi, dan.Ugokasu, kaki-mawasu, kaki-mazeru.Stereoscope, n. Shashin megane. — up, hagemasu, odateru, okosu.Sterile, a. Yasetaru.Stir, n. Sawagi, sodo, yakamashii.Sterility, n. Yasetaru koto.Stirrup, n. Abumi. — leather, chika-Stern, n. Fune no tomo.Stern, a. Arakenai, kibishii, ikameshii. Stitch, t. v. Nu, tojiru.Sternly, adv. Kataku, kibishiku. Stock, «. Jiku. — of a gun, tepp5 noStern-most, a. Itchi ato no.dai. — (capital), moto-de, motokin,Sternl'm, n. Mune no hone.midzukin. — {supply"), takuwaye.Stew, /. v. Niru, yuderu.Stock, t. v. Takuwayeru.Steward, n. Makanai-kata, katte-kata. Stockade, n. Yarai, saku.Stick. «. Bo, sac, tsuye, ki.Stocking, n. Tabi.Stick, t. z>. Sasu, tsuku, haru, tsukeru. Stocks, n. Ashigase, beta. Gambler in{t. 7'.) Koberi-tsuku, nebari-tsuku, hebari-tsuku,kishimu.— , sobashi.fast, hittsuku, Stoker, «. Hi-taki.kakaru, i-tsuku. To — by, katan suru. Stolen goods, n. Nuke-mono.To — out, tatsu, deru. To — to, tsuku.Stomach, n. Ibukoro, i, ikuwan.Stolid, n. Gu-don naru.Sticky, a. Nebai, nebaru, beta-beta, betatsuku,nebari-tsuku.Broken — , wariguri. — in the bladder,Stone, «. Ishi, seki. Precious — , tama.Stiff, a. Katai, katamaru, kowai, kowabaru,kataku na, henkutsu na.sekirin. — image, sekizo, ishi-botoke.Stiffen, t. v. Kataku suru, katameru,— step, sekidan. — wall, ishi-gaki.— chips, ishi-ko.

STO 172 STRStone, t. v. Ishi de butsu.Strait-laced, a. Kataku na, katakurushii.Stone coal, n. Ishidzumi, sekitan.Stonecutter, n. Ishiya, ishi-kiri. Str<strong>and</strong>, «. Iso,hama. A rope 0/ threeStone fence, n. Ishi-bei.str<strong>and</strong>s^ mitsu gumi nawa.Stonemason, n. Ishiya.Str-AND, /. V. Fune wo riku ye haseageru,(i. &.) Fune ga riku ni uchi-Stone wall, n. Ishi-gaki.Stool, n. Koshi-kake, shogi, fumidan, agaru.daiben, dai-yo. To go to — , hako su- Strange, a. Kotonaru medzurashii,ayashii, hen na, kawatta, miyo na,Stoop, /. V. Kagamu, kuguru, kagameru, fushigi na, fushin na, hiyon na, ihen na,sesekumaru.kitai na, otsu na.Stop, i. v. Tomaru, todokoru, tsumaru, Strangely, adv. Ayashiku, medzurashiku.tatadzumu. Not stopping to do^ ayedzu,tori-ayedzu.Str.\nger, n. Shiranu hito, yoso no hito,Stop, /. v. Fusagu, sasayeru, tomeru, kiyaku, tabi no hito.fusegu, todomeru, yameru, yosu, osayeru,kindzuru, sashi-tomeru, seki-to- shime-korosu. (z. z/.) Museru, muse-Strangle, /. v. Kubiru, kubiri-korosu,Kawa-himo. Razor — , togizei,jama, tsumari.Stopper, «. Sen.Strap, t. V. Kawa-himo de kukuru.Stopping, a. — at a hotels riyo-shuku, — a razor ^ kami-sori wo togi-kawa deriyohaku.togu.Storage, n, Kura-shiki, kura ni tsumu Strat.\gem, n. Hakarigoto, kei-rij'aku,koto.bokei. Strategical advantages 0/ aV Store, n. Alise. A thing one sets — by^ placey chi-nori.daiji na shina, hizo na shina.Str.-vw, n. Wara. — hag^ hiyo, kamasu,Store, t. v. Tsumu, takuwayeru, kodzumu.Strawberry, n. Ichigo.tawara. — viatting^ komo.Storehouse, n. Kura, dozo.Straw-cutter, n. Oshi-kiri.Storm, n. Okaze, arashi, taifu, Same. Straw roof, n. Wara-yane.Storm, t. v. Semeru, osou, utsu.Stray, /. v. Mayo. — korse., hanareuma.Stormy, a. Areru, ara-arashii.Story, n. Hanashi, setsu, mono-gatari, Streak, n. Suji.kai.Stream, n. Nagare.Story-teller, «. Hanashika.Stream, t. v. Nagareru.Stout, a, Sukoyaka na, jobu na, tassha Streamer, w. Fuki-nagashi.na, soken na. — hearted^ ki-dzuyoi. Street, n. Machi, tori.Stove, n. Hibachi.Street-walker, Yotaka.Stow, t. v. Tsumu, tsumi-komu. Strength, n. Chikara, riki, ikioi, tsuyosa,yuriki.Stowage, n. Tsumi.Str.\bismus, n. Yabunirami.Strengthen, t. v. Tsuyoku suru, jobuStraddle, t. v. Matagaru, fumbaru, hadakaru,matageru.naru, tsuyoru.ni suru, katameru. (j. v.) TsuyokuStraggle, t. v. Mayo.Strenuous, a. Tsu^'oi, hageshii.Straight, a. Mattsugu, sugui, semai. Stress, n. Lay — on. taisetsu ni suru.— face^ magao.Stretch, t. v. Nobasu, haru, hipparu,Straight, adv. Sugu-ni, mattsuide. noberu. — w/, sobiyeru.Straighten, t. v. Mattsugu ni suru, Stretch, i. v. Todoku, nobiru, hiroganobasu.Straightway, «(/iy. Tachi-dokoro ni, Strew, t. V. Chirasu, maku.tachimachi ni. sugu ni.Strewed, a. Chiru.Straln, t. V. Ikimu, ki wo haru, chikara Striated, a. Suji no tsuitaru.wo iieru, sei wo dasu, hipparu. — («j Strict, a. Kibishii, katai, genju na,•wate7-\ kosu.kiukutsu na, kengo na, monogatai, ogosokana.Strainer, n. Midzu-koshi.Strait, ti. Seto, nanjo, nangi, nanju.Kataku, kibishiku, genju— 0/ urethra, kiyosaku.{i. z/.) semani, naru, Stride, t. v. Fumbatte aruku, mataga-setsunai, scppaku naru.Strictly, adv.bu.Stop, n.Strait, a.Todome, yasumi, sasaye, kin-Semai.Strap, n.Straiten, t. v.Komaru.Semaku suru, semeru.semakuni.Stricture, n.

'STRStrife, «. Arasoi, koron, kenkuwa,toriai, serial.Strike, /. v. Utsu, butsu, tataku, chochakusuru, ateru, ataru, naguru, tsuku,sasu. —in, iiaiko suru. The lighiiiiughas struck^ kaminari ga ochita.•— ameasure, hakari-kiru. To — sail, howo orosu. a tent, maku wo hikiharau.To — root, ne ga tsuita. —with surprise, odoroku, bikkuri surp.— dead, tonshi Suru, bachi-atatteshinuru. To — a bargain, yakuwo musubu. To — o^, nozoku. — o2it,kesu. — off a ku7tdred sheets, hiyakumai wo suru.Strike, n. Tokaki.String, w. Ito, nawa, sashi, koyori, o.To have two strings to one's bow, kotowo riyotan ni suru.Strop, n. Togi-kawa.Structure, n. Tsukuri-kata, koshirayeyo,tsukuri, koshiraye, sei-saku, sei-ho,tate-mono.Struggle, //. Momi-ai, agaki, aseri.Struggle, i. v. Momi-au, sei wo dasu,agaku, aseru, seri-au.Strum, t. v. Hiku, shiraberu, t<strong>and</strong>zuru.Strumpet, a. Joro.Strut, i. v. Funibaru, bakko suru.Stubble, n. Kabu, kari-kabu.Stubborn, «. Henkutsu na, wagamama,jo no kowai, gojo na, ganko na.Stubbornly, adv. Kataku na ni, gankoStucco, n. Kabe.Stuck-up,

SUB 174 SUFSublime, a. Eakkun na, miyo-na, tayenariL|zetsu-miyo na.t. SuB.MF.KGE, V. Shidzumeru, hitasu.Oboreru, shidzumaru.{/ass.)Submission, n. Shitagai, kosan, kuppuku.Submissive, a. Kentai naru, shitagau.Submit, z. v. Shitagau, kudaru, kosansuru, makaseru, zoku suru, tsuku, fukusu,kuppuku.Suborn, ^. v. Itsuwatte chikawaseru.Subordinate, a. Shita no, otoru. —officer., shita-yakunin.Subordinate, t. v. Shitagawaseru, fuzokusaseru, otoraseru, shita ni suru.Subordination, n. Shita ni suru koto,kurai no otoru koto.Subpcena, t. V. Yobi-dasu, meshi-dasu,ineshi-yoseru.wase no.Succession, n. Tsudzuki, jumban, ren.Subpcena, n. Meshijo.Successive, a. Tsudzuku. — days., renjitsu.— years., ren-nen. — generor-Subscribe, z. zi. Nattoku suru, shochisuru, kishin suru, kifu suru.tions., ren-dai.Subscribe, t. v. Na wo shirushite kimeru,Successor, n. Ato-tsugi, tsugi no hito,na wo shirushite sho to suru.ato-tori, ato-shiki.Subscription, «. Kishin, kifu, hono. — Succinct, a. Mijikai, chijimetaru.kishin fuda, kuwankecho, hogachoriyaku,Succinctly, adv. Mijikaku, ara-ara, tai-paper.,zatto.Subserve, t. v. Yo ni tataseru, ma ni Succor, t. v. Tasukeru, suku, hojo suru.Succor, n. Tasuke, sukui.Subservient, a. Yo ni tatsu, ma ni Succulently, a. Shiru no oki.Succumb, i. v. Kosan suru, shitagau,au.Subsequent, a. Ato no, nochi no, tsugi kussuru, kuppuku, makeru.no, go.Such, a. Kono-yo-na, kon-na, sonoyoSubsequently, adv. Nochi ni, ato de. na, son-na, ano-yo-na, ann^, ayu, sayona,Suhside, i. V. Shidzumu, odomu, shidzumaru,kono-kurai na, kono tori-no, sono-ochi-tsuku.kurai-na, sono-tori-no, sasuga-no, sahodo-na,sabakari-no, kaku-no gotoki.Subsidiary, a. Kuwayeru, soyetaru, mashitaru.Suck, t. v. Su, nomu, shaburu. — z«,Sursidize, t. V. Yato, tanomu.sui-komu. — out, sui-dasu.Subsidy, n. Yatoi kin.Suckle, t. v. Chi-chi wo nomaseru.Subsist, i. v. Kurasu, inochi wo tsunagu,Suckling, n. Chi-nomi-go.oru.Sudden, a. Kiu na, niwaka na, fui na,Subsist, t. v. Yashinau.tachi-machi na. — deaths ton-shi. —Subsistence, «. Kuchisugi, kate, shokuriyo.riches y deki-bugen. — notion., dekigokoro.Substance, «. Mono, shina, shitsu, shui,hon-i. A man of— , bugenja.tachi-machi ni, ton ni, soku-ji ni, fuiSuddenly, adv. Niwaka ni, kiu ni, futo,Substantial, a. Jitsu, makoto no, hon-ni, hiyoito, dashi-nuke ni.t6,j6bn na.Substantially, adv. Jitsu ni, makotoni, hon ni, tai-riyaku-ni, hikkiyo.Substantive, n. Jitsu-mei-shi.Substitute, t. v. Kawari-ni suru, dai nisuru, ko-tai suru.Substitute, n. Miyodai, kawari no hito,migawari, b<strong>and</strong>ai.Substitution, «. Kawaru koto, dai nisuru koto.Subterfuge, n. li-gusa, kakotsuke, yamagoto.Subterraneous, a. Tsuchi no naka,chi-chiu no.Subtile, a. Hosoki, kashikoi, riko-na,surudoi, jachi na.SuBTiLTY, n. Jachi.Subtract, /. v. Hiku, nozoku, hesu, habuku.Subtraction, n. Hiki-zan.Suburbs, n. Joka, hadzure, bo-bana.Subvert, t. v. Horobosu, katamukeru,metsubo suru.Succeed, i. v. Tsugu,. tsudzuku, togeru,'dekiru, kanau, shitogeru.Succeeding, a. Nochi no, tsudzuku. —years., ko-nen.Success, n. Shi-togeru koto, ataru koto,jojii suru koto.Successful, a. Ataru, shubi yoi, shia-Sudorific medicines, n. Hakkan-zai.Sue, /. V. Uttayeru, todokeru, so-shosuru, negai-dasu.Suet, n. Ushi no abura.Suffer, t. v. Ukeru, au, j'urusu, gamansuru, k<strong>and</strong>zuru, tayeru, shinogu. To— pain., itamu. To — death, korosareru.— punishvient., basserareru, tsumi-sareru.To — from sore eyes.,gambiyo de wadzurau. To — loss., sonsuru. To — to enter., hairaseru. To —with headache., dzutsii ke nanju suru.Sufferance, n.Yurusu koto,' gaman.

SUF 175Suffering, n. Setsunai, kurushimi, kutsu,nanju.Slffice, i. V. Taru.Sufficiency,??. Taru koto, jubun.Sufficient, a, Taru, aku, jubun na, kanau.Sufficiently, adv. Jubun-ni.Suffix, t. v. Soyeru, kuwayeru, tsukeru.Suffocate, /. v. Iki ga tsumaru.Suffocate, t. v. Iki wo tomeru.Suffrage, n. Hotsugon niusatsu nadoshite yerabu koto.Suffuse, t. v. Eyes suffused tuith tears.,namida-gumu. Suffused with blushes.,kao ga akameru.Sugar-bowl, n. Sato-ire.Sugar, n. Sato.Sugar-c<strong>and</strong>y, n, Kori-zato, sato-guwashi.Sugak-cane, n. Sato-kibi, kansha.Sugar of lead, n. Yento.Suggest, t. v, Tsutsushinde iu, hanasu,oshiyeru.Suicide, «. Ji-gai, ji-satsu.Suit, n. Koto, kuji, gu. One — ofclothes.,kimono hito kasane. To bring— , uttayeru,sosho suru.Suit, i. v. Au, kanau, ojiru. — one'staste, ki ni iru, ki ni kanau. Exactly— , chodo yoi. Does not suit., ki ni iranu,ma ni awanu.Suitable, a. Au, kanau, s66, soto, teki-SUPSummon, n. li-tsuke, meshi-bumi, meshi-j6,meyasugaki.Sumptuous, n. Rippa na, kekko na.SuMPTUOUSNESS, «. Ogori, yeiguwa,kekko.Sun,*??. Hi, nichi-rin, tai-yo. — dried.,amaboshi. Sun's rays., hizashi, hi-ashi,hi no kuwosen.Sun, t. V. Sarasu.Sunbeam, n. Hi no kuwo-sen.Sunburn, t. v. Hi ni yakeru, kogeru.Sunday, «. Ansoku-nichi, yasumi, dontaku,nichiyobi.Sunder, t. v. Hanareru, wakeru, wakareru,hedateru, kireru, kiru, tatsu.Sun-dial, n. Hi-dokei.Sundry, a. Iro-iro, sama-zama.Sun-fish, n. Ukiki.Sunflower, n. Hi mawari, oguruma.Sunken, a. Kuboi, kubomu.Sunlight, n. Hikage, hi no hikari.Sunny, a. — place, hinata.Sunrise, n. Hi no de.SuN-scREEN, n. Hi-6i.Sunset, n. Hi no iri, hi-gure.Sunshine, n. Hinata.Sun-stroke, n. Atsuke ni ataru.t. Sup, V. Su, nomu, susuru.Superabundance, n. Yokei, kuwabun,yobun, amaru.Superabundant, a. Yokei na, yobun na,amaru, kuwa-bun no.Superadd, t. v. Soyeru, kuwayeru, ma-Suite, n. Tomo, tsuki-s6.su.Suitor, n. Koi-bito.Superannuated, a. Oiboreru, romo.Sulky, a. Suneru, futeru.Superb, a. Rippa na, kekko na.Sullen, a. Suneru, shibui.Supercargo, n. Uwa-nori.Sullied, a. Kumoru, yogoreru.Supercilious, d. Ofu, ohei, takaburu.Sully, t. v. Yogosu, kegasu.Supereminent, a. Nukinderu, hiidetaru.Sulphate of copper, n. Tampan, Superexcellent, a. Goku-j6, tobi-kiriSulphate of iron, n. Riyoku-ban.na. daigoku-j6.Sulphate of zinc, a. Kohan.Superficial, a, Uwa-muki no, omote no,Sulphur, n. Iwo.uwabe no, asai, namagiki na, soto no.Sulphuric acid, n. Riu-san.Superficially, adv. Uwa-muki ni.Sultry, a. JNIushi-atsui, atsui, homeku. Superficies, w. Guwai-men, omote, uwatsura.Sum, n. Tsugo, shime-daka, awasete.Superfine, a. Goku-hin, gokujo.Sum, t. 1'. Shimeru, yoseru, kanjo suru, Superfluity, v. Yokei, yobun, amaru,awaseru. The sum of the matter., shosea,hikkiyo, tsumari.Superfluous, a. Sugiru, yokei na. takusan.—Summary, adv. zatto, tai-riyaku,Ara-ara, -words, zei-gen.riyaku-shite, arakajime.a.Superhuman, Hito no oyobanu, jin-Summary, n. Riyaku, tsudzume.riki ni atawanu, fushigi na, fukashigi.Summer, n. Natsu, ka. Beginning of— Superimposed, a. Kasanaru.shoka. End of— , ban-ka.Superintend, t. v. Sairiyo suru, tsukasadoru,Summerset, n. Kumagayeri.sahai suru, kimo-iri wo suru.Summit, n. Zetcho, itadaki, chojo, saichiu,Superintendent, n. Kimo-iri, sairiyodesakari, toge, teppen.nin, bugiyo, toriyo.Summon, t. v. Mesu, meshi-dasu, yobidasu.— together., meshi-atsumeru, nukinderu, hiideru, jo, uye no, kami. —Superior, a. Masaru, sugureru, katsu,meshi-yoseru.quality, goku-hin.

SUP 176'Superior man, n. Kunshi. Supposition, n. Tsumori, omoi, haka-Superiors, n. Me-uye no hito, kami nitstsa hito, johai.Superlative, a, Nukindeta, masatta,sugureta.Superlative, adv. Shigoku, gokif, ito,itatte, mottomo, hanahada.Supernatural, a. Fushigi na, shimbenna, fukashigi na, shim-miyo na.Supernumerary, n. Kadzu no hoka.Superscription, n. Uwagaki.Supersede, /. v. Fuyo ni suru, tori-kayeru,j^asumeru.Superstition, n. Makoto no kami denaki mono wo ogamu koto, hito no tsukuritarushushi, goheiwo katsugu koto.Superstitious, a. — jf>erson, gohei-ka-SuPERVisE, t. V. Sai-riyo suru, sa-hai suru,tsukasadoru, shihai suru.Supervisor, «. Sai-riyo-nin, toriyo.Supine, a. Aomuku, aogu, okotaru. yudannaru.Supper, n. Yu-meshi, yu-gohan, yashoku.Supplant, t. v. Hito wo oshi-nokete deru.Supple, a. Shinayaka na, yasashii, sunaona.Supple, t. v. Yawaraka ni suru, shinaya-SuPPRESS, t. V. Osameru, tairageru, shidzumeru,taiji suru, hisomeru, hikayeru,kakusu, tomeru.Suppurate, /. v. Umu, ibo, umi wo komosu.Supremacy, n. Kempei wo motsu koto.Supreme, n. Ichi-ban uye, zenken wotorn, shigoku, itatte no.Supremely, adv. Itatte, shigoku, mottomo.Sure, a. Tashika naru. katai, jobu na,utagai-naki, soi-naki, shikkari to shita,hitsujo na, masashii. To make —ukeau, tashika ni suru. Not — , obotsukanai.To be — , kitto, tashika ni.Surely, adv.Tashika-ni, soi-naku, makoto-ni,jitsu-ni, kitto.Surety, n. Ukeai-nin, hiki-ukenin.Surf, n. Nami.Surface, n. Omote, tsura, guwai-men,men.Surfeit. /. v. Aku, aki-hateru, kuwashokusuru.Surfeit, n. Kuwa-shoku, tabe-sugirukoto, aki-hateru koto.Surge, O-nami.Surge, i. v. Nami-tatsu.ka niSurgeon, n. Ge-kuv/a-isha.suru.Supplement, n. Tashi-maye, furoku, Surgery, n. Ge-kuwa.Surly, a. Shibutoi, jo no kowai.tsuika, tsuketari.Supplement, t. v. Tasu, oginau.Surmise, i. v. Sui-riyo suru, suisatsu suru,Supppliant, n. Tan-guwan suru hito,oshi-hakaru.guwan nin.Surmount, /. v. Katsu, masaru.Supplicant, «. Guwan nin.Surname, n. Sei, uji.Supplicate, t. v. Negau, tanomu, tanguwanSurpass, t. v. Sugiru, masaru, katsu, ko-suru, kito wo suru.Supplication, n. Negai,tanomi, kiguwan,guwan, kito.Surpassing, a.suguretaru.Hiidetaru, nukindetaru,Supplies, n. Te-ate, hiyoro, shoku-riyo.Surplus, n. Amari, nokori.Surprise, t. v. Fui ni osou, odorokasu,Supply, t. v. Atayeru, yaru, te-ate wo odoroku, akireru, obiyakasu. Bysuru. — a deficiency y tasu, oginau. ——futo, fui-ni, omoigake naku, dashi-nukethe wants of the poor^ bimbo-nin wosuku.ni.Surprise, «. Odoroki, fui.Support, t. v. Motsu, ukeru, tayeru, Surprising, a. Odoroku hodo no, osoroshii,shinobu, korayeru, shinogu, yashinau,kotayeru, shimbo suru, gaman suru, tetsutau,tasukeru, katan suru.kimiyo na.Surre.nder, t. V.yudzuru.Kosan suru, kudaru,Support, n. Dodai, tsuka, tasuke, yashi-Surrender, n. Kosan, yudzuri.Surreptitious, a. Hisoka naru, naishonai.Supportable, a. Korayt shinoba-naru.Surround, t. v. reru, tayerareru.Supporter, «. Katodo, katan nin, satan tori-komeru.nin.Surveillance, «,Kakomu, tori-maku,Me wo tsukeru koto,Suppose, /. v. Omo, daro, de aro, or the kansatsu.dub. of the verb.form tatoyeruchiTsumoru, t. v. Survey, Mi-orosu, nagameru, ken-wo utsu, soku-riyo suru, hakaru,Supposing, n. Moshi, moshikuba, tatoyeba,kembun suru, bunken wo suru. Sur-yoshimba, yoshiya, hiyotto.veying instruments^bunken-dogu.

SUR 177•SYSSurvey, n. Nagameru koto, gimmi, kembun,kenchi, soku-riyo.Surveyor, n. Kemmi yaku, fushin-yaku,Sweep, t. V.hissarayeru.Sweepings, n.Haku, soji suru.Gomi.— away,jikata-yakunin.Sweet, a. Amai, kawairashii, umai, yoi,Survive, /. v. Iki-nokoru, shi ni okureru.Sweeten, t. v. Amaku suru.Sweet-flag, n. Shobu, ayame.Survivor, n. Iki-nokoru-mono.Sweetmeats, n. Kuwashi.Susceptible, a. Kanji-yasui.Sweetness, n. Amasa.Suspect, t. v. Utagau, ayashimu, suiriyo Sweet potato, n. Satsuma-imo.suru, ayabumu, ibukaru,fushin ni omo, Swell, i. v. Hareru, fukureru, tsumoru,kadoru.tsuyoru, bocho suru. Cause to — , fuyakasu.Suspend, /. v. Kakeru, sageru, tsuru,yasumeru, tomeru, kindzuni.Swelling, n. Hare-monoSuspense, n. Tayutai, tamerau, tadayo, Swerve, /. v. Hadzui-eru.utagau.Swift, a. Hayai, kiu-na, sumiyaka na.Suspension, n. Tomeru koto, yasumeru Swiftness, n. Hayasa.koto. To ask a — of judgment^ gimmini tsuite 3'uyo wo negau. — 0/ a Swim, t. v. Oyogu, ukamu. Head —Swill, t. v. 0-kuchi ni nomu.7nercantile house, shosha ga bunsan me ga mau, kennun suru. To — across,shita.oyogi-wataru. To — a horse, uma woSuspicion, n. Utagai, usan, uron, ginen, oyogaseru.gishin, fushin, giwaku, saigi.Suspicious, Utagawashii,Swindle, t. v. Damasu, kataru, mayakasu,gurasu.a. uron-na,Swindler, «. Katari, mayashi.usanrashii, gaten-yukanu, ayashii, fushinna, ibukashii.Swine, n. Buta.Sustain. (^See Support).Swineherd, n. Buta-kai.Sustenance, n. Yashinai, shoku-motsu.Swing, /. v. Yurugu, furu, mawaru, yuru.Swing, n. Buranko, yusawari, bishago.Suture, n. Awashi-me.Swinish, a. Buta no yo na.Swab, «. Yezo-kin, z6-kin.Switch, n. Sumoto.Swab, t. v. Fuku.Switch, /. v. Muchi-utsu.Swaddle, /. v. Tsutsumu, maku. Swoon, i. v. Memai, tachi-gurami.Swagger, /. zi. Takaburu, rikimi-kayeru, Sword, n. Katana, tsurngi. — rack,rikimi-chirasu, bakko suru, fumbataka- katana-kake. — cut, katana kidzu.IVoodeft — , bokuto. Laying aside theSwAiN, n. Inaka mono.— , datto suru.Swallow, n. Tsubame, tsubakura. Sword-blade, n. Katana no mi, yaiba.Swallow, t. v. Nomu, norai-komu. — Sword-exercise, n. Ken-jutsu.ivhole^ maru-nomi.Sword-fight, «. Shi-ai.Swamp, n. Numa.Sycophant, «. Neijikebito, goma-suri.Swan, «. Hakucho.Symbol, n. Harijimono.Swap, t. v. Tori-kayeru, koyeki suru, indariSymmetrical, a. Tsuri-au. Not —ni suru.Sward, n. Shiba.tsuri-awanu.Sympathize, i. v. Omoi-yaru, awaremu,Swarm, /. v. Waku, takaru, uza-uza suru,itchi-suru.habikoru.Sympathy, n. Omoi-yaru koto, jinjo.Swarm, «. Mura.Symptom, n. Shirushi, shoko, choko.Swarthy, a. Kuroi.Synonymous word, n. Nitaru kotoba.Sway, t. v. Shihai suru.Synopsis, n. Riyaku-bun.Sway, n. Shihai, keni.Syphilis, n. Kasa, sodoku, baidoku.Swear, i. v. Chikau, nonoshiru, akko Syphilitic Eruption, n. Yobaiso.suru.Swearer, n. Chikau hito, kami no naSyphon, n.Syringe, n.Sui-age.Midzu-deppo, suiju.wo midari ni iu hito.Syringe, t. v. Tsuku.Sweat, n. Ase. To — , ase ga deru, hak- System, n. Do, riu, riugi, michi, shidara,Sweaty, Asebamu. — h<strong>and</strong>s, abu- shidai.Systematic, a. Kimari no yoi, tori-shimarirade.no yoi.8*

178TTabernacle, «. Tem-maku.Table, n. Dai, tsukuye, zen, hinagata. to heart, ki ni motsu. — advantage ofDining — , h<strong>and</strong>ai.tsuke-konde, dzu ni notte, jodzuru.Table-boy, n. Kiu-ji.— the air, asobu. — leave, itoma-goiTable-cloth, n. H<strong>and</strong>ai-shiki, shokusen,fukusa.Tablet, w. Ancestral — , ihai.Taciturn, a. Mukuchi no, mutsuri shiteiru.Tack, n. Biyo.Tack, t. v. Tsugu, tsukeru, soyeru. To cold, kaze wo hiku. Take witho7it restraint.,tori-hodai. Take all, tori-— ship^ fune wo majiru.Tackle, t. v. Tsukamu.kiru. — /zV^, awaremu. Take whicheiieryou like, o kokoro makase ni oTacitly, adv. Damatte, mokuzen shite.Tackling, n. Dogu.tori nasai. — a rest, yasumu. — of-Tact, n. Kotsu, jodzu. No — , heta.T.A.CTICS, n. Hei-jutsu, jutsu, gun-gaku,heiho, gumpo.Tael, n. Riyo.Tail, n. Shippo, o.Tailor, n. Shitateya.Taint, t. v. Tsuku, utsuru, kusaru, aza- mind from one's work, shigoto no kiga n ukeru, or torareru. To off aTake, t. V. Toru, ukeru, uke-toru, tsukamayeru.— in the artns, daku. — ki wo tsukeru. To — no notice of, ton-person, hito mane wo suru. To — heart,in the fingers., tsukamu. — food., taberu,ku. — one'' s choice., yerabu, yoru. business, yoji ni kamakeru.jaku senu, kamawanai. Taken up with— {accept)— , uke-toru. — medicine^ Talc, «. Kirara, ummo.kusuri wo nomu. — the liberty., habakarinagara. — for granted^ mochi-— , tsugeguchi wo suru.Tale, n. Hanashi, monogatari. To tellron. Taken sick., yami-tsuku. Take Tale-bearer, «. Tsuge-guchi, gomasuri.a house., iye wo karu. — a likeness., zbwo utsusu. — a castle, shiro wo semetoru.— a seat., koshi-kakeru, suwaru, riyo, do-riyo.Talent, n. Sai, chiye, sai-no, kiriyo,chakuza suru. Hoiv much will it take ? Talk, /. ?/. Mono wo iu, iu, hanasu, kataru,shaberu, danko suru, yenzetsuikura kakarimasho. — away., tori-harau,tori-nokeru, tori-hanasu. — care., suru.abunai, ki wo tsuke-yo. — care of., mamoru.— your orun course, katte ni sewa,kotoba, uwasa, setsu. — aboutTalk, n. Mono-ii, hanashi, katari, danyo,omaye no kokoro-mochi shidai. others, hitogoto wo iu. — to one's self,— ojf, toru, maneru. Take down, orosu,tori-kudzusu. — out, tori-dasu, wo iu. Long — , chodan.hitorigoto wo iu. — in sleep, negotohadzusu, nuku. — otit of the way, Talkative, a. Cho-choshii, tagen suru,tori-harau, tori-nokeru. — hold of kuchi-mame na.tsukamayeru, nigiru. — back, torikayesu.— apart, tori-kudzusu. — in, Tally, t. v. Kanau, au, fugo suru.Tall, a. Sei-takai.ukeru, hairu. — notice, mi-tsukeru. Tallow, n. Ushi no abura.— aft oath, chikau. — off, toru, nugu, Tallow-tree, n. Ro no ki.orosu. — out a stain, shimi wo nuku. Tally, n. Te-ita, shirushi-ita.— part in, kumi suru, issho ni naru, Talon, n. Tsume.nakama ni hairu. — place, ga atta Tame, a. Otonashii.(aru). — effect, kiku, shirushi ga aru. Tame, t. v. Natsukeru.— root, ne ga tsuku. — tip, hiro, ageru, Tamper, t. z>. Kamau.tsukamayeru. — tijne, himadoru, te- 'Tan, t. v. Namesu.madoru. — up room, ba wo toru. —wo suru. — breath, yasumu. — aiiit,nerau. — along, tsureru, tomonau.The child takes after his father, kodomoga chichi ni niteoru. To takefor, machigayeru. — to, konomu, suku.Take to one's heels, nigeru. Takefence., rippuku suru. To — a walk.,sampo suru. — heed, ki wo tsukeru,tsutsushimu. To — in, damasu. To— in h<strong>and</strong>, shi-kakeru, hajimeru. To— °ff ^ coat, haori wo nugu. To — offthe head, kubi wo kiru. — off the

TAN 179TELTangle, t. v. Motsureru.Tea-caddy, «. Cha-ire.Tank, 71. Midzu-oke, midzu-tame. Tea-canister, n. Cha-ire.Tanned hide, n. Nameshi-kawa. Tea-chest, w. Cha-bako.Tanner, n. Kawa-nameshi, kawata, kawaya.Tea-color, n. Cha-iro.Tea-cup, n. Cha-wan.Tantalize, /. v. Mise-birakasu, misejirakasu,Tea-dealer, n. Cha-akindo.hekiragasu.Tea-garden, n. Cha-yen.Tantamount, a. Onaji-koto, hitoshii, Tea-grounds, n. Cha-gara, cha kasu,torimonaosadzu.cha-shibu.Tap, t. V. Tataku, dashi-guchi wo akeru. Tea-grower, n. Cha-shi.Tape-worm, n. Sanada-mushi, j6-chiu. Tea-house, n. Cha-ya.Taper, m. Rosoku.Tea-jar, n. Cha-tsubo.Tapir, n. Baku.Tea-kettle, n. Tetsu-bin.Tar, n. Chan. To — , chan wo num. Tea-party, n. Cha-seki.Tardy, a. Osoi, okureru, yen-nin, osonavvaru,Tea-plant, n. Cha no ki.chichi suru.Tea plantation, n. Cha-batake.Tare, n. Hagusa, futai. — of weighty Tea-pot, «. Dobin, cha-bin, cha-dashi.kan.Tea price current, w. Cha-no-fu.Target, «. Mate, kaku. — shooting, Tea-room, n. Cha-ma, cha-shit.su.kaku-uchi.Teaspoon, n. Cha-shaku, cha-saji.Tariff, n. Unjo, zei-soku.Tea-strainer, «. Cha-koshi.Tarnish, i. v. Kumoru, sabiru.Tea-store, n. Cha-mise.Taro, n. Sato-imo. — stems, dzuiki. Tea-tray, w. Cha-bon.Tarry, /. v. Matsu, todomaru, tomaru, Teach, t. v. Oshiyeru, kiyokun suru,michibiku, kiyoju suru, satosu.toriu suru.Tart, a. Suppai.Teaching, «.Tartar, n. — of the teeth, hashio, .haguso.Oshiye, kiyokun, kiyo-ju,Teacher, n. Shisho, kiyo-shi.Tartar-emetic, «. To-shu-seki. Teal, n. Kamo.'Tartaric acid, n. Shu-seki-san. Team, n. — of two horses, nl hiki noTartarus, n. Jigoku.Tartly, adv. Suppaku, kibishiku. Tear, «. Namida. Shed — , raku-rui.Task, n. Hito kiri no, bun, nikkuwa, Tear, t. v. Saku, yaburu, hiki-saku,shigoto. To take to — , togameru, imashimeru.nuku, hiki-hadzusu, hiki-hagu. — up,hikiyaburu, chigiru. — _off, hittakuru,Tassel, n. Fusa.hiki-nuku. — dozvn,VowSiS\x. — apart,Taste, «., _Aji, ajiwai, fumi, mi. Bitter saku, hiki-hanasu, tsunzaku.— , nigami. Acrid — , kara-mi.Tearful, a. Namida-gumu.Taste, /. v. Ajiwau, nameru, aji wo Tease, t. v. Naburu, jirasu, ijimeru, komaraseru,miru, aji wo kiku, kokoromiru.nedaru, gudzuru, atakeru.Tastefully, adv. Teinei ni.Teat, a. Chi-mame.Tasteless, a. Aji no nai.Tedious, a. Urusai, nagatarashii, mendoTattered, «. Yabureta.na, taikutsu, kochitaku, kudoi.Tattle, i. v. Shaberu, kuchi-saganai. Tedium, «. Taikutsu, temochibusata.Tattler, n. 0-shaberi.Teem, i. v. Mitsuru, habikoru.Tattoo, n. Hori-mono.Teeth, n. Ha. Front — , maye-ba.Tattoo, t. v. Horu.Back — , okuba. Canine — , kiba.Taught, a. Katai. To make — , hiki- Gnashing of — , -hagami, higishiri.Projecting — , deba. To set — on edge,Taunt, /. V. Nonoshiru.ha ga uku, hagayui. To cut — , ha gaTavern, n. Yadoj'a, hatagoya, riyoshuku.hayaru.Tegument, n. Kawa.Tawdry, a. Kazari-sugiru.Telegram, n. Denshin.Tawny, a. Ki iro.Telegraph, n. Denshinki. — office,Tax, 11. Nengu, unjo, denso, men, mononari,mitsugi, zei. Pay — , nengu wo Telescope, n. Tomegane.denshinkiyoku. — line, senro.osameru.Tell, t. v. Kikaseru, tsugeru, kataru,Tax, t. V. Nengu wo toru.hanasu, iu, noberu, shiraseru, oshiyeru,Taxable, a. Nengu wo tori-tatsu beki. wakaru, chiushin. — to others, tagon.Taxis, n. Momu,— ''ffi kazoyeru.Tea, n. Cha.Tell-tale, n. Tsuge-guchi.

IjTenon,TEM 1 80 TEX.Temerity, n. Mukomidzu.Tenet, n. Oshiye, setsu.Temper, n. Ki, kokoro, iji, kishitsu, Tenfold, a. Jissobai, toye.shone, kidate. /// ,— fu-kigen.n. Hozo.Temper, t. v. Kitau, neru, tanren suru, Tenor, n. Omomuki, shui, imi.nereru, neri-kitau.Tense, a. Katai, shimaru.Temperament, n. Sho, sho-ai, sei-shitsu, Tense, «. {in grammar')^ past —,kuwako.Present — genzai. Future —umare-tsuki.,Temperance, n. Hikayeme, uchiba.mirai.Temperate, a. Yenriyo naru, hikayeme Tensely, adv. Shimatte, hippatte.Tenseness, or Tension, n. Katasa, shimari.Temperature, n. Yoki, kan-dan, ondo.Tent, n. Maku-ya, tem-maku.Tempest, n. Arashi, okaze, are, bofu. Tentative, a. Tamesu, kokoro-miru.Tempestuous, a. Areru.Tenth, a. Ju-ban, jubam-me. — t^rt.,Temple, n. Tera, miya, do yashiro. jubu-ichi.Temples, n. Bin, komekami.Tenuity, «. Hososa, ususa.Temporal, a, Yo no, seken no.Tepid, a. Nurui, nurumu, nama-nurui.TEMPOR-AJiY, a. Kari no, tobun. — residence^kari-dzumai. — sewings karinui.Tepidness, n. Nurusa.Term, t. v. Sho suru, go su, nadzukeru.Temporarily, adv. Kari ni.Temporize, t. v. Jisei ni makaseru, injunsurutoba,ji, shirushi. To bring to — , ko-Term, n. Nichi-gen, miyo-moku, ko-Tempt, t. v. Hiku, kokoromiru, ki wo san saseru. Make tervis^ yakusokuhiite miru.To toTemptation, n. Kokoromi, aku ni izanauTo be on bad terms., naka gakoto, aku ni obiku koto.warui.Tempted, a. Hikareru, aku niTermagant, «. Akuba, kuchi yakama-Aku ni izanau mono.Tempter, n.Ten, a, Jvi, to. — htcndred^ issen. —thotisaiid^ man, ban, yorodzu. Tentimes., to-tabi, judo, jippen. Ten timesas tnuch., jissobai. Tenfold, toye.Tenable, a. Mamorareru, shugo sareru.Tenacious, a. Kataku na, katai, kataijina, henkutsu, nebai, nebaru. — memory.,kizoku no yoi, oboye no yoi.Tenaciously, adv. Kataku, nebaku.Tenacity, n. Nebasa.Tenant, n. — of l<strong>and</strong>., ji-kari. — 0/a house., tanako, tana-gari, shakuyanin.Tenantry, n. Hiyakusho.Tend, /. v. Mamoru, ban wo suru, kiwo tsukeru, kaiho suru. (/. v.) Muku,mukau, yoru, omomuku.Tendency, n. Omomuku koto, mukaukoto.Tender, a. Yowai, yawaraki, tayowai,ki no yowai, yasashii, onjun na.Tender, t. v. Sashi-dasu.Tender-hearted, a. Jihi-bukai, nasakearu.Tenderly, adv.Yawaraka ni, shinsetsuTendon, «. Suji, kinkon, ken.Tendril, n. Tsuru no te, te.Tenement, n. lye, tana, taku.Tenesmus, «. Shiburu.shii onna.Terminate, t. v. Shimau, owaru, kagiru.Termination, n. Owari, shimai, hate,kagiri.Terminus, n. Sakai, owari, kagiri.Terrace, n. Utena, dai, tai, hiraba.Terrace, t. v. Hiraba ni suru.Terrestrial, a. Seken no.Terrible, a. Osoroshii, mezamashii.Terribleness, n. Osoroshisa.Terribly, adv. Osoroshiku.Terrify, /. v. Odosu, obiyakasu.Territory, n. Riyobun.Terror, n. Osore, kiyofu.Terse, a. Teinei na, kirei na._Tessellate, t. V. Tatami-ishi wo shiku.Test, t. v. Tamesu, kokoromiru, gimmisuru.Test, n. Tameshi, kokoro-mi, gimmi.Testament, n. Yui-sho. Old — , kiuyaku-zensho.New — , shin-yaku-zensho.Testator, n. Yui-sho wo nokosu hito._Testicle, n. Kintama, kin, inno, fuguri,koguwan.Testify, i. v. Shoko wo tatsu.Testimony, n. Shoko, akashi.Testy, a. Tanki naru, ki-mijikakuTether, t. v. Tsunagu,Tetanus, n. Hashofu.Text, n. Hom-mon, dai.

TEXITexture, n. Jiai, hada, ji, kime.sochira,Than, conj. Kara, yori. More — kochi.Here <strong>and</strong> — , achiasuko.amaru.Thereabout, adv. Gurai, bakari, sonoThank, t. v. Arigato, katajikeno, shasuru,atari.rei wo iu.Thereafter, adv. So*no-nochi.Thankful, a. Aragatai, katajikenai, Thereat, adv. Soko-ni, soko-de.person — struck tne^ watakushi wobutta hito. The king — rules thepeople well, yoku shimo wo shihaiarigatagaru.Thankless, a. Arigataku omowanu, onwo shiranu, arigatagaranu.Thank-offering, n. Guwan-hodoki, reimotsu.Thanksgiving, n. Sha suru koto, rei woiu koto.That, dem. pro. Sore, are, kare, sono,kano, ano, to, yo ni. As a relativepro. it is formed as follows ; they —love others., hito wo aisuru mono. Thesuru o. {conj.) To. He said thatthere was a fire in Yedo, Yedo ni knwajiatta to hanashimashita. I kearrJthe doctor say that he would die, watakushiga biyonin wa shinuru to ishaga iu wo kikimashita.Thatch, /. v. Wara wo fuku.Thatched house, n. Wara-ya,Thatcher, n. Yane-ya.Thatching, n. Wara-fuki.Thaw, /. v. Tokasu, toku. (/. v^ Tokeru.The, as an article, has no equivalent.The higher the sun is the %var7uer itbecomes, hi ga noboru hodo atsukunaru. The vtore the fever increased,the 7nore he suffered, netsu ga tsunorudake kurushiku natta. The 7nore thebettc7', oku aru hodo yoi.Theatre, n. Shibai.Theft, «. Nusumi.Their, pron. Are no, sono hito no,sono, karera no.Them, pron. Karera wo, sono hito wo,are wo.Theme, n. Dai.Themselves, pron. Onore, ji-shin, jibun.Then, adv. or conj. Sono toki, anotoki,shikaru toki ni, soshite, shikaraba,kara, sono ato de, tsui-ni.Thence, adv. Boko kara.Thenceforth, adv. Sono nochi, sonogo,irai.Theology, n. Shin-gaku, shin-to.Theologian, n. Shin-gaku-sha.Theoretical, a. Hito no suiriyo nimotodzuku, jitsuji ni motodzukanu.Theory, n. Hito no suiriyo no setsu,gaku, setsu.There, adv. Achi, achira, soko, sochi,SITHIThereby, adv. Sono-yuye-ni, konoyuye ni, kore ni yotte.Therefore, adv. Kono uye ni, sonouye ni, kore ni yotte, sore ni yotte,karu-ga-uye-ni, uye ni.Therein, adv. Sono uchi ni.Thereof, adv. As, in the day thou eatestthereof thou shall surely die, sorewo taberu hi ni wa kanara^.:u shinuru.Thereupon, adv. Sokode, sore-kara.Thermal, a. — spring, on-^&n.Thermometer, n. K<strong>and</strong>ankei.These, pron. Kare, korera.Thesis, n. Dai.They, pron. Sorera, sore.Thick, a. Koi, atsui, shigei, shigeru,futoi, nigoru, dossari.Thicken, t. v. Atsuku suru, koku suru,shigeru. {i. v.) Atsuku naru, tsunoru,tsuyoru.Thicket, n. Mori, yabu, odoro.Thickly, adv. Atsuku, koku.Thickset, a. Shigeru.Thickness, n. Atsusa, kosa, futosa,shigeisa.Thief, n. Nusubito, dorobo, tozoku,yoto, mambiki.Thief-catcher, n. Okappiki.Thievish, a. Nusumi-gachi na, nusumiguseno, tekuse ga warui.Thigh, «. Momo.Thimble, n. Yubi-nuki.Thin, a. Usui, hosoi, yaseru.Thin, t. v. Usuku suru, mabiku, sukasu,mabara ni suru, manuku, uronuku,suguru.Thine, pron. Nanji no, anata no.Thing, n. Mono, koto, shina, motsu.All things, bam-motsu. A^iy —n<strong>and</strong>emo. No such — , so de wanai.Think, i, v. Omo, kangayeru, tsumoru,shian suru, aro. — much of, tattomu,oshimu. — of each other, omoi-au.To cease to — of, omoi-suteru, omoiyaru,omoi-kiru. — of, omoi-dasu,omoi-tsuku. — more <strong>and</strong> niore of,omoi-tsumoru. — of only, omoi-tsumeru.— to much of, omoi-sugosu.— ineanly of, omoi-sageru, karondzuru.— better of, omoi-naosu. — ofagain, omoi-kayesu. / think I shallreturn, watakushi kain-masho. I thinkit will rain to-morrow, miyo-nichi ame

. Thinking,THI 182 THRfuri-masho. / think he is a bad man^warui hito de aro.n. Mono-omoi.Thinly, adv. Usuku, hosoku, mabara*ni.Thinness, n. Ususa.Third, a. Samban, sambam-me.— , sambu-ichi.OneThirst, i. v. Nodo-kawaku, kawaku,kagsuru.Thirst, n. Katsu, kawaki.Thirsty, a. Kawaki, kassuru.Thirteen, a. Ju-san.Thirteenth, a. Ju-sam-ban.Thirtieth, a. San-ju-ban,Thirty, n. San-ju.This, fron. Kore, kono, kon, to. yea7\ kon-nen, to-nen, ko-toshi. —vtorning^ kon-cho, kesa. — day^ konnichi,kiyo. — evening^ kom-ban, koyoi.— nighty kon-ya, kom-ban. —months kono tsuki, kon-getsu, togetsu.— world, kono yo. — time, kon-do,kono tabi. — manner, kono tori, konomama, kono bun.Thistle, n. Azami, no-jisa.Thither, adv. Asuko, achira.Thong, «. Himo, o. — of s<strong>and</strong>al, V^.-na-o.Thoracic-duct, «. Niubikuwan.Thorax, n. Mune.Thorn, n. Toge, hari. — hedge, ibaragaki.Thorny, n. Toge aru.Thorough, a. Mattaku, maru-de, jubun-na,yuki-todoku. Not — , fu-yukitodoki,fii-temawari.Thoroughfare, n. Tori-michi, orai,kaido, michi, ro, do, tsu-ro.Thoroughly, adv. Mattaku, maru-de,jubun ni, sappari.Thou, /w«. Nanji, anata.Though, conj. Keredomo, naredomo,iyedomo, tatoi, tomo, domo, shikashi.Thought, n. Omoi, riyoken, kangaye,tsumori, zoni, shiriyo, shian, kufu, an,kokoro-gake.Thoughtful, a. Yojin no yoi, tashinamiho yoi, ki wo tsukeru, tsutsushimu._Thoughtless, a. Ki no tsukanu, ukkarito shita.Thous<strong>and</strong>, a. Sen, chi, kuwan. TenThous<strong>and</strong>-fold, n. Sem-bai.Thous<strong>and</strong>th, a. Sem-ban. — part,sem-bu-ichi.Thrash, t. %>. Utsu, butsu, konasu, chochakusuru.Thrashing, n. Konashi.Thrashing-floor, n. Konashi-ba.Thread, «. Ito. Ballo/—,h.&so.Thread, t. v. Ito wo tosu, tsuranukusugeru.Threat, n. Imashime, korashi, odoshi.Threaten, /. v. Korasu, imashimeru,odosu. — rain, furi-s6. — to /allytaore-s6.Three, a. Mitsu, san, mi.Three-cornered, a. San-kaku.Three-fold, a. Sambai, san-sobai, mitsu-gake,mi-ye.Three-leaved, «. Mitsu-ba.Three-ply, a. Mi-ye.Threescore, a. Roku-ju.Threshold, n. Shikimi, shikii.Thrice, a. San-do, mi-tabi.Thrift, n. Hanjo.Thrifty, a. Hanjo suru, sakayeru.Thrill, t. v. Tessuru, kotayeru, hibiku.Thrive, i. v. Sakayeru, hanjo suru.Throat, n. Nodo. Clear the — ,kowadzukuri,seki-barai, shiwabuki.Throb, i. v. Doki ga utsu. — luithfain, dzuki-dzuki itamu.Throne, n. Takamikura, kurai.Throng, n. Ozei, kunju.Throng, t. v. -Kunju suru, yoru, atsumaru.Thronged, nigiwai, nigiwashii,nigiyaka.Throttle, t. v. Nodo wo shimeru.Through, prep. Toru, ni. To pass —tosu. Go — , toru. Blow — , fuki-tosu.Run — with a thread {string), tsuranuku,sasu. Run — (with a spear),sashi-tosu. To fall — , muda ni naru.Shoot — {with an arroiv), i-tosu.Shoot {with a ball), uchi-tosu. Tocarry — {accomplish), togeru, dekiru.,Died through starriation, uyete shinda.Saved — the mercy of God, kamino on ni yotte tasukatta.Throughout, /r^/. — the year, nenju,toshi ippai. — the night, yomosugara,shu-ya. — the month, shu-getsu, tsukisuteru, utcharu, nage-suteru. — into^nage-komu, nage-ireru. 7tp, nageageru,haku, modosu. — out, nagedasu,nozoku. — across, nage-kosu.— aside, nage-yaru. — against, nagetsukeru.— <strong>and</strong> hit, nage-utsu. —dice, sai wo utsu. — aivay time, himawo tsuiyasu. — back, nage-kayesu,ii-kayeru. — by, suteru, hai suru. —off, nugu. — on a coat, haori wo kiru.To — one's self down, uchi-neru.To — up a cotnmission, yaku wo henjosuru, or kayesu.

THR183 TIPi*"Thrlm, t. V. Hiku, shiraberu.Tiller, Kaji no ye, hiyakusho.Thrust, t. v. Tsuku, sasu, osu. — Tilt, t. v. Katamukeru.throztgh^ tsuki-tosu. — ont^ oshi-dasu. Tilted, a. Katamuku.— z«, oshirkomu, oshi-ireru. — open^ Timber, n. Zai-moku.oshi-akeru, oshi-hiraku. — against^ Timber-yard, «. Zaimoku-ya.oshi-ateru, oshi-tsukeru. — apart^ Time, n. Toki, jisetsu, koro, koro oi,oshi-hedateru, oshi-wakeru. — back^ jikoku, jisei, ji-bun, jidai. jigi, ori, hodo,yo, dai, kuwo-in, tsuki hi, go, do,oshi-kayesu. — doiun^ oshi-fuseru,oshi-kudasu, oshi-sageru. — aside, tabi, ma, hen. Spare — , hima. itoma.oshi-nokeru.Ancient — , mukashi, inishiye. Set —Thumb, n. Oya-yubi. To — , ijiru, sa- nichi-gen, koku-gen, higiri. Threetimes five are fifteen, san go no jugo.Thump, t. V. Butsii, utsu, tataku. — (of music'), hiyoshi. Any — , itsudemo.What — , itsu. To be in —Thunder, n. Kami-nari, rai. — <strong>and</strong>lighttiuig, rai-den.ma ni au. Not in — , ma ni awanu.Thunder, /. -v. Kami-nari ga naru, or, At times he rides <strong>and</strong> at other timestodoroku, hatameku.he walks, kago ni nottari aruitari.Thunderbolt, n. Raiiju.Have time enough, ma ga aru. ToThunderstruck, a. Bozen, bikkuri.lose — , osoku naru, himaga iru. LongThursday, n. Moku-yobi.— , hisashii, nagai. For a long — , hisashiburi.Siiort , shibaraku, chitto,Thus, adv. Kono tori, kono-mama, kayo,kaku-no-gotoku, kono yo.sukoshi. Matty — , shiba-shiba, tokidoki,tabi-tabi. JVhat — is it ? NanThwack, t. v. Tataku, utsu.Thwart, t. v. Sakarau, teki-suru, sasayeru,doki de gozarimasu ka. To kill —samatageru.taikutsu ni naranu yo ni toki wo okuru.THY,/rc?«. Anatano.To beat — , hiyoshi wo toru. To stealTibia, n. Sho-tai-kotsu.— , hima wo nusumu.Tick, n. Dani.Time, t. v. Toki ni yoru, ji-setsu ni kanau,hakaru. To — the pulse, miyakuTick, i. v. The watch ticks, tokei gafuru.do wo hakaru. To — a horse, uma noTicket, n. Fuda, tegata, kitte.hayasa wo hakaru.Tickle, t. v. Kosoguru, (z. v.) Mudzugaii.Timely, adz>. Tsugo-yoi toki, hayaku.Ti:,ie-piece, n. Tokei.Ticklish, a. Kusuguttai, kosobayui, Time-serving, a. Tsuisho wo iu, kigenkosobaigaru, kiwadoi, abunai.wo toru, hetsurau.Tide, a. Shio.Time-worn, a. Furubitaru,Tidings, n. Tayori, otodzure, inshin, Timid, a.. Okubiyo na, abunagaru, kimono chiisai, ayabumu, omeru.sata, bingi.Tidy, a. Kirei, tei-nei na.Timidity, n. Okubiyo, hikiyo.Tie, w. Musubime, yen.Timorous, a. Abunagaru.Tie, t. V. Musubu, shibaru, tsunagu, karageru,Tin, «. Sudzu, h<strong>and</strong>a. Sheet — , briki.kukuru, yu, yuwayeru.Tincture, t. v. Someru.Tier, n. Narabi.Tincture, n. Chinki-zai.Tiffin, n. Hiru-gohan, chiu-han. Tinder, n. Hokuchi.Tiger, n. Tora.Tinfoil, n. Sudzu-haku, kanagai.Tight, a, Katai, shimaru.Tinge, t. v. Someru, some-tsukeru,Tighten, t. v. Kataku suru, haru, shi- tsukeru.Tingle, i. v. Naru.Tightly, adv. Kataku, shika-to, tsuyoku,Tinker, «. Ikakeya.hittariTile, n.ma. To roof with , kawara fuku. Tinsel, n. Kazari, date.— roof, kawara-yane, kawara-buki. Tint, n. Formed by adding mi to the— red tint, aka-mi.Square , renga.natne of the color, as,to, shikkari to, hita-to.Kawara. kihi, kavvara-ga-— woTinkle, /. v.Tin-man, n.Narasu, rin-rin to naru.Briki ya, briki zaiku-shi.Tiler, 7i. Shakan.Green tiftt, aoi-mi.Tiling, n. Kawara-yane.Tiny, a. Chiisai.Till, /r^/. Made. — now, ima-made. Tip, 71. Saki. —— of the nose, hana-saki,then, sono toki made, sono maye bito.ni.Tip, t. V. Saki wo tsukuru. — o7'er, kutsugayesu.— the wink, mekubase woTill, ;*. v. Tagayesu, kosaku suru.Tillage, n. Kosaku, tagayeshi. suru. — 7{p, katamukeru.

TIP 184 TORTippet, n. Kubi-maki.Tipple, i. v. Sake wo nomu.Tippler, n. Sake-nomi.TipPLiNG-HOUSE, n. Sakaya.Tipsv, a. Sake ni yo.Tiptoe, n. To st<strong>and</strong> on — , tsumadateru,choriu suru.Tip-top, «. Zetcho, teppen, ch.6j6.Tip-top, a. Shigoku yoi no.Tirade, «. Togameru koto.Tire, /. v. Tsukareru, umu, tsukarakasu,kutabireru, taikutsu, agumu, shindoi.Tired out^ tsukarete shimatta.Tiresome, a. Taikutsu naru, umu, tsukareru,mendo na.Tissue, «. Soshiki.Tit, n. Chichi.Tithe, n. Jubu-Ichi.Title, n. Gedai, hiyo-dai, miyo-moku,kuwan-miyo, sonsho, suji, daimoku.Title p.\ge, n. Hiyodai wo kakitaruichi men.Titter, /. v. Hisoka ni warau.To, prep. Ni, ye, made, oyobu, taishite.A s the sign 0/ the iiifinitive mood ;as, I love to ^vrite, kaku koto ga suku.ToiLSO.ME, a. Kuro-na, hone no oreru,ro suru.Token, n. Shirushi, shlrasCj katami.Tolerable, a. Kanari, dzui-bun, korayerareru.Tolerate, t. v. Yurusu, menkiyo sum,kan-nin suru.Toleration, n. Yurushi, menkiyo, kannin,shinogi.Toll, t. v. Narasu.Toll, n. Chin, dai, unjo. Bridge —hashi-zeni.Toll-bridge, n. Zeni-tori-bashi.Tomato, n. Aka-nasu.Tomb, n. Haka, tsuka, fumbo.To.MBSTONE, n. Haka-jirushi, sekito, sekihi.To-morrow, n. Miyo-nichi, ashita.Tone, n. Ne, neiro, koye, oto, kowane.Tongs, n, Hi-bashi. To take with —hasamu.Tongue, n. Shita, kotoba. To hold the— , damaru, mokunen suru.Tongue-tie, n. Kojita.Tonic medicines, n. Hoyaku, kiyosozai.A re you ready to go ? yuku ga shitakuTo-mght, n. Komban, kon-ya.Tonn.\ge, 71. Funa-ni no mekata, funenashita ka. Has gone to buy some fish, no tsumidaka, funa-unji).sakana wo kai ni yuita. To die fior Tonsil, «. Hentosen.one's cou7itry is right, kokka no tame Tonsure, n. Teihatsu, raku-shoku, chihatsu,ni shinuru wa gi nari.kashira-orosu.Toad, a. Kawadzu, kaj^eru.Too, adv. Sugiru, amaru, mo, mata, yahari,takusan. — much, yokei.Toad-stool, n. Take.ToADV, t. V. Hito no hige no chiri wo Tool, n. Dogu.harau.Tooth, «. Ha, me, see Teeth. CarioitsToast, n. Yaki-pan, kotobuki. — , mushi-ba. Artificial — , ire-ba.Toast, t. v. Aburu. To — a person, Tooth-ache, n. Ha-itai, ha ga itai.hito ni shukuhai suru, kotobuki wo su- Tooth-brush, n. Yoji.n.Tooth-dye, Haguro, kane.ToBACCO, n. Tabako.Tooth-edge, n. Hagayui.Tobacconist, 71. Tabako-ya.Tooth-forceps, n. Ha-nuki.Tobacco-pipe, n. Kiseru.Toothless, a. Ha-naki.ToBACCO-POCCH, n. Tabako-ire.TooTH-PiCK, n. Koyoji.To-DAv, adv. Konnichi, kiyo.Tooth-powder, w. Ha-migaki.Toe, /. V. To — the mark, shirushi ni Top, 71. Itadaki, zetcho, uye, kashira.ashi no saki wo tsukeru.Spi7ining — , koma. — of a carriage,Together, adv. Issho-ni, tomo-ni, doshi,basha no horo.ichido, itchi. Also formed by the Top, i. v. Sugureru, nukinderu, hiideru.siijfix, au, to the root of a verb ; as. Toper, n. Sake-dzuki, sake-nomi.Talk together, hanashi-au. Fight — Top-heavy, a. Atama-gachi na.tataki-au. To Join — , awaseru, soyeru. ToPHET, «. Jigoku.To mijc — , mazeru. To live — , do-kiyo Topic, n. Tane, ii-gusa.suru To sit — , do seki suru. To eat — Top.MOST, a. Ichi-ban uye no.do-shoku suru. To sleep — , soi-ne wo Topknot, n. Maye-gami.suru. To walk — , tomonau, tsure-dachisuru. To add — yoseru, awaseru. Topple, i. v. Ochiru.Topography, w. Fu-do-ki.Toil, n.,Hone-ori, ku-ro, wana.Top-spinning, n. Koma-mawashi.Toil, t. v. Hone-oru, kuro suru, ro suru,Topsy-turvy, adv. Sakasama, mucha-shinku suru, kasegu.kucha.Toilet, n. Yosooi. To make one's — Torch, n. Taimatsu, te-bi. — Ught^mi-goshiraye wo suru.kagari-bi.

TOR 185 TRATorment, t. v. Semeru, kuritshitneru,kashaku suru, na3'amera, nayamu._Torment, n. Seme, kashaku, kurushimi.ToRN,/r^^. Sakeru, yabureru, chigireru.Tornado, n. Taifii, arashi, okaze.Torpid, a. Shibireru, don-ni naru, mahlsuru, kikanu.Torpor, ;/. Shibire, mahi, don.Torrefy, t. v. Yaku, kawakasu.Torrent, n. Kiu-riu, hayase.Torrid, a. Atsui, yakeru.Tortoise, n. Kame.Tortoise-shell, n. Bekko.Tortuous, a. ilagaru, unekuru, uneru.Torture, t. v. Semeru, karushimeru,kashaku suru, gomon suru, sainamu.Torture, 71. Seme, kashaku, gomon.Toss, t. V. Nageru, horu, yuru. — z

_ITrap-door,jTrappings,1Trash,i86treTranscendent, «. Suguretaru, nukindetaru,hiidetaru, bakkun-na.Transcribe, t. v. Utsusu, kaki-utsusu.i-toruTranscriber, n. Kaki-toru hito.Transcript, n, Utsushi, kaki-tori.Transfer, t. v. Utsuru, utsusu, watasu,hakobu.Transfer, «. Utsushi, hakobi, watashi.Transfigure, t. v. Hendzuru, hengeru,kawaru, henkuwa suru.Transfix, /. v. Tsuki-tosu.Transform, t. v. Hendzuru, kawaru,henge suru, bakeru, henkuwa suru.Transformation, n. Henkuwa.Transfuse, t. v. Utsusu.Transgress, t. v. Somuku, j'aburu, okasu.Transgression, n. Tsumi, zai, toga.Transgressor, n. Zai-nin, tsumi-bito,toga-nin.Transship, t. v. Funa-ni wo utsuru.Transshipment, n. Ni no utsushi, utsushi.Transient, a.zanji no. —Kari-no, karisome naru,sleepy kari-ne.Transit, n. Watari, hakobi.Transition, n. Kawari, utsuri, hen.Transitory, a. Mujo, tsune-naranu, sadame-naki.Translate, /. v. Hon-yaku suru, naosu,yaku suru.Tr.vnslucent, a. Mi-tosu, suki-tosu.Trans.migrate, /. V. Umare kawaru, rutensuru.Transmigration, «. Rinye, rinden, ruten.Transmission, n. Hakobu koto, watasukoto, unso.Transmit, t. v. Yarn, okuru, watasu,tsutayeru, tsudzuru, unso suru.Transmute, t. v. Hendzuru, hengeru,kawaru.Transparent, a, Mi-tosu, miyesuku,suki-tosu.Transpire, /. v. Moreru, arawareru, rokensuru.Transplant, t. v. Utsuhite uyeru, utsusu,utsushi-uyeru, uye-kayeru.Transport, /. z

TRE 187 TUMTremendous, a. Tsuyoi, hanahadashii, kokorodzukai, meiwaku. IVith jmickosoroshii.— , sekkaku.Tremulous, a. Furuyeru. — voice, furcgoye.Trouble, t. v. Komaraseru, meiwakusaseru, wadzurawasu.Trench, n. Mizo, dobu.Troubled, a. Komaru, meiwaku suru.Trend, /. v. Mukau, omomuku.Troublesome, a. Urusai, mendo no, wadzurawashii.Trepidation, n. Furui, wananaki.Trespass, /. v. Tsumi wo okasu, odatsu Trough, n. Toi, toyu.wo suru, yokodori wo suru, somuku. Trout, n. Yamame.Trespass, n. Tsumi, toga, zai.Trowel, n. Kote.Trestle, «. Dai.Trowsers, n. Momohiki, hakama, patchi,Trial, n. Kokoro-mi, tameshi, gimmi,dzubon, dambukuro.sainan, nangi.Truant, n. Keikowo suteteasobu mono,Triangle, n. San-kaku.bussei na mono.Tribe, n. Zoku.Truce, «. Tatakai no yasumi no aida.Tribulation, n, Sai-nan, nangi, wazawai,Truckle, /. v. Tsuisho suru.nanju.Trudge, z. v. Aruku.Tribunal, n. Shirasu, sai-ban-sho. True, a. Makoto, jitsu, honto, shinjitsu,Tributary, a. Zoku suru.ma. — or false, jippu, kiyo-jitsu.Tribute, «. Rlitsugi, zci, unjo, nengu. Truly, adv. Makoto ni, jitsu-ni, hon-ni,Trick, n. Tedate, hoben, takumi, jodan, honto, ge-ni-mo, ari-no-mama ni.tawamure, tedzuma, kuse.Trumpery, «. Muda no kazari mono.Trig*:, t. v. Damasu, taburakasu, Trumpet, «. Rappa, charumeru.azamuku,chakasu, fudzuku.Trumpet-shell, n. Hora.Trickle, z. v. Tareru, shitataru, jita-jita Trumpeter, n. Charumera-fuki, rappafuki.Trifle, Tawamu: jodan su- Trunk, n. Hako, hitsu, d5. {of a tree),miki. {of an elephant), hana.Triflixg, a. Wadzuka, sho-sho, karugarushii,Trust, t. v. Shindzuru, shinko suru,isasaka.shinyo suru, tayoru, tanomn, makaseru,Trigger, n. Hiki-gane.adzukeru. To sell on — , kake-uri wo suru.To buy on — , kake-gai wo suru.Trim, /. v. Yosoo, kazaru, tsukurou, tsukuru,chan-to suru, kiri-naosu. — the Trustee, n. Adzukari-nin, sewa-nin.saiis, ho wo hiki-naosu. — a tree, mudaTrustworthy, a. Shinko sareru, sinze-no yeda wo kiri-otosu, ki no yeda wo rareru, shojiki na, shikkari-to shita.kitte katachi wo naosu, karu.Trusty, a. Shinko sareru, shojiki, chiugiTrinket, n. Kazari-mono.na.Trip, i. v. Tsumadzuku, fumi-hadzusu. Truth, n. Makoto, jitsu, honto, arisama.— up another, komata wo toru, kawadzuTruthful, a. Tadashii, shojiki na, usowo kakeru.iuwanu.Triplets, «. IMitsugo, miko.Truthfully, adv. Tadashiku, itsuwarinaku,Tripod, n. Mitsu-ashi, gotoku, mitsuga-massugu-ni, aritei ni.Try, t. V. Tamesu, kokoro-miru, sabaku,Triturate, t. V. Suri-kudaku, konasu, saiban suru, tadasu, gimmi suru.suri-tsubusu.Tub, n. Oke. Bathing—, furo.Triumph, n. Kachi, yorokobi, shori. Tube, n. Kuda, tsutsu.Shout 0/ — , kachidoki. To celebrate a Tuck, n. Age.— , kachi wo iwau. Sotig of — gaika. Tuck, /. v. — up, hashoru, tsumeru, age,Triumph, i. v. Katsu, kachi-hokoru, wo suru, makuru.shori wo yeru.Tuesday, n. Kuwa-yobi.Triumphant, a. Kachi wo totte yorokobu.— countenance^ dekashigao. — Tug, t. V. Hiku, hone wo oru.Tuft, n. Fusa.song, gaika.Tug, n. Hiki-fune.Trivial, a. Wadzuka naru, sho-sho, sasaikin,Tuition, n. Oshiye. Price of —, rei-kiyo-ju riyo.Trocar, n. To-kuwan-shin.Tumble, /. v. Taoreru, korobu. ochiru,Troop, n. Kumi, hei-sotsu.kokeru. — from a horse, raku-ba.Troop, /. v. Atsumaru, muragaru. Tumble, t., v. Iri-majiru, konzatsu su-Trophy, n. Bundori.Trot, w. Jinori. To — jinori suru.,Trouble, n. Shimpai, kuro, kidzukai,Tumb:Kakube-jishi, n.idzu-no-

__TUMTumefy, /. v. Hareru.TUiMiD, a. Hareru, fukureru.Tumor, a. Katamari, kobu, funriu.Tumult, n. Sawagi, sodo, midare, ran.Tumultuous, a. Sawagashii, sozoshii, yakamashi,midareru, hishimeku, kamabisushi.Tune, n. Choshi, uta. To put in —choshi-wo awaseru.Tune, t. v. Choshi wo awaseru.Tunnel, n. Ji no shita no kayoi michi.suru. — back^ kayeru, modoru. —do7U!i, ori-kaj-esu. — ottt, oshi-dasu,oi-dasu, oi-harau. — oz'er, watasu,yudzuru, fuseru, kayesu, haguru. —the back^ ushiro wo miseru. — loose^hanasu. — a7id /ace, furi-muku. away /7-om, furi-tsukeru, misuteru. —bottom iip^ fuseru, hikkuri -kayesu,utsumukeru. To — the stoviach^ mukadzuku.To — the tables o?i, kayeri-uchiwo suru. To — to advantage^yodataseni.Turn, n. Mawari, meguri, kawari, jun,ban. By /«r«j, jumban-ni, junguri-ni,kawaru-gawaru, kotai.Turnip, n. Kabura.TuRi'ENTiNE, 71. Matsu-yani.Turtle, n. Kame.Turtle-dove, n. Hato.Tusk, n. Kiba.Tutelary god, w. Ubusuna,Tutor, «. Shisho.Twain, «. Futatsu, riyo. Cut in —futatsu ni kiru.Tweezers, n. Kenuki.Twelfth, a. Ju-ni-ban. — months juni-gatsu.One — ju-ni-bu ichi.,Twelve, n. Ju-ni. — per cent, ichiwari ni bu.Twentieth, a. Ni-ju-ban. — day 0/lithe 7Honth, hatsuka. 07ie — , ni-ju-buichi.Twenty, a. Ni-ju. — years, hatachi.Twentv-fold.hataye.Twice, a.Tunny-fish, n. Iruka.Turban, h. Dzukin, hachi-maki.Turbid, a. Nigoru, nigosu.Turbulent, a. Sawagashii, zomeku.Turf, n. Sukumo, ma-tsuchi.Turgid, a. Hareru.Twins, n. Futago.Turkey, n. Cho-sei cho.Turmoil, n. Kuro, sodo, sawagi.Turn, t. v. IMawasu, megurasu, kuru,mavvaru, meguru, kayeru, furi-kayeru,kawaru, hendzuru, bakeru. — insideout, iira-gayesu. — o^, or away^ himawo dasu, shikujiru, j'okeru, hachi niNiju-bai,nijissObai,Ni-do, futa-tabi. t7tUCh,bai, ni sobai.Twig, n. Koyeda, kodzuye.Twilight, n. Tazokare, higure, yugurc,Twine, t. v. Mato, karamu, matoi-tsuku,karami-tsuku.Twinkle, i. v. Kirameku, kiratsuku,matataku.Twinkling, a. Kirameku, matataku na.Twirl, /. v. Mawasu, hineru.TwirlinGj a. Mawaru, mawatte oru,hinekun-mawasu.Twist, t. v. Yoru, hineru, nejiru, nau,motorakasu.Twit, t. v. Togameru.Twitch, i. v. Hiku, tsuru, bikutsuku,hikumeku.Twitter, /. v. Sayedzuru.Two, a. Futatsu, ni, riyo. — by two,futatsu dzutsu. — or three tnen, riyosannin. 07ie or — days, ichi riyonichi.— swords, riyo-to. To cut in— , futatsu ni kiru.Two-edged, a.Riyo-ha.Two feet, 71. Riyo-soku.Twofold, a. Ni-s6 bai, bai.Two h<strong>and</strong>s, n. Riyo-te.Two-PLV, 71. Futa-ye.Two-sided, a. Riyo-tan.Two sides, n. Riyo-ho, riyo-men.Two-tongued, a. Riyo zetsu.Two versions, n. Riyo-setsu.Two ways, n. Riyo-yo.Tympanum, «. Ko-maku.Type, n. Shirushi, tachi. Printing —kuwatsu-ji.Typhoon, n. Taifu, bofu.Typify, /. v. Nazorayeru.Tyrannical, a. Bogiyaku na, mugoi,kakoku. — laws, kaho.Tyranny, n. Hido no seiji.Tyrannize, i. v. Muri ni shihai suru,hido ni seiji wo suru.Tyrant, «. Hido ni seiji wo suru hito.Tyro, «. Shogaku, shoshin, mijuku.

Ubiquity, n. Imasazaru tokoro nashi. Unadvisaele, a. Yoroshikaranu.Uddek, n. Clii-biisa, niu-bo.Unadvisedly, adv. Kamben naku, mi-Uglv, a. Mi-nikui, nikui, kilanai, bukiriyona, mitomonai.Unaffected, a. Tori-tsukuroi naki,Ulcer, ;/. Dcki-mono.naru.shinjitsuUlcerate, i. zu No-kuwai suru.Un.'vllowable, a. Yurusarenu.Ulceration, n. No-kuwai suru koto. Un,\lloyed, a. ]\Iaze-mono naki, manzokuna.Ulna, n. Sei-chiu-kotsu.Ultimate, a. Owari no, shimal no. — Unalterable, a.object or e7id^ tsumari. The — end of fubatsu.Kawaranu, henzenu,labor is ease, hone-ori no tsumari waanraku da.Unambiguous, a.washi-karanu.Akiraka naru, utaga-Ultimately, adv. Hate-ni, tsui-ni, suye,Unamiable, a. Yasashikaranu, onjun ,tsumari, ageku-ni, shimai ni, hata-naranu, sunao naranu.Unani.mous, a. Do-shin, itchi suru,shite.Ultimatum, w. Kagiri, kiwamari.Ultra, a. Do ni sigiru, nori wo koye-hari.Umpire, n. Giyo-ji, chiu-nin.Un, Words coiii7}ie}icing with the negativeprefix., un, are /ornied in yapaneseby suffixing the 7iegative particles,dzu, nu, zaru, nai, masen, de, ji, <strong>and</strong>mai, also by prefixing, fu, mu, a7id bu.Unable, a. Dekinu, atawadzu ;Also thenegative potential fiortn ofi the verb,as, unable to hear, kikoyenu ;— towalk., arukarenu ;— to manage it, toriatsukawarenu;—iS9to make him hear.,kikoye-saserarenu. — to scftd it back,kayesarenu.Unacceptable, a. Ki ni iranu, kokoroni kanawanu.Unaccompanied, a. Tomo nashi, tsurenashi.Unaccompli.=;hed, a. Shi-togenu, dekiagenu,mu-gei na, mu-no na.Unaccountable, a. Hakari-gatai, wakaranu,kakari-awanu.Unaccustomed, rt. Narenu. — to seeing,— to wearing, ki-narenu. — to livingill, i-narenu.Unacquainted, a. Shiranu, zonji-masen,mishiranu, fu-annai.Unadulterated, a. Maze-mono ga nai,UUmbilicus, n. Heso, hozo, sai.Umbrage, n. To give — , fn-kuwai nisuru, kigen wo sokonau.Umbrageous, a. Kage no oki, shigeritaru.Unapt, a.Umbrella, n. Amagasa, kara-kasa. —case., kasa-bukuro. — maker^ kasa-do-i.Un.^nswterable, a. li-kayesarenu, arasowarenu,ronzerarenu.Unanticipated, a. Omoigakenai, zonjiyoranu,futo, zon-guwai.Unapproachable, a. Yori-tsukarenu,chikadzukarenu.Heta, bukiyo, busaiku.Un.'^rmed, a. Sude no, marugoshi no,mu-to no, dakken naru.Unasked, a. Negawadzu ni, tanomadzuUnassorted, a. Wakedzu ni aru.Unassuming, a. Jiman senu, yenriyonaru, kenson naru.Unattainable, a. Oyobanu, todokanu,yerarenu, itaranu.Unauthentic, a. Honto-naki, jitsu naranu,fushin na.Unav.ailable, a. _Yo-ni-tatanu, mudani naru, munashii.Unavenged, a. Mukuidzu, kayesadzu,kataki wo utadzu, hozedzu.Unavoidable, a. Yondokoro-nai, yamukoto wo yedzu, senkata nashi, shikataga nai.Unawares, adv. Omoi-gake-naku, omoiyoradzu, futo, dashi-nuke-ni.Unbalanced, a. Fu-tsuriai, tsuri-awa \Unbearable, a. Korayerarenu, tayerarenu,shinobarenu, shimbo dekinu.Unbecoming, a. Niawanu, utsuranu,kanawanu, fus6-6-na, fu-niai, hibun na,Unbelief, n. Bu-shin-jin, fu-shinko.Unbelieving, a. Shinko senu, shinzenu,makoto to omowanu, bu-shinjin.Unbend, t. v. Yurumeru, kutsurogeru,yasumeru.

_190 UNDUnbiased, a. Katayoranu, hedate-naki, Uncombed, a. To.kanu.hiiki sedzu.Uncomfortable, a. Ki ni kanawanu, fu-Unbidden, a. Yobadzu ni, manekadzuUncommon, a. Medzurashii, mare-na,ni. .Unblamable, a, Mushitsu, toga-naki, hijo na, mu-rui na, kitai na, koto notsumi nashi.hoka.Unblemished, a. Kidzu nashi, kegare Uncompromising, a. Kataku na, gankonashi, kake-me nashi.na.Unblushing, a. Haji-shiranu, atsukawadzuraUnconcern, n. Kokoro-gake naki koto,no, buyenriyo na.kankei senu koto.Unbolt, /. v. Hiraku, akeru.Unconcerned, a. Kamawanu, tonjakuUnborn, n. Mada umanu.senu, ki ni kakenu, kokoro-rake nai,Unbosom, i. v. Uchi-akeru, akasu. nome-nome to.Unbound, a. Shibara-nai. — of books^ Uncondition.'^lly, adv. Joyaku nashi ni.hiyoshi no nai.Unconscionable, a. Muri no, dori niUnbounded, a. Kagiri nashi.somuku.Unbroken, a. Tagawanu, hadzurenu, Unconscious, a. Oboye nashi, shiranu,mattaki, ara.oboyenu, shone nashi.Unbuckle, t. v. Hadzusu.Unconspicuous, a, Midate no nai, mibaUnburden, t. v. Omo-ni wo orosu, fune ga nai.no ni wo utsu, uchi-akeru.Unconstitutional, a. Koku-h6 ni awanu.Unbutton, t. v. Hadzusu.Uncalculable, a. Kazoyerarenu. Unconstr.\inedly, adv. Jiyu-ni, ji-zaiUncalled, a. Yobadzu, manekadzu.ni, katte-ni.Uncancelled, a. Kiyenu, yamanu, sumanu,Uncontrolable, n. Hikayerarenu, osa-harawanu.Uncase, /. v. Tsutsumi wo akeru, or^toku.Uncaused, «, Shizen, onodzu-to, onodzukara.Unceasing, a. Tayedzu, toshi, tsudzuku,ma mo naki, tayema naki, yasumadzu.Unceasingly, adz

UND 191 UNFUndergo, t. v. Au, ukeru. This jneaningis included in the intrans. form0/ the verb ; as^ Tsukareru, to undergo,or suffer fatigue. Itamu, to undergo,or feel pain.Under-h<strong>and</strong>, adv. Naisho, hisoka ni.Undermine, t. v. Shita wo horu.Undermost, a. Ichiban shita, gokushita.Underneath, a. Shita.Underrate, t. v. Kenasu, mi-sageru.Undersell, t. v. Yasuku uru.Underst<strong>and</strong>, t. v. Wakaru, geseru, satoru,yetoku suru, gaten suru, nomikomu.Underst<strong>and</strong>ing, n. Chiye, riyaken, fumbetsu,wakimaye. Without — ganzenai.,Undertake, t. v. Hiki-ukeru, ukeau,uke-komu, uke-hiku.Undertaker, n. Shi-do-ka.Undertaking, n. Koto, waza, shigoto.Undervalue, t. v. _Kenasu, mi-sageru,karondzuru, iyashimeru.Underwork, t. v. Shigoto wo yasukusuru.ni taranu.Undesignedly, adv. Kokoro naku, futo,kiwamerarenu.Unexpected, a. Fui no, futo, omoi-yoranu,nani ge naku, tsui.omoi-gakenai, zonji-yoranu, hi-Undesirable, a. Hoshiku nai, konoma- yoi to.Unexplored, a. Shirabenu, mi-todoke-Undetermined, a. Sadamaranu, kiwamaranu,ketchaku senu.Undevout, a. Bu-shinjin.Undiminished, a. Heranu, otoroyenu.Undiscernible, a. Mivenu.Undiscerning, a. Waki-mayenu, wakaranu.Undisciplined, a. Tori-shimari naki,mijuku na, tanren senu.Undo, i. v. Hadzusu, tori-hadzusu, hodoku,hiraku, akeru, toku.Undone, i. v. Hadzureru, hodokeru,tokeru, aita, hiraita.Undoubted, n. Utagai naki, moshi-bunnashi, tashika naru.Undress, n. Fudan-gi.Undressed, a. Hadaka-naru, kimononashi, kimono wo nuite iru.Undried, a. Kawakanu, hinu, nureteiru, shimette iru. — wood, nama-ki.Undrinkable, a. Nomarenu.Undue, a. Sugiru, amaru, hodo ni sugiru,hibun.Undulate, i. v. Uneru, niyoki-niyokito, niyoro-niyoro to.Undutious, a. Fu-ko naru, shitagawa"nu, fuchiu na.Undying, a. Shinanu.Uneasy, a. Fu-anshin, anjiru, ochi-tsukanu,shidzumaranu, yasumaranu.Uneatable, a. Taberarenu, kuvvarenu.Unembarrassed, a. Sashi-tsukaye ganai, sawari nashi.Unemployed, a. Yo no nai, yoji ga nai,hima na, hima ga aru, hatarakanu,asonde iru.Unengaged, a. Yakusoku nashi, yojinashi.Unequal, a. Sorowanu, fu-soroi na, fudona, onajiku nai, taranu, todokanu,tsuri-awanu.Unequaled, a. Buso na, tagui nashi,narabi naki.Unequivocal, a. Utagai nai, akirakanaru.Unerring, a. Machigawanu, ayamarinaki, tashika naru.Unessential, a. Taisetsu ni nai, omokunai.Uneven, a. Sorowanu, fu-soroi, tairakanaranu, fu-tsuriai, doku-boku.Unexampled, a. _Tagui nashi, tameshinaki, narabi naki.Underwriter, n. Ukeai-nin.Undeserving, a. Taranu, kuwabun, mi Unexceptionable, a. Moshi-bun nashi,ni amaru. — of praise, homeru ni ii-bun nashi.taranu. — of re-ward, hobi wo yaru Unexhausted, a. Tsukinu, tsukusarenu,nu, shiranu.Unextinguishable, a. Kiyenu, kesarenu.Unfading, a. Samenu, hagenu, kawaranu,ochinu.Unfailing, a. Tsukinu, naku-naranu,otoroyenu, tayenu, tagawanuUnfair, a. Tadashikaranu, fu-shojikina,muri na, fu-sho na.Unfaithful, a. Fu-chiu na, fu-jitsu na,fugi na, jitsu no nai, futagokoro.Unfamiliar, a. Narenu, najimanu.Unfashionable, a. Hayaranu, toki niawanu, riuko senu.Unfasten, t. v. Akeru, hiraku, toku,hadzusu.Unfathomable, a. Fukasa ga hakararenu.Unfavorable, a. Kanawanu, tame ninaranu. awanu.Unfeeling, a. Nasake no nai, omoiyaranu,mugoi.Unfeigned, a.itsuwaranu, jitsu na,honto na.Unfilial, a. Fu-ko no.Nise de nai, uso de nai,

Unfinished, a. Sumanu, deki-agaranu,joju-senu, togenu, shimawanu.Unfit, t. v. Awanu, kanawanu, futsugo,niawanu.Unfix, t. v. Hadzusu.Unflagging, a. Tsukarenu, yowaranu,otoroyenu.Ur.FOLD, a. Hirogeru, arawasu, kikaseru.Unforgiving, a. Yurusanu, yosha naki,kamben naki, jihi naki.Unfortunate, a. Fu-shiawase, fu-un,fu-ko.Unfounded, a. Motoi naki, ne naki, kunam, munashiki.Unfriendly, a. Naka ga warui, mutsumajikunai, fu-tsuki-ai.Unfruitful, a. Yutaka naranu, mi-noranu.— _yf«r, kiyo-nen. — soil^yasetsuchi.Unfurl, t. v. Ho wo ageru, ho wo kakeru,ho wo sagcru.Ui: furnished, a. Dogu nashi, kazai nabhi.Ungainly, a. Mi-gurushii, minikui, bukotsuna.Ungenteel, a. Bukotsu na, buiki na,yabo na, busaho na.Ungodly, a. Kami wo uyamawanu.Ungovernable, a. Te ni awanu, teamaru.Ungraceful, a. Busaho na, bukotsuna, sobo na.Ungracious, a. Fu-shinsetsu na, nengoronaki.Ungrateful, a. Arigataki wo shiranu,on wo shiranu.Ungrudgingly, adv. Oshige mo naku.Unguent, n. Koyaku.Unh<strong>and</strong>y, a. Heta, fu-tegiwa, tsutanai,bukiyo, fu-benri, fu-tsugo.Unhappily, adv. Fushiawase ni, fu-koni shite.Unhappy, a. Tanoshimi nashi, ajikinai,fu-anshin, fu-kitsu, fu-shiawase.Unhealthy, a. Yojo no tame ni nara-Unheard, a. Kikanu, kikoyenu, hiyo-Unhinge, t. V. Hadzusu, chotsugai wohadzusu.Unhook, /. v. Kagi wo hadzusu.Unhitch, t. v. Hadzusu.Unhorse, /. v. Rakuba saseru, uma yoriotosu.Unicorn, «. Kirin,Uniform, a. Doyo, onaji, sorote oru.Unimpaired, a. Otoroyenu, yowaranu.Unimportant, a. Taisetsu ni nai, daijinai, omoku nai, kamawanu.Uninhabited, a. Sumu hito nashi, hitonashi. — house, aki-ya, aki-dana.192 UNMUnintentionally, adv. Kokoro naku,nani ge-naku, nani-gokoro naku, wazato de-nai.Uninteresting, a. Omoshiroku nai.Unintermitting, a. Tayedzu, tsudzuku,ma mo nai, tayema naku, yamedzu.Union, n. Mutsumajii, shitashimi, chigiri.Unique, a. Buso na, narabi naki, muruina.Unison, n. Choshi.Unit, n, Hitotsu, ichi.Unite, t. v. Awaseru, gassuru, au, kuwasuru, soyeru. — in marriage., haigusuru.Unitedly, adv. Awasete, sorote.Unity, «. Hitotsu naru koto, ichi-mi,yo.Universa! Amaneku no, itto no,ippan no.Universe, Arayuru mono, ten-chi;ban-butsuUniversity, n. Dai-gakko.Unjust, a. Fu-gi, fu-suji, hido, muri,higi, mutai.Unjustly, adv. Muri ni, mutai ni.Unkind, a. Nasake no nai, fu-shinsetsuna, fu-jin-na.Unlace, t. v. Toku, himo wo toku.Unlade, t. v. Ni wo orosu, midzu-agewo suru.Unlawful, a. Fu-ho na, go hatto nisomuku, okite ni somuku, fu-niyoho.Unlearned, a. Mugaku no, mommo na.Unless, C£?«y. Moshi. Also form id bythe neg-. conj. suffix., zareba, or neba,as, unless you eat you will die, tabenebashinimasu. — we take a boat wecannot go, fune ni noraneba yukarenu.— you believe yoii cannot be saved,shinko seneba tasukarenu.Unlicensed, a. Kabu ga nai, yurusadzu,menkiyo nashi.Unlike, a. Chigau, kotonaru, ninu, onajikaranu,fudo na, onajiku nai, kawaru,kotokawaru, tagau, nigenai.Unlikely, a. Ari-s6 mo nai.Unlimited, a. Kagiri nashi, kiwamaranu,kiri ga nai.Unload, t. v. Ni wo orosu. — a gun,teppo no tama wo torn.Unlock, t. v. Jo wo akeru.Unloose, t. v. Hanatsu, tcku, yurusu._Unlucky, a. Fukitsu na, kiyo na, fushiawase,warui, fu-un.Un.man, t. V. Oku saseru, ki wo yowakusuru.Unmanageable, a. Te ni awanu, te niamaru. Shij> is — , fune ga kaji niawanu.

UNM 193 UNSUnmanly, adv. Otoko-rashiku nai, iyashiki,Unprejudiced, a. Hiiki nashi, katayo-okubiyo na.ranu, oyake na.Un'Mannerlv, a. Bu-rei, shitsu-rei na. Unprepared, a. Shitaku senu, yoi naki,Unmarried, a. Yome ni ikanu, teishu kaku-^o nai.motanu.Unprincipled, a. Ri ni somuku, fuho,Unmarriageable, a. Yome ni ikarenu. furachi na.UxMASK, t. V. Uchi-akeru.Unproductive, a. Yo ni tatanu. —Unmeaning, a. Imi naki, kokoro na-l<strong>and</strong>., yase-chi. — labor, mu-yeki noki.Unmerciful, a. Awaremi nashi, fii-binno nai, nasake nashi.Unmerited, a. Taranu, kuwabun.Unmindful, a. Ki ga tsukanu, omowa-Unmistakable, a. Machigayerarenu,ichi-jirushi, meihaku na.Unmolested, a. Kamawarenu, tonjakunashi.Unmovable, a. Ugokarenu, ugokasarenu.Unnatural, a. Arumajiki, dori de nai,hido na, hijo nam.Unnatur.\lly, adv. Michi ni somuite,hijo ni, hi-do ni.Unnecessary, a. Oyobanu, yo ni tatanu,muda.Unneighborly, adv. Tonari no shitashimikashi-ni, fu-shinsetsu ni, nengo-Unparalleled, a. _Buso, tagui nashi,narabi nashi, hi-rui nashi.Unpardonable, a. Yurusarenu, kamben-naranu.Unpaved, a. Shiki ishi naki.Unperceived, a. Me ni tsukanu, mltsukerarenu.Unpleasant, a. Ki ni iranu, fujiyu na,omoihiroku nai, fusho-na, funiyoi, iyana, kiza.Unpolished, a. Migakanu, arai.Unpolite, a. Burei, shitsurei, Vusaho.Unpopular, a. Hayaranu, riuko senu.UnpiJecedented, a. Katsute naki, senrei naki, tameshi naki.honeori. — money, risoku naki kane.Unprofessional, a. Michi ni sornuku._Unprofitable, a. Kai naki, yeki nashi,munashii, yo ni tatanu, ri naki.Unpro.mising, a. Tanomoshikaranu.Unprosperous, a. Fu-hanjo naru.Unqualified, a. Ataranu, tekito senu.Unquestionable, a. Utagawashiku naki,ibukashikaranu.Unquiet, a. Odayaka naranu, ochi-tsukanu.Unravel, t. v. Toku, hodoku, hogureru,hogusu.Unreasonable, d. Muri na, dori nashi,hibun, ri ni kanawanu.Unreconcilable, a. Naka-naorarenu,fu-wa naru.Unrelenting, a. Yawaragazaru, gankonaru, go-j6 naru.Unremitting, a. Tayema naki, yasuminaki, ma naki.Unreserved, a. Nokoradzu, nokosadzu.Unresisting, a. Tekitai senu, temukaisenu, fusegadzu.Unrevenged, a. Ada wo kayesadzu,kataki wo utanu.Unrighteous, a. Tadashikaranu, seichokunaranu, fu-gi na.Unnerve, t. zi.Unnoticed, a.Yowaku suru.Me ni tsukanu, mitsukeraredzu.Unnumbered, a. Kazoyenu.Unocstructed, a. Jama nashi, todokorinashi, sasawaranu.Unobtrusive, a. Yenriyo naru, kensonnaru, ji-j6 naru.Unripe, a. Juku-senu, umanu.Unoccupied, a. Aku. — time.^ hima, Unrivalled, n. Buso na, hi-rui naki,itoma. — house., aki-ya, aki-dana.narabi naki.Unofficial, a. Yaku-guwai.Unrobe, t. v. Kimono wo nugu.Unostentatious, a. Ken-son na, yenriyoUnroll, /. v. Maki-mono wo toku.na,jiman naki.Unroof, /. v. Yane wo haguru.Unpack, t. v. Akeru, ni wo tori-dasu. Unruffled, a. Ugokazaru, ochi-tsuiteUnpaid, a. Harawanu.oru, chin-chaku shitaru.Unpalatable, a. Umaku nai, oishiku Unruly, a. Te ni awanu, te ni amaru.Unsafe, a. Abunai, ayauki, jobu ninai.Unsalable, a. Ure-kuchi ga nai.Uns.'Vsisfactory, a. Ki ni kanawanu,Unsatisfied, a. Aki-taranu, fusoku niomo, taru-koto shiranu.Unsavory, a. Umaku nai, madzui, oishikunai.Unsay, t. v. li-kesu.Unscriptural, a. Sei-sho ni kanawanu.Unseal, t. v. FQ wo hiraku.Unsearchable, a. Sagurarenu, wakerarenu.Unseasonable, a. Toki-naranu, jisetsuni awanu, basho ni a

Unseasoned, a. Nama, narenu, kagenga warui, fu-ambai na.Unseaworthy, a. Shuppan ni saserarenu.Unseemly, a. Mibun ni tekito senu, subekarazaru.Unseen, a. Miyenu.Unserviceable, a. Yo ni tatanu, yakuni tatanu.Unsettled, a. Sadamaranu, kimaranu,ochi-tsukanu.Unsheathe, t. v. Saya kara nuku.Unship, t. v. Fune kara orosu. — anoar, ro wo hadzusu.Unsightly, a. Mi-nikui, bu-kiriyo na.Unskillful, a. Heta no, bukiyo na, busaikuna, tsutanai, fu-tegiwa.Unsociable, a. jNlajiwaranu, tsuki-awanu,hito-dzuki ashiki.Unsold, a. Urenai.Unsymmetrical, a. Sorowanu, tsuriawanu.Unsolder, t. v. Rodzuke wo hanasu.Unsolicited, a. Negawadzu, tanomadzu.Unsound, a. Jobu ni nai, tassha ni nai,mattaku nai, sorowanu.Unspeakable, a. li-warenu, ii-tsukusarenu.Unstable, a. Sadamaranu.Unsteady, a. Gura-gura suru, sadamaranu,gureru.Unstring, t. v. Ito wo hadzusu.Unstop, t. v. Kuchi wo akeru.Unsuccessful, a. Ataradzu, togenu, dekinu,hatasanu, shubi ga warui.Unsuitable, a. Fu-s66 na, fu-niai na,fu-tsugo-na, fusawanu.Unsurpassable, a. Kosarenu, sugirare-nu, katarenu.Unsuspicious, a. Utagawanu, gi-nennaki.Untangle, t. v. Mutsure wo toku.Untaught, a. Manabanu, narawanu, keikosenu, mu-gaku na.Unthankful, a. Arigatagaranu, on woshiranu.Unthinking, a. Ki wo tsukenu, nen woirenu, shian senu.Unthread, t. 7>. Hari no ito wo nuku.Untie, t. v. Toku, hodoku, musubi wohadzusu.Until, prep. Made, ni itaru made.Untimely, a. Toki naranu, fuji no.194 UPOhi-j6 na, mare-na, igi, kaku-betsu, betsui,betsujo. Nothing — , bui, buji,igi-nashi.Unusually, adv. Itsu ni naku, koto nohoka ni.Unutterable, a. liwarenu, ii-tsukusarenu.Unventilated, a. Ki-no-komoru, kimusai,okubiyo na.Unwarily, adv. Ki wo tsukedzu ni.Unwarrantable, a. Yoroshikaranu, dorinaranu, honsuji naranu.Unweariedly, adv. Kutabiredzu ni,tsukaredzu ni.Unwonted, a. Tsune naranu, narenu.Unwell, a. Ambai-warui, fukuwai.Unwholesome, a. Tame ni naranu, dokuna.Unwieldy, a. Tsukai-nikui, fu-benri.Unwilling, a. lyagaru, sukanu, kirau,konomanu.Unwillingly, adv. lya nagara, konomadzuni, fusho-busho ni.Unwind, i. v. Maki-kayesu, hodoku,toku.Unwise, a. Chiye no nai, oroka naru.Unwittingly, adv. Shiradzu-ni, ki gatsukadzu-ni, oboyedzu ni.Unwomanly Onnarashiku nai.Unwonted, a. Tsune naranu, narenu.Unworthy, a. Mi ni amaru, bun ni sugiru,kuwabun na, taranu.Unyielding, a. Katai, kataku na, yurusanu,shochi senu, kataiji-na.Up, prep. Uye, kami ; also by., ageru,<strong>and</strong>., agaru, in cotnpcund verbs ; as, totkroiu up, nage-ageru, haku, modosu.To jutnp up, tobi-ageru. To pull up.,hiki-ageru. To lift up, ageru, tateru,okosu. To get up,o\i\\\x,\.2L\.%\x. Togoup, agaru, noboru. To bloiv up, fukurasu.To grow up, sodatsu, nobiru.Up the river, kawa-kami. To go intothe water up to the chin, kubi-takemidzu ni hairu. Sun is up, hi ga deru.Not come up to, oyobanu. The timeis up, toki ga kita, nichi-gen ga kita.Up <strong>and</strong> down, uye shita, achi kochi.Ups <strong>and</strong> downs, daku-boku. To catch— with, oi-tsuku. To eat — , kui-tsukusu.To burn — , taki-tsukusu. Tpsutn — , shime-ageru. To use — , tsukai-hatasu.To conte — with, oi-tsuku.Help me — , okoshite kudasare.Upbraid, t. v. Togameru, shikaru.Upheave, t. v. Oshi-ageru.Uphold, t. v. Sasayeru.Unto, prep. Made, ni, ni itaru made.Untrue, rt. Makoto nai, uso, itsuwarino, jitsu de nai. mujilsu na.Untruth, n. Uso, itsuwari, kiyogon. Upholsterer, adv.Untwist, t, v. Nawa no yori wo toku.Unused, a. Narenu, heta.Unusual, a. Tsune-naranu, rei-naranu,Kasai wo -tsukuruhito.Upl<strong>and</strong>, n. Hatake, yama. •Upon, prep. Uye ni, yotte, ni, tsuite,

UPP 195 VACnochi. — the whole ^ shosen, hikkiyo, Use, t. V. Tsukau, mochiiru, nareru,tsui ni.Upper, a. Uye no.motenasu. To be used to., nareru.Used to saying., ii-nareru. — livingin.,Uppermost, a. Ichi-ban uyc no.inareru, inajimu.Upright, a. Jitsumei na, shojiki, tadashii,tate, massugu na.kai. To be of— yo ni tatsu, yaku ni,Use, n. Tsukai, tsukai kata, yo, iriyo,Uprightly, adv. Tadashiku, sei-choku tatsu. Have no ftrther — of this.,ni, shojiki ni.kore wa mo iri-masen. What is thisUproar, n. Sawagi, sodo.used for ? kore wa nani ni tsukai-masuruka. How is this used, kore wa doUproarioi'S, a. Sawagashii, sozoshii,yakamashii, hishimeku.shite tsukai-masuru.Uproot, t. v. Nenuki wo suru, nekogi Useful, a. Yo ni tatsu, yaku ni tatsu.wo suru.Usefulness, n. Riyo, yo.Upset, /. v. Hikuri-kayesu, hikuri-kayeru,Useless, a. Yo ni tatanu, muyo, yakukutsugayesu.ni tatanu, muda na, munashii, fu-yo na,Upshot, n. Hate, shimai, ageku ni.kainaki, muyeki, muyaku, dame, ada.Upside-down, adv. Saka-sama, abekobe,sakani.Uselessly adv.munashiku.Muda ni, itadzura ni,Upstart, n. Niwaka ni shussei shite takaburuUsher, «. Tori-tsugi.mono.Upturn, t. v. Kayesu, okosu. {Jtass.)v. Usher, i.Usual, a.Annai suru.Hei-zei, hei-jitsu, atarimayeAomuku.no, fudan no, itsu-mo no, rei no. AsUpward, prep, or adv. Uye ni, yo, — , itsu-mo no tori.amari, kami. To look — , aomuku, aogu. Usually, adv. Taitei, tsune no, hei-of a hu7idred vten., hiyaku yo nin. zei.— of Jive years^ go nen amari.Usurer, n. Kori-kashi.Urbanity, n. Teinei, reigi.r: Usurp, t. kuraiMuri kurai wo toru,n. Kodomo.ubai-toru.Urethra, a. Niyodo. Stricture of — Usurper, n. Kuraji wo ubai-toru hito.Urchin, wokiyo-saku.Urge, t. v. Seku, seru, saisoku suru,Usury, n.Utensil, «.Ko-ri.Utsuwa, dogu.hagemasu, susumeru, isogaseru, hayameru,kudoku, shiiru.Utilize, t. v.Utility, n.Yodateru, yo ni tataseru.Yo, riyo, iri-yo.Urgent, a. Kiu na, isogu, aseru, kiusokuna.Urgently, adv. Shikiri-ni, ichidzu-ni,hitasura ni, hitoye ni, hira-ni.Urinal, a. Shibin.Urinate, i. v. Shoben suru.Urine, n. Shoben, shoyo, ibari.Urn, n. Tsubo.Us, pron. Warera, wajakushi-domo.Usage, n. Rei, narawashi, shimuke,tori-atsukai, furiai.Ursa major, n. Hagunsei.Uterus, n. Shikiu, kobukuro.Utmost, a. Kagiri, tsukushi aritake,hanahadashii, itari.Utter, /. v. lu, hanasu, akasu, tagonsuru.Utter, a. Mattaki.Utterance, n. Kotoba-dzuki.Utterly, adv. Maru de, mattaku. —consumed, yake-hateru, tsuki-hateru,yake-shimau.Uttermost, a. Itatte, shigoku.Uvula, n, Hiko.Vacancy, n. Aida, ma, sukima, hima.Vacant, a. Kara. — time, hima, itoma.— house, aki-ya, aki-dana. — l<strong>and</strong>,ku-chi, aki-chi. — offce, sokketsu.Vacantly, adv. Ukkari, muchiu.Vacate, t. v. Akeru, yudzuru.Vacation, n. Yasumi, kiu-soku.VVaccinate, t. v.Vaccination, «.Uye-boso wo suru.Uye-boso, shu-to, giu-Vacillate, i. V. Tayutau,damaranu, gureru, yuyo suru.Vacillation, n. Yuyo suru koto, sadamaranukoto, ketchaku naki koto.

jIVarnisher,VAC 196 VENVAcriTY, n. Ku, koku, chiu.Vaporize, t. v. Johatsu saseru.Vacuum, n. Kara, ku no koto, ku-kiyo. Variable, a. Sadamaranu, kawari-yasui,Vagabond, n. Gorotsuki, mu-shuku, yoku kawaru, kimari no nai.yadonashi, dembo.Variableness, n. Kawaru koto, fujo naVagary, n. Deki-gokoro, omoi-nashi, koto.soz5 naru koto.Variance, n. Arasoi, fuwa, nakatagaye,Vagina, n. Chitsu.isakai. At — , naka ga warui.Vagrant, n. Ronin, ukarc-bito.Variation, n. Kawari, kawaru koto, shabetsu.Vague, a. Sadamaranu, tsumabirakanaradzu.Variegate, t. v. Irodoru, saishiki suru.Vain, a. Muda na. munashii, dame no, Variety, n. Iro-iro, sama-zama. shuju.mu-j'eki na, mu-yaku, mu-yo, itadzura, Various, a. Iro-iro no, sama-zama no,jiman na, hokoru, takaburu, hakanai, shuju na, machi-machi no, tori-dori no.mu-j6 na.Variously, adv. Iro-iro ni shite, samazamani shite.Vain-glorious, a. Jiman na, hokoru,unubore no, jifu suru,Varnish, n. Urushi. To — , urushi woVain-glory, n. Jiman, unubore, hokori.nuru.n. Urushi-ya.Vainly, adv. Muda-ni, munashiku, itadzuraVarnish-tree, n. Urushi no ki.ni, jiman shite, hokotte.Vary, z. v. Kawaru, hendzuru, kotonaru.Vale, «. Tani.Hana-ike, kuwa-bin.V.'vse, ft.Valerian, n. Fujibakama, kisso.Vassal, k. Kerai.Valet, 71. Soba-dzukaye.Vast, a. Hiroi, oki, oi, kuwo-dai na,Valetudinarian, n. Biyo-shin na hito, bakutai na, taiso no.ta-biyo na hito.Vastly, adv. Hiroku, okiku, taiso ni.Valiant, a. Yu naru, go-yu na, yoki no Vastness, n. Hirosa, okisa, osa.tsuyoi, kitsui, takeki, isamashiki, yuyu-Vat, n. Fune, oke.shii.Valiantly, adv. Isamashiku, yu-yushiku.Valid, a. Yoi, tashika na, dori aru.Validity, n. Tashika naru koto, jitsu,Valise, n. Kawa-tebako.Valley, n. Tani.Valor, n. Yuki, goki.Valorous, a. Yuki naru, goki naru, isamashii,goyu naru.Valu.-vble, a. Tattoi, ne no takai, yodatsu.— things takara-mono, ho-motsu.Valuation, n. Ne wo tsukeru koto, tsumori,ne-uchi,Value, n. Atai, yo, nedan, ne, riyo,daika.Value, t. v. Ne-uchi wo suru, tattomu,takara to suru, oshimu, taisetsu ni omo,omondzuru.Vault, n. Muro. anagura.Vault, t. v. Tobu, haneru.Vaunt, t. v. Takaburu, jiman suru, taiheirakuwo iu, ibaru.Veer, t. v. Kawaru, mawaru.Vegetable, «. Yasai, kusa. — kingdom,somoku, choku-butsu.Vegetate, i. v. Hayeru, shodzuru.Vegetation, n. Ki-kusa, somoku, hayerukoto, sodachi.Vehemence, n. Tsuyosa, hageshisa, hidosa.Vehement, a. Tsuyoi, hageshii, arai,hidoi.Vehemently, adv. Tsuyoku, hageshiku,hidoku.Veil, «. Katsugi, fukumen.Veil, t. v. Kakusu, 6, sayegiru, heichosuru.Vein, n. j6-miyaku, suji, shibe, mokume.Blue veins, ao-suji.Valueless, a. Ne-uchi ga nai, fuyo na,iranu, yaku ni tatanu.Velocity, n. Hayasa.Valve, n. Futa.Velocipede, n. Jizaisha.Van, n. Saki-te, sen-jin, sembo, saki. Velvet, n. Birodo.Vane, ti. Kazami.Velvety, a. Birodo no gotoki.Vanish, /. v. Kiyeru, useru, nakunaru. Venal, a. Kane no tame ni hataraku.Vanity, n. Takaburi, hokori, jiman, Vend, t. v. Uru.unubore, munashisa, hakanasa. Vendue, n. Seri-uri.|Vanquish, /. v. Katsu. ii-fuseru, heiko Veneer, t. v. Hagu, kiseru.saseru. "Venerable, a. Ro, toshi wo totta. —Vapid, a. Ki ga nuketa. w«w, ro-jin. Your — father, go ro-fujVapor. //. Suiki, yuge, joki, ki. — 0/blood, chi-kemuri. Venerate, t. v. Uyamau, sonkiyo suru.|'Vapor, /. v. Hokoru, takaburu. Veneration, n. Uyamai, sonkiyo.

VEN 197 VICVenereal disease^ n. Kasa, yobaiso, Versed, a. Nareru, tokui na, j^ dzu na,baidoku.yete naru. Not — in, beta, fu-tokui.Venerv, n. Iro, sukebei.Vertebra, n. Kiu-kotsu.Venesection, n. Shiraku, chi wo toru. Vertex, n. Zet-cho, kashira, itadaki.Vengeance, ii. Katak; uchi, tegayeshi, Vertigo, n. Memai,mukui, kayeshi, hempo. To take — gurami.kennun, tachi-kataki wo utsu, fuku- shu suru, ada wo Very, adv. Taiso, hanahada, itatte, goku,shigoku, ito, dzundo.kayesu, ada wo mukuyuru.Venial, a. Yurusareru, yurusu beki. Very, a. Jitsu no, makoto no. That —Venison, n. Shika no niku.day, soku-jitsu.Venom, h. Dokii.Vesicle, n. Midzu-bukure.Venomous, a. Doku na. — snake, dokuja.Vesper, a. Yugata no. — bell, iri-ai nokane.Vent, n. Ana, kuchi, kuwa-mon, urekuchi.Give — to, dasu, haki-dasu. Vest, n. Sode-nashi.Vessel, n. Utsuwa, kibutsu, dogu, fune.Vent, i. v. Hassuru, dasu.Vest, t. v. Kakeru, tsugi-komu, nin-Ventilate, t. v. Kaze wo tosu, ki wokayowasu.Vestibule, n. Gen-kuwa, iri-guchi.Ventilation, n. Ki wo kayowasu koto, Vestige, n, Ato, seki. — of antiquity.,kaze wo tosu koto.koseki.Ventriloquism, n. Hachi-ningei, kowairoVesture, n. Kimono, ifukii, koromo.wo tsukau.Veteran skill, u. Ro-ko.Ventire, I. V. Ayabumu, yatte miru, Veto, «. Seishi, kindzuni koto.ayete suru. To — one's life, inochi wo Vex, t. V. Ijimeru, kurushimeru, komaraseru,ikarascru, ijiru, jira.su.kakeru.Venture, n. Kake-goto. Mercantile — Vexatious, a. Urusai, mendo, jireltai.yama, / -will trust to fortune <strong>and</strong> Vexed, a. Komaru, ikidoru.make the — , un ni makasete yatte miru. Vial, n. Tokuri, bin.Venturesome, a. Mukomidzu na, muyamiVi<strong>and</strong>, n. Shoku-motsu.na, kiwadoi, daitan na.Vibrate, /, v. Yurugu, yurameku, fu-Venus, n. Kinsei, miyoj6._reru.Veracity, n. Makoto wo iu koto. Vibration, n. Fureru koto.Ver<strong>and</strong>a, n. Yen, roka.Vicarious, a. Kawari no, dai no. —Verbal, a. message, ko-jo, dengon, Vicariously, adv.ii-tsugi, kotodzute, kodatsu. — dispttte^dai ni.Verb, n. Hataraki-kotoba, do-shi.—agent, miyodai.Kawari ni, kawarite,koron.Verbatim, adv. Kotoba-utsushi ni.Vice, n.Vice a.Aku, ashiki koto, toga.Kawari no, fuku, gon.Verbena, n. Fusa-sakura.Vice-admiral, n. Kai-gun fr.kii-toku.Verdant, a. Aoi, midori-na.Vice-agent, n. Miyo-dai, to-dai.Verdict, n. Moshi-watashi, sadame. Vice-versa, adv. Kaycttc, abekobeVerdigris, n. Rokusho.Verge, n. Kiwa, hashi.Vicinity, n. Atari, kinjo, kimpen, moyori,Verify, t. v. Sadameru, kimeru, tashikakaiwai.ni suru.Vicious, a. Yokoshima na, aku no, ashiki,fuho na, furachi no. — Verily, adv. Makoto ni, jitsu ni, gecustom,aku-fu. — coinpany, akuto. — horse,ni.Verisimilar, a. Makotorashii.aku-ba.Veritable, a. Makoto no, jitsu no. Viciously, adv. Ashiku, waruku, yokoshimaVerity, «. Makoto, jitsu.ni.Vermicelli, n. Somen.Vicissitude, n. Hen-kuwa, kawari, seisui,fuchin.Vermifuge, n. Satchiu-zai.Vermilion, n. Shu. — ink, shu-dzumi. Victim, n. Ikeniye.Vermin, n. Mushi.Victimize, t. v. Damashi-komu.Vernacular, a. — tongue, kuni no kotoba.Victor, n. Kachi-te, katta-hito, shuriwo yetaru mono.Vernal, a. Haru no, shun. — equi?iox, Victorious, a. Kachitaru, shori wo yeru,shumbun. —showers, haru same.kachi wo toru.Versatile, a. Kawari yasui, utsurigi na. Victory, n. Kachi, shori.Verse, n. Ku, uta, shi. To ivrite verses, by — , kachi-hokori.Puffed uputa wo yomu.Victual, t. v. Makanau

VICI>8 VOLViCTUALER, n. Makanai-kata, hiyo-rokata.chikara, kuriki. In virtue o/^ ni yotte,yuye ni.Victuals, n. Tabe-mono, shoku-motsu, Virtuoso, n. Sukisha.kuimono, hij'oro, kate.Vie, i. v. Kiso, araso, hari-au.Virtuous, a.Virulent, a.Zen naru, yoi, yoroshii.Tsuyoi, hidoi.View, «. Keshiki, fiikei, chobo, nagame, Virus, n. Doku.me. Not in — , miyenu. To take a — Visage, n. Tsura, kao, kambase, omote.kembun suru. With a — to^ me-ate nisuru.View, t. v. Miru, kem-bun suru, nagameru.Viser.\, n.Viscid, a.Hara-wata, zofu, z6, gozo.Nebai, nebaru, nebari-tsuku,Vigil, n. Himachi, tsuya, yo-akashi.beta-tsuku.Viscidity, n. Nebasa, nebaki.Vigilance, «. Yojin, tsutsushimi.Visible, a. Miyeru, me ni kakaru, akirakanaru.Vigilant, a. Tsutsushimu, ki wo tsukeru,ki-kubari suru.Vision, n. Me de miru koto, maboroshi,Vigor, n. Chikara, kiriyoku, ikioi, konki,seikon, genki, seishin, shinki. — o/ Visionary, a. me.Yume no, maboroshi no,7)iind^ kikon.toho mo naki.Vigorous, a. Jobu na, sukoyaka na, s6- Visit, n. Mimai.ken na, tsuyoi.Visit, v. Mimau, mamiyeru.Vigorously, adv. Tsuyoku, hageshiku. Visitor, n. Kiyaku, kiyaku-jin.Vile, a. lyashii, gesen na, ashiki, hiretsuna.seishin. — J'art, kiu-sho.Vital, a. Inochi ni kakaru, — power^Vilely, adv. lyashiku.Vitality, n. Ikiru koto, sei-kuwatsu.Vilexess, n.- Ij'ashisa, ashisa, aku. Vitalize, /. v. Ikisaseru, seikuwatsu saseru.Vilify, /. ?/. Nonoshiru, akkosuru,zangen suru, zan suru, shiyuru.Vitals, n. Inochi ni tsuite taisetsu naruVillage, n. Mura, sato, machLbubun, kiu-ho.Villager, n. Mura-bito, sato-bito. Vitiate, /. v. Sokonau, waruku suru,Villain, n. Yatsu, yatsume, aku nin, yaburu, kudzusu.akuto.Vituperation, «. Nonoshiri, togame.Villainous, a. Ashiki, warui, aku na, Vivacious, a. Iki-iki to shite oru, kuwappatsubo-aku na, futoi, aku-giyaku na.na.Vindicate, t. v. li-fusegu, ii-wake shite Vivid, a. Hakkiri to shita.makoto wo mamoru, makoto aru to Vivify, t. v. Ikasu.shoko date wo suru.Viviparous, a. Taisho.Vindication, n, Shoko date shite mamoruVixen, n. Kashimashiki onna, aku-ba.koto.Vocabulary, n. Jibiki.Vindictive, a. Ada wo mukuitagaru. Vocal, a. Koye no.Vocally, adv. Koye nite, kotoba nite.Vine, n. Bud5-kadzura, kadzura, tsuru. Vocation, «. Kagiyo, tosei, shobai, na-Vinegar, n. Su.Vineyard, n. Budo-batake.Viol.\te, t. V. Yaburu, somuku, motoru,sakarau, tagaj^eru, go-in suru, oka-riwai, giyo.Vociferate, i. v. Sakebu, omeku, wameku,donaru, ganaru.Vociferous, a. Sawagu, yakamashii, s6-zoshii, sawagashii.ViOLATiON, n. Somuku koto, okasu koto.Voice, a. Koye, ne, oto. Loud —Vogue, «. Hayaru, riuko suru, tsuyo.Violence, n. Tsuyosa, arasa, hageshisa, ogoye, daionjo, donaru. Coarse — , damigoye.One — , do-on.ikiyoi, hidosa, hidoi-me, mugoi-me. By— , muri ni, shiite.Void, a. Kara, ku, aku, munashii, muda,Violent, a. Tsuyoi, hageshii, arai, hidoi,mugoi, ikatsui.Void, t. v. Kudasu, tsudzuru.nai. Make — , munashiku suru.Violently, ad7>. Tsuyoku, araku, hageshiku,hidoku,i, shiiuki to shite oru.Volatile, a. Sho-san, shi-yasuki, uki-Violet, «. Sumire, mo-tori-bana. Volatilize, t. v. Johatsu saseru.Violin, «. Kokiu.Volcano, n. Yake-yama, kawa-zan, hiViper, n. Mamushi, hami.no yama.Virago, n. Akuba.Volition, n. Kokoro-base.Virgin, n. Ki-musume.Volley, n. To fire a — , teppo wo rempatsuVirtue, «. Toku,,kono, kikime.suru.J

VOL 199 WALVoluble, a. Hayaku mono wo iu. — Voucher, 71. Hikaye-gaki, shomon.person^ hayakuchi.Vouchsafe, t. v. Tamau, sadzukeru, kudasaru.VoLU.MN, a. Maki, satsu, okisa.VoLiMixous, a. Tai-bu na.Vow, n. Guwan, guw<strong>and</strong>ate, kisei.Voluntarily, ad^'. Midzukara ni shite, Vow, t, V. Guw<strong>and</strong>ate wo suru, guwanjibun de, onore no kokorowo kakeru.kara, dzuiini,kononde.Vowel, n. Jibo, boin.Voluntary, a. Onore no kokoro de nasu,Voyage, n. Funa-ji.onore no kokoro ni makaseru. Voyage, t. v. Fune nite tokai suru.Voluptuary, n. Inshoku wo tanoshimu Vulgar, a. lyashii, zoku na, hiretsu na,hito.bukotsu na, gesen na, buiki na, gebiru.Voluptuous, a. Ogori ni tsunoru. — person^ zoku-butsu. — tongue, zokugo.— style o/u ithng. :oku-buiVomit, t. v. Modosu, hakaseru.Voracious, a. Gatsu-gatsu suru, boshokuappearance, zokurashii. — class, shi-na, totetsu na.mo-jimo.Vortex, n. Udzu, udzu-maki.Vulgarity, n. lyashiki koto.Vote, «. Ire-fuda, raku-satsu.Vulgarly, adv. lyashiku, zoku ni, zokurashiku.Vote, t. v. Ire-fuda wo suru. — vivavoce,hotsugon suru.Vulnerable, a. Te-owaserareru.Vouch, t. v. Shoko suru.Vulva, n. Omanko, immon.Wabble, /. v. Yoromeku, yoro-yoroto.Wag, /. V. Furu. (/. v?) Fureru, ugoku.Wage, /. v. Kakeru, yatte miru. —war, ikusa suru.Wager, n. Kake-mono, keibutsu.Wager, t. v. Kakeru, yatte miru.Wages, n. Kiu-kin, temachin, chin, yakuriyo,chin-sen. Monthly — gekkiu.,^WWaggery, n. Tawamure, odoke, share.Waggle, t. v. Furu.Waggish, a. Odokeru, hiyokin naru,fuzakeru, kokkei na.Wagon, n. Kururaa, basha, jinriki-sha.Wagoner, n. Giyosha.Wagtail, n. Sekirei.Wail, i. v. Naku, kanashimu, sakebu,koku suru.Waist, n. Koshi.Waist-cloth, n. Fundoshi, imoji,chappo, futano.Wait, i. v. Matsu. — upon, tsutomeru,au. — ttpon the table, kiuji wo suru.To lay in —, machi-buse wo suru,machi-kakeru, machi-tsukeru. — allnight, machi-akasu. — impatiently/or, machi-kaneru, machi-wabiru. —all day, machi-kurasu. To keep anotherivaiting, mataseru. To — onone's self, temori wo suru, tejaku woWadding, a. Naka-wata. Waddedclothes, wata-ire.Waddle, t. v. Yego-yego shite aruku.Wade, t. v. — across, kachi-watari wosuru.Wafer, n. Funori, kuwashi.suru.Waiter, n. Kiuji-nin, shaku-tori, bon,Waft, t. v. Tobaseru. {J>ass?) Tobu. kodzukai.Wag, n. Hiyokin na hito, kokkei na hi-Waiting-m.-vid, n. Koshi-moto.Waive., t. v. Yudzuru, jijo suru, suteru.Wake, i. v. Sameru, okiru. (f. v.) Okosu,samasu.Wake, it. Himachi, tsuya, yo-akashi.Wakeful, a. Ne-tsukanu, nemuranu.Waken, i. v. Sameru. (t. v.) Samasu,Walk, i. v. Aruku, ayumu, fumu, hakobu,hiro, kachi de yuku, hoko suru.Please — in, o agari nasare, or o hairinasare. — to <strong>and</strong> fro, tachi-modo:To — on atid spoil, fumi-arasu. Tothrough, aruki-toru. — i

_WAL 2 30 WATWalnut, n. Kurumi.Wary, a. Yojin suru, ki wo tsukeru, tsutsushimu.Waltz, n. Odori.Wan, a. Ao-zameru.Was, pret. Atta, <strong>and</strong> the pret. form ofW<strong>and</strong>, n. Sao.tfie verb. I ivas sick, watakushi biyokiW<strong>and</strong>er, i. v. Samayo, bura-bura aruku,de arimashita. It was raining, amehai-kiiwai suru, ruro suru, mado. ga furimashita, or futta.(in 7nind)y uwakoto wo iu.Wash, t. v. Arau, sentaku suru, susugu,Wane, i. v. Heru, kakeru, otoroyeru. kiyomeru, yusugu. — out, arai-otosu.Want, n. Hin-kiu, bimbo, nai. To be Cause to — , arawaseru.i?i — of a servant, kodzukai ni kotokagu.— — of strength, chikara nashi. Washerjnlan, n. Sentaku-ya.Wash, n. {Medical), arai-gusuri.of food, tabe-mono nashi. — of Washing, n. Arai, sentaku.money, kane nashi. — of politeness, Washing-machine, n. Sentaku dogu.burei, shitsu-rei. — offeeling, nasake Washst<strong>and</strong>, n. Te-arai-dai.nai. — ofjudgment, mu-fumbetsu. Washtub, n. Sentaku-oke.Want, t. v. Iru, nai, toboshii, taranu, Wasp, n.jigabachi.Koshi-boso,fusoku, kakeru, koto-kagu,A Iso the suffix, tai.hoshii.Do you — to buyheru,arasu, gendzuru,yaseru, chibiru. — away, sugareru.Waste, t. v. Tsuiyasu,any fish ? sakanawa yoroshu gozarimasuka. Do you — this ? kore wa o iriyoka. To — learning, mommo naru.l<strong>and</strong>, arechi, no-hara, fiuno no chi.Waste, n. Kudzu, tsuiye, heri, rodzu.In -winter ive -want afire, fuyu no tokini hi ga iru. When sumnier comes Waste-basket, n. Kami kudzu kago.— paper, hogu. Laid —, arasu.a fire is not wanted, natsu ni natte hi Wasteful, a. Muda ni tsukau, tsuiyasH.ga iranu.Watch, t. v. Mamoru, ban suru, ki woWar, «. Ikusa. To make — , ikusa suru,tatakau. Matt of — , ikusa-bune. — wit/i tJie sick, yotogi wo suru.tsukeru, me wo tsukeru, ukagau, matsu.— storeis, gundan. — expenses, gunyokin.— chariot, heisha. — office,, hi-ban. On — , to-ban. C/tange ofWatch, 71. Tokei, ban, bannin, ko. Ofi^hiyobusho.— , bangawari.Warble, i. v. Naku, sayedzuru. Watchful, a. Yo-jin suru, ki wo tsukeru,n. Ward, Cho.tsutsushimu.Warden, n. Bannin, mamori.Watchfully, adv. Tsutsushinde, ki woWard off, t. v. Fusegu, yokeru, ukeni. tsukete, yojin shite.Wardrobe, n. Todana, ifuku.Watch-box, n. Bangoya.Wares, n. Shina-mono, ni, nimotsu, shoshiki.Watchfulness, n.Watch-house, n.Yojin.Bansho.Warehouse, n. Kura, dozo.Watchmaker, n. Tokei-shi, tokei-ya.Warfare, n. Ikusa.Watchman, n. Ban-nin, mihari. NightWarily, adv. Ki wo tsukete, tsutsushinde,yojin shite.Watch-tower, w. Mono-mi, yagura.— yo-ban.,Warm, a. Atatakai, danki na, ondan Fire — , hi no miyagura.Watchword, n. Ai-kotoba.Warm, /. v. Atatakaku suru, atatameru, Water, n. Midzu, sui. To —, midzuwonukiimeru. (/. ».) Atatakaku naru, kakeru. a fiorse, uma ni midzukau.netchiu suru.To go by — , funaji de yuku. Hot — yu,,Warm-hearted, a. Shinsetsu nam.bu. — for tJie h<strong>and</strong>s, cho-dzu. —Warmly, adv. Atatakaku, atsuku, nobosete.power, sui-riki. To jnake — , shobeusuru.Warmth, n. Atatakasa, dankin, ondan. Water-blister, n. Midzu-bukure.Warn, t. v. Maye-motte shiraseru, korasu,Waterbrash, n. Riuin, mushidzu, sam-imashimeni, iken wo suru.pai-yeki.(^pass.)Koriru.Warning, «. Maye-motte shiraseru koto,imashime, iken.Water-clock, n.Watercourse, n.Water-cress, n.Midzu-dokei.Kawa, kawa-suji.Midzutade.Warp, /. z'. Soru, magaru, higamu, hizoru,Water-cup, w. Midzu-nomi.hidzumu.Water-drain, «. Midzu-nuki, gesui.Warp, n. Tate-ito.Water-engine, n. Riutosui.Warrant, t. v. Ukeau, hiki-ukeru. Waterfall, n. Taki. bakufu.Warrant, n. Menkiyo-j6, menjo. Water-fowl, n. Midzu-dori.Wart, n. Ibo.Water-jar, n. Midzu-kame.

WAT2C.Water-level, n. Midzu-mori,Wear, t. v. Kiru, chaku suru, chaku-yoWatek-lily, «. Hasu, renge.suru, mesareru, mesu. — away^ iugareru,heru, herasu, chibiru. To — out^Waterman, n. Sendo, suifu.Water-melon, n. Suika.ki-yaburu. To — a ring^ yubiwa woWater-pail, n. Te-oke.hameru. a sword^ katana wo tai su,Waterpot, n. Joro.or obiru. — shoes., kutsu wo haku. —Waterproof, n. Midzu wo hajiku, midzu-gotaj'egloves., tebukuro wo hameru. — a hole^ga ii.ana ga ugatsu.Water-tight, a. Moranu.Wear, n. Yana. The wear <strong>and</strong> tear.,Water-torture, n. Midzu-zeme.suri-heru koto, mochiite itamu koto.Water-wheel, «. Midzu-guruma. Wearied, a. Tsukareru, kutabireru, agumu,Water-willow, n. Yanagi.umu.Watery, a. Midzuke naru.Weariness, n. Tsukare, kutabire, taiku-Wattle, i. v. Take koyeda nado niteamu.Wearisome, a. Kutabire saseru, urusai,Wave, n. Nami.wadzurawashii.Wave, t. v. Hirameku, hiramekasu, hirugayeru,furu, yudzuru.mu, ito, taikutsu, umu. — of waiting.^Weary, a. Tsukareru, kutabireru, agu-Waver, i. v, Tamero, tayutau, sadama- machi-kaneru.Weasel, n. Itachi.Waving, Hempon, hempen.Weather, n. Tenki, hiyori, jiko. ClearWavy, a. Uneru.— , sei-ten. Rainy — , u-ten.Wax, n. Ro. Bees — , mitsu-ro. White Weather, /. v. Shinobu, korayeru, kaze— , hakuro.wo yokogitte toru.Wax, i. v. Tsunoru, tsuyoru, masaru, Weather-board, n. Hame.iyamasu, futoru, chojiru. IVaxing; <strong>and</strong> Weathercock, n. Kazami.waning oj" the tnoon^ tsuki no michikake.Weather-side, n.Weatherwise, a.Kazakami no ho.Tenki wo mi-nuku.Way, «. Michi, do, doro, tsu-ro, ji, orai, Weave, t. v. Oru, hata-oru.tori, yo, kurai, ho, shi-ho, shi-kata. Weaver, n. Hata-ori.One's own wa_y, waga-mama, kimama. Weavers' beam, «. Chikaragi.To make — yokeru, waki,ye yoru. To Web, a. Spider's — , kumo-no-su.give —, makeru, shirizokii, yudzuru. By Wed, t. V. Metoru, yomeiri wo suru, yomedoriwo suru.the —, katawara ni. In the — , tochiuni. Any , dodemo, ika yo demo. To Weddln'G, n. Konrei, yengumi, konin,be in the — jama. To lose the — , mayo.This — , koiio yo, ko-iu. Half — Wedding-feast, n. Konrei-burumai.,yomedori, makubaye.nakaba, han-to. In the family — , kuwai-ninWedge, n. Ya, kusabi.suru, nin-shin sura. To make Wedlock, a. Yengumi._one^s — , shussei suru.Wednesday, n. Sui-yobi.Wayfarer, n. Tabi-bito.Wee, a. Chiisai.Waylay, t. v. Machi-buse wo suru. Weed, n. Kusa, zasso, mofuku.Way-mark, n. Michi-shirube.Weed, /. v. Kusagiru, kusa wo toru.Wayward, a. Kimama, wagamama, kidzui.Week, n. Mawari, isshu.Weep, i. v. Naku, nageku, kanashimu.We, pro. Warera, watakushi-domo, wa- Weeping willow, n. Shidare yanagi.Weevil, n. Kome-mushi.Weak, a. Yowai, ju-jaku na, hinij'aku Weigh, t. v. Hakaru. — anchor ^ ikarina, usui.wo ageru. — in the mind., kangayeru,Weaken, t. v. Yowameru, yowaku suru, kamben suru.yowaraseru, usuku suru.Weighing-beam, n. Tempimbo, chigi.We.'VKLY, adv. Yowaku.Weight, «. Mekata, kakeme, omosa,Weakness, n. Yowasa, yowami, kiyo. bunriyo, kimme, fundo, omori, omomi.Weal, a. Tame, yeki.Weighty, a. Omoi, tai-setsu na, omoru,Wealth, n. Zaiho, shinsho, shindai, tomi,omotai, daiji na.takara.Welcome, t. v. Mukayeru, aiso wo iu,Wealthy, a. Yufuku na, fukki naru, tomeru,tomu. — person., kane-mochi, Welcome, a. Yoi, ureshii, ki ni iru, yo-motenasu, aisatsu suru.choja, daijin, bugensha.rokobashii.We.an, t. V. Chibanare wo suru. Welcome, n. Aisatsu.Weapon, «. Dogu, buki, heiki.Weld, /. v. Tsugu, awaseru.IWEL

I Whetstone,!Whet,IWhether,IjWherefore,I! arika,JII;Wherever,WEL 202 WHIWelfare, «. Ampi, anshin, tame, anki. Whereabouts, n. Yuku-ye, ikidokoro,Well, «. Ido. — bucket^ tsurube.arisho, aridokoro.— crib^ ido-gawa, igeta. — digger^ Whereas, C47«y. . . . . ni yotte,yuye ni,idohori. Clcani?ig a — , idogaye, — ni tsuki, aida."ivater^ idomidzu.Well, a. Tassha na, jobu na, mubiyona,adv.yuye, naze.Sono yuye ni, nanisukoyaka na, saiwai. Are you well?or Wheresoever, adv. Dokodemo,doko ni demo.gokigen yoroshii ka. Not — , ambai warui.t. v. Togu.Well, adv. Yoku, yoroshik^i, shika-to.adv. Dochira, ka, are, shiro.To speak -well of^ homeru. As — as^ — or ?iot, inaya.mo, mata, yappari. Well enough^ dzuibunn. Toishi, to {spec.) arato,yoi, kanari. Well of, utoku, kane-awasedo, aoto.mochi. Well to do^ hanjo naru. Well Which, Dochira, dore, dono. This isnigh, hotondo.the pencil — he tnade, kore wa anoWell-born, a. Chisuji no yoi.hito no koshirayeta fude da. What isWell-bred, a. Sodachi no yoi.the na7ne of the book — he is readitig?Well-sweep, n. Hane-tsurube.ano hito no yonde iru hon no na waWen, n. Kobu, funriu,nan da.West, n. Nishi, sai, nishi no ho, tori no Whichever, /r^«. Dochira demo.ho.While, w. Toki, ori, koro, katagata, nagara,tsutsu, gatera. — in the way,Western, a. Nishi no.Westward, a, Nishi no ho ye.tochiu, do-chiu. — going, ike-gake ni.Wet, t. V. Nureru, shimeru, uruo, nurasu,shimesu, uruosu, fukumeru. — shiku.Worth — yo ni tatsu. Long — , hisa-,yrotn head to foot, dzubunure. — the While, t. v. Kurasu, utsuru, sugiru.bed, ne-shoben.Whim, Deki-gokoro.Wet, a. Nuretaru, shimeritaru.Whimper, i. v. Naku.Wetnurse, 71. Uba, omba, menoto. Whimpering, n. Naki-goto.Whale, «. Kujira. — bone, kujira.. — Whimsical, «. Uwatsuku, uwa-uwafs/izng, kujira-gari.shite iru.Whaler, «. Kujira wo toru hito. Whine, i. v. Unaru, naku.Wharf, n. Hatoba, ageba.Whining, «. Naki-goto.Wharfage, n. Age-sen.Whip, v. Butsu, muchi-utsu, utsu.What, adv. Nani, <strong>and</strong> its compounds. Whip, n. Muchi.Idzure, ikan, ikani, dono. — wanner, Whirl, v. Mawaru, meguru, mau. {t. v^do. time, itsu. place, doko, dochira.— kind, donna, dono yo na, ika-Whirlpool, n. Udzu.Mawasu, megurasu.naru. — day, ikka. — person, dare, Whirlwind, n. Tsumuji, makikaze.,,^0*.dono hito.Whisk, n. Hoki.Whatever, /r^iw. Nani nite mo. Whisker, n. Ho hige.Wheat, n. Komugi, baku. — flour, Whisper, v. Sasayaku, hisomeku, jigokomugi-no-ko, udonko. — grits, mugisuru.no hikiwari.Whispering, n. Mimi-kosuri.Wheedle, i. v. Hetsurau, kobiru, tsuishoWhistle, v, Usobuku.wo iu, kigen wo toru.Whistle, n. Fuye, usobuki, kuchi-bu-Wheel, n. Kuruma. Four — ed carriage,shirinsha.Whit, n. Not a — , chitto mo nai, sukoye.Wheel, i. v. Mawaru.shi mo nai, mijin mo nai.Wheel-barrow, n. Ichi rinsha.White, a. Shiroi, haku. — of the eye,Wheelwright, n. Kuruma-shi.shirome, hakumaku. — of an egg, shi-Wheezing, a. Zeizei to naru.^^ When, adv. Itsu. toki, itsu kara, itsu White-bear, n. Haguma.made. Whatever, itsudemo.Whiten, v, Shiroku suru. (z'. v.) ShirokuWhence, rtrfz/. Doko kara.naru.^Whencesoever, adv. Doko kara demo. Whiteness, n. Shirosa.Where, adv. Doko, dochira, tokoro, Whites, n. Shirachi.idzuchi, idzuku, idzukata, idzure. White-wax, «. Hakuro.Every — , amaneku, doko ni mo. A >iy Whither, adv. Doke ye, dochira ye., dokodemo. No — , doko ni mo nai. Whithersoever, adv. Doko ye demo,— it is, ari-dokoro, arika.doko made mo.

203Whitlow, n. Hiyoso.Wildly, a. Araku, kurute, kichigai noWhitish,, a. Shiromi ga aru, shiroke ga yo ni.Wildness, n. Arasa.Whizzing, a. Piyo to sakebu, hiyo to Wild-oats, n. Hagusa.sakebu, riu-riu.Wile, n. Te, tedate, tekuda.Who, pron. Dare, dono hito, donata, Will, n. Ki, kokoro, nozomi, kokorozashi,riyoken, omoi. Verbal — yui-dochira.,Whoever, /ri?«. Daredemo.gon. Written , ijo, yui-sho. /// —Whole, a. Mina, subete no, issai, so, urami. Good — , shinsetsu, nengoro.mattaki, maru de, nokoradzu. — nighty As you — , dzuii, omo-mama.yodoshi, yomosugara. — H/e^ isshogai,issh6._ — year, nenju, maru-toshi. gau, nozomu. As expressing an in-Will, t. v. Sadameru, iru, hossuru, ne-— body, isshin, sosliin. — empire, clitiation of mind, it isformed by thetenka itto. — world, sekai itto, henkai.— day, shujitsu, himemosu. — ko, or yuki-masho, / will go, or wouldterminal suffix 6, sho, dearo, n. «.$• yu-heart, isshin, hitomuki-ni. — /a77iily^ like to go, or, am thinking of going.kanaijQ. Swallow —-, maru-nomi ni Will yoic, or will you not ? iru ka iranuka. Will he go ? yuku de aro ka.suru. Upon the — , hikkiyo, shosen.Wholesale, n. Kuchi de uru, oroshi. He will not go, yuki-masen, or {ifthere— dealer, toiya, nakagai.is sotne doubt), yuki-masumai.Wholesome, a. Tame ni naru, yoi, yeki Wilful, a. Kimama ng, wagamamahoshii-mama.aru.Wholly, adv. Mattaku, maru de, issai,no, kataiji na,Wilfully, adv. Waza to, kokoro kara,ichigai, ichidzu, kaimoku, kaishiki. wagamama ni, kimama ni.WHOM,/r

WIN 204 WORWinter, n. Fuyu, to. — solstice^ toji. Womanlike, a. Onnarashii, memeshii.WiXTER-QUARTERS, «. Fuyu-gomori. Womanly, a. Onna no subeki, onna noWiN'TERY, a. Fuyu no, fuyumeku, fuyu-aichi ni kanau.Womb, n. Shikiu, kobukuro, kotsubo.Wonder, /. v. Ayashiniu, odoroku, ibukaru,fushin ni omo, kanshin suru.Wonder, n. Ayashimi, odoroki, fushigi,i-ashii.Wipe, t. v. Fuku, nugu. away areproach^ haji wo susugu. — out^ nugui-otosu.Wire, n. Harigane. — drmver, harigane-shi.— ^a?/z

_WOR 205 WRYno yo. Presetit — genze, kono-yo,,ukiyo.Worm, n. Mushi. Earth — , mimidzu.— speaking of, iu ni taranu, toru ni taranu.Worthless, a. Ne uchi ga nai, yo nitatanu, yaku ni tatanu, yakuza-na.Worthy, a. Tattobu, ko no aru. Notworthy of praise, homeru ni taranu.WoLfLD, t. V. If it were me I — go, watakushinara yuki-masho. It — haveWreck, t. v. — vengeance, ada wo mukuyuru,fukushu suru.Wrecker, n. Hasen no nimotsu wo t.isukeruhito.Wrench, t. v. Neji-toru, nejiru, kanaguru,motorakasu.— eaten^ mushi-kui, mushibami. —medicine^ mushi-gusuri, mushi-osaye.Worried, a. Komaru, wadzurawashii.Worry, i. v. Komaru, komaraseru, anjiru,Wrench, n. Neji wo mawasu dogu.segamu.Wrest, /. v. Nejitoru, fukuwai suru, ko-jitsukeru.Wrestle, i. v. Sumo wo toru, kumi-au,Worse, a. Nao warui.—. . . yori warui,otoru. Grow <strong>and</strong> worse, kojiru,zocho suru.nejiau, jidori wo suru.Worship, t. v. Ogamu, matsuru, hai Wrestler, «. Sumotori.suru, uj'amau, agameru, son-kiyo suru,inoru, kito suru.Wrestling, n.jujutsu.Sumo, jidori, yawara,Worship, n. Matsuri, hairei, sairei, inori, Wretch, n. Yatsu.Wretched, a. Nangi na, nanjii na, iyashiki,kito.Worst, a. Goku warui, ichi-ban warui.kitanai, warui, ashiki.Worst, f. v. Katsu, makasu.Wriggle, /. v. Agaku, furu.Worsted, a. Makeru, fukaku suru. Wring, t. v. Shiboru, nejiru. — off,Worth, n. Atai, nedan, ne, riyo, dai. neji-kiru, neji-oriru. — out, neji-shiboru.— from, yusuru.A 7nan 0/ great — , ko no aru hito.Worth, a. Ataru. How much is one Wrinkle, n. Shiwa.day^s labor — ? ichi nichi no shigoto Wrinkle, /. v. Shiwa wo yoseru, hisomeru,shiwamu, shiwameru, shikameru,wa ikura ni ataru, or, ichi nichi no temachinwa ikura. It is — half ati shikamu.ichilni, ni-shu ni ataru. Not — a cent, Wrist, n. Te-kubi.ichi men ni ataranu. How much is he Wristb<strong>and</strong>, n. Sode-guchi.— ? ano hito no shinsho wa ikura. Not Write, /. v. Kaku, shitatameru, shesuru, shirusu. — in, kaki-ireru. To— down, kaki-noseru. — over again,kaki-kayeru, kaki-naosu. To omit to— , kaki-morasu, kaki-otosu. To — to,tegami wo okuru. To correct by writing,kaki-naosu. — for a living, hikki.Writer, ti. Kakite, sakusha, hissha.Writhe, i. v. Moyayeru.been better if I had not come, koneba Writing, n. Tenarai, kaki-tsuke. — onyokatta mono wo, or, koneba yokatta waZ/j, etc., rakugaki. H<strong>and</strong> — , te. —ni. If I could I— do it, dekiru nara master, tenarai -jisho.shiinasho. How —_— school, terakoya.— materials, riyoshi.you like to go ?anata oide iiashite wa ikaga. IVauld Writing-book, n. So-shi, tenarai-zoshi.you like to do so ? anata so nashite waikaga, or, so itashito eozaru ka.Writing-master, n.Writing-school, n.Tenarai shisho.Tenarai-ba.Wound, n. Teoi, kidzu, kega, itade. Wrong, a. Ashii, warui, mutai, j'okuSlight — , asade. Severe — , omode. nai, hi, machigai, sokonai, chigai, son-Wound, t. v. Teoi ni suru, te wo owaseru,kidzu wo tsukeru, kidzutsuku.Wrangle, t. v. Araso, koron suru, soron ura-gaj'eshi ni, abekobe ni. Writtensuru, serifu wo iu, geki-ron suru. — , icaki-sokonai. Done — , shi-sokonau,shi-ayamuru, Wrap, t. v.shi-sonjiru.kusu. be in, kori-katamaru,hamaru.sokonau. To do — gai wo nasu.— , ii sokonau, ii-chigai. Hear , kiki-,Wrapper, n. Tsutsumi, furoshiki, fukusa. Wrong, t. v. Sokonau, gai-suru, muriToTsutsumu, mato, maku, ka-wrapped upSpeak—Wrath, n.fundo.Ikari, doki, ikidori, wo suru.Wreath, n. Hana-katsura.Wrongfully, adv. Muri ni, midari ni,Wreathe, /.Wreck, «.v. Kumu, matou.Yabure, hasen.muhoni.Wrought, ^r^2f. Shita, dekita. irott, —Wreck, t. v. Yaburu, kowasu, sonjiru. kitaigane.Wrecked, a. Kowareru, yabureru. Shipwreck,Wry, a. Nejireru, shikamidzura.— face,hasen.dzuru, ayamaru. — end uppermost,saka-sama, abekobe ni. — side out,

2o6Yard, n. Niwa. — of a sail^ hogeta,ketabo. — ineasure^ = san-jaku.Yard-stick, n, Gofuku-zashi.Yarn, n. Ito.Yawn, «. Akubi, To — , akubi suru.Yea, adv. Ge ni tio, jitsu ni, shikari.Year, ti. Toshi, nen, sai. New —shin-nen. This — , kotoshi, to-nen.Last — , kiyo-nen, saku-nen. — beforelast, otodashi, issaku-nen, kiyo-kiyonen.Next — , rai-nen, miyo-nen. —after next, sarai-nen. — by year, toshi-nami,toshi-doshi, nen-nen. Aiternate— , kaku-nen. Whole — , nenju.Fixed — , nengen, nenkiri. Withinthe — , nennai. For years past, nenrai.Number of— , nensu.Yearly, a. Toshi-doshi, nen-nen, mainen.— amount, nembun.Yearn, i. v. Shitau, ai suru, itawaru.Yeast, n, Tane, kqji.Yelk, «. Kimi.Yell, i. v. Sakebu, naku, wameku.Yellow, a. Ki-iro, ki, kibamu.Yelp, i. v. Naku.Yes, adv. Sayo, hei.ing, kino no asa, saku-cho. — evening.,sakuban.Yet, adv. Mada, nao, mata, imada, sonouye. Not — , mada. Not yet come,mada konu.Yield, t. v. Dekiru, shodzuru, yudzuru,kosan suru, shitagau, fukusu, kuppukusuru, kussuru, nabiku.Yield, n. Deki.Yoke, n. Kubi-ki. To — , kubiki wohameru.Yonder, adv. Asuko, achira, soko.Youngest child, n. Basshi, otogo.Yo\},pro. Anata, omaye, nanji, temaye,kisama, sokka, sonoho, sonata, kiden,go, o.Young, a. Wakai, itokenai, osanai. Al~ways — , fu-ro.Young, a. Ko.YouR,/r^. Anata no, omaye no.Yourself, pro. Anata-jibun, jibun, jishin,midzukara.Youth, n. Wakai toki, itokenai toki, yo-Yesterday, w. Kin6,sakujitsu, — morn-sho.Youthful, a. Wakai, itokenai, osanai,jakunen.Zeal, n. Kisaki, kekki.Zinc, a. Totan, ayen. Sulphate of—Zealous, a. Hagemu, fumpatsu naru, kohan. Flowers of— , ayen-kuwa.benkiyo naru.Zigzag, a. Une-kune, chidori-gake, gangi,giku-giku.Zoology, n. Dobutsu gaku.THE END,

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