Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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—INDEX 471Babylonians, 351Baessler, A., 24Badham, C. D., 206, 213, 250, 254,264, 282, 289. 293Baiae, 145, 166Baits, 238, 315, 456Barton, G., 400Balfour, Henry, 34, 42Banfield, E. J., 25, 83, 156, 417Banquets, 206-9Baring-Gould, S., 95, 259, 440, 443Barker, T., 8, 41Bass, Sea, 244Bates, Oric, 8, 301, 305, 308, 309, 314,315. 326Baudissin, W. v., 426Bede, 57Bekten Stele, The, 354Bellonius, P., 198Beni Hasan, 311, 314, 315, 322Bennett, W. H., 428Beowulf, 392Berard, V., 85Berners, Dame Juliana, see Boke ofSt. Albans.Biblio<strong>the</strong>ca Piscatoria, 187, 189, 252Blackman, A. M., 311, 332Blakey, R., 53, 255, 280, 445Blijmner, H., 80, 121, 190, 285Boar fish, 263Bochart, S., 59, 438Bosanquet, R. C, 10Bouche Leclerq, A., 218Boulenger, G. A., 319, 330, 375-6,417Boyd, Zachary, 443Braested, J. H., 302, 321, 324, 354,397Brandt, P.. 178Bream, 292, 455Breslar, 401, 404Breuil, H.. 18, 31British Museum, Catalogue of—Bronzes : Greek, Roman, etc., 237Coins, 272Lamps, 149Sculpture, 236, 265Vases, 181Broca, P., 38Brosses, C, de, 98Browne, Moses, 119, 120, 172Browne, Sir T., 3, 175, 415Browne, Wm., 13, 119Brugsch, H. K., 304Buddha, 49, 403Budge and King, 373Bunsmann, 121, 130Bunyan, J., 3Burton, R., 169-71, 280Bushmen, African, 19Australian, 27Butcher, S. H., 65Butcher and Lang, 13, 77Byron, 106CiESAR, 223Cahier, C, 275Cairncross, D., 251Calderwood, W. L., 42California, 41Caligula, 226, 228Callimachus, 136Campaux, A., I2ICapart, J., 324Caper, 263Carm. Medicorum Reliquies, 282Carp, 25, 200, 273Cartailhac, fi., 17, 18, 26Carteia, 220, 272Carthage, Council of, 434Cassiodorus, 180, 256, 260Catacombs, 275Catapatha Brahmana, 49, 271Cato, M. P., 200, 224, 265Cato, P., poet, 148Catullus, 268Celsus, 260, 281Cestreus, see Mugil capita.Chabura, 380Chantepie de la Saussaye, D. P., 243Charlemagne, 291Chaucer, G., 107Cheyne, T. K., 387, 426Chiang Tzu-ya, 451China—dates, 450fishermen, 6, 64, 449importance of fish in, 449, 453Cholmeley, R. J., 133, 135Christ, W., 53. 175Chromis simonis, 417Cicero, 180, 227, 257Clarias macracanthus, 325, 417Claudian (poet), 180Cleopatra's fishing, 173Clerke, A. M., 74Cobern, C. M., 259Cockles, 70, 224Coins of-Abdera, 273Ascalon, 128Carteia, 220, 272Cyzicus, 272Hierapolis, 128, 426lasos, 96Olbia, 219, 272Syracuse, 221Tarentum, 220

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