Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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FALSE THEORIES OF EEL PROPAGATION 251Regardless <strong>the</strong>y <strong>the</strong>ir future offspring leave,But porous sands <strong>the</strong> spumy drops receive.That genial bed impregnates all <strong>the</strong> heap,And little eelets soon begin to creep."Pliny, after making <strong>the</strong> assertion (taken, as usual, <strong>from</strong>Aristotle) that among fish <strong>the</strong> females are larger, and often <strong>the</strong>more numerous, goes on, an echo once more of " His Master'sVoice," to deny to <strong>the</strong> Eel sex, ei<strong>the</strong>r masculine or feminine ;according to him, Eels when <strong>the</strong>y had Hved <strong>the</strong>ir day, rubbed<strong>the</strong>mselves against <strong>the</strong> rocks, and <strong>the</strong>ir scrapings came to hfe :" <strong>the</strong>y have no o<strong>the</strong>r mode of procreation." ^Von Helmont attributed <strong>the</strong> birth of Eels to <strong>the</strong> dews ofMay mornings ! o<strong>the</strong>r authors deduced <strong>the</strong>ir parentage <strong>from</strong><strong>the</strong> hairs of horses ! o<strong>the</strong>rs again <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> gills of fish ! while<strong>the</strong> great Izaak Walton insisted on spontaneous generation !To solve <strong>the</strong> insoluble, recourse was, as usual, had to <strong>the</strong>gods : thus Jupiter and a white-armed goddess yclept Anguilla ^(<strong>the</strong> Latin for Eel) were accounted parents of <strong>the</strong> countless" cousins to <strong>the</strong> snake."Theory was piled upon <strong>the</strong>ory, false conclusions were drawn<strong>from</strong> falser data. Even as late as 1862 appeared an author,not one whit less certain of <strong>the</strong> truth of his discovery based " ona series of observations extending over sixty years," or one whitless active in asserting it, than any of his numerous predecessors-In The Origin of <strong>the</strong> Silver Eel, Mr, D. Cairncross propounded<strong>the</strong> following assertion " : The progenitor of <strong>the</strong> silver Eel isa small beetle : of this I feel fully satisfied in my own mind,<strong>from</strong> a rigid and extensive comparison of its structure and^ Pliny, IX. 23 and 74, and X. 87. In IX. 38 he asserts that Eels alone ofall fish do not float when dead. Aristotle, who {N. H., VIII. 2) is, as usual.his authority, confines himself to noting this characteristic as not possessed" by <strong>the</strong> majority of fish," and accounts for it by <strong>the</strong> smallness of stomach,lack of water in it, and want of fat ; he states, however, that when fat <strong>the</strong>y dofloat.^ Accuracy as to procreation was not Fa<strong>the</strong>r Izaak's strong point, as his<strong>the</strong>ory that pike were bred <strong>from</strong> pickerel weed shows. It was on this pointthat Richard Franck, author of Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Memoirs (written in 1658, but unpublishedtill 1694), with <strong>the</strong> invincible contempt of <strong>the</strong> fly-fisher for <strong>the</strong> baitfisher,so jumped on Walton, that " he huffed away." See Sir H. Maxwell,op. cit., IV. 123.3 Robinson, op. cit., 73. This seems a bit of bogus mythology. PerhapsNatalis Comes may be responsible.2

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