Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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INDEX 475Laberius, 261Lacau, P., 325Lacepede, G. E., 3, 159Lactantius, 286La Madelaine, 25, 31Lambert, O., 187, 211Lang, A.. 133, 134, 137Langdon, S., 351, 354, 357, 367, 376,384, 386Lates niloticus, 325Law : Assyrian, 379—, Chinese, 464— ,—, Jewish, 419-20Roman, 231-4Layard, H., 354, 356, 364, 376Leaf, W., 65, 84, 297Le Clerq bronze, 386Legge, J., 453, 454, 467Leistering, 179Leonidas of Tarentum, 119, 133,136-7Lepidotus, 329Lepsius, R. P., 313Les Ruses Innocentes, 10Leviathan, 403, 418Line, Assyrian, 356—, Chinese, 454—, dead man's hair, 340-2— ; Egyptian, 311—, Greek-Roman, 237—, in Homer, 76—, Jewish, 418—, Old Stone, 40running, 8—9,— ,tight, 9, 10, 12Loki, 255Lones, T. E., 107, 155Longus, 139Lucan, 334Lucian, 91, 127, 138, 145, 211, 250,426Lucilius, 260Lucretius, 134Lucrinus, oysters of, 146Lund, P., 292Lupus, 25, 198, 259Macalister, R. a., 400Macdonell, A. A., 48Macedonian fly, 187-92Mackail, J. W., 71, 74, 116, 144, 194,201Mackerel, 213Macrobius, 204, 257, 260Magic, 27-30, 305, 344, 431Magna Charta, 290Mahler, E., 327Mahomet, 440Mainzer, V. M., 405, 420-1Manu, 49, 271Marco Polo, 97Marduk, 391-3Mariette, 323Martial, 144books of, 166love of angling, 144, 146rod in, 1 47-1 51Scarus in, 152-154—, 162, 192, 203, 204, 210, 227,257Marston, R. B., 40, 55, 172, 292Mascall, L., 200, 292Maspero, G. C, 84, 307, 324, 333, 352,372Matron, 206, 256, 265Maundy Thursday, 276Maxwell, Sir H., 113, 251Mayas, see Mexico.Mayer, H., 187Mead, C. W., 24Meek, A., 197, 252Meissner, B., 360Melanurus, 166Menander, loi, ii8, 249, 278Menant, J., 365Mendoza Codex, 22Menelaus, 77, 138, 297Merry, W. W., 72, 81Mexico, 21Microscope, 108Migne, J. P., 434Milton, J., 171, 366, 426Minchin, C. O., 82Mosotes, 331Monro, D. M., 71, 8^Monkfish, 277Montet, P., 319, 322, 375de Montfaucon, B., 277de Morgan, J., 335Mormyrus, 330de Mortillet, G., 19, 31, 39, 42, 197Moschus, 119Moses, 387, 414fish of, 438Mosquito, 193Moule, T., 96, 197, 443Mugil Capita, 164, 239, 260, 266-8,287, 335Muller, W. Max, 352Mullet, 203, 256Mundus Symbolicus, 276-7Munro, R., 30MurcBna, 182, 228, 248, 261Murex, age by scales, 108Musco, or musca, 153-6Myths, fish in, 270-22 I

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