Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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——472 INDEXColumella, 205, 212, 222, 225, 229,249Comacchio, 229Como, 143-4Confucius, 453Conjectures HalietiticcB, 58Contest of Homer and Hesiod, 86-9Cook, A. B., 95, 157, 195Cooks, 210-11Copais, 201, 215Corks, 239Cormorant, 460Corneille, T., 178Cornelms Nepos, 261Corp. Inscript. Lat., 151Crescens-arundo, 147-51Crete, 6, 43, 314Crocodile, 331, 403, 418Curtiiis, E., 68, 79Cuvier and Valenciennes, 25, 153,197. 336Cyclamen, 240Dagon, 271, 363-7Dall, W. H.. 30. 38Daphnis and Chloe, 139Dapping, 156Daremberg and Saglio, 10, 69, 149,202Darwin, C. R., 41, 155, 335Davies, N. de G., 316-7Daw kins, W. Boyd, 18Day, F., 113Dead, Book of <strong>the</strong>, 344, 385Dead, offerings to <strong>the</strong>, 303, 385Delegation en Perse, 367Delta, The, 302, 321-2Democritus, 282Depreciation of money inEgypt, 336-8Rome, 285Derceto, 124, 127, 271Dialogus creaturarum optime moralizatus,55Diaper, J., 119, 431Diaper and Jones, 177, 235Dion Cassius, 202, 208Diocletian's Edict, 203, 285-8Diodorus Siculus, 312, 334Diogenes <strong>the</strong> Cynic, 205Dioscorides, 181, 280, 282Diphilus, 164, 181, 258, 264, 279Dit Boecxken leert, etc., 54Dolphin, 91-6helps fishermen, 93loves boys, 94-5loves music, 91predicts wea<strong>the</strong>r, 92Dolphin contd.saves lives, 92swiftness of, 92voice of, 164Dolger, F. J., 274Domitian, 166, 259, 273Dorion, 261Dryden, J., 119Du Halde, J. B., 160, 291, 453, 461Ea, 363, 369-71, 386Echineis, see Reniora.Edmonds, J. M., 135Eels, 25, 216, 246-54as a dainty, 248-50as a diet, 279Copais, 215fecundity of, 253fishing for, 246-7in Egypt, 247, 331in Greece, 248-9, 262in Homer, 85in Rome, 248, 262propagation of, 250-2silver, 251-2Eglinus, R., 58Egyptangling,314-5dates, 300debt of fishermen to, 304fish cemetries in, 326fish not eaten by kings and priests,323importance of fish in, 304pin-money <strong>from</strong> fisheries forQueens of, 334price of fish in XXth Dynasty, 336Elite des Monuments Ceramographiques,236, 349Ellis, Robinson, 268Elops, 258Empedocles, 279EncyclopcBdia Biblica, 406, 419, 426,437EncyclopcBdia, Jewish, 401, 416, 427,444Ennius, 161, 255, 263Epicharmus, 161, 258, 284Erman, A., 322, 408Eskimos, 19, 20Esox lucius, see Pike.Ethiopian History, The, 12-2Eubulus, 249Euphrates, 377Euripides, 297Eustathius, 77, 80Euthydemus, 219Eutropius, 176

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