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THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS.On examining the tables and curves it is at once apparent that the mainfactor in determining the economy is the relative value of sugar and coal; anyvariation from the ratio adopted here entirely alters the conditions, and anunfavourable alteration might easily, in the case of a poor cane and two mills,convert the estimated profits into a loss. The second point to be noticed is thatwhatever the admixture, the expenses of evaporation remain the same; a lowercoefficient than that adopted here would also in many cases, indicate a loss.Thirdly, the great financial profit due to a third mill is clearly shown.CANES 13-69 PER CENT. SUGAR. THREE MILLS.CANES 13-69 PER CENT. SUGAR. TWO MILLS.CANES 10-26 PER CENT. SUGAR. THREE MILLS.221

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