Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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242 TACKLE—CURIOUS METHODS—5/Lf/i?f/S—EELSthat <strong>the</strong> sargi were present not a few, <strong>the</strong>se multiplied by onehundred must have yielded quite a decent creel. *The second method owes its success to <strong>the</strong> love for musicand for watching <strong>the</strong> dance, which Aristotle and yElian assertto be characteristic of several fishes, but especially of <strong>the</strong> skate.The recipe of this method, far pleasanter, certainly less odoriferousthan that of <strong>the</strong> last, demands i Boat, i Violin,I big Net, 2 Men, one of whom fiddles, while <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r dancesas he unwinds <strong>the</strong> net. Attracted to <strong>the</strong> spot, and, likeWagner-devotees, so entirely absorbed by <strong>the</strong> melody as to beunconscious of all else, <strong>the</strong> skates fall easy and numerousvictims to <strong>the</strong> slowly drawn net.This method seems " <strong>the</strong> limit." It certainly trenched oneven Badham's credulity. He states that he would not havecited this statement of Elian's, unless it had been " singularlycountenanced and confirmed by no less a person than <strong>the</strong> greatFrench ichthyologist, Rondolet," whose mere name in thismusical context must presumably carry conviction, for (as isnot unusual with Badham) no reference is given. ^The third method, employed by <strong>the</strong> Mysians for capturing<strong>the</strong> Silurus in big rivers like <strong>the</strong> Danube and <strong>the</strong> Volga, is1 Cf. Oppian, IV. 375 ff. I. Walton, citing <strong>the</strong> Sargns as an example of" <strong>the</strong> lustful fish," quotes Dubartas, " because none can express it betterthan he does," whose last two lines, a^ examples of this perfect expression,I cannot resist," Goes courting She-Goats on <strong>the</strong> grassie shoreHorning <strong>the</strong>ir husbands, that had horns before."2 But in confirmation of " this statement of ^lian," Badham, had hetaken <strong>the</strong> trouble, could have found several o<strong>the</strong>rs by that and o<strong>the</strong>r authors.Thus iElian, XVII. 18, of <strong>the</strong> Sea-roach. Ibid., VI. 31, of <strong>the</strong> Crab, which onhearing <strong>the</strong> flute and singing would not only quit <strong>the</strong> sea, but follow <strong>the</strong>retreating singer to dry land, and capture ! JElian, VI. 32, of <strong>the</strong> Thrissastates that it was caught by singing to it, and by <strong>the</strong> noise of shell clapperswhich induced <strong>the</strong> fish to dance itself into <strong>the</strong> Nets and boats. Cf. alsoA<strong>the</strong>nasus, VII. 137, where <strong>the</strong> Trichias is so delighted with singing anddancing, that when it hears music it leaps out of <strong>the</strong> sea and is enticed on land !Cf. also Herodotus, I. 141, for <strong>the</strong> story of Cyrus likening <strong>the</strong> lonians todancing fish. Not only were <strong>the</strong>re fish that dehghted in music and singing,like <strong>the</strong> dolphin (Phny, IX. 8, musicas arti, mulcetur symphonias cantu, sedpraecipue hydrauli sono), but according to Philostephanus <strong>the</strong>re were o<strong>the</strong>rs,that <strong>the</strong>mselves made music, hke <strong>the</strong> Poecilics, who " sang like thrushes-"(cf. Pliny, XI. 112). Of singing fish Pausanias, VIII. 21. 2, says, " among <strong>the</strong>fish in <strong>the</strong> Aroanius are <strong>the</strong> so-called spotted fish : <strong>the</strong>y say that <strong>the</strong>y singlike a thrush. I saw <strong>the</strong>m after <strong>the</strong>y were caught, but I did not hear <strong>the</strong>mutter a sound, though I tarried by <strong>the</strong> river till sunset, when <strong>the</strong>y were said tosing most."set

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