Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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PRICES IN ROME, LONDON, AND AMERICA 287of many persons <strong>the</strong> law was repealed <strong>from</strong> necessity."Sixtyyears later <strong>the</strong> Emperor Julian made a similar but smallerattempt to control prices,but <strong>the</strong> corn speculators of Antiochso entirely worsted him that he had to acknowledge defeat.By <strong>the</strong> courtesy of <strong>the</strong> Secretary of <strong>the</strong> Fishmongers'Company I was furnished, with some average wholesale pricesfor 1 913, <strong>the</strong> last year unaffected by <strong>the</strong> war. The consumer,it must be remembered, is compelled, in general, to pay <strong>the</strong>retailer one-third per lb. more to defray handling, rent, etc.The following sea fish were sold in London, per lb., asfollows : Cod for 4, Turbot for 9I, Mullet [Mugil capito) for 11,Sole for 17 pence. In <strong>the</strong> Edict <strong>the</strong> price of fresh sea fishis lumped at <strong>from</strong> 4| to 7 pence, so we have no datum forcomparison of individual prices. In <strong>the</strong> case of <strong>the</strong> Mugilcapito, however, we are enabled to contrast its price, i.e. 11pence, with that in Egypt, c. 1200 B.C., i.e. .^^^ of a penny. 1A comparison with America in 1906 shows that <strong>the</strong> averageprice of fresh sea fish was <strong>from</strong> 4^. to yd. per lb., or practically<strong>the</strong> same as in Diocletian's time, while that of river fishfresh—perlb. was 6 to 7* as against 3f pence in <strong>the</strong> Edict.2Salt fish, per lb. in 301 a.d. cost 4^^., in U.S.A. 4^. to jld.Oysters (by <strong>the</strong> 100), is. lod., (in London) 4/- to 14/-.The figures show that prices of o<strong>the</strong>r commodities in <strong>the</strong>Edict vary extremely, but for sea fish are not far apart.From <strong>the</strong> articles of raw material and manufactured wares,which number in <strong>the</strong> Edict over eight hundred, and <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong>wages, etc., I subjoin some items and prices on account of <strong>the</strong>irgeneral interest. 3Price in—Wheat per bushelBeef per lb.ButterEggs, per doz. .^See p. 337, postea.* The lower price of river as compared with sea fish seems additionalevidence that <strong>the</strong> preference for <strong>the</strong> latter, well attested in <strong>the</strong> earher daysof A<strong>the</strong>ns and of Rome, still continued.^ From p. 1 74 ff . of Abbott, who gives <strong>the</strong> prices in cents.

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