Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean ...

Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean ...

Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean ...


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—MAMMALIA. 7tassels, and <strong>the</strong>re is a blue crescent-shaped mark <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> glabella,just below <strong>the</strong> supraorbital red l<strong>in</strong>e.Although stated to be a " woman of Nagheer," <strong>the</strong>re can bo littledoubt, from its general appearance, that this skull is that of a man.It is a remarkably f<strong>in</strong>e and typical head, and has <strong>the</strong>refore beenthought worthy of a figure. The peculiar roof-like shape of <strong>the</strong>crown is noticeable, a state of skull called " ill-filled " by Dr.Cleland." These skulls are placed <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> graves where <strong>the</strong> bodies of <strong>the</strong>irorig<strong>in</strong>al possessors lie, and are surrounded with idols, models ofsnakes, &c., which are supposed to guard <strong>the</strong> dead."3. Cranium of Solom<strong>on</strong> Islander.Female. Adult." Solom<strong>on</strong> group ;particular island unknown." R. W. C.Length 187; gl. occ. 187. Breadth 130. Height 133. Maximumfr<strong>on</strong>tal breadth 110 ; m<strong>in</strong>imum fr<strong>on</strong>tal breadth 100.Horiz<strong>on</strong>tal circumferences — preauricular 243, total 510. Transversearcs— fi'<strong>on</strong>tal 276, bregmatic 294, parietal 304, occipital265. L<strong>on</strong>gitud<strong>in</strong>al arcs—fr<strong>on</strong>tal 133, parietal 126, occipital117. Foramen magnum—length 33, breadth 28. Bas<strong>in</strong>asallength 102. Basialveolar length 102. Bizygomatic breadth129. Height of—face 80, malar 21, alveolus 12. Auriculoorbitallength 68. Orbit—width* 39, height* 34. Xasalheight 47, width 25. Maxilla—length oQ, width 63.Indices— latitud<strong>in</strong>al 69*5, altitud<strong>in</strong>al Tl'l, fr<strong>on</strong>tal 76-9, gnathic100-0, orbital 87-2, nasal 53-2.Dolichocephalic, mesognathous, platyrh<strong>in</strong>e ; orbit mesoseme.Glabella low, about No. 1 of Broca's scale. Nasal sp<strong>in</strong>e l<strong>on</strong>g,No. 4. Occipital crest scarcely visible.4. Cranium of Mallicollo Islander, New Hebrides.Male. Aged. All <strong>the</strong> teeth g<strong>on</strong>e and alveoli closed up.Length 170 ;gl. occ. 182. Breadth 128. Height 138. Maximumfr<strong>on</strong>tal breadth 107 ;m<strong>in</strong>imum fr<strong>on</strong>tal breadth 91.Horiz<strong>on</strong>tal circumferences — preauricular 232, total 481.Transverse arcs—fr<strong>on</strong>tal 276, bregmatic 301, parietal 320.L<strong>on</strong>gitud<strong>in</strong>al arcs—fr<strong>on</strong>tal 131, parietal 139, occipital 104.Foramen magnum—length 29, width 2o. Bas<strong>in</strong>asal length103. Bizygomatic breadth 137. Height of malar 22. Auriculo-orbitallength 68. Orbit—width 39, height 35. Nasalheight 48, width 30.Indices—latitud<strong>in</strong>al 75-3, altitud<strong>in</strong>al 81-2, fr<strong>on</strong>tal 71-1, orbital89*7, nasal 62*5.Subdolichocephalic, hypsicephalic, very platyrh<strong>in</strong>e ; orbit megaseme.Glabella very thick and gorilla-like, approach<strong>in</strong>g No. 4 of Broca's* Flower, Cat. Coll. Surg. i. p. xviii.

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