Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean ...

Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean ...

Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean ...


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—MAMMALIA. 9verse arcs—fr<strong>on</strong>tal 270, bregmatic 291, parietal 313, occipital2(30. L<strong>on</strong>gitud<strong>in</strong>al arcs— fr<strong>on</strong>tal 130, parietal 111, occipital112. Foramen magnum— length 34, breadth 29. Eas<strong>in</strong>asallength 97. Basialveolar length 91. Bizygomatic breadth 120.Height of—face 86, malar 17, alveolus 17. Auriculo-orbitallength 66. Orbit,—width 36, height 34. Nasal height 51,width 22. Maxilla—length 50, width 62.Mandible—bic<strong>on</strong>dylar width 110, bigouiac width 72, symphysialheight 27, molar height 23, cor<strong>on</strong>oid height 54, g<strong>on</strong>io-symphysiallength 82, c<strong>on</strong>dylo-cor<strong>on</strong>oid length 33. Big<strong>on</strong>iac arc 175.Indices— latitud<strong>in</strong>al 72-9, altitud<strong>in</strong>al 78*2, gnathic 93*8, orbital94-4, nasal 434.Lambdoid suture unusually complicated, with numerous "Wormianb<strong>on</strong>es.7. Skull of Banks Islander.Still younger than 6." Merilava, Banks group ;presented by Mr. Boyd, of Ovalau."B. W. G.Length 163 ;gl. occ. 166. Breadth 123. Height 124. Maximumfr<strong>on</strong>tal breadth 98 ; m<strong>in</strong>imum fr<strong>on</strong>tal breadth 92.Total circumference 455. Transverse arcs—fr<strong>on</strong>tal 242, bregmatic267, parietal 300, occipital 244. Foramen magnumlength 32, breadth 27. Bas<strong>in</strong>asal length 84. Basialveolarlength 81. Bizvgomatic breadth 111. Auriculo-orbital length57. Orbit—width 33, height 32. Nasal height 36, width 23.Maxilla—length 44, width 55.Mandible—bic<strong>on</strong>dylar width 100, syrnphysial height 21, cor<strong>on</strong>oidheight 45, g<strong>on</strong>io-symphysial length 69, c<strong>on</strong>dylo-cor<strong>on</strong>oidlength 23.Indices—latitud<strong>in</strong>al 75*5, altitud<strong>in</strong>al 76-1, gnathic 96-4, orbital97-0, nasal 63-9.These two Banks-Island skulls are of great <strong>in</strong>terest, as show<strong>in</strong>ga dist<strong>in</strong>ct tendency towards (probably a youthful stage of) <strong>the</strong> artificialdeformity noticed <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> MallicoUo skulls, and hi<strong>the</strong>rto supposedto be peculiar to <strong>the</strong> natives of that island. The presentspecimens, however, prove that <strong>the</strong> flatten<strong>in</strong>g process is also practisedto a certa<strong>in</strong> extent <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> neighbour<strong>in</strong>g island of Merilava.8. Calvaria of Fijian.Male. Middle-aged. Cor<strong>on</strong>al suture nearly closed." From an old tumulus near <strong>the</strong> village of Buretta, Ovalau."R. W. C.Length 197 ;gl. occ. 200. Breadth 132. Height 141. Maximumfr<strong>on</strong>tal breadth 114, m<strong>in</strong>imum 103, Horiz<strong>on</strong>tal circumferences—preauricular 250, total 542. Transverse arcs—fr<strong>on</strong>tal 312,bregmatic 318, parietal 327, occipital 280. L<strong>on</strong>gitud<strong>in</strong>al arcsfr<strong>on</strong>tal 130, parietal 152, occipital 120. Bas<strong>in</strong>asal length 109.

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