Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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432 THE FISH OF TOBIAS—DEMONIC POSSESSIONangel Raphael, whom God, compassionating both Tobit'splight and Sara's subjection to a demon, has sent purposely<strong>from</strong> heaven.On <strong>the</strong> journey Tobias (R.V.) " went down to wash himselfin <strong>the</strong> Tigris and a fish leaped out of <strong>the</strong> river and would haveswallowed him. But <strong>the</strong> angel said unto him, Take hold on'<strong>the</strong> fish. ' ' ' And <strong>the</strong> young man caught hold of <strong>the</strong> fish andcast it on <strong>the</strong> land. The angel bids him, " Cut <strong>the</strong> fish open,and take <strong>the</strong> heart, <strong>the</strong> liver, and <strong>the</strong> gall, and put <strong>the</strong>m upsafely," giving as his reasons, " touching <strong>the</strong> heart and liver,if a devil or evil spirit trouble any, we must make a smoke<strong>the</strong>reof before <strong>the</strong> man or woman, and <strong>the</strong> party shall be nomore vexed. As for <strong>the</strong> gall, it is good to anoint a man thathath white films in his eyes, and he shall be healed." Of <strong>the</strong>healing of his fa<strong>the</strong>r's blindness we read later in xi. 11-13,where Tobias " strake of <strong>the</strong> gall on his fa<strong>the</strong>r's eyes."The great act of <strong>the</strong> drama, however, is staged in Ecbatana,where <strong>the</strong> travellers break <strong>the</strong>ir journey at <strong>the</strong> house of akinsman Raguel, whose daughter Sara " had been given inmarriage to seven husbands, but Asmodeus <strong>the</strong> evil spirit (ordemon) slew <strong>the</strong>m before <strong>the</strong>y had lain with her." Tobias,not to be daunted, marries Sara, not, however, before Raguel" took paper and did write an instrument of covenant (ormarriage contract) and sealed it."" And when <strong>the</strong>y had finished <strong>the</strong>ir supper, <strong>the</strong>y broughtTobias in unto her. But as he went he remembered <strong>the</strong> wordsof Raphael, and took <strong>the</strong> ashes of <strong>the</strong> incense, and put <strong>the</strong> heartand <strong>the</strong> liver of <strong>the</strong> fish <strong>the</strong>reupon, and made a smoke <strong>the</strong>rewith.But when <strong>the</strong> devil had smelled <strong>the</strong> smell he fled into <strong>the</strong>uppermost parts of Egypt, and <strong>the</strong> angel bound him" (viii.I, 2, 3). Cf. Milton, P.L. iv. "Asmodeus of <strong>the</strong> fishy fume,"etc.Dr. Gaster has given us a version, hi<strong>the</strong>rto unpublished,in which " Tobiyah took <strong>the</strong> heart of a fish and put it in acenser and burnt it under <strong>the</strong> clo<strong>the</strong>s of Sarah. And Ashmedai(<strong>the</strong> demon) received <strong>the</strong> smells and fled instantly." Thiscontra-demonical property in a fish appears elsewhere, e.g. in<strong>the</strong> Macedonian charm, which prescribes for one possessed <strong>the</strong>

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