Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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334 FISHERIES—PRICE OF FISH—SPAWNINGof <strong>the</strong>se fisheries formed <strong>the</strong> dowries or allowances for <strong>the</strong>scents, etc.,1 of <strong>the</strong> Queens.Later on <strong>the</strong>y also received as appanage <strong>the</strong> revenues ofAnthylla famous for its wines, so <strong>the</strong>y fared not badly for pinmoney. Herodotus 2 informs us that <strong>the</strong> town " is assignedexpressly to <strong>the</strong> wife of <strong>the</strong> ruler of Egypt to keep her in shoes.Such has been <strong>the</strong> custom ever since Egypt fell under Persianrule," an origin not improbable <strong>from</strong> Plato's statement thatone district was allotted for toilette purposes to <strong>the</strong> PersianQueens and called "The Queen's Girdle."(B) The taxes (or revenues) obtained in <strong>the</strong> Ptolemaic <strong>times</strong>,l^Ovripa, were probably a Government monopoly. They weredivided into (a) a tax on fishermen of one quarter of <strong>the</strong> value of<strong>the</strong> fish caught {Tiraprr] aXitwv), (b) <strong>the</strong> profits of sale of fishat prices higher than those paid for <strong>the</strong>m direct to <strong>the</strong> fisherman.In <strong>the</strong> Roman period we find reXog IxOvrip&g Bpv/jiwv, ora rent <strong>from</strong> marshes deep enough at <strong>the</strong> time of <strong>the</strong> inundationto contain fish and shallow enough at o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>times</strong> to growpapyri and marsh plants.Leases for fishing and selling papyri,etc., brought good returns. But <strong>the</strong>se returns must be distinguished<strong>from</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r revenues derived <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> industry,e.g. <strong>the</strong> fisheries of Lake Moeris, and <strong>from</strong> a tax paid by <strong>the</strong>fishermen, both of which seem to correspond with <strong>the</strong> Ptolemaic" fourth part." On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand <strong>the</strong> (}>6pog, no doubt, wasa tax paid by fishermen for <strong>the</strong> right of fishing, or for <strong>the</strong> useof boats in waters owned by <strong>the</strong> temples. ^The Net, in <strong>the</strong> marsh country, was not only <strong>the</strong> mostlucrative " engine of encirclement," but also a double dutypaid. In o<strong>the</strong>r parts <strong>the</strong> inhabitants passed <strong>the</strong>ir nights uponlofty towers to escape <strong>the</strong> gnats, but in <strong>the</strong> marsh land (Herodotuscontinues), " where are no towers, each man possesses^ Diodorus Siculus, I. 52. Twenty-two different kinds of fish existed in<strong>the</strong> royal fish ponds of Mceris. Keller, op. cit., 330.2 II. 98.8 See Grenfell and Hunt, Tebtunis Papyri, II. 180-1, and I. 49-50. AlsoWilcken, Griechische Ostraka, I. 137 ff. The craft employed were usuallyprimitive rafts or canoes made of papyrus canes bound toge<strong>the</strong>r with cordsof <strong>the</strong> same plant. Theophrastus, Hist. Plantarum, IV. 8, 2, alludes to <strong>the</strong>m.Pliny, N. H., VII. 57, speaks of Nile boats made of papyrus, rushes and reeds,while Lucan, IV. 136, refers to <strong>the</strong>m in" Conseritur bibula Memphitis cymba papyro."

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