Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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MUNDUS SYMBOLICUS—THE ROSE AND FISH 277in my chapter on Tackle.Nor, again, is <strong>the</strong> author far astraywith his lemma for <strong>the</strong> Monachus — or Monk fish (a name derived<strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> hood on its head) " Habitum non virtutem " —whichrecalls <strong>the</strong> mediaeval jeer, " The cowl makyth not <strong>the</strong> Monk,"and Oscar Wilde's description—half-echoing Browning—of <strong>the</strong>pike as " some mitred old bishop in partibus." Of <strong>the</strong> Monkfish—also Bishop fish—a well intended representation can befound in <strong>the</strong> pages of <strong>the</strong> learned Gesner,Under Salmo, when suffering <strong>from</strong> leeches or gill-maggots,<strong>the</strong> author provides us not only with <strong>the</strong> lemma, " Hcaretubique " and <strong>the</strong> appropriate, if not quite original, reflectionof St. Bernard that conscience is like <strong>the</strong> leech which ceasethnot night nor day <strong>from</strong> making its presence felt,but also with— a vivid description of a kelt dying " donee toto corpore tabescat."Any connection between a salmon and a swallow {hinmdo)for a moment seemed a new ichthyic revelation ! The context,however, and not least St.Bernard's pointing of <strong>the</strong> moral, ledto <strong>the</strong> discovery of <strong>the</strong> misprint of hirundibus for hirundinibus(' leeches ').With one more passage I regretfully leave Picinelh, or ra<strong>the</strong>rErath. The collocation of <strong>the</strong> rose and fish held in <strong>the</strong> handof Cupid, which Alciatus " non sine mysterio insiruxisset," occasioned" <strong>the</strong> erudite " and anonymous epigram (p. 671) showingthat Love resembles <strong>the</strong> rose and <strong>the</strong> fish. This apparentincongruity finds explanation thuswise : while each hasprickly points, <strong>the</strong> first fades in a day and <strong>the</strong> second is incapableof being tamed—a comparison which, if unique, ignores <strong>the</strong>Egyptian and Roman powers of domestication. ^" Symbola adidantum cernis, Rosa, Piscis amoriim,^Non sane uniiis Symbola certa mali.Nam Rosa verna suis non est sine sentibus, idemPiscis habet spinas intiis et ipse suas.Piilchra Rosa est, verum ilia brevi fit marcida, piscisEst ferns, esse aliqua nee cicur arte potest."1 The bronze statuette found at Hartsbourg showing <strong>the</strong> Germanic godChrodo, standing on a fish, while holding in his uplifted left hand a wheel,and in his lowered right a basket of fruit and vegetables, is not at all on allfours. Cf. Montfaucon, Antiquity Explained, trans. D. Humphreys (London,1921), II. 261, pi. 5G, 3.2 The construction of Rosa, Piscis ' ' is not discernible. Perhaps (' RosaPiscis ')would be less obscure.

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