Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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—;268 THE NINE FISH MOST HIGHLY PRIZEDbeing found to contain food.for by <strong>the</strong> great length of its gut,This perhaps may be accountedthroughout which <strong>the</strong> filmygarbage and vegetable matter forming its chief diet are inconspicuouslydisposed. " The Cestreus is fasting " evenbecame a proverb and was appUed to men who lived with strictregard to justice, because—as A<strong>the</strong>naeus explains—<strong>the</strong> fish isnever carnivorous. ^(F)The use in cases of adultery of <strong>the</strong> Cestreus in Greeceand <strong>the</strong> Mugil at Rome, if not singular among fish, is striking ;for it survived into <strong>the</strong> civilised age of Catullus (" percurrentraphanique mugilesque," 2) and of Juvenal (" Quosdam moechoset mugilis intrat," ^). Indeed, traces of <strong>the</strong> same barbariccustom still exist among certain tribes on <strong>the</strong> West Coast ofAfrica.Gifford writes :" <strong>the</strong> being clystered (as Holyday expressesit) by a Mugil was allowed by no written law, but it seems tohave been an old and approved method of gratifying privatevengeance. Isidorus thinks that <strong>the</strong> fish was selected forthis purpose on account of its anti-venereal properties, but heconfounds <strong>the</strong> Mugilis with <strong>the</strong> Mullet." *From The Fisheries of <strong>the</strong> Adriatic, a most elaborate Reportby Faber on <strong>the</strong> kinds and market values of <strong>the</strong> fishes of thatsea, I give <strong>the</strong> class allotted to <strong>the</strong> fish of my list. It mustonce more be impressed on <strong>the</strong> reader that <strong>the</strong>se eight fish(for of course Faber does not deal with <strong>the</strong> kuttpoq), were <strong>the</strong>most renowned in Greece and Rome. Of <strong>the</strong>se, five only<strong>the</strong> Mullet, Acipenser, Rhombus, Lupus, and Sole—are in Class I.<strong>the</strong> Asellus and MurcBna in II. ;<strong>the</strong> Scarus, and it could notbe lower, in III.sThe classification disappoints and depresses, especially in<strong>the</strong> case of <strong>the</strong> vaunted and lovable Scarus. It tempts, however,to an insoluble sum in proportion. If about <strong>the</strong>se and^ Aristophanes, and half a dozen o<strong>the</strong>r comedians cited by A<strong>the</strong>n., VII. 78.* XV. 19.3 Sat., X. 317.* Fur<strong>the</strong>r details must be sought in Robinson Ellis, A Commentary onCatullus (Oxford, 1876), p. 46, and Schneider, op. cit,, 69.^ Although <strong>the</strong>se five must be reckoned in <strong>the</strong> first class everywhere, noneof <strong>the</strong> five or o<strong>the</strong>r Mediterranean fishes can compare in taste with <strong>the</strong>irnor<strong>the</strong>rn represeiatatives»

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