Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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CHINA, CRETE, GREECE—HORSE-HAIR LINE 7with <strong>the</strong> years—not less than two million according to somegeologists ^—which have elapsed since Man first came on <strong>the</strong>scene ?Second, all <strong>the</strong> above nations possessed an advancedcivihsation. Nei<strong>the</strong>r civiUsation nor fishing is a JoveUkecreation, springing into existence armed cap-d-pie. Both, likeour friend Topsy, "growed," and both demanded long periodsfor growth and development <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir primitive origin.In fishing <strong>the</strong>se were retarded by <strong>the</strong> innate conservatismof <strong>the</strong> followers of <strong>the</strong> cult. The psychology of <strong>the</strong> faithful isan odd blend of dogged, perhaps unconscious, adherence to<strong>the</strong> olden ways and of an almost A<strong>the</strong>nian curiosity about" any new thing," which as often as not sees itself discardedin favour of <strong>the</strong> ancient devices.Even in this year of our Lord a cousin of mine, who Ulysseshkemany rivers has known, much tackle tested, habitually(influenced no doubt by <strong>the</strong> recipe for <strong>the</strong> line given by Plutarchand passed on by Dame Juliana Berners) inserts between hisline and his gut some eighteen inches of horse hair ! Buteven in him <strong>the</strong> law of development works, for he does notPharisaically adhere to <strong>the</strong> strict letter of <strong>the</strong> text, andinsist that <strong>the</strong> hair comes only <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> tail of a stalHon orgelding !2Then, again, not less than two thousand odd years wereneeded for <strong>the</strong> Rod and <strong>the</strong> Line of iEHan's Macedonian anglerto take unto <strong>the</strong>mselves a cubit or so more of length than <strong>the</strong>irEgyptian predecessors. ^ The latter may, however, have beenrendered shorter than actually used <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> regard paid toartistic convention by <strong>the</strong> craftsman of Beni-Hasan.But <strong>the</strong> connection of <strong>the</strong> Une to <strong>the</strong> rod furnishes <strong>the</strong> mostarresting instance of conservatism or slow development.* Cf. Dr. J. T. Jehu's Lectures before <strong>the</strong> Royal Society, 1919. It is noteworthythat whatever be <strong>the</strong> geological date of Man, <strong>the</strong> oldest true fish, aswe understand <strong>the</strong> term, seems <strong>the</strong> Shark family, which, although extremelyarchaic, has but little altered. Next in seniority comes probably <strong>the</strong> Ceradotusif now " merely a living fossil " and found only in Queensland, its form,hardly modified, corresponds with remains found all over <strong>the</strong> world as earlyas <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Trias.2 The urination of a mare was thought to weaken her hairs. Plutarch,De Sol., 24.* Cf. however, postea, 315.

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