Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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286 DIOCLETIAN'S EDICT—PRICES THEN AND NOWThe Emperor, having decided that <strong>the</strong> prices promulgatedshall be observed in " all our domain," goes on, "it is ourpleasure that if any shall have boldly come into conflict withthis formal statute, he shall put his life in peril. In <strong>the</strong> sameperil also shall he be placed, who, drawn by avarice in hisdesire to buy, shall have conspired against <strong>the</strong>se statutes.Nor shall he be esteemed innocent of <strong>the</strong> same crime who,having articles necessary for daily life and use, shall havedecided that <strong>the</strong>y can be held back, since <strong>the</strong> punishmentought to be even heavier for him who causes need, than forhim who violates laws."Second—<strong>the</strong> prices are maximum prices, not for commoditiesonly, but also for wages.Third—although <strong>the</strong> number of slaves owned had decreasedsince Augustan days, <strong>the</strong> scale of wages was still distinctlyaffected by slaves being hired out by <strong>the</strong>ir owners for day orjob work.Fourth—<strong>the</strong> absence of power being applied to manufacture,of <strong>the</strong> assemblage of men in a common workshop, and of <strong>the</strong>use of any o<strong>the</strong>r machines than <strong>the</strong> hand loom, or <strong>the</strong> mill forgrinding corn.Fifth—for <strong>the</strong> urban workman in <strong>the</strong> fourth century (asMr. Abbott, p. 176, demonstrates), conditions of life must havebeen almost intolerable. It is indeed hard to understand howhe managed to keep body and soul toge<strong>the</strong>r, when almostall <strong>the</strong> nutritious articles of food were beyond his reach. " Thetaste of meat, fish, butter, and eggs must have been almostunknown to him, and even <strong>the</strong> coarse bread and vegetableson which he lived were probably limited in amount. Thepeasant proprietor who raised his own cattle and grain wouldnot find <strong>the</strong> burden so hard."Sixth—<strong>the</strong> failure within a dozen years of <strong>the</strong> Emperor'sbold attempt to reduce <strong>the</strong> cost of living. Lactantius,'writing in 313-14, sums up <strong>the</strong> result of this interference wi<strong>the</strong>conomic check and countercheck — " for <strong>the</strong> veriest triflesmuch blood was shed, and out of fear nothing was offered forsale,and <strong>the</strong> scarcity grew much worse, until after <strong>the</strong> death* Lactantius, de mortibus persecntorum, 7.

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