TDY - Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

TDY - Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

TDY - Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton


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JFTR/JTRT4040JOINT TASK FORCE OPERATIONS <strong>TDY</strong> OPTIONSSUBSIST ASHORE<strong>TDY</strong> OPTION SUBSISTENCE PER DIEM REMARKSBusiness TravelCommercial Lodging and CommercialMealsLodging andM&IEMember/Employee Pays forLodging and MealsGovernment Lodging and GovernmentMeals – Permanent U.S. InstallationLodging andM&IEMember/Employee Pays forLodging and Full Meal Rate 1/for Government MealsGovernment Lodging and GovernmentMeals – Temporary U.S. Installation orTemporary Dining FacilitiesEstablished for JTF OperationLodging andM&IEMember/Employee Pays forLodging and for GovernmentMeals at Discount Meal Rate2/Government Lodging and CommercialMealsLodging andM&IEMember/Employee Pays forLodging and MealsCommercial Lodging and GovernmentMeals (In AOR only)Lodging andM&IEMember/Employee Pays forLodging and Full Meal Ratefor Government MealsEssential UnitMessingGovernment Lodging and Use ofGovernment Meals is Essential forTraining and Readiness PurposesIECivilian Pays for GovernmentMeals at Full Meal RateField DutyGovernment Lodging, Meals andIncidentals ProvidedNoneCivilian pays for GovernmentMeals at Full Meal RateSUBSIST ABOARD GOVERNMENT SHIP 3/SUBSISTENCE PER DIEM REMARKS<strong>TDY</strong>Government Lodging and GovernmentMealsNoneCivilian pays for Meals1/ Full Meal Rate = Food costs plus operating expenses.2/ Discount Meal Rate = Food costs only.3/ Members/employees deployed who are ordered to subsist ashore – see “Subsist Ashore” (above table) for ordertype and payment guidelines.NOTE: For BAS see DoDFMR, Volume 7A, Chapter 25 or Coast Guard, COMDTINST M7220.29 (series),Chapter 3.Table 1. Deployment - Joint Operations <strong>TDY</strong> OptionsChange 225/479 O-129/1/05

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