Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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CHAPTER XXVABSTENTION FROM FISHThe statement, " <strong>the</strong> Nile contains all sorts and kinds of fish," ^must in an age of scientific enumeration be taken with severalgrains of salt.The total for <strong>the</strong> whole country, riverine andmarsh, reaches but seventy-one species, of which only two,Mormurops anguillaris and Haplochilus schcellen, are peculiarto Egypt. 2 A score or so find representation in ancient <strong>times</strong> ;but identification is far <strong>from</strong> easy, and is in some cases, e.g.<strong>the</strong> Mullets, only possible generically.In scenes of <strong>the</strong> return of Hatshepsu's expedition <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong>land of Punt <strong>the</strong> drawings of <strong>the</strong> fishes are so characteristicthat Prof. Doenitz has been enabled to determine <strong>the</strong>ir species,and identify <strong>the</strong>m as belonging to <strong>the</strong> Red Sea. The powersof observation in <strong>the</strong> artists accompanying <strong>the</strong> ships demonstratecareful training. But I cannot, since <strong>the</strong> eyes of <strong>the</strong>Solea are similar, endorse <strong>the</strong> eulogism bestowed in <strong>the</strong> caseof a sole, unless it were a freak, " one eye is drawn largerthan <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r, showing a fine observation of Nature " ^!The priests, <strong>the</strong> King, and <strong>the</strong> commonalty in some caseseschewed fish.Priestly abstention was by no means uncommon, assome of <strong>the</strong> temples of Poseidon * demonstrate. In Egypt<strong>the</strong> observance was strict, at Askalon <strong>the</strong> reverse, Plutarch, ^^ Diodorus Siculus, I. 36.* Cf. G. A. Boulenger, Fishes of <strong>the</strong> Nile (London, 1907), and Pierre Montet,Les Poissons employes dans I'Ecrihire Hieroglyphique. Bulletin de I'lnstitutFran^ais d'Archeolcgie Orientale. Tome XL, 1913.' Egypt, Pt. IL p. 226. Baedeker, Leipsic, 1892.* Antea, p. 201.* De Iside el Osiride, c. 8.319

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