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INDEX.SubjectA.PAGE223Absolute JuiceAdded Water 497Aerial Ropeways 162, 163Air, Effect of, in Vacuum Pumps 329Albumenoids 15„ Determination of 481Alcoholometry 538Alinlt 81Amides 15„ Determination 481ofAnalysis of Cane 475„ Filter 487Press Cake„ Flue Gases 421„ Juices 479,, Lime 489„ Limestone 488„ Massecuites 483„ Megass 477,, Molasses 483„ Sugars 487Wash 540„ Waste Waters 488Analytical Processes, Allihn's 459,, ,, Browne's 463.. .. 456,„ „ Clerget's 453Creydt's 457„ ,, Direct Polarization.. 453Double „ .. 454Dupont's 485,, „,, „ Electrolytic 461Fehling's 464„ Home's 448„ ,, Iodometric 462„ Munson & Walker's.. 459„Pavy's .. .. .. 466 ..Permanganate .... 462„ ,,Peska's 467„ „ Pieraert's 457„ „ Romijn's 469„ „ Sidersky's 462Soldaini's 467„ „ Vivien's 485„ „ Wortmann's 457„ „ Zamaron's .; .... 448Ascherontia allyrodis 135Ash of Cane 75,, in relation 76to Manuring.. ..of Albumenoids 481AssayAlcohol 541Amides 481,, Cane Sugar 487„ Crystallized Sugar 485„ Dextrose 469Fibre 475,, Glucose 468„ Gums 482„ Levulose 469„ Nitrogen 480Reducing Sugars 467Attenuation 540Available Sugar 508Azotobacter chroococcum 82581Matter.B. PAGEBac Portal 242Bacteria in Distillery 517in Soil 81„ in Sugar house 517Bearings 375BallBarbados, Harvest Time in 124„ Manurial Experiments in .. .. 59„ Seedling Canes of 40Bibit Gardens 117Boilers, Choice of 406„ Heating Surface 409of„ Smoke Tube 404„ Water Tube 405Boiling House, Control of 508..Bordeaux Mixture 155Brasmoscope 361British Guiana, Cultivation in 109„ „ Harvest Time 124in,, ,, Irrigation in 95„ „ Manurial Experiments in 55,, „ Manuring in 74„ „ Rum Making in 520„ „ Seedling Canes of 40„ „ Soils of 48Yeasts of 516British Thermal Unit 283Brix Hydrometer 471BuretteC.Calorie 283Cane, Abnormalities in 127„ Amides of 15„ Analysis of 475„ Arrowing of 19 4,„ Ash of 75„ „ in Relation .. 76to Manuring„ Botanical Position of 1„ Carriers for 198„ Chemical Selection o£ 125„ Climate Suited for 18„ Composition of 13,. Continuous Growth 123of„ Control of Weight of 492, 498„ Cultivation of, in British Guiana..l09, 118„ „ „ Cuba 112, 119„ Hawaii 114, 119,, „ ,, Java 114„ „ „ Louisiana .. 112, 118„ „ „ Straits Settlements 120„ „ „ by Reynoso System. 116„ „ „ ,, Zayas System ... 116„ Cutting of.. .. 124Back,, Degenerescence of 145, 157„ Deterioration of Cut 168„ Distribution of Sugar in 14„ Effect of Humidity on 18„ Effect of Manuring on '.. 64„ Effect of Rainfall on 20„ Effect of Wind on 20„ Experimental Manuring 55, 63of.. ..

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