Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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20 INTRODUCTIONwork in South Africa, while <strong>the</strong> rock paintings of Spain find<strong>the</strong>ir best analogies among <strong>the</strong> Bushmen." iThe Africans, it is true, perfected <strong>the</strong>ir engravings on <strong>the</strong>surface of <strong>the</strong> rocks more frequently by " pecking." But both<strong>the</strong>y and PalaeoHthic man make free and successful use ofcolours, of which <strong>the</strong> African possesses six as against <strong>the</strong> threeor four of his European brethren. Each race depicts fish andanimals so Ufe-Hke as to be easily identifiable.What evidence as to priority do <strong>the</strong> Eskimo methods ofto-day yield us ? Cartailhac but echoes Rau, SalomonReinach, and Hoffmann 2in his assertion that <strong>the</strong> prehistoricReindeer Age compares practically with <strong>the</strong> actual age of <strong>the</strong>Eskimos. Their fishing spears in material, shape, and barbresemble <strong>the</strong> Palaeolithic.Their carvings and engravings of fishing and whalingscenes on bone and ivory show clear kinship to <strong>the</strong> Dordognese.Hoffmann's able study of <strong>the</strong> Eskimos not only brings out<strong>the</strong>se similarities, but also specially notes <strong>the</strong> closeness withwhich <strong>the</strong>y observe and <strong>the</strong> exactitude with which <strong>the</strong>y renderanatomical peculiarities of fish and animals. As portrayersof <strong>the</strong> human form, on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, <strong>the</strong>y must be reckonedfar <strong>from</strong> expert. The caves of France and those of Spain ingeneral, although <strong>the</strong> paintings of <strong>the</strong> human form at Calapataand o<strong>the</strong>r places are far more finished and far more frequentthan <strong>the</strong> French drawings, disclose curiously <strong>the</strong> same powerand <strong>the</strong> same deficiency as characteristic of Troglodyte art.^No race probably in <strong>the</strong> world depends so greatly onfishing for a hvelihood as <strong>the</strong> Eskimos. From <strong>the</strong>m, if <strong>from</strong>any, we should derive most light and leading. With <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong>Spear and <strong>the</strong> Hook form <strong>the</strong> chief, and till recently probably<strong>the</strong> only, tackle. Nets, on account of <strong>the</strong> ice, play little part.^ Evans, op. cit., p. 9. See also an interesting essay by Professor E. T.Hamy, L'Anthropologic, tome xix. p. 385 ff., on La Figure humaine chez lesauvage et chez I'errfant.- C. Rau, op. cit., Washington, 1884. Salomon Reinach, Antiquit/sNationales, vol. i., 1889. W. I. Hoffmann, The Graphic Art of <strong>the</strong> Eskimo,Report to Smithsonian Museum, 1895, P- 75i-' At Cogul <strong>the</strong> sacral dance is performed by women clad <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> waistdownwards in well-cut gowns, which at Alpera are supplemented by flyingsashes, and at Cueva de la Vieja reach to <strong>the</strong> bosom. \^erily, we are alreadya long way <strong>from</strong> Eve 1 Cf. Evans, op. cit., p. 8.

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