Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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GUARANTORS OF FISH CONTRACT 361" Makimni-anni <strong>the</strong> son of Bel-ab-usur, Bi'-iliya <strong>the</strong>SON OF ... & ISHIYA, NaTIN THE SON OF TaBSHALAM, ANDZadABYAMA <strong>the</strong> son of KhINNI-BeL, of <strong>the</strong>ir own FREEWILL SPOKE AS FOLLOWS TO RiBAT, THE SON OF BeL-ERIBA,'THE SERVANT OF RiMUT-NlNURTA : GiVE FIVE NETS AND WEWILL DELIVER TO YOU FIVE HUNDRED FISH OF GOOD QUALITY(TUKKUNU) by THE I5TH DAY OF THE MONTH TiSHRI IN THE 5THYEAR ! ' Then Ribat hearkened unto <strong>the</strong>m and gaveTHEM FIVE NETS.l On THE I5TH OF TiSRI THEY SHALL DELIVERTHE FIVE HUNDRED FISH OF GOOD QUALITY. If THEY DO NOTDELIVER THE FIVE HUNDRED FISH OF GOOD QUALITY ON THEAPPOINTED DAY FOR THEIR DELIVERY, THEN ON THE 20THDAY OF TiSHRI SHALL THEY DELIVER A THOUSAND FISH, EACHONE GOES BAIL FOR THE OTHER IN RESPECT OF MAKING UPTHE NUMBER OF THE FISH. FOR THE FIVE HUNDRED FISH,BeL-IBNI, THE SON OF APLA, ALSO GOES BAIL."The parties to <strong>the</strong> contract are Ribat, <strong>the</strong> steward of <strong>the</strong>rich Babylonian banker Rimut-Ninurta, and five Aramaicfishermen. In consideration of Ribat's furnishing five nets,<strong>the</strong>y bind <strong>the</strong>mselves to deliver by <strong>the</strong> 15 th of Tishri (aboutSeptember), i.e. within twenty days <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> making of <strong>the</strong>contract, five hundred fish. On failure to do so, <strong>the</strong> time isextended by five days, but <strong>the</strong> number of <strong>the</strong> fish is <strong>the</strong>nincreased to one thousand. Each of <strong>the</strong> five fishermen " goesbail " for delivery of five hundred, or if need be, of a thousandfish, but an outsider, Bel-ibni, son of Apia, cautiously limitshis bail or guarantee to <strong>the</strong> first figure.These documents possess many points of interest.(A) They are not only <strong>the</strong> very <strong>earliest</strong>, but I suggest<strong>the</strong> only extant fishing contracts (proper) prior to <strong>the</strong> thirdcentury a.d.In Egypt, during <strong>the</strong> Ptolemaic period, fishermen,for salt used for fish supplied by a grocer, sealed by <strong>the</strong> ofi&cial controller.Cf. M. Shorr, Urkunden des Altbabylonischen Civil und Processrechts, No. 256.^ In <strong>the</strong> Neo-Babylonian period <strong>the</strong> word, which makes its firstappearance in this contract, employed for net appears to have been saiituor lUu. The word is written sa-li-tum, and <strong>the</strong> first syllable (5a) may beei<strong>the</strong>r part of <strong>the</strong> word, or else <strong>the</strong> determinative riksit, which is written beforethings made of cordage. If <strong>the</strong> word be read salitu, it may perhaps be derived<strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> root, salu, to immerse. The rendering of <strong>the</strong> word as net is not quitecertain, but, as will be seen <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> translation of <strong>the</strong> text, <strong>the</strong> contextpoints to this meaning. It is clearly some sort of tackle used by fishermen,and <strong>the</strong> most obvious meaning would be net.

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