Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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!440 FISH OF MOSES—JONAH—SOLOMON'S RING<strong>the</strong>m illustrates Koranic invention. Thinking to avoid <strong>the</strong>sin and yet secure <strong>the</strong>ir seducers, <strong>the</strong> sojourners went out.dammed <strong>the</strong> channels, and ate <strong>the</strong> fish on <strong>the</strong> next day. But as<strong>the</strong>re was, and in some parts of Scotland still is,little differenceas regards working on <strong>the</strong> Sabbath between fishing and damming,<strong>the</strong> violation of <strong>the</strong> day—<strong>the</strong> punishment scarcely fits <strong>the</strong>^crime—involved <strong>the</strong>ir metamorphosis into apes !The Koran denies to <strong>the</strong> faithful on pilgrimage any huntingof game en route, but allows fishing and eating of fish <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong>sea. 2 At first, eating of fish was apparently unlawful, because<strong>the</strong> name of Allah could not always be pronounced over <strong>the</strong>mbefore <strong>the</strong>y died.To remedy this enforced abstinence <strong>from</strong> such a wealth ofhealthy food Mahomet blessed a knife and cast it into <strong>the</strong>sea,thus all fish were blessed and had <strong>the</strong>ir throats cut before" The large openings behind <strong>the</strong><strong>the</strong>y were brought to shore.gills are of course <strong>the</strong> wounds thus miraculously made withoutkilHng <strong>the</strong> fish !" 3We discover in ano<strong>the</strong>r legend that an accidental act on <strong>the</strong>part of Abraham—not a designed ceremony on <strong>the</strong> part ofMahomet — gave Mussulmans <strong>the</strong>ir liberty of ichthyophagy.The patriarch, after sacrificing <strong>the</strong> ram instead of Isaac, threw<strong>the</strong> knife into a stream and incidentally struck a fish, whencefishes are <strong>the</strong> only animals eaten by Mahometans without <strong>the</strong>irthroats being previously cut.1 Ci. with <strong>the</strong>se inciters to Sabbath-breaking, (A) The fish, " called <strong>the</strong>Jewish Sheikh, which with a long white beard and a body as large as a calf,but in shape like a frog and hairy as a cow, comes out of <strong>the</strong> sea every Saturdayand remains on land until sundown on Sunday " (Robinson, op. cit.,p. 35), and (B) <strong>the</strong> story of how on a Friday during St. Corbinian's pilgrimageto Rome, when although meat and all else abounded—<strong>the</strong> Saint had alwaysbeen a bit of a bo7i viveur — '<strong>the</strong>re was an absolute dearth of fish, an eaglesuddenly dropped <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> clouds and let fall at <strong>the</strong> feet of <strong>the</strong> chef a finefish. Baring-Gould, Lives of <strong>the</strong> Saints, vol. X. 123 (London, 1897).- " O True Believers, kill no game while ye are on pilgrimage. It islawful for you to fish in <strong>the</strong> sea and eat what ye shall catch as a provision foryou and for those that travel." The Koran (Sale, chap. V. or " on Contracts ")." This passage," says Jallaleddin, " is to be understood only of fish which livealtoge<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong> sea, and not of those which live partly in <strong>the</strong> sea and partlyon land, such as crabs." The Turks, who are Hanifites, never eat of <strong>the</strong> latterclass ; but some sects have no scruples.^ Robinson, op. cit., p. 41. See <strong>the</strong> Koran (Sale, vol. II. 89), " God hathonly forbidden you that which dieth of itself, and blood, and swine's flesh,and that which has been slain in <strong>the</strong> name of any besides God."

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