Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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— ——CHAPTER XXXIITHE EARLIEST RECORDED CONTRACT OF FISHINGOne of <strong>the</strong> very <strong>earliest</strong>—<strong>the</strong> <strong>earliest</strong> as far as I have foundrecorded contract concerning fishing occurs in <strong>the</strong> secondyear of Darius II., 422 B.C. It runs thus 1 :" RiBAT SON OF BeL-ERIBA THE SLAVE OF EnLIL-NADIN-SHUMI SPOKE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO EnLIL-NADIN-SHUMISON OF MURASHU IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER : ThE FISH-'POND BETWEEN THE VILLAGE AhSHANU AND THE FARM OFBeL-ABU-UZUR IN THE FIELD OF THE MASTER OF THE MERCHANTSAND THE FISHPOND IN THE FIELD OF THE PREFECT AND THEFISHPOND BY THE VILLAGE OF BiT-NATUN-El, GIVE ME FORYEARLY PAYMENT. EaCH YEAR I WILL GIVE ONE HALF TALENTOF PURE SILVER, AND FROM THE DAY ON WHICH THE FISHPONDSARE GIVEN TO ME FOR FISHING, DAILY WILL I SUPPLY FISH FORTHY TABLE.' AnD THEN EnLIL-NADIN-SHUMI HEARD HIM,and he gave him fishponds for a yearly tribute of halfa talent of silver."Signed in <strong>the</strong> presence of two judges, before sixwitnesses, and a scribe."The Tablet is impressed with five seals. 2The next recorded fishing contract deals with netting inBabylonian waters. It is dated <strong>the</strong> 25th day of Elul in <strong>the</strong>fifth year of Darius II., or 419 B.C. B. Meissner's translationof <strong>the</strong> document may be rendered as follows ^ :1 A. Ungnad, Hundert Ausgewdhlte Rechtsurkunden, No. 56.2 Two contracts (in 5th year of Darius II.) contain provisions that incase " of any fish being Ufted," i.e. stolen, <strong>the</strong> keeper has to pay a fine of10 shekels, and in second case to compensate owner. Revue d'Assyriologie,vol. IV., pp. 182-183, by V. Scheil.' Orientalistiche Literaturzeitung (Berlin, 1914), p. 482. This was pubUshedby Clay in Publications of <strong>the</strong> Babylonian Section of <strong>the</strong> University of Pennsylvania',vol. li., Part I., No. 208. We find a receipt in <strong>the</strong> XXth century B.C.360

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