Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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"FISH ENGRAVINGS—MAGICAL CHARMS 27with a fish incised on a reindeer antler <strong>from</strong> Laugerie-Basse.^evoke <strong>the</strong> Uvely admiration of de Mortillet and Parkyn.Such is <strong>the</strong>ir graphic truthfulness and attention to detailperfectly characterised in general form, but is rendered with<strong>the</strong> spots on <strong>the</strong> top of <strong>the</strong> back dotted quite accurately. 2Not less admirable is <strong>the</strong> bas-relief of a fish in reindeer horn<strong>from</strong> Mas d'Azil, or of ano<strong>the</strong>r pierced by a spear. 3The frequent engravings of animals and of fish promptS. Reinach and o<strong>the</strong>rs to <strong>the</strong> interesting surmise that since allor most portray creatures desired for food by hunters andfishermen, <strong>the</strong>y were executed not for amusement, " mais sontles talismans de chasseurs qui craignent de manquer de gibier.L'objet des artistes a ete d'exercer une attraction magique surles animaux de la meme espece. Les indigenes de I'AustraheCentrale peignent aussi sur les roches ou le sol des figures desanimaux dans le but avoue d'en favoriser par la meme raison,qui dans certaines campagnes fait qu'on evite de prononcer lenom du loup." *2 G. de Mortillet, Origines de la Chasse et de la Peche (Paris, 1S90), p. 222.Our learned author nods. If <strong>the</strong> seals had killed <strong>the</strong> trout, it would not havefloated " belly up," but instantly down <strong>the</strong>ir bellies.' S. Reinach, Repertoire de I Art Quaternaire (Paris, 191 3), p. 156, which isa complete summary of <strong>the</strong> various finds in excavations, etc. See p. 88 fora seal, and p. 114 for a fine representation <strong>from</strong> Laugerie Basse of two fishmeeting.* Fishermen in Malay, while <strong>the</strong>y are at sea, studiously avoid mentioning<strong>the</strong> names of birds or beasts : all animals are called " cheweh," a meaninglessword, which is believed not to be understood by <strong>the</strong> creatures (J. G. Frazer,cette galere " ? is invariably referred to as " <strong>the</strong> man with <strong>the</strong> black guyte ' 'that, according to <strong>the</strong> former writer, <strong>the</strong> trout which <strong>the</strong> sealshave killed floats, as dead fish do, belly up, and is not onlyAfter pointing out that <strong>the</strong> representations of <strong>the</strong> Reindeerepoch " offrent un caractere analogue," he continues, " Acette phase tres ancienne d'evolution humaine la religion (ausens moderne de ce mot) n'existe pas encore, mais la magie^ E. Cartailhac, Mateviaux pour I'histoire de I'homme, xiii. p. 395. TheMagdalenian workmanship on bone was extraordinarily fine. Their boneneedles (according to de Mortillet) are much superior to those of <strong>the</strong> later,even of historical <strong>times</strong>, down to <strong>the</strong> Renaissance. The Romans neverpossessed needles comparable with <strong>the</strong>m.The Golden Bough, second edition, 1900, vol. i. p. 460). So, too, fishermen<strong>from</strong> some villages on <strong>the</strong> N.E. coast of Scotland never pronounce, while at sea,under penalty of poor catches, certain words such as " minister," " salmon,"" trout," " swine," etc. The first, poor fellow !" que diable allait-il faire dans{Ibid., p. 453).

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